SBMI-WEEKl, Y ll’"H V(1T.. Vll.] FAVKTTHVILI.K, X. C., OCTOBF.R 5, 1857. ’ IS'Tl l> MDNKAVS ANH 'I'lH'HSKays. rnW Alii) .1. H \LK SON. I'HITOUS AN1> I’KOl’HIKTOllS. '.(• Wt't'kly Oii'JKiiVKi; 00 if paiil iu I-. '>'• if hu iii" tlio yo:ir of suhscril'- •1' >1 -I'.ti'r till-3'0:ir bus exjiiifil. \\ I'l- n iiu per annuui. if pni l lu _ ji ' II { ii.t iiifin>i t III-y*Mi-uf aiiljii. I ifi > , Ml :if|(M- Ii:i‘ yCMV llU'^ CXIiil'^.l. i •; ri.'-i^MllNTS in^rrto i for >iixty ctMin jvr ' !;i s fi'r the fii-i-t. lUiJ thirty Ci'nts for eucli atioii. Veurly ii.lvi'rtiseuieiits l)V spe- [ 1 .•.1 t- . ;it rori'^onnlile niti's. Ailvortiseis m-e ;itc the mi!iitu‘r of insertions ilcsirinl, or 'itiniu‘'l till forl'iJ. MtiJ chunked nccorJ- to be insfitcii ■ .'itfe, charjiPil .jO por New and Cheap Groods! I .IAMi:s kM !. “ - ' \v ! • .'t 1\'.iisi :i hii iiv HnJ ^euiTul supply of l>ry ! ■j, u wlii. h nro spl«-uiliil Uress (Jooils, ■ I . tuin'.i- ill ti;i-1 TV tl ! I Is liiu“. All of whii'h, . , ■iri't'. i'>e'l t’v till' p:\ek:ii;i‘. will he otfVreil l>y ill* riT- ii at -i suihU ;i'lv.ini o f>r I'H.-iU or on : T. ] uUi't;. . tMcrs j : ^ I'i-tf I CHINA £«F. \ SK iS 11-" ~ii , e.— ti'lt. raiiued anil Plain, K :it >t ti- I'c iMtC'l VAt?K?, t ups iiii.l ,. ■■1'. I'l l otluT faiii v i’hiiiM; the most heautiful , k Seen hero A’.- >, :i variety of other Fhiu'V is. ;!it;iMe foi- ^ resents, at lu. lenite priees. j GLASS, I n. Mov.!.li' l an I Plain; sonic lieautiful new patterns j :'^i ’''et-^ Tumblers. i EARTHEN WARE. r jiist'ine ‘ hina; W hile and L'ni.iue Blue; Oval Tomato ^ •i: ipe: Dinner, Tea aiid Toilet Ware, ('oniiuon Wiires j i Vi-rv di si'ription. i K rJalehy W, X 1 ILLI.VGlfAST. S. ] I'r 'J'.. I^'T. iO-Ow I ) f' tW.'^TOHS ’JO Patterns;! ake IJ.VSK K'l ^ I lU shapes; ' andu'-Stioks; Snufl'ers and l'ray>; I'ups; Spoons; French Forks; Ladles and IJutter- Ki'ives. S ami 1- oz. plate; L'essert Knives; Pie Knives; iVc. Ail of which were l)oU2:ht the :>‘'iuufactu- ^ otlered at less profit than ii‘ is arc usually sold. i^tanishef! Tin I. I r its; ('••!lee Pots; L'rns; Higgins; and Filters; 'y i. r-Sttivs; Steak-l>ishes; Plate and Dish Covers; ■ Kettle-, •m l other useful articles. Tea Trays and 'V,'rors, .-rouie I oaiitiful, in Sets. ISritfiginia ; *..V and CoFFFl- P*TS; Sp#ons ithehest;) Candlc- -• ks: Lamps; Pitchers, xc. \ i;uol ^tock of I'lASKLTS. LOOKM.V€ii M siiprrior quality: every size, frora a Shaving Glass ; • largf Parlor Mirrors. Tin Chanilicr Sets; common ■•:\vv Tin Ware Wooil Wttre. In short, I have a complete stock of articles in inj’ which are usually wanted here, and need now :.:y l uyers. ' \V. X. TILLINGHAST. .•^ept r 2'.. l>»o7. •Yeir ^toek of BOOKS AM) STA'UOXERY. '' E are now rei.eiving our usual New Stock of ▼ T Books and Stationery, embracing a great KNIVES and PORKS. j \ (MIV hamllo Ktiives, with and witlioiit Forks; J Knives with two prong Steel Forkt, at I 10 to 1 tWi ! per Set ,\lso, u complete atoek of dther i|Ualitien. i For sale at liif ('ro;kerv Store at very low prices. W. N TlLLlNlillAST Sept’r 'Jti. Itl-tiw • \* /r StorL' ipf (moo(Is! Ttic .''ilKseritjer has just received a large assortuieiu of Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, j Comprising every thing that a Latly oi’ ('untlemiin tnay desire to wi-ar He most respectfully solicits a ' call from his oM friends and aei|iiaintuni'i:s, and all i strangers, t>efore they [mrchase, as he woiild like to [ have the pleasute of showing them tlirough, and if he ; cannot suit them all light. .J. puE. Sept. 'J’J. t-'i-lni.) 1 .1. 5i. II JOXhlS Are receiving their F.VLl. AN1> WINTER Stock of F.\N(’Y & DO.MKSTM’ DKY (iOODS. | Which they will sell at their usual low jirictis, in part as follows,— DELAINS, all kinds: All Wool Plaids: Col’d .Merinoes; ('ol’d Silks and lUack: Piieh liol'.es .V'i.'uille: Chenille Sh.iwl.