Ir-ik- I jVOL. VII.J i'avhtteviijj:, x. c\. \K;rsr i i, is.)7. [NO. iVXl] IMMSTKl) MONO VVS \NI> I'JI I'KSl*W S. j ... t: DWAllDJ.HALi: c'c SON. ( irlDlTOKS ANU l>K(»r'i;H;T>l:s. l’n-e fi>r the .''Oini-Weekly Obskp.vku OO if psiid in ■nlvaiioc; •"?'? if paid durin" the year of siihserip- fion: .IV S-l after the yeiir has exjiiroil. K r the Weekly Ousf.uvkk ^'2 OH per :iuuuin, it' pai'i in :i x'J if paid diiriu'; the yr:ir of snli«evip- tion: .ir 00 iit'ter the year h:i' exi'ired. ADVKRTlSl'MFNTS iuperted for sixty eeiits jier i>'|U:ire of Iti lines for the first, and thirty cents for encli stioi'eediiig piihlioatioii. Veurly advertiseineiit.-I>y spe cial contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertiseis are • f- renuested to state the number I'f insertions desired, oi' they will tie (•untiniied till forbid, and eharued aeeord- injrly. .\dvertisenients to be inserted chargeil oO per i-ent. extra. Donaldson Ac juIouin. f I'^lir, iie.xt Session of this Instituti'in will bvgin on I Alc.i\day tlie lilst of September, nutler the Joint Hi . har:o lit Mr Tiiu.mas ,1. UotiiNsuN and Mr. (ir.niuiK .■ .\. CaskN' flie Acadomy Imildiiig is pleasantly situ t, ated "U Hay \|ouiit, and, in it> ioiMtioii, combines the advantagi'.' ■ i ample roum for tiie out-iloor exercises ii' the ,'^tii leuts, and froedi>m fr.iiii all causes of hiii- lerance in the diligent pursuit of their studies U It i-; the desire ot tiie Instructers to make this a and they call upon Parents and X. iiuardiaii> to aid them, by their patronage, in the ac- . .anplishmeut of this purpose, beUeving that there is * I) Fayetteville and its vicinity a suflioient number ot * to uipport such an Institution. TKP.MS OF TUITION: I’or I’rimary t'tudents, per session, |20 weeks,) ^12 .'>0 S' •• .\dvanceil English •• “ Ib OU f t lassical “ “ oO I'ontingencie:- “ •')0 • Mie half of tuiti'in iVes to bo pai.l iu adv.'in.'e SeHu-.\nnual reports of the scliolarship of each !>'>y ■will be sent to the Parent or (iuardian. Fayetteville, Aug. 8. 1857. :’.l2-t>l AXM AL Mi:i: riN(;. fl^E{F ANNLWL MEETING of :iie Stockliolder.'t of j JL the Fayetteville and Albemarb'Plank Road (’om- pany will take place in Fnyetteville, on Thursday tiie ‘J'^th .I.V?'. 0 •^(»0K, Pres't '5 .^ugiiaf l^o7. ;{2-fm \\ I'o r. r||1HF r- r' *RKS and \S .VRF.HOl'SKS belonging to I the K'-tate of John K. MrGuire, will be reiited II :‘atur lay next. 13th inst. Possession given on Nt :'eptent' rv. Renting to t.^ke place at I'J o'clock. { iAt the -;ame time and place, several MULES and WAGONS, (’.\KRIAGES, \c., will he soM. jtj?- The JORDAN DWELLING on Person Street is f'.r Rent Ap]ily t.. A M t’.VMPBELL. .\ug. h. ■)-- FOR SALK. H A.RE.'> L.ANU lying on each side ol the B S.iutliern Plank Koad, about ‘J miles from Fayetteville. Finiuire of • lAMES RANKS, Att v. Augu t 10. 18')7. :;2-;’.t FOK SALE. I rr’IHL -iubscril>er desiring to emigrate to the West, ! otl'evs for sale his entire L.VNDS, including about six hundred acres, generally known as Chalk Level, lying iu the upper end of Harnett county, H miles East of Cape Fear River, and on the roa«l leading from Fay etteville to Chapel Ilill. Sti>re, Dwelling, ()ut Houses, ^ all in first rate order. The Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to be exceiicd by any country store in the State. There are j •also upon the premises an excellent well of water with- ‘ in l-i or 20 steps of the House, a fine young orchard of ' Fruit Trees, a Tan Vard in perfect order, which pays i well when in o]ieratinn. Also, .a Rlack-Jmith .''hop with Tools, Sc. ; .\ny person wishing to jiurciiase such a jdace would do well to call ami exan'ine it for themselves. 1 am determined to sell, and will make terms easy for the jiurchaser. A. H. DEWAR. N. 1>. The place is one oi tlie healthie-^t in the South ern country. .\ugust I. 1857. '2tf OLD RYE W HISKEV. fBlHE .'subscriber is tne only authorised agent iu ■ Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. K. C. Pur- ' year's Celebrateil ff !’• He will be supplied with this superior Whiskey to , mei-t the Jeman 1. / I W. DR AUG HON. Fayetteville, March 2tl. ^tO-tf spate OF XOR'FIl CAROr.LXAj CUMBERLAND COUNTV. , (’i)urt ot Pleas an«l Quarter Sessions, June Term, i 1^57. .Joseph R. Blossom vs. Charles Holland , •iudii'itil Attachment, Levied ou Horses, .Mules, and ^ Turpentine Still, belnnging to Charles Holland. /■ F r*r«‘r our rc.adiM-' u> (Ik- st.-ili-incnt of tin- .Ktiia In.