?tQen- of lartf.irii, rilin liUG- giHlature ■tor Its * PxceeU Terre,! to. I of near t ft ningie been con - has been charging, • payment > askiufi a little lit ’ of trans- iriatn y aa has been years, at nge thair aaoertai’. mount nount of exten(Jiiig to a Tr, iiJiJ . Lp«>rier. • tioo is n. I itt! ii . e captii I WOTvi.-, any "K .. a heal I .■ Dmnmii: t . in th I'a ini .1 .. *ne gre^' tion . f ■ rnc - l0CH'ii:y ive iiiii *■ 'i ilest comp’.: >s J^stfin hUe iSility Had CUIlfiJf .?ETr KL 4'2. Vice Pre tary Churr};, H like ley. H ‘riitt, G F tauiler, W J^3,73i i i 2d 00 121.0., . c- ♦>,751 u8 47,b ' 01 -O.h.-.t 98 72.f»n.. 00 4,' , 10,;, u I 10... u 0-. o.t'iiii ui GO,t! - " 0.1:,. 9..- . 11..50 ■■ 1,-.' - I" 5,1‘0 «j y, 5,150 Go :e, l.bT- 00 .32,4-00 27.1 ')0 00 u;.'ii>. t. = 81,i;. .. 12.X"" 00 lO.f'. 10.t'-^O 89,- 12,0 ‘ ■ ’ , ' k. 10.' ii' ' . 10.:. •J3.4 I*),'.- ■ ') 2 4, ' lu,-. ■ - I 21, ■ - li>,' 11.' ■ ■ 2;^.’■' ^ V in,'.: , > l’,'U7 ■_ I I i , I 1-:!. ■- o 21.. - • ~;7i: l»:.- '■ ■ 12. ■ ■ 1 0,700 ‘ in - ■ ■ i:..-. - ' '■ u.?/*: '■■■' ■* 609 Payctfv^n., J. HAI.E. AST • je to piibli'.a Jica!s, viz; jtivc.) E Chiir 'h : ral I 2IM. Tory., great p'.'itic.'' n.l i: I icii!,— eir ol: f.’i- :er. r.s on " hey 1- i. “ ■ 1 W'.l i 1*“*' r an’t pi.'tt’'- ii.ler ' every ati.sfai'K-ry re ly, t!.n ghout u(!(l }ri -n at.y le Br'.: rh puV>- Repriiii" in'*'’’ han.J“ ■ sub- '.Jitioiis • aun : 5 00 7 00 8 0( ' :i Ov 9 00 It] W uloair ■ crived f'ur. from above 1(5 four ur in^.ie worJ.' ThuB Kt-view, vr.'.l oi tli- luLir Ue- tn. ,s, tliese worki» [E. When sent e United States ,eur f'.r “illack- a year lor each ,f Jive 1- -i'. di'-aU ilications shouU Publ !ier3, r & ‘ • et, b7-^ii SKMI-WBKKL, Y. vol.. VI.I I'AYiyrTEViij.i:. n. c., ai»uh. 2:}, is5?. \ vol MMMIWS WM THrUsiUAVS CilW \l!l» J. IIM,E A SON. KItlTDRS AN’I) l’ti(»l*KIi:T H5S. Pri. . ■'f tim Sonii-Weekly Dbskuver $:> 00 if p,aid in ;iiv^ini!c: 5.'' '>0 it pai.l during thv year o4'uubscrip- •i']i. ir ■ft :jfter t he y«*ar has oxpireil. r, Weoklv 'B^^ERVKK >!2 00 per ttunuai, ifpai.l in * iv:iut'c; >l' it paiii during the year *f subscrip- :^>n. 'T 0i after the year has expire.!. Al'VElvriSEMENTS inserted for sixty ccnts per jjusr • of lt‘> lines for the first, and thirty cents for each i K "e ling publieation. Vearly advertisements by :pe- - il 'iitrnets. at reasonable rate.i. .\dvertiseis ar.' re jue'ted to state the number of insertions desirt'.l, or (;;PV «;il be continued till forbid, un.l cli!>r)rel ao«-ord- irisidt, chargi-d .'iVt )»tT \ VAlJWIil.i: LAW IU)()K. 1M>1;5(>N on rmtriK'ta, with Notes nn.l References to .Aineriiaii eases, by K iwanl Ingeraoli. 1 large 120') piijies. •Uulgc Woodwai'.l, of the SuprtMne Court of I’ennsyl- vftiiia, s;i vs that '•thin is the best book on the subject 1 ever had in niy hnnd« " Kor sile iiy K. J. M.\LK A SON. April 20 lil5S. N. 1!.\('0N; a few MiindreJ IbK Lassiier'tf Dried 15KKF H.\MS. For sal* by 1*. A. WILEY. April 20 600-lm T'lwn payers copy ^ Iv-'rtiseinenta to be inserted ■rut estra. TO IMIL ROlll (O.NTIIU'TORS. I Twf a! ! .4t;- i' JRkPhS.VLS for the graduation of the 2d Division >f the W'LSTERV U VIL R**.AD. enibraeii.jr ■- Mi es, (diviiled into {> section.^, i will be received ' I itiice of the Company in Fayetteville until the I ly of May next. tiieg »nd ^pecifioalious oiiu b» •■■ea at the OtCo« t; Company. CllAS. U MAI.LETT. Pr.s't F'lvetttville, .April 0. V9. WESTERS [{\\\. K(UI). K LAST INSTALMENT on the Stock of thi3 omj.iiny was due on the 1st Jan'y last, and .ii: .re bearing interest. Those who have n- t are earnestly reijueste.l to do so. The work 5? ou ;ind the money w:inted to p:t_% Contractors JNn .M.ROSK. Treas’r W. R. 11. ('o l»T I8*i7. .I'j- c\ \»TICi:!!! ''MHli •»brai'ib«*r b«;;g re#p>!«tfully v. tall th« atten- ti.iu of tb« •itlKwiis of FayetteTilItt anil tk» pub- ki« genttrallj to hit w*11 ittloGted stock of Groceries and l^rovuions, —Liubracing iu pari— iiiu, L»){uira, J.maioa, Java and .\locha I'otfeos, Hri^wrn, A, B and C. CotlVw, Crushed and Loaf trujfarii. 1‘rini* tloiihen and Choic# Dairy Uuttor, Tnlli w. A.iamautiue and Speria Can.ilu*. Green ami IJUok T«a»; Hutttr, i?oda and Milk CraskarH, lli'Ugijes, Syrup. 'Vhibrow'n London Mustard. i’epper and Wo:u«stershir« aiaute: Spanish Oliras, VSahait .vn 1 Tomato (’iit^up: l’i«kles and l’r«it«rr»a, Spii'e.l Oysiera au 1 Lohstars. In fact, almost fclVKRyill ING wautad by Uoase- k‘,eper*. 