SEMI. W BEK LY. I VOL. VII.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., JULY 30, 1857. [MO. (V29.J I’niNTKU MOXPVVS AM* THURSDAYS. i:i)\VAIM) J. HALE & SON. I'DITOKS AND I’KOriUI'TOKS. rn.-; ;■ 1- till' Si'iiii-Wi'i'kly Ohskrvi'.k *:> 00 if j'.iid in ii'lv.nii'c; "i- ' ">0 if pai.l iJtiriiifr the year o'suf'scrip- ti' Ti; r >t after tlie yoar has expircl. F r till' Weekly OnsKuvtut (tO per nmiuin, if paid in h:i!u e: jO if pai'l durinf!; the year of suhscrii ti Ml; :>r Ut after the year has expireil. M»V1M\TISEMI’NTS inserteil for sixty cents per H'luare of It; lines for the first, and thirty cents for each •^nreee liii^ publicatidn. Yearly a'lvertisements hy spe ei t1 contracts, at rcasoiiaMo rates. Advertisers are ri' iuested tn state the number of insertions desired, oi fliev will he continuo'l till forbid, and charjjed accor'i inply. Advertisements te be inserted iu i'ic, charged 50 per cent, extra. Fire insnranee. UT E refer onr reader.' to the annual statement of the .Ktna Insurance Company, of Ifartford, whieh will be found iu nnother column. This success ful in^titutl 'H was incorporated by the Legislature of i'.MiniI'ticut in 1^19, with a perpetual charter. Its ■,'ipita! is 000, and its accumulations cxceed >,'1!'.' :'i; nu ro. making its entire assets ever ^oOO.- ■ iiMi, invested as detailed iu the statement referred to. These results indicate that during the period of nearly •, rtv vcar> since its organization, (without a single ■ h.ang'e of its chief officer,) its business has been con- luitoil with judgment and prudence. It has been r: ']? far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, . we are informed, all its obligations by the payment • f .-ib.iut million ilvV- . ., for losses, without asking a i;,v s delay in any instance. It has had but little lit igation, notwithstanding the immense number of trans actions made. In order to attain as much certainti/ as possible in such a busiues.s as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, for several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of pre- Tuiums received thereon, an 1 the amount of losses up on each. This classification, extending over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur- ni'hes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basi. of actual experience, upon which to conduct its bu^:Ile^■■ Insuran'e is not a matter of luck or chance, :is niuiiv t-uppose: its hazards are .ascertainable, and •: f r nViples capable "f being reduced to a system, the praotx-'il W' rkiiip and results of which are as certain -'.'A ‘f any other business. The .Etna Company, vv H.iufrin^ rigidly to its system, and placing its busi- ut >' u’ m !. healthy basis, has (d>tained the confidence t' thi tini.unn.v to an extent SKCO.M) SPRING STOCK. STARR & WILLIAMS Have now in Store their Second Stock of SEASON- AliLE GOODS, which they will ofl'er to the Wholesale Trade very low for CASH, or on the usual time to prompt paying buyers. J. B. ST.VRR. April 131, 1857 J..M. WILLIAMS. 2tf EDIiEWORTH FEMALE SEMINARY. OREESSUOKO’, N. C. rijlHE next Session of this Institution will commence M. on -Monilay, August 3d, 1857. The Course of Study is thorough and systematic, embracing every thing necessary to a complete, solid and ornamental education. The buildings are so ar ranged as to combine the comforts of a home with the advantages of a school. Instructors of the highest qualifications are employed in each of the Departments. No institution in the country possesses advantages superior to Edgeworth. Catalogues containing all necessary information re specting the course of instruction, terms, &c., will be forwarded, on application to RICHARD STERLING, Principal, Greensboro’, N. C. July 13, 18.j7. 24-i2m JIEDK’AL COLLEGE oFviRfilNIA, SESSION 1857-58. next Annual Course of Lectures will com- mence on the 1st of October, 1857, at the College Building, corner of Marshall and College streets, Rich mond, and terminate on the 1st of March, 18.58. Surgery and Surgical .Vnatomy, by Charles Bell Gibson, M. D. Theory and I’r.actice of Medicine, by D.\vii> H. Ti c ker, .M. I». Chemistry and I’harniacy, by Martin P. Scott, M. D. Materia Medica and Therapeutics, by B. R. Wellforp, M. D. Anatomy, by Arthir E. Peticol.