I’.. '■iiti. ‘ m I i H , m Wi ■oiu r S Ol: r ‘ hiu*i j. iVOL. ML] 8EM i-W KBK L. Y r.VYF/r lEVILLK, X. C., JULY [NO. 621.] riUNTi n Mi'Nl'AV.''’ AND TUUIIS1»AYS. ;i! \V •I ! th. r.i)'.VU!ii J. H \[,K & SON, Kp; '‘US IN): I’lCll’Kli: l'(t!{S, I',-: : r.T \ li Sciui-V.'ookly OnstR\i;R }?" no it’paid in ■ I - iiT.. $ n, or $4 iiftLT ihe vfiir has expired. F I I lie Week',; Ouskhvku S’J OU per Hiinuui, it'paid in M v!iii, e; $_ .')() it paid during tiie year of subscrip- ’H: 'r v>' '••• utter the yeur has eipired. M>V!'KT1."’KMKNTS inserted 1'it j^ixty renft' j'*-r D a:iro ;i!' 1'; liues f->r the tir.st, uud thirty oent-. for eadi s i>'. ('(“diiijf puriiicatiun \ eiirly advertirienients by «pe- i-iiil i'"Uir:icts, !it rensoniiKIo rates. Advertiseis are re'iiif.ted to stute the nuuilier of in'^ertion.s desired, or ft., will he .■i.ntiiiue i til! forhid. and charged acrord- 111,;: V. A tverti-senieiit» t* •!lt. “XtV!l. t)e iuBcrted iraiJt', charged r>0 per f/. vn ER T.EKl^R S. I ^ili. ' ■■ their bcrvices to the public to j •iirui'U ' llenrse, and overy other requisite ; ,.i. i.h’.'. have a eou^idorahle supply of; - ri'ii ly iu:i ie. “.’.id ati Mhuud iiit .supply of Ma-• k U .nhiut and (luni and Poplar materiiils ! ... ‘iny siz-* at a sh'trt notioe. Orders left at , • ■ Spriu'.; \lills will be promptly attended to. HEAKStY \ JOHNSON. ' ■ttcville. June ‘J',*, UOtf -K i-.: i-ivre. P R 4> ^ l» K t 'r V s OK THE XORTII OAR()LLV.\ PRESHYTERl.W. j /■’.HL Presbyterian Church in North ('arclina has j I l"Hg labored under a »erious disadviiiitane from j the wunt ot a journal to Hdv;)*ate her claims and rep- reseut her intere.sts. It is estimated that only 1000 if paid durins: the year of subdcrip- j Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the boun is'of our (hree Presbyteries We have K^.OOO (’omniunicants and it is s.ife to infer that there are SO.OiM) I’reabj te- rianh in prir.ciple in ^he State Our Synoil btandd fifth in the I'liion in point of numbers, and her niem- ber'^hip is prwEter than that of any Synod South or West of PennsylvaniH. (.»ur sister Slates on the North ' uiid .'>oiith. neither of which has a membership so . large as ours, publish th>- I’entral, and the Southern I Presbyterian, for the benefit of their j^eople. The ' time has come wjien the Presbyterian ''iiureh in North I ('nrolina should likewis* do her duty to her children. ■ It is a coi'.t:rde 1 and important fact, that hundreds of j our members will take a State paper who will take no other. The Paper is needed to be the organ of oiir I Synod ind Preshyterie.s—to elevatf and enlighten the piety of our meiiibei>hip by diffuinp evangelical ' knowledge t'> {>ri'mote tlie cause of IMucation—to develope the talents of onr Ministry, and to strength- '• en the attachment of our people to the S'lil and sane 1 I tuaries of their own State. | I 11 our (.'hurch in other States, and other Churches | I in this State, ca'> supply their members with a Ke- ! ligious journal, why may not we? .\re North Caro j ’ linn Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to their neighbors on the North or South, i or to Christians of other denominations at home^ ; j With the same or better opportunities of uccomplish- I ing this work, shall we leave it undone? In the Ian- I guage of one of our most able RtiJ useful MiniHters, j ; an adopted son of our State, “It ought to have been i ' undertaken 20 yearn ago, but it is not too late to be- i gin to do right ” ] In the last two or three months, a fuml of about | i !j.')0t)0 has been subscribed as u permanent capital j , At a meeting of the contributors, held nt ftreonsbo- rough on the 14th of May, Rev A. Baker, Chairman, ; the Paper was unanimously located at Fayetteville, i ' under the name and title of the North (’^Kl)Ll^A i 1 pKKsBVTKiti.\N. Rev. Wm. N. Mebane and Rev. f I George MeNeill were elected Kditors: Rev. Messrs. . tieorge McNeill, Wm. N. Mebane, A. Baker, and M. Wiley. and Messrs George .McNeill, Sr., John 11. I Cook an 1 l> iviil .\lurpliy were appointed an l]xecutive ■ Committee, to establish the Paj)er and mrituig*' it- business affairs. It is our wish and design t.i make the Noiivn (.'Lno- . MX.