11a intends alao to keep the btm of such l’rov,g’-ns .11 this inarkut affords, and hope*, liy attaation to the wants of oustomars. to ba abla to pleaae. V. A. WILEY. F. S T0HAC('0 CHEVV1:KS will tiud that tha_\ can be *ui'ed in any gr.-ides of the article at my Store, one d 'or abova .\lc.isrx. Worth x. Utley's. South »ido ll;»y street. And S.AIOKERS will timl (JIGARS, from uommou DOMKSTIC to FlNbl IMPORTED .\prii 1, l“i)7. yo-lm r IJank of l';iyettevill*!. } l()tli \)>ril I8.')7, ^ IF. Annual Meeting of the Stockholdeis mi thi» ; .:iK will be held at the Rank Hail, on M ,n l;iy ] y f Mft3’ next, at 11 o'.-luck A. M. W. r,. HiU)ADFt)OT. (\i-h r. Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! -Sr m 1!- \VK received a part of my Spring and .'^uninuT 1 ATS, con^istin;; in p.irt of \1- ■ s nti I Boy^’ superfine biack an.l whit. l.«'chorn ’ Wiitilators, new stylo and veiy li'i:;di..nje I i* ;u Leaf, Panama, \c. Moleskin, latest style. ' ;'t Fur. ditft-rent .(ualities and styles. .V >o on hand, a g.md supply of ,\IV OWN M,VM F.\ rURE f Silk. Fur and Wool iliits; all of r. ' 1 will sell on the most reas.>nable terms DAVID (.EE. V’f;. 17. 1>'7. .\ew S|»rinr and Sniuincr O O D S. ^■^HE >,r>scriber has just receive.! and otlers for ■- -ile the largest and best a-sortment of Goo.N ■' 'i! he h^i8 ever .tfere.l in this market, coii5l..iti:ig : ; kinds of Dress Goods for L:idies and Gentlemeii; S '. S'iddl*-s, Shoes and fiati of all ile.=.:ript’ >ns; .Su- ..•'ir. >tVee. .Molasses, Iron, an.l Nails, Fish. Suit. i:c.. I'll v.;il be soM L.iw for 'asii, or on time to prompt 1'.. n. . ust.jmers. PETEK i’. JuMNSON. April 1>. OOO-ot BOOTS siioi.:s WE hav* receivo'l a largo portion of our .^priiii: and Smniiu*r Stock, Consisting of a jiiMieral asst'rtmont of (Jents', Ln lies', lioy.s', Micsi s" an.l ChiMren's Hoots, Gaiters, :ind .■'hoe*, cmbrattitig a variety of styles an.l .qualities, , — with n jjem-ral aasortment of .''ervants' Shoes. j —.VLSD- TR I .N KS; Calf, (ioat. Lining and l!iii.lin'.r SKI.SS; LASTS; SIKIK TMIIF.AD; PEOS. .^C., whi.ii we offer : shenp for ('ash m- to prompt rustomers. S r. HAWLEY .t SON. i ■\pril(i, lf^o7. Vii-2in AXM ai7 Mi'J:riN(;. ■^IHE \i:nual Mooting of the .StockhoMers of the ii Fayettevi.ie \ Wosiern Plank R^ad Co. will be h'*ld in the town v.f Fsyetteviile. oi Thurs l iy the 3()th hitt. N V. STEDMAN. Prest't F \ W. P. R. Co. ; April 1, 1S.S7. Vo-tM JAMKS KVI.i: a)» now receiving his SPRING AND SI.’MMMR sup ply of DBt V C^OODS, iiats^ Kool^ attti Shoes^ r,()i;nN(; ci.o riis, ^:c., \11 uf whi.'h, boinc purchased by the case, will !.« of- fore.l bv Wholesale or Retail at L)W' I’RICE.'^. Mar.-h 21. 1^07. W2tf Ll.MiS FDil miiK. \m TUOV, IN THE (^)UNTV OF MOxNTUO.MKRY. WE otfer for sale, the two following Tracts .>f Laud, in the (Jounty of Montgomery: One Tract, lying on the waters of Little River, and uearly around the the town of Troy, and very near to it, containing about 3700 Acres, a considerable por tion of which is lively farming lanl. oovero.l with a great quantity of very valuable timber, and abounding witii many lasting springs of good water, an.l healthy. Also, one other Tract containing 2o*)0 acres, a few miles West of Troy, lying on the waters of Island Creek, Woodrun Creek, Clark’s Creek, Rocky Creek, and Cedar Creek, which it is believed contains a great deal of MINEH.-VL WE.VLTH. It borders on a Gold Mine tract, and runs a considerable distance around it, on which a large amount of Gold has been found It is well watered, well timbered, ami eontaiuH a good 1 deal 01 productive Ian.I. j A good bargain will be given in the sale of these Ian.Is I On the payment of one-third in cash, a credit of one I and two years will be given for the balance. Any furtlier information about these Ian.Is may be j obtained from Mr. E. Deberry, of Montgomery, who i will communicate to us any offers ma.le for them, and aii the pnrchaser in obtaining titles I Any communications ad.lresssd to us at Baltimore, will be promptly stteuded tu. ' C. A. SCHAEFER, «AMUKL KEYSER. Feb'y 14, 1857. 83-swtf i E.ctensivc Sale of VALL AIil.E LA\I)S ON THE MOBILE AND OHIO RAILROAD. UFFICK MOBILE AND OHIO RAILROAD (JO., ( Mouii.k, March 27th, 18')7. ( Whereas by an act of Congress, .late.l .September 20th, 1H50, a donation of l,15G.ti')8 acres of Public ! Lands, in alternate sections, contiguous to, an.l lying ! within fifteen miles on either si.le. along the line of ; the Mobile ami iMiio Railro. I, was made by the Uni- ' te.l States to the States of Alabama and Nlississippi. and by sai.l States conveyed to the Mobile an.l Ohi'> Railroa'l (^ompany: ,\nd whereas the Mobile and Ohio Railroa.l Compa ny .li.l, on the 1st .lay of November. 