SEMI-WEEKL, Y • VI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 19, 1857. L^O 591:] •'MM'KIt M'tNKAVS \M> Tlin;SI»\VS ■:ii\v\ill) .). IIam: & SON, i;i)iritr.s \\i> riioviMirroK;^. .: .1- t! i- St'iiii-Wi'i'klv *i!SKi;vr.i; (HW'iC \ii •>. ih'i'; I >0 il’p.-iM iliirlii^ th(' vt'.'ir of siil>sfi'i|) -^1 :■''ter 1 li(' yoM!• has oxjiireil. ■ i \iv (>i;'r,it\ Kit 0() ju-r :iniuiin. if p:iiil in !■ prc: ''J '>0 it' (itiiil iluriii" tin* ye:vr of siilisi ri|i- ■ '■ >'> al'tor tlu' yoar hns oxjiirc'l. \|>\ rr.TlSl'.MI'N'l’S ii\st'rtoil for sixty ccnts por nr.' •'!' I liiii's for till' first. aii>l thirty o'iits for I'aoli • I' iiii” (uiliru-.iti-'ii. ^ o:»rly :\'lvt‘vtisoiiu'iils )>y sjn-- .-■■f.iriu't-^. :it reusiiiialtU' rates. Atlvortisoi.■ arc |U'''tt‘il to slate t'le iiuiiilter of insertions desireil, or : , will lie eoutintiel till forltiil. ainl eharned aeoonl- ('()M !•’( >15'!'.'151.!: P.." ooriier Mnniforil ami \|>plv li' •N. .1. O ll.VNLON. sr,-ii,i • m lliiliesun Street; Fell. ‘JS. IS.'.T VO ^1^111': snliscriliei is ilTMIU (,' iiw jirepare I t i A hi'rtisenients to t>e iiisertoil 'lit -\tr:i. i/i, eliargeil •">• per till all nV'Ier for Sttfterior llVifrr Ki^rLrts. He inatnifictures North Carolina material—he em ploys North (’aroliiia c.ipital ami lalnir. anil he so’ieits North ('arolina patronasie. Ily sii\in^ him a ami liy I'oniparinj^ iiis witli Northern piiees, he hop('>tol>e able to make a fav.ira’i e sho\vin;j;. ,\ " Kl.\l, is what he wants. Messrs. WOHTll .y r'rLI’.V of this n1:n'o ar^‘ \treiits for the sale of tlii' aliove llnckets, Ci. n. M AKHIT. \fi:. Fayetteville. Feli'v 17. Is.'ij. LAW AM) r\ P ON F.S'S 8il Law ani: '2 sale tiv b’el)'v lsr»7. !ii:i‘ou rs. piitv. jnst eomplftf.!. I'm 1'. ‘.I ' II ALi; X SON. 1 \ ( Aiil). '^Hi; iin li-ri'_Mif'l wiiuM re";peetfully Suli I)/ t/ir l^i'rsonal ProjK'rtu of iJic liifr John Mr A S Aiiministrator of .lohn McNeill. ilecM, 1 ^hall .* sell at .-au-tioii. .at his late resilience in Harnett ■' uMty, eonimencin^ on the 'J'l of .\jiril next anil eon- linnin^ from day 'o :lay, till ill is sold, the whole of tii> per.sonal property, exc-ptin^ Nenroesand tlie por- ti whiea may he allotted to his widow for her yenr'- inaintenanee. Amoufr the iroperty to lie sold are, — Kk vcii Ho.mI t)f linrsos atul Miilos. Soiiio 1 (H( bhis. of ('i)rii; S.iuio tlOdO lbs. Haeon, of superior |uality; Some Staek' of FoiMer; MiihU Head of (’atth". * .Vtioiit ’J(M> Head of Hojis; M* .''lifi'j); 1 .faek; .\ family Carriage, ami liugjiy; 'I'w • Timlii'r atul t other \Va^ons; Two (’art.^; llaiitation Tools; One I’iatio Forte; ll'>usi hold Furniture; li* -hares of stuck in the (’uiiil>erland Aeade- inv. and ; if thf 1‘hilosophical Apparatus lielonjrin;.: r. ;lu- .'ume; and a variety of other viilu ihle pro- I erty. Tidil off. months will he srivon. — the purchaser, W W their SI'I’IN*! ’ viiiix li'ind with approved «:ecuritv. .-tn exti-nsive an 'Ml tiic o'l 'lav of ,\pri! 1 shall HIKF, OL 1' at .Auction j and desirahio ' r the renriiu'ler of the yesr, the NKtlKOKS heli.nfr- :iLr t' the K>tatf. Terms ma le known on tho day of I'Ofl SM.K WISH to sell my I»l. \ on the W e^t sideoft'ajie Fear, J miles tielow I’.iyettevilh' 1 wonld sell ooo .aeres or taore: if c- uivNts of UImm Swamp and Sand Hill Lao.I. Also my House ;uid iiOt on llani>ey Sircet. One f.ot conier hick and I'v r-on str' »'ts. One House and hot eono r oi Frink' strange Street. 1> Shares ( ape llanl-. Stick. I'J Shari's I’hink lloa'l Stock. M N Favetteville, Hec'r 1, IS.'e;. AIK lf..m;v 11 tf 'Ild-^ of ( I olii fri it the St.ire •e(> them F:!\t'tteville. N. inform his n.-;to!iier^ that !n‘ c.-in t>e f..nnd ,vi-ti‘. where h>' '.vill tie i.rlad tn .1 11. Mclx»N.'\Ll>. .lan'y 7J-tf M-:\v YORK \i)\ i:ii risi:Mi:\ r. fiTlPLi; l\!l I l\n i)llV (iOOIIN. KI)W.\H1) L\MHEKT .Vc CO.. 55 I’liaiiiiu rs Stnri ami 33 I'ltuilf Slrcct. il'l’0.lTK Tin; I’AKK. 1 LL '.>■ prep iri'.l ..n iii'l after .lati'y 1 st tn open IMl’ >iri'.\']'|t »N. compr'.s’.ng r! '!i'ut of , I).lice, n.ivel I'iie u i.lcrsisxned has also been appointed .V Imini-'- •• with the will annexed, of .!ohn MrNei!^ Sr . and he hereby untiiies all per 'Us havin>; liin- a'.; .in-it cither estate, to present them duly au- thcntii iied. within the time prescribed by law. other w '«■ this n.itice will be plea ieil in b:»r ot their re . ■ viTy. lie rciue-Jts all persons indebted to either estate to : i^-.c !