IPAlTTOTllTIHLiyE SEMl-WBEKLY. [VOL. Vll.] FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 2, ]8f)7. [NO. 621.] IMMNTKl* MONOAVS -AVD THURSDAYS. K;!)\V.1. IIALK & SON, KDiriiKS AND I'KOPKIETOHS. the StMiii-Weekly Observer !*!3 (tO if paid in rt'IvMiico; ')0 if paid during the j-ewr of subscrip- ti'^ i; 01’ 1 after the year has expired, or t)ie 'Voekly Obskrvkb 00 ppr anuuin, if paid in a lvance; $'J 50 if paid during the year of subscrip- tiiiii; >r $;5 00 after the year has expired. •VDVKKTlSl'MENTS inserted for sixty centH per uare of 1 (i lines for the first, and thirty cents for each I 'f'eotling publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- al contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertiseis are k‘«'iuested to state the number of insertions desired, or liev will lie continued till forbid, and charged accord- Advertisements to be inserted inside, charged r>0 per jnt I'xtra. FOR SAI.E. ■m BALES HAY; EtPlr 100 do. RICE STRAW. T. S. June LUTTERLOH. 20-31 J \»i:S l»IHSSOi\. PIANO FORTE mAMUFACTURER, t^'^RO.M Mew York, respectfully informs the citizens of Fa^kottvville and surrounding couiitry that he will have the honor of making :i vi>it to Fa^’i tteville ii) tlie F:ill or early Wiuter, wlien lie will bw hapj>y to offer his services to those who ui'iy wifh to have their I’iunos thoroughly tuned and repaired: and at thes.-inie time would be happy to furnish those who niay ilesire witli his very superior I’i.-inn Forte,"), at j)rioe# ranging from ^300 to ^HOO. He has the honor to refer to the following gentle men. who have purchased from him: J. 'V. Sandford, Esq., Fayetteville. Messrs. >V. A. Wright, I Stephen Jewett, j R. F. Rrown, Wilmington. George Davis. ( Jas. U. Burr. j And other gentlemen of the highest standing in the State. Any communications or orders fyr Instruments may be left at Mr. R. D. Green's Watch and .Musical Store, Fayetteville. June 4. i;]-lm BOERHAVE’S ilOLLAiM) BUTEKS FOR THE WEHT! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! s. BROWN’S Tri-Weekly Line of Four-Horse Post Coaclies, from Salisbury to Ashe ville, via Statesville,., Newton, Morganton, Marion and Pleasant Gardens; connecting at Asheville with the line of Stages for the Warm 8prinzs, Knoxville and Greenville, Tenn. This is the best stocked and best managed Road in North Ca rolina It is the most expeditious, safe and pleasant, and at the same time the cheapest route for the West. Leaves Salisbury on Monday, WeJnesd.iy and Fri day; leaves Asheville on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day;—:running in close connection with the North Carolina Rail Road, North and South. C. S. BROWN, Contractor. June 15, 1857. 1C- r. VDERT»1KBRS, subscribers offer their services to the public to I 'urni.-ih roHins, Hearse, and every other requisite ifor Funerals. Tbej* have a considerable supply of Ic itfius re-idy made, and an abundant supply of Ma- [hoganv, Blai-k Walnut and Gum and Poplar materials I lor making any size at -i short notice. Orders left at I the Cool Spring .Mills will be promptly attended to. | HEARSEY & JOHNSON. ; F.iyetteville. June 2^, 1857. 20tf j falcen Vp and i'ommittfd to the Jail of (Jumhcrlami County, \ JUNE 24. a Negro Boy who says his name is JOHN, | and says he belongs to John Branson of South j Car.ilina. Said Boy is of dark complexion, about 19 years of age, live f^et six or seven inches high, and will weigh 125 or l.'iO lbs. The owner of said Negro is requested to come forward, prove prop».-ty. pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with the law directs. W.M. R. BOLTON, Jailor. June 2'.*, 1857. 20-tf Standard copy till forbid and send bill to this oflSce. S. i>l. THOMAS. DEALER IN Fancy & staple dry gdods, READY-MADK CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, 130NNRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES. SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS, BLANigSTS, &c., &c. Corner Market and OillespieSt.. Fayetteville, N. Dec. 17, 1855. 