m SFiMI-WEEKL, Y. [Vol.. VII.] FAVF/r TFA IMJ:, \: C., H LY Id, 1857. [NO. 625.] 1 tr. Iveii - ' \! 1 th.* 'I Fn 1^: lined [HN \ av.ng t - AN. ' VROi.. \ ^ 111. .M ' J ■ I iU, 1 w , : ■ - H ‘ S R V the • ur?, that to ih- :. an. elore - ^r. J by in tl. • V^rte- ely, f th** heir>- oar ■ ntit (’ou- •• ■ ’ lat ougb on o,i re to pro. lie \\. r BHi ‘_>nrt. ftt D I nd in 4ce lor. ON MINAKY, Ju!j. l n»w w o ‘ d and i.H ai: .j,iiou Y. " i,"* now 1 he a>'coni- Hole -1 St hill a lary. And ,\ H ladu - wiio may Ool le re^iden ?em.i ” V' .>itiy. niles South-west lies ^ f Plank rds (i .»a«. It at the ‘ peii.ng ri. I’rmcir-i;, GoM~: 'v. r, ^ '*'4t Aii IJ\A, ;1. U. , An, 11. billia, L*Il Hi tb.i. . Ffr thl: ' H .rr Ki'- ■ r ’ • y. ni:.,- A. 1(4- V Steed ttf. f li. ti 1 tv (■' ni> Sl..' i t..-: Ui‘. ;L1\ A, V. 1-■- T . ' , . -r t N=- ■ III ' : > "Cu . .. e. ‘ - '(•e ir rti 1 M ■I'ii. - 1: i. , \ rh' e I -nry 'I furs :rt that ; ^le, is i re ] hjr ■ • '■ka in - Jnmeb v;l ie i>n .;rl ob- • ti'jner ay ‘)f jiS. F- • I, f. ^ w r »0 very r ■ im, . ti :rh- ■ •r ta- M' iith ~.f 'TH l.L V Sjile. • J :,n . I, .vJ is '■ ri'i; ■' I ■:i ;ilhs ig oil Tii« . 1 l, ,u I to ' ^ 'i ■ It V ; i, ;S. i j»Jxa ".:i\Tr.l> MtiNItWS W'l' T!irHSDAVS. KDWAIM) J. liALi: >t SON. I'lu i'Hiis \\i> I’Ki >V'i; I in m;s. Price f.irt H- 'itsKitvin! Uii :i I-. '.it il'iMiitl 'hu iii;_ tin* _vo;ir Ilf su^i ri]i- li' ’ SI 't'tfr tlio _vc:ir I'xj'ivi-'l. Wfi-klv i> -iruvri! n_‘ 00 ^.,‘r itiuiuiii, if jciiil in ;i lv:nu'c: ' ')0 if lui ii'.jj: tlu' _vt‘ ir of sul'Si-ri]*- ti.iii; .. ^ 5 ;'o ;iftor tlio yi'MV li:is oxi'ireil. \ !>VI'HT! SI’, AI I'.N'I'S in-Jt'rtOil fur siNty ct iit-^ ]icr ■cj.i l i- ..f 1-: iiiu's for the first, an 1 tliirtv L-ent-; f'-r I'aoli K I fjiii:: i>uhli.';ition. V;arl_v a IviTii'^onnMits l'_v sj>e- fi il l outracts, at rfasMii;ihlo i-atc.'. Ailvi'rtisoi - are re nu'stoil to -itati' till' iuiiiiIkm" I'f iiisortiniis 'h-sireil. or the-, will bo I'.iiitimu'il till I'orolil. and cliarj:t‘il ju'C'TiI- iiij;l.v. \'h-TtiPomentH to Iio insortoil !n.‘‘i(h\ charj;eil f>0 j'cr eoiit extra. fe ' ■!■■■■ ■Ml.-. ' KDCHWoRTll FKMVLE SEMIXAKV, (iKEKNSlIr.KO’. X. r. iH'xt St->>i'ii '.f this Institution will coinnieiu o ..II M-.n l iv. A .u'^t :5.i. The (' iiirsi' Stii'];. is thniMu^h ami systematic, .r.i' inu 'Vfry tliiiis; r.ece.sa'y to a cianplete. suli.l .rii Miifiii.i! e liiiMtiun. The luii!ilinj;s .are so ar- .(■'I as f.’ l i'iiibiiio thi ■•;inif"rts ;jf ;i home with the Hit 1.1" t a liistructi 1' of the hi:hest . I’i IIS art t itiploy1 11 in each nt the I'fi artinents. in in the cmintry ji issesses a'lvanttisres r' '!■ t-.ljjcw :rth. J.il. pues i-diitainir.p: all ncee.ssary inf'*ruiation re- •tiii;: the L-ourse of iiistrueti-.ii, terms, \o . will he j 'rwarih 'l, ju a|i]i!ii-iitiin to liiniAltD STElvLIN'G. Principal, Greeushnro', N •lu'iv I’i. 18')7. ‘J l-‘Jin i'OU S\!,K. S-' I’ATKN I' Cl’I'TI' iiiU' li more h'^ihly ap|>r ivt them, than anv other now in ii (i KNIFK. An a-tieh- ■I. i>y al' who have trie.I >e. Apply io n. KOSll. July S. 1S.')7 .1 O H N I). S II A W, ^TTOIS>i:V AT i.AW, U(|(’K1\(;|I.\M, Kl I'OI NTY, N. C. 11,1. atti'iiil the I’ourls ol Kiehmoiiii, .\nsou anil entrusted to his eare Kiliesiin. .\n business will reetivo strict attention, .(une l.'s, 1>’>7. r DOCTOR FRANK WILUAMS’S i(’!:Li:iiUA'I'K!) I^Vi: \NIIISKKY! II i; Mit'scriiier has ma le arranireinents to keep a >n)'ply uf the tiennine .\rlicle, aii'l is the onlv Airent tor the s.iie ot the above bran-l of .\ No. 1 live Whiskey in this place. UOIi’T MlTOllKLL. -May -1, lSo7. •')tf 31. FAlTLIv 1- I la.-; just n'ct‘i\ (‘(l a lar^t* and fancy assnrtmeiit of 1501) I'S aiul SIlOKS; Ladies’ (iaiters. Satin aii'l ('olore.l; Lmlios’ aiul (icnts' I*AN(’lN(i SMi'HS uf :i new ntiil t>eautifnl l attern. anil every style of article in his line. lli.’ stoek is choice hiuI carefully selecteil by hini- si'lf, ;in«l buyers will tiii'l it to their interest to call betore puri-liusin^ elsewhere. Coruer of (Jillespie aini Franklin streets. April L’l. l."')7. Itf .SKCOM) S|ltlN(i S'i'OCK. ST.VHK WIMJAMS H.VA'F^ now in Store their .Seooiul Stock uf SKA.'