I'lu ELK^T1VK jrDTClARY N Y r .miuiToial Advertiser, in uKu.iing From the !*ew York Commeroial NOTICES OF BOOKS. .1 on rho i Nuthiuij to Wfar.—Ad Episode of City Life. to remarks which we rcc y I T!lu>^irai.^1 by Hoppin, New TorA—Rudd & (rarletou “U iw .-wt'Ht an Ovid \i io Muntiy lost,” aays* Ho])i‘ of th • celehratt'ii Lnrd ^1ln';flpld, whos** yi‘Hr l>ad Hlforded *videne-'> of h ta.sfp f 'r apr^rent political decadence ot the eoun^rv. as manife-t.-d in the increase and prevalence ot cer- tuin j’opul ir di.rempoi.^, which we tince.l in p«rt to tL.- dogra.imi'M -f tht- Jiidici:ir\ und.r*!’!* |.ie- sent eloct'ive .y-tein. the su’ j.-ire.i d: r.-iop. raent and eipan^iou to the th' ugui in i r*: » equally just and cotrent:—A^^^ lut Our Washington c;«ntoruf>->rHry st^eiu- r ■ iicct this urowit)!^ disn^Hnl • for law ami ro.> i with a system >n eleitin^ our judi'i;'ry. •.>' t'l regard it as the re'i!'" "t tlie introdui'ti'n 't ilr>i pysteni into variou'^ >rat's. 'I'he iiitiui:!» e.^:i- nexion of tb. tw • in undeni.ihle, hut wo appr.‘- hend that the chmi^^ of ■’ystoni was :;n iudicnti. n of all hlroadv wiJelv-dilf'is^od deterinrut on f>f th>' 1 . . I..., 1 ' a- !! V''>lli'^' .'.UTii popular f.'ehnu ui this ropcct ami ot -.lii, l -t - • (■ , i, decay of thut.arMTVutiMU and political p .pular ^ pQpjfy w)in,*h ('Sistotl whi^n our Crovrriiineiii \vi;, fonned, an I up-n whii h tV‘ tr:iiutTs ol it r li> l We have- alwavs ii'p tr ied the chiMiilo to -n v: tiv« jU'lii-i.iry ii-. u Mi.'!' oi a sad i alrea'iv in ihi* rir.'’t ]"'■ COM M UNI C A 'ri ^ )NS FOH TUK OBSERVER I From the Cleveland Herald. PERILOU.-^ BALLOON* ASCEMION—THij A£KO- NALT DROPPED INTO LAKE EP.lE On Thursday tuorninp, s raan !.«c>!inled from Knj in a btilloou. with the ifitffitiot' fit crossiii!^ over to Canada Ho had inad- about iixty luile.s , of Li-i ^^erial jnurnev, iid had reached wirhifi stx 'I’HK itVfl'LK l-!l'.Lb.S !nil.> of ^rand Kivor ..ri rhe ()a i>ida .tide, when l.KSlA P. XTEU—N'OHTH O.UiOLlS V VILLIFIF.D -.and VrK(HM\N' VALOU — PORTK ('U.WON- K VFHllINlAs. tight, on the Western brow of th« hill, where for if jt waa ’riniinal cownrdice in th« fir^t I’ H mile thoy Lad a^couamandiris ^ view cf thread- ^ tr^b^y criminal cowardioe in the . L» vanciug enemy Thrtu hundred yard* in their | third lines. This js meeting Porte (' .NuH'j'it (’.VIU'LIN.V IIJ.U.STHATRD, HV PORTK and beyond the point of ini mediate danjzer, bjs ^wn ground—which we do merely for ( H\VON OF ITARPFR^- MAOAZINK tbe Virginia troops were *tationed; and still fur- of showing hi.s injustice ' 'A ^ ‘ , fher in their rear, towards the (iesccndinjr bill The pr>-titjon i>« not oats — weJi„)wi n- >4 OK. ^ £1 /*! i . ] , t » r. . ■ 4w • leai thd ither troops tvn pr- try s.nd p.'etiz'ng The author of this tinle j wind v-r n d round and blew him down the i I ..MU i-, a iiiHuibcr of the b.\r of this city fWiu. j toward.s the .\nicrican sh-^re. When \,i. . ;uil;‘r. Kmi who, amid the en^ro'^sin.i | f,,.in lion^ point lie .-111 -i f a ['lof. 'sional life and after a day pa-i^fd j and h-t 'vut the ' a tl ' .if the Courts, oe.-a-^ion illy steals a i },,. migju l.om-d r!. [-r-'p'-Iler , I f houri fro!ii i!;.* niirbt f-r il>e pb'asant pur-|^viis conn i::iiio :i -up to Sill’s nf literatuvi' A nuiiih-'r of r Hut’*''"’!'! I,middle in the wat'.'r. from whicii position he tnriniT puni M .iiid brilliant iiriich'S in ver.se; rescued by the bo:»i (;frh''- .^!urif' Stuuri. Thu Inve t'.ad. wide-spread a popubirity as the pr'»-j hallonn w.is mad*- f i-t to ho th i^ it niijilit ■ > .!. but with a modesty hijzhly credifable to iiim j towed to th»- pro|>eil ‘r and pres-TVi;.!. but tho V 'tin-.:-.'.utlior, and affordin'; an . xamp!''*■' ss iU'’rit, lie ha^; avoid-* 1 writink: uue or even under the eaiity dis- ; 'iuisi' of a itoia de plumt’. of these d .“SiTib(;d ihi eMiinin/ d‘vice of the sexton of a fa>hioniibli; ^ , c!:u;oh up t.iwn who had for^Hteii to have firos ! (j,p hullooii soon scudded out of sight » n;;id- . ..o eld luo’iiing, and remedied th‘ evil by I pri.pelicr took tiie seronaut info Detroit , , , - . I'he pr^sition i-not oufs —we di,owi: ^ , H iv.Green- t -J piiinti,-? iua sert our opinion that the Battle nf Guiifjpl Hftuse, was an American triumph, a vic't The order to the North CHi'olinH .Mjlitia waa to | which North Carolina and the Union .1k,ui,p * prouJ. A victory achieved over the host tr England ever planted on a battle-field Tho “iiKudinie ' began t'> till :i;i:iiu, .'lii'i the wind freshening, the po.'ition of (he boat «i; 1 thi- hal- hion wa.'i chan;/t‘M, I’.tul the .sailni.’- found thi'iu- selves flj’ing tiirou^h tiie water at the tail ot this new-fan'ded cruiser. The rope.s wcre|uiekly cut, The -tain! till the en- my advanced within hoarinj; di.s- tanee, then to tire once nr twice, and fall buck or ret re..1 Di'i ihcy stikud, fire, .ind retreat^ Or did thi-y, thron‘iii panie. eowardii'c or fear, le-ive tlndr iruns untired in the eraek- of tli.' !t;nce," find in f iror flee? Thi briiifrs u-* to rh>- p-'iiil, in cnfroversy Sledmau, tbe British hi-iori-.m of rhecamptiign, .says:— M,isr, E J J/'i/e S"»: - JKNTi.KMKN: — S;^ hutir ri- pni-te Crayon, of flnrp r’s 'Iaiiit/.ino, eoiiliried his M. iiius to a oaricH.Iure of th.> St.ite in ■jeneral, and a dt l:i!!ati' !i oi hov iile such .i- in. ^pet ially mi l v.ith, hi- effort.; merited an * re- (•(■iveii silence and eont-.’tnpt .Nov wiuM w* h ive felt at lirierty to ;; itii;e hi-« -ittiaiptid snct lit ('anova’s Statue ot W ashit!!':on, ’*•*'* .