II'H. Vii 'tl! pi 1)1 SEUI-WEEKL. Y. # I vol.. VII.] FAYET I HVII.1,1:, N. C., JULY 20, 1857. LNO. 626.] |i:tv J\?: I \ . 1" J’ ■ . \l.i liiif- ii- ■ r't i-KFNTi:i) M0V1)AVS AND TIIIjKSnAVt;. j ■» |’(H\ iMii- t II I r e ■ II I'f/S I'ATl'N r rUTTlV;; KNIFlv An article- ji S> \\ .V It I-’ Jt 11 » Ni* A* ! ^ by :iP wlio 'invo tricil | i:niT'!l?.' AM> I’iiitPlllKTollS. xi:> >r th. > 'r. i ILE. PnCf fl'rtlic I •r.-KiiVKi; I'li if .1 Iv;ino(‘: if j.nii] dur'.T'- tin' yoar of ntilncrip- 't ■' ' i :irtcr tilt' yc;n- h:l"^ t'XJiivfil fo: ■’ \\ fi k’v itior.Kvi'.n O') j.or unmun, if jiaiil in j th->m. tliaii any ^'t!u‘r titsv in us\ Apiilv ti> ' Ji. ItOSK. Jn;v S, I '.'jT. I'-i-i'.w J Oil V 1). S II \ \v, ,\r *.aw, i HiXKiNCH AM. iiK’I'.MoND rorNTV. N. C. i'teil to Lis euro 17-")ni D0CT03 FF.\NK WILLTATCS’S \M.’ rcciiv,' r^triit attoiiti'.iii. .Juiit IS. 1" i7. ^.n Ivanct^: if jiai'I hiring: the vrar df siiltsorip- ' ^ i ' ' I i;.fl!nioii'l, Aiis. h ;ini! ' . ' * V V Hol'fM'n. All t'U:r!nc.ss eiitruj; it. 'ti; ‘r " ttu iftor tlu' year li:> ext'ircil. A 1>\ 1'IVriKN'1'. iiiserti'il f .r ^ixty c'l.ts jht Bju .ro t 1 •: liiii's tVir rhe fn, nuil tliirty fur i .ich T, (■|'.l,l',l!!;A'i’!',!) i{ 11'. WiilSKKY' e|f)l I'lit'.-.'i. r>. at re;c'i>n,-;.i!e rales. .\ilverliMi s .are ’ ivij i . ee^vio-^to.l t.> Citato the numl.-r of inserti.u.^ ae.ireJ, or ^ l,us mail.- ariaufreinent. to keep a ... , * , 11 • 1 11 1 1 ' t 1' -' -Vrt.i'k'. an‘l is the only ftt-y will be .•..ntiiui. l till iorl-.a. an.i .-har-.Ml nee..r.l-, the sale ol li.e al-.ve h,an-i of A No. 'l ingly. live Whiskey ir. this place. A'i\‘rtisetiionr-' I- !>e iiisoi'to'l cli.irpeJ -jO per • MI'ITUKLL. i\‘\v troods. Hnl.y.-riiier is roceiviti}' his FA(jL AND WIN- S, STOCK, Consisting of alniost everything in the wav i>f ttarfhrnrr inul Kfolloit-frtire^ —A L^:0-- !>0()1.- and > hoc',-:. Suddk'ry, vS:c., Any of whii'ii he will sell cheap for Oiish, barter for I’roduce, or nn short time. Store recently occupied hy Trov iV .Marsh, near the Dohliiu HHise. G W. I. UOLUSTON. Oct. I.), 1 s.jo. I8t{' cent, extr.i. ■'nf KlM.KWORTil VVMMK SKMIXARV, uCF.l'NSlUilU)’, N. f*^HF. iie\t So :! n of this Institutiuu will commence P M M . -Vnsrust in')?. 'l iii' :■ "u-.'e ; ^t^uly is thorougl'. atid systeiaatic, «B'’- ; I ili’ ij; necessary to n cninjilete, solid til rn iMi' III i' ciiii-ition. The huiidings are so ar- Iti) _ d . t I'l'iii’ ine the Cduif' 't :i home with the _ ;■ ■ !i I'll I?istrnet rs of the lii-ihest fi, . li 1 : ins an eni: u_\ e l in each uf the iH'part inents. .n-;..'util’ll in the e,.uiitiy j o.'-sesses .ailv.uitaaes -T 'V ti: L'l::e\V;:l ■'i. ■ ■..! ;_'Uis eontainin- al' necessary infiinnation re- g1 i . ■ ' _ !:k’ iMiirse 111-tnietion, tiM ins, , will tie frrw ii ii'd, ciu Hpi> ieiti'iii to Kh'Jl.UUf STKULINXi. Principa!, Greensboro', N. .'u’y I 'l. l -'-'iT. 'Jl-liiu MEDICAL COLLI-(;h: OF viiuaNrX, SESSION 1857-58. f |11!£ ui'St Annual t'ourse of Lectures will com- , JL nience »n the 1st of October, l>'o7, at the Collejre BuiMinp. conjer >f >hn>hall and College streets. Rich- ' Tiiond. anil terminate on the 1st of March, 1S')S. ISurgi'ry and Surgical Anatomy, hy (,'ii.\HLKs ]5kll Giuso.n, M. D. I ‘Tuenry and Practice of Medicine, Vty D.kvu) II. Ti> kkk, M. D. H.'hemistry and Pharmacy, f by M\uti.\ p. Scott, M. D. ^l-.iti ria Med ea .-iud Therapeutics, ■ by p.. R. \Vf.llF(iri>, M. L). ,Anai my, ’ y Aktui u K. Pktii’oi.as, M. D. In.'titiito:; ■ f Me iii-ine and Medical Jurisprudence, , [ / i.EVIS S. JdTXKS, M. D. ('■'stetries and liiseases of Women and Children. by Jamks 11. Cosway, M. D. I'lmnnstrator of Anatomy. ^ MaIUON IloWARl*. M. 1>. The study of Practical .Anatomy may be prosecuted with the most ample facilities and at a very trifling expense. •’linical Lectures are regularly given at the College Inlirniary. This Infirmary, under the same roof with the (’oilese, is at all times well filled with .Medical and Surgical cases, aud furnishes peculiar facilities for Clinical instruction. Many Surgical Operations are performed in the presence of the class, and the Students being daily admitted to the