rts, ' ■\U^' tur-- i' tu i: '■ It ..-rKtpj, >' ^ ' ■' - i.,- ,„„i y tr:» ' sfrr ti, ij, .. 11 -.1 111*' ; 1, t, II ; 1 III: Hi. V O'' I- ( K. e.i H \ • K J \ 1 1 . M m ' 'Vi. NN,iiry- w lllT. ■s, ■ VU! es ott, i: 4 «/ 'iootkS. Kii_ - .- ri. . cut*- I • ■ li- PS. /V/i* !) iiuilt liij'* id Buggies ' .V. d, ar - i:i: > .i ri;i. I iw. r ■)tf I es ti!. A. AVU M-Til \N 7 - ■ ^ ■ |civ nl' ^1*11 io5H‘rv ton 1- K ::ig ^ T, MBDICAI )L> iJ'i'iKS, mi'l \ 1! !‘- l 't' ' k , ’ tJjff - i i :;ivif e'l to tt the 1 f.-i-iiH. i:. IIALK * li Si)irjiiially Coil- Jon. E. J li \LK S. i-0^- S E IW 1-W B K K L, Y VOL. Vl.j FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., ALVKCH 23, ( NO r)D‘2.] :l\ri:i' MttNOWs AM» THlIKSltVYS r:i\v \iii) J. H \m: it S(K. r!>r!'oi:s \Ni> I’lvovr.irToKs. i tlif S(> 111 Wcokly OiisKUVKK (Ml if piiiil itt ■ ‘)>* ir iliiriiij the yivir of siil>sM-iii- u. r I 11 ! t-r I 111' Vt‘;ir litis (-X|>ire(i. \\i-■' ly I >itsK.i!\ K i{ iMt (>or iiiinuin. it' ii;iiil in ! M'r: '>0 it’ ]i:iiil ■Im-iii'i tlio year of siilicrip- -.r > I Hit after the year has exjiircil. \ j i\'I'H'1'1>1'M I'N TS itiserlod fur sixty cents per u ii'i' .ii Ji. ...ii's t'lif tlie first, .-iii'l thirty ci-iils I'ur ciicli , liiii: pui>lir-!tiou. Vetirly ailverti- eiiieiUs l»y spe- ■ ■.iiitrai-t', :it ro:is.ni:il>le r:it>-s. A'lvertisei^ are .ii-;tc l to -^t itf the muul'er i)f iiisortiuiis ile>ire«l. or . vi'' ' e r lutiinteil till t'or'iiil. 'in-l i'li;ir''e(l :h-i-hV'1- I’ou nE\’\\ (’HMroiiTAr.i.i; Itotif'i.ii Str.-i-ts Kell. -_»S. 1' lit »I'SK. (•'rner Mu iilor'I it t'l A. .1 O lIAMjtN. Sti -1 111 iTi iseinent ■ '\tv;i. to tie in--t'rt''l ■ fr, fhartreil .'ill por S 7r >/ f/ir Vt rsonul l*roprrfij (>f fin Itttr Jithn 4 S A'hnini-^trati'V ot' .loliu ^U•Neill, ilei-''l, 1 sti-iil fe --eil Ht nnction, :it his Inti' ro.-i'leni'O in ll;iriiett I’cuiity. ci'iinneiiciiii on the ’J.l of April next .'mil cii- tiiiiiinjr from il;»y 'o ilrty. till :»11 is sold, tlif whole of liift {lersoiial {iri>iierty. excepting Nejiroes an i the por- ti'iii which in .y he nlloitt-tl to his wiilow ffr her ye:ir's ni:iinteii!ince Atnutiir the pri'porty tti l>e s"id ure.— Mlcvfii I load of Florsos iiiid Miiii-s Siiiiu’ 1!5' ill.Is. Ilf (’urn; S.line ;IOO lbs. J>:u-(in, of su|> ri..r qnalitv; Smiik' •’>• St:tcks of F'>dili“r; \li.oU ''0 III iJ of (’':ittl ; Abiiut ’_iM! Fh'ail “1 !'• She v; 1 .T.ick; \ f;iiiiil}' (’arritigo, and Two 'i'imln'r and 4 otlu'r 'V:nroiis; Two (’arts; riaiitatioii Tools; (Mil' l’i:m > F'rte; llm-.si hnld Funiitnro; ill 'harts of srofk in tiic Ctiniberlaiid Acado- iny. m l .= ••I tin- l‘hiU>sop!iicrtl .Vppar.'ttus l.olongin^ the '-niie; ;iinl a sxrcat variety of I'tlier valu-iMe ]>ro- I'Orty. \ . ri-'li: «>t '' months will he iri\en. - the ptireh;ii>pr ii_ '■ !i'l V ill :ippr(>ve l security. iMit’ i' M 1 .V of \pri! J s'rill IIIHK 01 1 at .Vuetioti r lif ri in;iindiT .'f the ye«r, the NI.tiHOhS heloiiir- .1^ ■ . the Kstate Ti-rnis iit i h' kii.iwn on the ilay of I XO niMIU (i! ^ II K subi: I lo tillitl .r*KiS tor Sttjfu-rior iiVtfrr MSitrhcfs. He niannfu-tnres XortI; t'ar^ilina ni.iterial hi' em ploys .North (’nroliiV! c tpital .•uid la'vir ind he solicits :ii (’aro'ina patrouajie. i!y ^iviii;.'' iiiiii a trial, and hy compariii'jr his iilile to make a I'av.ira'- he wants >K'.ssrs. WOKTll \ I for the s.ilc ot the ah \ Fayetteville, Feii’v 1 t'l .Niirlhcrn fric ■ liowin^ \ Ti,i;V oftl.i- i' I’olcliCt': (1 ii , 1>'.7. he liopes to he fill VI. i:^ what iaee art' A cents \i \ia:iM;At i;. LAW \M) i:gi iu:i’oiMs. S (»N I,au Jd 1' iiiity. jn't c.iinpU-tcil, f.>r ,1 ilMd'. SON Fet.'v 11, IS- I'OH SALIC. IWK-?!! to sell my S»!, \\T Vri»> on the We.-t siile ot ’ape Fe.ti". '2 mil*'- ln'low- Fayetteville I woiihl sell 'lOit acrt s or m>*: e: r ciiisists .if Hiver Swamp and S.and Hill l.aii 1. ,\!so my lloiisi' ind l.ot mi liaiiHey Sirci't. One Lot earner l»ick and I’erson .Streets, One House and L.a corner I'lirik's Mley and Oranjre Street. 10 Sli:'.res ('ape Fe ir r. iiil; Stnfk. I'J Shares T’l ink Iloid .'^i. ' k M. N Favelteviile. Uee'r 1, l'''»ti. 1,F \i;\ i.ltf A r \ui). ^■^IIF. un Icisiirnt't it the S: 1 ‘iee tln-m. Fa-, ettevi’ile. N r I'. w’nM i.--;jie nstomers th L"''te, whi-r.' .! .lau v S, l.-'o ctfii’iv inl'orni h'.' it he > all 1h loun 1 will h ' t.. i: Mcn'iNvi.ii, 7. 7 -J -1 \r:\v vouk \ i)\ , STli’Li; l\li i'lM V U\ i;i)W\l!l) l.'vAlliKHT ii I'll.. 55 lliiiiiilttTN Slrt’cl aiiil 33 lltiiilf sirril. oi'i’t)."