■ lyment at an t arly day. The i’..rn, F...lder, Stoek. intest:itc'> r irms on the (’.ip* river, will be sold where they ■lie. after the conclusion of the »;ale at the home • ..'ition. .lONATHAN W'>KTH. Mar.-h VI, lS-')7. A' I' I' I: \ r! () N! A ’ I' r I: N' I' K > N!! '. ■HIJMIK )rurf/l nf juaf lliifliiin/ (it tU for snh'. ’’Hi; Sub', riber will promptly atten.l to the sellinn • if all Co.iks, i’eriodicals. , tiat may b,. en- -t,. I i,. hi- care. WILLI \M II. TLIUIV. l’-..'kii'.;h vm, Uii‘hmon.1 Co., N. ‘.'0-.’,t ffUfi O'fPods^ A.Llpte.l e-peeirilly t the warns of tir't . ’.I'S North ’aro'.iti:i .Merehaiit-i, ai. l which will l e -.I'i. re.l at the very '.iwesi market i rlci--. •lan'v 1. I'-.'iT. 71 -m I 1 Fi:\iALi: iNs rrrr'n:. ■'Ills Institution will resume 't-^ oper.itions apiiu on MtNI>\V, the V,!, .>:K!’TI:M lU’!:. The ch.irires will be the r ime as they have been for the last year. I‘>n:ird >lop .r ni'iiith. including w ish- iiijr. lifthts. ,Ve. I.. Cili.WI..''. \. M.. whi. ba>i ucrve.l u - lon^ .•ui'l etliciently as I’rincijia! of the Institute, n. w also lias char^re of the Stew a-.T' Ite;. irtment, wl.i 'i ‘ren ders it .loublv' sure th:it this .lepartoieiii \v !' 'e con ducted to the entire sati^t■aetion oi'all. Mr. .'tr:idella will c intinue in eiuiv^e ^!ll‘ical I'ejiartnu-nt: aiet Mrs Str.ide'Ia the [lep.iilment of I’aiiitiii'r. >Ve. H Sec-; Clinton, .lulv v!'>, V'-')''i. snr.>ivvi:iiii iiousi:. TAvi':T'3'i:viiii>i:. l\ar,t aiih’ nf (h'nu Sfrrif, t /'rtr Doura Xnrlli >>f ihi Mtjrh'ct //(iiisr. rH^HK Sulmcriber desires throujrh this M- meilium to acknowledrre the liberal liatronapje bestowed upon his House the ]iast year—and as he lias .just erected New Stables atul t’arriaire Siied convenient to the House and to water he takes pU'asure in sayinjr to his patrons au.l the public "H'uerally, that he is still prejiared to accom modate them with tr.ausient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patriui- aire heret.ifore received. Kvery exeition ui his part shall be used to render them comfortable durinfc their sojourn with him. His table is alwaj’s supplied with the bcv' the market all'ords. r. SIIKMWF.LL, March 12 1. lHo5. 8(i-tf IXUn’.LN llorSE! I’OW IlllS \ TKOV. I'lioPKiKToits. fSlllK Proprietors of this F.stablishment ■_ antioutice to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend- e'l to them, they have lieeu induced to en- l.irje the accommodation by tlie audition of ;in exlen-^ive l>ininf Hoom on the lower tloor, and suite ol Koonis .iM the .-iecond tloor; thus enabling them to :iccoii)iiio.!:iti' .ill who may favor the u with a call. And they pb'dge themselves to an increased exertion to irive sati-it'actioii to their patrons. Sp.'icious .Stables att.’iched and caretul Ostlers in at- t ciidaiice The eligible location of the Kstablishmeut, witii the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a share of the travel. The Western an.l Southern Stages arrive at and de- p.irt from tliis Hou'-e. t’:irriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam lloats, for the accommodation of passengers. Ht.rse' and t'arriages furnished at atiy notice for car- rviu'/ travellers t.i anv p;.rt of the adjacent country. J. w i*owi;iis.' w. c. Tuov. Fayetteville. M.ay I'-i. IH-jtl. otf A llAUi: (HAM i:i I'liriiitiirt'iiiul |-'i.\tiiros of'tlio [''ay- ilU> I lolt'l lor sal(‘. '■j'^HF subscriiiers having fully detennined tn sell J the above named I’roperty, now otfer it to an en terprising man upon iiberal terms. This IL.tol erij.iys a large custom frim the adjoining counties and from the travelling public, with a jiros- jieet of future increase. What it has doui.‘ and is now .l.iirig c iti ho seen by any one wishing to re- fvrriii.: to ocr books. Tlie .-rituati.-n of tiie building is such that it coin- Is the gre:iter part of the custom coining to .in.l passing through tins plaee. For the amount of capital invested, there is no bu siness that a person could engage in that would pa}’ as well. .J. H. llOr.K'.lTS .St CO. Sept 11, l.'''