SEMl-WEKKl, Y. \ 1. I’AYKTTKVILI.K, N. C., .ITNF, 2a, 1857. ,\Ni' riiri!si».\vs ! j. II \I,K \ S(l\, 1' W lLMI\(/ro\. l.'uvil !\ 'l:vi l,'i> 1 u! n [XT pout ANk Ol' ins i: vNK lit tlio j if Uie IfiHt ■i'{ iiioiuti''. ]'nyal>le I Ill'll hist. III till" I'Hto ol *• pf'T ctMit j'lT aiitium will he IM it'iiiii.liM ' ''11 siit.scrijniims to 'it.irk jr.n.lf !ift r th*' l-'xh iiist •II ■ tK fiil the i;f\t .liiiif 1S')7. .11; W KIT. Cnsirr. 1:1 Im •I' ) iT rtiinuiii. i!’ j.ui'l in ’ u iho y»* ir nf 'iii' ■icrlji- '• ' :is I'xi'iroil. • :i I'l’T .sixty rents jicr :i!ul iliirty y ;i'ivortiseiiicnt r:iti ' "1 ill ■i.l. :. #•##// Siore 4V f'i.rittres FOR S.\LK. ''1‘iiiL' 'li'^i.'ms ,,f oli:iii;rine his ■ liu.siiK ,ss, .irtVi's liis Iiiiit; Sti-i'i- fur It oo- > . III' ,,t till must icsir.’iUio situ ;tl. iis iti town fur nts fi.i-t’iu-h 1 **“'.* l’’rsoii c.f jr.iin-; ii>t'> iho I l*usitu*s^ cMn fjot M b;n*^Jiin. .UMKS F. F(U I.KKS, Mny HI.If hv 1-e \'lvt'rti:.('i s iit’o i"ii^ It'sii't'.l, or ■li;irirO'l iK'i'oTil- •iiai '.I* ]'cr I'Vi-RV BOIIV i\ Ril'TlHKS! Sniitmer i ome at htst! ■ 1-ntc :t Sf J' V \\v\ ,S T W'Al, i. .# II* N V . • - . U it. ■> * ; i-. w V\Ol Lli very resi'i'i-tt’uriy snjTLTost to iny I'ricnils till 1 vu.stoni!'rs, to vnll aiiil rx>unitic niy iinju'ece L;U'-:o. Fino, uiul Clu‘:ii’ .''ti ck ol SufUMKM* 0 (ii iiilriiu'irs I’liniishinir (Joods, lioots \ Slioi'.. ilats \ ( aj)s. M'nniks, C’arju't !)an', \ vS.c. v\c. 1 .'I'.all must iissu!H'4.y use ;il] hoHor.ililf lueuns to "Uis; i. rio'i, ;v!ul ^ivc lliem >i Suit of ('loihcri for M M I*#; Mt O £. Mj,M ms S ■ii'.ii ui'W.trils, that will not he beat anywhere iu the Stale. Gl''MUiF. I'llANliT, Hav iSt., ()j.p.,site '-V. Williams I’o. F ivettcvil’e. Mav 11. ii-‘_*ni DAMl) M. Dl MSrirtnnason titnl 3 jTi'jiare'i 'In all kiivls o; jS I’ ii iiiii; the jiiittinir up of ah l thi' auj Ihiiiix «'"iiiitifs. 1 f-tti '.i:’e, Vpi ii _'7. 1"'>7 ri-iK, M*ltesferet\ o:' wnri; in his line, in- I'urpi'iuine Stills in this •;-iV-p,i P rr I'' QT m ir \ A. i!**; KJnviiYs. ■ M P L. Al T, ^ c ^AV'i KiYD, FEVER AND AGUE. : ■ 'i-ni ■■ 1 ii ^ ■ ■ i. S\fJv 'gM'K liWKLL’.VO HorsF \Nr> LOT on Oillespie « StrPft, iT present occupie i ’>y ir M.;>wain. I’eifei't title i-ati h,-> male. Ammv t ■ I'Ho. J, CUilTIS ALSO A FA'IILV \(iK in good repair au'l ne.-.rly inw. Will t .■ s f..rhal:'its value — ALSO - : .jT'"'! MIL'II t’ows with voiMiEr ealves. ApplvtD T. .1. I'LUTIS. ■-T. 8tf M A TI i U V. - i'Hi:ss!:s' M \'r'riu:ssF>!! .■lbs ji'.pr C' . ti’.iu.'^ to mnnufnetuie 11’^ bis 'txi'.'l. near tii>- \I rl hureh. ShttrL /in ft 4 of loti *littttr(‘sses^ Ot';i sup.-rii'i (ii .lity. nn'i of pv. ry si/e aii'l slinp-’ re- -iiii i i. T!r I. ■■.fa: fi r past euc'^ur .!:cuip:u, ho hopi.'« i.iei it a c .iiuiar. ( ril 1*'*, 1 ''‘>7. I! Loi'K AMA.N, ii Ma KC( i.i:s‘s .1.'^ ?ieeii rewiy re; aire^J. h ivt ii .'rwun i. Seiol M v.iur ro! n au'i '.\UKiNSON, JTire tt^sut^ance. I: refer our rca'h'rs lo the annual statnaeii^ of th« .Ktna Insiiratice t^ompany. of ll.'irtfonl, I which will he touu'l iu another column. This sue I cesstul in.stitutioii was incorporated hv the liegislature I of ( onnepticut in 181'.*, with a i)erpctual charter. Ita 1 taj'ital ia •'j500.000, an«l its accumulations exeeeil I ^f'Od.OOd more, uiuking its entire assets over •‘jJl I inve.»>te(l as detailed iu th^ statement referred to. I 1 liese results indicate that tlurinj; the period of near- I forty years since its orKunizatiou, (without a sinple I ^l'auj;e ot its chief officer,) its busincs.