^ON- ■M’lLK GOOpS, which they will otl'er to tlu- MEUirALioLLF:(;K of \ ih(;inTa , I time to proiapt paying buyers. J. n. STAUR. ■ J. M. WILLIAMS. l\(‘\V (ioocls. sut'scriber is receiving; his FALL .-\NL* WIN- * I’LK S!’t('K. consisiiiij; of almost every thinir in the wav of S'] ii i I-] 4, OH«i lloUoir~irave^ —A LSO-- iKX’s, Satidlt'ry, l''ish, ^^rc., .Vny of which he will sell cheap for t’ash, b.irter for I’l-ip.luce, '>r on short time. Store recently occupied by ’I'roy Ci Marsh, near the Dobbin House. O. W. I. (.iOLDSTON. Oct. 15, 18/ii;. IHtf ItartUvtirv I»0()ls and 1* !i i\(‘W (iloods. ''S'^HF under.signed have received into Store their re- 1 cent jiurchasea of U O l> s, Fmbraciii!' a larpe and general stock of CiirorrriD^ aiid Hardware*, Wliieh they will sell on their usual accommodating terms. G. W. WILLL^MS iSi CO. March 4, 18-”)7. 87tf .lAMKS KVLi: JS now receiving his Sl’llING AND SUMMKll sup- ORY €i001>S, itals. MSoots ami Shoes, iu)i;riN(i cLo riis, ^Vc., ■\11 of which, being purchase-^ by the case, will be of- SESSION 1857-58. if Lectures will next .Vnnual (,’iiurse M. nience on the 1st of October, 18.j7. at the (’ollepe •J r>uihling. corner of >Lirsh.ill andt'ollege streets -* ni.'iiJ, and terminate on the 1st of .\Larch, 18-jS. 'cery and Surgical Anatomv', by I’ll \ULKs 1!ei.l Giuson, >L D. i‘ory and Practice of .Medicine, by D\vtr> 11. Tt CKKR, M. I>. uii'iry .and I’harma'-y, by Makti.v 1’. Sc'.TT, NL D. ii I lud Tlierup'-utics, by r. U, \\ KLLH.Ul), M. I». Kich- .\pril liJ, 18-37. l2tf BOERHAVE’S IIOLLA.MI Ki n Kits 'I fered by Wholesale or Retail at LOW March .'1. 1857. PHICLS. ;t2tf M .VUiiit'K K. Pv.TItuLAS, ,M. I>. iii-iiie and Medical .lurispruden CO, •ii ■y I.KVIN S M-. L>. i;. 1 L>i?cm-cs Ilf Wuiiieu and ’hildren, by .111, ( UN WAV, M. 1). -ri-iti.r .\natiiniy, Mahkin lli)w\Rii. M. U. study of Practieai .\natnmy m.iy be prosecuted e ui ot :imp’i‘ f.'.cilities aud at a very trilling I iiiii' il Lectures are regularly given at the Colleie hitiri ! iry. This Inlirmtiry, under the s-mie ro^f with ■ ' ■ i2e, isat ali tinv" well ti I with Medical i Surg;.-:;’ cases, an-J lurnish -• peculiar I'acilities for ' M.i. a. iiisM-U'-'i -u. '.i ii.y .'urgii il i'i .Tati' ns Jirc I'eifirmc 1 in the i roeiicc the class, and the Stul'-n;-; bci-^^ daily ! Iniitte 1 t'l the wards, enj i'\ under the guidance of tin- I’r.ifes-irs. unusual (.ijiportunities f..r bccninin',; . iUii'iar, nut mily with the symptmns and diagn">is of iisc ise, but with its daily pr'igre.'S and treati.ielit, .Vni'iunt lit Fics fi.r Lecturvs, >;lo'> on .M.itricu’ati 'ii Fee, .") im Practical .\natomy, lo on (ir.aduating Fee, 'J.o oo I'lie price of Itoard, iiiehidinir Fuel. Lights and Ser- ' ■lUts' attendance, v,tries truin to >0 j.er week, f c atal'igues, cunt:iiniii^ fuller inform.ati in cuu- .•riiinir Hie Institutiuii, will '• e fnrw ir !cd to tl; ^e whu ' ■' V f' I it, ur speeific in'ii.'riev will b.. an-wcrcd by ■’.■r. L. S. .luVNKS, M L> , Dc.-.n f the Faculty. THK rK[J-:KRATi;H [Ii>LL.\ND IIF.MKDV FOB DYSPEPSIA, niSEVSK OF Tire KIDXETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WKAKXK8S OF ANY KIXD, FEVER AND AGUE, i; uiiii, ■in. I.i I - IMc. In ' i h i' :i iiMliii ' Arul.U ; - >■ I-, I'. • i-:- -1111 MI I OK IJV .. •1 ; r HU, itrh. in Mth* 'ri». I IJ. f. : U-.t M *1. .M.WmI iM .pU -. «'**'r = =i» 111 tiHu i ' r.:== ril iv« i,\' it> Si.lit ', it' iiUr-Miih lion t- 1 ui>.r«* r ,.» • i '.lly l'«r tn « * H n*3 iht'H' lliP i tre i»r this m iiri' it ihriM, I IM’VV - ih'i prep.irf.i Mil >tra i!> it*n ; ihf r» U*l»r itcil HoM iiul Tr.i •jrj ii iKTi- in !Mln i)i rnili'il SliitPs u H in -iir r.iitirr' uid ^ciiUrrt’t! In rt ‘L'hiv roTintrv Met-iintr vi 'lf* r il l'» lh‘ XnitrTimn pul (h tr'i.v WirniliTf’til riM'dtriii.-.l virtues uni>l hr* t:«it f i*l tjr (> . iiirt 5.V I ih ('OllN. r>.\'iS '>i;N. -uperinr ■ g'l d me.i'Ure, I’lr - ile by W(»Hrii V U.'iiity ;iiil \ I r- las wli.i'C rmi'li ill iitimiiiii- U'f .ifarili iu ; 'i i;enir.!ll\ in'iini-inpniis ii l.i tie '-;U lit iiic, ihr i'liiL' nnt up 111*' -iiiril. anil, in iljiir in III*. 'Ifiii. .1 lin.l tli;- a -M Vrraiie will In ilii k ■ . I !■ V' i!. il wi!l pnm r.I'i' ,niu; ir reineirml |iri'|« rtic', r I ' > N ■ l-''>7. riLKY, ■'VUv Lif, - .1 IIkn - \ ' I. \ 1, iiiiiii'!,tary f. -, tir>t and he and l-.iUI (i-l il !