11^1 I S( I'UIN. •I 0(11 ’ M.v tf-n( . Kli , ■lipi >‘>rau, 1; Oovoili. fion vv‘ 1 nil Stu, .... 'ii. . es I iicili’.. .• , opjioi i : ; \ las . i, tl»e ; ‘ Oiin.t ' ‘ -ti jiidgiui I,:, j, llltiv.r. ‘lit :lu‘ iiv,. •liflUi' ■•tllO— ,J I". , ‘'AK. I', . 1’| -S t :,1 l; I-: ‘ ill i' l\> IC' I, 1 = , - An' til- ;1,. .. : M. INNi- ‘Rl\( me pr- ley are s au.ate' C , iu . ^1. : “ *itl»|. I - '1-; 'I.;- ••111- ' Dinii V w 1 lio le Rid, ^ s Th- ■ P t M d gre. ■ mpr..\. .sible • , e trav.- s.-, n st:i.-.- Spr': t- ■nvi . ?eli ai • eiper; ildil; : -il.pr. ll-l»“ll • i - = le P I' nil ers .ns for - 'i ■r j-Ip- inng e l;'en 1 be . ■ 1 11 -,p ■ Til AIM *K.' • t ) IIIH YlLE It chi ’ e 1, Linl u'aining joi _ ! .e ■ ,n,ij ill, ui. j ther- tue -■ >■ ,i;. IS 01- tiif my [ rcil;; U M nrr;: ■ t-h,. LAN, T •J4 t' hI lor Sail til.- r su> liner V ii.i'.- w ■ li'l : sfl'i 1 r.-j. V i: .’f It ■ ' ; L. : ti l R' liiu V L- ■-irien. .. epL Iliij’^ I Ivlii^ = ’ I- R. R. . .c iM L- . ' -e xh- :n. NWAiKK:' ward. b*r, i’ ut the m; y thf u irnc uf S1M"N or mchts high, ug .i..f,e:inince; i= iphiii^ i }'■ -,r I v:. irtr ' tnJ mav uej^; According '• iiu ’■ ! t believe i- ‘J., : : on 131^: R • the proof Ju • ir.^ ! >H. lukf . J: o.. ajipreheu.'i' ,te; I wil! :Hcient to Ci f r hM'boi." Tii.if to ■ ;.v liifnrinii' y rs (!>-iveJ. ‘AIHLEi 70^'.; l^, V, .V. . th in. i:;= J . eitl ^ tir«t i-, •‘C by ’• ' e h"ii I' A iil>. F -ifevi ■ » uAM He iii '-i, .in'i '' , -01- : vwr i ’ •t any suppose 1 ’ 1 If irneii * IALLKTT .'.0- It */ Hooks. |; 'Am S K M I - W K K K I, Y [VOL. Vll.j i'avkttkvii.Mm X. c., Ai (^rs r it, is:>7. I. II ! K .V S>> ^5. i:. Jifter t: L W0RK8 iliftractef I'lilNTF.Ii MONl)\YS \\I* nnnisi)\Y>J. . !■; I)WAI!I).I.IIAI.!; A S((\. ' LDir^ujs ani» I’liiiiM'vir.'i'or.s. I’rii'o I'i'r fho Sonii-Wookly (*n-i'.Kvrit Oi' if pni'l in •1 ivaiiro: "it! if piiid iluriii" the yt‘:ir ol rip- ] til'll; .ir ^4 afti'i- the y»':u' has expired. K r t!n‘ Wi'ekly dusKUvr.i; S'J 00 |i('r:imnun. it' i aid in ■ a ivaiH'o; >S1.’ '>0 if p.iid diiriii!! the year .d su1>scrii>- i tiiin: >r Oi) afti-r the year lias cxi'irod. ■\DVKIlTlSr.MFA rs insertoil fur sixty iM-iits per P'luaro I'f Itilines for the first, and thirt_v cents for eaeh ■ BUi-i’eediii^ publication. Yearly adverti-ieiiients liy .-pe- * cial iMUtracts, at reasonable rates, Ailverti>eis are n‘'pu’sted to state the inunber df iii'ertimis desired, or they will t'O c.iiltimied till forliiil. and ch:ir;;ed :if.-,ird- | ingly. 1 Advertisement': to l>e inserted charfred ')0 per j cent, extra. | Donaldson AcadcMuy. I r|‘'IlV', next Session >f this Institution will Ittfgin uii | M 'ulay the lilbt of f!cpteiiiber, under the joint . eliarpe "l M' fiioM.Ks J. Ruiunmin and Mr. (Jruitiu: [A.i'v'U'.' T!i'' .\fa if.ny buildinj; is pleasuutly situ nted -n Hay M-'Uiit, aii'l, in it> location, combines the > -'a Iv int.i^'i'.' f ample room for tlie out-cloor exercises i »'ot the Stii'O'iits, and freodoni from all causes of hin- di-riiH C in the diligent pursuit of tlieir studies. Ir i' the desire of the Instructers to make this a and tlio3' eall upon Parents an 1 . ■;:u::rdians t': :iid them, ''y their pat"ona:e in the ac- i iiil lishineut of this purpose, beliovinj: that there i - iii Fayetteville and its vicinity a sutlieient nuinl'Cr of i;. v-- t.i 'Upi'ott such :ui Institution. TERMS OF Ti rnoN: 1 T i’rliiiary Students, per se's'.oii, ; l!0 weeks. oO i ■' Advanced Enjli'b IS uU •' t'iassical •• “ 'lo Oi> i •' i'ontingencies •• 50 i :>ne half of tuition fees t;^ be paid in advance. i Semi-Annual reports of the scholarship ot euch Roy ' will Ije sent to ttie Tarent or l.iuar liuu. I’ayettcvillc, .\ug. 8, 1837. VJ-tOl AXM AL MKiynXG. f|lIIE ANNL'AL MKKTING of the Stockholder^ of M. the Fayetteville and .MIteninrle I’lank Roa'l«'oni- pany will take place in Fayetteville, on Thursday fl*e Ausrust. .I.\S, (1. Pres't. .\u;.’ >t 1^57. -I'J-tm ! I'O \iES V. fl^IlF ST'iRFS and W.MiFHtJlSK.-^ lieloni:;ini![ tii : ft til'- I'-tate "f .I'dia K. .Nli'Guire, will lie rented on Satii! lay next. 15th inst. Pos'ies'^ion given on 1st S'-rr,.7u-.,r. Rontin; t-.' take place .at iL* o’clock. J jAt ti.'- same tiuie and place, several MULLS and H ii;. E.-, \VAG»NS, t'ARRIAGES, , will l>e soM. The ,1()RL'.\N L»\VKLLI.NG on IVrs.m Street is : r Rent. Aj i'lv t- \ 'I ’ VMPRELL. \iu^ s ' ■'.■2- I'OU SALK. 0 Ai RES L.VND lying on eaidi si'le of the M. ;itheru Piank l! 'a i, aliout 'J inile» from I avetteville. Eii'iuire ^.f ; .lAMES HANKS Att y. i ■A’lpii't l‘>, 18':7. FOK SALK. I ^r^HE ubscriber desiring to emigr.ate to the West, , otfers for sale his entire LANDS, including about ax hundred acre , generally known as Chalk Level, lying in the upper eu'l of Harnett county, ;) mile> East of Cape Fear I’iver, an'l on the roft'l leading from Fay- : etteville to Chapel Hill. Store, Uwellinu-, (>ut Hou'^es, all in first rate order. The Store is at a fine busine.'