(Vol.. VII.] Wi SEMI-WBEKL. Y. ! AVKTTEVILLE, X. C.. JULY (>, \857 [SO. C22.] 3011.1 I'ro i -: t. kt J:.y I erics'. : Th. or \A, Apr:: 1 Tin, s »•' I- .11. ! fe 1, . , . • ■f--: aH'i e i: w., I. . ktioil ' -1 I.- f r, u *j ‘ next . .. ::i of Ans it t?:e c.ini \[ r. iHV nawr- I !;■ Qt'TU I , ..l;- P'l .-I . ■ Hit sh; i : .r Hi i.iv . ; r‘ ueri ■ 1. c ITE. 'p' it ill! Im, tL i U [( > \ \ FKINTKU M«>NI)AVs \N'li TUL'RSDAYS. !:i)U J. II \LK & SON, \\I> I’KolMilKToHS r\.j- fho Soini-\Vef>k1y Ohskrvkk i'B UO if paiti in 0 if piii'l iluriiii{ iht* -^eiir of tiu'isrrip- ir 1 Hfter thp year hus expired. Weekly Obsf.uvku •>_ '0 pfr anuutn. if paid in H'lsiiiii >1: ')0 if j.ni'1 during'the year of suljscrip- on ufiiT the year has expired. M'VHin'lSl'NIKNT.^ inserted for sixty cent.-* per j'liiaro -f 1 ii lines for the fir.>it, and thirty centb for each siu'ceediiit puhlieatitin. Yearly adverti.senient.s >>y spe cial contracts, at reasonable rato.«. .Vdvertiseis are re.juested tu state the number of insertions desired, or they will he iMiitiiiUe.i till forbid, and ohar^ted ao.-i>rd- Inu'ly. .Advertisorueuts to be inserted i-i.'k/.’, charged r»0 per cent extra. 100 Juno roR swa:. n.VLES H.\Y: UM) do. KH’K STK WV T S. LCTTERLOH, •JU-:>t J A.>i!CS l»ll{SSO\. PIANO rORTE MANUFACTtJRER, .New York, respvotfully infurius the oitizens (•f KHvettfviile and Murriun linn e.untry that in* will liHve the linnur nf tn:ikinj; a vi.iit to Fnyetti ville in the Fall or early Winter, when lio will bi.- iiappy to otter his services to those who in ly wish to have their 1‘ianos thoronjjhi V tuned and i-ep;iirecl; and at the name time would be happy t > lurn'sii thnse who may desire wiiii hi:i very .superior I’i.iim Forti-s. at iiri..e>> ranf'injj from to He lias the lionui- t'. refer t>i the folh wing gentle men, who liave purehaS',*d from him; J. \V Sandford, Ksij , Favetteville .Me ssrs. \V \Vri«p;ht, 1 .Stephen Jewett, | K. F. Drown, ' Wilmiu"ton. (Jeorge Davis, Jas. (J. r>urr, .Vnd other >;entlemen of the hijiiiest standin" in the State. Any communicatinns or orders for In.-tnnnents may be left at .Mr. U. 1). tlrcen’s Wafcli hjiJ Musical S'ore, Fayetteville. june 1. ,l;Mm BOERHAV E’S HOLLA\i> iniTLKS I Oil Tin: \vi:sT! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! j 1 RROWN’.'; Tri-Weekly ^ • Line of Four-Horse I’ost : (’oHi'hes. from Salisbury to Ashe- ville, \ia .‘Statesville, Newton, j Morganton. .Marion and Pleasant iiarden«: connectinf; i at .Vsheville with the line of .Stages for the W'arm ' .Sprinjrs. Kno.wilk* and (ireonville, Tenn. This is the b.’st stocked and best manajjed Roa 1 in North Oa- j roiina It is the most expeditious, .safe and pleasant, | an J Jit the saiue time the cheapest route for the West. | Leaves Salisbury on Monday, \Ve»lnesday and Fri- : day: leaves Asheville on Tuesday, Thui^.lay and Satur- [ day;—ranning in close connection with the Nortli j (,'arolina Kail Hoad, North and South. i .S. JJIIOWN, Contractor. ^ .lune 1;"), 1>')7. lb- S. M. THOMAS. DEALKR IN K.\NCV STAIM.K DRV (JOOlK li HA DY-M A DK V LOT H1NG, HATS, CAPS, BONNETS, ROOTS AND SHOES. MKIMi Al. IU)()kS. FHIS SHEETINGS, COTTON YARNS, KERSEYS. iJLANKETS, \o., &c. I’orner Market and flillespieSt.. Fayetteville, N.’. Dec. 17, 18.')5. G‘2-tf Worth & Utley, Forwarding and (ioneral C^miinission MERCHANTS, Fayettetille^ .V. f v.vn E K T.IRERS. si.f'•(.'n'lHT' otror their services to the public to I ‘'urnirh (' rtiii.-. Hear-e, and every other reijuisite ^ f..r Fuiii.ral'. Tl'.ey h.'ive a considerable' supply ot j (’ready ni t le. and an abund int supply of Ma il-i>rnny, Ula>'k Wfiltiut and Gum and I’oplar materials , for mak!ntc any ;!z;‘ at a short notice. (,>rders ’.eft ut ' i!u' I'ool .''pring Mios will be promptly uuen'led to. HEARSKY S JOHNSON 1-tyetteville. .lune 'JV, IS.'iT. ‘Jotf I'uken I p and ('ummitted to the Jail of C'u/nherland ('bounty, IUNE 24, a Negro Roy who says bis name is JOHN, and says he belongs to John Rranson of South Carolina, .''aid R,iy j.s nf dark complexion, abf'ut 19 i years of age, tive feet six or seven inches high, and will weigh 12’> or 1 lbs. Tiie owner of said Negro is requested to come forward, prove pri'perty, pay charges, and take him away, or he will be dealt with a« the law direct'^. W.M. R. BOLTON. Jailor. June 18.37. 