1 * nk]hi-wki:k I KMMMOM ^nwoHMMT ^ ivoi.. Vll.] i'Avr/r ri-A iLLi:, \. c.. \i a s i' c,, \s.,7. NO. (.;ll \IM-noi SE\ %^Ti:i: 1,1, "M.'irtin. "M ui.inpabe' 1*11' 1';--;, Imif it: . Un-:;:: “d. inl; ^ CO t.i. Iv ■ ’ ; ai’ . c in '-■-:t • .. A*'l; "V L\N1-., iec' I. 'itu ,te l on th; I'rotij. .* -Vndersir), 0 the ..e-r ’.idder McINn; A lm'r ‘■-tl:;s- •KIN T >. le pi r cf the ey ,i I tu:ite.i near ’ , in i’ -il, Ue:iltbv, ithit: : - rt listanoe “The 1 rys' Deii," narv w I'uey ais.i e Rid.x t Mouu- 1. T: , -l^ leadin" gre,.t:y ■ ;pr..v. .l, so iVile ' tr-ivelliug sc:. -•:i_*e fr.iin 'pri:- nvey pa-. •n .ll ; ;T c,\; ■- ;i-e iu Klmu’- uproving ^elI t -: 5= il pains, .lilt • wh. nr hi ^ ■r ; ^ :isure ing - ■a pr. ■ Vo c • nv iu thf 1:1: first : c. ! 1 i i 'j*M 7 ^ m 1 U ■ - W-.UtV . - * t s L .' ' K;mi-. rit r' - River. ■ r' n, wv.! !nrt* *■ t ; - „atCI' -'teau.' at^ :bv |.-i wcek>. • uti' • - ivanniii; is i. -, 'iuiiierel W I. : uni with rii'i V person tirj- ■ ’ er gi.'t- ■ lun 't be .r ■ a l- f i i- lUR : . 1. :rpd C A .OLINA, I i\ ■>1 T-.)rUJ, - :il; !’.itscy I i e ? ■ .vt. t . • - iri. there' re r-lerc't by i-b- . F:iyette- -biVe • :• tlic htir- •ipj.. r fie ties’ till- ' • V ji' ‘ drit i 11 the 2 1 til--. . - ! the pT”- !,e:,rd i 1 '.r.irr. :it \ -;.'l i!i^ • j • r \ v .- A Ul> I Mtt ... ,uli- -■» 1 " - ■ .'1 ■ Boy : ■ > ■. ( :ini / 1 i t i ' tn ■ i ' 0, irf . . with 1 i r:i •O', i: ■ n \ .1-.. I = tf , t •f ..e ; , Coui- 'b ’ ^ I"'” 11:1 . .1 t -r ■1 • 11 n . • 1 11 S lati etit 0 .. ver V, '"!■ .‘r -he ion .. ive ' . .iCUJ !'•' '■ ' 'i Ij? .1 the I’-- :.\LL, Ski , l'(? ■ • ^ in - . 1 1 II- II •## f ^ #4 »'• H . r - . I- . i\ 1 .; iN ■ I ' \ II l!lN’Ti;U \NM> Til riJSDAYS :: i)\VA}?i)J. HAu: A; s(»n. i:i)iT(»iwS -\M> i'U(fiM!ii:roi;s I'rii'.* l-.T the Semi-Wookly Obskkx i i >:5 im» it' j>ni,| in I'lvnnce; 50 turiii" the yenr of snlwi-i'ip- i tiiUi; nr >}!4 aiiortli** v‘ ir 1)8t“\]>ivei| ' F r tIn' U I'fkly 0B'Kuvi it >.1 (Xt j.cr :iiiiniin, if jviiiI in ; ■I Iviuice; 50 if ji:ii.| ■lining the ve.ir of snl‘-oi i p- fioii; nr (*0 aft«T thp ytMr li;i-- *\jiife.l | \I)\ KirriSl'MKNTS in-rrtPil for sixty ci’iit-; jkt ' i‘ lU:U'o .if 1(1 lines for tlio tir'it, iiul thirty cent'- for fti’li su.'>'«'«'ilinjt j'^ViUcatidu. Ve-irly M lvprti-'enu-nt-by -lie ri «! (’untru* t', at ri'i>oii;iMc r iti's. A«Ucrtisoi ■ arr ri''iut“'li‘,l t:: state tlu‘ ninntx-r of iiisertitMis ile>in‘.l, oi they will I'l- '..iitinu>‘ l till forlii.l, aii.l ••liars?oil aocoril- j in^-ly. ' A'lvertiseintMit> to ln“ itisiTlt'il ■ ■'/(■, i-haritoil lO ]n“r . . lilt, extra. i wnn n t.ikkr s. i.V'A). W. ti*!' StOI’¥ '^. V. ILMlNti l oN. \ ( , ^JtM.irll'S j'lt roiia.’i- I’v- i.'ij'! 111 .Mil i.'ii aiil .|Mi.k > .l("-)' iti li will lie •;ivrii !■ ' ir ;in' i nlrll^tt•■| in lii-, I'ar.’. •Miiii' l! 1 11 'nil"! A. McRIMMON, Commission ami Forwartlin^ MoifthHuL, \\ 1-L.Ml N (’ .1 Illy I., 1 ' ■, J'Ji 1 iilrocrrirs. IInrl\v;!rr. A: (*. f jjj ^ m; iiii.lt are now r.'‘a-i\i!);' i l,Al!;r \S- ■ SOKTM LNT of (ir(>ct‘ri»‘s. I InriluIr>ii. Sit'd. I loliow -\\ art'j-SIxK's, 1 .('.I I licr. :uul S.ullit'i \, w iiii-li I liey will '.I'il at Wli.,1,'., il.,- ut a : uiall a lv:uiLa' ..ii ('..•-t f.'i-(’n>!i, of on oiir 11-II I! tinu'to promjit .lealers .liilv I.'', I'^'i7 \V Wll.I.IWIS \ C() ■i*; tf Ml' rll'crs oHVr their services to the pubric t.. I I ' ii • *Vin-^, Mear‘-o, an.1 evei'v other rO'iuNite : fi.r 1 tifi t'.'. 1 hey have a >’on-^nler:ilile supplv of (■ r!.'.;- ri'I . ;t i ii', uiil an il'iui'laiit supply ot ,M:i- li iti\, ll^l' K " ahnit ainl (.Iiiiu an.l I’oplar niat«‘ri:\ls f 'l- ii« any -■;/.p at a short iiotii-f. Or.lers left at t'. I :■! riiiL' Mill-* will lie promptly ntten'if l to MKAI{St:v’\ JOHNSON I ■iy.-ttev.:!f. .luiii' 1S57. ■_’itf i I'o llir PuM*K‘. f ■1111. ul'Sv riiier has on h.in.l a goo.I assortiu*’nt ot I ^Iio4‘o and \!~... (’lothing. Furnishing (i.'o.l-;. Hats of all kin.Is, Tiuiiks. Valii-es, an 1 Travelling IJags. All of which 1.1- will sell low tor cash, in or.ler to close out his pre- | ( HI -.tofk Pers.ins in want ot Goods in his line will ' .1. wi'l to givf him a oalL L. URAN1)T, (.iillespie St., oppositi- 1’. 1*. .Johnson. ' June "it. , • >Vir Hooks. I fB'IHl' Life of Tharlotte I^ronte, .\nthor of .lane i I- Kyre, &c : The Testimony of the Kocks, liy Hugh \ Miller; Salail for the Social, by the Author of SnIa.I ' t r the Solit.ary: indipenous Hace.s of the ICarth, l>y N .tt \ (.ili'i.lon: The Hee Keeper’s ’hart. .\lso, fur- ' • r -upplies of Mille.lulcia: The I’rince .«f the House , l»xvi 1; Mrs Hentz s Novel.-; The I5aptist Psalmoily, il'urn..-'' Family I'rayers; Christian Minstrel; ('ru.len's • ic ni rl '.tioe: .V'lams's New Arithmetic: I’arley's (’otn- ' III. u S' li' ' Hi^-t.'ry; .J|f. 1'. .i. HALF .J- SON. j .in\ie - 1 -'T. j NOTICK. .ii.lf-rsiifne.l having esecuteil a power of At- !j I t rnoy t . F. F ^^o■>re. he is thereby authorized r t . iirike all '■ettlement' f.'r me un i in my name, and iirrally t.i transact ull bus.iiie>s a^ 1 mifrht or could j 'i A.rt- I pt‘r-"irir.y present. .1 .1. MOOUK. F-.yetteville, .lune 1^'>7 \(>ri('K. t f .