^'^ stand, and is not to be excelled by any country store in the State. There are : lio upon the premises an e.’ccidlent well of water with in lo or 20 steps of the Mouse, a line young orchar'l of Fniit Trees, a Tan Yard in perfee* order, which pays Wfli when in operation. Also, a Blacksmith Shop with Tools, ic. Any pers'.n wishing to purchase su(h a place would i do well to call an'l examine it for themselves. I aii^^^ determined t'j sell, an 1 will make terms ea'^y for th^^^ purchaser. A. H. I>EWAH^ ' N. li. The place is one ol the healthie--t in the South- t rn country. •Vugusi I, 18*>7. ''l-’tf • I! refer oiir rea l'r- t t W W the .I’.tna Insiiraiu e t which will In' found in aiiothiT fill institution wa.s iiio.'rpoi itt c .;iniial ^t.lt^■nlent ol mipaiiv, of llalllor'i, I'liimn. Tlii : iicce«.s- i l.v tiic l,ct:islatiive of Mi:i)[('\LroLLK(d:or \ SESSION 1857-58. t'onnciliiut in 'SI'*, witli -i l orpriu.ii cli.-irter. lt--i capit'il i- S-'ihO.'iOO. aii'l ■i-' ro’cunni'atii'iis excecl , xSU(i,nilO niore, ni.ikii'(!: ils culire .i>set-: ovei' >>'''0*'.- , (lOO, investf'l det iile.l in the >;atement roferrci t" These results in lii-atc that dnriim tiie peri*''l i t nearly f'li'ty years sinoe it' oi-ani/ in ii. ^ vith'Uil :i single ehaiig'e of its chief .dli. er, i its bu>iness h.is b.-cn c^'ti- 'liictC'l with iU'liiii!ent aii'i prudence. It has l*e ii tiius far successful in an eiu'Ticiit 'le;.irt o, dischartring, as we are informeil, all its oblin.iti ins 1>y the ]';iynieii' ; ot about / ■ ' ■’ .lor 1. -ses, without asking a ilav‘.s delay in any ins aiice. It lias had but little lit- ! igation, notwithstaniiing the iinmcn e number oi trans- ' actions ma'le. In ordfr t'l attain a' tiiU'di i;, as i pos.'ilile in such a Kiisiness as in.^uranei-, it has lieen . the practice of the (’oinpuny, b i- several years, at i great lalior, carefully t.i clas:If\ and arr;uige their risks into about fifty distinct cl.-i'ses. as to ascertain the amount insured on each ela.'s. the amount of pre miums receivtf'l there in, an ! the aiiiount id' los.ses up on each. This c!assitii-ati"n. cxtenditig over a long , period.aii'l covering pro]ierty to a very large amount,I'ui - ni-ihes reliable data, au'l I'lC'^tntb a souii'i, sut'stantial basi^ of actual experience, ipoii which to cini.luci its liusiness. Insurance isnot a ina.tter -d luek or chance, as many suppose: its hazarils are ascertainable, and its j.rineiplcs cap.ible of being reduced t'l' a system, the practical working aii'l results of which are as certain as that of any other businc.'S 'I'he .l!tiia Company, by a'lhering rigidly to its >y>tem, aii'! ji’acing it.- tnisi- ness u]'on a healthy basis, has oKt.iiiied the conti'lcnce ■ ot the community to an exlent sui p i.'m I hy no other (.'onipatiy in the C. State.--, ati 1 iias incrca.-cd its lm>i- ness ati'l its income tVoui year to year with a steady growth. One great •-source of its security is the wi'le • listriliutiou ot ils risks—a ; dicy whiidi it pursues with great strietiies-—limiting the amount to be cov- ^ ered in each locality. Hy thir. co',ir>e it ha> passed, with compar.ative impunity, lhr"rgi .,f the ni'ist sweeping and destructive tires, w hie'- nave v. nlb'We 1 u]» otlier companies less cautious in their business, it is a system like this, lia-^cl upon experience, which gives st;i>iility and soiit!dnes.-i t" a company, .and to the a.j- sured confidence and security. — /. i. • . • ■ i:tm i.\!iiiii.\(i; (iiMiM.w. HAirri'oui), conv INCORPORATED ISl'.;. rHARTER PI'.RPETLAl, Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. HR.VCH, 1’resi'lent. K. (i RIPLEY, Vice Pr.‘- siilent. T. \. LI .\.\N DEI!. Secretiirv. Dii:ki roi:'. — T. K. P.raco, S. Tu'I'ir, .1. ('Iiuieli. R. Huell, M. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. .\. I’.ulkeley, R .Mather, I', ti. Ri]'’cy. S. S. \\ .ir^l. II. /,. I'r iii, O !■' .\. Duiihani, l>. H ;ilv' r, T Alexaii'ler. U Ills, ' ite Davis Keney. The .\;-;et'; .are mainly inve te'l in St"ck-^ .iii l lb l'a\ing iiitere-t, w th ^l7J,' i l ' I "f c . h 'ii 'b ]' in the H.artf'ir'l Hanks, t" meet 1^ e Losses due aii'l unpai'l — none Losses adjusted aii'l n t due. ‘^Jl. ll ; Losses in su'^pen^e, liting turth.er pr i t, \c., >>7'i,- .''oO 1>. L' sses re'ii>te'.\ ^su--pi'. i..ns ..f IV .nd, \c. ; ^ l''.'.7'“ 1'-. !'ent of the ‘it' ve (' 'm] ;nv in Favetteville, N. V ■ E. .1. ’ll \LE. BOERII AVE’S IIOLLAAi) HiiTKSiS TUB CKIJ:HK.\TKIi )['Vl.I,.ANr) I'.KMKHY VOR DYSP3GPSIA. nisKvsi: OF Tin: kidxkts, LIVER COr\/IPL.AI NT, WEAKXKSS OF ANY KIXD, FEVER AND AGUE. OLD RVi: WIIISKKV. ^■IIIE Subscriber is tne onl}' authorisecj agent in Fayetteville for the sale of the Hon. R. C. Pur- :. -ar'' ('e’lebrated 0/.f> « 1’#: li'ff f.S’K #J 1 He will be supplie'l with this superior Whiskey to ’H'‘ft the demanil. W. DRAUGHON. Fayetteville, March ‘.tO-tf srATKOF NORTH c:aroijxa, CUMBERLANI) CorNT\ . * ' )Uit ut' Pleus and Quarter .