1. SEMl-WEEKlj Y. lie H Hi.t .ri;-. .Mail r y tin'-, juitus, and • ‘>urus. 1 l.iterarure- r: ti- t:eu. k> louni- ’iier Jit;. will ;v t Reports, 6. HUd fi.'i ; I*:.!' - •- U-, . r -r n.- ■.u. r a;, i .- t- I ce. i - ' f ri; . 'SIS' . n . iy mi;, Med. Unit.-'i r te.--, cie- i ■ ,"i -.1! War : - - at. . .' 1 i « Cm ■ - - ; tt^.. 1 L- .1 Ad- i F r er^tilj.. aii'i ,\ - ■*!, Slilv. . - uli ’a t . T . ^ lell’' ■ : rsl,': . CiUf- ■ "T - 9 ry. i‘r ■ ? •y. . ! at' i r i 1 ' • . li • VI. b tra' \* rill. P a'. ; ?rt.' .. .. > i on ' !■ . . i'.ir i ru.i: - Lv: , : rill : - tar- r; :* - LE : • IIN 1 OF IHL.S. lue T tdicii.'. all' e 1 iral ZI-; Torv. greu: r ‘ ’ I- _ in ; . .— leir 'er. irs -I •' ^ ‘0, hey '•! !.!. e w * : et- ir ii. 5ad' . ..:y tan -; !re- ay, lUC I . IXUJ Keji; oO r.>iJ ■ rt. IP ev of IK I 11 rear : .r il. :,cn ! ,->t -tc: llic * * 'll' 1 A ' ' ft, i i': I). S., Of M o I !■ M M ; 1'. M. nd a M - -ite h., . .r: -i Jli) ! . ’■ ‘ >“ I),..’ t. .t ,iTi ! of ■ ; li Ii" . t iCC; ' (>L. VI.1 FAYETTKVII.LK, X. C.. JUNK 15, 1857 [NO. 615] > ''."WS: AM) THl'USDA^^ WWW) J. H\LK & SON. ' '’ S ',\i. fKoruiinoii^ Woekly C>rsvuvf.k 00 if paid in , ‘ if paid diirinsc the yenr nf suhscrip- : > i tlu* Vfur has t’xpired. i :>j'Kr.vKK 00 ]ier iiiiumu, if pnid i:i . ■ ii' 1 uid luriujr the yciir of subscrip- -K , ti ; II ft I r tlu- yo:ir luis expired. ' insfrted f..i- sixty ooiits por ;■ iiu.'s fur the ti-st, :ind thirty cents fur each • ;il iiti'>n. \ early advertisements bv s]>c- • t:-. :it re;».scin;=ble nites. Advertiser^ are : -tate the number of insertions desired, or i v;.'iitinaod tilbforbid, and charged accord- ■ineiits to be inserteil iti.’fiJe, charged r>0 per inst., till the next ilividend. •lune IS,' JF.WETT, Ciish’r. l:Mm von ll' MILCH '1 SALK. ■fV. Apply immcdiatel}- to Tlh)S.*A F.. EVaN. 11-tf lOi; SAI.i; OR KI'.N'I'. H'U'SK and n-'W occupied by Mr. isr.u'l Id. near the Halt-way Bridge, adjoining (’apt I I'nttiiniiiyr one acre of land, a large and pood =]'• it. wit!; abunilant water privileges. .\ bar- ;l'ored ii» the sale, .\pplv to THO. J. Ji'HNSOX. 1 1 ■^’.t » I r recpiveJ and CARVER. 14 :U June 6. ISIl' FISH!! FISH 5;LS. No. 1 HERRING, iust V ' '.Ic. \v; II. J I P \1J:\AX1)HR McIVHli, r##«.vr;l* ,iT If, \HTHAOE. MOORE CO.. N. C. ‘ J//’/•(’a'l’oininj (^nunti^s 14-t'.w OIL. ~ 'A :.Tt r. .'^peini. -ind I.amp t*il; also. Neats •, t- Linei v, far.T.er’s and Linseed OiL F'^ n\XK oi' \vi!,\HN(;Tf)\. I JFire Mnsurance. "■''ins IMNK has declared a dividend of \h per cent ! refer our renders to the annual statement of I out of the profits of the lust six months, payable I ▼ w the *Etna Insurance Company, of Hartford, ■in the lOtli inst. which will be found in another column. Thia suc- Interest at the rate of f per cent, per annum w ill be : cessful iiiatitutioii was incorporated by the Legislature allowed on suV'scriptions to .stock made after the 15th | Connecticut in 1819, wiih a perpetual charter. Its ] capital is sji5UO.OOO, and its accumulations exceed $800,000 more, making its entire assets over $1,SW,- 00(1, invested as detailed in the statement referred to. 1 hese results indicate that during the period of near- ly torty years since its organization, (without a single change of its chief officer.) its business has been con ducted with judgment and prudence. It has beer thus far successlul in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are informed, all its obligations by the paymeiri ot about t(/i tiiillion dollars for losses, without asking a day’s ilelny in anj' instance. It has had but little lit igation, notwithstanding the immense number of trans actions made. In order to attain as much c'i-tai>it;/ as possible in such a business as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several years, at I great labor, carefully to classify aiul arrange their j risks into about hfty distinct classes, so as to ascertain I ♦lie amount insured on each class, the amount ot 1 preniiums received thereon, and the amount of j losses upon each. This