18r>3, execate a .;ertain Deed of Trust to MORRIS KETt’llUM, .)OHN .1. PALMER and WM. R. MALLET. Trustees, for the prutection of the hoMcrs of a certain issuo of six thou sand six percent. Sterling Bon.Is of C220 or yl.OOO each, in which sai.l lands are include.I: .\nd whereas sai.l Dec'l of Trust provi.les for teli sale .pf said lands, an.l the investment of the proceed thereof iu a Sinking Fund for the re.lemption of Bonds at maturity: b'rciii'ht (iitd Pas,sf nrrr Ijtna bali^e.i u iViIand t'aijetleoiUe. ; ^j^TE.VMER M.AGNOLI.A. leaves Fayetteville on ^lon-I .lay .aii'l Thursday laornings, 15 minutes after j sun-rise. | Leaves 'Vilmingtoti on Tuesday and Friday mornings. ; Steamer FANNY LUTTERLOM, leaves Fayetteville j on Tuesday ami Friday mornings, 1'» minutss after; sun-rise. | Leaves Wilmington We.lnesday and Satur.lay moru- j ings. Both carrying Freight and Passengers. i Steamer ROW'.VN, with full sets of Lighters, rnns ! regularly, carrying Freight only. i Tho regularity of our Boats on all stages of the River, ami the despatch an.l promptness in lelivering ! goods, are too well known to require comment. To our patrons we ten.ler our thanks for the very j libsral patronage heretofore bestowe.I, and can assure all shippers that no efforts will be spared in future, .ind feel conti.lent that our f.icilities for dispatch are e.iual it not superior to anv line on Capo Fear River. W. P. ELLIOTT, ■Agent for Lutterloh & Co. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 1, 185t5. 50tf The (irealesl fnrentlon of the BJjAVlNt} purchased the exclusive right for the ■ I. State of North (’aroHna of GR.VR’S MACHINE FOR CUTTING, TURNlNtJ AND MOULDING IRREG- UL.AR FORMS IN W()OD, 1 otter the .Machine to the Manufacturers of this Stnte as the most perfect and effective ever invente.l to work irregular forms in w >0.1. It has been th .roughly teste.1, and can jierform the labor of tvn to jifty mitti in the most complicated kinds of work. It can do han.lsomely and rapidly all irregular an.l carve.I work, such as ('ircular an.l Gothic Sashes atid Doors, Brackets and Scrolls, Tracerj’ and .Arches of the most .liflicult patterns. Cabinet Ware and Furniture, (’arriages. Rail Road Cars, Chairs, Millwright and Factory work, Sliip and Boat Buibling, .Agricultural Implements, Block Letters, Picture and Mirror Frames, and Patterns for Machinery. In fact, work such as no other Miichine has ever .lone before. I am prepare.1 to sell single and (Jotinty Rights, an.l to furnish M.aehines. JOSEPH R. BLOSSO.M, Proprietor. W’ihniugton, N. C.. Oct. 2'), 18'>t>. 52-t>m pnu.K’ vo'i’ici: is III’.REBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capitril stock of the Centra! Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, (Jlinton. t'Myetteville, and West, will be opene-I on Thurs.lay, tiie Kith day said ! of April 18'iti. an.l remain open accor.ling to the terms f tliet'hirter until furtiier notice, at the following THO. C. PULLER, *itiorney and Counsellor ut Ituuf. - ^FFD'K at Kccles’s Bridge, recently occupiud by James Banks, ian> 1, 18')7 Esq., F ty-ji to vil lo N (J. 70tf .JOSKHU BAkKII, .Ik., 1 r r o K \ K V A r a \\ , ^ S AS taken an office next .loor to Wm. B. Wright’s :S CL Law office on Green Street. He will attei\d an.l practicu in the County and .Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 18.)3. 79-tf W \. jfusKK, ATTOilNKY AT LAW. AND tILKRK AND MASTER IN EtiUlTY F.\ti:ttrvili.k, N (J., May be found at the Equity Oflice, in the Court House Sept. 22, 1865. 38-tf ~ " loveki) eldIiidgk. •Mttorncif ut ' nr ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, .April 15, I85tJ. 9f,-tf “I.AW C()PAK rNKKSH11\’^ nj E, the un.lersigne.l, have this .lay forrae.l a Law Copartnership, and wMI practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, \loore, ILxrnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JN(>. MANNINtJ. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 185tj. 72tf II. L. IIOI.MKS, ~ Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. OFFICE on corner of Front and Princess street, un.ler Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf l>r. K. A o FFK’E Front Rooms, nt.wK. over Dr. S, J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7. 185U. 7»i-tf DU. w. .1. MrxRoi:, I I AVlN(i locate.l in F.ayettoville, will .ittend to all B E calls. 