-: Do. Scarfs, all silk; , Long Shawls for Gentlemen; 1*0 lor Servants; Cloth anil Velvet Cloak*. French liohes, Volant; Do. for Misse.'i; Nett Coats for Cliildreii. j Long llroeha Shawls; Merino Shawls, white; | Opera Flannel, 1‘lain and ('ol'd, l^uilted Skii't>; 1 Do Ilooj.s; Fine .and (’onimon DIankets: t.'otton, Silk, and Woolen Hosiery; Do. Fancy, for ('hildrcn; j Kid, Silk. Merino, Cotton Gloves for Ladies; ' Chenille Head l>resses; Chenilles Ly the yard: Pionnet Ribbons; do. jdain; Fringes and Salom, all ojlors; lUack Velvets: Bl’k and Coi'd P.elts: •Mulberry Rutt' iis for Drosses; Thre.'id, Swiss, J.ickonett, Bobbin, and ('otton Edgings: RlacK La’e and E Iging-i; Emb'd Hhdkfs. ('ollar, Sleevi'3 and Rand-;; l.ove anti Lace \ eil>: Ronnets, Hats and Caps; —A LSd — A nice vurioty nf Mfii’.", Liulics’, atul (’InlJrcn’s SIIOHS. .^Iso, Men ind Roys 9f*inffr iloihinfh i'fuap. -ALSO— PEIlFLMtHlY, S^fAl'S, attd rnun// othtr Fdnri/ Arfiilrii. Sept. 11, 1S57. }J-3m (i!:o. ALDI'.li.MAX. iHsff€*'tor of Stores^ W ILMlNtiTON, N. C., ^()L1('1TS jiatronage. Prompt attcutiou and ifuick debpatoh will bf given to business entrusted to hiij ire. .June ‘_’o. l‘.>-l‘Jmpd s Dl’.l'.l* UIVKU CO.M,. BWITUMINOUS COAL of the bent quality can 1»- H .9 liad at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable pi ic" hy the Ton. ‘ W .M. .MeCLA.NE, Mining Engineer .May 21, Ib-Vi r.-ti \ A. McRIMMON, Cominissiou and Forwarding Merchant, WlLMlNiri'ON, N. .luly b. IS'.T. •Ji'tf Worth & Utley, l''or\v:ir(linu; jiiuJ (H'tionil C'oimnission MKIiCHAN TS, .V. i'. .1. A WORTH. (7l!tfl .lOS. ITLEY. .JOHN V. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give 1 arlicuhir attention to the saie of .Naval NO r!(’lv NEGRO WOMAN and TW(* l.l K ELV CH I I.DREN are ollVred for The woman is an excellent .•ook. One of the chiiilreii is between nix an 1 i>even vi.'ars (d'.age, the other nearly four. .\pply foi' further jiartieulars to •I G. SHEPHERD, Attorney for the owners. Sept. 2'), 1S.')7. Ib-l'w (;r WO. fONS No I I’ERL VIVN tiCANO, for sale by WOP.TH .V CTLEV. J.S. ::s- Aiu Stores, Cotton, ,vc. Feb> 1 S;' h'»-tf W. H. TURLINGTON, (’«iiiniiN>ioii Merrhiiiil, No. 4*2 Nurlli W:it*r Si., \vii..mi.\(;ton, n. c. IV 11. :;‘,-tv ot ^rliool, LaH, .Tlf'dical and .Tlis- cc‘llaiieoii« llookM. i irether with a large and varied Stock of DL.VNK ■ >KS. paper, ntry .Merchants an-1 others are invited to call as v 'er the ab -ve st ick on the be^t terms. E. J. HALE \ SON. NTillllirWS XILKM ,Ml(ilZl.\E. I' T(. BK TffK TITLK OF A LITERARY PERIODICAL, KEMOVAI.. GK.\H.\M has removed to the store formerly ' occupied by Ur. Foulkes, on the corner east of , the Fayetteville Hotel, Hay street, where he is just re ceiving his L, II'i.VTEil STO f'U OK KEADV-MADK CJ.OTHlNt;. or tin* Lat»‘st Stylfs, Consisting in part of j Over-CoatSf Frovlc | inuJ Hui'i -fSi i'onti; Panti. HhirU und V)Jlnr>, Draivers, Flannel Shirts ami Drawers; Suspenders, Cracats, M'-rino and Cotton Hose, ilV. ttc. Ue also keeps constantly on hand, a fine assortment of j BOOTS AXD SHOES, Umbrellas, and Carpet Rags. All those wishing to purchase cheap and tine suits of clothes, would do well to call and examine Graham’s Stock, as he is prepared tn sell as low as any in this market. Sept. 1- 1- -m. .riLli nivo his jiroiiipt personal attention to the ale or vhipiin'iit of all ('onsigmnents of Naval Stores or other ( ountry P’ oduce. Nov. J'. Is'>il. tf -;\|iiii. Mii.K-ii'usriN JAS. C. SMITH & Co., I'dctor^, Coiniiiission mid !' orii'urdni^ MKIU’llAN'rs. ,\i». '1 .-^DLTl! W.VTKll STUKKT, I, I’ sr.VlKS. WlLMIXr.TON, N. c. Oct. '.11, IS.'jil. 5U-V JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o ?a Ti ■ «X AND I'OliW Vlil)LN(J MKIU'HANT, .V. Proiu!i! i/x i- '!ial attention given to all Consign monts, ai. I advances made on Produce to be ship pe l to other port:- or sold in this market. Feb. 1'J, IS.’t.') ')7 r. c'. r». (i. woirrn, Coiiiini.-sioit vN I'oru iirdinix Merchants, DROWN S RUILDING, WATER STREET, .\. V. Usual advances ni;ide on consignments. Jan'y 17, 18o'>. tj.3-tf .JOSi:i>ll BAKi:U, .Ik., :i r r « n \ i: v a t i. \ \v. \S taken an oflice m'-ict door to Wm. R. Wright’s WHO WOULD HAVE THOU GUI ITf .1 Mew ('(Irr'ntije EstahlIshment on the Milltai\if (Irern, opponitc the Methodist Church, frontimj on Mnm ford Street. (iKKA'F FNTHRPUISK! i«> boiiiiit lo ri'^HE Subsciibers would respectfully inform their f friends and the public, that they have entered into copartner.-hii) for the purpose of conducting the general C.VRRl.