« \t the distance of 140 v r l tiii v [Hie Hritisti] die. VVhile in the remnant of the 7Kt 11 of lioudon's ^ratite ot tde^ime received the ►'ne:i;y’s FiR.ST fir-'. When arrived ho t Ji-'urr fr-;n Turner’s Almanac of the C.api Ol a near-r and more conv-nient distance, they oi the State, or the pictui.'S e.i[)ied Iron, jo.ssm., s their o>m Qre and rapidly rhaf jed iciih Field liook of the Uevobition, iilustrativ' u ^ j^.mer " the experienced, and the accomplished S'il,!i,.r! - an extraor.iinary degree, fought at Guilf.,r,l ( ' House under the eye of Corn'’ brother of the distinguished StateMnun (’liar^.^ James Fox, in>pir d his men to deeds of u ''I daring. T;irl>-t rn and Web.^ti-r from th - the close fought as if thfir wat(dr.V(ird w.is ,{. ..^dv ih'' n.i i" \v it. r jii d I I- 1 pie. It wj« an .-vil itst-lf :iod Iuim pr'ii! evil. Uut in liie pro‘lnetii>n of tlioe press h is h:id. ni to t.> do t!i;.n the* pfo|i- chit fly re-ipon: ibb* Tt.e prf". uiijju. ti"- ; had the pow r . ■■ iij't-iy c 'nsi.uitly y f rr i- iv the evil. But it hai iL i.i- mu. h L'.> fv d ■ ter it It hi;s becomt h. 'iitu 1 with s iiiie j 'i.r! charge p:irti':ti.->hip or inc .mju teiic-' up u; > judge whose legal d'.’cii-i'ms ar«* u.it in ai' '^d with their opinion;’ and intf'rests, ami to! over the head of >m h judicial funrti.iuury tiie j terrors of popuhtr di.'appnnal. So common, in fact, has thi.* b‘'('‘me. that practi-rd new-i. : ■ r readers art; aeeU'tipni'■! t't “ 1 ~ will denounce .Tud;:.' t t t/i'if decision; i.^he will be in ec.-t.i- ies >)ver Judge decision,” jusi a.-'- tiie j 'nrii d aiul th.' Juo- sent or agree in political s.'ntinu nt. I lo* ^ Way to m:ike the judii i.iry p ilifH‘ il 'r !■- to a.'Kume that they are and laud o;- d. ii 'Iok' - them for heinj^ so. And in thi' nii.'^'nii % ou"- u ’'K, though we grieve to say it, tne pre.'> ha-^ taki-n a promir>ent part I he probahiiit:-> 'f a i t'irni here are nor very ^'rong; ;ind in oui hopes are fetble in that liirectii'ii, .~o i,- tiie cii- couragement siiinll tor that g-'tii'ral improvi iio’Tif in the popular fs'imation it the uufh 'I'lty ann -'i- premaey of tl.e luw, w.thout wlu'di. ir !' ^re i'iy to be feared, our social and political condition must grow worse rather t'lan beitfr. ;i of the ehureh thermometer in warm j bofore service commenced It afforded . The !'xecssive speeulation raging in V\ t-Htern North C-'roliroi—and yet uot one ol them pro- s. nts a Nonii (,’aroliua except that o* acaii- c itured Nortii (,’ar dina u-tmm. Thcst; things we could and would h.tve lau;ihed at. Miit when he vi>it^ the North Carolina Mitthdield of Ouilford hi. i-t for mirth to the town, and was in tact j.; pretty well shown up by a correspondent [J(in,. the first b,ittl»-ljf Id at the South and ii'- I h; te notiee for the Napoleon of sexton- i thp Ohio State Journal, wlio writes from (Jma- .. .n t “Hii'gory Pink.'’ ■ ha, Nebraska territory, whither he had journeyed ^ 11 known to th'-se who are in turn widl \ dirough Iowa. lie says that Iowa is a grand theatre* of speculation; that the towns are all from 1I to 11)0 years ahead of the country; that they are mere paper intiiti.ms blown up by shrewd operators, and that this .spring there is moreenii- L'ration from Iowa than immisir.ttion t) it. Lots in the town of Fort des .Moines rho capi tal of Iowa, ari' ofTeriny for higher rafc'^ than bits in (’olumbus, the capital of Ohio; yet the latt.'r is a larire I’ity, and has railroads and c:»nals, wher.’as Fort des Moiii' S is a small place without any su(di facilities. 'I'he write!’says that i>!v kiio'.vH, i;i his own limited eirtd**, a seoro of his jouriu'y westward was in search of a location •1 111-'' du !■ ' . • -VO -o Sff.vart, and wh.) stand on hi> books •'! A No 1, for fht' len>;th of thi'ir bill>, that tilting i‘Ut a \"Uiig lady tiow a days, for a \'. iiu.-r -•j.i oi' in town, or a Summer season at a w:it('!i'itr place, assimilates more marly to pri‘- for a vovaire around th(* world ithcr analagous undertaking:. It even importance the latter enteryuis^-, f.ir, to ri'le the Severest trnlcs, in every variety ot t'liiiii', 'he mo>r prudent navi;:ator reipiires but r three sets of sails, while the r.'aiier pro on which (^)rnwallis nut with t'ren nominal ih*- jV;,t—a battle from whiidi «laies a reaction in I'avor of American Liberty, that resulted in the defeat of Kawdcn at the South, and Clinton at the North, .-lid in -ix months alter it was f.iught leil to the suiren.ler of (’ornwalhs ut \oiktown and tlie e>tabli>hnunt of peace between tlie (j.»- l.-.jii-s and Hritain—When such an one visits such a battlet'ndil, and charges N '"th (’arolina And Tarletoii. in his campaign, .say.', - “The order and coolness of that }>irt 4 Vs'eb- ster’s brigade which advanced urross tlu- >i>eu tjround^ exp'>sffd ('> (he r.nemy * Jirr, c innot be sufficientiv extolled. The mUitii allowed the front line to approach within loO yaras l. 'Tire they gave their tire. The front line confinuod to move on; the Americans sent back th- ir c»tinon, (tnd jhitt f>/ thf/n njtctfed tki'ir jirr The King’s troops thr*'w in their tire and ch(eijt;d raptdij with their bayonets. ’I’he shock was not waited for bv the militia, who retreated behind tin ir second line.” I Stedman and Tarleton were eyc-witnesses of rtah —We believe we are t.of too pn malure in announcing this nmrning th:it t^ol. ( uiroiing, of Missouri, has been appointed goy,>rn')r -'f I iali, and that he intends t" r^m hi' f;‘.m ;y thiui- r with the view of making that Torrit.iry hi- per- ' manent re>idencc. Col. (''umn.ing is a g ii;!?uian of tried ofBcial integrity and of largo oxp ri. iii o in frontier lif' Pos.