urn SEMI-WEBKL. Y. vol.. VI.] FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., JANUARY 8, 1857. [X0.571.] PKlNTKb MONDWS AND THURSDAYS il. aud in the and leos; The Pe I, by ooki. »N. by I. KDWAUl) J. H\LE & SON. EDITORS AND I'KOPRIETORS. I’noe for the Semi-Weekly Obsebver $8 00 if paid in advance; $3 60 if paid during the year of subscrip tion; or S4 after the year has expired. For the Weekly Observer $2 00 per annum, if paid in advance: i*’J 50 if paid during the year of subscrip tion: or $3 00 after the year has expired. ADVERTISEMENTS inserted for sixty cents per square of 16 lines for the first, and thi~ty cents for each succeeding publication. Yearly advertisements by spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are requested to state the number of insertions desired, or they will be continued till forbid, and charged accord ingly- Advertisements to be inserted intide, charged 60 per cent, extra. c> THO. C. FULLER, Jittorney and Cattusellor at Etatr. FFICE on Anderson Street near E. J. HaU & Son’s Book Store, Fayetteville, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1857. 70tf IROX A GENERAL assortment of .Vmerican n:i 1 Enj^lisl) Bar Iron. Also, Oval, Half-Ovul, Rod, Band Hoop and Round Iron, of vnrious sizes; together with Cast, German and Blistered Steel. For sale in quan tities to suit, by B. ROSE. Jan’y 6, 18 '7. 70-3t Calcined Plaster, Thoniastown Lime, Hydraulic Cement and Plastering Hair. For sule in qu«ntiti«8 to suit. App’y to B. RUSE. Jan’y 5, 1857. 70-3t l^ure White Lead, in Oil, kegs of 2.. and 50 lbs. Also, Linieed Oil. For sale by B. ROSE. Jan’y 5, 18'’7. 70-3t Lamp, Tanners’ and Neat’s-foot Oil, of the best quality, for sale by B. ROSE. Jan’y 5, 1857. 70-8t xNOTJCE. A CCORDINQ to custom, I have drawn off all the Accounts on my books up to the 1st instant, and will deliver them as speedily as possible. I shall be gratified if my customers will give their earliest attention to the settlement of their respective accounts. Interest will be charged from 1st February next on all those accounts which are not closed bv tliat date. SAM’L J. hLss^DALE. Jan’y 5, 1857. 70-3t TULST SALE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me b John P. Sampson, I will proceed to soil to th highest bid ler, on TuesJay, '.ITth J.VNU.'.f\Y, at tin ‘•.Moonev ’ Plantation, to b itisf> sa d Trust, tije I’ru perty conveyed therein, coiisisiiug of Horses, Wtiton. Cart, Carriage, Wagon and Buggy Harness, Uiack smiths’ Tools. Farming Tools, a great quantity ol Corn, Fodder and Hay; and many other artic es. Terms at sale. T. 8. LUTTERLOII, Trustee. Jan’y 3, 1857. 70 3w Itarge Sale OF VALUABLK LAiXDS. «N the SECOND MONI).\Y in February 1857, at the Court House in the town of Fayetteville, the undersigned will offer for sale, on a credit of one and two years, several tracts ot L.\ND in the counties of Cunibi-rlitnd and Harnett. One tract on the Western bank of the Cape Fear River, below Smith’s Ferry, containing about fif teen hundred and sixty-five Hcres—the Plantation of the late Henry lUIiot. There is a life-estate in two hundred and fifty acres of this tract, which will not be offered for sile. The interest in reverson will be disposed of on the sale day, separate from the other portion of the Plantation 50 acres on Lower Little River, known as the Gibson place. 606 acres on Lower Little River, former resi dence of -Vlex’r Williams, Jr. 45 acres near Elliot’e Mills. 550 acre.«i ou the Juniper. 300 acres ou Little Mill Creek. 600 acres on Gibson’s Creek—the Sinclair plaee. 340 acres near McArther’s Bridge. Also, the .“^aw Mill Timbt r on 300 acres adjoining. 500 acres on the Black Branch, near W. J. Kelly’s. .\nd the Saw Mill Timber on 110 acres ad- i joining. j 3')0 ncres near Munroe’s Bridge, North side of the River. 