NOTICE!!! The subscriber bega respoctfuUy to call the atten- tit'n of the citizens of Fayetteville aud the pub lic geuerally to his well selected stock of Tr>cories and Provisions, —Embracing iu part— Riu, Laguira, Jamaica, Java and Mocha Cofteea, Brown, A, B and C, Coffee. Crushed and Loaf Sugars, Prime OosLen and Choice Dairy Butler, Tallow, AdHniautine and Sperm Caudlet*, Green and Black Teas; Butter, Soda and Milk v’fackern. Molasses, Syrup, Whibrow’s London Mustard, Pepper t>ud Worcestershire Sauce; Spatii'sli >live«, Walnut and Tomato Catsup; Pickles aud Preserves, Spiced Oysters and Lobsters, In fact, almost EVEKYTtllNU wanted l.y Houso koeptrs. fie intends also to keep tfie stich Prdvisioris us this ntarket aft'ords, :ind hopes, by attention to Uie wants of customers, ti* be n^'le to please, P. A. WILKY. I*. S T)HA(V'0 (’IIKWEHS will tiiid that they can he suited iu any jrrados of the article Ht my Store, one door above Messrs. Worth \ L'tley's, South side Hay street. And 8.MUKER8 will tiud CIOAKS, fnmi i-oninion DOMESTIC to FiXi: IMPORTKl) April 1, 1857. »o-lm siloiisr WE have received a large portion of our S|>riii^ aiul Simiinrr Stock, Consi.«ting of a jreneral assortment of Gent.s’, Ladies'. Boys’, Misses’ and Children's Boots, (iaiters, and Shoes, embracing a variety of styles and qualities, —with a ceneral assortment of Servants' Shoes. — .VLSO— TRUNKS; Calf, Goat, Lininjr and Binding SKIN'S; LASTS; SHOE THKE.V1>: PKGS, J-c , which we offer cheap for t^ash or to prompt customers l\m FOR SILK, WM TROV. IN THE COUNTY OF MONTGOMERY. WE offer for sale, the two following Tracts of Land, in the County •>* .Montgomery: One Tract, lying on tl»e waters of Little River, and nearly around the the town of Troy, aud verj' near to it, containing about 3700 Acres, a considerabb* por tion of wiiioh is lively farming laud, covered with a great juantity of very valuable timber, and abounding with manj’ lasting springs of good water, and healtliy. -Vlso, one other Tract containing L’5ti0 acres, a few miles West of Troy, l^’ing on the waters of Island Creek, Woodrun Creek, Clark’s Creek, Rocky Creek, and Cedar Creek, which it is believed cnntaius a great deal of MINERAL WEALTH. It fjorders on a Gold Mine tract, iiud runs a considerable distance around it, on which a large amount of Gold has lieen found. It is well watered, well timbered, and contains a good deal of productive lind. good bargain will be given in the sale of these lands. iJn the payment of one-third iu casli, a credit of one and two years will be given for the balance. ,\ny further iniormation about these lands may be obtained from .Mr. E Deberry, of Montgomery, who will communicate to us any offers made for them, and aid the purchaser in obtaining titles. Auy communications addressed to us at Baltimore, will be promntlv att«nil«d to. C. A. SCHAEFER, 9A.MUEL KEYSER. Feb’y 14, 1H57. 83-swtf m.cteiisive Sale of \ ALUABLl-: LA ADS (*N THE MOBILE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Freijrht and Pnssenjrer fjtne hetwetn Wihnin;>ton and Fnyette»ill«. ^TE.V MER .M.VGNOLlA, leaves Fayetteville on Mon- ^5 day aud Tl'ursJaj laoriiings, 16 mini*tei after sun-rise Leuvea Wilmington on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Steamer FANNY LUTTERL'M*, leaves Fayetteville on Tuesday and Friday mornings. 1» minutes after sun-rise. Leaves Wilmington Wednesday and .Saturday morn ings. Both carrying Freight and Passengers. Steamer ROWAN, with full sets of Liirhters, r«n« regularly, carrying Freight only. The regularity of our Boats on all stages of the River, and the despatch and promptness in delivering goods, are too well known to recjuire comment. Til our patron.*! we tender our thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore f>estowed. and can assure all shippers that no etlbrts will be spared in future, •itid feel contidenl that our facilities for dispatch are equal if not superior to any line on Cape Fear River. W. P. ELLIOTT, .Agent for Lutterloh & Co. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 1, I Sod. 50tf OF ••Vpril G, lS-57. HAWLEY a: SON. 96-2tn AXM AL mki:tl\(j. /■^HE .\nnual Meeting of the Stockholders of the M Fayetteville & AVestern Plank Road Co will be held in the town of Fayetteville, on Thursday the 30th inst. N. -A. STEDM.\N, Prest’t F. & W. P. R. Co. .\pril 1, 1857. 95-tM JAMES KYLI rS now receiving his SPRING .\ND SUMMER sup ply of DRY GOODS, Boots and Shoes^ BOLTING CLOTHS, ^c., .All of which, being purchased by the case, will be of fered by Wholesale or Retail at LOW PRICES. March lil, 1857. 92tf SI’UI.NG S TOCK. STARRWILLIAMS VRE now receiving their SPRING STOCK, com prising a complete and general assortment of Dry floods, willi Hat»^ Bonnets, Bool*, $lioe;» anil Keady- .