20-tf Srandard copy till forbid and send bill to this office. ' ADMIMS PRA rORS SWA'.. I WILL sol! at public sale, on Tuesday the 7th .(uly, nt the l{esi(lcnct* of the late W. F. .Moore, all of ' the Household and Kitchen Furniture. .\lso. 1 fine j Carriage, 1 Br.rcuche, 1 Huggy, and 1 Wag'Ui. Will : also hire out for the balance of the year ‘J Negro .Men i and 1 Roy. and Rent out the House E. F. .Mt)ORlv, Admini.strator. June 1"). It’i-ts riRIMvN riXI'fAXES. VGOOD lot for sale, bv J. A T. WADDILL. V'so a prime uew two-horse Wagon, with iron axies Feb’y 4, lh')7. 7ftf PKRTVU.V (il’AXO, for sn\o hv T. HAIfiH i .SONS.' (•ct. 21.’, isr/;. (72tf) W. V. ELIJOT r, COMMISSION MERCHANT, JOS. t'TLET. ^Vo th(‘ Public. I -ent ?: WW. Jo.ne 24 iibsi’riber has on hand a g.md tissortment of Kooi^, and (laiior^. •ii'.' i:. F.irnishiiig Guo Is. Hat* of all kinds, k'.i iL-'i. and Travelling Rags .\11 of which ;i !i’W fi'T CH»h. in order t.> close out his pre- ; I’er'ous in waLt of (^m. .is in his Hue will ^ive him a cali. L. 1>R-\NUT, (.liilc.-^pie St., 1 {'pohite P. P Johnson. l'.*-2m T »Veir Itooks, jlflE Life f ii :riotti‘ Br’iite, .Vurhor of Ja.“.e Lyre. .\.c ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh .d f.r the .S-.-i.i’i, t'V the Auth'.T of Sa!a 1 !• r thi- .'■v lilarj,; Indiireiioa'; Rh. 'js of the ivirth, by .N 'tt \ '.iiil i. ii; Tile iiee t'hir:. .\isn, fur ther of Miiiedu;. :.!; 'I’lie I’riiice of the H"if''e ■t l>'i\.i; \!r>. iii'ov/'i NoVfls; The Psalmody, riHriK"' F;im.l;, Pniycrs. I'bnstiiu .Nliriitrv.; ('ruden s ' i[;' ’rdHiii I> Ni w .Vnthmetic: Pur:ev'; 'orii- mon Sell Mil llist..ry; L. j. HALE i SON. June 2 1. I*)')?. BANK OF ('l..\REM)ON at Fayelteville, JuiK* ‘Jf), .Annual Meeting -f the Stockholders in this £ Bank wiii tie held at their Banking House on | M mday the loth of July, at 11 u’clo. k .\ M JN>. W. .''ANDFt )RD, 'a‘h’r June 2:' l'-t13J GVA\ AI.DKRMAX, inspector of •Yaval SlorPH, WlLMINGTuN, N. C , pfitri'titige. Prompt attention and 'juick THE CEIJ'^BR VTKI> 110I.1..\M) HKMliljY FOB DTSPEPSIA, DISEVSE OF Tim KIUXKT8, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKXE.SS OF ANY KIXl), FEVER AND AGUE, .^nd ihe VMrious >itfHCiions t. :ip»n h d;S4irdP'eU ^ro.MACH oa LIVEK, Such H' Inrtieestioti. \ulitv of the HKuimih. Colicky l'»ini ife^rtburn, l.»*ss of I ie«ponil‘iir ,■ ('•I'.iivfre-.s lilinflitnii BlpCilinK rilp-" In .'«ll N'pfi .ii>, IllieiimMtu'. ir.il Ni iirili: c .Ml'i c lions, il hn In niiim r.iii.; in liiucs [r. vp.! hicli'V I 'ni fici'il. nnil in oitu TH »*iJertPit .t •n'ciilcil cur ’ Till'* 1« H (iiirf;v I >iiit">uiul. rcil.in Ir.i t:y scien lifli principle', nlliT tl,p in inr.or of lh« c* ;r!ir:r,.-il Ih-ll n ! I’r.. fe"'-r, H..*rhMv,>. H»’chiis. i,f il, eri-n 'Ui're« in iiio..t ..f ih** Kun p*-nn It- iii'.r.j lu> lion iia.) Itif I iiitPi! w m ;encil m-irp e-iipri-^rv r.ir ih of our Initier in.1 scMf.rri-1 liPr.- anil '.herp ihp I'o p ol' this innl.u i'iiintr> .Mtf; ne « th gren. vupfp'i- Hnionc 1 no-v urlVr it t • t>u“ .\iiiprn m . kno« ini: ihm ii-. iru y n.mdprl'i. iiioi'Mr:;if, niu«l he ic Know leii"i*i1. It p:irt'rulsrly rre.inmir idtil to i.i rs.m-- tions ina\ h^ve hp -'i iinn ..rt-tl l»y the c iiuoiuon. inn ,,f nnlmi sjiir.tv. or ' iher I'l'iiMs 111 ili" i> ,t .in. -iii,r-' , in''"’t' ('■ni« .i fir-ct. it fiiiili it' VVHV ilrctyt" the -Pit o'" tile. I' i .llirr '.i-.'l yuii kenire f\t r) nprvp. ri.',ni’ i.' th- lir.-n.in" 'jurit, Hnd n f'tc'.. Inlil'iHL' in n tiP th i".| \ ;;. r n 1*’P -v-t.Mii. .N' >'rii t‘.— \V hiM'V. r t .K'l'i- t*i tinil thhe\«'r u o | dis uppoinipil; hut to th*’ k. wp ik hh.1 '■ « -ii r:'.; .1. it w . . pri.v.-:i gmtt'ful HioiuHlic I'oril :ii p is'f'-i i! HI -iii"U' ,r rpint ilul prn;M'rlii's ( \ r I f > \ : 'I’hp ;rp:it p'pn'- rit\ oft'v^ .' 'i:;htf'il \rmi ; h'K imliicpil iii oiN oi.itatioii-^ v\ hirh Ihf pw'iin' 'li -^i d ii'i:»r l u*.in'i pun h-i'.if.c Up ni t (M'r i; kIp.I to tjiiv inth ni p'^p m til yi'ii M.vpl'i'p- i: irr Moll nil I’Mlt-r- 1 I ;r tr..i: 'liie ln.f.lr « ii i .in incp \i.ii hiiw in.*in tel> Mippr .ir it i^ to ill thpsp innt iiiop' i.-^.Si’lcI HI ■?! Oo [>fr I'.ittlp or h'lti'ps t'.-r S.’