PM SEMI-WBKKl, V. VOL. VI.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JUNE 11, 1857. LNO. 615] MONDAYS AXD THURSDAYS. KDWAHl) .!. HVLK & SON. Kl'lTnlls A\D PKtdMllETOHS. . ,■ ■ f!i»' Somi-Wppkly t>nsERVKn $8 00 if paul in V .1. c; "S ' "iO if paid iluring the year of stihscrip- 1, r t iftcr the yenr has expireil. .■ Wot'kiy Obskkveb $2 00 per amium, if paid in ;v I- , ■')i> if pnid iluriug the yr»r of sul>sorip- ‘ ii ■ S after the year lias expired. ■■ I'V K KT IS KM I’NTS inserted for sixty cents per ,. r. • l»i lines tor the tirst, and thirty cents for cach ; aitisr puhlioation. Yearly advertisements by spe- !■ .iitracts. at rciisouable rates. Advertisers are . u'od to state the number i>f insertions ilcsired, or wil. be cuntlnued till forbid, and charged acconl- A ivertisements to be inserted intiJe, charfred oO per extra. I OR SALE. MII..CM OOW. Apjilv immediately' to THOS.'a. K. EVANS. :.L- '' 14-tf HANK OK WriAllVGTOX. Plre Insurance. ^I^HIS Bank has declared a dividend of 4^ per cent, j refer our readers to the annual statement I otit of the profits of the last sis months, payable j t**® ^Etna Insurance Company, of Hartford. pav on the 10th inst! Interest at the rate of fi per cent, per p.nnuni will be allowed on subscriptions to stock made after the 15th inst., till the next dividend. S. .lEWETT. Cash’r. June 8, 18.>7. i:^-lm A I'DK OR ui:.\ r. fl^llE HOl’SE and LOT now octMipied by Mr. Israel i Dodd, near the Half-wa3’ l^ridgi-, avljuiuing (’apt .'ii's. (‘ontaininjr one acre of land, n large and goo'l ;«r Icn spot, with aiiuiidun' water privileges. A har- _ ..11 is ofiVred in the sale. Applv to Tlio. J. JOHXSON. Fnvetteville, June G. 1 t-U 50 KISH! I'ISII!! KISIII!! RBLS. No. 1 HERRING, juot received and W. H. CARVER. 14-8t for sale. ALEXANDER McIVER, .1 TTO JR.V*: !• .IT JL,tn% CARTHAGE, MOORE CO.. N. C. Vi in Moore and adjoininy Cnunties. r 14-tiw "^OIL. KE Winter, Sperm, ard Lamp Oil; also. Neats- • t. Machinery. Tanner’s and Linseed Oil. For uantitie? to suit by B. ROSE. 14-3t 100 LIMK. ('ASKS Thomastown Lime, now landing and for sale Vy 15. ROSE. 14-:U STR.lVFin (^"^ROM the Subscriber on the Sth inst., a light sor rel MARE, a small blaze in her face, a.nd had when she left a large fresh wound on her jaw and throiit, made by the hook of a chain. 1 will satis- factoril)’ reward nny one who will t:ike up and return her to me, or will write me to send for her. R. M. ORRELL. Fay tteville. May *J7. 11-tf Dr\%g Store & Fi.riures FOR SALE. >^B^HE undersignc J, being desirous of changing his business, offers his Drug Store for sale. It oc- cupie.s one of the most desirable situations in town for the V.usiness. Any person ih'sirous of going into tht> business can get a bargain. .1 AMES F. FOULKES. May 10-tf fiVKRV mm 1\ RIPTIRES! Summer come at last: 8W*JI'LD very respectfullj’ suggest to my friends and customers, to call anl exiimine my unprece dented, Large, Fine, and Cheap Stock of Huniiiioi* Clothiii”*, (ientlcMiien's Furnishing (t()o1s, noots cSj Shoes, Hats & Caps, 'rniiiks, Carj)ct !>ags, VaHses, »^:c. »\:f. 1 shall most assuredly use all honorable means to give satis! ■ ■^tion. and give them a Suit of Clothes for t n O E.W..1 R S and upwards, that will not be 'beat anywhere in the State. GEORGE RRANDT, Hay St., ()pposite G. W. Williams & Co. Fayetteville, May 11. »;-2m rTvvii) .McDrmE, Hrickmason and Plasterer^ S prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in- V MOLASSES. FEW Hhds. Molassc's. of good quality and in X' t-llcut order, iust rec'd and for sale bv B. liOSE 14-3t .V I’lSll. FF,\\ Bbls. No. 1 new Scaled n-i \i and for sale by J[ eluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .April 27. 1857. ".-IV-pd FOR S~\LE. rjIHE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie ■ Street, at present occupied by Doctor McSwain. Perfect title can be ma le. Apply ti> THO. J. CURTIS. ALSO 4 GOOD FAMILY C.\RRI.