MKDICAL BOOKS. MV EIGS on Diseases of Children; ITB “ “ Woman and her Diaeai®»; “ “ Childbed Fevers; “ Obstotrica; Dungliaon’a Iluinaa Physiology; “ Medical Dictiouftry; Practice of Modicine; “ Materia Modioa and Therapoutlci; Pereira’s do do. Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ “ l)iserts?s of Women, by Condio; “ “ Midwifery do. Chittv’s Medical Jurisprudence; Taylor’s do. do by Hart*horii«; “ on I’oisons: Uewees on Children: “ Fetniiles; Miller’s Surgery, by Sargent; N«ill on the .\rteries, .Verves, and Lymphati#s, Rejinaiilt’s Kleiuenta of Chemistry; U. S. Dispeiis-itory, by Wood and Uache; VVatson\‘ I’racfice; Biirtk'tt's Treatise 'n Fever; Wiiliuuis and CIvrner on the Resj)irai«jry Organs: Eberle’s Thenipeuiics; Ellis’s ,\ledic;il t'oraml.Try, by Thc/in»«; SoUy on the Human Hiain; lluriows oa the Ctfrebral l.'ircuUaion; (ierhar l on the Chc.'^t; Fowne’s Clieniistry ft r .'student'*; Murjjhy’!- Keview of Ciioniistry for i^tudenti WiiSDi.'s .Aiintoniy, 0 'ddjud; l^artlett oi: ilu' ’• tiiiinty of Medicine; Mcl'loliiKi's .-'urcerv, » n tlu' IK ari; Kirke s iiu l rhy:5ii.!oj;y; .■VnMioii.ic;i’i Atlas, by llenry i! Smith; Wo'm I ’s I'f til-' Mu'-cles uf the Human Body; (.iuiin’s l>i nil Stic Medioiiu-; Chiiiirvii, tlicir L>ist’:isi-i and Miiiiajremv'nt, '>y Dr. .''tii-w; Him th. I'i^e-AsC ivnd Reine iy, by [)r.; Simon's I’.iuiily .M-.-iicint*; Domestic .Nli'iiit'iiie. .■''iirfrery, .VC.. *• “ li.'id Household Surgery, by Th mi S 'H and Siriith; The i’rfM.Tvati'u >f He ihh, by Dr. Warren: Thei ry a.-.d I’ractii'e of Hydropathy, '.v 11 Francl^e; The 1 an!;iy L'entist, bv Uu Llnw.'hot. E J. ilAl.E & SOX. Nov. 24, 00 A N!).V K1) U rI'Al.VVI liI *1!K i\ ;>ver!v Novels '27 vols. cloth and ha:t cah; Fayetteville & Soutlierii P. I December 29, 1866. j raiHE Annual Meeting of ihe Stookholders of 8»id J. Company will be held at the Town Hall in Fay- ; etteville, Jan’y 16th, 1857. ^ . I [-ggim] *• W. McL. MoKAY, Sec’y. P.Davison, m. d., Surgeon MPentiut^ INTENDING to locate permanently in Fayetteville, hopes to make-it the interest of all who need the I services of a Dentist to give him the carc of their ' Teeth. Having had eight years’experience, and being (icquuiiited -with the work of the best Dentists North or South, he pledges himself to give all operations en trusted to his hands that careful thorough work and complete tinish, that it cannot be bettered by any Den tist in the (Tnited States Persons hiiving teeth that are considered hopeless, and pust redemption, will do well to give him a call beft re having them extracted, as thousands of teeth are saer tic'd that the reijuisite knowledge and skill wouM si'e and make useful. Please give him it t)..l, and if h® does not redeem his piedire will forffit his wark Bt^Ottice at Fayetteville Hotel Uec’r 2*), 18 >t). 08tf He will wait tm Ladies at their residences it de sired. 1 Cooper’s Novels; Irvine’s W. r!:#, I'l vols; Prescott’.-* ('t'ii.|uest o! I’eru and .^^esico; Lived ol Fer iin'ind and Isabella. “ I.ifo of Philip the 2d; Benton's " j year« i'l the I' S. >eu!ite 2 vo'.s; The ' ite' M ill’s 'Vhinual. 4 vols: Ei.pyi ’opedia \i>.icri'-aii;i. 14 V '’^; L'.'S.: ir's l'io»i ri:ii Field Book of the iicvoiutiOL; Wcbs'i r's U ri-s vo's; Colt.Ill's Lit.' ai.d Tim«'S of llenry I’lay; Memoir .'f S I’renti^-'* of Mis-: Pictorial Life of .\ndrew Jack^un: Memcir of Win. U'ir' I'J’ Kennedy; Life of Wise? aiid Virginia Polities in 185.5; liarland's Life of John llandolph; Demoer.icv in America, by De Toccjueville; Abbctt’s Life of Na|inU-on. 2 vols; -Abbott's Historiek; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry: Life of Wm. Pinckriey of .Md.; Bayard Taylor's India. China and Jap-»n; Com. Perry’s Japan Kspedition; Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self fiovernment; The Pliysical Geography of the Sea, by LieutMaury, Liberty and Slavery, by Bledsoe of Virginia: Southey’s Common Place Book; Life .ui i Corres. of Southey; The Spectator; \\ ilsun’s Tales of the Borders; The Scottish Gael, or Manners, .-Vntiquitles, and Customs of Scotland; The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; Lockhart’s Life of Walter Scott; Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert E'.irns. Hamilton’s Discussions in Philosophy and Literature; Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey; The (Queens of Scotl.-ind, by Agnes Strickland; Chambers’ Miscellanies; Proctor's History of the Crusades, illustrated; Woodfall's Junius; Hannah More’s Works; Plutarch's Lives: I>oswell's Life of Dr. Johnson; Novels nnJ Tale? by Maria Kdgeworth; Addison. Burke aud Johnson’s Works; Millman’s Gibbon's Rome; Hallain’s Works; Cosmos, by Humbolt: Men and Women of the 18th Century by Houssaye; The Guide to Soei.