classification, extending I over H long period, and covering property to a very j large amotint, furnishes reliable data, and pre- I sen IS sound, substantial basis of actual experienoe, I upon which to coniuct its business. Insurance is not : a niaf.er of luck or chance, as many suppose; its ha- I zarils are ascertainable, and its principles are capable ; of bi*ing reduced to .a .system, the practical working ; and rtsults of which are as certain as that of any other i business. The ,Ktna (,’ompany, by adhering rigiilly to its system, and placing its business upon a healthy basi>, has obtained the confidence of the community t" an extent sui passed by no other Company in the U. k^tiites, uud has increased its business and its income fi oui year to year witn a steady growth. One great ."ource of its security is the wide distribution of its rh'ks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness —limiting the amount to be covered in each locality. I5y this course it has passed, with comparative inipu- tiity, tiirough some of the most sweeping and destruc- tivv tires, which have swallowed up other companies itss cautious in their business. It is a sj'stem like this, based ujioii expeilence, which gives stability and s^iundnesj to a company', and to the assured confidence und security. — Jiailimore ratriut. STR,1\'ED the Subscriber on the Htii inst., a light sor rel MARE, with a small blaze in her face. a.nd had when she left a large fresh wound on her jaw and throat, madt' by the hn.k of a cliain. 1 will .satis- taetorily reward muv 'ne who will take up and return her to me, or will write me to send for her. R. M. ORRELL. Fay tteville. May 21. 11-tf DvHfg store if Fi,riures FOR SALE. rW^IlE undersigne'i, I'einc desirous of changing his ■ business. niVers his I>rug St'ire f'>r sale. It oc cupies one of the m>>st dcsiral-le situations in town for the ' usiness /\ny person ile.'-'irous of going into thi busii'iess can get a b\rgain .T.VME.s F. FOULKES. May ‘J."). 10-tf Um IIOIIV f\ RlPTliRirS!' Sittifitter CO Me at last: S'Voi.'LD very retpectfully suggest to my friends and customers, to cmP. and examine my unprece dented, Large. Fine, and t'heap Stock of Suinin(‘r (Jentlonu'irs I'uniisliin;; (Jooti*. !’,>ots ♦S: Shoes, Hals vV .’:ij)s. 'rrunks, ('arpot l»a£xs, \';)list's, cVc. kSrc. I shall most assuredly use all honorable means to give satisfai'tion. and give tiiem a Suit of (Mothes for r # !•#; » o M. ii s .titles t‘- suit by and upwards, that will not 1>“ ''.eat anvwhere in the State. GE(MIGE RRANDT, Hay St., Ojip.-i^ite (■'. Wil’iams Co. Favelteville, Mav 11. *)-‘Jm B. Ruse. 11-St I I)will McDl l Fli;, ISrirkm^tsoH a ml f^lnsterer. ' prepared to 'lo all kind' cf work in his line 100 I.IMK- I' ASKS Thonmstowu Lime, and f r Sale bv now landing M. ROSE. M-;;t eluding the putting up f furpentiue and the adjoining counti.'s. Fayetteville. April 27, ISjT. in- tills in this 0-1 \ -pd I Pe’.T MOLASSi:S. Mlids. Molas>-.'s. of good (.juality and in ■ :it ■ r ler, iu«t rec'd t^id f"r sale bv I). HOSE. 14 -‘.t l-OR SALF. 1HE DWELLING H*tC.-'E AND LOT ou Gillespie Street, at present .iccupied by l>octnr McSwain. t title Can be m; t*-. Appiv t " Tllo, J. CLRTIS. A - w I’M-. ind fi' FISH. No. 1 new Scaled 1- sale bv Herring. Just U. Hose. l4--;t ALSO GOOD F.VMILV C.\K1UA'.;E in good repair and nearlv new. Wil’ be sold Jit half its value. —A LSI I— good MILCH rows with vi ung calves, .\rplvto T. .1. cruTis. Ajiril 1H')7. » J^tt I I M \ r ruFssF' T NOrU'F. .' riber having, at .Hine Term IS >i "f the ■ I Pleas and uuarier S»-ssi..ns for 'um* ■U!:ty. taken ..ut Letters of Administrati.m ' t- f Dr Benj:imin R bir.S"n, heieby give^^ . piTsuns having aiuounts or demands ' ite to present th.-m duly authentiL’ited ■ 'Ilf prescribed by ! >w. "r thi' notice will I in ‘lar 'f their reci very . i.'hte 1 to the Estate must make immr'liate r.EN.lAMIN R HUSKE. Admin.