^lade Clothiiigr? Which will be offered to the WHOLES.^LE trade for Cash, or on the usual time to prompt buyers. Those owing us notes aud accounts past due will please make immediate payment J B. STARR. J M. WILLIAMS. .March 9, 1H57. wStf W'e call the attention of WTIOI.K- SAL!: DEALERS ^■’^0 our present Stock.—and we have reoeutly re- M- ceived— 300 bans Rio, Laguira. Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do, liefined. Crushed and Powdered, y5 boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, btJ do Fancy and as.sorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky. Jute and .Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging. Gunny. Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes yfceese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda. 40,000 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lend, White Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in Boses, Eagle Mills do., in Half Bbls.: Green and Black Teas. Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Sausage Cutters and Stuffers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, &c., ic. The above Goods we offer on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. I>. it W. McLAURLN. -Nov. 6, 185C. ,54tf Dr. JAM£S F. FOULKES JS now receiving bis SPRING SUPPLY, ~ 3^ J. consisting of a large assortment of Dru^js nntl Medirines, iJilH, Fan >1/ yt rtirtcA, Pur- fumrry^ InJ,-x hirje n.ssf'rt- meJif,') Alcoho^, Bunihuj Flu- ifl, WV ites and Brandies (^ for M'idical purpoxfti,) Coufjrean Water, d'c. He would particularly call the attention of Country Merchants to his STO(,'K, as it is his intention to sell low for ( ash or on time to punctual customers. ■March 1S57. Ac‘\v Goods. ^I'^HL undersigned have received into Store their re- 1 cent purchases of CjJ O O D S, Embracing a large and gene.-al stock of jJro’eriies and llardivare, I Which they will gell on their usual accommodating ■ , G. W. WILLIA.MS & CO. i March 4, 1807. ! NOTICE. “! |JEHS(»NS indebted to Jas. (' .McEachin, as Guar- j .M. .iian of tfie heirs of John .Miirrison, dec’d., are ! lereby respectfully informed, th^t said guardian has in a ftreat mBjority of instances endorsed and trans ferred their notes to the undersigned. .Also, that our i urgent necessities, apart from the requirements of the | endorser, compel us to collect as tpeedily ux pogxible. All ! thus indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue wberw the money is not forthcoming. A. D. MORRISON. J. M. MORRISON. N. A. MORRISON. Laurinburgh, N. C., March 2, 1857. 87tf A CARl). ~ UM. B.AUSHER, Professor of Modern Langua- • ges and Teacher of Music, would respectfully inform the Ladies and Gentlemen of Fayetteville and vicinity, that he has permanently located himself in this place for the purpose of giving lessons iu the Lan guages and Music. Having already formed a Claes in French, ami having some leisure, would be willing to give instructions to Ladies on the Piano and French at their residences. Persons requiring his services will please leave word at the Office of the Fayetteville Hole'- H. .M. B\USHER. P. S. Pianos tuned at moderate charge.^. Feb’y 2, 18.57. yw. GUANOES. T bags PERLVLVN; • H27 do. COLU.MBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion beeu very much diminished, but experi- pients have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but (m line with the Columbiaa makes the crop much more cerfinu. * For sale !iy Nov. 1850. FICE MOBILE AND OHIO RAILROAD CO., ^ MoBii.ik, .Marcfi27th. 1857. j j Whereas by an act of Congress, dated September I 20th, ls5u, a dunation of l,l5ti,>;5S acres of Public I Lands, in alternate sections, contiguous to. and lying I within fifteen miles on either side, along the line of ; the .Mobile and Ohio Railroad, was made by the Uni- ! ted .'States to the States of Alabama aud Mississippi, and by sai'l States conveyed to the Mobile aud Ohio Railroad Company: And whereas the .Mobile and Ohio Railroad Compa- nj- did, ou the 1st day of November, 1853. execute h certain Deed of Trust to .MORRIS KETCHU.M. JOHN j J. P.VLMEK and WM. R. HALLET, Trustees, for the : protection of tlie holders of a certain issue of six thou- j sand six per cent. Sterling Bonds of .£225 or •'jsl.OOO each, in which said lands aro included; Aud whereas said Deed ot Trust provides for teh sale of said lands, and the investment of the pr iceeds thereof in a Sinking Fund for the redemption of said j Bonds at maturity; i Now therefi>re, we, the undersigned. Executive Com mittee, uuder authority vesteil in us b^’ the Trustees ; aforesaid, in accordance with the provisions of said Trust, and by resolution of the B ^ard of Directors, adopted .March 12th, 1857, will .sell at Public .