-'.naiice Co:ii| any, of llarltbrd, ; wliich will be t'ound in auotiier c.ii'iinii. This succe.«s- ful institution was iin rpor.iti'.l tiy the l.egislatiu'c of ConiuH tieiU in T^l^‘. witii ■: per; t'tual charter. Its j capital i« ^500,ni)(), lu.l 'its aci’uniulatioiis exceed , !»;SOO,oOO uiore. making its en'.irc a^.-iets over .^oOO. - ^ OOO, invested ;is detailed in the statement leterred to : These rcs'ults iii.licate iJiat during thi' period of nearly ! fortv vrars since its or:;anizati.>n. i witliout ;i single : chan^'^e ot* its chief c(ru*t*r.) its luisiness has ln*('u con ducted with iudgnient and jinideiice. Itjiasbeen thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are informed, all its oldig.itions by the payment oi .-ihout !■'! lor los-es, witliotit .iskiii'r a i day's ik'lay in any instaiuc. I: has lia 1 liut little lit igation. notwithstanding tlu' imnit':)-’* nnnibei oftrans- actions made. In order t'l attain ;i much as jtossible in such a business as insurance, it has lieen the practice of tin- ('ompany, lor several years, at . great labor, carefully to clas.'ify and arrange their risks into about tift^’ distinct classes, so as to ascertain '■ the amuuitt insured on each class, the .amount of ]>re- ; miums received thereon, .and the amount of losses up on e.acli. This cl issitioation. exteii'ling over a long perio'l.and covering property to a vi ry l.arge amount.fur nishes reliable data, and presi nts a sound, sub.-tantial i basis of actual experienee. upiii wiiicli to conduct its ' business. Insurance isnot a matter of huk or chance. * as many suppose: its hazards are ascertainable, and i its principles capable of being reduced to a system, the i ! practical working and results ot which arc a. certain ^ as that of any other liiisiness. The -Ktna Company, liy adhering rigidly to its system, aiu! placing its busi ness upon a healthy Ijasi.', has olitained the coiitidence ! ('f the community to an extent surpassed by no other , ('oTnpany in the U. .states, .and ha-' increased its l.nsi- ness ami its income tr. in year to year with a steady I growth. One great source of its security is the wide ■ distributiou of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness -liinitiiii; tlie iim-junt to be cov- I ' ered iu each locality, lly this course it has passed. I with comparative im]'unity, through som.- of the most , I sweeping and destructive fires, whicii have swallowed up other companies less cautious in iheir business. It is , a system like this, based upou experience, which gives ] ‘tability and soundness to a coinji.any, and to the a- I sured contideni-e and t'ciiritv Hilt - I'lif \ .t;T.\i \m\M niMP.iw, i INt'ORPORATF.D ISP'. CHARTHi: PLKl'KTUAI, Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. P.RACK, President. 1' 0 P.IPLEV, Vice Pre- I SKlent. '1'. .\. .tLF.X.A N1>I0I{. •''eeretary. ! DfRKrTOi!*; —T. K. Brace, S Tudor, .1. ('hui-h, 1!. ; Buell, M. .\. Tuttle, E. Flower, L. .\. Bulkcley, B. j Mather, F., G. Ripley, S. \S ard, H../. Pratt, (! !■'. I Davis, iMiiiham, 1*. Ililly'-r, 1. .\. .Mex indei, \\ , Keiiey. The .\vset • ail- in lin’iy invc ted in.'toek ind iJoiid -, jiaving inti re't, with ^17'J.ii'. I >1 "f ea h 'in •b'^.o'^ite in thf Hartf'rd Banks, to mei't 1 .- os I Losse*^ 'lue and unpaid—none i Losses adjusted and not ilue, ^2l,-;l.; 1*5. Losses in suspense, waiting further proot, \e., ->75,- .'•50 I-’). Losses rcslsteu, ^ su p'n ii.n« ol fraud, ,^c. i ^ lt'i,(178 72. \{rpiit of the alinve Coinpaiiv in Favetteville, N C. ' E. .1. 'half. BOERHAVE’S HOLLA\r» id n Kits di K MUIIH'AI,(OLI.KtiK OP Vlli(.'INI.\,; •'« »•«s«. SESSIOW 1857-58. ' fHlllEiicxt .\nnual Couise of iicctnres will com- Ji mence on the 1st of >ctolier. 1857, at tlie College Building, corner of Marshall amK’ollege streets, Uich- moiiil, and terminate on the 1st of March, 185S. Surgery aiiil Surgical .\uatoiny. by ClIMil.KS BkI.I. GlIiStIN, M. D. Theory and Practice of Medicine, iiy II. Ticki'.r, M. I'. Chemistry and Pharmacy, by .Mmm'in p. Si tiTi, M. D. Materui Medica and 'I'herapentics. by B R \Vkm.H)U|), M. 1». -Vnatomy. liy AttTiii 1! E. PnTicoi,.