IM, ^ I. I“, ! \i ■|i,- ( 1 idlr hi- i\i>L. Vll.l 8FiMl-WEEK 1. I'AVF/n KviLu:, Ai (a sr lo, ^8r>7. [NO. G32.] I S,.r uiM \ii)\i>\vs \M) ;■ \^ s, IKV \|{I)! . H ALK SON. I nrn>Ks ani.» r.'i;s CKO. ALDI'UM W. tsisfn'rfor ff r. \V| \ I' BU l»l l.uii M ' \ i. )j IN \ ►I N IS t Til i *.tr- II) i V nm; mll h! .r Sah . (i i: 111'- W. okly Mi-iKit V11 •>;; tin if i.niil in U' 1 1 liiriiiu the ytvir ..f ;.ul. rr’;. I'ioi I .(• y»':ir li-iJ' i \] ivt' l. vr.i' >■_’ iMt (uM-:iiuniiii. it [lui l in ;i'»'• il j".i I iliuiiiir tlio yi ,r ot sniiscriii- r ■ -'i- alter ilic \ v:ir i.a- fxpiro.l, i.ll TiSl.-MENTS iu>orteii lor sixiv i i'iit * jn'i . l''ruii ■, f,.i- tln' lir.-.t, au4 ihivi \ ofiit' I'i-rcai-li V, irly a ivt rtisiiiifiit.- >1'*'- C’.a ■ 'iiiv I.'\i 1-i M' l ato . \ilvei Iiht i ■ arc p |ii- i t -I I'I' finmihor )l i ii'OVtii'iis it-.-Mcl. uv tht" w\ ' ■ iii'nue ! tHI tufl'i l. an 1 ' I iiiii'V'!- iii. i : i:'cmciit> t ■ i -j in: ertc-i : - ' . cliiir'TCil per f ^1*#^ iCIl TiiUiCiiS. ;K i‘ tin'll' 'ei\io(-‘s Uj tlic t ;l ani' r ri ni'-!'c liav. i (-.ill '.U'MiMc .-ujip^v "f I 1 u li.i i.t Mipi'ly ■ i Ma ^ (!um ;ti. ! I’l'i'iar ir.auiiaN ; :i h ■;» >•■ !.(h‘'l(*rs 'I't'l a! >V! r.:- prou;) :!Y anen lO'i t.-. IIF \i; - i \ ' \ ,l«i INSON. UiM; WHl.U I'i's p Itr:.iia;;-- 1' 'it !] uin '■ . ■ 'von ! 1, ai'.' •luuf 'J:’.. \\} rHi: in HLi(. ! \1. FF.Ut i rst tN, l’lHilo.i!;ra|>liic Artist. wonM ; rfspoctt'ully umiouiice to tin- i-itizkMis of i'a\ ■ , i“ttt'\ill«> aii'l xii'inity. lhat lie ilesi^iis IcMvina: tliis Miipi itii iiiiuii Tu t ,,iiii'k I pli»c(> lor a t'eu iimiiths. ani all those wi.-'liiii^ to lia\t‘ LO('A'nON !•'{)!{ S \ij:. T 111 liis tlicir |>!Cturt‘s taken, would do h*II to iivi* iiitii 111', Snlisiriher otVer^; fm-sale his R KSl I lilNt’I-) in.( iu*r at I’hnlk Level, Hariiett ('o'lmy t’onnecte(| with tiie jn’operty lor s.ilo nre »onie ,i]l j or iO(» acro:^ ot ^ood laiui, a Stoiv Hoiim* :i l‘,'-lL>inp.l A. McKIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Werchant, Wll.'llNCTOX. X (’ .Inh li-Jtr ri(‘s. llusdwaiM‘, iilt. uii^ei i-:-.' i aic uoiv reeeixiii^ a LAlUil. A."^ J't'iri 'i!,M Pi llardwar*'. Ifoii. Si i I l«»nou-\sai'('. SI (»i s. ! i'.iul S;Hl(ilcr\. ;ea t hey wil! o.I a; \V • Inly Ih'.T ale at i niu;, advancc on 0 1 i; .i;il lii'.ie l > pr. injit ile ili'f ■. (.il'.O V WILLIAMS \ (’tt. •J-.-lf Or. « r \ O IS T il t i is a L E \ A. I’iu- Milw. , T:- are p;epare l t>> I'urairh the Ivt •■'Win e .-t'\:iUi:i>'U w irk. whieli h;c- receivc'l the ii>;ho -t i' liinii’iiil iiiiin wiiort'v;'! it li;t> be n rea.i, in.t Hi. iiir ,f ai ■ I'..- ■ l.a "11 hali'f . ' ,I~ '0 till- 111 .1 ailfl 4aitil4‘l‘t. I ■ ■ j . K ir f 1., ' . Il;it ,:f .ill kili'l-;. i ■ i M i t-. •. i Tr. veil;- L-: ■ A’l >f wh = .!i -• : . .. 11 ■ r'i'-r t eloso out hi« pre- l‘ei i. : . I'i ((...1. in hi; line wlU ■ • ‘ !iiui ■ . I,. I'.KAN [>T. • . , 'pi - .t( 1 I’ .l^llul^^O^. • 1(V #r ifoo/n*s» ■ 111" i.'h ir’ ttf BrAmii'u •Vf ■ The 'I'.-'Htini iny «.f tl-- by llii^rh rr: J^a!:id t'nr the Soeial. hv the Aiiflior of Salad ■rary ext- '■al sietiiii;'- up- It may ' li- "Ur I ii'iu-ral .\i;e^t I!ii-' I l^ii-e, : )■ •IK of •! V-'f;!--* ('•I'or'illlL'^ I" • ‘ •, '•'■ :!i Yl -5; ill I ■”>- I 1 I . .1) II.'. 1. I'M h I,v ,'lir: elvf>.- I r u!!! l.i- ma.lf h ■' I l.c on: 1 "’i V'l-i •!' th- I i;' c‘ aio i \ o'ntU' Il ro. wiil jii'ol.a''!;-. I.e f 'lir I'V i;ee.iili'C voliii!',.' V.i,' prch iiimn but t' l il i\po^ra]dii- o'i'taiiie I, eiiliCr ti oin 11% or t I t!ic Si iti'. II. . ll- riie of ; ll:i II? niai' \ : 'I'-eii! 'I lie price e .•! '..ll'lilU' 111 iKlini'^OtilO di • .‘P - I ill ■. I ( al f I 11. \' i ■ v\-'ll tie ehar>;e l. i‘ Air' tu : A lil ernl ilisconnt lie lako!. looellncrain ■' 'i:. part “t the i-i.untry, ■J) I'Oiiis t I pi;.’ |i.T'.iag‘-. r ot I'l'Op iiMii'.ii. riiere e '. illiic ■ ill '1 'I'lu^ • 111- i 1', > "'itaiii ti.iii! iiiii ■■ oiil;iiy; IniljieuOtl.' llaoi . ;;.i'lioii; The lift Korp.’i': ■'!r o\ e; ii.nt/ • Prayer -; " I ‘ I ni'’ Nev- -:orV: ,M- of tiie llarth, liy •1( liart. AI --o. I iir- I’riiii e .'f tiie Hoii e The l>aj'ti -t I’-alniOiJy, in Minstrel; ('ni.len’s .met;.': I'.arlev - (''oni- . .1 HAl.K .vON. NO'i ICK. 11. ■ each, aii'i will he Mild nt ;i pi oji 'i tioiial.y hi|^hei' pi iee, V:7; iuill il . ent :i | ige t iv tile l iotli bin'liiig, 115 ienl:> ad'litioiial tor .