^ut.M'iiber haviii", at June Term 18-')7, of the I Ciairt .'t rica.' aii'i ^uiirfcr Sessions for the i ! .urity i t ( umt'erbm'l. iju.alitie.l as A.lministr.ator ' ut" ii the Fstate t>f Wilne F'. Moore, hereby notifies all | ] . r- 'n- haviii;r claim^ acainst ihe said Kstate to present ; the -auie ].roperly authenticated within the time pre- j ^.■rit.e.l by law, otherwise this notice will be plea.le.l j ill I' lr of their recovery. ■ I'ebtors to the "ai.l Fst.ate will p.ea.se make fiaynient ‘ immediately. K. \\ .MOORE. .June ■(. 1 ^■■)7. 1 ,‘^tf I'OJl Tin: WKST! , Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! 1 S KKUWN’S Tri-\Veek;y • Line of Four-Horse Post ('oaL-hes, from Salinbnry to Ashe- ^ vilif. via Statesville, Newton, i M r^'int'.n, .\Larion and Plea.-iant ClarJeiis; connecting Aahiville with the line of Stapes for the Warm ' Sj i-iiips. Knoxville aii'l ii eenville, Temi. This is ' i!.f ■'.''t '^tocke'l an.] be-t maiia!re'i Pi.ia 1 in North (’a- r..':u:: It i.s the most expe.litioii-^. s.ife and pleasant, ai. i the same time the che.ape.st route for the West. I.f'avi'-i ."^alirJiury . ii .Mon l.ay, We.]nes.|.iy an.l Fri- 1;:'.. leaves A.slieville ou Tuesday. 'I'liurs lay and Satur day;—running in close c.unection v,-ith the North ' -i: 'ilia i;a!! P»oa.l, North and i^outh. (' S. IJIloWN, Contractor. .Iiiiif l.'j, l^.'i7. 1*>- U FOR SAI.K. r|1HF DWLLLING H(»LSK AND LOT on (iillespie Ji .'trect, at present occupied by I».>ctor .McSwaiii I’t'ite' t title can be ma le. Apjdv to TH(». .1. ( UUTIS. AI.SO F'A.MILV I .\KHI.\(1F in good repair and iie.irh new. Will lie soM f..r half it-j value —ALSO— g.,: 1 .M 1!..( I! ( U\\with young calves. .\ppiytj T. .1 crPiTI>\ \ J ril 1857. :’.tf DWM) MrDl Fi n:, iSrirhittiisoH tntd J.'. prepare.1 !■, ■!.> :.U kinds of w. ik in hi' li:ie, in eluding the putting up of Turpt'iifine .-'tills in this and the adjoining couutie.,. Fayetteville, .\pril ’.^7. IH.'>7 ;;-l\'-pil .1. UIIJJAM \1. h., # TTS ti o it o ru ##. #. HI'KPi. P.VtjF. may be foiin'l at his otticc wUeu o.it piofes.-ion.iliy etigage.l. Mm) 1".'.7. ,',tf \OTI 10. ON tin- tir. t ,M..ii.lay in .'^eptcnil.cr n‘xt, I will sell I'jr C;ish, at the ('oiirt House .loor, in the Town of 1-av‘-tt-v illf, the following ’I'r.i. ts i.f Lmi.ls, ..r .-i.s Biu. li thereof-IS will pay the Tuxe-. .|u>' ihereou for I the je-ii Ai llVlnl. 50 7(»fi k;ou I .... lila.-K Ui l'!:iiloi'.i I 1S55: — I .n,.l L.t-t ■t' a,„. h. ,, 1- 2 l"0 ('.'irver(.'re.-U /•; join^-McLean .l|- joins King and I'M; join- Bel! and other ■jii Tiie Kornbow l.,,ini 1"0 C..wpen iJi.inch, ;;(!U 1-5 1(1(1 il(» (-'ani.lcn J'oa.l, he;i'l of Sw.an liiirnt Swamji, liif; ilocktisli. //V '/'.UK tieorge T. King, ,hi ■SI 21 I'l.-ter Mason, 1 t ;b') VI I . Neill .V Colin Me- Mi-F:i 1\ en. l:; • bities iS; I’arbee, :;il 10 J 11I..I • les-e Butt-, 1 18 -r-. ' I'ln D P.uie t ■i.i, .{., J 711 .lohn (' n v».j- 0 15 .Ino S. Mel).,i,^;ii,| 0 71 ,\, (jrah:iiii !.,] \ .McKelkar. li- h, .Arthur (Juion, ■'I ■Asa Phillips, •J .'i-j •k. David ■J 71 Wm. West. 1; 71 Neill L;imoiit, 12 Effie .Mi-Leod, - S'. I ille. •loseph Se:iwell, 0 ;'>o />/•• Stisforff iM' \oi:tii 4'!% it o 1.1a . The .'^ubsci ibi,; . .ii\ ui;v, prepai i; i 1 ^ furiiish the 1 t \.ilunu‘ of this valu itilc w..rk. ui.ldi ha rc iivi-.l the liiglu'st conuiien.lati.in wiierever i! has ijccii r(':ol. ii. t only for it > litcrar-, cxccuti.m l iii i..r ;i n potrraplii- cal getting up It may be olit line l. either troni n't; or ti’i.m our lieiieral .\gent fur the .'^tale, 11. W , llor ieof tli!> jilace, or any ot hi.- .Vs-isfant .\;.,i'nt-. The ]>rice vai.es according to sfjle of l.imliiig- In hand^. iiie cloth .“j!! in Lit'iary Sh.-ep “Sl oil- i. .M'Caif Si I •). I r IS SDi.ii iixi.Y KuK Ca-11. N..UC w '' be charge I. t'ither by ourselve- ..r oiir .\gont-. A lib. ral dic..un* will be maile where .jiiar.titie.-- are taken to sell ag:iin It will be sent by mail to any ]i.art of the country, on receipt ol the j.rice and 21 cents to pay postage. The ‘Jd volum.-- is in c. of pri j.ar.ati'ju. There will pr..b:il,ly be f..tv- . f, ,. ■ .I-,- in ;,1I. The .suc ceeding volumes .. ■ ^ -i ' • ..ill about oUC page- each, and Will l>e M i , p- _ iir.' i.ally higher price, 'iz; h.alt a ceri* .a p i .v the i'i..th landing, 2’> cent" •a.lditioii;.! fur shcc^ :i.i I -jn ccnta a.idiiioual for liie h.alt calf bin lin;, F. .1. H.\l.K x SON. F.ayettevi’Ii. \[;ii j‘.t, 1>57. P. S. 'Ihe Agen: an i his A.--i-tants do-ign to vi-it eviry county in the ' •,te, vsifu the b.i.,k, as so.n as c.'tivenient. In t.ic Mieai' 'hi.e, OB.fer! t.> him or to us. accompanie.i by tiie cash, will re.