The Mails.—We learn from the Richmond Whig that the Postmaster General has discon tinued the night mail from Washington South, thus giving but one mail a day South of Wash ington, whilst there are two a day North. This will throw our mails a day behind, and often The Fartt Movement at Raleigh.—We ! Hawks’s History of North Carolina.— {lavc undoubted authority for contradicting the We are happy to state, that the 1st volume of report that the democratic Legislative caucus had this work is nearly completed—the whole having resolved to make a change in the 5th and 6th pas.sed through the printers’ hands. It is a rongressional districts so as to make Puryear’s small volume, containing only 254 pages, octavo t democratic. Wo are glad to hear it; and —small for the reason stated in the Prcface, gliui to hear that the more respectable portion of which, with the Dedication, we give below. Sub- i two days, for under the present wrctched man- tbf democratic party scout the bill, which is sequent volumes will probably contain 500 or i accment of the Post Office Department they are doubtless a private movement of some aspiring 600 pages, and the price be proportioned to the ' generally a day behind time. democrat who wishes to succeed Mr. Purycar in | size. j No reason is assigned for the change. Coni'ress. I'lr. H. W. Horne, the State agent, and his ^ ~ —- - , ,, , I CoNr.RESs.—On Friday, as the House was We wish we could also contradict the state- assistants, with specimen copies, will commouce I , , i i i i , , , . „ . ., . , , about to adjourn, Mr. Kelsey said that the Wash- ment that the caucus had nominated a ticket of, the canvass for subscribers in a few days. (leiU'HTats to fill the five vacancies in the Hoard The Dedication is as follows: of Trustees of the University. But that is un- il.nibti'dly true. And it is a a melancholy truth. The Judiciary and Public Education should be kept aloof from party. Fortunately we have but one pufti/ Judge in North Carolina, (Judge Saun ders,) and he will quit the liench as soon as he lati a better office. And then we pray the (loiuooracy, for their own sakes as well as for the honor and welfare of the good old State, never to put another such partizan in office. Let us have pure and upright Judges, if nothing else is TO the NATIVES OF NORTH CAROLINA; ^ AS WKLL TO Tilt; inVKLLKRS AT IIOMK TO TlIK DISPKRSKI* AUBO.M); TO A L L ALIKE, ington correspondent of the N. York Times had made a charge of bribery and corruption on mem bers of the House and others, which demanded investigation, and submitted a resolution to ap point a committee of live, with power to send for persons and papers. Mr Paine, of N. (^, said he had knowledge of WHKTIIKU WlTlllR OU WITMiH T IIKll DORllKH-i; ) ’ ’ “ THIS ATTKMI'T TO 1-iuNK.uvF. TUF sT(.«Y OK Tiiv.iu ('niu>- attempt having been made by one mcm- HOOD’s nOMK IS AKFI'.OTHtXATKl.Y IXSCUIHKK, pure. And then as to the University. It is an In- ••titution belonging to the whole State, not to a party; and if it is desirable that all parties should BY TllKlK CUVNTllVMAN, The Author. PREFACE. fn the execution of a purpose long and warmly cherished, the author and compiler of this volume offersj to his countrymen, with all humility, this commencement of the history of their native State, North Carolina. The volume is complete in itself, as furnishing the most full account that patronise it by sending their sons to be educated existing materials at this day afford of the first there, it must not fall into party management, attempts at colonization on our shores. Tlie po und be controlled by partizans, for partv purposes. riod embraced extends from the year 15S4 to The Standard defends the caucus action by the ^ five voyages made under ^ . /. 1 , • , , charter to Sir \\ alter Rab igh. It is a dis- plea of saving of time of the Legislature, and ' portion of our history, an isolated chapter, , iiise(iuent expense. But it is “a penny wise having little connection with what is to follow: and pound foolish” policy that would destroy the the failure of all the efforts made under State character of the University and convert it iuto a party institution. The Standard also con- tcuds, with some apparent force, that the Ameri- luu party has no right to complain uf the demo crats for voting for none but democrats, since the Americans were sworn to vote foruone but Aiueri- the Charter to Raleigh, a lonn interval of time, mi-re than half a century, elapsed before any per manent .settlement was made within our borders. In entering upon his work, tlie writer avails himself of the opportunity briefly to explain his proposed plan, as in some of its features, it de parts from established historical model?. A mere chronologically accurate narrative of im- ber to others in relation to the Minnesota liand Bill. Great confusion ensued, and loud calls for the name of the offender, but Mr. Paine refused to give it. The resolution finally passed and the House adjourned. Senator Hamlin has resigned his seat, having been elected Governor of Maine. A long debate has occurred on the right of Senator Harlan of Iowa to his seat. U. S. Sen.