62-tf To the Public. i subscriber has on hand a g«)od assortment of! X Boots, ^lioo«« and (jiaiU‘r«. Ais , I'lotliing, Furnishiug Goods, Hats of all kinds, ' Trunli.-', V:ilices, and Travelling Bags, All of which 1'! . 'ell low for cash, in crder to close out his pre- ' ••eut St cK. Persons in want of Goods in his line will ' do wall to give him a call. L. BR.ANDT, ! Gillespie St., opposite P. P. Johnson. j June 21. 19-2m ' Books. fBIIIE Life of Charlotte Bronte, Author of Jane' *. Eyre, ic ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh ] Miller; Salad for the Social, by the .Author of Salad ! fi.r the Solitary; Indigenoai Races of the Earth, by | Nott & Gliddon; The Bee Keeper’s (.’hart. .\lso. fur ther supplies of ^lilledulcia; Ttie Prmce of the Ho>;se 01 David; .Mrs. Hentz's .Nuve’s; The Baptist Psalmody, F*Hrijes' Family Prayers; Christi.in Minstrel: Ouden's Coiii'urdauce: .\d.»ms’s New .Arithmetic: Parley's ’om- moii School History; E. J H.\LE 4’ SON. June 2», l^u7. BANK OF CLARENDON at Fayetteville, June ‘-i."), iKr>7. ''I'^IfE Annual .Meeting of the Stockholders in this £ Bank will be held at their Banking House on Monday the 18tb of July, at II o’cloi k A M JNO. \V. SANDFORD, Cash’r. June 23. r.f-tl8J (;e). alderman, litspector of »Vat‘al stores, WILMINGTON, N C., ^OLiCITS patronage. Prompt attention and quick ^ •iespi'tch will be given to business entrusted to his care. June 23, 1857. 19-12mpd im\ BOIIV l.\ RIPTIRLS! SuiiiiHer come €U lastl ■ WOULD very respectfully suggest to m3’ friends an i customers, to call and rxamine my unprece dented, Large, Fine, ;iud Cheap Stock of fSrnnmer Clothing (icntlruK'n's Furriisliiiig Goods, Hoots Shoes, Hals C;i[)S. 'I'runks, Carpet i»a^s, \ ali.ses, iSjc. Sjc. I shall most assuredly use all honorable means to give batisfaction. and give them a Suit of Clothes for FMV*R U O L, L,^t R S and upwards, that will not be beat anywhere in the State. GEORGE BRANDT. Hay St., Jpposite G. W. Williams & Co. Fayetteville, May II. G-2m LA HOUR WANTED. nr E are p.“iying Fifteen Dollars and Board per month (with payments monthly) for hands on the Rail Road, or 75 cents per day,—monthly hands preferred. Apply to Mr. (.’arroll, on the work 18 miles West of Fayetteville, or to T. WADDILL. June 10. 15. Httrfjalns: Harffttlnn:: 1A.M now selling off my entire .stock of Goods AT COST. The stock is large and well selected, con sisting in part of Muslins, Tissues, Barages, Brilliantes, Robes, Black and Colored Silks, assorteI. Together with a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. Rib bons. Gloves, and Hosiery, assorted. Also for Gentlemen—Cloths, Cassimeres, DeTa’s. and Ltt*erib, as-sorted, with a general Stock of Jtade Cloth i tig-, And Hats, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, &c. &c. The most of the above named Goods are new and will all bu H')ld positively at cost for Cash, in order to close the business of J. J. MOORE, „ Surviving Partner. June •>, IK61. THE CKLKBR.\TED HOLLAND KEMKDY FOK STSapEFSJA, DISE\SE OF TWK KIUXETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF AXV KIND, FEVER AND ACUE, And the varioui Htferiion!« con'*«.-qiipnt upon h dt9ord»*ied STO.MACH Oil LIVHR, Such Inibeestloii. .Acidity of the .'iloiiiHih, Cijlicky INIns He irtliurn. il .\piwtite, iii-xpcmilfnc> lllinilnml Bleetlinii Pilei In ftll .NVrv.ni'. KlieU'iiHiic. ;inc1 .Neurile c Alfec- tlDns. it h.is iu niniieroii>i (.n.vcil hiahly lirneticiitl, hiiiI in ‘'ther- fiTei’tPil n teciil«*tl riir>’ T his is n purely vt'neti'jle ciini|Hiuml, iirp(inrp(lun -trirtly •»rlen uric iinnci|ilcs. niter the nmnner of ihe re',e!irnt.-il llolinnd I’m- Ip'^or, Itii^rhfivc, UtcHiMe ./(' i:- urr tl sucres- in tiiosi of the KurDpenn SlHtes. It' intrixluclKin into the I'niteil >tntes wis ,n teiiiied more esiifcmllv fur th'isr nur luther ;iini s, Hitpr*’d hi>re anil there over the fire of this :iiii;htv rountry Mectinc n ih urent surccs-! amonc them, I now otior it m the .\merioan puti'ir, knowine that Its truiy wtinderful iiieilicm.'il Mrlufs Hiujt Ih'ac- kniMvledned. It n imrtirularly recniiiniendpil to those porson* vvh.