\uction, 100,U'0 acres of the above mentioned lands to the highest bidder above the minimum price of Five Dol lars per acre. The sale will be held at the times and places, aud upon the terms hereinafter uamed, to-wit; For Lands situated in the Counties of Noxubee and Winr'ton, the sale will take place at Macon, .Miss., on TUESD.W, June Dith, 1857, at 9 o’clock A. M. For Lands in the County of Kemper, at Scooba, on THURSD.W. June 18th. 1857. at 9 o’clock .V .M. For Lands in the Counties of Lauderdale, Miss . and .'^urapter. ,-Vla.. at Lauderdale Springs, on TUE.SD\Y, June 2-d, 1>'>7, and at ,^Iarion St.ition, on WEDNE.S- D.VY, June 24th, 1S57. at 9 o’clock .A. M. For Lands in the Counties of Clarke and Jasper, Mis« . at Eutoiprise, on THUi\SD.\Y, June 2'>th, IS,' 7, and at De Soto, on FRIDAY, Juu»2lith, !^57, at 9 o’clock A. M For Lands in the County of Wayne, at Waynesboro, on SATL'RD.AY, June 27tb, 1S57, at y o’clock .\ \! The Terms of Sale will be as follows: One tfiird Cash; one-third in twelve months, and one-thiid iu eighteen months, with interest on the time payraents ut the rate of eight per cent per an num. Upon receipt of the cash i>ayment. certificates will be issued to j.urch.-iser-. fiy the provisions of which the L '.nds will be subject to re-sale in cases of failure to meet the time payments at their respective maturities. Titles wiil be delivered only upon receipt of the ! i'l payment. The location of these Laqds upon the line of a ?reat rai’iw.iy, their convenience to a large m;irkef on the seaboard, and their general hea’thfulness, together with their intrinsic value for cultivation, combine to make them very desirable to purchasers fur actual set tlement. .\niong them may be found some of the best Ci'ttoii in'«sippi, ;is well as large tracts of valualile timb«r, and such opportunities favoral'le investment are rarely offered to the public, j The Lands will >'e offered in sulvlivisions of eighty to one hundred a’ld sixty acres, with the privilege of the remainder of the same section unsold. Printed Lists of tho L;inds can be had upon appli cation to the Station .Agents nt the various Depots on the Railroad, and also at Columbus, .Aberdeen and Okalona. .Vny further information will he furnished bv the undersigned, at Mobile. [Signed] FKA.NCIS B. ('LARK. JON A EMANUEL, WILLIAM D. DUNN. i Executive Committee M. and O. R. R. Co. : April 2, 1S57. 95-lawtJ12 NOTICE. By virtue of a Deed of Trust fmm J. G. Mc- L>ugald, to the undersigned, will be exposed to sale at public Auction on .Monday, the 4ihday of Muy next, at the Court House in Elizabethtown, Bladen county, upon one and two years credit, with interest from the sale, three lots of L.AND in said Town, Nos. (7, 78 and i9, with the improvements consisting of two Dwellings, out-houses aiid Store, being the inte rest of said .McDugald therein. The Houses are good, and the stand for a store and trade. Also upon six months credit, with interest, 50 .Acres of Land on Fryar Swamp, where Sam'l Benson resides. IbO acres half of !^20 granted by patent to Geo. W Bannerman and .\lex'r .McDugald on Colley, .adjoining the lands of J. G Sutton and others. Also. 820 acres, half of i40 granted to Elias Gardner, on Trumbull in said county, udjoi liug the lands of Rich’d Tatum and others. I*. ML'RPHY, Trustee. March JtO, 1H57. At the same time aud place I will offer for sale, the L()T anil improvements in the Western part of tht Town, between the public Road and the Cape Fear River, containing eight acres, wore or less, on which is a Dwelling and outhouses, the late residence of J. I. .McDugald, and now occupied by Jno. .A. Richard son, Esq. One and two years credit witli interest. Bond and approved sureties required. P. MURPHY. March 30, 1857. 95-tB 3m lioward. R.VN.\W’,\Y from the subscriber, in Pittsborough, ('hatham county, N. C., on the 8th inst., a negro boy named JI.M, about 18 years of age, of dark brown color, about five feet high, heavy built, and weighs from 140 to 150 Iba. He is smart and quick spoken, and rocks when he walks. The only notable mark re collected is a scar on the middle of the forehead, near where the hair joins. He had on, when last seen, a brown Tweeds coat, with flaps on the pocket. .V re ward of Fifty Dollars will be paid for hi;.i, if taken out of the county of Chatham, or Twenty-five Dollars if taken in it. JOSEPH THOMPSON. Pittsborough, Jan'y .5, 1857. 74bptf 50 D. & W. MoLAURIN. 