•:. J. ■ t->n, *> V..IS,; A i*is: N ‘iili Tjif il Vi.K X ."ON. i.i I i» i'l. ;r.t , -m'*'; XrnTiri h »'* T»t:»nv u hii-h ihi p'ri..' iiMii'i uiimm ;tt!:unsi |»uri h:i''ini' • I ••i. il to .tt\iliiii:: V u lil y.m |» :Vf i:i\eo r.n r • .1 I’iT!* T' ! >iu* \\ Ml rt:n\:in * :♦ . u * r r 11 • - t»• ••'! lh-it:>»iih l»v :h.- i>r -I LAW BOOKS. J I' I't :\\ It' K nil the -•statutiiry and 'i.n-ttuition. ® I liittv uii I’b adiii;.;: .\e'.. l.iiid un Miitracts ! ; - an i .\mn,' on Lvi {••ii- e: Sii'phen nii P!( f ■ r 1 ■■ ('ii.inci 1 l’!e,.dinu i;i!;icr -.ui.ti ■ry I’le.i'li \dam-'> of the iifis; iliii I'll Trustee H (iiity, .VC, a'.'.ve just re 'eive 1, L,‘ HALL Oi . l.aw . I adlli Lubl li- >N •lu’.v Type Foundry and Printer’s Emporium, K.'^TAI’.LISIILU IN \x]x. WM. !lA(;Ali, .Ir., CO., •»*lrtM‘l, .\o%» Vork I’ily. 'B'^IIL '^iibsci ):'■!■ • d'-'.n t" idvisc their rrieiids and SL the I’rintiiitr Intere: t l' nerally, tliat since the fire, which injured iiily the inaiiutacturing de- I ^rtiuent of their estab'.i.shnu-nt, they have entirely iiMic l the aiiie w>.h i;:.w iiiaLiiiiicry, uiid have;ivail- ed then.; l ives (if the opportunity to imr .duce ' /v TA’A’i' MO I) Elis IMrROVEMllST which long experience and capital can command: and tiiut they have therefore unei[ualled facilities for pro- iiiciiig ■ f sujierior excellence and durability, .ind for suppiy- iiit£ all orders for the same with great aecuratencss and promptness. Our .NLW SpK( 1\1F,X i» )(>K, (just i"ued, will be freely given to all who wish to j;Ur- I h ,-e, when ajiplied for. I’rinters will please be par- tieiilar in directing how it in.ay be \Vt alr'i furnish every article needed in a Printing '*i' ee, :it 111 inuf.acturers' prices. M.VCHINK A.N'D HA.ND TAYLOirs, A1>AMS^ » ULGGJ.LS\ Chasr’>s Mtitimonrt M^ress, (of whicli we are - ,b' agents in this city,) and of every )ther Biakei in the L'liited States; Ink, Cases, Stands, Imposing Stones, (. i nn .ir.itijr Sticks, Galleys (brass and wood,) Chases, Furnitun-, \c. Orders will be filled for Paper, Cards, and I’linter's .'Stock of every kind. Electrotyping and Stereotyping all their Branches. fe^-'^y'Type Cojiper-Faced to order. Old type received in exchange for new at ‘.t cents per p'iund, if delivered in sixty ilays from the date ot pur- cha-e: if later, but six cents jier pouud. I'ublishers of newspapers who insert this advertise- nieat three times, witii this note, and forward us a ji.aper containing the same, will be paid in printing materials, by purclia.sing four times the amount of tbeir bill fur the advertisement. SK(,'O.N 1) 11 .\NL» PllESSES (.Machine and Hand) usually on s i;e WM. JIAGAU, .Ir., CO. U M. HaHAU, Jll.] • [.JoH.N nA;AU, July H. li^-iit Blank, Warrants tor sale here. I»iit!ir tnr ; s M i.f i‘i: 111* i: I i:t » k . I8i:\.ivna\ .ii«. a o. *' s r I \ I I n I \ l*ll,\i:MAri.UTISTS \N|) (MIFMISTS, I'l i r I’\. >■ -'la ' .1. 11 ins 11 le'■ I .^ent 1'ir Frtv ctteville. .1 line 11. 1 >',‘i7 1 Ii- s:MMS !li:u All!). ,\N \W.\V li'iiiii the subscrilior, on ?lie l-')tii of lteceni’'er, I''.")-’, a neuTO >n'v name 1 I'F.NMS. Said Imy wa.-; a>'niit twenty-diie years of ajre when he lelt, and weighed aV'n'it 11': or l.")0 pound,-' Me is dark Ciiiiiplecte l, round faced, full jawed, slightly bcw- legged. round shouldered, leans fni-v.ard when he wal«s, and is very ii.lell’uent He has a scar o:i tiio insidt of line thi;,ih, (caused by a woiini^ received in .a fall friiiil a tree. 1 have •» ason to believe that he has been in the cdunties ff .Lihnst'in, Harnett, ’umlier- l.ind and IJlaiVn, .and iti the towiii of .\verasboro’ uinl Fayetteville, where he passed fir a free ican, under the iis'iiinied n.iines of .Idsejih .lacobs, .John G Wil liams and William (’aldwell, and at times folhiwed the ■ icciipalion of .a ditcher. I have also been iiiftirmed that he '.eft ILileigh in a ling^y with an Irishman, priibjibly under a [iromise of being taken to a free State 1 will ]iay a reward of JjilOO for his apprehension and lit-iivery to me. or for his confinement in any jail So that 1 jret him, if 'aken within this State; >s'_'O0 if taken out of the State; and also -SIOO for proof suf ficient to convict anj- white person wi h having har bored him, whether in or out of this ."