-i'e ronst'.tu- tions mav have been iniimired hy tlic continuous use of«rd»*nt spirits, or other f..iins ot diss (mtinn. llcnernlly inst«ntnnei'U« in elffCt, it tinds Its way dirertly t.. the se.it oi l.fe. tlirillint tind quickening every nerve, r ii-inc up the dr.Miplnu ?pirit. and, in tact, intusiMi! new health and vicor in the systeui. NtVnc'K—Whoever e.\i>ect-^ to tind thi-- a tiever ice w ill Ik- div appointed: hut to the sick, weak ami low -pirited, it will poivt ;i grHtefuI Hroniatic cordial, possessed of ^itigul:u reinedml pn-i ertips C .\ I' T I u : The great j*opu!arity of this deliiihtfiil \ri,nr h is iniliicpil immmv liiiitHti.ins, which the puldir should irUHrd Jiciinst purchri'in’.' He not jier-unded to b iv inythins else ui til )ou h ive eivcn t! xt have’s Hi>ll:-nd Ritt> rs 1 fiir trial, ^ni- Imttlpwll mn'inr you how intin tely suiiermr it i> to all thesp imitations OOr.-old Ht .*1 00 (ler bottle, or si\ tioules for I y Ihc .sm.r r K 0 i> H I KTo K , JK. A; €’0. M A S ! \ T I R t S (i PMARM.\rEUTISTS .V.N'D CHEMISTS. PlTT.SIJrROH, Pa. ^&niU6l J. llilS'lult; sole for F'liyettovilie. June 14, 10- ~FOR SALK. r|lHE DWELLIN(} HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie I. Street, at present occupied by Doct'^r Mc.Swain. Perfect title can be madi,?. Apjily to _ THO. J. CURTIS. ALSO A GOOl) F.VMILV ('.\RR1.\GE in pood repair and . m nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —L>« )— •3 good MILCH COAVS with young calves. Apply tD T. J. CURTIS. April 20, ISoT. 3tf M WT\iI:ssES! M\TV\i KS^'.S!! P B^HE subscriber continues to manufacture at his M old stand, near the M E Church, Shiirk ami ('ofton •liattresses^ (»f a superior quulity, imd of every size and shape re quired. Thankful for pa^t encouragement, he hopes to merit a continuance. H. LO(’K.\M.^N. .April 20, IH'jT. H(i()-3m DAVID McDl 1 itrickmasoN atiff JPlastercr^ Is prepared to do all kinds of w«rk in his line, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril 27, 1857. .'1-lY-pd A LEX A NDKK Tl c TTO E %• .IT CARTHAGE, MOORE CO., N. C. Will practice in Moort and adjoinin'/ (^unties. • June 8. 14-bw .1.William pagk, m. d., ~ \P MTTSBO ROU4H H, .V. C. Dr. P.VGE may be found at his office when not professionally engaged. May tj, 1857. A D AI IN1S r K A TORS 8 A1.1 fWlLL tell at public sale, on Tuesday the 7th July, at the Residence of the late W\ F. Moore, all of the Household and Kitchen Furniture. Also, 1 fine Carriage, i Bartuche, 1 Baggy, and 1 Wagon. Will also hire out for the balance of the year 2 Ne^ro Men i and 1 Boy, and Rent out the Hou.se. E. F. MO(.)RE, Administrator. June 15. IG-ts Tl KPKNTINE AXKS. ~ 4 GOOD lot for sale, bv ' J. & T. WADDILL. Also a prime new two-horse W'agon, ^,th iron axles, Feb’y 4, 1857. T9tf Vi AN GUAXO, for sale hv (’, T. HAIGH & SONS.* Oct. 22, 185S. oOtl W c call the attention of \VH()f.,E- SALE DEALEUS B^O our present Stock,—and we have recently rc- M. ceived— 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Refined, Crushed and Powdered, 05 boxes Sperm, .\damantine and Tallow Candles, Ot) do Fancy and assorted Candies, loo coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Hope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny. Duudee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 1 boxes 20 half-bbl.M .Super Carb. Soda, 40,0O0 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper. S[iice. tiinger. Cloves, Madder, Indigo. Spanish Brown, and Bar Soups. St.arch. Pow der, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead. Piitty and Linseed Oil, Window Glass. .Snuff in lioxes. Eagle .Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas. Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, (lermau, and ("ast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters. Coru Shellers, Sausage Cutters and Stuffer.s, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, &c., \c. The above Gooils we oiler on the most favorable term.s to prompt titne or cash purchasers. D. i W. .McLAURIN. . Nov. C, lS5t). 