\s, M. D. Institutes of Medicine and MedicaJ .Jurisprudence. by iiK\ iN S. ./ovN’Ks, M. D. Obstetrics and Diseases of Women .and Children, by J.vMKs 11 Cd.nw.w, ^L D. Demonstrator of Anatomy, M.muo.s Howauh, M. D. The study of I'ractical Anatomy may be prosecuted with the most ample facilities and at a very trilling expense. Clinical Lectures are regularly given at the College Inlirniaiy. This Infirmary, under the same roof with the College, is at all times well filled with Medical and Surgical cases, anil furnishes peculiar facilities for Clinical instruction. Many Surgical Operations .are performed in the presence of the idass, and the Students being ilaily admitted to the wards, enjoy, under the guidance of the I’rofessors, iiuustial opportunities for becoming familiar, not only with the symptoms and diagnosis of dise;ise, but with its daily progr.-ss and tre.itment. Amount of Fees for Lectures, ^105 (ii) M.atriculation Fee, 5 00 I’ractical Anatomy, 10 Ou Graduating Fee, 25 00 The price of Board, including Fuel, Lights and .Ser vants’ attendance, v.iries from •'fl.'! to •'j’5 per \Mcek. The Cat.alogues, containin': I'uller information con cerning the Institution, will iie forwardet; to those who apply for it, or specific iiu|uiries will be answered by letter. .lulv L S. .lOVNES, M. D Dean of the Faculty. 21-1 aw8w A(*r(*s ol’ I'OR SALE. Land A A >I(KS/niA\ E.'sI’E'TFr LLV informs iii.s I'riends .and the public, that In Il ls fiuilt up large sulistantial : Brick Buildings at his »id .''tand, expressly for man- utacturing (' s. Tliatikful for the very liberal j ['atrouage he has received for tiie last 21 years, he hopes by strict attention to bu»iness. with a desire to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance ol the same. He warrants his work to be made of the best material and by experienced workmen in each branch I ol the bu-incss. His work wiII coiiipare l'avoi’:ibly I witli .any made in the Uni t ed St ales, for ne at ness and jdniability. He is deteraiiui-d to sell and do any work in lus line on as good terms a- any work done i elsewhere that is as well done. He now Ins on hand, Finisiu;i), the L.\RGE.'^r S'l'OtMv of f arn Hnroitv 'nr^^ Jiocl^ fiH'iiifs, n/id />//” «•/ .s. Everolfeiecl in this pl.ace, and a veiy large stock of work nearly finished, which will '>e finished daily. •Ml of which will be sold very low for Cash, or on shorttiuie to punctual customers. Stt^He has on hand more tlmn »)N E HUNDRED .\ N i> FIFTV Vebi- cles finished and in course of constl uction. All work niad(> liy him is warrantdl 1'2 months with fair usage, n;i'l sliou Id it fa i I by bail workmanship or material will he re]' iired free of charge. Persons wishing to Imy would do well to c.all and cx.'imine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and pruiu| tly at tended to. Repairing execute.1 ut shot I noti-fc and on very reasonable terms May 28. 18.',:: H'.t-tf l5ook A»*nL‘^ an«‘(l. I'J 1H i; .'s'iibsciilier, h;n ifig taken the (;«>nec-i! \:rcny ■ for getting stibseribers to snd deliverin;:: Hawks's llistiiiy ol North i'arolina. now in process (d'jiublica- tioii liy Messrs. E. .J. ll.ale ,V ."sou of Fayettevilb'. is desirous of entering into .au engagement witli one oi more active, intelligent and relialde persons in i-ach of the .Judicial Circuits, to c:uivass their respective parts of the .'state, or jiarticular counties, thoroughly. Imiirediate application is desir-d. ;is s.iinide cojiics ol the first Volume will will be ready in a few d.iys Undoubteil testimoni:ils as to character must .ac- eompanv each application, .\ddress H. W. ih)KN. F lyetteville, Dec. 185i>. 'I I- ^■IHE Subsi:ribers oiler for sale the .above Tract of M. Land, lying on Anderson's Creek, about two ai.d a h.ilf miles from lower Little River, near Elliot’s .Mills,—including atiout *ue Hundred .\cres of good Swamps, which c;iu lie easily ilrained. Thii Land Is very lieavily timtiered, and a large portion level and Ilf superior i|ualit3’ of Pine l..ami ifor cultivation, ,\lso, a Circular .STE.\M ."^.VW-Mll L, in complete order and well adapted t.i --awiiig plank road and rail i timbers. .\ Two well-broke MULES. .Ml, fir any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in jiarcels to suit. SMITH .s; EI.LIOT. .\pril Ii. 1857. ‘.*7-tf 1 \\ lllv\ l' W.V.N'l'I'.U. VV.\.NT to jiurehase 5,OitO Bushels Wheat. FI R rilER SI PFLY Ol' liOOKS. ’^HE American .