54 tf Blnnk Warrants for sale here. (UJANO. TONS No. 1 Peruvian Guano. For sale by WORTH UTLEY Feb'y21. ^4-tf w anted, ~ 4 FEW likely servant.s,—men, boys and girls. The x:\. highest price will be paid by calling upon J. H. ROBERTS. Feb’y 9, 1857. gotf “Tlie Old North State in 1776,” by (Jaruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1867. The (ireatest Invent ion of the Ail'd. HAV’ING purchased the exclusive right for the .''tate of North Tarolina of GE.XR’S M.ACHINE 1 FOR CUTTING, TURNING AND MOULDING IRREG- ' ULAR FOR.MS IN WOOD, I offer the Machine to the Manufacturers of this State as the most perfect and I effective ever invented to work irregular forms in w.iod. It has been thoroughly tested, and can perform the labor of ten to men in the most complicated kinds of work. It can do handsomely and rapidly all irregular and carveil work, such as Circular and Gothic Sashes and Doors, Brackets ami Scrolls, Tracery and .Vrches of the most difficult patterns, (’abiiiet Ware and Furniturw, (’arriages. Rail Road (’ars. Chairs, Millwright and Factory work. Ship and Boat Building, .Agricultural Implements, Block [..etters. Picture and Mirror Frames, and Patterns for .Machinery. In fact, work such as no other Machine has ever done before. I am prepared to sell single and County Rights, aud to furuish .Machines. JOSKPH R. BLOSSOM, Proprietor. Wilmington, N. (,)ct. 25, I85t>. 52-Gm priu.ic No^nc’E Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the lOth day of .April 1850, .aml remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places and uuder direction of the following named persons, (’omniissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of (Juslow, at the office of the Clerk of tfie County Court ;it Jacksonville, and .at the Post office Rich L.-inds. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White. John \. .Vveriti. Jr.. Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In ('arteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort. Dr. M. F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. t^glesby. At the store of G W Taylor at Carolina City.—Col. Wm. N. Dennis. H S. Bell. Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge .Arendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville, — Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm J. Houston, Stephen (Jraham In Samps III county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. Mcivay. Patrick ^lurphy. Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, .Vli'red .lohnsou. lu i'umberlaml county, at Fayetteville, ut the office I of .\ \. .M. Kefhan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal ■McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, Johu C. Blocker Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of *100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the (’entral Raii Road Company; and iu all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. THO. C. FITLLBR, m/tttorney and. Counsellor at M^auf. ^^FFICE at Eccles’s Hr idge, recently occupied by Names ; liesiden.': j No, of»'.iarcs $ Cash Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may sjiecify whether for grading or cross-ties; anl stockholders .shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or ut Engi neer’s estimate. .\s soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Cummi.‘‘si(,iiers of Onslow county are to be notified, and thej are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize tlie (’ompany. March 15, IM50. 13tf The M^ar$s;est i'arritts^e Factor if in the .South I A. A. M KKTIIAA KESPE(’TFULLY informs his friends and the public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carriages. Thankful for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 j'cars, he hopes by strict attention to business, with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch of the business. His work will compare favorably with any maile in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determined to sell and do any work iu his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, Finishku, the LARGEST STOCK of Carriai>cs. Bnrouches, Uockaways^ and liuiriri es. Ever offered in this place, anil a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. ®fe^He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi- cles finished and in course of construction. All work made by him is warranted 12 months with fair usage, aud should it fail by bad workmanship or material will be repaired free of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves, firders thankfully received and promptly attended to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1858. 98tf miftarble F^aclory. NOTICE. E hereby forbid any person from trespassing on ¥¥ liny of our Lands known as the Kingsbury Lands, and wo particularly forbid persons from chip ping and tending the Turpentine Boxes. We will en force the law in every instance of a trespass. „ ^ J. & T. WADDILL. March 6, 1857. By GEO. LAUDER. TWO miORS ABOVE C. T. Il.