-'.ti. ;!Htf OF all kinds, is executed in the l)Ost manner. Old coiiiinoti Players, ISibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase ot new books. Librarians connectt'd with colleges, and other societies, and als> gentlemen residing at a distance, will tind it a matter of econoni> to get their books bouutl here, as a ileduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular ilirections to this establi--hmenl; and when finished, they will lie carefulh' repacked ;in.l returneci without delay. I have the best stock of materials; ainl workman ship will compare with atij' either at the North or South. Apply for a list of P.inding prices before going else- wliere. The undersigned respectfuMv solicits a siiare of patronage. THOS 11. TILLlNCiHAST, .-\uJerson Street. Nov. f>, 18r,(). .''vl-V NECkOES WANTED. r|lHH uu'lersigned will pay the highest cash piice i for VolJNti .NKCKOKS. Letters a«ldresse.i to either of us at Latirinburgh, Uichuioud county, will have prompt attention. D. c. McINTVhl:. DANIKL M. .McLAL'UlN. l.aurinburgh, l»ec ‘iti. IH-'jii. tJKtf ] VAl.TTABLK I R]: \L i:s rA PE for sai.e. BWILL sell at .\uction ."in the premise-f. in F,1i/abeth- town. oil the lirst Mon.lay in M ly next, the LOT I anil llOTKL and other Imildings at presi'nt ocoupie 1 1 by Alex. Carter, situateil in the ci ntre of the Viliage, I on the jirincipal street. The House is large, well i built and nearly new—the front liuiMing has ei.iht 1 comfortalile rooms with fire pbices. and two others in ! the .attic.—there is a spacious addition in the rear, in i which are a dining room and several good bed rooms, j Lpon the jiremises are all necessary outbuildings, I Kitchen, Smoke-house, Stables. Shelti'rs. xc , a goml ; Carden and well of good Water. .\!so. a sma'.l Iiouse I well fitted f..r a storo, and fwo ollices for Lawyers ■All the Furniture in the Hotel belonging to James -Melvin, will be sold at the same time and on the same terms. ,Vlsi, two lots adjoining each other, contain ing one acre of land, upon one of whicii there is a small ■Iwelling liouse The proiierty will be soM cn a crclit of one. two. three and four years. l!onds with approved security, drawing interest from date, the interest pay.ible annually, will t)e r.'.iuired of the purch.iser or pur chasers before the pussetsion is given. l C. SMll H. Attorney for JA.MLS .MF.LVIN. Fet)'y ’Jii, 1H-j7. S'i-tsp I and Wintrr (^oods. T. HAY STRKKT. ARF. now receiving their Fall and Winter COOl>S consisting of a large and well selected stock ol (iroccrics. I lnrl\\ are. Ciitli'rv, illucksniitiuV 'I'nr- IxMitiiic 'I’ools, .V^riciiltiiral liii- |)l(Miu'nts, lioots iuul Shot's, Mats and Caps, Satldli'i-y Jiiui Loa- tlu'r, H('a\y articlt's m tli(‘ Pniii liiu‘, R(*a(ly-niadt' C'lo- thiiiir, and Staple Dry (ioods I), w. ! A Pd/7i:LL. I’loar.l of Tru 'tees. :!o-tf Spring* Trade', r,. F. FEARC’E N'lW llKChlVlNii a beautiful aii'l well selei ted .''tuck of atift iiootls^ * "Tnpri>ing a general asscirtment of all the IriTest styles .t L‘ lies' Uress Goods. Lace and Silk .Mantles, Kni- oroi.iei icb of every description, Craj.e Shawls, P.on- 11! t-, lUbbuiis, Gloves, Delts, Hosiery, Xc —A LSO— White and colore.l Linen Drilling, Knglish aii'l Fr.'iich Drap 'I’L'.e, ISleaehe.l and brown Sliirlings an.l Slieetingv, Ir.'ii Linens. Linen Table Cloths, Toweiiiigs and Napkins, Leghorn, P.tii.tma, ,'asffijm rc an.l Moleskin Hats, Umbrellas and Parasols, I’.i .it s Shoes, .and 11 K.V I )Y-.MA1 )!•: ('I.OTII 1 N(I. .\11 of which will be soUl low for C.\SH, or on the u '.itil time to punctual customers, either at Wholesale I r Uetail. All persons (and particularly the L.idiesi are resiiectfully renuested to give me a call before makinji their .',electioi*>. IJ. F. PlvMtCi:. Fayetteville, (Hry St.,) March 12, is.')7. S'.'tf Stock, l^H7. E. F. MOORE, Wiiolfsiile i;roeiT and Commission llcrrliiin!. Has just received in Store, •Jl-') IJarn l.s Whi.skey and IJraudy. “ am' iihds. of Sugar, ass’td. 7-’) Sa( ks llio Coffee, •JOO “ Halt. ijU Hoxcs Soda Biscuit. (’andics, Soaps, Candles, Snuff, Cigars, &c. kc. Ail of which will be sold on liberal terms. .M:.rch lo, 1857. ^ NOTlCi:. tf av virtue of a Trust confided to me by appoint- ■ % ment of the proprietors of (Juuiberiatid Ac.idemy at miM'tings held June 1-, ’oo and Deer 11, ■>•>, 1 -vill l.i'i.ceed .o sell, on Tuesday of Harnett Superior Court M IV rnh l>o7, the whole or so much of the property ot >;;i.l institution as will be necessary to pay the in- .lebtediiess of said institution if not previously disposed ,,f. JNO. W. -McK.W, Trea.s’r. .M.ircli 1.'