> oo I. fi ) 1. K I‘ K I > I* 1! I K Tt) R S . UC.'VJ WII^ P ,1K. A VO. M \ S' I \ K ( T I R I S li PlIARMArEUTlSTS ANU CHKMIST.n We call I ho a I tout ion of W’llOlJ',- SALi: DKAI.ER.S flo our present .Stock,—and we have recently re ceived— SOU bags Kio, Laguira, Mnricaibo anil Java Coffee, 2v> hn Is 6ugar, assorted grades, 7‘) bblfi do. Refined, (’rushed ami Pow ierej, !.'> boxes .''perm, .Vdaniantine and Tallt w (''andle.*!, *''i do Fancy and assorted Candies, j loo coils Kentucky, Jute and \lanilla R 'pe, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee aud Burlaps, ;-f(i tons Hoop Iron, 12> boxes 'heese, ;20 half-bbl.s Super Carb Soda, ! 40,000 Cigars, varimis brands, j I — ALSO— \ Pcpi'cr, Spice, (’linger. Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, . ! Mai.ider, In iigu, .''vanish Brown, ISrimstone, Fancy and Bar .^oaps. .Star.-h, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, White Li'h 1, Putr; :ind Liiisecd Oil, Window Glass, Snutl'in t Boses, E.igle .Nlills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black ; Tf:is, Hollow Ware, .'wedes Iron, English, German, and (’list Steel; Piow,^. .'^traw ('utters, (’orn .''hellcri, ' j Saus'ige Cutlers aud Stutfers, Trace Chains, .Sole L';*thcr, \c,, &c. 1 iic ab've Goods we otler ou the most favorable teriu-i t ' TTompt time or cash purchasers. I), c'c W. McLAURlN. Nov. 0. r)4tf •n l>iseas'..j of Children: •• Woman and her Diseases: “ (’hildbed Fevers: “ •• Obstetrics; I>unglisnn’s Human Physiology: Medical Itictioiiary; Practice of Medicine; .Materia .Medica and Therapeutics, Pereira’s do. do. Churchill on ('hildren, by Keating; . “ Diseases of Women, by Condie; •• “ Midwifery do. (’hitty’s Medical Jurisprudence; ' Taylor’s do. do ’oy llartshorne; *• on Poisons; l)ewees on Children; , “ Fctrin’es. ; .Miller’s Surgery, by Sargent; ■ Noill on the .\rtcries, Nerves, and Lvmphatics: RegnaulS’s Elements of Chemistry; ; I'. S. L'ispensatory, by Wood and liache; Watson’s Practice; Bartlett’s Treatise on Fever; W'illiums and Clymer on the Respiratory Organs: Eberle s Therapeutics; Ellis's Medical Formulary, by Thoiras; Solly on the Human lirain; Burrows on thf Cvrf-bral Circulation- I (Jerhard on the ('best; j ■ Fowne’s (,'hemistry for Students; ' I Murphy’s Review of Chemistry for Stii ieats; ■ ^\i;son’3 Human .Viiatoiuy. by Goddard; I Bartlett on ttie (,’ertainty of Medicine; j .McClellan’s .^urgery; j H»pe on the Heart; Kirke’a and Paget’s Physiology; I .Anatomical .Atlas, by Henry li. Sinlth; j Weber's Plates of the Muscles of t!io Human Body; I (Junn’.> Domestic Medicine; ,, , , ..I ,iT - i Children, fbeir Diseases and .Man.ageraent, bv Dr. Shew; I.OmrUlSMOn Merchant, .No. 4*2 North Water M., ■ Hemth, Disease and lleme.ly, by Dr. M :e; WTL.MIXOTON, X. ('. Simon’s Family Medicine; ’ I Domestic .Medicine, Surgery, ,Vc., “ “ anii Household Sm ,-.‘ry, by Thom son and Sni'th; The Preservation of Health, by Dr. » irren; Theory and Practice of Hvdropathv, by H. Francke. K J.'ha'lE & SON of Further Suppliffi of Books. (■^HE Humorous Poetry of the English Language; Homo and the W’orld, by Mrs. Rivfs of Va.; Poetical Works and ‘ Rejected .Vddresses Horace and James Smith; Beaumarchais and hia Times: ('ontidoutial Correspondence of Napoleon and Jo sephine; The Laily'.s Almanac for 18.')7; Dr Kane’b .\rctic Explorations; .Memoir of Susan .\llibone; Knight’s Pictorial Half-Hours; Ready Reckoners; The .Mystic Circle; Bullion’s Pr%'tical I.essons in Englisl^Grammft^. Just received E J. H.\LE & SON. Jan’v 2, I.So7. FAVKTTEVILLE, Lutterloh d Co.’: N. C. ; Steamboat Line Aij,nt fur Will attend promptly to all business entrusted to his care. Oct. 21, 18.')C.. r.o tf JOHN 1>. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON. N. C. Will jrive particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, kc. Feb’y 2;'.. IKi'r. 8',-tf W. H. TURLINaTON, WILL give his prompt pers'jnal attention to the sale or shipment of all Coasijjnments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8, iK'jt). tf • JAMKS C. SMITH. MILKS CWSTIN JAS. O. SMITH & Co., Factors, ('omrnission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. ■No '1 KOUTH WATKR STREET, L'P STAIR.S WILMINGTON, N. C. f.O- V iKR.