\lniaiiac for 1857: Kane’s Arctic Exploration: Draper’s Physiology: j The I’rivate Correspondence of Daniel Webster; , The American Sportsman, by Lewis, illustrated: I \ .New Life of Stiminerfield, by Willet; I Count Hugo, the Miser, \'c., by the same .author; ' Tiie Torch Light: Tuck’s .Selections for .Salibath Reading: Brown’s Bible Dictionary; The American Debater; Upliam's .Mental Pliil osophv; .Vlexailder's Moral .’'cieuce; .yc. E .1. HALE S» > . XEW UOOIvS ('om. Perry’s .Japan Expedition, illnstrated. (’oilier & .Jewett’s Edition of the Original Texi ..f Shakspeare’s Plays Restored. Farmiugdale: The Lion of Handers, or the B,it tie of the Golden .Spurs; The t'urse of the Village, \c.; Kitto’s Daily Bible Hlustratious; lulto's Poj.ular Cy clopedia of Biblical Literature; P>arnes' Notes on the liooks of .Job and Revelations; Half Hours with the best .\uthors,—Unight’s London Edition, 2 \ ils,; H.ilf Hours with the best Poets. Revolutions in ICurojie, down to l^l'^ Webster's University and Family Pi .'incing Dic'y i .Juvenile and School Books, Stationar; \c Just ree’d by E. .1 II S'»N Nov 17 ! iiooKiSi.\i>i.\(,: F .all Kill Is, is executed in the l>est manner, t' Pravers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same stvle they were before. This will save I he repurchase of new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societie.s, anil also gentlemen residing at a distance, w'lU find it a matter of economy to get thei r books bound here, as a deduction of prices will lie made upon large orders: Pack them and send tlicin with particular directions to this establishnieni. and V. Ih'u finished, they will l>e carefully rejt.aeked and returned without ilday. 1 have tlie best stock i»f nitxterials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or .■^ou: h. .\pplv for a list of P>inding prices before going else where. The undersigncil respectfully solicits a share of p.atrnnage. THOS. H. TlLI^INGHAST, .\ndersou Street. Nov. 185ii. AXI) I'OR SALi:. .\»'i;ES OF LAN1> lying on upper Little River, in Harnett ('ounty, w^ell tiiiilicred and well located for the'I'urpentine busineus. It will be -old on icconimod.itiiig tornis. Apply soon to tin* .Siili I'riber at Fay •ept. 22, IS5t;, ‘tteville. WM. .McL. McKAV. tl-if !>i:ei* rivi:r i'oal. ITU Ml NOUS coal had at the Works it by liie Toil. May 21, 1! the best niiality can be vjit, nt II reasonable price W.M. McCLANE, .Mining Engineer f-tf (aiAXO! rBIHE undersigned M. Planter' Guanoes, all i .JAS. G. .June 25, 185( Ct)OK l»i-tf *^o let J MO I. ASSES. H lll».'^. iii't received and for .lA.'^. .ale l.y «i. COOK 5 1- “'I'lir Old Xnrlli St:il(‘ in I77‘>," hy Caruthers, — lii it Scries. \ furthei supi'ly just re- c«ived. .Also, the 2d .'serif; laiANol! ask.- the attention of i'aniier--, 1 and Dealers to his Stock of Ke-t ipiality if which he will sell at tlie lowest ket rates. PERU\1.AN (iU.XNo ..i .'c latest impou i- tioii'^ and best >iuaiity. “AA" MEXICAN til \No of the best e.irgoo imported. COLUMBl.VN dU.VNO, v.-ry rich in Pliosphatv- ■\lso, Super-Phosphati- I.ime. Bone busr, .\i-. Purchasers may rely on li ising their Gnauo shii'ipi-d iu prime order and it. Miperior bags The ;:eneral satisfaction lierctofor.- 'iv- n by all (luaiioes ^.old l>y the Subscriber, he hopi.. will be a sutlicieiit ;Miaraiitee if the s.aiiif ^ E .1. IT appearing to tiie satisfaction of the C’ourt, that | npiminipc!: iiut to thf sii-k, wenk and l iw >piri'.eii Charles Holland, one of the defendants in tl.iscase, 1 er'-ifiui .-.n.iM.nR c.,r.Jiai. |w.-.>s.,e.i ..i -o,..ui .r i' not •.•.n inhaliitant of this State, it is therefore order ed, That publication he made in the Fayetteville Ob server, notifying the said Holland of the levy on his jiroperty, and rei|uiring him to appear at the next Term of this f’ourt, to be held for s.nid County, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the 1st Monlay in September next, and replevy anl pVad, or judgment will be rendered against him and the property levied ou lie sold to satisfy the plaiiitilf's claim. Witness, .lohn .McLauriti. f’lerk of our said Court, at office in Fa^'etteville, the 1st Monday in June .\. l>. l'^57. JOHN McLAURlN, Clerk. .\ng 1 31-tc TIIK. CKIJ-;BKATFT> nni.t.AMi RFMKT>Y Fdll DYSPEPSIA, DISEVSK «F Till- KinVETS, LIVER COMPLA I NIX, WKAlvXKSS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. \nd ih‘ VHr:*ms alferiKin- i*onriueni upon a STOMACH OR J.IVKH, Surh as Iniliiteslion. -Vcidity of thr t^ttiniHi'li. Culirky I’alii. Ileartliurn. l.iiss ol .\p|it.'tite, Iif^poiHlt iic^ . ( u.iiiseni"). IUiikI .iiiil Blet'ilin" Files. In all NrrvoiK. Ithrnmatic. -mil Nctir ilL-''- .Xll'er- tions. It has in niiiiieroii's instances |iroveil lni!hly lieni-lirial, anil : in others eU'ei ti'il a ilcciili-il cun This i, H pnrely vpcet ilile riMii|Mninil. prpp ireil on trn tly snen titir prinripU's. niter tlic in.iniicr "t thf > eit lirateil lloliaml I’ro lessor. Uoerhave, I!ecati'>’ ol il- "re i! siircf-^ in of the Kiinn«'an States, ils introduction into the I'nitf.d suites was in teiUed more espetiiilly tor tho.