S Fi M I. W B E K L, 1 VOL. VJI.] I AYirrTFATLLE, C.. SKPFKMP.HR *28, lsr,T. [NO. 64f..] ■ ; 1> MoMi.WS ANii TIIL'KSDAVS I'PUMill J. HAi.i; 4 SON. \M» I’lJOlMllKToKS ,• ■ WoeklV (tntKRVKR >'•? (10 it'in , V '-f puid vlurina: the yeur u!'xH^scrip- -} tiu' yoiir liu-. px]'ired. -KKVKR ■f'J "• J.r-r MUllUUl, il'pHlil in I ;• [ini'1 .Juring the _vfi»r of sul icri])- ■ Ht'ior tlie yoar has oxiiiri*.!. k! i >1. l-N insertoil for sixty iM'iits f>t»r r r the iir.-,t. fin i thirty cents for ctich !• . . : t’ n. Y»*!irl_\ n Ivt'rtiseineiits by sjic- ’ , 'It rouS'HiHbl*' riilOH, AilvPrtisfi s arc -.t'i*- the Tnuubor of insertioii*^ ‘iesirod, or • i n.u‘ l till auJ = Lar)^eJ ttcoorJ- RAiL ROAD \(Vric:K. delini^uent StockhoMors «,t thin (,’.iinpiniy me HrrftnttP'l by the ‘JOth li t* h« ttikun to O'l'ilect bo ins»Tt>*a irindf, chitrgoij 5u per I Stocky nre pniil or sfttisfuctoriiy of October, li'^al titepii will mi ■ the sanie. I>y OrJt-r ol ihe UoHr.i of L>ir. 't‘r?i .)N(> M. ROSK. 'I’rcHSUroj. \Vt«st(>rn liftil RoaJ ’o Sept’r IW, 1tt()20 XHW CJDODS F(!R TIlii TiLL TiMlli'. M. 'Mh j^ubseriber is rvcrivinj; n iar^c rtnii wull xelected Stock of ! Dr}’ (iooils, (JrtH'iries, [luiJwHn- :uni (\it!ory, ; Itoots ntul Shoos, ffiits Htiil (’hjim, Pri vi- I sions, i'.irt'igrj untl D'nu'^ii;- Lifjiior.-., j T‘i which h« would ctili the attenti'»n ot the public I geiierKlly, as ht- will sell hI WhoU’f^iile or Ui'tuil I (' !•; Sept. 21, ]!^07. U-U 1 >5150 3il-]WAKl). Fh vettevillc iiii; Conmnssiiutcr ?rewHr 1 f-r evideii.N sutlieient for tin f.a? letectiou iiiii coiivietii'T) nf th*> p'^rs jri iiitii tht' Store of M,‘"; .r-4 .1 I'lV night. 1-Uh St-pl r inst. Jones will [I'ly ;iu R lditional SHiiie piirp.'Si' K. Scjit’r 1',* or pers Ills wh'> bi oke & It H. J(;ties on Siin- Messrs. t’. J. v I!. II rew.nr I .if fi^r the I' r.L’X'J'i >N, Mrtyor. kJmt Doitiihisoii I G-LOVER " 15 Vi' ro' ivid his Fall Stock of Km '.I. . ri'i'.iistiinr of \v v r SIC’S, .ii.wr.i.KV, sii\i 1; \\{) i'L\n:u \v\RK.. \\ Mii.ii\in iiiiiiiis. • \ f ‘ ti'f Htt. i.t .110! .lis old cuilonie:s » ■ I. 1 - : ' nti"ii wip ho paid to a!' ' ^ Ml -itf l ' hiiu f'T rt-pmrs \. Jiii|\SO\ i li{0\l. ■llAi F. RS 1 N t.nd Stap.e Dry Goods, w i I ;ii t-. '-r nearly s of iheir : i \v ift • r 1 -X f"r I ? j”. r - lit > ^ liirw-’r than and t *' .kt ; .-vrv '.^riety and ityle of Ju •1 a ifian. »■ ■■ver,— ; lilt-.*, » luke pleasure in 1’k.itK Crow. •la-'it II. AilVEU .'Vt.-iv,n; li\ Siork of ijrO€0DS^ : i . 'i.- i ,\ .'M Ti.n* o', i friend.*; ... i :■ ’ > ^ i. ^ly ft' ok is toe . 1.. l y I l iiii tind sonit thing that V C l hi.,; Al' k:;.ds 'f produce taken in . is vV. H. CARVtlR - 43tf iilNCUAM'S SCHOOL. '■ :-leim will r.egiti on .Monday the Mr.". >i* ! >iu 11s hiivina taken a plea- ihe view of hocoiumodating a few 1 iv b ir ling, will be pr> pared on the r-’iivi any who are dispoi^ed to F0ilTUI':FlLLl.\0\li.\Ti;!ll8i)7! .irsT Vi'j), I i'ull /lOt’H, Sr^ure a (/'■ ’i/ Bargain and .'Sair Oik* ot the l^arti(‘sl, Haiidsomt'st aiil Clieajx'st Slocks o!’ flade dot it i a lor Uent.eiuen s wear, ever brMUi^ht t -this Market, aul no mi.stakf' A1.-40, a Maifniticent as.'^ortmetit .f BoyN and VoiitliN Ro^'s Suit.s and Lxtra Jackets of all Oolort» f (lloth. FOK Oin —K.a(y to turiiish t outrujt'.rij with ,iny .juuntit\ 01 ( l .tlung, ni a »• rv l.,w figure. FOI6 liO.\T A larje lot f 1' and Over CoHis; a:" 1, tancy Flauum Ivor Siiirt au i Fait8—very chtap. .\ Ti-ry exteiisive a-s rtment "f i-'ll riliHliilijS 4«00(1^, Fint* Linen and Fanci .Mar- ►eille'-Shirts and ‘.loiiari. Lnier-g.irmeuta i)f be'K'v Siik an 1 .Merino, .S n-ks. Cravats, (i:jve->. li’d.i'fs, Sus. penders. vVc. IIOOT^ and —Fr.iin thn heavi'-si ■ Water-l‘ro(,f t'.» ttjf liuest i'uinp and Fa’r Stitched, j I’h; adelphia madt- llnl^ Hild 4'ttp«t« ' f a.l de- i soriptions. Frou‘li Tra« TriiiikH — i K.xtr-i. iarg> sizt---. lioiiUft Ji..xL*s; Uciiis’ llnfc:..-i» Sole Leather. .'^pai.i^*b Iron Frunie and Packing ’I'mnk'.: .‘■Iniilish Si>:e l,eath’r Valice.'', 11.id • thers; a unw .-itylc i.f 'I'l avel!ii:g Hagn :\i'ry i . nv-iiient;) (tontl' iiien’> Sii iW « 'ind Ftncy iJUjrcy '51 iikct;: _enuine , .■'(■gars; Inibre iH''; W.iiiyitiii In tia li’.ibhcr t iv-r ('ii.its, Legginii-^ and .'^•iiid ilH; 'i:> i)vcr .'>h f-r ' La Lfs; :ind n gital vnnety ^f 1 iucy Goods t.>.i nu : n;er >iis to mention. .\’.i whieh will be sold at wholesale or retail vrry l.iw fwr cash or on time to prompt paying eu''toniers Grateful for the liberal patronage hereti fore exteu ie.l ! to me, I respecttully iolicit a continuance i.f the s^oie GLOKGL BRaNL*T, South 8ide Hay Strt-et, Opposite G. W. \Villiamb vV Co. ' Fayettevi’lr, N. C., Sept 17, 1857. 