8')-pm calls. F'eby li4 I.AW ^jllHE Subscribers have on hand, ami will promptly fill orders for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Iredell's Digest and Digeste.l M;inual. Jones’s Digest. Revised Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. STORY, on Sales, Bills, Contracts, Partnership, Agem-y. Equity Jurisprudence, Equit^' Pleadings. ARt’HBOLD, on Practice, Criminal Practice »nd Pleading, Landlord an..I Tenant. ClIITTV, on Contracts, Criminal Law, Blaekstone, Me.lical Jurisprudence. SU(iDEN. on Ven.Iors an.l Property. Powell, on .Mortgages, and Contracts. S.MITH, on Actions at Law, Master and Servant, Laii'llord an.l Tenant, ('haticery Practice. S.\NDEH.s, on Pleading an.l Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Reports. RU.S>ELL. on .\rbitration. Factors, ('rimes. HOFF 'vi .VN’S Legal Study, and .Masters in Chancery WILLI\M.S on Personal Property. WIIE.VTON'S Selwyn’s Nisi l*rius. WII.\RTON, on American Law of Homicide, Medi cal .lurisprudence, .State Trials in tho United States, American Criminal Law. Law Dictionary. Siejihen on Pleading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on Ven.lors. Fearne on Remainders. Edwards on Bail ments. ,’oke upon Littleton, (Hargrave and iiutler’s) new e'lition. Kent's Commentaries. Curtis’s ditto. Dart’s Vendors anl Purchasers of Real Estate. Ad ams’ Equity. Troubat's Law of Limited Partnership. Hughes' E.iuity Draughtsman. Phillips and Amo8 on Evidence. Greslej' on Law of I'.vidence. Hoss on Fills an.l Promissory Notes. Domat’s Civil Law. 1 vis’s U. S. Criminal Law. Daniell’s Chancery F actice. Roscoe’s Criminal Evi.lence. .Atherley on Ihe iiaw ot Marriage. Collyeron Partnership. Green- i;., . on Evi.lence. Oliver on Convej’ancing. Curtis’s Cc .dyaucer. Burrill’s Law Dictionary. Cruise on Ufctjl Property. Tayler’.s Law Glossary. Crabb on Real Property. Reeves' Domestic Relations. Byles on P.ills. Bell on Sale. Lee on Arbitration of Titles Sharswoo.Fs Professional Ethics. Barton’s suit in E.juity Wills on (Jircumstanti.al Evidence. Coniyn’s I..an.Uoril and Tenant. Wat.son on .Arbitration. Hare on Discovery. Oliphant on Horses. Whitworth’s E.juity Precedents. Morris on Replevin. Gresley’s E.)uit3’ Evi.lence. Bishop on Marriage an.l Divorce. Mathew's Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on Sue cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil. Cary on Part- nershii) Wilson on Uses. Fell on (guarantees. New- I ind on (.'ontracts. Tamlyn’s (’liancery Evidence, j'c. These or other Law Books ordered will be supplie.l to the Prot'esssion iu auj’ part of the State on reason able term.s. E. J. HALE .SON- 105 iiw ii.w: B.AJ.F.’' Easteru H.A\. just received, on ji.i' I iirticle consignment, and fjr P P J.>HNSON. iiOU-;U Ai.ri- 1 CORN! COU.V! COHN'.:! 'iOO BUSHELS t'ORN just received on con- sigiinient. and for sr»l»* bv P. V April 1 fi. Mattress h:s! J(»HNSoN. t,i»u-;;t STAIIU&WIIJ.IAMS VRE now receiving their SPRING STOCK, com prising a complete and general assortment ot l>ry 4*ooU, with llatM., Koiiiiets, lt«>ulw, and .llailo I'iothiii;;., Which will be otf.'red to the WH>LE.''ALE tra.lt* tor ! >ish, or on th« usual time to |>rompt buyers. Those owing us notes unJ aocouuts l uM due wiil pl*fusa make i mmedi.'ii e pavment. J B STARK. J M. WILLIAMS. Mii'-ch y. 1H.-.7 ^^111E subscriber c.intinues to manufacture M V r rRKssi:.-." at his old stand, near the .M E t’lnirch, Siturk and i'otlon •fiattrcsses, '•l a superior quality, and of every size and shape re- i'tire l. Thankful for past encour igement, he hopes It in^rit a continuance. li. I.oCK.AM.VN. April 20, 1807. 000-3m r VKILN I P, ~ A-'D committed to the Jail of Cumberlanl county. N- C , on the 17th of April, a u>*gro man >y the name of WILLI.S, who says he belongs t" J.imes Boon ■f -N^rthnmpton county, and was hired to .Mr .lo'eph :iryaiit of Brunswick county. The sai.l iie^r > is about ■ et tw > or three inches high, .lark c"inplecte.l. o(> ir -',.i ye irs >f age. The owner is re.^n.'St.'I to corni' ' .rwHr I. prove property and take him ;iway, or he will i.-ait wltii as the law directs. W . R. r.Ol.TON, .1 liler Ar . il 2{), 1>57. tiiiOtf .lo. Refined. Crushed and Powdere.l. 'perm, Ad.unantine and Tallow Can.lUs, T' S'l'KAM BOA'r NOTICi:. 'I'E Steamer .F.VME.S R. GRIST, with Lighters, aviii^ change.! owners, will continue to run be- . Faj.Ptteville ami Wilmington, stopping at inter- ii.ed- te L.indings. Prompt personal attention ,»il'. be tv -u Freight entrusted to mv care VETER P. JfJlINSON, Agent. Atr-! 