400 acn s, inclading*the Mineral Spring near I the .Mills formerly Col. Murchison’s. I 300 acres on Grog Creek, near the Fayette- ; ville and U’csfern Plauk Road. 50 acres on the North prong of Anderson's Creek. Also, an undivided interest, being one-third of two Lots in the town of Fayetteville, on Rowan street, known as the Armstrong lots; and in '2^ acres of Land on the South side of i.itt'.e River, near EUiol's Mills. —.VLSO— At the Bame time, on a credit of six months, will be S)ld — 40 shares of Stock in the Fayetteville and Ra leigh Plank Road. 12 shares in the Fayetteville and Western Plank Road. — shares in the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company. 10 shares in the Cutnberland Acadotny. And an undivided interest in the Chemical Apparatus therein. These sales are made under a power in tne Will of the late Henry Elliot. ALEX’R ELLIOT, ) J. G. SHEPHERD,; 65ts Book Agents Wanted. ^■IHE Subscriber, having taken the General Agency Ji. for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in process of publica- ion by Messrs. E. J. Hale 4' Son of Fayelteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to oanvass their respective parts of the State, or partit ular counties, thoroughly. Immediate application is d!;;!red, as sample copies of the first volume will will bt ready in a few d.iys. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac- companv each application. Address H. W. HORN Fayetteville, Dec. 9, 1856. 64- Fall and Winter Stock, CHAKLES BANKS, ISHEMWELL HOUSE, COJVFM^.CTIOJTER^ | FAYETTEVILLE, C. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN j gijf, Qreen Street, a Jew Doon 2^orth oj Foreign Fruits, N'uts, Cigars, Tobacco, Unuff, drc i _ the Market House. March 1, 1853. STREET, Fayetteville, N. C. 73tf JOSKPU BAKER, Jr., ATTORN EV \T LAW, Has taken an office nest door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf IH.WE just received in full my Fall and Winter Ptock of Silkt Staple^ and Fancy Dry Gooils^ embracing quite a variety of styles, qualities. &j., ^ic., including all styles Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings, to wit: Striped, Plaid and Robed Silks; Plaid, Striped, and Printed, all Wool DeLains, all colors; Solid, all Wool, l>o.; French Merinos, all shades and colors; Printed and Plaid low priced Alpacoas and DeLains. Also, a handsome assortment of Cloaks and Talmas, and extra heavy Bay State Shawls; Embr’d Collars; Black Lace Do.; Swiss and Jac’t Flouncings; Do. Edgings and Insertings; Kid and Twisted Silk Gloves aud Gauntlets; Hats; Caps; Bonnets; Bleached aud Brf>wn Sheetings and Shirtings: together with a good Round. Staple and Domestic Goods; Ready Made Clothing; i>ootb and Shoes, \o , 4"C Buyers jenerally are respect!ully invited to give my Stock a look, as I shall sell ou short profits. P. Ciiow. October 9, 183(3. 47-tf W. A. HUSKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. Fayetteville, N. C., May be found at the Equity Office, in th* Court House. Sept. 2-Z, 1855. 38-tf TALL rUAnE, 1856. J. A. SPEARS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A TTENDS the Courts of Cumberlaud, Harnett, Wake and Johnston. Feb’y 13, 185G. 78-lyr Address, Toomer, Harnett Co., N. C. Subscriber desires through this lium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part I shall be used to render them comfortable during theii sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. 86-tf Fayetteville Hotel. rwlHE Subscribers having this day leased thit I Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J H. ROBERTS & CO. J. H. Robkrts. F. N. Roberts. March 1, 1856. 80-tf THe Mjargest Carriage Factory the South! R' Ur. K. A, BLACK. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 185(i. 76-tf o Ex’rs. Dec’r 11, 1856. Further Supplies of ttookff. ri'^llE tiuaiorous Poeiiy ot the English Language; 1^ Home and the World, by .Mrs. Kives of Va.; Poetical \Vori;3 auJ ‘-itejdcted Addresses" of Horace and James Smith; Beaumarchais and his Times; Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon and J»- sephine; The Lady's Almanac for 1857; Dr. Kane’s .-Vrctio Explorationg; Memoir of Susan .\llibone; Knight’s Pictorial Half-Hours; Ready Reckoners; The Mystic Circle; Bullion’s Practical Lessens in English Grammar Jnst received. E. J. H.-VLE & SON. Jan’y 'J., 1857. Illustrated, Juvenile Books, rilHE History of Sir Thomas Thumb; I Kobbaltozo; Bright Pictures for Child Life, by Cousin Fannie; Worth, not Wealth, by Cousin .\lice; Learning about Common Things, by Jaoob Abbott; Old Whitey’s Christmas Trot; Daisey, or the Fuiry Spectacles. K. J. HALE & 305. Jan’y 2, 1857. PI BLIC NO'FICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central R iil Road, from Beaufort H.-irbor via Keriansville. Clinton. F;»yette'ille. >ind West, will be opened on Tliursd iy. tho lOtU d iy if April 18 0, and remain open ucci'r Img to the terms •f ttie Charter until further notici-. at the fol.owing j ilaces and under direction of the following named ; aersoiis, Commissioners in the vu; In the County of Onslow, .at th..- office ot the ("ler'ii ! >f the County Court ni Jacksonvi.le. and at the Post I Office Rich Lands. L. W. Fonville, G. J. NV ard, J. II. I Koy, Robert White, John A.. Averitt, Jr. Owen Hug- I jins, L. W. Humphrey. ■ In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M F. ,\.on- i lell at Beaufort. Dr .M. F. .■Vrendell, .1. F Be.l, L. I r. Oglesby. .At the -■store of G W. Taylor at Caiolina City,— ol Wm. S. Dcii»ii, H S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridj.e -Vreiide'il. In Dupiin c iunty, at the office of ihe County Court Clerk at Kenarisville,— \lajor Uwen R. Kenan, D-ivid Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton.—Thomas I. t'aison. Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. .McKay, Patrick Murphy. Mm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred .lohnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A. McKethnn,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription; The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of !j100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii lload Company and in all respects to comply with the torms of the C'..>arter. B. F. PEARCE IS NOW OPENING, a large and desirable Stock of Fali and Winter Goods, consisting in part of Black and Colored Silks, English and French Merinos, Plain aud Kig’d DeLanes. some beautiful pattern!, | Black and Fancy .\ipacas. Edgings and Insertings, Collars and Undersleeves, Cactus and VVhaU*bone Skirts, Jacimet, Nainsook. Swiss and Plaid Mualini, French, English and American Prints. Cloths and Cassimeres, Satinetts, Jeans and Tweeds. Plaitls, Linstys aud Kerseys, Carolina and Marlboro’ Stripes, Bleached and Brown Shirtings and Shaetingt, White and Colored Flannels, Drillings and Tickings, Irish Linens, good assortment. Linen Table Cloths, Towelings and Napkiai, Shawls, Cloak.-> and Mantillas, Extra quality of Bed Blankets, Ribbons. Belts, Gloves, Hosiery, &o. ALSO, Hats, Caps, Bonnets. Boots, Shoes and Umbrellas; a general assortment of UlMDV-^l C'l.OTIIIliG, and every variety in the Y.vNKEE NOTIO.N' LINE, which will be hoUI at a sniull advance for C.\SH. or on time to punctual customers, eitherat VVHOLESALE or RETAIL. .All arc respectfully invited to give me a call before purchasing elsewhere. 15. F. PEARCE. Hay St.. Fflvettevillp. Sept 1, 185C. 35-tf ~ STOCK. B JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. conniHSlox AND FORVV ARDLNG MERCHANT, l%*ilminston, .V. C. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 J. S. BANKS, €oiiimi««»ion i^lerchant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1856. 