\tors Electkd.—Mr. Sumner^has been re-elected Senator in Congress, by 333 votes to 1-2. And II on. Jas. F. Simmons (Republican) has been elected from Rhode Island, iu place of Mr. James, (Democrat.) Moork’s Cueek Monument.—At a meeting of the Oomiuittcc appointed at the celebration of the JJattle of Moore’s Creek, on the 27th Feb’y last, held at Wilmington, it was resolved to ap- €renerai •IssemMy. cans. But on this matter, patriots of all parties, portant public events does not in his view con- P"iiit committees in the neighboring counties to men who love the State and would sustain its In- stitute history; though of it, sach a narrative 'titutions of learning, especially that one belong- properly forms a part. He has supposed that the ini: to tl.e whole State, have a right to complain ^^ate is to be read in the gradual progress of its people in intelligence, refinement, solicit subscriptions to erect a monument on the Battle (J round; to apply to the Legislature for aid; to lay the cniLT-stonti at the ensuing cele- l.eiuocrats themselves will complain of any move-j ■ bration on the 27th Feb’y; and to obtain a plan luoiit which weakens the Lniver>ity in the sup- j public events that transpire arc but the expo- ot a ^lonument to cost about v'»)OUO. p.irt it now derives from all parties. nents of the condition of the iuh:ibitants, iu those ' Tlie following are the Committees for this and 1 r . \Vn r . 'The “people” eonstitute adjoining eountics: 11S Ij AX U R E. *1 e ' ,| fi.itiAn Tir\t 1 n 1 ■! t n r»r ^ Sampson County. — Dr. \\ m. McKoy, Dr. FROM A NEW CORRESPONDENT. Raleioh, Jan’v 0, 1857. “THE HARNETT QUESTION.” This all-absorbing question was the order of the day on its second reading in the Hon^e of Commons last Tliursday evening, when afrer an animated and exciting discussion between Mr. Shepherd in favor of a bill giving to the citizens of Harnett county the election of seven commis sioners whose duty it should be to locate the site for the public buildings, and Mr. White of Bla den, in opposition to the bill, it was rejected by a vote of 46 to 59. This question will still re main unsettli'd and in the way of a.spirants f>r Legislative honors in the counties of Cuinberhind ond Harnett—it mu>it still be an important jues- tion for them to determine which is the souiu/ nii/e of the ‘Harnett Question,” and any error in so important a matter may seal the destiny of many a man whose .services the country would )u cer fonjet, upon wliosc tongue grave Senators and Ijcgislators would hang,—.silent as the grave — while tlie clari(ui voice of Demosthenes woubl be revived in the legislative halls of No. (^a., pleading tor ttie rights anil liberties of the j>eople. 1 say this is an important (juestion for political aspirants to settle. I well remember that during the Presidential last fall, Mr. M**** was Sub-Elector on the Buchanan ticket and Mr. the Sub-Elector on the Fillmore ticket, for the counties of Cumberland and Harnett. They never met in Harnett but once during the canvass, and as soon as Mr. B. announeod the names of Fillmore & Donelson as camlidates of the Anurican party for i’resident and Vice i^resi- (lent of the II. S., Mr. M. asked him “if the}' were sound on the Harnett (Question?” Mr. B. (led ill ed answering—nothing more was saiil on ither side—and Buchanan beat Fillmore 500 votes in the county of Harnett. Quite an amusing scene occurred in the Senate this week, on a bill to emancipate a slave who it sceiiis is almost pt rft-rthj ichite. Some friend or advocate of the measure, just as the bill was ibout to be called up, reijuested ^Ir. Page, the door keeper, to go out and^ud the petitioner and stanil him at the door of the Senate so that Sena tors might see how irln'te he was. Page made a _ misfi'/i'i' in the mtin, and brought in a gentlem in , borland once belonged to Bladen, Bladi:n had who it suems is a candidate for Superintendent of ; now a perfect right to Le heard iu the affairs of Common Schooh, against the present worthy iu- i Cumberland. He continued his speech w.tli con- cumbent. Thinking that the election wa.s about j siderable animation. to come on, aiul !iis looks might help him ] The whole discus.sion was char:iet' lized by out, he took his stand in full view of the Senate, | touch life and lire. The bill was n'jected by ayes looking “as sweet as the hist whispers of a spring | -46, noes o'.t. BusIXKS.S BEFORE THE ooutinue synopsis of legislative documents: SixKiNU Fund.