T VOL. VII.] I'AVKT'rFA II.LK, N. C\, \( (H S'C Jo, ^sr,7. 1\(). rniNTri> Mt:Ni>\v \M> Tiirnsi>.\vs. MDWAIM) J. ham: SDN. i;i'lT»*Hs .\M' rnoiMtii:roHs. ■ ’ ' .r tho S.'ip.i Woekly 1 VI I! > ’ 'U :i I , ' .-o: ')i* il'puiil iluriuji the yi»;ir of suj'sorip- 'h ■ • r > i nt'tiM'tlio y»':\r iin** ex^'hO'l, f i - I' Wi'c'ily : i: l'i> ]'t i-;iniiuin, if I'lilt ill . ;v III. c: >'J lU .hu ill!:, 1 111' \ “!\r of Sllheoviji- r'rfl- tin' yi‘;iv ll;l'^ (‘XJiirOil \i'\ r.i; risr\ir,N rs insevtivi tor sixty coin - jci' ;iqu:iI I- . f 1' f.'i- till' lif't. nii'l ttiirty coiit-- f ir c:icli . • '' liiii: jMililii'iiti.iii. \ i':irly niivi'rii-i'mi'iit- liy 'j'f- ^i;ll illtr;u‘ts. re.iui' ‘Oil I : :it they will in-ly. A'lviTtisfiiioiu to •'»' iiisiTtoil , i/i', c’li:iri*'il Ji^ont. fxtivi. ■''l- ' I I ■" " \ i':irly niivi'rii-t'mi'iit- liy :it if.i .lUubU' i-.iti"-. A'lMitifiei.-^ iii’c 'i' till' uuiiiticr of ilosirotl, or ■ litinuf 1 till forliiil, ali'l cli:iV!ii'il uoi’oi'il- w ASiiixcrroN iiorsi:, ^ Chestnut St., above Seventh St., I’H1LA1»KI.1M11 A. ! Is in till' iiniiu''lifit»' vicinity of tlu‘ most i iinin'it:iiit I’lihlii- Institiiilous, tin- lie I tui^l inosi j I fnsliioiDilili- jilnce'; of lni-.iii«‘S-. an.! ii.‘ ;itlrni'li\>'' I’lili- , i lie Siiil;U'*‘H of tlio (’ilv. In llic iiiii ' i lniit i'i'.iui.-ilo~ of light !iriij vcntilati.iii, Ivv.. priiu i|'.'il olijocls aijiu*'! ni lu the fcci'iit oiilMrnjoniont .iti'l ilmnni'jli iiiiiiro\«nii‘ul of ihis Iloiisi', ic is nol rX(’i'i‘-l«''l, jiorlriiis. hy :iiiy , I t'lMhlisliiiloiit in Aiiii‘rio:i. To sti-.tii{{ers, tliori'foif, , it-; position is pi'i-nli.-irly (lt-:iii-;il>lt'. Tho Sulisi-riher j I'i'tiirns tlijiiiks t.. hi' fricml mi l ilio jnihru'. loi- tho ^ lil>or:il p:itron.-ii’i“ (hoy li:ivo l in him, .inil ;is • siiros thi'in lli-it !n' «iP i-nii'nv.'r t" iii(-i-it :i «-ontinii- ' :iiu-o of thoii-I’lviii-i. \ 1'. (ILASF!. I Aug. J7. j T fsif'VK' K (i- (Ilf ifitf s of ('in/i- Ixrland ('ounttj. Ill' 1- I- ,u. -totl to luot-t at the (' lurt Mouse in L' , n>-v;''v', oil Tlil'USriAV of Septeniher ('ourt, •II ill ' t liii^'ii tlie Uepoi-t of the ('orn Cotiiinis- : » \ 1 : iurillly, :iuil t.ikc the I'oml of a llegister: - ‘y :iiul t:.ke tiie liouil of the newly electeii ; i ...e I “Unty Tourt. AnJ siicli other matters ... re-iuiit.- a majority )f the Magistrates of tlie . r.r-M-'er. IJ. DEM'.NG, ('hm’n, !'iimberlainl Co. Court. \iu M. \..V' n. Clerk. \'0\l SALi:. ''Hr. suhscrilier ilesiriui to enii;.:rate to the West, oilers tor sale his entire I,.VN1)S, iuel u«ling about I sis hundrei.1 acres, generally known as (’lialk Level, per I the upper enil of Harnett eounty, -Smiles Kast I ol Cape Fear liiver, ami on the roiul leading tVom Fay- , etteville to Chtipel Hill. Store, 1 iwelliiifr. Out Houses, ““ all in first rate order. The Store is at a tine bu ine>s stand, anl is not to he excelled hy any Country store in the State. There are also upon the premises an excellent well of water with- I in 1) or 20 steps of the House, a tine young orchard of ■ t ruit frees, n Tan \ ard in pert'ect order, which pays well when in operation. .\lso, a niacksuiith Shop with Tools, kVc. Any pers.'u v\ishiug to purchase such a place would ‘ do well to call and examine if for tiiemselves. I am i determined to sell, and will make terms easy for the 1 purchaser. a. H. Ul-:>VAri. i N. li. The place is one of the healthiest in the isouth- ern country. j 40 Shares Bunk of Fayetteville Stock. August t, 18.j7. G2tl M.DKKMAX, iiisiterfor of tVavnl Storr*. WILMINC.TON, N. , S'OMOITH patronage. I’roinjit nttentioii and .niiek despfit. h vvill given to ousines'^ entrusted to lii^ I'M re. •liiiie j:'., 1S‘-7. l',i-ll!nipd A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINUJTON, X. 0. •luly (i, 1S07. JJtf \V. I\ KLLIO IT, COlttMISSIOW MERCHANT, fayi-:tti:ville, n. c. Ai/rnt for Lutterloli l- Co'>i Su amJuMit Lihi Will attend jiromptly to all Imsiness entrusted to his care. Oct. 21, IS.'jii. !^5() Ri:\V Alll> WILL be given for the apprehension and delivery . to me, or continement in any jail in the State i .\CUr.S L.