5ltf NOriCK. IVERSONS indebted to Jas. C McEachin, a« Guar dian of the heirs of John Morrison, dec’d., are hereby respectfully informed. th.-\t said guardian has in a great majority of instances endorsed and trans- ferrecl their notes to the undersigned. .Vlso, that our urgent necessities, apart from the requirements of the emiorser, compel us to collect as speedily as possible All thus indebted will therefore oblige us. and themselves too, by paying up iuimediHtely. Wc must and will sue where the money is not forthcoiring. A D. .MORRISON. J. M. Morrison. N. A. MORRISON. Laurinburgh, N. C., March 2, 1857. ^7tf DKKP RlVr.K COAL. HITUMINOUS C0.\L of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE, Mining Engineer. May21,185»; n_tf .Nutmegs, Borax, Brimstone, F-incy Worth & Utley, Forwurding and General Commission MERCHANTS, Fayetteville^ *V. C. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. TTLKT. w. ELLio rr, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Agent for Luttfrloh lir Co.’s Steamboat Line W’ill attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Oct. 21, 1856. 50 tf JOHN P. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give particular attention to the saie of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. Feb'y 25, 185G. 86-tf W. H. TURLINGTON, " ConiniissioD Merchant, No. 42 Nortli Water St., WIL.MINGTON, X. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8, 185C. tf JAMKS C. SXITU. MILKS C*STIS JAS. O. SMITH & Co, Factors^ Commission and MERCHANTS. .NO. 2 80UTH WATER STREET, CP 9TAIBS WIL.MINGTON, N. C. 60-Y Foru'urding C. POK. Oct. 21, IR.'iC. DEALER IN S FAPLE & FANCY DRV GOODS, HATS, CAPS, IJOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hay Street, Fayetteville, A". C. May 2G, 1855. 4-tl JOSBFH R. BLOSSOM. € 41 fin I HI o \ AND FORWARDLNG .Mi:RC HAN1 l§*ilminston9 .V. C. Prompt pergonal attention given to all Consign ments, and ('ash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 LAND I'OR SALE. 11 -\CRES OF L.\ND lying on upper Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well locuted for the Turpentine business. It will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville W.M. McL. McK\Y. Sept. 22, iw.-.G. 4].tf J. S. RANKS, C'^oinmii^^ioii Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1856. C6-tf T. C. & B.U7WORTH, Commission *5^ Forwarding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. ti3-tf 6tf NuiicE. rilHE undersigned having executed .-i power of At- X torney to E. F. Moure, be \h thereby authorized to make all settlements for me aui name, and generally to transact all busineus as i might or could do were I personally present. J. i M(uuk Fayetteville. June 8, 1857. i:^t,f NO'I’ICE. ~ ri'IHE subscriber having, at .June Term 1857, of the I Court of I’leas and (Quarter Sessions for the County of Cumberland, qualified as .\dministrator upon the Estate of Willie F. .Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the sai>i Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment iuimediately. E. F. .MoORE. June 3, 1857. 13tf ECCLES’S Has been newly repaired, have it ground. March 30. MILL Send your Corn and .M. McKlNNON. 94- I.II K INSUK V.N'Ci:. I^llh UtidersiirnC'l has been appointed .Vgent of the North t.'arolina Mutual Lil’e Insurance Com pany. Every nieinl>er for life participates in the pro- fits ot the Company; and the annual premium for lite membership, where it amounts to i>;>0 or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 months. Debtors livi's may l)e insurefi hy creditors. -V man luay iui-ure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his t.Hiniiy The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapi.lly growing into favor, all over the civili/ed world It is one by which a famiJy, tor a small sum annually, may be provileil for, after the death ol its head, on whose exertions they may have been dependent tor :i support. It is a good investmenj of mon(“y, even if one should live long .after taking out a Lile Policy. Explanatory pamphlets, and the necess.ary Blanks, furnished on application. E. J. HALE. JUST RE(’EIVED, QUARTER BOXES KAISINS. 