^tate, W. G. STUICKLAND. Kaleigb, May 5, 18o7. O-;;!!! jr. .ir. \\’ I T H I). l)i:VLI.\ CO., WHOLKSALK AND RKTAIL DKALKIIS IN Keady-iiiailo riolliiiij;:, Nos, 'Ib^, '2n\) AND 2()0 liilOAliWAV, NEW YORK. May 25, 18-37. ll-3m 2,800 Acres of* l^aiul FOR SAF.F. rjl^HE Subscribers offer for sale the .ibove Tr.act of M. Land, lying on .Anderson’s Creek, about two ai.tl a half miles from lower Little Kiver, near Klliot's Mills,—including about ine Hundred Acres of good Swampsi, which c.an be easily drained. This Land Is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level and of superior quality of Pine Laml for cultivation. ■Mso, a Circular STF.\M S.VW-MILL, in complete order and well adapted to sawing plank road and rail road timbers. Also, Two well-broke .MULES. -Ml. or any portina of which, will be sold low atid on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. SMITH & ELLIOT. April 0, lS-">7. ',t7-if xXO IIIMIU (;! ^IHE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders for Superior \Wtter Bttrkels. He manufactures North Carolina m.aterial—he em ploys North (’arolina capital and labor,—and he solicits North (’.arolina patnmage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. TULAL is what he wants. M essr.s. W(>1»TH .J' l,'TLl'\ nf this pl.ace .are Agents for the sale of the above iiucket.s, G. II. MAKLPLAi E. Fayetteville, Feb'y 17, L''-'>7, >’--y NOTICi:. I’ hereby forbid .any person from trespas-ing on any of our Lands known as the Kingsbury Lands, anil we jiarticularly forbid persons from chip- j ii.g airl tending the Turjientine Itoses. We will en force the law in every instance of a trespass. .J. & T WADIMLL. .Nlarcli t), 1S.')7, 88tf OLD in K W IIISKin . ^HlHK Subscriber is tne only authorised .agent in ■- F.iyetteville for the sale of the Hon R. (’. Piir- Cjlebrated Of.W lii'f] II'#f/S’K I iipplied with this superior year He w 11 iHvvt th be ! deiii.iiid. Whisk. P'aveiteville, March ItllACGHON-. ■,»0-if ♦I' SFIE>lWKIJi IKHIS?:. 8'AviyrTaovin.i:, v. f'Jiisf all//' of" (ii’i'i tl It f'rii) "I thf M(jrl:rf flnusr. ^HIHE Subscriber .lesires through this mcilium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House tiie past year—and as he lias just erected New Stables and ('.arriuge Sheil convenient to the llnuseand to water he takes ple.a'^iire in .saying to his jiatroiis an.l the public gener.ally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron- afro heretofore received. Every exeitioii on his part sliall be used to render them comfortable .luring their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market affords. P. SHKMWFLL. March 21, 185r). 8C.-tf DOBBIN HOUSR! POWERS A TROY, Propriktoks. ^jSlHE Proprietors of this Establishment 1 announce to the public, that owing to the Constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have been intluce.l to en large the accommodation by the a.idition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, an.l suite ol Rooms on the secoti.l floor; thus enaliling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. And they jiledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisl'action to their pati-ous. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance The eligible location of the Establishment, with tl;e experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com- t.jrt of their jiatrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The \Vestern .and Southern Stages arrive at an.l de part from this House. C.arriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Ste.-im Roats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and (’arriages furnished at any notice for car- rying travellers to aiij- part of the adjacent country. J, W, POWKRS. W. C. TROY. Fayetteville, May 12, 18o0. 3tf • Di)()k Ills \V antod. ^BlIIE Subscriber, having taken the General .