! I’l: r:iK on and .alter .Ian y 1>( to ojicn 1 M I’l >F’r.\'ri' IN, ei'mi'risiiiir - ; .ei:t rh"ii".'. ro'Vol fh llMt' I M N. igned has al-^ been appointed .V Mninis- ■ //, with the will .inne.\ed, of .loliti and he hen-l'y n.'tities a!! persons havin>r ^1- a^;Tti!'vt either i '.te, tn prc-;eiit them d'lly au- liicnr . ated. within the time prciscrihed liy lnw. i.rher- vvi'C this n itice wiil he ]>lcnded in har of their re vt-ry. i!' r jUC'ts all persons indebted t' either e-^tate t ' : -I’ p n- ;>-nt at an e irly I ly. !!'•■ (Vrii. F- dder, .St.'^k. U'C-. '»i ititestatc' K iriiis nil the Cape F; ar river, will l-e snid where th -y ■if’T th ■ ^oi!.•lll^ioIl of the v|le at the home JON A I H.VN Wo;;TH .Mal-i ll rj, l-'7. '"'-ts A I’rI:N ri( >N' a'i' i'i:n'ri>m ! >,'ii II l,( M MI irurth ')! fiisf noflinij at iU ;nr m/r. ''Hi; ."ui -, rilier wiii promptly atti'U't to the s,.Hiller *' I;, uk.', rerii ilie.als. .!wi- , that mav *>e eii- i . ue. WILLIAM i: TKRl’.V il.'ci;in- liam. 1! chiuond ('o.. .N . > '.Ml-.it Spring* 'rral(‘. n. r. PLAiu’i: > :-‘i\V KK( 1,1V1N«. I l.eaiitifiil .-i;\d well selected 't ii'k of Sprits^' ftitft Hooils^ ’ ii.'-ini tiiicnt of all the latest styles i71Ll. he prep ir.-1 their SI'lilN'. an » Meiisive .ind v ii ie. and desira^I.' SUL' aitfi ram'if iiioofts^ .Xdajiteii esp.‘e-aiiy !■ ti.e nt of tir-t .N..rth (’arnliii i Meii iia;it:-. in f wi i ’i u-'t he ■ . i i-I .at tlie west marki-^ : i very •I.in'v I. 1' sni:>i\v I jj, IK HIS i:. r.wiyi'TKVii.i.E;, .\. ahh' of (iri'f7i Sfri'ef, a f'i’ir'Doors Xorf/i of thr Murhct House. ^HK StiUscriher desires throufrli tliis medium to uckiiowlcilgo the liheral jiatronaire hestowred upon liis House the past year -and as he lias just erected New Stahlen and C.'irriasre Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes jdeasure in saying to his patrons and tlie puMic generally, that he is still prepared to acHim- niod.itc tliem with transient and permanent hoard, and respectfully solicits a continuance ol' the liberal patrou- arc herd jfore received. Kvery exeition oti his j»art ■^hall he U'^i' ! to render them comt’ortahle during their sojourn with liini. His table is always sujijilied with »iie liest the m;irket affords 1‘. SHll.MWKLL. .'larch lid, ISoo. 8()-tf DOIliUN IIOI SE! roU'LILS iS: 'ritoy, I’uoPUtKTOUs. rjB^HK i’roi>rietors of this I'^stahUshmeiit M_ announce to the public, that owiuj; to the coii^iaiitly increasing patronage extend- i ed to them, they have heeii induced to en- ' lar;ie tlie accoinniodation liy tlie addition of an extensive iiininu: Koom on the lower tloor, and suite ol Koonis on the second tloor: thus enabling them to accommodate .-til who may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisf.action to tlicir patnnis. Spacious St.ibles attached and carelul Ostlers in at- tc-ndance Tiie cMgililc location of the Establishment, with the e.Npeiieiice of the I’rojirietor.'s in providing for the com fort ol tlicir patrons, they hope will secure to them a lihi'ial sliaie of the tr.ivel. The U'e-itern and Soiittiern Stage.s arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure id" Steal:, li.iats. for the accommodation of p.-issen.ners. H.'rsc'^ and ('arriages filrnislicd at any notice for cat- 1 villi;.tr.aveiiers 'u i:iv part of the •I'ljacent country. ‘.I \V I’OWEKS.* W. C. TUoV.‘ Fiyetteville. May 1‘J. IS.'iii. I’tf A rii\i\( i:i I'iw' i'urnitiirt' imd l*'L\tun's ot’tlu* illt' I lott'l tor s;iK'. ;'lli; ‘.iiili'ii rilier“ having fully determined to sell the a!i‘ VC named Property, now ottVr it to an en terprising man upon liberal terms. 'riii> li rti-l I'nj'iys a large custom from the adjoining eeuioies an»'; fr";ii the tr.'ivelling public, with a pros- )iect of fiifaro increase. W'lat it has done and is imw li.iiiu' eai, en by any one w ishing tii purch.ase re- !»rrin.. t i: '• '"ks. The situat'.' II of the building is such that it com mands the gre.iter part of the custom coming to and j.us-'ing t’lirougii this place. F ir the ani.iunt of capital invested, there is no bu- .inc'' tiiat a I'crson could etiL'age in that would pay as OF all kinds, is executed in the best maniu r Old common Prayers, IVibles, and other-, re botind in the same style they were before. I'his will save the repurchase of new books. Librarians connecu-'l with colleges, and other societies, and also geiitleinen residing at a dist.'ince. will tind it a matter of ecoitioii.v to get fheii- books bound here, as a deduction of ; r!.