\GE in good repair and nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— 8 good MILCH CO'VS with young calves. Apply to which will be found in another column. Thi« sue cessful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in ISU*. with a perpetual charter. Its capital is $500,000, and its accumulations exceed $800,000 more, making its entire assets over i»l,a0(J,- 000, invested as detailed in the statement referred to. These results indicate that during the period of near ly forty years since its organization, (without a single change of its chief officer,) its business has been con ducted with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are informed, all its obligations by the paymen"' of about ten million dollars for losses, without asking a day’s delay in any instance. It has had.but little lit igation, notwithstanding the immense number of trans actions made. In order to attain as much artainty uf possible in such a bud““ss as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several yenrs, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of premiums received thereon, and the amount of losses upon each. This classification, extending over a long period, nnd covering property to a very large atuount, furnishes reliable data, and pre sents a sound, substantial basis of actual experienoe, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its ha zards are ascertainable, and its principles are capable of being reduced to a system, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that of any other business. The .Etna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its business upon a healthy biisis, has obtained the confidence of the community to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has increase«1 its business and its income from year to year with a steady growth. One great source of its security is the wide distribution of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness —limiting the amount to be covered in each locality. By this course it has pass-jd, with comparative impu nity, through some oi th» most sweeping and destruc tive fires, which have s'ivailowed up other companies less cautious in their business. It is a system like this, based upon experience, which gives stability and soundness to a company, and to the assured confidence and security.—Baltimore Patriot. ,^T.\A L\SIR1XCE COMPAW, ll.VkTFOKI), CON.N. INCORrORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Capital 000. Assets L;i07,903 12.* I T K. BRACE, President. E. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre- I sident. T. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. I Dibectoks.—T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J Church, R. ; Buell, M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. I Mather, E. G. Ripiey, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F. Davis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W Keney. ASSETS; J.\Nt arv 1, 1867. Cash in hand and in Phoenix Bank, !*>tj.‘},733 80 Cash on spacial deposite in Hartford Bks, 22t>, 125 00 S’ Herring. Just B. ROSE. 14-3t T. J. CURTIS. 3tf NOTICE. subscriber having, at June Term 1857 of the | ■ I 'urt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for Cum- j and County, taken out Letters of .Administration -he Estate of Dr. Benjamin Robinson, hereby gives j t;-. all per.sons having accounts or demands i ■.z i:asr his estate to present them duly authenticated * ' . n the time prescribed by law, or this notice will j i : ',ef. led in bar of their recovery. j indebted to the Estate must make immediate | nt. BENJAMIN R. HUSKE. i Administrator, i Fl R’l lll'.U NO'I’ICK. I^tK.-^oNS indebtel to the late firm of B. & B. W. iUibinsou must make payment or they will find ■ .!■ Notes or Accounts in suit before the next term • t If County Court. A settlement of the partner- , :iPCOunts is indispensabh' necessary to enable the 1 ' . liistrutor to discharge his office. B. R. HUSKE, Att’y. June 2, 1857. B€irgains / bargains I: I.\M now selling off my entire stock of Goods .AT ' O.'^T The stock is Inrge and well selected. ;on- - iiigin part of Muslins. Tissues, Bnrages, Brilliattes, ‘ s, iilack and Colored Silks, assorted Together :;!i a general assortment of Dress Trimmings, llib- r. , (.rluve>, and Hosiery, assorted. A^ for Gentlemen—Cloths, Cassimeres, DeTa’s, and ■inen!'