v: I il KS > \N1) Klofk, iJ'U viH) J. HALi: • Its \M* rtiu.'iii E. F. MOO \\ .1 '.’v Ki; it’ pai'l 'liiri'i j; tho r I'NlMVCil I*" j‘i T :ininnn. il' till' vc:ir lit' siili-i. r'li IV oxjiircj. N T'' insi'VtiMl fi'V sixty cent ir tlu' tirst. anil thirty conts for i-:icli \ »':ulv !i!lv« rtisoiiu-iit> I'v sjic it ro;;- iiii'irato-;. A'lvortist'i s ar^ iilior r.f i ii'iM'tioiis ik'^irctl. . till t'livM'!. ami cliavuoil ai r^'ru- n(» if in f --u'";!-!-! I'- ( -ilull. Mv II WOKTII \ UTL1\ I'raiUi WOKTII ' 'uart' ''^ KMI-WEEKL, Y. i'AVKT'n:\ ILLK, N. C., AUGUST 31, 1857. [NO. !i;i lit. !.V t! invioii coal. 11 TL'M I Ni >HS (’(lAli of the host )ua!ity can be at the works at Kcry|>t. at a roasonahlc ))rici‘ W .M. M' M iniiij (M.ANK, KiifriiHHT. riortf ItL ■ViJt /./'■ //A V/-: TII ora in it? ir E^lnhlishmrnt ou thi^ thr Clnn-rh, ',.// Mirni/'ord iSh'icf. MVKK'S sri'KIUOU key very iiinhly iiiuil til any >ortli 'in any iinjiurity. UTLKV. To.n.ii€Pg:s Vi.KMV. Fill a Mu/i'u : ' 1 arthfii Srlf-svnliiij; Cans IV t\v.. . ■ with thom ui'i Half tial- 4 •* . A , ( kv ?!© ESPF Cli-ri.I.V ; :'.na; Ls« puir i: ;! ;.e !.. lirick Bui' Ei:^- a. ^ ufaetiirin ” Car:-!'.' f p:.tri.;;a-e he h.i.^ r. • \ hopes l.y - trict .iHcM; ..u to give et;on, ;.. on ri same. IK ‘ wan ,-int - l.is V 'i ii m.ateii •! ai lid by exjie; '■ ; a- 1 v' t'-' the bu IK . ; ! ' i ■ I 1* rv iura..;'''y. 1 t ll- ’ !l - i. x' t i:’ He ir r . Work ;ii i,i s line on a l ■. 1 iii. \) s':i. ‘i: ^ i* I» ^lii ii4>!: S;i'-1 :woulil respectfuily inform their I [.•■.i ii'l' ai.'i 5lie imiilic, tliat they iiavo enfticil i’ Ti (■ j ; t!u r-M ;i f.iv the )im |n)>c uf i-'iii'luctiiifr tlic ■ ^iiuTai '.'!;!! i Aii I'. iiUSINKSS in all its sarioiis [laris. Aii'i In inir imih practio il wtirkmea, luiiy nn- :lei>t jiiii;li!_ t iioi 1 bu.-iiii-ss, tiu'y ha\t‘ ao i. oitiilion to i'ii:i|,,-i 1 (■ •- iih ;iny c-t iiilishinenl . jttt-ville as til aii l iiiiMliiliiy. >in' ,.f ilii- l!i!u i;i:iy !i:- known Ky iv-.v. se to A. 11. V.Lrii.l i > iron woik for the last twoyoars. Wo wai-; ,‘.ut all work to (xive g.*iH*ral satisfaction t or t n - iiths lU-j'airiii.; i-iic 111 the uoiit Odt inanni;r low for cash PIKR >V ISKANIN. Jam; II. I’ikk, Jamks Bkanin. Kdjitt 'villo, .1 ui’y -1, 185;ij f.^tf • fUu'bie i^^aedorff. TILLINUHA;;!. -1 in Hook lor Si'j)tcn)l)(*r. i:. .1. IIALK .s: t^oN. rriH^s! itrrritiitis! Herritif^s! N^'^\ Ili-ri injis Just vt’oeivc'i: — AL>0— •ij.uiia, aiiil Java C 'tlVe; atf 1, t'rushe l auil Li'tif t>iigar; l^:,Mly: ; h nj ^Vi!u I J vcars ol'l: ■ : ;..-r Viu - .r. c. i:. LKKTt:. •J'j-lt \ULLIAM S VXDI'ORI), ■ N'U;TH I'AROLINA. hi:Kl), ST. JOHN 6c CO.. Wholesale Grocer.s. ' ' Front .\ni» Aik ii Stukkts, I */i itmfdph ia. . '►7. oj-.Ini iorrox i.ANDs 1' o K % A I. i:. I vi^ TW.i VAIA Ar.LE COTTON I'arri^’i C. iiaty, Mississippi. iii're that is ;i iiF.ii, the L.V iialii), Evi v olK-i\ il of work IU--1 All of whi. li short tiiiio t liaii-1 niorc cit s tiiiish*' Beif- AH w ith tair II - or inati ria IV-i.' ms oxaiiiiin' f' Or-Ifi s ti; in lairouc . I h i^ ^ ‘•h'f-ir than ON L 1 au'l in o Jt-4' ( A'II, H, l'Ili;i» AN1> h lKi'V Vohi- O 1 !1 • ’ I llCt i oil. 1 ■ m I w.1 rr I nt O'i 1 - months :t • .'iiM ^ :1 wui-kiuauship t. •;d ‘ tflUiS. 1^5 i. 4^1.0 I.AUDKBi. li r. T. ii.\i(;ii i sovs stork, iovi II**, *\. 13. . l^>7. 04ypJ WOOi. ROLLS. w JPtrc Ii9snrf9»9rf*o j WK refer our roailers to the annuiil statement of ' the .Ktiia lii.^urancc Company, of Ilavtfoi'l. : wliieh will lie founil in another column. This succe^ s ■ fnl institution was incorporated by the Lofrislature of (’onno.iicnt in 181'.*, with a perpetual charter. Its ■ caj it il is anil* its acouniulatioiis excecl ¥•'00.0(10 more, making its entire assets ever>ioOO.- 10(1, iiivcsteil as iletaiKnl in tlie statement rclerreil to , Tliese results in licate that ilurinjr the period of nearly forty years since its organization, (without a sinsrle ehanpe of its chief officer,) its busine.ss lias lieeii con- iliicteil with juiijitnent and jtrudeiicc. It lias been thus far successful in an eminent decree, discharRiiir, as we are infornui], all its obligatioiis by the payment I of about /.