will t Beports. ^ ,u,l Vl,s*.,l V. ,.,j., !o,,k l*artnfr.-;, ,, 1 rue: ^„,j , liU. tv^st. HluJ • ,.rv tu. I ..H iiciii,'. M,.., nite ! i-.U D'i . . lilt: ‘ir; i. i • ( ■' '» ( Atl: nip. ( ( : .1 • Utdii VMin HItii th' u-y . ;it» •• 1 be li\ I lilx) I. :fs M T »n: imei,: Lij^iit Maurr ginj^ I ( i- it.JiS- •k.s Jol,.. >y li u i i.. ~ 'H ■: :li in 1 nii«: I - tllr ,L. . K V )M>.- : ION irtlu ,K AL > ri'l h X k.p Krr Kr i- 0 of 4uir» r'«: i77t;," i‘> )pl>- E & uerii i ■ •ile-i; : ^>y ■f :on.si' , or 'I liiid of n II )l )l i; ,v rn(!r. ' MM, ks, , j b; & . -N. I'arki-i 1 ii: illioii '.reirk i; t- ■ . • -’ ■■■ ved. .£ & IFAITIETO SE MI-WEEKLY. nOL. VI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., APRIL 2, 1857. [NO 595.] I M’KL) MONDAY:^ AND THUKSDAVS- )\\\\l\) J. HALE & SON, KDiTiHiS ANI> I’KOPRIETORS. Uu' StMui-Weekly Obskrter $3 00 if paid in oO if paid during the year of subscrip- ■ after the year has expired, liu- 'Veokly « (uservkr .$2 00 per annum, if paid in ,u .: -"iO if paid during the year of subscrip- ; s:', u(t after the year has expired. riSEMtlNTS inserted for sixty cents per ■ t 'I lines for the first, and thirty cents for each puMii-iitlon. Yearly advertisements by spo- .-I'vu-ts. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ti ! to state the number of insertions desired, or '■ 1' continued till forbid, and charged aocord- r'i .‘ments to be inserted itifiiif, charged 50 per Spring 'rral‘, 1857. n. K. PKAKCE I > N »y HKCEIVING a beautiful and well selected and Summer Goods^ >iii^ ,i general assortment of all the latest styles ir.-*' Itress Go>'ls. Lace and Silk Mantles, bin ■lifs Ilf evtry des.Tiption, Crape Shawls, Boii L’.btious, Gloves. Belts, Hosiery, Jic — ALSO— ' iiito and colored Linen Drilling, N-li.-ih and French Drap d’Ete, ■ ■••iched and brow^n Shirtings and Sheetings, >!i Linens, Linen Table Cloths, . m-lings and Napkins. ^hurn, Panama, Cassimere and Moleskin Hats, 111 .r**!las and Parasols, ];, .tr. Shoes, and KKADV-.MADE CLOTHING. \ :* which will be sold low for C\SH, or on the ■;i,. tniif to punctual customers, either at Wholesale - All persons (and particularly the Ladies) . • ottuliy requested to give me a call before ill: .r selections. B. F. PEARCE. ;■ 'itcville. (Hpy St.,) March 12, 1857. 89tf ^priii? Ktock, I8*i7. E. F. MOORE, Wlioirvilr lirorer and Commi&siun Merchant. Has just received in Store, •jr> Harrels Wlii-skc}’ and Brandy. :,.'i and hhds. of Sugar, ass’td. 7' Suvks ilio (Aiffee, “ Salt. .'i lioxcs Soda Biscuit. i ii 111 ', Siiap-i, i’audles. Snuff, Cigars, «&c. &c. A : wiiicb will be sold ou liberal terms. ^i iva 1-, lJ-'.7. SPtf NO HUMBUG! ^P^UE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders X for Superior W\*ter Burkets. He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploys North Carolina capital and labor.—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. A TRIAL is what he want.s. Messrs. WORTH ^ UTLEY of this place are Agents for the sale of t!ie above Buckets. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb’y 17, 1857. 82-y •J. C. Tlioinson Is now receiving a large and complete STOCK OF GOODS in his line, viz: HITS, C.IPS, BOOTS AM) SllORS, In all varieties, which he oflFers for sale at low prices for U^CASH, or to prompt pai/ing cuttomern. He returns his thanks to his customers for their liberal patronage, and solicits a continunnce of the same. J. C. THOMSON, Market Square September .3, 1856. 36tf NOTICE. Y virtue of a Trust confided to me by appoint- 3 » ment of the proprietors of Cumberland .Academy at meetings held June 12, ’5o and D.-c’r 11, '55, I will proceed to sell, on Tuesday of Harnett Superior (’ourt May 19th 1857, the whole or so much of the property of said institution as will be necessary to pay the in debtedness of said institution if not previously disposed of. JNO. W. McK.\Y, Treas’r. March 13, 1857. 90tf Harrison's Crystal Miicila^o, at the Drug Store of Dr. FoULKES. March 11, 1857. 89-4 w Harrison’s Calm of Prairie Flow ers, at the Drug Store of Dr. FOULKES. March 11, 1857. 