. a-sorteil, with a general Stock of iteudff^t liude Cloth ins? Au'l Hats, Binnets, Boots, Shoes, &c. &c. Tbe most of the above iiame'l Gnods ar',* new and :ill be sold positively at cost for Cush, in order to -e the business of J- J .MOORE, Surviving Piirtuer. June 8, 1857. April 29, 1857. .\L\TTRESSES: MATTRESSES!! fBlHE subscriber continues to manufacture at his ; M old stand, near the M E Church, | Shuck and Cotton ,liattresses, \ t)f a superior juality. and of every size and shupe re quired. Thankful for past encour igement,^ be hopes to merit a continuance. U- Lt^CKAM.AN. April 20. 1857. r. iO-Om Cash in Agents' hands, balances, Money due, secured by mortgage. Real fstate, unencumbered, Bills receivable, 72 Mortgage Bonds, and 7 per cent., 5 Income Bonds, 7 “ 10 Jersey City Wjiter Bonds, G per cent., iiU Hartford City Bonds, “ 1 Milwiiukee (?ity Bonds, 10 “ 6o0 shares Hartford it N. Haven R ECC’LESS vs been newly repaired, have it ground. March 30. II .MILL .Send vour Corn and M. McKINNON. 94- !£0 .it'sr i!i'.ci-:ivF,i). QUARTER BOXES RAISINS. 2U Half 20 Boxes Soda Biscuit 20 “ Cheese. For sale by C. K. Dec’r 15. LEETE. 65tf MHE undersigned having executed a power ot At- NOTICE. 1 turney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized ■ make all settlements for me and in my name, an') generally to transact all business as I might or could !■ were 1 personallj’ present. J. J- MOOliE. F .yetteville, June 3, 1857. NOTICE. ^I^HE subscriber having, at June Term 18;)7, of the I r urt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the i!ity of Cumberland, qualified as Administrator tiir- Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all i ■ n- ihivitig claims against the said Estate to present ■ - irae properly authenticated within the time pre- ■ ijy hiw, otherwise this notice will be pleaded ir f their recovery. lii-htors to the said Estate will please make payment ■u. iiatoiv E. F. MOORE. ■I. -,1^57. JAMES PIKSSOA, PUNO PORTE MAWnFACTtJRER, New York, respectfully informs the citizens *' F.iyetteville and surrounding country that he ■ V' the honor of making a visit to Fayetteville ' ■ ‘ 1^' I lie early Winter, when he will be happy to lii“ services to those who may wish to have their • tlmroughly tuned and repaired; and at the same ‘ d'i I.e happy to furnisH those who may desire h.' vtry superior Piano Fortes, at prices ranging ■; to lit ■ .r the honor tt refer to the following gentle- "Ai., hdve purchased from him: J W. Sandford, Esq., Fayetteville. •Mes.srs. W. A. Wright, 1 .Stephen Jewett, | H 1. Brown, j-Wilmington. iifi,r;/e Davis, j J-i,. (jl. Burr, J ti,er jjentlemcn of the highest standing in the ;''tnmunications or orders for Instruments may it .Mr. R. D. Green’s Watch and .Musical Store. \AM FOR SALE. M’.IR TROV. IN THE COII.N’TY OF MONTGOMEKV. WE offer for sale, the two following Tracts of Land, in the County of Montgomery; (.)ne Tract, lying on the waters of Little River, and nearly around the the town of Troy, and very near to it, containing about 3700 Acres, a considerable por tion of which is lively f:irming land, covered with a great quantity of very v.aluable timber, and abounding with many lasting springs of good water, and healthy. Also, one other Tract contiiinlng 25U0 acres, a few miles West of Troy, lying on the waters of Island Oeek. Woodrun Creek. Clark's Creek. Kocky Creek, an 1 Cedar (,'reek. which it is believeil contains a great deal of MINERAL WEALTH. It borders on a Gold i Mine tract, .and runs a considerable di^t^ince .around I it, on which a large amount of Gold has been touud. It is well watered, well timbered, and contains a good deal of productive land. A good bai gain will he given in the sale ot these lands. On the payment of one-third in cash, a credit of one and two years will be giveu for the balaTice \nv further inlormation about these liimls may be obtaii'ied from Mr. E. Deberry, of Montgomery, who will communicate to us any offers made for them, and aid the purchaser in obtaining titles. .Any communications addressed to us at Baltimore, will be promptly attended to. ^ ^ • C. A. SCHAEFER, SAMUEL KEYSER. Feb’y 14, 1857. _ 83-swtf \Vc call the attention of WHOLE SALE DEALERS 105 107 550 150 950 150 131) 300 200 308 240 10) 200 .'