^e ..f latherla.ij scattereil l^re and there over the f.u e of this ini'.'hty ronntry Meetin" with i;reat success ainonc them. I now itter it to ilic .\nierii an pulilir, kno« ini’ that its trilly wniidt rfu. ineiln \irlue' must lie ac knowledzed. It is jMirticulariy rci'oiiiinenited to llei.,.t jk hose consutu- tions may have lifen impiireil liy ih'- lontiniioU'use of ardent -pirits. or other fill 111-ol i|i";it mi. i.emrilly in'taiitancoiis in ell'ect. it linds its way directly to the scat of life, thrillini: and iiuickenins every ner\e, raisina up the droopin" 'pirit. :ind, in tact, inttisin^' new health and vigor it the sy'tein. NOTIt K—Whoi ver e^jitrls to liml this a lievcraae will lie di- vill prove •> ; propcrlii ' \ r I 1 : The creal po|iiilarity of thi-delii;h;i ill Vmui i h i iiidin ed iiianv iniitatiiins. uhich the puhlir hould "iiar.l aij iinst piirchasiii;;. lie not (ler'iiaded to Ini v an j thmu t iir. to you Inn e :;iven lloer have’s lloll.'.nd r.itters a fair In i!. (>ne liottle\vill i an inre y.pii hou intinitely superior It is to .all these iiiiitatioii-. {)^.''old at s| (HI per Imttle. oi si\ liottles lor r^.">,(lil. Iiy the .•sol. i; I' III» r u I i;t i > u .-s . ici:ii.i.i^ii.\ .lit. o. XO III MIUG! HE subt;criber is now prepared to fili all orders for Superior H\iter Burhrtn. He manufacture.; North Carolina mtiterial— he em ploys North Carolina capital and labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, be hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. .\ TUI.-\L is wLat he wants. Messrs. WORTH UTLEV of this place are .Agents for the sale of the above Buckets, 0, H. MAKEPEACE, Faj’etteville, Feb’y 17, 1857. 82-y XEW SUPRLV or S TATIOXERV. r E arc just receiving further supplies of ▼ w s T.I tkp.vm: a i \ Embracing Letter, Uath Post, Note and Cap Pajters, in great variety; English and French Envelopes, white and colored; Tissue Paper, (Jillott's and Perry’s Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Red Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, Ivory and Boxwood Pocket Rulers, Mathematical In struments in cases. Hand Clips, Pink Tape, Quills, Pen Racks, White Rubber, Sand lioxes, iVC-; Banker’s I'ases, Pocket Memorandums and Pocket Books; Van- kee and French Pencil Sharpeners: Cloth .Stretchers, for marking with indelilile ink; Rodgers' Pen Knives; Portfolios; Maynard A Noyes and Davids I nks, •Also. 1 Case superior English SL.ATES, assorted sizes. E. J. HALE & SON .May 2, 1857. xe(;roes waxtei). f f 1HE undersigned will pay the highest cash price JL for YoUNG NEGROP'S. Letters addressed to either of us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt attention. D. C. MclNTVRE. DANIEL M. McLAURLN. Laurinburgh, Dec. 20, 1850. 08tf HALE .V SON W. that all rente. •lulv article- s,,ld by him will be fuiind a repre WILLI.XM COBIN.^ON, No- I tind t'l Hollingsworth .'street Near Pritt .Street Wharf. lialtinioK*, .Md DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S C EI.EHRATEI) RYE WHLSKEV! 'I'^IIE subscriber has made arrangements to keep .a supply of the Genuine .Article, and is the only Agent for the sale of the above brand of .A No. 1 Rve Whiskey in this place. ROB'T MUrCHELL. May 1, 1.H57. 5tf PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, l'iTTsr.i;Kcii, Pa. Samuel .1. Hinsdale siile agent for F.iyctteville. .1 une 1 1, 1H57. 1 EDGE^VORTII FE.M.VLE SE.MI\.\KY, GREENSBORO', N. (’ faiHE next Session of this IiiPtilution will commence ■- on Monday, August 'M, 1S57. The Course of Study is thorough and systematic, einliraciiig every thing necessary to a coinplct**, solid ‘lid ornamental education. The buildings are so ar- i inged as to combine the Cfimforts of a home with the advantages of a sehool. fiistrnctors of the liiglie--t lualitii iitious are employed in each of the Departments. No institution :u the country p(>sse,s'se . advantsiges Muperior to -w.-rth. Catalogue^ ef,mninin« all necessary information re specting the Course if instriietion, terms, ,tc., will be forwarded, on ajipiiration to RICHARD STERLING, Principal, ireen'-boro’, .V •Inly PI, 1857 21 2ni ^l>riii;; Ntoi'k, E. F. MOORE, Wholesale Gructr and romiiiissioii ^Inrinnii. Has just received in .‘^tore, ‘Jl ") Barrnls Whiskey ami Hrantly. “ and hhiLs, of .