4o-tDl next Se.ssiun of thi.s Jn.stifiiti >n will l>egin on i .Mond iy the •-'I n '.t .Sei,tci:ibiT, under the joint ..•h;irg(' ^t' \lr. 'I'no.v.^s J. KuniN.so'i :md Mr .\. Cmkni. The .Vcadeniy building is pleasantly situ ated on llav Mount a;i.i, ii» its locution. Oonibines the advantug. s of .iniplf r i.ni fi.r the out-.|oor eKe^ci^e^ of tlie .'^Indents, and frf-loni fi-unt all oau.st's of hin- deraiioe in the diligent pui.-uit of their studies. It is the df>lro ol' the Instrueters to make tliis a irhoul ■.'/ hu/h icnic, .*iid they call upon Farfnts and Guardians tj aid them, by th?ir patronage, in the hc- coi;iplishniei;l of this puip' .se, believing that there is in 1 uyi'ttrville and it.' vicinity a aullicient number of Boya lo »ap( . rt such .-iii Institution. 1 HUMS OF rriTioN: F> r I’riniury .Stuitfiil.s. pi-r bossum. iliUwi-eks. i >il'J aO .Viiv;in> ;'i ilng;i»!i •• IS On "■ I’id.ssical ■■ 25 t'U ' ('oniingoncie- “ ■■ -'d) Otu- huif of tuiii- n tVtts to be pai l in advance. Scnii-.Vnnuii' rep rts i>f the scliolariiliip of each Boy Will be .sfiit t i the i’arei't or Gu.ir lian. I'ayvttev.l.'-. .Vug. .S'. iS.'»7. :'.2-t()l iU:\10VAl.. Att..raey at Law, has removed his riH.in in the Robinson I5uildin;is. rth fcl.’id. alt th'j plat'orin opponito iMWI.I.L HOUSF. rwnTTEivii.i.i;, \. I'. uU iff (rrfcn Street, a tevc iJo’tn Si^i’>U thr Mnrk>>i lloHAf. ^B'^FIK Suhacriber desirea throtigh this niediutn to arknowledge the libei.al patronage be.stowod upon his [{onse the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables an 1 Carriage Shed ooinenient to the House and to water he takes jih'asure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accom- luodato them with transient and permanenl board, and I '■'■■'*r*‘ctfully .solicits a continuance of the liberal patroii- agf heretofore rocuiNe.l. F.very exeitioii on hi.s part shall b(> used to render them conifortalile during their sojuiirn with him. His tablt* is always supjilied with thu b(^8t the Uiarket ail’ords l>. SllEMWfclLL. March 24, 1856. K(]-tl IS. 1; iirsK'-' office to a Fntrance on tiie N Koi’fs'.s Giist M l Si ptt'fiiber i. (iroc ‘ri!‘s! « I AM n. *oi’*wj isortctl; Jii B'lls un i I'asc-s Su^ar, -1 » Rdxt‘3 On ly, nssorted; Pibls Wh.skov and Brandy ;.'i R'.i.'-, NiHUuir-.'nure J Toti icco. u'J “• Liiii' ii and .Siida Fiiscu;i: U4 ca'i . I hrt'i,|.aitnc Ci't; _ii,uini ( ir.s. as- .rtf }0 b"xe.-= .Niv 1 l!a. .''.1 ■■ Tim;;: p-ir-nt . l-'» re‘ii-1 .t;'.rch; >1110 ver, '-•'I' 1U> JO haif bb s. .Ot'M I’. r.'us-;. .".(Ml m 1’ .; 2'HI S-1,1;-, S,i 1: -. S!;.. J , :j .\ ; 2‘> •• Ve 2j •• M'i = .\n 1 a ,.;rv:it in.iny sold l.iw :-.t W'h. . L paying cust.ai!ers. S.-pt. 2. • toll Squ;2. •■I, Mill' !l t'Mns, >iS.j jrlu'i, !., in tin Cuiis: r; '. ‘iS-''-rit‘'i; .1.. I'ltiuc d!e». .'I I’- vvdurj; la; ird :in r is. nil of which will be f r ' \S”. ^ r .11; time t i protnpt K. F. M()0iu: 11* ON TLESDaV, SEriP^MBER i;2, PUBLISH \VK PR()P)SK To 44-2w O 1 isi!' I !sii!' 1 !s;n::! RBI..- Nv 1 HLRKING. 1 1.1. N I. M A« KEREL, - bhl«. No. MACKKRLL, n B'ixe .N'v uit re. eivod. 1 HERRING, C. E LEETE. 44 4t NOriCK. 1 1 I’ l KMr>ER Term, 1857, of the Court of 1' •. :ind Quarter Sessions of Cumberland coun- : : -t \'-l" and tostameiu of James C. Dobbin, ^ : wa- .iliuit'ed to Prid'aie, and letters testament- ■ • T' jr irit- 1 th' subsc riber. .\11 per^'^n« in- T e M'-itat 'r arc ri“j.tested to niuke early ■!i* ’il-'-e Iwvitig chiims against his Estate; ^ ;.r- ■■'•nr ..h.-m in due time, or this notice will be '■* t ir ^d’ a recovery. ■\NNE.SS C nUSKE, Executrix. ■' I'i. 4-3-tlw xoTici:. T Sc; rcmbfr Term lf''>7, of the Court of Pleas and | ‘.'■ririer Sr-.-; .ns for the County of Cumberland, | i ii^ er ii.iving malitied as Administrator upon | ll't ite >f .) din .McLaurin, notifies all persons in- | ■ i t^ the Kstufe t'' make immediate payment, and : I !•' in'- having claims against the said Estate to ^ t tlicm properly authenticated within the time | f I by law. otherwise this notice will be pleaded : -r ■ t 'hoir r^'Oiiverv ! D. McLAl KIN, Adm'r. >:7 43tf ( ()i ro.\ ilH >,n.l GCNNV ’ 1'nv; F. 15 \(;(.IN(;. I’.\(iiilNO in cjuantities to I “'lie iiy JAS. G. 4.>tf 1 i 1 .\ i - SI > ;• i.'H - Sl’GAlt j'v ‘TiiL'elv .,r \V cam: S|RI I>. buii^-.i. ■ just received. .Ifsale A lilipral dis- E. LEETE. 44-4t rfon • l(/rrrfi,f nirnt. i I:- Sui -Ciil t-i- is receiving his St. ck of i all \Viiit(‘r 4«ood^, .•■.e,y thing in the way of L»RY ()OOI>S, '1: ,\'p!icas. :v K UeLairies. Cashmeres and I'i. '- s Ai'i), Calicoes, Lin • lied .''hirtinffs. iJi illinjis, X : • c.\V .leans. S'ltiii.et*. Cas- !)Y .MAl'E ('H)THL\G, 1; ! 1 w 'rkin-iiiship. BOUTS ai.'