S R WI1-W B K K L Y. VOL. VII.] FAVKTTKVILLR, X. C., ()('roiii'.K 1, l^^)7 [NO. 047.] v,vi Mi'xnws \sn thursi>ays. ’ U Ai.li J. H U,H it S(t\. •IMT'HIS and I’KOPIII 1;T'US. ■ - Woekl v >i>'KRVKU ^.‘5 (K> if p!»id in i ■ ■ '• ] I'.i 'Ituinp: th*‘ yenr t«f siH'scriji- i 1 S i I ' > >';i r ha-. ox]'ireii i’ O'* per •mnuin, if (I'litl in ’ _ it 1 . » .'.m lit' the y.'ur of siibsi rip- : _'ii 'Utt r tli‘ yt“:ir h:is expir^fii. j ' Tl.'ll>i I'N I'-'' fcr sixty cfiits peri • !;i. •: f.ir the tirst. aii'i ttiirty for fdoh j .I 'li Y*‘;irly •nlvortist.-meius sjio •r, t', :it re:isoii;il)le r:itt H. Ailvertisi-i s >uv I : i'l' th«‘ huiiiIht of iii^iTtioiis (losireii, or , itiiuu-'l till forln.i. iiml cli:iriroii acconi- .. :.ts t ■ bo ins. rtoil ■■'U'/f. charged ')0 per I KNIVES and FORKS. VOHY hiiinlle I\niv(>s. with nii.i without Fork‘d; Kiiives with two pron>t Stoi‘1 Koii;a, :it I 1 !(• p* r Set .Vise, h complete stock of other .|u:i!itiefl. For ,ule at the (’rockery Store ;it verv low price?*. W. N. flLLlNCllAST IH-Tiw n:0. ALDj'liM AN, Mnspector o/‘ WII.MINC, TON, N r.. ^OLlt'l l'S p'\ti .'II i:Zf. I’l wuipt .ittouti oi ■! New and Cheap Goods! jA\n:s kVLi: •si-i'iving a l:irjic and jieneral supply of Dry ■ . Htiii'nsr whii-h are splendid l>re.^s Goods, ■ irticle in the l>ry (i > ids lino. .Vll of which, ■■" 'I'O 1 by the p lokaze. will be oft'ereil by )• ret at rt sinnH iidvaneo for cash or on ['Uiu-tUHl i'Ustotn‘'rs i . -ri .:ac. ."ept'r -Ifl-tf i CHINA ; A sr.TS -new shupes—Gilt, Painted and I’lain. it > t ti l>fvi/c,Ui d VASK5, ups an I r= m 1 "th.-r !:u.'’y '’hiii;v. the most beautifu; X \ T set”.; herv. Al« >, a variety of other Fan-'v - -iirraltle t'lr pre^ 'tifs. at in-derate prices. GLASS, M ulded an i Fiiiir.; ^ :u - bta\i.:fa! new patterns ’ I't' -f.d I'uniblers, EARTHEN WARE. ,:e V>: ; .^i.d L' i'(ue i^iae; H i Tomato :e; !' tii;er. Teiai.i Xoi.et V'aie .'oiumou k\ar.-3 ■ : V d‘, • oripti.in. - - ■ bv W. N riLLINGH \ST. t ; ' r . 1 ^‘l7. -Iti-tjw - ( \S1''US 5 Jo i;it'erns;) ii K1 ;* ( t (I‘■i.at » s ; aid e "^t'.cks: S’iUtfers and m;. s: t'up>i; Si oons; French Fotks; I.adles and Butter- Kiives, 8 and 1- c* plat*-; Dt-ssert KLivefi; Pie Ki.ive-; vVc All of which were ' lii.ui:ht froru the >nauujiictu- utrh and will be ;'ti'ered st less profit than I . M is -ire usually sol 1. Planished Tin . r t; t'- tl'ee I’nts: L'rns: l>ikrgins: and Filters; • r >:ews: .'rteak-lMshes: Plate and Dish Covers; I k> atid i.-ther u>eful articles. Tea Trays and :t', ;-.iue beautiful, in 8tts. Miriifinnia V tmi I OFFKli I'dTS; Spoons the best:) Candle- ri' L:lmp^; Pitchers, .kc. ■; -r. .-k .f liASKtlTS 'ii|.eri"r quaiity; every size, troni a Shaving Glass iTL'f Par; r .Mirr'irs. Tin I’hamber Sets; common V Tin Ware Wood Ware. : . Tt. I Lave a corai*!ete stock of articles ia my . «... ■}» are usually wanted here, ai d need now ' ivcr?. ■ W N. TILLINGH AST. '■. ;'r 'l'>, 1 '•■37. -Jti tJw .'IV'ir Stork of r.ooivs AM) srA rioNERV. F. ;ro I i!... k: • , fit' ^t'liool, and .Tlis- -■ ' ' T with a iar^Tf and varied Stock of BL.\NK ■ P.'.PKli. FNVHLuJ’KS, J£c. ■ I \leri.-hant:- and others are invited to call as ' r tii. :ti vve stock on the be.st term*. E J. HALE i SON. .1 w ret'eivii g . -.ir usual New Stock of and Stationery, embracing a great Sept'r l!ti. • Sl(trh of {jroodtf! The Sul)scriber has just received a l:ir>!;e a^-sortuient ol Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, ('omprising over}’ thing that a Lady or (Jei.tleinan may desire tn wivir. lli‘ most ro.-’pei‘t!ally Sulioit-( a call from iiis oM friends and aciuaiutaiu'e-;, and all strai’fiers, Itefore they purcha-Jt', .-i' he would like to haw the jileasuie of .showing them thiouph, and if he cannot suit them alt right. I l’:)l-;. Sept -'J.. Ij-liU') t J. & :i. u j()\i:s I -\re receiving their F\LL AND WlXTKll Stock of j FANTY ic DO.MKSTir DRY (iO(ll)S, i W nich they will sell ;it their usual low prices, in part as folb-wi,— DK LAINS, all kind-; All Wool Plaids; ('ol'd Merinoes; Col’d Silks and I51ack; Kich Kobes .W^uille; Chenille Shawls: 1*0. Scarfs, all silk; Long Shawls for Gentlemun: l>o. for Servants. Cloth and Velvet Cloaks: French Kobes, Volant; 1*0. for Missej; Nett Coats for ('hildren: Long Brocha Shawls; Nierino Siijiwis, white; Oper.