66-tf FOR SAI.E. Reduced IPrices^ for CJiStl or on SHORT '250 mmm, BiRuiciiKfi, Rockaways and Buggies OF EVERY DESCRIPTIOX, of which are finished, and the balance being ...TM finished daily. Among which are many Ne» and Beautiful styles, and one V’ERY FINF. C.VRRL\GE. Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GRE.ATER than any establish ment South, and I can afford and am determined to sell work of the BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one. Those who ar« indebted to.me will please pay up, as my businesi requires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb. 3, 1855. 72-tf A. A. McKETHAA ESPECTFULLY informs hla friends and tfa« public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man. ufacturing Carriuges. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he nopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any made iu the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line en as good terms as any work dona elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Finished, the LARGEST STOCK of Carriages, Barouches, Rockaways, and Buirgies, Ever offered in this place, auU a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. Sh^T He has on land more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. j|^l^ All work made by him is warranted 12 monthe with fair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfuUyreceivedandpromptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1863. 98tf S. M. THOMAS, DEALER IN FANCY &L STAPLE DRY GOODS, READY-MADE CLOTHLXG, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, &c., &c. Corner Market and GillespieSt., Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 1855. 62-tf The subscribers will purchase Spirits Turpentipe, or make advances on consignments to their friends in Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIGH J- s6nS. April 9, 1855. 90tf Worth & Utley, Forwardin" and General (’ommission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ *V. C. i. A. WORTH. (*-tf) JOS. CTLKT. I Names Resident* No. of saares Jji Cash W ork !«'. PSiARCE I S now receiving, direct from New York, his second stock of Fall .*111(1 Winter Dry OoocIm, i Among which may be found, the latest and most ■ fHshiouuble styles of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Cloaks, i Mantillas, and all styles of Embroidery. ; Also, Gk.vtle.me.s’s GOODS of every variety, which j will be sold OH E.A P at wholesale or retail. The Ladies ; are respectfully invited to give me a call. 1 B. F. PEARCE. Hay Street, Fayetteville, Oct. 9, 1856. 4Gtf ; New and Cheap Goods. JAMES KYLE LOVERD ELDRIDGE, %Mttorne»f at Mjaw, WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfiell, April 15. 185(j. 96-tf ~ wriV Ei.Lior r, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Agent for Lutterloh Co.'s Steamboat Line. Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Oct. 21, 1856. , 50-tf NOTICE. All those indebted to us previous to the 1st Janu ary will call and settle either by note or cash, and oblige ub. McDONALD & WHALEY'. N. B. A good assortment of S.ADDLES AND H.AR NESS always on hand for cash or on time to punctua customers. Feb’y 17, 1855. 76tf WOOL KOLLS. ^^^^OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by June 1854. GEO. .McNEILL. 7-tf JA.ME9 C. SMITH. MILKS C0ST1N. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., H.\S juil leceivcri large and gener,! .s. ; Commiasioil and ForwOrUm sortment of GOODS, .\mong which are, ^ ^ , Human Physiology, Statical and Dy namical; or the cunditioiis aud cours* of the life • man. By John Wiilmm Draper, .M. D., J.L. D. Llluatriiied with iSOU Wuod Eugravings. K. J. HALE k 80.'