^1 Ilajipiness, by .Mrs. Ellis: Family Monitor by the same Author: Hume ami Macaulay's Histories of England; The .Moiiern Briiish Essayists. 7 vols; Shakspe.ire, I5yron, Moore, Scott, Hemans and other Poets in v.nrious syles of binding; The Boston Eijltion of the British Poets, Jx., ^‘c. Oct. 20 “ E. J. HALE 4 SON “ la w ISOOKS t?ubscribers have on hand, and will promrtlv Jl fill orders for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in sin^'le volniiies. Iredell’s Digest and Digested .Manual. Jones’s Digest Revised Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley's New Form Book. STORi. on Bills, roiitr.icts. ]’;ntnership. Agency, E.j^iity Jurisprudence. Eijuity Pleidings. •ARCHBOLD, on Pr:utice, Criminal Practice and Pleadinir. f.indlord and I’enaiit. CHITfV. on'’oiiti-.iets, Crimiml Law. Blackstone, .1 :iri.'jirii'Jence. SU>IH1N, o'l Vetic|.>rs and Property. P()'Vhl.L, on ,N1'irtga;r‘:', and Contracts. SMlTil, -.Ti at Law, Master and Servant. Landli-r I an 1 Tfii inr. (’!:incery Practice. S\Nbi;.tS, ..!i Plealitig and Evidence, Uses and Trust-'. Repcvts. RL'S>K!,L. i .'i .\rhitr-ition. Factors, Crimes, HOI'r AN'.'; Le-'i! Stu ly. an 1 .Masters in Chancery. WILL!aM'-' nil Personal Properrv. WHE\T*N';- Sclwyn's Nisi Pnus. U J.Vi; fi »N. ,1.1 Amcr'can Law of Homioide. Medi cal Jiiri-j roiif-e. Sl.att: I rials in the Cnited States, American Criminal Liw. L^iw Ihction.ary. Siei.hcn on Ple:i lini: Roper on Lt-gnVies. Dart on Ven'liO' Foirne nn Rcm.iiriders. Edwards on B.'iil- ments. r'.ike upim Littleton, ( Hargrave an*l i.utler’s . new e iitinii Kent’s Coinnientarii's. Curtis’s ditto. Dart’s Vendors .irid Purchiisers o Bpal F.-t.ite. ,Vd- ams’ Eiulty. I’roubafs Law of Limite.) PartruT-ihip. Hughi’v' C.inlty Drau/htsmau. I hiliii.n and Amos on Evidence,'^’ev on Liw of, Ross on Bills and Pnoniry Notes. Dom-it’s (’ivi! Law. I". .S. t riiisinal l,v,v. Daniell’s Chancery lluc-ice. Ros-n.*’s Criminal i'vi.lence. Ath-rl«‘v oli U t -.iiw of M trri ige ('oliyer.,n Partnership. CrVet-- ivul ..n Kvid'-nce. Uiiver on C')tiv(-v:iiifing. Curti-’s 0 ,c;yam;er. liurriUV Law Di. iioiKirv. Crni.-e on uou. I’r.o. rty. T.iyl. r'- Law Cr.ibb on Ren Pr.p.-rty U....y.s’ Don.-.ti. iU.i;ti..«s. Byles on, lu ll on .".lie. Li e on Ar).itr:.tion of Titles, ^harswn.ds Profes-ional llthi.-s, It-.rton's suit in L.juity Wills on Cinum-tantia! Evidence. ’omvn’s Lundlor I and Tenant. Wat.on on Arbitnition. liare on Disfove-,. (ilipl.riiit oi. Ilor«c.^. Wl.itwonh’- Eiu'ty Precedents. Morris on Heplevm (iieslcy’s E.,oity Kvi,lo,H'o. l!i,i,op on .Muni,,;:,, and Divorce'. Mai',,.‘w 3 Pn-.-nmi.iivc Evi l-n. e Hobertson on Siic- cps 'H. tiii-i on InsuraiH-,- Lewis on the Law of leri.etu.i , i'.iil im re >n I' lniicil. i ;.rv on Piirt- ner.l.ip SVils.,,. i s-.. K,-!! on ;uar„ntfe.-, New- lund •.ri I oiiir.-, i..,mlyn’s Chrincery Evi.lenee, 4e. 1 hear Oi-..t j. r l.iiw P,ool;s order.* I will be supplied 0 til r». ; '.(jii in |iart ol ilie State on reason- able term.. ^ E. J. HALE 4- SON. m:\\ srocK OF llooks juul Stiitionerv. L lire now ri‘i;'.-iv .ij; ,,qp usual New Stock of w I’OOK^ and S i'.\TI )N ERV. embracing a great vane tv .,f f 1-’ SCHOOL, LAW, MEDICAL AND MISI'ELL.VNEOUS books, with a large and yarie'l stock of lilaiiK !)»)()ks, Knvelopes, 6:c. Country Merehauts aud other* are invited to call as we offer the above stock on the bivat terms. X1:(; lioI:s \\ anted. fg^HK uiidtrsifrned will pay the highest cash price fil for VOl'NG NEGROES. Letters addressed to either of us at La’irinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt .-ittentiou D. C. MclNTVRE. DANIEL .M, .McLAURlN. LHuriiiburgh, Dec 2t>, 185t’>. *>Htf Town ]>apers copy. I larpcr'.s .Majifazine for January V)7, just received by E. J. H.\LL it SON. Uec'r 25. • KLKCTION. ■^■^HE undersigned offers himself as a candidate for ■L the offit’.' of Constable for tlie Fayetteville Di.s- trict, fur the ensuing 'ear. Election in Feb’v neit. JNO T. MULLINS. Deo 2^^. 68-tp Town papers copy. CiiaiSTMAS PRESENTS \.\I) NFAV YEARS GlFI'S. P\PlElv M.\CHE Writing Desks and Work Boxes, a rich and very beautiful present for a Lady. Rose Wo >d WKITING DESKS and WORK BOXES, various styV.-«. P«'RTFi H.los, in great variety of styles and qualities. froir, the cheapest to the finest .Morocco. ilEl'i'L'l.ES, .M'roc CO, Calf Skin and Velvet, some very hands' ine The above goods unite utility with beauty, and are thus well adapted for in the approaching season. Just recM by Express. E. J. HALE s;S0N. Dec. li'). (iAUDKN iSEFDS. E have received a general assortment of L.\ND- . / RETH’S CELEBRATED GARDEN SEEDS, w.irranted Fresh and Genuine, of the crop of 18.it5. Also, ONION SETTS. S. T. HAWLEY .v SON. Dec'r !;■>, ISotl. t;5-»iw w .sr.V'i'K fi().\f)S I'OU S.M.K. ^>nds of $1000 each. Fo' ale bv j'as. Dec'r l-'i. G. COOK. G.3-4 w Pale and Amber .\le in Bbls. and A bbls C. T. HAIGH k SONS. * Dec'r \ij. l>.')tj. ti.