\ PriisbVTFiii.w ajournsl of the tirst class, eijual to the best iii the country in typographio.H! appear- snce and in adaptation to (he wnnts of our Churchrs. Its column8 will afford tiie latest iutelligence, both loreign and domeetic. and .ipecial care will be taken to give a full and accurate summary uf State news. The name of the Paper is designed to be an exponent of its character nud contents. From convictioa. it will adv' cate the conservative, orthodox, )ld School i doctrines and order of the Church. (.(ur first appeal is to our own people—to N C. ! Presbyte!ians. Whilst we rely confiJently upon their fiiv )r. we trust that the native yns of .North Cnrolina who have found homes in other States, and the aJ.ipt- ed citizens of our Stute who form so importatii an elemfnt in our Ministry and membershij>, will take a deep interest in this enterprise and give their hearty support. Tkr.'I ; '."1 per annum in advance, or on delivery ' ft'the ;-r't number; •■j;.’ '>0 in sis months; •'ji3 at the end of the vear. To clubs of -•”) or more, paying in iidvance and when the Paper is sent to one address, a discount ot 10 per cent, will be allowed. Our .Minis- FOR TIIIC Wi^ST! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! g 1 s. BROWN’S Tri-Weekly Line of Four-Horse Post Coaches, from Salisbury to Ashe ville, via Statesville, Newton. Morganton, Miirioii and Pleasant Gardens; connerting at .\KhevilIe with the line of Stages for the Warm Spritigs. Kao-tvilie and Greenville, Tenn. This is the best stocked and best mjinaged Koa i in North Ca rolina. It is the most expeditious, safe and pleasant, and at the same time the cheapest rout«j for the West. Leaves Salisbury on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day; leaves .Asheville on Tuesday, Thursday and S:itur day;—running in close connection with the North CaroliiiH ll:iil Road, Nortii and South. C. S. RRoWN, Contractor. June 1'), IHoT. Itj- ri upKN riNi: AXi:s. V(J( )Ol> lot for gale, bv J. .'c T. WADDILL. .Mso a ]irime new two-horse Wagon, with iron axles Feb’y 4, l .^r)7. 7'Jtf S M THO.^IAS. UEALER IN i- A.NCV & S'FAPLH DiiV (iOOI)'^, RKADY-MADK CL )TH1NG. IIATS, CAPS. BONNKTS, BOOTS AND SHOKS, SHEMTINGS, COTTON Y.VRNS, KERSEYS, BLANKF.T.S, &c. Corner .Market and GillespieSt.. Fayetteville, N.C. Dec. 17, 1855. C2-tf Worth & Utley, rorwurdinjT hikI (ieiicnil Commission MKRCHAN'PS, J. A. WORTH. FatfeUerUle^ .V. f' (72tf) JOS. UTLKT. w. \\ Fjjjorr, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. for Lutttrbjh ct' Vo's StenmLoat Lint Pi:iU VLAN (*Ct. 'I'l, 1S')V). (.11 A .N O, toi' > C. T. H U(iH \ ■ill'* ()V S() w s. 50ti (tnd ('om/nitted to the (h(t/ibf ) land County, Jail I'-ikt n I J) >/ (L NF, lit, a Negro Boy who says his name is JOHN, nnd s;iys he belongs to Mrs. Regan, of Robes n ■ unty. Suid Boy is if dnrk complexion, about I'J • irs "f Uj^e, live feet six or seven inches high, and tt- ’ wiinh IJj ,r :bs. The owner trf sriid Negro .1-ri que-t d t> ci'me l.'i ward, prove property, pay i-h'irges, and t'lke him away, or he will bo dealt with as ?he law directs. WM. R. B(>LTON, Jailor. June’J.', lJ')7. liO-tf ."tan l.'ird i- 'py tiU f' rbid and send bill to this office 1V> the Public. /■IHF. subscriber has on hand a good assortment of L IIooIn, mid liiaiters. i '.uthing. Furnishing Goods, Hat* of all kinds, > ailotfs. and Travelling Big.s- All of which ’"W tiT cash, in or ler to close out his pre- Persour. iu want of Goods in his line will • , t. -.V him a I'a'l. L. BRANDT, '.:,’.lespie St., oppo-iite P. P. Johnson. . . f l'j--m • Vetr Boohs. .if t'hsriotte i’.r.’nte, Autlsor of Jane ; The Tf'tim 'ny ot the Kocks, by Hueh ;-ir tiie Viy the .Author uf Sa’.ad r tin- S liiry; In iigen^at Rnces .>f the Earth, by • .V : 1 i'n. The Bee Keopei’s Chart. Al.-o, fur- 'u p: I'-, 'it Milledu'crM; Tio* Prince of the House i'i> i. \!r-'. Hentz's N^'vei.--; The P.aptist I’s'ilmody, ‘rrr F.imiiy i’r.ivers: Curisti ;n .\linstri i: ('ruden’s II.' r i.-.iii'f A i.iiii-'s N-w Aritiimetic: Parley’s ’om- ‘ti : lli>t ivy: .‘-e L. J. H.ALIi ,v SON. June ^ 1. 1" '>7. ters and Eiders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, B.\NK ih ('L.VKE.NDON at Favetteville, ’ atid all othei s friendly t > the cause will please assis- Juno 'J.'). I''.')?. 'i''Hl' Annu'il Meeting : r the Sti . kli-llers in this I Bank wi:i ' f h..- d uz their House on M iii'iay the l:Uh of Uily, :it 11 ..’ci.; k .