!, l^oT. llarnsoiTs Crystal Miicilaro, at tli(‘ Drug Store of l>r. FOULKIIS. March 11, 1H.')7. 8')-4w Harrison's !Ialiii of Frairio Flowt'rs, at :lie Drug Store of L*r. K)l LKl.S. '1 irch n, 1H57. Book A^(‘iits \\'aiit(Ml. rBlHL Subsei-ilier. havin- taken the .\geucy .M. for getting ub-eribers f.i an.l .le’ivering Il-.wKs's History of North Car.i’ina. now in prnces- ..f jiubliea- ion hy' .Me:^-rs. K •). Hale ,v >^on of F.iy.'tteville. is ' desirous of enterinir intn an eu:: i;reiiient with one or active, inte'.’.iirent aii'l reliable jierxuis in e;i'-ii ! of the .Ju.lici il Circuit-i, t.> eanva>s their respective parts of the State, or particular c.iunties. th.)ronghIy. ! Inime.liate :ippiication i'.' .ie-iire.], :is •.sample copies of . the first volume will will be in a tew .l.ivs. I rndoubte.l te*^''monirils .as to character must :ie- I complinv each aT'plication. .\ddress 11. W. ilollN. i F.avetteville. Dec. l^-”>'), •>l- \ \lfaf>le frofer rv roK OFl'Lll for »iale, my L.\NDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 1;V> .\cres. known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .Vbout S'T .\eres of it is fine Meadow Lan.I, as the Crop now on it will show^. .Also, the V:tlii:tl>l> ISrif'k near the M-irket S.juarf*, occupic'I by Mr. John A Pemberton. Large and Valuable Lot, frontitig on Donaldson M.ixwell and Mumfor.l Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several I5uilding Lots—very near the new Female High School Huildings. .\lso, the Stable Lot a-ljoining, fronting on Mumfor.l Street. Several DKSIUAP.LK P.UILDING LOTS on both Wins’.i'V and Munifonl Streets. All this property can now be purchased on favora ble terin'^. au l a large [lart can remain on Uond and Mortgage if desired. Oct. 1>. 1S.">.'). THO. J. CUHTIS. Di-tf ^0" HARFl'JFS Wi'JlKL'i JOl U \A L. ^PKCIML.V eopies of tli^ new w..rk may be seen at the P>ook S ore, wii.'r.' sr.lisi'f.iitions wid be ceivel. We will leliv.-r it in i' .yetteville. fret' ]iostage, at N_ . saving of the pO' Jan’v lo. >. cash in a.lvane. ■:ge to subs'^ribc; F J. ro ot ;^whicli will be a •)' H.VLH .V SON. o ;;jtf 8!* }w t iiOCKEllY .iiul *iL,,lSS ffViKfi. now receiving my Stock of (Jrockery and (.ilass. Ill a few days I shall have a good assortment ol evervthiiig ill 1113’ line, suitable for the Country Trade. r.iuntrv Merch.ints may rely on gettin.: go:)ds, from me (,n better terms than by ordering from the North. W . N. TILLING ll.VST. March \'l, 1H.j7. ^'bliiu fresh supply (jf I'^llis s C'itratc of M I'Miesi.i. a iileasant cathartic, at the Dru'z Store of Dr. FOULKHS. ilt>lJS roULD inform iii- friemls .ind former customer- til* he tray be found - doors below the Cajie Fear l!ank, and : doors above his old ,-t; ii'l south side Person Street, where he inten.N to keep on hand. ' Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whii)Sj Collars, an.l every thing belongiiigto his trade. ! e respectfully invites his i’riends from ;lie country to ca;. -i.;i.! (‘xainiue hi.s stock bef.jrc |i'ircha.‘-ing. He will iittend to Kejiairiug of Harness iin.l Saddles punctualiy, ;ind Ins char:;cs shall be mo'lerite. He would request all indebted to the |;rni ft d()L.''l(>N OVF.PillV to settle witii W , Overby or him-e!;', a> they arc compelled to settle i!u' firm’s '.lebts. August 27, IRo'j. Mor‘ ^ClHK subscriber is nceivitig iiis F.VLL .\.ND W IN- Ji. THR S l'Ot'K, coiisisting .il alaiost every tiling in the way of -s Harftintre tnifl SSitflotr^trarv., —ALSO-- F)OOts and ^ hoes, Saddlery, l'’ish, S:c., .\ny of which he will sell chr;i[i for nsh, b.nt.'r for Produce, or oi' short tinie. Store recently' occu[iied by Troy X Marsh, near the Doliliin House. G. W. 1. JOLD'^T(.»N. , Oct. 10, l.S.yi. I'^^tf ROF.ER'r D. (,!iEEN, (LATK (;iii::j:n .v wi:.\r.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYKTTKVILLK, N. C. B'm 1) G. beirs t.) return his sln-Te thanks to the • public for the kin.l patronage so liberally be stowed upon the lafe Firm, an b inf.irviis them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the luisiness in all its bran( hes at the oM stand, under his entire superintendence. WHO worjj) HAVE Til ora in it? -I )ti If 'iirri'i'jr Hsftififishmi^nt on fhr Mi/i'furi/ (]rrni, oj>pnsif> //(■ M> tho'Ji>it Church, frnti^ivj ni M'tm fonJ Sfri'ft. (iRI'.A'r EX'PERI‘RISE! S':iV4'1l‘\ i(C> In r|l|I!