\Nl> lying on the Camden Sta,i;c Iviad, 1-j miles South of Fay- cttev'lle. The Land is well timbered, and admirably adapt> I for Turpentine or Farming purposes; and lies | so that I can get him, of my man .JIM. He left on lutw t'u till S-'Uthern Plank Hoad and Ilig Kockfish, \ fhe 30th ult., and lias not been seen, or heard of since. ’ —, ouvenient to market. There is on it a comfortable 1 He is .a bright mulatto, almost white, about 2:5 years ’ frame House, Mill Site xc. j old, about o feet inches high, straight liair, and teeth ! .\iiy infonuatloii may be obtained on the premises j'■It'feclive. long beard on his chin when he left. Had s!ii:>iu iioiisi.: I'tvicTrmii.i.i;. ,v. «■. F^itsf Xiifi' It/ (I ri'i II Sfri i'f, 1 ft ir .Vnr/h ».' : ^ ///'■ MtrL' / f/iiusi . rj^Hl’ Siibsi'riber ilesires through ilti' medium to acknowledge the li!n-ral patronage bestowed upon his House tin- past year—and as he has just ('rei-ted New St:ibli-s and | ('airiafre .She.l convi-nifiil lo the House and to \\ i!-r I ' he takes plca-iire in '^ayiiig to his patrons and tin- i public gener.-illy, that he i-^ still pre[.ared to ai-ooiii I , mod.-ite them with transient ;unl pcrm.-inent bo;ird, an 1 respecttiilly sidicits a continiiaiice of tlie liberal patron- , ' age heretofore ri-eci\id. Kvei'V exeitioii on liis part ; shall be used to render them comfortable ihiring their 1 sojourn with him. His tabU> is always supplied with the best the market all'ord.'. 1*. SHEMWF-LL. March 24, 18-)5. Sti-tf I DOIJIUN HOHSi:! I I'OWKliS iS: TUOV, I’lioi’BiKTKits. Proprietors of tliis Kstablishnient •L announce to the public, that owing to the eonst.intly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have been iuuuced to en- arge thi' accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Koom on the lower lloor, and suite ot llooms on the second tioor; thus enabling them to I acconiniodate all who may favor them with a call. .\nd 1 they pledge theiiiselves to an increased exertion to j give satisl’actioii to their patrons. I Spai-ious Stables attachecl ainl earetiil Ostlers In at- I tendance. The eligible location of the Kstablishinent, with the ! experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a ■ liberal share of the travel, ! The Western and Soutliern Stages arrive at and de- i part from this House, I Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of rOJIlllli.N.sion Merchant, No. \'l Norih Waler Si., ■ the accommodation of passengers. ’ ' ' iiurses and (..images furnished at any notice tor car rying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. •I. W. PoWLIiS,' W C. THOV.‘ WILL give his prompt personal attention to tlie ! sale or shipment of all Consigumeuts of Naval ! Stores or other Country Produce. ♦ iroci-i-ies. iinrilwnre. &(-. '! ^Hl' imd‘r'i>>'ned SiiP.T\ir,N r ,,t are now receiviii'. (iioc(>i i“s. ll.inlwMn*, lr«ni. Stc(‘l. I jnllow-w;in>. Shoes, l.tsiiluM'. :iH«l S;il(llrr\. wiiii h iliey wiil sell at Wholesale at a .- iiiail :i'ivance on for Casli, or on onr usual time to prompt dealer- •Inly IS, 1S.'>7, CI’.O W W II.I,I \MS CO 2fl II Worth & Utley, rorw.irdiHi^ ai\(J (i(MKMal (’ommission ■MKRCMAN'rs, i'affvtteriUe^ f. .1. WORTH. ("'-tf) I'TLKY. .lOHN l‘. SA.MPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C, Will give particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, icc. 8.')-tf Feb'y 2"), 185(i W. H. TURLINGTON, Merchant, No. 42 Norlli WILMINGTON, N. (). ntf Nov, 8, ISoiJ, tf thirty ■j'ip.' 'iIk.vc dl-s i and tweivi month • r■tv- from Mrs. Mary Nolsoii, or by en.juring of JAMES 1J.\NKS, Att’y, * Fayetteville. Au-. 1 .. ;«-tf S AT AIX’TIOM ILL liE ^?i»LD at the Court House Door, in F lYi-tti-ville, .Miniday of September Court, ■wing property; A> ros 'if Lanil, situated ou Carvcr’.s Creek, , !i miU'; from Town, formerly the property \ I’.avbee. .'>lu -Vcrcs Will TiiiiboreJ I’iuc Land, iIj lut live miles from Town on the waters of Lit' t‘ Cro-- (,'reek. .\1- ' Mic lirick Store, situatoil on the South si 1(> of Hay Street in the P>riok Uow, joining the Store oo-upied ly John F .rt: twcn?v feet front, runs South tVet to a thirty fci‘t street or alley. 1 Property will be sold on si.x rel;:,—bond and approved secu- loHN LCCLES, c K. LETTE, Auctioneer, .\lso, will 1»(‘ sold at private sale, THE PL.VNT.MloN ou the Uiver, known as the Uailcy ■ lai e. -\pplv t.. Joseph I’.aker Jr., .