// rnlllni, x for losses, witliout askiii^r .i : day’s delay in aiij- ii's’ance. It has had but little lit- ijzation, not withstauiiini t!ie immense number of trans- ' actions made. In (udcr to attain as much cerhuni// as . pr'.ssible in such a business as insurance, it has been th#firactice of the ('ompaiiy, for several 3’cars, at , pro.it labor, carefully to classify and arrange their i risks into atiout tifty di.'tinct classes, so as to ascertain ' tlie .amount insured on each class, the amount of pre- i iiiiums received thereon, aii'l the amount of losses up- 1 on each. This classitication. extending; over a lonjr period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur nishes reliable data, and presents ;i sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance isnotamatier of luck or ehance. as many suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and its principles capable of lieitig reduced t^o a system, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that of any other business. The .Etna t'ompany, by adherinp; riiridly to its systoir., and jdiiciiip its busi ness ujion a healthy liasis, li.as obtained the coiitidence of the community to an extent surpassed bj' no other Company in the C. States, and has increased its busi ness and its income from 3'ear to year with a steady growth. One great source of its security is the wide distriltutiou of its risks—a policy which it j>ursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered in each locality. l>y this course it has passed, with coirpar.ative iinpunitj’, through some of the most sweeping and destructive tires, which hjive swallowed up other companies less cautious in their business. It is a system like this, based upon experience, which gives stijliility and soundness to a company, and to the as sured contidence and security-—JJnltimore I’otriot. ITM m\nw, IIAKTIOKD, CO.V.X. INCOKl’OHATKU ISlf. ClIAllTKK IMCUrETUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. lUtACi:, I’resideiit. E. O. Ull'LKY, Vice Pre sident. T. A. .\LEX.\Nl>EI{, Secretary. DiiiKiTOEs.—T. K. r.race, S. Tudor, J, Church, R. P.uell, M. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. IJulkeley, 11. .Mather, E. G. llipley, S. S. Ward, H. I’ratt, ; F. Davis, -A. Dunham, D. llillyer, T. .\. Alexandei-, \V. Keney. Tlip Assets are mainly invested in Stocks and I’onds, Doiinhlsoii AcadcMiiy. ^S'^lIE next Session of this Institution will begin I Monday the :_’lst charge of >lr. Tiio.ma^ ('airns. The .\c:ideniy building is pleasantlj’ situ- ;ited on Hay .Mount, :ind, in its location, combines tlu advantages of ample room for the out-d)6r exercises of the Students, and freedom from all ctuises i.f iiin- deraiioe in the diligent ]tursuit of their studies. It is the desire of the Instructors to m ike this a ■'•'■/i'll'/ of liiijli nniK-. and tliey call upon I’arents and liuardians to aid them, by their patronage, in the ac- coinplisliment of this purpose, bolieviijz th.at there is in i'ayetteville and its vicini' v a sufficient number of l’>oys to support such an lu'^titution. TERMS OF TUITION: For rrimary Studeiiis, per session, (20 weeks, i ^l‘_’ •'iO “ Advanced English “ “ lb oo “ Classical “ “ li-3 On (.'ontingciicies “ “ oO One h;ilf of tuition fe(-s to be pai I in adv.-ince. p ij TI OF f Se))tember, under the .joint ;T1IE XOIlTH (WROI.IXA PRESIU T F K 1 \ N • iloisixsoN and Mr. Gkot.c.i: , /glMh rresbytenan Church m >,orth ( arol:na has SL I 'lig labored under a serinu'; disailva'Uagc from till' want of a journal to advocate her claims and rep- irsont her interests. It is estimated tliaf oi::y 1000 rre-;bytrriTn Weeklies are taken in tlu.' bounds of our (hiee I’v,>'.yteries. We have 13,000 C oimnunicants, and it is safe to infer that there are .'^O.oiio l':c,;t>vte- liatis in jiriricii>lo in the State. Our Syu,,-i -tantls fifili in the I'nion in point of numbers, au 1 h, r i;!'-iii- bership i-i greater than that of any Syn .J Souih ov West i' i’eiinsylvania. (>ur sister St iie-i on the Nort'i an 1 S intli, neither of 'which has i m-'nibevship so i.'