! li jys: a>0, a good as.Hort- M sses’ Shoes. Trimmings for Mantillas and Ciotiks, of the and ? (.f all sorts, and !,e . le- HAKDWARi:, GROCE I' 't .i'r Goods, which I wiil sei, ■ ‘!iw.* crevii’ to rfliab’e and THE GREAT BOOK OF TIIE YEAK! The New Tale, by the .Auth .ress of THE LAMPLIGHTER! LSS CUMMINS has chosen for the title . iifr new book the name of the principal her line, the beautiful and accomplished MABEL VAUGHN, ^ .Vnd has written a story which, for elegance of diction and thrilling interest, has rarely been r-.piallc 1 by any .\merican lady. The question has been repeatedly asked—Can Miss (.'ummins write anuther book equal to “The Lamplighter.” We can answer this question , now with perfeet assurance, not only from our own personal knowledge, but from the unqualified testi- ■ tnony of literary gentlemen of Boston, who tiave read the work with great care, and with absorbing intere.«t. both of whom pr.inounce it a superior b.-..k to her tirst. and assure us th;it the ir.thoress of “The Lamp- lighter.” instead of losing petition, will add immense ly to her previously well-earned and world-wide repu tation. JOHN P. JEWETT & CO , Publishers, 2b'.t Washington Sr., Boston. •Sept. 18. 44ot CAPE FEAR LAi\l)S FOKi^AI.K. I fBTflE Subscriber offers for sale that very -aluable 1 J. PLANTATION known as the “Blocker Laud," situated on the East side of the Cape Fear, four miles , below Fayetteville. The Land fronts the Rivera haif mile and ruiis back two miles, and consists of about ' Six Hundred Acres. The soil is of every variety com mon to this region; embracing the light sandy, loamy, ; clay, river low ground.s, aad very rich swamp latids,— 1 of the last named ub.iut fifty acres arc under cuUiva- ' tion, and are as good as any in the county. Tiie b.tl- • ance of the swamp (about I'liJor 1OU acres) can be very i easily drained through ditches already cut to the River, or to Lock’s Creek, which runs across the ; middle ot the tract Of the whole tract there is about ; 12.} acres under cultivation. The growth on the ^ wood-land consists ot pine dong aad short leaf,,- oak, hickory, poplar, cypress, gum, ^j'c. For terms and further inform »tion apply to \V. L. Evans on the premises, J. E. Bry.iii, Esq., P. .\L, Fay etteviile, or to mytelf at F;tyetteville. FRANCES EVANS. Sept 21, 18.')7. 4ltf ' A LlBEKUiImli). I I ^JT(iLEN from the Sutiscriber on the night of the 1 ; 12th inst.. a very large and likely young sorrt^i | j .Mare, between 2 and years old, with a small blaze I in her face, 8 white feet, anl ^hod all around, the in- j ^ side of her hind ancles cut a little %vith the shoes. A j ■ very liberal reward will be given for any information 1 Tliat wiil lend to the recovery of Sail .Mart* or the ap- . preheiiBon of the thief. ; t Mud Lick P. O , (^hatham County, N. C. | I ISHA.M (’OX. Sept 14, i?.'»7. 44-tf ■ W UJJAM SAXDFORl), OF North Carolina, With REED, ST. JOHN it CO.. Wholesale Grocers. N. K (,’oK. Fko.nt am» Arch .‘^TRKKTij, ilfttlelpliia. .Aug. I'J, 1H.">7. .‘l.^-xim S. W, ERRANT. 4 l-2tn i.; uui.ir 11- 1: \ i I - l iy in *>vt ie m.Hltil. !■ ii I rl- ' t IN . >Ali I Nii[i^ of the '>N. 'ii,\pi.*TTE .-i will be ’y "■ Meekl‘‘iiburg, H'liiiP being k wiii be '■>er next, !.. '1 lie traiisler b - said .i.,_v. H. W (11 1 )N. Umji -t >e..trM.I t. i.k I'r. Ill i: I .lid .'•iivir ili3>. oil Sunday i.ight »‘ti red r. 'i\ .-I.me unknown person : y desk •> ;*.2 in tiank Bills will give the above .$20 lt(‘\var(l. BHOK.E Jail in .Moore county, on Wednesday the K3th of this instant, WILLI A \l PHILLIP.'s, age'l about 22 years, .about C feet 2 or inches high, weijjlu about 17.') or 180 lbs , >>lue eyes, walks a litile stooped, has r;ither a -town look when .«p'.ken to, full face, and has but little beard; he has a knot on his right ankle bone, c lused by a cut; he s iinetime:; pasaes himself for Wil!i:\ni Moore 1 will pav the above Reward for his lit-iivery to me at Carthage, Moore county, or ten Dol- laiF for his coutiueinent in any .la'’ in the State. TH(».-;. W RITTER, Shff. Sept. 19, 18.07. 41-4t LAM) KOR SALK. X-nr thf [r. C Ruthfrfnni J'ni/ Rnnth. AUu near Ldurinhnry llijh School. Subscriber, will on the l-’jtli i>f Oct. nrxt (if '“'t l-reviously disposed ot) expose to puMie ■’ l‘is liaiitiition cont'iining .icres .“'aid Lai.d Uu:ite l ijj R’l iiinoi'd ('(lunty near Laurinburk; High list ml a ol a mile from the W. C. R. School, iiii.i Railroad : ,ie ;ipi rehenbion of the thief and ^t;( \. i r .'^.'0 for either. O. P. LUTHKR. uiii..!i-i Sept. 10. [ J )-10t JAMES .McLAURlN. 