^ has heen con- I ducted witii judgment and prudence. It has been i tlni.- t.'ir siicces.slul in an eminent degree, discharging, I - s We are intormed, all its oV>ligatious by the payment I of .'ihout tfn >ui//ton lnllarn for losses, v^ithout asking a I day’s ilelay in any instance. It has haI b»it little lit- i ig.ition, notwithstanding the immense number of trans- I actions made. In order to nttaiu as much ci'itiiiuty a^ I possible in huch u biisi’iess as insurance, it has been the practice of the C'ompany, for several years, at great labor, ctirefully to classify and arrange their risks into about iifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain ! the amount insured on each class, the amount of I premiums received thereon, and the amount of I losses upon each. This classification, extending ov' r a long period, and covering property to a very large amount, furnishes reliable data, and pre sents a sciui'l, substantial basi.s of actual experience, up'on which to conduct its business. Insurance is not H in,it:er ot Uu k or chance, as many supj>ose; its ha zards nre asci'rtaiiiable, and its principles are capable “t litii.g 1 educed to a system, the practical working ^ and rt suits wt which are a? certain as that of any other j business. The .Ktna Company, by adhering rigidly I to its system, and {ilacing its business upon a healthy j basis, has obt:iined the confidence of the community I to an extent surpassed by no other Comj)any in the U. ; States, uud has increaseil its business and its income from year to year with a steady growth. One great I source ot its security is tue wide distribution of its I risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness I —limiting the amount to be covered in each locality. I’l.v this course it lias pas.\-d, with comparative impu nity, through some of the most sweeping and destruc- tiv*.- tires, which have swallowed up other companies ; less cautious in their business. It is a system like , this, based upon experience, which gives stability and ‘ soundness to a company, und to the assured contiileocc ;kud si-ciirity. — Ualli'tiore I’atrivt. : yllTM I.\SIIM.M'E fOMF.lW, i ll.\KTI'OUl), fO.N.N. ' INI ORl‘0F.ATi;i> I8iy. CHARTER PERPETUAL. _ Capital •>')00,0(H). Assets l,3u7,‘>u;i V2. ^ T. K. BRACE, President. K. G. RIPLEY, Vice Pre sident. T. A. ALEXANDER, Secretary. Dnu'i'TtiKs.—T. K Drac'“, S. Tudor, J Church, R. : liueli, M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. Bulkeley, U. .Math*r, K. G. RipUy, S. S Ward, II. Z. Pratt, G. F. Uavis. A. Dunham, D. Ilillyer, T. A. .\lexander, W K.euey, i ASSETS: Janlakv 1, 1S57. C’ash iu hand and iu I’hd-uix Bunk, •'i;*i3,73o HO Ca^h on .'{'ttoial dei'osite iu Hartford IJks, 1*20,ll’5 uO t a«h in Agents’ hands, bali’iices. Money due, secured by mcrtjiige, Rea: estate, uuencumbered, r»i;ij receivahlt , 7- .^Iortg lge B.juds, t> aud 7 per cent., .-) Incoiiii' Bonds, 7 *• 10 .ler-ey (’ity Water iJ'.uds. 0 per ceut., 1,(0 llar'ford City Bonds, tj *• ]■ Milwaukee City Bouds, lO “ ,r,uu shares ILiittor l N. Haven R I.AND FOR SALK. A('RES OF LAND lying on uppet Little River, in Harnett County, wt-!l timbereil and well located for the Turpentine business It will lie sold on accommodating terms, .^ppl}’ sonn to the Subscriber at Fayetteville W.M McL. McKW. Sepl. L>2, lHr>(;. 