14. l8o7. 9'.i--Jm \t \V Gi)0(ls4&/ i\ ‘W Ciroods. H. aRAHAM I' .w opening a New .ati.l Handsome .stock >l viAtruM.rim (>f the latest st^’les. ' Vf-ts, Punts, Shirts, Drawers, Cravats, Stocks :' tiders. Half Hose, Hn'ii, Collars, Boots, Shoes, an.l Umbrellas. 1 i.e ;ib';ve Stock will he offered at the lowest prices. ■' 'Uld solicit hi,-, customers an.] fricn'Is to give him ■ He has opened his .Stock in his old staml, ^ide of (jillespie Street. II. GRAHAM. !■ i.VHtteville, April lo. '.)9-0t call llic Mtteiitiijii jt WIIOLl'..- SAIJ: I'ivM.l.RS 110 our present sto.jk,—Bii'l we have re««ntly ru- j ceive.l — iitill bags Rio, L^g.iira, MaricaiVjo and J*vu Cotiee l.’(i hhds Sugar, iis'orte 1 gr-. les. 7' l.bN '*•') b.'xes do Fancy and assorte.l (.'andies, 100 Coils Kentucky, .Jute and ^lani!la Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gupny. Uunde« and Burlaps, S() tons Hooji Iron, 120 boxes (,'hee.se, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,000 Cigars, various brati'ls, —ALSO— Pepper, S])ice. Ginger, Cloves, .Nutmegs, Borax, ^Ia.lder, In.ligo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar S.j.iyis, Starch, i’owder. Shot, Bar i.ead. White Lead. Putty and Linsee.l oil. Window Ctlass, Snuff in I’.oxes, E:igle Mills "lo.. in Half Bids.: Green an.l Black Teas. Hollow-Wtire, Swe.les Iron. English, German, and (’ast Steel: Plows, Straw (fitters, I'orn .Sl^-llers, Sausage Cutters ami Stutters, Trace Chains, Sole I.":ither, .*cc., .'^c. The above Goods w« offer on the most! favorable torm-J fo prompt time or oa-?li jiurohusers. D. .V W. McLAURIN. N.^v. 1850. oltf _ JAMES P. FOULKE.3 ■ S now receiving his SPRING SUPPLY, >,^ Jl consisting of a large assortmtnt of Pnn/x mil' Mn/icints, OtU, J^tiiifs, I I)i/i'-Sfiij}'n, Faiici/ Articffs, P*r- /uniffy, Jnl-. (n Innjc nas’^rl- rtiPiif,) Ah-nhnf, Ihirnhuj Flu id, (III I Brutidies (^Jor Medirii/ piirposrs,) ('ijH^rfus Wii/er, i('r. He won! I parti.-ularly call the attention ot Country Merchants to his ST(»CK. a." it is his intention to sell low for Cash nr on time to punctual customers. March 1^57. S8tf Now theref.ire, we, tl.e undersigne.l. Executive Com mittee, under authority vested iu us by the Trustees aforesaid, in accord.-iuce with the provisions of •'ai.l Trust, and by resolution of the Board of Directors. [ ■idojited March 12th, 1S.j7, will sell at Public .\uction, j IHO.tMH) acres of the above mentione.l lands to the i highest bid.ler above the minimum price of Five Dol- ' lars per acre. The sale will be held at the times and places, and upon the torn-s hereinafter name.l, to-wit: For Lan.Is situ:ite 1 in the Count'es of Noxubee and ■ Winston, the sal’ will take place at Macon, Miss., on TUESDAY, June 10th, 1H57, at 9 o’clock A. .M. For Lands iu the County of Kemper, at Scooba, on . THURSD.W, June 18th, is57. at 9 o’clock .V. M. For Lamls in the Counties of Lauderdale, .Nliss , an 1 | Sumpter, .Ma., at Lauder.lale Springs, on TUESDAY, June 2od, 1M57, ami at Marion St.jtion, on WEDNES- D.VY, June li4th, 1857, at 9 o'clock A. .M. For Lands in tho Counties of Clarke and Ja.sper, j Miss., at Enterprise, o.^ THU RSD.AY, June 25th, 1857, | and at Do Sot.i, on FRIDAY, June 20th, 1857. at 'J ; o’clock .A. M- For Lan.Is in the County of Wayne, at Waynesboro, on S.VTURD.VY, June 27th, 1857, at 9 o'clock A M. The Terms of Sale will be as forows: One thirl Cash: one-thinl in twelve months, and one-thir.i in eighteen months, with interest on the time payments at the rate of eight per cent per an num. Upon receipt of the cash payment, certiticates will be issued to purchasers, by the provisions of which the Lands will be subject to re-sale iu cases of failure to meet the time j.ayments at their respective maturities. Titles will be delivered only upon receij't of the last payment. The location of these Lands upon the line of a (rreat railway, their convenience to a large market on the ■ seaboard, and their general healthfulness, together I with their intrinsic value for cultivation, combine to I make them very .lesirable to purchasers for actu;il set- I tiement. .Among them may be found some of the best I Cotton Laml.s in East Mississippi, as well as birge I tracts of valuable timber, an.l such opportunities for ‘ favorable investment are rarely offered to the public, j The Lan.Is will be otfere.l in subdivisions of eighty to one huu.lred and sixty acres, with the privilege of i the remain.ler of the same section unsold. plaies an.l under .lirectioii of the following name.l I’e'sons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In tile (’ounty of Onslow, at the office ot the Clerk of the County Court at .lacksonville, and at the Po.'t Oflice Rich Laii'ls. E. W. Fonvillo. G. J. Wiird. J. H. Foy, Robert White, John A. .