IPAiriliTOIETaiLILIE SE91I-WEE1KL. Y. VOL. VII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., .JULY 23, 1857. [\0. 720-] IN \ ,l;\ \ f; !( NILE. ■ IMNTKl) Mondays am* 11H'K!SI»AVS. i:n\V\i!l) .1. IIALK & SON, i;iMTi)i;s \NJ> i’i;oriUKToi»s. Pri' *' '■ '• t o Seini-Wi okly ititsr.uvKF (M) iC in '' 'v.iiici . S ')> ir ■lui'iiiu thv vi'iir "f sv;l)si rij>- I ■ r >1 al'ti r the voiir ii;i> cxjiii'cil. ' .1' Weekly OusKuvi.i! 00pcr;muum, il juii'l in i\ ill. t'. if p:iiil ihirin;: the ycivr of Mihscrip- •]. >•! «•> lifter the ycur li:»s oxj'ired. l'\ KRTlSKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents j>cr '■I' “i' 1 tjlines for the first, iiiul tlili ty cents for c;ich 1-1 I’.ng pnbliciition. Yearly mlverti^ements by spe- I "ntr:iLts. :it reasonable rates, Ailvertisers are mmoteii to stule the nuniher of insertions ilesircil, or they will t'C (.'^'iitiniieil till fi«rhiJ. uu'I cliarpeil accortl- F( ■qo BQ. oin’ A IviTtisen-.onts ti oei t. o\tr:i. be inserteti chargeii 50 per ■fl'’llt' Mibscrll'ers offer their services to the public to 'urnisU C' ffins. Hearse, and every other requisite for K T'm v have a consiilerable supply of Coffins r! a.iy niii'le. :uul an abundant supply of Ma- hOjr:iny. k \N':i!tiui and Gum and I’oplar materials for i>i , ::n iT iny size at a short notice. >rders left at Ui. Spiiuir Mills will be promptly attended to. HEARSKV'ii JOHNSON. ■ yotteviile. .hino 18-37. 'J^tf To the Public. 8HEMWEI.L HOUSE, FAYETTKVII^I.E, I\. V. sif/c of Grrrn Street, a few Doors North oj the Market House. IIE Subscriber desires through this medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes plea.sure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part sbal] be u.sc(J to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with the best the market atl'orils. r. SHEMWELL. March 121, 1855. 8G-tf nOlJIUN HOISE! POWERS & TROY, Propuiktors. rjJ^HE Proprietors of this Establishment JL announce to the public, that cwing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have been induced to en large the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite of Rooms on the second tloor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. .Vnd they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance. The eligible location of the Establishment, with the -■i-''ioriV)er h;ts on band a good assortment of -I- Bootn, uikI A Clothing, Furnishing (Joods. Hats of all kimls, Ininks, \'ilice.s, and Travelling Bags. All of which hi.' w'll sell low for cash, in order to close out his pre- ttut ^tock. Person^ in want .if Goods in his line will d -.Tfll ti: give him a lall. L. IlRANItT. Gilli’spie St., opposite P. P. .Tohnson. •I me'J}. 10-L’m PKO»PE€TUS OF THE NORTH CAROLINA PRESBYTERIAN. Presbyterian Church in North Carolina has JL long labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claims and rep resent her interests, it is estimated that only 1000 Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the bounds of our tiiree Presbyteries. We have 13,000 Communicants, and it is safe to infer that there are :i0,000 Presbyte rians in principle in the J tate. Our Synod stands fifth in the Union in point of numbers, anl her mem bership is greater than that of any Synod South or West of Pennsylvania. Our sister States ou the North and South, neither of which has a membership so large as ours, jiublish the Central, and the Southern Presbyterian, for the benefit of their people. The time has come when the Presbyterian Church in North Carolina should likewise do her duty to her children. It is a conceded and important fact, that hundreds of our members will take a State paper who will take no other. The Paper is needed to be the organ of our Synod and Presbyteries—to elevate and enlighten the piety of our membership by difl'using evangelical knowledge—to promote the cause of Education—to develope the talents of our Ministry, and to strength en the attachment of our people to the soil and sanc tuaries of their own State. If our Church in other States, and other Churches in this State, can supply their members with a Re- ' ligious Journal, why may not we? Are North Caro lina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to their neighbors on the North