^ON; NO FICK. indebtf i to Jhs. (' McEachin, iis Guar- ■•hp l*iTTsBUR;n, Pa. Samuel .7 Hinsdale sole agent for June 11, li''C>7 Fayetteville. )•- ^"LD'IT despatch w care. ■J 'i, 1S.')7. be given ti' business entrusted to his 10-l2mpd I'Viiiu iioiirn inPTiKBr Summer come at last: 1''»L'LL> very Ifsiiei.tfu'i ly sugiiest to my friends and customer', to c.i'l and cxiiiniTic my unprece- i“iit>‘1, Luge, Fine, und Cheap .'^tock of Sniinii‘r C’lothin^ .ontlciiK n's l-'m’nishiiir (loods, liools vV s, Hats C aps. 'i'runks, Carpet liairs. \ alisc.", (i:c. I shn:' most assuredly use all honorable means to cive ..jittisfjiction, uti l give them a Suit of ('lothes for #'# Mf O M. Mj.t it S aii i upwards, th:it will not be ’■.eat anywhere in the State. GEt)R(jE BR.VNDT, Hay .St., (►liposite (». W. Williiims & (?o. Fnvetteville, May 11. Ci-2m FOR SALK. fBlHE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT n Gillespie 1. Street, at present occupied by Doctor .McSwain. Perfect title can be made. Apply to THO. J. CURTL'. ALSO t(JOnl) F.VMILV CARR1.V(«E in good repair and nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALS(» - 3 good MILCH COW.' with voting calves, .\pply to I. J crKTis. April 20, 18:-.7. 3tf M a'I”I’im:ssi:s! .m \ i’rRcssi:>:! f ■ II!E subsi ribt'T cotitiiiues to manufacture at his JL old stand, near the M E (’hiirch, Shurk an(f tot ton »fiattrfssfs^ of a superior ((Ualirj-, and of every size and shape re quired. Thankful for pa^t encour (gement. he hopes hereby respectfully informed, that said guardian Iihs in a great majority of instances emlurs^d and trans ferred their notes to the undersigned. .Also, that our urgent necessities, apart from the reijuirements of the eniiorscr, comjiel us colUci a» uperdily an pOfsifjU. All thus indebted will therefore oblige us, and themselves too, by paying up immediately. We must and will sue where the money is not forthcoming. A D. MORRISON. J. M. MORRISON. N. A. MORRISt-N. Laurinburgh, N. ('., March 2, 1857. 87tf I)Ki:i> RIVHR COAI.. nITUMIN«)US (JO.AL of the best quality can be had at tiic works at Egypt, at a reasonable pricc by the Ton. W.M. McCLANE, j Mining Engineer. May 21, ! ti-tf LAND rOR SAI.L. ' i ■ fl .\(.'RES OF LANl) lying on ujiper M- B "f"" I>ittle River, in Harnett County, w'ell j timbered jind well, located for the Turpentine business I It will to.* sold on nccoramodatinp terms. .Vpplj soon , ■jtiscriber at Favetteville ' W.M 22. 1 to the McL .■'pj McK \V 41-tf Thankful fi merit a continuance. .\pril 20, 18-')7. H. L( t(’K.\M.\N. '•oo-;im I,.\|{()I K WA.N'I'KI). I F. ar*- (i:\yintr Fifteen Dollars and Board per month with payments monthly) for hands on the Hail Road, or 7.'> i:ent>i per duy,—monthly hands ! preferred. .Vpply to Mr. (' irroll, on the work 18 | iniles West of Fayettevil'c. or t.i T. WADDILL. June 10 JSfii*ffains/ Hat*gains:: I AM now selling off my entire stock of (Joods AT , C>sr. The sto-'k is large .and well selected, con- ; sistingin part of .Muslins. Tissues, Barages, Brilliantts, Robes, Black and Colored Silks, assorted Together witli a general assortment of Dress Trimmings. Ilib- | ■ "113. (iloves, and Hosiery, assorted. | •A 1.'- -for Gentlemen—Cb>fhs. (Jassimeres, DeTa’s, and , Linens, n*;sorted, with a general Stock of | ileatlff-‘tJi(tfle i'lotiiittg. And Hats, Bonnets, Boots, Shoes, tc. &c. j Tho most of the above name'l Goods are new and I Will ail sold positively at cost for Cash, in order to i clone the l asinttss of J. J. .MO(>RE, j .Surviving Partner. i June •», ];{tf ! I)A\li) McDl Fl-Ii:, iSrirkmtison and I^lasterer., Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, April 27. ]H.")7, o-lV-pd ALILXANDKR Mcl\ LR, .f TTO «.v#; 1* .IT ('ARTHAGE, MOORE CO.. N C. Will prarfire in Moore ‘im/ ii/ ^’ounlif .^. June 8. 1 l-f,w .]. WILIJAM P\(;K, \L !>., p iTTs BO noflti ii. .W f. R. P.\(iE tii.iy I)P found nt his otli. e when not professionally engaged. •May b, ]s,'i7. O' IICCLKS'S UAS been newly repaired, have it ground. March ■Stf .MII.L Send your ('orn nntl M. .McKINNON. 'M- *10 .itjsr i{i',ci;ivi:i). (QUARTER BOXES RAISINS. 