‘dieop ;ind .lU eent. adlitional lor the hall caif hiniliijp. K > \ SO.N Ka etteviiie, .Vprii li'.i, I s',7, 1'. S. I'hr Apcnt Hud hi .\.-si.-tMiitd'-igii to vi^it evcf\ eonnty in tlie State, with the Kook, «•■ iooii •1;- niciit. In the niPin ti'up, oo,fpi-. to him .n tons, a. . 'Onii'sliied I .- iLe fl-'l;, will lei Pivn | I..uipt 'itfeli at his I’looui.s over I’.eiislcj' .• Hon^^ton'M jewelry -fore, ! l\t’ the loth of .\ni;iist, as his lloonis will be closed | 'r.'io that time until his retiiru. | Kayptlevile, July '2\K ' y.W INti jirocHred the servico.s of a new and tirst | rate IJaker, we are juepared to supjily 0111 cus- toinerti and those wlio luay gi«re us a call, with .superior LOAF BREAD AND CAKES , ot various kiu'I-, on liberal terms. Orders for Fruit, I’oiind, Sponge, or 1’1,'iin Cakes, promptly attended to. For tiie accommodation of our town customers, we have o!i hand a uumber of jiriiited tickets itive cents t-ae’ii I which can be procurcl bv calling at ' I5ANKS S r()NFfc;Cll()Ni;UV, (ireen Street, •hily 1!','. It l lLl iliLli l\m FIIK NALE. ? fil H K Subscriber, beiil;; de.sirous of iiioviug .Soiitli JL or chanjiing his buslne.^s, oilers t'of sale the t'ol- ;"wir.g Laiid.s: One Trat't, roiilainin? 1700 or J M>0 .Afie.s, on wiiich is my t'amily rcsiJ.-nce, situate ! ten mile.s | North-east of Fayetteville, on the Fast side of (,’ape i ear Ri\er, throu^jh v.hich the !•’. N. I’lank Uoad ]vi‘-ses It e'liitains a line > ik (irovp, witii subst.\ntial liuilJinnrs, and is well HU]ipiied with pure water. The ihi ve tiact consist': of swamp aii.i uplands, a portion of eai'h kind bein;; iiiuler cultivation aii'l in excellent order, aii'l contnins two tine pastures tor stock, abiiii- dnntly supplied with iresli water. The iinciiltivaied I'ortion is hoa\ii_\ timber"d. One Triict. between :{00 ami lOO Arres, lyiiii; one mill' North of the above, and immediatply on the I'lank 1, on which is -i valuable .-'aw aii.l (Jrist Mill, in I'erfpcr ord_pr The tract i-- well snpplii-d with fiine timber. One Tract, lOO to Acres, ol ricli uatt productive waiuii i.aiids, .1 jiorticn of which i- well feni'ed .'ind iiii io eiiltiv.'itioii, known a-: the Kin^ ;iiid Norman , ituateil one mile Iroiu tlii- river, be twppn the Ashe and Armstroni' Ijands. 'ITie uncleared portion contain^ vabiabb- (’ypress and O ik Timber. On»- 'I'l-act, 1*2 1 Vi res of Fiiu-y ootl, heavi'y timbered, 'ind known as the IJttle (’I'pek tract. «>iu* Tract. 50 Acres, which lies in (;reat Tan VarJ nml Mil], the lattPr is somewhat out .d' rejiair, but eajiable ot lM'«ifit;ibli' improvement. Tht' location is jidmirab’e tor ;> . ounti v .'t ije, aii'l no betK'r investment of capi tal could be made than the pu.'chase ot this jirojietiv The siih.scriber intends reiiioviu}; tn the West, an.I will make tiie terms of s.ile as (‘a.^y as any reasonable man coiiM wish. ■\ very'le.sirable l)\VI']IiU N(1 in .Averaaboro lor Sale S!in^!\VI:i.L IKHTSi:. I'.WKTTKVII.I.K, /•’i/.s/o/’ (ircfu Strrcf, i f'cir Doors .Yortli of flir Mnrkt'f Uonsit'. fjJlUK Subscriber desires through thi^ iiSedium to .'icknowleiloje the liberal patronafre bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erpcted New Stables and ('■irrififTP Slipd convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons aud the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respeciriilly Bolicits a continuance ol' the liberal patron- !'.;5e Iieretofore received. Kvery exeition on his jiart sha'! f'p used to render them comfortable during their leinis ol purchase made easy. ^.V great bargain to lie ' sojourn with him. Uis table is always supplied with I'-'''- I the best the market aft'or'ls Ai,S( I— Fou'jv sHAiu-s »iF favi;tti:villi; uank S l'OCk. This Stock is knowii to be the best in the niarket, .‘nid command.' a high premium. The s'lb.scri- bt'r only scll.s beci'ui.ic he is going to the West. For further information, tonus .S'c.; address a.''h. dewak. Chalk Level. 'VUgU-t Ibt. oO-bt Nou rii iW{i)\AS\ ui:Ar!*:iis. \ii Tl»i:us I AA» '2. I’libl’AKKU \vrrn sl*i;ciAb bKlKItKNrr. T(| I'MK wants an'ii or f'ttrolinte. March 1, 1 bo5. SFfEMWLLL. r»\i- iin: '-ri'KFJNTI.NliK.NT '1*N il\ Uv\. 8\ n. Iliil>l»aiil, \Nlf IJTl.KAl ( i;i IN ’ UOMV A. IWi. I. \ I 1 N I. \N.l \i;r. I uSTA I N l.N'C A FAMIIJAK Ill-^TOUV A N i» I >F.s( It 11>- Tia.N (II .MiKlH I'AHOblNA. Si'loeliuiis in I'r.i.-o ;nnl \ niaiiv "I llioni hy ciniiioiii I'iti/viis 111' ilif .'r-ito. HISroKic.u. \.