-. sing j^reat {.ersonal e .m- age, of a coiiciliatnry nature, yet pr'luvr , energetic in the dischar^-e of duty, he \v;i; :oiMg to the inipor.ai.'t re-poii-ii.iliMer whie; ti>- •) i.- assumed the :n .st O i iii.a! ijuilities t ir -lU-' *-.-- in the dt-licate, and ev^ !i d:ii g i u-, nii--: '.. which has 'been confided to him. Tbe ditfieuitie.- to be eie.oUlit’,re i in ah :.r more numerous and complicated than i> v .v gecerally supposed. .\mon:r 'hem TO'iy ■ • in cidentally mentioned that Brigham V'lu. g eiul:.is a title t... all the lands in tho Terrifxry, iind h..s never recognised the ! nite 1 Stat' - -urvey-i. None of bis foliuw^rs have purehu- d Ian.;- in accorduiice with 'ur laws. Hence, oti.- d tlo- le- licHte duties of the federal courts of the Teriit ey will be to estiihiish aiiil maiiitaiii t!n lig' t- ot thor-p who may hereafter p’lrc'ia.se in ae'..id ioe.> with uir law.s. N >r .an indiv; liial i;i all I t d; now b .Ids a fi --t . f iaiid ^he title t «!uehis derived tiom the I nited Stat's, and it io,!..w-, under this str: i c inviitinn of th that .m. part' of tli''“ T'.rritory are at th i re-i li* tiUie . n to pre-cmpti;'ii.— 1> .>.■;. ///>/ ’ F-. -thr B r''! M.d I, .- ! -\ - i, Canada, f wh^—e per.-. tia: , ; ■ •; \( bear m. -h ;h( r r dro OU' - 1„. d.eel fu' re- UloiiV. -( ii i- ing recipe f..r ihe t ife -.t':! niaii ^ of which iiC 'P'al-.' :n ,.ti' . t t-rm ‘•the p;.tii!it wiii find it i i.n-.‘'Uie'y the-e cakes without fluid so r-.kc wit under no ciroumst.fuc- - siiould t taken at the time, or within six h >nr evi-r thirsty the patient may bi“.’ li-^ n > ‘ n- the H'tpufn Mid Ihp/ Take ;*y.-t(‘r-hel!.-, h'lrn to a lime, pulverize and sift through :: p •■•i ■■ ganz' ; take two heap'-'i table sp. ■ tifuli- if tl.e siffed lime at;d mix with t-gg- t' the euiis; -y of buucr or cream; fry this in a pan w.tii a pie, of fr»h butter e,r -.ime -wee? oil Till‘d e ’■ t.. bp eaten in the m' rning, and i,othing f t i drink r . he taken for -ix loair.- afterward- T r j such c.ikes as at ve t.> he e:.;. :i ei, three .litei- nate rn'rning' f ir an adult; t.- b. diniiid>h:'t t'.r a child accur.iiiig t” atfe. A y ^ ri' i' Adrf-rttf'r. Twi. lit le lioy- 1] im d Sa\iHe Were i''’eer.t’v drowned by the ^^ivitij. wa\ t a p:. r in L; ■■k River, Michigan, 'i'he i,iu.--r v;,- I ( t;v. eni ;■ .i and eleven years old and the .itl.cr al^nut .-ix years. When f .nnd by the niMther, they w f, in the water, clasping each other around the wai-f in the embrace of denth. *1 Hard —Oeneral Sir Charles J. Napin tells the f'dlowin'T -torv of hi- ehildhool; ‘‘'I'here tair dam. s wh-; never hiutu h their trail liarks on I hi' Snmiii’r ••'-•a without at lea-t two so're of wirii lu‘’.'s ari'l crin.dine to mateh. It w :• a deiigl.ifii! trait ii. the character of Alfred d; _K' in tfie Pickwick Papers) that while he h,:.i t *rty c lilts of his own in packing ca-es ctn- 11);.' a roll!', d by sea, he condescended to travel with his personal lugtrage in a hr«)wn p iper parcel, and wiieo happ.'iiing up'>n an uue.\peetti no rry making, with ‘‘uothinir to wear,” he adapted him self to eir.oi!!ist.ine" and borrowed amuher m ui’s e>>at. — .^li'S Flora .^IcFlimsey, the heroine of this linle episode, w.t- maile of sterner stufi', ati'l iu- capaUle '.f so ni insirous a hr-aeli of the conven tionalities of sudety. She had thrice madi* the ni'Mlern grand tour by spending with her fri-nd- iii Paris, ••;Siv C’insi'cutive weck.s with,Hit st'>pfin^. In .'no ■ •ntiiiu iu.-. rniiiil ,.( slioppinf;; Sliej-piii" r.Inv.e anii sheppinp t .^ether, ,\t all liours f th. day. •'iiiJ in :»!! .«nrts of wetither; F 'T nil ni iimor of thiup.** that a woiU'in can put i;.. eri »ji ■>! her heft'i r the of Jier# ■ >I. ' ir wr.ij. r i;i.d her sh.'u!'Jcr.s, or fit rouiiJ her w(ii?t, t Ir itiiit c:iv i'c sewc 1 on, or piiTifl, oi Inced, ■ ||- lii'i •.! with a s!rin;r, ' r s.itehed on with a bow, la T' i.i r-r ' liiti.j. ab ive or below; ^ : li.aia't'. luantiHa-?, capes, c.illuis, nnd -uawl-; in.--.-o: 1. r ’ reakfi.sis. and dinners and balib; In-, t(i ^it in, .'.iid stamf in. and walk in; lii-,.r-5i« *,■ dunce in, .'-.nd Ifirt in, and ta’k i^. in which to .!•» n.'tliiiic at all; I'v' - .pi. winter, spring, Huiainer, an.i fall. Ai! iit th. i;, il.fl.rtnt in c(.l"r arei ]■ ittjru, ."-i k, n:u.s in .‘imi lace, crapc, velwt, an i AHtin, Ur, . a ie. a:; i bron'ichith, an J other m.^itPr'in’.. i^iii ,• >1’ c'.ppns'vc mi n;n,'h mure etherea!; I.i fi f ir ;,1! thnt coulij ever he thought >t'. >v i: f.- er troionian : e houplit ef, Fi 111 ien-',li.ui-uuJ iiauns r ibes tn twenty-pons frills; In a \ '|ii.ari.Ts of Pari-^. nn i to »vcrj Htore. *'• In .M I '.niscy iu v;iin storm.Ml, scoMid, nn.l !»woit, .e;. le j the -acets, iii.il he footed tlif bill. '1 ' t Lives a graphic description of such an ' - . : f i badly educated youni; ladv of fMh- i ;itl 0 I' C-' a 'drirueter whi. li is fa.-' heeoin- :i- rh- ,i i^> far h-tf. r fitted to lie the ’ ttr .,- , ; •; .idi'iiery than the wive- and mi th- 1 o: ;:u”ii. With all the humor an.l p'.em ab I’Mi'is, 'ir ni'irai, who-b, if ..nl) succe--fnl attention ‘>f parents, may p..