. Jan’y 2, 1857. “The Old North State in by Caruthers,—first Series. A further eupplj just ve- eeived. Also, the 2d Seriee of the same work. £ J. HALfi * g05. Jan’y 2, 1857. SAVE LNTEREST. rr^HE Subscriber gives notice that his books are now I ready for settlements. Those wishing to save i^e., hud besi eali and settle up. J. A. PiiMBLRrON. Jan’y 1, 1857. 09-Im Subscriptions may bo made p.ayable in work, and may specify whether for gradinc or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bi ls are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. As soon as one hunilred thousan(l dollars are sub- scribet], the Coiumissioner.s of Onslow county are to bo notified, and the_\ are renu'red to call a meeting ot Stockholders to org.inize the Company. March 15, 1856. 13tf GLION’S HOTEL FOR S\LE. r|'^HIS valuable property in the city of Raleigh is I DOW offered for sale. The estat)lishment is iii guud Older, and is well supplied with turuiture aiiiJ every couveuieuce for keepiug up a first rate Hotel. The hotel buildings contain upwards of fifty rooms, and attached thereto, are the usu»l out-houses and stables, and an excellent garden. The location is re garded as a very favorable one, being immeiliately oii the Capit .1 Square, and easy of access from tlie Kai Road Depots. The property, (inc.uiliiig the lui'iiiture.) wul be sold on very adif.iui .gv.-itus lerais t j th- pui chaser, both as to price aud tlie time of p lyuieut; au( pobsession will be given at the close of tlie preseu. session of the Legislature For more particular information as to the terms ol ■ale, application may be made to any one of the under signed. JAMES McKIMMON, Raleigh, N. C. R. B. GILLIAM. \ v r T. B. VENABLE, Jan’y 1, 1867. 69-4w SINGER’S SEWING MACHINES. 'I'llK rnlelirateil machint'S »r*“ in prariic^il and |irofi'alile n*> * in all [larts of ihfc rivili/.eil worlil. In :ill ihe vhtious ir.iile'. iinil in sewinc‘ Very sort of falirir, ciilier of rioiti nr leather, they have been fully tried and approved. tJetvini! iii.tchine^ ol other iimniifactarers olten tail to w >rk. hut ^IM ACIIINK.'' .\l>- VV.\ys OFKK.Vl'K PKKPCit'l’t.Y, heini: strong, durable and roin- plele in contrivancc and woriiuianship. .\ perfcn seuini: ma chine kept eiiiployeil artords a clear profit of .^l.ooo a year liut an iin|ierfect one is a cause of ror t:inl vex ation and lo-. The en tire RELIABILITY ot our iiiachii s is one great reason for iheir un paralleled popularity. M.^CIII.NES FOR I’A.MII.V SKWINO. of a frail and delicate ronstruction, are recoinniended by o’her iiianufarturers. Such eiiachines are iiiaile to ratcli the eye, iint to |>erfonii substantial work. The truth is. faiii-ly sew.iic ma chine-; oitiiht to tie stroni'er than any other, becia-'e they fio into le-s'killful h inds th Ml \vh> n suld to iit:in'ila.Hir->- and in-M'i .| '■■r a L'rraler v trieiy of work 'I'he machines « hu h have proved ajsti irail otiii r piirpi.-i'' mu-t b.. bC'l tor tiiaiils u>e, anil they re .'■^ini'er'* 'I'he -;i • d nf our m’i ‘i n*'-; ha» liitely I fPrt duubltd. 'ooilifT l an comp-re witu them in (|iiantily ot work. {t^r.New m.chiies il the laie'l iiui.roied style will be tx cli iii!>eil on liberal trm>. foro d siw'in" machines of our own iiiakc. or for opcr.iti e iiiicbineH of other iii luuf.iiiurers. Local agent-, wanted lo sell our m.ichine"*. B.— All (lersoiis de-irini! lull inlormition about sewine i»a cliiiies. can obLiin it bv applyiuE for a copy of “I. .M.s^insier & t.'o’s ilHietle,” u papT auvoteU entirely lo the ubje t It will be ^ent French and English Merinos; Do. Delains. Plain and Figured; Dress Si'ks, Kig’ii and Plain; Black Fillet Mits; Sleeves and Collars; Cloths, Cuss’meres and Satins; Bear ancl Nei:ro Blankets; 3 4 to 12-1 Bleached and Brown Domeetics; Gentlenien’s Kea ly-.Made Clothing, Carpeting, i.iood aud Common; Boots aud .Shoes; Anker Bolting (^)oth; Kerseys and Linseys; Irish Linens. Crash; Table Diaper and .Napkins. With many other articles, all