\(iE RUSINESS in all its various parts. .\iid l)eing both practical workraoa, fully un- derstunding theii- business, they have uo bttitation to compare work witli any establishment it; jtteville as to style and durability. One of the tirm may be known by lei^.. .^^2 to .\ H. Whitfield's iron work for the last two yo.»rs. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months Repairing doue iu the neat est manuer low for cash PIEK X RRANIN. Jamks H. 1’:kk. Jamks Rk.vni.n. Fayetteville, Jan’y -4, 185:’. O’Jtl •liarhie Factorff. l i.. sale by Sej't. L.\ui) AND n\ rri:ij. W LEAF LARD, in 18.-)7. ijuantities to suit. For E. F. MOORE. U'.Mm NO ruK. fB^.MvIlN up and committed to the Robeson .lail on B- the Ith inst., a Negro P.oy who says his name is .l-\CK, and that he belongs to .lohii Williams of On slow county. He also states that he was hired to .John Houston: but will not state in which county Houston lives. .S;iid boy is about five feet four inches high, copper color, and probably some eighteen or twenty years of :ige. The ov. ner will come forward and jirove projiort}', or the Negro will be dealt with as the law diiocts. REL'REN KING, Sherill. Sept. H. 11-lm >1 A‘\\ (iloods. ^filHE subscriber is receiving his F.MjL .V.ND WIN H- TER STOCK, consisting of almost every thing in the way of I'Avr/rrPA ILLK iio i i.l Fiirnitun* and Fixtures for Sale. fllHE above nameil property will l"‘ sold to au\ S responsible person, upon fair termo, if -ipjilied for between the present time and the l.')tli of Decem lier next. If not sold by the Ljth of Dec.. they will be sold at Auction after the tirst day of January next, iu lots to suit purchasers .Any information wanted will be > he*'rfullv givm b\ apply'iug to J. H ROIU.RTS ,S: CO Fayetteville, September IJ, l.'^')7 PJ tf !ii;r>o rtKAVAiin ILL be given for the apprehension and deliver> to me, or ooufinemeiit in any .jail in the St:ite so that I can get iiiui, of my man JIM. He left on the ."0th ult., and has not been seen, heard of s'lice. He is a bright mulatto, almost white, aboutyears old, aboutfeet 0 inches high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long beard on his chin when ke left. Had on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very likely try to pass otl' for a white man, ami make f jr a free State; should he not go north, he will likel\ go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, and formerly belonged toWm. R. Wright, Es.|.. of that place. .\ny person who may t.ikf u>) said 15oy will be entitled lo the above reward and the thanks of 1S.\.\C R. Kl'.LlA Kenansville, N. ('., .\ug. LI, 1857 ;!:!-tf 2,80(1 Acros c)f‘ liUiMl roK sAu:. fHlHE Subscribers otfer for sale the aViove Tra‘ t ot tiftrthrttri ji'A 'I' II Law olhci' on Gret-n .“^treet. lie will attend anil practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Pdaden, llobeson and Sampson. March 23. 1S5:;. 79-tf L0VI:KI) ELl)inD(iE, ,iltornet/ at WILL attend the (\iurts of Johnston and Samp son (,'ounties. Smithtield, .Vpril lo, 18.50. ft*i-tf THO. C. FULLER, • Mttortieif and i'otmsellor at haw. FFICE at Ewcles's P.ridge, recently occupied by I’sij., Fayetteville, N. C Otf o James R:ink>: Jan’y i, 18')7. BOEttUAVE’S IIOLLWti^ iniTKItS ‘‘LAW ('Oi\\RTNKRSimV' WE, the undersigned, have this iay formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Ciiatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, ;uid the Supreme Court T-. BF. BI BLISHEH n o \ T111. V , IN THE i'^W.N iiF S.VLK.M, NORTH CAROLINA. HV ANDREW J. STEDMAiV, .MEMRER OF THE N0RT1I-C.\R(.)L1NA BAR. illeiiiig to the Public my Magazine, I claim fo; 1 till- Editorial f'hair no superiority over that de- : v-i'iit ..1 other like Periodicals; but I do claim for : ‘-lit of .North t'aiolini, and the South generally, nt will lie brought to its support. Southern patron- .\ii i I a .- ), as M .'Southern man, and h« Editor Southern .NLigtizine, .•'aim at the h.'inds ot the mliern couotrj , and espt cially of North Carolina, ' aid and .support that will here, at home, establish, ■ II a firm b.>isis, a f .iaitnin ot Literature, and ex- ,*-;vely a llorm Literary .Magazine. M.iny ure the .Magazines now published iu the '■ rii .'tati :- that are floyling the whole .'Southern iiir\ Th ro ; not, it is ]‘i'obab’.e,) u county in . . Hi licrii .