-: .Subscribers would respectfully inform their I frieiols and the]iublic. that they have eiitere«‘ the I'urpose of conducting liie general C.\Rlll.\Gi: P.l'SlNDSS in all its various part."^. And tieing both practical workmen, fully un ■ I'Tstandin^ ‘'’oir business, they have nc i. itation to -■onij.are wor'i with any establishment 1.. ■ iteville as tn St vie and durability. One of the tirm may b« known by i-,. ,3 to . H. Whitfield s iron work for the last two ^ovr.s. We warrant all worK. to give general satisfaction i' .r twelve mnuths lltp iirin'"- done lU the neatest manner low for cash PILR & lUlANlN. J,\.-.'CS II. PiKK. J.\MKS IJlt.V.NlN Fn vetteville, .I an'y -1, iil!tl JFSr RECEIVED, yCAKTKR IIO.NKS RAISINS, lio Half 20 lio.xes Soda IJiscuit. 20 “ Chee.'-e. For sale by C- K. Dec'r 1.*). ifter LKKTE. t)5tf c:. HEN ROW , 1). D. S., of lli> ol i 1» K N T \ I; S r R 1; H K V . i FFICK hours from A. M. to 1 P. M “ P. .M. to P. M. I DR. P.KNIKJW may be found at his suite i of Rooms near the .Market, where all who are in need i of the services of a Dentist are respecfuih- invited to 1 all. .\ll ojierations performed upon the latest and most ajiproved plans. To those in need of . Irlificial 'iVcIh, he would simply say that he is behind in no iiuprovemeiit. He inserts from one to an entire set upon tine tJold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be eiiually as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine months of each year in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Oct. 20, ‘ P.t-tf LIVE LNSFRANCE. SIIIK Undcrsigued has been app.jiuted .Vgent of Il the North (,’arolina Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Kvei-y mcrnbei- for life [larticip.-ites in the pro- tit-: ,,f the •''ompany; and the ](reiiiium for lile membership, where it amounts to ^-lo .>r moie. niay be paid one-half in cash, an.l the other haif in note at 12 months. Debtors' lives may be insure.I by ere litors. -V man m Iv insure his own life for the exclusive bjnetit of his f.iinily The lives of -‘'aves may be insure 1. Thi> system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized worbi It is one by wliich a f.imily, tor I small sum annu.illy, may be provided for, .after the leath of its head, on whose exertions tiiey may h.ive been .lependent for a support. It is a goo.l investnienj of money, even if one sliould live long after taking out a J-ife Policy. Fxplan.itory pamphlets, and the necessary Ulanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALF OLi) RVE WmSKEV. ^HF Subscriber is tne only ;iuthorised agent in Fayetteville for the sale of the H(,n. 11. C. Pur- year's ( ■idebrated KffJ »# *#1 f.Sfl He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the deman.i. W. DRAUGHON. Fayetteville, NLarch ‘Jtl. 1'0-tf F» 1:DS'I' Iv\ DS! F, 1: DS'r A DS!! 1 us r received from the .Manufacturer, Ira Ilersey, ' a supply of s TE^in s of various ]'atterns, and made of goo.1 seasoned timber. These Dedsteads are manufacture.l in this place, an.l can be sold to dealers as low as they can be got from the North. Call and examiue. A. M. CAMPBELL. April !*. 91-y FOR SALE. rillN PLATK, M- Sheet Iron, Iron Wire. Zinc, and Tin W ire and Stoves of various patterns. P>y ('. W. ANDRFAVS, Market Square. Sept. 2J. J2- dei:f rfs’er coal. Bituminous CO.U.. of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCL.VNK, Mining Engineer. May 21, 18r>t;. 'b-tf P‘a(*li(‘s ill \\ tutor! '^■^IlE subscriber has for sale, at the Store e.f Mr. Wm N., Fayetteville, a few hundred Cans of FIIKSH PE.VCHKS, put up the past Summer, hermeticallv sealed, warranted soun.I HUC.H McLKAN Fox’s Island, Harnett county, Dec. IS. br,.;5m NEW HOOKS. yARP.lET LFH'S Canterbury Tales: L . Marr .;ige. by Mrs. llent/.. .\lso, a new supplj’ d' .Standard MEDI('.\L WttRKS; | The Presbyterian Psalmodist, round ;ind chiiracter ; Notes. E. J. ll.\Li-; \ SON. Marcli ;. Fal(“ and Amber Ale in lihls. an{ llbls. C. T. HAIGII .S: SONS. Dec’r 1'), 18oii. ii)tf x\(*w and (Mu‘aj) C*oods. JAMES KYLE 9 I just receive.1 :i ver^' .■ and general as B B. sortm. lit of Got »DS. .\mon- which are, French an.l English .Merinos: Do. !)e!ains. Plain an.l Figured; Dress Silks, Fig’d and Plain: Pdack Fillet Mits; Sleeves an.l ('ollars: 'loths, (.■;is.simeres at. ' .