^ugar, ass’til. 7;”> .^ack,'» Kio CofTeo, ‘‘ •JUO “ .Salt, .'^0 lioxes .^oda Hi.scuit. Candies, .Soaps, (/andlcfl, Snuff, (Jigars, I'lC, \c. All of which will be sold on term'?. March 10, 18G7, H‘*tf >1 rilllE subscrilier is leceiving his F.\LL ,.\ N D WIN- JL TER .STO(’K, Consisting nf alniost ever}' thing in the way of UanhrHrr am! ito1lo»r-trari\ — ,\LSo I{K>ts Miui ^ lux's, S:i(l(ll‘r\, I i.'^h. \;r.. Any of which he will sell cheap for (.’ash, barter lor Produce, or on short time. .Store recently occupied b}' Tro}' & Mar^h, neiir the Dobbin House. (i. W. I. GoLDSToN. Oct. 15, IH.5*;. IHtf FOR SALIs. M'EEI.S PATENT CUITIN; KNIFE liiueli more iiighl} iipproved, iiy s them than any other July 1M.57. \ii article all vs lii> Ij.ive tried \|.ply to i:. l!OSE 2 : fiw .1 O II X I). S II A W, \TTOIC.\KV AT , ROCKINGHAM, RICH.MO.ND CoUNTV, N, C. WILL attend the (^lurts of Riclmiond, Auson and Robeson. ,\n business entrusted to his care will receive strict attention. June 18, 1857. 17-8m Type Foundry and Printer’s Emporium, ESTAI5L1SHED IN 1818. W M. IIA(;AR, .h., CO., Vork C'ily. H1IIE subscribers desire to advise Iheir friends and m. the Pr'iiting Interest generally, that since the late tire, which injui’ed only the nianufacturing de- jnirt’iient of their establishment, they have entirely refitted the same with ncw machinery, and have avail ed themselves of the opportunity to introduce EVKUY MODERN 1M PI! O V E M K M' which long experience .and capital can comnrtnd; and that they have therefore unei[ualled facilities for pro ducing of superior excellence :iiid durability, and for supplj’- I itig all orders t'or th(‘ same with great .accurateness j and proiuptiiess. Our NEW .SPE(’IMEN' BOOK, (Just ' issued,) wilt he freely given to all who wish to pur- I chase, wiieti applietl for. Printers will please be par- I ticular iu directing how it may be sent. ' We also furnish every article needed in a Prin'itig oibce, at nianttfacturers' prices. MACHINE AND HAND H^H■.^^, T.\^ LtJs, \ DAMS’, RUGGLES’, j 4'hasr’>s iMiatnoitU i"ress^ j (of which we are sole agents iu this city,) and of every I other maker in the United States: Ink, t'ases, Stands, I lni)>osing Stones, Composing Sticks, (jalleys (brass j ;iiil ivood,) Chase.*!, Fiiriiitiire, \’c. Orders will he I tilled for Paper. Card.*;, and Printer’s .Stock of every I kind. Electrotyping and Stereotyping in all their Branches. ’Type Cojiper-F.aced to order. Old type received in exchange for new at cents per pound, if delivered in sixty days from the date of pur chase; if later, but six cents per i>otind. Publishers of newspapers >vIio insert this advertise ment three times, with this note, and forward us a paper cotitaiuing the same, will be paid in printing materials, by purchasing four times the amount of their bill for the ailvertisement \V. BAKER Is now receiving from tlie North the, lincst, and most oarofully se lected stock of I I ISA ITIJKi: ever oflered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, in.ikes iiis assortment complete:—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and (’radles; Side Boards; Bure.itts; .ecretaiies and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; (?andle .Stands; \\ardrobes; Picture Frames and (ilass; Window Sii.ades; I C^oruices; Curtain r.ands; Sofas in Mahogany and \Nalnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of ever}- variety. Fine llo.sewood IM.tnos, one with /Kolian At tachment; Rosewood .Melodiatis, from the bet manufac tories in New \ »rk and ijostou, warranteil as good .as any made iu the country, and will be sold at N. Vork prices—freight only added. November 2. 15-tf LAW .Subscribers have on hand, and will promptly JL fill orders for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, | in sets or in single volumes, Iredell’s Digest and • Digested .Manual. .lones’s Digest. Revised Stattites j of North ('arolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. i •STORY, on Sales, P>ills, Contracts. Partnership, | Agency, Equity .Jurisprudence, Eiiuity Pleadings. : ARCHBOLD, ou Practice, (.’riniinal Practice and' Pleading, Landlord and Tenant. j CHITTV, on Contracts, Criminal Law, IJl.ackstone, Medical .Jurisprudence, SUGDEN, on Vendors and Property. Pi^WELL, on .Mortgages, .and (,’ontracts. SMITH, on Action!" at Law, .Master jitiil, Landlord and Tenant, i’hancery Practice, .'