20 Half 20 Boxes Soda liiscuit 20 “ Cheese. For sale by C E. Dec’r 1.'). LEETE. (i5tf LITK L\SCRV\(M’:. ^BIIIL I tider'i ;:n‘I has been .ippointed .Virent of ■- the North •’jirclin.i Mutu.il Life In-iiirance (’oiii- ' pany. Every member fur life piirtfc'pates in the pro fits of the Coinp.iny; and the annual priMiiium for j lile nicnibcrship, wiiere it amounts to 10 or more. ! may be ]>aid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note at 12 nionths. Debtors' lives may be insured by creditor.s. A man m.ay injure his own life for tlie exclusive bv^nefit of his f;imi:y I'lie lives of sl.ives may be insured. Tlii.s sy.siem is rapi.lly giowing into favor, alt over the civii:zed world it is one by which a family, tor a small .'^um annuaily, may be (trovided for, alter the death of its head, on whose exertions they may have . Vieen dependent tor a sujifiort. It is a good investmenj I of money, even if one shotj’d live long after taking I out a Life Policy. Explanatory piimplilets, aud the I necessary Blanks, furnished on Hpplication. ' E. J. HALE. . Fii^e Insurance* 1 f BIHE ..KT.N.X Insurance (Vimpiiny of Hartford, have > ' M- itig jiaid the t:i.\ imjtosed by the Revenue Law ■ of the l.aie Leiislaturc, will con'.inue its .Ageiu'y in ! F;iyeiii‘vi'.’f. under the man:i'.rement of the under.'i'.^u- { ed, who is [ repared to >.-ue Policies of Insurance on | l’mildin"s ir (ioo ls, either in tlii:5 Town or in any I (art of the .'^taie, >ii pr .>per app’ication, description' ■if liie I’rojier y, •ic. The ETs.A >'0\Ii’.VNV has been in operation about ;^0 years. Us'.•.ipitjil is The Hon. i'iios- K. ilr ice was its lir.sl President, and he Jtill h >ld.s lhal otlice; and .-everai of its tiist Directors are siili ac.ive and etlicienl nietnbrrs of the Board. It has it all lime, sustained the hijihcst ciiaracier lor the prudence of its mana'remc'iit, and for the lib>Tality wiih which il has ever adjusted its losses. K. J. H.VLE, .\geui J C. POK. DEALER IN .STAPLi: .V KANCV DRV GOODS,; IIAT.S, CAPS, BOOTS, .SHOKS, j AND READV-MADE CLOTHING. f Particular attention paid to Ladiee' Dress Goods and j Trimmings. j //«y Street, Fayetteville, A' C. May 2«, 1855. 4-tf : JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. | V, ti n nissio \ ! AND FORWARDLNC; MLRCMAN I', j n*itminston, .V. €. | StSiT' Prompt personal attention given to all Consign | ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship j ped to other ports or sold in this market. ! Feb. 12. 1865. tJ7 J. S. HANKS, €'oiiiiiii!«Mioii .Hercliaiit, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1850. »>G-tf r. c. & H. (t. woktTi; Coiuuiission tk: Forwarding Morcliants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, i\. V. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. t33-tf THO. d. PULLER. • ittornrt/ and i'onnseHor at E>air. FFICE at Eirfcles's Bridge, recently occupied by .lames Banks, Esij., ton’v 1. 1857. Fayetteville, N. C. 70tf .lOSFlMI liAia^R, Jr., TTO K .\ K V AT I. A U , ,\S idken an oflice next door to Win. B. Wright’s Law oflice on Green Street. He will attend and pr.aciice in the (,'ounty and Superior (Courts of Cumber laud, Bladen, Itobeson and Sampson. March 2;^, 18.53. 79-tf ST.V.VDAUI) I,lTi;i{.\'I LUi:. I1HE Waverly Novels ‘27 v cloth and half call. Cooper’s Novels; Irving’s Works, 10 vols; Prescott’s (’omiuest or Peru find Meiico; ’• Lives of Fei i ii'i'id and laabulla; “ Life of Phil'p the 2d; Benton’s oO years in li.. L' .S. ;s,Qi^te '2 vola; The Statesman’s .Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia .Aruericana. 14 volg: Lossing’s Pictoria i"ri I Book ot lue Revoluiir>ii Webster's Works, C vo;.s; Colton’s Life and Time.s of Henry Clay; Meiooii of S. S I’rentiss of Miss; Pictorial Lite of .\ndrew Jacksoii; Mo’no'r of Wm. Wii'. by Kennedv; Life of Wise aud \ irginla Politics in ls.>0; Garland’s Lile of John Randolph; li tiii'cr'icy in .America, by De Tocquevillc; .\bbott's Lite of NapoUon. 2 vol# Abbott’.s Histories: U iri'.i Life of Putrick Hei ry; l.ife i.if Will. PiticKiiey of .Md.; Biiyard Taylor's Iii.liii, (’hina and Japsn; ('om. Terry’s Japat’ Expedition; L'eber on ('ivii Liberty and Self (iovernment; The Pii\.s'.e;il (leogriipiiy of the Sea, by Lietit .Maury Liberty .'ll.ive: \. by Bleds.«e of Virginia; .*011 theyi'( iji111 jo Placf Bock; Life .\ud Corn- . ot .