or South, or to Christians of other denominations at home? With the same or better opportunities of accomplish- ' ing this work, shall we leave it undone? In the lan guage of one of our most able and useful Ministers, an adopted son of our State, “It ought to have been f.i, » • . • • i- p undertaken 20 years ago, but it is not too late to be- roprietors in providing for the com- gin to do rigLt *heir patrons, they hope will secure to them a In the last two or three months, a fund of about • Hooks. *fLife of ('harlotte Bronte, Author of Jane Kyre, *:c ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh >1 :!i r; Salft'l for the Social, by the -Author of Salad f I tiie Solitarv: Indiiri'uoai: Rate* of the Earth, bv t' \ (ili'ldiiu: The Bco Keeper's riiart. Also, fur- ■r “'I'^'plies of Milledulcia; The Prince of the House l>'wi.l; Mrs. Hcntz's Novels; The Baptist Psalmody, F iinily Prayers: t'hristian Minstrel; Cruden's ■ r i iii 'o: tdams's Now \rithmetic: Parley's Com- .', u. ’ Hi'torv; j'c. E. j. Il^LK SON. ' -I. l-'T AiJ)FjnL\x, tHspcftor of »Varnl =LiriTS I ■ it -put' il WILMINGTON. N. C., ' Prompt altcu^ion and itruuuj^f be IVv'U to ' U:-lUfS.' luick cntrusio l to his .Iiirip _ Tn TIm' l'.*-lJmp'i Pul)li(. I ilK ;iiMir-,igucd w.t.- n] poiiitcl by the l;ist (’miiity *’ urt t. t:iio iht' Tax Li>t lor the T iwn, and I'r-i i ,-! t,j fill ■ ,‘it his Store, the last twenty V 'rkint I;ivn in .lulv. ;i.« pi'ivided bv law. «i. V,-. i Gt(LL»ST»»N. ■hily i, 1 c,7. Jl-tl.V I ’wn p ip^.'r^ ■■ op\ A. McRIMMON, Commission aud Forwarding Merchant, \vilmin(;ton, n ’ >() ricK. I’^HK lu iorsi'jrnt d h iviii" executi 1 a power ot At- t riuy t.i E. F. M .r ■, iie i:- thereby authorized ill settiemi’Ut:- *'ir uiu an 1 in my name, an i :.i rn!’.;. i. transact ill ■ usiiics-^ .i,-' 1 niight or could vveri- 1 personally ]>ri'sent .1. -I. .M()0!'E, F v . ttpvillc, -luiic o, lx,'(7. l;itf i:. 'I^HE -ub-ioriber having, at June Term lH-")7, of the I ‘uit of P!e,is and .^iiart r .''cssions for the 'lity ”f 'umiii i ian I. J .\dmin;.strat"r : M Evt:ite f Wiy.ie F. Muore, h* rehy notifies all ■ • r-: . having claiiii' against the said Estate to present . 'June properly authenticMtt d within the time pre- I- 'fd by iaw. ;>thti’.vjst‘ thi- iiDfu-e will be pleadi'ii •• iv i f th. r i-o.‘'V--ry. ■’ ’..I's. t.. tin' 'u;d K i.iti w. ' p!i';ise make pavuient - tiHt.'iy i: F. .MOMRE. ' nie i.~.'.>7. l:5tf FOR Til!', U i:ST! Through in 36 Hours, aud Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! s. r5R(»WNS Tri-Week!y • Line ol Four-Horse Post •he-;, iVoiii Salisbury to .\she- via Stateville, Newton, ^l■■r2■ultnn, .^^u•ion and Ple.iv.-iit iiardens: i^onnectinp N^lieville with tlie line of .■>tages fr the Warm '[■rin^r-, Ivno.xville and Grvein iilo. Ti'nn. This is ti " 't-i iti:cke'l aU'l be-t managed Roa I in North Ca- >■' 1’ is ?lie m' "-' o.\ji^-’iition-;, sale aii'l pleasant, m l it tin Mne time the ciioapo-’f route for the West. Leaves iiry nn \Jnnday. Wednesday ainl Fri- l.iV; leaves .\-lievi.le nn f'le-i-l iv. Thurs l iy mui Satur- >'5iK)0 has been subscribed as a permanent capitaL At a meeting of the contributors, held at Greensbo- rough on the 14th of May, Rev. A. Baker, Chairman, —the Paper was unanimously located iit F.ayetteville, under the name and title of the North Carolina Prksbvtkiman. Rev. W’m. N. Mebane and Rev. George MeNeill were elected Editors: Rev. Messrs. George McNeill, Wm. N. Mebane, A. Baker, and C. H. Wiley, and Messrs. George McNeill, Sr., John II. i Cook and David Murphy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage its business affairs. It is our wish and design to make the North Caro lina Pkksbyterian a journal of the first class, eijual to the best in the country iu typographical appear ance aud in adaptation to the wants of our Churches. Its columns will aft'ord the latest intelligence, both foreign and domestic, and special care will be taken to give a full and accurate summary of State news. The name of the Paper is designed to be an exponent of its character and contents. From conviction, it will advocate the conservative, orthodox, Old School doctrines and order of the Church, i Our first appeal is to our own people—to