-i s will be made upon large orders: Pack them and si n I them with p.irticiilar (lirections to this establislniK nt; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked .\nd returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials: and workman shiji will conijmre with atiy either at the XortL or South. ■ \l>plv for a list of Binding prices before croinir else where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. TllOS. H. TlLldNUHAST. .Vnderson Street. Nov. 5, 1850. 51-V NE(;U()ES W A.NTEH. undersigned will ]>ay the liighest cash price it for VtlL'NtJ NE(iKOKS. Letters addressed to either of us at iiaurinburgh, llichmond county, will have prompt attention. b. V. .MclNTYKE. DANIKL M. AlcLATRIN. LaurinV'itrgli, Dec. ‘2b, IM-'iti. (iStf .u s r KE('i:i\ El). yUAi:TEK P.OXCS RAISINS. 1»() Half l!() IJoxes Soda Hiscuit. -JO “ Cheese. For sale by C. E. LEFTE. Liec’r I 'l. G;‘)tf I), w. V. |{EMU)\V, i). i). S., VAl.l'AHLK n\:\\. I'.srA'n: I'oii saliv 1 Li. '■I'll at \ iietion on the jireiniscs. in Kli/.abeth- towii. on the first Monday in May next, the LOT and HOTEi. and other buildings at jiresent occupied by .Alex. Cai-ti’r, sitii.iled in the centre of the Nillage. "!i the princijial street. Tlie iloiisi' is large, weli built .and nearly new—the froi t building has ei^ht i-oiiift'rt:ihle rooms with lire pl.aee«. and two others in the attic.—there is a s]i iciou-' addition in the rear, in w hicii are a dining room .and several ;roo I bed rooms rpon tiie premises are all iiecess.ary outluiildings. Kitchen, Smoke-house, St ibles. .Shelters, ,cc., a ^oo i (Jardeii and well of geod Water. .\!so, a small lioiise ■veil fitted f..r a storo, .-iiid two ofliccs f>’r Lawyer-; .U1 th(^ Furniture in the Hotel beloniiing to .lamc'- .\lelviii, wiil be sold at the same time and on the s.ime terms. .\iso, two lots adjoining each other, contain ing one acre of land, ujion one of which there is a sm.ill dwelling h.iuse. The property will be sold in a credit of one. two, three and four years. liond.- with ;i]iproveit scctirity. ilrawing iiiti're.st from date, the interest jiay ibie annii.illv, will be re.juired o!' tiie piireliaser "r piir- chtisers bt-fore the possession is given. TIKV I’. SMITH, .Attorney for -I.V.MKS MLLV'lN. Feb’y lib, .sti-tsp l m:\\ liooivs. y .VUKlKT LLL'S (’anterbury Talcs: Love afnr Marriage, by .Mrs. Hent/,. Also, a new supply of Staielard MEUI('.\L AV''|;iCt>: Tlie Presbyterian Psalmoilist, round and char.cter Notes. E. H.VLE x SO.N. -March 4. and Wint(‘r (mxxIs. ,r. T. n \\ STUEE"', tl! I'] n€>w receiving tlieir Fall and Winter consisting of a large .and well selected stock ot 1 liirdwurt*. I'litlcrv, iUacksniitliiV 'riii'- jM'iUiiK' 'Tools, .\l.n-iciiltur;(l iiii- |)l(‘m'ii1s. l»o)ts Sii()('s. I l.its and C':i|)s, Saddlcn and If*:! th(‘r, arliclos in t!io Dniu: line, llrady-njado (’ln- tliin*^, and Slapic Dry (Jood This Stock we are ]M-epared to .Job or Ketail. Fayetteville, Oct. 21, We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex .iinitie our Ker,seys, Negro lllankets, Hats .iiid .Shoes i)\vi:ijj\(j i'OU sALi:. "I HIE Suliscriber wishes to sell the large Iiweltini; i and Lot on tlu' corner of Gillespie and llussell .Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Er.amb-rt Terms reasonable. I''* d- May 2'... HALF S- i*al(‘ and .Vinlx'r \\v i;bis. T. I>cc'r lo, ill l)i)ls. and HAHiH .V SONS. bjtf 1 iiuie ’ts :i]ier"ti'*'!' :;gai;i SF.PTKMliKK I'liC ■■■; they h ive for •■r T'.:o.rh. ill *iidiII- V I~b 1 4 !'i:m \li: r\s i rrr ri:. ^I'^HI.'^ InrtiMiti 'ti w‘!l J on A!ONI)AV. tiie ''fli The I Inrges wiM b.- the tlie last year. Pi.i.ar i "S ! o ing. liglits. ,vc L. « . GllAVHS. M.. atid efVieiently as Piiii' ij >' ha- charge nf th^ Sti'Wic 1" dels it diiiibly sure ;hat ti dlKted t" the . litii-e ritisf Mr. Sirade’ia loiitli llepartmeiit: :t'i I 'di ' St Paintiiiir. .Ve. well. Sei t .1. H. 11. KOP.EHTS & (’O. 58tf \ \!J xHLL roK d us A1 l>.'!'.irtmi-;;* J (i.'ptrr’"i-!'t ■tioii I'f "'1. ie n I ilgi' • ' •: !■ ’] I rhe ln-p H. C inton, -Iiilv \1 usic' 1 a i* 11' t P,l/./KLL, ird I *' rrii'tees :’.0-tf B T ook 'ubs-1 ^HE Subs-1 "1 . i' t\‘.ng take fir 'jettinu -v.b-.Ti >ors to a History .it Nnrth i arolin.i. now ion tiv \['-s-rs. i •!. H ile V S. the ieneral .