--i. k "ii" >;’ tiie growi-.j; e\ils ot tlie . :.-te w’’., inch th iVld-T ;i '.r ;ii tr.'eti111.' tii!‘ h^y r '.. t t (dll ei d .y i V v^d ieh ihe_\ are aec.-iint.il.ie. It is to he fi r:\; tha! t.oany ;i rea.;er whih- ijl.i'iciiiL' over j i.;e.- Wiii hnd th'.‘ -niiie lading from his ! ;■, :.s lie f.-uiz - ti.e tru.'id'ui depiction id' his own •lii,-tu- annoyances. i;i;d the .-'ecr* t of pc- ■ •iini;iry eii.harr i>.-ment3 and insutlicienf means, .''aeli little works as this do nmre to stiike at the ■ J the evil ot ')verdre.s.-int; ai;d extiavagance tio n graver homilies, 'ihe illustrations are ex- Ce;,u Li’id i-FFKcix op thh .\ppi;.\i:.\nck .\ (’UMKT IN 17I-J \- Very bmly i- on the y/" /•//>' in regard to til! t nil t. and a*, all sorts id ideas are “around” ;:! r.^a’-I to ue give the following amu>iiig :''ii -I- sue ’ fr.on an ohl paper; ‘•in th>; ' • :ir 1, I'J Mr. \\ histon, having cal culated the return of a comet wfiieh was to make its a]tpear:ii.ce on Wednesday, the Mth of Oeto- ber, at live minutes after live in the morning, nave notice to the pui'lic aeeor.iingly, with a terrifying addition th; f a total ^lissoltition of the world by hre was to t:ike place on the Fri.h’v followin'''. for bu-inoss, und that in pursuit .^f it he went even out into Nebraska, thinking of locating a elairn there for pre-emption, but after a diligent .search he fmind the whole country -‘claimed” back from tiie .^liss(luri river, as far as the lan.l is worth having. Of Nebraska, he says that all the country on the .^li.s.'0uri river, from north to S' Uth, i- laid out iu towns, and sometimes thej* join f.ir ten .ir fifteen milrs at h stretcii Omaha and Florenci' ari‘ twcn*y miles apart, and the whoIi> di-rjince hetwci ti them is laid out in build ing he-.— I'kil. X AiaerUdn. S' drnii II’id Tnv/lr I), nth —During the heijxht of the >.f. rm .111 Sunday evening a scene occurred at a I’.ous.- in (Ireen street of a character t.i render it Indclibi*" upon the mind of a spectator. The moral th:it it tf-achc^i is fearful. A family was seated arout.d a table vtig:ige-} ii> ordinar\ conver sation when a dis|uite among some of the chil dren nud young peopl- took place. Words grew hiL'b, ami the mother attempted to quell the disturbance. In turn she was uia.ie the olject of their anger, atid while the heated blood was finding vent in words the parent ar t.-je from her s“at and once more interposed. Ir was of n • avail, and the parties nearly came to blow- At that mc.meut, while fr.im her own ehidren coals I'f mental fire were b*dng liesped up.iu th^ mother, she suddenly sunk down drud, und her las*^ breath wa- drowned by the aiii;ry voices if her otf-.pring. 'I’he feeling.' of those present uo words Lan ade- "(uately describe, but on tin ir minds fjr years to come we shoul 1 imagine that an impre-^s we.uld remain of the aiinry irroup, the little roum, an.l the dying mother reviled by her own ehihireu PUilndtlpliiu Kieiiiiin J>junial. The cummer heats are iv.w in-.-vailio;:, tilth ug!i to-d,ay is sufM' iontly pleas:int for the .- astui, jml the perio.iieal migration of a yumber of our [le i- ple, in que>t of health and pleasure, has com menced and will continue, until w ‘ of the can’t get aw-'v club will be left iu undi-turbeil posses sion ■■ f the streets and environs to enjoy ourselves as best we may, anl keep the town healthy and in good order, until the lengthening sh:id')W3 and g'.orious sunsets announce the approacdi of Au tumn, when our fugitive friends will hurry back to their oh: haunts and oecupati.ms In other words, S'lmmer ii now upon us; ami those of our people wiio Lave been accustomed to visit the Sprim.'-^, or other places of fa-hi )iiabi.> re.-ort durin;: this dull season, have begun to 1. avt ; to be followed by matiy others with whom thud.-ire for travel has heretofore been, perhaps, a de-^ire ungratified. We are plea=;ed to n ifiee a marked chantre for the better in the rout-s and places selected for -he suuinur c.mpaigh. Tiiat the tiile of travel which, in former ye irs, ru-hei] di- rec*lv onward toward the North, now so. ks ;.ur own Western bounds, or the pleasant nsorts which the mountains of Virginia afford. '1 his is something worthy of praise. While we have been abusing the North for its di-regar l of con stitutional obligations, and its fierce feeling of sectional animosity disjdayed in these latter day> towards the people of the South, we have reeipro- cated the delicate attentions, auainst which we complain, in a way beat calculated to please our Northern allies (?) and to engender very strong doubts of the sincerity of our dechiMtions. We have heretofore been too happy “to sjiend our money free” at Northern hotels, in Northorn cities, at fashionable watering places, where somc- Militia with rank unniitiir;ited cowu^'dice, and i the event »'f which they write. They agree in mamiities tiie valor of Virjiinia’.s rdw rtrruifs, at admittint: a jimf fire from the North Carolina the expense of truth, justice to the dead demands i militia, and that p.irt f,f them the fire; that the sbm ler shouM not pass unrefuted in and b.»t!i say that the Hritu-h thorjtd fith thnr “Harn -r’s North (,'arolina Illustrated,” '■‘■com-\ Both admit receiving the fire in the piled from the be-t authorities.” j opt-u field. X'>ne but the North ('(iroh'un mih'fia Porte 'ray. M ^ay--, | wns so stationed tin