\ii \nd a vii ipt'. ol .Mlscellane 111-, Inforin i i ion -iiid Sta tisti«>. b\ 4 . II. . Number o is a new aiiil revised e iitioii of the North (’arciliiia Itcadcr, first published in IH.M. Sumbers 1 •'reek, an'l contain'- the gr.-ate?! fibiindance ot'.luniper ; mi'l 2.iusl ir,sued, complete l he s»*rte^, which is, as he liir- U i I 1; 1 1 :!i Ml' b.: .,f AI iitli'iri'-'I :!i Miy name, and 1 mii'lit or could .1 .. Mttoin; :-;t;' tloTl. I \r. ri( I II i\ :ii feriii IS'iT, of the .SC'^sion^ '".r the as .\dmini-trator Wi ;!■> F. Moore, hereby notifies all viiiir o!;rii:i; -Mj^.iin^* the id Fstiitetii present propeiiy autl.erit' ,it(''l witliin the time pre- y '.xw, otlurw: I thi n'ltice wi’i ’ e {'lea'Ied ' ai ree.'Ver}. |i( t'l the - i;il Fstate will jile ise make payment immediately. K. F. MOOHK. • iune .. i.'"'. l:’,tf J \':i:;l !• I' jU iliflcl OF 'THE XOKTH TAROLIXA PrxESr.YTKKI.W. Ilfli, I’re^^.yterian • imi' l! in Nortli * aroliii.a h i luiiore 1 under a serioii:: disadvatitage fr.mi wint '.1 a journal ti; advocate her claims and rep- •fS I OR Tin: WEST! Wltli th VlijO, It i tiri; > Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! s. |-;i:OWN'S Tri-Weekly Lino . f F iur-Hor'--- Post tr-m Salisbury to A^he- via Statesviile. Newton, ■.'.11,: (l ir'i*'!!'-. e inneefinp "f .■'•■ ;^e: 1 the Wfirm .\v:!'e :Ui'i I'eehvii'e. Tcnil. ’[his i> ..■1 a!,d bp-.r 1 i; , . ;,1 X. rt^ »‘a- the mo'i e.xp' 'litious. .-nie and jileasant. ue tiiiic tiic ciieapest route lor the W est. . L..- .'.1 '-bury n .M uday. We aie-d ;y iii I Fri- . - .\ heville on Tuesday, Thur lay an-l Satur- ■ .’.iii;:.- in eb.-o c'liiiiection with the North ! I ii.iil Ho:i i, N rtli aii'i .''outh. C. »>. BFifAVN, ( oiitract'ir. I ; ■ I i s.,7. lii- rOK SALH. II'M' IjWKLLlNG H'l' SKANl) LOT on f.ilk-spie ■rect, at ]'rpsent occupie 1 >iy Iic .-toi .Me>wain. ' ? title e.m he ma'le. Appb, to I’Hii. J. ( LKTlS. and the :-'er;t her interests It is pstim'itcl tiiat only lOd'i I’reshyterian ^Veeklics are takci in tiie boini ls of our three I’resbyfcries. We have lo,(ni() 'ommunie.ant aud it is safe lo inU r that there are I'l.n uj I’re-tiyte- I'i Ills in priai 'plo in the State. Our ."yno 1 stan'i^ t'dth in the Tnion in point of nnmber.^ and her nieni- bersh’p i« ereater than that of any Synod S.-iU'ii or Wejif of Pennsylvania. Oar sister States 'in the N-rih and South, neither of •which has a meiubvr. 'aip so large as ours, pub’.^sh the Central, and the S 'iiern Pr.'sbyt'Tian, for the benetit of their people. The time has come wiicn the Presbyterian Church in North Tarolina should likewise rj',, her dutv to her chiMren. Through in_ 36 Honrs, and ^ossing the ' it is .1 concede 1 and important fact, that hundreds of our members will take a State paper wil l will take no oil;er. The I’ajicr is needed to be the organ of our Syuo'l anil Presbytcrie.s—to elevat? and enlighten the piety ''f our mpinbpr'liip by diffiisincr evangelical knowledge—to pr'ini'ite thi- (':ium* oi' IMue ition—to develope the talents if our Ministry, an l to strength en the attachment of our people to the stiil and sanc- tu'iries of tlicir own State. 1 f our Church in otlier States, and other ( hurohes in this State, can supply their members with a Ke- ligioiis journal, why may not we. .\re North Caro- lin.a Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patrioti-m to their neighbors on the North or South, • ir to (,'hristians oi .tlier Jenuminatious at home; With the same or better ing tiii' Work, shall wc b'.ive ir undone.' In the Ian guage of one ot’ onr most able an l tispful Ministers, an adopted st,n of our State, “It ought t'. have been undertaken years, but it is not too late to >ie- gin to do right ‘ in the l,i>t two .i>- thi'-p months, a fund of about N.")iifi(» has been stibgcribeil as a permanent capital At a meeting of the contrilmtors, held at Oreensbo- rough on the 14th of May, ilev. IJaker, Chairman, —the Paper was nn.initnously located at Fayetteville, uu'ier tiie name .lU'l title of the Nohtii C.^holina PiiK'UYi i.iu \x. Ilev. Will. N, 'Mebane aiel Rev. •Jvorge McNeill were e% ct 'd 1-Mitors: Rev. Messrs. (Jeorge McNeill, W’m. N. Mebane. Raker, and C. H. Wiley, and Messrs. George .MeNeill, Sr., .lohn H. ('ook and Ltitvid Mur[diy were apjiointcd an Executive Committee, to establish the I’aper and manage its I' affairs. 