\veritt, Jr., f)wen Hug- gin.i, L. W. Humphrey. In t’arteret county, at the otlice of Dr. M. F. .Vren- dell at Beaufort Dr. M. F. .Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. ■At the store of (J. W. Taylor at Caiolina ('ity,—('ol. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. l>ell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge .Vron.lell. In Dupiin county, at the office of toe ('ountj' ’ourt Clerk at Kcnansville,—.Major Owen R. Kenan, David Rei'l, Isaac B Kelly. Wm. E. Hill, Win. J. Houston, Stephen (iraham. In Sampson countv. at the office of the County Court t'lerk at Clinton.—Thomas I. Faison. Dr. Thomas Bunting. Wm. McKay. Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. lieiunan, .\lfrcd Johnson. In Cumberland county, at F.iyetteville, at the office of .\ .\. McKethan.—Thomas R. Un.lerwood, Ramlal \1. Daniel, Edwar.l L. Winslow, John I’locker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned airee to take the number of shares ot •'jiltMt each, sot opposite to our names respectively, in the (’entral Kaii Roa.l t'lunpany: and in all respects to Comply- with the torms of the Charter. Names | Resideni t I No. of shares Cash Work S. M TIJO^IAS. DE.VLER IN I'A\CY S rAIM.K DRV GOODS, R K A D Y-M A I) K CLOTIIIN(i, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS, kc., &c. Corner Market and Gillespie St.. Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, H55. 02-tf Worth & Utley, rorwartlin^ aiul General Coniiuission MERCHANTS, i'utfeitevillc, 3. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. I'Tt-EY. w. p. ELLio r r, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Af;nt for Lutterloh 6Vj.’.s Steamioat Lint- Will attsnd promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Oct. 21, 1850. 50-tf Jonx p. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Wi 11 give particular attention to the sale of Naval .it Feb’v 25. 1850. Store.s, Cotton, ic. 85-tf Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and ma.v specify whether for grading or cross-ties: an.l stocklioMers shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. •As soon as one huiiilred thousan.l doll.-irs are sub scribed. the Commissioners .,f Onslow county are to be ; Coinillis.sioil MfTl'liailt, \0. 1*2 Nortll WaU'f St., notifieii, anil tli.'v are require.) to call a meeting of StocklioMers to organize the (-ompany. March 15, 185.>. 13tf W. H. TURLINQTON, Tliv tjffriif’st Factory in the SoathI Dr. Printe.l Lists of the Lands can be had upon ajipli- ; cation to the Station Agents .at the various Depots on the Railroad, an.l also at (Jolumbus, .-Vbenleen ami Okalona. .Any further information will be furnished by the undersigned, at Mobile. rsigneiij FR.\NCIS B. CL.VRK, JoNA E.MANUEL, WILLIAM D. DUNN, Executive Committee M. and O. R. R. (’o. April 2, 1857. 95-lawtJ12 NOTICE. «Y virtue of a Deed of Trust from J. G. Mc- Dugald, to the undersigned, will be expose.l to sale at public .\uction on Monday, the 4th.lay of May next, at the ('otirt House in Elizabethtown. Bla.len county, upon one and two years credit, with interest from the sale, three lots of L.AND in said Town, Nos. 77, 78 ami 79, with the improvements consisting of two Dwellings, out-houses and Store, being the inte- i j.atronage lie has r..'ceive.l for the l:ist 21 years, he rest of sail McDugald therein. The Hoases are good, j hopes by strict attention to b',i»iuess. with a le.sire and the stand for a store and trade. , to give satisfaction, to merit a continuuice of the Also upon six months credit, with interest, 50 Acres | same. He w:irrants his work to be made of the best of Lanil on Fryar Swamp, where Sam’l Benson resides. I material and by experienced w irktuenin each lir inch 100 acres half of o'JO granted bj’ patpnt to Geo. W I of the business. His 'vork will compare tavorably P>annerman and Alex'r McDugald on Colley, adjoining , with ;iny made in the United “States, for neatness an I the lands of J- G Sutton and others Also, 320 acres, | durability. He is leterioiuod to sell auil do any half of *'»40 granted to Elias Ganlnef, on Trumbull in | work in his line on as good terms as an.v work done sai'l county, adjoi ling tho Ian.Is of Rich’d Tatum ami | elsewiiere that is as well lone. H;- now lui« on hand. WIL.MINGTON, N. (J. Ur ILL give his prompt pors.mal iittention to the sale or shipment of all ('onsignments of Naval Stores or other t'ountry p."oduce. Nov. 8, lS50. tf J.