20 Half 20 Boxes Soda Biscuit. 20 “ Cheese. For sale by C. E. LEETE. Dec’r 15. HANDSOME RESIDENCE FOK SAl.K. ^H^Hh subscriber, desirous of chatiffing his btisiness -M. as well as his location, offers his handsome and commodious Residence for sal* To th.^se acnuainted with this place it is not necess.iry to particu:.irizc,— he would much prefer to sell the place to some gentle man non-resident, that the Town may have the benefit of an increase of population and wealth The Dwell ing and out-houses are in a perfect state of repair, havini^ been thoroughly and neatly fitted up within the last three months. To ti family of the low coun try it would be a very pleasant residence in Summer. Terms accommodatipg. THit. J. J(.tHNSON. ATTENTION! ■"Scalle.ito the fact, that there are MANY who m 0\V E me, iirnl Homc of them seem to think it un necessary to pay tiieir Notes or .Accounts; To those and .ALL others I t>eg leave to say that }>ay lay has arrived—or ought to have ere this. Please‘call. THO. J. JOHNSON. June 18, 1857. 16-6w Fire fas a r a nee. rj^HE ..-ETN.A Instirance Company of Hartford, have ing paid the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will continue its Agency in Fayetn-ville, under the manage;Tient of the undersign ed, who is pre[>ared to issue Policies of Insurance on Buildings or (roods, either iu this Town or in any part of the State, on proper application, description of the Properly, .tc. The *ETNA COMPANY h.as been in operation about 30 years. Its capital is S5t)0,000. The Hon. Thos- K. Brace was its fir.^t President, and he stilHiolds that olfice; anl several of its first Directors are still active and efficient mcmbtrs of the Board. It has at all time, sustained the highest character for the prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its lo-sses. E. J. n.ALE, .Agent Rccollcctions ot\*i Life Time, or Men and Things I have seen, by S. G. Goodrich, .Author of i’eter Parley’s Tales; Paul Fane, by N. P. Willis; Let ters ot Lady .Montagu, Edited by .Mrs. S. J. Hali^; The Humors of Falconbridge, illustrated; The .Adven tures of Gerard, the Lion Hutiter ■Also, furttier supplies of the Lion of Flatiders; Th (’tjrse of the Village; Ernest Lin wood; The Rival Beauties: The Wife’s Trials; The Torcli Light; Romance of the Hart'in; The Old Vicarage; .Mrs. Lee Hentz’s Novels, 50 cts. a vol., &c. The .Nliscellaneous Works of Edgar .A. Poe; Irving's Life of Washington; Bat. croft’s U. S.; Hume atid .M-acaulay’s Histories of Eng- latid; Scott’s Infantry Tactics, a.c. .vc. Dec'r II, 1850. E. J. II.ALE & SON. THO. C. FULLER, • Mttoraey anti Counsellor at Etaw. jFFICE at Eiicles’s Bridge, recently occupied by .\n:DicA[> ROOKS. ^IEIG. on Diseases of Children; “ Woman and her Diseasos: “ •• Chililbed Fevers; “ Obstetrics; Dunglison's Human Physiology; .Meilical Dictionary; Practice of Medicine; “ Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Pereira’s do. do. (’liurchill on Children, by Keating; “ “ Diseases of W'omen, by Condie; “ “ Midwifery do. • 'hitty’s Medical Jurisprudence; Taylor’s do. do. by Ilartshorne; “ on Poisons; Dewees on Children; “ Females; .Miller’s Surgery, by Sargent; Noill on the Arteries, Nerves, an'd Lymphatics; Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry; U. S. Dispensatory, by W'ood and Bache; Watson’s Practice; Bartlett’s Treati.^e on Fever; Williams and Clyiner on the Respiratory Organs; Eberle's Therapeutics; Ellis’s -Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Solly on the Human Brain; Burrows on the Curebral Circulation: Gerhard on the Chest; Fowne’s Chetnistry for Students: Murphy’s Review of Chemistry for Students; Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Bartlett on the Certainty of Medicine. McClellan’s Surgery; Hepe on the Heart; Kirke’s and Paget’s Physiology; .Anatomical Atlas, by Henry H. Smith; Weber’s Plate.s of the .Muscles of the Human Body; Gunn’s Domestic Medicine; Children, their Diseases aud Management, by Ur. Shew. Ilea th. Disease and Remedy, by