\ JNO. W. SANDFoRU, ( Msii r. June -J i. VJ-tiaj (•r.O. ALl)hK\L\N, tnspertor of Sioren, niLMlNGToN, N. C., S:: .11 iTS patrun'ige. Promi t attenti.in an'l .^uick K 't'nt. li wiii br given to busines-entru'ted tn hi.s Ih' The l(*-l'Jmpd in procuring :is many subscribers as tiossible, and foi • war 1 the names, hi/ A l.^f, to this Office. A.-^ SQi^n as 150*' subscribers -ir. ^ bt.'iine 1, the first r.tnn- ber wiii be issue.!. It a faithful and vigorous eifort i.^ made in the next two months by those who ti.i>e ;i lively interest in this work, we will, without doubt. l>e able to begin the publication at the en.i of that time with a paying sunscripti >n list of at least fijsjr'' Ad lress. Editors of the North t’arolina Presby terian, Fayetteville, N Fayetteville, .Nlay ‘JO, l.’^'>7 12- I’OK SAI.K. r|1HE DWELLIN ; HoLSE AND LOT on Gil>side ■ Street, nt [>resent occupie'l by Doctor ^IcSwai^l Perfect tiile can be ma'le Applv to THO. J. CURTIS. : \Vc cull tlif‘ attcnlioii of WllOLlv j SALK DKALKUS our present Stock,—an'l we have recently re- I eoived— I 30o bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, j ‘2l» hhds Sugar, assortci grades, ] 75 bbls do, Refinel, ('rushed and Powdered. \ y.') boxes Sperm, Adatnantine and Tallow Candles, j Ot) do Fancy and assorted Candies, loo colls Kentucky, Jute and Manilla K"pe, ; 7 bales Bagging, (lunny, Dundee and BurlupM. I 3(1 tons Hoop Iron, I 120 bo.tes (.'heese, j 20 half-bbls Super (’arb. Soda, i 40,000 Cigars, various brands, I —ALSO— Pepper. .Spice, «iinger, (.'loves. Nutmegs, Borax, Ma lil.'r, In.lig.', Spanish Brown, P>rim.stone, Fancy an.l Bar .■'oups. .Staich. Pow.ler, Shot, P>ar Lea I, White j Lead, Putty an.l Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in j Boxi's, Eagle Mills lio.. in Half BbN.; Green and Black I Teas, Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, (Jerman, ' and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw (hitters, (. oru Shcllers, ^ Sausage ('utters an'! Stuffers. Trace Chains, Sole ■ I Leather, 4:c., \c. ihe above (Joo is we offer ou the most favorable i I terras to prompt time or cash purchasers. } ‘ i>. X W. .McLAURlN. Nov. C, IS'i'i. ri4tf ! , I TO WHOM IT MAY L’ONl’ERN.—s67‘2. ! i .‘^tewart's Distributees vs Thompson et al. is to give notice to the distributoes of Thomas I I Stewart, .ieceased, wiio was a free in.in of color, I if such there be. who have not assigned their interest ; in s ii.l deccilent's estate, that the undersigned was ap ; I pointed a Commi.-sioner by a decree of tlie Circuit f I t’ourt of Dinwiddie ( ..i;nty, iu the .State of Virginia. ■ ' to receive the above i.r.m of money, which is for iistri- I : bution, and “to advertise in the Raleigh Stand,ird an.l j ■ one other newspaper publislioil in .North Carolina, in ^ I each paper once a week for four weeks succe.^sively. : gi'ing n.itiee to the ab.^ent distriln.tees of Tfi.)m:is Stewart to couie forward an'i prove their rights as such " Now. therefore, if any such .listributee will make proof be''-ire me that he is such distributee, at any time before the next term of the ('ircuit (’onrt for said county, which will lie hoMen on the 18th of Sep fen.ber next, or bet'.re the Court at the said next term, he will thereby entitle iiimself to his distributive sh.vre of sai'l sum. R. K. CoLLIEK, Commissioner. Petersburg, Va., June l*i, 1S.'»7. L^'*^4wpd ' Afjent Will p.tteii'l promptly to all business entrustel to hi.s care. ()ct. 21, IHyt;.. .'jO tf jonx p. SA\1I\S()X, Coiumission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. W’ill give particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. Feb’y 25, IS.'fJ. 85-tf W. H. TURLING-TON, • ’oiiuiiission Meroluint, No. t‘2 Xortli Water St., W'lLMlXOTOX, C. IV 7" ILL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of all Consignments of Novul Stores or other ( 'ouutry I’roduco. Nov. .‘i, Ibof), tf Mi:nicAi. iJooKs. ^•EIG.s on Diseases of Children; I “ •• Woin.ui and her Diseuieii; *• Chilill.ed Fevers; “ •' Obstetrics; Dunglison’s Human Physiology; “ .M»..lic:il Dictionary; Priictice of Medicine; .Materia Medica an.l Therapoutics, i Poveira’s do. do. • 'h’jichill on Children, by Keating; “ Dis.;ases of Women, >.y (’ondie; •• Midwifery do. ! Ciiiit\' Medical Jurisprudence; ' i'aylor’s .lo. ilo. bj Hartshorne; I t.' ! on Poisons; I Dewee.H on Children; “ Females; Miller’s Surgery, by Sargent; Nuill on the Arteries, Nerves, and Lyniphatics; Hegiiault’s Elements of Ch‘'!nistry; U. S. J ispensiitory, by Wi.od sn.l Bache; Watsi.ij's Practice: liartlett’'; Treatir-e on Fever; Williams an.l Clynier on the Bespiratory Organs; Lberle s The^a]Jeuti(;^: Elli'’.'