\.;, M. D. Inst tales of Medicine and Medical Jurisprudence, by Levin S. Joynes, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Children, by James H. Conway, M. D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Marion Howard, M. D. The study of Practical Anatomy may be prosecuted with the most ample facilities and at a very trifling expense. Clinical Lectures are regularly given at the College Infirmary. This Infirmary, under the same roof with the College, is at all times well tilled with Medical and Surgical cases, and furnishes peculiar facilities for Clinical instruction. Many Surgical Operations are performed in the presence of the class, and the Students being daily admitted to the wards, enjoy, «urna-;sed bv no other ! «nder the guidance of , , 1 ^ ♦ I • Professors, unusual opportunities for becoming i II the L. States, and has ineri'iised Its busi-I ~ ■ ■ • ■ - -■ ii> '■ .'lU i iucuine from year to year with a steady O’!' -tl; line "reat source of its .security is the wide .i:;-tribiitioii nf its risks—a policy which it pursues wth cre;it striotne: “ limiting the amount to be cov- st'e.iineai h ’.ni ality. By this course it has passed, wuh compar.ativc impuiut^'. through some of the most sweeping and destructive tires, which have swallowed up ■ther eomp.'inies less eautious in their business. It is a .*ystem like this, b ised upm experience, which gives ■tability an 1 : mnduess to a cuin]iany, and to the as- piirr i confi ieuce and ^eem'ity. — !> (!'■ }\itriot. tlT.M l\(ilRlM i; KIMPiM, llAK'n'OUl), C’OXN. I.N( »Kr(»KATKD I"!''. CH.VUTEH I’KRPETrAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11, T K. liBAri:, President. E. G. ItlPLEY, Vice Pre- sidi-nt. T. .\LEN.\NDER, Secretary. l>iiLFi '''r.'.—T. K. Brace. S. Tudor, J. Church, R. I>uell, M. A, Tuttle, t;. Kli'wer, K. A. Bulkcley. I\. Mather. K (J. Kiplev, S. S. War'l, H /. Pratt, G K. I': vis. A. Dunham. 1* Ilillyer. I’. A. .\lexander. W. [• ney. Tlir are iiiaiuiy invested iuJ^tocksand Bonds, av ng .nterest, with >^17J,6''t 'il of ea h on deposite 1 the Hartford Banks, t>j meet li'--^es l.'.sses due and unpaid—nune 1. 'idiu^ted and not due. ¥'Jl,’51:’> 97^. 1 ,.■- 1 iu suspense, waiting further proot. \c., ^75,- 'V l.j. Li'-'-e'. resistec, c snspiei.ins of fraud. iVc.) ->11',78 7-. -\gent of the rnnipaiiv in Fayetteville, N r ' E. J.'HALE. familiar, not only with the symptoms and diagnosis of disease, but with its daily progress and treatment. Amount of Fees for Lectures, $105 00 Matriculation Fee, 5 00 Practical Anatomy, lo 00 Graduating Fee, 00 The price of Board, including Fuel, Lights and Ser vants’ attendance, varies from $;> to $5 per week. The Catalogues, containing fuller information con cerning the Institution, wilf be forwarded to those who apply for it, or specific inquiries will be answered by letter. L. S. JOYNES, M. D., Dean of the Faculty. July iJ-I-l.awSw 1*^00 July 1857. CORN. BAGS CORN, superior quality pood measure, for sale by WORTH .J- UTLKY 21- and BOE RHAViL’S IIOriAM) KITTi^IKS THK CKI.KBK.^TKI- IIkI.I.ANH r.KMEDY FOU BTSPEPSIA, IHSE\Si: «F Tim KU)\KTS. 1_1VER COMPLAINT, WEAKW’KSS OF ANY KL\D, FEVER AND AGUE, varji'Ur ;if}r lioii-x STOMACH "'.I ‘ ‘jiicnt \ •li^ortirnNl OK \A\’VA\, .. I o.* ihr t.Mlfrky IVfifi-s • ' ‘'iru. nt \ • riltiiii In all N* rv-»u>, Khcuiii-ilic. ainl Nruralmr .\H»t \{ h iM tmini r"'i> iu t.iin t’- i.nivpil highly liJ', hihI itnT- il I lit. rurr 'Thi ‘ i'urr' v roinp‘»'iiwl. nn 'trinly m jcii : ij 1« iW* : ih {iiHiinc r *t ihr rcli'hratcjl IlotiaiKl Pr** i i Il- 'jrr.if ■'iircrss in innst of th#' ir-'!" -n State intf lui t..»n mi** ih' I'nitetf Sl iirs wax jn ; iii"f« t '|M'« ially tor’liD'r ii miu iath« rlan«l '*caurred hcrr I ;hr J Me i»t ihi. «njntry Me* tini: Wflti iiii'MiL' thrill, I iii.w -iiVt r ■: Uit; .tn ii‘ ir'H iiM ilnnial virin'> iiniNt !»«• ar 1.1 tin r« nv l it t ' •winj: lii.; .r'\ ’»I* i: u I, ' Wh iHtiiiirntI* i! io ^M‘r^nn^ vvlMbr ‘onstitii Wrt 1 impairi *1 l*y iUv «••tuiniPMi- U'«? ot'urdrht .•MU" »'! |».ilnm. tidwrally iii''tantanri»iis in u \ «lm«Uv i'» th‘ ''rat »>t‘ IjtV*, thnllin^ and ur.f r u in:* up tin' lnH>pin;. 'pini, a»nl. in I'l \ i-.'-'f in the ystcm ; i.» liinl this a Wevrra^i* u 111 lir itin i f' ’ ' \\» s :il 1m\v s|iirile»I. it u ill |»r*)vi a ’ “ • ;• >. scU .1. i.i;:ul ir reiurilial proiK'riics, A i; r I u s I In- L'rr'U i,f iiii. Vroiit i has many imuatnji!