of which being pur chased by the I’ackagt*, will be offered at low prices, | by wholesale or retail ^ Oct. 24, 185o. 51-tf I OLD RYE WHISKEY. ^U^HE Subscriber is tiie only authorised agent in JL Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. R. C. Pur year’s Celebrated OM.D MirJE JV'HISMi.El' He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON Fayetteville, March 26. yO-tf NOTICE. The notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, are in the hands of Wm. McL. McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence will not be given, it i hoped this notice will be sufficient to save costs. JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 25, 1855. 12tf WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHl ITf A new Carriage Establishment on the Military Qreen, opposite the Methodist Church, fronting on Mumford Street. GREAT ENTERPRISE! Fayvtte«’ille is boiiiid lo Sliiiie!! '■p^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends aud the public, that they have entered iutocopartnership for the purpose of conducting the general C.ARRI\U£ BUSINESS in all its varioui parts. And being both practical workmen, fully un derstanding their business, they have uo iiisdtaticn to compare worK with any establishment .^.^fetteTille as to style and durability. One of the firm may be known by rei^ir^i^se to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two y«.arH. We warrant all work to give general aatisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIEB & BRANIN. Jauks H. Pikb. Jahss BBA.iiia. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 62tf I), w. Graduate of sratlii 1. .M. ijiiNGiiK tt «;o. Principal nffice. Itnndway. New York. IMl.A't II (tKKIi KS 47 Hanover vteet. llo>iti>n Westminster st ('rMvidence, ii4 lironl street .Newark, J. U7 Kr..ad\Nay. \lbi-:y, .\ V. ■ lov r ville. .Ww \ ink. iH I'baiiel street. New Haven. II Huchan .nvi i;ia'" .w . Hcot'd ticl. -JJ. li: t>. I4‘.i Che'^nut street, Phila. I Kl.'i Hilt street. Haltimore. I ri K I't Knurih street, t'iiic.iinati. 1 Chic If. Illiiio,,. I t>.'i .Vorili Fourth st., l.olils. St. 'buries St , .\ew Orleans I Jo lUiiiph n >t.. .Mobile. 3(J-3iii BANK STOCK ST^§TF BOJ^'MPS for Sale! WILL be offered for sale, to the highest bidder, on a credit of six montlis, on Thursday the 15th day of January next, at the Court House iu the town ot Wadesboro’, 191 Shares of the Capital Stock of the Bank of Wadesborough. 100 Shares of the Capita, Stock of the Bank of t^harlotte; also, 5 State Bonds ol One Thousand Dollars each. The property of the late Mrs. Ann P. Leak, dec i. W. R. LE.\K, 1 „ JAS. A. LEAK, } D«o’r 11. 66-ta A large lot of ’^iankets, both white and colored, for sale cheap by L. BR.VNDT, Giilespie St , near the .Market. Fayetteville, N. C., Dec’r 10. 04-lm Recollections o^a IJfe 'I'iine, or Men and Things I have seen, by S. G. Goodrich, .Author of Peter Parley’s Tales; Paul Fane, by N. P. Willis; Let ters of Lady .Montagu. Edited by Mrs. S. J. Hale; The Humors of Falconbridge, illustrated; The Adven- ture.s of Gerard, the Lion Hunter. Also, further supplies of the Lion of Flanders; The Curse of the Village; Erne?' Linwood; The Rival Beauties: The Wife’s Trials; The Torch Light; Romance of the Harem; The Old Vicarage; Mrs. Lee Hentz’s Novels, 50 cts a vol., iic. The .Miscellaneous Works of Edgar A. Poe; Irving’s Life of Wasiiington; Bar- eroft’s U. S ; Hume and Macaulay’s Histories of Eug- lanii; Scott’s Iniautry Tactics, ic &c. Dec'r II, 1856. E J. HALE & SON. C. liENBOW, I), n. s. of the Kaltiiiioi’c College DENT \L SLKGERV. OFFICE hours from 9 A. M. to I P. M. “ 3 P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. BENBOW maybefouml at his suite of Rooms near the .Market, where all who are in need of tl.e service? of a !)et;tipt are rpfipecfnily invited to call. .