.0 ft',2 100 115 100 200 soo 150 200 201) 100 180 4ho 200 400 400 448 00 118 Y-n 130 100 200 2-V) 428 120 239 ‘>50 1 J5 100 150 200 R. stk, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto. Hartford j- Providence BostDU ,j' Worcester Connecticut River Connecticut River Co. .Stafford Bank Stock, Citizens' Eagle Phoenix Farm. & Mech. Exchange State City Bk Htfd Co. Conn. River Hartford Chnrter Oak Mech. Trad. Merchants' Ex. North River Mechnnics’ “ “ Bk N. America “ “ Bank .\merica “ “ “ Republic “ “ “ Commonwealth Stk •* ‘‘ of New York, . “ Broadway Bank Stock, “ People’s “ “ Union •* “ Hanover “ “ Ocean “ “ Metropolitan “ “ Butchers’ k Drovers’ “ Importers’ & Traders’ “ Amer. Ex. Bk Stock, “ “ “ scrip, “ Merchants’ *• “ Market “ “ Cjty Nassau “ “ .Manhattan Co. “ “ Phuenix “ “ “ rights, “ “ U. S. Trust Co. Stock, “ N. V. Life Ins. & Trust Co. Stk, Ohio “ “ “ 124,8t;0 08 0,751 08 47,035 in 20,109 y8 72.000 4,500 10,2u0 10.000 5,000 00,0U0 6.250 9.t)80 11,250 1.250 5,150 Waterbury, 5,150 Providence, 1,872 Hartford, 32,400 27.000 “ 16.01« 31.200 1-2.300 10.000 10,050 39,.^68 12,000 Jersey City, 1,500 N«w York, 10,800 10.500 23.400 16.200 •23,000 24.400 10,200 21,000 15.600 11,000 23.000 10.000 11.907 22,000 13.062 5*^ 21.600 22,8‘.0 3.331 47 27.205 16.500 3,'2fi5 12. ^-(10 9,521 50 5,700 200 10,800 24.000 19,200 rri^lit and Pnsf:pnrer Line hetwcjn IF/ I mi ton and FayettevHlc- iTEAMER MAGNOLIA, leaves Fayetteville on Mon day and Thursday mornings, 15 minutes after sun-rise. Leaves Wilmington on Tuesday and Friday mornings. Steamer FAN!!Y LUTTERLO'H, leaves Fayetteville I Tuesday and Friday mornings, 15 minutes after sun-rise. Leaves VVilmington Wednesday and Saturday morn ings Both carrying Freight and Passengers. Steamer ROWAN, with full sets of Lighters, runs regularly, carrying Freight only. The regularity of our Boats on all stages of the River, and the despatch and promptness in delivering oods, are too well known to require comment. To our patrons we tender our thanks for the very beral patronage heretofore bestowed, and can assure shippers that no efforts will be spared in future, and feel confiilent that our facilities for dispatch are equal if not superior to any line on Cape Fear River. W. T ELLIOTT. -Agent for Luttcrloh & Co. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 1, 1850. 50tf PFRLIC NOTICE S HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day of Aj)ril 1850, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places Jind under direction of the following namnd persons, (’ommissioners in the Charter, viz; In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the County Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post )ffice Rich Lands. E. W'. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert W'hite, John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort .M. F. .Arendell, J. F. Bell. L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. In Dupiin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid. Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampeon countj'. at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay. Patrick Murphy. Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription; The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of •■?!100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii Road Company; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. Names S. M THOM AS. DEALER IN FANCY STAP[>E DRV GOODS, RKAT)Y-MA 1)E 0LOTIIING. HATS, CAPS, BONNETS. BOOTS AND SHOES. SHEETINGS. COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS. BLANKETS, kc., &c. Corner Market and Gillespie St., F:iyettevil!e, N. C. Dec. 17, 185f>. 02-tf ~ Worth & Utley, Forwarding am! General C'oininission MERCHANTS. Fnifetti^rilte, .V. WOKTri. JOS. rXLKY. \v. V. EFJjorr, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Aynit for Lvfterloh (‘o.’s Sicnmhont Line Will aiten'l promptl}’ to alt business entrusted to his care. 50-tf Oct. 21, 1856. .lOlLN V. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. ( . \V ill give particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores. Cotton. &c. Feb’y 25. IH.SU. 85-tf W. H. TURLING-TON, I’oiiiniissioii Merchant, No. 42 North Waier St., WILMINGTOX, N. C. Dr. Hawtcs^s History OF .