\''ency ® for getting subscribers to an.l ileliverin; Hawks's Hist(>ry of .Vorth ('arolina. now in process oi' publica tion by .Mcssr E J. Hale .V Son of Fayetteville, is desirous of entei'ing into .an engagement with one oi more active, intelligent and rtdialde persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective I'arts of the State, or particular counties, thoroughly. Immedi.atb application is desired, as sample copies ot the first volume will will be rea.ly in a few days. Cn.loubted testimonials as t.) character must ac company each application. .Address H. W. HORN. Fayetteville, Dec. 9, 1850. b4- A VALUAI’.LF I.AW BOOK. tDDlSO.V on Contracts, with Notes and References to American cases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 large vol. 120u pages. Judge Woodward, of the Supreme ('ourt of Pennsyl vania, says that “this is tiie best book on the subject 1 ever had in my hands.” For sale iiy E. J. HALE & SON. April 20. A CAin). ^|1HE un.'ersigned wouH respectfully inform his fi ob» friends and customers that he can be found at the Store of C. E. Leete, where he will be ghi.I to see them. , J R. McDO.NALD. Fayetteville. N. C., Jan’y 8, I8r)7. 72-tf FOR [1IN PLATE, L Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, Zinc, and Tin patterns. SALE. Sept. 24. Ware and Stoves of various C. W. ANDllLWS, Market Sijuare. 42- I VAIJ ABLF PROPFKTY roji s.mMji:. OFFER for sale, my L.VNDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 Acres of it is fine Meadow Laud, as the Crop now on it will show. .Vlso, the Valiiiiitic ISrit'k Lot near the M.irket Square, occtipieJ by Mr. John A. Peniberton. .\ Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donablson, Maxwell and Miimford Streets, known as the Hotel (iar.leti Lot,—couM be divide.l into several Ruilding L.It;—very near the new Female High School I?uildinj;s. -Al.so, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumfor l Street. Several DESIRABLE P.UILDING LOTS on both Winslovf and .Mumford Streets. All this property can now be purchase.l on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on IJonl and Mortgage if desired. TIIO. J. CURTIS. Oct, 10, 1855. 43-tf (a AXOKS. r.AC.S PEKUVIAN; •J^C^ ;;27 do. C(M.U.MRIAN. Not only has the cost of using th se Guanoes in connexion been very much .liminisaed, but experi ment? have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by I . W. McLAURIN. Nov. (j, 185G. 54tf 0.\ C1\SI(i.\MK.\T, 1500 20 Bbls. Mulletts, (Oak,) To arrive and for «ale-. W. P. ELLIOTT. (Jet. 22. HAWKS’S HISTORY. ^I^HE Subscriber, .Assistant Agent for procuring £ subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History, gives notice that he will attend the County Court of Duplin on the rtd Monday in July inst., the County Court of Chatham, on the 2d Monday in August, the County Court of Sampson on the Sd Monday in Au gust, and the County Court of Johnston on the 4th .Monday in .August. He will be provided with a Sub- .scriptioii Rook, and with copie.s of the 1st volnme in the several styles of binding, for delivery. C. PRICE. July 4. 22- GUAXO! GUANO!! ^HIllE umlersigned asks the attention of Farmers, * Planters and Dealers to his Stock of best quality Guanoes, all of which he will sell at t’ue lowest mar ket rates. ‘•.i’’ PERUVIAN GUANO of the latest importa- tiors and best .quality. A” MEXICAN GUANO of the best cargoes imported. COLUMBl.AN GUANO, very rich in Phosphates. .\!so, Super-PhospLate of Lime, Rone Dust, &c. Purchasers may rely on having their Quano shipped in prime order and in superior bags. The general satisfaction heretofore given by all Guanoes sold by the Subscriber, he hopes will be a sufficient guarantee that all articles sold by him will be found as repre sented. WILLIAM ROBINSON, Nos, 4 and 6 Hollingsworth Street, Near Pratt Street Wharf, Baltimore, Md. July ]. 21-3m tOUIR-TVPKS m AMBRdTVPKS. Z BIHE Subscriber has taken the Rooms formerly M- occupie.I by .Mr Nott, over Beasley it Houston's Jewelry Store, where he will be happy to wait on those who wish a good likeness of themselves or friends. P. S. I would particularlij call the attention of the public to the COI..OK-TYHK. which in point of beauty far surpasses any thing in the shape of a Daguerreotype or Photograph, and is but little inferior, if not fully e.jual to the finest miniature painting on ivory, which it very much resembles. Pictures taken in cloudy weather as well as fair. M. M. FERGUSON. Fayetteville, April 22, 1857. 