-i Flannel, Plain and Col'd, tjuilted Skirts; 1».' Hoops; Fine and Common Blankets; Cott' n. Si’ik, and Woolen Hosiery; Do Fur.cy, for Children; Ki-1, >ilk. Merino, (’otton (iloveijfor Ladies; t'henille Head Dresses; Chenili. by the yaril; Bonnet Kibbons; do. plain: trii.RCS and Salom, all colors; Bla k Velvets: Hl’k and Col’d Belts; Mul'terrv Buttons f>r l>resses; Thread, ^wi^s, Jackonett, Bobbin, and (’otton Kdgiugs; B acK La:e and Edgings: Emb’d Hhdkfs, (.'ollars. Sleeves and Bands; Love and Lace Veils; Bonnets, Hats and Caps; —ALSO— A uice variety of Men’s, La(ncs’, and (’hildren’s SBOKS. ' .Mso, A!en and Boys t'loifiintj. Cheap. I —also— PEJiFL'MEI? y, SOAPS, mam/ othrr Fonrt/ Articles. I Sept. 11, 187)7. 4‘J-3m removai.. GRAH.\M has removed to the store formerly occupied by Dr. Foulkes, on the corner eat of the Fayetteville Hotel, Hay street, where he is just re ceiving his F.IMjIj .f.V» JVl.VTER STOVK OF READY-MADE CLOTIIlNd. Ot'tlii- Styles. Consisting in part of hcr-('onts^ Dressy Frock and Bu»ine*» Coat a; I^aula, les/s, Shirts and Co//an,, Drawers, F/annd Shi'fs and Drawers; Suspenders, ('ruvnts. Merino and Cotton Hose, liv. »lv. He also keeps constantly on haml. a tine assortment of BOOTS ASD SHOES, L'mbrellas. and Carpet Bags All those wishing to purchase cheap and tine suits of clothes, would do well to call and examine Graham’s Stock, as he is prepared to sell as low as any in this , market. ' Sept. ]-’ ->2 -m. despatch care. June 1 ill b SiusiiiLss e; 9 0 iiad ":»■ ' y t!i,‘ Toil Miv I best l'L''y jt. •,ua It M, M i ni M A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwrirding Merchant, WllAlINCTOV, N. (' •luly (i. l-'.'u. 'J'Jtt ‘^JVortli &. Utley, I'orw ardiMi* .‘ind ( OniinKSM :i V.VMi M wrs. 4'. .1. A. WOHPIl. {/■Jtl ; .)■>.- I'lLKV. .M)ii\ P. s \^^'s()^^ Commission ami Forwarding lyjerchaut, WlLMl.NtlTON. N. ( . Will give jiulit.ular ;iitir.li"i; tt> the saie of Nava; .■^tores, Cott.'ti. .V''. Feb’y 2”), tS'ii). ^’>-tl W. H. ttjrlington, (’« M(‘riiiiuil, Nk 1*2 Noriii Wiilcr St., \VlL.MIX(iTOX, N. v >.•>7 y. '.nr )! I> i! I 17' TH(H CH'l IT: • f\ ' l.l I.-ill ,'Hi'I / nn />:• M:' .'/a It/ th- M-i/iidis/ ('!tur''h, iii Miiiiiftti-d Str >•/. NO rrc’iv N'C'-M WOM AN ;tnd TWO LIKELV CHILDREN :;ri- '111 ri d |'.,r sa'o The woman is an excellent ii. Oil.. ' ill., c'p'.li.t.n is bitween sis an! seven r- .1 tli.. otlier in':irly four \j'].ly i 'l' fiiillii-'- i> 11 tii-ul.-irs t>. ' '5. Slir.rHl'lll). Attorney for the owners. l'o7. li.-2w (;rA\(). ; r';NS No 1 PKIM.VIAN (ll ANo, for sale '• ■ WoltTH .y I TLEV. ! V5'l» AM) lil 'n'ER. ’1XTH \ CUSH!;-. IM I’TI’.H; l,l-i\F l.AIlL*. ii; .juaiitities to suit. For E. F. MOORE. lf*."j7. Im S I ■ I.V .-M-p't ;i>« ^ f !> •> :l:> ul: V ! n.■>! :i iiito C"p irto. > iTflii ,';l) C A i{ |.:rts. An i ; i;i (‘II;- '.ot II ■ - • I* r l:in.iiiiv t'n’ir tmsiio- . wi.r.s, with any ..-^t :.s . o Si \ le Mil l .iur to;ii t y. 'iishrn-'iit. ILL uivc liis prompt personal .itti'nlion to tin sail- ir shipment ot all 'onsiLMiii'ents Stores or other Country P-'o luce. Nov. s, I'-.'i'i. ■ f Nav-i! *1U- 1.1 til 11. wh;i!i..T Vv ■ V,.in: M ■iii vi 1 I'.Ol .I-m no wn I ! J..* I ■;t I 'A -1 e- • la uiaT n l lLil V Kit .J.A.MK- I-i. ■•V ’ r ,■>! \ I N. tijlf II JAS. C. SMITH & Co, rt('tirs^ ('of/i/iii (tt(l i'onrdnhir Mi:iU’iiAN'rs. j .Vo. '1 surrii w.M'KH sniKi;r, ri* srAius. ; WllAlLVr.TOX, N. (’ ■ Oi t. '21, 1 •'•')'>. -'>o-V ' JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. von n I H I o \ AND rOR\VAKI)IN(; MKIU'llAN'r, ,V. 0\ ffoT Pi’^ ■ mjit ]iersona! att*.-n;ion piven to all’on'ijfn ments, and (.‘a.-ii advani-es m:v le on Pr.. lu(-i- t-. be ship pe.i to other p.o-ts or ■'■■Id in tiiis mark.-t. Feb. 1‘2, IS").'). 1)7 r. (’. II. woR rn. Coinmi'^sioii vSj I'orw.-inliiiir MfrchuiiTs, BROWNS Bl'lLDlNG. WATEi; STUEET. liiii.\. i'. Usual ;i Iv.inces made on I’onsignnxents. Jan’y 17, 1H.'>.'). *j:’>-tf .I()Si:i‘il liAkKli, .Ik.. A r r « K \ h: v \ i' i. a w , ,\S taken an otTice next loor to Wm. B. Wright's LAUDS*:?!. 1[ I! b ii \ ■■ ii \ ‘ .N : ! ! xorR’i:. i |r 'J.