--, whun Jw* ;*ni*ih- honlil i:Manl a^ain^t purrha.sini;. IU* ri«»t l*fnuUinj rlsr until yon have uivrn Hoer havf N ll'tllanu Hiltrrs a t.ur tri:vi. ()nc w»U mnvinrr you : iw inlin ti'ly su^M?rior It I t** ... tj,, at Sl.'HJ per „r i,.,„,rs Inr 8.V1HI, |,y iho HULK (’K 1 I'1; 1 I'.r (1 li JU. A LAW HOOKS. SEDCtWlCK on the Statutory and Constitutional Law: Chitty ou Pleading; Ncwland on Contracts; Phil- ' lipps and .\inos on Evidence; Stephen on Pleading; I Mitford's Chancery Pleadings; Hill on Trustees; Lube s ! E'juity Pleading: Adams’s Equity, &c. Further supplies of the above just received. E. J. HALE it SON. July 8. i Type Foundry and Printer’s Emporium, ESTABLISHED IN 1818. \VM. IIAGAK, Jr., CO., Iiiold street, York €ily. j fBlHE subscribers desire to advise their friends and I ■- the Printing Interest generally, that since the , late fire, wiiich injured only the manufacturing de- ' partment of their establishment, they have entirely ; retitted the same with new machinery, and haveavail- ' ed themselves of the opportunity to introduce /; V£R y MODERN IMPR 0 XKMEN T ■ whicli long experience and capital can command; and ! that they have therefore unequalled facilities forjiro- ; ducing ’Ik" ■*.*£2 of superior excellence and durability, .and for supply ing all orders for the same with great accurfftenesa au'i promptness. Our NEW SPECIMEN BOOK, (just issued,! will be freely given to all who wish to pur chase, wlien applied for. Printers will please be ticular in directing how it may be sent. We also furnish every article needed iu a Printing Office, at manufacturers’ prices. MACHINE AND HAND HOLS, I* il T-W LOR’S, ADAMS’, RUC.GLES’, Chasers iPiamontt Pt'ess^ (of which we arc sole agents in this city,) and of every I other maker iu the United States; Ink, Cases, Stands, i Imposing Stones, Ccmposing Sticks, Galleys (brass I and wooil,) Chases, Furniture, ic. Orders will be ; filled for Paper, Cards, anl Printer’s Stock of every 1 kind. Electrotyping and Stereotyping in all their Branches. JS®"Typt' Copper-Faced to order. Old type received in exchange for new at *.• cents per pound, if delivered in sixty da3’s from the date of pur chase; if biter, but six cents per pound. Publishers of newspapers who insert this !idvertisc- ment three times, with this note, and forwaril us a paper cont.-iining the same, will be paid in printing materials, by purchasing four times the amount of their bill for the advertisement SLCOND-il.\ND PRESSES (Machine aud Han!) usually on sale WM .(r., ^ CO. W.M. I!.\;Alt. .Jh.J [John H.\(..\r. July 8. 23-3t ’0. \ .N I f A I PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMIST8, PlTTSHUmiH, I’A. imuel .). Hinsdale sole agent for Fay» ttcviUc 'une 1 I, lb57. Iti- lO^ i ll*' LiltN C»rres|>(»inlciico and i'j ee ^ !,i Hkmiv Clay, l>y Calvin Colton, *i vols.; A I’la.n ■oiiiineiirary oa the Four Gospels; Spurgeon’s .''trmon' Ke.'i ier'. lolv : i'l-t .lU'i the secDud I ries; North Carolina E J. HALE *v SON .lAMES KYLE WS now receiving liis Si’HING AND SU.M.XJER sup- i>llV ;OOD!S, Miats^ Koots and H^hoes^ noi/n.N(; cloths, cVc ., ! All of which, being purchased by the case, will be of fered by Wholesale or Retail at LOW' PRICES. March Ul, 1857. ‘.*2tf •/. •?/. •iVewhff^ w 1T n I). DKVLIN vV CO., 'VHoLHSALE AND RKTAIL DEALERS IN Keafly-iiiadcr nothing, Nos A.M> I>U>A1*WAY, NEW YORK. May -o, 1867 11-8m .$300 REWARD. RAN.VWAV from the subscriber, on the loth of December, 1852, a negro boy named DENNIS. Said boy was about twenty-one years of age when he left, anti weigheil about 110 or 150 pounds. He is dark complected, round faced, full jawel, slightly bow- leggeil, round shouldered, leans forward when he walks, and is very intelligent. He has a scar on the inside of one thigh, caused by .t, wound receiveil in a fall from a tree. I have reason to believe that he has I been in the counties of Johnston, Harnett, Cumber- 1 land and Bladen, and in the towns of Averasboro’ and Fayetteville, where he passed for a free man, under | the assumed names of Joseph Jacobs, John Q. Wil liams and William Caldwell, and at times followed the occupation of a ditcher. I have also been informed | that he left Raleigh in a buggy with an Irishman, j probably under a promise of being taken to a free * State. I will pay a reward of >100 for his apprehension and delivery to me. or for his continement in any jail so that I get him, if taken within this State; !i!'iOO if | taken out of the State; and also -iilOO for proof euf- i ticient to convict any white person with having har- | borci him, whether in or out of tliis State. i W. G. STRICKLAND. | Raleigh, .May 5, 1857. 