-Vll operations nerf >rme i upon the latest and moat appT' vcd plans. To those in n-ed of Tteih, h e would simply say that he is behind in no improvement. He inserts from one to an eatire set upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be equally as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine mouths of each year in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Oct. 20,‘l85t>. 49-tf ______ Y)\T c(>NsiGNMl^ r, i I'lOO S icks Salt. 20 BblS. .Mulletts. (Oak.) To arrive and for sale. W. P. ELLIOTT. O'lft. 22. 60-tf MERCHANTS. NO. 2 80CTH WATER STREET, UP STAIRS. WIL-MINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21, 1856. 50-Y “LAW COPARTNERSIIIP.” WE, the undersigncil. have this day formed a Law Copartnersbip. and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, .Moore, Harnett, aad the Supreme Court. J. H. HaU iHTON. JNO. .MANNING. Pittsborough. N. C., J.an’y 1, 1856. 72tf H. L. HOLMES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N, C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf J. C. POK, DEALER IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, UATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ha^ Street, Fxj^efteviHe, N'. C. May 20, 1855. 4-tf R. Tiie JSOUrilliU.N HARMONV— new edition, revised and enlarged. A further supply of this popular book just received. E. J. HALE k SON. Oct. 10, 185C. I T. C. & B. G. WORTH, 1 Commission & Forwarding Merchants, j BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. G3-tf %Uarble Factory* Blank Warrants for sale here. NFrvV BOOKS. Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition, illustrated. Collier & Jewett’s Edition of the Original Text of Shakspeare’s Plays Restored. Farmingdale; The Lion of Flanders, or the Battle of the Golden Spurs: The Curse of the Village, &c.; Ritto’s Daily Bible Illustrations; Kitto’s Popular Cy clopedia of Biblical Literature; Barnes’ Notes on the Books of Job and Revelations; Half Hours with the best Authors —Knight's London Edition, 2 vols.; Half Hours with the best Poets. Revolutions in Europe, down to 1849. Webster’s Univ--rsity and Family Pronouncing Dic’y Juvenile atid .School Books, Stationary, Just rec'd by E. J. il.-VLi:! ^ SON. Sot 17 By GEO. LAUDER. TWII uiiuilS ISOVIi C. T. lltlGII t SON'S STORE, FavctteTille, IV. C'. RGWAUU, 110R the apprehension and delivery of my negro man P.\GFI, a bright mulatto, about 28 years ol age; or for his^continement in any Jail so that 1 get him again. When he left he had on a browi Satiuett Coat and Pants, makes a good appearance, aud GO doubt will pass himself as a free man; about feet 10 or 11 inches high, weighs about 185 pounds and had, at the time ue left, a fellon on the middle finger of his left hand; has on his chin a zoatee (oi long beaid.) 1 expect he will endeavor to make Li; way to Abtngdou, WusUiugtou coHinty, Va., wliere h. was raised. D. M. McL.\URIN, Laurinburgh, Richmond Co., N. C. Feb’y 4, 1856. 75-tf B1NDER\\ W. II.'\RDIE has resumed the Book Binding! Business, over the Tailor Shop of Clark & Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27-tf LAND FOR SALE. ACRES OF L.\ND lying on upper Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located f r the Turpentine business. It will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayettjville W.M ,McL. McKAY. Sept. 22, 1856. 41-tf Fresh Peaches in Winter! '■^HE subscriber has for sale, at the Store of Mr M. Wm. N. Tillinghast. Fayetteville, a few hundrei Cans of FRESH PE.-iCUE^, put up the past Summer hermetically sealed, warranted sound. HUGH McLEAN. Fox’s Island. Harnett county, Dec. 18. 66-3m Roman Catholicism Spiritually Con sidered, by the Rev. Chas. P. Jones, of the .N. C. Con ference, Just received. E. J. H.ILE & SO.'i. Oct. 22, 18.j6. NEW BOOKI^ TBIIIE Hills of Shatemuc, by .Miss Warner, .Author JL ofthe “Wide Wide World;” Household .Mysteries, a Romance of Southern Life; School Books, &c., just received. E. J. H.