\tt’y. JOHN ECCLES, AUi,; 12, 18.37 33-tS ( School 'l\‘aeliors in llanu'tt County. rBHlOSE desirous of employment as (''>mmon School I. Teachers in Harnett County, will present them- i'ves 1' T Examin.-ition at Siimnierville, ou Tuesday •\n.t Wednesday, the 15th and I'ith Sejit next, p.-r-ons I'resenting tlii-mselve.-- for Examination will . Jre.iuired t" fiiriii-h satisfactory testimonials of :,„-„-ter, DAN L McCOllMICK. WILL M. McNElLL, A, D. McLE.VN, Examining Com. 1.1- 11. '“^^-te Coal Tiuiuls tor Sale. ■ BV virtue ot a D«-ed in Trust t.i me execute-1 by m9 John Mo. ElHngtoii, 1 wil; sell at public .-\uction, • tiif highest bidder, on Tuesday the 8th lay of Sep- t-r 1^ >7, ill the town ^f Fayetteville, at the Court '- D"or, vne-ti»urih par: of the Tract of Lnn-1 ■ wn the l;Vt. LANDS, lying in Moore cnunty, and i 'ining the land-i of Evan'U-r .Mi Iver and otheis, and ■ iH-ilning eight hundred acres more or less. Said n 1 i situated about three miles South Irom Deep • ' .‘•r and is well timbered with long leaf pine, f'oal ■ ! 1 ne -luality has been discovered on the premises, • ■ i;^ 1‘! inc-he'i thick. See llmnions';: Report for further ,r Ten*) ni'ide known on day of sale. J. T. M \o- 1 I. 1 CLENAII.VN, Trnetee. ;-ltf puoPKirrv .SAMv ; c'nicluded to remove South, \ ALl Alil.K lOK fBllIE SuTioCriber haviii M. oilers for sale hi^ IIOI^E tAn\ in ti e v:"age of Chapel Hill, The dwelling is a handsome one, large and conveni ently .irr:i.ngcJ. The lot contains SIX ACllKS f ground, with every convenience in the way of out li'iiues, viz: — Dairy, Dry-well, Kitchen, Servant house witii two rooms—lathed and plastered, wood and wash . lUr-e, carriage hou'i- and --tables. i io-re is also on the front, a very neat IHM Rl^i: OVVtVil. fhe grounds are in a high state ol cultivation— f.oin lialf an acre b.-ing in fruit trees of the choicest ftind and bearing abundantly. For further information address the subscriber ' ■ place. Terms made aci-ommodating. E. .MALLETT. * h:;pel Hill, .\ug, 1-j, :;i-tf on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very likely try to pass oil for a white man, and make for a ; free State; should he not go north, he will likely go ‘ up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, and formerly belonged to Win. li. Wright, Es.|,, j of that place. Any person who may take up said ' Boy will be entitled to the above rew^ard and the i thanks of ISAAC li. KELLV. Kenansville, N. C-, .Vug. lo, 1S57 -lo-tf FtLli A.\U \ll\TEK ilKV liOOUN. Tiio.m.\s Ml khocii. 1857. En.Ml NK N. Dl KK. 31I RHOCII A Dl KK, litqi..., '', > atul JtMiers- if Fur, i-in ij- />.>?;),>•//,■ t; . ./> NO. 217 P.ALTIMOllE STREET, U.W'E now on hand a complete and attractive Stock of Goods in their line, ctnbracng many new and desirable styles, purchased ospecially with reference to the Southern and Western Trade. .-Vlso a large Stock of heavy Domestic Goods, to which they respectfully solicit an examination by all prompt time and cash buyers, as they are determineil to sell very low to iTNcTi .KL C Mos, i*uR' ii.v^Kits, and to make a LIHKKAL Disi orXT KoK c.vsii in all instances. Pialtiniore, .\ug. 17, I8'»7. oo lw THE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITION PRIZK MEDAL! AWAKDKI) TO C. .MEVER. For his Ttco J^iaiioa, Lomluu, Ortobrr 1'*, 1 1 MEYER respectfully informs his friends and • the public generally, that he has constantly on hand Pianos eijual to tho.se for which he received the Prize .Medal, in Lcndon, iu 1831. All orders promptly attended to, and great care taken in the selection and packing the same. He has received during the last lo years, more Medals than any other maker from the Franklin Insti tute; also Fir.st Premiums at Boston, New Vork and Baltimore. WAKE-UOOMS, removed from Gli S. Fourth to No. 722 .-\RCH STREET, below Eighth, South side, Philadelphia. .Aug. 12. ;i5-ompd ROSS ON SI.AVKUY. JUST PUBLISHED BV J. B. LIPPINCOTT x' I'O. SLAVERY ORDAINED OF GOD, IIV KKV. n:KI). A. POS.X, TASTOP )F THK I-BKSBVTERIAN «m H' li, 111 -ntsvii.le, al\. “7’i /f' rtf II X'lrth nwl S'Hifh u h‘' hi'ri”! th- ifiil hii': th U' riiiint) II." (’f)NTENTS. Speech before the General Assembly »t Biitlalo. Speech before the (Jeneral Assembly at New Vork. Letter to I’ev. P.lackburn. What is the foiin«lation of moral oliligatioiiV Letters to Rev. ,\. Barnes No, 1. — Results of the Slavery Agitation; Declara tion of Inilependence; The w,-\y men are made Infidels; Testimonies of General Assemblies II.