wards, enjoy, under the guidance of the Professors, unusual opportunities for becoming f.irailiar, not only with the symptoms and diagnosis of disease, but with its daily progress and treatment. Amount of Fees for Lectures, ^ift j 00 Matriculation Fee, 5 Oo Practical Anatomy, in Ou ! Graduating Fee, “.j uo The price of Board, including Fuel, Lights and Ser- i vants' attendance, varies from >;-{ to >'> t er week. The Catalogues, containing fuller information cen- ' cerning the Institution, will be forw.arded to those wlio apply for it, or specitic inquiries will be answered by ^ letter L. S. JoVNES, M D , Dean of the Faculty. July 9. lil-law8w FAl LK ^ lias just rtH't'ivod a jari>' and faney as.^^ortment of IJOOl'S :iuil SHOES: Laiil -' (i:iiter,-. Satin aud (’olored: l.adies’ :ind lit i!ts’ l>.\N('l.\ti SlHiF.v j,f beautiful 1 attern. and every style of article in his line. His stoek is choice :in I carefullj scloc’eit by him self, and buyers wiil lind it to their iiite"est'to call iel'ore purchasing elsewhere. Corner of (jillespie and I'ranklin streets. A} ril L'l, ls.^7. ]tf SITCOM) sii>iu\(; s rocK. s r A K Ii \\ ILIJ A MS I M ^ - A(‘\v o()(!s. ''I ''HI' undersigned have received into Store their re- f cent jiiirchasc''' of /w O O D S, Embracing a latgL and general stock of l)il!*K*‘ra‘H aii«i Which they will seP on their usual accommodating terms. ‘ Ci. W. WILLIAMS CO. March 4, 18')7. fe7tf .JAHKS KVLi: JJS now receiving his SPllI.VG .\XD SLM.MEU sup- "iliiv GOOi>S, MSoots and Shoes, i{()i/riN(; CLO riis, .vc.. All of which, being purchfised hy the case, will be of fered by Wholesale or Retail at LOW PRICES. '.t2tf y.VVE now in Store tlielr Second Stock of S1'AS(>N- .\P>LE (lOOl'S, which they will offer to the Wholesale Trade very low for CASH, or on the usual time to prompt paving buyers. J. n. STARR, ‘ ' J. M. WILLIAMS. April iM, 1S.57. 2tf iiOEKHAVE’S IIOLIW!^ iUTTEUS •J. mJF» W I T II 1). DH \ Ll\ CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN Koady-fiiafii' Clolliin^, Nos. ilos, •jr)0 and '2ii0 Hroadway, NEW YORK. May 2b, 1857. ll-3m 2,800 Acres of Land Foil SAU:. ^'Il’IHE Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of I COR.V. ^ I^AOS CORN, superior quality and Ji- good measure, fur sale by WORTH cj- L'TLIiY. July ■>, ]ho7. iJ4- X7^ The Lite, Correspondence and ■'■j ^reclies ot Hknuy Clw, by Cuviii Colton, •• v .is.; A 1’a n C.jrrimentary oa ilie l ou;- G jsptds: Sputgeon's nrst and s'_i-on I --orie-: N i tu '.•.iolina U. . ler~. E. J. HALE A: >N. U. . ler~. E. J. HALE A: >N. July LAW liOOlvS. SEDf^WI'.'K on the St itutory :.n I Constitutiona! Law; i';iitty .>n Ple.iding: Newiaud u ‘ ontraets; Piiil- bfps ;;!id ou Kvidinee: .'^teplieri :iii Pleadin:.'; .M M'ir i - ' 'l Ui.-ery Pleading'; Hi:' "n Trustee-: Lube fi E juity Pleading; V 1 iiiis s E,'i;t\, >vc. Fu.'tuer suj'plies ot the above just received. e' j. hale i: SON. July !. Type Foundry and Printer's Emporium, estai;lishi;d in i^ih. W .M. II Jr., iV CO., 4iiol(i Nii’fft, -\«*%» Voi’K C ily. fBIHE sub>crifiers desire to advise ttielr friends and .M. the Printing liitere.-^t gener.'illy, that since the late fire, which injui-..- 1 ,,,i,y the iii'anufaeturing de- partnjeiit ot their establi.'-hiiii.iit, thev have entirely n rmed the same wiih new u. i. hinei-y', and iiave avail ed tiiemseivr.s ofth.' o; j,,jrtunity to intr. luce /' 177/1' IMPUo VKMKST which long experietiee and capita! can coui'nau i; :ui 1 that they have Iiien iorc une‘|u ille l facilities lor joo- dueing m’■“ a,-*:: ' i! suj'Crior exceiU-nce mu 1 iluiMbi ity, and for su|iply- iii;-; all orilers for t. e wiili great accur.itCMiC'S and promjitness. i'ur NEnV .''1’i1('1'.lEN Ri»t;K, (.just ."Ued,, Will be iVeeiy given to ail who wi.ih to pUr- eiiase, wlien .applied lur. I'rinti i -^ wiil please be par- t.i ul;;r in din; ';^-' iiow it may be .leut. t’ aj>o turni.riJj evt*ry ariicje iiee Je* l in ;i Printing Otl ef, at manul'n:tiirers‘ prii;. MACiil.NE A.ND HANU ^ hasr's MPiamoml £*ress, (of which we are soU; agents in this city.) .and of every otner «jaiier m \l,e l.uited States: Ink, Case.s, Stamls', Imposing fctoiies, . Mnposing Sticks, Galleys 'br.res and wood ) Cha. . .s, tuniiture, ,vc. Orders will be hiled lor Paper, Cards, an ! Punter's Stock of every kind. •’ Electrotyping and Stereotyping in all their Branchea. Jg.