Ft^b 55 ii arn- iTu'!; I, : r rr.-,1, ‘rt. a{.p„iTi 1“' l.'Ki-U = rrod --I‘“ting lilH 16 h i.r.t rH hUi uip', (J fr «J "h.-rrud ot G ury’s rs, u.id •'t Sliernid Uri'Ht •"aI fi^ht Was sideucL- wu3 Rich- ilw . , > IP ^ r huve kept 1 siiiit Mr, up th« dev r. to :. t',.i. ivel.i iu till-. •«i J ar. n n » 3‘ ■ they g the I. !iks U'll:, ti TOls rohirei' ural rued ■ >uri;-,t hoiKiti i in ‘ d». s di4ri:;i» the siif.'ir. -r, suhj. ot =.f horse at the old Swau, ndlord camo is in >uch n her a liazard any - of liliiws, ?hey kicking and fes ou' wiiu louniiuou t'> ’e m a com- thfUlM lv6f» can scoop le combatant of his adver- iiub^ ' tho the socket, ther of those re, h -WHver, er with the I which are n.s Picavune. iii2, 1-57. Last Mon- with :i Ca.-^e u Ziiuave for ting him out r giv-. iu h^s mu.st let Ui> dressi^e the H.l; l-,.jn- tru h, and point ng his ch. ] me iiu a student chol'i.}-, or- ;y; r. 1 one iousieur, did rned what? ! iu-.ii vvl; ir L • r -h. re g :• jet- l -r j lur- > 'ung re is • T- >ugh in hi^ on i'J tj -o verti liPiited i- ! rger pri.'"U r at ge, b- ld its I plunged a id scn-ain' d, .say- I, ‘it part t t!’** the r.if and iends und ah the won . -‘r. ith j -y. A jet a 1* ii.-ile »d of horned fhuf Z ’uave, tein I h-irn- ds in Africa d If uappeus lelect- ; Irum 1 pii . him e r itH m the the female I, 1 W=t' ‘ 0- ud i. ru8— .t’a nothing; good many »yd I, .ad I gaouths—no* mouths—no- monthn—eh. amiued their no sign of a et an officer said to him: good many ys he. ‘Did ‘La,' says t Algii-ru as 'I.' good ir offspring ot through I ighing; he icd. ‘bon, he became orned rats, ouaves, who and graft in r rat’s tail, of the nose jorn.' ” J. lluWbLL ILL, YORK. O Hi^K It V E R.^ FAYETTEVILLE. .^II^UAY bVE.\l.\G, MARCH i, Gen. Dockery on the Standard.—The coniraunication on the preceding page, from Gen. Dockery, will arrest the attention of all readers. It exposes the motives of tlie Standard's attacks on him—(a deaire to make political capital for future campaigns in the West)—and the means by which the Western people were disappointed in their desires. The last Standard re affirms that “Gen. Dock ery is responsible for the defeat of Mr. Avery’s bill ” We are inclined to think that the Stan dard will eventually come to believe this to be 80, for it is said that men sometimes tell stories 80 often as finally to believe them true. It will take a great deal, however, to make even the Standard believe its own tale, that in a body of fifty men, ojie man is responaible for the action of the whole, and two-thirds of the fifty opposed to him at that. This morning we have received an additional communication from Gen. Dockery, noticing nn article in the Warrenton Xews; but it is impos sible to put it In type in time for to-day’s paper. It shall appear on Thursday. The Rev'. Dr, Hawks—We learn from the Raleigh Register that this eminent North Caro linian has consented to deliver an Address at Ox ford, on the *24th June next, on the occasion of the completion of St. John’s College. The fact gives us an opportunity to copy from a Uost.)n paper %n account of some Lectures recently de livered in New York by Dr. Hawks. This ac count is stated to have been written by a gentle man who stands in the first rank of American literati—one well known to fame as an author. The amount of mental labor which one man can undergo, and the extent of knowledge which one mind can compass, are strongly illustrated by Dr. Hawks. Amidst ministerial labors which are generally regarded as enough for any one man, he has seemed to devote all of man’s powers to historical research; and then again he is dis tinguished among the most eminent and working members of several Literary Societies; the author of books on various subjects; and here we find that he has been devoting years of study to American Ethnology—to the races of men who peopled this continent centuries before the Chris tian era. It is pleasant to connect the name and fume of such a man with North Carolina, and to know, as we have for years had opportunity to know, that his thoughts are ever turned to her, his de- aires ever for her honor and prosperity; and that, whether he writes and prints at his own cost a great scheme of internal imorovement for her, or the plan of a Polytechnic School for her—each in advance of the age of her Legislators—or whe ther be devotes years of labor and a large amount of means not over abundant, to the collection of materials for her History, that personal emolu ment has been the least of all t ie considerations weighing on his mind, and affection for her the main spring of all his labors. Our readers will see from this Boston letter iu what estimation he is held among strangers in New York. Correction.