89-4w CROCKERY •Ind efI.,tSS W\1RE. ■ AM now receiving mj' Stock of Crockery and Glass. In a few days 1 shall have a good assortment of everything in my line, suitable for the Country Trade. Country Merchants m.*y rely on getting goods from me on better terms than by ordering from the North. W. N. TILLING HAST. March 12, 1857. 89-2m A fresh supph' of Ellis> Citrate of Magnesia, a pleasant cathartic, at the Drug Store of Dr. FOULKES. March 11, 1857. 8U 4w NEGROES WANTED. ^JIHE undersigned will pay the highest cash price i for YOUNG NEGROES. Letters addressed to either of us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt attention. D. C. MclNTYRE. DANIEL M. .McLAURIN. Laurinburgh, Dec. 26, 1856. 68tf JUST KKCi:iVEI), QUARTER BOXES RAISINS. 20 Half 20 Boxes Soda Biscuit. 20 “ Cheese. For sale by C. E. Dec’r 15. LEETE. 66tf T T y DR 1). W . C. HENliOW, I). D. S., Cii‘a4lii:(t; of llio Baltimore Colleg‘ of D|f NT \ L SI RGKRY. FFICE hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M- “ 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. DR. BENBOW may be found at his suite of Rooms near the M-irket, where all who are in need of the services of a Weiitist are respecfuily invited to call. .\11 operations performed upon the latest and most approved plans. To those in neeil of » Teeth, he would simply say that he is behind in no improvement. He inserts from one to an entire set upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be eijually as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine mouths of each year in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Oct. 20, 1856. 40-tf OLD KVE W HLSKKY. '■IHE Subscriber is tae only authorised agent in M- Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. R. C. Pur- year's (’elebrated 01>f> W If K 1". He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON. Fayetteville, March 26. 90-tf BEDS'I'I^A DS! I )S1' EA DS!! JUST received from the Mauufacturer, Ira Hersey, a supply of BE D STE.ID S of various patterns, and made of good seasoned timber. These Bedsteads are manufactured in this place, and can be sold to dealers as low as they can be got fiom the North. Call and examine. SIIE>1WELL HOUSE FAYETTEVILLE, €. East side of Green Street, a few Doors North oj the Murket House. HE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron- ige heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. «6-tf .Vpril 9. Foil SAI.E fMIlN PLATE, JL Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, M. CAMPBELL. 9I-V >1 ore i\ew (joods. suj'scriber is receiving his FALL .\ND WIN i r .ii sl'OCK, consisting of almost every thing iVilOCEpiIES, llat'thrarc ami MMoUow-^ivare^ —ALSO— iii ot.- and S hoes, Saddlery, Fish, &C., f vhici he will sell cheap for Cash, barter for : 111.., ..r i n short time. Store recently occupied ; • a: .Nlarsh, near the Dobbin House. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. ■ T ■), 1856. 48tf |}*)()k Wanted. Suli.si-riher. having taken the General Agency * r L'etting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s ’ ■ 1. t N irth Carolina, now in process of publica V E J. Hale Jj- Son of Fayetteville, is ■ -;r. . .^f •'ntering: into an engagement with one oi le V, . intelligent and reliable persons in each : e aiicial ('ircuits, to canvass their respective : ■' i the State, or particular counties, thoroughly ■ ; '1 . e :»pplication is desired, as sample copies ot i ilume w ll will be ready in a few days. ii i' ited test'monials as to character must ac- - ' I t! V each application. Address H. W. HORN. ' eville, Dec. 9, 1856. 64- FOR SAI.E 1W1 H t. sell my Pl.,% IfT.lTlOK on the West 1. .)f iipe Fear, 2 miles below Fayetteville 1 ; 'til "ido acres or more; it consists of River .!,■ nd .;ind Hill Land. ■ iv H' use and Lot on Ramsey Street. •ic . *t corner Dick and Person Streets. hi‘ .1 .use and Lot corner of Frink’s Alley and ti(ro Street. I .>1 res i 'ape Fear Bank Stock. .J SI res I’lank Road Stock. M. N. LEARY. 