^tf Or. , trrlie Explorationn tn te irch -/Sir John Frankltn, in iB-iS, ’)4 and ’o>”>, 2 voN., ‘'VO. A further supply of this beautiful and in'.presting v»ork, ia cloth, sheep and half calf bind ings. E. J. H.VLE & SON. Dec. 11. (Jiiiiirs Domestic Medicine, or l^oor •Man’s Friend. .A further supply of this popular book, just rcctivid. E. J. HALE i SON. Dec’r 11. .11 ST RFCFIVEI), (JUARTER BOXES RAISINS 20 Half 20 Boxes Soda Biscuit. 2*1 Cheese. For s^le by C. E. LEETE. Dec'r 1 I (j.5tf RilU tVom tiie Fountain ot‘ IJl’e, by Rev. Richard Newton. D. D.; The Two Lights, by the author of 'Struggles for Life;’ Cuinming’s Last of the Patriarchs: Dr. Spencer’s Pastor’s Sketches, 1st and 2d series; The Prince of the House of David, or Three Years in the H dy City; Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustra tions; Do. Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature; Cum mings Minor Works: The Christ of History, by Voung; Ciitnming's .^.-ripture Readings: Barnes’s Notes on Revelati 'tis; Do. on Job; Chalmers' Posthumous Works; M:ister Pieces of Pulpit Eloquence, Edited by Rev. Henry C F sh; \c.. Ac. E J. II.\LE & SON. j*l liI.lC SALK. JWILL offer to the highe«t bidder, on THURSDAY, the ].)tli d ly of January next, at tuy place near Kingsbury, one CIRCCLAR STEAM SAW .MILL, (in complete order.) > ll.'a-l ..f .MTLKS. 1 H ir.'^o atid Timber and 2 Koad Wagons. St('C-k of I'attle and Hogs. A large lot of IJU.^I]^HR, and all the House hold and Kitclien Fl’RNlTURE. Terms will lie, and m.^ile known on the day of sale. DUNCAN McFADYEN. Dec’r 20, lf5'). 67-ts VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR f OFFER for »ale, my L.\NDS in the Town of Pay- etteville. about 130 Acres, known as the 'mUMFORD SWAMP. •\bout 80 .Acres of it it* fine .Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the Valuable Briek ^tore and l^ot near the .Market Square, occupied by .Mr. John A Pemberton. A Large and V^aluahle Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings ,\lso, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. .Several DESIRABLE P.L'ILDING LOTS on both Winslov and .Mumford Streets. .\ll this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond ami Mortgage if desired THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, IH-'ia. 4H-tf 0.\ TIIK 4 APK PEAK KIVKR. A T a meeting of the Boat owners interested in nav i m. igiiting the Cape Fear River between Fay'cttevilli and Wilmington, On motion, D. .McLaurin was called to the Chair, and R. M. Orrell was appointed Secretary. On motion of James F. Marsh, Resolved, That from and after the 1st day of Janu ary, 186*>, Cash will be required upou the delivery of all Krelghts at Wilmington and Fayetteville re spectively. On motion of J. D. Williams, Resolved. That each of the Steamboat Companies on the Cape Fear River, from ami after the 1 st of January, 18.')*3, will carry Guano frotn Wilmington to Fayette ville at 10 cents per bag. Lime at 2.'> cents per cask, and ground Plaster at KO cents per cask, .and that a OF ao PKR cK^’r. from the printed and established rates on all other articles will be made from anil after that date, all Cartage and Drayage being paid by the shippers (,)n motion of James Banks, Resolved. That the foregoing be published in the towri paper.s I). McL.\URlN, Chairman. R. M. Orrell, Sec'y. Dec. 24, 1H55. i’)-'>-tf I'OU SALE. tWISH to sell my l»I>A :VT.4TIO:\ on the West .“^ide of(ji[)e, 2 luile.'j below Fayetteville I would sell .'>111) sicres or tuore; it consists of River Swamp anl Sand Hill Land. Also my House and Lot on Ramsey Street. One Lot corner Dick and Person Streets. One House and Lot corner of Frink’s Alley and (iranjie Street. 1) Sh ires Ciipe Fear Bank Stock. 12 i'hares PI ink Road Slock. .M. N. LEARY. Fayetteville, Dec’r 1, 185(1. tUlf ~ W. H. TURLING-TON~ {’umniis.>ion .Mprcliant, No. 4*2 Nortti Water St., \\'il.mlv(;t()N, n. A). ft ®/'IL!. (rive lii“ prompt personal attention to the * W ‘-.lie or !-!iip!iient ol all Consignments of Naval Mores or othT Country Produce. .Nov. H, r>!jtf GROCERIES AND HARDWARE; tIHE subscriber has in Store a good assortment o- Goods in the GROCERY and H.\RDW.\RE LINE ill of which will be sold wholesale or retail, or bar' tered for country produce, on terms the most reason' ibie. A s.nall lot of S.ADDLERY for sale che.ap. Give us a call. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. N. B. .\ny of my friends in the country having busi ness to transact in this place, such as renewals, \c , can have it done on the usual terms, by sending same to my car«. 0. W I. (}. FayettevilU, Sept. 27, 186.'>. H9tf VALl AHI.E FAR.M FOR SALE. «EING desirous of changing my business, I offer for sale my PL.\NT.