1 It is our wish aii'l de»i;_'’ti to ni:ike the Nourn (I’ako- MN\ PiiK'itVTKiMAN a journal of the first class, cipial to the best in the i-iiiiutry iu typopr.tphical ajijiear- ance and in adapt.ition lu the wants of our Churches. , Its coluiuii.- u ii; allor I the l:.te t intellr^eiice, brith foreign and b iiiestii , .ui'l sporial care will bp taken to giv(> a full ati'l afcur.iti- summary of .'•^tate news. I The nanr.^ of the P iper is desigiii I to be an exponent I it.s char.icter and content-;. Fr'jin convietion, il ' wiil a lvoc,;ite the ' 'mserv.'itive, ortho.lo.\, u!d School I iocli ines iind order of the Church. i Our fii-'t appei'! i^ t" our own jieoj.le to N. C. Pi-e-liyteviaiiS. V> hilst wo rely confi .lently upon their I I'lvfir, we trii^t that the niitive sons of .North (.'arolina j wlio have found homes ;u other .•states, and the adopl- : e J t:ltl/eiis (,i iiir .St.ite wlio loriii ii imporiant an I element in oin .M'liisiry ^ii'l nii-iabei ;-!iii>, will lake a ■ loop intere-;t in ih’:- ‘■iitorpri-* .-Mi'l ‘rive it theii hearty su[iport. T' PMs: .'J jier aiiiuiin in a'lvaiice, or on delivery ■ liie ill -I niimbei; '-J 'u n. .,ix m mtlr ■ -jci at the j (-lid of I he year. 'i'o I'liib.'j of 'J.3 ur more, p lyiui' in I advaiii e !,n I whi n 'he I’aper i ..-nt to one :iddros-, a ; di I'ount ol 111 |ii‘i’ cent, will oe allowed. Um- Minis ter and I’.p iers .ire e'lniestly desiri 1 to act a:; .\gents, j and all otlie;'. friendly ti. the cause will Jilense assi- I ill |iim ill iiiu . laany siili'-v’i iii i ,i pos.'-iiile. and foi Ward the Iiami-,. 1 ■ _ I , to liii: * »llice. srioii a I .jlli I sUiiM'i ibi r > ii'i' .ill.lined, the lira num ber will t.'' i- 'Ji'l. I; a t’aiihf’ul and v|..i:(i''ou' ellori is iiiM.le in the nexi i wo months by those who l.iko a lively interest in thi. w..rk, wo v.ill, with'.al doubt, be able to begin tiie puiili. )iti.,n :il the i;nd of that lime with a payiii;i sute ■ ripti ]i .t of it loa- t .‘’lltnO. '.\.ldli'.I'idito!:, Ill tho N’oiih (':ii oliii'l Pl'P' by- teriaii, F.'iyetievilb'. N. Fayettpvilb', .Mav 20, IS; Timber fi^u- .'^hingle Per.sons wishing to purchase can got all the necps- sary infoimati.'n from the .subscriber at his rpsidence, ■r froni .fame'- Mitrj.hy, at Gray's (’reek, either of whom *iH take pleasure iu sliowing tln> above lands. .I(»)HN Ml RPHV, Sen’r. I .iiiiberl-ud t’ontity, .hily ‘JT. J'^t-tf .NOTIC'K, all persoii' that li.ive left (tuns witii iin- tor re- f pair.s previous to the tir>-t o( August, to call pay f'li'trge-- aii'l t.'ikp tliPiu away, otherwisp they will 1.0 Soil for rep.'iir'. M. \ l!.\Kl-.ll. .\ugnsf lS'i7. .HitI .\!l jMT";(>n to \1, A. Kakt-r wouM I onfer a favor by callinfj and settling their ac- loiints liy the I'lth ot Aiii^ii.-t, I?'.')? M A. RAKKK ■•Viigiist ib.’)7. iiutf I'OR SAiJv raiHi: following VALUABLE RF.VL KSTATK, the M. property of F,. C. Hall, dec'd, is olferp.l for sale, an l consist- of the following tracts: That desirable jiiiu-o known a.s Rome, (contain- annually ing about 2'io Acres, with all the improvements. ’I’his place will be sold entii'e or divided, to suit purchasers, it beinp; probabl3* ono of the bei»t business stands in the country, an.l is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. Xo. ‘J, (’uusists of a Lilt aiul iirick Store, . tonomont«, i in Campbellton, on I’ridge Street, near ('larendon l»ridgo. and is a very desirable stand for business. Xo. 1; Three vacant ]jOts in Campbellton, known in city plot as Nos K»W, 111, 112, and half of lot 11:?. >0. t, Is a DwclliL'g and hot on !Iay- mount, corner of Plank Koad aud Adams St. .-V very desirable residence for the whole year. No. Is a (’orn Mill and Steam Knjrine and whole, cheaper than any othor serie-'of Roa.lersin tho Cnited .•^tates, and as comjileto. The L'.litor (Prof. Hubbard; in his I’refaeo to Num ber 1 deems it proper to al'u.leloa few of the iiO«'uliar a.lvantage.s aiine.I at !iy the .Superinteii.lent of ('lommon Si'hoo's while makin;'^ etrmi' !■. h'.’.e this work eom- plete.l. These are, 1. ’/’/(. t I/,I/I .. I!' - , and the enlistment of popiilar entiiuent in behalf of the State an.l it- institution :. It wa- not thought im- poi'iant. however, t-. li.'ive m. re than mie number of till' Readers of merely .i Im'.il interest ‘J, .-■".-o,/// 'Kf •!',! f ■ : r tj n'i\, I !:■:, i, f il *ft iu • -•'h(«jl. , o/ ■/ f , . . •,./?