^.A.N'DER.S, on Pleading and (Evidence, Uses .and Trusts, Reports. RUSSELL, on .Arbifr.ation, Factors, t'rimes. HOFF.MAN'.S Legal .Study, and.Masters in Chancery, WILLI.V.MS on Personal Property. WHEATON’.^ Selwyn'sNisi Pritis. WH.ARToN, on ’.American L.iw of Homicide, .Medi cal Jurisfrudence, Statel'rials in the United .States, .American Criminal Law, L.iw Dictionaiy. Stephen on Pleading. Rojier on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne on Remainders. Edwards on Bail ments. ’oke upon Littleton,^ Hargrave and iJutler’s) new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis’s ditto. Dart’s Vendors and l’urch,asers of Instate. .Ad ams’ Ei|uity. Troiibat's Law of Limited Partnership. Hughes’ Eiiuity Draughtsman. Phillips and .\nios on Evidence. Gresley on L.iw of Evidence. Rus.s on Fills and Promissory .Notes. Domat’s Civil Law- ivwis’s U\ .s. ( riiniiial Law. Daniell's Chancery t incli'*- Roscoe’s Criminal Evidence. .Atherley on . of Marriage, ('oliyeron Partnership, tireen- .,n i'lvideiice, Oliver on Conveyancing, Curtis’s CO-vtyaucer. Burrill’s Law Dictionary. Cruise on ' hes^l Property. Tayler’s Law Glossary, (’rabb on ! Real Property. Reeves' Domestic lielations, B^ les on Bills. Bell on Sale. Lee on Arbitration of Titles Sharswood’s Profession:il Ethics. Barton’s suit in Eiiuity. Wills on Evidence. Comyn’s Landlord and W.itsoii on .Arbitration. Har- 011 Discovery. Oliphant on Horses. Whitworth's Equity Precedents. .Morrison Reiilevin. tJiesley’s Equity Evidence. Bishojt on .M.arriage and Divorce. .Mathew’.s Presumptive Evidence, Rubci-isou on Suc cession, I-^llis on Insurance, Lewis on the Law of Perpeliiify. Phillimore on Domicil. C.iry on Part- nershi]> Wilson on Uses. Fell on Guarantees. New- land on Contracts. Tamlyn’s (.’hancery llvidence, ,vc. These or other Law Books ordered will be supplied to the Professsioii in any part of the State on reason able terms. E. ,J. H.VLE .y .SON- I'OR REN r. 81HE .s'l'tlRE on the corner of Hay and Doiiald-oii Streets, next doov to 11. .V 1'. -I. Lilly's. -Npl'lv Dr. Ft‘>UI.KES, ■ .luly 20. ‘.iO- A CARD. IlHl^ undersigned wouM respectfull}’ inform his old friends and i-iistomers that he can he found where he will be glad w/jo \vH Lh u.\ I /; TnoidTn it? .-1 )irir (',!n'iiiijf on tho MiliUiiji (I nr It, ihf J/ifhuifi'itf (Ihurch, /'rmil i 1)1/ on Minv/nrd St ret t. (;ri:a i' ex PERiMnsE! i':tiil4‘ iv to ri'^IIE iiliscriliers woiiM respectfully inform their ^ tr;ends and thepulilic, that they have entered i ut o Coparl iiei ship fei the purpose of conduct ing the general CARIllACiE BL'SINE.SS in all its varion- jciris. .Andliein;!: both practical worUniea, fully tin del landing their business, they h-ive nr, h-'flfRtiou to conipaie wiifii wit*ii any e;,l il.ii: hmeiit I,; .^-stteville ,'i'^ to style and durability. One of t he firm 111 ly be i»uowii by iuiw....;e lo \ H. Whitfield's iron work for the la-I I wo yo:irs Ue warr.'inf all woi k to irive general satisfaction t or t welve montli-; Rep:iirini’' done in the iii-at e: I manner low for caMli I'lER BRANIN. .I'.Mi.s H. Pm;i!. .I.AMi;s Bk.\ni\ I'.’ayetfeville, .J tii’y 21, 1S5-!. 02tf ParlorMf. at the Store of (’. E. see them. Favetteville, N. I.eet«>, .1 R. .Jan’y 8, 1857. ■DONALD. r2-tf IIWVKSS MIsrORV. ^■"'HE Subscriber, .Assistant Agent for procuring £ sub.scribers to and delivering Hawlis's History, gives notice that he will attend tlie Coutity Cotirt of Duplin on the od Monday in .Itily inst., the (''ounty Court of Chatham, on the 2d Monday iu, the County Court of .''ampsoti on the 8d Mondav’ in .\>i- gust, and the Ci.iinty ('ourt of .lohiiston on the 1th ■Mond.-iy in .\ugust. He will be ptovi le 1 with a .■'-.ib- scription Book, and with copies of tiie l-;t v .I .iae in the several styles o;' binding, for deliver'.-. % T tVii ilililiJ.v \ lid I K LAlTDiCR. Ill y T. IIAIIill am'S STORl., l«*vill«*, .Ii. Cetypd pi;i i: .lulv I. (a AXOES. BAtiS PERUVIAN; n2; do. COLUMP.I.VN. Not truly the cost of tisiiig these (iiianoes in connexion been very inticli diminished, but experi- iueiit.s have proved that the phosphate, so niitch want ing iu the Perf.vian, not only incre.ases th« yield, but combined with the (’oliinibian makc'- fhe crop much more certain. For sale liy D. \ W. McL \UR1N. Nov. 0, lS5(i. 5 III jit, I S i7 WOOL » *L C li de.) »V ith F.ictor V, SHEETINCS, o-na'uirgs, t’otton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by ROLl.S. lispatch at Blouut’8('reek GEO. ,) line McNElLL. 