\T10N on the east side of the Cape F^ar River, three miles above the Clarendon Bridge, known as the Toomer and McKay lands, con taining about 800 acres. This Farm is susceptible of the very highest improvemt :it, and of being made one ol the most beautiful and prohtable Plantations in Cumberland county. (>n the Farm is a good mil! seat. .\|y terms will be favorable and payments easy. For particulars, apply to John D. Williams, Esq., Fayetteville, or address the subscriber at the Gulf. I will give possession the first of December next, if de sired. L. J. HAUGHTON. Gulf, July 17, 1866. Ca|)(‘ Fear Land for Sal* fB^HE Subscriber offers for sale THREE HUNDRED -M. ani EIGHTY-FIVE .\cres of Land on (' ipe River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with the river to the lands of Mrs. Byrd. portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared has on it some good swamp, which may be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of tweUe months. Person? wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G SHEPHERD. April 8. i*4-tf ~REI)STEAlisT iVeiTsTEADSI! JUST received from the .Manufacturer, Ira Horsey, a supply of n ED s of «arious patterns, and made of good seasone*! timber. These Bedsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low as they can be got from the North. (!all and examine. A. M. CAMPBELL April y, 94-y st rpii'. Dr. .1A IS. F. FO lirTliKS. Corner of Hay and Donnhhon Streets, opjtomff the FayettecUh Hotel, WOliLD respectfully call the atten tion of his friends anl customers to his complete stock of DRUGS, n i: i>i€i EM, Oils, Paints and Dye-Stuffs, Which he is now receiving, and will offer at prices as low as they can be bought at in this market His object is to sell Medicine that can be flepended upon, as he buys none but the genuine article. Constaitly on hand Burning Fluid, Vamphene, Spirits Turpentine-, Alcohol, Brandies and tfYwes, (/’or Medical purposes;') Congress Water, Citrate Magnesia, East India Castor Oil. March 15, 185G. 87-tf Oct. 8. E. J. HALE & SON. New Music for ilio Pianoand (luitar, just received j ^ Oct 22. tarnit'r’s and Planter’s .VImanac, tor 1S5T. For »i*l«, wholesale or retail by oa. 16, " ' (■ \N i'v\ i;i.i,’.s .\. (;. .itJSTiciv Sicdoii H •liisticc li’ i iKrd, and ndupted*to the i\(’W /ieviscd Code.. f aims work, invaluable to .Magistrates, Officers, and JL all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it,, i.s very much enlarged. Price 00. For .sale by E. J. HALE >& SON. August 18ofi. HOOKBliXDlNG ^ kF ail kinds, is executed in the best manner. " " Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase of new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a di.stance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment: and when finished, they will be carefuUy repacked and returned without delay. I have the best stoc\ of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else where. The untlersigned respectfully solicits a ahar# of patronage. TH03. U. TILLINGHAST, M e" ta., Andwson 8tre*t. Nov. 5, I860. 64-y VALUABLK NE(iROES ¥i)[{ SALE. 4 NEGRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five years, good house servant, cook, washer and ironer, honest and industrious. .\ Girl aged about nine, and a boy about four years —children of the woman. Persons in want of this species of property will do well to call on the undersigned at his Law Office on Anderson Street, when further particulars will be given. BARTH’W FULLER. April 29. &00-tf $25 REWARD. RAN.VW.VY from the subscriber on the 1st of April last, a negro man named Raad, about six feet high, about 30 years of age, and black. Said negro is supposed to be lurking in the neighborhood of John Bell or James McKethan. The above reward will be paid to any person de livering said negro to me at Locksville, Chatham Co., N- C., or confining him in any Jail in the State where I can get him. NATHAN KING. June i7_tf DOBBIN HOUSE! POWERS & TROY, Proprietors. ^■IHE Proprietors of this Establishment announce to the public, that owing to the conptantlj increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have been induced to en large the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite of Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an inoreaaed exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hop* will gacure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the acooramodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for car- rying travellers to any part of th* at^jacent country. J. W. POWERS. W C TROY F»70tteTille, May 12, 1866. gtf 4^i.iriiToiv Pi;\f \i.K i.Nsi rriJTi:. This institution will resume its operat'ions again on MONDAY, the 8th ef SEPTEMBER. The charges will be the same as they have been for the last year. Board $10 per mouth, including wash ing, lights, f-o. L. C. GRAVES, A. .M., who has served us so long and efiBciently as Principal if the Tnstitiito, new also has charge of the Steward’s Department, which ren ders it douf)ly Hure that this department, will bo con- ductei to the entire satisfaction of all. Mr. Str.adella will continue in charge of the Musical Department; and .Mrs. Stra^lella the Department of Painting, &c. H A. BIZZELL, Sec’y Board of Trustees. Clintcm, July *25, 18.00. 