.- .Medii-al Formulary, by Thi^mas; 8dl\’ on liie Human Braii.; Bur-ows on the t’crebrul Circulation; (ieriiar.J on the Chest; Fov.ne's t'liemistry for Students; .Murphy’s Review of 'hemistr> f(.r Stn ieDls; Wi’son's Huiii.-in .Vnatoiny, by Oodd:ir.i; : Bartlett on the ('ertainty of Medicine; I .McClellan's .Surgery; I Hnpo on the Hiarf; i K.ivke’sand Paget’s i’liysiologv; j .Anatomical .\t!as, by Henry H. .^mith; I Weber's Plates of the .\luscles of the Human Body; j Gunn's D. inestic Medicine; I Chi' lren, th« :r l>.s.-«se. ainl \Ianageruenl. hy I'r .'-'liew. Heath. Disease mi.l Iw'iii. I3, l,y Dr. Mi,/i--. ; .Simon - I'.imi y Me.Jicii.e; : Dul;l•■^lic Me.liciiie, Surgery, Ac . ! ■■ ■' f.n.l H .us'diold .Sui t . f.y Thou.- s(jn and .Smith: The Preservation .f Heaitli. by L>r. SS i.i.-n; I Theory aii'l Practice of H v Irnf.athv. i.\ H. Franekf-. K J.'JI.VLH i S(»N M'urther Supplies of Books. ^MIIE liuuiorous Poetry of the English Language; I Home and t.»e World, bj' .Mrs. Rives of Va.; Poetical Works and ‘ Rejected .Addresses" of ilornce and James Smith; Beaumarchais and his Times; Confidential Correspondence of Napoleou and Jo- Bejhine; The Lady’s .Almanac for 1857; Dr. Kaui-’s Arctic E.'cploratiouB; ‘denioir uf Su.san .Allibone; Knight's Pictorial Halt'-Hours; lleadj' Reckoners; The .Mystic (?ircle; Bullioii’s Practical Le.isous iu English Grainmftr. Just received E. J. H.\LE & SON. .Ifin'v 2, IS.'S?. j •• i'ho Old Xortli Stale in 1776,” by ! Carutherx.—first .Series. .A further supply just re- i ceive.i ■Also, the 2d .Series of the same work, j E J. HALE & SON NCW !U)()KS. ■ j "Z 3 AiUUET Ll.E'.S Canterbury Tales; Love after ■ S .\LuT':ige. by .Mrs Hentz. .V'so. a new sui'ply d‘ Standard 'Ir'.DD'' \L Wt'JRK.S; The Pri’sbyteriiin i’sahnolist. round and charsctei N 'tes ' E. J. H ALE .v SON. I)\\ i.LLlXt; I'Oli SALK. THE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling and Lot on the coi-ner of (iillespie and U ussel .Streets, at present occupied by .\ir. Henry Erambert, Terms reasonable F. J. H.\LE JAMES C. 8MUH. MILK.H CwSTIN' JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Factors, ('onimission and f 'orwardintr .MERCHANTS. NO. '2 SOUTH WATER STREKT, UP STAIRS WIL.MLVIJTON, N. C. Oct. -21. 1H50. 50-V .1 c. DKKl* UIVKit (0\I,. fTU^TlNOUS (’O.VL of the best ..(uulitv can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonnlile price by the Ton. W.M. McCL.VNE, Mining Engineer. May 21, 1S50 (i-tf IS' i ‘MF. ' T. i-r-ii'ne.l wi iippointed by the last County J ' . : r T M^e the T.i.\ i.i't t. r the T wn. ,inJ I T . t .!■ so at his .''t. re. the la.-t twenty ; n ; ! iv: Ml Ju v. as pri.vi.le.l bv law. G W 1. GOId'STON. ' ; > ^ i'o7 21 tlA V- . ;| .r- . ly. ' L\.- r w i:i:k \ r cost. 5 'VII.I, ; '.Iitilrlie to sell In li- at New York C' St W iir'iig th>‘ 1 oseiit week, atei .in Monday the l;Uh ■ u ■- 1 will 1 r .cecd t.j sell at .\uctioii the entire .ring of ii birge St.ii-k .-.f ' .K'. Ii ir ioi >, I’is-uf-: atid Org'in- i; ail-w , d lb luinc', .Silk and Wcdil d.i. T ugetlier with a varietv of Staple Gools. J. J MOORE, Surviving Partner, by E F. MOORE. ,\tt'y. July 1>«;7. 22-ts A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WlhMLNrrTON, N. C. July 0.1 *-.7 22tf LAIUU U w axti:i). % E are paying Fifteen Dollars and Board per » * month I witn payments monthly) for hands on ■: e Hail Roa'l. or 75 cents per day,—monthlji- hands on the work T. WADDILL. 15- Al.SO (iooD F.\M1[,Y C.ARRIAGE in pood repair an.l nearly tiew. Will he soid for half its value. — ALSO — S g iod MILCH COWS with voung calves. .Apply to T. J CURTIS. April 20. l«r,7. .^tf M A'l’'FKKSSKS! M A L rKKSSKs!! HE subsc riber continues to manufacture .it his JL .I't «tan.|, near the .M E Church. ,shnrh' am! i'oUon ^IMattresses, Of a suf.erior quality, nnd of every size anI shape re quired. Thankftil for past encouriigement. he hopes to merit a contiiiuance. H. LO(’K.\.