-cive prompt atten tion. i»Ko*pi:rTi ^ OF THK .NTiKTll CAROLINA PHKSHYTEHIAN. Presbyterian Church in North Carolina has M. long laborC'! under a seri.ius ilisa.lvauiage Irom the want ol a journal to advoc.ite her claims and rep resent her interests It is estimate.1 that only lOOn Presbyterian Weeklies are taketi 'n the bound-' of our three Presbyteries. We have Pi.oOu C.immunicaiit-, and it is safe to inter that there are iO.OttO Presbyte rians in prir*ciple in the State. Our .'yno.l stan.i- tifth in the L'nion in point of nuni'.er-. an.l her niem- ber«l\i]> is greater than that of any Synod South .r West of Pennsylvan'.a. Our sister St.ate- .in th- N .rth an.l South, neither of which has a nieniber-hip so large as ours, publish the Ontral. .and the Southern Presbyterian, for the benefit of their pe..p;i-. The time has c.itiie when the Pr''sbyteriau Church in North Carolina should likewise do her .luty to her chiMren. It is ,a conceded .and important fact, that hundreds of our members will take a .''fate pajier who will t.ake no other. The Paper is needed to i>e the organ of our Syuo.l and Presbyteries—to elevate an.l enlighten the ■ jiiety of our membership by diffusing evangelical , knowle.lge —to promote the cause of IMucati.jn—to dcvelope the talents of our Miui'^try. and to strength en the atfachment of our people t.> the soil and sanc tuaries of their own .State. If our ('hurch in other States, and other Churches in this State, can supply theii' nieuiber> with a Re ligion ; journal. why may n U we.' .\re North C:.ro lina Preshyteri ins iuturior in t.alent, energy and patriotism to their neighb.jrs on the North or South, or to Christi.ins of other ilenominations at home'.' With the same or bett.-r opportunities ot' accornplish- ing this work, shall wt leave it un.l.ne; In the lan guage of ..ne of our most able and useful .Ministers, an a lojit. d s..n of our State. ‘'It ouf;ht to h ave been nti.lertaken rjii years a-j-o, l.ut it i- not ton late t . bo- ' gin to 'lo right In the last tW" oi- three ni. nth:.-, .a t’uu'l of .about .'s.iddO has been suViseribe ] a a j.enii iiu-nt capital. At a meeting of the coiitribut'f^, hel 1 ,at (Jreenpbo. rough ..n the 1 1th of Maj', Rev. A. R;ikT. Chairman, —the Paper wa unanimously located ,at Fayetteville, under th«' iiaiau nil title of the Noirrii C.\poi.i\\ Pm-nvTKni.\N. Rev. Wm. ,\. Mel.me .uid Rev Jeorge MeNeill were ele.'tcl i; lit..r : Re\ . .Messi- (ieorge McNeill, Wtii N ''lel.-iue, \. Raker, an.l (' H. Wiley, an.l Messrs (tc.iige McNeil', Sr., .lohii H Coi.k and I>a\id Murphy were rippointe.I m Kxecutive Committee, t.i e-i.ililish tlic l‘,i['.’r lu.l ni.inage it busines-. .afl'iiir- It is our wish an.l .le II' n t ui;iU. the Noit i ii \ m .■ '.ISA Phi: 1;^ rn:i\N ajouinal "f the tii t e |.ia! t«. the l est in the country in t v]-gr -,.hi.-il ;tj.i.t-ii - ance an.l in .a.i.iptarion to the w: i.i- of our Cimr.die- Its c.iluniiis will attor.l the lale^;t iutelli::eiice, bf.tli t'oreign an 1 .1 "Iik-tii-, aiel piv i.ii ire v.ill be t ikeii to give a lull ao i ;ic. iir.'" s.iniiiiiiy of St ite news The name of the Pjiiier is .le;jignei to be an exnoiieiit of its chfiracti-r tin l contents Fr .ui cou\u tiou, it will advocate tlo' coii'ervativc, ordiodox, o 1 ^^.■ho : ■ loetiin.-s an.l or.ler of the Chureli • •ur fir.'t aj peii i to our .iwn j.e.iple t-. N. f Piesl.yte'i.ans. \*. hi'r l V,e rely . onti-lently up.iii their tavor, w.' tru t th it lae iiali\c son.- of Norlli Ctii.ilin;! who have foiui 1 h.oiij- In ..ther "^t ite , .and the ;i,io],' e'l citi/eii' ..f oiir .'^t:ite who form -o important an e’.onieiit in ..ui Mini try and iiiem’ioishiji. will take .a ■ leep inter- t in Illi^ eiiiei|.ri ■ lU'l ?iv>‘ it tlii'ir hearty Hup['ort Tkh.ms: ■.‘J per annum in a.I . nice. .,r ..u .leliv.'iy ol the first number; 50 in iv ui.inlii -; ! at the en.l of the year. To i bib« of li‘) or ni.ne, p iyiii"- in a.Ivanci- :iu.l when the Paper i^; ‘■eni f.j one i.Mies-, .li-c iunt ot ldperci'i!t will !. ■ alb.we.1. Our Minis ter - .111.1 liMer-' are c.irne'^tly d'-.>ired to ai t :i .Vgents, an.I all other- tiien.lly to tlie . iiise will ph'ase i .,i- in procuring as many subscriber^ a-’ jmssihle, ;nid for war l the iiaiiu"-. //// I'l/-..'-/ I to liiis ()|ll.'c. A.-: soiui :is I')()(» suli ;i ril;er-; ui'.' ..I.t:.it.e l, the first iiiini- ber will be issue.j. It a faithful an.l vigorous etfoit is iiia'le in the next two months b\ those who take a lively intere-t in this w.irk, v.c will, without .loiibt, be able to begiii the pitbliciitioir .it the eii'i of that time with a p.ayiiig suli.sci ipt i in list ol at least :jli09. .Xd'lress, F.litor-■>;’tl'.c N..t tli (';u >iliua Pr('sby- teri.iii, F.iyctteville. > F:iyettPvii;e, 'I r "0, ! 12- r) rm: n klic. .M FF. R( IISON, Photogrnphic .\rti:;t. w oiil ic.-pectfiilly announce to the i-iti7ens .>t F.iy , ette\ilb' and vicinity, that he design- le.i\ing this pl.act' for a few months. ;ind all those wishing to ha\e their pictui'. :: t.akea, would do well to give him i ctill at his R.iom- over Reasley Hotiston’s jewelry st.nc, ^ liy the 1'ith of .August, as his RooUis will be closed I ’'r.itn that titue until his return Fayettevile, .luly 2'.*. 2‘.i- i H\ \ INti procured the fiervice.s of a new .and first : rate Rakt'i . we are prepared to supply our cu- ' i.imers an.l those who may gi ^e us a cjill, with .