^^ Type Copper-Faced to order. Old type received in exchange for new atcents t.er jiound, if delivered in .sixty days from the U.-au ot pui- chase; if later, but six cents per pouud. I’ublishers of newspapers who insert this .advertise ment three times, with this note, aud forward us a paper containing the same, will be paid in printing materials, by purchasing four times the araount of their bill fur the advertisement. SEc'OND-H.ANO PRESSES (.\Iachine and Hand) usually on sale W.M. HAGAR, Jr., ^ CO. \S.M. IIaoah, Jr.] r.loiix Haoar. _July «. ■ 23-3t Blank VVnrrants for sale here. THE CKLKHRATKn HOLLAND RKMEIA’ FOU DTSPEPStA, DISE\SK OF TlfK Kn>\KrS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS AXY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, .And the v:irious at^lei tions con'cqiient upon a disordered STOMACH OR LIVER, Sill h HS Inilicestion. .\riility nl ilic ■■^toiiiarh. Colicky I’ t.ns He irlliurn. I.o-> ol .\pi . [ite. I.v-p Mu,.Micy ’ostivpne->. IM'nM iid lilecdiiic l’ile In all ^>rv.>^l^. Uheiiuiatic. and Neuratc NiU-c- tions it tiin nainoroii-i in't iiicej (.roved hiirhly l>enel»' it, and in other-' efrertefl a l rdcd i-iiri’ 'I'his i> a purely vecrl ili'e roiiipound, prep\rednn 'irirtly srien t til- priniipU". H;ier tl.f minnfrolltu' reifliratcd Hull m.l Pro !'-'or. Hi't rh iv.-, Ilor iii'ie o( ju i;renl siirresN jn iixxt nt'(he l',iiro|>eaii Stair-. ii nur i.lm ii.m iiuo the I nitPd .-'tal-s was in ii more e'|n -..^Uv lor llm,,’ ni' ,,ur lather :ind si ;iUt r il here .1'111 there over thi' l ire o|' this iii'Khtv 4oiinlry Mei-iini: wuh •iri’ ti -nrce" aiii .ns them. 1 no.v mtVr it to the .\iiierican piihlii-. kiiowin" that it- truly wimilcri'ul iiii’dlcinal vlrities mu>t l»> ai- knii\V ;fllL’fil (t is p:irtiru!arly rrconimondeil tti those i»trsons \\ hftsc ronstilir t' may ImVi- liri .i ,mi. red hy the continuous iis^ i,fardent sjiirits. nr other f..ims oi di" p.-.t on. Cencr illy in«tant ineous in #*:?i‘rt. it o’s u .ay d:r«-ialy t « the se.at tf life, ttir;llint£ and .i iii-kenini; every nrrve. r;ii'ln2 up the dn«ipln" spirit, and,'n :i( t. inlusinu new health and vijjor in the system. ,\» rH'K—\Vh n'ver v|‘ei ls to lind this a (a verage will be ilis appointed; Imt to the sii k. weak nid low s|iiri;ed. it will prove a L'riso inl afoiuaiii- ri.r>lial. iKissi ,sed o'sinjul.ir remedial properties, ; i: r T I U \ 1 The crt’at p ‘;ho inly oT this drli'iiitl'ul Aroma has induced nmny j Mii;t:tlions, whi' h the pulilir shuiilil cuard :ie:iinst purchasinu. ■ lie not [(rr-u idt il to hiiv 'inytliin:; else until you hive eiven lioer i li:ive's llolliind Itittrr' .i I or trial. One liotlie will cimvinei you ' h i'.\ in:in tely aper or it i - to all these imitations. i^j-.-..!d at .ii’ :hl p* r li i;:Ie. or ^i.v l.otiles i',,r .S.'>.(Kt, by the S (■ L K. 1’ it 1 > I’ II 1 i;t( • U S , 15i:.\.I \^I!\ JR. A VO. ! ■■ V N r I -.1 T r r. I s ; ] PHAKMAriiUTls i S aN'L) CHEMISTS, i I'pri-in.UGii, I*A. ' Satuuel J. II iiisdalo sole agent for Fayetteville. ! .lune 11, If'-liT. 10- j 8^500 IIP.WARB. .\N.vW.\Y from the subseriber, on the loth of l)ccember. l''o’_’, a negri: boy name 1 lUlN’NIS. .''aid boy was a'“iut rw>uty-otie years of asre when he leit, and weighed about 1 lU or lot) ])ounds. He is dark compieitcd, round faced, lull jawed, slightly bow- legg?*d, roun I slionldercd, leans forward when he , Walks, atid is \ery int'-iligent He 'na-: a s. ar on the iusi'le of one thi-h. cau-e I ’ v wound recoiv. 'l in a ^ f.a'l from a tree. I have reason to believe that he has . been in the ciutities of .Johnston, H.