\KK.N u(i and ciMimitted to thi. Kobeson Jail on ^ the 1th inst.. a Nerro ISoy who ays his name is j.l \K aii.l till? •i'- lielong' to .)ohn Williams of On- j -:'t \ .-oiniiy. H- aKi .'•lates that he was hired to i .I 'hti Ilou^!.)ii; but will not state in which county ; l].'iisto!i live.-', 1 is ,-il>oiit five feet four inches ! liiu'b, i-op|,i-i' i-ol ir, aii'i ] rob;ibIy boiup eighteen or j tvs .-Illy years ol :ii;e. The owner will come forw,«ird I Mii’i prove pro].crty, or the Neijro will lie dealt with as I iii«' biw dii-ects. KEl'lJEN KING, Sheriff. ' S(‘pt. s 41-lm MoIT .\(‘W (jroods. ^IHE sul>'ici ibcr is receiving his FALL AND WIN Ei riil! STOCK, consisting of almost every thing j KSanftntre atid itoitoit'-tntre^ —ALSO— ' liools and > liocs, SuddN'ry, I'isli, 6jc., of which he will sell cheap for ':ish, barter for I Pr.:.lucc, i.i on hort time. Store ic.-ently occupied i.-v Tioy .V .Mnrsh, near tin- Dobbin House. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. ' o.-t. Kv.v,, 4^tf THE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITIOW 1 Rl/K A1!:!>AI.! AWAllDED TO v' MEVER. O' tolxr 15, IS.51. ■ .^I^i\^K resj.ectiulii in.- rms hi:- iriends «nd •ii'.iti'' 1 lav fill’ viJh I’v rs')7 ‘liyp'i !.i ri:RA'ri lii:. ■J7 vm!. cloth ■1 iiail c:il ■ II Law ofiice in Green Street, lie wi’,’ .ttend a practice in the (’ounty and .'^u]ierior 'ourt of t'uni'i land, iiladen, Kol.fson an.l .''.■impSiin. March j;i, l^'):^. 7‘.'-tf LOVFJU) • Ittorm'tf at ijau\ %,M7’1EE atieii'l the ('ourt.-? of .John«ton ▼ w son Counties. Smithfield, Vpril 1.'). l^.>*i. :i l Samp- ■■tt;-tf THO. C. FULLER. ,iftortn‘if tin ft €'ottnsrffor at ijatr. ^ ^PFli'E at K»cle~ Ptri.lire. recently .■. up •lames Binks, .I.an’v i, lM.'»7. F-.% e. reci ■ttevillc. Iiie.l ti\ N. ’ on ‘-Ti;iiMi\'j; mM mai;.izi.\e. 1' ' UK THK TITLK OF A LITERA^'Y PERIODICAL, I ■ liriJLISIIEL) n o X TII I. V, r TiiK ; UN (IF SALE.M, NORTH CAROLINA, Kv ANDREW J. STEDMAN, MLMBEK OF THE NOKTli-CAROLINA BVR. 'tiering to the Public my Maga-/,ine, I claim for i.e E'iitorial t.’hair no superiority over that de- .if other like Periodicals; but I do claim for • .A-iit 'if N'lrih I'arolina. aud the South generally, .• ■.% 1 1.“ br.iught to its'iiipjiort. Southern patron- And I also, as a Southern man, and he Editor I .Soutlieru .\l.i^H/.ine, .aim at the hands of the ■ tliern eountr; , and especially of North Carolina, • uid and sujii.oit that will here, at home, establish, .1 :i firm h-isis, m iV untuin of Literature, and ex- . ■ ;y I! Home Literai'y Mag:i7.ine. '1 y .'ire the >lag;izines now j'uhlished in the ' ‘ in .■'tates that are flooding the wliole Southern i-\ llnreisnot, (it is probable,) a county in ' uthem .'tute that is not visited by "Harper,” ' Hii;. ■ ••Peter-^on.” or ••Godey;" while here, in . ;ir.iiii,:i :uid the South, wliere genius ui>sur- ■ i iiid uneijuale I reijrtiH. the literary talent that ■ Mjlit int'. exercis" is ded’catcd to the support ot ■MagJiziues. while Southern enterprise, tuste ■ V • ' t.'iw in humble submission to such suicidal ,■ i .' 'Uthern ,^i,ntiibiitor8. ' ■•.■ i .-.miot -North Carolina, the South • ' .iri-et lik' to our Southern clime a Magazine, ' 1 ' ■ ■ ’• 'I '!ie iioiii, i|'i ilitii'S that adorn the pages ‘ ‘ • i'\ ■- 4 III .-iii'l po'.ite Periodica .s' It '■ ’ ' . .::is her 'ii!;a7.ine.s; but few ii. ' ' ■ -11 ' .i’l^ -.w-.i. coinpure l to tlie pu*i- •' a .ep. iii iil biingt. to oui ' ' • 1 .ao .r, a.id teem BOERH AVE’S HOLLAiniTKKS “L \W ('OI’AIM'M-USIIIP.'' Ur E, the undersigned, have this d-iy formed a Law Copartnership, and will jiractice in the Courts of the following counties f this .St.-ite; (’Irtth.im. Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme (’ourt. •J. H. HAI'IIITON. .JN(». MANNINC. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y I. ISoii. 7Jtf o i»r. K. A. FFICE Front Booms, \) \ ti. . ' til U',[. , ■I 1 nyi- ; I aid 1 t,‘ I h IVe 1’ Hilli . i .ith. r .Soutlieru I i . pr III liiix a il :l. IS ;l - 1- 'd-tl... u,u. -7... H.el n-.ihing ' . .nun.- 1 t.i us p.i^es Ion r.,o „ =u-tu-ie« as wih >: ipprtival ot them."; Usis.ii.o;- ItsUalb- lllii.vliMl! il will! l.iisriiviiiLfs aiiil I'l ii**s, the m.i't I ii.i I. Mure, eiiaaiing in lie,.