5-3ni ' ^B^HE Subscriber has taken the Rooms fornerly ■ occupied by .Mr. Nott, o'er Beasley & Houston’s will be happy to wait on likeness of themselves or Jewelry Store, where he those who wish a good friends. P. S. I would pariiculnrhj call the attention of the public to the which in point of beauty far surpasses any thing in the shape of il Daguerreotype or Photograph, and is but little inferior, if not fully cijual to the finest miniature painting on ivory, which it very much resembles. Pictures taken iu cloudy weather as well .is fair. -M. .M. FERGUSON. Fayetteville, .\pril 22, 1857. 1-tf S]»rinjf 'rriid(‘, 1857. H. I'. I’I'.ARCK IS NOW RECEIVING a beautiful and well selected Stock of Spring- uthft Stfittmer Uoinis, (,'omprising a general assortment of all the latest styles of Ladies’ Dress Goods, Lace and Silk Mantles, Em broideries of every description, Crajie Shawls, Bon- i^ets. Ribbons, Gloves, Belts, Hosiery, &c. —ALSO— White and colored Linen Drilling, English auil French Drap d’Ete, Bleached and brown Shirtings and Slieetings, Irish Linens, Linen Table Cloths, Towelings and Napkins, Leghorn, Panama, Cassimere anl Moleskin Hats, Umbrelliis and Parasols, Boots, Shoes, and RE.VDY-MADE CLOTFIl NTx. All of which will be sold low for CASH, or on the usual time to punctual customers, either at Wholesale or Retail. All persons (and particularly the Ladies) are respectfully requested to give me a call before making their selections. B. F. PEARCE. F.ayett«ville, (Hpy St.,) March 12, 1857. Sfttf 31or‘ iVew (jroods. ^■1H£ subscriber is receiving his FALL AND WIN- TER STOCK, consisting of almost every thing . iu the way of CiROCKRIEsi, iiarftirarc ami MioUoir-iratu\ —ALSO-- Hoots and Shoes, Saddlrry, I'lsli, Sjc., ■\ny of which he will sell cheap for Cash, b.irter for Produce, or on short time. Store recently occupied by Troy « .Marsh, near the Dobbin House. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. Oct. 15, 185G. 48tf 2,800 Acrcs of* Laiul FOR SAU:. f||HIE Subscribers olfer for sale the above Tract of M Land, lying on Anderson's Creek, about two ai.d a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot's -Mills,—including Hl)Out t )ne Hundred Acres of goo.) Swamp>, which can be easily drained. This Land is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level and of superior ([Uality of Pine Land for cultivation. .Mso, a Circular STl'.^.'I SAW-.MII L. in complete order ainl well adapted to sawing plank roid and rail road timbers. .\lso. Two wel.-broke .MUbES. All, or any portion of 'vhio;i. will lie sold low ami on time. The Land will be soM either in a body or in parcels to suit. .'M1TU a: ELLIOT. Ap*l G. 1857. 'JT-»f T NO III MIU (i! ''HE subscriber is now prepared to till all i iders for Sitpet'ior IfV/Zr-r Barkrts. He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploy’s North Carolina capital and labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. .V TR1.\L is what he want.=. Messrs. WORTH .j- UTLEY of this place arc Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb'y 17, 1H57. H2-y w Ni:\V SL IM’I.Y or S TATlOMiUV. E are just receiving further supplies of .ST.# 1', Embracing Letter, Bath Post, Note and Cap Papers, in great variety: English and French Envelopes, white and colored: Tissue Paper, Gillott’s anl Perry’s Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Red Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, Ivory ami Boxwood Pocket Rulers, Mathematical In struments in cases. Hand Clips. Pink Tape, Quills, ] Pen Racks, White Rubber, Sand Boxes, j-c.; Banker’s ] Cases, Pocket .Memorandums and Pocket Books; Yan kee and French Pencil Sharpeners; Cloth Stretchers, for I marking with indcliljle ink; Rodgers' Pen Knives; Portfolios; Maynard A Noyes and Davids' Inks, ij'c. ■Mso, 1 Case superior Fngli^th SL.