/./. it) / •■/ .: an ex pensive habit, and one whii h iniures the School.s by preventing the children iroiii being classified. A se ries of home Rea ler-. it wa-- supposed, wouM be cer tainly use i. :iu I this crre:it evil thus avoided. ■'!, the pop.iilar system of Headers being too long and lieing made s.i often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it i-^ believed that these i numbers are suflicient, while it the .system were uni- j versally used in the State, the sum saved to parents and children wt'.uld amount to sovei.'il thousand dollars noHlilN HOrSK! PO'VKHS & TKOV, PRofBii,rous. ^jilHK Proprietors of this Establishment L announce to the public, that owing to ^the constantly increasing patronage extend- 'pd to them, they have been induced to en- ^large the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on the lower floor, and snite of Rooms on the spc'on'l floor; thus enabling them to accomiufid.'ite all who may favor them with a call. .\nd they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious St.'ibles attached aud careful Ostlers in at- tPiidaiice. Thp eligible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their pati'ons, they hope will .-ecnrp to thrm a liberal .share of thp travpl. The Wpstern and Southprn Stagps arrive at and le- from this House. Carriages in attpndancp on arriv;»l and ijeiiartnrc of Steam Hoats, for tlip accommodation oi passpngers. Horses and ("Carriages furnished at any 'o.iiee for car rying travellers to anv part of the ad’ia.-.'ut (.ouiitry. .1, W. POWERS.' W IV TROV.’ Fayetteville, May 12. is.'d’,. ;!tf \ ALf'Siuj-: PRoPKiri'^ t'OH 3j oFF'ER for sale, my L.\.V1>S' in the Town of F.iy tfl etteviiie, about lot) .\cros, , iV. u as the mUMFORD SWAMP. .\bnut SO Acres of it is fine Meadow l^and, astheCriip now on it will show. Also, the V:iliiai>i‘ Bri‘U S|«>i-* iiiid I..OI near the M.trket Sijuari", occnjiied by Mr. .John .A. Pembi'rton. \ L.arge ;ind Valuable Lot, fronting on Honaldsou, M.'ixwell and Mumford Strpets, known as the Hotel (iarden Lot,—couM bf divided into sevenil Ruilding Lot: very near the new Female High School Rnildinps. .Also, the Stalili- Lot adjoining, fronilngoii .Mnmfurd .Street Si-verai HESlHARLi: liUILKLNAi LOTS on both U'inslov and Mumford Street^ . •\ll till-- property can iiow be purchased on favora- (.le li rm-, an.l a l ir*;i' pari e;m remain on llolid and MorI'j:;ige if dO'ired THO. CURTIS. Oct. lo. IH-'j'). 4:>-tf Wo call tilt* attention of W'llOI.K- s\Li: dioai.kks P'BIO our present Stock,—and we iiave recpntly rp- ceivpil— ■‘{00 bags Rio, Laguira. .Maricaiho aud Java Cotfre, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 7-’) bble do, Rpfined, ('rushed and Powdered, !♦.■> boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, (il) do Fancy and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kpiitucky, .lutp and Manilla Rope, 7 liales Ragging, Gunny. Dnndee and Rnrlaps. :;0 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carh. Soda. 40,000 (’’igars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, .Sjiice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Horax, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead, Putty aud Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in Boxes, Eagle Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas. Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and ?ast Steel: Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Sausage Cutters and Stnffers, Trace C^hains, Sole r>o;ither, &c., &C. ’i’lie above Goods we otler on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. I) & W. .McLAURIN. Nov. ('), 18oii. .''»4tf Worth & Utley, Forwardinjjf and (JtMU'ral Connnission M KUCIIANTS. Faifctterille, # . .1. A. WORTH. (”-tfj t'TLKY. \v. \\ KLLuvrr, commissiow merchant, FAVETTEVILLK, N. (’. Ai/rnt for Ijiitfrr'oh t' (‘o.’a Jjiiii Will attend promptly to all business entrnsted to his care. Oct. 21, lM.')t). .'>0 t( .lOJfX I*. SA.MPSON, Cominissiou and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. ('. Will give ]i:irticnlar attention lo thp s.'tlp of .N’aval Storps, Cotton, &c. H.j-tf > t'> i'‘I> F.\MIL\ (\\HK1.\GF, in good lepair nearly new. Will ^old f-.^r half It.s value. —ALStJ— 1 .M1L !l COW.S with yyung Olives. .Vpplyto T, .). (’Cin'l.-. Aj i-;’ 2'', 18-37. ;iif DA\ in M' Di i rn:, iirirhntas(nt tttift M*lasferrr^ 1> propui'e.l t. .lo all kin l- o; w.iriv in hi.s lino, in- c udin^i the put u, ol Tin |n,".itine Stills in this an 1 the ailj .'iiiti^ untie:'. : yettevi'.le, Aj ii; 27. \ :;-l V- .j. wnjjAM M. I)., i* f TTS B O il O i U ES. .V. ,li. I'.VGK n r, lie foiin.i a! hi . t.ftice wm- pi. Mr iti Boiler, of 10 or l.'