—B. F. Little, Esq., member of the House of Commons from Richmond county, calls our attention to an error in our reported proceedings of that House, in the Observer ot the 9th inst., in which a proposed amendment to the Deep River bill is attributed to him. The amendment was, “that no farther appropriation ever be made to said work.” He says that such an amendment was offered by some member and afterwards vvithdrawn; but that for him'cif he offered no amendment, but contented hiiuselt with voting against the main bill. We had occasion once before to correct a simi lar error of our regular Reporter, evidently grow ing out of a similarity of names. Battle of Moore’s Creek—The celebration on Friday last was largely attended by visiters from Cumberland, Jones, Lenoir, Duplin, Samp son, Bladen, Columbus, Brunswick and New Hanover Counties. The number is variously estimated. The Herald thinks about 2,500; others estimated it as low as 1,500, and as high as 4,000. The occasion is spoken of by the Herald al a very pleasant one, and the address by Joshua G. Wright, Esq., as “replete with historical information, beautiful imagery and pa triotic sentiments.” We have not room to-day for any large portion of the extended notice which the Herald com- From the Report of the Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road Company, Jan'y 1856, we find that this great coal road cost 819,004,IHO 19. Its earnings for 1855 amounted to84,32i,- j 793 86. Its expenses 81.727,878 62. Net j profit 82,593,915 24. This left, after paying Congress.—The Senate recon.sidered the vote on the passage of the bill to enable Minne.'tofa to become a State, and then reconsidered tho pro vision in.serted on motion of Mr Biggs, that none but citizens of the United States shall be allowed to vote. This had been adopted iu the Senate, interest on debt, 16 per cent, profit on the stock, after a long debate, by a vote of 27 to 24, hut This was not all divided, however, be' a large now it was stricken out, by a vote of 3P to *J2 portion applied to a sinking fund for paying off the debt. The road was worked for 40^ per cent, of the j gross receipts It transported, in 1855, 2,213,- 1 292 tons of coal, besides other freight, and pas- I sengers. Every free soiler in the Senate, and every North ern democrat except Mr. Urodhead, votetl to re consider; and thus to allow foreigners, unnatural ized, to vote. The opposition to the granting of this greatest privilege of citisenship to the myriads of foreigners with which that region swarms, The rail road is 93^ miles long. The freight j many of whom cannot even speak a word of charged on coal for that distance was 81 65 54- j English, was thus confined almost entirely to the 100. And the cost to the company of transport- | Southern Senators. In the House of Representatives, the whole session of Wednesday, up to 6i o’clock, was de voted to the case of Mr. Gilbert, one of tho four members proposed to be expelled for corruption. The proceedings and debate were merely prelim inary to an open trial before the House, which Mr. Gilbert demanded (doubtless because t!iere is too little of the session remaining to bring it to a close.) e have been amused with the following ar- ! ^ struggle, occupying nearly all of an- ing it that distance was 54 cents and 38-100 of a cent per ton. Antbracite Coal.—A valuable deposite of anthracite coal has been discovered on the farm of A. W. Cozzens, about *25 miles from Peters burg, Va. A company was Ht once started in Petersburg to work the mine. They know the value of coal there. W tide from the Warreuton News; FM/yism.—There are some people whose facul ties are all retrospective; they are, or at least pretend to be, blind to all that is passing around them. They shuffle along with averted eyes, constantly whining after ‘-the light of other days ” With them the men of the present day are pigmies, and those of the past “giants” and with an air of profound gravity they utter jeremiads over the degeneracy of their contemporaries. A'oong in dividuals this, is simply ri liculnus; but, when a journalist is nffl cted with this hallucination, it . becomes a serious matter, as he more or less ^ que^tion, passed the Miscellaneous, the Army influences the coin’nunity where he resides. , and Navy Fortification, and the Ocean Mail Ap- “Our attention has been drawn to this subject propriation bills; alsD acted on the Senate’s 50 by a recent comparison in one of our exchanges , Appropriation bill, between the Legislatures ot 1811, 12 and 13,. . , , , and the late one of 1856 and ’57. Of course, ® ^ majority. Old Fogy is in ecstacies as he contemplates the The Sub-marine Telegraph bill has passed both “intellectual giants” of the golden age of North Houses. Carolina. As a plain matter-of-fact man we; During Thursday’s sitting. Messrs. Wright of draw quite a different conclusion. It is to those ^ ,01 r r»i ■ u j u ■ ] V* J r *1. I • , / Tennessee