\I.AN. -April 20, ls57. f)0()-;jm DAVID .McDl FKIK, BrirkinasoH ami M*lastcre»\ «S prepared to do all kin.Is of work in his line, in- cluJing the j.utting up of Turpentine Stills in this an.l the adjoinitig counties. Fayetteville, .April 27, 1H57. LAXD I’Oli SALK. ■ ■ AtJRE.S OF L.VND lying on upper i ■ Little River, in Harnett County, well tiuibered an.l well locate.! tor the-Turpentine business It will fie sol.l on nccomni.i'iating terms. to the Subscriber at Favettoville W.M McL McK\V Sept 22, i*=.*,C. 41-tf ali:xaxdi:k .JTTO n.VE !• H-l Y-pd .1 T t. .i If, ■T-re.l. Apply to Mr. Carroll, ...ie.s West of Fayetteville, or to June U> itargains: Bargains:: g M now selling off my entire stock of Goods AT ^ A C CiST. The stork is large anil well selected, con- j . 'ting in part of .Muslins. Tissues, Barages, Brilliantes, j b.I’dack and Colored .silks, at-sorfed Together] w t!: :i giMieral assortment of Dress Trimmings. Rib- j .n“. !i^.ves, aii'l Ho'^iery, assorte.l. ' f.irGentlenien—('lofh.s, Cassiineres, DeTn’s, and Li;;-. n.a-^i jrte.i, with a general .Stock of Mtiad»f~* llaile Clothi Hiit;^, Pejnnets, Boots, Shoes, &c. ikc. The m..st -.f the ab-ve named Goo'ls are new and will all be ; :.'J j .sitivelv at cost for Cas/i, in or.ler to close the bu-'.ne--, f ' j j mooRE, .'Surviving Partner, .lune ;J, 1S57. ];>(f CARTHAGE, MOORE CO.. N C. H «7/ jjriirfire in M>ore (ind (liljoiiiinj CuUHtim. June 8. 1 l-*»w J. wtluam pagY, d., ■P i TTS B O KO U€i MM, .V. C. iR. PAGE may be found at Lis office when not professionally engaged. May 0, 1857. D 6tf KCCLKS’S Has been newly rcpaircl. have it ground. .March IJO. Ml LI. Send M. j'our Corn and .McKlNNON. U4- .UJST UKCKIVI^D, (.QUARTER BOXES RAISINS. 20 Half 2t P.oxesSodft Biscuit. 20 “ Cheese For sale by C. E. Dec’r 15. LEETE. H5tf I xotick. MIL undersigned having e.\( puie.l ;i p^wer of .\t- torney to E. F. .Moore, he i» lii.-n.by authorire.l t. m.ikf all settlements for me aii'l in m'y imme, an 1 g. ro r.iiiy t ,- transact ail business as 1 miv;lit or couM J «eie I personally present. J. J. -M't( ij: p,. Fayetteville, .Fune ;j, l.'^57. l .tf .NOLKK. ■■ I ■'H K JU'^scriber h ivitig, at .June Term 18.')7, of the I ’ .ni't of Ple is and Quarter .Sessions for the .'■oii.iy ..f (,'uniberian.l, qualified as .Administrator uj.on the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all p- rson' h.iviiitr claini' ag;tinst the sai'i J'.)slate to {>resent the ^a;ne pr .p. rly ;i.utiieuticate.| within the time pr^ “■oribt d by iaw; ..Therwise this notice will be pleade.,3 lu I) ir of their recovery. Debtii'-s to the iaid Estate will please make payment imrne.li;it‘-:y E. F. .MoORE. June 3, 1857. liitj" HANDSOME RESIDENCE FOR SALE. f^BlIIE subscriber, 'lesirous of changing his business ■- as well as his location, offers his handsome and commodious Resi.fence for sale. To those ac'ju.ainted with this place it is not necessary to particularize,— he would much prefer t.) sell the place to some gentle man non-resi.lent, that the Town may have the benefit of an increase ot popul.ition an 1 we.ilth The Dwell ing and otit-houses are in a perfect state of repair, h.ivin'T been tlioroughly .‘ind neatly fitted tip within the last three months. To a family of the low coun- |‘.v it would be a very pleas:mt residence in Summer. 1 erins accommodating. TID». J. JOHNSON. ATTENTION! is called to the fact, that tiiere are M.ANV who (>VV E me, anil Hinne of them seem to think it un necessary to pay their Notes or .Accounts: To those and ALL others I beg leave to say that pay day has .arrived—or ought to have ere this. Please call. THO. J. JOHNSON. June 13, lSo7. 16-Gw LIFK LVSURWCi:. ^■^HE Un'lersigne.l has been appointe.l Agent of A the North I’arolina Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member I'or life participates in the pro fits ol the Company; an.l the annu.il [tremium t'or life membership, where it amounts to ;0 or m..re. may be jiai.l otte-half in cash, and the other half in 11 note at 12 mouths. Debtors' lives may bo insured by creditor.s. A man may insure b 'i .)wn iiie ;'or the exclusive benefit of his family Ihe lives of slaves may be insured. This sy^t- in is lap’.lly growing into favor, .til over the civilized worM It is one by which a family, lor a sm.all sum atinually, may be jirovi.led for, after the death of its lie.i 1. on whose exertions they