> horse power. This is well worth l.jiortiinities of acconiplish- the attention of those living where water power is not available, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to .1. H. HALl -Assignee. August 1, 1H')7. oU-tf Bi »a;RHAVE’S HOLLAND BlTTtlRS: M-M (,'arter’s Spanish .Mixture; Shallenburger’s Pill.«: Hampton’s Vegetable Tincture; • Hootland's Gprman Bittpr.'', Wood’s Hair Restorative: .Sand’s Sarsaparilla; Oxygenated Bitters; .-\yer’s Cherry Pectoral; Brown’s Essence of Ginger, Davis’s Pain Killer; Thompson’s F]ye W'ater; Jayne’s Medicines: Harrison’s Hair Dye; Dc'fTrath’s Electric Oil. For sale by SAM’L.I. HlNSIl.VLK. •August nO-::t B. F. PBARC:^& cb~ DEALERS IN FOIU:i(.,\ .\NI) UO.MESTIC DRY IIOODS, HATS. CAPS, P.QOTS AND SHOES, ! nihrrllas din/ (J/oihi'ui/, HAY STREET, PftffPtlfville, .V. [•I. w. i>K\R('r., .»tr. 2(i-tf t/i' vf rlttltlu n [t'tntnnj r.ittj com- ' .-1‘irii'ti utlf/ j'liiuilli’r filll ;i''t III ll,i i /,,ir'irti r 'I .I 71.contaitiing. in lessons e isy enough J'or all ages, c.irroei specimens of style, interesting in ! matter, and inculcating projier morals, aii.| religious ; instruction. 1 The [irices .ire. for .No. I. 2') cents; .No, 2, h cent.s; Hii'l No. 7'i cents. A liberal deduction from these fuices to .Merchants .anl School Teachers. E. .1. HALE .V SON, , Fayetteville, .Inly 2'.'. 2'.*. ' |I,. scori’ V ('»>’.' KKI'KINT OF I TliUliiTI)ill l'i:illODIi'lLS. aSt’OTT \ CO., New >'ork, continne to pulilish J the following lea.ling British periodicals, vi/: THE LO.NDoN (iUAlil’ERLV (Conservative.) THE EDINP.URCH REVIEW , Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVlEW (Free Church.) THE WESTMINISTER REVIEW’ (Liberal.) j I’.LACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) I These Periodicals represent the|three great political parties of (ireat Britain—W’hig, Tory, an.l Railical,— ^ ■ Imt politics form only one feature of their character. , I .\s Organs of the most prot’onnd writers on Science, ; I Literature, Morality, and Religion, they stand, as j they ever have stood, unrivalled in the worM of let- ; tors, being indispensable to the scholar and profes sional man, while to the intelligent reader of every , class they furnish a more correct and satisfactory re- , cord of the currcnt literature of the day, throughout | the world, than can be possibly obtained from any ; other source. E.VRLV COPIES The reccii>t of advance sheets from thi' British jiub- lishers gives additional value to these Reprints, inas- KOliKR'r n. GRKKX I LATE GREEN K WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., J'AVKTTEVIi.LE, N. (,’. ■ B D. G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liborally be stowed \ipon the late Firm, and informs them he h.-is biiiight the interest of .1. S. Wear, and will continue the tiusiness in all its branches at the old -tan I, unler his entire superintendence. .N. R .Ml Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presPiice uf the owners, and the iieceas.iry repairs pointed out to them and a wi'itten contract given for the same, which work will be war ranted for two years. On hand and for sale now, the most varied and choice selection of CLOCKS and othe»- .inie pieces that has ever been offered to the public ir North Caro lina, which he will sell at New York prices, and also w\i!RANT for two ypars. .\11 debts due to and by the late firm will be paid and received by R. 1). GREEN. August 25, IS.Tii 84-tf Feb'y 2.'», l!S')(;. W. H. TTTRLINaTON, roinmission MerclianI, No. 4*2 North Wafer Si., WILMINGTON, X. (J. HZ'ILL give his proni)jt personal attention to the salt; or shipment of all Consignmenta of Naval .Stores or other Cfiintrv Produce. Nov. s, is:>r,. ■ tf •IA»irs c. SMITH. .MILKS ( yS'flN, JAS. C. SMITH & Co., ('oiii.missh)H (inJ J''orwniuhni^ MRKCHAN TS. ■NO. 'J. S(M!TH WATKR STRF.ET, I'l* HTAIRs WIL.MINGTON, N. C. (let. 21, IH-OO. f)0-V .1. (. IM)E. DEALER IN sr\»*F.i: cv I'A.xcv dry Crioous HATS, (!APS, HOOTS, SHOES, \ND READV-.MADE CLOTHING, Partieular attention paid to Ladies’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. Ildj/ Sfreetj Fayetteoille^ N. 1-. ■May 2tj, 1855. 