-uj'eri. r LOAF BREAD AND CAKES v.r \av,..u kinds, on liberal terms. Orders for Fruit, i I’.iuiuJ. Sponge, or I'laiu Cakes, ]iromptly atten.le.l to. Fci the ;tccoiiimo.lation of our town customer.-, we h.ave on hand a number of printed tickets (five cents e i. h ^ which can be procure.l by calling at !’, \N KS’S (''ONFK('TI>NF\{\. (ireen Street • liil.\ 2H-4t viu'iiiLii i\m roll siLi:. f II F. Subscrllier, being ilesirous ot’ moving South 1 or changing his business, offers tor sale the fol lowing (.an Is; One Trart, coiituiniu^ 1700 or mOO .Acres, Mi which is my family residence, situated ten miles North-east of Fayetteville, on the Kast si.le of Cape i'ear River, througli which the F. .5 N. Plank Roa.I j'asses It contains a fine Oak (jrove, with substintial P.uililing-:. and is well supplie.l with pure wati'r 'I’he ab. ve tract i'onsi>;i ; of swamp and ujd.'iuds, a portion of each kind being under cultivatiou and in excellent order, and c..utains two tine pastures tor stock, abuu- ■ lantly supplie.l with fresh w.ater. The unculli\aied poition is heavily timbered. One 'I’ract. between ttOO auit IC> .Aercs, l>in.; one mile North of the above, and immediately on the Plank Roa.I, on which is a valuable Saw an.l (irist Mill, in perfect or.ler. The tract is well supplied with pine timber. One Tract, lOO to 500 .Acres, «i ricli and productive Swamp Lands, a portion of which i- well fenced ami under cnltivfttion, known as the King an.l -Norman Lands, situated one mile from the river, be tween the Ashe an.l .\rmstrong Lands. The uncleared V' .rtioii c.jnt.ains valuable Cypress and Oak Timber One 'I'ract, I‘2 I Acres of Fluey Wood l^ands, he.avily timbered, and kuown as the Little Creek tract. One Tract. 50 Acres, wliicli lies In fJreat ('reek, aid contains the greatest abundatice of .lunijier l imber tor .'-hingles. Person- wishing to pun hase can get ull the ucces- - irv infotniati.in from the subscriber ;it his resivleuce, "c Irom .lames .Muri.hy, at Gray's Creek, either of wli.un will take pleasure in showing the .above lands. .lOHN MUKPIIV, Sen’r. Cuuibi rl tud t'ounty, .luly 27-, 1x57. 2V(-tf \o1mci:. ^ j'^O all persons tliat have left Guns with me t'lir re- £ pairs previous to the first of August, 1857, to call p.ay charges an.I take them away: otherwise they will t>e sold for repairs. M ,\ P.\KER August ;i. 18.'>7. otiff I'lM \AH' \ i'l'. > N I'OU S \L>;. ^ i ^ 11 F !^iibseriber oilers forsalehis R I !.S 1111!N i' K n, I I . ihci- tiiiil.ling- at I'halk bevel, li irneti ( .. r tv t'•ililiei te.l with tile propiM ty for .- lie are w.iiu • ■ )IMI or (ilHt a.-i'f- ol jTi.ii.i a Sturc lluii-;i- ,i ''.’an Vard tttul Mill, the !:ilh-r is soniev.liat out ol n'p iir, but l ap i' ' protil.ible ini|'r.iveiiieiil Tlii' loc itii.i. i- n.lioir il.o- ior :i couiiiry l' ii\ :iu.| n.> !>.-ller iii\e-i menl ..1 eiju la! could be ni:i le ihan tiie piiri h i-.' ol (his j.rop.-.tv Tl.i- -iib-.crilii'r int.'ii.ls removing l.i the We.-.t, an I will make t!;e terai- of - ile a- .■ i-'v :is aiiv rea-m ibb- iii io could wi-li — .\ » - N cry lie-ii :il.b'1'W F 1,1,1 N i in ,\ver i-b..r.. tor .'■•ale Term', of pur. h i ;e uia.le ea-v V great bar;.>a'.t» to 1..' h:,d. \ I.Sl > — FORT\ Sll AKi:.-; OF FAVFTTFVILLI-: P.ANK STOCK I'liis .Stock is known t.i be the best in the market, ainl comman.ls a high |ireminm. The sub-, t i ber only sell- be.-aiise he is going to the \Vesf. hor t'urther inlorniation. terms ,Vc.: addres-^ ■\. II DEWAR. Chalk Level. \ugu-t l.-t. :IO-i;t Noirni r \U()L!NA hv\ \1‘Kks. .M'MltlCKs I WII I'KKl’AUKI* WITH Sl’KfMAL KKKKHI..MK l'( i IHK U.Wr.N AMI INTKRKST.-; (»r • Vorth 4'ttrolhtti. iNiiKci iii: \i 'i’ici.-s or riif; si pKRiN i iAdt \ i ur t um- >li>\ -cflnoi.-;, t;\ ltv\. V. n. lliihliaiMt, I'liorr, .ii; i.K nil; i.xtin i,\n.;i \ci: \m. r,irtr\ritti i\ I II I. I M \ I li-l I V iiK N'flltTII (■ \ \ \ . (■(V\ f.\!NIN(i A I'AMII.IAK HI.>T(^RV A M > I'KSt KI !■- TION (IF NdUTM ( A F?( )Ll V A. Si'lt'ctimis in I’r.is.' ninl \’ r.-i ; iir.my id’ fliom Lv ciiiiiii'tit citiiPiis of till' .'tat>‘. HlS'l'Oiih'VL AM) CHRONoLOtiK'A L T.VRLFS. .\n 1 a \:,i . » .if .Mi.-cellatieous Inf.iriiiat ion ;,n I ."-I i- tisti.:s. b_^ ( . II. wsrsii. Number i- a new an t revise I e.litioii o: the N. rtli ('arolina Rei ler. first puhlishe.l in l^^al Niimtiers i aijd 2 just i-isue I, complete the series, wliiidi i-i, a- a whole, cheaper than any other serie.;of Reri ier- in the I’nitc.l State.-, an.l as conijdele. The F.lit.ir ( Pr .f. Hubbar.l) in his Prrfa'e to .Num ber 1 deems it pioper to aliu.letoa few ..f the peculiar a.lvaiitages .linie l at l.y the Superinten.ient .if Comtiioi. Schools while making eflorts t.) have this work com pleted. These are, I. 77.' 1/. '.I It j’-tf’/ii/ I'/ J.//'-., aii'l the enlistment of ji.ipular sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thotight im- [.ort.ani, however, t > have more th.an on«* number of th(' Readers ot merely a local interest. ril ./■I H I I i>';'■. I'lai e, C D. 15. Gillaspie, i il- 11 ,i^ ui t, joins Wo.,.Iw.'ird, .John J. Phillips, 5 Al.LXANIiER JOHNSON, late Sheriff. July l.i, 1857. 