\icn & SON’S STORE, Fayetteville, iW €. Jan’y 20,1857. g4ypd FUKTHEll SUPPLy"7)F HOOKS. a^HE American Almanac for 1857; -M. Kane s Arctic Exploration; Draper’s Physiology: The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster; The American Sportsman, by Lewis, illustrated; A New Life of Summerfield, by Willet; V"eva, or the War of the Peasants, by’Hendrick Conscience; Count Hugo, the Miser, &c., by the same author- The Torch Light; ’ Tuck’s Selections for Sabbath Reading; Browa’s Bible Dictionary: The American Debater; Upham’s Mental Phil- osophy; Alexander’s Moral Science; ^c. £. J. HALE & SON. James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville. N. C. t5u’y 1, 1857. 70tf JOSEPH BAKER, .Ik., A.TTOK.\KV AT LAW, Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and priicticu in the Couuty and Superior (Courts of Camber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23. 185:5. 7«-tf w7 \. IIUSKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, .AND CLERK AND .M.ASTER IN EgUlTY. Fayrttkvillk, N. C., May be found at the Equity Office, iu the Court House. Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf LOVKKI) ELUIflDGE, %4ttornetf at Mjatr^ WILL attend the Courts of Johuijton aud Sump- son Counties. Smithfield, April 15, 1850. 9(i-tf “ I. A VV C( > PA irr N RS 111' E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law * w (copartnership, anil will practice in the (’ourts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, ('um- berl'iiiil, Moore, Harnett, aud the Supreme Court. J. H HAUGHTON. JMO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. (’., Jan’y I, 185ti. 72tf 11. L. HOI.AIES, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. FFICE on comer of Front aud Princess street, under Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf o ■>r. K. A. III..ACK. 0FFK;E Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1850. 70-tf DR. W. .1. MI NROE, H.WING located fu Fayetteville, will attend to all calls. Feb’y 24. 85-3m S. M TilO.MAS, DEALER IN EANc:V cV STAPLE DRV CiOODS, KKADY-M ADK CLOTH TNG, HATS. CAPS, B(JNNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSKYS, BL.ANKETS. kc., iic. Corner Market and GillespieSt.. Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 1855. ti2-tf Worth & Utley, l''or\v;inlin«^ and iciM*rai ('ominission MERC IIAN'rs, i'affetteeiite, .V. f’. J. A. WORTfl. (72tf) JOS. CTLEY. \v. p. ELLio r r, coiyimissior; wierchaivt, FAYET-! -.VILLE, N. (' A(jent fur IjUtfet'/vh it Co.’s Stcamhout Line ill atteud promptly to all buiiness entrusted to Oct. 21. 1850. 50-tf JOHN V: SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Wil I (^ive particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, Xc. Feb’y 25, 1850. 85-tf W. H. TURLING-TON, rommission Merchant, No. P2 North Water St. WILMIXGTON, X. C. a^lLL give his prompt pers'nial attention to the ▼ w sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Pr.oduce. Nov. 8, IH50. tf JA.ME9 C. SMITH. .MILES CWSTIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., f actors^ ('otmnission (ind I''ortcnrdin>>- MERCHANTS. NO. 2 SOUTH WATER STREET, CP KTAIRS. WILMLXGTON, N. G. Oct. 21, 1860. 50-Y CHARLES HANKS, WHOLES.ALE AND RET.AIL DEALER IN Foreijn Fruits, Xufs, Cii/arK, Tobacco, Snuf,ii'c CiKEC.’V STKKET, Fayetteville, W. C. March 1, 1853. r;itf J. C. POE, DEALER IN STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hai/ Street, Fayetteville, N. C. May 26, 1855. 4_tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. conniHsio AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, ^W*ilmins^ton^ .V. C\ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1856. qj J. S. BANKS, €oinmi»Kxioii .Tlcrcliaiit, Wilmington, N. C. _J^’y 1, 1856. T. C. & B. G. VVoWh^ Coinmission & Forwtirding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, l¥iliiiin$^foii, C. Usual advances made on consignments Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf A CARD. fBlHE undersigned would respectfully inform his ■- ola friends and customers that he can be found at the Store of C.'E. Leete, where he will be glad to J R. MCDONALD. Fayetteville. N. C., Jan’y 8, 1857. 72-tf TO sUFFEltEltS. A K.ETIRED CLERGYMAN, restored to health in a few days, after many years of great nervous suffering, is anxious to make known the means of cure. Will send (free) the prescription used. Direct n ® I’AQ^'^ALL, No. 59 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. V. 21. 