—“A bill to rais^" one, . ought previously to be created and commence sinking) introduced by Mr. Bledsoe, of Wake. I’rovides for the appointment of three “Commis- siouers of sinking fund,” and a sinking fund Secretary; term of office 2 years, and pay of So per diem for each day employed in keeping the fui;d afioat. Appropriates for the fund the divi- JliiJs on the State’s preferred stock in the N. C. a nation, not the legislature merely, nor the courts, not the army nor the navy. These are themselves. And the thought has occurred that in the effort to catch and present a picture of this, classification is a valuable auxiliary: its ad vantages are obvious in some of the earlier Eng lish histories, such, for instance, as of Mortimer and Henry; while in the latest imita- ruilrnad, the tax ou the stock of the Cape Fear : tion of their example in Knight’s Pictorial His tory of England, many portions are almost in vested with the interest of an agreeable romance. Now it is true that in our short career, we cannot have had as much variety as is to be found on the broader field that spreads over centuries in the history of the other hemisphere; and yet even we have room for classification. We must speak L\w.—Introduced by Mr. Stubbs of Beaufort, | ^^rious subjects. The “religion,” “laws and fr"iu the House Committee on Judiciary, ^ro- legislation,” “education,” “agriculture,” “inlus- and State Banks, and the dividends on any Bank Moek, for which the present Assembly may sub scribe, over and above the interest on the bonds i;;ued to pay for it. A Bill to Diminish the Costs of Suits at Elliott, Col. A. S. McNcill, David Murphy, Jobn C. Blocker. liladen County.—Rev. Colin Shaw, W. A. Melvin, T. D. McDowell, Dr. W. 11. Beatty, T. J. Jones, John B. Brown, Thomas O. Brown. Columbus County.—Col. Alfred Smith, Calvin ilayues, Forney George, James Foy, Josiah Maultsby, A. C. Dickinson. vides that either party to a civil cause may sum- uj )U and examine as a witness the adverse party, who shall receive the pay and be subject to the penalties of other witnesses; his pay to be taxed in the bill of costs. That either party may file in the clerk’s office and serv« on his adv«rsary a distinct and particular statement of his cause; if the opposite party fails to file a distinct admis- aiuu of the alleged facts, he is to be deemed as iknying them, and if on trial they are proved, all the costs of such proof to fall upon said party, whatever the general judgment in the case. Re- iuires the Judge, at the request of either party ti write out his instructions to the jury and have tho same filed as a part of the record. The pro cess nf diminution of costs, contemplated by this bill, is not very clear to us, though it may be to the profession. Medical Society of N. C.—A bill for its incorporation, introduced by Mr. Speer, of Yad kin. Gives it the usual privileges of corpora- ti.iu.,; and provides for an appointment, by the > eiety, of a board of Medical examiners, 5 in number, whO’^e duty it shall be to examine all upplicants for license to practice—no person en titled to practice without such, and the license only to be granted to graduates of a regu lar Medical College. Examiners’ fee, SIO. J’er- '■ins practicing without license not entitled to aue for or recover any medical bill. De.4F and Dumb Asylum.—Amount re cti ved from the public Treasurer for two years uding Nov. 1, 185G, 820,200; expenditures for '>ame period, salaries, repairs, furniture, &c., ?1'J,957 02. Cash balance 8242 98. There are now iu the institution 45 pupils, and as, under the present board of superintendents, a tb-jrough reform has taken place, it is supposed that the number will be largely increased. ?l't,000 per annum, from the State, is estimated the least appropriation which the institution will require. Ati..\ntic & N. C. Railroad,—A bill for its '•'Upletion, introduced by Mr. Thompson ot ayne. Asks an additional State subscription f ^400,U0U preferred stock. The State is already ii subscriber to ^ of the stock. Ho(i>^.—Tne Chcraw Herald says that a drove of hogs in that place were selling at 6*; and adds that this is too high* The price here is 8 Hon. Edward Stanly, says the Washington N C. Times, left that place for San Francisco on the od inst. He expects to be absent in Cali- trial and mechanical pursuits,” “commerce,” fornia for 12 months, and will then return to “extent and advance of settlements,” “wars with Washington, his future home native or foreign foes,” “manners and cu.«toms ■ of the people,” &c., all demand their share of > New \ork.—Gov. King sent his first Mes- notice, and will be better understood as well as ! g^ge to the Legislature ou Mond:iy last. He remembered, if they receive distinct treatment, j financial condition of the State as favor- Hence we divide the time through which the | , • . ■ . » rj. ^ 1 , *• 1 I • able. I he total receipts into the treasury lor State has passed, particularly m its more recent .... career, into periods or epoch.s, and endeavor to the year l!5o6, including the balance on hand at present in all respects, as full and perfect a pic- the close of the previous year, were nearly ture, or rather series of pictures, as we can make ^ eighteen millions of dollars, and the expenditures of each period i r l- i ■ nearly fifteen millions, leaving a balance OU hund Another feature m our work, or which this i > o down without their knowledge or consent. If j^each of Davidson, Leitch of Robeson, Little, the.