\uy m,,) any xe. iit. I I I) e .N n th \ ].ii>e ot '-u!.- I ipn .11 lb I'llllKE l'OLL.VK,'> pei i'l le 1 lo e p,,;.l in adva;ice, as ilit ti. be iiicune.l in e-tiihli^hiiig sucli a putilica- 11.’t .i./iiiit "f.-i ere lit ■'\.-(ein THE CKlJ.;ni( ATKK KK.MF.nV FOR DYSPEPsrA; i)isK\sK «F Tin: kii)m:ys, L.IVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, .And the various atrections conspnaent upon a ilisorilcreil STOMACH OU LIVER, J^arh as Iniiiuestioi). .-Xritlity o| the ?'loinarh, olicky l*alns lleMrtlinrn. l.os? *if t*e'.|ioM/leiic‘\' ('osiiveiie.s.s. Itljn*! aniJ j ISU i-.liDL' l’ile. In nil .N'ervmi'. Klieiinirilii’. ;inil .\eural|.'ir AiP.t lioiis.it h:is in niMiicrniM in'tunceN [.rove*l liiuhly brner»-ial. nnd in others ell'erteil a ii’ iileil i-ure 'riii' is !i jinrely vpiielnhle roiii|H)iinil. l>rcp.-irfl on strictly s ien ti(i(-(trincijiU'. .-tiler the lit inner of tlif celeliralt'd llollaml I’ro- lesNor, Hia'rh'ive, llenoi'e ul’ its 2r*':tl siirress in most ol (hi! l^iiroliPHn States, it' inlro.lui li.in into the I'niteil (»l;ites was in ten.Jed more es(ieri:illy lur lli.i--e ol l ur l'iilher':inil seiittered here and there over the l o e ot this no"hiy country Meetinu with crenl siirress riiiinnt: tfleiii I tnm oiler it to the -Xdierie.-in pillilir. kiiowln!.' that its truly woiidernil ineiliciiml virtues iiiiiat he :ie kthuvleilueil. It is p:irtirnl:irly refoiiiiiiended to those persons whose constitii lions niny liHve liren iiiip.-iireil liy the i-oiitiniiniis ii-c ol iirdeiii -I'ir.ts. or other foilii' o ifiss pntion. ;etuTilly in'I.tiil:neoiis o. . It-ct. it linils it, way direi tly to the seat ol lile. thrillini! iiml qiin-kt-ii.ri: e\*?ry nerve, rtisinu up the tlrtmpini! -spirit, and. in i-iet, iiilU'ini! ' e\\ li^-'lth ;tnd vitrt'r in the system. \t t I'M K—Whoev. r ev fi t' to fnitl Ihi-- ii heverade wilt he dis p(i..iiitP l: I.at III the sirk. weak nnil I'lW spiriteil, it will prove a 1! at(‘lili ariiiiiitii: i:oriiiaI, p.i^essed oT sinjiiilar reniedial pro(M*rlies • , \ f T I O .\ ! The areat p.ipiil .rilv of thi de||"hiral .\roiiia has induced many iiiiiiati .ns, «hiai (he piililii: -hoiild I'liard ai'ainst piirchasinc lie iioi per ii iP-.l lo liiu .nylhin!; eNe until yon have (liven Boer- loive's lloll ml Mitt, rs It I .ir ir.al. One hottle will eonvince you li-.M uiliii lei) sU|iernir it i' lo all these initatinns. J^r^.-old at ^fl.Do per h.iUle, or si.\ liottles lor S.'),(l(., liy the s () 1. ^ I* l( •• I' I! I KTn |{ . . B::\J % fill .IK. A CO. M V N f r A T r R I N » liLA4 it. over Ur. S. J. IIins.bale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, IH.'jti. 7i’.-ff \V« call th(“ atti'iitioH of WIKHJ'.- SALI-: i)!v\u:iis 1^0 our present Stock,—.and wo have recently re ceived— •500 bags Uio, Laguira. Maricaibo and .lava Cottee, ‘20 hhds .Sugar, assorted j;r.'ules, 7.j bills 'lo, Kefine.l.('rushed and Pow lered. boxes .''jierni, .\damantine and T;illow (’an lles, >ti do Fancy and a>sorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, .lute and Nlanilla P»opo, 7 bales liagging, Cunny. Uundee aii'l Ibirlaps, oO tons Hoop Iron, 1'20 boxes Cheese. half-bbls Super ('.irli. Soda, 40,000 Cigars, various lirands, —Al.SO — Pepper, .Spice, fiinger. Cloves, Madder, Indigo, Siianish lirown, and P>ar Soajis. Stari-h, Pow.ler, Sh.>t, il.-ir Lead, White Lead. Putty and Linseed Oil, Window Glass. Sniitf in IJoxes, i-^igle Mills do., in Half Ubls.; (jreen and Pdack Teas, Hollow-W.-ire, .'WO'les lr..;i. English, tierm in and ('ast .Steel: Plows, Straw Cutters, (’orn .'■’hellers, isausage (’utters and StulVers, I'riioe Chains, Sole Leather, ."ic., \c. The above Go>ds we oII.t un the most favora'.'ii terms to prompt time or cash purehasers, 1>. >v W. M( LAC KIN. Nov. (>, ISolj. ->ft! .Viitnier«, Horas, lirimsloiie, Fa;icy S'PANhAUi) /■glllL Uaverly N .vel CiL.per's .\iivel>; lrviii;: > W.^i ks. 1 -I V i’-; Pre'-i-..tt's C..ni(ue-^t r.t Pt ru an.i Mexico; Live' of Fer lin.iti I an.l IsabeU i; Lite >f Phi: [I the •J l; P.entiiii's years in the I'. Seii ite - v.jl Tlie .'st.-tlesiii.iH ' ManU'il, > v.ds; Eni'ye'.ipedia .\merii-ana, 1 i v .Is; Lo'sing'.' Pii-toi’ial Fiei'l !’>.■ . f the Uev .’