—Government over man a Di.'ine Institution. III.—Man Stealing. IV.—The Golden Rule, One Vol. 12 mo.; for sale by E. J. Hale 4" J. B. LIPPINCOTT K CO, Publishers, Philadelphia. lAMES I’. S.MITII. .MILKS (.'e>TlN. JAS. C. SMITH & Co., /w/(‘/oy.s, ('onunl.sslon and Fitrtrtirditii^ VIKKCHANTS. NO. 2 SOUTH WATKR STREET, I'l* .STAIRS. WIL.MINGTOX, N. C. I n»\ MiisWrif or \ OK Til 4'A ICO 1.1 \ A. The Sub.scriliers are now jirepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typograjdii- cal getting up. It may be obtaiiu'il, eitiier from us or from our (Jeneral Agent for the State, H. W. Horne of this place, or any of his .Assistant .\geiits. The price vanes according to style of binding: In handsome cloth ^1 2.">; in IJbr.-iry Sheep •'jil in half Calf 75. 1 r IS SOLO ONLY mu (\\>ii. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our .Agents. .A liberal discoiin' will be made where ijiiantities are taken to sell again It will bo sent by mail to any jiart of the country, ou receipt of the price and 21 cents to p;iy postage. The 2d volume is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain about GOti pages each, aiitl will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents addition:il for sheep and 50 cents additional for the half calf binding. E. J. H.\LE \ SON. Fayetteville, April 2'.', 1857. ; P. S. The .Agent and his .Assistants i'e>jgn to visit [ ('(lN’T.At.Vr.\’(; I'IXK LOCA riov i'OR SALK. ^ I ^ H !■’. .Siihseiilici' oilers torsalehis RESIOF.NCE an-l J other building- at Chalk Level, Harnett County I'onnected with tiie {.ro]ierly for sale are sfime ■ iIMt or iilMi ;icrcs ol Iniiil, a St(»r‘ llonsi* :i '!'aii Vard ;mil Mill, the latter is somewh:it out ol repair, l>ut capable ol protitable improveioeni. ’l'h' location is admirable tor a country -'toie, aiiil no better investment of capi lal conld be made than the piir.'liasc ot this property I'he 'iiili>-'criber intends removing to ilu- West, and will make till- terms of s.ili* as easy as any reasonable man could wi-^h. —ALSO— •\ very desirable DWl-'LLING in .Vverasboro lor Sale, rcriiis of purchase made easy. .\ great bargain to be had —ALSO— FoliTV SHARES OF FAYETTEVILLE BANK STOCK, This Stock is known to be the best in the market, and ctmunaiids a high premium. The subscri ber only sells because he is going to the West. For further iiiftiriiiation, terms Oic ; address A.'!! DEWAR. (!halk Level. ■\un;iist 1st. vO-bt every county in the State, with the 1 ■ /k, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, ordei • to him or to us, accompanied liy the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. Oct. 21, 185G, 50-V .1, C. 1*0 K, DEALER IN S'PaI’LKvV I'AXCV Din GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, AND READY-MADE CLOTHING. Particular attention paid to Ladie.s’ Dress Goods and Trimmings. 11(1^ iitrcct, FayetteoiUc, N. C. May 2G, 185.5. 4-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V O n .11 I M ^ I O i\ AND FOR W'A RDING M ERC11A \'I\ Il*i7miMjT/oii, *V. r. F.-iyetteville, May 12, lS.')'i. VALrAHLi: PROPKin V roMS s.mm.m:. OFFER for t.-ile, my L.VNDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about loU .\cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. •\bont ho -Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. .\lso, the ICi‘i4-k S|»r4> aii«i l„>t near the Market Si[uarf, occupied by Mr. John .A. Pemberton. .A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, ■Maxwell and Mumfor 1 Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divide'l into several P.uilding Lilts—very near the new Female High .School Buildings. | fllHlI subscriber has on hand a good as.sortmcnf of .Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, tronting on Mumford I. ICoots, ^ll4X‘s :|||(| Street. | .\)so. Clothing, Furnishing (Joods, Hats of .-ill kinds, Sevi-ral DESI ll.MILI' BUlLDlNtJ LOTS on both , Trunks, Valices, and Travelling Bags. .Ml of which Winslow and Mumford .stn-et- . he will sell low for cash, in order to close out his pre- .All this property can now be purchased on f.-ivora- sent stock. Persons in want ot Goods in his line will ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and j li- well to give him a call. L. BR.ANDT. Gillespie St., opposite P. P. Johnson. r.