41-tf • flarhte' Fact or if. S M THOMAS. DEALER IN l'\N(n vV S'FAIM.H T)in (iOODS, IIHADV-.MADK (M.OTHIN(J, HATS, CAl'S, bonnets, BOOTS AND SHOES. SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANKETS. &c.. \r. Corner Market and GillespieSt., Fayetteville, N.(’. Dec. 17, 1 ^')5. *)2-tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding und (.iencral Coimnission MFKCllAXTS, Faf/ettcrille^ *V. i\ J. A. WdRTH. I ‘la i»ec .H’sr RIX’KlViU), gL'ARTEU liu.XES RAiSINS J'. ILuf 'J.'t B'>seBSoda I’.isi'uii. ' Cheese. .’e'.y C. E. . R. atk, ditto, ditto, ditto, ditto. LEF/ri:. f,.'.tf .IK. A o. ;a'! 'T.- U aV ' I- i 't. 1). 1 r.^ ■r1 per !:i r.t^.y ?’..r i; inds oil 1 i i.. —!i ii'! 'y h-i :ids ■ ,r . ■ ;i t:.- w rk 1 >■ ; ■ r. 'A \:.IH!,L. 1 ■ iietrfjr.uHSi! , .r • «.•. !s .\ r HANDSOME RESIDENCE FOK .SALK ^Jf'tllE subs. riber. desirou? "f ehanirinz h.s h;isi;iess JL as well as iiis location, '.tfjts his hands iPie Mid commodious Residence tor si’.'.’. Tw ih^se aci^uainted with this place it is n.i'. aectssiry tw parflcn' irize.— he would much prpf«-r t apH the p’ice s rue gentle man non-resident, that the T '’-vn in iv ii i,*«- tiiL' betiefit of an increase 01 popui iti 1,1 -.n I Wf;»ltli Tii>’ Dwell- iij^r and out-h iu-i-s irc iii i p -rt'e.-t s:-i' ; oi r.piiii’. ivin^ b.'en itior iuirhly an I iieitiy Site ! u|> within the l:ist three m .nth:->. 1’ i a 1 iiniiy of tiie i''W coun try it wnuM be a very oleisint r- si l'iice in S’limai r. Teims :u • )mm"datinir. TID*. .1. .I'»HN.''ON. ]i;4,sr.O 0. ti,751 os ■}7,t;so 111 20,10'.' 7i:,ooo 4,600 I0,ii;0 10,000 rj.'luo ♦;o,ooo 6,1150 I'.tioO 11,2.jO 1,’250 5,150 Watcrbury, .'),l')n Providence, 1,872 Hartford, ;jL',400 •27,000 16,016 ol,L*0> ii;,30o 10,t>00 lO.O.jQ 30„3(;8 12,000 Jersey City, 1,500 New York, lO.ROO “ lO.oOO •,:y • Hv inEO. I.AUOEK. TWO DiilMlS IBOVK C. T. &SO.\’S Sl’nRE, Jan’y 20, 18r>7 f)4ypd IM RLIC’ NO I'K i: S HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Sultscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the lOth iluy of .April 18-jO, and remain open according to the terms of tlie Cliarter until further notice, at the following places mi l under direction of the following named periiins, (,'ommissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the County Court at .Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, (J. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, liobert White, .John A. .Vveritt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the oflicc of Dr. .M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort l)r. M. F. .\remlel!. J. F. Bell, L. T. Ogle.sby. -\t the store of G W. Taylor at Caiolina (]ity.—Col. Wm. N. Dennis. H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge .\rendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, W’m. J. Houston, Mephen (iraliam. I’l Sampson county, at the oflice of the County Court (’lerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison. Dr. Thomas Hunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, Win. Faison, J. R. Beaman, .Mfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A. McKethun,—Thomas R. Underwood, llandal McL>rtuiel, Edward L. Winslow. John C. Blocker. Form of subscription; Tlie Under.signed a;;ree to take the number of shares of JjilOO each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii Road ('ompany; and in all respects to compl.v with the torms of the (y’harter. (72tf) \v. w Ki.Lio