^o petitions stated the truth, why was it that Mabry, Mann, March, Masten, Mat- the people desired to have things as they existed thems, McIntosh, Morrison, Mosely, Ogburn, overturned. The bill of last session provided for Pearson, Pickett, Ramsour, Rankin, Richardson, the .sale of certain lots. They bad shaped out Routh, Rushing, Scott, Sharpe, Siler, Smallwood, three or four small notches and sold them for Speer, Stewart, Stiles, Tomlinson, Toms, Wad- not enough to realise one-half what the jail cost, dill, Wliite of Sampson, White of Cabarrus, The people could throw away the jail if they White of Bladen, Whitson, Williamson, Wilson wished to, but that was a matter to be determin- and Yancy—61. ed by them, by voting upon the question, should : Nttj/s.—Mc.ssrs. Badham, Benbury, Blow, this bill He did not know of any law Rridgers, Bright, Bullock, Cotten, Cox of Jones, which prevented the building from being re-; Dancy, Dargan, Davidson, Eborn, Ferebee, Gil- moved. liam, Green, Hargrove, Hester, Hill of Stokes, iMr. Bothea was against the bill. He claimed HiH of Halifax, Humphrey, Holmes, Jarvis, to have .)83 names to his petition who were op- Jennett, Johnson, Kelly, Lewis of Wake, Lewis posed to a change. Nash, Lyon of Orange, Lyon of Granville, Mr. Stewart hoped the bill wouhl pass. Mason, Montgomery, Outlaw, Outerbridge, Par- Mr. White, of Blad.'n, delivered an able and ter, Patterson, Pitchford, Rand, Reeves, Rumly, lengthy speech against the bill. Sauls. Scales, Slaughter, Settle, Southerland, Mr Shepherd said he would be unjust to his Speight, Strayhorn,' Stubbs, Tate, Thomson, friend in the other end of the Hpuse, would be Ward, Waugh and Withers—53. unjii>t to his colleague and to himselt', he would be retlecting upon his name as a gentleman, and do ing injustice to his constituents, did he not re{ily ■ to tl'.e remarks of the gentleman from Bl;vlen. He alludi‘(l to the passage of the bill in the Sen ate l>y a vote of 32 to D), and said when you find such men as Gorrell, Wiggins, and Faton voting aye on a measure, it could not be far from right. i He ridiculed Mr. W.’s picture of . what Toomer | might be. He said if there was a majority in Harnett opposed to the bill, why not let it and then the people could decide against it. Sir, saiil he, a majority of the people are in favor of' the bill. He knew the hand-writing of the seve- : ral petitions, and they were prepared by a crafty and talented gentleman of Harnett county. He was aware of a strong opposition to him. and so intent were they to have a force in the other end of the House, that it was sai'i when a certain gentleman was defeated for the Senate of Chatham, and a certain (’ >tu!Uoiier also defeated, not ex pecting any efficient aid from that source, they had turned with longing eyes toA'ards Bladen county, and it bcemed they were not di.sappointed. He was perfectly willing for any one to attack his course, if they did not impeach his honor. Mr. White replied, saying if he was to be de feated by place or the inlluencc of place, he was willinr: to submit. He thou^jht that a.s Cuin- MARRIED, Near Rockinfihain, on the 2d iiitt, by the Rev. M. Mciueeii, Mr. L VK VVKTTH CJ. WILSON, of Va., to MissSALIJl-: \. .Mc.\LI.STKR of N. C. Oil tlie Itith inst., iit the residence of Mr. An^us Martin, by the Kev. ,M. McViueen, Mr. (\\LVIN PEMBKRToN to .Mi?s FLOll.V A. MARTIN. Both of Montj;oinery count}’. Ou the •'ith inst., near Ellisvillo, lila len county, by Stephen 11,ire, Es«i , Mr. AAllON V. M.VRE to Miss KLlZ.\r5ETlI C. 11 ALL, youngest daughter of Chas. llall. All of ISiiiilen. DIED, In Thoiuasvilie, Davidson County, N. C. on the :>Oth Decoriihi-r, of I’uliuonary Consuinjitiou, Mr. IJENJ.V- MIN \V. .SIMMONS, aged 50 years 3 months and 21 days. At I’iltshiiro,’ on Sunday, the Uh inst , HENRY ('^.VV .McLENAH.VN, sou of Dr. S. McLenahan, iu his 1-1 til year. In -Cliiiiliam Co., on the *5th inst., Mr. TIIOS. Mc- I) \N11;L, u^ed ntiout GO ^ears. FAYETTEVILLE MAUKET.—January 12. CACON— 11 al2ALARD— . COTTON— * .MOLASSES— I Fair to good, a (,'uba, I Ordin. to mid. 11 all.' N. Orleans, ' COTTON B.VGOING— ' SALT— 13 a 50 00 a 52 a 00 morniiig,” until^the spcak'T calL'd upon the Sen ate to look at him; “he’.': as white as ;iny of you.” Some )ne discovered the mistake—a roar of laughter followed—the candidate for Superinten dent turned off in a rare and wanted to know .Mr Bethea introduced a bill to incorf*nrato the llockfisli Fire Company. Mr. Ferebee introduced a bill to incorporate the Southern Air line Railroad Company—pro poses to build a railroad from X >rfolk to Wil- Gunny, i.