.i'ge a^ ours, publish the C*ntra!, .iiul tlie Soui.herc. I'rcsbytcrian, for the bene!it of their people. The lii'ie lias ciiine when the Presbyier'ian i iiurch in N'.rtli (’ar I’.ina should likewise d > her diiiy to her childrei;. It is a conceded and impoitant fact, that hundre Is of our members will take a State p iper wiio v>iii take no other. The Paper is needed to be the org'!i of our Synod and Presbyteries—to elevat.' and eII^i;Iltell tiie piety of our membership by ditfusiii'.: evangelical knowledge — to pr^'mote the eau-'*- of T. luo itiou—to deve'ope the talents of oiu’ .Ministry, and t > >trength- en the attachment of our people to tht^ soil and s.uic- ^IlE next Session of this Institution will commence i tuaries of their own St vte. Semi--Annual reports of the scholarshii will be sent to the Parent or Guardian. Fayetteville. .Vug. S, lx-!i7. each I’lov 1 -t(Jl EDGEWORTH FE.MALE SE.MIXARY, GREENSP.OiiO’, N. C. 7’OOL I' lrdeii with dispatch at Blount’sCreck jiaying interest, with $172,tiiil 01 of cash on deposite in the Hartford P.ankg, to meet losses. Lo.sses due and unpaid—none Losses adjusted and not due, ^'2-l,ol-’> 9.'». l.osses in s.ispense, waiting further proof, icc., ,s,')0 I--). GEO. McNElLL Lossesresistec, isusjiicioivs of fratid, ^ic.) lt'»,(i78 72. •hinel J. 7-tf .Agent of vhe above Company in Fayetteville, N. C. E. J. HALE. Faetorv. SHEETINGS, (ts'viburiTS, ('i.ttiin Vai n, and ool Rolls, for sale by 1 ■ I'l .\.rcs tin rv c .11 v inipr ived. o»>0 nee usual on ilth. an t g i I 1 iiut- i ':.: ‘ 1. ’i'his place ; :i :';c 'i i/^'- iii'ttoin; c 'iitain- ' in ‘.e I at in i' .tt"n ne\t year ■ ' if itt.'ii, — f.v : ii.'ies from a go‘i 1 a nei^li ' '!''i ■ 1 .-i' .:i\ and health: in i th•• bi-;t,cliar \V. II.VIC coiviii j; tV !ii t. aii-l 111 -.'1 Ll: 1 I aS\iTI ever oti'ere I in this mar'., manufacture, make.'^ hi- whicl! be will sell on t!i’ ■ r on time t" j>iiii. tn ' c: . I'a-hi. l. 1 .'I i Setts; cur’ed liair aii'i i. -i kin'' (J.-^'^e--: V> . ' X'Ttll th. VI-full V il !■: I- • rr ' a: r.-iilar-. . i;V 1 w prii 1 re:’t‘r G. \V. -Ie.:i haui, E- .. ho iris sec:i t'.ie Land.-; or write me ’.1 Co., .Mi^s., -ir C. W. P.. i^U' tt, W. A. STi;-iN(i. ^j-'>-2m itiufthf of .Srlnuft li.LV'us' r:’lilii'-r ;>•: (.l ANO! (U ANO!! E tindersigned asks the attention of F.arniers, .fi. Planters and De;ilers to his Stock of best quality Guanoi all of which he will sell at t’.ie lowest mar ket rate-; PERI VIAN GUANO of the latest importa tion' and bc^t ipi iiity. •• A \'* .ME.XIC.VN GU.VNO of the best cargoes inip.irted. COM Ml’ilAN tiUANo, very rich in Phosphates. . -\l'o, Siiper-l’hosphate of Lime, Pone Dust, >'tc. • Piirclia-er' may ri'ly iii having their Guano flipped in prime ..rder and in suj'Crior bags. The general sat; ■■ .ctioii heretofore given by all Guanoes sold by ti.e Sub I. i li i r. he hojics will be a sutlicient guarantee tiiat a ' ai‘:i ies sid l by him will be found as rcprc- sonte I. 'william IIOIUNSON, \os. I and li Hollingsworth Street, Near Pratt Street Wharf, Paltimore, M l. 21 -oiii BO ERHAVE’S fiOLLA\» ltlTii:i(S .•Ivi'/kHI -Vt- ■’ -t :,i ,! 'ifae- I'.-tf •luiy 1. JA>II:s W\ IA] his SPRING ANi> SUM.MI’.R 11.,1V receiviii ,U]>- LiW SSOOIif^. n llrMld. ! d wi'.l j ’■ I i ) K'l:. • •■ive the State, ' lies, consisting ■ !' iaiir-. .V g: id io V the pin-' ; I-'*;- 1‘ :. R^-HARDSON. V ie-?, > lUgll, -N '!.(iiELi:(;i: of viiuii.M.A. SESSION 1857-58. ■ts. Rii h- •li, 1' M D. M. D. '.Jllli' Suli- -rib('rs h: vt' i fi'.' 111-'!. ■ - t.ir North Carolina Supr i'i si-i- or in single volui; i- •. 1 Ligi ste l Manual. Jone«— !• i f NorMi C.irolina. Wile;.’ '• ' STitRV, oil Sales, P. . ’i! .\gcncy, Eriuity .lui isi ri; i‘ i.' , A i;c II I'.oLI), on I'l ' t: . . i Pie.-i ling, l.Mii llo;- 1 .1 !i Cill r n , on Coiitr . n Me.i>-al .1 'ir’-^jini.|i c. i'' I'l i I >i-.N , on Veil ■ ; pi >\VEI.:,, on M. ; ^ ■ .''Mlfil. .Ill \i - ll i.i.., I.all'll'.r l ;ii'. 1 i'l-ii-i. C-i ]■■■ . : 1 S.\N DELS, on : ; ; - i. i 'I'l'iis’'. I'kei" rt-. Il L LI.. "Il A r' i I a : N, HoKFM \N ;' i.e . ^:ll i • ■ W I LLl \ M.> u i'l r . .a. Pi . W 11 E.\ fON'.'- \vyirs.''^>. l‘i \VilAi;foN, ,\uiericun L:. c-il .)ui i'i ru .i ,n e. ;ate 1 ri:.ls \'- .\meri( 111 Ci-iiiiinal L.w. L.