‘^e.-'rtioa.s, June Term, K):. Joseph R, Blossom vs. Charles Holland ■ ludicial Attachment, Levied on Horses. .Mule>, and Turpentine Still, belonging to (’harles Holland. IT appearing to the satisfaction of the (,'ourt, that Charles Holland, one of the defendants in this case, is not an inh;ibitant of this State, it istherei'ore order- e.l. That publication be made in the Fayetteville Ob server, notifying the said Holiaii'l of the levy on his property, an'l reipiiring him to appear at the next Term of this Court, to be lieM for sni'i County, at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the 1st Monday in September next, ati'l replevy an'l jdead, or judgment w illVje rendered against himau'l theprojierty levied on ^iol'J to satisfy the pliiintill's claim. Witness, .lohn .McLaiirin, Clerk of our sai'l Court, at otlice in Favetteville, the 1st Monday in.lune D. 1)7. ■ JOHN McLAURIN, Clerk. .\ug I. :5l-tc KDliEWURTII FE.MALE SEMLVAKY, OREENSHORO’, N. C. raiHE next Session of this Institution will commence M. on Mondaj’, August -ol, l.'s.jT. The Course of Study is thorough and systematic, '■mbracing every tiling necessary to a complete, solid ^ and irnament.il e'iiic.ifion The buil'iings are so ar range.) ;is to combine the Cfimforts of ;i home with the a'lvanta'^e ,,f u ■cho'd. .Instructors of the highest 'I'lautieatioii! are cini.liiye'l in ea'h of the DepartmoTits. No iustituti'ju in the cmintrv possesses advantage'* superior t" E'lgew :rtli. Catalogue containing .'ill ueces>^.iry infonnafion re specting the cour-i‘ ot in'-1niction, terms, \'c., will be forwarded, on applieiit;.,n to RK'IIAKD S'l KRLl.Nt;, Principal, Greensboro', N. July 1::, 18.'i7. Kpriii;; .Slock, Is.-ir. E. F. MOORE, Wliolfsalf lirorer and I'oininissioii llrrdi:ini. Has just received in Store, 21'i liarrels Whiskey ami IJiuiidy. •>5 “ and lihds. of .'^tigur, a‘i.s’(d. 7’> Sacks Kio Cotl'co, •JOU “ Salt. :>0 linxo? .'^1,'da liiscuit. ’andios, Soa['S, (’andlo.s, SnufJ', ('igais, Ac. Xc- All of which will be sohl on liberal terms. March 10, I8''j7. Kt»ti \ml ibo \ tr.MU'i riTltTtioii . .isrijurni u|>-»n a ^Lisoril* rc‘ij STOMA(’II (>U LIVKR, ■ Sill h :i' Iniliiresliiin. \i i'liiy o: th.' .Sioinai h. C"l" ky I’.tlnr Mearitiiirn. I.uss ot \|i|'etui’ Iii -[i. nil. in \ . I i'-iivcni-I!11lid ’iml I’.let'ilini; I’ile-;. In all .Verv.ms, iUii'UiiMiir. .tinl Xciir.i'i; r .\iUt- ' tions.il has in iiiiiiier'Hi' iii't iiire- |To\eil litsilih hrnelici.il, inil iti oIIh T' ellcctcil a lfi idcil cun Thi- is a piircU vo'jct iliU* r"rtii>"nnil |irc[i irc.l .>n 'Ir'Ctly l ien t ill prmi iiites, alter ilie iirinner oi ih.‘ relelir ilcil Il'illaniN’r" . li -.:ior. H'K-rh ive. ItccHli-'e •.!' il' t -in c e ' in iii"'t ol'the ; Kuro|ie;in-'late', it' inlroiliirl'jui into itie I nit.al .•'lates u^i' in I ten.ied more e'|wi'ially I'lr llm-p "I' "iir l.illier'and si alti roil here and there over the f.o e oi' thi.i m uhiy r.ii.niry .Meiaini: willi ::rcat siicress ruiioni.’ ltn in. 1 n nl!'i r i; ' ' I'n- .\iiicri' an im!'!.' . know in" that it-i trill y U'indtrriil iiieili iiiai -.iriiie' inii't In; " I knowlcdsed. i It is partiitilarly rci 'iiinnenil'') t'l ili'i- ' tions may have licen iini' iir. d liy tin jliirils. or other loiiii'ol diss pT.t.im. I etlLit. it tind'its way d rKt yl " ilii . •! ut o; : iinirkcnin!” every nervi'. r li'ini! np the dr.’opiiiL' 'p rii I tai't, inHisini£ new health and vii; ir in the system. .NOl'M K—Whoev. f e\liei'ls t.i liii'! this a lit \er i'.'0 w ill lie li - ! a|ipointed: Init to the sick, weak and 1"W - pirileil. it « II pr'>\c a i iriitetiil ar'iiiiatic ( "rdial. p'xse'^ed ol >in:;ii' ■ r reiii.'ili i priipertn'. ( • \ I • I I I . .\ The creat pupiilarny ut thi''leiuiiii .. \mnia has iiiiliircil neuiv liiiit.itions. whn h the pnlili.’ >h"Ulil rnrtr'l : i;iiii't pun h I'lni; ; i!e ii"t iKT'ii idcd to linv iuntiiini: . n .tu ji.ii h.ivi L’iv. ii r.'n r : have's Holl.inil Hitters :i I lir tri;ii. C)ne hi'tiic » 11 .unv ii^re yil I h'm inlin'tely siiperinr it i- I" all tlic,e inc iti-.i:- i .it i|(Mi piT liotlle. or - i\ l".|t'.'. I'lr s‘,(hi i.y th, ^ SO 1,4’. !■ It »I’ i: I i: I I> I! . isi:\j.\m\ .hi. a >. ■intiiUMU-v M'»- nf:inl«‘nl '• « ill» in'>i inl.int'i.us in • t nt' i;j'-. ihrillinL' -tnl I. in PH.\RMACi:i’TISTS AND CilF.lMISTS, riTTMM.ROlI, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole :igent for F’ayetteville. •lune I 1, lS'i7. Di- »r‘ \‘w («)o!s. i^llHE subscriber is ri'ceiving his F.\LL ..