*-2m T.IKE^RS. ri'^IIE subscribers offer thei;- • .-! .!.-cs to the public to ' furBi-^h Coflins, Hearse, -,i. l every other requisite for Funerals. They have a considerable su[iply of Coflins ready made, and an ,-ibiindant supply of Ma hogany, Black Walnut and ium and Poplar materials for making any size at a short notice. Orders left ;it the Cool Spring Mills will be promptly attended to. IIEARSEY \ JOHNSON. Fayetteville, -June 2“. l''')7. 2i»tf th(' l^nhlic. •Mortgage if desired. Oct. 10, 1855. Tlio. J. CURTIS. l;5-tf UOr.KK'r I). (JKKIvX, L,\TE GREEN WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., I'AVETTEVILLE, N. RD. .«■ begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liberally be- I stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has I bought the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue ! the business in all its branches at the old stuii'l, under ' hi.s entire superintendence. ' N. B .Ml Watches left with him toi rej-air will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to them and a writteu 1 contract given for the same, which work will be v.ir- 1 ranted for two years. ,, • • s I 1- i hand and for sale uow, the mosi varied and ConUniSHlOn CC r orwardini^ Merchants, | choice selection of clocks and othe*- .ime pieces BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET ■ ever been ollered to the public ir. North (Jaro- . J ’ i lina, which he will sell nt New York prices, and also %Vllllllll{;tOll, C\ I WARR.XNT for two years. Usual advances made on consignment.^. ! .All debts due to qm 1 by the late tirm will be pai.l and received by R. D. CiREEN, .August 25, IS.'iii. ;M-tf Prompt personal attention given to all Consign meiits, anil Cash advances made on I’roducc to be ship pcd to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. ti" T. C. & H. G. WORTH, Jan’y 17, 1856. at Piiblir Sal‘. ■ ■ \VING concluded to remove South, 1 will otler B ■- fo! '-lie on Wednesday the ‘.*th day of September next, (>n the jil-intatiou which 1 have recently sold, the tollowiii;; ;ir-icles of property, ti) wit: 17 lloud ol'liiileN and llor»*i*«, among the hor-s tw- |,;tir match, one two-horse and three lour-liorse wufriiu-: >.,nit' twenty-five single and three double plows; one luir horse plow; som?:twenty- ‘ive head of Cattle of improved stuck, among them one liill-bloode-l Devon Bull; eighty cjr hundred head -.f liogH—among them are line y- im;; br»)od-sows; a • luantity of oats put up in bales; one wheat fan one corn-sheller; ten wheat cradles, Black smith tools .-tnd '■thcr articles not necessary to mention. AlS" a Family Carri:ige, Buggy and sulky. Ti.i; •>: —Twelve mouths crclit—bond and apjiroved r :i-ify n‘i|iiired, i: MALLETT. « i; -pel Hill, Aug. 15. ;M-tf Auk. 12. .Il'ST ilECi:iVKD, QUARTER BOXES RAISINS. Half Boxe- Sotla Biscuit. 20 “ Cheese r ■ de by 0. E. Dec’r 15. LEETE. 05tf TO Tin: PI HiJc. .M. FERGUSON, Photographic Artist, would ITB.* respectfully announce to the citizens of Fay etteville and vicinity, that he designs leaving this place for a few months, and all those wishing to have their pictures taken, would do well to give him a call at his Rooms over Beasley Houston's jewelry store, by the 15th of August, as his Rooms will be closed /Vom that time until his return, Fayettevile, July 2'.*, 2U- roil SALE. following VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, the M. property of E, C. Hall, dec’d, is offered for sale, and consists of the following tracts; Thtit de.sirable place known as Home, cotitain- ing about 2^10 Acres, with all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers, it being probably one of the best business stands in the country, and is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No. 2, Consists of a Lot and Brick Store, (2 tenements,) in Campbellton, on Bridge Street, near t 'larendon Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for business. No, .