7-tf K. I'iirtii«'r of‘ ilookiki. rilHE AMERICAN CITI/EN, by Bishop Hopkins; m. Praed’s Poetical Works; Si illedulcia, from Notes and t.!ueries; M;ickey's Lexicon of Free-Mason- ry; Dictionary of Po(>tieal ^iiotations; Mitchell’s liooiv i’>l\i)i:rv. W. H.VRDIE has resumed the I’mok B'ndi’ig Business, over the T.iilor Shop of f’l.arri Woodw.ard. where he will receive and execute liinding in any style desired. -August 1. 27-11' .IA3li:S KVMO I^.S now receiving his .SPRING .A.ND .SUMMER sup- i>uv itats^ MSoots anil Shot’s^ r.oi/riX(; c lo riis, .v«.. .Ml of which, ticiiig purch.i'cd by the case, will I.e ol'- fered by Wholesale or Retail at LOW PRIi'E.S. March 21, 1S.57. ‘.'2tf W 1 1' II 1). I) i: \ LI X vv (’ o., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DFALEKS IN 4'lofliiii;;. Nos. •_>;'(!! .AND Hku,\|»U.\\ , NEW YORK. .May --5, IS57. 1 S.'i roRX. J!.AGS CORN, superior )Uality and me.-isure, for s.ale bj- WttRTH .y UTLKV 2-1- A>iiE \XI)ARi) LITERA ri Ri:. WaviT.'y Novels 27 vol.s. clotli and lialf cal;. t’ooper's N Irving's Works, 15 vols; Prescott's Couqiiest oi Peru aii'I Mexico; Lives of Ferdinand .and Is.ibella; Life of Pliil'p the -J,]; Bi-nton's :;o years in the U. Senate 2 vols; The .'-'tatesinaii’s .\l.iiiual, I vol-- Encyclopedia .\meric.ini. It vol . i.ossiiig s Pictorial Field I’.ook ot the Revtiliiiion \Vci..->t.‘r's Work'-, *1 \ois; t'olton’-. Life and 'fimes .if lietiry Memoii |‘rentis> of \|.- I’ictoi-ial Lite of .\ndrf,v .)a.-l.-s.m; dciii .ir ol Will, W ir'. by Keiineiiv; Life o[ 1 \'irgiii;a P dilics in 1''5 •ialiali l' Life of .lollll Kati l 'lpli: Deiiiin y 111 ,\Mii'i ii ;i, liv De fociUevill .\lil.oir- 1,‘ii.- 1.1 .N.iji ,1. ,,,1,'l; , Ai.h.itl - Wills l.ile ol 1' I trick llenrv . Llle ol Will. I'liicUiiey ot \i I.; lay; i; I-, II 1 lay!- 1 .I-' 1 111 pill l.\] Li' riy i"r.-i|iliv li'v I I :;iii )OK. I! i f. l eli 1 oil I l\ rii_\ 11 1 11ic rii\ aii i .■•i.ivery t lie I 'Iiiilil'in i ■ .111 I I 'on e :. ; .' pe.-t I tor: ‘iina ;in.| edition: :i!i I Se I ( o! I Ilf .''e.i I'.'.-d' o- . -la,,,,.. Ioverniiient. . Iiy Liein M itirj ! V iri'inia- A VAUlAHLi: LAW Ii A DDISON on t'ontraets, v\ith Notes an. to .American ca'es, i,y l.dw-ir l ln"-ei- l In/, vol. ]20iipage-' .Judge W oodward, fd the Supreme Court ..f I’eiiir'.yl vania, says that “this is liie best lioi.k on Mie subje. | I ever had in my hand'.' For sale l,y L. .1. II \LL .V .'■'O.N. .\pril 20. LAW ROOKS. SEDG W Il'K fill the Statutory and (%iiisl itiit ion d Law: (’hitty on Pleading; .Newland on ('ontr:ict> 1 I I I,- W ll Ill's I' IlC ' l,f tl l i.e Scilli-h Ii ,11, 'll toms o| Scot 1 he Is \V orlliis" lec );, lllhev, ■I M ililier-. .Vnliquitle' net' xli II I Life ol V> . Icillibei llati.iit .h Lite anil t I'lie tiueen; .loilU ll. II .''Colt Li.e .1 ,d ol D. ■ M •!. ill riiiio- irie-|. lo ieii' e of i.or i .leifrcv; ol .''cotl.iii'l, liy .Agues .'strickland ici'i Burns, piiy and Litei atun lipps and .\mos on Eviden-.'e; .Ste|i|ien on PI .Milford's Chancery Pleadings; Hill on Trit tee : Et|tiity Pleading: \ lanis’s Equity, .Vc. Further siippli.’S of the atiove ju t r«- e:\. I. e' .1. II \l,i; .V : Ph; adiii;' Lut.e SECOND-H.AND PRESSI^S (.Machine unil Hand) I Travellers’Guide; Oiiestinns to .laeobiis’Notes: Medi- OX 1500 To arrive Oct. 22 COXSKiXMI’.X r. BU.S. (V>RN, DMIO Sacks .Salt, 2i P.bls. Miillett.-. Oak,! Hid for sale. W P ELLloLl , •'>0-tf 1 iiiiliilier ,\11-' eiiatiie': I’r .i t It lli.-itoiy ot tile t rn-iailes, illustrated: M i.iiaii - -I iiiii'i-: llaniMh .\lore'> Works; pill- ill ll Live-; Boswell's Life of Dr. .Jolinson; N.ive!-- :iii-i l'al-s hy Maria l.'igeworth; .\ iditloii, liiiri\e and .lofmson . Works; .\ili:iiiair iiibli.iii '. itonie; Hadain , WoiKS; smus, hy Hutubolt; ,\1 -n an i \\ .•men ol tlie l.''tii I 'entury t>y Housaaye. rlie (iuide to Social llapp.iie.". by ,\lr.s. Elli.s; Sh tkspeare, I’.yrori, .Moore, S.- nt, Heniatis and other 1‘oets in \arioUs styles of liin iitig; The Boston Edition if the I’ritish Poets, Ac., Ac. (»ct. 2'.t. E. .). H.VLE .Ii Sti.N usually 011 s.ah W.M, IlAtiAR, .Jr. j .July a. WM HAGAR. .Jr., ^ CO [John Haoar 2.3-31 cal Books; School Books, Ac. May 2, 1857, E. .1. HALE & SON, DC7^ Hai-jM'r" Just rec’d. Magazine Ibr .Jiilv, E. J. HALE A SON.' i)U i:iJJX(, FOR S.\LE. '^■‘'Iir; Siili-^criher wishes to sell the large Dwelling ati>l Lot on the corner of (iillespie and P.ussell .'streets, at present occtijiied hy .'Ir. Henry Eramberi. Terms reasonable. E. .1. HALE. I

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