*uu'lee, fLOril— Kaniiiy, Super. Fine, Scratched. GIIAIX- (’orn. Wheat, O.its. Teas. Kye, 22 a 20 lb a 2(.i Liv. Sack, 1 50 a 0 00 FLAXSKEl), 1 40 a 0 00 N. c. sriuiTs— 7 2o a 0 OO 1*. Brandy, HO a (>0 0 75 a 0 00 Apple do, t>5 a 70 G 23 a 0 00 Whiskey, tio a 00 5 75 I 0 00 WOOL—’ 17 a 18 TL'RPKNTINK— S-j a 'JO Vellow dip, 2 50 a 0 00 1 10 a 1 20 Virgin, 2 50 a 0 00 50 a 0 OO Hard, 1 50 a O oO 75 a 0 80' Spirits, 12 a 18 00 a 1 00; “who the devil di-puted it?” the vote to emanci- ; mington via Edenton and Plymouth, pate the petitioner was taken and the bill was | A motifon to make the I'ayetteville and Coal lost by a decided majority. Whether the Sena-! Fields Road the order for to-morrow, was rejected, tors wore afraid that the passage of this bill' The Wilmington and Rutherford Railroad was miglit be charged to the cintlihif»’ oa so mufh made the special order tor Monday, at 11 o clock, done for him by the Legislature, and that way | The North-western Railroad was made the defeat his election for Superintendent or not, I , special order tor Wednesday at 11 o clock, have not been able to learn. i >Ir. Clark introduced a bill to incorporate the The friends of the F. & W. Railroad are doing Mountain Railroad Company—proposes a rail- every thing they can to secure the passage of , road from Lenoir, Caldwell county, to the W il- that measure. It certainly has equal if not supe- ^ luingtoa and Rutherford Railroad, rior claims upon the Legislature, to any other (ju Friday, Mr. White, of Cabarrus, intro- incasure. The town of Fayetteville deserves what duced u bill to incorporate the Concord and Fay- she asks for, as an act of justice to the largest etteville Railroad Company. commercial and manufacturing town in the State. She deserves it in return for the liberality ot her representatives to every other section and every other scheme of internal improvement. She de- .scrves it because every dollar expended in ad vancing her interest will yicM a like return to Mr. Holmes introduced a bill, accompanied by a memorial, to incorporate the Farmers and Me chanics Bank of Wilmington. The debate on N. C. R. R. bonds was continued without a decision. Mr. Meares moved to reconsider the vote ou the treasury of the State. The completion of the Harnett county bill, and then moved to lay that roail would add at least two to three millions that motion ou the table, which was done by of dollars annually to the exchanges of the State, Yeas 52, Noes 88. Mr. Meares stated as his rea- volume will afford a specimen, is to be found in the reprint and consequent preservation of the rare and valuable old documents, tracts, kc., which furnish part of the material for our history. We know very well that such documents gene rally have but little interest save for the histori cal antiquarian; but we are writing more especi of upwards of three millions. The canal debt, at the close of the tiacal year ending September 30th last, was upwards of S22,4UU,UUU; receipts for the year ^2,7oU,UUU; whole length of canals and public works oS'J2 miles, the entire cost of which, when completed, will be §50,UUU,U0U. ally for North Carolinians; and we cannot but The State banking system is iu a sound, healthy believe that for them, such early and authentic condition. memorials of their country will an inte- j ^ ;• rest, independent of all antiquarian taste nr study. ! . .. , To the extent of our humble abilities, we shall 4jj,_1_, an inci'casc ot ob^,ul. , (or -.o'' per endeavor to enliven the dullness and relieve the ' cent, a ycar.^ More than one-tourth (i*2U,- quaintness of these worthy old chroniclers by such notes and remarks as may serve to link pleasantly together the past with the pre.sent. And if in this we fail, as wo fear we sometimes shall, still an important end will be answered. The soul of history is Truth: the reader will 5;>0) of the inhabitants were born in fcreign countries. The aggregate value of real and per sonal estate is ^?2,20o,0lU,GU'.>. There are 5)77 churches, and 55'J newspapers. The number ot enrolled militia is Uo5,OUO, of whom L^,500 are have in the reprint of these old publications, all uuifyrmed. The aumber of children iuthe State the means extant of eviscerating the truth for , i ; i .oi-oi i i , . 1 r 1 I » between 4 and 21 years is 1,JU,214, ot whom himself; while the writer voluntarily shuts out i r ■ the possibility of his substituting invention for ;attend either public or private schools, the sober realities of history; iu his narrafive of | The number of teachers is 24,130, only 13,000 istory /(irfs he must conform to the early testimony which he has placed in the hands of the reader; his deductions, suggestions, reflections, &c., are his own, and will pass for what they are worth with the intelligent, without the ri.^k of being confounded with the of early rccords. But,, this use of earlier documents will be constantly diminishing as we travel upward in the story, through period after period, because of the diminished necessity of reprinting that which, beside being generally known, is easily accessible in other forms. One exception to this, however, will in the case of important and of whom, however, are suppo.sed to be constantly employed. The aggregate yearly expenditures for all purposes connected with the common schools are §3,53l,li4li. Gov. King alludes to the imputations upon the republican party put forth in the President’s message, which he declares to be wholly grouud-, and proceeds to give at length the views of that party on the great question of the day. Railroads \s-. Canals.