--trator. Fl irrHFU XOTH'F. ^NS indebted t^ the late firm of R \ 'V. r.' .n must mfike payment ■r they will tind . ' or Accounts in suit before th» next term utity CMurt. A settlement of the partner- uiit.' ;s iiiJisjiensably necessary to enable the "uf-r to discharge his iffice. ! \L\ PTliFSSFS! I : rHE subscriber continues t.i manufactur* J1 old stan>l. tear the M E ('hurch. Siturk and 0'otfon ,fittllressts. Of a sap. rior ,uality. and .d'ev.*ry 'ize and sh ij ■ re- i^uired. Thankful for past enccur .gemeiit t'; merit a continuanco. H. -Vpril 2''. l''’)7. .ET.\.l L\SHM\«E I'O.MIMW, ll.\l{Tl'()Ul), CO.V.N. INCORPORATED 181t. CHARTER PERPETUAL Capital $.')()0,00U. Assists l‘J. T. K. RR.VCE, President. E. G. RIPLEV, Vice Pre sident. T. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary Dirkctoks.—T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J Church, R. Buell, -M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, r], A. Bulkeley, R .»!rtther, E. G. Riple\, S. S Waid, H. Z. Pratt, G. F Davis. A. Dunham, D. liillycr, T. A. .Vlesander, W Kene3'. .\SSETS; J.\M ARv 1, 1857. Cash in hand ami in Phu-nix Bank, !s>i;o,73o bit C>ish on special deposite in Hartford Bks, 220,1‘J5 Ut> Ca.'^h in .\gents’ hands, balances, Money due. secured by mortgage. Real estate, uuencumbcred. Bills receivable, 7J .Mortgage Bonds, *) and 7 per cent., 5 Income lionds, 7 ' 111 Jersey City Water Bonds, G per cent., Hartford City Bonds. ^ •“ 1 .\lilwuukee I'ity Bonds, 10 “ •500 shares llarttord Ac N Haven R. R. stk. at his hopes LOCK \M.\N. *■> i(i-:;ni !X'( LFS*S \S been newly repaired, have it ground. March 11 .Mir.L Si-ii 1 v^iur Porn and M McKINNON. f*4- ‘40 1’ B. R. HUSKE. Att'y. IU-l;w ji’sr i{i:cFivFi), QU\RTEK COXES RAISINS 20 Half 20 Boxes So ia Biscuit 20 “ (Jheese. For sale by C, E. I'ec’r 15. LEETE. ♦;5tf and Barf/ai iis I nargain s ! : i'l ti w se'ling off my entire stock of Goods .AT '>T. The >tock is larze and well selectt'd. con- ■ ■ _ .n part of Muslins. Ti'sues, Barages, Brilliantes. B; I' k and Colored .''i:^.s, ass 'rt'‘d Tog*‘ther _ciierM' : jrtment ’f Dress Trimmings. Rib- ves. and llosit-ry. assorted. ' T'lentlenien—’i.tlis, (.’assimere', DeTa’s, •1.1 ■■ a^' )^ted, with a 2ei;>-r:i! St' ck ot /fer#/I*/-. Uade i'lofhi i Hats, B' iinets, B"ots, Shoes. \c. Xc. . most of the abrjve nameii Go ds are new )i’! be s .id jHi.'itively at cost for in order to t;ic busine-'o of ■>■ .'D>OllE, .Surviving Partner • une o, 1>*57. NOliCF. undersigned having executed a power ol At- 1 t irney to E. F. .Moore, he is thereby au’.horized iki' ail settlements for me and in my Odnw, Hwi i-i.:'- tt transact all business as I might or could I pi-rsonaliy present. J. J- .MOOKE. p.r ■ttevilie, June 185i i;tf T ilK NOriCF. u' -triber having, at Jtine Term ot the ';rt of Picas and Quarter Sessions for the Cumbeiland, (qualified as Administrator . i'.stHte of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all ji ■ ving claims .against the said Estate to present • pr .perly authenticated within the time pre- .aw, otherwise this notice will be pleaded ‘ ;eir recovery. • the ‘aid Estate will please make payment E. F. MOOKE. I-;,7. i:-!tf LiMIS Fill', mi M-m TRDV,! L\ TIIK ('OUNTV OF . ^•/'E'lffer for sale, the two following Traits of ww Land, in the (,'ounty f>f M 'ntgomery: ■ One Tract, lying on the waters ot L:tt'e Kiver. and j nearlv :irou!id tiie the town f Pr.iv, and very near to i it. containing aVis.ut 37i'0 a considevabU’ por- j ».on of which is liv*-!}’ far’iiin'i- land, covpi ,>d with a | ! £reat .jtiantity of very valuable timber, and abounding j I with ni tny lasritig springs of g >od water, and liealthy. | I Als'i, one other Tract containing 25'>0 ai res. a lew ; i miles West of Troy, lying on the waters of Island ] I Cret k. Woodrun Creek. Clark’s Creek, R'>cky C reek, ; and ('edar Creek, whii h it is believed contains a gri’at j .leal of .MINEBAL \VE.\LTH. It borders on a Cold ' .Mine tract, arid runs a considerable .listance around it, on which a large am.aint of Gold has beeti tound. It is well watered, well tiiiibere.l, and contains a good deal of pro-luctive land. A good bargain will be given in the sale ot these lands. On the payment of one-thiid in cash, a cre.Iit ot one and two years will be given for the balance. \ny fiirth.