\geney i: ! ’ ‘-riir^ Hawk-; ' ■ n proce'--: .r piibiica- i;i it F.ivetteville. is onipnsing a uenera ■ I La iiress Jo' ds. Lace and Silk Mantles, Lni- ri.i'ieiii of every description. Crape Shawls, i’.oii- iiet'. liif ‘j^'tis, Gloves, Beit.s, Hosiery, I'ic —ALSti— hite and colored Linen Drilling, En-'iisii and French Drap d’Ete, iV.eached and browu Shirtings and Sheetings, Irish Linens, Linen Table Clotiis, rnweliiiii.s ntid Napkins. Le-h >rn, Panama, I’assimere an'l .Moleskin Hats, L nii>rer.as and l’ai-aSol.s, Hoots, Siioes, and 11K .V1 > V-.M A n!•: C L' )T HIN(I. A*1 of wliicU wiil be Si.ld low for CASH, or on the ii.-ual lime to punctual customers, either at W holesale .!• Ketail. I I's rsons ; and j.articulariy the La>iies) are ri'i.ectfully re.juested to give me a call bef.,re iiai-ini: their selecti.ais. 15. F. PEAIK’F,. S'.itf desirous nf entei' u:.; into an eii'.ri more ai'tive, int ;j;i'nt and reli ^ of th- .1 iidi-iai l in'uit', to i .inv i parts it tlie Stat*-, ur t.at t icular Immediate ap]’ie itioti is desirc'!, the first volume v.iU wiH be ready L’ud'.ubted testimon; lis as tn vm.'iit with one nr 'c jii-rs'ins in e:ieh -s tlieir rcsji.'itive (Untio-;, thoi- iughly. IS s imidi- copies ''f in a few iLiv?. ch-iracter must ac- puoPEii rv S.UjM.. oFFLi: t -r tale, my L.\NliS in the Town of Fay .•*;evi!le. about i;’>) .\cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. ut Nil .\i-res of it is fine Meadow L.and, as theOop n.iw oii it will show. Also, the ltri‘k ^toro himI l.ot near the M.'.rket .-^.luare, occupied by Mr. .John .\. Pemberton. ,\ Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, M ixwell ;,d Muinf.-ird Streets, known as the Hotel Garden i.ot,—could be divided into several lJuilding L. ts—very near the new Female High School lJuildings. .VI.' I, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Muiuford .•'treet. Several ULSIllAP.LE P.UILDING LOTS on both Wiiis!,,\ and .Muiiifnrd Streets. .\.l this property can now >>e purchased on favora ble terni.s. ami a larire jeirt can remain oil IJond and Mort .;aiie if desired. THO. J. OUllTlS. Oct. lo, 1 ^L!-tt 4»f till' ISaltiiiioi’o 'oll«>u4> II K \ T \ L S r R i; E K V . FFK'F hours from *.♦ >!. to 1 P. ,M p. .M. to r, i> m Dll. 1>EN15(>\V may be found at his suite of Uooins near the .Market, where all who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respecfiiily invited to call. .\n ojierations ]>erformed upon the late.=t and most approved jilans. To those i’l need of • /i'tifiriu! I'rdh. he would simply say that he is behin«l in no ; iiuprovenient. He inserts from one to an entire set upon tine Gold or Platina plate, which he ;;uaramccs i to tie ciiualiy as-serviee.ibUv as the natural organs. | He spends nine months of each year in this place, , (from 1st of October to the 1st ot'.lulv.) ! Oct. 20, lt5(l. “ 4't-tf ‘ Lll'E l\Sl KANCE. '■ iH E Liidcrsigned has been appniiitcd .V^xent of | fl. the North t'aruliiia .Miitu il Life insurance t'uiii- ; paiiy. lOvcry member fur life particij'.ates in the pro- i fits of tlie (’ompaiiy: and tlie .•inuual jireniia ii lor life membership, wiiere it ainoiiiiis to n:M or lU'ire. may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in i •a note at 12 months. Debtors' lives may be insured by creditors. A man may injure his own life f«ir t!ie exe'u'ive ii.'iietit of his family The lives nf ’aves may be iiisurc 1. This system is rapidly irrowint: into favor, all over the civilized world It is one by which a family, tor a small sum annually, may iio [irovided for, aft.-r the death o!' its head, on wli .se exertions they m;iy have, bten dependent I’^r a support. It is.a g'"> I iiivestiiienj of money, even if one slmald live Imij: al'ier :aUing out a Life Policy. F.xplanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Dlanks, turuisiiud on ai>plication. E. .1. H.Vid-; OLD \l\K \VilLSKi:V. f BIHE ."^ub.'cribcr is tiie only authorised agent in JL Fayetteville for the salt'of the Hon It. Piir- this superior Whiskey to .\('w and (.^ikxIs JAME.S K’V' H A.'' jut receivi'd a very lar: • ami general ■ sortnienf (!0( i' Am -.vhieli are, French :in 1 ii .Merino.'; Do. Dclains. Plain and Figured: Dress .Silks, 1-ij:'d and Plain; P.lack Fillet Mits: Sleeves aiul t'ollar.': Cloths, ('assimer(‘s :.i ’ .ii;; Dear and Nepr.. 151 at-' ot : :! } t 12-1 lileacls' ■ i’ i llrown Donie^ti;” ■ (ie:ith'inen's Ite.i iy M :o ithiiiii. woof. ROLLS. , sroOL carJe'i with dispatch at Ulount’s C^reek f W Factory. SHEETINGS, t)snaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEII.L .June 18o4. ~-tf Los'r. i.