^t:ins; Ptear anii Negro Hi i:...e's; 1 to 12-1 lileaclie.l ami Drown Domestics: Gentlemen's Re.'i !y-Ma le ('lothing, Crirpetinii, Goo l a;..l Common; Doots and Slioes; .Vnker llolting Cloth; Kerseys an.l Lins-ys; Irisii Linviis. .’r.i- li; Talile Diaper and Napkins. With many other articles, all of which being ymr- chase.j by the Vack ige, will be oll'ered at low jirices, ] by wholet.ale or ret ill. j Oct 21, is.")t;. .jl-tf j i^ire insurance. ,'ETN.V Insurance t’ompany of Hartt'ord. iiav- M_ ing jiaid the tax impoHcl by the Revenue Law of the late Legisi.'itiire, will coutinue its Agenc}' in Fayetteville, un.ler the manaseniont of the un'lersign- ed, wdio is prepared to issue Policies of Ia>ur:uicc on Duildings or Cioods, either in this Town or in any }iart of the State, oii ]iroper applicati.jii, .lescription of the Proper'y. Xc. I The .KTN.V CO.MPANY h is been in operatiou about , ;!*• ye:,!-;. Its . iipital i' 0.000. The Hon. Thos. ; K. was its first I’resi.lent, and he still holds that I oflice: and of its first are still active a:id eilicient members of the 15o;ird. It h:is it ill times sustained t'.ie hi”het chiua ter f .r ilie pru.bMice of its man:i-einent. .and for the liberality with wiiicli it has ever ;oljasted its losses. i:. J. HALE, Agent (a ANOES. ^ r.AGS PERUVIAN; 4 9:;27 do. t'OLU.MDlAX. Not only has the cost of using these Gu'inoes in Connexion been very much .liininislied, but experi ment? have ]i'-oved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, imt only increases tiie yield, but ■ combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. x W. McL.VLRlN. Nov. ISot'i. o4tf Ca|)(‘ l^and (or Siilr rHillF-Subscriber otl'ers for sale THREE IIUNDRFD .fi. and ElGH'f V-F1\'E .Veres of Land on Cape Fear Kiver below Sniitii's Ferry, in Cumbeiland couuty, running with the river to the laii'ls of Mrs. iJ^’rd. .V portion of the land is cleared aa.l fnuced. It is ; well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the I usual crops of the river lan.Is. The [lart uncleared I has on it some goo.I swamp, w'uich may be easily pre- I pared for use. It will be sold on a ere.lit of twelve nionths. Persons ■ wisiilnii to buy c^m c.ill on tiie owner at this place. ' ‘ .1. G. SHEPHERD. ■\pril H. ‘.•l-tf This Stock we are prepared to Job or Ret:iil. Fayetteville, Oct. 21, 4;’>tf " 15 ‘‘sk the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Rlankets, Hats and Shoes i)\\ I'.llim; for sale. I’HE Subscriber wishes to sell the l*rg> Dwelling an.l Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russel! Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry i:rainbert. Ti-rms reasonable. E. .1. H.\LI.. M.ay 2'J. _ _ WOO!. ROI.LS. ^*OL curded with dispatch at iJlouut’s Creek Factory. SHEETlNtJS, (•)snaburgs, (’otton Yarn. iind Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNElLL. .1 une 7-tf LOS'I'. S.\ST Nigiit, between the .Market House and the A Dobbin I!.uise, :i small POItTi: .MONM.V. con taining about -'^2o or $oO, consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold pieces, three Two-:ind-a-llalf (Jold jiieces and four One Dollar Gold; also some small change and a liill or two. -V suitable reward will be given for the recovery of the above described Purse ;ind Money. WM. McLEoD. Fayetteville, June 1, IHotj. Itl-tf JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. f |’>1IE subscribers have for sale, the ‘-■'d volume of th« Reports of Law (’ ise-s in the .Supreme Court of North Carolina, by 11. C. Jones, Esi. Just publislietl Also, Supreme Court Reports generally, and other Law Rooks. E. J. HALE .Sc SON. SiKOMWMjOn* Has ,Irrired! fci ’a 111 E Great Iron Wheel Examined," by Parson JIl Rrownlow, price ■'iil UO, just rcc’d. Postage on it by mail is IS cents. Also, a few more ot the ‘ Great Iron Wheel,” by Parson Graves. E. J. HALE & SON. .May 2b. mm llUE.\Sl:liOFT’S \10iiRS. ^glHE 2d e.iition, (with hundreds of typographical JL errors of the old edition corrected,) is published for (he benefit of the Missionary cause of the Ejiisco- pal Church in North Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, >!l, in sheep $1 50. Orders, accompanieil in every instauco by cash, may be ad dressed to E. J. HALE .'