-r intormation about these lands may be obtaineil lr..m .'Ir. E. Del.erry, of Moatgomery. who will commauicate to us any otters made for them, aud aid the purciiaser in obtaining titles. Any communications addressed to us at Baltimore, will bt promptly attended to. ^ C. SCHAEFER, SAMUEL KEVSER. Eeb'y 14, 1>^57. 8X,swtf 1115 1m7 .',.')i» I '.0 l.Vt I :>•; 300 200 :-50H 240 100 200 50 '.♦*■(2 10i 115 lOO 2ii0 8i»0 150 200 21*0 100 mo 4'JO 2itO JOO 400 448 00 I 118 131 1 i:;o IDIl 2* M > •_'5it 428 120 2')lt 125 100 150 200 Hartford .V Prcv-Jence ditto, Bost'iii Worceiter ditto, t’onnecticut lli\t r .litto. C"niiHcticut Kiver ’o. ditto, StalVord Bank Stock, 124,8(i0 Os 0,751 UH 47,0o’5 ()1 20, io;» l^s 72,000 4,500 I0,2u0 10,0011 5,UO0 00,0l»0 6,2.^0 ‘».t;:50 11.250 1,2.50 5,1 50 Freight nn{ PdsfirniSf’r Line, hetn'vi n j Wihixinnton and f'lUictteviUe. STEAMER MAGNOLl.\. leaves Fayetteville on Mon- | day and Thursday m' rnings, 15 minutes alter i sun-rise. ] Leaves Wilmington on Tuesday aud Fri.Iay mornin;.;s. Steamer FANNY LUTTEKLO'H, leaves Fayetteville on Tuesday and Friday mornings. 15 minutes aft^-r sun-rise. Leaves W'ilmingt.in We.lnes.lay anl Saturday m ru- ings Botli carrying Freigiit and Passengers. Steamer ROW.AN, with full sets of Lighters, runs regularly, carrying Freight only. The regularity of our Boats on all stages of the River, and the despatch an.I promptness in delivering gools, are too well known to re.|uirc comment. To our patrons we ten.ler our thanks for the very liberal patronage heretofore bestoweil. an.l can assure ill shippers that no etl'orts will be spared in future, m l feel confident that our facilities for dispatch are equal if not superior to anv line on Cape Fear River. W. P ELLIOTT, ■Agent ior Lutterlou .V. (,’o. Fayetteville, N. C., Oct. 1, I85ti. 50ti PFBLIC NOTICF S HEREBY tUVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Roa.I, from Beaufort IL.rbor via Kenansville. (Minton, Fayetteville, | and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day i of .\pril 1850, an.l remiiin open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following places an.} under .lircction of the following named persons, Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the ('ounty Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the otVice of Dr. M. F. .Aren- dell at Beaufort l>r. M. F. .\rendell, -I. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W. Taylor at Caiolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Aren'lell. In Dupiin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen K. Kenan, David Rei.l, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Win. .1, Houston, Stephen Graham. In Samjifion county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—*Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting. Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy. Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, .Alfred .lohnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of McKethan,—Thomas K. Underwood, Rau.lal .McDaniel. E.lward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Un.lersigned agree to take the number of shares of :^100 each, set o[iposite to our names respectively, in the (Central Raii Roa.I Company; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. S. >1. THO>iA:« DEALER IN F\X( V STAPI.F DKV (iOODS. KKADY-MI)K C\A)TfIING, HATS, CAPS, BONNKTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SHEETINGS. COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BL.VNKETS, &c., &c. ('orner Market and Gillespie .St., Fayetteville, N.G. Dec. 17, 18.55 )2-tf Worth & Utley, Foruardiiiij and (xciicral (’ommission MFRCHAXTS, Pfitfcttet'iUlc, •>*. e. J. WOBTH. (72tf) .'OS. ITI.KV. vv . p. KLLio r r, COWIffllSSION MEHCHAWT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. A(/^nt for Ijutlerhih it’ Co.’a iSft'omlioaf Lnir Will atten.l promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Oct. 21, 185‘3. 