\S'f .Ni^ht, between the Market House and th-. ^ li.ibbin House, a small PtliriE MoNNlA. con taining :iboiit ■'T'Jo or "ji-JO, coti.sisting of two Five Dol lar Gold pieces, three Two-and-a-li ilf Gold pieces and four One Dollar Gold: also some small change and a bill or two. A suitable rew.ard will be given lor the recovery of tho above de.scribcd Purse and Money. WM. McLLtilJ Fayetteville, .June 4, 18o(j. lo-t! W. DKAUGiU)N. ‘.'0-tf r>El)STEAl)S!: ^ompany each application F.avetteville. Dm .\ddrcss M. W. HtiP.N. t.l- iiMiiM'jrs \\ !:kivLV fcjPEClMKN e Ijiies of th^^ new w .r'. the Hook Store, wsii^'’ ! ipti ceived. We will deli, r it in Fiyei S' .lot UN \1.. r'. may be seen at re- >.f VI lie, he frei jiostage, at ^2 savitig of the ]i .lati y lo. i'lO, i-a I; i'l advance, iwliich will '>• ■slaire i" si|b.-.riii'!'r' I E J. H \Li: \ SON. Fayetteville. ; Hry S".,) .March 12. l.'^o7. .Stock, IS.17. E. P. MOORE, Wliolcsiilf iiroPLT anil roiiimissioii Mi rrliaiil. Has just received in Store, •Jl.'t IJarrds Whi-.key and JJrandy ;;fi “ and hhds. of Sngar, -ass’td. 7.1 S:icks Ivib Coiiec, •2iM) “ Salt. ;■)» lioxcs- Soda Biscuit. ’anii(s, So-ap.s, Caudles, Snuft, Cigars, cVc. A:c. \i, i f -.vliii h will be .sold oti liberal tcnns. .\i.,rch lo, 18f;7. ^ ^ NOTICE. \ virtue of a Trust confided to me by appoint- ment of the proprietors of Cumberland Academy at n.evtui'-s held .lune 12, ’o5 ami Dec’r 11, o'l, 1 will |.r...,fed to sell, on Tuesday of llaruett .Sui^erior Court M ;y i.Uii 18.j7, the whole or so niuci^ of the jiroperty ■ ■ ~ :\ i in.stitution as will be uecos.sary to pay the in- b l)teil;icss of Said institution if not previously disposed ,1 .)NO. W. .McKAV, Treas r. notf March 1:5, 18.')7. 1 larrison's Drug Store of March 11. 18o7. Crystal .Mncilairc, at ll»e Dr. FOULKFS. 8')-lw - ‘Viends anil f n u’.'r cu'tomer' louad 2 do.irs ow t!ie C.ipe 1 above his "Id and south side I- intends to kee.' on hand. T I >L LD inform i- that he m.iy 1. Fear IJ.aiik, .and 1 doni Person Street, where : Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Wliips, Collars, and every tiling lieb.iiigiDg to his trade He re--iteei iully invites his friends from the coii.itrv to caii and examine his stock before purchaiing. He will attend to Ilepairing of llarnes.s and Sa'idb s punctually, and his ch.ii _res shall oe liioderate. lie 7.oiild reijiiest all indebted to the fnan .>f llOl'STON \ OVIiiUP.V to settle with W. Overby or liimself, ,as they are compelled to settle the firm s del-ts. ■Vuijusi 27, 1850. dlti ' 3ioi*v‘ A w I subscnl.'cr is receiving hi JS. 'I'Ell SI'OCK, c'pTisi.-ting of in the w.av of i s ix.»j is. F.'. LL AND W'lN- al oost every thing WIJO WOULD HA Vh: T11 or Gin ITf ,1 or ('n rrinjr hUl nil!shine nt on the npjHtsift' fht' ^l*'tho:list ( hdtt'hj trantnxj on Mnmford Strrt-f. (jiiEA r E.\'n-:upuish:! . ill‘ lo rpili: Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into iMjiartnership for the purpose of conducting the general C.MUHAGF P.USINESS in .all its various parts. .Vnd being both practical workni.*'*. fully un- di.Tstunditi"'their business, they haven- L iiatiou to I conip.are wort; with atiy fstablishmeut : . . jtteville as to style and dur.ibility. t.>ne oi the tiiia may liu known by i c- . ji to A I! . Whitfield's ir-.n 'v.ok for the last two ybirs. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Keiviiri’iff dosie in Jie ueate.it manner low for cash PIER .s: UR AN IN. .J.XMKS H. PiKK. .Jamks Rkanin. j F.-...ctteville, .iatry 24, 185:5. b2tt xi:u no )ivs. Com. P.Try’s .lajian Expedition, illustrated.^ ('oilier .'c .iewett’s Edition of the Original Text ol Sl'.akspeare's I'lays Restored. Fanninudale; I'lie Lion ot I-landers, oi the battle of the I'loi ie:! ."'purs: The 1,'urse of the \ illage, .vc.: Kitt'.'s Daily P>ib!e Illustrations: Kitto’s Popular Cy clopedia of P.iblieal Literature: IJ:jrnes' Notes on tiie Rooks of .lob and Revelations; year’s Celebrated iH.H lie will be -iiipplied with meet the detnand. Fayetteville, March 2t>. liEDSrivVDS! IUST received from the NLinufacturer, Ira Herscy, a supply of ni: /> S s of various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These liedsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low as they can be got fi om the North. C.ill and examine. A. M. CAMPEELL April *.b 94-y 'ar)>eting. Good a'd ’i'iniaon; Boots and Shee-; .