1 vettoville, Dec’r 1, 1866. 61 tf V ALUABLE L\r. ESl'ATE FOR SALE. ' 1 .1. sell at .Auction on the premises, in Elizabeth . "I! the first Monday in May next, the LJT ' i'L and other buildings at present occupiel iiiter, situated in the centre of the Village, 1-- ; rini-ipal street. The House is large, well , .1 iii ::ily new—the front building has eight !' li nx.ijis with fire places, and two others in tt there is a spacious addition in the renr, in •e a dining room and several .good bed rooms Him premises are all necessary outbuildings. . .^tiioke-huuse. Stables, Shelters, Ac., a good m; well of good Water. Also, a small House tit d f(.r u store, and fvro offices for Lawyers 'lit: riirn ture in the Hotel belonging to Jame.« M wi]l he sold at the same time and on the same -\lso, two lots adjoining each other, contain ■ •• ere of land, upon one of which there if ^ ■'mall itlj; hoUbe. ■ r iperty will be sold rn a credit »f one, two ii;d four years. Bonds with approved security, interest from date, the interest payable . will be required of the purchaser or pur- » before the possession is given. THO. C. a.MlTH, Attorney for JAMES MELVIN. ' , JO, 1857. 86-tapd IU>OKBIi\DmG ‘ ' kinds, is executed in the best manner. *' 'I eoinmon Prayers, Bibles, and others, re in tiie same style they were befor-9. Thi« will " tiif repurchase ot new books. Librarians connected ’■ and other societies, and also gentlemen ■ ‘itiji at ii distance, will find it a matter of economy ■' '!ifir books bound here, as a deduction of prices 'iru ie upon large orders: Pack them and send ' ■ ii [i;irticular directions to this Cfitablishment: ■ • ' j...], fiijithed, they will be carefully repacked and ' 1 without ilelay. tlie beht stock of materials; and workman ' compare with any either at the North or ■util. M l' V fur a list of Binding prices before going else '■'t' The undersigned respectfully solicits a share 1-triLuge. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST Anderson Street 1856. 54-Y A fresh assortment of Harrison’s unrivalled PERFU.MERY, just received and for sale at the Drug Store of Dr. F(»ULKES. March II, 1857. 89-4w NEW^ BOOKS. Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition, illustrated. Collier & Jewett’s Edition of the Original Text of Shakspeare’s Plays Restored. Farmingdale; The Lion of Flanders, or the Battle of the Golden Spurs: The Curse of the Village, Jfec.; Kitto's Daily Bible Illustrations; Kitto’s Popular I’y- clopedia of Biblical Literature; Barnes' Notes on f!ie Books of Job and Revelations; Half Hours with the best Authors.—Knight’s London Edition, 2 vols.; Half Hours with the best Poets. Revolutions in Europe, down to 1849. Webster’s University and Family Pronouncing Dic’y Juvenile and School Books, Stationary, J-c Just rec’d by E. J. HALE SON. Nov 17 Sept Zinc, and Tin Ware and Stoves of variou? patterns. By C. W. ANDREWS, Market Sjuare. 24. 12- deep RIVER COAI.. KUi’UMlNoUS (’().\L of the best quality can be had at the works at Egvpt, at a reasonable jirice by the Ton. ' WM. McCLANE, May 21, 1856. Mining Engineer. 6-tf Recollections ofa Life Time, or Men and Things I have seen, by S. G. Goodrich, Author of Peter Parley’s Tales; Paul Fane, by N. P. Willis; Let ters of Lady Montagu. Edited by .Mrs. S. J. Hale; The Humors of Falconbridge, illustrated; The Adven tures of Gerard, the Lion Hunter. Also, further supplies of the Lion of Flanders: The 'urse of the Village: Ernest Linwood; The Rival Beauties: The Wife’s Trials: The Torch Light; Romance of the Harem; The Old Vicarag-^; .Mrs. Lee Hentz ? Novels, 60 cts a vol., ic. The Miscellaneous Works of Edgar A. Poe; Irving’s Life of Washington; Bat- croft’s U. S.; Hume and Macaulay’s Histories of Eng- lund; Scott’s Infantry Tactics, iic. &c. Dec’r 11, 1856. E. J. HALE & SON. Fire InsHrance* f ■'1HE .iETN.V Insurance Company of Hartford, hav- M. ing pail tlie tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Lesiislatiire. will continue its .Vitency in Fayetteville, under the niMnauement of the undersign ed, who is prep.ared to i^.'