-irnctt, (,'iimber- L'Ui'l and Klai’en, and in the town» of .Xveraslior')’ and ; Fayetteville, wliere he passed I'lf a free man. under i the absunicd n.ames of .Josepli .laiaibs. .John (i. Wil liams and \\ i!!i'',m C.r..hvcl!, anil ;it times fiMowed the j occupation "f a ditelier. I have also beeu inforttied i th.it he left P.aleigh in a bugtry with an Irishman, jirobably under a jiromise of being taken to a free ; Stale 1 will jiay a rewar ! of >;10i') for his apprchetwion I and I' livei'v to ii'.e, or for liis conlinement in any Jail ^ s.) th.i! I ;;et him, if taken within this State; ^ taken t;ui of the State; and also S;luu for proof suf- ; ticii’iit to C'liiviet any white j)erson wi ll h.-iving har- ' bored him, whether in or out of this ,'tate. , W. (J. STPtK'KLANI). I ilaleigh. May ■'). ry-Uii I Sj»iin^ 1857. n. !\ i>i-:ARCK a.S Now PiICi’ElVING a beautiful and well selected Stoek of antf StrnnHrr '4moofls^ Comprising a general assortment of all the latest styles of Lti Ii '■)' I'ress (joods. Lace and Silk M;int!es, Eni- ♦iroi'leries of every des- ription. Crape Shawls, Bon- I nets, Uibhotis, Gloves, I5elts, Hosieij', iic. —ALSO— AVhife and colored Linen Drilling, English and French Urap d'Ete. ii'eached and brown Shirliii;:s and Sheetings, Irish LineiiS, Linen Table Cloths, Towelings atid Napkins, Leghorn, Panama, ("assimere and .Moleskin Hats, L'mbrellas and Parasols, Boots, Shoes, and RKADY-MAIU-: CLOTriTNG. All of which will be sold low for C.\Sll, or on the usual time to jiunctual customers, either at Who’.'sale or Retail. All persons (and particularly the Ladies) are respecttully reijucsted to give me a call before making their selections. B F PEARCE Fayetteville, (Hay St.,) March 12, 1857. 89tf Land, lying on -Anderson’s Creek, about two aud a half miles from lower Little Iliver, near Elliot’s Mills,—including about One Hundred Acres of good Swamps, which can be easily drained. This Laud Is Vfry heavily timbered, aud a large portion level and of superior quality of Pine Land for cultivation. Also, a Circular STE.AM SAW-MII Ij, in complete order and well adapteil to sawing plank road and rail road timbers. Also. Two well-broke .MULES. All, or any portion of which, will be soM low and on time. Tlie Land will be sold either iu a botly or in parcels to suit. SMITH i ELLIOT. April H, 18ii7. 97-tf NO Tu MlillG! ^I'^HE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders X f'J*’ Superior ll\tter itttrkets. He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploys North Carolina capital aud labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Southern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable sitowing. TRIAL is what he wants. Messrs. WORTH UTLEV of this place are Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. G. II. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb'y 17, 1857. 82-y xoTici:. WE hereby forbid anj’ person from trespassing on any of our Lands known as the Kingsbury Lands, and we particularly forbid persons from chip ping aud teu'ling the Turpentine Boxes. We will en force the law in every instance of a trespass. J. i; T. WADDILL. March G, 1857. 88tf (MJ) HYK WmsKKY. i ^BIHE Subscriber is the only authorised agent in I JL Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. K. C. Pur- : year's Celebrated OLf> If 1 */: H ’ff f.S K H I ’. : He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to t*eet the demand. I W. DU AUG HON., j Fayetteville, .March ‘Jti. DO-tf I XHw sri*i>jA OF s'i\\Ti(wiln^ WE are just receiving further supplies of ST.iTMO.VKHl\ i Embracing Litter, Bath Post, Note au'l Cap Papers, j in great.varieiy; English and French Euvelojies, white j and colored; Ti.ssue Paper, Gillott's and i’erry’s Steel • Pens, Peu II d len. He ! Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, Iv'i-y ati'l Boxw I'd I'ockct Kttlers, Mathematical In- ; strumeiits in eases, ilaiid Clips, Pink Tape, Quills, ! Pen liaeks, WJiitc Hubber, Sand B'ixes, vc.; Banker’s I t.'ases. Pocket Memorandums and Pocket I’.ooks; Van- ' kee and French Pencil Siiarpeiiers; Clotli Stretchers, for I marking with indelihle ink; llodgers’ Pen Knives; j Portfolios; Maynard « .N'o^esaii'l Davids’ Inks, J'C. I Also, I Case superior English SLATlv.S, assorted sizes. E. J. HALE & SON. May J, 1857. M:(aioi:s wanti:!). fglllE under;'igned will pay the highest cash price fi. for VOL’.NG NEf'IK»KS. Letters addressed to either of us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt attention. 