r r, COMMISSION MERCHANT, JOS.riLKV. /nr FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. Ijutterloh f’ ('n.'s Stenmhont Line A'jen t Will attend i)romptly to all business entrusted to his care. Oct. 21, ly.jO. .')0-tt JOHN 1\ SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WIL.MINGTON, N. c. Will give particular attention to the saie of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. Feb’.v 2-3, ISfiti. ft.j-ti' W. H. TURLINGTON, Commission Merciiant, No. 42 North Wdicr St., WIL.MINGTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal att sale or shipment of all Consignio' Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8, IS'lb. : lion to the is of Naval .i.\MKs ('. .sMrrn. .mii.ks resriN JAS. O. SMITH & Co., Factors^ i'otnmission ih i I'orwardinir mi:hchan rs. NO. '1 SOUTH WATER ST1{KI:T, Ul' STAIRS. WILMINGTO.N', N. C. ;i, 18.')^. (,>ct. r.o-Y J. C. SM>K. Names Resideui'i 1 No. of s'aares Cash Work ATTENTION! ^ S l aM* 1 t'. liie f.u t, th .r thcrf ;i lEL o\\ 111'-, m i - line iV tln-:n see'n T'eci'S'.;srv to pay their .N'ntfs ..r Ac • •t.‘ 1, f.r. ..nd 'iLL, arr; vu' I be;: t- iV ive t*. s tv !• ere tlii' TilO. 1- MA.N'Y who tluM,; It un- • infs: To th i'O th It [■ IV i I v h ;s Plei-’cill.' .1. JOHNSON. 1tl-'iw •Ta'«, and lM(nh‘ i'lolhints. my M line, an i n;iu .t or i-c.iili ii roll Tin: i;sr! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the ^ Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! 1 s. I'.RoWN'.S Tri-Weekly j ^ "f F'lur-H'irse Post liC', Irom Sii.i.'bury to Ashe- I \;a‘'vi!;e, Newton, I .Morg.uiti'ii, .Marion .-iiid I’ Gardens: connecting j at .\sheville with the liue of Statics for the Warm : Spring''. Knoxvil'i- and Greeii\i'.U*, Tenn. Fins is i the best s.'oeke i and I'est managed R ia I in North (’a- rolitin it is the in .s; cxp“diti“Us. sale an 1 pleasant, and at the -ame tin.' tii .' . In-ipe>t route for the West. I,eaves ."' lli'bury ■ !! Moii liy. ^Veiin*'1 ly atid Fri- d iy: leave.' Aslieville on Tuo- i ly. Th'ir- 1 ly .Ui'l .''>atur da'.: —I’.ni'ini; in lo.-e c .iiu'ciim w tn tiie Noi th Cki jlin.i Kail il^ud. N.)r»li and .'•oa h C. S- B.lwW N. (Jontraclor. .June 1 •”>. 1S.")7. I*-*' 1“.') Hnrrf'jrd ,v Providence in7 Boston .y Worc-?ster .•.V» Connecticut River 1 .‘lO Connecticut River (^o. i*.)0 .''t.atl'ord Bank Stock. j.M) I’itizens' loti Eagle :;(tO Phienix 2'*0 Farm, i .Mech. ;>0s E\idiange 2lH State ]iM) Citv •jOi Bk'lltf 1 Co. oO Conn. River '.it'i'J. Harttbri! 100 Charier Oak ll-j Mech. Trad. 100 Merchants' E\. 2f>'» North River >»0> Mechanics’ “ 23.400 I-’’': Bk N. .Vmerica “ “ 1*).200 ■J*'*) Bauk Ani'-rica “ “ 2o.HI*0 -'0(1 “ Rejiublic “ •• 24.400 “ Coinmotiwe.iUh Stk. Ut,200 1*^0 “ of Ni-w York, “ 21,li00 ; 4*^0 Broadway Bank Stock, “ l."',(300 ; 200 I’eople’s “ “ 11.000 ; 400 I'nion “ “ 2.'^.(iO0 , !“'• Hanover “ “ lO.fMMt ; 44'^ (if(>an “ ‘‘ 11 .ti()7 M et rop.)litan “ “ 22.(HM) ; Butchers' a; Drovers’ “ 13.0G2 ; lm{>orter.s’ & Traders’ “ 21,*‘>00 I 1 .-\nier. Ex. Bk Stock. “ 22.Si'0 1 100 n 11 scrip, “ o..‘^31 47 ] 2'>0 Merchants’ “ “ 27.2^5-5 Mirket “ “ Ib.oOd 4-JS rity “ “ ,3,2o5 1’-'* Nassau “ “ 12,'*>0 Manhattan Co. “ “ !).-'i2i 60 25** PhrtMiix *• “ 5,700 i-’* “ rights. “ “ 200 D*0 [I Trust ('o. .Stock, “ lO.HOO N. V. Life Ins. & Trust Co. Stk, 24,000 Ohio “ “ “ 19,200 Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and ma.v specify whether for grading or cross-ties: and stockholders shall in every case have preference iu taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Eugi- neer’.