\.MKS C. SMITH. ■MILES CHSTlN. FOR SALE. Kedttred Prires^ for iU’iSU or on SMiOKT TI.WA', ■25i) li.lKOyi'llt:S, Rocka-v^ays and Buggies OF EVERY l)i:S('ltIFTION, 'A9 -\NY of which are finished, ami the balance being finished dail^’. Among which are many New and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE CARRIAGE. .Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing(’arriage work are GREATER than any establish ment South, an.l I can aft'ord an.l am determined to sell work of the BEST (^U.ALITY as low as it can be built for by an.v one. Those who aru indebted to mo will please pay up, as mv business requires my out-standing debts to he collecte'd. A. A. McKETHAN. P'eb. 3, 1855. 72-tf and VViiit‘r Goods. T. n^addUl, HAY STREET, A RE now receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS m consisting of a large and well selected stock of Groc(‘i’it's, I laniwarc, Cutk'ry, i »lacksmitluy 'I'lir- juMUiiK' 'I'ools, Airricullural Im- j)l(Miieiits, l)(X)ts and .Shot's, Hats and Caps, Satldk'ry and Len- ther, li(‘avy articles in the Drug lint*, R*ady-n»ad(‘ Clo thing, and Staple I)ry (.iootU A A KSPHt'l ipiiblic. >!( K JCTHA V 'TFULI.'i piil)lic, that he Brick I’uil.lings .it lii II fa c t u r i!I g t ’ a rr ige.s. i nifio.-ms his trienils an.l the has liuilt up large substantial . old Staml, expressly for man- Tli.inkftil for the very liberal Ms A‘w I'^HE un.lersigned havi' gent purcLtiSea of (jioods. received int.i Storw their re- ASYLUM OF NORTH CAROLINA. V1’I’L1CATI()NS will be roceive.l at this Institu tion, tiildressed to the undersigned, until the 'til Jfiii,. next, for the office of Matron. Persons ap- p yirig Tuust present to the Roanl of Directors satis- tiic'.f ry t. Ktirnonials of character and capacity for the and it .liiould al.so be made known to the Board ’!ier the applicants are married or inglo, ami if i.t.erud, to what extent. W. W. HOLDEN, I ED. CANTWELL, I Ex. Com. • K. P. BATTLE, j Hnleigh, April 14, 1857. !^W-tJ5 G. W. WILLIAMS & CO. 87tf ii O O D N, Embracing a large an.l general stock of aiil llaril waiT, Which they will sell on their usual accommodating terms. March 4, 1857. NOTICE. WE hereby forbid any person from trespassing on any of our Lands known a.s the Kingsbury I Lauds, and we particularly forbid persons from chip ping and tending the Turpentine Boxes. We will en force th« law in every iustanee of a trespass, j J. & T. WADDILL. March fl, 1857. 88tf others. P- MU RPHY, Trustee. M.arch -iO, 1857. .At the same time an.l place I will offer for sale, the LOT and improvements in the Western part of tht Town, between the public Road and the Cape Fear j River, containing eight acre.s, more or less, on which I is a Dwelling and outhouses, the late resilience of ,1. i 1. McDugald, ami now occupied by Jno. A. Richanl- son, Esq. One ami two years cre.lit with interest. Boml an.l approved sureties reqnire.l. P. .MURPHY. Marcli 30, 1857. 05-ts NO'FJCE. 7 J]^FH?S('NS indebted to Jas. C. McEachin, as Guar dian of the heirs of John Morrison, dec’d., are hereby respectfully informe.1. that sai.l guardian has in a great mnjority of instances endorse.! and trans ferred their notes to the un.lersigne.l. Also, tiiat our urgent necessities, apart from the requirements of the enitorser, compel us lo colled a* xpeedihj as fjomiftle. All thus indebted will therefore oblige us, ami themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue wher# the money is not forthcoming. A. D. MORRISON. J. M. MORRISON. N. A. MORRISON. Ltvurlnburgh, N. C., March 2, 185/. 87tf JAS. C. SMITH & Co, rurtors, ('ommis.sion (ind t'oncnrdi/i^ MERCHANTS. NO. 'J SOUTH W'ATER STREET, UP STAIRS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21. 1850. 50 Y CHARLES HANKS, Ti O.VE R , WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN F'ireiijii Fruits, jViifs, Ciijars, Tobacco, Sn uff, See sTitiir/r, Fayetteville, N. C. This Stock we are j.repared to Job or Retail. Fayetteviile, ()ct. 21, 4Htf FJ!