44-ts 8cpt I'J. liLAXKS lor aalc ui this (Jlhce. P K O J** P K t T I .S OF THE NORTH TAROLINA PRESBYTERIAN. /■IIIE P resbyterian (.'hurch in North Carolina has i long lab ire J under a seriotts disadvantage fr'im the want 1. I a j lurnal t : advocate her claims and rep resent her interests. It is estimate.1 that only liKtO Presbyterian Weeklies are taken in the bouii.ls of our three Presbyteries We have l-‘?.(.>0() Communicants, and it is sat'e to inter that there are ^?C,()(»0 Prc'b\te- rians in ( ri.icijile in the .''tate. Our SynO'l stands fifth in the Union in point of numbers, and her mem bership is 'greater than that of any .‘'vnod .''.lUth or West of Penn'-ylvania. Our .“ister States on the North and South, neither of which has a membership so iarge as ours, publish the I'entral, and the Southern Presbyterian, t.n- the benetit of their people. The time has come when the Presbyterian (''hurch in North (’arolina should likewise do her duty to her children. It is a concede! and important fact, that hundreds of our members will take a State paper who will take no other. The Pa}>er is needed to be the organ of our Synod and Presbyteries—to elevate and enlighten the piety of our membership liy ditfusing evangelical knowledge—to promote tlie cause of Education—to develope the talents of our N’inistry, and to strength en the attachment of our people to the soil and sanc tuaries of their own State. I f our Churi h in other States, an.l other Churches in this State, can supply their members with a Re ligious journal. why may not we' Are North (^'aro liiia Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and patriotism to their neichbiirs on the North or .South, or to Christians of other denominations at home? With the s;itne or better opfiortunities of accomplish ing this work, shall we leave it undone? In the lan- gr.nge of one of our most able and u.-oful Ministers, an adopt" ! of our State, “It ought to have been undertaken 2H year.^ ago, but it is not too late to be gin to do r'ght." In the last two ^r thrie months, a fund of about has been subscribed as a permanent capital. •\t a meeting of the contributors, held at (Jreensbo- rough on the 14th of May. Rev. \. Raker, Chairman, ! —tlie I’aper wa- uoaniniously located at Fayetteville, ! under the iiamt* iind title of the Noktu C.xriii.ina I i'uE.suYTF.uiAN. i^'v Wtu. N .Mebatie and Rev I George ^Le^eill were elected E litors; Rev. Messrs I George .McNeill, Wm. N. .Mebane, A. Baker, and C. H. Wiley, and Messrs George McNeill, Sr., John H | Cook and D.uid Murphy were appointed an Executive Committee, to establish the Paper and manage its ! business atrlirs | Jt is our wish aii^l de.sign to make the N'>rtii C.vko- MS'A Pni.si;vTi:[!i.\N a journal of the first class, efpial ; to the best in the country in typogr.aphical appear ance and in adaptation to the wants of our Churches. Its columns will afl'ord the latest intelligence, both foreign an.l domestic, and special care will be taken to give a fuU ati'I accurate summary of State news. The name of the Paper is ilesigneii to be an exponent of its character and contents. From convietion, it , will advo(>;\te the conservative, ortho.lox, OM .'school doctrines at.d order of tiie Church. Our first appeiil is to uiir own people—to N. C. I’resbyteii ins. Whi’st we rely cori‘1 Gently upon their favur, we trust tirit tin- n.ative ■^.ins of .North Carolina ■ who have found hoaies in other States, and the .adopt ed citizens of our .State who form so important an ' element in our Ministry and membership, will take fi deep interest i'' this eiU'Mj rise aifil give it their hearty supp .r:. Tlhms. :^2 i.ier -un.uni in advance, or 011 delivery of the first inimoi'r; >>2 ;'il> i;: six months; >*!.'$ at the end of the vc;ir, Ti^ clulis of 20 or more. payinE in advance and when the i iu er is sent to oiie address, a discount of 10 i^er cent, will b- allowed. Our .Minis ters and Ehlers are eu-fi'‘stly desir?d to act as .Agents, and all others friendly to tlie cause will please assist in procuring as m:my subscribers as j>ossible. and for- wari the n inies. /,>i Aiii/i-.'/ l.>7, to this Office. .\s , soon iiS 1 .jOU Mibsci ibers ire obtained, the first num- ; her will lie issued, if a (liirhful ,a.nd vigorous effort is made in the next two t.ionths by those who take a lively intere.'t in this work, we will, without doubt, be able to begin the publication at the end of that titne with a paying sutiscription list of at least 3000. .iiiMre-ss Editors of the North Caroliaa Presby terian, Fayetteville, N. C. Fajetteville, .May ^0, 1S67. 