\ND W'lN- M. TRR STO(’K, consisting ot almost every thing in the way of tiat'du'are ami iioNotr-trttrr^ —ALSO-- [Jools aiu! Ikk’S, , I'isli, .Any of which ho will sell cheap foi- ('ash, b.irter for Produce, or on short time. Store recently occiiiiied hy Troy iV Marsh, near th“ DobKin llou.se. (J, W. I. COLDSTON. Oct. 1-J, I8')ti. 48tf FOR SALK. SfEl’L'S PATLNT CCTTINC KMFi'. An article much more liighl\ ai'jirovcd. by .all who h.ive fried them, than any other now in use .Apply to 't'hi' S'titforif it tilt’ South! July S', 1807. kOSF.. ;■! t'.w .1 OH \ I). S H \ W , ^TTOI5\i:V AB’ LAW, ROCKIN(iii.\M, liK'li.MoXii t ul NTY, N. ILl, attend the ('oiirts of Richmond, .Anson aii'l w Piobfeson. AH 1iu-.iness entrustC'I to his care will receive strict attention. June 18, 18'57. next .\nnnal Course of Lectures will coni- H iricnce on the I st of October, IS.'>7, at the College P.iiil'ling, corner of Marshall and('ollege streets, I’ich- niond, aii'l terminate on the 1st ef March, IS'.S. .'surgery and Siirgic.il \n:iioiny, I'V I'll Mil.KS BkI.I. tilliSllN, M D. The.'i\\ aii'l i’ractice ot Medicine. by I) will II. Tl I'KKR. M D. Chemistry aU'l Pharmacy. by M Ml I IN P. Sron, M. D. Materia Medica ami Tiierapeutics. liy H R Wr.i.i.KiU!!), .M. D. -\natemy, by Ain iii !! L. Pktk’di.as, M. I), in.'titntes ol' Medicine an'l MedicjU Juris/irudence, by I.KVI.N S. .(OYNKs, M. D. ili^tetrics ami Di^eascs of Women and ('liiMren, by J \.Mi;s II Cii.swAV, M. 1). Demonstrator of Anatomy, M.mmiin Howakii, .M. D. Tiie study of Practical .\natoiny may be prosecuted with the most ainpile t'acilitics and at a ver^’ trilling «‘xpense. ( linical Lectures are regularly given at the College Intirmaiy. This Intirmar}’, under the same roof with the College, ia at all times well lille'l with Mclical and Surgical cases, and furnishes peculiar facilities for t'linical instruction. Many Surgical Operations are iierforme'l in the j.reseiioe td' the class, aii'l the Students being daily admitted to the wat'Is, enjoy, under the guidance of tile Professors, unusual opportunities for becoming familiar, not only with the symptoms and diagnosis of 'lisease, but with its daily progress ati'l treatment. Amount of Fees for Lectures, i^IOJ Ou Matriculation Ft'c, 5 uo Practical Anatomy, 10 Oo Graduating Fee. 00 The price ot Board, including Fuel, Lights and .Ser vants' attendance, varies from to •So per week. The Catalogues, containing fuller information con cerning the Instimtion, will bc,forw.irde>l to those who ajiply for it, ur specific in'juiries will be answercl by letter. L. S. ,IO\NKS, M. 1)., Dean of the Faculty. July L'l-IawSw A(*rt*s ol* liUiHl rOK SAI.K. ^jllllH Suliscribers otl'er for sale the above Tract of M. Laii'l, lying on .Anderson's Creek, about two ai.d a half miles from lower Little River, near Klliot’s Mills,—including about One Hundre'l .Acres of goo'l Swamj'i, which can be easily draineiL This Lan‘1 is very lie.ivily timliere'l, Jiii'l a large portion level and if sujierior quality of Pine LaU'i for cultivation. Also, a t'ifiMihir .STL.A.M ,'^.AW-MII L, in complete oT'ler .in'l well a'lapte'l to sawing plunk roa'l aU'l rail roa'l timber'i. .\ls'i, Tw'i well-br.ike ML'LKS .\ll, or any p 'rtion "t which, will Le S'd'l low aU'l on time. The Laii'l will lie sobl either in a bo'Iy or in t'ar.-els to suit. SMI TH ..V KLLlOT. .\jiril 's I.'''j7. '.'7-tf NO lUMIilX;' ^I ^ II K sul'‘-'criber is now prepare'l to fill .all oriler-' ■ 1 lor Superior IWtter Itiirkrts. He manufactures North C.irolina material he em ploys North Tarolina capital and labor,—and he solicits -North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, anil by comparing his with Northern prices, be hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. .V TRI.AL is what he wants. -Messrs. WORTH L’TLEV of this place are .\gent-^ for the sale of the above Buckets. G. H. MAKEPKACK. Fayetteville, Fc' y 17, 1857. ^‘--3’ NKW srppLVor statioxkrv. M M r F, arc just receiving further supplies of ▼ ▼ ST^lTHf.VKit 1*, Embracing Letter, Bath Post, Note and Cap Papers, in great variety; English and French Envelopes, whi te an'l colorc'l: Tissue Paper, tJillott's an'l Perry's Steel Pens, Pen Holders. Rc'I Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, ' Ivory au'l Boxwoo'l Pocket Rulers, Mathematical In struments in cases. Hand Clips, Pink Tape, Quills. | Pen Racks, White Rubber, Sand Boxes, ^c.; Banker’s ' Cases, Pocket .Memorandums and Pocket Books; Yan kee and French Pcncil .''harpeners; Cloth .Stretchers, for marking with indelihle ink; Rodgers' Pen Knives: Portfolios; Maynar'l ft Noyes anil Davi'Is' Inks, i^'c- .Also, 1 ('ase superior English SL.ATES, assorted sizes. E. J. HALE &. SON. -May II, 1857. Xi:(JROi:s WAXTKD. r|iHE lui'lersigned will jmy the highest cash price for YoL'N'ti NEtJROES. Letters addressed to eitli“r of us at Laurinburgh, Richnion'l county, will , have pr'.iiupt attention. D. C. MclNTYRE. DANIEL M. McLAURLN. ' Laurinburgh, Dec. lib, 185(». (>8tf DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S CKI.KHRA'rrj) RVi: WHISKKV! ! "'I'^llE subscriber has made arr.