.a Welister's W.irks, 'i % 'olt*in's Lite aii'i Times .if Henry ('lay; .Meiiioir of S. S Prenti o! M;s'; Pictorial Life -I’ .\iidr. .V .l.-iek. im; .Mem ir «.f Wni. Wirf tiy Kennedy: 1/ife ot \n--e m l \'irgini.. P ditics in l''-"i.'»: (iar'.aii 1> L;ie .f .1 ■ ,n Kali l.i’iph; 1'eiii.u-raey in .\niei ie i. I.y I»e Toe.^'ie\ il’.t ; .\’i!>-it'.' Lile .il .N 1, - v.ii-; .\. 'Virt .- Lr.e of I’atrie’.v Henry; Lite ..; \i ill. Piio iii.ey o; M i : lliy.ii.i 'l'.i>lor > In iia, I'liiua m l .lap.ii; ( .iiii. I’eny's .laptui Lxi.e i;: ion; Lieiier on ( ivil Liberty I’.ol Self Governineiit; The Physi.-.il (ie.i^rraj iiy of tlu'Sea, by Lii'Ut. Maiirv, Lilierty aud .■'l.-iverv, by l‘> ■ Isi e of \ irginia: .''oiuhej.'s ('omiii. :. PiaL-e iJouk: Life .iii'l I' .rre-. of S-.uthey: The Speetat .r; I'a ,-s i.f the P. .r lers; fhe .'^..ittiih liael. ir \1 iniieis, .Vnti-iuiries, an.I t'ubt'.iiis .ii .''(•iitoiii I; Ihe .''C')t.s Wortli;.'-, iv-l .ii.a II ->vie: L.H-klMrr- Life U i ; v .tt; I'iiHiiitifr''- Lite mil U rk' .if Ibibeit Uiirns. llaiiiiiioiiS l'.» us>ii'ii' ■ I i’lli ii~..p!iy aii l l.iterat m e; Lite an l t orre-pun l.-nce il' l.ur I .le;h-ey; Tlie t^ueeiia ..t Seiii:aii l, -i.. \4:ies Stricklan l: rhaiiiliers' Mir-v'i . Pr.ietor'.-' Ilisi-iry .f tlie 'rus ii.-', illustrated; U oiidtaii s .Iiinius; llann:.h M.-re's W orks; Phuari ii's Live-: If s.v,.l;'s l,i;e of l>r .I.'tins.ai: ' .Nove’.s aii'i I'.iies by '.Liria E l.^ew.irtii; ,\.i liti.-n, r.urke ;ui 1 .i.iiins.in .s Works: .^lillman■s ilo:-.e; llailam's Works: (’i sni..s, by Ili::iiliolt: .Men all I N'oMieii of the l^ th I'entury by Hous aye: The (iiii le to .■'oo'. tl Happiness, by \lrs. Eliis: Siiak'iieare, i>_\ r.)n, .M ..ire, ,S,-ott. Ileuiaiis an i other Poets in various styles o; tiiii lins: The I’.viston Edition of the Eritisli Poets, .xc , .ve, (let. E .1. llALi> .V S(»N. I !}()(>k \V aiit(Ml. 'S^IIE .''iib.i.'riber, liaving takv'ii theGe:ieral .\eeiu:y forgeitiiifr i^iit'Seriliers to aii'l .leliveriiiiz llawkss j llist(>ry tif N'irtli C-irolina. now in ]iiocess ot putiliea tion liy Mt.s.-rs. E. Il.-ile .V S.m of Fayetteville, is desirous ot entering into.'in en:;-igeme!it with (iiie oi ! more active, iiitell._eni an.l reiiaiiie ].ersoiis in c.-ieh ot'the .1 iidiei.-il Cireiiits, tti canvass their respeetive parts ,,i the .' t ife. or ]iarticnlar counties, thor.4ti;cl;iy, ! Imnu'.liate aj.plicativ.n is desire.I, as ^anlp!e co|>ies ot the first y.ilunie will will be rea.ly in .a lew d.iys. j rndi.iilited testimonials .is to ehar.acter must ac company each application, .\ddress 11. W. IIOHN. Flyetteville, l)ec. IS.')!!. iil- i'oii salIv ^ 11!’, foilowinii VALUABLE KE\L E-TATE. the Il property -.f I'. (’. II ill .iee'.l, is, otlVie 1 f.>r saie, and eoiisi^is ,)f the following tracts: 'I'liat tlc.'irablf placi: kimwii ;is ll.itno, oniitaiti- ing alioii' 'J-iO .‘icrc:-, with all the iniprov.'iiients. This place «iil ! e so'el entile ..r'iivi te l, to siut ].'itch.i ■V • t ie j i’.i :,ei 1. , he has eonstantly .in 1 iiaii.l Piaii.is eiiual to tho.-^- f .r which he received me i Pr .'e ,\1. l.-il. in L( ndon, in Ibol. ,\li .ir.iers j r. Tiii.t v ;,i*ended to. and great care I ; ikeii ill the seleetu 1 packing the same. j lie ha-; i-i-.jeive.l dining the last l-i years, more | Me tals than a. y .itlo r ni.-iliei from the Franklin Insti- i nite: al" . I'irsf I'leiiiiiims .-it IJ.iston, New Vork and j Halt II.'.re. I )V .\ 1111-U i»M.S. removed from S. Fourth t.» .N. 7J_’ MiCii .''TitEET, below Eighth. South siJe, Pri;-. i.-lpliia. ' ! ; •'i:V;lmpd Si IIOOL IU)()Ks/ Mil'll.Lngiish (ir-immar; Peterson's Familiar .'ei.-uce: l'.olmar'> F.-itdes: Emerson's .Arithmetic: 1) liiiai- > Freio-li traiiiiuar: l.ove’l's C. S .Speaker; .'^ •i-_ .'i-iti.iai 1 S].. -iker; North Carolina Heatiers; Ml’- ii. , ' I i. i.;i-ipliies; i^iuackciibos's llhetorlc; \c. E. .J. HALE a: SON. FAYirrrKVlLLE HOTEL Furniture and Fixtures for Sjile. ^■IHE above nameil property will be sold to any 1 responsible person, upon fair terms, if applied for between the prp.sent time .and the ir>th of Decem her next. If not sold by the 15th of Dec., they will lie sold at Auction after the tirst daj-*of .January next, in lots to suit purchasers. .Any information wanted will be cheerfully given by applying to -1. H. UOP.ERTS .S: CO. i’ayettevillc, September I J, 18.'i7. 