12- DoHiiiN lioi Si:: Power.'' .v tr»v. proi-rik.toks. ' 4 ^ H E i*ro[irietoi s of this Establishment fl- announce to the public, that owing to the const.mtly increasing patronage exteinl- ed to th.'tn, they have been induceil to en large the aceommo iation b\- the aildition of an extensive l>iuin:z Room on the lower floor, and suite ol Rooms on the second tloor; thus enabling them to aecommodHte all who may t'avor them with a call. .Ami they (.led;e themselves to an incrensed exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. .Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostleis in at tendance The eligible location of the F-stablishment, with the experience os' the Proprietors in providing for the com- f*rt of their patrons, they hope will secur*« to them b d!>«rfil share of the travel. The NS'estern and Sotithern Stages arrive at and de part from thi.s House. Carnages iti attendance on arrival and departure of .''team Boats, for the iccommodation of passengers. Horses and (’arriages furnished at any notice for car rying travellers to any part of the adj.iccnt country. J. W. i’OWKRS.' W C. TROY Fayetteville, May 12, :^tf V ai.cahli: PRorr.R'rv ran s^h^e. S OFFER for xale, L.\NL>.S in th>3 Tuwn of Fny- 5 utteville, about 1.3o .\cres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. About HO .Acres of it is line Meadow Land, ;is the Crop now on it will show. .Vlso, the Vali4itl>l«‘ HtuiM* and l.ol near the .Nl.irket .•'quare, occupied by .Mr. John Pemberton. \ liarge and Valuable Lot, fronting on Itonaldson. .Maxwell an i Miimford .''ireets, known as the Hotel tiarienLot,—couid be divided into neveral Building Lots—very near the new Female 1!igh School Buildings. ■Vlso, the .Stable Lot adjoit ing, fronting on Mutuford .'Street. Several UESIR.ABLE l$LILL)lN(i LOTS on both Wineloi' and Mumford .Streets. .\I1 this property can now be purchased 0:1 favora ble terms, and a large part can rem.ain on Bond and Mortgnge if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, Is.').'). 4C-tf ROHKR'r 1). (;rki:x, (LATK GREEN WE \R.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYETTEVILLK, N. C. JJB I). Cl. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liberally be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs then he has bought the interest of J. .S. Wear, and will continue the business in .all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N. P. All Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the jiresence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to them and a writtP!. contiact (riven tor the same, which work will be war ranted for two years. Oh hanl and tor sale now. the most varic'i and choice selection of Cl-OCKS and othe>' .ime pieces that has ever been otfered to the public ir North (,'aro- litia. which he will sell at New York prices, and also wMiR\NT for two years. -\ll debts due t.) and by the late firm will he pui i and received by R. 1). (JREEN. \ugust 2->. 18.')i'>. ,"4-tf LA.M) for salk. ACRES L.A.ND lying on the Camd«u Stage Hoad, !•'> miles South of Fay etteville. The Land is well timbered, and admirably I lapted for Turpentine or Farming purposes; and lies between the .Southern Plank Road and Big Rockfish, ;ionvenient to market There is on it n comfortable fu>m»-- House, .Mill .Site ie .Any informat’on may be obtaine.I on the j remises iVotn .'tfrs .Nlarv NoUon, or by enquring of JAMES BANKS. Atfy. Favetteville. Aug 1:;. 8S-tf F ILL STOIR FOR 1H5I. STARR & WILLIAMS I RK now receiving a VERY L.\ROE AND WKLL xV SELECTED STOCK OF #Vi/f nnd imoodsi To rthich they invite the early attention of their cus tomers, and Wholesale buyers generally. .Vug 31, 1857. ;.s tf i>i\ ilitwics^s History OF OK Til MROLI.\'A. The Subscribers aro now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typogra[d;i- cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from user trom our General .Agent for the State, II. W. Horne of this place, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price vanes according to style of binding: In handsome cloth >1 2.'»; in Library Sheep !»;l 50; in half (’atf •'i'l T.O. It is solu onlt j or Cash. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our Agents. .A liberal discoun* will be maiJe where quantitie.s are taken to .sell again ! It will be sent by mail to any part of the ceuntry, i on receipt of the price and 24 cents to ; \ postage. The 2d \olum«» is in course of prepsiation. There ! wil‘ probably be four or five volume.s m }ill. The suc- ; ceeding volumes will probably contain about bOo pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents additional fur sheep and .00 cents additional tor the half calf binding. E ^ HALE S SON Fayetteville, April 2y. ;8i')7 I’. S. The .Agent and his A5si.