-v." Di mi\ c;o(n>s, Hats^ iSoots a tiff Shoes^ iu)i;rL\(. ci.o riis, ,V11 of wo- II, ' iii'^ ]iurehas( i by the case, will be of- 'G Court Reports, iVre l bv v-h. 'e^ 1 • Oi liet lil at LOW PRICES. - March :;l. I'.'2tf il's D, Pie 'f.ilie, DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S cLLi:r,!{A'i i:n in i: w hiskkm ■'I ■'II F, r h-is ma le arr ingements to kee) a I sup), y of tiiw (.•' .mine .\rticle. and is the only .\;;ent t-.r the ^ ile ot the above br.ind of .-V No. 1 Rye Whiskey in this place. ROU T MITCHELL. M:iv I. l'^o7. 5tf lJ'Fl:i^\'^l Ki:. ;!7 vols. cloth an'l half call. Mi.'di- lates. .M. !> I II ,M- .lurisjii .li.VM,, M. D. ; Wi.’iiefi at; l ( iiii Cw.s.vw, .M. D. Iren, Stephen on Ple.i'iing. R iper yendois. Fearne on Keinaiii'M' nieiits. C,,ke up'.n Littiet'in. neu e lition. Kei.. s ’.unaeiit. D.irt's \'eiidois an i i'liia >:;i- ;im •' Eiiuity. Troubat’ L o' i;f lliu Evi- ■lie- . M. I>. liny may aii'l .-It be prosecu'ei I very trilling ilirni.i : i t n Vi'i'ii'ly givi'ii at the (.'o’.'r^ ry, under t!ie same roof with I ' nell h !"d with Mclica' iriii^lies ]ieouliar facilities f .r ii;itle 1 t' • I’rofp.--- ;iar, not ise, bill ’ •: tl' uid th. Ill are perlbniK d in the ■ .■'^id.lits b.'iiig d.ulv nil ler the gui'laiH e of | ■ n IIII ,t I- f 11- Tiling ! Ml 1 j; igno>is Ilf ; •; i-atiiient. i .|i I Oil '111 'III rd. including Fue,. :.i; ; , ivi.-s from to ^-> ],i.,- V,-.,.;; -itaiiiina fiilier infoi nia:i..n c. i 'I, u’ill lie I'orw:ir.k"l t'l tli. -.- w,, a;iii- inijiiiiie-i will be answer. I : L. S. .11 ^VNE.-i, .M. D , Ih :iii of the Faculty. 2 l-law>w l..^:.c;ev. Drir- on Edw.'i;- .s on I’.ail- ■vavc aii'l iluiler'.-j ^ i '. Ciu-r ■ s 'iitt '. . R. ril ^'^fate. ,\d- I mited r.-irtiii rshiji. | I'.'iiiity 1 Irai.i/ht'inan I hillips and .\m''-, i i.redev III l.:i\v of Evidence. Ross on ^ i -lio ai. i 1 ;; ..i \ N. :• . I i ll at s Civil Law i,v.‘ib's L. S. I li.iiina^ L.;w. I'.ii.i'.li','-C|.;incery ^ . ... -^tice. Ro.-'. ' Clin, i.al I'ivi iein e. '.tliei lcy on ! ii_, , i’.w of M.irriage. C.iliyeron Partiier'-liip. fiveen- i .n F.vidence. Oliver on Cons. yanciTig. Curtis’s 1 ..;yan-er. liurrili s Law Di.-ti oiary. Cruise on ; I’riipcrty. T.iyior .s i>.iw (i)o~.-i,iry. Cr,-i!ib "ii ; Ui li I’r iperty. Rec\es’ Doint -1.c Relations. I’yles on liiil.-^. I’cII on ,S:ile. L' e on .\i''ii:r,it'o;i of Tii Sliai>wood's Professional litiiics. lliiion’s suit in E piity. \\ ills on (Mrcums. U!ti i! I]vi iv;;i'.'■. Coiayn's Laiidioril aii'l Tenant. Watsoii on .Vrbiir.ition. Il-ir- on Di.'i;oviTy. Oliph.iiit on llorses. Whituortlis Eijuity Precedents. Morrison Itej.levin. (.iic'ley's E'luity i.\i'ie:ice. P.i,-ii"[i on Maiila^ie aii l l'ivoi ;e. .M.atliew’b I’resumplive I'.vi. enec. Ro; erts in on Siic- cession. r.lli.-j on ln:-i;r.nt- . Lewis on the Law oi' I'erpcmity. I’hi'’iniore on Domicil I'ary on I'art- nirship. Wil.-on on Ls. F'!! on • i u-ir.iniees. -New- ;aii'l on (.'olitiaict.'. TamI;, Ii'o Cii.iiieery iv.idcuce, .\'i.'. fi;i '.' or iitinM- Law l' )ol;S I I«-Ied will i e ^upp;lel to tlie Pi I.-oil in any [lar; of the Si ate mi reas'Oi V SO.S- .Not 01-..V (.1 P.AGS PI. ■ -7 do. Cl . ' 111* (■ .‘v.\0 i;l ; I.V.: ii.L -.ilU.^N. ■I of li ,il.;r E. HALE S. .Ill' HI )•(, teVi.ie, N woii:d respe -;'u'ly infonii h:s cu~:oiners tli.l he can oi; l oiiid Lei 'I', ’.viier. ;ie vvi; I. glad to J. R. McDo.\.vLu. , .JiiU'y s, 1^'j7. 7j-tl I'l-. CJiiiie.M'iii ' niciit.s have iiig in t he i*('i i;\ ia ci-iiil)ii.e'l with till liioi'e c. l iaili. For -;aiu by Nov. li, 1^-j'j. o 11 a' I'ii -pa. ■I, but esiicri- ', ') niu ' i want- the yield, but ihc itrop iiiucli McLAUlMN. 5 kf S'i’AM) ARM 1111 !■! \V,iverly Novel COopi'l's Nov.'N; Irving's W iiis. 1-'i vol--; Prescoit'" Coii.iue-t o. Pen; :>nd Mexico; Live- oi' Fi'rdinaiid and Isabella; I,if.' of I’l'il'^ the 2 1; Renton's ■'•*> years in the U. .'^eiiate, 2 vols: 1 i; Stall small'- .Manual, I vols; Eni yc .ipi 'lia .\mei ii'aiia, 1 1 vols; Lo-sing's Pictof.a^ Fic'd Rook of the Revolution Websier’s Works, li vols: Coltoa's Life and iimes of Henry Clay: .Memoir of S. I'rentiss of Miss; Pictoii.il Life oi' .Andrew .Jackson; ■Mi'ui'dr of Win. Wir^. by Kennedy; Life of Wi^L■ and \ irginia i’ ilitics in IS’)-'); fiarlaii'l's Life of Jidin R.in lol]di: Deiii.n r.iC3’ in .