\TES, assorted sizes. E. .1. HALE & SON. .May 2, 1857. m:(;roes w antki). raiHE undersigned will pay the highest cash price Ji. for YOUN(J NEGROES. Letters addressed to either of us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt attention. D. C. .MclNTYRE. DANIEL M. McLAUKlN. Laurinburgh, Dcc. 2(>, lS5t>. >8tf Hook A«(‘nis VVaiit(‘i. ^■IHE Subscriber, having taken the (Jeneral .Agency fl- for getting subscriT)ers to and delivering Hawks's nist(»ry of North (’arolina, imw in ['rocess of pubMca- tion by Messrs. E. J. Hale Sou of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering inloan engagement with one or more active, iniell'geiit anil reli.ahle ]>ersons in each of the .Judicial Circuits, to canvass their rcspeetive parts of the State, or ]>arlicular counties, thoroughly. Immediate application is desired, as saiujde copies ol the tirst volume will will be ready in a few d»ys. Undoubteti testimonials as to cliaracter must ac company each ap[ilication. .Address I'l. W. HORN. Fayetteville, Dec. 185*1. til- A VAl.lJAliLK LAW IJOOK. A DDISON on Contracts, with Notes and References to American cabcs, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 large vol 1200 pages. .ludge Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, says that “this is the best book oti the subject I ever had in my bands” For sale by E. J. HALK V SON. .\pril 20. CONSKiNMENT, BUS. ('OKN, loOO Sacks Salt, 20 Bbls. Mulletts, ((>uk,) To arrive aud fur sale. W' P. ELLlOl’T. Oct. 22. 50-tf ON 1500 FI UTHLK sri>l>IA OF BOOKS. ^■^HE American .\lmanac for 1857; ■- Kane’s .Arctic Exploration: Draper’s Physiology: Tlie Private Correspondence of Daniel Webster; The American Sportsman, by Lewis, illustrated; A New Life of Summertield, by Willet; (.'ount Hugo, the Miser, &c., by the same author; The Torch Light; Tuck’s Selections for Sabbath iteading; Brown’s Bible Dictionary; The .American Debater; Upharn's Mental Phil osophy; Alexander's .Moral Science; Vc. E. J. HALE i: SON. Ni:\v liooKs ’om. Perry’s .):ipan Expedition, illustratei. Collier & Jewett’s Edition of the Original Text of Shakspeare’s Plays Restored. Farmingdale; TJie Lion of Flanders, or the Battle of the Golden Spurs; The Curse of the Village, &c.; Kitto's Daily Bible Illustrations; Kitto’s Popular Cy clopedia of Biblical Literature; Barnes' Notes on the Books of Job ;intl Revelations; Half Hours with the best .\uthors,—Knight’s London Edition, 2 vols.; Half Hours with the best Poets. Revolutions in Europe, down to 184'.'. W'ebster's University and Family Pronouncing Dic'y Juvenile and School Books, Stationary, ^c Just rec’d by E. J. H.VLE .j- SON. Nov 17 i'urther Sitpitfies of Kooks. ^|''HE Humorous Poetry of the English Language; Home and the World, by .Mrs. Rives of V'a.; Poetical Works and • Rejcctetl Addresses’’ of Horace and Janies Smith; Beaumarchais and his Times; Confidential Correspondence of Napoleon and Jo sephine; The Lady’s .\lmanac for 1857; Dr. Kane’s .Arctic Explorations; Memoir of .\llibone; Knight’s Pictorial Half-Hours; Heady Reckoners; The .Mystic Circle; Bullion’s Practical Lessons in English Gr;immar. Jusi received. E. J. H.\LE & SON. Jan’y 2, 1857. E. F. MOORE, Wliolpside (Jrorer and {’nmmission .’llcrrliuiil. Has just received in Store, *21^ Barrels Whiskey and IJrandy. •55 “ ami hhds. of Sugar, ass’td To Sacks Rio “ *J00 “ Salt. 50 lioxc.-^ Sofla Hi.sfuit. Catidics, Soaps, (’aiKilc.'^, Snuff, (’i;^Mr.s, \c. \c. All of which will be soM ou liberal terms. March 10, 1857. S'.ltf Thv Liat'^srst 4'arria;ir M'arfortf in I he South! FOR SALE. (^TEEL’S PATKNT CUTTING KNIKE. An .ntiel. much more highly ai)p>'oved, by all who ii ive trie’ them, than any other now .n use. Applv to ■ P.. July S, 1857. ♦ i:nSK. J-’i-'iW Respectfully public, he iutorms his t'riends and I'le h.isf'iiilt U[> I.irgo sulisl.'intial Brick Buildings :it hi.'- «>li| St.iiid. e.xpresr-lv for man- ufacttiring (’arrir.ges. Thankful tor the very patronage he has received fi>r the last 21 ye.irs. he hopes b3’ strict attention to lin»iui'>. with ;i desire to give satisfaction, to merit a e('i\tiniiauee ol the same. He warrants his work to lie mi'ie ot'the best material and b^’ experienced w^iirknieii iu each liraueli of the husiuess. His work will i are i.iv.o il>ly with ;iny maile in the United State-;. f.>r ue.ittie>s .and durability. He i'^ deteruiincil to soil and dn any work in his line on as good terms as any worti d^'iie elsewhere th:it is as well ilonc. He now Iris on riand, Finisuki), the L.ARGEST .''ro*''!\ of ('nrn(tii( s, Ihtroi/chc''. Ivor/x iiii'itijs. and / r.'. Ever offered in this place, and a very largo stock of work nearly finished, which will be tinished daily. All of which will be sold very low for C.\su. or ou short time to punctual customers, He has ou hand more than ONl> lll.'NDUEl' .