and Sherman of Ohio, had an alterca- “giauts we are indebted for the souonquft of . ’ “Rip Van Winkle.” We do not deny their : when the latter threw a handful of wafers abilities as jurists or orators, but as legislators in the face of the former, who resented the insult they were evidently incapable of keep’ng pace with a blow. The parties were then separated with modern progress. Whether this arose from : supposed the affair will lead to a duel, an excess of \N higgery or a deficiency of common • rr • /. t r n • 1 • 1 sense, may be a mooted question. But no man ^his affair grew out of the following, which other day’s session, was made to get up the river and harbor bills, and particularly the bill to make a further appropriation for the improvement of the Cape Fear, below Wilmington. The object was to pass these or defeat the regular appropri ation bills, and to prevent the trial of the cor- I ruption cases; and the chief actor in the movement was Mr. Washburne of Illinois, (free soiler.) But the attempt was unsuccessful, for on Thurs day, the House, under the operation of the previous can deny that “internal improvement” was an un known word in the political vocabulary of North Carolina, until Democracy, like Jack the Giant ; Killer, extirpated the race of old-time giants, whose absence in the legislative halls our contem porary 80 pathetically deplores. “If these regret:ed “intellectual giants” had exhibited one-half of the public spirit of their successors in the Legislature, the grass would not now be growing in the once busy streets of a certain locality. But fogyism cannot see this, or would not see it if it could.” The allusion here is of course to an articlc in the Observer of the 19th ult., iu which the names of some of the great men who figured in the Legislatures in former years were mentioned, in comparison with the body of great men who recently spent some two or three months and fifty thousand dollars of the State’s money in Raleigh. It is certainly refreshing to see a paper printed in Warren county claiming for the democratic party all the hcnor of internal improvements in North Carolina—Warren county, in which un mitigated democracy abounds, in the proportion of about seven democrats to one whig. Will any body be kind enough to point to a vote ever given by a member of the Legislature from Warren county in favor of any measure of Internal Im provements? Or to any similar vote of any member from its equally democratic neighbors, Nash and Edgecombe? We puuse fora reply. Also, we would like to be informed what the Legislature of 1842—the Terrapin Legisla ture— which was decidedly deiuocratic, did tor internal improvemeul,'? And wLiat the late dem ocratic Legislature di 1? E'puciully what it did for the removal of the grass troin “the once busy streets of a certain locality”? If internal im provements had rem iiued .111 uuknowu word until democracy coined it, it would never have appeared in the vocabulary of North Caroliua. But let us see what party ruled North Caro lina during the years when, according to the we find in the Union’s report of the proceedings on Tuesday. Mr. S. said: I find in the Globe of this morn ing the following, as having been said in the midst of my remarks on the Kansas amendment: “Mr. Wright, of Tennessee, (in his seat, in a low tone of voice:) That’s a lie.” I wish now that the gentleman from Tennessee may say whatever he desires to .say with regard to that remark; whether he is or is not correctly reported, and whether he did use the language attributed to him. Mr. Wright, of Teunessee. Mr. Speaker, in using the language which I am reported to have used yesterday in regard to the statement made by the member from Ohio, I meant no disrespect to this House. I believed at the time and 1 now believe, that the statement made by that gentle man was untrue. I have no more to say. Mr. Sherman I have, under the circumstances, but little to say. This remark was made in so low a tone of voice that it was not and could not be heard iu this part of the House. Whether this was intentional or not is for the House to judge. Before I was informed of what was said, the member left the House. From what I could learn, I believed it was the language of black guardism, induced by excitement and intoxica tion. I The Speaker. The Chair is of the opinion that the gentleman is not in order. Mr. Sherman. I supposed it was only necessa ry to call the attention of the member (with whom my relations heretofore, though not inti mate, had oeen kindly) to the remark 1 have read to call forth from him a manly retraction. I do not tliink he has stated enough for that purpose. Mr, Wright, of Tennessee. I cannot, of course, be expected to bandy epithets with the gentle- m in from Ohio until he relieves himselt from ■ the imputations already cast