1). C. McINTVllE. DANIEL M. .McLAUUlN. Laurinburgh. Dec. 20, 185(i. GStf SriEMWET.I. TIOITS!:. I'Avrri'Ti'ivii.i.i;, Kd!:! xuIp. nf (jrr> n Strprt^ n few Doors Nurfh th' Market IIoKse. rSin!’ .Subscriber desires tliroucth medium to acknowledge 5«« medium to acknowledge the liboiau patronage bestowed upon his House the year—iind as he has Just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he t.ikes jileasure in sa\ing to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a ooptinuance of the liberal patroti- age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part sliall be used to render them comfortable during their sojouiii with him. His table is alwaj’s suj^plied with the best the uiarket affords. P. snEMWELL. .'li’.rcli 2t, 1855. 8G-tf noiiP.iN iiorsK! PoWEUS iSi TUOY, PuoPKiETOits. “H^HE Proprietors of this Establishment *- announce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to tlicta, they have been induced to en- l;irge the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite ol I'looms on the second tloor; thus enabling them to accommod:ite all who may favor them with a call. And they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at- tendauee I he eligible location of the Efitablishment, with the exjierience of the Proprietors in providing for the com- lort ol their patrous. they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. J'he \\estcrii and Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in atteiiilance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses aud Carriages furnished at any notice for car- rying travellers to any j)art of the adjacent country. J. \W. POWERS. Book Wanted. Subscriber, Jiaving taken the General Agency 8_ for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in process of publica tion by Messrs. E. ,J. Hale Son of rayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reli.able persons in each of the Juilicial (’ircuits, to canvas.^ their respective I>ai ts of the St.ite, or jiartieular counties, thoroughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot the first volume will will be ready in a few d.iys. 1,'iulotibted testimonials as to character must ac company each ai'j'lication. Address H. W. HORN. Fayetteville, Dec. 0, 185G. 04- .\ \ .u.uaiuj: lav» book. A I'DISON on (,'ontracts, with Notes and References * to American cases, by E'Iward Ingersoll. 1 large vol. iL'Od j'.iges. •ludge Woodward, of the Suj i-eme Court of Penn.syl- vania. says that “this is the best book on the subject I ever had in m3' hands.” For sale by K. J. HALE & SON. April 20. A CAiU). ~ ^ff^HE undersigned would respectfully inform his M ola fri- nds and customers that he can be found at the Store of (J. E. Leete, where he will be glad I0 see them. J U. McDON’.KLD. Fayetteville. N. C., Jan’y 8, 1857. 72-tf W. C. Fayetteville, ^Lly 12, 185G. TROY. ;3tf V \I.LIAP»LR PROl’KR rV roic s.MJLr.. I OFFER for sale, my L.VNDS in the Town of F'ay- etteville, about 1.30 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 Acres of it is line Meadow Laud, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, tbe ISrirli. S|«ih! l.iOt near the Market Square, occupied by Mr. John A. Pemberton. , A Large ami Vahiable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, I Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel ' Garden Lot.—could be divided into several Building j Lot.s—very near the new Female High School Buildings. I Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford i Street. ' Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both i Winslow and Mumford Streets. .•Ill this property can now be purchased on favora- j ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. TUO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 4.3-tf I'OR SALE. fffllN PLATE, B Sheet Iron, Iron Wire, Zinc, and Tin Ware and Stoves of various patterns. By C. W. ANDREWS. Market Stjuare. Sept. 21. 42- (a ANoi:s. p. AGS PE lie VI AN: # ;527 do. ( OLU.MBIAN. Not 011I3’ has the cost of using tl.