N. C. j Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confiJently upon their favor, we trust that the native sons of North Carolina ; who have found homes in other States, and the adopt- I cd citizens of our State who form so important an : element in our Ministry and membership, will take a I deep interest in this enterprise and give it their ' hearty support. ItRMs; i‘2 per annum in advance, or on delivery of the first number: ^'2 50 in six montha; at the end of the year. To clubs of -5 or more, paying iu advaufc aud when the Paper is sent to one address, a , discount of 10 per cent, will he allowed. Our Minis ters and Elders are earnestly desired to act as Agents, •ind all others frieully to the cause will please :issis- ' in procuring as many subscribers as possible, aud for- I ward the names, /•»/ .lu^ust 1.*/, to this Office. As , soon as 1500 subscribers arc obtained, the first num ber will be issnei. If a faithful aud vigorous effort is made in the next two months by those who tak; a lively interest iu thi." work, wc will, without douot, ■ be able to begin the publicatiou at the end of that time with a paying subscription list of at least 3000. .iddrcis. Editors of the North Carolina Presby terian, Fayetteville. N. C. Fayetteville, May ‘JO, lHft7. PJ. FOK SALE. rj^HE UWELLlNt} Hl^tUSE AND LOT ou Gillespie M. Street, at present occupied by Doctor McSwaiu. Perfect title can be ma le. Apply to THO. J. CURTIS. ALSO A GOOD F.V.MILY C.\RRI\GE in good repair and .I.1L nearlv new. Will be sold forhalfits value. —ALSO— ! pond MIL H COWS with young calves. Apply to T. J. CURTIS. .Vpril 1657. 3tf DAVID McDl FI IE, Krirkmasoii and Plasterer., Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, April 27, 1857. ^i-lV-pd J. WILLLVM PAGE, M. D., \M* i TT S B O RO V U ti. .V. V. Dr. P.VGE may be found at his ofhce when not professionally engaged. .^Iny ti, 186 liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at iiud de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival aud departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for car- rying travellers to any part of the adjacent couirtrv. J. W. POWERS. W. C. TROY.' Fayetteville, May 1*2, 185ti. 3tf valuable puoperty FOR S.iJLE. 1 OFFER for sale, my L.\NDS in the Town of F.ay etteville, about 130 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About 80 Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. Also, the ValiiHl>l‘ aiKl l.ol near the Market Square, occupied bj' Mr. John A. Pemberton. •\ Large an'l Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell aud Muniford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Huildings. Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fro itinp on .Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS ou both Winslow and .Mumford Streets. All this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. t:i-tf KOliEllT I). GREEN, (L.VTE GREEN « WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, kc., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. RD. G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liberally be- stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the business in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N. B All Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart iu the presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to them and a writtrt. contract giveu fur the same, which work will >>e v.vr- rauted for two yearp. On hand aud for sale now, the nio3» varied and choice selection of CLOCKS and othe*' \ime pieces that has ever been otiered to the public ic North Caro lina, which he will sell at New York priics, aud also warrant for two years. -\11 debts due to and by the late firm will be i>aid and received by R. D. GREEN. August 25, 185*) 34-tf ). IIOU!STO.\ WOULD inform his friends and former customers that he may be found '2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and i doors above his obi stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine ^ his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles i punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indelvted to the firm of HOUSTON & ' OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as thi»y are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. ' August '21, 185ri. 3-4tf ■)tf ECCLES’S U.