\ ND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. -VII work m-idc hy him is warranted 12 months withfair usage, and sliould it f.ail hy bad workmanship or material will be rejiaired fi ec of charge. Persons wishing to tmy would do well to call and ex.amine for themselves. Orders thankfullyrecei vcd aii'i proniy tly at tended to. Repairing executed at short notice .ind on very reiisonable terms. May 28, 1858. '.IXI f W UFA r W A.N'i'Fl). fWANT to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat. JAS. G. COOK. June 25, 185li. 10-tf MOl.ASSFS. HHDS. just received aipl for sale by J.\S. (i (’OOK. Oct. 27. ’"’1- J O II N I). SNA W, ATTOKi\i:V .\T I.AU, ROCKINGHAM, RK’HMOND ’OUNTY, N. (’. ILL attend the Courts of Uiehniond, Anson ::ii 1 ww Robeson. All business entrusted to his e.ire will receive strict attention. June 18, 1857. 17-;!ni DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S CKLFBRA'i'FI) RM: WillSKI'.V "'I^IIE subscriber has made arrangements to keep a 1 supply of the (.Jenuine .Article, and is the only -\gent for the sale of the a'love hrand of .\ No. i Rye Whiskey in this place. IIOB'T MITCH I;LL. May 1, 1857. 5tf (a ANO! (UJANO!! rglliE undersignetl asks the attention of Farnieis. Planters and Dealers to his Stock of best (pi.ility Guanoes, all of which he will sell at tiic lowe.^t ket rates. “A*'* PERUVl.VN GUANO of the latest iniporta- tion.s ami best nuality. MEXICAN GU.VNO of the )>est cargoes imported. COLU.MBIAN GUAN(J, very rich in Phosphates. Also, Super-Phosphate of Lime, Bone Dust, »vc. I Purchasers may rely on having their Ouauo shipped I in prime onler and in superior bags. The "oneral ! satisfaction heretofore given by all (luaiioes sold by I the Subscriber, he hopes will l»e a sutheient guarantee that all articles sold by him will lie found a-; repre- lueuted. WILLIAM IIOP.INSON, Nos. 4 and 0 Hollingsworth Street, j Near Pratt Street Wiiarf,' j Bnltimore. .Md. Julj’ 1. ii-Bui I i'oiTuk.nt. t.r|ViE STORE on the corner of Hay and Donaldson i Streets, next door to H. & E to July 20. I. Lilly’s. .\pl>ly Dr. F(‘)ULKES. 2;- CAKl). ; fH^HE undersigned would respectfully inform his ! j M. old frienils and customers that he can be found 1 at the Store of C. K. Leete, where he will be glad t>. I see them. J, R. McDoN.\LD. j 1 Fayetteville, N. C., Jan'y 8, 1857. 72-tf ! ILWV KSS HISTORY. ^■'^HE Subscriber, .Assistant .Agent for procuring I subscribers to and delivering Hawks's History. ; gives notice that he will attend the (bounty Court of I Duplin on the od Monday in July inst.. the County : Court of 'hatham, ou the 2d Monday in .\.u”u.->t, the County Court of S impson on the -jil .M"Ulay in ,\\i- gust, and the County (’ourt of .lolinston on the ll!i ■Monday in .August. He will he j rovided with a Sut>- scrijition Book, and with copies of the 1st volume in the several styles of binding, for delivery. c ritici;. July 1. -J2- (a \NOFs. BAGS PKHUVIAN: # o27 .lo.,COLU.MBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these tluaiioe:. iu connexion been very much diuiiuished, luit cxpeii- ment* h.ive proved that the phosjdiate. so niueh waiif ing in the Peruvian, not only inerea>es the yield. loit combined with the makes the ct'op niueli more certain. For sale I.y D. .vc W. McI.AURlN. .Nov. ti, IS-'jii. .’>ltt' ANNFAL SF'i'rLFMi:.\ rs, settle with all til. indehted t.i them will tin 1 their account'- made 'ii They respectfully e.ill upon all saieli tf> c-oiie f rwar I at tiiis the end of tlieir fiscal year, :iud pay up. Kvery man should settle his accounts at once in every year. E. I. H.VLL ^ July 1^.57 'BIHE Subscribers are desirou: JL pers(>ns to whom they are indebted; UOOlv RlXDFin. KW. H.\l\l>lEhas resumed the l;.iok I'iudiuir ' • Business, over the Tailor Shop ,.t Clark \ Woodward, where he will receive and execute bin.diii't iu any style desired. •Vugust 1. 27 tt DFFP Rl\ FR (OAL. H^ITU.MINoUS CO.VL K)t the licst iiualityian 1h‘ had at the works at Egypt, at a price by the Ton. MFDK'AL !’,OOKS. '®Wi;hiS : II of Clr di'en: *■ Woman aud her l>i.'>c.tses; ‘ I'iiiMbed Fevers; ■ 0’' t'tries; Miuieli iiii'o Hum.Ill riiy.-iology; M' dieal l*ii;tionrirv; '■ I’r.'ietiee of Me lieiue: Materia Meilira and Ther.ipeuiics. I’en ii-.lo. ,lo. Ch'.ireliil! ou t'liildren. by Re .ting; Diseas s of Women, tiy Conilie; ■■ .Midwit'ery (lo. C!iitf\' .Medical .fiirisjirudcncC; Tay!or'-.^ do. ilo. I'V I lari . home. on Poisons; I'cwees on Chihiren; l'e:iiales: 'lil’e;' Surgery, liy Sargent; .\(dll oil the .