\nker P>oUing ('lotii: Kerseys and Liiiseys: Irish l.ineii"'. sli: Tabic Di:iper and Najikins. With many other articles, .ail of which being ]iur- clmsed by tiie Pa. k ig.', will be oli'erc I at low jiriccs, by wholesale or rct iil. Oct. 21, I"'!'). oi-tf FtP'e fHSHr/tnee* i fH^llI' -El'.N.V Insiiranee ('omjiany of llartfortl, hav- 8 iiij; pai l the t.ax iinpn-;ed by the Revenue Law of the late Le islatiire, wiil coiiuniie its Agene\- in Faveiteville. undvrt be ma ii-i'.leiiien: of the un lei 'i^n- ed'who is preji.ired to i'^i; Poliei.-s (d’ In ur.aiiee on : P.uildinirs or ; o(>. litUer iii t'li'- I' l-.vn or in any pait of the -^late. on rop -r ;ip.i icai'on. dc.-;cri(>tion I of the Pr' . •■r:y, ! TiiO l/rNW :'0\1:’.\'nV :: ;s b.'cn in opcrati.Mi about : ‘ .so year.-'. Its np'tal is >-> >■». 'I'he Hon. Thos. j K. I'lrace w is its first Pn'sident, and hestiii h >Ids th.-it j otliee: and several of ii til >t Direct' rs are 'till active : 1'the P.oard. It :.as at ;i’I time.' . i.a;-a t: r I ' 1' 'V ihc di- r JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. subscribers have for sale, the !M volume of the 4 Reports of Law (.^ises in the Supreme Court of North V’arolina, by H. C. .Jones, Esq. .Just ]iublisiied Also. .Suprenie Cotirt Reports generally, iiud other ,1... I.' 1 11 \ T I'. V .^o\’ Bias •irrirctf! 4» ^^HE Great Iron Wheel Lxamined,’’ by Parson ^ itrownlow, price .$1 00, just reo’d. Postage on it by mail ib 18 cents. Also, u few more of the ‘ Great Iron Wheel, by Parson Graves. May 2^>. E. .). 11ALE'& SON. and ct*ii ient mem >ii--taitied tio* ir its m;in.i.;c:ii.'!::. has ever a i with A-nc^- iil.'h 1 ’'S H \LL. Agent (UA-NOl.S, 15AGS PERUVIAN: ;527 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only ha-! the cost of using those (iii-inocs in connexion been very mneli diniinishe I. but experi- ment.s have iir >ve 1 that the ph ''j.h itr. s- much want- iii'.r in the Peruvian, not oniv inereases the \ieM. but combined with the Colunibi.iii m.ikes the crop tiuicli more oert.ain. For sale by D. W. McL VL RIN. Nov. 0, is.'jii. 54tf lilSilOF iSllb.\S{ l{OFT'S WORKS. >|’J!!E 2d edition, (with hundreds of typograjdiical ti errors of the old edition corrected,) is ]iublished for the benefit of the .Missionary- cause of the Episco pal Church in North Carolin.a. The price ot the 2 volti. is, in cloth binding, ^l, in sheep .50. Orders, accompanied in every iustancc by cash, ni.ay be ad dressed to E. .J. H.VLE Son. Fayetteville, .'day 8, iSOli. XanMtiv(i of the il\p(‘dition ot’ an .\iiiericaii Siiuadroii to the t’liina Seas and .lapan, b’ t'oiii. Perry, C. .S. N.avy, with numerous illustrations, edited by P.cv Dr. F. L. Hawks -Vlso, further supplies of .Mrs. Hentz’s Novels; Miss Murr:iy’s Tr:ive!s through the U. S.: Mitchell’s Tra veller's Guide; Steel Pens, j-c. E. J. WALE SON. Aug. 12. :>h\\ LAW BOOKS. Nri'V Edition of Tidd’s Practice, 2 vols. ...^ Tiie Forum, or 40 year's Full Practice at the i Philadelpiiia l!:ir; tiy David Paul Brown. I Library of Lav, and Eijuity; bein of valuable Law Books for ^1-3 00. .Just, received t>y E. ,1. l>Ct. 2(1. l-'5 vols. (in 11) HALE & SON. Ca|)(‘ Land for Sai( 1 roii S\LE. PLATE. UN Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, Zinc, and i'iii patterns. Sept. 24. Ware and .Stoves of varioi liy C. W. ANDRFWS. Market Square. 42- .\]n-il 8. 1)EI:P lUVEii CO.VL. Bituminous t'O.VL of the best quality can be had a I tlie works at Egypt, at a reason.iblc pric‘-> by the Ton. WM. McCL.\NE, Mining Engineer. May 21, ]8')r, r.-tf !'’r('sh I’caciifs in Wiii!(“i'! 3 .“i'.' illi’A. • H ^ II E .Subscriber oilers for sale THREE HU.NDRHD m. and FIG iirV-r IVE .\cres of L.and on Cape Fear River below Smith s Ferry, in Cumbeilaiid county, running with the river to ilie lands of Mrs. Byrd. .\ portion of the land is ciiared an i fenced, it is well adapte i to tl.e cultiv.it'.o’i of c'rn, oats .and the usual crops -‘f tiie river bands li.as 111 it some giiod swamp, whicli may be easily pre- pareil tor u.-e i ^ j i luestions on the t:o.si.iels of .Mattlitew, .Mark ipor.ths. Persons . , ... i i „ iini LuUe; urccniie.'. .i (.ii'ei ■; ic.-.i.aiiiei.i and Lexicon. Fai l her .snjiplic.s of School Books. ^MlTH'.S GK.V.M.M.VR: Davies’, Smith's, Colburn’s, KT and (ircenleaf’s .Arithnievics; Lambert’s .\natomy and I’iiysiidogy; llitclicock’s Elementary (ieology; Goodrich’s uiul Wii.ard's L. !S. Histories; The Child’s History of the U. .S ; Parley's First Book of History; .Mitcheil’s Intermediate Geography; Olney'- Oeo- Bolmar's Levizac'.