Dr. M'>i)ie; Simon’s Family Medicine; Domestic Medicine, Surgery, &c., “ and Household Sur.'cry, by Thom son and Smith; The Preservation of Health, by Dr. W.trren; Theory and Practice of Hv.Iropathy, bv H. Francke. • ' E. J. H.ALE & SON STANDARD LITERATI RE. fH^HE Waverly Novels 27 f'loth aud half calt, .M Cooper’s Novels; Irvinn’s Works, 15 vols; Prescott’s Conquest ot P ru and Mexico; Lives of F>rdinand and Isabella; “ Life of Philip the 2d; Benton’s 30 years in tlu' U S. Senate, 2 vols; The Statesman’s Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia .Americana, 11 vol,s; Lossing’s Pictoriiii ; iel 1 Book of the Revolution Webster’s Works. r> vols; Colton’s Life and limes of Henry Cluy; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss of Miss; Pictorial Life of .Andrew Jackson; .Memoir of Wm. Wfr* by Kennedy; Life of Wise and Virginia P.ditics in 1X55; Garland’s Life of John Randolph; Democracy in America, by De Tocqueville; Abbott’s Lite of NapoU'un, 2 vols; .Abbott’s Histories; Wirt's Life .f Patrick Henry; Life of Wia. Pincki.ey of Md ; Bayard Taylor’s lu'Ua, Ciiina and .Tapiu; t’om. i’erry's Japan Lxpeilitiou; i>ieber on (,’ivii Liberty and Self Government; Thfc i'h\sical (leogi apti^ ot the .Sea, by Lieut Mnury, Liberty and Slavery, by Bledsoe of Virginia: Southey s Coinmon Place Book: Life and Corre.-. of .''outhey; The Spectator; Wilson’s Tales of the Borders; The Scottish Gael, or .Manners, .Antiquities, aud Customs of Scotland; The Scots VVorthies. by John Howie; Lockhart’s Life of Walter Scott; Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert Burns, Hamilton’s Discussions in Philosophy and Literature; Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeflrey; The Queens of Scotland, by .Agnes Strickland; Chambers’ Miscellanies; » Proctor s History of the Crusades, illustrated; Woodfall’s Junius: Hannah .More's Works; Plutarch’s Lives; Boswell's Life of Dr. Jolinsou; Novels and Tales by .Maria Edgeworth; Addition, Burke amJ Johnson’s Works; Millman’s Gibbon’s Roine; Hallam’s Works; Cosmos, by Ilumbolt; Men and Women of the 18t Century by Houssaye; The Guide to Social H-ippiness. I>y Mrs. Ellis; Family Monitor by the same .Author; Hume and Macaulay's llistnrins of England; The Modern British Essayists, 7 vols; Shajcspeare, Byron, .Moore, bcott. Hemans and other Poets in various styles ot binding: The Boston Edition of the British Poets, \c , &c. Oct. 29. E. J. HALE & SON. Further Supplies of Books. I^HE Humorous Poetry of the English Language; Home and the World, by Mr.s. Rives of Va.; Poetical Works aud • Rejected Addresses” of Horace and .lames Smith; Beaumarchais and his Times; Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon anti Jo sephine; The Lady’s Almanac for 1857; Dr. Kane’s .Arctic Explorations; Memoir of Susan Allibone; Knight’s Pictorial Half-Hours; Ready Reckoners; The 5lystic Circle; Bullion’s Practical Lessons in English Grammar. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1857. “'riu* Old Nortli State in 17TG,” hy Caruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re- c«ivcu -\lso, the 2d Series of the same work. E J. HALE & SON NEW BOOKS. W.ARRIET LEE’S Canterbury Tales; Love after ■Marriage, by Mrs lientz. Also, a new supply of Standard MEDICAL WORKS; The Presbyterian Psalmodist, round and character Notes. E. J. HALE & SON. DWELLING FOR SALE. ■^HE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupieti by .Mr. Henry Erambert, Towns reasonable. E. J. HALE T FrRTin:R si'ppi.y i OF liOOKS. 11IE .American .Almanac for 1857; Kane’s -Arctic Exidoration; Draper’s Physiology: The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster; The -American Sportsman, by Lewis, illustrated; .A New Life o*' Sutumerfield, by Willet; Count Hugo, the .Miser, Acc., by the same author; Tiie Torch Light; Tuck’s Selections for Sabbath Reading. Brown’s Bible Dictionary; The -\merican Debater; Upham’s Ment il I'hil- osophy; .Alexander's -Moral .'icieiice; J-c. E. J. HALE ac SON. NEW BOOKS Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition, illustrated. Collier .t .lewett’s Edition of tlie Original Text ol Shakspeare’s Piay.s Restoied. Farmingd.ile; The Lion of Flanders, or the Battle of the tiolden Spurs; The Curse of the Village, 6ic.; Kitto’s Daily Bible Hhistrations; Kitfo’s Popular Cy clopedia of Biblical Literature; Barnes' Notes on the Books of Job and Revelations; Half Hours with the best .