\S been newly repairecl. have it ground. •Man-li oO. MILI. Send your Corn and .M. .McKlNNON. !M- -niniiin;; ui > i..se > ina Kail Road, Nortl iiincction with !i!id Smitli. S. I'.H'tWN. ( i un.' I".. IN'. the North iractor. It- V r;il [ It» oui- pM '-ent .■'t" L Cf'ived — 'ii Viags Rio, La^uir fihds :.bls tlu' atl(‘iitim ot \\ IK )!.}•',- S\LE DEALERS and we liave I'Ccently re- ind .lava (,’ollce. •IL S r RECEIVED, tiUAKTKR BOXES RAISINS. 20 Half 20 Boxes Soda Biscuit. 20 “ (,'heese. For sale by C. E. Dec’r l-'i. Worth & XTtley, Forwardinjr aiul Gcncml Comiiiissioii MERCHANTS, Paffcttcrille^ .V. 4\ J. A. WORTU. (72tf) JOK. UTLKY. \v. \\ i:LLi()T'r, COMMISSION MERCHANT, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Aijeiit Jar Lutterluh t' Co.’.s Steambuat Line Will atteuil promptly to all business eutrusteil to July 20. Cjir)cori(‘s, Oct. 21, 1H5G. .lOHN his care. 50 tf \\ SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WIL.MINGTON, N. C. Will give jiarticular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. Feb’y 25, 1850. 85-tf W. H. TURLING-TON, Coimuissioii Merchant, No. 42 Norlli Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. ■ MTILL give his prompt personal attention to the wW sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8, 1850. tf .lA.MES C. S.MITH. MILES C0STIN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Facforfi^ Commission and Forwarding MERCHANTS. NO. 2 SOUTH WATER STREET, Ul‘ ST.MRS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21, 185t;. PUBLIC NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Jooks of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetieville, and West, will be openetl on Thursday, the 10th ilay of April 1850, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following j places and under direction of the following named ^ persons. Commissioners iu the Charter, viz: ' In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk | of the County Court at Jacksonville, and at the Post Ollice Ftich Lauds. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. ; Foy, Robert White, John A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug- ; gins, L. W. Humphrey. ! In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- ! dell at Beaufort Dr. M. F. Arcndell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina ('ity,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, II. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Arendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the Cuunty Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David f Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the oflice of the Countv Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. 'Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, i cern in liijuidatiou J. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnson. , In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Ranlal McDaniel, Edward L, Winslow, John C- Blocker. Form of subscription: The Umlersigned agree to take the number of share® of $100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, FOR REN r. rBlllE STOUF' on the corner of Hay and Diu:ildson JlL Streets, next door to H. & F]- J- Lilly’s, .\pply to Dr. FOL’LKES. 2G- llardwarr, A:c. ^B^HE undersigned are now receiving a L.VIiGE .\S- JL SORTMENTof (Jroccrics, IlardNvan'. Iron. Slc*l. I Iollo>v-\varr, Shoos, L«'atli«'r, anti Saddlcrv, which they will sell :it Wholesale at*a small aiivauce on Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to promj)i dealers. GEO. W. WILL1.\MS & CO. 2t)-tf .^l >ricailm .‘'iigar, af-,sirt»'d firadf', • 111, Refined, ('rushed and Powdereii. Spi'rui. .\laniantii.c ;in 1 Tallow (’:iniile.', F'aiii'y ati'l :i';?^i>rtfil (’andies, Keiitiicky, .1 me and .Manilla R.ipe, l!’itrging. t, imnv. Iiiiiiiiee and Burlap-^, ll'jifp Ir.iii, - h.-.