—The Now Y'ork canals. and make Fa^'etteville and Wilmington what every true son of the “Old North” would be proud to sec. That road will come in compe tition with no other scheme; it is a rival of none. The discussion on the State Bank still ^'ontinues, many members insisting that if the Hank is re chartered all its bills shall be made payable at the mother Bank. There is a manifest determi nation that this Bank shall have no advantage over the (’ape Fear Bank iu its charter. The bill to authorise the N. Railroad to is^ue bonds bearing eight per cent, interest, has created con- siilerablo deb:it(‘ for the last two days, and will not be ilisposed of before t.>-morrow (Saturday.) An effort will be made to recon.^ider the Har nett Hill, with what success is uncertain, as every body seems sick and worried out with the busi ness. 1 heard one member say he heard so much about it all day that he dreamed about it all night. 1 understand the bill to remodel" the Congres sional district of Rffckingham will be withdrawn, and hope it niay be true. As a member of the ileinocratic caucus is reported to have said in caucus on the nomination of Trustees: “It is a small business—the democratic party is too large to do so moan a thing.” Mr Hinks of your place has been invited to repeat his L-'Cturi! on the R'U^ance of Scottish History, in the Commons Hall on Fri(iay eVuii- ing, the SHli inst ; and as the invitation comes from the ladies of II ileiirli, who were deprived of tiic privilege of lieariiig liim betore, he certainly must teel very much tlattert;d by it. The Supreme Court is in session, (3hi«f Justice Nash being absent on account of the severe ill ness of one of his sons. H. son for the motion, that he learned there was a probability of the matter being settled among the members from Cumberland and Harnett. A bill to pay I'ales Jurors throughout the State was indefinitely postponed, 7t> to 31. ' FROM OLll COUKLSl'ONDLNT. llALKKill, Jan’y 10. In the Senate, to-day, nothing of importance was done, the whole time being taken up in dis cussing a bill concerning the killing of stock on railroads. In the House, to-day, Mr. Leitch introduced a resolution proposing that a committee of tive be appointed to examine into the charter and ai!airs of the Cape Fear and Deep River Navigation Company, tie also introduced a bill restoring jury trials to the county courts ot Robeson. Mr. Folk presented a minority report, from the Committee on Constitutional Reform, in favor of Mr. Foster’s bill to protect laud from excessive taxation. The House refused to print it by a purely party vote. It states clearly and em phatically why and wherefore he thinks the bill should pass. Mr. Settle introduced a bill to incorporate a company to build a railroad from Greensborough to the Coal Fields on Dan River. Nearly tiie same charter as the Danville Connection. A^ks tor no appropriation. 'Ihc bill to cent, b uids from taxation was indeliuitely post poned, by yeas tJ7, nay> 43. Tiie House adjourned during the discussion upon .Mr. Lewis’s bill for the benefit of mechanics. In the afternoon, .Magistrates were appointed. \fter the was through with, the Speaker HHVIi:W OF THE MARKET. Bacon—Small lot of new sold at quotations. Cotton—We rej)Ort firm and steady market. Flour—Slight variation. t'orrected by J.vmes 0. Cook WILMINGTON MARKET. Turpentine, for virjjin and yellow, for hard. Spirits 40. Ilosiu 2 87 to 3 10. No transactions in other articles. .\t New York, Southern Flour dull at G 85 to ^8. MidHing upland Cotton has risen to 18J. Spirits Turpentine has risen to 50 cents. Rosin 1 02. At Cheraw, cotton 10] to 12^. No receipts during i the week. Bacon 11 to 11. Corn 80 to 85. Flour H 50 to 7 50. At Charleston, cotton Hi to 12', an advance. Total receipts of cotton, 1,002,2S!) bales, againut l,*')10,58y last year. Decrease 8,:^00. A CARD. H^ll. MAC R.VE has remrned and resumed his ■ W I’ractice. Office two doors below the Female High School. Jan’y 10, 1857. 72*’‘it HARPKirS V\ i:h:KLY JOURNAL. (^I’ECIMEN copies of this new work may be seen at the Book Store, where subscriptioua will be re- hithcrfo imj>ufJishe(f manuscripts.—An appendix j greatest works of the kind in this country, of documents with notes is not an uncommon t j u, ~.e ^ have gotten into a bad way by rea.son ot the suffix to a volume of history; we merely make of them a prctis. W^ith this brief outline of the chief features of our work, it only remains to be aildel that we shall issue the volumes succeasis’ely, as fast as they can be properly prepared; and, soliciting from all our countrymen such aid as they can render in furnishing us with family papers, local traditions, old documents, or otherwise, we can say no more than that, embarking in our under taking as a labor of love, our first effort shall be to tell the simple truth; and our highest am bition, so to tell it that North Carolinians will not be ashamed of the narrative. Newspapers.