\nieric.i, by De Tociiueville: .Vbhott's Life of .N il'olcoii. 2 vols; ,U)bott's Histories; \Virt's iife of Patrick Henry; Life of Win. Pinckney ot .Md.; Rayaid faylor’s India, China and .lapan; (Join. I’erry’s .Lqian Expedition; Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self lovernmeut; The Piiysical GciiTaphy of the Sea, by Lieut. Maury, Liiierty and Slavery, by l*!edsoe of Virginia; Soiitiiey’s (Jonunon Place Rook; Life ,ind Corres. of Southey: ■j lie .■'pect It')!'; \\ ilson's Tales of the Borders: Tiiu Scottish (iael, or .Manners, .Antiijuities, and ( iistonis of .Scotland; The Scots Worthies, b\-.John Howie; Lockli ii’t's Life of Waiter Scott; Chambers's Lil'e and Works of Robert Hums, Hamilton’s Discussions in Philosophy and Literature; Lile and Correspondence of Lord .Jeffrey; The i.^iieens of ^cotlan l, by Agnes Strickland; Ch'imoers’ .Miscellanies; Pro' tur's History of the Crusades, illustrated; Woodfall’s .Junius; Hannah .More's Works; Pliitar. h‘s Lives; Ib sweU's Life of Dr. Johnson; Novels and Tales iiy Maria Edgeworth; .\d'litioii, i’lUr'Kc aii'l .Johnson's Works: .Miilmaii's (iilj! .Ill’s ivoine: llailaiii Works; Cosmos, by Humbolt; .Men and Women of the l>th Century by lloussaye; 'i'he Gui le to .•Social Happiness, lo' .Mrs. Ellis; .-liaksoi'.ire, r.yron, .Moore, Scott, Hemans and other 1' ets in '. ari'ius -iiyles ot binding; The Boston Edition of tiic Bi ilish Poets, 6:c., &c. Oct. '20. E. J. II.VLL 6i fcitJN. 1 TiiK n;r>.m!ATKn tikmkiiy i^ou ' DYSPEPSIA, nisi:\si: or Tin: rh)\kts, LIVER COMPl_AIN-T, WKAKXESS OF ANY KIXD, FEVER AND AGUE. .\ii.l the VMriiUi'5 aiFcciioM' ri»n*equcnl npin -i : STOMACH OR IJVKR, Su ll as 1 tnliuf^Uon, Xcijliiy «»r ihr St'»marb. ('uliiky P.tJn'; II- •rt'ourn. n| AI \ rosiivnn'^s, Uiinti.titci » In alt .Nrrv-HiN. Ivheiiiinttc. ,tn«l N^ nr.il" «* .MVfC Ins in nniiieniiH in ianres |>rovc4i lunhlybcnorM i.il, :uvl in ollh F' rtiVrtrd ;* (If-i idcil iiirf 'I’hi- i' a purely \« L'elalile coinp*»uiui, prrpareii on >lrici!y sc ion l‘tic prinripirs, th»' iiianntT n| ilie r«*U*l»rahMl flc>ilan>t i*r> Uiit rlrivo. r.tcaii'c >I’ iirr tl . in nn»si «ii ihe l'nr.*['‘*;tn SlaU'^. il' !nriinn iht* rnil« «l Matrs u in U‘n.f«l mure ♦•'peci iHy !«»r ih'we of mr faihiT ami s«"lUfreil hrro an«l thrrt'the r.ict’of this iniiility m'lMiry .Mf* lini: uiili i'feai *-ui rr-s aiunnL' iheni. I now urUT it l«> the Anierican puUiir, kntiw Inn Ih it il iruiy u «»n«ierrul ine»lirinal virlties iiiusl l»e ;u- kn'»vvlf‘i:e»L It is p iriiftilarly r»*«*cininronHe(i lo those p» r.i»ns u hf»se constitn : tioM'' may hav«* l»f* n impairiMl 1*\ lh; euntunn>u«> «»ranlrnl ■ spirit**, or oihrr t'«-uns tli''* patjon. tJt‘*n'r »!ly instantaneous in I elU ri. it liiiiK its way iire* t ylo the seal oi liu\ tljrillinir ami I iinickenMii: • V-Jy ner\f. r.ii-ini: up ih»* ir ojilnj >pirii. ;;n«f, in liirt, inlusiiii! u* \\ Ije.alth an»i vi::or in the vysii-oi. ,\ > rM \'. - \\ Imi! vf r f\ I I ts III tijul thi> a lM \ rai!«‘ \n ill he »lis* .appoifii»*.i: hut to ih« ')• k. weak ami low -piri'.e.l, ii will pri»ve a i L'ralelu* aroiii Uir rnr‘ltal. of>ia«u!aT reine«!ia! projKMtit >. j r A I J' I \ ! 'PJje "real p«*pil! »rjlv oF iin'^'Irliiihtnil \roni.i ha> inlurr«l m »n\ iniiiation'. wluch tht' puhf c h-G.M i:ti;tr.l r ir iiu't pur« ha>ini: lie not p»TMroh i to l.uv an\ thms e!-»* U'.til you have iiixeii lloer , havr*'. Iloll Mui Kill* r.N 1 I nr inaL Out hiith‘\\‘ll *oininpeyou ‘ h‘*u inlin it ly ’“Uprr.or it i' tn all iht se imil itions. {J::;^>ohi at $I per !>oitlr. or hotlles I'nr tUi. I*y ihp 1 SOL K i* K o 1* n I i:to K s . CO. IV\€JK, .IK. ,M A V !• K A C T r R I N II PHARM.VCEUTISTS AND CIIE.MISTS, I’llTMU HCill, Pa. Samuel ■). Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. .luiie 1 I. I S'.7. !•'- .1 OH \ 1). S II A W, ATTOIt.\i:V AT I.AW, ROCKINGHAM, UlCl'.MOND COUNTY, N. C. ^ ILL attend the Courts of Richmond, .\nson and entrusted to his care 17-3m SIWTKOF .\OllTil CAIU)UNA, Robeson. .\11 business will receive strict attention. .June 18, lSi')7. CUMBERLAND COUNTV. Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessious, June Tcnu, IS;-)?. Joseph R. Blossom vs. Charles Holland. Judicial .-Attachment, Levied on Horses, Mules, and Turpentine Still, belonging to Charles Holland. iT appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Charles Holland, one of the defendants in this case, is not .“in inhabitant of this State, it is therefore order ed, That publication be made in the F.iyetteville Ob server, notif^'ing the said Holland of the levy on his property, and requiring him to appear at tlie next I’erni of this Court, to be held for said Oiunty, at the i.'ourt House in Fayetteville, on the 1st .Monday in September next, and replevy and plead, or judgment will be reii'lered against him and the property levied on be sold to satisfy the plaintiff's claim. Witin*.'S. .I din .McLaurin. (’lerk of our said ('ourt. at r.fiice in F,ivetteviile, the 1st Monday in.lune.\. D. isr)7. ' JOHN .McLAURlN, clerk. Auir L _ , lliirpcr's Mairazitie for .)uly, I Just rec'd. E. J. H.-^LL & feON. ». on Monday, August od. 1S.')7. The {.’ourxc of Study is thorough and systematie, einbraciiig every tiling necessary to a com[dete, solid and ornaniental education. The buildiivgs are so ar ranged as to combine the comforts of a home wit’i tiie ' advantages of a school. Instructors of the higl.c't I ipialifications are employed in each of the Departments. No institution in the country possesses advantages ' superior to Edgeworth. Catalogues containing all necessary informtition re specting the course of instruction, terms, ,vc , will be forwarded, on application to RICHARD STERLING, Principal, Greensboro’, .N. C. July 18, 18.')7. 21-2m .>Ion ^ x\(nv («));is. ^■IIIE subscriber is receiving his F.\LL AND WIN- ■ TEK .STOCK, consisting of almost every thing in the wav of KMariinuirc ttttt! FioUotv-irart\ —ALSO'- Hoots and Mioes, Sjultiicry, I' isli. .\ny of which he will sell cheap for ('ash, barter for Produce, or on short time. Sti re recently occupied by Tro}' li .Marsh, near the Dobbin House. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. Oct. 15, 185G. 4.''tf j Acrcs oi’ Liind roK SALi:. fBlHE Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of M- Land, lying on .\nderson’s Creek, al>out two ;a. l a half miles from lower Little River, near .Elliot's Mills,—including ;ibout One Hun lred .\cres of good .'i^wamps, which can be easily tirained. This Land i-i very he ivily timbered, and a large portion level and | of superior quality of Pine Laiiii for cultiv;itioii. j .\lso, a Circular STE.V.M S.\W-MlLlj, in complete i order and well adapted to sawing (dank road and rail | road timbers. Also, Two well-broke MULES. j .■Ml, or any portion of which, will be sold low and , on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. SMPni & ELLIOT. April ti. ].'^-!.7. ','7-tf NO lIUMP.Ki! : ^1 ■'HE subscriber is now prepare.1 to fill all orders X for Superior IlVfirr iStirLtls. He manufactures North Carolina material—he eiii- I ploys North Carolina capital and lab.ir.—and he si>iicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, .m l by comparing his with Northern pric-s, he hopes tobe ' aide to make a favorable showing. TRIAL is wha? he wants. Messrs. WORTH .j- UTLEY of this place are Agenis for the sale ot' the ;ibovc Buckets. G. 11. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb’y 17, 1S'>7. - S2-y NKW SUIMM.V OF S rATIONKlJV. UT E are ju-;t receiving further su|)plies )f Embracing Letter. Bath Post, Note and Cap Papers, in great variety; English and French Envelopes, white an.l colored: Tissue Paper, Gilbitt’s and Perry's Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Red Ink Pens, F.bony Rulers, Ivory and Boxwood Pocket Rulers, .Matliematical In struments in cases. Hand Clips. Pink T:ipe. Juills. Pen Racks, W’hite Rubber, Saii'l Bo.\es, .(c.: R.inker’s Cases, Pocket Memorandums aii'l P'icket Ro.)!;-: Yan kee and French Pencil .Sh ir[ieni‘i'-;! 'lolh .'^tretcliers, for marking with indeli'ile ink; R i lger-' Pea Knives; Portfolios; .Mayn.-ird vV Now'saii'l Divi is' Inks, .yc. .Vlso, 1 (’ase superior j-hiu.'^i; SL.\ i r!.'-. a>Sorte l .-•i/.e'^, E. J. ll.VLE S-N. -May 2, lJ--'.7. m:(;koi:s w \.