1-tf xi:\v sri’PLv oFs r.\ rioxi:RV. K arc jii't rc.'eiviiig :.irth> r ^uppUc.s of s r.I rt4P.rt:it i*, F.mbraciiig Letter. B ith P'J^t, .Note and t'aji I’.apers, in great vari-ty; Fn^lish and French Liivelopes, white and colored; Tissue Paper, Gill itt's and l’crr_>'» Steel Pens, Pen Holders, iled Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, Iv.iry and Boxwood Pocket Ku’ers, Mathematical In struments in cases. Hand (,'lip,s. Pink Tape, (Quills, Pen Racks, White Rubber, Sand Boxes, .yc,; Bauker’s ';isfcs, i'ocket Meinoraii.iiims ami Pocket Books: Van- '.vee and French Pencil Sharpeners; 31otli Stretchers, for marking with in.lelihlo ink; Rodgers" Pen Knives; Portfolios; .Maynarl Noyes and Davids' Inks, .yc. -\lso, 1 .'ase superior English SL.A TICS, assorted sizes. E. J. HALE vt SON. May 2, 18.j7. ni:(;rofs waxtfd. rgliiE umlersigned will pay the highest cash price I. for VOC.Nt; .NE}ROES. Letters a.ldressed to either of us at Laiirinburgh, Riclimon.i county, will have prompt attention. D. C. McINTYRE. DANIEL M. McLAURIN. Laurinburgh, Dec. 2(3, 185). U8tf ROliKR'r 1). (iRFKX, iLATE 'iREEN .v WLAR.t WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., I'AVETTKVILLE, N. (^ KD. G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind p.atronage so liber.ally be stowed iqion the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of .1. S. W'ear, and will continue the biisiiic.ss ill all its lir.-inches at the ol.l st.-in l. under his entire superintendence. B .'Vll W’atches left with him for repair will be taken apart ifi the presence of the owners, and the necessary rejtairs i>ointed out to them and a writteti contract given for the same, which work will be w.ir- ranted for two years. (>!i hand and for sale now, the mosf varied and choice selection of CLOCKS and othe*' '.ime pieces that has ever been otfere.l to the public in .North Caro lina. which he will sell .at New York prices, and also WMiUAXT for two years. •Ml debts line to and by the late firm will be i>ai.l and received by R. D. GRl’.LN. .Augu.st 2o, IM.S'i, o.l-tf ). ii0i;sT0.\ {- OL’LD inform his friends and former cii';tomers '• w that lie !ii:iy be found 2 doors below the Cape Fejf Bank, .and i doors above his old stand south side I’l-i'on Stre.-t. where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing tielon!ring to histra.le. He respectfully invitee hi^ friends fV i;!i the country to call and examine hi^ 'loi k before purchasing. He will afteiid to Repairing of Harness and Saddles ]iuncttial'.y, and his oh.ar-j:e3 •»hall be moderate. Ik- would re.juest all indebted to the firm of HorSTo.N oVKllBY to settle with W. (htirby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm’s del>ts. August 27. l^'(). 34tf W. BAKKR !s now rcceivinp from the North the line it; aud most carefully se lected St.•cl; i.i' r a U.\ B TI Ui: ever olVered in tiiis market; which, a.lded to his own manufacture, jii.i’.;e^- his a.ss.irtment complete:—all of I which he will sell .>n tiie lowest possible terms for cash ! or on time to j uiictual customers. : F.ishii nable j.ainted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled h.iir and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; , Looking (jlasses: Willow Wajroiis and (,'radles; Side I Boar.Is; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wa>li Statid»: Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture FiTmies aii.l ilass; Window Shades; : Cornices: Curtain B.-inds; Sofas in .^Iahog;ln3' and ‘ W;ilnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. j Fine Ko.«owo(iil Pianos, on*' with .Eoliau At- I tarhment; Rosewood Melo.lians, from the t>et nianufac- I torie;. in New Y«rk and Boston, w.irranted as god as ! any nia.le in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight onlj adieJ. November 2. The Sjar^est i'urria^e I'arlortf in I he Sottiltl FURTHER SUPPLY OF BOOKS. ^■^HE American Almanac for 1857; A. Kane’s Arctic Exploration; Draper’s Physiology: The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster; The .American Sportsman, by Lewis, illustrated; A New Life of Summerfield, by Willet; Count Hugo, the Miser, &c., by the same author; The Torch Light; Tuck’s Selections for Sabbath Reading; Brown’s Bible Dictionary; The .American Debate.