‘5, Is Three vacant Lots iti Campbellton, known in city plot as Nos lO'J, 111, 112, and half of lot ii:;. No, 4, T,s a Dwelling House and Lot on Ilay- inoiint, corner of I’hink Roail and Adams St. A very desiralile residence for the whole year. No. a Corn 3JiH and Steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 15 horse power. This is well worth the attention of those living where water power is not available, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to JOSr.PH HAKKR, Jr., ATTOIt:\KV AT I. A W , Has taken an office next door to W’m. B. W'righl’g Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Ilobeson and Sampson. M.arcli 23, 185;{. 7‘.*-tf LOVERl) ELDKID(iE. • I/loriirf/ fff IjUWif WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and .Samp son Counties. .Smifhfield, .April I-*), I85G. 0(»-tf THO. O. PULLER, • ittorticy and CounseUor at Mjatv. OFFICE at Etfcles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esip, F.ayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. 70tf “LAW COPARTNKRSIUIV’ WE, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court, J. II. IIAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y I, 185G, 72tf l>r. K. \. ^^FFICE Front llooms, over Ur. S. J. Hinsdale’s (Jhemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1850. ro-tf August 1, 1857. H. HALL, .As.signee. :jo-tf \V(‘ call the attention of W’llOLI']- SALK DEAI.KRS I'110 our present Stock,—and we have recently re- ceived— 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Refined, Crushed and Powiiered, 0.5 boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, 00 do Fancy and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, no tons IIoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,000 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, W'hite Lead, rutty and Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in Boxes, Eagle Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas, Ilollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers’ Sausage Cutters and Stuffers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, &c., &c. The above Goods we offer on the most favorable terms to prompt time or c.ash purchasers, L». a. W. McLAURlN. 51tf Nov. 0, 185ft. KCCI.KS’S H.VS been newly repaired, have it ground. March 30. MILL Send your Corn and M. McKLNNON. 94- priu.K' voTiri: f S HEREBY (ilVEN, that P.ook^ of Sub.'ici ijition to the capital stock ot' the Central Rail Road, tr.ini Iteaufort Harbor via Keiiani^ville, Clinton, F lyettesille, and West, will be opened ou Tliiir.-day, tlie loth da}’ of Aiu-il 1850, and remain ojien accoriling to the terms of the ’harter until fiirtiier notice, at the following jilaces and under ilirection of the following named persfins, ('ommissioners in the ’harter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the ollice ot the ('lerk of the County (’ourt at Jacksonville, and at the Post Oflice Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. .1. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, .lohn A. .Vveritt, .)r., Owen Hug gins, L, W, Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the oHice of Dr. M. F. .Aren- dell at Beaufort Dr. .M, F. .Arendell, J, F. Bt'Il. L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W. Taylor at (’arolina City,—Col. Win. N. Dennis, H. .S Bell, C;ipt. Levi Oglesby, Bridgi- Arendell. In Dui)iin county, at the ofiice of the County Court Clerk lit Ken.-insville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Win. E. Hill, Win. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of tlie County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, P.-,trick .Murphj'. Wm, Faison, J. R, Beaman, Alfred Johnson, In CumVierlancI county, at Fayetteville, at the ofTice of .A. ,A. McKethau,—Thomas R. Underwooil, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of i^lOO each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii Road Company; and in all respects to coiHjily with the tonus of tlie ('harter. June 21. NOTICi:. riTHi'. subscriber having, at June Term lb57, of the J Court of Ple.-is and (Quarter Sessions for the County of (.'umbei-laiid, qualified a.s .Administrator upon the INtate of Willie F. Moore, hereby iiotities all person.s h.-ivingclaimsagain.«t thesaid Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be ib-tided in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make j a,v;nent immediately. E. F. .Mool\i; June 1''57. lotf FOR Tin: \V i:sT! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! 1 s. BROWNS Tri-Weekly • Line of Four-Horse Post ('oaches, from SaliKbnry to .