2b-ts pr.adv.-ii7 II \. ii. buy.- ■Mareli F(’( ! ’I . . I --.iw.L a;re.l. .-‘Mil 'iLsr ( ornan.l -icKINNitN '•1 .n S'l UFCi:i\ Kl), QUAUli ’.! (’.i.XK.s 1> \ISINS. 20 Halt 20 Roses So.iJi Kiseuit. 20 “ Cheese. For sale by Deo'r 15. c. i:. L';kte. tiutl' All [XTson.-; indcbteil to .VI. A. I?:ikrr would confer .a favor by calling and settling their ac- couuts by the l '»th of .Vugust, 1S57. i M. A. 1!.\KEK. I -\ugust 1857. ;50tf I FOR SALf7~ ' /’fllHL following VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, the: M. property of E. C. Hall, dec’d, is ottered for sale, j an.l consist-' of the following tracts; That desirable place kuown us Home, contain- j iiig about 260 Acres, with all the imfirovements. This i jilace will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers, j it being probably one of the best business Ftan.ls in | the country, and is very ilesiraVde to those wishing to : enter the mercantile business. ! No. '2, (lonsists of a Lot and Hrick Store, i 2 tenements.) in (jampbellton, on Bridge Street, near : Clarcn.loii Rri'lge, and is a very desir.able stand for! business. : No. o, Is Three vacant JjOt.s in Cainpbellton, i known in city plot as Nos loy, 111, 112, and half of lot IP: , No. t, Is ii Dwelling House and Lot on !Iay- inount, corner of Plank Road and .Adams St. .V very • lesirable residence for the whole year. No. '), Is a (’orn Mill and Steam Engine and Roiler, of 10 or 15 horse power. This is well worth the attention of those living where water power is not available, au‘1 will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to .1. H. H.ALL. .\ssignee. ■August 1, I>57. ;!(i-tf 1;RHAVE’S HOLLAND BITTERS: Carter’s Spanish Mixture, Shallcnburger a Pills; ilampton’s Vegetable Tincture; Hoofland’s German Bitters. Wood’s Hair Restorative: S ind’a Sarsafiarilla; Oxygenated I5itters; ,\yer’s Cherry Pectoral; Brown’s Essence of Ginger, Uavis’s Pain Killer; Thompson’s E^'O Water; .layne’s Me.liciues; Harrison’s Hair Dye; DeGrath's Electiii; oil. For sale by SAM L .1. HINSDALE. \ugiist o .‘’.O-'it B F. PEARCE & CO, DEALERS IN KDUKKiN AND DOMESTK’ DRV (iOOD.^l. H \TS. CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, / mh) rllti - iiiiil Ii> in?i/-JIaf> Ofnl/tiiKj, MAY STREET, .'I*, f. H. I. I-I.\R« I. I (.1. W. I’KM’.CK, .IK •Ic.lyiid. 2'J-tf V\KES Vl\ VND eoliiinitte.l to the .Tail of Cumberland county, on the li;th .luiy, .1 negro woman by the n ime of A1/ lA. wh isayoshe bel.ongs to Daniel f’amevon of II iit ett .-..unty. She was committed as a runaway. The owner is reiiueste.l to cume forward, prove pro perty, p.ay (diarges and take her away, or slie will be j de'il! with .1 ■ the law .lirects. | WM. R ROLTOV, .b-iUr. •\uni’ll I IH.57. olttf Mi:i)IC \L FNSTrn^TlOX OF YALE COLLEGE > g1llE Course ot Lectures for 1857-8, will commence H on Thursday Sejit. 17th, and continue 1 months. P.KV I\MiN Sii.i.i^i\N, M. D., Lli. D., I'rof Emeritus of Chemistry and Pharmacy. Ei.i I\ KS, M. D., Prof. Emeritus’of Materia MeiFica an.l Therapeutics. •lii.NArii.x.N K.SHiiii', ,\I. D., Prof. of the Principles au'l Practice of Surgery. CiiMtt,Ks HdOKKn, M. D, Prof, of Anatomy an.l Physiology IIk.miv Bkii.vsun, M. D.. Prof. of M.ateria Medica ui'l Therapeutics. WdUTiii.NCTON HoiiKkk, .M. D., Prof. of the Theory Mild Practice of Physic. I’lF.NMvMiN Su.t.iM\N, .Ir., M. D., Prof. of Cliemistry and Pharmacy. I’l.iNT -A. .Jkwett, M J)., Prof. of Obstetrics. Lecture fees !?!08 50, Matriculation, >i>5; Graduation I S15. CIIAS. HOOKER, Dean of the Faculty. 1 New Haven, July 17. 29-4tpd I'\v. /•-’./s.' si'ili .// / .SV/'c/7, 1 h r.- Ihmr^ X'H'lh ‘f II Si . r .l.'-ire.- Icknowic.l; ‘I uj...n ii. reel.'.I Ne I lie I loll till ///, M. 9 mciliuni \e;u -an I :i- he lia i'nri'ii;e .-;iie.| c. nvcni iie lakes ).|e:i;iire in ..avimr I" h's patron-: puiilir generally, that he is :.lill |.re|iare.l |.i I /•/.•/ / cribe to : -tow .• list c ■III 1 I h thi- thc liberal • 11' I he p;it St i'.b's .in«l III I 1.1 water the •m- iii.ibiti' Ihein with ti.an>leiit i ii.l pel ana ncn 1 bo .,i .1, a n.l IT - [..'[ I-oliciis .a Continuance ‘if tin- ibi-r.il pat r.m ■i;'e l,, r.'1')l'orc recei\el i'.\er\ exeit'.in oiihisp;iit -iiall I'c use.I to rcii.ler them eomf.irt il.ie lariiiL;; theii ■oj.iurn \Tith him. Mis table i-; ahv iv- ^u|ipHe.l w'.tli the b. si tlif Iiiaiket a‘l .r'ls. r. SililMV. KLI, M.ar. h 2 1. 1 S55. Mi-tf Dor.iJiN iioi si:: POWERS 'I i;ov. ^’ifllllF Proprietors I Kol HIKIOl:-. of this listabli.-hiui nt .announce t.i the pablii.-, that owing to the eon-t-intl,y increa ing p itrouage eicti'ii 1 ‘d to then, tliey h ive heen imluce.l t.i i-ii- arge the aci-omiiioilation by the .nl.liti..n ■ • an extens.ve Dining Room on the lower tloor, and-c' " of Room on the sccon.l tbi.ir; tliii.- enabling them , ae.'omm.i l.ate nil w'lm luav fav.ir them with a call. \ii.l they pie Igf I'lemselve- t.i an iuerea-.