->tants design to visit 1 every coui.ty in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accoinpaniel by the cntfh, will receive prompt atten- lion VALl AliLH PROPKRTV FOR SALE. j ^BflHE .Subscriber having concluded to remove South, -IL offers for sale his HOI sE \.\D LOT, , in the village of Chapel Hill. The dwelling is a handsome one, large atjd conveni- , «ntly arrancred. The lot contains ; SIX ACRES ; of grouli 1. with every convenience in the way of out ; houwes, viy.;—Dairy, Dry-well, Kitchen, Servant house with two looms—lathed and plastered, wood and wash house, carriage house and stables. ; There is al.s.i on the front, a very neat OOIB1.E OFtTC I^:. The grounds are in a high state of cultivation— ; about half an acre being in fruit trees of the choicest ; kind and bearing abundantly. For further information address the subscriber at ^ this jilttce. Terms made accommodating. E. MALLETT. Ch'ijiel Hill, Aug. lo. :i4-tf CJoai fjaiids lor Sale. By virtue of a Deed in Trust to m« executel by John Me F.llitigton, I will sell at public Auction, to the highest bidder, on Tuesday tlie 8th da. of Sep tember 18-07, in the town of Fayetteville, at the Court House Door, one-fourth part of the Tract of Land known as the DYE L.VNDS, lying in Moore county, and adjoining the lands of Evander .Mclver and otheis, and containing eight hundred acre.s more or les.». Said land is situated aliout three miles South trom Deep River and is well timbered with long leaf pine. Coal of tine quality has been discoverevl on the premises, vein 10 inchos thick. .See Emmons's Report for further particulars Terms made known on day of s«le. J. T. McCLENAHAN, Trustee •\ugubt 14, 1^07. 34tf (strocorios, IIarl\var‘, Slc, 'B'HE undersigned are now receiving a L.\RGE .\S 8 SORTMENTof (irocories, Haniwan-, Iron, Ste(*l, llollow-wans Sho«*s, Leather, and Saddlery, whif-h they will sell at Wholesale at a small advance on Cost lor Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GEO W. July lb, 1807. WILLIA.MS & CO. 2‘j-tf l’[ HLIC xo ric K i Is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to ! the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from , Beaufort Harliorvia Kenansville. (’linton, Fayetteville, and West, will be openel on Thursday, the K.ith day of April 186(j, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until furtiier notice, at the following places and under direction of the following named persons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In the (’ounty of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the (''ounty C*urt at Jacksonville, and at the Post Oflice Rich Lauds. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John .V. .Averitt, Jr., ()wen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort i>r. M. F. .\rendell, J. F. Bell. L. T. Oglesby. •■\t the store of G. W. Taylor at C'arolina City,—Col. Wm. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby. P>ridge .\rendoll. In Dnplin county, at the ofTice of the (\iunty (’ourt (’lerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B Kelly. Wm. E Hill. Wm. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the ollice of the (.'ounty (lourt Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay^ Pa.trick Murphy, Wm. Faison, .J. R. Beaiiian, .Alfred .lohnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A .McKetlian,— Ihomas R. Underwooil, Ran 'al .McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription; i The Undersigned a.uree to take the number of share® j of >;100 each, set opposite to our names respectively, 1 in the Central Raii Road Company; and in all respects i to comply with the torms of the Charter. ! Names ] ResideiK'.: I No. of s'aares I Cash I W.irk | \Vv are now receiving oui F VLL S»T()('K of H>T.'' and SH(.)E.'', wliiel' arge and genera’., embracing every va riety ot (^eiitlemen’s. Ladies’, Youths', and (’’hildren't Boots. Shoes and Gaiters; India Rubber Shoes of every style and si^e A large assortment of Servant's Shoes —ALS(J— Triiiiks, Calf, Gout, .Morocco, Lining anJ Bind- ittfZ .''kins, .Shoe Thread, Lust.s, ic , Ac. Which we will, as usual, sell low for C\ixh or to punc tual customers. .S. T. H.VWLEY Jl i'ON. Sept 1807. 3t* Ow VILIUBLF UMIN FOR SILK. ^ filHE Subscriber, being desirous of moving South JL or changing hi.s busine.s.s, ofl'ers for s.ile the fol lowing Lands; Uue Tract, coutaiulug 170i> or 1*^00 Acres, on which is my family resideuce, situated ten mile.s ■North-east of Fayetteville. 011 the East side of Cape Fear River, through which the F. 4 N. Plank Road jiasses. It cont.iins a fine O.ik Grove, with substAntial Buildings, •iiid is well supplieil with pure water. The above traet consists of .