-; Upham’s Mental Phil osophy; Alexander’s Moral Science; ^c. E. J. H.VLE & SON. NEW BOOKS Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition, illustrated. Collier & Jewett’s Edition of the Original Text of Shakspeare’s Plays Restored. Farmingdale; The Lion of Flanders, or the Battle of the Golden Spurs; The Curse of the Village, &c.; Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustrations; Kitto’s Popular Cy clopedia of Biblical Literature; Barnes’ Notes on the Books of Job and Revelations; Half Hours with the best Authors,—Knight’s Loi\don Edition, 2 vols.; Half Hours with the best Poets. Revolutions in Europe, down to 1849. Webster’s University an.l Family Pronouncing Dic’y Juvenile aud School Rocks, Stationary, Just rec’d by E. J. HALE ij" SON. Nov 17 iSpriii^ 'i'riide, 18,>7. 1!, I'. I’KAIiCK IS NOW RECEIVING a beautiful and well selected Stock of Spriit^' atiff Siimnier 4m00dSi Comprising a general assortment of all the latest styles of Ladi ,“s’ l)rcss (Joods, Lace and Silk .Mantles, Em broideries of every .Icscription, Crafie Shawls, Bou- aets. Ribbons, Gloves, Belts, Hosiery, ,!ic. —ALSO— White and colored Linen Drilling, English and French Drap d’Ete, Bleached aud iirown Shirtings and Sheetings, Iri.>^h Linens, Linen Table Cloths, Towelings nu.l Napkins, Leghorn, Panama, Cassimcre ami Moleskin flats. Umbrellas and Parasols, Boots, .Sii.ies, and 11 H.VI >V-MAl)K CI.OTIIING. .All of whicli will lie sold low for (J.ASII, or on the usual time to iiunctuul custonier.s, either at Wh I’esale or Retail. All perHnns (and jiarticularly the i.idies) ar(i respecttully requested to give me a call before making their selections. R. F. PEARCE. Fayetteville, (Hay St.,) March Vi, 1857. 8'Jtf XEW BOOKS. ILLEDULCI.V; from “Notes ami Queries;” The _ Elephant Club, by Doesticks; Past .Meri.Jian, by Mrs.*V igourney; The Rifle, .Vxe and Saddle-Bags, by .\Iil>iiirn; ‘‘(,'hristinas Stories.” JIU'ENILES; The Aimwell Stories, consisting of the “Whistler, or the Manly Boj*;” Ell.a, or Turning over n New Leaf; Oscar, or the Boy who had his own way; The Indiau Fairy Book; Abbott’s Stories about Common Tiling.^ .-Vlso, furthor sujiplies of Hume and Macauley’s Histories of England; School Books, &c. FI J. II.ALE & SON. Jau’y 17, 18-)7. , Slock, 1 8*17. E. F. MOORE, Wliolesiilc (irocer ami rominissioii .llcrdniiit. Has just receive.I in Store, 215 I^arrcls Whi.'^kcy ami IJrandy. 85 “ and hhds. of Sugar, ass’td. 75 Sacks Jlio Coffee, “ 200 Salt. 50 Boxes Soda I^iscuit. Candies, Soap.s, Candles, Snuff, Cigar.i^, &c. &c .All of which will be sold on liberal term.'i. March 10, 18-37. 89tf j\‘gro Clothing. WKI'/rS KERSEYS, HATS, SHOES, &c Now receiving. J. & T. WADDILL. November 17, 185G. 67tf B' i'urther Sttpitlies of Books. 'I^IIE Humorous Poetry of the English Language; £ Home and the World, by Mrs. Rives of Va.; Poetical Works and ‘ Rejected Addresses” of Horace and James Smith; IJcaumarchais and his Times; Coutidential Correspondence of Napoleon aud Jo sephine; The La'Iy’s Almanac for 1857; Dr. Kane’s .Arctic Explorations; Memoir of Susan Allibone; Knight’s Pictorial Half-Hours; Ready Reckoners: The .Mystic Circle; Bullion’s Practical Lessons iu English Grammar, .lust received. E. J. U.\LE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1857. “■’riie 01(1 Xortli State in 177(J," by I'aruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re ceived .Vlso, the 2d Series of the same work. F J HALE & S'»N. FOR SAU:. 1/ Iff finrefl i*rires, for t\iSMt M on snOKT Tl.fMK, 250 niUiitiii;^, Rockaway.s and Buggies 0F E\I'Jin' DEs('Rirnox, .VNY uf which are tinishcd, and the balance being tinishe.l .laily. .Vinong which are many New aud Beautilul styles, and one VERY* FINF C.ARKlAtiE. Some of them very light, and all made in the best manner and uf the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GRKATER than any establish ment South, and 1 can alford an.l am determined to sell work of the BEST (QUALITY as low as it can be built for by any one. Those who arc indebted to uie will please pay up, as my business requires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETH.VN. Feb. 3, 1855. 