30-tf o7”iTiiJS'i’rv nf OIJLD inform ins friends and f.irmer cu.'^Tomer - that he may bo found 2 donrs beiow the (’ape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand g iuth sid- Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Wliips, CollarSj •and every thing l-.e'.onging to his trad.'. I'e r'Si>rctfu!iy Mivites his friends from the country t.> call and e.\amine 'lis stock (i'jrcha>sine. He will attend to Rep.-iiring of ll-’rtieya nnd Saddle^ 'lunctiinl^y, and liis c!i ir/es sh ii’ be inoler iti'. He would request all in Ifbted to the firm of IIOU.SION .S: OVKRBY to settle with W. Overhy . r himself. I'.s they •ire compelled to settle the firm’s debti. | August 27 l?i')t). 3 Uf j Aew’ H tifrnii l']s((ihlisfifnc/its j By \\n. I ^■''HE Subscriber would inform his friends and the j £ public generally, that he hus completed his new | establishment on .Maxwi'i; street, near .Mr. E. W, W ill-j kings’ Store, and is now prepared to receive orders for j CARi'S, \VA(;ONS, DRW.s, ,Vc„ which (.hall be prornj tly executed. I \11 WL'vk liy him shall be of the ^ ship anl niafi-riai that the country can atFo;d. . HKl'AHUNii Ilf ;ill iloiie with neatness | and desj'at'h Also, llOHSlv.SFIOElNO will be strictly at tended to ■ I N. H. No pains wiil be spared to give satisfaction to thuse who may favor him with their patronage. Fayetteville. July 21, 185H. 21-V Mor(' Aow IIHE subscriber is receiving his F.VLI. .WD W’iN- TEH Sl'UCK, cuiJBiiiing of al n>>st every thing in the wav of MMardkrttrr, atift itollow~trare^ — ALSO— Boots and > hot s, Satidlcry, Fish, cVc., ,\ny of which he wi'’ se’l ciieap for ij^asb, barter for Produce, or on short time. .Store lecent.y occupied by Troy & Marsa, near the Dobbin 11 -.’.sa. G W. I. ijOLDSTON. (,)ct. 15, 185*). 48tf We cull the attention of WHOLE SALE DEALERS ^■10 our present Stock,—and we have recentlj re- K ceived — 800 bags Rio, Lagiiira, .Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 20 hhils Sugar, assorted grailes, 7'> bbls do. Refined, Oushed and Powdered. ‘.5 boxes Sperm, .\damantine and Tallow Candloi, 6!3 do Fancy and assorted Candie.s. 100 coils Kentucky, Jute an*! Manilla Ropo, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlap*, SO tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes ('heese, 20 half bbls Super Carb Soda, 40,01)0 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO - Pepper, Spice. Ginger, t?lo\e.s. Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, In iigo, St.'Hiiish Brown, Brini.stone, Fancy and 15:ir Soups, Starch, Pow U r. Shot, liar Lead, White Lea l, Putty and Linse- d Oil. Win'i iw Glass, Snuff in Boxes, Eagi Mills do . in Half Bbls ; Gr. en and Black fens. Hollow Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast .Src'l; Pbiws, Straw (,'utters, C >rq Shelleis, .Sausa/H Cutters and StaiTer-4, Traco Chain, Sole Le ather, vc . S;c, Tlie sbovt* Goods we ofter on the most favorflUo terms to prompt time or ca.-h jiurch isers D, & W. McLAUiaN. Nov. 6. 6Itf FOR RENT. ^pHE large Fire p’-oof B;ick Ware house, conT^nj. I ently situated in rear of our Store Apply to STARR ^ WILLI.AMS Sept. 26. ^ 43-tf NEW LAW BOOKS. Anew Edition of Tidl’s Practice, 2 yols The Forum, or 40 year’s Full Practio# .. Philadelphia Bar; by David Paul Brown. * Library of Law sud Equity; being 13 vols. Hn ll\ of valuable Law Boons for .$15 00. ' Juat received by E. J. H.^LE & Oct. 20. (U'ANOKS. WJ BAG.-^ PERUV[.\N; # .327 do. COLUMBI.VN .Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes eotmexion been very much diminished, but experi- metitj have proved that the pho'^ph ite. so much want ing in the Peruvian, not t.niy increases the yield, but (combined with the (Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. W. McL-M’RIN. Nov. 6, l8ot). 64tt Further supplies of School Book.s. SMITH’S QRA.MMAR; Davies’, Smith’s, Colhurn i and Greenleaf’s Arithmetics; Lambert’s .^njuoir and Physiology; Hitchcock’s Elementarv G>‘ol(, ^ Goodrich’s and Willard’s U. S Historie.-; The ( History of the U. S ; Parley’s Fii-t Book of Hist lrr* Mitched’s Intermediate Geoj;r, OIney s graphy, Bolmar’s Levizac’s French Grammar; I'inne ,‘j English Teacher; Cornell’s Intermediate G^ogrHi hy Kay’s (tea lers; Emerson’s W.itt.,’oii th- Mind; ' j Notes and Questions on the O.