•'..uthey; The Spectator; W ilson's Taivs of the Borders; The Scottish Gael, or Mauner.s, .Vntii{uitios. Customs ot Scotland; j The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; [ Lockhart's Life of Walter Scott: Chambers’s Life jind Works of Robert Burns, ’ Hamilton's Discussions in Philosopny and Literature; Life and Correspondence of Lord JeilVey; The (Queens of Scotland, bj- .Agnes >trickland; Chnmbers' .Miscellanies; Proctor’s History of the Crusades, illustrated; Woodfall's Junius; Hnnnah More's Works; Plutarch's Lives; Ibiswell's Lire of Dr. Johnson; Novels and Tales by .Maria Edgeworth; .Addition, Burke and Johnson’s Works; Millmuu’s Gibbon's Ro i.e: llalliim s Works; Cosmos, liy Humbolt; Men and omen ot the iSt Century by Houssave; The Guide to Social H ippiness. by \lrs'. Ellis; Family .Monitor hy the same Author; Hume and Macau'ay's Historioa d'Enghind; The Modern British Essayists. 7 vols; Shakspeare, Byr n, Moore, .“'cutt. Hemans and other Poets in various styles o! binding; The Boston Edition of the British Poets, \c , iXC. ■• riic 01(1 North State in 1770,” by Carutliei^,—fir.=t .•'erie^. further supply just re ceive'. Al-io, the 2d Series of the same work. E J HALE & .SON NLW HOOKS. ^ H HARRIET LEE’."^ C.tnterbury Tales; Love after 5 Jl Marriage, by Mrs Hentz. \lso, a new supply of Standard MEi)IC.AL WORKS; The Pf sbyterian Psalmodist, round and character Notes E J. HALE .% SON. DWKI.LING FOR SALK. ^■''HE Subscriber wishes to sell the laige Dwelling Jl and Lot on tiie corner ot Gillespie and Hu8s«ll Street..,, at present occupied by .Mr. Henry Erambfrt. Terms reasotiable. E J. H.VLK FIMi rUl’lR SCPiM.V OF liiJOKS. 4'JiiE American .Mmanac for 1^.57; 3 K iiie’s .\rctic Expl>;r.iti >n; Draper’s Physiology: riie Private ('orrespondence of Daniel Wetister; The .\nuTican .sportsman, by Lewi.^, illustratud; \ New i^i'e o*’Suintuerliel 1, by Willet; (.'outit H;igo. the .\liser, Slc., by the same author, The Torch Light; Tuck’s .'^elections for Safibath Reading Brown’s Bible Dictionary; The .American Debater: Cphatn’s Mental l*hil- os.jphy; Alexander’s Moral Science; 4rc. K. J HALE SON M:\V lK)OKS Cotn i’errv’s Japan Expedition, illuatratej. (Jollier .V .'lewett’s Edition of the (Original Teit of .'^hakspeare's Plays Restored. Faruiinkrdale; Th'> Lion of Flan b-rs, or liie Battle of the (Jolden Spurs: The (.'urse of the Village, ic.; Kitlo’s D.siiy Bi'o c llhisirations; Kitto’s Pofiular Cy clopedia of Biblical Literature; Barnes’ Notes on the Books of Job and Reveialions; Half Hours with the iipst Authors,—^Unight’s Lond.in Edition. 2 vols.; Half Hours with the best Poets. ilevoluiioua iu llui ipe, down to 1841'. Weijriter -i Uiivjisity Hud Family Pronouncinjj Dic’y Juwiiiie and .School Books, .Stationary. Aq Jnst rec'd by t. J. H.ALE SON. ,'Vov i 7 Oct. 21b E. J. HALF. & SON. 31 HANDSOME RESIDENCE FOR SALK. NoricF. ^I'^Hh, undersigned huvlng executed a power of At- ^ tirney to E. I. .M iijn-, i,e is thereby authorized to make all settlemeutM lor nn- and in my name, and generally to trans'ict .all busine., hs 1 might or could do were ! personally present. j j M0015E. Fayetteville, June ‘i. 1857. i^tf NOrJCF. ’’HE subscriber having, ut June Term 18.57, of the (.’ourt of I’lefis and (Quarter Sessions for tht> •.bounty of (Jumberland, (jualified as Administrator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims agiiiiisi the said Estate to present the Slime j.roperly .luthenlicated within the time pre- scrib“'l by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded iu b.ir cif thfir recovery. Debtors >1 tlie said Estate will please make payment j arrived—or ought to have ere this^ Please call, immediate'y. E. F. MoORE. | THO. J. JOHNSON. June 3, lb57. IStf | Jui;e 13, 1867. 16-6w R(Kiollertions of’a I.ife Time, or Men :ind Things 1 have seen, by .S. G. Gooiirich, Author of Peter Parley’s Tales; Paul P'ane, bv* N. P. Willis; Let ters of Lady Montagu. Edited by .Mrs. S. J. Hale; I r|lHE subscriber, -lesirous of changing his business n„n,ors of Falconbrid«e, illustrated; The .Vdven- j M as well as his location, oflers his handsome and turcs of Gerard the Lion Hunter, commodious Re.sidence for sale. To those acquainted further supplies of the Li in of Flanders; The T with this place it is not necessary fo particularize,— he would much prefer to ^ell the place to some gentle- i man non-resident, that the Town may hive the benefit j of an increase of poj)ulatiou and wealth The Dwell- j ing and out-houses are in a perfect state of repair. ■ having been thoroughly and neutly fitted up within the last three nionflis To a family of the low coun- | try it would be a very pleasant residence in .''nmmer. | 'I'frms accommodating. TH>. J. JOHNSON. j ATTENTIOW! ; is tailed to the fact, that there are M.ANV who i 0\\ K me, and some of them seem to think it un- necessiiry to pay their Notes or .Accounts: To those and ALi, others I heg Ie:*v.