-l c';i-rti. n t.) ..'ive sati,-f:ietioti to their patrons S)tacioits Stable- atta. he l aii'l caretul tistler:- in at t en.l iuc- The eligil.li- locati.m of the Establishment, with (he expel icnee of the Projirietor.- in provi.ling for l he coiii- f'.rt of their ptitrons, they hope will -e. nre |.i ilieni ;i liberal ‘.hare ot the ti'avel. The \\e,;terii and .'southetii Stage-- arrive at an.l le ]iarr fr.im this llou.-e. C.irnages in altendance ..n arriv.il an.l I'-j. irtui e o! .''team Boats, foi- the aia-oinm.. lati.iu . . . .enger-. H.'tscs aM'l ('aitiages furni-he l .at any lo’iice t. r c:ii rying traveller-: to any p:iit o! the i ij . a- i iiuufrv. .1. W I'OWI'.R.^,’ \v ' I'RoV.' F:iyett('ville. .May 12. l--'iii. 'If roif 3 OFFER tor s:ile, my L\N'i>S in the 'I’ .wu ■! |-'iv « ettevill.-. :ibout I oO ,\cre-. '•-.m--. :>- the lYIUMFORD S .VA.IVIP. \ii.nit .11 \er. of it 1-^ tin.- n '.V oil it w ill -li.iw. A % fiSi i- ]. near the \I rket .'.lUar.*. M :-:l l.-vw I, 111 I, I I I..' ( I :iii l.»l i-:-i’Uiie.l Ir, Mr, .I.ihll iih>)i .ifhi" I'.rpiin'tJ 'hiin;/' i’l h.r: l„,i,ls: all ex pensive habit, an.l one which injures the School^ by ' preventing the children trom being classitie.l. .A se- i ries of home Rea'ler-, it was suppose-.l, wouM he cer- | tuiuly used, un i tiiis great evil thus :ivoided. | 3, F.rnn’ -n/. the jiopular system of Readers being too long and being nni.le so often merely to ad'l to ■ the profits of :iutliors an.l publishers. This series i-^ t.i consist of fewer numbers than those gener:klly u-c 1, :in 1 it is bciieve'l that these uumbers are suflicient. while if the sy.-tem were uni versally used in the .•'tate, the -um save.I to parents and children would :im.iunt to sevei:il th.iusan l .lollars annually. ■1, Tv fit ill til' kaii'J.i "f rhililii’n Itiiniiiiy tij lunl n,i,i- ; ^ij.'iiiI’lii.t siiijirieiilly fiinili-ir hut ,' ’1 nj' Ihi t i,.:, ■nii r rnH'-'l , chililiah coiHjii':s^iloiis^ Ci>111:ii 11 iIIg. in les-J.ins e I-:y enough f..r all ages, correct sjiecimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, an.l religious ^ instruction. ! The priccs are, for .No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, o7i cent.-; and No. 7-'i cents. .V liberal de.luction from tlu'se prices to Merchants an.l School Teachers. E. .1. HALE iS: SON , F:iyettevil]e, .luly 2'.'. 2'.*- , I,, sco i'f iV co s i!i-;i-iii.N'r oi'l Tin; ri'iiiioiiii'tL^. - f SCOTT \ (’(»., New \'ork. continue to publish ^ the following leading ISritish periodicals, vi'/.; THE LONDON (^U.VRTERLY {Conscrv:itive.j THE EDlNP.l Rtill RE\1eW (Whig.) IHE N(Hn'H BRITISH R EVl EW (Free Church.) THE WESTMINISTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDlNBl'R'iH M.VCAZLNE (Tory.)' These Periodic;ils represent the,three gre:it political jNirties of Great Britain—Whig, Tory, an.l Raiiical, - fiut politics form only' one feature of their char;icter. -As Organs of the most profound writers on Science, . Literature, Morality, ai.d Religion, they >tan l, as ' they ever have >toi)d, unrivalled in the world of let ters, lieing in.lispen-:iMe to the schobir :inil profes- ' sional man, while to the intelligent re;ider ot every ' class they furnish .a more e.'rrect and s;itisf.ictory re cord of the cun-eiit liier;iture of the day, throughout the worl.l. th:in can la* possibly olitained from any i other sourc('. !;.\i;i,V COPIES The receipt of a.lviince sheets from the British pub- li.-hers gives a.l'liti.mal v ilue to these Keprint«. inas- ' much as they c.an now be phiceil in ihe hands of sub scribers about :i- ,-oon :is the otigiu:»l editions. TERMS. ' For :uiy rtiie of the f.nir Review-;, i Per :inn.) (lO For any two of the four Re\iew-, (lO For any three of the four Reviews, 7 00 ' For all four of the Re\ie\v-. .'i («) j For Bbickwo.i.l's M-iga/,ine, ,; iiu For Blackwo;i.l md three lli'vie>\.-. 'i (Mi ; For Blackwoo.l and the four Reviews, |(» mi ' Pili/i .1 lli.'~ 1.1 hf nuiili' III III! II, iiilriiiii i'. il - r-i/ | Ciii'j'itif III tin' Sti/’t ii'ltt‘1'1 mil he I'ti'tii'nt :tt fun'. i CLL'BBlXt, j ,\ discount of twenty-five [.er cent from ihe :,b..\e i prices will be :illowed til Ci.riis ordering four or more ^ copies of any om* or ni.ire of the ali.ive work-. Thus- I Four Copies of Bbickwon.l, or ot' one Review', will le- | rent to one :l.ldres^ lor lour copic . Ill the I.,Ill- lie- \ views :in l Rl'i' kw.iii.l for ^ ;it. :iii.| so .m. POS'I'\GF. I In ;ill the prinei|.al ’itie- :m l T..w’n-', the e work- ; will be delivereil, FRI-.F >F PO.'-^.T A(i E. When ^eiil ■ by mail, the Postage t ) :tny p;irt ot' the Unite.l St:ites j will b(‘ liut TU ENTV F(>1 I! i F.N 1.'-! :i >ear for ' i;!:!, k- | Woo.Is. ' :ind but l'(ll t’ t'iillN I'ENT.''- :i 3 :ir lor encli | of t he Revi'ws. ' s. Ii. //-(// in (I'll'ilt /ill/,1111 n/tln- tir- I iih>ti'f‘~iiiii>ii'*/ 1^ ofiiiiit ^.’*1 ]!. .•' iiniiuiti j Remittances for any of the above public:itioii': slioiiM I :ilways be :i.Mres;^'d. p..-t p li ! to fhe Publisher-. ! LEON A R D 'I I T I' ,v ' • , .No. 51 (ioM-strcet, .New \ ork | M-AV iiOOKS. I I LLEDFLi l.V; from “Notes :in I tjiierie-:, " The | Eleplmnt ('lub, by Doestick-'; P.i-t \!eri li:in. by Mrs. Sigourney; The Ritle. .Axe •in I .'