\uihors,—Knight’s London Edition, 2 vols.; Half Hottrs with the best Poet.-: Revolutions in Eur ipe, df>wn to 184'.*, Webster’s University and Family I'lonouncing Dic’y ■luvenile and Scho-ii Books, Stationary', ^c Just rcc’d by E. J. HALE ^ SON. Nov 17 D. W. iara.Iiisite O J imes Banks, Esq ton’y 1, 1857. Fayetteville, N. C. rotf JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTOR.\KV AT LAW, H.AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. He will attenI and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf W. A. HUSKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. F.iyetteville, N. C., May be found at the Equity Office, in the Court House Sept. 22, 1855. 38-tf LOVERD ELDRIDWE. •‘ittorney at ijaw, WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smifhfield, .April 15, 186b. 9G-tf “LAW COPARTNERSmP.” undersigned, have this day formed a Law » • Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State; Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUtJHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1856. 72tf br. K. A. BLAC'i^ OFFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S, J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 185b. 7G-tf CANTVV EI.L’S N. C. JUSTICE. Sicaiitis Justice Rcciscil, and adapted to the New Revised Coile. H'^HIS work, invaluable to .Magistrates, Officers, and JL all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price .>3 50, For sale by E. J. HALE i SON. August 1866. l{OOKIJI.\D[A(; I ^F ;ill kinds, is executed in the best manner, ^ " Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re- botind in the same style they were before. This will ■iave the repurchase ol new books. Librari.ans connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a disUince. will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; •and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I h.ive the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else where. The undersigned respectfully policits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGH.AST, Anderson Street. Nov. 6, 1866. 54-Y W/W WOCLD riA YE TIIOUGUI IT? A neic CarrintfH E-ilahlishnient on the Mi/it,ir., (wreen, opposite th*' Methothst ('hurrh, frontiu'j on Mtimford Street. (iREA'r ENTERPRLSE! If i«. I>4»iiii| lo rpiIE Subscribera would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the purf)ose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. Ainl being both practical workm''n, f ull v un derstanding their business, they iiave i,,. l tatioii t cnmpaie worK with any est iblishm -nt i .tnv,,- as to stylt anil lurability. One ol the tirm ni iy be known by ..jj to H. Whitfield’s iron work f..r thf last We warrant all work to give general Hatisr'fii for twelve month? Repairing done in the nea' est manner low fore isn PIER & BRAMN. J.4.MKS H. PiKa. James Bra.M-n Fayetteville, Jan’j 24, I S53. 02tf Fi>R ^ \LE. A DAMANTINE ,ind T.VLLOW CANDLES; fine an- » common T)B.\.’CO; and alm'>>jt an^ytiiiug in tin ‘jrwccry line. Cheiip as the chenpestl G. W. J. GdLDSTON Jan’y 27, 1857. 77- C. BE.N'BOW, I). 1). S., of till* iSaltiiiioi'(‘ Collrge of U E .N T A Ii S L' R G E R \ . OFFICE hours from 'J A. M. to 1 P. M. “ 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. DR. BENBOW may be found at his suite of Rooms near the .Market, where all who are in need of the services of a iJeiitist are respecfully invited to call. All operations performed upon the latest and j most approved plans. To those in need of Titth, he would simply say that he is behind in no improvement. He inserts from one to an entire set upon fine Gold or Platina plate, which he guarantees to be equally as serviceable as the natural organs He spends