\rteries. Nerves, aud Ijvnipliatics: liegnault'.- Klrments of Chemistry; I'. Di.-pensatory, by Wood ;ind Baehe; Watson's I’rietiee: U:irtlett's '1 . ii Fevi r: William- an ; Cl’. . i- the Ilespir ito; y Org.tns; li'oerle 'I'Ik rajieutics; Kllis'.-' .Ml iieal l''ormul:iry, l>y Thomas; Solly on the Human Itrain; Buri(j\V' on the 't.’rebral Circulation; lerliard • u the 'he.;t: l'o\\iie‘ Cheiui.-tvy for Students: Murpliy’-i Review of Chemistry for Student.'', Wilson's iiiiiiian .Vnatomy, by (Joddard; IJartlett on tlie Certainty of .Mcdiciue; Mc('lellaii's Surgery; IIh].c on th(' Heart; Kirke's and Paget's Pliysifdogy; .'.natoinieal .\tlas. b3’ Henry 11. Smith: Weber's Plates of the Muscles of the Human Body; (iunu's Doiiiestie .Medicine; Children, their Diseases atul Management, by Dr. Shew. Health, Di ea-;e and Remedy, by l>r. Moore; .''’iin'iii's F.tmily .'ledicine: Domestic Medicine, .'Surgery, i*ic., “ ami Houseiiold Surgery, l>y Thom son and .'smith: The I’reservation’of Health, liy Dr. Warren: Theory .and Practice of Hydropathy, by H. Francke, E. J. H.VLE & SON STWDARi) [JTFR.A'ri RE. ■ ^111 K Waverly Novels 27 vols. cloth anil half calf; -CL Cooper's Novels; Irving’s Works, I-') vols; Prescott’s Conquest oi Peru and Mexico; “ Lives of Ferdinand :ind Isabella; “ Life of Philip the 2d: Benton’s years in the U. S. Senate, 2 vols; Tlie State.snian’s .Manujil, 4 vols; Uucyclopcilia -Americana, 11 vols; La''sing’.-> Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution Webster’s W'orks, 1 vols; Colton’s Life and Times of Henrj’ Clay: Memoir of S. S. Prentiss of .Miss; Pictorial Life of .\ndrew Jackson; .Mi ' of Wm. Wirt by Kennedy; Life of Wisi- and Virginia Polities iu 18.55. Garland's Life of John Ilan'lolph; Demoeracj’ in .America, l>y De Tociiueville: Abhott's Lite ol'Napolwon, 2 vols; .Vbbott's Histories; \\irt s Life of Patrick Henry; Lite ot Wm. Pinckney of Md.; Bayard Taylor's India, C’hina and Japan; Cm. Perry's .fapan Ex|iedition; lii‘bcr on Civil Liberty and Self Government; The Physical tieography of the Sea, by Lieut.Maury, Liberty aud Slavery, by Bledsoe of Virginia; Southey's Common Place Book; Life and (Jorres. of Southey; The .'^peetator; Wilson's Tales of the Borders; The Si-ottish (iael, or Manners, .Autiiiuities, aud CustiiiJis of Scotland; The .''cuts Worihies, by .lohn Howie; Lm kh.irt'r Life of Walter Scott; Ctiam'ur:-’s Life anl Works of Robert iiurns, li.imilton's Discussions in Philosophy and Literature; bile .m l CMir.'spondence of Lord Jetfrey; Ti.c .,!ucens of Scotland, by .\gnes Strickland, I liaiiitiers' .Mi.scelljinie.'; I'roctor's liistorv tif tin' Crusades, illustrated; W ooiila;!’s .liiiiius: llaniKih .More's Works: h’s I.ive-: l‘>(iswel!’s Lii'c of Dr. .lohnsnn Si.\e!s and I'ales liy M.iri.a l-Mgeworth: -\d'ii.i 'ti. Ibirke and .Jolinson's Works; .Millmaii's fiilibon's Rome; i W rk^ , Cmsui'.-, b_y Huiiibolt: .Me;i a;i I Women of the I'th Century by Houssayi. Tl,. Ciii-lc t . S.i.iiil Happiness, hy Mrs. Ellis; .'Sh;ikspear»'. i’.yron. Moore, Scott, Heuians and other ports iu \:irious st.\ U's ot bin.ling; The Boston Edition ot t^ie r.iii;-il r.iets. ,vc., .\:c. i:. J. H.\LE .S: SON May 21, WM. McCLANl’,. Mining I'ngiiicvr. (i-tf “’rhc Old North State in 177()," 1)V (’aruthers, — first Series. further supply jtist re ceived. .Also, the 2d Series of the same work. E J. HALi; .V SON i)\\ ELLIN(i FOR SALE. ri'^HK Subticriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling J and Lot on the corner of (iillespie and Russell Streets, at present occuided by .Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. E. J. H.\LE Fiii'tlicr ol' ^■IHE .\,\I F,^tl(^^.^' CITJZK.V. by Bishop Hopkins; JL Praed’s Poetical Works: Milledulcia, from Notes and tjueries; Mackey's Lexicon of Free-Mason- ry; Dictionary of Poetical (Quotations; Mitchell’s Travellers’ Guide: (juesti-ins to Jacolois’ Notes; Mctii- c:il Books; School Books. &c. 1). .) IIALL .Si SON. .Alay 2, 1857. NEW ROOKS. H.VURIET LEE'S ’:iuterbury Tales; Love after Marriiige, by Mrs llcntx. ".Mso, a new siii>ply of Standard NILDK^VL WORKS; The Presl'vteriau Pnalmodist, round iind character Noiei E. J. HALL \ dON an.l ■ ue, Uses ali'l LAW ISOOKS. ^■Ilir. Subscribers have ou hand, and will j romjitly M. fill orders for Worth Carolina Supreme Court Reports, I in sets or in single volumes. Iredell's Digest .lU'i I Digested Al.iuual. .Jones's Digest. Revised .''