\ORTU CAKOLli^A. The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but lor its typo’graphi- cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General Agent for the State, Ii. Horne of this place, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price . varies according to style of binding: In handsome cloth !jl 25; in Library Sheep •'J«l 50; in half Calf $1 75. It 18 SOLD ONLY FOK Cash. None will be charged, ' either by ourselves or our .Agents. A liberal discount will be made where quantities are taken to sell again. It -will be sent by mail to any part of the cauntry, on rcccipt of the price and'24 cents to pay postage. The ‘id volums is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain about 500 pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents additional for sheep and 50 cents additional for the half calf binding. E. J. H.ALE & SON. Fayetteville, April 29, 1857. P. S. The .Agent and hfs Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. C> BOOKBl-\DIi\G F all kinds, is executed in the b«at manner. ILL give his prompt personal r.ientiou to the sale or shipment of all Consigmiients of Naval Stores or other Country P-oduce. Nov. 8, 1850. tf Reaidenct # No. of shares $ Cash Work .I^.MKS C. S.MITU. .MILES COSTIN JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors^ (commission and Forwardin^r MERCHANTS. NO. "2 .•^OUTH W'ATKR STREET, UP STAIRS. WILMINGl'OX, N. C. Oct. 21, 1850. J Subscriptions may be made pa3'able in work, and may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. As aoo»as one hundred thousand dollars are sub- scribe^, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and thej are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. .March 15. 1850. 13tf The Itat'gest CarrififfP Fact or y hi the South! ^1,307,903 42 •r.! 13-lm Hi it r vo’d. |)ur Magazine Ibr June, E. J. HALE & SON. fjl'io our present Stock,—and we have recently re- -BL ceived— 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and JavA Coflce, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Refined, Crushed and Powdered. 95 boxes Sperm, Adamitntine and Tallow Candles, 00 lo Fancy and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny. Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40 000 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, .Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo, Sjiiiiiish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and r>ar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in Boxes, Eagle Mills do., in Half libls.; Green anl Black Teas, Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, (^orn Shellers Sausage Cutters and Stuflers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, &c., kc. The above Goods we otter on the most favorahle terms to prompt time or caf-h purchasers. ^ D. & W. McLAURlN. Nov. 6, 1850. NEW BOOKS. ■ M.ARRIET LEE’S Canterbury Tales; Love after ■ I. .Marriage, by Mrs Hentz. -c. Also, a new supply of Standard MEDICAL WORKS. The Presbyterian Psalmodist, round and character Notes. J* UALfc & SON. LI\BILITIES;—Unsettled Claims not •lue. -1!100,009 15 Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. C., E- J- HALE. NOTICE.” PERS(>NS indebted to Jas. C. McEachin, as Guar dian of the heirs of John Morrison, dec’d., are hereby lespectfullj* informed, said guardian has in a great majority of instances endorsee! and trans- ffrred their notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent necessities, apart from the requirements of the endorser, compel us to collect fpeedili/ ag possible. All thus indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A D. MORRISON. J. M. MORRISON. N. A. MORRISON. Laurinburgh, N. C., March 2, 1857. 87tf Dr. r. FOULKES ■ S now receiving his SPRING SUPPLY, —* consisting of a large assortment of Dniys anti Medicines, Ods, Paints, Dye-StitjJ's, Fancy Articles, Per fumery, Inks (a larye assrrt- mcnt,) Alcohol, Burniny Flu id, tiViies and Brandies (/or Medical purposes,) Conyress Water, d'c. He would particularly call the attention of Country Merchants to his STOCK, as it is his intention to sell low for Cash or on time to pnncttial customers. March 9, 1857. 