50-tf JOHN V. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Mercliant, WILMINGTON. N. C. Will give particular attention to the saie of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. Keb'y 2-'>, 1850. 8.')-tf W. H. TURLINGTON, Ciiiiiiuission .Mfreliant, _\o. 1-2 Xorlii Water St., Dr. Hmnks^s Mlistory OF .\ORTII V. The Subscribers ar# now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has rectivel the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from tts or from our General Agent for the State, H. W. Horue of this place, or .any of his .Assistant .Agents. The price varies according to style of binding: In handsome cloth $1 25; in Library Sheep ^1 50; in half Calt $1 75. It is soi.i) only fob C.^s^l. None wi’l be charged, cither by ourselves or our .Vgt'nfs. A liberal discount will be made where (quantities are taken to sell again. It w'.ll be sent by mail to any part of the country, on reci-'pt of the price atid 24 cents to pay postage. 'I he 2d voluniK is in c.'urse of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The suc- cee.iiug volumes will probably contain about .^CK) pages each, aud will be sold at a pi oportionnlly higher price, viz: half a ceut a page for the cloth binding. 25 cents additional for sheep and .50 cents additional for the half calf bin.iing. E. J. II.ALE S feON. Fayetteville, .April 29, 1857. P. S. The Agent and his .\s.sistants design to visit everv county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. o BUOlvBlADliXC, F all kinds, is executed in the best manner. WIL.MINGTOX, X. WILL give his promjit personal sale or shipment of all Cousi” Stores or other Country P"-oduce. Nov. 8, 1856. .lA.MF.S C. SMITH. JAS. O. SMITH & Co., Factors^ Commission tind \n:ucH \NTs. NO. *2 .'^OI’TH \V.\TKi: STllKET, UP ST.AIRS WiL.MLVGKJN, N. C. bound in the same style they were before. This will aave the rejiurchase ot new books. Librarians connected with colleges, an.l other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a ilistance, will find it a matter of economy to get tiieii' books bound here, as a de.luction ot prices will be made upon large or.Jers: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. * ! have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or Fon/'firdl/i'f .South. _ ; Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else where. The undersigne.l respectfullj’ solicits a share of patronage. TH((S. H. XILLINtjHAsl, Anilerson Street. Nov. .5, 185f.. 54-Y (’W att“nt!on to the ’1 ]af*nts of Naval tf .MILES COsTlN Oct. 21, I'^.'SO. 50-Y .1 c. I’O!:, Names 1 Kesideni.i No. of shares .■j! Cash Work Wattrrliury, 5,150 Providence, 1,872 Hartford, 32,400 27.000 lO.MlU .31,2f0 12.3H0 10,1100 10.1 (.50 “ 3y,308 12,000 Jersey City, 1.5O0 New Y'ork, 10,800 “ 10.500 Citueus Eagle Phoeuix Farm, Mech. E.\.'h.inge State Cit v Bk'Hif’.l Co. Conn River Hartford Charier Oak Mech. Trad. Merchants’ Es. North River Mechanics’ “ 23,4l*0 Bk N. .\merica “ “ 10,200 Bank .\merica “ “ 23.000 “ Republic “ “ 24.4IM) “ Commonwealth Stk “ 10,200 “ of New York, “ 21,*j00 Broadway Bank .^tock, “ 15,f)00 Peofile's “ “ 11,000 Union “ “ 23.('i00 Hanovtr ‘‘ “ lO.OtiO Ocean “ “ 11.007 Metropolitan “ 22,000 Butchers’ \ Drovers' “ l-*^ i>02 hnportcrs’,S: Tr.iders’ “ 21,t‘»00 ■Amer Ex. Bk Stock, “ 22,8- 0 “ “ scrip, “ .3,:^31 Mer-hants’ “ “ 27,2()-5 Market “ “ 10,500 City “ “ 3,2-'5 Nass.au ' “ “ 12.^'** .Manhattan Co. “ “ 9,521 PlHfiiix “ “ 5.7IM) “ rights, “ “ 200 U. S. Trust Co. Stock, “ 10.800 N. V. Life Ins. Trust Co. Stk, 24,000 Ohio “ “ “ 19,200 Subscriptions may be ma le payable in w^ork, an.l may specify whether for grading or cross-ties: and stol-kho'.'lers shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or ut Kugi- neer's estim.ate. As soon as one liun.lred thousan.l dollars are sub- scribeii. the Coinniissioner>; of Onslow county are to be notified, an.l thc^ are re.juired to call a meeting of StockhoMurs to organize the Company. March 15. 