12-tf !«?50 » MT" ILL be given for the apprehension and delivery w w to me, or confinement in any jail in the State so that lean get h.im, of my man .IIM. He left on the 30th ult., and has not been seen, or heard of SMice. He is a bright mulatto, almost white, about 2o years old. about ■'> feet i) inches high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long beard on his chin when ke left Had on w hen he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very likely try to pass otl' for a white mau. and make for a free State: should he not go north, he will likel3’ go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raisel there, and formerly belo‘i;ged toW’m. H. Wright, Esij., of that place. Any person who may take up said lioy will be entitled to the above rewanl and the thanks of IS.-VAC B. KELIiY. Kenansville, N. C., Aug. 1.3, 1857 :«-tf 2,800 Acres of Land FOR SALE. IHE Subscribers offer for sale the above Traet of Land, lying on .-Vnderson’s Creek, about two ai.d a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot s Mills,—including about One Hundred Acres of good Swamps, which can be easily tlrained. This Land is very heavily timberel, and a large portion level and (if superior quality of Pine Land for cultivation. Also, a (Circular STE.-V.M S.\W-MII L, in comjdete order and well adapted to sawing plank road and rail road timbers. -\l9o. Two well-broke MULKri. .-Ml, or any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a boly or in parcels to suit. SMITH .■(; ELLIOT. .-\pril tj, 1807. 07-tf \0 MUMiJLG! ^ I HIE subscriber is now prepared lo fill all orders for Superior ll\iter Bitrkels, He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploys North (’arolina capital and labor.—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. I>y giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make n favorable showing. TU1.\L is what he wants .Messrs WORTH UTLEY of this place are .Vgenis for the sale of the above Buckets. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb’y 17, 1857. 82-y I 4000 .-Vug. 27, 1857. FOR SAI.E. BUSHELS ALUM SALT, a very su perior article, by .JAS. C. SMITH & CO. Wilmington, N. C. .38-2m. ■t. L (;iA.\o. >Ns r.iisr i-iiiicviAN ;UAN(>, vi 1 .III 1 fur s .li. !>v GEi>. W. WILLIAM.' C'OiiN. r>L'S. ('OHN, for Sale by WdKTH \- Aii-r UTLEY. .3b- I •fi 1)\\ I'OR SAI.E. ■'Ill’, Siibs.-riber wishes to sell the large Dwelling ill 1 L'.t on the e.ii-iier of Cillesjiie iiid Russell .-ets, ;it pi-eseiit occupied >>y Mr. Heiirv Eraiuht-ri. nils V. as .ouMe. ‘ E. .1. II.M.Il i| cut; I o .11' 'ii j it b;-riii- j.roii.-tbly o!H' .d' the b:' t b usiness staii i th‘ c luu'.rv. .-iiid is verv 'lesir i'iie to tiiose wishiii 1 § -.11, VM;i.-|l /■ .''ept I i. 1 >* ■.,. •N -My A.lihcs 1. (iC P:tt-,bur .ui-li N. - i , .\ '' I' ill bf issut‘1 U/ JitnU'iTy lb-*)8. \ J ^ibUvl.vN, Editor and Projirietor. 4*i- u;itil the Niivctuber I . -after iLat tiuie it wiil ti« PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, I’lTTbiiURon, Pa. ."^■imuel .1, lliiisdale sole agent for Fayetteville. •Iline n, 1K.',7. lO- HOOlv lilXDERY W. HAKlJli-’ has resumed the Book Binding Business, over the Tailor Sbop of Clark iSi VVoodward, where he will ••**ceive and execute bindi ig iu any style desired Aunuitl. 27tf R. l.AXil l-'Oii ;v\!,i:. Vt’llES tH' L.VND lyin;; mi tippc- liittle Kivoi-, ill 11 a rni 11 ('oiiiity, well timViered and well locatt 1 tor th-. r'lrpeiitiiie liusiiiess. It will be sold on aeeommoilatiiig terms. .\pi.iy soon to the Subscriber at Favt-ttevilie W.M McL. McKW. Sept. 2-2, 18-V;. 11-tf \V(»OL ROLLS. T’OOLcardet) with dispatch at Ulount'sh'e--l% Factory. ' SIIEETINI.S, i Osnaburgs, j Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale ’oy ' GEO. .\’c^.ElLL. I Junel^.")!. T-tl | DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S CKLi:i{liA'rLl) RYE W liL>K!'.V!: I'^IIE sutiscriber has ma le arrangements to keep r ' supply of the Genuine .\rticle. and is the only .\getit fur the sale ot tiie above braud of A No. 1 ; Rye Whiskey in this place. ROB'T MITCHELL. . May 4, 1857. jtf ( IjDt an! Urick .'