m.ay have 1 been depen.ieiit for a support. It is a good investmenj I of money, even if one should live long after taking I out a Life Policy. Explanatory jinmphlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on application. I E. J. HALE. I Fire insurance. ! rj^HE .lET.VA Insurance ('orapatiy 01 Hartford, have I -I ing pai.l the tax imposed by the Revenue Law I of the late Le'.;islature, will continue its .Agency in Fayetteville, under the manageiniiiit of the undei'sign- ed, who is prepared to issue Policies of Insurance on liuildings or fiood.s, either in this Town or in any part of the .State, ou proper application, description of the Proi)erty, ivc. The -ET.N.A (,'OMP.ANY has been iu oper.ition about 3i) years, its capital is v),i>00. The Hon. Thos- K. Brace was its first Presi.lent, ati'l he stiil holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active and eflicieiit members of the Board. It has at all time, sustained the highest chara.'tcr for the joriidence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent kecollcctioiis ot’a l.it’e 'Fiine, or Men and Things I have seen, by .S. G. (Joodrich, .Author ol Peter Pjirle3'’s Tale.s; Paul Fane, by N. P. Willis: Let ters of Lady .\Iontagu. Edited by Mrs. S. J. Hale; The liumorsof Falconbri.ige, illustrated; The Adven tures of Gerard, t!ie Lion Ihmter. .Also, further supplie.s of the Lion of Flanders; The Curse of the Village; Ernest Linwood; The Rivai Beauties; Th! Wife’s Ti'i.als: The Torch Light: Konianci of the Harem; I'he OM Vicarage; Mrs. Lee Hentz'^ Novels, 50 cts. a vol., Hc. The Miscellaneous VV’oriis of Edgar A. Poe; Irving’s Life of Washington; |{ai croft’s U. S.; Mume and .Macaulay’s Histories of Eng land; Scott’s Inianfry Tactics, ^.c. Jic. Deo’r 11, ‘ E. J. H.\LE .'i. SON. DEALER IN sr.Wl.E cV l AXCY DKY (iOOD.s, IIATS, CAI’S, HOOTS, SHOES, AND KEADY-.MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trinnnings. Ilaj/ Street, FayettfiHle, X. May 2f., lH5r). 4-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o II n I I o .\ AND von w A u D1X G .MI: a c i \ \ x v, Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advancesmr.de on Proiluce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1S55. «7 J. S. IJAXKS, Merchant, Wilmington, N. C. Jan’y 1, 1850. €>t>-tf r. V. .V n. G. woirm. C\)minis.'>ioh v.V h'orwurdin^ .Mc'rchants. BROWN S BUILDING. WATER STREET, Usual a.lvances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. »j^-tf THO. C. FULLER, ~ • ittortiry ami t'onttsellot' at Mjatv. OFFICE at Ei#cles’s Br iilge. recently occupied by James Binks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C. j t5n’y 1, 1857. 7(ttf I JOSEPlI HAlvHU, Jk., I ATTOK.\KV AT I. A W , AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s II CAX rsv KIJ/S X. C. JLS riCK. Sicanus Juslicc JicL'istJ, uixl (ufaj>teil lo the \cic Kcvistd Code. / jllHIS work, invaluable to .Magistrates, Officers and jI. all who have occasion to know the Law, and tc use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price 50. For sale by E. J. H.ALE ec SON August IbuO. iilunk WarranLs for saio hen*. Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County ami Superior ('ourts of Cumber lan.l, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. • .March 2.'3, 185:j. 79-tf \v. \rTii siTi^ ATTORNEY AT LAW. A.Nl) CLERK AND MASTER IN EQUITY'. Faykttkville, N. C., Maj' be found at the Ei|«itj' Office, in the (,'ourt House .Sept. 22, 1855. 88-tf LOVBIU) ELURIDGE, mMltortteif at Mjaiv, WILL attend the C’ourts of Johnston son (bounties. Sinithfield, April 15, 185G. “Aw COP Virr sTnisTm'.'^ E, the under.signed, have this .lay forme.) a L-iw Co])artnership, an.l. will pr.ictice in the t'ourts of the following counties of this State: (’h itham, Cum- tjerland, .Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAU.jHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough. N. C., Jan’y 1, 185(!. 72tf and Samp- 90-tf 1)1-. K. A. FFICE Front Rooms, over Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 18'xi. Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s 7t',-tf Bl)OKI{l.