-^tate that is not visited by “Harper,” • ' ••potcr ii,.” or ‘Miodey;” while lieru, iu ■ : .'ir . ilia iiioi the South, where genius unsur- ’-I 1 .'tid M.i''iu.iied ii-igiiB, the literary talent that r ut ht int.: ( -.eroi 1- • dedicated to the supj)Ort of ■':i>- n .Mati-.iiii. while .'Southern enterprisf, tuste i ' I ''lit bi.v, ;,i I,',;p submission to such suicidal ■"! S'.uti. r;i . ii:u-ibutors. o;.. 1 ;ir-k. . tiyot ■ —North (’tirolina, the South I. L'r. i-t I. to oiir '^oufheni clime ti Magazine, 1 ' ir ihf la ui •; .iities that adorn the pages • t '■!: i-tf. I' , ind polite Periodicals'.' It "■'o ’ .. T:,i' j:..^ Magazines; but few in ■>. a:; 1 ;iii{ M'.n, comf);ired to the pub- whicli overy m.iil brings to our ol hired labor, and teem- ii'iou. '■'1 ' aroiui.i and Other Southern '■nti'rori- nii l in promoting a ■Jpi'ii '.vhotii II South- I’ittsborough, N. C i>l o J. H JNO.'v 1, l:?oG. HA UGH TON. MANNING. 7Jtf FFK'E Front llooms, over (,’hemist and Drug Store F’eb’v 7, 1 K. A. KI.AC K. Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's 7t;-tf - n. t:... I ..;t ; :.g with ,1,., i h- n I ippva I. ■ i'. lo .lid me ill ■tel iry t.,. tc aiiiong-t tii..,(.’ 11: i;;ai.. I have claims. My .Nliigazii.e wii! be of tii UMt I! , ,md nothing - .liaitted to its pages but sm.h .n ti.les as will t tiic* :i|'j»roval ot the moM tustMiouM. it nhull be llliiMriilfii willi L’iijra\iiius aiut I'liilis. fiie !!i 't eltv-iiit ie.Kture, e'|ualing in bi.,mty iuid -tyle .ny e.xerutvi at the North. .My price of bub:;',ripii.iii is THRE1-; DOLL.\RS pt-r .ear, which is re luired to be jiaid in adv.ance, as tin I CUM- ti) be incw; i ed in establishing such a publica- : :i w;d not admit of a credit system I ' I ' ■ Sii-idi-r :r,li ,r. ! 'H'il\i,t Jii/iutiri/IboS. A J S'lEDM.VN, EiJitor and Projirietor. Sej.! r 1, .--,7. 4ii- .N'. H. A>l'*n,.-.-' until the 1 :t ut'Nowtuber 'le I’ittsboioii^h, N. —after that time it will be Siiiem, N. C. THE CEtJ-;Rn.'^Ti:t> !!ul.I..A\t> KKMEl'Y FOIl BTSPEPSIA, I)ISE\SK OF Tiff: KII>\KYS, L.IVER COMPLAINX, WKAKNHSS OF ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. .\nil llie VKrioiiH afleclioiis ciniKeqiient m>on a disorilereil STOM.VCH OR LIVKII, Such as liHrn!Pslii>n. .\i idity of Itic Stoiiiarh. (.'olirky I’hIik 1 IIrartltuni. I.o.^s ol .\piK-liU', He‘poii(lt‘ni'y. 'o.sliveness, liliil'land ! l!lr ilinc I’iles In all \i'rvon>, l!liiMiiii-itir. :iri.l Xriir.ilsjic Alfec- tifuis. tl in niiiiieroiis iaslMiircs (.ro\e(i hi{;hly hrncticirtl, iinil in iiilicrs elfectt il a lU i iilcil cure 'I'hi" i' a parrlr v(’i;«‘i:ililc roiiiiKiiiinl. prc|Kirtaion siriclly soien lifir |irin iples, HlUT llie iii:iiirn‘r of Itie relrliraltal llnllainl I’m lessor, Hoi rtiavr. llfr;tiir ol’ il ; L'r'-al ^lu cc-s in most of the |juro|K*an Strilc-'. il^ introiliictlon ialo lli«* I nited liitalt's was in ten'^cil more espet ially liir ilio •• oi' oiir raitii r and ^ciitleri’d liero and llierc ovrr thf lart> of tliin iniL'bly roiintry Meclini; with "real success anionc ihciii, 1 now olli r it to tin- .\ineric;in pnhlic, know iim llial its truly woiidi rliil iiifdicinal virtues musl he :ic kno^^ h'd;.'i'il. Il is parliciil:irly recoinmended to those in r.^ons vvlinsi constilii tions iii:iy hiive hren impaired hy ihe coiitinimus iHo of ardent 'pirits, or other I'ouns oC dissipation. (,fc*n('r illy instant.aneons in t'Hi cl, it limis ils \\ay direi tly to the seat ol lilr, thriHin): :ind •inicki riini; every nerve, r Tr Inu up *1"' droopiim pirit. and in I let, inlnsini! new lie.iltli and vi'.'or iii ih” sy-iteiu. .\iTll i; Whoever fVliect- to find thi-i a he\er:(L’e vmII he dis .'ippointed; hut to the sick. we;ik »nd hi\\ spirited, it w ill prove a tintteful aromatic cordml. pos«,‘Ssed 4it’sin;:ular remedial propertit" (■ A r T 1 o N; The uroat popiifiritv ol thisdelittitful .\roina h is induced iiiaiiy iiiiilations. which the pnhlic -hoiild "iiard M!!:inst purcliasin" l!e not (ktnU idt'il to huv :inylhlni: else until you have uiven Itoer- have’s llollind Hitters a IHir trial, tine hottle W'M convince you how infill tely sujicrior it i^ to all these imitations. g^.