84-8m The SOuTtfERNTlAR^^^^^^ new edUion, revised and enlarged. A further supply of this popular book just received Oct. 10,1866. E J. hale 4 SOS. .MEDICAL BOOKS. MVEIGS on Diiteases of Children; It 1 “ “ Woman and her Dit«aie#, “ (.'hildbed Fevurs; j “ “ Obstetrics; ; Dungligon’ai Human Physiology; “ Medical Dictionary; " Practice of NUdicine; I “ Materia Medica and Therapautiott, j Pereira’s do. do. i Churchill on Children, by Keating; ! *• “ Diseases of Women, by Condie; i “ •• Midwifery do. ! Chitty’s .Medical Jurisprudeuoe; ‘ Taylor’s tlo. do by Hartahorue; ' “on Poisons; yewees on Children; “ Females; I Miller’s Surgery-, by Sargent; : Nttill on the Arteries, Nerves, aud Lymphatiot; Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry; U. S. Dispensatory, by Wood an(l Bache; Watson’s Practice; Bartlett’s Treatise on Fever; Williams and Clymer on the Respiratory Orgam; Eberle’s Therapetttics; Ellis's .Medical F’ormulary, by Thoma*; Solly on the Human Bruin; Burrows on the C«rebral (’irculation; Gerhard on the Chest; Fowne’s Chemistry for Students; Murphy’s Review of Chemistry for Studnnta: Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Bartlett on the Certiiinty of Medicine, ! McClellan’s Surgery; I H«pe on the Heart; ■ Kirke’s and Paget’s Physiology; AnatomicHi .\tbts. by Henry H. Smith; Weber’s Plates of the .Muscles of the Human Body; Gunn’s Dom!stic .Medicine; Children, tiieir Disenses aud Management, by Dr. Shew; Health. Disease and Remedy, by Dr. Moore; Simon’s Family Medicine; Domestic Medicine, Surpery, &c.. “ “ and Household Surgery, by Thom son and Smith; The Preservation of Health, by Dr. W’arren; Theory and Practice of Hydropathy, hy H. Francke; The Family Dentist, by Du Bouchet. E. J. HALE & SON. Nov. 24, 1856. GO S PANDARD LITERAfL RE. 11IIE Waverly Novels 27 vols. cloth and half «alf; Cooper’s Novels; Irving’s Works. 15 vols; Prescott's Coiniuest oi Peru and Mexico; “ Lives of Ferdinand anil Isabella; “ Life of Philip the 2d; Benton’s 30 years in the U. S. Senate 2 vols; The Statesman's .Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia .Americana, 14 vols; Lossing’s Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution; Webster's Works, 6 vols; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay; Memoir of S. Prentiss of .Mis.s; Pictorial Life of .Vndrew Jackson; Memyir of Wm. Wirt by Kennedy: Life of Wise and Virginia Politics in la55; Garland’s Life of John Randoljdi; Democracy iu America, by De Tocqueville; Abbott’s Life of NapoUou. 2 vols; Abbott’s ilistories; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry: Life of Wm. Pinckney- of .Md ; Bayard Taylor's India, China and Japnn; Com. Pony’s Japan Expedition; Lieber 0!i ’ivil Liberty and Se'f Government; The Physical Geography of the Sea, by Lieut .Maury. Liberty and Slavery, by Bledsoe of Virginia; Southey's Common Place Book; Life .ind Corres. of Southey; The Spectator; Wilson’s TaUs of the Borders; The Scottish Gael, or .Manners, Antiquities, and Customs of Scotland; The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; Lockhart’s Life of VValter Scott; Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert Burns, Hamilton's Discus>ions iu Philosophy and Literature; Lite and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey; The gueens of Scotland, by .Agnes Strickland; Chambi'rs’ Miscellanies; Proctor's History of the Crusades, illustrated; Woodlall’s Junius; Hannah More’s Works; Plutan h's Lives; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; N( vels and Tales by .Maria Edgeworth; Addison, Burke and Johnson's Works; -Millman's Gibbou s Rome; Hallam’s Works; Cosmos, by Humbolt; Men and Women of the 18th Century by Houssaye; The Guide to Soci il Happiness, by Mrs. Ellis; Family Monitor by the same .Author; Hume and .Macaulay’s Histories of England; The Modern British Essayists. 7 vols; Shakspeare, Byron. Moore, Scott, Hemans and other Poets in various syles of bin.ling; The Boston Edition of the British Poets, die., ^-c. Oct- E, J. HALE ^ SON Harper'ii Magazine {’or April, just ‘•«c‘‘*^ed. E. J. hale & SON. March 31. NEW BOOKS.' H.ARRIET LEE’S Canterbury Tales; Love after Marriage, by Mrs. Hentz. Also, a new supply of Standard MEDIC.AL WORKS; The Presbyterian Psalmodist. round and character E. J. HALE & SON. March 4. NEW BOOKJ^^ ^JILLEDULCI.A; from “Notes and Queries;” The -i-Vi Elephant Club, by Doesticks; Past Meridian, by .Mrs. Sigourney; The Rifle, Axe and SaddJe-Bags, by Milburn; “Christmas Stories.” JU\ENiLES: The Aimwell Stories, consisting of the “Whistler, or the Manly Boy;” Ella, or Turning over a New Leaf; Oscar, or the Boy who had his own way; The Indian Fairy Book; AbbotCs Stories about Common Things. Also, further supplies of Hume and Macauley’s Histories of England; School Books. &c. E J. HALE & SOxN. Jau y 17, 1857. LAW ^■^HE Subscribers have on hand, and will promptly fill orders for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Iredell’s Digest and Digested .'Manual. Jones’s Digest. Revised Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. STORY, on Sales, Bills, Contracts, Partnership, Agency, Equity Jurisprudence, Equity Pleadings. .ARCHBOLD, on Practice, Criminal