^ French Grammar; Piuneo’s . The ivu-t uncleared ■ , ' , ' English Teacher; Cornell'.', Interiaciiate (ieography; •li.ioi laav lie easilv nre- . , , ,, , i i , > l\a : s Readers: Emerson s \> atts on t!ie .Miiid: .lacobus It li be s'.id on a ere l.t of t\. '.visliln? to buy c.o.. ea.ll ‘ii the at tiiis [ii.ace. SHEPHF.RD. '.il-tf Half Hours with tin Harrison's !‘»alni of l*rairi(‘ l lowt'rs, ihr Ktor** ot tOLLKLl^- .M-.rcii 1 !, 4w i:U«)ClvEjlY ,1ml (tilj.lSS V M now receiving my Stock of Crockery and (lass. fl In a few days I shull have a g ,od assortment of : I . ihintr '•! niy line, suitable tor the (’’ountry Trade. '■ aiiitrv M'Tchants may rely on 't-;a ^ = ' Is from iiK- n l.e'tier terms than by or b-rin;; from the N'orth. W. N. TlLLlNtJHAST. Mar.h 12, 18.')7. ^^'>--"1 Citrate* of Drii^f Store of Dr. FOULKKS. S'.i 4w GOLDSToN. l-tf \ iVi'sii supply f)l l^llis s IJ 1,, a jjeasaiit cathartic, at tin March 11, 1 8oi . A frcsii assortin«*nt ot Hiirri.-^on's unrivalled PERFU.MEllV, just received and for sale at the Drug .Store of .March 11, lbo7. Revolutions in Lurojie, down to 18 P.». Webster’s University and Family Pronouncing Dic’y .luvenile ami School Books, Stationary. 5‘C ■lust rec'd by E. •). H.VLE tj- SON. Nov 17 Dr. FOULKES. b9-4w tiavdivare oanl leolloir^if are, —ALSO-- IJoot-' and r llOi'S. .Sjsddkrv, l-'isll, ' besV Authors.—Knight's Londou Edition, 2 vols.; Half * , , . Hours with t!:e iiest Poet.s. Any of which 1ie will .-ell chci.i. lor ( a«h, barter bjr Produee, or on short time. Store rccoiuly occupied by Troy i"!: Marsh, near the Dob!.in ilou. G. W. Oct. 15, IHofj. iiOiiEirr I). iUi\w.S, ( LATE GREi.N .-c WL.VR.) WATCH-ma.KER3, JEWELLERS, &c FA^KTTEVll.U:, N. C. 1) (t. begs to return his siiu ere thanks to the public for the kind ]• ifronagc so liberally be- stowcil unon the late Firm, and iiUoims them he has bought the interest of .1. S. Wear, and will continue the business in all its bram lies at tiie old stand, under his entire superintendenec. N B .All Watches left with him for repair will be taiieu apart in the. presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to tliein and a written contract given for tho same, which work will be w..r- ranted for two years. . . , On hand and for sale now, the most vi\r,ed and choic selection of CLOCKS and other lime pieces th-it has ever been offered to the public in North Caro lina, which he will sell at New Vork prices, and also w.\Kii.\x i' for two years. All debts due to and by the late firm will be paid and received by ^ ’ August 25, 1866. '.l«;co!lections ofii Life or Men and 'I'liirgs 1 have seen, by S. G. Goodrich. Author of I Peter Parley’s Tab"-': Paul Fane, by N. P. Willis; Let- ' fers ot L i'iy .Montagu. Fdited by Mrs S, .1. Hale; The Humor.s of Falconbridge, illustrated; The .Vdven- ' tures ol (ierard, tae Lion Hunter. 1 -Vlso, further supplies of the Lion of Flanders; The 1 Curse of the Village; Ernest Liuwood; The Rival ''iJcauties; The Wile's Trials; The Torch Light; Romance of the Harem; The Old Vicarage; Mrs. Lee Hentz's ! Novels 5d ct.s, u vol., .'tc. The Miscellaneous Works ■of Elgar A. Poe; Irving's Life of Washington; Ban croft’s L'. S.; ilume and Macaulay’s Histories of Eng land; Scott’s Infantry Tactics, S:c. A;c Dec'r 11, 1850. E. J. HALE & SON. “The Oid North State in 177(),” by Caruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E. J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1857. jS^HE subseril>er has for sale, at the Store of Mr ^ Win ?>. Tillinjihast, Fayetteville, a few hundred Cans of FRIiSH PF..\(’H I'.S, ]iut up the past Suninier, hi rmeticallj- se.ale 1, warranted sound. HUGH .McLFAN Fox’s Island, Harnett county, Dcc. 18. (iil :!ra la :ui V: iu hiri iino, vi/.: i S t J ii i > wiiich hi .1. G. I hoiiiHon and complete Sl’t.iCK OP .\I;irali s Sungslera; Reader^, l»avico’ ^lurv'e; Aug. ;jO. lol Tc.st.iiiiont.-; North Carolina ing, ^;c. .Just received. E. J. HALt: A: j>ON. l\l! rs for s-ile ai b .. r i'.\S;i, or to He retnrit- h..-:- th: •iiieral patronage, an ^ anie. w pri P');.'1.'!'! I;'|i^ I- !:.:nj -U --."- ■ . iiiis to his eust- ;ai':s fer th.eir I Soiici’..' a COT;; il.U.'i .;ce I'f t'll- J. THOMSON, M irket Sipiare ol'.tf UiiU frt)in tiic i ounUnn o! L’li*, Uy il. v. Richurd .N.wton, D. D.; I'he Two Lights, by the :iiithor of -Suuggles for Liie;' t'unnning’.' Last of the I'atriarciis; ir. i^pencji's i’;-: r's .'■'Uctciies, 1st ami 2d series; I'he Prince o: ti lloiiseot i>a\; . or Three \'i-;;r-- in liie ;Ioiy ‘ .ty; iviito s i.'