^taiui. s of North Carolina. Wiley's New Form I!ook. I STORA*. oti S.iles, Bills, Ciuitracts. I*.i: tiiersl.ij.. ! -V.cency, Eijuit^' Jurisprudence, Iviuity Pleadings. 1 ARCHBOLD, on Practice, Criminal i’ractice Plca'.ling. [>.indlord and fenaut. CHITTA', on Contracts, (’rimiiKil Law. rd:uk;i -Medical Jurisprudeuce. SUGDEN, on Vendors aii'l Property. POWELL, on Mortgages, and Contracts. SMITH, on .Vctions at Law, .Master an.l .'-^crA Landlord and Tenant, Chancery Practice. S.ANDERS, on Ple.i.ling .iii.l Evidenci. Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on .\rbitr:ition, F.actors. Crime ■. HOFFM.VN’S Legal Study, audMasters in ('liaticcrv. WILLI.VMS on Personal Property. WHE.VTON'S Selwyn’s Nisi Prius. WLI.VIITON, on Law ot Hoi.iicidc. .Medi cal Jurisprudence, Statel’rials in the United Stale,--, .Vmerican Criminal Law, Law Dictionary. Stephen on Pleading. Roper f.n Legacies. I'art on Vendors. Fearne on Remainders. .in jl.iil- ments. '’oke u}»ou Lit!letoii,( llargr.ave anil iJntler s; new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis's iitto D.irt's A'eiidors and Purcli.asers of licai Ji.-i.aie. .\.|- ams' Iviuity. Troubat's Law of Limited Partucr.-hii'. . Hughes’ Equity Dr:iughtsman. Phillips an.l ,\in.. ai I Evidence, tiresley on Law of Evidence. Ri s-; on ■ I'ills aud Promissory Notes. Di mat's t nil Lav.-; wis's U. S. Criminal Law. Daniell's Ch.inccy | I ctice. Roscoe’s CriniiuaI Evidence. -Vtheriiy on i Ue ftw ot .Marriage. Coliyeron Partnership. Green- vn Evidence. Oliver ou Conveyancing. Cartis Conveyancer. Burrill's Law |)ictionar3'. ('ruise i.i; tieal Property. Tayler’.-; Law (ilossary. ('rabb on Real Property. Reeves’ Domestic Relations. i>yl« s on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on .Vrliiiratiou of Title.-- Sharswood's Professional Ethics. Itartou's suit i.a Eiiuity. Evi'leu'e. Coniyir.- Landlord and Tenant. W.itson (ui .\rliitratv n. Ilar- on Discovery. Oliphant on Horses. Whitwoiths Eijuity Prece-leuts. Morrison Replevin. iiesley's Kijuity Evidence. Bishop on .Marriage and Di\o>--e. .Mathew's Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on ; cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the L.iw Perpe*»iity. Phillimore on Domicil- Cary on Pa ucrship Wilson on Uses- Fell ou Gu.iranttcs .Ne,. land ou tJoutracts. T.imlyn’s Ch;»ncery Evidence, .yc. 'Tliese or other Law Books ordered will be supplie I to the Profcsbsion lu any part of the State ou reason able terms J HALE .j" S(.*N- .1. \V. liAKER Is iK'W rccciviii'f tVuni the North Iho ’ ♦’•‘ost, and iiiusf t-.irol’ully se- W h cli'.l st.ick r ^ ^ :vrrrKi^ ‘.1 iu this iiiarket; which, added to his own i.i.;iiu: ; I'.r,-. m;ii;is!iis assortment comjdcte;—all of which iie will s.'l' m the l.iwest (lossible terms for cash I I ou tiau' to'puuc;i;:i 1 cu‘tomei'S. ;-i'-l]^.>!i.i) .'c I’.'ii.iled Citi.i‘j:e I'cd-room Furnifure iu s^t:s; cuMeil iriii- .lad siii:.:k. and c.otton Mattre.sses; L.i.tkiiig Wili.iw Wagons and Cr.idles: Side 1.II IT.I'. bui'iMUs; Scci'et a ■ ;‘ ::nd l>ook-Cas(^s; \\h;it N'e,-. .ill -..II-. \\-isli Siaiid.s: t'andle .Stan.Is; W ar.lK.bc-^: I’ictur.' Frames .•lud Glass: Window .''ha'b's; ('■ rniccs: Curtain ilands; Sofas in .Mahogany aud alnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottouiatis: Divrms .and Stools; Ci.,iirs of I'v.-cy variety. I'i'ii' llns.'Winiii I’iaiins. ntir with .Kalian *\t- t.-ii hm; ’i;.. I .Meii' li.iiis, troin the l>et manutac- t. :: ■ il .\'«- '. Mi k .'in ! Iiostoii. iv.irr.iutcd as go(ii .is :iny ii. ■!.• in lUe i . iiutry, and will !>c ioM at "S'. Vi.rk pro i- t■^ei^hI only .I'lded. Novemher 'J. t;it # ir//n WOl'hl) HA VE Tllol !tn IT ntn' f'iirri(i'i E.-i/ithftshm'ii( o/i iha ^lUifun/ ill'll-!.^ tJh Churchy f'loitt'ifj 0,1 Siriif. S 111 . !'rieu.| cop !i-; o i !:\'r!:Ri>Risj:> {• I". io SiiitK*:: ■ - re '.cctfii'ly inform their Miii the* j‘Ul lie. tli.'it tlu'v h.'ive entered -liip for the piii f’i'se !)• coiiducting the gviieral C ,M; I! I .\G !'l riL'.‘'lNl! iia't lersi I t. (I \ ai! hen, til :'ii II t il eir ill! c W"i ^ witli .ty'ie and .iur,- of t li«‘ iirin II'. .li.ii liijicTii I ii' vanou.' 'i -u, fudy un- .-itatiou to • • I. V ■' e 11 . A iiitlield ‘ : roll w a rra 11 i ... hn iwn b- lO:'..* f.'.e to \ I I'l' i|i.- lasi two years. > i -'ivi' general ^ isf.i.'t j.ill ii'" il est iiianiii r l i-.v ; i ,i ,ii ■Pii;n i.i;\M\ .1 \ .Mi -; I'-u ^^l:^ '.i:tl