^ngements to keep a I supply of the Genuine .Article, and is the only . .Agent for the sale of the above brand of .A No. I Rve ^^'hiskcy in thi.s place. ROB’T MITCHELL. .May 4, 1857. 5tf Type Foundry and Printer’s Emporium, ESTvBLLSHED IN 1818. \NM. II \(J \K, Jr., cV CO., fwold .■%€» Vorli f’ily. •'’yi'^lIK subscribers desire to advise their friends and H. the Printing Interest generally, that since the late lir‘, which injured only the manufacturing de- ' partment of their establishment, they have entirely refitte'I the same with new inrTrhiuery, and haveavail- I ed themselves of the opportunity to introduce A’ 17;A' y MODERN IMPRO IILMES T \ which long e.xperience and capital can comm ind; and ‘ that they have therefore uncipialled facilities for pro ducing I of superior excellence and durabilifj-, ;nul tor suppl3’- I ing all orders for the same with great accurateness j and promptness. Our NEW SPECI.MEN H()OK, (just I issued,) will be freely given to all who wish to pur- ■ chase, when applied for. Printers will please be par- I ticular in directing how it may be sent. We also furnish every article needt'd in a i'rinting i Office, at manufacturers’ prices. ! MAC’HINE AND HAND HOES', TAYLOR’S, I ADAM.^’, ‘ KS.SSi.S iu'CGLES’, 0'h(is*'^s iPiftiHonU M*rt’ss, (of which we are sole agents in thiscit}’,) and of every other maker in the United States; Ink, Cases, Stands, Imposing StoneH, Composing .Sticks, Galleys (brass and wood.) Chases, Furniture, kc. Orders will be filled for Paper, Card.s, and Printer’s Stock of every kin.l. Electrotypiug and Stereotyping in all their Branches. Type (Copper-Faced to order. Old type received in exchange for new at cents per ]ioiind, if delivereil in sixty days from the date of pui- chase; if later, but six cents per pound. Publishers of newspapers who insert this advertise ment three times, with this note, ati'l forward us a paper containing the same, will be paid in printing materials, by purchasing four times the amount of their bill I'or the a'ivertisement. SEi’ON D-H .\ND PRESSES (.Macl'ine and Hand) usually on sale \VM H.\G.‘»R, .Ir., ij- Cf>. Wm. H.aoak, .If | [Jons H.\o.^r .lulv 8. 23-.St ...a? RE.'sPECTKL'JJ.,)' inform.s his friends and the jmblio, that he ha.s built up large substantial Brick Buildings at iiis Oid Stand. e.\pressly for man ufacturing Carri;.ges. Thankful for the very libera' patronage he has receive'l for the last 21 years, he hopes l>y strict attention to business, with a desire to give sati.'tuction, to merit a ooutintiance of the sante. He warrants his work ti> be maile ol the best inateiial anti b^- e.\perieuced workmen in each bratich ol the bu.siness. llis work will ooaijiare lavoral.ly with .any ma.le in the Uniteil .'i^t.ites, f'lr neatness and iluraliility. He is ilelermine'l to sell aii'i do any work in his line on as good terms a' any work done elsewhei e thai i.'i .as well done. Heii'iw h r. on hand, Fi.nisiik.i), the LARGEST Sl'OCK of f a rn .s, lifiroifclns, Hix'l, men mid Ever ollered in this jdace, au't a very large stock of Work nearly iinislie.l, which will be tinishe'l daily. -All of which will be sold very low tor (,’.\sii, or on short time to punctual customers. He has on handinore than ONi: HUNDRED .\ N D FIFTY Vehi cles tinished au'l in coiii-se of const metion. SfSr ■VII woi k made iiy liim is Warranted 1 2 months with fair usage, ami should it fail by li.d workmanship or inateiial will be repain-'l tree ot charge. Persons wishing to buy woubl do well to c.all atol examine for them.selves. (Irders tha’.ik fully received an i pronij tly a t tended to. Repairing execute.1 at short notice and on vfry re'ison.able terms. .May 28, 185 !. HC^-tf I W I1K.\ r \\ A.NT Kit. W.\N r to purchase .'),Ouu Bushels \Vheat. J.\s. i: June is.jii. '(lO K K;-tf MOL ASS KS. 9^ II II D.'^. jut receive'l an.J for : ale I.y "F .lAs. (;. (M»K •,1 -M. r>i- ‘•'riio ()|fl Slal(‘ Hi l»y Caruther.s, tir.'t .sJeries, \ t'nrtiiei supply iiist re ceive.1 .\lso, the 2'1 S(*ries of the .same work. E J. HALE .V SON 81111'. Suliscril'er, iia\ing taken tlie (ii;ner il \u'n' \ I'll '.rciliiig .'ul'Sciilicis I o aii'l'leli M-ring lla\sk-'- llislory ot Noitli I’aroliria, now in process of ]iuli!ic i- . til'll liy Mcs.’is. E. .1. Hale .'sou ol' Fayellc\il!e. is j • lesii'ous of entering into an engagi'iiicnt witii one oi moi'i' active, intelligent aii'l reli.ildc jier.'-'Ois in each Ilf the Judicial Circuits, to caiiv.iss tiieir respective ■ parts of the State, or jiarticular counties, thoroughly, i Immediate ajij lication is ilesireil. as sample eoj>ies ot I the tirst volume will will be rei'l.