^tori'. Ill, on r.i'i i^rc Street, iieai V! I'V .iesir-;tile staii l i'"r I lls ill (’;ilii|.l,*e Ifi'tt. 111. Il-J. aud half of j enter the nicrc.iutile busiu ! N>. ‘J, tl.ill.-ists nf ; j ^■.! teneiii' Ills, i iu ('a:.i( be', i t'l ireii.|.iii I’.ri S^e. aiol i a v: blis-iies.'. j \ i. .■>, Is 'I’iirce vacaiit I known in city plot as .NoS lO'.* ! lot I l:i. i X.I. 1, :i I>ive!liii_' Hiiu-.:' aiii! Lot mi Il iy I mount, corner of PI,-ink ll’ia.l and .\danis St. .\ very ilesirable resi'lence tor the v.iiolc yea;-. No. Is 11 ('’itrii uiiil .Stf;itn Kiioinc ainl I Boiler, of 10 or l-'» horse power. I’iiis is well w.irtli I the attention of thost; living where water power is not , ; available, -in'l will oe soM -Jt i gre.-it l-arg';;ii. j For terms apply to ! I .1. II. HALL, As-i'Miee. I \u>j.isi. I. l'^-')7. •'"-'I j NE(;{U)i:s i ^’^IIE uiider'ianeii will pay tii.- liigheL-t casih pricc ! K. lor VOUNG NE;K0ES. ? eM.'rs a.Mr.'Srse.l to! citlier of iis at li iiiriii.iurgh, Hichuj m l couii'.y, will j have prompt attention I 1). C. McL'-'RlN. U\N!EL M .McLAURIN. j Laurinburgh, Dcc. '-b, 185'i. b8tf i I'lrr ffi9snranee. 5, L lef. r '.IU 1' i'l.'i-' to the . tinu;il statement of V * the Etna !ii'-m-ti'.(»'- 'oiiiiiany, of Hartford, which wi,. If. i .uii'i ill a.iother I'olumn. This success- lui iiir-t;tutii.ii Was inc..rp irate 1 by the Legislature of I’ iiineetieut in l>i''. witli a }ierpetual charter. Its . -ipM-il i - .^.'.iii., » II), l its ;(cenmiilations exceed li.iIIIII mure, nia^in^ it" entire assets over S»-{0(»,- Hii'i, iiive-te'l a- liet-iib'.l in the >i:itement referred to 1 he> ' re-ults ill lie.ite 'li.-i' .luring: the jieriod of nearly l"i ty yt :ir- >inee its ors itii/. ition. (without a single ch.iiiee .it' - ts chief otlii-er.) its l.usiness has been con- .luetid with judgment .ind prudence. It has been thus t.ir sui.i,^.;uil ill an eminent degree, dischargiug, as We are int-irm-.1, .ill its olilijr itious liy the payment ot -;bout till 1,1 .'I ,lull,t'.ir losses, with.iut asking a d.iy s delay iti any iii'tanee. It has h.ad but little lit- i^.-itii.n, no; w til-tan.iiiig tlie immense number ot trans- aetiiiti- !ua.|e In or.ler t'l a'tain as much as p.'ssilile in 'iieli a liiisiiu'ss :i' insurance, it has been tliC jiraeliee of the t'onqeuiy, inr s'veral years, at great l.ili..r. (' iicfiilly to classify and arr.ange their 1 risks into a'l 'Ut lifl v di-tinet classes, so as to :iscertain ; the amount insure.I on e.ieli class, the amount of pre- ! iniiiiu- reeciv.- i thereon, ,-init the aniount of losses uj) ' on each. This cl issiti-ation, extending over a long pt.rioi.aiid coverin': property to a very large a mount, lur- aislo'.s reliable .hita. and jiresents a sound, substantial ha>is of actual «.-vperit'iice. lip.ni which to conduct its ; tiii iiness. Ir.snr nice is not a matter of luck or chance. I as many supi'ose: its ha'/.ards are ascertainable, and I its principles c.ipable of tiein>; relucedto a system, the i jiraetic il Working .aid results of which are as certain j as that of any other business. The .Etna Company, ! !iy adhering rigidly to its system, andplacing its busi- I !ie-s 11)1011 a heaithy basis, has obtained the contidence 1 ol the coianiiinit\ to an extent surpassed by no other I ( o:apaii\ i;i the I . Sta'es, aii't has increa.sed its basi 1 !ii -s an.I its i;i.. line tr.iiii year to year with a siea.iy ! tfri.vth, t'lie jiiat M.urce i.t its security is the wid- 1 iistribati.iii nf it' risks—a poliey wiiieii it pursues ; with :reat strictii.'.-'-s —ii'trt;:,.: the .-imount to be cov ' eve.I 11; e icli o e-ilit', i'>v ;iiis lOiirs.' it has passi' i. i \>i'l. e.ii)ipaj'.-iti\e inipuiiity, ilii.iiigh some ol the most weeping .|-s(i ’ic;ive tires, which have sw.-i'lowe.l up j ither eoiiii'anies less eautioii' in their business. It is i .1 s\steni like this, li is;..l up.iii experience, which gives I si.-iiii:i(-,- ;i!i I s 1111 ll;e^s^o a •Company, .-in.i lo the .i.- 1 sure 1 c. nil :'i!ee a;i-l s i-iifitv. — lliill'i.'i'iri l\ttrint. i'()i{ s\i,h;. tDAMANTlNE and TALLOW CANDLES: fine and commou TOB.\(’C0; and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap a the cheapesti G. W I. GOLDSToN. Jan’y ‘27, 1857. 