-ohl at ?I.IHI per hottle or h-.ttles lor J.'>.(in, hy the .■i r) L K l> R n 1’ II I I'-'I'o U S , •IK. A: CO. .\i V N 1 I- A n r R I N o PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHKMISTS, PlTTsmritdH, 1*A. S imuel J. Hinsd.ile sole agent for F’aycttevillc. June n. 1m.j7. liooK iuNi)i:uy SJ HARDlEhas rc'sumed the Rook Rinding • Rusiness, over the T.ailor Shop of Clark & Woodward, where he will receive and oxcf ute biiidi ig in any style desired. August 1. 27tf \V« call the attention ot W HOI.K- SALK |)1:aLKUS ' j|^0 our present Stock,—and we liave recently re- JL ceived— ;JwU liags Rio, Laguira, NIaricaibo and Java Coffee, hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 7:') bbls do. Refined, Crushed and Powdered, ‘.>ij boxes Sperm, .V lamiintine and Tallow Candles, t(tl do Fancy and assorted (’audios, 100 coHh Kentu-'ky, .lute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Flagging, (Junny. Dundee and Rurlapa, ;}0 tons Hoop Iron. 1‘20 boxes ('heese, 20 half-bbls .Su[ier (’arb. Sod;i, 40,000 Cigars, v.ariotis brands, _also— Pepper, .Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Roras, Madder, Indigo, Siianish Rrown. Rrimstone, Fancj' and Rar Soai's, ,'tarrii. Powder. Shot, Rar Lead, White, P utty and Linseed Oil. Window Glass, Snufl'in Roxcs, Eagle .Mills do., in Half Rbls.; Green and Rlack Teas, Hollow Ware, .''wedes Iron, English, Germati, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw (huteib, (’orn Shellers, Sausage (’utters and Stutfers, Trace Chains, Sole I,eather, A'c., fic. The above Goods we otlcr on the most favorable terms to prompt time or c;ish purchasers. D. .Si W. .McLAURlN. Nov. (i, I85('.. r.Uf L\Ni> FOR SALK. IS AtMlKS OF [.AND lying on upper E Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and v.ell located for theTiir|>eiitine business It will be sold on ticcoinmodiiting terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber a! Favet teviiie. W.M McL. McKW. Sept 'JJ, iHOtj. 41-tf WOOL iJOfJ.S. rOOLcardciJ with dispatch at Rlount'fiCreek Factory. SHEETINGS, tOsnabiirgs, Cotton ■\'arn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GKO. McNElLL. .Iunel8-'>4. 7-tt DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S ri'J.KliRA'FKl) RVF. WHISKKV! "■■■•IIE subscriber has maile arrangements to keep a I supply of the O-.nuiiie .Article, and is the only •Agent for the t^ale ot the above brand of No. 1 Rye Whisliey in thi^ idace. ROR’T MITCHELL. May 4, 18-37. 5tf Hy (ilH). L\UI)i:ii. TUII IHMlliS \ni)Vh L'. T. Jt.SO.V'S STUKi:, Fay*'lie, i\. i'. Jan’y 20, 1857. 64ypd STANDARD LFFERATl Ri:. ^■lliE Waverly Novels 27 vols. cloth and half call, -I ('ooper’s^’ovels; Irving’s Works, l'> vols; Prescott’s Conijnest of Peru and Mexico; “ Lives of Ferdinand and Isabella; “ Life of Philip the 2d; Renton's 30 years in the U. S. Senate, 2 vols; The Statesman’s Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia .\mericana, 14 vols; Lossing’s Pictorial Field Rook of the Revolution Webster’s Works, 0 vols; Colton's Life and Times of Henry Clay; Memoir of S. S. Prentiss of .Miss; Pictorial Life of .\ndrew Jackson; Memoir of Wm. Wirt by Kennedy; Life of Wise and Virginia Politics iu 1855; Garland's Life of .lohn Randoljdi; Democracy iu America, by I)e Tocnueville; Abbott’s Life of Napolwon, 2 vols; .Vbbott’s Histories; Wirt's Life of Patrick Henry; Life ot Wm. Pinckney of .Md.; Rayard Taylor's India, China and Japan; Com. Perry's Japan Expedition; Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self Government; The Physical Geography of the Sea, by Lieut. Maury, Liberty and Slavery, by Rledsoe of Virginia; Southey’s Common Place Rook; Life and Corres. of Southey; The Spectator; Wilson's Tales of the Rorders; The Scottish Gael, or Manners, .