\LE & SON. Copying Ink, and Copying Books just received. E. J. HALE & SON. June 4. The Old North State in 1776— Second Series, being Revolutionary Incidents and Sketches of Character in North Carolina, by Rev. E. W. Caruthers, D. D. Price !$1 24. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 18. J. \V. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, finest, and most carefully se* lected stock of I'DR.lflTURE ever offered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complettt;—all of which he will sell ou the lowest possible terms tor cash or ou time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in satts; curled hair and shuuK, aud cotton Mattresses; Liooking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Sid« lioards; Bureaus; Secretaries aud Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; ■Vardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Winilow Shades; 'ornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in MahogMtiy ai d Valuut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; jhairs of every variety. Fiue Kosewoud l-’ianos, one with ^Enlian At," .achment; Rosewood .Mwlodians, from the bet manutac- tones in New Y*rk and Boston, warranted as good as kuy made in the country, and will be sold at N. York irices—freight only added. .November 2. 45t Corporation Bonds )f the Town of Fayetteville for Sale! 40REE.A.BLE to an .Act of the General Assembly of the Stare of North Carolina, ratitie 1 Dec. 25 1852, authorizing the Town of Fayetteville to issue her'Bonds to the amount of $100,000, in the aggre gate, for the purpose of paying her subscription to the vVestern Rail Roat Company. Therefore, it is ordered by the Comi^sioners of Fayetteville, that the Treasurer of the Town receive sealed proposals, until the 1st of November next, for the purchase of •‘^50,000. in sums of $500 each of said Bonds, or any pari thereof. Bonds to run twenty years, with Coupons attached,—interest payable semi- tunually. The sti i Bonds shall bo undv:r the seal of itie tJorporatiou, and binding on the faith of the same. WM. WARDEN, Town Treasurer Sept. 26. 1855. 3y- I.OST. L.AST Night, between the Market House and th» Dobbin House, a small PORTE MONNIA, con taining about $25 or $30, consisting of two Five Dol- ir Gold pieces, three Two-and-a-Half Gold pieces and tour One Dollar Gold: also some 'mall change and a )ill or two. A suitable reward will be given tor tie recovery of the above described Purse ai.d .^Ioney. WM, McLKOD. Fayetteville, June 4, 1856. 10 if Jan’y 20,1856. 64ypd Blanks for sale here. SCHOOL BOOKS. I^MERSON’S Arithmetics and Keys: Parkers Phi- Ji loso) hy; North Carolina Readers: Bullion's Greek Grammar and Reader; Pikes’ Arithmetic; Comstock’s Philosophy. Furthsr supplies just received. £. J. HALE & SON. Fire Insurance. '■IHE >ETN.A Insurance Company of Hartford, hav- M. ing paid the tux imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Le^isl.iture, will continue its Agei cy in Fayetteville, under the management of the undei sign ed, who is prepared to issue Policies of lusurame on Buildings or Goods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, description of the Property. &c. The .ETNA CO.MI’ANY has been in operation about UJ years. Us ap tal is !^.^>0,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Brace was its first President, and he still liol> s that )fiice; and several of its first Directors are still active ind efficient members of the Board. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the f iu*l>nce r f its management, and for the liberal!.y with which it has ever adjusted its losses. S. J. HALE, Agent

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