4-tf W (). IIOI STOX OULD inform his friends an.l former customers that he ma}’ be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and ■! doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would remiest all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. August 27, I8')ti. oltf IHTKLIC NOTICK Is liEREBV G1VF:N, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayottevill?, much a? they can now be placed in rlie hands of sub- | West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day scribers about as soon as the oriiiinal editions. ' April I8.5f>. and remain open according to the terms 1LRM>. yf the Charter until further notice, at the following Per .'inn.) 00 .-> (MJ . 7 00; h 00 :l OO ; OO i 10 00 I Mon. u I / nt jii It. F. I'KMin: .Inly ;{0. ^.'■-■iiii'iy in '''ptc! • thi r, uri II .1 till i-li . \. 11 the follow!’It’ i |.:i; til. Tnci 'i’ l -:i - tliercoii for •in J, f .i . '• I iwii (’)U ver ( II- ' ,111 ir. .\Jc Le il ' V ;.. K i:- i "'I 1. P.ei' Mli'l ■' I’ne J\oiii..,.u i ' l I )\\ pen llr.i lie >b'l ^ - I ;C i'. Kill;', r .Ma II .' I' .jiii M. ’:clyen. >•- ilarl.i.'- ■ l.ul, . |i i;.-.-. • h,.. \ (ji- ■11.Il.; i:.j: i;. '.llililen i; . i 1, ead of .Sw in' i' liurnt Sv,.ini|i, ■kli.'-h, ■Ml liead ill Bit ltockli>.h. \li-li, liMii i..r .McKell:ii. .Vrtlnn luion 1 Phillip,, David U’m. C. Wcsl, Neill Lainont, liliii .McLeod, -I 1 I 1 ..11 111 I IS 1 ' 7'i 71 ft ::o . M .■■ v.ell St., F 1}’I’villc, .lo i'pii Seawell, ' '•'IV. p! o-e. (’am'b'inn, .1. f’. Lenoard. for l>. B. Gillaspie, I S(i JLiyiii II' Wooilward, John Phillip , 5 Oo ALKX.VNDER .loHNSON, late .Sheriff. J 1,., Jm.,/ '.’^'-ts jir.adv,:jii K('cij:s's • Sj .\S iieen iiPwly ro]ialred. I M, b iv(' it ground. ■M-u'cli .;o. 12- MliJ. Spii'I your t^orn tiiid M. .McKlNNON. ■,i|- ■HIST KIX’I'.IVKI), iL’AlM'Ki> I'.OXKs raisins. 20 Half 20 Boxe.s Soda Biscuit 20 “ Cheoae For sale by (j ^ Dec r 10. LEETE. Hf)tf PAKKX I P, 4 ND eoniiuitted to the .lail of Cumberland eoiiiit}', on the Dlth .Inly, a negro woman by tho name of •\l. l.\, who sii3’s she belongs to Daniel Cameron of Han ett eoiinty. .She was committed as a runaway. The owner is re.piested to come forward, prov> pro pel ly, |,;iv charges and take her away, or she will be • leult with I-. the lnw diiOi'fi. WM. i: I’.OLTON, •lail?'!-. .\i|;Mlst i.^.'j7. .;Otf Ai. INSriTnrioN OF YALE COLLEGE 'S^HF Course of Lei tnwrs for 18.17 S, will oommence I ■- (ill 'I'hiiisdaj'Sept. 17th, and continne 4 months. B>:s.i.\mi.\’, M. D., LL. D., Prof. Emeritus : of (Miemisiry and Pharmacy. Ej.i 1\k.s, ,\1. D., Prof. F.mi'ritiia of M:iteii;i Medica an.l Ther.ipeutii's. .Jii.\.\rii.\% Kmi.iii, M D . Prof. of the Principles and Pr.ictice of Surgery. Ch\1!I.ks Huokkb, M. i>.. Prof. of .Anatomy ati'I I Physiology. j Hkshv Bkunsun, .M. D.. Prof. ol Materia Medica ; an.l Therapeutics. WoitTiiisiiTO.N IIiKiKKit, ,M. D., Prof. of the Theory I and Practice of Phy.sic. j Bf.niamin Sii.i.i\i.\n, .)r., M D., Prof. of (’hemistry i and Pharmacy. i Pi.iNv A. .1kwi.1T, M. D., Prof. of Obstetrics. I Lecture fees .St'iS 50; Matriculation, >ii5: Graduation I $15. CHaS. hooker, D#an of the Faculty. ! New Haven, July 17, 29-4tpd For any one of the four Reviews, For any two of the four Reviews, For any three of the four Reviews, For all four of the Reviews, For Blackwood’s Maga'/.iiu', For Blackwood and three Reviews. For Biiickwood and ihe tour Reviews, /’(/////(/ //’• iini'h’ ni nil ('(i.'-i'.i II' iiili f'lrrdit III t!i. S/il/r irlnr'’ IK.II/I'I irlll /,. CLCF.RING. A liisiMiunt of twenty-five per cent, from the above |pricPS will be allowed to Ci.i us lu’dering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus- Four copies of I’.lackwouil. or of one Review, will be sent to one address for ^S'l; four copies ol the four Re views and I'.laekwood for :SoO; Mil l s.i mi. l‘( ISTAtli;. In all (l le prini'ip.'il ('ilie- and Towns, these works will be deliver''d, I'Rl'.li (>i' POST.\(il!. When sent I by mail, the Pontage to an;v pari of the L'liilp.l Stales 1 will be linl TW1'',NTV-F(M it ri’NT.'^ a year for “P.lnck- j woods,” and but F(»rRTFKN (’F.NTS a year for each | of tliP Reviews. .V. a. Tl.f m liill'lili u/lh' 1:11 !'• l-lli:ll.