\ in a few .1.;', -. i I'li'lonlitC'! testimonials as to character niu-t ac coiiipany each .application. .V'Mress 11. W. lUiRN Fayett‘ville, Dec. lS5(i. 'il- i rii rin:R srppi.v oi- ijooks. ■^IHE American .\hflauac for lS5i; JL Kane's .\rctic Exploration; Drajier's Physiology; i The Private ('orrespondence of Daniel Webster; | The .Vmerican Sportsman, by Lewis, illustrated; ; A New Life of Summertield, by U'illet; j (,'ount Hugo, the Miser, iS:c., by the same author; Tiie Torch Light; Tuck’s Selections for Sabbath Rea'ling; Brown’s Bible Dictionary; The -Aineri'-an L'e!)ater; I'pham's .M(‘iit:i! Phil- osojihy; .Mexander’s .Moral .Science; ,yc. E. J. HAfj: .s; SON. SEW ROOKS Com. Perry's .lapan Expe'lition, illustrate'!. ; Collier .S: .lewett’s Edition of the original Text ol I .‘^h.'ikspeare’s Plays Restored. I Farmingdale; The Lion of Flanders, or tlie Rittlc ; : of the Golden .Spurs; The (Jurse of the Village. a;c.; i Jvitto's D.iily Bible Illustrations; Kitto's Popiil.ir (Cy clopedia of P.iblical Literature; Barnes' Note- on tlie j Books of .lob and Revelations; Half Hour.-; v. itli the ; best .Authors, — Knight's LoU'lon E'iition, ‘J V"1 .: Halt I Hours with the best Poets. Revolutions in Ilurope, down to iMpi. Webster's L’niversity aii'l Family Prun iincing Dic'y Juvenile tind School Books, St.ation.ai. ,\.' I Just rec'd by E. J. I! \i... .y SoN, I Nov 1 7 (a AXO! (.r \N )!! ^BIH E undersigne'l asks the attention ot' Farmer'. ' JL Planters and Dealers to his .Stock of best 'piality , Guanoes, ;ill of which he will sell at tlie lowest m.ir- ket rates. ' “.I" PERUVIAN GC.Wo . . '.e latest importa tions an'l liest ijiiality. ; .MEXICAN (;l'\‘'> 'if the be.sl eargoe imported. COLC.MlilAN CU.VNO, v ly li .Also, Super-Phosphate l.iim OF !'■ 'viiob, . executed in the tu'st manner Old C'lmia II Pravers. Bibles, anil other.s, re botiii'l ill the same style they were bet'ore. This will save t lie i epiirchase oi new books. Librarians connecte'l W'.ih oHci'.es, ;iiid other 'iieieties, at^I also gentlenieti residing at a ilisiance. will tin.l it a matter of economy to get tlieir books bouii'l hero, as a 'lediiction of prices wi’l he m.i'lc ii]i"n large OT'lers; Pack them and seu'l li-.cm with particular 'lircctions to thi.s rsffiblishment; and when finishe I. they will be carefully repacked anil returned without delay. I have tiie best stock of materials; aiol workman- 'liip win comjiare with any either at tlie North or S.'Otli. .\p]i!y for a list of Biii'ling prices liefore going else where. 'I'he uiidei'.signed respectfully .solicits a share ot patronage. THOS. H. T1LLINGII.AST, -Anderson Street. Nov. -'i, 185'i. 54-Y LAXI) I'OR SAf.K. .Vt’RES OF L.VND lying on upper Little River, in Harnett Countj’, well timbered and well locate'l for the Turpentine business. It will be sold on accommodating terms, .\pply soon to the Siiiiscriber at Fayetteville WM. McL. McKAY. Sept. ‘JL’, l^'-'.i.. 11-tf n l)F,i:i> l!l\ KK COAI.. ITCMlNttUS C(),\L of the best >|ualitv can be had at tiie works ■,) Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. May -Jl . WM. .McCLANE, Mining Engineer. (1-tf \\7/f> ss'orijf iiA VI-: Tnorain it? .} nt'ic ('nn'Utijf Estn},lhhmont on the MiHtari/ (In i opjuniitr ihf Mrthftih'st ('hurrh, /'I'tiifiiit/ oil Mumfonl Strrrf. Il in Pho; ph; , B'ine Dii'l. rg’^in; suii ^ fneiil Purchaser': may rely on i. ^v.ng their (iii.aiio hlppe.i in jirime order and in superior b.ag-. I'he gi'iii-ral satisfaction heretofore 'ziv- a by all (iiiaiioes ■ nM by the .'subscriber, he hoj.' will lie a sullicieiil ;.^uar.antee that all .articles • oM by him wiil be fouiid a- reia-'-- sente.1 ' WILLIAM RoHlNSoN, * Nos. 1 and 'i Hollingsworth Street. Near Pratt .'^treet Wharf. # Baltini'ire, .\|.l. Jul}’ 1. -I - an I'OR ri:n r. ^BIIIH sr>RE on the C'lriier of Hay and Dona! I.smi 9 Street-. ne\t 'loer to H ,v E .1. Lilly's. .\i'i'ly Dr. I'OlLKES. July ‘_’o. (.RK\ r IvN'l'KRPRISK! ill4> I'O lx>iiiil |» Siiiii«‘!! ici-s wolibt re-pectl'ull^’ inform their I the pul.He, that t he3’ have enterc'l itiloe.i)iartni-t liipf..r the purpose fif conducting the ■eneial C .\ 1! Iv! .\ ('. 1', P.USlNE.'ss in all ils various part':. .\U‘l tieiiig both jiraetical workmoa, fully un 'ier t-i III ill" I liei r btisine'--, they have itohcflitation to c .nij.ai c w '1 K sv' -il aii3’estaliii'hment i-i -tteville a . (.1 -.1 .le aa.l i ii ra-'il i t y . One of tiie tiiiii aiaI.e ku'-wn by tcl, . . jO to ,A. H. WhitfieM s iron w.'' i; tor the lasi two yenrs. We warr.iiit all work to give general s itisfaction for t w eive montli Repaii iiig d'liie in llie neat e;,t uialiner low for ;ash PIER .V BRANIN. .Ia'u:s M. Pik;; Jami;s Br.win. Fiyel t''vi!ie. .1 an'y 1, 1 .M.'r! ti'Jtf • Pfrhie rnr*lo r • .1. W. RAK'KR Is now rocL’iviiig fVoiu the North tlie largest, finest, ;iinl most carefully so- 1 ecte'i stock of i l I TI Ki: ever ortere'l in'tiiis maiket; which, a'Me.l to his own nianufactiire, makes his ass'ortment complete;—all ot w hich ho will stdl on t he In we't possible terms for cash or on time to imnctu.al customers. Fashionable paintcl cottage bed-room Furniture in .setts; curled h.