^ estimate. As soon Hs one huiidred thousand dollars are .sub scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are required to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. .March 15, 1850. Thr Mjar;i€st the South I ntf Factorff in DEALER IN STAPLE vSj fancy DRY r^)()l)S. HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADK CLOTHING. Particular .Htt»ntio:i paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods aud Trimmings. Flay Street, Fayf-tleciUe, X. V. May 2*i, ie.‘>5. 4-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V I s s 1 o \ AND O R \\ A !l I) IX G I: R C’ I! A NT, .V. e. gngy Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 J. S. HANKS, Coiiiiiii!««ioii ^lerc'liaiif, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1B5G. 6o-tf Oi\ Hawhs?s History or AORTII €AROI.Ii\A. T)ie Subscribers ar« now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but lor its typographi* ' cal getting up. It mny be obtained, either from us or from our (.ieneral Agent for the State, H. W. Home of this place, or any of his Assistant, .\geuts. The price varies according to .style of binding: In handsome I cloth ^1 2o: in Library Sheep $1 50; in half Calf 7">. It Is SOM) ONLY FDR C.\sH. Noue will be charged, ' either by ourselves or our .\gents. A liberal discount vvili bi' m .dc where (juantities are taken to sell again. it w'll be sent by mail to any part of the country, ■li rceript of the jiricc and 24 cents to pay postage. The 2d volume is in cotiise of preparation. There will pr. Iia>dy be four or five volumes in all. The suc- cec'iis.j: volumes will probably contain about 500 pages each, and w ill be sold at a proportionally higher price, vi^: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents a idiiional for sheep aud 50 cents additional for the haif calf binding. E. J. HAL?2 & SON. Fayetteville, April 2'.*, 1857. P. S. The .\geut and his .Assistants design to visit every comity in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. liO>KliJ.M)L\(i~ OF all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re- bouiiil in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase ot new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will lie made upon large orders; Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; an*l when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I have the lieat stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. -Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else- wliere. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Anderson Street. Nov. 5, 1856. 64-Y (-.UANOKS. BAGS PERUVIAN; € 327 do. (’OLUMBIAN. Not only has the cost of using theJe Guanoes iu connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing iu the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined with the Columbian m.ikes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. &*W. McLAURIN. Nov. 1850. 54tf WOOL ROLLS. OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’s Creek w * Factory. Factory. SHEETINGS. -isnal)urgH, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by June 1854. GEO. McNEILL, 7-tf anil Winter Goods. 3* T. n'addUl^ HAY STREET, A RE new receiving their Fall and Winter GOODS consisting of a large and well selected stock of II $l,307,f03 42 MJ.LTE '!' rm '■'’'7, the f ,r the I'liiiitii sr or rt-i-i-' V iiotltie.s all j hi-'ate ti present ■f; ■; • tiiiiO jire- ■ u ,.: ‘ e p1'','i'led ■a-e It tke jiayment . 