\: he ville, via State.>\il!e, Newti.n, Morganton, Marion and Ple.-i.'ant Ganlen.o: connei-ting !it .-Vshevilb' \Mtli the line of ,St.-i^es ii.r tin- Wiiriii .'springs, Knoxville and (^ireenville. (Viiii. 'i'lii., is the bi'st ' tocked an.l best managed t’oa l in North Ca rolina. It is the most expeditious, safe and pleasant, and at the same time the cheapest route Cor fhe West. Leaves Sali.sbnry on Monday, We Ines^biy and Fri- .l:iy; leaves Asheville i-n Tuesday, Tiiiiis la_v and Satur day; limning in elo^.e e.innei-tion with tiif- \ .iih ('arolin.'i Rail Road, North and .'^outh. (' BROWN, ('"iitr.o-ii.r .I line 15, 1857. I'i- I'OR SALK. fMIIIE DWELLI.N’G HoLSE AND LOT on (iiilespie i .Street, at present occupied by Do-tor McSwaiii. Perfect title can be made A| ply (■> THO. J. ('I'RTI.'^. ALSO tGOOD F.VMIIA' (^.\RH1.AGE in pood repair and nearly new. Will be sold for half its value A LSI >— .‘1 good MlLi'll ('OW.-^ with young calve-^. \p|ilyt) T. .1 CL RTf.'^ April 20, 1K57. otf DAVID .M. Di rrii:, UrirkMasott atnl i*lasteri’i\ MS prepared to lo all kinds of work in his line, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril 27, 1H'>7. :’.-lY-pd ^ T). WILLIAM P\(.K, ,M. D., f» # TTS « O iS O f#, .V. jH^R. P.AGE may be found at his ollice when not .XOirni CAIiOLLW KKAI'KUS. .\iiniti:KM I a:\ii l-RKl'AUElt WITH SPECIAL UEFEUENt’E Tt> THE WA.NTS AM) INTEUESTS *Vorth i'aroUna. rN!>i;iI IIIK Al sl'ICKS OF Tliv; sn»KRlNTKNl»KNT Of t’OM- .^n>^ 'I'llOOLS, ItY Ko%. l*\ H. lliililiaiMl, I’ltOKKS'Ol! UK THK LATIN ), AXi; I All K AM) LITlUlATrCK IN llIK rSiyKKSlTV IIK XOHTtl CAUOLINV. .\i.niiKK :t, A F.VMILIAK rilSTORV A\l» DE.SCUIl*- TION OF NOUTII ('AROLINA. Seloctious iu Prose and Verse; uiauy of them by eminent citizens of the State, HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, .\nd -I v.-iriety id' .Miscellaneous luformation and St:i- fistics, Viy C’. II. WII.KV. Number '■> is a new and revised edition of the North .Carolina Reader, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, ancl as complete. The Editor (Prof, llubbanl) in his Preface to I-Juin- ber 1 tieems it proper to allude to a few of thejieculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common I Schools while making etlbrts to hnve this work com- ' pleteil. These are, j 1. Th' •minir'ii/tiii'iil V! nliiiy ';/ ■ [l-i/t'fiUil'iic , \ :uid the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought im portant, however, to have more than one number oi the Readers ot n.erely a local interest. 2, 7'" /•. ■/!'/// ill' 'I'll Iri/ic!uri- roin^’hiinf'l of iu rm.i- , ■ /. j'd/iilioil cliiDii/e in text hookx; an ex- j pensive h.-ibit, ;uid one which injures the Schools by preventing the children t'rom being classified. .A se ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would fie cer tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. Ia-uiioiii,i/, the popular system of Readers being too long and being nitide so often merely to add to the profits of ,-iuthors ainl publishers. Tiiis series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it is lielieved that these numbers are suflicient, while if the sysU^m were uni versally used in the State, the sum saveil to parents and children would amount to sevcial thousand dollars aiiimally. ■1, '/*' l>nt HI th' L'lit’h t'f i hilih'tii li'iirliilig Iu />//»/ .//f .Miifii-i' iitli/ I'lmifiiir hid mil nf Ilu- rli,ii ticli i i iill‘‘l ■ ',.'//-// , containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in inatier. and inciiloating proper morals, and religion^ instriii-tion. Tfie prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, ;!7i cent'-: and No. -J, 75 cents. .A lilier.-il deduction from these pi ices fo Merchants and i^cliool Teaciiei-s. E. ,i. HALE .V SON. Fayetteville, .liilv 2 '. 2'.'- Namea llcsideiK.i No. of shares ■j! Cash I Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify wlietlier for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. •As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, tlie (Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and thej are ro-iuired to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 15, 185t:. ‘ l:5tf w o. iious roA OULD inform his friends and former customers th.it he may be found 2 dooi-s below the Cape Fear Bank, ami ? doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites hisfrienils from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his cLarge.s shall be moderate. He wouM rci|uest all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & OYERBY to settle with W, Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm's debts. August 27, 1850. -lltf Hlank t'ur siile ul Observer Otfice. jirofessionally engaged. May 0, 1857. 