-speb of Matthew, M„’4 I and Luke; Greenfield's Greek le'.tameNt and Leiic-.t, ' M ir-h's Songsters; School lestanient.s; Noi th Car :;Va Readers, Davies’ Surveying, &c. Just receivn.l Aug. 30. E. J. HAl.E \ ■^HE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typographical JBL errors of the old edition corrected,) is publlsLeJ for tho benefit of the Mis-sionary cause uf the Episco pal Church in North Caiolina. The price of the 'J vols. is. in cioth binding, -'jii, in sheep .'jl 50. Onrers* accompanied in every instance by cash, miv be aj- dressed to E, J. HALE ^'su.N Fayetteville, .May 8, 18.3'j. Frciirhl nnd Passtn^cr Une helween Wihnin^ton anil Fuifellevlile. ^TE.XMER .M \GNOLl.\, leaves Fayetteville on Mor.- 1^ day aud Thursd;.;j n»..rnings, 15 minutes after sun rise. Leaves W’ilmington on Tuesday and Friday mornings. 8team“r FANNY LUTTERLOH, leaves Fajetteville on Tuestlay .and Friday mornings, 15 minutes after sun-rise. Leaves AViWninpton W’piJneslay and .Satur I ly mDrn- ings Botfi carrying Freight and Pii.-^s.-iniers. .'teanier ROW \.N, with fall sets of Lighters, runs regiilai'y. cu;rvii'g Freight only. The rej;u!u,i'y of our Boats on all stages of the River, at: J the d spatch and promptness in delivering goods, are too well known to require comment. To i.ui patrunii we tender our thanks for the very iiboi-;il putronajre heretofore bestowed, and can assure a:l shippers that no efforts wi’.l be spared in future, ai. 1 feel confident that our facilities for dispatch are eqaal if n> t superior to any line on Cape Fear River. W. P. ELLIOTT. Agent for Luttwrloh & Co. Fayetteville, ?»’. C., Oct. 1, ISofj. 50tf di:ep coal. HITUMI.NOI’S CO.vL of the b«st .(uaHty can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCL.VNK. .Mining Engineer. May 21. 185G. tj-tf WAX'n'j). .\CriVE VnOG viFN, to act as local and tr.ivellitig njjent' ui a > •'fi---,. useful and honorable, at a .'ALAuV »F PER MONTH. A c tpital of .i» > oniy re (uire I No patent medicine or book busine&s bull } ut'cilars liivt-n. tree, to all who en. o'C a post iie st i:np or a turee cent piece, an J ,i id: es3 A I! .'i\RTV.''-, Plaii'iow. N H. Oct. 20, DiSSv )U, i >\. ''■1HE firm of H.VLL .) .-;.\Civi:Ti - thi«> day dis- m. solved by tmituai con-ient. The business i.f the hnn will be sett\ 1 by J. H Hall or E. I! iM, ^^h.■ alone nre auti'.orize I to use the name of the firm in liquidation. J. H. HALL, A. E. il vLL. T. M. S,\CKKTT Fayetteville, N. P..'y 70-tf .MOl..\SSES. HHDS, just received aud f"" s ile > v JAS. G 'cook, Oct, 27. 51- FERI VIA.X (U’AXO, for .‘^alc l>\ C. T. HAIGH i: SONS.' Oct. 22, I8j0. .jotf WHEAT wa\ti:d. ' fW.\NT to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat, i JAS. G. COOK. ! June 25, 185(i. Iti-tf ROBKliT l>. GREEN, (LATE GRFEN & WEAR.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLEHS, &c., FAYKrTEVILLE, X. C. RD G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for ihe kind patronage so'y b -- stov.'e i upon the late Firm, nnd informs them he has liought the interest of J. S. ear, and will continue the bu-iness in nil its branches at the old stand, under Li.-J entire superintendenf'e. N B All Watches left with him for repair will be take i apart in the presence of the owuers, and the nece-sary lep-iirs pointed out to them and a written contract give;, for the same, which work will be war- raoted for two years. On hand and for sale now. the most viried arid ch'ice (ieleotlon of t'LoCKS and other time pieces III it h iS ever been offered to the public in N'urth Caro- iira. w .’cn i t w.:. s- 1’. at New York prices. :in l al;.© ■w.\RK\NT I TWO years. .\ll'lebts due o and by the late firm wi''I be paid and re.'cived by R. D. GREEN. -Vugust 25, 18o6. 34-tf ALAL'i^XAt’S FOR 1S57. rjJ^URNKii’S North i;uro in:i, nnd The Farmers’ acj M P.lTitw'lb’. 1-. J. 11 'iLt. new liovisoii v^tatiuos f SIllE Subscribers have received on copsigiimnit & A few copies of th»> New Revisal. Price >4. caih on delivery. E J H.VLL i: .'(iX Jan’y 21. Narrative of tlie i^xpedition of an American S j'i idron :o ibe Ch'na ^eas and Jaj aii Coin Perrx, U N.ivy, w;t;i nuuieruus i.'.Uiliin; e lited oy iiev l>r F L Hmvks .\.so, fu-iiier supp i.-s oi .i.rr, i!e^t:'s Novels. M;n Murray’s i'raveis ugfi the U. S ; 'lit'.lieli’i Ir»- veiler's Guide; Stee! i'wui, ^c. E, j. ilALL j SON Aug 12. FOR s.waZ fj'HE Subscriber wisncs to seil the large bwe'.iiDg i and ;^ot on the Ci rntr of Gillespie and Kusieli Streets, at present occupied by .'Ir. Henry Eranv ert, Ternii rea.^ona'fio. E. J. H.\LL .\ia\ ~ Ja.VS3^"J ]L^W REP0RTs7 VOL 2. '*'|''ilE subscribers have for sale, th* 2d volume of th i Reports of Cdste in the Supreme t’uurt o' North Carolina, by il •' Jones, Esq. Ju»t publii'iied -Also, Sapr-.'me Conrt Fieports generally, and i.ther Law Bjo'.;?. E. J. HALE i: SnN, njio Hits ^irrivcdl ^ ^ II i-.’ G re .t Iroti W’heel Examined.” by I’uraor. Browniow, ^^rice $1 00, just rec'd, i’uai&gi oil it by I'jMi: IS . 