-iir and shuc'si, an.l cotton .Mattrejses; Looking Glasses; illow \S .-igons aii'l Cradles: .Siile Boards: Bureaus: Secret.-tries atnl Book-Cases: What- Nots; Tables, .all sorts; Wash Stan'Is: Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Fr.ames and Glass: Witi'low Shades; Cornices; Curtain Hands; Solas in Mahog;iny aii'l Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine KuscwooJ Pianos, one with .l']oliaii At tachment: Rosewood Melodians, t'rom the bet manufac tories in New \ .»rk atnl Boston, warrantC'J as good as au3’ made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only ad'lo'l. November 2. -15-tf li.iW IS4H>RS. jl^IIE Sub.scribers have oil hnn'l, au'i will promptly M. fill or'lers for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Iredell's Digest and Digested .^Ianual. .Jones's Digest. Revised .'statutes of North Carolina. Wiley’s New Form Book. STORY, on .Sales, Bills, (’ontracts, Partnersiiip, .\gency, F^piity Jurisprudence, Ei}uity 1‘leadings. -ARCH BOLD, on Practice, I'riminal Practice and Pleading, Landlor.l aii'I Tenant. I CIHTTY, on (’ontracts, Crimin:il Law, Blackstone, ; .Medical Jurisprudence. SUGDEN, on Vendors and Property. P(.)W1']LL, on Mortgages, an.1 Contracts. SMITH. on .-\ctions at Law, .Master and .Servant, Landlord and Tenant, ('hancery Practice. SANDERS, on Plea'ling aii'l Evidence, Uses .ami Trusts, Hejiorts. RL'.SSELL. on .Arl'itration, Factors, Crimes. HOFF'M.\N'.s Legal .study, .-ind.M.-isters in Chancery. WILLI.VM.S on Personal Propertj’. ^VHE.ATO.^''S Selwyn's Nisi Prius. WH.VRTON, on \American Law of Homicide, .Medi cal Jurisprudence, .State Trials in the L’l’itcl .States, .American Criminal Law, Law Dii^ionary. ! Siephen on Pleading. Roper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Fearne on Item.-iinders. E'lwards on B;iil- ments. ’oke upon Littleton.^ llargr.-ive and iJutlcr’s) new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis's «litto. Dart's Vendors ati'l Purchasers of Real Estate. .\il- ains’ ICi]uity. Tronbat’s Law of Limited Partnerslfip. Hughes’ Eipiity Draughtsman. Phillip.s and .Amos on I Evidence. Gresley on Law of Evidence. Ross on I Eiils :»nd Promissorj- Notes. Domat's Civil Law- '. ,wis's L. S. ( I'iminal Law. Daniell's Chancery •iit ctice. rtoscoe's Criminal Evidence. .Atherley on I Law ol Marriage. Coilyeron Pnrtnership. CJreen- n Evidence. Oliver on ('onveyancing. Curtis's ■ (Lo-y;y.ancer. Burrill’s Law DictionaK}’. Cruise on , i'.bai Property'. Taylitr's Law Glossary’. Crabb on Ileal Property. Keeve.s’ Domestic Relations. Byles on Hills. Hell on Sale. Lee on .Arbitration of Titles ' .Sharswoo'l’s Profession.-il Ethics. Barton’s suit in Ei|uity U'ills on Circumstanti.-il Evidence, (’oniyn's Landlord ami Tenant. Watson on .Arbitration. Mar- on Discovery. Oliphaiit on Horses. Whitworth’s Equity Precedents. .Morrison Replevin. Giesley’s F^quity Evidence. Bishop on .Marriage .-ind Divorce. ■Miithew’s Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on Suc cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of Perpetuity. Phillimore on Domicil. Carj- on Part nership Wilson on Uses. F’cll on (Juarantees. New- land on Contract.^. Tamlyn's (’hancery Evidence, ,^c. These or other Law Hooks ordered will he supplied to the Professsion in any part of the State on reason I able terms. E. .1. H.VLE .• .soN- I Fiii’flier NiipplirM of llook^. i^SIHE AMERICAN CITI/EN, by Bishop Hopkins: ' JL Praed's Poetical Works; .Milledulcia, from j Notes an'l (Queries; .Mackey's Lexicon of Free-Mason- ; ry; Dictionary of Poetical liuotations: Mitchell’s j Iravellers’ Guide; (Questions to Jacobus’ Notes; .Medi cal Books; .School P.ooks, .tc. ! E. J. HALE & SON. 1 May 2, 1857. A CARD. fflHE uti'lcrsigne.i would respect/'iillj' inlorm M. obi frieii'ls aiel customers that he can be f.i hi- un.l at the Store of (’. E. I.eetc. where he will be gla-l t" see them. .1 R. MclUlN'.ALD. -Fav‘tteville, N. C., Jan'y 8, 1.''57. 72-tf iiwvKss msroRV. ^I'^HE Subscriber, -Assistant .Agent tor pi'"cariii: £ sub.scribers to ami delivering Hawks's History, gives notice that he will attend tlie (oiuuty (.’oiirt ot Duplin on the .'M .Mon'lay in ./uly inst.. the (''luiity ('ourt of (’hathani, on the 2d Monday in .August, the County Court of Sampson on the od Monday in Au gust, and the t’ount\’ Court of .lohnston on the -lt!i -Monday in .\ugust. He will be provi.ted with a Su!i- scription Hook, and with copies of the 1st voltime in the several st^'les of bin ling, for delivery. ■ c. PRlci;, July 1. 