5tf i\OTK K ON the first Monday in September next, I will sell for Cash, at the (,'ourt House door, in the Town of t'ayefteville, the following Tracts of Lands, or .-is much thereof as will pay the Taxes due tht:reon for the years 1%I ami i,s55; — Acnx !,f l.ijcution nf l.'iu l. lit/ irh'" ' l.i.-i"L T,i.C' ' l.nml. ih,, 50 Black River, George T. King, f 21 700 Raiford's (’reek, Foster Mason, 1 I o5 100J East of Cape Fear River, Neill & Colin .Mc- McFadyeii, 13 25 2100 ('arver's Creek Jones Barbee, oO 10 50 joins McLean ij-Haiigliton Jesse Butts, 208 joins King and others, James D. Buie, 100 joins Bell and others, 50 The Kornbow Lands, 100 Cowpcn Br.inch, 200 1 Ih 1 55 2 7it 2 45 1 • IVif Rooks. F Mill I! Lile of Charlotte Bronte, Author ol Jane M Eyre, ke ; The Testiinoni'of the Rocks, I13’ Hugh Miller: .'^alad for the .Soeiiil. Iiy the .Aiitfior of .-^abi'l tor the Sfditarv; Indigenoci.-. Races of fhe Earth, b\ Nott iV Gliddon; The Bee Keeper's Chart. .Also, tm- iher siipj.lieq ot Mille.lnlcia: The Prinee of the Hons*- 1 Dnvid; Mis. Hent/'s Novels; The I’.apti*-! Psalrnolv, r.nines-' Family I'rayei•^■: Christian Minstrel; ('rudeiiM CoiH-ord;ince: Ail.inis’.s New \riihmetii-: Parley’s Com mon .'school History: .'ic, 1^. .1. HALE .j- SON. .Iiine 2), 1n57. NoriC’K. ^I’^lir. undersigned having execiiied a power of .\t I iMi-iiey lo E. I-' Moore, he i;; thcj-eby aiilhori/e'l to make all seiileinents for me nml in my name, and generally to transact all bnsiiiess .-is 1 might or could do were 1 personally present. J. -I. .MOORE. F.iyefteville, June 0, lh.57. l-!tf B. F. PEARCE & CO., DEALERS IN I'liKKIiiX A.M) DOMKSTir DKV GOODS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ! ijihii/liis (iiiif (llDtUini/, 11.w stiU':i:t, 4'. I;, K. I’KVltl K.] | ). w. I-KAIU-K, .IB. July ;;o. 2!*-tf TAKKX I l‘, VND committed to the Jail of Cumberl.-ind county, on flu- 1 i>tl» .1 Illy, a negro woman by the name of •\ l. l.\, wh'i 'ays she belongs to D.-iniel (’ameron ot Il.iri.ett county. Siie was committi-l as 11 runaway The owner is rci'iesfed to come forward, prove pro perty, p-iy charges and take her ;iway, or she will be de-ilt witli :is tiie law directs. WM. R, li(»LTON, Jailfr, ■Au/ust o, I >57. ;;otf ( AN rWKLI/S X. C. .irSTICK. ’.s Jitnlirc lurisfJj )in(/ ahiptei1 to the ^i.li' /iCt:i.'!il f'oilr. work, invaluable to .Magistrates, Officers and -B- all who have occasion to know the Law, .and to use tiie Forms under it. Is very much enlarged. ^•5 5m. For sale by .August 1850. Price 1:. J. HALE & SON n' do. do, John (Jarver, Jno.S. MeDougald, 2 A. Graham for .V. McKellar, '■> 75 200 South side Big Rockfish. .Arthur Guion, ■'> ’-'I 05 Camden Road, Asa Phillips, 2 52 100 head of Swan’s Creek, David 2 71 100 Burnt Swamp, Wm. C. West, 2 71 250 Big Rockfish, Neill Lamont, ■'> 12 115 “ “ Eflie McLeod, 2 bO T"‘rn Lol.s. Maxwell St., Faj'f ville, Joseyh Seawell, !* J5U 1 Davis’ place, Cam’b’ton, J. P. Lenoard.for D. B. Gillaspie, 1 8'.* 2 Haym’t, joinsWoodward, John J. Phillips, 5 0'-> ALEXANDER JOHNSON, late Sheriff. July 15, 1857. 2b-ts pr.adv.-ii7 1 Jau’y 27. 1857. \i:vv iJooKs. 1 LLlMiL'L'I.V; from "Notea and (Queries;” The Elephant (,'lub, by Doesticks; Past .Meridian, by Mrs. .'^igourney; The Rille, .Axe and Saddle-Batrs, by Milburn; “Christmas Stories.” JUVENILES: The .\imwell Stoiies. consisting ol the “Whistler, or the Manly Boy;” Ella, or Turning over a New Leaf; Oscar, or the Boy who had his own way; The Indian Fairy Bo-ik: .Mibott's .Stories about ('ommon Things. .Also, further suf»pHesof Hume .and Macau!e3’ s Histories of Enirlan i: School Books, sc. 1: J. HALE i: SON. Jau’y 17, ls57. I'OR SALH. tDAMANTINK and TALLOW CANDLES; fine ..n 1 common r*B.\C('0; and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G. W, I. GOLDSKJN.

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