1850. 13tf T/i#' ijtirstfif f rttrtortf in the SoitHtl A. A >i( Ki/rnA\ R (^0 .Xl,.307.903 42 \V(‘ V JA>ii:s riitssoA, PIANO FORTE MiWUrACTtlRER, N . Y .rk, respectfully informs the citizens ..'■tt'-ville an.I surr'iunding country that he : :> i) ..(or of making a vi.sit to F lyetteville "I . M'ly Winter, when iie will bv happy to ■ i vIlC' to tho.^e who may wish to iiave iheir ii_'liiy,t;ineil r.nd rep.aired; and at the .same ■ 1. ij l y to lurnish those who may des:re 'Uperior Pi;ino Fortes, at jirices r.anging ■ r ' I'). -.e ,U'ir to refer to the following gentle- i .ve p .rciiaseil froni him; ' W. Sandtord, Es'^., Fayetteville. -r'. W. .A. Wright, ] ; lien Jewett, | i !5rown, I Wiimingt'.n. '•'■rue Davis, j iJurr, J u'-.' >; nt.emen of the highest standing in the .. municatioii' or orders for Instriinients may dr. K. U. (ireen s Watch and .Musical Store 13-lm call tlio att(‘iition oi \\ HOfJ^- SALF dfalfiis 110 our present Stock,—and we iiavc recently re ceived— 3011 b;igs Rio. Laguira, Maricaibo an'l .lava Collce, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted gra.les, 7'. bbls do, Rehned, Otished and Pow.lered, 05 boxes Sperm, .\damantine and ’l ^'llow Candles, tiO do Fancy and assorted (’amlies, lOK coils Keiitu.-ky, Jute au'l Manilla R"pe, 7 liples Bajrging. Gunny, L^uudee an.l Burlaps, :!0 toiis Hocp Iron,' 1^0 boxes 'heose, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40 000 Cigars, various brands, — ALS(>— Pepper, Spicc, Glngt-r, ( loves. Nutmegs. P.orax Mad'ler, 'u'ligo, S»>anish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar .Soaps, Starch, Powder. Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead, Putty an>l Liuseel Oil, V»'in'low (ilass, Snutt in Boxes Eagle Mills lo.. in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, Gorman an.'l Ost St«el; Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelleis, Sausage Cutters and Stuil’ers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, Ac., &c. The above Goods we otter on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. D. & W McLAURIN. 54 tf II arpcr s Maga/iiic ior .Imic, E. J. HALE &i SON. Nov. *5, 1850. NFW JiOOKS. UAKRIET LEES Canterbury Tales; Love after Marriatre, by Mrs Ilentz. Also, a new supply of Staa.liird M I.DHML ORKS; The Presbyterian Psalmouist, round and character Sote*. E. J. UALt & SON. Ll.VPiILlTIES: — Unsettled Claims not due, JjilOC.fiOO B5 -Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. C., E, J. HAl E. \OTICF. PERSONS indebte.l to ,Jas. C. McEachin, as Guar- .lian of the heirs of John Morrison, dec’d., are hereby respectfully informe.l, that said guardian has n a great majority of instances endorsed and trans- ferre.l their notes to the un.lersigne.L Also, that our urgent necessities, apart from the requirements of the en.iorser, compel us lo collect a.* xpeetUbj ns po^sihle. .All thus indebte.l will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A D. MORRISON. J. M. MORKISON. N. A. MORRISON. L.iuriiihiirgh, N. (’., March 2, 1857. 8.tf Dr. JAMES F. FOULKES H S now receiving his SPRING SUPPLY', ^ a. consisting of a large assortment of DrU'ja and Medicinex, Oiis, Paints, Di/r-SfujTs, Fanc!/ Artii'les, Per- tnmcrif, Inks {a htnje uss'rl- nunf,) Alcohol, Burning Flu id, and Brandies (^Jor Mrdiral purposes,) Congress Water, ttc. He would particularly call the attention of Country Merchants to his STOCK, as it is his intention to sell low for Cash or on time to punctual customers. March 9, 18-37. 8htf DFFP KIVEK COAL. UITUMINOUS COAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE, Mining Engineer. May 21,1850 _ ti-tT bLA >KS for sale at iliis Ottice. ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the j public, that he has built up large substantial Brick Buildings at Lis Old Stand, expressly for man- ! ufacturing Carriages. I'liaiiklul tor the very liber.xl i patronakte he has rv“ceive'l tor tiie last 21 ycirs, Ik- h.'pes by strict .iticiitioii to huf'.uess, witli a .icsire . to give satisfaction, to m.Til a o.uitinuaiioe .)t the I same. He warrants his work to t.e ma'le ot tue best material ainl by experienced workmen in each uraiich of the business. His work will c)Uiiiare lavorably : with any m.a.le in ihe Unite.I States, f.ir neatiie:-'aii'i j liurabiliiy. He is .letennine l to 'Cil ;iii.l l.i i:iy , work in iiis line on as g.io'l terms as any w jvk 'lt>r.e elsewhere tii.at is as well .Kme. He now ii.ts .m nand, KisisukI), the L.VllGEST Sl-K'K ol Carntii: *s. Hitrouchf .^, liockowittis, nu , I r Ever otlere.l iii tiiis plac*', ami a very larii-stocU of work nearlv tiiiished, wliich will be iiii'sbeil 'iaily All of which ‘will be sold ve>-y low for Ca'H, or on short time to punctuai custom*'' ;. 11 e h.is on hand more than >N E 11 U ,S i-D V N D t 11* I ^ ^ ehi - cles finished an l in course of construction. gjjjy" .Ml work maile iiy him is ■v. irriiiited 1 2 months with fair us;i''e. ami shou 1.1 it tail by bail workmaiiship or material wili be lepaire.l free of charge. Pers'.ns wish;n>; t'l liuy would >lo well to call and examine for themselve-^. Orders thanklullyreceived and promp ' ly ^.ttendtd to. Repairing executed at short notict and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1 8."i DEALER IN s rAlM>F cV: FANCY DRV GOODS, HATS, (^APS, nOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention pai'I to La.Jies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hay Street, Fayetteville, X. C. Maj’ 2t). 1855. 4-tf JOSEPH R BLOSSOM. V o ?i n I «I o A AND I’ () R \ V A K1) 1X G M I: R C H A X T, , .V. €\ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, in.1 Cash advances m.’. le .>n Pro.luce to be ship oed to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 18'..'-). 07 .1. S. I5A VKS, ComTIvri liaiit, Wilininjjtoa, N. C. .lan’y 1, 1H5fi. t)0-tf ^ r. C. li. (x. WOR I'H, I Commission \ l-^orwanlijiLT Merchants, BROWN’S BUli.DlNG. UATEB STREET, I Usual a lvauces made on consignments. •GUANOES. ^ 15AG^! PERUVIAN; d 327 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi- ment.*! have proved that the phospuate. so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combine.1 with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. & W'. ,McL.\URlN. Nov. 18.50. 54 tf w WOOL ROLLS. OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Cruek F actory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL. June 1854 7-tf and VV int(‘r («ools. A* T. IWuUUU, HAY STREET, A RE now receiving their Fall and Winter Gt'ODS consisting of a large and well selected stock of Jan’v 17, 1855. ti3-tf THO C. FULLER. amt {'oitHsrUor at Mjaiv. I-FICE at K'.cless p.ri.i^*, it..i,ii_\ oc.upiedt>> .lames IS inks. Es.j.. F > tt c\;ile, N. I t5ii’y 1, IS.-,7. (i foctrif'S, Hardware, Cuiicrv, liiacksmitluV 'I'ur- [X'titifso Tools, \i^ricultural Im- j)U.‘mcuts, Hoots and Shoos, 1 lats ami Ca(»s, Saddlery and Lea- tlH'r, Heavy articles in the Dru;i hue, l{.eady-made Clo thing, aud Staple lh*y (iood.s O' ii .i OS I'. PH l»\kr'Jv, .Ik., %TTOK\r>V AT LAW, V.'' tak»“ii an office next .loor t'l Wm. P>. Wntrht’a practice in the Couiity ami Superior Courts of Cumber laad. lila.U'U, Kot'*'S‘.ii and Sanij.son. 2o, IS.V'. 79-tf M.'iy be Stpt \V. \. HTSKF, ATTOKXEY AT LAW, AM> CLEIIK AND M \STER IN EQUITY. Fa 1 K.TTr.viLi.E. N. C., fniu l at the E.jHity Office, in the Court House This Stock we Jire prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetti'vi'ile, (.>ct 24, IStf W’e ask the Planters aiid Turp.intin*' men to ex amine .)ur !verse\s, Negro Blankets, Hats uud Shoes- FOR SAl.F. ,it Kt’dacvd Prices^ fttr r Oi# SEiiPitT ’>:)i) iiiiiainiHS, Rockaways and Buggies I UF EVFUV DESClilPTIOX, -V \N\ of winch are finished, au'l the balance being, •. f 4 rii.isucd 'iaily. .Vmoiig wliich .trc inaiiy New II.d r.eauuful styles, :ind one VERY FINt; i;.ViUil.