\nti«iuities, and Customs of Scotland; The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; Lockhart’s Life of Walter Scott; Chambers's Life ami Works of Robert Burns, Hamilton's Discussions iu Philosophy and ure; Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeffrey; The (Queens of Scotland, by Agnes Strickland; Chambers' .Miscellanies; Proctor's History of the Crusades, illustrated; Woodfall’s Junius; Hannah More's Works; Plutarch’s Lives; Roswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; Novels and Tales by .Maria Edgeworth; Addition, Rurke and Johnson’s Works; Millmun’s Gibbon’s Rome; Hallam's Works; Cosmos, by Humbolt; Men and W'omen of the isth Century by Houssaye; The Guide to Social Happiness, by Mrs. Ellis; Shakspeare, Byron, Moore, Scott, Hemans and other Poets in various styles ol binding; The Roston Edition of the Rritish Poets, xc., &c. Oct. 2‘J. E. J. HALE SON. liook Ao(‘iits WaiitiMl. E Subscriber, having taken the General .\gency attti itoftoir~irari\ —.VLSO-- IJoots and >lioes. Saddlery. .\ny of which he will sell chea]> for * 'h, barter for Produce, or on short time. Store la jenily occupied by Troy iV M;irsn, near the Dobbin liouse. G. W. 1. GOLDSTON.. Oct. 15, 1S50. 48tf THE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITION FRI/K \\A AWAUDKl) TO MEVKK. I’or his Tiro Fnutos, Orfolur i.>, (1 MEVER respectfully informs his friends and • the imblic genir;:! tliat he has constantly on hand Pianos e piai to tho.-;c f >r which he received the Prize Medal, in Lcndon, iu 1lS51. .Vll orders I'rouij '’v at^endod to, and great care taken in the selection ;.ii 1 packing the same. He has received during the last 15 yeare, more Mcd.ils than at;y other iu:ikej from the Franklin Insti tute; also First Pi'emiums at Boston, New Vork and Raltimore. W.\RE-RO(.)MS, removeil from 25 S. Fourth to No. 722 .\RC1I STREET, below Eighth, South side, J‘hil'idel[ihia. -Aug. 12. o.3-.‘)rnpl sc:iio()i. lioOKs. ^MlTirs Grammar; Peterson's Familiar .'^citMice; Rolm:ir'.s Faldes; Emerson’s .Arithmetic; ' Rolmar's Frci.cli iramm:ir; Lovell's U. S. Speaker;^reiit's Stamiar 1 ."speaker; North Carolina Readers; I Mitchell's Geoirraphies; t^iackenbos's Rhetoric; iSic. : ' E. J. Il.VLE & SON. I Sept. 4, Ls-j7. (U’ANO. TONS REST PERUVIAN GUANO, ju t rc- ceived and for sale by (iEo. \V. WILLIA.MS .S: C-). .Au'f. :;i. ••f’- Land, lying on .Anderson's Crock, about two at.d a half miles from lower Little River, near l.lliot ' Mills,—including about One Hundred .\cre- ol good Swamps, which can be easily drained. This L;ind 1-- very heavily timbered, and a large jxirtion level ;ind of superior i|uality of I'ine Laiui for cultivation. -Also, a Circular STEA.M S.VW-MILL, in complete order and well adapted to s.iwing plank roail and r;iil I 'isli, \'C., i road timbers. .Also, Two well-broke MULES. ' ' .All, or any portion of which, will be sohl low .iiid on time. The Laud will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. S.MlTll .v ELLIOT. •April 'i, 1857. '•' n 1500 Aug. 22 ('ORN. RUS. CORN, for sale bv WORTH *i: UTLEV o'ti- n\\ KLLINCi I'OR SALi:. ^I'^HE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling 1 and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occujded by .Mr. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. E. J. H.\LE. s\ ,\() Ill .MlUC! r I HI E subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders 1 for Sitperior IWtter MSarhrts. He manufactures North ^’arolina material—he em ploys North Carolina capital and labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. Ry giving liim a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hoyes to be able to make a favorable showing. .\ TRl AL is wt?:it he wants. Messrs. WORTH .j- UTLEY of this place are Agents for the sale of the above Ruckets. G. H. MAKEPEAi’i;. Fayetteville, Feb’y 17, 1857. ^'--y 40(»0 Aug. FOR SALi:. RUSHELS ALU.M SALT, a very su perior article, by JAS. C. SMITH i CO. Wilmington, N. 1857. ;58-2in. .1 for getting subscribers to and dehvenng Hawks s _ ,, History of North Carolina, now in process ot pu >lica- | i,,,u,.ed‘on each class, the amo tion by Mes.srs. K. J. Hale Son of Fayetteville, is j receive 1 thereon, au't the a^inount of desirous of entering into an engagement with one or j classifu atio more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each ^ .„„i^.ovcringpropert\ of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass ‘J>cir respec ive , • parts of the State, cy- particular counties, thoroughly , ^factual experience. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot i the first volume will will be ready in a few d.iys. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac company each application. .Vdiiress H. W. HORN. Fayetteville, Dec. *••, lS5t>. '>4- FOR SALK. .^'^IIE following A'.ALU.ABLE RE.AL EST.ATE, the Jl. property of E. C. Hall, dec’d, is offered for sale, and consists of the following tracts: That ilosirahle pl;it*c known #.s Koine, c.ontain- ing ab(»u‘, 2f.O .Acres, with all the improvements. This place will be .sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers, it being probably one of the best business stands in the coiuitry, and is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No. '2, Consists of a Lot ami l>rick Store, (2 tenements,) in Campbellton, on Bridge Street, near Clarendon Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for business. No. Is Three vacant Lots in Cainplieiltnn, known iu city plot as Nos. lO'.t, 111, 112, and hall ot lot li:i. No. 4, Is a DH'clling and L(rt on H:iy- inount, corner of Plank Road and .Adams St. \ very desirable residciice for the whole year. No. 5, Is a Corn Mill and Steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 15 horse power. This is well worth the attention of those living where -water power is not available, and wiU be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J, n. H.ALL, Assignee. August 1, 1857. 80-tf Nb:(iROi:S W AXTKD. 'HIHE undersigned will pav the highest cash price S for YOUNG NEGROES. I etters addressed to either of us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt attention. DC. McL\URIN, DANIEL M. McLAURlN. Laurinburgh, Dee. 2(1, 1850. ^8tf Fire Bnsnranee. E refer our readers to the Annua! statement of the .I'^tiia Insurance ('ompany, of Hartford, which will be found in another cohiinn. Thi.s success ful institution was incorporated by the Legislature ol Connecticut in ISP', with a I'erpetual charter. Its capital is ^50(>.H io, ;m.l its accumulations exceed A.siit(,t 100 more, making its entire assets «ver ^oOd,- Ot>0, invested as detailed in tin* statement referred to These results iii.licate that during the period of uearly forty yeai's ^ince its oruani/. ition, (witiiout :i single change of its chief oHicor,) its business has been con ducted with judgment and jn'udence. It has been thus far sticeesslul in an eminent ilegree, discharging, as we are informed,*,all it« oblig ition.s by the payment of .about t’n ill' for losses, without asking ;i day's del.iy iu aiiy iiistatice. It h.ts had but little lit igation, notwitiist til ling the immense number of trans actions made. Ii, order to att.-iin as tniieh r-r/nii)f>/ as possible in such a business .as insurance, it has been the practice of the Company, lor several year.s, .a' great Labor, carefully to clas.sify and arrange their ’ ‘ ■ ■ to ascertain amount of pre losses up classification, extending over a long ingproperty to a very large amount,fui - presents a sound, sul)stantial upon which to coioluct its Insurance is not .i matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazar ls ire ascertainable, and its i»rinciples cap:ible of beitiix re'Iiieedto a system, the practical working and results of which are as certain as that (d’any other business. The Ktn.a Company, by adhering rigidly to its system. ;uidp!aciiig its busi ness upon .a healthy basis, has obtained the eotifidence of the community to an extent s;irpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has incre;ist‘d its busi ness and its income from year to year with a steady growth. i^iie gnat source of its seiiirity is the wide distribution of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limitin.i: the .amount to be cov ered in e:ii'h locality. Ry this course it h:is passed, with comparative impunity, throu^ii som* ot the most sweeping and destructive tires, which hav‘ swallowed up other companies les.s cautious in their business. It is a system like this, baseil tipon experience, which gives stabilily an 1 souniine.^s to :i company, .aiul to the as sured confidence and security. — liitllinyui I'atnnt. llAR'FFORD, CONN. INCORPORATED 181'.'. CI1.