88tf deep RIVER COAL. BITUMINOUS COAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Too. W.M. .McCLANE, Mining Engineer. .May 21, l«5»i 0-tf BLANKS for sale at this OJlice. A. A. McKin'ilAX RESPECTFULLY informs his friemis and the public, thiit he h:is built up large subst;intial Brick Buildings at his Old Stand, expressly for man- ufacturine Carriages. Thankful lor the very piatronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict iittention to bui'ines.s. with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a contiuuance ol the same. He warr.ants his work to 'ie made of the best material and by experienced workmen in e:ich brunch of the business. His work will compare favorably with an_y made in the United States, tor neatness and • lurabilitv. He is *ietermiiied to seil autl do an^ work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that ie as well done. He now has on haiid. Finishei>, the LARGEST STOCK of Cnrrta^vs, liftroachc-^^ l{ock'awtiis^ a.ui Ever offered in this place, tinil a very large stock ol work nearly finished, which will be finished diiily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. He r.i^on hand more than ONE IIUNDRKD AND FIFT\ Aehi- cles finished and in c'.ursc of construction. 9^" .All work niiide l.y him is warranted 1- mouths with fair usage, .and should it fail by had workmanship or material will be repaired free ot ch.irge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call iiud examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received anI promp tly attended to. Repairing executed at short noticfc and on very reasonable terms. 50-Y C. POK. DEALER IN S PAIM.E FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAFS, BOOT.S, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hay Street, Fayetteville, A’'. C. May 20, 1855. 4-tf ~ JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. i: o 11 ni s s 1 o AND F O R W ' A R D LN G M E R C H A N T, »V. C. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to he ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. >7 J. S. HANKS, 1*4* haul, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1850. OG-tf T. C. ^ \^. G. WORTFL Comniission Forwarding Mcrcliants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. 03-tt THO. O. PULLER. • ittornfif and €\)unsetlor at Eiair, OFFICE at Fircle«'s Bridge. utiiUh ocupicd by James B:inks. I. q., FiMettcville, N. C. t5n’y 1, 1857. ^^tf josi:ph Flvker, Jr., ATTO tl K V .1 T I. A %V , S ■ AS taken ati otTice next door to Wm. B. Writrht s § I Law otlice on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and .'Superior Courts of Cumber 79-tf bound in the same style they were before. This will «ave the repurchase ot new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound hero, as a deduction of prices will be mude upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. Applv for a list of Binding prices before going else where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. Nov. 5, 1866. 5-1-V GUANOES. 7^^ BAGS PERUVIAN; 327 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increase's the yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. & W. McLAURIN. Nov. (i, 1850. 54tf WOOL ROLLS. M'KT’OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek W W Fiictory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL- Jur.e 1854. 7-tf aiui Winter Goods. J. O' T. IfaddiU, HAY STREET, 4 RE now receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS consisting of a large and well selected stock of Groceries, Hardware, I Cutlery, lilacksinitluV Tur pentine Tools, .\gricultiiral Im- i pleinents, ! lioots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea ther, Heavy articles in the Drug line, Ready-ntade Clo- tliing, and Staple Dry Goods laud. Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March '1'6, 1853. May 28, 1853. »8tf WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHl IT? A new Carriaye Estnhlishment on the Military (rreen, opposite the Methodist (Jhnrch, frontiny on Mumford Street. (iREAT ENTERFllLSi^! ri^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have eutpred into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various partii. And being both practical workmaa, fully un derstanding their business, they have ao h-.aication to compare work with any establishment i . ,:tevilie as to style and durability. One of the firm may be known by i^;^. to A H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two We warrant all work to give general satisfaction f or t welve months- Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash PIER « DRANIN. James II. Pjkb. James Branin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. ii2tf W . \. HFSKE, ATTOKNKV AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. F VYKTTEVILLK, N. C., May be found at the Equity Office, in the Court House. Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf LOVKIII) ELURfDGE, mlttornef) at MjUW^ U7“ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. SmithSeld, .\pril 15, 1850. '.»0-tf “I.AW COPAR'rNERSHHV’ WT" E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law V w Copnrtnership. and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State; Chatham. Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUDI!TON. JN». MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 185**. 72tf Ur. K. A. OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’3' 7, 1850. 7ti-tf jliL to Oct. 27 MOLASSES. HHDS. just received and for siio by JAS. G. COOK iivettrville Hotel. ■^H*E Subscribers having this day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the tt^jivelling public at this House. -At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfection? until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J II. RollEinS V CO. J. II. Roberts. F. N. Roberts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf “'Fhe Old North State in by Caruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2 1 Series of the same work. E J HALE .v SON This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct. 24, 43tf 'Ve ask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. FOR SALE. *it IZeditced Prices, for C^MSU or on SHORT TM^fiE, I 250 niiiiDiiy, Rockaways and Buggies OF E VERY DESCRIPTIOJSr, M.VNV of which are finished, and the balance being finished daily. Among which are many New j and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE CARRIAGE. ' Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carnage work are GREATER than any establish ment South, iind 1 cun afford and am determined to sell work of tlie BEST QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one. fls6i“Tbose who are indebted to me will please pay up, as my business requires my out-standing debts to be collecicd. A. A. McKETUAN. Feb. 3, 1855 72-tf LOST. L.AST Night, between the Market House and th? Dobbin House, a small PORTE MONNIA, con' I taining about $25 or •'?30, consisting of two Five Dol' lar Gold |)ieces, three Two-and-a-Half Gold pieces and four One Dollar Gold; also some small change and a j bill or two. A suitable reward will be given for the : recovery of the above described Purse and Money, j W.M. McLEOD. Fayetteville, June 4, 1850. 10-tf JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. I ' j^llE subscribers have for sale, the Jd volume of the i JL Reports of Law f^as&s iu the Supreme Court of North Carolina, by II. C. Jones, Esq. Just published ' Also, Supreme Court Reports generally, and othee Law Books. E. J. HALE & SON. iBIXililP ilU'liA'MOl'T’rw ly. a HE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typographical I »- errors of the old edition corrected,) is published j for the benefit of the Missionary cause of the Epieco- ' pal Church in North Carolina. The price of the 2 } vols. is, in cloth binding, $4, in sheep -$4 50. Orders, 1 accompanied in every instance by cash, may be ad- I dre.«sed to E. J. HALE ^ SON. ' Fayetteville, May 8, 1850. I Narrative of the Ex|)edition of an i American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, by I Com. Perry, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations, eilited by Rev Dr. F. L. Hawks. Also, fuller supplies of .Nil's. Hentz’s Novels; Miss Murray’s Travels through the U. S.; Mitchell’s Tra veller’s Guide; Steel Pens, ^c E. J. MALE ^ SON. Aug. 12. fO^We are authorised to announc‘ JESSE T. warden bs a Candidate for Clerk of the 51- just received. New .Music for the Piano and tiuitar, \ E. j. HAL E& SON I