nine months of each year in tnis place, (from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) Oct. 20, 185G. 49-tf L 4 VV KOOKS H1HE Subscribers have ou hand, and will proii.p:iy BL fill orders for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or iu single volumes. Iredell’s Digest and Digested Manual. Jones’s Digest. Revised Statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. STORY, on Sales, Bills, Contracts, Paitnersliip. Agency, Equity Jurisprudence, Ejuit^ Pleadings. .AR’I1B^LL», ou i'ractice. Criminal Practice aud Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. CHITTY, on Contracts, Criminal Law, Blackstone, Medical Jurisprudence. SUGDEN, ou Vendors and Property. POWELL, on .Mortgages, and Contracts. •'MITH, on .Actions at Law, .Master and Servant, Landlord aud Tenant, Chancery Practice. .''\.NDEKS, ou Pleading and Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Iveports. Rc.S'Ei.L, on -Arbitration, Factors. Crimes. Ht)F1' >i AN'S Legal Study, and.Masters iu Chancery. W ILLI.I'IS in I’ersonal Prop'.'rty. WllE\TO,\‘’> .Selw_)u's .''isi I'.'ius. W ..1 ll'l'O \’, on ^.American Law ol Honiicide, Medi cal J urisf rudence, iStateirials in the Lnited states, \tneric.in Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. Sieplien on Pieadin^ Roj.er on Legiicies. Dart on Ven 1 iirs Fearne on Remainders Edwards on Bail ments. t'oke upon Littleton,( llargrave nnd tiutltr’sj new eilition. Kent's ('otumenfarie.-^. Curtis’o ditto. Dart’ti Vendors and Purchabers ol Real Estate- Ad ams’ Iviuity. Troubat’s Law of Limited Partnership. Hughes' Equity Draughtsman. Phillips aud Amos ou Evidence. Greslej- on Law of Evidence. Itoss ou r>ll8 and Prouii.ssory Notes. Doniat's Civil Law i wis’s U. S. liuiinal Law. Daniell’s Chancery lice. Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence. Atherley ou 4- e . aW' ol M.irriage. Colij eron Partnershij>. Giceu- .1 Evidence. Oliver on C'liive^ ancing. Curtis’s csyancer. Burrill’s Law iJictionary. Cruise ou . Property. Tayler's Law Gioss.iry. Crahb on .eil Piojjerf v. lieeves' Doini st.c Ke,,jnons, L»_) les in mils. lieii Oil i^e Lt-e oi, -Vri;itr ilinn •>{ Tuies 'tiarswo :'i’a I’rofesbional Ettiico- Barton’t ^uii m Ivpiity Wilis o,. t’li’cuiiiitauti.i Eviienc.-. Coui_,n'-j ban lI'T'l :uid Ten:iiit. \VutB>.ti ou --Vrbiirntiou Jl»r- ,»n i'i->coVf>' 'iipii;int ou Horses. »V n.t ■> ,ji ii,'a Equ'ty I'ti'ceilent>. .\Jorrison Repleviu, Oiesie^’s Kijuity i-.viiJeii'-e. Bishop on .\larri:ige and Divojce. \liitiiew’s I're.-iumpiive Evidence iiobeitson ou Suc- ce.'ision. Ellis "u Insurant,e. Lewis on the l.aw of Perpetuity. PhilliHMre on Honi;-.il t'ai^ on I'nrt in-rship Wilson jn L's-s. Fell ,jn u:ira.j;t-es. New- l.ind ..II t'ontracls. famlyn's t:iia;jcer_> Lvi.Jence, ^c. Tiiese or oHiei Law Bo.jks irdvn-a w.li he Mipplifd . lllc Profv3-si.)n in unv i :ir> , f ih tir . i. i»aaon WHEAP WAN'PED. I WANT to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat. J-AS. G. COJK. June 25, 186t>. Ib-tf Oct. 27. MOLASSES. HHD!^. just received and for siie by J.VS. (i (’OOK 51 ■ Fiii’tlier KiipplieM «r K»okM. ^■IHE .AMLRK’.W CITIZEN, by Piishop Hopkin.-'; -I. Praeds Poetical Works; Miiledulcia from Notes and (jueries; Mackey's l-exicoxi of Free- dason- ry; Dictionary of Poetical Quotations; Mitchell’s fravellers’ Guiile; Qa^stions to Jacobus’ Notes; .Medi cal Books; School Books, Ac. E. J, HALE A SON. May 2; 18i ~. ■ I 4 >ti.N him! W ijiti’r Inooils. •#. 11AV aM'.EEl, A RE now receiving their Fall und^VVinter G(J»DS i m. consisting of a large and well .se’lecteU stock of 'groceries, Hardware, ^^iilierv, BiacK.>;;iiitli.y 'Piir- poiiliiie i'ooJ.s, Agric Itural Im- jjl* eiits, loi: ami Shoes, his lye Blanks for sale at this Oifice. ilals and Cap.s, Saddlery andl.,ea- iher, ll(Mvy artichsui llie iinig hue, Ready-niaUe Cio- Ihnig, and Stiiple Dr^Goods. we are preparei to Job or Retail, e, t>ct. 4:^f i ' le i , -»iers aud Turpentine men to ex /«, Negro lilanketb. Hats and Shoes. Warrants ibr saie here.

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