\RTER PERPETUAL, Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BRACE, President, E. 0. RIPLEY, Vice Pre- siilent. T. .\ LKX AN DER, Secret;.ry. l)nu:croHf! —T. K I’race, S. Tudor. J. Church, R. Buell, M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. .A. Rulkeley, R. .Mather, E. G. Rijiley, S. S. Ward, 11. Z. Pratt, G F. Davis, .V. l^inham, D. llillyer, T. .A. .Alexander, W. Keney. The Assets are mainly invested in Stocks and Ronds, paying interest, with Sil72,t)i»l 01 of cash on deposite in the 11 irtford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid — non^' Losses ad.justed and not due. ^^2l,->13 i)-). Losses iu suspense, waiting fuitlr.T proof, &c., 8-50 15. Loyjse.*^resistei*, (suspicions ot Ir.aud, »lic.) 8 * 2. fi®- \geut of the above Coiup:iny in Fayetteville, N.^ E. J. HALE. FOR SMJv A DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES: fine and •‘m common TOB.VCC(); and almost anything in the Gr«cery line. Cheap as the cheapest'. G. W. 1. GtJLDSTON. Jan’y 27, 1857. "7- \V. N. I'lLLlNGnAS’F Is now receiving a large and well assorted Stock of 4'liiiia, aiil Eariii«‘ii««ar‘, l.i(»okiii^ fiila»i^€‘w, Ifritlania, niKl Silver Pl.ileil Ware, Fancy (w00d«, A: lloiiMe llaiMluai'c*. He invites the .attention of Country Merchants to his Stock, and is satisfied that they cauuct find a belter assortment of Goods for their trade, or che.aper i when delivered at their doors,) iu one House anywhere. Sept. 8. 2m RK.MOVAL. 1.^’^ F. MOORE has removed to the Store recently occupied by William Taylor, o doors (d H. L. .Myrover Co., where he would be pleased to see hii old customers and all others who wish to buy Goods Cheap. The Notes and .Accounts due W. F. iS: E. F. Moire and .Moore \. I’ro., can be found as above. Sept. 2. ii'.t 1 111 15 FOR sasj:. RRLS. of .M. & E. MYER’S SUPERIoi; WHISKEY This Whiskey comes very hiuhly recommended;'said to be fully oiiuai to any North ('arolina make, and warrantC'l free from any impuritv. WORTH .v'UTLEV. .Uig ii2, 1857. otj- Fire ¥nsnr "f nee* SIHE .KI'N' A Insurance (Jornpatiy ii (Lirfior,|, h.avo flL ing paid the tax imjifised by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will continue its .VtiCiu v in Fayetteville, utiiler the mana'.rement of the un'iersi;in- cd. who is prepared to issue Policies of Insurance on Ruildings or (ioods, either it; this Town or .u'anv part of the State, on proper iipplic.ition, descrI].:ion of the Proper’y, \c. The-KT.N.\ COMP.AN'Y been iu operation about liO years. Its f.ipiial »s 'I'he lion. I ho-- K. Brace was its first President, and he stdl holds riiat office; and sever:il of its first Directors are 'lill active and efficient members of the Pioard. li h:.sat :ul t.ine, sustained the highest char.acier for the j-rudeuee ol its management, and for the liberality with woich it has ever adjust‘-d its losses. E. J. HALE, Agent IIWVKSS ins'FORV. ^ IH E Subscriber, Assistant .Agent lor procuring I subscribers to rin 1 deliveriu;r Hawkss History, g.ves notice that he wiil atten 1 the (’ounty ('ourt oi Duplin on the I’d .Mond.a\’ iu July inst., the ounty Court of ( hathain, on tiie 2d Monday in August, the (Jounty (,’ourt of ."sampsou on the ^id .Monday in .\u- gust, and the (bounty Court of .lohnstoii on tio' lt!i .Monday in .\ugust. He will !>e j rovi Ic I wiih a .'ub seriplion Rook, and with copies of iiie Nt volume in the styles of binding, for deliverv. c. piiii i; July 4 -2- I D.WIl) .\lel)t I'I'li;, tSriekmasoN am! S prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in eluding the i>utting u[) of Turi'cntine Stills in thir; and the adjoining c.innties. Fayetteville, .April 27, 1857. o-l\-pd .1. VVll.LlAM FA(;K, m. d., P MTTSBO MtOMJii MB, .V. g I^R. P.VGE may be found at his office wiien not mJr professionally cnjrasfed. May 0, 1857. 5tf NEW HOOKS. 'ig AUUIED OR SINGLE, by Miss Sedgewick; The i.fM. Professor, by Currer Rell; Romany, by Lavengro; The .Vthelings; Tent Life iu the Holy Land; Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia; The Improved House wife, by Mrs. Webster; Kc. \ so. Bullion’s 1st Lessons in Greek; Payson .V Uunton’sSeries of PENMANSHIP; Addick s Elements: Key to Davies' Algebra; and other School Books. E. J. HALE \ SON -Vug. 2a.