\l>IA(; i kF ill kinds, is execute.I in the be.st manner. ^ * Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will »ave the repurchase of new fiooks. Libi aVians connected v»ith colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen rerji'liiig at a distance, will titid it a matter ofeconoins to get theii- books bound here, as a de.luction of prices A ill lie maile upon lar^e ^ iers: Pack tiiein and setol titein witfi particular dire, lions to this establishnient. n.i when finished, they will lie carefully repack' laio. returned without delay. I have the best stock of niateri ils; and workman sliip will compare with any either at the North 01 .South. •Apjdv for a list of Binding prices before going else >vhere. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILLIN(JH.AST, Anderson Street. Nor. o, 1856 54-i' s I'AXDAUD IT I'EUA'n ii:. «^HE Waveriy Novel.s 'J7 > >’? 'U th and half calr Cooper’s Novels; Ir’.-ine’s Works, 15 v.ils; Prescott’s Conquest oJ Per>: 'imI Mexic .; Lives of Fer V- .n I an.l Isabella; Life of Phil' ? • :if» _d; Benton's ;’.0 years in ti.; Senate 2 vols; Tiie Statesman'.^ ManuHl, 4 vois; EncyidopediH .\njericani. 14 vo!,.?; Lo-sing's Pictorial ' i liook of I'ue Kevoiution Webster's Works, *i vol.-,. (’oltoti’s Life an.l Times of Henry Clav; Memoir of.''. S Prentiss of Mis.s; Pictorial Life ot .-Vi.drew Jackson; Mf'i ir of VVm. Wir' oy Kennedy; i.,ife of V.'ijje Virginia P ditics in l'5.' (iarlan l'» Life of .lohn Randolph; Deni .-.-acy in .Vmerica. tiy lie Toc.jueville; .Abi. .it'f Lite 111 Napolwi-n. 2 vo!-.; Abbutl's Hisrorie.i; Wirt’s Life i.f I’.itii.'l Henry; Life of Wm. Pinckney of M.] ; P>;i;ar.l Taylor'^ In l-.i, cl,ina and Japsn; C..!;i Perry's Japan E.xpedition; !,;■’.ler 11 Civ.l Liberty an.l .''elt (iovernment; The I'insic.i! tieugr.aphy ol tiie.'^ea, by Lient Maurv, Lilii rty an i ."Ia\ii v. by Blclsoe ot Virginia; Southey's C.jinrn jr; PI ice Book: Life ,»n 1 C.irre>. .w .''.■ntiiey; The Spectator: Wilson’s Tales of the ii.ir.lcr.^; The Scottish Gael, or Mfinuera. Antiquities, nnd Customs ot .■'cotlan.l: The Scots Worthies, by John Howie: Lockhart's Life of Wii.tt-r .>cott; Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert Burns, Hamilton’s Discussions in Philosopiiy an.l Literature; Lite and Correspon lence of L. r.l Jeitrey; The Queens of .'^cot’an.l, by A;;nes .'Mriekland; ChainDers' Miscellanies; Proctor's History of the Crusa.ies, illustrate.l; Woodfair.s Juniu>; Hannah M .re's Works; Plutan h's Lives; B.jsweli's Life ol Dr Joiins .n; Novels and Tales by .Maria E Igeworrh; billion, Butke and Johnson’s 'Vorks; Millman's Gibbon’s Roine; Hall.im's U'U’ks: ('osni.'-'. t>y lluinbKU; Men an.I Wome!i of the IM Century l.y 11 "iS'aye: Ihe (lui.le to .'^oc’al II ipj.iru-s. ov vlr^. i-lnis; Family .Monitor by tiie same .\uth.ir: Hume and Mac.iu:a\ s Hist. ri> s ..f Englmd; The Modern P-ritish Ks'ayi^ts, 7 vols; Shakspe.are. Byron. Mo..re, Scott. Ilemins an.lothvi- T*oets in various styles ol bin.ling; The B ston Edit.on of t’ae Bt itish Poets, a:c , \c. I'T K TliKil SlT’Pi.V OF !U)OKS. ta ^it’E .American .Khnanac for lSu7; £ Ku-tT's -\rctic Exploration: Draper’s Physiology. The Pri\ate (.'orre-^pon.lence of Daniel 'vVebster; The .\iiieric!in .sport-man. by Lewis, illustrated; A .Nort L’!‘Summerfield, by V.'illet; t.'ouiit lingo, the Miser, .Vc., by the sjiiiC f.uthor; Tiie Torch Light; Tuck's Selections for .Sabbath Readiiig; ijr..wtrs Bible Dictionary; The .\merioan iJebuter; Upham’s .\fental Phil os..phj; .\ieAauder's Moral Science; .i'c. E. J HALE \ SON. SEW BOOKS Cum. Perry’s Japan Expedition, iilustr;ited. ColHer v -!»*wert’s Eiiition of the tjrigina! Text of Shak^poare’s Piays Restore.!. Farming!.laie; The Lion of Flan ler.s, or the Battle Ilf the C,(,l Ifi, Spurs: The Curse ot tiie Village, ..Vc.; Kitto’s Dll 'y Bible lUustrHtious; Kitto’s Popular Cy clopedia i.f Bibli.Tal Literatur-j; Barnes' Notes on the Bo:.k« 0*'Jot. and llevelationa; Half Hours >vifu the ^.fst .AuMmrs —Knight’s London Edition, vols.; Half Hours wiiti the best Poet.= . ilev luC,.n~ in E>ir..|.e, d )wn to 1849. We'oster’s { iiivcrsily airi Family Pronouncing Dic'y Juver.ile aiol .Scnuol Bu'ita. Stationary, reo'd ; y E. J. H.VLil .j- SON. Ju..- Nov ^fiarOie JTaetor^f. . *s '.o. ' 'i lldllfl.s I ilo \ 1'. ( . Tayt*I {*» ilS Jan’y 'Ji). ;.''o7 iniGli i Sd VS Si'ORh, V.' ‘■|4ypd Oct. 29. E J II.VLi'. SON. ]\7i(} wonjf HA VK Tiiorr.iii it? nt’ic Corritnjr E.hu,lmi-nt on fh> Mllif ir,/ (trei n^ ipi>i'^U(- tin Mi m/ f'/iui‘' h, frnn'iii'i nn M>n}ii'i,rd Strvir. 