upon him. That’s I all I have to say. I After the tight, the House resumed the Gilbert trial. Washington, Feb. 27. The Senate was in session till half past one last night and passed Mr. Hunter’s substitute for the House tariff bill, reducing the present tariff Me.n$n. E. J. Ha/e df Son:—Gentfeme.n:—‘A** the time is near at hand when the new crop of Turpentine will begin to como in, 1 would re- pectfuliy call the attention of the makers and the purchasers to the propriety of paying more strict attention to the manner of putting it up. As it is now brought to market, it will not do to buy and hold for speculation; but let it be put up in good barrels, and properly glii-*d, and many merchants who now hold off from buying will come into it, instead of leaving in the hand.s of a few I know not how to remedy the evil unless all buyers and shippers will insist upon a strict in spection It might Ht first appear to bear a little hard on some, but would eventually work to the benefit of sill concerned. CUMBERLAND Cheraw and the Coal Fields.—A Conven tion of those in favor of building the Cheraw road has been called—to meet in Cheraw on the 25th inst. Rail Road Meetinn at Troy.—This being Su perior Court week at Troy, a meeting was called on Tuesday evening by the citizens of Mont- j gomery, to takfe' into consideration the building of the Cheraw and Coal Field Rail Road. Seve ral speeches were made on the occasion by the following gentlemen, to wit: Dr. J. M. Crump, | A. R. Kelly, S. H. Christian, and A. K. Me- i Donald, Esq., setting forth in a very forcible manner the utility and practicability of this Road, &c., after which the meeting appointed a large number of delegates to a contemplated con vention to be held at Cheraw, S. C., on the first day of April next, to take into consideration the building of the Road. We have no doubt but that this Road will be built, and will prove a benefit to the State and more particulary to this part of the State. Asheboro' Bulletin. Legislative Bulls.—Other Legislatures be sides our own occasionally make ludicrous mis takes. A Virginia lawyer once taunted a Penn sylvania Judge with an expression in an Act of the Pennsylvania Legislature, “that the State- house yard should be surrounded by a brick wall, and remain an open enclosure for ever.” The Pennsylvanian rather got the better of the F. F. V., by referring him to a Virginia Act, entitled “A supplement to an act to amend an act, making it penal to alter the mark of an unmarked Hog”: Mexico.—A paper published in the city of Mexico admits that a treaty has been negotiated between the United States and Mexico, but de nies that any land is ceded by it. SUPREME COURT. | The following opiuiuns have been delivered by j the Supreme Court: By Nash, C. J. In White v W. W. Griffin from Perquimans, judgment reversed and venire de uovo. Also, iu Doy v Lee, from Currituck, affirming the judgment. Also, in Batten v : Foulk, from Johnston, judgment of non-suit. Also, iu Piitchard v Fox, from Mecklenburg, j affiriuiug the judgmeut. Also, iu Waldo & Co. j V Jolly, from Martin, affirming the judgmeut. ! Also in Graham Little v Skinner, in equity | from Wake, perpetuatiug the iujuuction. By Pearson, J. lu Low v Lowell, from .Moore, directing a venire de novo. Also,- in 6tate V Ingold, from Alamance, declaring that there is error iu the proceedings. Also, iu State tx r>l. McCoy v Pegram, from Cumberland, de claring that there is error iu the order appealed from. Also, iu Hatchell v Kimbrough, from Caswell, affirming the judgmeut. Also, lu Blount V Robeseu, in equity trom Beaufort, directing a decree for plaiutills. By B.\ttle, j. lu Graham v Bridgers, sci. fa. (two cases) judgmeut that the suits abated. Also, iu Andrews v Andrews, from Biadeu, judgmeut reversed. Also, lu Gamer v Qualls, I from Granville, judgment affirmed. Also, iu McKinley v Scott, from Cabarrus, judgmeut I atiirmed. Also, iu Purvis v Albnttou, trom Put, judgmeut atiirmed. Also, iu Archibald v Davis, trom Beaufort, judgmeut affirmed. Also, iu Green v Ttioruton, judgmeut reversed and venire de novo. Per curiitm—Thompson v Barnes, in equity from Wayne, iu*juiry directed. Also, iu Wituerb v \V iihers, lu equity trom JMeckleuburg, issues diiecCed to be tried. The Court adjourued sine die yesterday, hav ing passed upon all the eases which came before It, aud decided a very large numt>er of causes. lialtijh Rtyister. PAVETTKVILLE MARKET.—March 2 11 n 12 B.\OON— COTTON— Fair to good, 12J h IA Ordin. to mid. 11 a 11^ COTTON B.4O0IN0— 18 50 00 Ounnj, Dundee, FLOUR— Fainiij, Super, Fine, Scratched. GRAIN— Corn, Wheat, Oats, Peas, Rye, 22 18 a ‘Jo a 20 LARD— MOLASSES— Cuba, N. Orleans, SALT— Liv. S.ack, 1 26 a 0 00 FLAXSEED, 1 40 a 0 00 N. C. SPIRITS— 7 00 a 0 00 1*. Brandy, 1 OO a 00 G 60 a 0 00 .