—R. A. I]zell, Esq., has retired from the Warren ton News, and is succeeded by Mr. W. A. Walsh, at present employed in the ofl&ce of the Raleigh Standard. The Asheborough Bulletin will be continued by Messrs. J. M. A. Drake and Wm. M. Parker, Esqs., instead of E. B. Drake, P]sq., who has become Editor of the Salisbury Herald. The Conference of the N. C. Free Will Baptists to publish the Free Will Baptist Jour- I’uof. Em-Mgns’s Report.—We are indebted, through our correspondent, to Mr. Folk of Wa- tuagu county, for a bound copy of Jjmmons’s ge- "l”gical Hfport on the midland counties of North Carolina. We have had no time to examine it this morning. The book is tolerably well gotten up, published by G. P. Putnam & Co-, N. York. Important from Europe.—See the late news fnun Europe. It would seem that the powers that be are not yet tired of war, for there is ap parent danger of several collisions. The W ilmingtou Herald regards our allusion to the want of conservatism of one of its late ar ticles as “unkind.” We did not intend to say any thing unkind -we have too decided a respect j weekly, at §2 per annum. Address J. H. and regard for the Herald to do that. 1 Jackson, Kiustcn, N. C “sharp and exhausting competition of the rail roads.” The State Auditor recommends the im position of tolls on the railroads for the )»rotec- tion of the canals. A Mild Cmmate.—The people of Havana were complaining, at the last accounts, of a “se vere cold storm,” the thermometer having fallen, on the 24th ult. to 43'’ above zero—the lowest figure it has reached there in 20 years. This i.s 27° higher than it was here on Friday last. We arc informed that Mr. Villiers, brother of Lord Clarendon, has been appointed Minister to the United States from Great Britain, and that ho is probably now on his way to this country. JVrtt. InteHifjenvcr. Montpelier, A’^t., Jan. 7. Capitol Burnt.—The State Capitol here was destroyed by fire last night. The most serious loss is in the apartments of the State Naturalist, which is irreparable. Punch says it requires an early start now-a- 1 days for a man to get round his wife. ceived. ^Ye will deliver it in Fayetteville, free of postage, at ^!2 50, cash iu advance, (which will be a saving of the postage to subscribers.) Jau’y 10. E. J. HALE & SON. CA'MK ri'^llH subscriber informs I'lantera and Farmers that JL he has obtained from John Kirkpatrick, Esq., of this county, his crop of seed of this valuable plant, s>'iue of the properties of which are said to be as fol lows; First, An acre of'the stalks properly cultivated, will yield from 400 to 500 gallons of pure syrup, equal to the best New Orleans. Second, It surpasses all other plants for fodder and for feeding green to cattle or hogs, on account of the great abuudauce of sugary juice which it cout.aius, and when sown in close drills yields au immense crop of fodder. Third, It is so certain ami prolific a crop that plan ters mny be sure of suceet-diiig with it as a syrup plant any where South of llie St:ite of New \ork. This seed is ottered for sale in packages sufiQeient to plant h.ilf an acre 1 feet x l.l feet, at >>1 per package. If sent by mail, liO cts. must be added to pay postage. SA.M’L .J. HINSDALE. .Jan'y 12, 1857. 72-;5t .loii.vs rox MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY. JOHN W. STl.'ART, K.hq , t Miss BETTIL .lONhS, / ^ ■ ^Tll SESSION (,f this School will couuuence -M. on the li't; (if January, and Will Ciose ou vhe ^ ^ ^ lOla of June, with :iii e.’cumoi.-itiou, exuiOition, and exempt the N. C. Railroad h jit'r | aidress tiy some distinguished geiitieiii iii. So gri-at is the reputation *it .Mr. as a supe rior te.iehe-• iiiid t.cholar, that we j)re»viiiu' it is not necessary to say anything in his (ir.iise He has heeu ia our eiiiiiioymeni fur several yt'ars, and so lar as we know or believe, he has given universal satistaction. .Miss Jones is a tirst h >nor gra lu ite ot Oreeusboro’ Female College, and c nins r**c unnieii ie 1 as possess ing, in an eniigent degree, all the jualities uecessary to Constitute a suceesstul teacher. \ uuiig iiieu de siring to prepare for college, will do well to patronize this school, as Mr. ."^ has had cun.