\'n:i). fS^HE undersigned will {lay the highest cash price JB. for V»UNti .N'EtjROES. Letters addressed to either of us at Laurinbiirgh, Richmond county, will have pronif.t attention. D. C. .'MclNTVRE. DANIEL M. .McLAURlN. Laurinburgli, Dec. 2t'>, lS.'>ti. (J.'^tf Type Fcimdry and Priuter’s Emporium, ESTABLISHED IN 18IS. W.M. IIA(;a|{, .h-., ('O.. JIIIS .\otv Vork Cily. .'MMIE subscribers desire to advi.-^e their 'lieiids an ! M- the Pr'iiting Interest generally, that since thi- I late fire, which injured only the manufacturing de- i I'artuient of tiieir est.'iblishnient, they have entirely j refitted the :*imc with new machinery, and have avail ed themselv(*s of the o]i]iortunity to introduce A TAVt’j’ MoDKhW JMri:()vi:.y/:xT which long experience an I capital can command; and that they have therefore uneiiu.alied facilities for pro- lucing ''Bl''B* of su]ierior excellence and duraliiiity. .-iiid for siijiply- ing all orders for the s.me with gre-it .ncur iteness and promptness. Our NEW .SPEt'IMLN II'IOK, ijust issued,) will be freely given to all who wisii to pur chase, when ajiplied for. Printers wiil jdease be jiar- ticular in directing h.)w it may be sent. Wo also furnish every article needed in a Printing Office, at manufacturers’ j'riccs. .M.VCHINE AND HAND HOES’, TAYLORS, ADA.MS’, ‘ rk;(;lls', i'hase^s iPianioitd fress^ (of which we are sole agents in this city. J and of every other maker in the United States: Ink, Cases, Stan.ls, Imposing Stones, Ccniiiosiiig Sticks, Galleys ;bra- - aiid wood,) ( hases, Fiiriiifure, .See. Orders ^\iil be tilled for Paper, Cards, and Printer’s Stock of every kind. Electrotyping and Stereotyping in all their Branches. j^yType Copper-Faced to order. (Jld type received in exchange for new at cents j.er pound, if delivered in sixty days from the i!ate of j.ui- chase; if later, but six cents per pound. Publishers of ne« spapers who insert th nient tiiree times, with this .’e te, .-f I f paper coi’.taining tiie stinie, wi'd l>e p li ■ materials, by purcli:'.''iiiig f 'lir t^ia. - tin .uu bill f r tlie advei ti^i imnt If our Church ill other States, and other ('hurclies in this State, can supjily their members with i Re ligious jourual, why ::ia_\ not we'.' Are North Caro- lini Presl.yteiiaiis inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to their neighbors on the .Norih or .'>outh. or to Christi.uis of other dcuominations :;t home'.' With the same or better opportunities of ucoompl'sli- ing this work, shall we leave it untlone'.' In i)ie bin guage of one of our most uble and u-eful Ministers, ati ado].ted son of our State, “It ought to have t'eeii undertaken 2i years ago, but it is not too bite to be gin to d'> right ’ In the last two or three months, a fun) .>f about -'S-')iJ(JU has been subscribed as a j.erm.iiient e:i}iital. ,\t a meetirg of ’lie Contributors, held at (Sreensbo- roiigh on the yth of .May, Rev. .V. B:iker, Chairman. —tlie P.ipev was unanimously b cate 1 at Fayetteville, under the name anl title of the .Nourii C.\iini,i.\\ Pi’.Ksin tf i:i.\.N. Rev, Wm. N. .Mebane and Rev Ge. rge .MeNeill were elected Editors; Rev. .Me-sr.s. George McNeill, W’m. N. Mebane, A. Baker, and H. W'ley, ail.I Messrs. George .^lcNeill, Sr., John M. Co ik and David Murphy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish the Paper and man.age its business affairs. It is our w^sh and design to make the North Oahu- ’-1N.\ Pr.rsnyTEniAX a journal of the first class, eipial to the l.est in the country in typogr iphical aj pc.ar- ance and in adaptation to the wants of our Churches. Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, both foreign and domestic, and special care will bo taken to give a full and accurate stininiary of State nev.s. The name of the Paper is designc'l to be an ex)>oiient of its character and contents. From conviction, it will advocate the conservative, ortho lox, oM School doctrines and order of the Church. Our first appeal is to (lur own people -^'> N. C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confi-lently upon their faV'ir, we trust th-it the native sons of North Carolina wh.) h.'ive fouu'i home> in other States, and the*:i'iopi ed citizens of our .Stnte who form so important (iii element in our .Ministry and membership, will fake a ileep interest in this enterprise aii'i give it tiieir hearty su]iiiort. Tk.u.ms: C- per annum in advance, or on delivery of the first numfer: >2 50 in six months: at the eiid^f the ye.ir. To clubs of S'S or more, jKiylng in advance and when the Pa['er is sent to one addres-;, a discount of ID per cent, will be allowed. Our Minis- ter.s and Elders are earnestly desired to act as .Vgents, aii'l all others friendly to the cause will please .assis- in procuring as m.any subscribers tis pos-^ible. and for- war.l the names, /,;/ A'ljunf ].»/, to tiiis Oflioc. .Vs soon ;»s 1500 subscriliers are obtained, the first num ber wiil be issued. If a faithful and vigorous effort is iih-ide in the next two months by those who take a '.ively iiiteiest 'n this work, v.e will, without douii!, b«' ;;!iie to begia the publication !»t tiie en.l of' that time with M jiaying suoscription li'-t of at le.ast I’.ii'i t. > .\.Mr.'ss, Editors of the .North Carolin.i Presby terian, I'aytteville. .N. * Fayette,!.!?, .May 20, ls,i7. 12- I,. .sCtVI'T .5- CO'S ItHI’ltf.NT OI' m IliSITIMI PLillUilli'IIA. r.S(,'OTi' \ (.!()., New ^'oi-k, continue t'» jmblish J the following leTding British periodicals, vi/.: TIIE LONDON l,|UARTERLY i Conservative.) THE EDlNlU'RC.il P. EV1 E W > Whig. i • THE North llRlflSH REVli;W Free ''hurch.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW Li'neral.i BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH '1\GA/INE ;Tory.) These Perio'Hoals represent tlie three great politic .I partio" .1'Great P.ritain — Whig. Tory, and R.:..ii.-al,— but ] oliuc> form only one f'.'ature ot th‘ ir ehar.-i.-ter. ,\s Oi'.^.in■■ i.| ;’ae most ]irof .iii: 1 wr't. -^ on Science, Litorature, ,'.!oi a:ity, ,‘ii.d IN-’i;.;' n, the_\ sta'..*. ;i-- t evei’ lia'c sto ’d. uiirivalic l in the v, rid "f b-t- lers. la iiig iii'li.-pensab’.e to the scholar a:.d jir i*'es- ii'r.a'i I|. ill. .viiile to t!ie ilit' Mge';t rea'b-r ot evi'vy I! iss thi y f urnish a more correct ".il l '-ii■-'aetory l e- c'r.l of' the cuiT.'iit li: 'ratoi'.' t: ■ ..i . tin u,:,' i.ui lian c-'.'i '-f» : •-:'i!y • ' i d 'r a:.y ni*“ v.oi'M. .Y la; it of a'lvai.-:e she- :idditio;iai va'': ■ c can n.iw b“ i ’. . It as " 'On In- i Li; ^l I'!' the four Revo, r a.’iy two of th‘ f oir Ib-vi. r aiiv three of tlu- i i ir R.'\ riie 1 lisher- liiH'-'i a' :-i-rif.M: !’• r an l',,r :..|V CtC.’IE.- !ie.‘t^ fr ■ t'l tl at th Rri! ^sh Ileprin*. , han ' f For For P.'acku For I'. ai li A I" or Bbiekw I'r.p cilir.,.. f !/i A 'i: prices I'opics Four sen! 1 \ le^'. s ir f the R Mr .vs. I'sM-i, . I '.'.i t!:n t;.' ■ 1 liio ;!;■• f.iiii- Si.;/ ■ cut o! wiU be a of any ot coj/ie'' of )wed to ('i t or lll'ile wf addre- ick'A. i.r f 'Ui- one r.pie pilb- Olt s mi 11'I I (Ml ill (III o , ,rr. M-ll.;/ , , . . . ■/' it Jnll . ■'■"m th' above 1:^ four - r more ‘ ’vorl;-. Thus- l‘.evi«‘w, will be ' (.if the f'.nr Re - T 'vG In a will b. !>y ma; will b.- ] the pri';'-' deliver', d, . the I’i.sta: pal 1 , ^ and Town :, tbe-e work'* FREE OF Postage, when sent re to iii.v iiait i' the United .States hut T'l'. EN'i Y-Foi i; i wi .ds, ’ and but FOUR'I'LL.N Ilf th“ Reviews. /;. r/i. //•/>-.■c- ■: n, .ihi-re-nitiili d ah'.n: ^^oi ;./• . Remittances I'orsny of always be tiddressrd, p> LEO I'.N I'.-: .1 . CENT.';' >/■ ;r for V. ar “Black- for each tU le .-ibove [lub’ie.'itions shouM pai 1, t .‘ the I'ubli-iIh.ts, 11!) '0| f .-c Cf» , : G -ti-eei, .New \'ork. a tvi ; ti.'"- •iViti 11- a 111 pr.nCing uiit of ilieir le Al: The N'ltes. \ Ri: M.i I, a nev ’resbytr m:\\ i-rr li:e s c ;,y Mr llflpl HO' )K. ■ter' . ly T ib s; Love ftf;c ’ II (lit/.. of .-tand ir l MEDIC \L WORKS; alniod.i't. round and character E. J. H.\LE & SON. Si'.CoND HAND usually Oil j.ce W .M. H.\(!.\k, Jb.J .July 8. 11 iM'lli:u Sl Plt mihe .Xniericau .\liuao ■ 9. Kane's .'irctic E.\t ■ ■ i f he Private C. , i| The \ni( r'.caii .\ ■■S.'.V 1.',.. . .'li .l!ll ill , Phvs .e! W. iolo-y bstev iiii'.r. [John H.vo.vk 2'd-M f.' -k'-. 1.1 iwn'.' The .\:IO'- f.'oj'hji. \1 r ■ -iii-e; ’ • f. J H.VLE .V- SO.N.