^pple do, 75 a 00 6 00 a 0 001 Whiskey, 5 50 H 0 00'WOOL— 17 TURPENTINE— a I OOj Yellow dip, 2 50 a 0 00 10 a 1 20j Virf^in, 2 70 a 0 75 nar.1, 1 1 00 a 0 001 Spirits, 90 a 1 00| a 62 a 00 aOO aid 50 a 0 00 30 a 0 00 45 ft 46 REVIEW OF THE .MARKET, Bacon—Receipts light. Cotton—Steadj and firm Flour—Slight variation. Corn—Occasional sales above present quotatious. Corrected-toy Ja.mks 0. Cook * WILMINGTON MARKET. Virgin and yellow turpentine 2 80, Spirits 45, and dull. No. 1 Roiiin Z 75, Cotton, sales of 52 bales at l.'i. hard Tar «6 SO. At Charleston, cotton 11J to I3i. Total receipts of cotton 2,29.3.954 bales against 2,- .‘>02,023 last year. Decrease bales. At New York, Southern Flour declined to 0 70 to 7 85. Southern corn 70 to 73. Middling upland cotton 13J. Spirits Turpentine 52 Rosin 1 75. •\t Cheraw, Cotton 11 to 13. Receipts of the week 949 bales; previously 14,102. Bacon 12J to 14. (^jrn WO to i>l. Flour !^7 to ^7 25. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. ri^HE Executive Committee of the Cumberland County Agricultural Society, are requested to meet in the Town Hall, this evening at 7 o’clock. A prompt attendance ia earnestly desired. The follow ing gentlemen constitute the Executive Committee, vii: A. A. McKethan, E. W. Barge, W. McL. .McKay, John Waddill, Henry L. .Myrover, Jas, Q. Cook, A. H. Dewar, John C. Smith, John A. Williams, Edward Spearman, J. P. McLean, Will. Cade, John R Mur chison. By order of the Chairman. J. P. McLE.\N, Sec’y. March 2, 1857. It FOR RENT. A COMFORTABLE HOUSE, corner .Mumford and m Robeson Streets. Apply to A. J. O’HANLON. Feb. 28, 1857. Ht>-lm To Hire for the Balance of the Year NEGRO WOMAN, who is a and Ironer. Apply to Feb. 26, 1857. good Cook, Washer B. HO.'^E 86-It 5000 PAI.\TS AND OILS. LBS Pure WHITE LEAD; 10 Bbls. LINSKEL) OIL; Chrome Green, Umber, Venetian Red, Vermillion. Verdigris, Tanner’s Oil, Red Lead, Lamp Black, Sweet Oil, Yellow Ochre, Piussian Blue, Paint and Varnish Brushes Copal Varnish. Litharge, Zinc White, Chrome Yellow, Japan Varnish, Lamp Oil, Vandyke Brown, Terra de Sienna, Black Varnish, Rose Pink, Sand Paper, For sale by SA.M’L J March 2, 1857. HINSDALE 8G-4wi POTATOES! POTATOES!! BBLS. Yellow Planting and Mercer Potatoes. Just rec’d and for sale by C. E. LEETE. March 2. 85-lt WMTlirTHRRY^ ROCKINGHAM, N. C. March 2. It Oisaohition of Co-partnership. ON the first day of January, 1857, the Co partner- ship heretofore existing under the name and t-tyle of SCOTT & B.ALDWIN, was dissolved by mutual con sent, O. S. B,\LDWIN having purchased the entire in terest of said firm. SPENCER SCOTT, 0. S. BALDWIN, O' twenty per cent. An amendment was also V- • 1 • . ! adonted placing a duty of 23 per ceut. on raw Warreuton News, internal improvements were un- ^ r *, , j ^ .),» , u , j wool, and wool valued at 20 cents or less per known in North Carolina. Lp to I800, when duty free. The bill thus amended was Gov. Dudley was elected as a Whig, the party of : passed. Nathaniel Macon,—the Rspublican party as it | House.—Mr. Gilbert iu his speech of defeuce called-had been ii. the asceadant iu all j d'-ieJ the truth of the charges. He denouDced , , „ -o. J 1 an attempt of the House to fax a stigma on his branches of the State government. A he demo-j He charged crats of the present day claim to be the lineal de- ■ House with great injustice toward him and scendants of that old Nat. Macon Republican I concluded by stating that he had resigned Well, when were the internal improve- 1 seat, which he immediately MARRIED, In this town, on Wednesday evening, the 18th inst , by the Kev, .Mr. Bobbitt, Mr. IIAU.MAN BUILER to .Vliss ABBV FKIZLLL, daughter of W. T. Frizell, Esq. In Charlotte, on the 17th inst,, by Rev. Jas. Stacey, .Mr. JOHN L. DE.ATON to Miss b.-VR.\H U., eldest daughter of Thomas J. Holton, Esq., Editor of the N. C. \>hig. lu Moore county, on the 17th instant, by Wm. Bar rett, Esq., l’LE.\».VNT S.Miril, Escj., to EMILINE, second daughter of .Malcom Graham, Esq. Lafayette Light Infantry.—This very handsome company returned to this placc yester day from tbeir visit to Wilmington and Moore’s Creek. The Herald thus notices their appear ance: “On Thursday night, about 11 o’clock, the Lafayette Light Infantry, under the command of Capt. Jno. H. Cook, (a new company,) from Fayetteville, arrived here in the Magnolia. They made a handsome appearance, and paraded our streets till a late hour in the night—each man carrying his own light, which was a lamp co vered over with tissue paper, inserted in a piece of round wood just large enough to fit the muzzle of the-musket. It had a very imposing efiFect. They are a tine looking body of men, numbering about thirty in all, and came down for the pur pose of participating in the celebration. They went through the military lactics with a preci sion and uniformity that elicited the admiration of all who witnessed them. Previous to their embarkation on the steamer Maguolia in the morning, they favored us with more of their military evolutions, to the great satisfaction of those present. They embarked about eight o’cl’k for their place of destination. Fayetteville may feel proud of such a company.” Man Drowned.