^a l lb* R-ii.i--, by ' Milburn; “Cliri-tm:is .'^toii;";.“ .) U \ l-;.N i LE.'-; Tile .\iiinvell .StoOes, cou^i-iing of, the "Whistler, or the .\lanly Boy; " Ella, or Turning j over :i New Leaf: (>s.-:ir. or the Boy who ha.I his own j way; The In li:in Fairy Bo.ik; .Vii^iott's .Stories about Coniinon Things. \lso. further supp’.ies .>f Hume ;i:;d Macauley s Historic: of Engl.ind; Sch>>ol B i.iks. xc E .). HALE SON. .lan’y 17, 1857. Harper and Ciodcy's Lady's Hook, I tor August, 1857. E. J. II.ALE & SON. i’emberton A Large an.l \'abi:i!. '.oi, fronting ..11 D.iiialds.ui, M:ixwell ;in.l .\Iuinford Sii.-ots. known ;is the Hotel tiar.len Lot,—c.>ubl lu* .livi.led into sever;il Building Lots—very near t he new Femiile High Scho.il Buiblings. Also, the .''t,itile Lot :i!lj.lining, fr.iutingoii Mninf.ir.l Street S.-ver:il DESIRAP.LE P.LILDINti LOTS n both Winsl(/\,- ati'l .^Illmford .Streets. .\11 tiii- proji b)e tel ill-, aii'i Mort'iage it .!i ■riy -:in uoW lie purclui-‘.l on f:ivor-i I l-ir;j.- p rt c:iii renniin on B..| d an.l TllO. Oct. 10. iJ .1. CURTIS. ■p: tf r i>. v;uFt:\ : LATE Gl’.EEN WEAR.) WATCH-mAKERS, JEWELLERS, kc., I'AVIM'TKVIIJJ-:, N. (’, D. G. begs to return his sincere th:ink>j to the ■ • public tor the kind p;itron:ige s.i liberally be- “t.)>ve I upon the bite Firm. ;in.l infiTrms them he has bought the interest of J. S. Wear, ;ind will continue the bnsine-s in all its brrim hes :it the o! I tai! I. uii.ler his entire sMi'ernitendeiuc. N. B .VII Watches left with him for repair wili lie t:iken ap:irt in the jireseiice of the owners, ainltlie necess:iiy rep:iirs [•■.inte 1 out to them ;in.i ;i written coiitr:ict given for tiie s.-ime, which work will be v.ir- r;intel for tw.i year-^. 0!i han.l and for s;ile now, the im.st v:i’-|ed :in 1 choice selection of I’LOCK.'^ :in I .ithe>- :me pieces th:it has ever been otiered t.) the public it .N'ortii C iro- lin:i, which he will >cll :it New V. i k prii es, :ui l ;il«o w\iiu,\xr for tw.i ye:irs. ,\11 debt- due to un-l by the iate 'irm will be p;,id :»nd received by i-l. D. (IRF.E.N'. .Vuiiust 25, 1 85i'i :!l-tf O. IIOUSTOX '■« 1^'’OL'LD inf.irm his frien.N i.i'I lorin. r .:iisi ii r- ▼ w lh.it he in iy l.e I'muii 1 l! .|...r- bei.iw l ie ■ ii.e Fe ir B nik. :in 1 5 loors above his oi l st:in 1 - .iitli side Person .''treet, where he inten.Is to kee]. on Icui.l. Hariieso, Saddles, bridles, Whips, Collars aii'l every thine -.i-b agiiij^ 1 .i liis tr:ide. lie i c-pectfully invites his I rien ls from the country lo c:til ;in.| examine his stock before purchasing. He will atteii'l to Rep:iiring ol Ihirness and S;id.lles punetu:vliy, -.lU'l liis ch:irges sIkiI! l>e mo.lerate. He would rr.juest :ill iu lebted f.i I in- tirm of IDirs i'tiN ,v. o\'F,RBV t.i .. tlic wiili W iivcrby ■ -,■ hi;iuclf,;i - they are cnnij.elle.l lo settle (he tirm's .lebt.i ■Xuirust 27 iSiii. till Myy\i i: S.- lli;i!El;^ (11 I'., tii;ii ibi.iks ol Sii .-i-i]ition to the e.i|iit:il slock .it the 'entr:il R:iil R.iinl, from Be:iulort il :irbor \ i;i Keinn-vilie, Clinton, i' lM-n vilb-, ail'! We-t, will be ..pen.' l on 1'hur.-.l:iy, ihe Idih .lay of \|iril Ih'ii'i, an.l remain oj.en jiccording n. th.- tv-rins ot the Charti-r until tui iher notice, at the t.ilbnving pl:ii-es 111'! un.ley direi-tuiii of the f.ill.iwing n-iine.l |.e!--i.n;, t'oiniiii- ioiicrs in liie ('h:ir!ev, vi/.; Ill the I'ouniy (if Oii-l.iw. ;ii the oilice ol the 1 lerk of ihe ('oiin'v ('ourl :it .1 ick^'iiivi. 1 >•, -in I -il tin- Post (llVi e Rich binds. I-i. W. Foiuille, (i .' W;il'l, I. II Fo\. Robert White. I.din \ \veritt. .ir , lwen Ilii-.; gin-, L. \\ . II iini]ili; e\. In ( -irterel c.iuiily, -it ih.- .iftice of Dr M F Aren dell ‘it 1 o‘;i'll'or1 ill- \l. F \ren.lell, .1 F Beil. li. T Ogle by .A t the - t .ire of .; W. T-.-, 1.11- 1 • ' 11,,] i 11:, ('i; y, ('ol. Will. N. Deniii-, II S Pm‘11, (':ipt. Levi 0.ile:-liV, Bridjt,e Areii.lell. Ill lui|iiin I-.unity, :il Ihe olli. e ..f tin ('.lUiiiy ('ourl ('leil; il l\ vi lie. -NLij.ir (Iweii b, l\-nin. D:ivil liei.i. l-:i:i(- li Kill,\ . Will E. Ilill. Will I, 11 ..ii-i .III, Si. ;.hi 11 (il ihani. In S :i 11! |, :oii -.111 'it '■ :il I lie o!b. e .1!' I !n- r.iii n t - ' '.iili I Ciei-!> :il ('liolmi. Thoei:!-.: I Fai-on‘, Dr I li.n;; . P.iiitinir, Wm. ^IcKnc i' lirii '. Miirph\-. U m I' r- -n, .1. R. llc.iiiciii, \llreii .ioliii on. I I 1 nl!llieri:ai'l coUnt\, it I .: \ el 1 e\i||e, -il l|ie olllee • if A . Ml Kelli.in, I I1..I1K1S II I ii'ierv'o'l.i, l>:inl:il Mi-Danie’, l'Mw-:ird L. Wiii-’'.-.\. .1 ihn (' l>b:e!..-r I-’orni 'if siitii.-ripl i .ii: The I’ll.ler'ii'/l’el -i I'ee t o t I i. e i !m- Il U 111 ber o f hil.- .if >;|ii(l c:icli. -et i.np'i-ile to ..nr inin.,-- r- j-: li\. l- , in the ( entr:il Raii Road (' inqciiiy: -ii. I in -iP re~pect-- to c.imply with the ti^rins ot' the C|i:irl.'r we c;i!l 1!,,' atlclit ioli ol W llOMv S\Li', DIvMJ'JiS fH^O our present ."^t ' -k. ;iii.| wc ii:i\c i-.