-M-, FOR SALE. ,f# R fhtred Prices, for M on SHORT 250 CURItliKS. UIKOLI'III^S, Rocka'ways and Buggies I OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, i ,\NV of which are finished, and the balance being i „.TM finisheI laily. .Vmong which .ire many New ’ and Beautiful styles, and one VERY FINE CARRIAGE. ' Some of them very light, and all made in the best . manner and of the best materials. My facilities for doing Carriage work are GRE.VTER than any establish ment South, and I can afford and am iletermined to sell 1 work of the BEST yU.VLlTV as low a.s it can be built i for by any one. , Those who art- iiitlcbted tti nic will please as well as his location, offers his handsome and I pay up, as my business reiuires my out-standinc debts ‘ > ,^,,ketHAN. LEETE. tiStf .;i: hah-\.- tO,000 Cigar-- ■ ■■'Upcl- >.)d.l. Various brands, ■VLSO 1 epper, J'p'ce, tiiiijrp,. cIdvcs, Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bir Soaps, Starcii, i’^w I,-,-, shot. Bar Lead, White Lead. Putty aud Linsee l t)ii. Window Glass, Snufi'in i; .x.'s, Eagle Mills do., in ILUt h,„i njack T.'i^, H.illuw-Ware, Swedes Imn. English, German, iti'l a'-t Steel; Plow's, Straw Cutter', ( i,rn Shellers' Sausage ■ .nd Stutfers, Trace t'hains. Sole Leather, ,Vc. The above (ioods we offer on the most favorable 'h purchasers. D. & W. McLAURlN. 5 Iff HANDSOME RESIDENCE i FOR SALE. j subscriber, desirous of changing his business conimtxlious Residence for sale. To those ac{uaiiiteil j with this place it is not necessary to particularize,— , he would much prefer to .sell the place to some geiitle- ! m.- n non-resident, that tiie T.>wii may have the benefit I of an incre:ise ol {lopulation and wealtli The Dwell- , iu^ and out houses are in a perfect state of repair, , having been thoroughly aud neatly fitted up within the last three months. To a family of the low ooun- I try it would be a very [ileas tut residence iu Summer. I Terms accommodating. THO. J. JOHNSON. ATTENTION! - Is called to the fact, that there arc MANY who OAV E me, and some of them seem to think it un necessary to pay tlieir Nt.tes or .-Vccounts: To those and .\LL others 1 beg leavr to say that pay day has arrived—or ouglit !'■ have ere this Please call. THO. J. JOHNSON. June l-'i, 1S57. 16-tiw 50-Y J. C. poi:. DEALER IN STAPLE FANCY DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention patd to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Hay Street, Fayetteville, N (J. M.ay 2fj, 1855. 1-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V O n .n 1 i\ AND F() R \\ A R DING M ERC11A N ll''ilmingtoni €\ rompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, aud Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 .L S. BANKS, xTlerrliaiil, Wilmington, N. C. .lau'y 1, 1850. Gti-tf July 18, 1857. DISSOIA TION. i^HECOl'AaTNERSHlP of JONES .v PASS was this day dissolved by mutual consent. .\11 per sons indebted to us are earnestly requested to make immediate payment, as the business Mfsi be closed. Either party has the right to use the name of the con- V. .j E. P. JONES, J. C. PASS. July 1, 18.')7. 26-:? t Mawks^s History OF A OK Til CAKOLI.^A. The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st in the Central Raii Road Company; ami in all respects volume of this valuable work, which has received the to comply with the torma of the Charter. u- u . i .• i i i i . _ _i highest commendation wherever it has been read, not Names Residenci* No. of shares Cash | Work I its literary execution but for its typographi- i cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or i from our General Agent for the State, H. W. Horne of Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and ! this place, or any of his Assistant Agents. The pricc may Bpecify whether for grading or cross-ties; and | ^^ries according to style of binding: In handsome ...ckhoUer. .Uall ..e.j, have p.cftreac. iu [ 75. It IS SOLJ* ONLY FOR Ca.sii. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal discount will be made where quantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of the price and 24 cents to pay postage. The 2d volumtj is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in al!. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain about 500 pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents additional for sheep and 50 cents additional for the half calf binding. E. J. H.VLE &, SON. Fayetteville, April 29, 1857. P. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to visit r. c. li. (;. WORTH, TERMS. For any one of the four Reviews, For any two of the four Reviews, For any ihreo of t'ae four Reviews, Coiiiiui ion tS; Forwan liim Mcixl lants, I For all four of tho Reviews, BllOWN-S BUILDING, WATER STREET, j ^ SackwCJ’L'JXt Reviews. Usual advances made on consignments. Jau'y 17, 1865. G8-tf taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are retjuired to call a meeting of Stockholders tvi organize the Company. March 16, 185ti. 13tf L. SCOTT 4 CO’S REI’RIXT OF THE BRITISH PERIODICALS. L SCOTT & CO., New York, continue to publish the following leading British periodicals, viz: THE LONDON QUARTERLY (Conservative.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) THE WESTMINISTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) } every county in the State, with the book, as soon ai These Periodicals represent the|three great political convenient. In the mean time, onlers to him or to us, parties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, and Radical,— ' hut politics form only one feature of their character. | As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, i Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as they ever have stood, unrivalled in the world of let- ' ters, being indispensable to the scholar and profes sional man, while to the intelligent reader of every class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory re cord of the current literature of the day, throughout ! the world, than can be possibly obtained from any : other source. ' EARLY COPIES. The receipt of advance sheets from the British pub- i lishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inas- i much as (hey can now be placed in the hands of sub scribers about as soon as the original editions. convenient. accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. MEDICAL BOOKS. THO. C. FULLER, • ittorney and i'ounsellor at ijaw. OFFICE at Eacles's Br idge, recently occupied b James Bnnks, Esij., Fayetteville, N. C- ton y 1, 18 >7. ’ 70tf JOSEPH RAKER, .Ir., ATTOR.\KY AT I. A W , Has taken an office ue.vt door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law oflice or. Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Siipei-ior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March J.S, 185:'. 7’.t-tf LOVEKI) ELDitiixa:. •tttorneif (tf WILL attend the Court.'i of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfiebl, .\pril 15, 1850. I'lj-tf “LAW COPARTNERSHIP." WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law ('opartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. 11. HAUGHTON. JNO. M.VNNING. Pittsborougli, N. C., Jau’y 1, 185G. 72tf l>i*. K. A. BI^ACK. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1850. 70-tf to be coilected. Feb. 8. 1855 A. A. 72-tf A.^OOL w w Factory. WOOL irdci) with ROLLS. dispatch at Blount's Creek we rill- to prompt time or 1850. N L.\NI) FOR SAI.E. Ifl -\'’HES ok L.\.VD lying on upper ■ Little River, in IIarnett County, well n l wfil i'lioated tor the Turpentine busiuets. ■’■1 -n dating teruis. .\pply soon scriiicr .it Fayetteville. W.M. .McL. McKVY. cpt. -2-2, 41-tf tiiiificreil It will Im- t the Su n NKW liOOKS. ILLEDULCl.V; from “Notes and iueries;” Ihe Elephant Club, l>y Doesticks; Past .Meridian, by Mrs. Sigourney: The Rifle, .Axe and Saddle-Bags, by Milburn; ‘■(Ihristmas Stories.” ICVK.MLES: The Aimwell Stoiies, consisting of ••'Vbistler, or the .Manly Boy;” Ella, or Turning th over a Ni-w Li-af; Osc;»r, or the Boy who had his own way; Ihehi liau P'airy Hook; .IbbStt's Stories about (Jommoti Things. Also, further supplies of Hume and Macauley’s Histories of England; S*chool Books, &c. E J. HALE & SON. Jau’y 17, 1857. »ooKm\i)L\; OF all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, ami others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase of new books. Librarians connecteil with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them aud send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials: and workman ship will oompare with any either at the North or South. Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. TH(»S. H. TILLING HAST, .Vnderson Street. Nov. 5, 1850. S-l-'i LIFE INSl RANCE. fllllE UnderRigueil has been appointed Agent of ■ the North Carolina Mutual Life lu'urance Com pany. Every member for life participates in the pro fits of the Company: aud the annual premium for life membership, wliere it amounts to -"jidO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, aud the other half in a note at 12 mouths. Debtors' lives may l>e insured by creditors. A man may insure his own life tor tlie e\c:u>ive benefit of his family The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, jill over the civilized world It is one by which a family, tor .American Sijuadron to the China Seas and Japan, bj i a small sum annually, may i>e providcl for, atter the Com Perrv, U. S. Navy, with numerous illustrations ! ileaih of its head, on wimse exertions they may have SHEETINGS, (*sua burgs. Cotton Yarn, auif Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. Mv ■luue 185-1. NEILL. 7-tf mm RUENscRiiFT'is \um. '■^HE 2d edit ion, (with hundreds of typographical JL errors of the old edition corrected,) is piiTdished for the benefit of the .Missionary c:iuse of the Episco pal Church iu North (Carolina. The price of the 2 vols. is, in cloth binding, in sheep ^4 .5(». Orlers, accompanied in every instance by cash, may be ad dressed to E. •(. H.VLE y SON. Fayetteville, .May 8, 1850. Narrative of the E.xjx'tiitioii of an edited by Rev. Dr. F. I/. Hawks. .Vlso, further sup[dics of Mrs. llcntz's Novels; .Miss Murray’s Travels through the U. S.; Mitchell’s’{'rji- veller’s Guide; Steel Pens, jc. E. J. MALE .j- SON. . been dependent lor a sujijmrt. It is a good investmeui of money, even if one should live long alter taking ovit a Lite I’tdicy. E.\|>lanal‘iry itaniphlets. and the necessary iJianks, furnished ou apjdieation. E. J. HALE. For Blackwood and the four Reviews, Pai/r:fnt-i to hr mad^ in all can>\“ in uiira/ur. current iu the iytate where isnued tcill he received at par. CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per cent, from the above prices will be allowed to Clibs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus- Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to’ one address for $9; four copies of the four Re views aud Blackwood for and so on. POSTAGE. In all the principal Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE OF POSTAGE. When sent by mail, the Postage to anv part of the United States will be but TWENTY-FOUR CENTS a year for -Black woods, ’ and but FOLRTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. X. B. The price in dreat Britain of the Jic, f’eriodiralx above-named ig about $.31 per annum. •Remittances for any of the above publications should always be addressed, post-paid, to the Publishers, LEONARD SCOTT & CO., Ne. 54 Gold-street, New York. Fire Insun^nce. fl^lIE ..ETN.V Insurance Company of Hartford, have ing paiI the tax imposed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will continue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the management of the undersign ed, who is prepared to issue Policies of Insurance on Buildings or Goods, either in this Town or in any part of the State, ou proper application, description of the Property, >ltc. The ^ETNA COMPANY has been in operation about ;iO years. Its capital is !«>500,000. The Hon. Thos- K. lirace was its first President, aud he still hoTlls that oflice; and several of its first Directors are still active aud efficient members of the Boaid. It hasatall lime, sustained the highest character for the prudem e of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent Recollections ofa Life Time, or Men and Things I have seen, by S. G. Goodrich, Author of Peter Parley’s Tales: Paul Fane, by N. P. W'illis; Let ters of Lady Montagu. Edited by .Mrs. S. J. Hale: The Humors of Falconbridge, illustrated; The .-Vdven- tures of Gerard, the Lion Hunter. Also, further supplies of the Lion of Flanders; The Curse of the Village; Ernest Linwood; The Rival ! Beauties; The Wife’s Trials: The Torch Light; Romance • of the Harem; The Old Vicarage: Mrs. Lee llentz’s I Novels. 50 cts. a vol., &c. The Miscellaneous Works 1 of Edgar A. Poe; Irving's Life of Washington; Ban- | croft’s U. S.; Hume and M.icaulay’s Histories of Eug- j land; Scott’s Infantry Tactics, &c. &c. Dec'r 11, 1850. E. J. HALE & SON C.VNTWEI.L’S N. C. JUSTICE. Sictti7)i’s Justice Revised, ami nihipt>f to the New Revised Coift. fllHlS work, invaluable to Magistrates, Officers aud A all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it, is very much eulargeil. Price 50. For sale by E. J. H.