—A valuable man uamed Hil- his party. Weil, wuen were the luternai improve-jwun... left. Ihe House ^ ^ r, uf v.f.v rU wastakenbysurpri.se. The resolutions in his ments commenced. Before I«3b. exactly, j yg A letter They were commenced in 183. From 1837 to j gubmitted from .Mr. Matteson setting forth as 1850, the government of the State was almost ex- ; no trial was allowed Gilbert, he had no right to clusively in the hands of the Whigs What a | expect a larger measure of justice, and ’ wretched attempt at humbug is it, therefore, to resigned his seat. he had attempt at claim for democracy the credit of the internal im provements in North Caroliua. It is only within the last five or six years that a democrat could be found who did not charge the system upon the Whigs as a reproach. It is very certain that all democrats, either young or old, do not concur with the Warreuton News in its estimate of the character of the late democratic Legislature; for not only do young and old speak of it as a body with contempt, but the venerable gentleman whose opinion led to our comparative view, is himself a democrat. But then he has mind enough to form a sensible opinion on that or any other subject. We have never said, nor thought, that “the men of the present day are pigmies.” In the very article on which the News comments, we said directly the reverse. But it suits the hontst purposes of democracy, as represented by »his one of its organs, to attribute such a sentiment to us, whilst taking care to suppress what we did say. There are great men iu North Carolina, but ton, belonging to Mrs. McMillan, of this place, j they are generally in private stations, either of was lost overboard from the steamer xMagnolia on choice or necessity. We are not, nor pretend to Friday last. Attempting to dip a bucket of wa ter from the river, he was dragged off the boat by the force of the current. be, blind to all that is passing around us. It only suits democracy, aa represented by the War- renton News, falsely to assert that we are so. Gilbert having resigned, and being no longer subject to the jurisdiction of the House, the re.so- lutions declaring his guilt and to expel him, were laid on the table, on motion of Mr. Orr, 135 to 08, The House next took up the Matteson case, and a letter was read from him, stating that he had resigned. A motion to lay his case on the table was rejected, 108 to 83. The two resolutions affirming his guilt were then adopted, 145 to 17. And the third, to expel him, was laid on the table. Mr. Welch of Conn. was then brought up, and after debate it was resolved that the evidence was not sufficient to convict him, and so he goes free. CtiAR-ACTER OF CoNOREss.—In a speech in the House some weeks ago Mr. Quitman said, without intending any personal disrespect, that, the House of Representatives, constituted as it is, is one of the last tribunals to which questions of public morals or private honor should be referied. Such is the character of the House as drawn by one of its leading members who may be sup posed to know what he says. Mr. Buchanan was to leave his residence this morning, and arrive in Washington this evening. The losaguration will take place on Wednesday. DIED, In Randolph county, on the IGth inst., in the 44th year oi’ her age, .Mrs, R.VCHEL GRAVES, wife of Samuel Grave.s, Escj, .Mso, on the 15th Nov’r last, .Mrs. K.VCHEL GR.WES, mother of Samuel Graves, Es«i., aged 100 years. lu .Moorecounty, on the 12th inst., F.VNNIN MOORE, aged 83 years. In Moore county, on the 22d instaut, ANN EL1Z.\- BETH, wife of John A. Gilchrist, formerly of Fayette ville, aged about thirty years. CO.VIMKRCIAL RECORD. ARRIVALS. Lutterloh ^ Co’s Line. Feb’y 25 and 2(5, Strs Mag nolia and Fanny, with Brooklyn in tow, with passen gers, and goods for Williamson & Overbaugh, J A Pemberton, X \ McKethan, .Mrs F .M Swan, J L Bryan, G W Williams ii Co, A D McLean, R Strickland, G H Makepeace, M C Lamont, W B Richardson, D (St W McLaurin, P P Johnson, Ray ij" Pearce, S T Hawley ^ Son, J H Pritchett, Starr & Williams, J C Fairley, B Rose, J G Cook. Cape Fear Line. March 1.—Str Flora McDonald, with goods for G W Williams & Co, T C Worth, Worth & Utley, J O Boon & Co, J Ottarburg, H Erambert, J A Pemberton, S J Hinsdale, J J Gilchrist, .M A Baker, Mrs L Chapman, W H Carver, J W Bitting. }>OK'r OF WlL.^I^’VCiTOfl. ARRIVALS. Feb. 2G.—Schr .\nn Maria from Lcokwood’s Folly 27.—Schr Neptune’s Bride fm N Yk, Dolphin fm New Berne, Radiant fm Hyde. 28.