to t/ice that fire,—the other “Greene’s force was po^.ed on a wooded hill, ' 'roops being 300 and (iOO yard.s in the rear, in tj,e drawn up iu three lines, the two tirst composed thicket towards the old Court House, in the of militia, and the third of his Continentals, con- : second and third lines. IJehind the second one sisting of four rcL'iments from Virginia and Ma- , of which Tarleton ,s:iy.s the North Carolina miiitia ryland. ' ! retreated. “Ne sooner ha.l the British column deployed ; This view of the case is strengthened by a lot- aiol cori'mence.l marching to the attaek than the I ter from Capt. Dugald Stewart of the 71st regi- militi I formiu;/ the i- ft of the front line were ment, dated Hallachelish, Argyleshire, Scotland, .seized with a panic, and tie*!, before ti man of j Oct. 25th, 1^25, where he says, ih, in had been either killed or wounded. Many j “In the iidvance we received a very deadly tire of them did not even discharge their guns, but i from their marksmen on the round behind left them loaded, i-ti. king bstween the rails of the ; A HAIL fe.n’CeI Ont-hulf of the /Iii/h/aiid rs fence behiml which they were po-ted \n \’\\\n dropped ou that :^pot There ought to >ie a pretty did their officers attempt to rally this terror-. large tumulus where otir men ('T 1st) were buried ” stricken herd; in vain did Lee threaten to fail upon j Again, Brown, in his “History of the Hitrh- them with his drago in«, and cut them to pieces, land Clans,” speaking in refen nec to rhe 71-r The paid.' was compl. te and final 'I'he gap thus regiment at Guilford say.-,— igui.miniou ly left was immediately seiied by the “The Americans, covered by tlo* f- nee in their etienu, giving him a powerful advantage at the front, re^eriei/ thfir jire td^ the BritiJi ic»-rc in'h- c.-mnien.-ement of th.‘ or set. an.l throwing the i» thirty or forty pnee.i^ at whirh distnure //’,, tl inking legi.m tuit of eomb.ii;iti in with the reut of the iiriiiy. But this .auspicious beginning did nnt give ;o the cueniv the .speedy triumph it seemel to promise. Tfic Virginia militia fought with t'Xtraordinary courotTc and obstinacy, und tlid every tiling; that raw troop.* could do agaiust opened n vioxt dest net ice fire, which nuh'hi'iird nearlj ONK-THIRP of t'o}. \\e}>steri hrii/nde ” “It is also known that a great many of the British were buried in that field, and near rhe pi ice where their front Hue. icas trhen the first firt ic'is (fiien Of th'S there is no doubt, for it th.- highly-diseiplined and iudouiitable valor of is well attestetl by people in the iieighborhoo.l. their adversaries. “The hil's are again crowned with armed bat- t 'ii 'i.s. The rolling of drum>. the “tartlinir bugle call, 'he voice >d' command, break the siletn.-e of the budding fmest. 'i'tiere, .-warming in the thicket, ne:ir the e.lde of the woods and behind the pr.iti'etiiig ferie s, are the unskillful militia, valiant in p -t b.oi--- hut unreliable in the field, h 'lrkenin::, with f.ii;iting himrt.s, to the mintih>d rhrratM and ene.iar:i(;eiiiei;t of their lea.ier.-, ready t . lire iiid r;in at the fir-f bur-t of battle. “.Mana'uvring on either flank are tne snorting squa'lrons of War^hiimton and Lee, whose flash ing s;tbre.s have alrea ly tasted blood. In the distance are set n the serired line- of the grim I'ontinentals, men .of reliable mettle, who can liear the battle going on around them and bide ‘heir tim*’: wh", utimov.-i and scornful, see the who were on the ground the nest day after the battle, and :saw them buryin;/ their dead ”—Sei; Caruthkh.>’ Life of Caldwell, page 22G. From these various historical sources, the fact is estaVilished beyond controversy, that the N.irth Carolina militia obeyed ord.?r-, stood, fired,—a most dt.-'ructivc tiro,—and then retreated strictly in conformity to orders. The tr.'ii'ional *iisrory of North Car dina vs to the saiiif .’tFe.'t. aii.f thf’ St;ite owe>J ii d.'-ht of jrr.!- tita le to !)r. C- ruthi rs for emb.>d\iuir th. evi dence of t!;e fact in his in»ert-stiiig w.irk. “Th-? Old North State in ITTti, second series '' That book must have been withTn the reach of P-irte Cra^'on, while ia (.Jreensborough, Does he con sult that as among the authi:.'s who constitute the ^'hest authorities'' * No, in.ieed; for there he w.tuld have read, that William Montgomery, one of four jrinic-tricken herds of irien'l- fly p;i-t them, and Qf Capt. Forbis’s Company who stood by him on then rush gallantly to meet the bayon- fs A their cnemie.- “Harkl the r'iliin;r of the Enirlish drums! Like an (deetrii* -hoek it .-hakes the thousands that stand expectant upon the embattled hilll Now tl.e ( ow ird’s eli-ek b''anehe-i, as wirh impotent and tr.Mnbluig ha-fe he fumbles his mu>ket lock. Now the warm IiI.'-.mI rushes to the brow of the hrave. and wirtt fi. reer eau"rne-s he gra^-ps his swofl hilt Tiie 1: :id cf rhe advancing rolumn is already in si^'l.r The sun’.srays glance upon their buroished arms “Tiif* Ann riean lines are broken, and the tide of war rolN on until intrejiil assailants meet, in the Continental line, foes more worthy of their steel: “ ‘The war whicli for » space did fail. Now, trebly thundering, swelltd tbe pale.'’ “Then, then Virginia, it was a joy, that even defeat and disaster c.an not blight, to see that haughty battalion of Guards flying in wild dis order from the woo.l while thy fiery hor.semen, with hoof atid sabre, trampled them in the dust!” The author bus not had the manliness to state what is well known—that it was the North ('oro- Unn militia that was stationed in the front line He simply alone, five of its officers lived to attain the tm - f Lieut (Jr. neral iu the British armv, tha' i General, tw.i Colonels, three Lieut ,C .l.)in-i s* others the rank .'f M-i t. Iu lH wh; and commuids, tiiey -igiiul'i d th -ni- many a wdi contested battle in itn; . war. Fact.* which of themsefve.s deir:,,;,,,.,.,^^' tiiat at the Battle of Guilford t^oiirt Hi;,^. „ met foemen worthy of his steel—foerni*!: v.'• ^ li'_'hting for an outlet t-T what they v;iin ., Bgiued wa- a iViendly portion of tiie .st.,. .' .. Scotch Settlement of North ’arolii;a Ti., , Wilmington, thence to York Town, whei •( capture w:«.s eompleto. In this article I have used freely faef., a (.’omuiunieation in the Observer d:ite.i (i-. . borough, N IV I'.^.') —flet- which Inv bt;en embodied in Carurher-’s liistovv, «. hope may circulate until rhe people '/f 'til- ,'V. resolve to Celebrate the riciory of Guilt' rij c H.iuse and rank it with .Mre’s ('reek and K; ; i. Moun^aii. June 27, 1S57. KOH THE OHsKRVKK. The Fuurrh of July will be at. 1 !’ • (’’hurcli .\n ():ati'in wiii Oe lieiiv.-r.-1 ;,v ILTCJN 'Ic.'i li.l.AN, E-(p JtOB THE On.itflVKK TO FANNIE. Fair and rosy,—happj, preity, All own tliiiu art; .An.l 1 b.vu thee ns uij .l.,ty 10 one so fair an.j full ot With all lay fieart. The c minion f.ie, ('liill \v;!l Thy charms will But as the ue-* lie to th^ polo 011 icy zones, or warra. my fl'.iil V.’ill c.n«tant be. I'iiTererit n.aines fouh ine changing vo«r. For %-outh Kud ape; 'Tis Srrinjr when birds and fl wers crow 'Tis ''•inter when o'er .Spriii/'s snow siir'u. The wi .1 win i.i r.i.j:c. Then take, ) t>iice t!iy Viver’s name’ .\nd 'neath its sha.ie Let youth anrl t)CHUty jrlide .way, Let age creep on with its ']*c«iy.— All but love decay. Thy mRiden name should uot b(» put L’pon the Htone; I and Hymen fondiy claim it, Nor de.ith n>.r t- mb shouhl ever r.atne ;t, t) take iny own.' NOPwTH CAKOLI.Nl \N The last Centra! IVe-hyternn cjiitaias h r- , favor-thie iioric-e '»f rhe late (’onini. nctrii. .: Hampden Si.iiic-y (!oli- ge. Each ■ f ’ . L ! .i:_ Socie'ies prcsent.s aniiu;illy apri;£? iii'l;;' L i' a iio:ieeable fact tiiat last y.-ar. tiv these med;ils was won by Mr .loseph |{ of Granville, .i". C.; and that both u^t i..'. v;,.- awanled thi.>» year to North Car.>lii;i:iu?; "L. • Mr •! II. Tilliughast, of F ayetreviiie, uiia Other to Mr. H J. Hill, of .^Iilt.)u. 'I'he rrue luet.al of our people i> he.-t appr- the battle-field to the last, had said, that after the. wheu they are in comperifi..;/ trirfi fti ' North Carolina militia fired, “the part of the British lines at which they aimed lo,iked like the iicntterivg ataJk'K in a irheutjie/d ichrn the har vest man h>i. passed orer it irith hi. rradhIn the same book too he could have read the testi- ni'iny of two (iuilford men, who.ou the day :ifter the battle passed over the j;round where the Brit ish were fired on by the North Candina militia, and who say, it appeare.] they could have walked the otiicr .State?; and if we hav- ii.'. er- at wvi.'f Certainly havv many great b i\s If Young ica does not ruu over himself, he wii; he an L .li : to his progenitor.^. By the way, there is both truth and paiviot:-^ in the toll.iwing observari.»n« of l)r Hawii-, i the 1-13.1 page of his History of N t'arilina: “The old State is not quite ‘tiii- pa'.ii-? the world;’ hut it is a dunrry to whiih " fifty yards on dead and wounded men without afF. ctions of its children, wherever they tua\ ’ scattered, cling with wonderful tenacitv W have nii.'t North Carolinians in many ati.i w' y separatt.-d region?* of our cotnnioti cuntry: *■ have encountered few wliose heart- iid ii 't .;« ■ with fond alTection on their native laii'i i- these exceptions there was a cause. Tiie touching the groumi There too he might have read, that Capt. F.ir- bis (Colonel of the day iu the front line,) was oittfianked by the British, and that he and his company fought like heroep until wounded and overpowered. There too he might have read the testimony of were such as their countrymen coiiM ucitu'r two others, who state that the British buried their respect nor esteem (iod made them vi rv lit:: dead west of Mr. Hoskins’s house—the very spot they thought themselves very great; ami ti*'• at which they were fired on by the North Caroli- countrymen, with pious reverence, a(.i|uieseei na militia, and where British historians say they the decree of heaven The men hated tL sustained the greatest loss. ; accordingly.”—Ralcijh Christian A There too he would have read that Capt. For- j bis’s company fired twice, and did n give way Good Backers—Incident oi .Sy). ■* until the British were upon them. There also —^ long-bearded customer recentiy cnf;r.- calls them militia, and doubtless hopes ■ ^hat Nathaniel Slade fired spiritual book store in this city and appu'-i censure by pleading his delicate for-j and in attempting to reload broke his ram- an agency. He proposed to take a large'piiH 0 call them by name. Be that as it ■ >'0*^ borrowed another, but before he was rea- books to hi.s part of tha country, "a« i.‘ was in Limerick a great eoarso w.imati, wife of I he riqtutafion .Mr. A hi.ston had long maintained I>r .