- S',' Ouanoes in contiexion been very' much iliminished, but experi ments h.ivo proved th.ft tJie phosph.'ite. so much want ing iti the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined with the Columbian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by I; ',y. .McLAURIN. Nov. tj, IboO. S4tf OX CONSI 15US. ('i»KN. 1000 Sack, S lit, 20 Bbls. Mulletts, (Oak.) To arrive and for sa'e. W. P. ELLIOTT. Oct. 2-2. ,50-tf ’ IIWVKS’S HISTORY. The Subscriber, Assistant Agent for procuring subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History, gives notice th.it he will attend the County Court of Duplin on the 3d Monday in July inst., the County Court of Chatham, on the 2d Monday in August, the County Court of Sampson on the 3d Monday in Au gust, and the County Court of Johnston on the 4tli Monday in August. He will be provided ■with a Sub scription Book, and with copies of the 1st voltime in the several styles of binding, for delivery. C. PRICE. July 4. 22- " ~GUA XO! GHLU W!! ^■“^HE undersigned asks the attention of Farmers, Planters aud Dealers to his Stock of best quality Guanoes, all of 'vihich he will sell at tlie lowest mar ket rates. ‘•.A” PERUVIAN GUANO of the latest importa tions and best quality. “A .4” MEXICAN GUANO of the best cargoes imported. Ci.'LU.MBIAN GUANO, very rich in Phosphates. •\lso. iSuper-Phosphate of Lime, Bone Dust, &c. Purchasers may rely ou having their Guano shipped in prime order and in superior bags. The general satisfaction heretofore given by all Ouanoes sold by the Subscriber, he hopes w’ill be a sufficient guarantee that all articles sold by him will be found as repre sented. WILLIAM ROBINSON, Nos 4 and G Hollingsworth Street, Near Pratt Street Wharf, Baltimore, Md. July 1. 21-3m tOLOR-TVIM'S l\l) VM ^SIHE Subscriber has taken the Rooms formerly ■- occupied hy Mv Nott, over Beasley & Houston’s Jewelry Store, where he will be happy to wait on those who wish a good likeness of themselves or friends. P. S. I would /particularly call the attention of the public to the ’OI..OK-’rYI*E, which in point of beauty far surpasses any thing in the shape of a Daguerreotj’pe or Photograph, and is but little inferior, if not fully equal to the finest miniature painting ou ivory, which it very much resembles. Pictures taken ia cloudy weather as well as fair. M. M. FERGUSON. Fayetteville, April 22, 1857. 1-tf rITR'rHER S LUTLY OF00¥s. » B^HE American Almanac for 1857; JL Kane’s Arctic Exploration; Draper’s Physiology: The Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster; The American Spcrrtsman, by Lewis, illustrated; A New Life of Summerfield, by Willet; Count Hugo, the Miser, inc., by the same author; The Torch Light; Tuck’s Selections for Sabbath Reading; Brown’s Bible Dictionary; The American Debater; Upham’s Mental Phil osophy; Alexander’s Moral Science; 4’c. E. J. HALE S SON. NEW IJOOKS. ILLEDCI.f’IA: from “Notes and tiueries:” The i H Elephant ('iuV», by Doesticks: Past Aleri.lian, by- Mrs. Sigoui ney: The Kitle, ,\xe and Sad lle-Bags, by Mirt)urn: “('hristin i.s Stories.” JUVENILES; The Aimwell Stories, consisting of the “Whistler, or tlie -Manly Boy:” Ella, or Turning over a .New Leaf: Oscar, or the lioy who ha'I his own way: The In lian Fairy Book; Abbaft’s Sforie.? about C)ininon Tilings. Also, further supjiliesof Hume and ■Mac.'iuley s Histories of England: School Books, Inc. E J. H.\LE & SON. .Tati'y 17, 1857. Slock, I e' P. MOORE, Wliolo.siile (Iroci r iuid I'ommissioii Mrrrliant. Has just received in Store, *21.') JJarrels Whiskey and Braudy. 0.5 “ uud hlid.s. of Sugar, ass’td. To Sacks llio Cuffee, 200 “ Salt. 50 Boxes Soda Biscuit. Caudios, Soaps, Candles, Snuff, Cig:\rs, &c. &c. All of which will be sold on liberal terms. March 1(>, 1857. 89tf .\*^ro Clotliing. Bf. WKiyjrS KERSEYS, HATS^SHOES. &c Now receiving. J. & T. WADDILL. November 17, 1856. 67tf RORERT I). GREEX, (LATE GREEN & WEAR.) WATCH-MAKEHS. JEWELLERS, &c., FAYETTEVILLE, x\. C. HI) G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liberally be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he ha? bought the interest of J. S. W’ear, and will continue the business in all its brunches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N. B .