-ceiiils re B ci'ive I :’(•(» Lags Rio, I. iguii-:i. M:ii;c:iMi, uni .lav:i ' .'ilcc, ■Jii hb.l- .'-ng:ir. :i --. i-1e l -ira.b' , 7.*1 libl- .1.1. Retine.1. I'rii-itie.l 111.1 I'ow.lere.l, 1*5 biixe-.'^perni. \.l iiinuitine :m I I ill..« (’lU.lle: , till (b) F:iIU-\ ;lll 1 :is-..t II- 1 ( ^iii.lie- , Inn eoils Kentuckv, .lule :in I M ituil i Koi'c, 7 Icib": B;'.ggiti;j. il I'-.in i.-.- m l I’.iiibip- '.(• t..!!-; Hoop lv..n. i 2'l boxc'^ ('heesc, ■Jii half-blrls .'-ujiet- t irii. S.i 1 1. 4(»,(I(mi (’ig:irs, v:irion- br in.ls, .\I,S(» Pi jiper. .--pi.-e, (lit'.gei . ('love . \iiuiii-- R.-rax. M I'bler, In li^o, .-^pani*!! IJiown, I’.rini i.'iic, F:iucy ' and I’eir .'■'otips, Si:ir.-h, P.iw ler. .“^h.it l’.:it- l.e;i.l. White ' Lo:i.l. Putty ,-in.l Linsee.l (lil. Win.Iow (Jbi-s. Snulf in B.i\e-, Fiiigle Mills ibi., in Ibilt Rbl-.; (ii i'eii an.l Pdack i Te:is. 1 loliow-'.V:i 1 c, .'-we.le- Ir.'ii. I'.nglish. (iermali, ! ml ('a-l Steel; Plow . .'>tr:iw Ciiller-. ('orn .--^hellers, S'‘'ia-:ige Cuttci':. in l StulVcr-, 'I'l i -.- i'l-. lin-, .“-..le ' I e-ither. .'tc.. .V. file -I bove 0.. Is we oiler on tiie nu.-i iivov-il.lc I.-nil- 1.1 prouH't liiut' or c i-h i.ur.‘h:«sers. I- . W Mel. \UR1N Nov. 11. i ■ •‘ill. I Ilf , * Worth & Utley, ; I'orwardiiiu aiul tiriH-ral ( Mmitii-"ioii Mi'.iji II v\ r>. i fitifi Ut t iHt\ .V. i , = .1 A. Wnit III. r I 1.*’ \ W . r. I'LLI.' I T, COMWISSiOW MKKCllAWT, F.WEI'Tl \ 11.1,1;. N (• A'/iiif /'iir f lift, I'l.h ,1 Sf, •! ni/’iii/ I.■•it Will atteii l )ii-:Mnptly i.. all i.ii-iin-- eiii ru-le l I. hi- c:ire. Oct. 21. l'.">ii. >n ti JOHN l‘. SA\ll‘Si>N, Conniiissioii and Forwarding I»«‘ercliaut, WILMlN't-To.N. N. ( Will .'ive p:nrii'ul:ir :itlent;..|i to the lie of \ ivil Stores, Cotion, .S.-C l ei.'y -_’.i, s'> II I W. H. TtTRLINaTON, ;‘'om]iii->Nii»ii Mcrcliiiiil, No. \'l Novlli Si , Wll.MINCTON, j ^^/"ILL give his i.romi't persoii:il :itleiilion to the I Vw s:ile or :.hipnieni ..t :lll (’.insignineiit : ol N:i'al I ■'lore - or oth.'r ('oiintry l'‘-.i.lin*e. j N o , I Si • > I i. 11 j I XMK*! I- -Ml I II ,MII,r. I OSTIN JAS, C. SMITH Sc Co., I uchtrx^ f'ii/iiniis.siti// (f/iil i'ai V'dnliiii^ MFKCJfAVrs. No. '1 SdCTII WATER STUFFT, I'l' STAIKs WlLMINfJTON, N (V Oct. 21, 1S5(). 5it-\ DEALER IN SI I'WCV Din (^oohs HAT.^, SilfiKiS. AND P.EADVMADi; CLOTH iNti. I’articu'.;!. :itteution paid t.. Ladies' Dress (iomls :in.l Trimmings. Um/ Strrct, Faj/etft uiUe, X. ('. M:iy 2'., 1S55. l-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, r ii ?i n ■ B VND i'OUu \ UIHNO M i:ii(’ll \ \'|\ I 1 Co? P'olapl persol\al atteiuioli-j'lven t.i ;i 1! '.iiibign i ni' I'.t , I’l'l I ;i.-ii :iiiv:ince- 111:1.le ..n I’ro.ince t . Ii.- ship ! pi- ! . .-tl.ei- pi-rts or sold ii; thi.- maiket. ; Ft! 12, 1S5.-. i ‘ .1. S. l!A\kS, i Wilaiiugtoii, rtf. C. I l:lo'y I . l-.ll.. t I r. ( . \ Jt. \\ ■ ('Himiissioii -A: l-’orwardiiiu iMt'i-cliants, BROWN'S P.CILDING, WATl.i: TREET, iliiiiii:;ion A. 4'. 1 Lsii:il :i.|vances iii:i'lc on .‘.ill-i•'IImentS. I .l:in 1.', I.'S5.I. (Ili-il .lOSFJ'l! r. \K!;U. Ju.. 1 T'm 85 f: l! \ fi’ I. 1 . ^ M '-'I'* " ■•I' 'd' I- 111 -.1 .|.oi 1; Wrijihi'-i S B l.:tw ..til.-.- i.i-.-.-n .-i;...’. ii. iiteivl :in.l pr:u-;!c,- in I in- ( . :,iii , 1 . ;ip.-i 1 "i ( .•; . ’ •.I ('ninber i:tn I, P.la'len. I:- .11 i- i : ,k.| ,.n M .. I. - . ■ 7'i II i.m 1:1a) I'i.iiifrma:, I*-*- |''”‘|-I 'he ( Iiirl- .! .1 1 III III.I .'..•imp V I ''.lint:.- .'-IniN. \ (.1 .1 I I ^ ; ... 11 THO C rXJLLhm, , tif itmt ^'{tnm s4‘Hn’ it! Ijhh". ^ 1 1' 11' I. it I., I,- br i.| ■. I. , .1.... .1 , V. I .ai.-- i; 111- ■ I i'l .-ll. I -"i S ^ I- 'he Uh b 1 I I ol ill.- 1V, : II _■ . i HI I I b.-r'i m l, M....I-. a . •• I-,.- •!•, .1 . i..i !.||-|1 a L-IW : ■■ :. |.r I. ' . e i 11 1 lie * 'iiiirt ' o - ' i:il • . 'Ii ith:iin, »'um ■ I ' il.- S-ipi .-t.ie I 'oiirt. .!. I! II At .HTON i N I M WMNG i'i'I li.if. n-.'!i. N.i'.binv I : •'1. 72tf .N-illie Re i leii. : I N'. .it -;!rire W ,11. S,ub--cript' ais lu.iy m-i b- pay ibie in v.-..i-k, :in ! may specil\ whether i..i- .gr:i.line- or i-r.i-- lie m l stockhoMers shall in every e-ise have prefereiK-c in t:iking C.iutraots, wlien l.ids :ire the s;in.e or-it Engi- ne"r's estimate. s.j.in as one hun.lre.l thou.-iii.l doilar- :ire -ub- scribel, the 'ominissioners of Onslow county ;ire to be notifie.l. -ind the\ :ire reijuire.l to c.all ;i meeting of Stockholders i.( onr-inize the Company. M:irch 1.-), l.-:5il. ‘ l.-^tf Blanks tor .sale at lliis OtHce. Uv. It. iltsXi'U. OFFh I.d r.mt I: ..M l Dr ' . I II :ii‘.lab-’rt ( heiii Ft aii i Di II,' ' i.-, F.-b'y 7, f-'ii;. 7(1 If V 'W’V'wvaa: - \. t . .irs'i'K’i-: Sii'il,Ill's , . /. .•.// iiJiij,f, II III flu X' H' i.-il ('mh /'3|'II1S w.ii-k. inv:i!n-ib': - t-. M:|.ii-tr:iie- Dlii .-r : 'in.I I S all w’no Inive '. -.--i-i.in to i;in w )i..- l.-iW. an 1 lo UM' the F-.riiis niulev it, i- v.-rv niueh en :ir,re.l. Pro e For -lie l.y V.. .1. II.VLF .v SON August l^S.')!’). IWanL lur sale ai ((*c (Hice-

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