^ue Policies ot Insurance on liuildings or Goods, either in tliis Town nr in any part of the State, on propc-r application, description of the Property, Xc. The -ETNA COMPANY has been in operation about 30 years. Its cap.tal is S.>(M>,000. Tlie Hon. 1 hos. K. Bnice was its first President, and he still holds that otlice; and several of its first Directors are still active and efficient members of the Board. It has at all times DOBBLX HOUSE! POWERS cS: TIlOY, Propuietous. r||lHE Proprietors of this Establishment J. announce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have been induced to en large the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on tlie lower tloor, and suite of Rooms on the seconl tloor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attacheil and careful Ostlers in at- tendriiiee The eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attentlance on arrival and departure ot .■'team Boats, for the accomtnodation of passengers. Horses and Carriajies furnished at anj’ notice for car rying travellers to any {lart of the adjacent country. J. W POWERS. W. C. TROY. Fayetteville, May 12, 1856. 3tf A RARE CIIA\CE! I'he Fnrnitnre and Fi.xtnres ot the I'ay (‘ttoville Hotel for sale. ^I'^HK subscribers having full}’ determined to sell j[ the above named Property, noTf offer it to an en terprising man upon liberal terms. This Hotel enjoys a large custom from the adjoining counties and from the travelling public, with a pres pect of future increase. What it has done and is now doing can ho eeen by any one wishing to purchase re fwrring to cnr books. The situation of the building is such that it com m.inls the greater j>art of the custom coming to and passing through this place. For the amount of capital invested, there is no bu siness that a person could engage in that would pay as well. J. H. ROBERTS & ’0. Sept 11, 18.'6. 38tf v.\Li AliLlf TY rtut H.tMjK. 1 OFFER for sale, my L.\NDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 .\cres. known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .Vbout 80 .\cres of it is fine .Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. .\lso, the Valiial>l‘ Itrick ^tore and l^ot near the Market Square, occupied by Mr. John A. Pemberton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be dividel into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings, i .Vlso, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford ! Street. I Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both NEW GOODS. W^e have received our Stock of Spring and, Sununer Ooods, To which we call the attention of Buyers. Our goods are all new, and have been selected with considerable taste. And we will sell as cheap as any House in the State. MOORE ^ BRO. March 25, 1857. 98- FOR SALE. 4 FEW of the very best STOCK PIGS,—now ready for delivery. JNO. WADDILL, Jr. delivery. March 24. 93-2W MjOTF€PR S^MMjE ^■HlE LOT, corner of Gillespie and Mumford Streets, I extending about 500 feet on Mumford Street, is offered for sale. For terms apply to G. DEMING, Esq., Fayetteville, or JAMES OWEN, Wilmington. •March 26, 1857. 94-2mpd DeGrath'S I'Jectric Oil, lor sale hv s. J. HINSDALE.* March 30. »4-3t Pure Potash, for sale by March 3 J. HINSDALE. 94-3t Hyson and Iinpenai 'Feu, ior sale l>\ S. J. HINSDALE March 30. II Fall and Winter Goods. J, » T. IVaddill, HAY STREET, A RE now receiving their Fall and W'inter GOODS ;m. consisting of a large and well selected stock of Groceries, Hard-ware, Cutlery, Blacksmith^* T ur- pentine 'Fools, Agricultural Im plements, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles lu the Dj-ug line, Ready-made Clo thing, and Staple Dry Goods ECCLES’S MILL \S been newly repaired. Send ^our Corn an have it ground. M- McKINNON. March 30. Town papers copy. \EW STORE. ' ^■^HE Subscriber is now receiving, direct from New ■ York, his fresh and well selected Stock of Familu Groceries, Together with a full supply of PROVISIONS; And would be pleased to have all paying customers give him a call. Store in lower tenement of J W. Powers ^ Co.’s brick store. W. C. TROY. March 30, 1857. 