77- w. X. riLUXGnAs i' Is now^ receiving a large and well assorte-i .''t ick of and ICai'f l..o4»kiii$; fvlai^Kew, ICi’illaiiia., and ^ilvf*r Plateil Wart*, I'aiicy 4iioodM^ ^ Hai'dviare. He invites the attention of Country Merci.aiits t.i In- Stock, and is satisfied that they cannot fin 1 u .eii.-i assortment of Goods for their tra.le, or che.ijier , when delivered at their doors,) in one House anywhere Sept 3. '-m iTeMOX AL. F MOORF3 h.-iS removed to the Sti.re t-ecently occnpie 1 hy Wtlliani Taylor, ;> do. rs E.-ist of H L M \ rover 4" . where he would >n‘ p eased to see his old customers and all others who wish to buy Goo.Is 'i.eap. The Notes and .\ccounts due W. F. .v E. F. Moore ,ind Moore Bro., cm be found as above. Sept. 2. .3‘.-lm FOR S M.E. BBLS’. of M. k E. MYEK’S SCPEliloR WHISKEY This Whiskey comes very hi h!y recommended; said to be fully equal to any N rih ('arolina make, and warranted free from any impurity WORTH 4- UTLEY •Aug. 22, 1857. 3tj- Fire fnsnranee. ^■IHE .ETN.-V Insurance Company of Hartford, have M. ing ji.-iid the tax imposed by the lieveiiue Law of llie late Legislature, will continue its .\gcncy in Fayetteville. uiid‘r t he manaiceini’iit of the under.sifrn- ed, who is prepared to issue Policies of Insurance on Buildings or tJoods, either in this f.iwn or in any {lart of the State, on jiroper application, -lescrijition of the Property, .See. The .ETN.-\ COMP.-\NY has been in operation ahout oO years. Its capital is i>. Tlie Mon. Thos- K. Brace was its first Presiilent, and he still holds that office; and several of its first Directors are still active and eilicieiit members of the Board. It has at all time, sustained the highest character for the prudence ol its management, and for the liber;.lity with which it . has ever adjtlsted its lo.iscs. E. J. HALE, Agent ^iLWV IvS^ HlsroRV. I''HE Subscriber, Assistant A-ent for procuring subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History, gives notice that he wiil attenil the ('oiiiity Court of I'uplin on the od .Monday in July inst , the ounty Court of (.’.hatiiam, on the 2d .Mon.lay in \ugiist, the County Court of .Saiiips'ni on the 8d Moiid ly in .\u- gust, and the ’ouniy Court of .lohnston on Ihe Ith .Monday in .\iigiist. He will be provi le 1 with a Siib- lo j;tai mum mirxw, ilAR'i FORI), COXX. INI i»!:P»I!ATED 1‘^P'. CH.\RTER PERPETUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BK.'.CE, Pre.sident. E. G RIPLEY, Vice Pre- siilent. T .\ .VL! X.\NDER. Secretary. DntuKiKs —T K Brace, S Tudor, J. Church, R. I’.ueli. ,M Tuttle. E. Flower, E. Bulkeley, R. •l-itiier. II. ■. l»ip;ey, S .S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F. l';ivi>. \ Ihinbam. 1). liillyer, T. .Mexauder, W. Ken-’y. Tiie .\s.- e;s are mainly invested in .Stocks aud Bonds, p-i .i’ic interest, with >il72,!iiil (il of cash on deposite ill tlr“ !i rtfor I Banks, >0 meet losses. Lo^-es due and unjiaid - none L..>ses adjnsteil ao.l ii-it ilue, ^;21,-*l:^ 05. l„ s:- s i;i .-,u,--!.enae, waiting further proof, &c., !f75,- l.orses ri'sisti-c. (susjiicions of fraud, &c.) $ ^6,078 7’2. Agent of the above l.’ompany in Fayetteville, script ion liook, and with copies of tne 1 tlie .^everai styles of binding, for delivery .liih- 1 -t volume in C. PLICE. Agent N. C. E. 3. HALE. I)A\II) McDl Fl'lE, KSrirkmasoti ami i^iasterer^ Is prejiaretl to lo all kinds of work in his line, in cluding the putting up of Turjientine Stiils in this ami the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril 27. 1857. • ii-l^-pd J. wfiJJA.M F/\(;E, .vi. I)., MTTSBO ilOVU MM, .V. V. OR. I'.VGE may be foun«l at his oflice wiien not professionally wtigaged. 'day t), ls57. oti NEW BOOKS. ARRIED OR SINGLE, by Miss Sedgewick; The 4.TM. Professor, by (’urrer Bell; Romany Rye, by L.'tvengro; The Mhelings; Tent Life in the Holy Land; Boat Life in Egypt ami Nubia; The Improved House wife, by .Mrs. VVeoster; .Vc. Also, Bullion’s 1st Lessons in Greek; Payson c^ Dunton’sSeries of PENMANSHIP; Addick’e Elements; Key to D.iTies’ Algebra; and other School Books. E. J. HALE & SON, Aug. 2b.

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