^ON. Fayetteville, May 8, l8oC. Xarnitivc ol’ the Expedition of jiii American S'luadron to the China Seas and -lapan, bj Com. Perry, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations, edited by Rev. Dr. F. L. Hawks. .Also, further supplies of Mrs. Heutz’s Novels; Miss .Murray's Travels through the U. S.; Mitcliell’s Tra veller's Guide: Steel i’ens, ij'c. E. J. 11 ALE .j- SON. .\ug. 12. J. V. "riiojissoii -i* n;:v\ ijooivs. ( om. Perry's J ap.-in Expedition, illustr ited. Coi'der .'c .iewett's Edition of tlie >rigin:il Text ot Sioik>pe,ire s Piays llestnred. F;trniin^d:ile; 'i'lie Lion ot L l.-in.lers, or the battle of the loiden Spurs; The (Jurse ot the Village, \c.; Kitto's D.iily P-ihle Illustrations; Kitto’s Popular (,'y- clope.lia of liiiiiical Literature: Carnes' Notes on the Looks ot Job an 1 Revelations; Half Hours with the be-t .Vuthors. —Ktiiglit’s Lon.Ion Edition, 2 vols.: Half Hours with the best Poets. ILevolutioiis in E irope, down to IHl'.t. Webster’s Uuive.sity and Family Pronouncing Dic’y .luvenile and School Piooks, St.itionary, .yc •Inst rec'd by I'. J. H.VLIO .j' SoN. Nov 17 R(‘Colle(-tions o’ a Lift' 'I'iine, or .Men and Things 1 have seen, by S. (J Goodrich, .\tithor of ; Peter Parley’s Tales; Paul I’ane, hy N. P. Willis; Let ters of Lady .Montagu. Edited by Mrs. S. J. Hale; The Humors if Falconbridge, illustrated: The Adven tures of (ierard, tlie Lion Hunter. .Mso, further supplies of the Lion of Flanders; The Curse of the Yillage; Ernest Linwood; The Rival P.eauties; The Wife’s Trials; The Torch Light; Romance ! of the Harem; The Old V'icarage; Mrs. Lee llentz’s March 1857. MM -Iw fresh assortiiK'nt of Harrison'S unrivalled PERFU.MER\. just received and for sale at the Drug Store of Dr. FOULKES. March 11, 1857. «9-4w N. 15 All Watches left with him for repair will be | 50 gts. a vol., .to. The'.Misi;ellaneous Works taken apart in the presence ot the owni'i's, and the . K.i»ar .\. Poe; Irving’s Life of Washington; Ran- nccessary repairs pointed out to them and a v. ritte-. g.; Hume and Macaulay’s Histories of Kng- c.iiitract given for the satne, which work will be j^gott’s Infantry Tactics, &c. &c. ranted for two years. . , Dec’r 11, 1850. E. J. HALE & SON. On hand a'ld for sale now, the most varied and 1 choice selection of ('LOCKS and other time pieces , Qjd Xoi’lll StatC in 1770,” by I!;;:;.'z ;e«r.,i,s.ric. a i-unucr j... r. w.Mtu.vNT for two years. All debts due to an.l by the late firm will >>e I'iud | and received by i Aug ’.st 2b, 185tj. oi-tl ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1857. .L \V. RAKER Is tiuw recL'iviuo from the North tLc j ^, riiicid, ;iiiJ c;.rcfully so-1 lecte l stock ol i 2^'i;5CA8Te:5i5': | ever offered in this market; which, a.Med to lus own i manufacture, makes his assin'tinent com]d.cte; —all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for c.i-h or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-rootn Furiiittire in setts; curled hair an.l shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Willow .ind Cradles. SMe Pioards; Kureaus; Secretaries and Uook-Casc-’; Wli;it- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands. l,!an.lle Stand-; Wardrobes: Picture r raiu-'s and Glass: Window .'^lia'les; Cornices; Curtain Rands; Sofas in .Mahogatiy and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood I’ianos, one wii'i /Eolian At tachment: Rosewoo'l Mel.i lians, from the bet maaut-ic- tories in New Vwrk and Rosion, wnrrante'l a-; uoo.l as any made in the countrj', an.l will be sold at N. York prices—freight only ad'ie'i. November 2. 'I'he Original 'I'e.xt of Shaksj)eart!'s Plaj's Restored, 200,000 Typogr.iphical Errors and omissions corrected by the Manuscript Emendations contained in the recently discovered Folio of lti82, by j J. Payne Collier and John L. Jewett. Esijuires,—one | I vol. 8vo. A further supply in sheep and cloth and j j sheep bindings. 1^* J- HALE & SON. 1 March 4. 1 S ti'iw re.-eiving a large and coiiii'icte STOCK OF ; , tiOO! >S ill lli•^ i: ;i», viz: , im.mi Di all v;trieties, '.vhich lo oti'ers for sale a! b-w pri -es ! lor t. .\SH. or lo ji'/iany riJ-’h/iufri-:. ' 11c returns his t!iaii;>s t.i his •just:.ineis for their i liberal iiatr.ina;zc. aiid s iiiclt- a co!i',i:,'.!-: o!' the | .lami.-. J. t’. T11■ I. Market Sipoire September •’>. '.iM',' sv>:> REWARD. j .