94-4t Further Supplies of Books and Stationary. rf^HEODOSlA ERNKST, or The Heroine of Faith; Inquire within for anything you want to know ; Ritle. Axe and Saddle bags, by Milburn; Household Mysteries, a Romance of Southern Life; Dr Kane s .\rctic Explorations,—cloth, sheep and half calf bindings: Webster’s Dictionaries, unabridged Quarto, Octavo. Family Pronouncing, Pocket, «tc.—eight different editions. The Turner’s Companion; Jacobus’ Notes on .Matthew; School Books; DUPLUWTING IMPRESSION PAPER, Ac., ^-c. Just rec’d. I^- J H.\LE & feON. This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, t>ct. 24, 43tf We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. i)\V ELLL\G FOR SALE. I'^HE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling- and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Rus-iell Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erauibert. I’ernis reasonable. E. J. HALE. ■May 29. WOOL ROLLS. I B^OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek ▼ W Factory. SHEETINGS, -)snaburgs. Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sal* by June 1854. GEO. McNEILk 7-tf LOST. Last Night, between the Market House and the Dobbin House, a small PORTE MONNI.A, con taining about $25 or $30, consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold pieces, three Two-and-a-IIalf Gold pieces and four One Dollar Gold; also some small change and a bill or two. A suitable reward will be given for the recovery of the above described Purse and .Money. \4 \f ^ I L'/ Fayetteville, June 4, 1856. WM. McLE(»D. 10-tf 1 JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. I^llE subscribers have for sale, the l-'d volume ot the Reports of Law Cases in the Supreme Court of North Carolina, by H. C. Jones, Esq. Just published- Also, Supreme Court Reports generally, and other* Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. BRO UWMjO Mias ^Mrrived! kk d^HE Great Iron Wheel Examined,” by Parson Postage Great Iron Wheel,” by E. J. HALE & SON. sustained the highest character fur the prudence of ; Winslov and Mumford Streets. A CARD. tlHE undersigned would respectfully inform his ola friends and customers that he can be found t the Store oi C. E. Leete, where he will be glad to see them. J R. McDON.\LD. Fayetteville, N. C., Jan’y 8, 1857. 72-»f III, its management, and for the libei ility with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, .\gent GUANOES. 7*r ^ BAGS PERUVIA.V; ;!27 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only has the ^ost of using these Guanoes in connexion ben very much diminished, but esperi- menta have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruviim. not only increases the yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. D. & W’. McLAURIN. 54tf For sale by Nov. 6, 1856. FEMALE LNSTFFUTE. I'^HIS Institution will resume its operations again [ on M(J.NDAY, the 8th of SEPTEMBER. The charges will be the same as they have been for the last year. Board $10 per month, including wash- ng, lights, ^c. L. C. GRAVES, A. M., who has served us so long and efficiently as Principal of the Institute, new also has charge of the Steward’s Department, which ren ders it doubly sure that this department will be con ducted to the entire satisfaction of all. Mr. Stradella will continue in charge of the Musical Department; and Mrs. Stradella the Department of Painting, &c. H A. IJIZZELL, Sec’y Board of Trustees (Minton, .July 25, 1856. 30-tf Cape Fear Jiand ibr Sah' I^HE Subscriber offers for sale THREE Hl'NDRED and EIGHTY-FIVE Acres of Land on Cape Fear River below Smith’s Ferry, in Cumberland county, running with the river to the lands of Mrs. Byrd. A portion of the land is cleared and fenced. It is well adapted to the cultivation of corn, oats and the usual crops of the river lands. The part uncleared has on it some good swamp, which may be easily pre pared for use. It will be sold on a credit of twelve months. Persons wishing to buy can call on the owner at this place. J. G. SHEPHERD. Aprils. FOR SALE. .If Reduced Prices^ for €'JlSii or on SUORT 250 (lUtiitAlilSli, ii.lROUI'llBS, Rockaways and Buggies OF E VER Y DE S CRIPTION, UANY' of which are finished, and the balance being finished daily. Among which are many New and Beautiful styles, and one V^ERY FINE CARRIAGE. Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities for ioingCarriage work are GREATER than any establish ment South, and 1 can afford and am determined to sell work of the BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one. Those who are indebted to me will please pay up, as my business requires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb. 3, 1866. 72-tf All this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortcaee if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 43-tf_ ROBER’F D. GREEN, (LATR fSREEN & WKAR.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., favkttkville, n. c. I) G. liegs to return his sincere thanks to the I« • public fur the kind patronage so liberally be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the business in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N. B All Wjitches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to them and a writte\ contract given for the same, which work will be w.tr- ranted for two years. On h:in.i and for sale now, the most varied and choice selection of CLOCKS and other time pieces ' th;it has ever been offered to the public in North Caro- i lina, which he will sell at New York prices, and also j w'Miu.vNT for two years. I All debts due to and by the late firm will be paid and received by GREKN. .August 2-5. i>56. * 34-tf o. iiT>us'ro\ ■:» «7'OULD inform his friends and former customers WW that he nniy be found 2 doors below the Cnpe I Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, setts; curle.il hair anu snucK, ann coiion .uaiuesses; HSrilBSS, SftddlOS. BfidlGS, WhipS, CollSrS, Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons .and (’radles; Si«le ' i,jg He respectfully Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; Wli.it- , hi« friends from the country to call and examine Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands: C_andle Stan.is; i before purchasing. Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Sha-les; - to Repairing of Harness and Saddles Cornices; Curtain Bands; bolas in Mahogany :ind p^mctmiHy, and his charges shall be moderate. He Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; ' hidebted to the firm of HOU.STON & Chairs of every variety. OVKKliY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they Fine Ro.scwood Pianos, one with At- ■ are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. NOTICE. ON the 7th April 1857, I will sell to the highest bidder the following property, being in the Town of Fayetteville, to-wit; 1 HOUSE and LOT (containing two acres,) in Lower Fayetteville, situated on Water Street, on which Louis A. Nixon now*resides. The House is new ami in good repair, and the location very healthy One vacant LOT also in Lower Fayetteville (con taining acre,) known in the plan of said town as Lot No 98, situated on Front Street. The above property will be sold at the .Market House on the day above named, without reserve. Terms accommodating, and made known at sale. ELIJAH F. .MOORE, By C. E. LEETE, Auc’t. March 24. J . TRUSTEE SALE. Y virtue of a certain Deed of Trust, to me exe cuted by Louis A. Nixon, I will also sell at the same time and place, all the stock of Goods in the Store House now occupied by Louis A. Nixon, in Lower Fayetteville, consisting of a general assort ment of Dry and iJrocerics. ■And will rent for the balance of the year 18 >7, the Store House and Dwellii-g House which said Nixo now occupies Terms made known at sale. E F. MOORE. Trustee, By C. E. LbET;^, ,\uct’r. March 24. It IWts IJFE INSURANCE. d .