\11 Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the ow'ners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to them and a writte.-j contract given for the same, which work will be v^ar- rantel for two years. On hand and for sale now, the most varied aud choice selection of CLOCKS and othoK ^ime pieces that has ever )ieen offered to the puTdic n North Caro lina, which he will sell at New York juites, and also w.\UR.\XT for two years. •Ml debts due to and by the late firm will be paid and received by K. D. GREEN. August 25, 185G. 34-tf >. lIOUSTOiV /"OULD inform his friends and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape FeAr Bank, and 3 ioors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites' his friends from the couutry to call and examine hifl stjck before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all in'lebted to the firm of HOUSTON & 0\'ERBY to settle witii W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the iirm's debts. •Vugust 27, 185G. 31tf FOR SAF.E. ,1/ /{ thieed t^rires^ for C»lSMI m on S no BIT Tt.fgM), •250 (UlRil(;i:S, BtROlCIIHS, Hockaways aud Buggies OF j:vi:/!y niJscRirrjox, 'AX ANY of which arc finished, and the balance being ^M. finished dtiily. Among which are many New !ind Beautiful styles, and one VEPiY FINE C.VIIRIAGE. Some «d' tliPin very light, and all made in the best manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are (illE.VTEIl than any est.-iblish- ment South, and 1 .;an ati'ord anil am determined to sell worK of the BES'f i.^L'ALlTV as low at) it nan be built for by any one. 6«6(“ Thnse wLo ar« indebted to me will please pay uj>, as tnj’ business requires my out-standing debts to be collected. A. A. McKETHAN. Feb. -i, 1855. 72-tf . wool. ROLLS. 7"OOL carded with lispatch at Blount’s Creek Factory. SHEETINGS, (')snaburgs, ('otton Yarn, and W^ool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL. .June 1854. 7-tf liiMKiP IMlK.\Sfll(U^T\S WORKS. gIHE 2d edition, (with hundreds of typographical A errors of the old edition corrected,) is published for the benefit of the Missionary cause of the Episco pal Church iu North Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, >>4, in sheep 5l. Ori^ers, accotnpanied in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed to E. J. n.VLE ,j- SON. Fayetteville, -May 8, 1856. Xarnitive of tJie Expedition of an American Sijuadron to the China Seas and Ja[>an.b’ Com. Perry, U. 8. Navy, with numerous illustrations, edited by Rev. Dr. F. L. Hawks. Also, further supplies of Mrs. lltintz’s Novels; Miss Murray’s Travels through the U. S.; Mitchell’s Tra veller’s Guide; Steel Pens, 4'c. E. J. HALE ^ SON. .1. W. RAKER Is tjnw recoiving from the North the h’.rgist. liti'.st, aud most carefully se- lecfed stoek oi : I 31.MTI K1: ever otfen 1 in thi;- irket: which, added to his own manufacture. m:i.ves nis assortment complete;—all of which he will sell on thel.west possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashion^rltle painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, aud cotton .Mattresses; Looking Gl.isses: Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases: What- Nots; Tables, all sorts: Wa'h Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with ..^lolian At^ tachment; Rosewood .Melodiaus, from the bet manufac tories in New Y«rk atid Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country*, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2. j,“)t The L,arg:esf iUtrriafnc Factorf/ in the Sonth! XEW BOOKS Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition, illustrated. Collier & Jewett’s Edition of the Original Text of Shakspeare’s Plays Restored. Farmingdale; The Lion of Flanders, or the Battle of the Golden Spurs; The Curse of the Village, &c.; Kitto’s Daily Bible Illustrations; Kitto’s Popular Cy clopedia of Biblical Literature; Barnes’ Notes on the Books of Job and Revelations; Half Hours with the best Authors,—Knight’s Lo:idon Edition, 2 vols.; Half Hours with the best Poets. Revolutions in Europe, dawn to IS'IQ. Webster’s