- to say that pay d:iy«has further supplies Curse of the Village; Ernest Liuwood; riie Rival Beauties; The \\ ife's Trials; The Torch Light; Romance of tlie Harem: 'J'be Old \ icarfige; .Mrs Lee Hent/’s Novels, •■)> cts. a vol.. &c. The .Mi.scellaneous Works of Edgar .A. Poe; Irving’s l.ife of Washington; P.an- croft's U. .S.; Hume aud Macaulay’s Histories of Eng land: Scott's Intantry Tactics, A:c. I've. Dec'r 11, 1S5G. ’ E. J. HALE & SON. \V. A. HUSivi:, ATTOiCNEY AT LAW, AND CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY. Fayetteville, X. C., May be foun'^at the Eijuity Office, in the Court House Sept. 22, 1855. 88-tf L()Vt:!{D“KLi)lin)GE, • ittornetf at ijair^ UT'lLL attend the Courts of Johnston and i^amp- son Counties. Smithfield, April 15, 185*5. 0«-tf “I, A W C()PAR rNIfR.^lTlR" WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law ; Cofi.irtnership, and will practice in the Courts I of the following counties of this State; Ch itham. Cum- ! berlaud, Moore, Harnett, .and the Supreme Court. I J. H HAU'iHTON. I JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough. N. C., Jan’y 1, I*^5b. 72tf »r. K. A. RI^ACK. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S, J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 185b. 7ti-tf U()OKBIi\l)l\; ^ OF all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before This will save the repurchase ot new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will he made upon lurpe orders: Pack them and senl them with jtarticular directions to this fstabli.sl)ment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. 1 have the best stock of materials; and workman- anv either at the North or IV//0 WOllJ) IIA VE TllOUCin IT? ,4 /)► '' t',irri'fj' /'s' lfilisfnm nt on /hf Mih'tu ti, •Ur U- ftl-ili st i'/lltrilt, frmitin'i "H Mum for'} Strfft. I'N'I'KRIMUSi:: :« lo "1 ■! respect!ully intorm then I'iiblic. th.'if tJiey have enterc I toe ]oir)io?e of c'iiducting 'In lir."'INKS. in :il- if' vanoti luli\ an .atioii ■ \ r i’fs ri^Ill'. .''iitiscri!iei> J fi'icnd? and th ii»to copartnership fn general (’ARKl.ACl- part^. Aiitl tieiiiji Uoth practi.- ii Anrhi derstatidiiiji then nuyin.vj:-. rht-v h:iv... r. compaie work \vuh any e-iabii.shment as to style and iur.ibiliiy. One of the hnn may be kno»Mi iiy iv, H. Whitfield's iron worn for the last ; vs, ^ , .rs. We warrant all work to give general ':it;sla.;tloi for twelve months Repairing ^I'lne ;u the nea est m inner low I'orcas 1 lEK j: BK.WIN, James H. Pier Ja.mks Bha.m.v Fnyetteville, l.in'y ’21, D. \V. C. D. D. S., of tli‘ ISaitiiuurc College* ot li E .\ 1 \l SI K G E K V . FFD’E hours from ‘.i .A. M. to 1 P. M. “ P. M. to 5 P. M. DR. BENBOW may >>e found at his suite of Rooms near the .Market, where ail who ire in need of the services of a Dentist are respecfully invited to ! call All operations performed upon the latest and j most approved plans. To those in need ot i Ttfth, he Mouid simply say that he is behind in no and i iniprovcineiit. He inserts from one to an entire set j upon fine (iold or Platina plate, which he guarantees 1 to be equally as serviceatile as the natural orgaiis. He spend.' nine monihs of each year in this piace, ’’(from 1st of October to the 1st of July.) *ct. JO, 1850. 49 tf L I VV SIHE Subscribers have on liand, and will j romptly * fill orders tor North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Iredell’s Digest and Digested .Manual. Jones's Digest, Revised Statutes of North ( arolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. STOliV, on Sales, P.ills, Contract.', 1 aitnersdip, Agency, Equity Jurisprudence, Equity Pleadings. ARi’IIUuLD, on Practice, Criminal i’ractice and PIeadiii;r, Laii iiord and I’eiiant. CHIT I V, on (Contracts, Criminal Law, Blackstone, Medical .1 urisjirudence. .