\.2:eut of J. \V. BAKER Is now receiving from the North the largest, huest, aud most carefully se lected stock of i'lIR.MTl Ki: ever offered in this market; whith, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed room Furniture in curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet manufac tories in New Y*trk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, ami will be sold at N. York [irices—freight only added. November 2. NOTICE. II’IE notes and accounts due to Jno. M. Beasley, are in the hands of Wm. .McL. .McKay for col lection, as longer indulgence wifi not be given, it is hoped this notice will be suflicient to save costs. * JOHN M. BEASLEY. June 25. 1855. I2tf Vuznst 27. l?5t). 34 tf 1 The subscribers will purclmso Spirits Turpentire, or make advances on consignments to their friends th Wilmington, or New York. C. T. HAIGH 4- SONS. April 9, 1855. flOtf WI/0 WOULD HAVE TIIOUGUl ITf A new Citrn'afe Estahfishment on the Military Green, opposite the Metholiiit Church, t'^ontinij on Mumford Street. fB^HE Undersigned has been appointed ■ the North Carolina Mutu.il Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for lil'e participates in the pro fits of the Ooiniiany: an 1 tlie annual premium loi life membership, where it amounts to or more, may be paid one-half in cash, aud the other halt ii. note at 12 months. Debtors' lives may be insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life lor the exc.a.s.ve bjuetii oi his family The lives of sl.ives maj' be insiirol. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world It is one by wliich a family, lor a small sum annually, may be provided for, alter tue de.-ith of its head, ui whose exertions they may bavt- been dependent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long alter laKin^ out a Life Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, aud the necessar\' Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE Further Supplies of Books. I^llE Humorous Poetry ol the Englisii Lanj|U.ige; Home aud the World, by .Mrs. laves of Va.; Poetical Works and ‘liejectel Addresses’ ol Horace and James Smith; IJeuumarchais and his I'lnes; Confidential Correspondence of Vapoleon and Jo sephine; The L.ady’s .Vlminac for 1857; Dr. Rtine’s .Vrctic Explorations; Memoir of Susan .\llibone; Knight’s Pictorial Half-Hours; Ready Reckoners; The .Mystic (Mrcle; Bullion’s Practical Lessons in Kng isb Grammar. Just received E. J. HALE SON. Jan’y 2, 1857. I'he Original 'Fe.xt of Shakspeare’s Plays Restored, 20O,(MJ0 Typographical Errors and omissions corrected by the Manuscript Emendations contained in the recently discovered Folio of 1632, by J. Payne Collier and John L. Jewett. Estjuires,—one ▼ol. 8vo. A further supply in sheep and cloth anl E. J: HALE K SON. JL Brownlow, price 1 00, just rec’d. on it by mail is 18 cents. Also, a few more ol the Parson Graves. May 28. BlSllOPlAlEASCROFTiwORrS. 11HE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typographical errors of the old edition corrected,) is published for the benefit of the Missionary cause of the Episco pal Church in North Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, !^4, in sheep !j'4 50. Orders, accompanied in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed to E. J. HALE ^ SON. Fayetteville, May 8, 1856. Narrative ot the Expedition ot an .\merican Squadron to the China Seas and Jap.an, bj Com Perry, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations, edited by Rev. Dr. F. L. Hawks Also, further supplies of .Mrs. Hentz’s Novels; Miss Murray’s Travels through the U. S.; .Mitchell’s Tra- velitr’s Guide; Ste*-l Pens, ^c. E. J. UALE J- SON. Aug. 12. NEW LAW BOOKS. 4 NEW Edition of Tidd’s Practice, 2 vols. The Forum, or 40 year's Full Practice at the Philadelphia Bar; by David Paul Brown. Library of Law and Equity; being 13 vols. (in 11) of valuable Law Books for •'jiio UO. Just received by E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 20. Further supijltes of School Books. ^MITH’S GKA.M.VhVK; Davies’, Smith’s, Colburn’s, and Greenleaf’s .