^lurphy. When she h.',;rlofmy mi f .r'uiie ’•* I'.nglaiid, both :is a divine and a philosopher, left, little or no doubt with the populace of the ti urh d' Lis prediction, “."'i veial Iu iier,u> events took place. A num- i'iT of J - r-iins in and about Londtm seized all the b:irges and b'.at.s they could lay their hands on in th“ 1 Ikhik's, very rati.anally concluding that when t;ie coi.fl igr.iti.iii took place thi rc would be the most .-al'ety on the water. gentleman who had negdecteii family prayer for hett >r than five years inlorn;cd hi.s wife that it was his determinatitn to resume that laudable practice the same evenino’ she said, ‘Poor boy; I suppose a fly kiek; d hi.^; apindle sh.inks ’ Being a little fellow then, though t.ow, be it known, five feet seven itie:;. -. and a half high, this ofi. nde.l me greutly; at-d ;i.- the Lord w..u!d hav(,. it, she i.r.-ke !,'T own leg just as I was getting well, (i.iiug t . her li-Mi-e with an a'Dpearaiiirc of (.in. ern. I told rlo* -ei^ant how sorry I was t. h.^r that a bulh.ek had kieke.i Mrs. .Murphy and hurt it- leg vt^ry mueh, and that I had called to know if her 1. g was his.i hurt. She never forjrave me.” This is a verv idiaiac- teristic opening of a long life parsed in pu’ lic and private warfare. A Queer Decision —In Marian county, Ohio, a few days ago, a man sued another for rent of a house. On the day of trial evidence was adduced tliat the house was haunted, aad the jury deei.led that the defendant should be pauUSlo as daujages, instead of paying rent. Romantic Wrddimy. — A pair of Mississippi lovers, living in the vicinity of Frinr’n Creek, a few days since bethought themseUes of getting married. Having froeurtd alicen.se, they set out on horseback, 'fhey soon came up to a [>arson “setting,’ on a fenet—it seems he did —lo.-tbitig oecasion;illy at farmiii}/—and nquv.iei liiai “(.» s(demn;ae the sacred rite.s-:if malriiin nv a* i-nee ” The parson finally eon.-ent.d, ui.d he “.st tting’’ on the fence, and they on tlieir horses, tue.saeicd rite was “solemnized,” after which they w:.nt on their way rejoicing. times the accommodation is none of the best, the charges are e.^orbitant, and the .servants imfui- *o escape dent. We have somehow, apparently, forgotten, to ^ 7- u i i i i that in our own State wo have the gran.lot of his motives be what they were, we ; fire he beheld the British bayonets at hand. "' st, where he represented that he scenery, and health-restoring rerreat.^'which the proceed to vindicate the truth of history, and i In that same book of Caruthers, he might have sell them, as he was a.ssured by the “inv-ii .v- invalid might visit with pleasure and profit, outer a .b nial to the charge that the North (’am- found, that the war is carried into Africa—an ex- The enterprising bookseller was of e iur- di: : • Mountains lifting their dark summits to the sKies ’•cted cowardly in the battle of Guil- ample which Porte (>ayon cannot iuduce me to prospect of a sale; but his ciitliii-'^ —vales, of surpassing beauty, in which the tra-, Court House. , imitate, beyond saying, that the fact is established was somewhat dampened when the long | veller can catch glimp.ses of the hublime and i The British forces consisted of the “German ' Forbis, commander of one of the North gr-iitleman remarked that he had no m i.ev. beautiful, as his eye rests up.in the rocky gorge, i ““ Kt or Frazer’s Hiyhlanders,” Carolina brigades, lay 48 hour..? upon the field of wanted the books entirely upon en-dit. and the changing'character of the scenery, a i Battalion of Guards, Ger- battle, wounded; consequently could make uo re-| “Are you responsible?” was the narural ; delightful atmosphere—accommodation for visiters ' \ agers, nnd Cavalry. In all about 2500 turn of bis men to Adjutant Williams: that this of the merchant. every year improving,—water cold as ico. 1 —regiments that hail been mustered into f^>ct accounts for the Adjutant having reported . ierfectlj. ^ ^ These advantages, however, are too homespun, every battle- them as missing and gone home And then, when “What evidence of your reliability csn J- so to speak, for us. They are not sufficientiv fi‘‘!d in the Anierican Hevolution had acquired this fact is borne in mind, and the actual num- , furnish.'' di.stant,—they are right here at home,—and as we turn our backs western retreats, more Northern h... hi, wifo, l,avi„g 0„^agcJ I,all ho Jo ; her h„,K„„l to m,t it ,.ff til! ,h.. .aw »e over-estl.oalc »l..-thr the ap,,oaro,l or „ot. The South ' .■oi'fo™ hal are not o,.,s, S.«.-to.k imm,..|;,„'lv foil to 6 per cct, /'P™ ’ “"J w th. I,„lia to II; a,.d ti.e captain „f a Dutol, ..hip I threw all his powder into the river that the ship | ^ i if i i , , . might not be endangered i remarked however, there is •‘The next morniog, l.„„ovcr, tho comot j n.any of poarcJ acconling to the prcdiction.s, and before I'v"“; "^‘1 '."'O puHuod the grand noon the belief was universal that the Dav have gone ofTto the mountains and Judgement was it hand. U.out'this time threeVirginia, where they can probably hundred and twenty-three clergyman were ferried the summer as ple.isantly and as health- over to Lambeth, it was .said, to petition' that! “'I' ‘^.‘>'-thern brethren; and have a short prayer m.ght be penned and ordered, there coJisolation of knowing that their b. ii.^: none in the Church service on that occasion. ! 'I'hree maids of honor burnt their col'ection of ni/Vi !.