•^wanij) and ujilands. a portion of each kind being under cultivation and in excellent order, anil contains two fine pastures for stock, abun dantly supplied with fresh water The uncultivated portion is heavily timbered. One Tract, betwecu 300 and I0> .\cre8, lyin^ one mile North of the above, and immediately on the Plank ItoHil, on whieh is a valuable .Saw and Grist .Mill, in perfect ir lei-. The tract is well supplied with pine timber. Oue Tract, lOO to 500 .\cre8, of rich and productive .Swamp Lands, a portion of which is well fenced and under cultiv.itioii, known as the King und Norman Lamls, situated one mile from the river, be tween the .Ashe and Armstrong Lands. The uncleared portion contains valuable Cypress and Oak Titnber. One Tract, I -^cres of Piuey Wood I.ands, heavily tioiWered, and known as the Little Creek tract. One Tract, 50 Acres, which lies iu Great Creek, and contains the greatest abundance of Juniper Timber for Shingles. Persons wishing to purchase can get all the neces sary infoimation from the subscriber at his residence, or from James Murphy, at Gray’s Creek, either of whom will take pleasure iu showini; the above lands. John .MURPHY, Sen’r. Cumberland County, July 27. 1S57. 29-tf FOR TIIK WEST! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! f1 s. CROWN’S Tri-Weekiy y* Line of Four-Horse Post Coaches, from Salisbury to Ashe ville, via .'Statesville, Newton, Morganton, Marion and Pleasant Gardens; connecting at Asheville with the line of Stages for the Warm .Springs, Knoxville and Greenville, Tenn. This is the best stocked aud best managed Road in North (’a- rolina. It is the most expeditiotis, safe and pleasant, and at the same time the cheapest route for the West. Leaves .Salisbury on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day; leaves .\sheville on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day;—running in close c>>nnection with the North Carolina Rail Road, North and South. t’. S. P.ROWN, Contractor. June I't, lS-')7. lb- 1' T D I I I Subscrij.tions m.'iy be made payable in work, an^l ! may .specify whether for grad'ng or cross-ties; and • stockholders .shall in every case have prefrrence in | takinjr (,'ontracts, \rhen bid* are the same or at Engi- i neer's estimate. j •As soon as one hundrod thousand dollars are sub- | scribed, the (Joiumissioners of'Onslow county are to be ; notii'ied. aud they are reipi'red to call a meeting of , Stockholders tj organize the Comp..ny. March IT), ISob. l:!tt' o. iloi s ro.\ OULI) inform his friends nnil former customers ^ V * that he may be found 2 doors below the f’ape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person .Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing belonging to his trada. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine hie stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, iicd his charges shall be inoilerate. He would rc(juest all indebleil to the firm of HOUSTON A; OVERBY to (settle with W. Overby or himself, as they ! are compeiic-t; tc settle the firm's debts. Aujrust 2?, :£5G. .34tf Fire Insurance. M refer our readers to the -.lunual statement of the .'Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in another column. This success ful institution was incorporated by the Le^iisbiture of Cotmecticut in ISl'.t, with a perpetual charter Its capital is iSoOO.O »u, and its accumulations exceed •■jiSOO.OOO more, making its entire assets over ^i.300,- OOO, investe(J as detailed in the statement referred to These results in licatc that during the period of nearly f..rty years since its ori;anizition, (without a single change of its chicf olFiccr,) its liusiness has been con ducted with judgment :uid prudence. It has been thus far siiccessiul in an eminent degree, discharging, as We are inform d, :ill its obligatiofis by the p;iynieut of about (Dt u'olhirf for losses, without asking day's delay in any ins'ance. h has had but little lit igation, uotwithst.in ling trie immense numberoftrans actions made. In order to attain as mueii cerUiintt/ >ts possible in such a business as insurance, it has lieen the practice of the Company, iuv se\er:il year.s, al great labor, carefully t-i classify ami ;iirange their risks into ab.