\LE s SON August 1850. FOR SALE. 4DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Jan’y 27, 1857. 77- OLD RYE WHISKEY. ^■IHE Subscriber is tae only authorised agt JL Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. R. C. years Celebrated RWE tW'HMStit He will be supplied with this superior Whiskt meet the demand. W. DRAUGHON. ‘ Fayetteville, March 20. *JO-tf '^VEIGS ou Diseases of Children; “ “ Woman and her Diseaso: “ “ Childbed Fevers; “ “ Obstetrics; Dunglison’s Human Physiology; “ Medical Dictionary; “ Practice of Medicine. “ Materia Medica and Therapeutics Pereira’s do. do. Churchill on Children, by Keating, “ “ Diseases of Women, by Coiidie. (Perann.) •i;:5 00 i " “Midwifery do. 5 I Chitty's Medical Jurisprudence: 7 00 : Taylor’s do. do. by Hartshornr: y 00 “ 0 Poisons: ;{ oO Dewees on Children; » 00 ' “ Females; K) 00 Miller's Surgery, by Sargent, ' N»ill on the Arteries, Nerves, and Lyn!])hutics Regnault's Elements of Chemistry; U. S. Dispensatory, by W'ood and Bache: Watson's Practice; Bartlett’s Treatise on Fever; Williams and Clymer on the Respiratory Uigaue. Eberle's Therapeutics; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, by^Thomas; Solly on the Human Brain; Burrows on the-Cerebral Circulation: Gerhard on the Chest; Fowne’s Chemistry for Students: Murphy’s Review of Chemistry for Students. Wilson’s Human .\natomy, by Goddard; Bartlett on the Certainty of Medicine: McClellan’s Surgery; H«pe on the Heart; Kirke’s and Paget's Physiology; -\natomical Atlas, by Henry 11. Smith; Weber’s Plates of the Muscles of the Human Body. Gunn’s Domestic Medicine; Children, their Diseases and Management, by Dr. Shew; Health, Disease ami Remedy, by l)r. Moore; Simon's Family iledicine; Domestic Medicine, Surgery, &c., “ “ and Househol'ki^urgery, by Thom son and Smith; The Preservation of Health, by Dr. Warren; Theory and Practice of Hydropathy, by H. Francke. E. J. HALE & SON STANDARD LITERATURE. cloth and half •aii; :^||1HE Waverly Novels 27 vols. JL Cooper’s Novels: Irving’s Works, 15 vols; Prescott’s Conquest of Peru aud Mexico; “ Lives of Ferdinand and Liabella; Life of Philip the 2d; Benton's 30 years in the U. S. Senate, 2 vols; The Statesman's Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia Americana, 14 vols; Lossing’.s Pictorial Field Book of the Hevnluiion Webster’s Works, 0 vols; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss of .NIis.->; Pictorial Life of .Vndrew Jackson; Memoir of Wm. Wirt by Kennedy; Life of V/ise and Virgini.i Politics in 1855; Garland’s Life of John Randolph; Democracy in .America, by De Tocqueville; ,\bbott’s Life of'Napolcon. 2 vols; Abbott’s Histories; Wirt’s Life of Patrick Henry; Life of 'Vm. Pinckney of Md.; Bayard Taylor’s ludia, China and Japan; Com. Perry''8 Japan Expedition; Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self Government: The Physical Geography of the Sea, by Lieut. Maury. Liberty aud Slavery, by Bledsoe ot' Virginia, Southey's Common Place Book; Life and Corres. of Southey; The Spectator; Wilson’s Tales of the Borders. The Scottish Gael, or .Manners, Antiquitic.-^, aU'J Customs of Scotland; The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; Lockhart’s Life of Walter Scott; Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert Burus, Hamilton’s Discussions in Philosophy and Literature; Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey; The Queens of Scotland, by Agnes .Strickland: Chambers’ Miscellanies; I’roctor's History of the Crusades, illustrated; Wnodfall’s Junius; Hannah More's Works; P' tarch’s Lives; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; > vels and Tales by Maria Edgeworth; dition, Burke and Johnson’s VVorks; liman’s Gibbon’s Rome; 1 illam’s Works; Cosmos, by Humbolt; :..en and Women of the 18th Century by Houssaye; The Guide to Social Happiness, by Mrs. Ellis; Shakspeare, Byron, Moore, Scott, Hemans and other Poets in various styles of biniling; The Boston Edition of the British Poets, &c., &c. Oct. 2‘J. E. J. HALE a. SON. i

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