-Vritliinetics; Lambt-rt’s Anatomy and Physiology; Hitchcock’s Elementary Geology; Goodricn's and Willard’s U. S. Histories; The ChilU’s History of the U. S ; Parley’s First Book of History; vlitchell’s Intermediate Geography; Olney’s Geo graphy, Bolmar s*Leviz!ic’s French Grammar; Pinneo’s b)nglish Teacher; Cornell’s Intermediate Geography; Kay's Headers; Emerson’s Watts’ou the .Mind; Jacobus’ .Notes and Questions on the Gospels ot .Matthew, Mark and Luke; Greeuheld’s Greek I'estament and Lexicon; d irsh s Songsters, School Testaments; North (’arolina ite.tders, L);iviej’ Surveying, xe. Just received. Aug. 30. E. J. HALL & ."ON. Rilh tVoin the Fouiitam of l.'te, itev. liiehard Newton, l». D.; Tlie i wo Lights, by tiie lu'hor of 'Struggles tor Lite;’ Cumming’?i Last ol the t atnarchs; Dr. spencer’s Pastor's SKetcUes, 1st and Jd series; The Prince ol tne House ot Uiivid, or three Vears in me Hjty tJity; Kitto's Uaily Bib.e Illustra tions; Do. Cyclopedia of Biblical Literature; Cuui ining’s Minor orks; The Christ of History, by Young; umming's Scripture Keadinga: Barnes’s Notes on Kevelations; Do. on Job; Chaimers’ Postliumous \Norks; daster-l’ieces of Pulpit hloquence. Edited by Rev. lenry C. Fish; xc., .i^c. E J. ii.\LE i5i SON. VALUABLE NEGROES FOR SALE. (jUKA P KN TKRPKISI-;! fl'^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the A NEGRO Woman aged about thirty or thirty-five I general C.\RKIAGE BUSINESS in all its various j\ years, good house servant, cook, washer and ! parts. And being both practical workm'a, fully un- irouer, honest and industrious. | dersianding their business, they have nc, uvoitation to A Girl aged anout nine, and a boy about four years ' compare wor’K with any establishment ii r . , jtteville —children of the woman. Persons in want of this species of property will do well to call on the undersigned at his Law Office on Anderson Street, when further particulars will be BARTH’W FULLER. 500-tf given. April 29. Harper’s Magazine for March. E. J. HALE & SON. as to style and durability. One of the firm may be known by rtii.. .je to A. H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two ycj»rs. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash PIER tsi BRAN IN. jAMits H. Pier. Jambs Bra.nin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 62tf slieep bindings. March 4. “ The Old North State in 177(),” hy Caruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1857. The SOUTHERN HARMONY— new edition, revised and enlarged. further supply of this popular book just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 10, 1856. iPr. Knue'^s ,/retic Fjxplorations u seitrch oj' Sir .lolm J'run/cliuy in lb*>;>, *64 aud ’55, 2 vols., Hvo .V lurttier supply of this beautiful aud iiterestmg worii, in cloth, sUeep and halt calf bind- ngs. E. J. HALE Sc SON. Dec. 11. Gunn's l)jniestic Medic ine, or Poor Man’s Friend. A lurther supply of this ]>opular book, just received. Dec’r 11. E. J. Hale & son. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS \NI) NEW YEARS GU'TS. P.APIEIi .M.\CHE Writing DesKs and Work Boxes, a rich and very beautiful present for a Ladv. ilose Wood WRITING DESKS and WORK BOXES, various styles. PORTFOLIOS, in great variety of styles and qualities, from tlie cheapest to the finest Morocco. IIETICULES, .Morocco, Calf Skin and Velvet, some very handsome. The above goods unite utility with beauty. an«l are thus well ail ipted Ibr Presents, in the approaching season. Just rec’d by Express. E. J. HALE & SON. Dec. 15. Harper’s Magazine for January ’.jT ; received bv E. J. HALE & SON. just received by Dec’r 25. Benton’s Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate. A further supply of 1st and 2d volumes, jui?t received. J- HALE SON (^\^TVV EF.L’S N. C. JUSTH E. Sicaim's Justice Revised, and adapted to the New Revised Code. This work, invaluable to Magistrates, Officers nnd all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price $3 50. For sale by E. J. HALE 4 SON- .August 1856.