-^iderable expe rience in this business; anil wherever hiu scholars have gone, they have taken a iiigb st.aud, thereby evincing thorough preparation. Young ladies will be taught everything taught in the best female schools of the country. i’erius per Session are as fjllows. viz: I'rim.ary broiciies, ^10; (..’lassies higher Eng:ish oranches !i'12; Extras. Music •i'20: French and l.'rawing ¥0 each Board ^0 to 7 i>0 per month. W. 1>. TURNER, Chm’n of Trustees. Leachburg, N. l>-»c. 18, IKob. 72-* It left the chair and the Hou>ie had a froHe. On Thursday, the Senate was engaged the whole day in discussing the Danviiie C')n:ioction Riilrnad. .Messrs Earoii, H lu.stou and Cameron P'>ke in oppositimi, and Messrs. W. 11. and J. W. Thomas, anl Myers >f .Mecklenburg, in favor of the bill. It was rejected, yeas 14, nays -‘i2. On Friday, the bill to charter the Milton Junction liailmad was lost, ayes 18, noes 31. Mr. A. M yers introduced a bill to incorjioiate the town of Ansonville. •Mr. W. II. Thomas a bill to establish free banking ir. this State. The bill to ro-eliarter the Bank of the State, amended as stated in our last, passed its second readiusi, o4 to 7. In the House, on Thursday, the bill from the Senate exempting the coupon bonds of the N. C. Railroad from taxation for ten years, and fixing ■ ter, Bridgers, Bright, Hullock, IJancy, Davidson, , - - - i. i‘ -ui iV "-.i, , , 1 ,1 • rrJi . T-. 1 /1 11- ti ti n 1 charges and taice him away, or he will be dealt with per cent., was debated all the morning. This . Eborn, rerebee, (jilliam, Green, Recording to law. bill provides for funding the debt of the Road, of Halifax, .larvis, Jenkins, Jennett, Johnson,! noLTON, Jailer, amounting to So.n0,000, by bonds above referred Lewis, of Wake, Long, Lyon, of Gr.inville, .Ma- j Fayetteville, Jan'y 12, 18-'i7. 72*tf to. Messrs. Scales and Bledsoe spoke in favor | son, Moore, Outlaw, Outerbridge, Parker, Pitch-i ^ i' - ' ^ > v’ of the measure and Messrs. Caldwell and Meares j ford, Rand, Rumley, Sauls, Scale,^, Slaughter,! S I .\ I i'.i Or I ii C IvO I N..A, against it. | Speight, Stubbs, Thompson, Ward and Withers. | K015KS0N CoUNTV. '"By joint ballot of the two Houses, Messr.s. ! —37. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, lsr)(). Thomas Settle, Jr., of Rockingham, Dr. R. I>il- j [The repealed section prohibited any person or j Allen Inman vs. Jonathan W. Began. lard, of Chowan, \\ illiam \\ .Holden, of i corporation from passing or receiving small notes ; R. A. Hamilton, ot Granville, Dr. J. F. E. Hardy,' ^ r o o | The following are the yeas and nays, in the House, on a bill to repeal the .sec. >, ch. .'>•), Rev. C’ode: Ayes. — Messrs. l?ethea, Blanton, Bledsoe, By num, Cahlwell, Canslor, Cox, of Peuiuiuiaiis, Vump, Dargan, Dills, Eller, Elliott, lolk, F 'S- ter, tjaithcr, (ientry. Glass, Haekuey, Harrell, Hester, Hill, of Stokes, Houck, Huaiphr-.y, Jones, Kelly, L:ach, Leitch, fjewi,^, of Nush, Little, Lyon, of Orange, Maun, .Murtiu, Masten, Meares, Montgomery, Mosely, Ogburn, Patterson, I’ear- son, Pickett, Ramsour, Rankin, Reeves, Richard-! v»f I'r'i'l'l) son, Routh, Hushing, Scott, Settle, Siler, Speer, v i i 1 • * ^ e -1 ui. I 'I' t 'P r rr i r| 10 the Jail of ( uinberland county, on the Cth inst., Stewart, Stile.s Strayhorn, 1 ate, lomlin.son, ^nns, | ^ .neill, who says he belongs Wadilill, \yaugb. White, of Cabarrus, W hitson, j,, ostate of .Mary .McLean, dec'd, of Harnett ('o. Williamson, Wilson and Vancy.—(>5. i I’he saiil boy is of a dark color, about f> feet tj or 8 Nays.—Mes.srs. Badham, Barnes, Blow, Bax-j inciies high, 21 or 25 years of age. The owner is the interest thereon at a rate not exceeding eiglu ' ter, Bridgers, Bright, Bullock, Dancy, Davidson, 1 hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay Original Attachment. of Buncombe, were elected Trustees of the Uni versity. At the evening session, the Harnett bill being on its 2d reading, Mr. Shepherd called Mr. Stubbs to the Chair, took the floor, and (alluding to the petitions from Harnett county against the bill,) said, that the petitions did not really contain 588 names; some names were put down in each of the petitions, and some even put down twice in the same petitiou. Besides he had been informed 1 by some gentlemen that their names were put of this and other States; and any ime .so offending to be fined So, and to be deemed guilty of a mis demeanor.] The following are the yeas and nays ou Mr. Elliott’s small note Bill which passed its 2d read ing in the Commons on Wedne.sday last: —Messrs. Barnes, Baxter, Bethea, Blan ton, Bynum, Caldwell, Cansler, Clarke, Crump, Dills, Eller, Elliott, Folk, Foster, Gaither, Gen try, Glass, Hackney, Hall, Harrell, Houck, Jones, IT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that the said defendant i.*i not an inhabitant of this State, it is ordered by the Court that publication lie made in the Fayetteville Observer, a newspaper pub lished in the town of Fayetteville, for the spiee of six weeks, n'ltifying the said Jonathan W. Regan to ap pear at the next term of the Superior Court of Law for the County of Robeson, at the Court House in Lumberton on the fourth .Monday in March next, and then and there to plead or replevy, or final julgment will be given against him. Witness, Alexander McMillan, Clerk of said Court, at office in Lumberton, the fourth Monday ip. Septem ber, A. D. 1850. This December 'SJd, 1850. 72*6w] A. McMlLLAN, C. S. C.

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