—Schr. .Mediator from Charleston. OILS, PAINTS, &c. Linseed oil, TRAIN OIL, WHALE OIL. W’hite Lead; Colors; Varnishes; Brushes, &c., &c Just rec’d and for sale by J. N. SMITH, Druggist. Feb’y 11. 81-ilm UR fi-iends and patrons will see at once the ne cessity for an immediate adjusuncnt of all ac counts on our books. Those who owe bills or notes to said firm up to the first of Janu.ry, are particularly requested to pay without delay. S. B.\LDWIN is fully empowered to settle all matters belonging to the firm. SPEN' ER SCOTT, O. S. BALDWIN. Card to the former Patroii§ of .^cott &■ Baldwin. IN ENTERING into the above arrangement, the facilities heretofore belonging to tl is establishment are in no wise lessened. Ihe rare and unequalled .id- vantages hitherto belonging to this House are contin ued; Mr. SCUTT still remaining in New York, sujer- intending the purchasing and importing of all fabrics manufactured for this, as well as eight other Houses, all emanating from the head concern, over which .Messrs. KEEa «. SCOTT have exclusive control. O. S BALDWIN, 3b Market Street. Feb. 2Gth, 1857. >G-i2t TO THE GENTLEMEN OF FAYETTEVILLE. I IHE undersigned, successor to the late firm of L Scott ii Ba.dwin, desirous of placing wiihin the reach of all the satisfaction arising Irom the wearing of a garment unexceptionable in its manufacture, will, through the Foreman of his Mdrchant Tailoring Department, wait upon all who may favor him with their measure and orders, for two da)'«« only at tlie l>o>>- l>ill Hoil^e, Wednesday and Thursd.iy. .Msirch 4th and 5th. Mr. Helzinger stamls unrivalled at the head of his profession, and all garments sold by him warranted to fit, and be as represen :ed. Respectfullv, &c., O. S. BALDWIN, Wilmington, N. C., FeVy 20, 1857. ilt VALUABLE RKAL ESTATE FOR SAI.E. 1WILL sell at Auction on the premises, in Elizabeth town, on the first Monday in May next, the LOT and HOTEL and other buildings at present occupied by Alex. Carter, situated in the centre of the Village, on the principal street. The House is large, well built and nearly new—the front building has eight comfortable rooms with fire places, and two others in the attic,—there ia a spacious addition in the rear, in which are a dining r )om and several good bed rooms. Upon the premises are all necessary outbuildings. Kitchen, Smoke-house, Stables, Shelters, &c , a good Garden and well of good Water. Also, a small House well fitted for a store, and ‘wo offices for Lawyers. All the Furniture iu the Hotel belonging to James Melvin, will be sold at the same time and on the same terms. Also, two lota adjoining each other^ contain ing one acre of land, upon one of which theriis a small dwelling house. The property will be sold cn a credit »f one, two, three and four years. Bonds with approved security, drawing interest from date, the interest payable annually, will be required of the purchaser or pur chasers before the possession is given. THO. C. SMITH, Attorney forJA.MES MELVIN Feb’y 26, 1857. 86-ts -\OTICE f'l'^HE subscribers having, at February term, 1857, of the Court of Pleas and Quartet Sessions of Robeson county, taken out Letters of .\dmini strati on on the Estate of William Blount, deceased, hereby give notice to all persons having claims again«t the Estate of the deceased, to present the same, duly au thenticate- , within the time prescribed by law, other wise this notice will be pleadeii in bar of their re covery Debtors to the Estate will make immediate payment. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Adm’r. CHARITY BLOUNT, Adm’x. Feb’y 25, 1857. FURTfft:ir"Nom(^^ H.WING obtained an order of Court to that effect, we shall, on THURSDAY the 19tli day of .March next, at the late residence of William Blount, dec’d, expose to public sale, 70 head of Cattle; 250 Sheep; 7 Mules; 5 Horses; 1000 bu.shels of Corn; 20,000 lbs. of Fodder; 50 bushels of Peas; 100 Hogs; Farm ing Tools; Black smith Tools; Carts; W;ignns; Household Furniture; 1 Buggy; 1 Barouche; 1 Sulky; &c , &c., &c. At the Slime time and place we will hire out until the first day of January nex*. about 40 ^l,.4VIIS. Terms of sale: Six months credit,—the purchaser giving bond and approved security before the property is reiuove i. The sate will commence at 11 o’clock, and be con tinued from day to day. JOSEPH THOMPSON, Adm’r. CHARITY BLUUNT, Adm’x. Feb’y 25, 1857. 85*8 w Carolinian copy. LIST OF LETTERS REM.\INING in the Post Ofl6c# at Fayetteville, N. C., .March 1, 1857: * G W Bullard, Jno D Boylan, Alex’r A Bethune, Mist Kate Blue, Mrs S J Benton. Willis Cole, Eliza Canida, Mrs Jessy Crockron, Chas Colvin, Edtr Communicator 2, Henry Colman, James Cameron. James C Dollar. Col F J Faison. Wm Gappens. .Tesse Harding, Mathias Haller, Edward Harper, Calvin Hartley, Headen 4" Bynum, Jas P Hodgei, Tily Hall, Susnn Hall, Ben Herring Mrs Martha A Johnson, Mary M Jones, Johnes 8t Barber, John Kelly, N R King, A Q Kern. Isaac Manuel. Col S Murchison. .