1. r i U SSOA. WAWUFAGTURER, ■itn'iy 'i' ■rto'^' thi-eiti/.erjp •, ; ii'. ■ i.o-iti-v th it lie . ti : ■ VI!-;! to i .ly trt \ iile r : • I. r ,v . . loi ; p.V t .1 ,y «: -!i t li iv- t!i-ir . ' , . ; ^ t i. and :t tiie '-.inie I : s • tii;iy desire i ! ^ ' •! e- ranging A NEW TKE.VTISE O.N TKKJiiNO.MKTKV. 4 manual of Pliiue and Splierical Trigonometry, ^\ith sojne of its a['p!ications. By (Miarles rhiili[s. Professor in the L’niversity ot North Caroliua. 2tO pai'cs. 1 "2 mo. Ralei-h: Mailelt vS; (’o , Chapel III. Fayetteville. n; :ltpd W. L. r iinerov Hill; K .1 ilille .j- Jiini' 1 2. lx’)7. \ V e (• •all gentb' vVi'iniiigton. iiie 'ii^'ieit standing in the I i-.ic ~ I'-.r l.'i.- li unieiit;. may . \S .iteli .iiid .\Iusiuui St'jre, ■18-Ilii tlic atlciilioii ot \\1101.,l.-| sALi: i)i:.\li:rs ! rMlo our pr. '-'-nt Stock, — and we have recently rc- hL ce’ve 1- >M0 hag- I'io. Lagiiira. Marieaibo and Java ('ollee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Refine.I, (’rushed and Powtered, '.1.') tioxe.s Sperm. .Adamantine and Tallow Candles, lid do I'ancy and assorted (Jandies, loi; coil.s Kentucky, .fute and .Manilla Rope, 7 hales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burl.».ii8, 80 tons II 0( I Iron, 1:M) boxes Cheese, 2t half-bbls Sujier (’arh. Soda, 40,Hull Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, (Jinger, loves. Nutmegs, P>orax, .Madler. Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starcli, Powder, Shot. Lead. White Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil, Window (Jlass, Snu(l in Boxes, Eagle .Mills do., in Half Bhls.: (Jrio.n and Black l eas, Hoilow Ware, .'iw df.-. Iron, Knglisli, German, an.1 Cast Steel; i’loWo, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Saubiige ('ut'ers and Stuilera, 1 r.ace Chains, bole Leather, i:c., \c. The above ioods we ofler on the most lavorable terin.s to prompt time or cash purchasers. i;. at \v. .McLAUHlN. I''cv. 0, IHi'O. o4tf LTAP.IT^ITIES:—Unsettled Claims not due. iJlfib.tWt 15 gigV" .\gent (d' the above Companv in Fayetteville, N. I ., ‘ E. J.'hALE. NOTlCi:. BJEHSONS indebted to .las. C McEachin. as Guar- JL dian of the heirs of .John ^lolri8on, dec’d., are hfrehy respectfvilly informed, said guardian has in a great majority of instances endorsfd and tratis- ferred their notes to the undersigned. Also, that our urgent necessities, apart from the requirements of the e:idor.ser, comjjel us to collect an speedily ax possible. All thus indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. I A D. MORRISON. J. .M. MORRISON. N. A. MORRIS(»N. j Laiirinburgh, N. t^, March 2, 1857. 87tf Dr. JAMES P. FOULKES~ S‘S now receiving his SPRING SUPPLY, consi.'-ting of a large assortment of Di'iiija utI Mfdu'iueSj Oils, iJtjp-SfiiJ}'-, Fancy Art idea, Per- Jvniery, luJin (« hirye aa^rrt- vicnt,) Airoho/, Bu.rninj Flu id, and Brandies Mf'dlcal purposes,^ Conijress Water, fv;. He would particularly call the attention of Country Men hauts to his STOCK, as it is his intention to sell low for Cash or on time to punctual customers. March 1857. S8tf \)EVJ^ RIVER COAI.. «1TUMIN0US COAL of the quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. .McCLANE, Mining Engineer. .May 21, 1H50 _ »>-tf KLANKS ibr Bale ut tUia Office. A. A. MeKIVrilA.X ESPECTFULLY infortns his friends and the public, that he built up larcre snbstautial Brick Buildings at hi.