\GE . Some of them very light, and all made iu the best manner aud of the best materials. .My facilities for doing Carriage work are GREA I'ER than any ostubiish- uieiit South, !iad I can afford aud am .ieCeruiiued to sell work ol tue iltST iUA LIT Y as low a» it can be built tor t>y any one. rii'iM* who aru indebted to me will please pay up, as my business requires my uut-btaiiuin^ debts ite Cuilecie.i. Ki‘b, lh'»5 A. .V, .\lcivK I'll VN. ?2-tf 22, i sr„j. 8st-tf '»8tf 83ICI8B WHO WOULD HAVE TH DUG 111 IT? A nero Carriaifc Fslahlishment on the Military Green, opposite the Methodist (Jhur‘h, fronting OH Muin/ord Street. (iRFA'r FXri^RJ’RLSF! ry^IIE Subscril)ers would respectlully inlorm their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purp'ise of coniluciing the general C.\RR1AGE BUSINESS in all its variou.- parts. And being both practical workmaa, fully un derstanding their business, they Lave no L».citatiou to compare work with any esiablishmeril i jEt ’viUe as to style and durability. One of the firm may be known by rt.i^ to .A H. W’hitfield’s iron work for the l.ast two ye.»rs. We warrant a'l work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. Repairing done iu the neatest manner low for cash PIER & BRANIN. James li. Pikk. * J.vmks Bra.sin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. »)2tt MOLASSFS. HHUS. just receiv«d and for s iie by /Q\w JAS. G. t:ooK. Oct. 27. oi- LovEHi) laninmiE, •iitorneif at ^MT’ILL attend the C«;uris of .lohnston and Samp- V * son (bounties. Smithtield, April 15, IB.^ti. 9ti-tf “LAW COIVVR rXFRSHHV’ WE, the undersiguctl, have this .lay formed .a Law I'opartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of ihis State: Chiitbam. Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, au'l the Supreme Court J. H. HAU'iHTON. •INO. MANNING. Pittsborongh, N. Jan’y I, 185t>. 7‘2tf o l»r. K. %. niiAC'K. FFICE Front ^oms, over Dr. S. J. Hins bile’s l.Mieiiiist an.l Drag Store. Feb’y 7, 185u. rti-tf LOST. Last Night, between the .Market House and the Dobliiu House, a small PuRTE MONNlA, con taining about >525 or consisting of two Five Dol lar Gold pieces, three Two-and-a-ilalt Gold pieces aud fi.ur Une Dollar Gold: also some small change an.l a bill or two suitable reward will be given for tlie recovt^ry oi the above described Purse an.l Money. WM. .McLLOD. lU-tf av( ^HE .Subscribers h.iving this dtiy luase.l this Mot'd for I ter'.ii of vears, will he pleaset MIL to’see their frien.is and th.;' travelling public at this House. .\t the same tim we hope they will be patient aiul bear witli our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we 'lesire. J H. R(»Bi;UTS *'C CO. J. H. RoBfcHTS. F. N. Kobkrts. .March 1, 18.5-5. 8f-t*’ “'rhe Old \orth State in hy Caruthers,—first Series. -A. further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E J HALK .'t S(»N Xeu Music for the Piano and vuiiar just received. E. J. HAL Edi SO.n’ Fayetteville, June 4, 1850. JONES’S LAW REPORTS, VOL. 2. j'^ill-; subscribers havt* for sale, the :'d volume of the X Uep.Tts oi Law Cases in the Supreme Court of -North Carolina, by II. C. Jones, Ehi Just published .\lso. Supreiue Court tieporrs gen«*rally, and othee L.aw IJooK.s. E. J. HALE lic fctJN. mmf iuvi;,\.siriitrr.s w RKii. HE 2d e.iitiou, (with hundreds of typographica. t errors of iho obi edition corrected,; is publl^iJC^l for the bentlit of the Missionary cau.^e of the Episco- [lal Church in North (.arolina The j>rice ol the 2 vols. is, in c’.oth bin.ling, ^4, in sheep ^4 60. (Jrders, .iccompauie'i iu every iustance by cash, may lie ai- ilressed to E. J. H.\l.E ^ SON. Fayetteville, May 8, 185t;. .\arrati\o of the Fxpeo’iti>n of: an \mericMii .s.jua.lion lo the China Seas and Japan, bj Com Perry U S. Navy, with numerous illustrationfc, cdite.l tiy llev Dr F. L Hawks. .Mso. further supplies of .Mr.s. Heutz’s Novel.". Miss Murray's Travels thr.'Ugh the U. S.; Mitchelr'fc Tra- veiler’s tiui'le; Steel Pens, tjc. E. J. UALE 4- SCN. Aug. 12. e ate aiitliorised lo .IE''!.Si'l T. V R. ’H.N 3 a c.iididai f. • yOii'ir'. Court. .Mm^ 2J. .inno .n ce ’ i‘r.{ I I he

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