3 Cl A’s.', u f'jw u.ore Pars .ri Gr.ives. .\Iuv nti Or3 it Iron Wheel,’’ b» L J. HALE i SUN. NO rICE. VLL persons indebted t the firm of W F 4' E. F Moore, nre requested to come f. rw ,ri .'in I make 'ayment. as their Copartni-rsbip ce.ised cui the 1st of March, 'v K. E F. ,\IO HIE. June G, l‘‘5t). \ -tf A HARE CHA\CE! The Furniture and Fixtures of the Fay etteville Hotel for sale. ^I'^IIE subscribers having fully determined to sell 2 the above named Property, now offer it to an en terprising man upon liberal terms. This Hotel enjoys a large custom from the adjoining counties and from the traveiling public, with a pros pect of futnro increase. What it has done and is now doinir can bo seen by any one wishing to purchase re ferring to oar books. The situation of the building is such that it com mands the gre.ater part of the custom coming to and passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no bu siness that a person could en;:age in that would pay as well. J. H. ROBERTS & TO. Sept 11, 185i). 38tf Aorth Caro!ilia Headers. ^51'lHE I':, ier^ijna 1 ...-c picp.ire 1 to furni'h. wh:Ie- JL 5. e .^:.d :pO!i very favcrable Ur-.t. to T.?; -h-Lc.'k Fed tue:: - of » s’il t'.l s \ - I. ,''' 5 . Illd by t HOFKS.'UU lll'EB\Eli, of tije L'u ol N :t.i C.irioina. litid N. j Calvin 11 W;'*.f; l.sq Su;iertiiteridet;t d' L' ti- mou Scho'^i*. E. J H.\LE \ SON. Fall and \V inter Goods. J. 4* T. ii\uiaui, HAY STREKT, 4 RE n«w receiving t'aeir Fall and Winter G"0rS consisting of a large and well selected stock uf Groceries, Hardware, Cutlery, Blacksniitluy 'Fur- pentine Tools, Agricultural Im plements, Boots and Slices. Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles iii the Drug line, Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple i)ry (joods C. Thomson -I- Vss. 1* For llavwood nia.l liOck«ville. 'I’^HF, Brothers’ .'■’ BoJit t’ornpany, from a'l 1 a*'ter I thi> d.iy, will run a Ste imer once a week, twice a week, or once in two week.-* a-; the bu>i:nes« m iy de mand—between the above (loints and Fayetteville and ! Wilmington. * ' July 10, 1850 20tf [S now receiving a large and complete STOCK OF G0Ol»S in his I.iie. viz; lllTN, ( IPS. illlllTS l\l) SHOES, In all varieties, which he offers for sale at low prices for 6^i>“C.VSH, or to prompt paning cuslomert. He returns his thanks to his customers for their liberal patronage, and solicits a continuance of the same. J. (\ THOMSON, Market Square, .“ieptcmber 3, 1856. 3otf FOR SALE. fJlIN PLATE, Sheet Iron, I iron Wire. ■ Zinc, and Tin Ware and Stoves of various i pattern*. By C. V;. ANDREWS, Market .''quare. Sept. 24. .!•_>. Fttipdtcrillc Cnniilf Mdnitfactory. ^■'IHE .sub.scriber still continues to manuf.-cture n ■ superior article of plain and fancy CAN I lES at the old stand. (No. 5, Green street, ^ doorsNor:h, of the Market House,) where he would be happy to see his old friends and customers. CHARLES B.VNKS. I March 1, 185;i. 7;3tf j The ( trc'th’sl Jnvcniinn r*f the ■ Having purclrised the e.'celusive right for the | Sttite of North t’aroiiin of (;H\R’.'^ 'l At’HlNE FOR CUTTING. TCItMNC .VNI> MOULDING IBKEG j IJLAR FORM.S IN WOOD, 1 offer the .Machine to the | ,'Ianufacturers of this St.ate as the most perfect and 1 effective ever invented to work irregular forms in I wood. It has been thoroughly tested, and can perform ! the labor of ten to fifty men in the most complicated kinds of work. It can do handsomely and rapid!}’ all irregular and carved work, such as Circular and (lothic Sashes .and Doors, Brackets and Scrolls, Tracery and .\rches of the most difficult patterns. Cabinet W'are and Furniture, Carriages, Rail Roail Cars, Chairs, Millwright and Factory work, Ship and Boat Building, Agricultural Implements, Block Letters, Picture and .Mirror Frames, and Patterns for .Machinery. In fact, work Huch as no other Machine has ever done before. I am prepared to sell single and County' Rights, and to furnish Machines. JOSEPH R, BLOSSOM, Proprietor. Wilmington, N. C., Oct. 25, 18>ti. 52-Um i\EVV" «OODS. ^■IHE public are respectfully invited to examine our *- new Stock of Brussels, Tapestry & Ingrain Carpetings. e hive on hand 50 Rolls ns.;nrted stylos and qna'itie«. -0 do 3-4, 4 4, G-'4 & 8-4 Oil Cloths. \ and Tufted Rugs. Cocoa and .Ala«'ant .M.its, with our usual stock of House FurnistiingGoods, &.c. &c —.