-ill. iiliuri -Hiuii' tl itl/ii'il >^.I1 /'■'/■ iiniiinn. Reiiiitt;\iices for hiiv of the nbove pnblit ations slioiil.l always be address-d. |.i).st-)'ai t, t i the Publishers, LEoN.Mll) SCOT!' .V ('() , No. ■> I (iold-streei. New Vork. places am! under direction of the following named persons. Commissioners in the Ch:irter, viz; In the County of ()nslow, at the oflice ot the Clerk of the (’ounty Court at .lacksonville, and at the Post Oflice Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, (!. .1. Ward, .1. H. Foy, Robert White, .lohn A. Averilt, .lr.,»wen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In (Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. .Aren- dell at Beaufori f)r. M. F. .\rendell, .1. F. Hell, L. T. Oglesby. .\t the store of G ’»V. T.iylor at Caiolitia City,—('ol. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge A rendel 1. In Dupiin county, ;a the oilice ul the t’ounty Court ('lerk at Ken.ins% ille, — (>wen R. Kenan, David Rei'l, Isaac B Kelly. Wm E. Hill, Wm. .1. Houston, I .Stephen Graham. 111 .Sampson county, at the office ot tho (’oiinty Court I (Merk at Clinton,—Thomas I. Fuisoii, Dr. Tlioni.'is I Buntin;:, Wm. McKay. I’.itrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, .1. R. Reaiiiun, .\lfred .lolinsoii. In Ciim'nerland county, at Fayetteville, 'H the office of A. A. .McKetlian, —Tiionias R. rii lerwood. Ilaiid.'il .McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, lohn ’ I’dockor I'orm of subsi'ription: The I nder'^igiiod agree to t:ike the number of shares i.r ■sloo each, set opposite to mir names rospep!ivply, in th«' Central Raii Road Coiupany; and in all renprcis to comply with the forms of the (.’harter. NKW' liOOKS. Mi LLEIH LCl.A; from ".Notes ;uid tileries:” The Elephant Club, by Doe.slicks; Pa-1 .\leri li.ui, by -Mrs. Sigourney; The Rifle. .\xe ,-in.| Sa l lle Ictirs. fiy Mirmirn; “(’hristmas Stories.” •lUVENlLES: The .\iinwell Sloiies, consisting of the "Whistler, or the Manly Boy;” Ella, or Turning over a New Leaf; Oscar, or the Boy who had his own w.ay: The In lian Fairy Book; .Mibott’s .Stories about Common ’I’hings. ,\lso, further supplies of Hume and .Macaiiley’s Histories of Englati'i; .S'hool Books, &c. E .1. HALE & .SON. .lan’y 17, lS-’)7. NaiiioH I Ri'sideiu : I N'.i ol « lares A Cjisb I Will ' Harper anti (•otley^': Lady's Book, for .August, 1>'57. E. .1. HALE & SON. .'Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and Tnav specif.v whether for grading or eross-t^es; and .st(M-kliolders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. -As soon as one hundred thousand dollars ;ire sub- •scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are retjuired to call a meeting ot Stockholders t.j organize the Company. March 15, lH5ti. l-*tf Blanks lor sale at this Office. JOSBFH R. BLOSSOM. ' o n n 1 K»»I o AND I' () R W A UI) I \ (i M i: R C H A N T, ll'ilmiustoii, .V. €J. star-1* roiupt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and ('ash advances made on Produce to he ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 07 J. S. BANKS, .TIcrrliaiil, Wilmington, N. C. .ian’y 1, 18-jii. GtJ-tl T. vV B. (;. WORTH, Coininissiort f-'orwardin*^ .Merchants, BROWN’S RUILDLNG, WATER STREET, Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. tJ3-tf .JOSKPH i’.AIvKR, .Ir., A r rii ItK V .% V I. A u , yA.S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s . Law oflice on (Jreen .'•^treet. He will attend and practice in the Connty and .'Superior ('onrts of Cumber land, Bhiden, Roliesoii and S:impson. March 2.'?, IK.-,79-tf LOVER I) i:LI)l{ID(iE. • iflorneff iff T IU. afleti.l the Courts of .Johnston :in.l Samp .-■on ('onntics. SmiilMielil, .\pril 1 •’>, lS5b. (tii-tf THO. C. FULLER. am! 0'tmnsetlor at ijfuv. OFFICE at F.'j.'les ' IJridge, rei'entlv occupied iiy .lames R.inks, '’‘■•i . F.iyeiieville, N, (’ .lan’y i, 1M?>7. TOtf • L WV (■()!» Mn'XI’RSHIIV' S I'., the iimtersigii' il. have this day formed a Law F V Copariiiership, atel will practice iti flie'oarfs ofth*' f.ilbiwin;/ counties nflhi-. .Si :t I e: (;h:i t ham, t'uni berland, Moore. Iliinieii. :i!id ihe .Supreme (%»urt .1. H 11 A UGH TON •INo. MANNINC. Pii I bor iigh, ,N. ('., .lan’y 1, IS5i>. 72tl B>r. K. A. RLAI^K. FFK E Front Rooms, over Dr, S, .1. Hin.sdale’s Chemist an.l Drug .Store. Feb’j^, lHr,c,. 7t)-tf c:A;rr\vi:Li/s .\. ('. .u stk i:. Sirnim'x Jiis/irr Rirlatii, >iTll mhtjifri/ tn thr /iprifiri/ fBIHIS work, invaluable t,I Magistrates, Officers nntl M all who have occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price i?;’, .50. For .sale by E. .1. H.ALE & S(">N August 186ti B4auk lV>r salt* al Ohservei’ Odic«. >