^ We ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex- amuie our Ker.seys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. DW ELLlNii FOR SALE. ^l^ilE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwollinj J[^ an.l Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Eranibert. Terms reasonable. E. J. IIALK. May 2'.>. 8- WOOL ROLLS. ^^^OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’* Creek » T Factory. SHEETINGS, ‘•)snaburgs. Cotton Yarn, an.l Woi ' Rolls, for sale bv GBO. McNEILL .luiie !H.')4. 7-1 f .'vlarch 1, 185:}. 7.3tf J “IMie Old North State in 1776,” by Caruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same wt^rk. E. J. EALE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1867. Finishf.k, the LAIK.IEST .'^ I'OCK of (^(trnit^i'cs. /i'tro’irhcs. ll*)ctrnoniftiy tind fhi^'ijies, Evjr ..(feroil in this place, and a vor.v large sto;'k of work ne.irly tinishe.l, which will l>e fini.-5;ied d.-iily. All of which will be sobl very low for C.^sii. or on short time to punctual cistomers. has on hand more than ONI'] HUNDRED .A.ND FII’T^ \ ehi- cles finished and in course of constructi.m. .\ll work ma.le i)V lii111 is warrasiteil 1'2 months with fai r us:i ge, and shou M it fa11 by l>a.l wor'Kiuanship or m.-iterial wiil be ri p.'iired free ot charge. IN'rsoiis wisliinir to buy would .lo well to c.all and examine for themselves. (,)rders thankfully receivoil an.l proni{ tly attended to. Repairing executed at short noticf^ a;id on very reasonable terms May 2«. 1«5 8. ««tf li(‘\vai*d. -AN.VW.AY from the subscriber, in Pittsborough, ii '»'h;itham county, N. C., on the 8th inst . a negro boy named JI.M, about 18 years of age, of dark brown color, about five feet high, heavy built, ami weighs from 140 to 150 lbs. He is smart and quick spoken, and rocks when he walk.s. The only notable mark re collected is a scar on the middle of the forehead, near where the hair joins. He had on, when last seen, a browu Tweeds coat, with flaps on the pocket.^ .A rc- war.l of Fifty Dollars will be paid for him, it taken out of the county of Chatham, or Twent\ five Dollars if taken in it. JOSEPH THOMPSON. Pittsborough, Jan’y 15, 1857. 74bptf :. POiv DEALER IN VPLE vV TANCV DRV GOODS, IIAT.S, CAPS, HOOTS, SHO?]S, AND READY-.MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ilai/ Street, Fni/effevilfe, C. May 20, 1855. 4-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. € o n m HSI o i\ AND EO R \V A RDING .M E RC11A N V, Wilmingtoni .V. C. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, an.l Cash a.lvances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1855. 67 J. S. BANKS, (^oiiiiiiiMwioii .^ereliaiif, Wilmington, N, C. Jan’y 1, 1850. tlO-tf T. C. & B. G. WORTH, Commission Forwarding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, W'ATER .STREET, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1856. 63-tf I.OS'l’. .AST Night, bpfween the .Market House and thw Dobbin House, m small PORTE MONNIA, con- tuiniug about ¥25 or .'jioO, consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold pieces, thr.*e Two-aii.l-a-lialf (Jold pieces and four One D.)llai (JoM: also some small change and a bill or tw(. .V suitabb* rewar.l will be given for the recovery oi the aoove described Purse and Money. WM. McLEoD Fayetteville, .fune 4, 1850 10-tf u iiEA r vv AN ri:D. tWANT lo purchase o,(J(M) BusheI.s Wheat. JAS. G. COOK June 25, 'bSO. lH-tf JOMES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. ■ 2 III. subscriher.s li.-ive for sale, the •.’'i volume of th« Rep.irts of Law Cas(«s in the Supreme Court of North (:ar)lin:i, by H. C. Jones, Ks.j. Just pulilished- .\i'o. Siipromt; ('ourt Iteports gentrall}, and other Law Book.s. E. J. HALE ii SON. liLsiioi* urn- I1HL 21 edition, (with hundreds of typographical L errors of the oM edition corrected,) is published for the benefit of the Missionary cause of the Episco pal Church in North Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, •>!, in sheep 1 50. Or.lers, accompanied in every instance by cash, may be a«l- dressed to E. J. HALE 4 SON. Fayetteville, May 8, 1850. Narrative of the lv\j»edition ol an •American .Squ;vdron to the China Seas and Japan, bj Com Perry, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations, edited by Rev. Dr. F. L. Hawks. •Vlso, further supplies of -Mrs. Hentz's Novels; Mish Murray’s Travels through the U. S.; Mitchell’s Tra veller's Gui.le; Steel Pens, ^c. E. J. UALE 4' SON. Auff. 12. Gunn’s Domestic Medicine, or Poor Man’s Friend. A further supply’ of this popular book, 'just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Ottice.