\LSO— Groceries of every kind, II.VRDW.VRE & CUTLERY, &c., at wholesale or retail. S. W. TILLINGHAST & CO. Oct. 18, 185G. 49tf This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 2 4, -l^tf We a-ik the I’l inters nnd Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats at;d >h'ei ITfE INSLRANCi:. ^■IIIE Undersigned has been appointed .Agcrt o. Ji- the North (Jarcliiia .Uutual Liic Insuraucc pany. Every lucinber for life participates iu tLi I'l’O- tits of the Company; aU',1 the annual preui;um I' f life membership, where it amounts to or nuro, may be paid one-hall' iu cash, and the other hai. in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insured by creditors. may insure his own life for the exclusive bv-nelit his f’amily The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world It is one by which a faniuy. r a small sum annually, may be provided for, altvr th» death of its head, on whose e.'tertions they may ba'* been dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even it one should live long after ta»iii(? out a Life rolicy. Explanatory pamphlets, t:.# necessary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. IIAI.K GOOD LANDS FOR SAI.E. A S I wish to tnove West. I wish to sell mv Farm » on the G ipe Fear River, on the South side of C:ipe Fear a mile or two below Rockfish Creek, con taining some 60J) to .\cres of very fine River L in is. On the Farm there is a good orchard, and Buil lings of .ill kinds to live in. \’c. Also my ci.\W MlLLon Rocktish, (late II. McNeill’s.) Also 180 Acres l.aiids joining the same. Mr. E. H Evai.s will show these Lands and Mills to any one wishing to purchase, and also give the ‘^'■"‘3 , WM. A. EVANS. Oct. I8.5ti. 4Htf m STOII THIS F.lLl. STARH & WILLIAMS AUE NOW UECEIVI.SG TilEIR Second Fall & Winter Stock of Goods, To which they call the attention of Merchants making their purchases in this market Oct. 10, 18 iG. 48-tf Benton’s Tiiirty Years in the U. S. Senate. A further supply of 1st and 2d volumeB, just reoeiTed. fi. J. HALE & BON. OKY GOODS AT WHOLESALE. ijJTARR & W ILLI,\.»IS are now receiving a very large STOCK, embracing every thing in the Dry Goods line with ^ n J Hats, Caps, l>oots. Shoes, Silk and Straw Bonnets, I'mbrellas. and Ready-Made Clothin»i, ^'c. Waich they will .sell CHEAP for Cash or apjiroved at WHOLESALE only. We invite Merchants visiting this market to esamine our stock. J B. ST.AKR. J. M. WILLI.AMS. August 27, 185G. ;i4tf fVegro Clotliing. KERSEVS, HATS, SHOES, &c. Now receiving J. & T. WADDILL. November 17, 1856. 57,f Biofrraphical Sketch of Henry A. ^ ise, with a History of the I’olitical Campaign in Vir ginia ia 1855, by J«nn68 P. Uambleton, M. D. £. J. HALE Si SON. Aug. 21. V aluable Property for sale. ISI I.NG to loc.ite lu (he country. I oUfi i>.r w W s.ile the following v.-ilu.ible propert\; The {>''*■ mises on which I now live, containing 9 .acres, in the north east of the town of Pittsl'oro , witu » never faiiing spring of good water and 2 acres of fii'S* rate meadow land. The buildings are a three story frame dwelling house—including the basement, » double porch iu front and an ell and piazz i iu, containing seven large rooms with fire places. nei;ro house, siii'.ke house. vV' : y^irl and giiden—i.i ne.tly paled in; the t>alanet; niid‘.;i' a gooil leiice with suii.c 5o select young truit tre. s. One other lot cont lininff 1^ acres on Saiiribuiy street, which has o*i it a MJb® two story Ir.irued d>velliug house with 5 rooms «itb fire pl.aces, 2 kitciiens, smoke house, dairy, corn crib, stables, Ac., all well enclose'l. These lots are certain ly- the most desir.ible situations in or near Piitsboro. being of a grey soil and clear of mud in winter. Two other J acre lots fi-onting each other on Sal-'sbury street, on which my SnutU aud Caitiage Shops'l- The buildiniTs arc one large two Htory wood and p.-iJut shop, and one two story trimming and varnishing shop, one lA f-tory lumber house, one carriage or sbeJ house 1/U feet long, and two smith shops, with a ne'er failing well of good water, with a pump >n the yar i. One trac^ of land couiaining 220 acres on the Greens boro’ load. 4 miles from Pittsboro’, all wood land, lying very level and clear of rock, well adapted to the growth of corn, wheat, tobacco, oats, Ji:c., with a ne\ r failing spring of gooJ water. One tract of 20 icn-s IJ miles from town, all thickly timbered and fertile. I have aiso on hand a large assortment of Ash, I’op' lar and llickury lumber, with from .S80t-> to worth of Carr>age ’rrltumings, 0 sets of Smith l"' ^i a large lot of Woo I Painting and Trimming T"'' » qUAiitity of Paints and Oils, Paiut .Mills, •''lul?. brushes, \c. 1 w i.i sell at 1 educed prices. .Viiyi ^f' son wishing to carry on the Carnage making i.uMiies'S will do weil to call and ex.itnii.e the prop-rty, as a bargain can be Tne terms; One-third Ca^>ll or likely young Negroes, iho balance on time to muiI lue purchaser. If the above named property is not disposed of t»y the 25th of November n»*st, it wiil on that iay be so. or leased out with a large lotot ue-%- Buggies. Barou-he«. Kuckaways, 'Aarons, ai.d 8 -Mults aiiii ilorses, ''itu a variety of other property not Iiere mentioneJ. ^ ^ ' • W. i). klilKSLi. Pittiboro’.N. 0., Aug. 2ith, 1850,

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