Practice and Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. CHITTY’, on Contracts, Criminal Law, Blackstone, Medical Jurisprudence. SUGDEN, on Vendors and Property. POWELL, on Mortgages, and Contracts. SMITH, on Actions at Law, Master and Servant, Landlord and Tenant, Chancery Practice. S.ANDERS, on Pleading and Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on Arbitration, Factors, Crimes. HOFF.MAN’S Legal Study, and Masters in Cliancery. WILLIAMS on Personal Property. WHE.ATON’S Selwyn’s Nisi Prius. WHARTON, on American Law of Homicide Medi cal Jurisprudence, Stiite Trials in the United States American Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. ’ Stephen on Pleading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne ou Remainders. Edwards on Bail ments. Coke upon Littleton, (Hargrave and Butler’s) new edition. Kent’s Commeutaries. Curtis’s ditto Dart’s Vendors and Purchasers of Real Estate Ad ams’ Equity. Troubat’s Law of Limited Partnership Hughes’ Equity Draughtsman. Phillips and Amos on Evidence Gresley on Law of Evidence. Ross on Bills and 1 romissory Notes. Domat’s Civil Law Lewis s U S. Criminal Law. Daniell’s Chancery ^ aotice. Roscoe 6 Criminal Evidence. Atherley on Law of Marriage. Collyer on Partnership. Green- : t,n Eviden Oliver ou Conveyancing. Curtis’s Lo. yeyancer. Burrill’s Law Dictionary. Cruise on Uea Property. Tayler’s Law Glossary. Crabb on RefU Property. Reeves’ Domestic Relations. Byles on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on Arbitration of Titles Shai-swood’s Professional Ethics. Barton’g suit in Equity. Wills on Circumstantial Evidence. Comyn’s Landlord and Tenant. Watson on Arbitration. Hare on Discover.y. Oliphapt on Horses. Whitworth’s Equity Precedents. Morris on Replevin. Gresley’s Equity Evidence. Bishop on Marriage and Divorce. Mathew’s Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on Sue cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil. Cary on Part nership. Wilson on Uses. Fell on Guarantees. New- land on Contracts. Tamlyn’s Ch.mcery Evideiice 4 c These or other Law Books ordered will be supplied to the Professsion in any part of the State on reason able terms. e. J. HALE J- SON- Fire Insurance. WE refer our readers to the annual statement of the .^tna Insurance Company, of Hartford which will be found in another column. Thig guc! cessful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in 1819, with a perpetual charter, hg capital is $500,000, and its accumulations excoej $800,000 more, making its entire assets over 1>1,300 000, invested as detailed in the statement referred to These results indicate that during the period of ne»r- ly forty years since its orgnnization, (without a sinele change of its chief otficer,) its business has been con ducted with judgment and prudence. It has heec thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging as we are informed, all its obligations by the payment of about ten million dfilLars for losses, without asking a day’s delay in any instance. It has had but little lit igation, notwithstanding the immense number of traus actions made. In order to attain as much ctrtamty da possible in such a business as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several years at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of premiums received thereon, and the amount of losses upon each. This classification, extenflin? ovT^r a long period, and covering property to a very large amount, furnishes reliable data, and pre sents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience upon which to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its l a lards are ascertainable, and its principles are capab! of being reduced to a system, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that of anv other business. The .-Etna Company, by a(lhering'rigi,|)v to its system, aud placing its business upon a health’v basis, has obtained the coufidence of the cotmunnit'y to an extent surpassed by uo other Company in ihe I States, and has increased its business and its income from year to year with a steady growth. One greu source of its security is the wide distribution of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness —limiting the amount to be covered in each locality By this course it ha.« passed, with comparative impu nity, through some of the most sweeping an.l destruc tive fires, which h ive swallowed up other cotup:mies less cautious in their business. It is a system like this, based upon experience, which gives stuhilitv ami soundness to a company, and to the assured contiJence and security.—Baltimore Patriot. \ ITi\i li\.SfRl\CE H.\RTFORI), CO.N.N. INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL I Capital .’ji5(K),00(). Assets 14'J, T K. BRACE, President. E. G. RIPLEV, Vice Pre- , sident. T. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary, j Dibkctors.—T. K. Br.'ice, S. Tudor, J Church. K : Buell, .M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E A. Bulkelev K , Mather, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward. H. Z. Pratt. G. F Davis, A. Dunhiuu, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W Keney. •ASSETS: J.\suABY 1, 1857. Cash in hand and in Plnx'uix Bank, 4''3.73:i t?ash ou special deposite in Hartford Bks, 1 ij.’j Ca.^h in .Ageuts’ hands, balances, l‘2},.''-;o Money due, secured bj’ mortgage, 0.751 Real estate, unencumbered, 47.tjoj Bills receivable, 2'i 109 Mortguge Bonds, C and 7 per cent., 72,ouu 9 Income Bonds, 7 “ 4.50u 10 Jersey Citj- Water Bonds, 6 per cent., 10,:'o(j 10 Hartford ('ity Bonds. H iO,iJtiu 5 Milwaukee (’ity Bonds, 10 “ 5,0(J0 600 shares Hartford & N. Haven R. R. stk, tJO.OW 105 Hartford ^ Providence ditto, 5,:i5u 107 Boston 4' Worcester ditto, 150 Connecticut River ditto, 11,:;50 50 Connecticut River Co. ditto, 1,‘250 50 Stafford Bank Stock, 5,1 •‘■0 50 Citizens’ “ W'aterbury, 6,160 3^' Eagle “ Providence, 1,872 300 Phoenix •* Httrtford, 32.400 200 Farm, & Msuh. '• 27,000 308 Exchange “ •* l*>,01i ; 240 State “ •• «1.2jO j 100 Citv “ •• 12.300 ; 200 Bk Htf’d Co. “ •* 10.00 50 Conn. River “ “ 10,050 29fi Hartford • •• 39,3«8 lOO Charter Oak “ “ 12,000 115 M“ch. 5-Trad. “ Jersey City, 1.50O 100 Merchants’Ex. “ New Yol-k, 10.800 : 200 North River “ “ 10.500 . 800 Mechanics’ “ “ 23.4U0 150 Bk N. .America “ “ lb.200 200 Bank America “ “ 23,600 I 200 “ Republic “ •• 24,400 ! 1*^0 “ Couimonwcalth Stk •* 10,200 , 180 “ of New York, “ 21,6*»0 } 48i) Broadway Bank Stock, *• 15,WO i lOO People’s “ “ 11,000 i 200 Union “ “ 23,600 1 400 Hanover “ *• 10,000 : 443 Ocean “ “ 11,907 400 Metropolitan “ “ 22,000 118 Butchers’& Drovers’ “ 13,002 100 Importers’ & Traders’ “ 21,600 100 Amer. Ex. Bk Stock, “ 22.8(0 233 “ “ scrip, “ 3-3-^l 10 Merchants’ “ ^ “ 27,265 450 Market “ “ 16,500 128 City “ «> 3,'255 220 Nassau “ 72.i^‘60 239 Manhattan Co. “ “ 9.521 250 Phcenix “ “ 5.700 125 “ rights, “ •• 200 100 U. S. Trust Co. Stock, “ 10,800 150 N. Y. Life Ins. & Trust Co. Stk, 24,000 200 Ohio “ “ « 19,200 :?1,307,903 4i LIABILITIES:—Unsettled Claims not due, $166,609 15 Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N- C., E. J. HALE. L. SCOTT 5- CO’S REPRl.N'T OF TIII^ BRITISH Pi:RIODltlL!i. L SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to publi'ih the following leading British periodicals, viz: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) THE WEST.MINISTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH M.VGAZINE (Tory.) These Per'odicals represent thejthree great political parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, aud Radical,— but politics form only one feature of their character. As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, Literature, Morality, ai;d Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of let ters, being indispensable to the scholar and profes sional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactor}’ re cord of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, than can be possibly obtaiued from any Other source. EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the British pub lishers gives additional value to these Reprints, iuas- much as they can now be placed in ihe hands of sub scribers about as soon as the original editions. TERMS. . For any one of the four Reviews, (Per ann.) !j>3 00 For any two of the four Reviews, 5 00 For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 For all four of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood’s Magaziue, 3 OU For Blackwood and three Reviews, 9 Of For Blackwood and the four Reviews, 10 0 Payr-.ents to be made in all cases in advance. Money current in the State where issued loxll be received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above prices wiil be allowed to Clcbs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus- Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for $9; four copies of the four Rf- views and Blackwood for and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to any part of the United State'- will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a year for “Black woods,” and but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. Ji. The price in Great Britain of the five Periodical! above-named is about $31 per annum. Remittances for any of the above publications shou ^ always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publish .ri, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., N«. 64 Gold-street, New York March 2, 1857. 87-3t Blanks for Sale at this Office.