\N VVv'.V'i' fri ID the .i'. . libi r n). tiie 1st ot \;.rii iS last, a ne;4r.) iiiaii liaii'i- ..imat six feet j high, about o'; ye.irs nf a_:e, .ui.l ir,aek. S.ii 1 neij'ro is I suj tiose 1 to be lurkiui in the neigiib riiood of Ji lm ; lleil ir .M.’Ketlian. ; The above reward will b»! iriid to any pers :i lu- I liveriii^r s>M iieiir i to me ut L.>c.isville, Ch:ill>a:n Cn.. I .N. C., .'i' conliui.Mg him in any Jail iu the State v.herc j 1 can get him. N V’ril.'>.N’ Ki.NG. ! J one 17-tf NEW LAW BOOKS. ^ NE'vV Edition of Tidd's Practice, 2 vols. xm The Forum, or 40 year’s Full Practice at the Piuladelphia liar; by David Paul lirown. Library of Laiv and Eiiuity; being lo volW (in 11) of valuable Law liooks for ^15 00. Just received by E. J. llALE & SON. (*ct. 20. Furliier supplies of School Books. ^^MITH’S GRA.^'l.MAR: Davies’, Smith’s, Colburn’s, and Greenieaf’s-Vrithmetics; Lambert’s Anatomy an.l Physiology^ Hitchcock's Elementary (ieology; Goodrich’s ana Willard’s U. S. Histories; 'I'he (,'hild’s History of the U. S.; Parley’s First Rook of History; .VlitchelTs Intermediate Geography; Oiuey’s Geo graphy. lioliuar's Levi/.ac's French liranimar; Pinneo’s English Teacher: Cornell’s Intermediate Geogriijdiy; Kay's Readers: Emerson’s Watts’ on the Mind; Jacobus’ Notes and Questions on the (iosjiels of .Matthew, Mark and Lukij; (Ireeiitiel.i’M Gre.-k Testament and Lexicon; .Marsh's Songsters, .School i estainents; North (’arolina Readers, Davica’ Surveying, *:c. Just received. Aug. ;io. E. J. HALE s SON. RilU from tiie i-oinitani ol' Lilii;, by Rev. iiichar.l Newton, D. D.; Tiie Two Lights, by the author of -Struggles for Life;’ Cumming’s La~t of the I'atri irciis; Dr. Spencer's Pastor's .''ketches. 1st and 2'i 'cri.'.'; I'he Piinee oi the House of Itavi.;, .ir Three Vears in the ll./iy Ciiy: Kitt.i's l.'aily Pdb.e lilu-^tra- ti.ins; Do. t'ycloiiedia of iiibiicil Literature: Cuju- iniiig s .'linor ii orUo; l'h.‘. lu ist ot History, by \ oung: I’uiumiii^'s Scripture Rea.aingb; iiarues s N..tes on Revelations; Do. 011 Job; Ciiaduers I’onihum.jijs Works; ,^Iasier Piece.'! ol Pulpit Elojuciii;e, E.ii:ed by llcv lU'iir-. C. l-'is!i; .■CO.. -vc. E J. II VL!} A .'S().N. V.\hFABLl^ Ni-{;!(()FS FOR SAij:. VNl’'ii{* Woman aged about I’nirty or tliii ty-tiv.. years, I'lo.I bouse servant, cook, v.'aslK'r an.I ironer. lioni>-;t an.l industrious. Girl a'oout nine, aii'l .a boy about f lur 3'e.irs —children nf ilie w >!irin. i’ersons in want ol' tiiis s; e ies .if jirnperty will do •Srrtie S'jXi)i(H'uHons III search Sir .h>hn Frinillin, in Ibo.i, ’o l and do, 2 v.iL-... Sv,, A iurtlic'r ••'^ipi.’.y ol thi> btauiifu. and inu:i'i'.-iing wiua, in cbitli, sneep au'l imii caif bind ings. ii. J. H.vLE V. S;N. ^ D.'e 11. •v*nnn' •' .''ian’s I'rico i j'.ist received. Dec’r 1 I. i>om('stic .Medicine, »!• Poor further sujijiiv of this j.opular book, e‘, j. n.\LL ,v SON. i well to cail n; .\n lers'iii .^tre I given. ■\prii 2‘.' the u:. i.'i'-igned at 'I’s 1. , .v Oi'’'.-" ‘i. wiieii fi.n-ther t. i.rti.'ul ir-' i‘l P, H. Lld.R .'.00 ti' NO riCE. •’{HIE notes and accounts due to Juo. .M. R*'.asley, are in the hai.'ls of W m. .McL. .'dcK iy for col lection. a. liiig-T iiidulpence k->// not be given, it is hoped thl.- Motice will be sufTicient to ?ave costs. JOHN .M. I1E.V5LEV. I une '-o 1 ''00. 12tf i’iit* subscriiiers Will purchase Spirits Turpeiitite, or make a'lvances on consignments to their friends in iVihuington, or New York. C. T. IIAIGH 4' SONS April 9, 18'>5. Wtf Rlank \V arrants tor sale here. CHRISTBIAS PilESilNTS \>.!) \ jv\R'”^ (ill-r.s. ■'j^.'iPiER MAi HE Vtiiting i es.^s :'i;'i Work Roxes, a ricli and very beautiiul presetit for a I.adv. Rose Womt WRll'l.Nu DE.'^KS and WORK ii>\ES, v.irious ^ty:'■^. Pol{ I F' >id' I.', in trrcat vaii.'ty of style- aiiC ijUaiities, I'roiii the c!i‘"ii>est to the finest Meriiec... REl'l' ULI^S, .vl irocco. Ca:f .Skin an.I Velvet, *;ome very h-indsome. The above goi Is unite utility with l,eau:y. .iid are thu!- well M i.pte'i . ir stilts, the ;i| ; .-i a. liiii season, .lust rec'd by Express. E. J. HALi; ."'•N. Dec. 15. jlar[)t“r‘s Maifazine tor .laiiuaiy ‘.»7, just rec.eived by E. J. H.VLh & .''ON. Dec’r 2"». CAN'i WELL'S (’. JlS i il E. Sicaini!^ Jusfirr aiiif tnhipntl to the Xiic lirrisi'J ('(>■'(. fl’lHI w.trk. invaluable to Magistrates, Ofiicers ind Jl all who have occasion to know the Lav,, -ind to use the Forms un-Ier it, is very much enlar -ed. Price 60. For sale by E. J. HALE SON •August 185ti.