University and Family Pronouncing Dic’y Juvenile and School Books, Stationary, Just rec’d by E. J. HALE ^ SON. Nov 17 Further ISupplies of Books. ^IHIE Humorous Poetry of the English Language; Home and the World, by Mrs. Rives of Va.; Poetical Works and ‘ Rejected Addresses” of Horace and James Smith; ' Beaumarchais and his Times; Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon and Jo sephine; The Lady’s Almanac for 1857; Dr. Kane’s Arctic Explorations; Memoir of Susan Allibone; Knight’s Pictorial Half-Hours; Ready Reckoners; The Mystic Circle; Bullion’s Practical jLessons in English Grammar. Just received. E. J. HALE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1857. I “Tlie Old Xorth tStatc in 1776,” by Caruthers,—first Series. A further supply just re ceived. Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E. J. H.\LE & SON. A. A. .'qcK?-:T!IA.\ l^'^Pljl’T^l'LLY iiil'oi'Wis his friends and the puK!ie, tliat he Las luiiU up l.-iige substantial P>rick Buildings at his O'.d .'^tan 1. expressly for mau- ufaeturinp ('arrii.gt s. 'riiaiiklul for the very liberal patronage he has received for the last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to l)u=-iness, with a desire to give saiisf'action, to merit a cotifitiuance of (he same. He \s.ur int.s his work to be made of the best ni.aterial and by e.xiu'rieiiced workmen in each bi-.iiieh of the business. Ilis work will compare favorably with any made in the Lnitel States, for iiea'uess asid durability'. He is 'let. rii iii“d to seil and do any work in his line on as good terms as any work done elsewhere that is as well done. He now has on hand, FisisHKii, the LARGEST Sl'(tCK of ( irnfilli\)uclics, mut Ii II ^ i(s. Ever otl'ered in tltis place, :unt a v(‘ry large stock of work iie:irly :ini:died, which will be finished d;iily. .\11 of which will be sold very low I'or C.asii, or on short time to piinetu.'il eiistoiiivrs. He has on hand more than (t.NE llUNDKi;i» ,\ND FIFTY Vehi cles finished auil in course of construction. All work m i'leby him is w;uT:intcd 12 months with fair usa-e. ;ui'l sluoilitit fai 1 by bad workmanship or material will be repaired fi-e.‘ of charge. Persons wishing to buy would do well to Call and ex.imine for themselves. Orders t hatikliilly received and proiii|: tly attended to. RfpaTi'ing executed fit short notice and on very reaaonatill.- terms. .May 28. 185:;. '.tStf W IIEA r W AX rEI). IW.VNT to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat. J.\S. G. COOK. June 25, 185(J. Hi-tf \lOF.ASSH8. HHDS. just received aud for sale by ^%P JAS. G. COOK. Oct. 27. 51- Fiirfhc'r Niiiiplir^ ol' Rook««. rf 1HE AMEinCAN CITIZEN, by Bi.shop Hop -BL Praed’s Poetical Works: Milledulci.a, Notes and (iueries: Mackey's Lexicon of Free-Ma ry; Dictionary of Poetical (jnotations: Mitch Travellers’ Guide; yuesti ins to Jacobus’ Notes; M c.'il Books: School Books, Ac. E. J. HALE & SON. May 2, 1857. DWELLING FOR SALE. rjlllE Subscriber wishes to sell the large DwelPng J and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambcrt. Terms reasonable. E. J. HALE. •Hat*ble Faclorff. By %\ a LVUDCli. Twii imiiiis liijiiii c. T. iniiai isiiN's sniRii.i Jan’y 20, 1857. 64ypd Qi W/fO WOrfjD HA VE Tno tom JTf .1 ntkc (^nrriauf Exfah/inhment on the Mililary (ireen, tipjun^ifn the Mt-thodLAt Churchy fronlinij on Mumfonl Street. (iRl-:.\ r EXTERPRISE! r';iv«rlt4‘\'iit«‘ io bound to ^liiiK*!! ^I'^HE Subscribers wo#ld respectfully inform their J friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for the pui pose of conducting the general CARRIAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. And being both practical workmen, fully un- derstandiug their business, they have no titaitation to comf le work with any establishment il. c.._,diteville as t style and durability. ( of ihe firm may b« known by to A. H. bitfield's iron work for the last two ye,irs. W warrant all work to give general satisfaction for »'"!te months. K, . ring done in the neat est manner low for cash ' " PIER & BRAN IN. Jamks H. Pier. Jambs Bkaniii. ' Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 62tf