> and plays, and sen* to the booksellers to t-uy .jach Ilf them a Bible and Bishop 'I’aylor’s ‘Holy Living and Dying.’ The run upon the bank morning till night iu discounting notes and handing out specie. On Thursday considerably Two inconsiderate young girls in Pater-i.u luore than 7.0UH kept mistresses were legally mar- (N J.) were arrested on .Monday, convicted -nd «i‘d in the face of several congregations. And, fitted for stealing flowers from a cemetery. .Much to crown the whole farce. Sir Gil ert Heathcote! pains had been taken by a mother to ornament head Director of the Bank, i.ssuec' orders to all the grave of her son, and just as the flowers wer« tl'c fire ofBcer.s in London requiring them ‘to keep blooming most btuuiifully they were all taken 'i good lo ik-out and have a particular eye on the away. Buuk of Lugland.’ ” tliose who seem determined to cultivate a feeling of hostility toward the South.— ii’it. Herald. The Comet.—The St. Louis News, of Saturday u-i- '’n ^ I says the comet is iu sight at last. “There fn ...l.^rni , T T"“ '■'> il, « many of our citizen, who f.....m,,.rn,„„t,ll„,.,h, ,i have seen it cat, tes.ifj. It may be seen about the hour of 8 o’clock in the morning in the east, or rather a little north of east, a few degrees above the horiion; occupying, relatively, an upright po sition. It could even be seen this morning through a light cloud, and may be distinctly observed by any one who has curioHity enough to draw him from bed at tbe iucouvenient hour wb«a it is ia sight. quired , distinction and fame. ber of the North (’arolinians killed and wounded i have the bc.st of backers, men whose Greene’s army consisted of Huger’s brigade of compared with the Virginians, the mortality ! know well.’' Virginia Continei.t:ils, 778, Virginia Militia 169.?, was greater in the troops of tbe Old North State, The merchant’scountenance brightened - North Carolina .vlilitia 1000, Maryluiid and Dela- despite Porte Crayon’s shout over the valor of the i “let us see your papers. ’ ware Brigade >80, L^e’s Legion *S2, Lee’s Dra- Virginians. 1 Thereupon the customer prc.sentfd the goon’s 75, Washington’s Dragoons S(), Cavalry The mass of testimony we have adduced estab- IGI, and Continental llegulars 14^0. In all 4248 lishes, beyond question, that the North Carolina men. Or, .state.l thus, militia in the first fire killed and wounded more Virginians 2S7;')—more than one half. than one-half of the 71st, and more than one-third North Carolinians lOOO—less than one fourth. , of W'ebster’s brigade. Maryland and Delaware 680—about one seventh. ! I not commence this letter to assail Mary- U. S. Continentals 1400—more than one fourth, land, Delaware, Virginia, or Oen. Greene, but to The V irgina, Marylaml, Delaware, and Con- defend North Carolina from the unjust aspersions tinentals, the Legion, Dragoons, and Cavalry, of Harper. The material, thanks to Dr. Caruth- had all more or less seen service, and were »ffi- pJ"s, exists to carry the war into Africa, but it is cered by veteran commanders—commanders whose congenial to the feelings of the right thinking reputations had been earned on many a well con- *md proper minded. But we must be indulged te.sted battle field, and whose command their men iu asking Porte Crayon one or \co questions: If were accustomed to hear and obey, the Virginians were as valiant as you represent Of the 1060 men of the North Carolina Militia, them, and stationed 300 yards in the rear of tho it isi not known that one ever had been in battle, North Carolinians, and numbering as they did and none ever had ranked higher than Captain, more than one-half of the Am-rican force, and The fighting Her.»es of the Old North State were numbering as many men as the British, why did freely shedding their blood North and South, and not the Virginians whip the British? or why re- by their intrepidity and valor were acquiring treat and fall back on the third line? and why did hon.ir and fame for adjacent States. the second and third lines retreat throutrh the The North Candina .Militia were mustered into thicket, down the hill some 7 or HOO yards toward.s service on an emergency, and on the morning of Martinsville? There w»*re no North (’arolinians ing document; '*To ii'hotn it may concern: We, the signed, having been acquainted spiritually Mr. , of , Wi.scoiisiii, f 'r years, recommend him as perfectly r*.liat'I'“) would uot be afraid to trust hixn to an\ :iiu"'*^‘ Gkoroe WAsrilVoToV. 'I’tid.M.VS JeFFERsO.N. He.nry Cl,ay, Thomas Paine, Joil.N Mll.roN, and ..tlur" “Through Jane E , medium.” The bookseller remarktd that the tiackei> ^ good if the medium was reliable; but he tl; ''i-' on the whole, he would prefer to kei p the ' ■ 'fhe cu.stomer hereupon denounced the hoiik- ’ as an impostor, telling him that he lid not his own doctrines, and that the spiiits wou. i pose his duplicity to the world. Of thi> li'" ' ‘ assured fiy the -pirit of pr.iphecy within n ['L> W.IS nut eouvincd —A ^ The book-seller wa.s not convinc'd A boy, at a recent exaniinition in an C- V ’ * J 1 * V * * i the battle one of it.s Captains, Forbi.s, was ap- in the second and third iiut?s, yf-t they both re-j «chool, wa:* asked who discovered f v, pointed Colonel. In this untrained and untried treated—numbering over 3000 men. The first j wish 1 ma^ die,” says a British editor, couditiou they were placed ia the front of the , did the same, numberiug 1000 men. Now j dida’t au8wer—Yaukec Doodle I”