72-tf w wool, lil)LI,S. OOLcar.led with dispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, (•)sn.aburgs. Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. June 1854. McNEILL. 7-tf A KSPF.CTKU I.LY inform-^ !iis t'ri.'it Is an t I'le public, that he lias built up '..arize substantial i ISrick Buildings at his Oid Stand. c.\[iro.-^.«l.v tor inaii- ufactiiring Carrii.ges. Tliaiiktiil iDr the very libcr.il . patronage he has receivi'1 for the la>t 21 years, he hojies by stritU .ifi'ution to business, with a desire to give s.atisl'action, t i nu'iyi a i;ontiiiuaiiee ol the same. He warrant^ liis work lo be m i Ic o*’ the best material and l>y e.'cperienced wor'.viueii in I'ach branch of the busintiss. His work vvill ooiii|iare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durability. He is determine 1 to soil and do .•my work in his line on as good terms as any w.irk done elsewhere that is as well done. He now h-is on hand, Fi.nishei), the L.VRtiEST sr)_'lv of ( '(trnares. Ihtrourhes, ilockarL'ntifs^ nmi li If ii is i f Ever ottered in this place, an.l a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. He has on hand more th.m ONE HUNDRED AND Fl-FTY Vein- cles finished and in course of construction. .All work made by him is warrantel 12 months with fair usage, and should it fail by bad wor’nmauship or material will be repaired I'ree of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received an.l promj tly attende'l to. Repairing executed at short uoticfc aud on very reasonable terms. May 28, 185;J. SHtf 1)WFL!JX(; FOR SALE. ''j'tilE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling J and Lot on tbe (;oriier -if (Jillespie and Russell ■Streets, at prcscut occujiied by Mr. Henry Lrambert. Terni> reasoii.aiile, E. J. H.ALL, • fiarble Pitclortf. lilMKll* llilVli\SCROFT’S WOllRS. H11IE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typographical ■_ errors of the old edition corrected,) is publisheil for the benefit of the Missionary cause of the Episco pal Church in North Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, -$4, in sheep ■'j!4 5U. Orders, accompanied in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed to E- J- H.ALE ^ SON. F’ayetteville, May 8, 1856. »y j.AUOKii. TWII nilllR.'i imiVE C, T. IIIICII liS-IITSSrORIi, Fav€‘lfe» ille, I\. fJ. Jan’y 20, 1857 64ypd 6) Xarrative of the E.xpodition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan, bj Com, Perr}’, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations, edited by Rev. Dr. F. L. llaw^ks. ^ Also, further supplies of Mrs. Hentz’s Novels; Miss Murray’s Travels through the U. S.; Mitchell’s Ira- veller’s Guide; Steel Pens, |'c. E. J. UALE 4- SON. WHEAT WANTED. fWANT to purchase 5,UOO Bushels Wheat. JAS. G. COOK. June 25, 185G. Iti-tf .MOLASSES. HHDS. just received and for sale by JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 'il. 51- Fiirtlier ^iippiic! of* Rook^. fB^HE AMERICAN CITI/EN, by Bishop Hopki i Praed’s Poetic.al Works: Milledulcia, fr^ Notes and (Queries; Mackey’s [.exicon of Free-Masi ry; Dictionary of Poetical (Quotations; Mitche Travellers! Gui.le: (Questions to Jacobus’ Notes; Me cal Books; School Books, a.Q. E. J. HA.LE i S02v , May 2, 1857. ^y^0 WOULD HAVE THOUGBl IT? A new Carrittije Entubli^hment on the Military Green, opposite the Meth/jdiat Churchy fronting on Mumford Street. G REATEXTIIRPRISE! Fay«;tt4^viiiv 1m boiiiKl toKliiii*?!! ri'^lIE Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered iato copartnership for the purpose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully un- derst' 'ling their business, they have ao heeitation to com e work with any establishmei-t iu b iiyetteville as tc lyle and durability. On of the firm may be known by reffc»-,n3e to A. I. Id’s iron work for the.last two ye.irs. W* .-rant all work to give general satisfaction ^r S e months. Vepairing done in the neat est manner low for cash PIER & BRAN IN. Iami29 il Pikr. Jamks Bbanin. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1863. G2tf mm