1 i' ■'HE .Subscribers KX riTiPltlSK! i» til lo ii:*!! vonld res)i'-ci I ui iy intorni the;: friends and thepul>li-. that thev h.ive eiiterc iKto copartiif-rship for t'le purpore 01 c .ni'i.'lin.j tin general C.VRul.VGE lil. SIN m 1.: v.u;,,u parts. And being l-oth |ir.fttc.il .v.ir,:t lu .\ uu derstjn.iing tiieir busines', tiie^ h.ivc 1 iiimi r compaie worii wnli any es! iblishnient i • >. 1 as to st\»e and fura'lilii >■. I >ne i;f the ni in nr.\ t- H. VVhittiel.i s ir .ii .. .; I \>e '.vurtiiiii a:. loi tweivi ui'.ut;i.> cp.iirint i.'ii'' 11 \n..v\ii r til'- ; bv i. IW i500Ki!«i. a'Hi'. .Sui)scrii)er3 have on hand, and will promptly • till ordi-rs for North Caroiiua Supreme Court Reports, ill sets .ir in singie volumes.' Ire.ieil’s Digest and Di.:t-sre l d.inu il. Joii'-.' s uigest Revised Statutes ot N.ir'h i'ari.:iia \\|:e_\'s New j-oriii Book. ,''f >.il, on .''ali-s, l.iii.', ontr.icts, f ai tnerslilp, , .\geiicy, L jUity /urisprti.fence. r..piit^ f'ie,idiiigs. \ RC II lit >LD. ..:i t'laciice, (. niiiiiia. i and , riea li:.;r. Liiil .'rl .ind leiia.it. C11 rr I in Ciintracts, Criiiun.ti Law, lilachsl oe. \1 e'liea . .111 ri - j.ruuei.ee .'i ' I 11 t'j.N , oil \ endiirs atid I’r.jpert^. 1,1,1., oi. U.'l'fg.lg.-S, .llxllv Ollll'ICtS. , ' \i 1 I if. 'Ill Vction-' ai l.;i'v, .Xfii&tir ;ind JSei'v.-int, : l,a:i H ir i .111 I Tell u.i, Cliai.C'-ry I’laetice. I \ .N Dh.>Ill I’leailing iii.f Lvi.Jeiice, Uses and i' Trii'ilKep .rls. ilL.S i',.,L.. on .\ 1 t.i11,11ion. Factors, Ciinies. HoFi' -lA.'s s i.eg.-ii ."'lU'Jy, an.i.\|;tsters in Chaiicery. j W1 1.1,1 ,V ■ I.S iin I'ers.iii.ii I’rijicil^). ; U I! K \ I’l) N .> n's i = . liiiis. ■ \V I \ 111 os', .111 .\iinii. all i,.>s 1^! If .iiii i.'i.le, .\l«di- I cai .) nri'j ru.lencf. M.iK- ri i.s in ain t i,ui-i .'^t.iiis, ! \rnericiii Ciinni ai L?iW. I,aw i>lctiuu.u\. I .Si e,. .'i ..-Il iin P.e.adin^ Jinper t.n l.e,',icle.-. i),art on Veil 1.1.1 Fcariie .in Reniaiiidci s. L.l v.: 11..3 ^i. l.,iii- Iiienta. ‘ 'iii.iii L11, ol.i 11. ^ 11.1'.v i'.i \ e a . I ..'.•.ci's) e 111..ill. i\eiil ' .Ilium ni.II le.-:. t Ui lis? dll!'. Dart’' \'eo.|'ii .-i ..ii'i i’ni ciia i i.'ul l.e;ii l..-t,ac -V.i- iins' Liiity. I.'..11'. it'- l,iw .1 i,iniile'l I'ar: uv 1-iiiji. Ilagli.--. 1'1 .1 n.;ii t.-ii.;. II Ininip.s .ui.i .iim.s >ii f''v;.leiicc .il'tSie, iin f..i» ol J.,\:U. lii e. li(.,^s oU t alii !'11 n. 1.-.-..I Nilt>. Liii.iit.' 1 i\ii l.jiw ■ s’.' I . ' iin..i.;i. l.iiv . 1 ai.ji ii's t halicery ,c.' i;...- "e .-r Cl iniiii.i, l.vi ;i nei- .\tnerie\ on ft 111 .M.ai'i ii/.' C.iiH el oi. I'.ii iiiersiiip (jieen . I’.'i li-iice. tif.tr nil n I -.1.1 iicing ( mtis > _,ai.efr. i>iri'i.r.> (.i^ I'oUoii.ii > (. rui>e on I'r .j. r;_, . I' . -i. r' '•..13s iry. (,'immO i.n .1 i'i'.ioeil. i.cv'T l> .i.'t.c ileiatti.lis livles -1 e .r-Tiera 'it..'r. Ja.mk.i il i «,.;tte\il' \ 1.1. : AN. I - 2 i FOR SVi.l-:. * i'AMANTiNE ind T^LI.OW C\NDLES; m common f'HJ vCt.'O; an I i!m i.-,!. iir.tli.n Grocery line. Cneap as the ehe;.j)e.'tl ■ G. V\. I. Gi'LI'-' Jan’y 27, 1857. v\ hi:at w ax i W.ANT to purchase .'i,(»')() ilnshela U neat. .M N ■ -11 .\ roit,. 1 I • 1> ti I 111.111 jt 111. mill .1 1.1 ? iii iii ml -1 I I'l 1 ‘ e L , i ie'i.; June 25, IHoil. HHDS, JAS. .M just I •■ci’i ve I iii'l lor s J A .'- oct. 27 I t *oK. lo-fi ‘OK I petuit'.' ip Ill -lO C.. 1 li'^ r Ih. Pr I I- r- r O' \i i i :i l.i- ..nil >r. 11 l.s t,aw I i..-.. .'oin, .,11 d: i jiart E 1 no* t Hi nt: ■ I (t.U.K . i.a» 1,1 I > oil i'lU t I've- .'>cvi Ulei te, ^ ■le SI.J pi..-.I oi. n ason IV l-'iii ISicr '.ill'. ,\ .ii.;;i.' fit I’r le I S otes and lene'; DiCti.iii iry ravel'ei s’ (!n; ll lilMlks: .''.'hi .Mn^ 2, 1857. \ III'/'. ■Iic 11 • .I'i; \laei ', s ex r.i'tici! ^i 0,1. ,t: IMS t . ) 'I y l"> '!i.i|: Hi.pki: 'd ■ |.-.|.iieia. ir.i a Ilf l-'ree-\lasoi it Dll'; 'iitch-'ll . .1'" .Vote:^; .\lc 1,1, ' . ti( iC - I O I - Is I \ I iiti 1 Ill I III ,il)C E. J HAld: SON. 11.' Ucitii \ liiill J ii jiic iihiiiks for 'a- >(i:s we ir‘ ..rjjO'ie.t . l-j'sett. ''' ie. O -t 21, ' ‘?,k the PI ii,t*-rs III. i.iiiii*; *fi-s.n'i, .N"gr.» IJl.i ■ l-J: ■;rpi •I '. • U_; . i. -fiiiitit t iti- I if . I I 11M)(i^ or it ■I’ l;'' ' iCl; |.| ex I. . I b m l .'■11 « -

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