22- (UWXOKS. ^ BAtJS PERUVIAN; •J^ :V27 do. COLUMBIAN. Not onl}’ has the cost of using these 'Ju inoes in connexion been very much liiminish'- I. luit e.vpcri- ments have prove'l that the ]diosphate, much want ing in the Peri:yian, not only increases tin' yM-M. 1 ut comliined w ith the Columbi.-tii makes the crop much more certain. For sale by D. .V W. ,>lcL\Ui:iN. -Nov. (I, 5!tt' ROOK lilXDl'Jn. W. H.\RDIE has la'suine-l tiie I’.o"k r.iinlii.^ Business, over the Tail'.r .sjiop ot Clark Woodward, where he will receive aii'l execute bin'Ung in any style desircl. .August 1. 27 M' • . ,'iv iiy f.i'UK LAUiH'Jt. riin iii!ii3s Ilian; r. t. ii-iicii i-iii.vs sriiRfi, Sh'avfl «‘vi JI*, iW Jav.’y 2.), ls »7 'ilypd WOOL ROLI.S. jfc ttrooL '-ardc'j with dispatch at Hlount'8('reek w W Factory. SH EETlNGf?, (•isnaburgs, ('ottoii Yarn, ;ind Wool Rolls, for sale by .! unei M. GEO. McNEILL. 7-tf (’ORX. H.A(jS C(H!N, snpeiigr 'piality a giiod measure, for s.ale by WORTH .V UTLKY 24- .lAME.S KVIJC q’RING .\ND Sl'MMI'.R H^.S nyw receiving his "dISV /foots atu! Shoes. Roi/nx(; c Lo riis, .v ,\ll of which, being purchased by the case, will lie " fered by Wholesale or Retail at LOW PRICES. -March 21, 1S57. ‘'ijit W 1 T II I). I)K\ LIX vV i:o., WHOLESALE ,\ND RETAIL DEALI'.RS IN Xo.s. ‘i’lS, .AND 'iCiO ];iir».\|»\v.\\ , NEW YORK. .May li}, 1857. ■ip- \ ll-:‘.m A valuaiuj: lwv i:ook. DDISON on Contr.ict wifli .Noies aU'i References IM. to .AiiK'rican c:ises. by IMwarl I iii;e»-s,,Il. 1 l.-n- vob 120U pages. .ludge Woodwai'l, of the Siiprenu-Court ol Pennsyl ■- ania, says that “this is tiie Le.'t hook "ii the s ihject I evi'r h;id in my h.inds " For sail* liy E. -I. H.M-L vV .S().N. April 20. LAW liOOKS. ^ EDGWICK on tlie .statutory and ConstItuiion ('hitty on Pleading; Newlaud on C'lntr-ict' lipps .'in'l .\mos on Evi.lence; .Stephen .iii P .Nlitfoi'l's Ch.-incery Ple.ailings; Hill on I’rustees Eijiiity Plea'ling; \d.-ims’s Equity, Further sHj'plies of the above just 'v.- l e' j. HALE SON Ph; - ei'liiij; Lul"- s OX coxsk;xmi:x r, HUS. CORN, I ' lOOO Sacks Sa'i. 2o p.hls. .Mulietts, .o.ik.i To arrive and for s.-ile. \V. I* ELLloL'l . Oct. 22. 50-tf aCr“ H:ir|M“r's \laixa/iiH‘ tor .hil\,i Just rec’d. E. J. II.ALE & SON. j s r \.M> \Ri) LITi'.RA ri iii:. \\averiy Novels 27 vols. cloth and haif call, ifi- ( ooper's -Novels: Irving's Works, 15 vois: I’rcscott'.s ConiiUcst oi I'eru and Mexico: Lives of Ferdinand .iii'i Isabella; Lilc if i’liilip the 21; r.eiit'in's ;'.0 ye.-trs in tiie U. .s. .Senate ‘J vols: i'iie taiesaian’s .Manual, I viiK; i-iicy. oipc'tia .\merican.i, II v- ’s; L'l^siijjr ^ Pictorial l ieid iiook ot tiie Revolution Wetistci’s Works, l» Vols; Colt Ill's Life au l I'imo- of llcurv Clav: -Meiimir of S. ,s. Proiitiss of .Miss; Pictorial Life of .Xti'lrew .lacksoii; '>l'':ii,)ir ol \'hu. Uir'. Oy Keiiiicd\- i>itc o! W: c an ! V irginia Politics in i.'so.j; (lari.-.ii I - L.ic 'ii .lolin Laii'lolph; Deiii'ii-r.-icy :a .Vi.u ric.i, Dc J .ic.juevilie; .All '.lit s I,;;.- 1.1 .\a|' I. -■ 111. IJ vol .\lihott'.» Histories; Utrt's l.ilc ot I'atri'-.. Henry; Lite .jl Will. I’luciiicy of .M i.; H.iya! i i.iy; 11 . I’l li.-i, ('liin:t a:i l .lapui; ‘ 'oo. i'.-rry ' .),-ipaii H:vpe.luion; L:' ' I' ' I Civil Li’.' i ty aii'l .Sell'(^Jovernment; I'll*' i'iiysica (i.M.;r.i phy ot tlie.Se,-», I.y Lienl. .Maury, l-llicrl^\- aiM .Sj.-ivi‘ry, hy Ha.'ls..*. Vircfinia; ;'"iitii.-\ . ( aiiiioii Pla.e Ro.iU; L'li‘ lal t lire-. Ill .'•■laliley; ; II. pei I ilor; V, ... .iii'>, I ail- "f the i:,,r |i-i , I .'^colti:!i tiaei, .)■ 'vlaliliei-., n' e | ili t ie alld ( 11 >loll. "1 .Seol.an I: 1 he ,'c.o . W'iriliii- , li^ Join, ilmwe. L .. .. II.; I t ' Ijil'e ')t Vv I.;. r cott; ('iianii"'i -■ I,we i \V .ik-- o! li ibcrt Burns, IIamii toll s I). -cii"i.jii' III i’liiios.ijiiiy .-iii'J Literal u re; I, ;c ali'l ('orrc^poli I'Mice .1 Lor i .letfrey; 1 ae t^iieeiis of .SM-otlan l, oy -\gne'. .Mrickhind; I liatiiiicr' .Miscci.allies: I'r.'i tor ' ili.-ii.ry ni t!ic (,'rusades, iiiustrated; ■\SL.ii^'s .hiiiiii.-: H.iiiiiah .More s Works; p!iit.ir''h I- VC--; llo.svveli Lite ot Dr. .Johnson; N'.Vi-;- all.I i'.ales by M.iria ItgeWorth; A i iiti.iii, Lm i;e .-iiid .loiiiison'' W .vks; .Mi-Oii.tii (.ilii. lU .s lioiue; llailuii U..ik-; (’o'liios. by Hun.'bdt; \| II .111-1 Wi.ineii "1 tiie !'t:. t'cfiti;.''y hy Houstuje; I'lie liilidt* to .Social lla]'pmess. iiv .'It :. Ellis; Siia;c'peare, Hyroti, .Mo're, .•'i-ott, Hemans and other I’l ef in vari'Mis 'tylesol binding: The Boston Fldition of the British Poets, .Sc., X.C. O. t. 2'i. E. J. H.ALE lit SON. i)wi:llix(. for sau:. 'MHE .Sill, ,-riiici wishi t-j sell the Large Dwelling an.| ij"t "'I the corner ot (iillespie .-ind Russell St re I'eri '•t .. ,it p,'-,-nt ■oti.ihle. cc*upl^-'t il}' -Mr. Ileiirj F.raiiih' H.VLi;.

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