-.ut fifty liistiiiet classes, so as to ascertain the imount itistued on e*ich class, the amouii: of pre miums receivwd thereon, au'i the iimount of loss.'s up on each. This clussiticatioii. exte.idiiig over n long period,and covering property toavery l.irge amount,lut - iiishes reliable data, and presents a sound, Kub-t.iiitiul t>asis of actual experience, uj»on wh.ch to conduct its business. Insurance i.s not a matter oi In k or chance, as many suppose: its hazards are ascertainable, and its principles capa'oie of beinsf re lucedto a system, the practic.il working and results of which are as cert iin as that of any otlier business. The .Etna (.'omiauy, by adhering rigidly to its system, andp.neing its l>usi- ness upon a healthy basis, has obtained tiie contidelice ot the community to an e.xtent siirp.issed by no other Company in the U. States, (iii'l has iin.rens.' i its busi ness and its iiic me troui yc ir to year witii a steady growth. One great source of its fcceuiit^ is the wide ■ listributiou of its ris;;s—a p.tii. y wliich it jiursues with great strictness—liriiitiirz the nmount t>) be cov ered in each locality. By ih;s coarse it has passe.i, with comparative impunity, througli some .f the most sweeping ami destriictive hres, which have sw.»ilowedup other companies ie>-s e lutious in their business, it .s H system li».e this, based upon experience, whit.h gives stability an 1 s uiuhiess to a company, and to ihe as sured confidence and Hecuritv. — H'lhimori .iri’A.i \mmh uimpi.m, JlAR ri'OiU), 1:,C0RPURATLD l.''l‘.'. » i-erpltlai. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BllACE, President. E i KIPLhV, Vice Pre sident. I. A. .\L!..\A.M>ER, Secretary. DiiiKrTi'Ks —T. K. ilrace, S. 'futlor, J. Church, R. P.uell, M. .\. Tuttle, E. Flower, 11. .A. Bu’^eley, R Mather. E. G. Ripley. S. .= Unrd, 11 Z. I'r at, (i F Davis. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. .A. .Alexander. W Keui'y. The ,\»sets are ma^ly invested in Stocks an i Bond“, paving interest, with^l72,tit>t til of cash on de[ioslt«; in the Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due aud unpaid—notip Losses adjusted and not due, S2l,-H.5 Losses ill suspense, waiting furttier [iroof, kc., Street, at present occupied by Doctor .McSwain. ' S.jO 15. U.VDl^R T.iKER S. ^H.. subscribers otter their services to the public to 'iirnish Coffins, Hearse, and every other reiiuisite tor Funerals. They have u consi'lerable supply of ('oflins ready made, and an abundant suf>jily of ^la- hoiri'.ny, Pilack Walnut and Gum and Poplar materials for making any size at a short notice. Orders left at the Cool .■spring Mills wiil tje promptly attended to. hearsev’a Johnson. F'ayetteville, June 29, 18-^7. 20tf NOT I CH. ■>HE subscriber having, at June Term 18.")7, of the ('ourt of Pleas aud (.Quarter Sessions for the ilounty of Cumberland, qualified as .A.lministrator upon the Estate of Willie F. .Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the saiij Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise thi« notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment immediately. E. F. .MuORE. June 3, lSo7. 18tf i^irlher Stippftf of School Books. AVIES’ .Algebr.i; Davies' Arithmetic; Green eaf's N.itional .\rithmetic; Smellie's Philosophy: J*ic- torial Greece; (’ocper's Virgil; .Mc .vc. .Als >, Tupper’s Proverbial Philosopiiy; I’.ailey's Fcstue; Waylaud’s Moral Science; »S:c. cic. Iv J. H.VLE 4" SO.N. Aug 19. MCW si PPl7v OF S'l'A riONKRV. E (ire just receiving further supplies of s T.jr r# o. vm: n t \ Embracing Letter, Bath Post, Note and ('ap Papeie, in great \:iriety; English and French Envelopes, white and colored: Tissue Paper, Gillott's and Perry's Steel Peii.s, Pen Holders. Red Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers. Ivury and Boxwoo'l Pocket Rulers. .Math«matica1 In struments in cases, Haiid Clips. Pink Tape, C^.iills, Pen Hacks, White Rubber, i^an'l Boxes. tVC.; IJaiiker’s Cases. Pocket .Memoraii iums aud Pocket Bijoks; Yan kee ami French Pencil Sharpeners; flloth Stretchers, for m;:rking with indelible ink; Ro;lgers Pen Knives; Portfolios; .Maynard .v .Noyes and [)ivi Is’ Inks, .y*'- -■Mso, 1 Case superior English .‘'L.A'l'E.'*, ass..rted size.s. E. J. HALE SON \laj 2, 1>*.1)7. DWKLLIXG FOR SAI.K. r^g^HE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling I and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonatde. E. J. H.\LE FOR SALK. "SHE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT cn Gillespie Perfect title can be made. Apply to THO. J. CURTIS. He lor A».' 'i CJodey’s Ladv's Hook, £. HALE & 80N. ALSO ^ GOOD FAMILY CARRI.VGE in good repair and m nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— 8 good MILCH COWS with young calves April li9, 1867, Apply to J. CURTIS. 8tf Losses resistec\ (suspicions of fraud, &c.) H 12. -\Kcnt of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. C. «J. H.\LE. ROOK lilNDERY. . RW. HARDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Business, over the Tailor Shop of Clark & Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27tf

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