\rch’d D McK ly. Francis McDaniel 2, A A Mc- Kennon, .Anna .Mc^lillan, AB McFadyen, Margaret .McNe il, A T McDuffie W Price 2, Murray .4 Peacock. J W Smith, Jno D Shaw, J J Spell, Sarah Simmons. M.nrtha Vai'Mitine, A Valentine. D & W Wallis, Henry Williams, Ambrose J White, Isbabella J Williams, Nancy Whitington, Jno Weeber, Isaac S Williams, J H Williams. N. B. Persons calling for any of the above letters will pleastt state that they are advertised. ^ J. E. BRYAN, P. M. Sl\ATlf()r NOR'I II CAROLINA, ANSON COUNTY. Court of Pleas and Quartf-r Sessions, February *26th, 1857. Elizabeth Stanback, Thomas Ingram, George Dunlap and wife .\ni a P , Joseph B Inijram, Wincy C Al len, Eliza K Sibley, Catharine Parr, Jeremiah In gram, Benjamin F. Ingram, Matthew W Burroughs and wife Julia, Woodson Crump and wife Clemen tine, Ebfc'n D Ingram, against Samuel P. Ingram, Mar tin P, ,\lyers and wife Wincj’, Roland Crump and wife Sarah, Presley N Ingram, Kis len H Bennett and wife .Ann, Beijaiuin Ingram, John B. Ingram and Eben N. Ingrain, Petition for R.-Probate of the W’ill of Jeremiah In gram, dec’d IT appea ing from the iiffi lavit of Benjamin I. Dun lap, Executor of taid Jremiah Ingram, dec'd, that Samuel P. Ingram, .Martin P. Myers and wife W’incj’, three of the Defend .nts, are not residents of this State but reside in the State of .Mississippi: It is therefore Ordered, that publication be made for six weeks in the Fayettevide Observer, (a newspaper published in the town of Fayetteville.) commanding said Defend ants to be and appear at the next Term of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions to be held for the coun ty of .\uson, at the Court Housp in Wadesborough, on the second Monday in .April next, then and there to plead, answer or demur to said Petition, or the cause will be heard ex parte as to them. Witness, Joseph White, Clerk of our said Court, at Office in Wadesborough, this 20th day of February, A. D. 18.57, 8t)*t)t] J. WHITE, Clk. STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. fU'^HE Eighth Annual Meeting of the .Medicil Socie- ■ ty of the State of North Carolina, will be held in the town of Edenton, at 5 o’clock, P, M , Wednesday the 15th of April, 1B57, Delegates, Permanent Members, and the Profession generally are requested to attend WILL. GEO THOMAS. .M 1). • Secretary N. C. Med. Soc. Feb 2Gth, 1857. 8ti-*tm JAMES M. PEN.M.NGroV, RETAILER IN SPIRITOUS LIQUORS, ROCKINGHAM, N. C. March 2, 1857. 80-Im Sale of Clothing, fcc. •ff •fi#r/ioM. 1WILL proceed to sell at private sale, until Mon day light, March 2d, the Goods formerly belong ing to James .McPherson, consisting of Ready-made Clothing, Hat«, Caps, Boots, Shoes, and Gentlemen’s Furnishing Goods. .And on .Monday night I will proceed to close out the balance then remaining on hand .AT .VUCTKJN. Terms liberal, and will be made known at time of sale. G. W. I. GOLDSTON, Trustee. Feb’y 26. 1857. 85-tt Garden Se(‘(ls!! 1%'^arranted the Growth of I 856. f alME Subscriber has just r*-ceived a large supply 1. of garden .'ee>l.s, comprising every varietV. from the celebrated Gardens of Johxso.n. Robri.ns ^ Co., Wethersfield These Seeds have been sold here for the last 5 years and always piven perfect satisf.iction. Kor sale' by JA.'. N, S,\)1TM, Druggist. ('atalo(;ues will be furuibhed gratuitously upon application Jan’v 14, 1857. 73-i2m The SOUTHERN HARMONY— new edition, revised and enlarged. A further supply of this popular book juit received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 10, 1866. Fresh Garden Seed. «RO%VTII OF 1^.16. SAMUEL J. HINSDALE has received a very large supply of Garden Seed, which he offers at whole sale and retail. These seeds were selected for him and are all genu ine. ALSO. Blue Grass Seed. Lucerne Seed. Chinese Sugar Cane Seed and Onion sets S. J. HINSDALE. Jan. 18, 1857. 78-Gwi Ptty —Tliose indebted to this office for subscription, advertising and prior, ing, will oblige us by settling their accounts with our agent, Mr. C. C. McCrummen, who will at tend tb« Courts in thi« Circuit for the purpose. «78 Fen’y 20 TAGS PEKUVl.AN ceived. GU.ANO. .Inst re- A. W STKEL 8> lt*2wi NOTICE. fB'^HE Stockholders of the WMmington. Charlotte JL Kutherford Hail Road (/'otnpnny are reque-ted to meet at the Red Banks, in l! beson cnnnty, on Saturday the 7th March, on iinportaiit busjness Feb’y 24. MANV STOCKHOLDKKS. 8'. 2t OK. \v. J. Ml'NitOK, Having located in Fayetteville, will attend to all c;ills. Feb’y 24. “ JOHN P. SAM PSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON^ N. C. Will give particular attent'on to the sale of N.ival Stores, Cotton, 3lc. Feb’y 25, 1856. 86-tf

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