.iily Bili.e Hlustra- ti.in- ; il l. i.'lojie li.a of Bilnii’ .i I itei-.atiire: (,’um- iiiiiv's 'iinor -S o; Ki; !'h. '^iirist of 1! istory, b_\ Vouii;:; k'uu!miii;.;'s Scri|..:;ie ileadings; Bariies's Notes on Re\eia tio;is,; i »o. oa .i oo; ('li a. met s Post o uinou - Works; .\l.ister-I’i. Cl .1 of i'u'.jiil -'..ioqUiace. Edited by Rev. ile.irv C. i'.'h; .c., .• c. i. -L H.\Lh .v Sti.N. ^ .L W. BAKEll Is now rccciviiijr from (he .\ortli thi; largest, liiiost, and inn.st carufully s,- / lectod stock of ever olfered iu this market; which, added to his o-.vn manufacture, maies his assortment complete;—all of which be will sell on the io-.vest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable puiiited cottage M'd-room Furniture in setts; curled hair .and shuck, and ci.*tt-:n VLattre.sses; Looking Glasses: Willow Wagons aie! Cr.adie-: Si.lo Boards; Bureaus; Secietries and l5ook-t%u;e ;; W ii it- Nots; Tables, ali sorts; V. ash .Stands; (iaiidle .''tands; Wardrobes; Pi-iture Fr.ames and (.Mass; Window Sii.ades; Cornices; (birtain Band': Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Teto a I'etes; Ottomans: Divans aiid Stools. Chairs nf every v.iriety. Fine Rosewood i’ianos, one with .l'iolin!i .At tachment: Rosewoi)d 'lelodia’.is, from the bet manufae tories in Now- \ «»rk -lud Bostoii, w irraiited :is t'ooil .as auy made in the coutitry, au i will be sold at N. Vork prices—freight ouly added. November 2. b'>t The Orii^inal 'I'c.xt of Sli.^ikspi'aro's Plays Restored, 200,000 Typotrraphical Errors and omissions corrected by the Manu.xcript I.mendations contained in the recently discovered Folio of 1():J2, by J. Payne Collier and .John L. .lewet; Esquires.—one vol. 8vo. A further supply iu shctp and cloth and sheep bindings. E- J- HALE & SON. March 4. i ptemiier o. IH-jti. !i!:\VARj). ^ AN'AWAV f|. o.i the ■ last, a tiegro mait - ■ i'.ai; hijh, iboll- :|0 y :i:,ib;a'. sU|'po.;eil to be lurkin.; i;i ae iii i_i: iie.t or .i.:'ae5 .'.i-1\ I't r.;m. Ti.e aoove r.-v. ai’d w. be ji.iid t iivi'i s .:d ae'..^ro to uiv at 1.' N. (’ , or conriniiig iiiia in any • can got hiia. .(line 2’i n tlie !, all of April • ioliti sik'ciic £jA'iitorf((»OHs i,f >ir J'lhi! in is..:;, ’.'>4 and '55, 2 ). .V lurtlicr suj ply of tins beaut;!u! and i;.; v.oriv, ni clotli, siitep :iud h.-iil caii' tiiud- i.. J. ii.i!.i. X »-'ON. Dec. 11. SVl: .1’ iny per> ai -le itl.ain (' I. i:i Iiie St'itc v li. ri SAT 11 a:; kI \ AiJ 11 N Fo ii Ni i Ni''tiil'i Worn. A I om.iu acred ib.jut thirty or thir' iiisc servriiit, eook, \.a-!ie and iuiia.'itri 111-;. I liiri a- ! -c!uidr:'u i p. :-Oor i kwe-i to I all j .\ndors ii I April 2' ed a:..: ,t nito :f\lie '.Vo;n.,.'; !i V. ;illt of : ' on ilie ui; 1-. Street, when about tour ye.ars ot op.‘l t is !. i\' ;irtie'li:;r: (imin t ju,-t r.-c Dei-'r •.ell I. .-d 1. .V tui tiier sujniiy of ll;i> i J 'E. 11 .l.K \ ■ ir boirk, ■ S(«.N. B \1;T)I' F ’’Li.i; at ■pin: !■ J it’-'- lection, a hoped this .NOi'ici-:. !i s ill ; ■ ■ i:;its liuc to .Ino. 'I. ]>easley, tiie U.ii ;s of '.Via. McL. ''leiy.iy for col- :on'.:er indulgence t; >// not be given, it is notice will be sufiioient to siive co-jts. .JOHN M. BEASLEY. 12tf I line 1 8.)i. i'iu' suiHi'ribors wiii purchase Spirits T irpentire, or make advances on conbignmeuts to their i'rieuds in tVilniiugton, or New Vork. C. T. HAIGH ^ SONS. April 0, l>-55 90tf Blank VN'arrants for sale lierc. CHRIBT^iiAJ PiLi.SEi^'TS \.\j> .Nil -.’' i Osi' r.S. 7j^AP1ER 'Ii L saii'iW.jU I’.oxes, ^ a rich and very beautiful iire--eiit for a Lady. Ruse Wood u I.i riNG D!:SKS . n.l Wt.illK 150XES, vaiious styii s. P;.-R'1'F ILL ).s, in eat s'ari. t > of s;yic'an'' ija idtie-, fi-'jiii t!u* cheapesr to ;;,i; fmi sc .Mi.ror-o,. REnCULE.S, .Vl r. fCo. ' aif Ski:* and \'ehet. some very hands^ nie. Till a!i ive ;;o.' |.> :i:i;te utility vitii • ;u»y. ini are thus '.veil ad ipti i f r Ji/.s-, i sea -on. .lust rcc'd by Lxpress. E. Dec. 1 ">. to.- :t].|.iii.icli;ng HALK V N. !:irp, r's Mu'j.i/.ine for just receiv- Dec’r 25 -y E. .J. .rniiDirv .u HALE .t Von. CAN'rVV T-LL S N. C. ji 8'i iCE. Siraini’s Justice Revised, and alijf>rd to the S>'ie liansed tUjde. rBlHlS work, invaluablf'to Magistrates, t)flicers. *inU JL .-ill who have occ.asion to know the Law, aJ.d to use the Forms under it, i8 very mucii enlarged. Price Si3 50. For sale by E. J. HALE i SON August 1850.

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