■sCtiDEN, on Vendors and Property. PO 'VELL, on Mortgages, and Contracts. .■-Mini, on .\ctions at Law, .Master and Servant, La idlord and Tenant, Chancery Practice. VNDEI!.'^. on Pleading and Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Kcportg. Rt. '^.'Ei.L. on .Arbitration, Factors. Crimes. H > > F K .1 .\ .N S I.eg.il r^t udy, ami .blasters iu Chanccry. WILLI \\1S on i’ersonal Property. WIlEVl’O.N'^ .Sel w \ n’s N isi Prius. W I Vill’oN', oti ^.American Law ol Houiicide, Mtdi- r;i’ .1 uri'f nideiK e. .■state i rials iii the L nited iMates, \m.Tic.ill Criminal Liw. Law Dictionary. scplieii II. i’.e:iii. Ilf; liopcr on J-f^i.icits. Dart on V mi I irs Feriiiie oil ISeiiiainders. Edwaidson Bail- ■ n.'tits ‘ oki- upon Li tt let oii.( i! argra V e and liutlei’s^ new edition. Kent’s ''oiiini*-ntanes. (.nitis'e Unto. D irt’s Vetidors .ino I'ui tia.-et s oi I'.eal l'..-taie. Ad ams' E jiiity. I’roubat's Law ol Litiiiteo I’artnvrsniji. Hughes' E.juitv Dr:iii;ihtsniai. Pliillips aini .\nioson I'viiieiice. liresley on L;tv\ ot L\ideii(.e. i.o^s on I lls iilid Pvi liil.ss'.'t \ Note.'. Doll ;;i » i\ii law I ( iini;ti!ii 1 iiw 1 m ii ll's hancery ,ice. Uobcoe’h t'i inmiai l.viiieoc* ’^tlici iey on u fc »w of M.image Coii\ t r Ol; I'lu ti.e. .sill, tjieeu- .1 E\ilei,v-e. O ivei ol. ( li \ ej. .i ii(. 1; ^ ' uiii.i’s ^ ,.';iei;ei. iJurriil -i Law Diclioo.ii'. Crui-t on l'ro,.ei t V. l i.vler'.s L^iw t.,o.-sjiry. (’r.it-ib oU ,.eil l’r";ieitv. Ueo^es' D'.ii’ st .c Kelations. liy ies 111 iSili^. iJeii on .'.lie. Lee on irbniation of Filies 'haisw lod's I’roies.-ii in.il Li.iics. liarlon e »uit lu c. ji.itv '’•ill.T t'.ii iiin-'lmti.ii hvi lence • oiuyn's l.iiti'ilor ( ;iti't I'eiiuii' Watsoii on .vrbltralion I'lur ,111 I •i.'iovi-'’. il,pli.iit on ltorse,>i. V\ liitwortli’s tlqu'ty I’ri'iM lent' .Morrison Replevin, tjiesiey's i. jiuty rvnieiie*' Bisln p on .Mairi;ige and Divojce. vl.itli to F(»R S\LF. 4 DAMANTINE and T \LLOU CA.NDLES; fine m m common i’oB VlH’O. and almost anything in r;i Giwcery (Hie (Jheap as the cheapestl G. W. 1. GOLDS rO.N Jan’y 27, 1857. 77- VVIIKA r VV V .N I'KD. fWANT to purch.-ise .3,UtiO I’u.'hels Wheat. J.VS. (J. COOK. June 26, 18”>b. I*i-tf Bislii I'ri 'umpii ve Esnlence Robci :suU on Suc- .•>sioii. i.iiis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law ot 'fipe:'! ty. Pliiiliin.iif on lioiiiicil (.',u> on I'art t-r.'i*ip \Nilsoii III U.S’S. Fell on 'iu.iianites. New- iiid on 'ontiMcls. r tjiiiyn's ’h.incery Evi leiice, fc. i'h^-se or oilier Law Books irdereil wi^l tie r.uj plied ) ilie I’roi'i-s-js.oii 111 any j.art of the.Mate on reason t)le t Tun E. J. ll.VLE hON- CAN rWFLI/S N. C. JUSTlCF Sicoioi s fLecisiid, uJid adaptCfl to tht ^hip will com)>are with New lievisinl Cotle. 'S>uth. >'H1H1S work, invaluable to Magistrates, Officers nnd i .Apply for a list of Bitiding prices before going else- JL all who h.'ive occasion to kno^v the l>aw, an 1 to ! where. The undersigtied respectfully solicits .1 share use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price ; of patronage. TIIOS. H. TILLI.NGHAST, 50. For sale by E. J. H.ALE i SON. 1 Anderson Street. August 1850. • Nov. 6, 1866. ” 64-V 'iO Oct. 27 .MOLARS LS. HHDS. just received and for siie by JAS. ; t'oOK. 51- iiui W iiil r ijiooii.s. J. A' T. FiirUi(‘r «>l* Btook^. rglHE AMERICAN' ( ITIZEN. by Bi'h .p Hopkins: IL Praeil’s Poetical Work.-'; 'li'lelulci'i. 'rom Notes and iueries; Mackey’s Lexicon of Free- •>- ry; Dictionary of Poetical lot itltms: Mi ’■> Iravellers’ tiuido; t.^ue.'itions to J.icobus’ Notes cal Books; School Books, fit:. E. J HALE .‘i May 2, 1857. lilanks tor sale at tliis Otiicf • 'aii If HAV .ifiCEFT. 1!E n«w receiving their Fall aiid*S\intei GO»»DS consisting ol a .urge and well selecteU stock of Hats and Caps, Si(i(ii('rv andi^ea- llier, Heavy arlick-s in I lie Drug line. Read)-made Clo- tiiiiig, and Staple i>ry(ioods. i Stock we are prepared to Job or Retail, etteviile, (»ct. 24, t:itf ^Aeask the Planters and Turpentine men to ex- our iverseys, Negro Blankets, Jlats and frhoes. .'dank W an ants tor sale here. Il roc(‘n-.';. Hardware, L.ullery, lilacksiijilluy 'i’lir- pentiin* r»ol.;, inciiitnral lin- j>letneiil.';, oots and .Shoes, i i