“ OM Stand, expressly for man ufacturing Carrii.ges. Thankful lor the very liberal patroiiiige he h.a:- received f>ir the last ‘21 years, he hope."- by strict .attention to bu».ncss. with a desire to give yatist'action, to merit a continuan«-e of the same. He warrants his work to he ma le ot the best material and by e.'iperienced workmen iu each branch of the business. Ilis work will compare favorably with any made in the L'nited .St ites, for neatness and durability. He is ileter’nined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on haud, FiNisiiKi), the L.VKGEST STOCK of ('nrrtHint's, Unrouchcsi^ l{ockiW(tijs^ and Ituifii'ics, Ever offered in this place, and a vep-large stock of work nearly’ finished, which will be finished All of which will he sold very low for C-\sh. or on short time to puiictiijil customers, He has on hand more th.-»n (>NE HUNDRED .\ND FIFT\ \ehi- cles finished and in course of construction. All work made iiy him is w:irr:inted 12 months with fair usage, .and sliouId it t;ii 1 by bad workmanship or material will he repaired free ot charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promptly attendedto. Repairing executed at short uotict and on very reasonable terms. May 28. 1853 ^“^tf T. C. (S. n. G. WORTH, Coininissioii Forwar(iinr Mrrcliants, BROWN’S BUILDING, W'ATER STREET, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf THO 6 FULLER, • I//o#*#ir#/ ftn(l Coitnsellor at Ijtuv. OFFICE at Ei^cles's Bridge. r»(tiitly occupied by J.imes Banks,, Fayetteville, N. C. tou’y i, 1857. 70tf Groceries, Hardwjire, ■ Cutlery, Biacksniitluy 'I'ur- j)eiitine Tools, 1 ,\i^riculliiral Ini- j j>KMiie/its, ! Jioots aiul Shoes, JOSi:P!l BAlvFR, Jr., ATTORAKV AT LAW, ■ ■ .vs taken an office next door to Wm. B. W'riarht’s 9 M. Law office on (Jrcen Street. He will atteiid and practice in the (’ounty and Superior Courts of Cumber laud, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23. 1853. 79-tf W. \. HI SKF, ATTOliNEY AT L.A.W, AND CLERK .VND MASTER IN EQUITY. F.\YKTTKVir-LE, N. C., May be found at the Equity Othce. in the Court House Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf XVItfeTia LOVKKI) • MHorttPtf lit Mjfiir. ■^^7^ ILL attend the ('ourts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithtield, April 15. 185*5. '.tO-tf WHO war LI) have TUOUGrn it? A new Carriage Estahlishment on the Military Green, opposite th>^ Methodist Church, fro n t iny o n Mu mfo rd *SV reet. (iRHAT FN rFRlMUSi:! ray(‘tl‘vill(‘ i'* to fl'^HK Subscribers woubi respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general (JARR1*VGE BUSiNLfeS in all its various parts. And tjeing both practical workmoa, fully un derstanding their business, they have no u^oitation to compare work with any establishment i. .iyjtteville as to style and vlurabiliiy. One of the firm may be known by . to A. H. Whitfield s iron work for the last two yo .rs. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve mouihs. Repairing done iu the neatest manner low for cash PIER .V BRAN IN. J a.mks 11. PiEH. Ja-mks Br.vnin. fc'ayetteville, Jan’y 2i, 1863. ti2tf MOLASSES. IIIIDS. just received aud for sale ijy JAS. G. COOS. Oct. 27. 61- “LAW COPAR'r\KRSI!IP.’' E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the t’ourts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, ('um- berlaud, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme (’ourl. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1. 1850. 72tf Hats and Caps, Saddlery and Lea- tlier, Heavy articles in the Drug line, Ready-mavle Clo thing, and Staple Dry Goods This Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail. Fayetteville, Oct 24, 43tf e ask the Planters aud Turpentine men to ex amine our Kerseys, Negro Blankets, Hats and Shoes. • FOR SALE. tff ISedttred M*rirfs^ for CJiSiM or on S MM OMIT TM,fMF:, ■25t) UKKIHil^S, li.tKOU('lll:S, j Hockaways and Buggies OF FVFUy DFSCRirriUN, ■\N'i of which are Hnished, and the tialauce being * SL t -iish.-d daily. .Vmong; are iBany New am' r*eautil ..’i s'y ies. and one VERY I'lNE ('.V11 til AG E. j Some jl the'u very light, and all made in the beet I maiiiiei and ot trie best materials. My facilities for I doing I .'.iriiagc work are GRE.\TEiv than any establish- ; merit .‘louth, and 1 can atl'ord and am determined to sell ' work of tiio iJE.ST (QUALITY as low as it can be built ' for iiy any one. j who arw indebted to nie will please , pay up, as my business requires my out-standinjj debts j to be collected. A. McKETHAN. . Feb. 3, IS.V) .V1)\H NiS'l'ii X’i'OliS SALE. 2 ILL sell .at I'uMic sale, on Tuesilay the 7th July, M at the Residence of the late W F .Mooie, all of the llouschOld and Kitchen Furniture. .\lso, I tine Carriage. 1 Bartuche, 1 Buggy, and 1 W.ig ,n Will aiso lure out for the balance of the year 2 Negro Men and I Boy, aud Rent out the Hms.-. E. V. MOoRE, Administrator. .Iiiiie 15. iG lb NoncE ro FAX PAVERS. a WILL he at the Town Hall on the FIRST D.W* OF JULY, to r»‘(‘eive the STOKE T.AXES. All per sons must come forivard and p.iy then, .as the law allows on.y one day for the coilection of Store Taxes. HECTOR McNEILL, Shff. .liine 15-tJl o III*. FFICE Front Chemist aud Dru Feb’y 7, 185li. K. A. RLACK. Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Store. 7tl-tf '^HE Subscribers having this day leased this Hotel for a term of years, will be pleased to see their friends and the travelling public at this House. At the same time we hope they will be patient and bear with our imperfections until we shall have put the House in such repair as we desire. J il. ROBERTS A: CO. J. H. Robkrts. F. N. Robkrts. March 1, 1855. 80-tf “'Fhe Old North State in ITTf),’" by Caruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E J HALE & SON. J. WH.LLWl I‘AGE, M. D., §• MTTSBOROUa Mt, .V. V, ^^R. t'.\GE may be found at his office when not professionally engaged. .May •>, 1851 D. W 5tf ( c. Ne*\ Music tor the l*iarioaiid t4uitar, just received. £. J. HAL Eai SON BENHOW , I). D. S., of tli«* Kiiltiiiior*; of DKMAL SCRJi’KRV. FFICK hours from 9 A. M. to 1 P. M. “ 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. DR. BENBOW may be found at his suite of Rooms near the Market, where all who are in need of the services of a Deiitist are respecfuily invited to call. .\11 operations performed upon the latest and most approved plans. To those in nscd of ^Irti/trial Teethn he would simply say that he is behind in no improvement. He inserts from one to an entire set upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be equally as serviceable as the natural organs. He spends nine months of each year in this place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Oct. 20, 1856. 49-tf

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