SEMI-WEEKLY. \)|.. VII.] I AVKTTFAIIJ.K, C.. ()CT01U:R 8, 1857. ; |\:n> M '\I>VVS \NI) TIIL’IJSDW K!)\V\in) J. HALF. A' SON. AND TKonniri'itKs. A(l:imiiiitiiu‘, Sjx'rm :ui(l ANliLKS. rcc'il ami I'lir salo liv . '.■iiii-'Vcekly On>iKi!Vi;i: dO if in -■ , .>0 il'itiii l iluriup the year tif sul'scrij>- ' 1 -i'ti'r the _vo:ir luis oxpircl. ,i»!>kuvkh OOpcrammin. if j'fii'l in ^ if I'.ii'l 'luriti" the year of subscrip- ' ■ :ifi> r the year has expiroil. - \I11NTS iniertO'l fur sixty cents per : I';'i tlie first, au'l thirty cents for each 1. ;t.lii':iiivn. \ early a'lvt'rtiseiuents liy sjie- :it re:v«iina1)le rates, A'lvertiseis are -• !■ tlie nmnlter of insertions'le^irel^, nr • ■ itintU''! t: ! furV'itl, aii'l chargo'l accoril- .■I'.i'iii-; t' I'O insertCil > cbarfred oO per llaLi • lii‘> C'oll'ro: *J0 (l>. Old : :ii„l IT -ale l.y W. H. CAllVKll. CiuH'sc, just rt'Cl'ivt'd, aiul W 11. CAKVi:il. 4H-3t 10 lii)ls. Pmv H'eivO'l and for sale l>y t >ft'r n. w. II (\\i!\ i;k. C'idtT just W. 11. (’AUVHIl 48-ot w r SKKl) \Mllv\ r. i t uf very superior Seed Wheat. Those want had lu'tter call soon. JAS. U. t'OOK 4b-4w !I0 .11 S'l' HI'.CI'.IN Kl). I’.OXKS if that superior llUCK ( i:\rro 1 >‘,-7 VNDV T(>- I. (;0LI)ST0N. •Ib-tf Ord(‘r \i). 2. I ♦ Hilitia! FAVErXKVILI.K, Oct. 1st, 1^57. . I'oininisjiionecl aud i^on-Comniissioned Officers I Kefriineiit Noith Carolina .Militia, are hereby - 1 I" appear at the Court Mouse at Id o'clock on ,, iictriTer -lO, 1>')7. armed and e'iuipi>eii as the . r; Is, lor drill. Also tu parade their respective ii ur ' at the same time, and place, ou Saturday, !" ;7. f'lr battali .n drill, r>y Order Col. C. E. LKETE, T. C. Adj't. 4si-;k !l .iisraii(l Lot tor Sale »r Uonl. fi r.'',\LE Oil KEN Tiny IIOI SE and LOT I ' tm Street joining 15. Iose, Es'i. Apply ■ ('i»(*K, or to myself, MARTHA HARTMAN 48-3w tUatv ami t'rmalc School. I. ' • xt Sessi"U will open at the .Masonic Lodjre 'he I'.'th ijf ()ctiiher. Terms as follows: l''^ii>h (’oursc, per S«ssi-iu 7 \ •• •' lu O'l Fredcli, i-acli 10 O'' _ iiid Kmlvrnidvr^’, each 5 tit ' ipcnins; "t' the Sehool ["ivtpoued to the r.-*th of in . 'nse'iuenee ^if ill henlth. , ' and .ithers who have so kindly patronized ' licrt-ti'fore will please an-ept the grrtieful ' the teai'h«r; and he liDpes t" have a cun- !■ •■!' their i'atrnnare. It is verj- desirable that 'hiiiild attend the tirst day of the School. N> ■ II ma le t"r atiseuce, exirept in cases of pro- ' hi-s. THAI). L. TROY. "'•viiie, Sept'r'Jl. 4')-:-it >\M: op TIIK LOTS OK A ROMA A CITY, liTiiiiiiiK of tiu* limit Ci'iitral Kail Hoiui of’ \oriii (Hrolinii. ON BEAUFORT HARBOR, ■■ TUnt.-^UAV, NOVEMBER 12, lho7. \A I'lTV ill situated on an elevated plain, t I 'l ;V-i t aliove tide wnter, immediately on rr.( lut 'rt Hiirlnir. Thi.' locatiun f(.r h ■ r ’ i] Ciry w;is -flecteil hy men of cim- a: (t! 'i.fc. afti'r 1 fu'il i-xatnination of all the i!.’- Ilarti 'V of ileaiifort, and in anticipatinii ■ tr" -iii,n Ilf the great Central Rail Rond ■ '■ I :■ .r tliri'uph the State of North ('ardlinn, i 'til the linei? of the Rail Roads of Ten- ‘ n;i ea-t fr..m .Memphis on the Mississipjd, j -.nTieijiatiiin of the construction of a Rail ' >'-.1 ’ilia ('ity throui'h the counties of Ons- ' ■ ; i:. > iinji-iin. ;ind the town of Fayetteville, ' ij I iiM- on Deep River. The Atlantic and ' ^.r . ;i;a Hail Road, from Carolina City, ti ’ wili if i.pened by the 1st January next; ■■ ■ r.i in a Rail Road is in operation to the '■'iry. Iriim wh’ch point the construction ■ \V,--t!-rn itail R'lad, throuj'h the moun- • i-- Teiinessee line, is steadiU’ i>rogressin>i. I- id throujrh Fayetteville to the C'>al Fields I'l. ;-mi‘ : I'l upied the attention of the State, w-'l evmtually be put in ojieration,— ■ 'ween Fayt-tteviile and the (,'oal Fields be- ’ j ' ■iiirse ol' construction. The c impletion - I '-It R;iil 1’,'i.i ls will carry the apricultural ■ I'l- products .f the .State to one of the finedt II the Snuthern coast, and must at an early 1 up on its w iteis ;t tl iiirishing' ’ity, i^rii-ultural re:rii.ns of the State, not pene- d Rail Roads, have easy communication ‘■rrt Harbor by navigable Rivers and Sounds. II irt- ir of Reaufort, we believe it to be un- i; *w ti .“peak: the depth of its waters, its ;■ • ■ tlji- (iuif Stream, (the highw.ay of ships.) , ' t\ !'.r all commercial purjioses, are not .1. wii tu evi-ry North Carolinian, but have ■ ' AneMioii of the country generally. :n , I'ity Ciiiiipany l>elievc that the advan- !■ iiti. II which they have selected are ‘ I- and is a high and level plain, looking M' :i tlie ‘.ceaii; its well.s and si'rings aiford 'V iti rs. ;ind tlie salulirity of tlie climate is ■wn. that i’.eaufoi't is believed tobethemoit ■' ■-I pi.'u c on the Southern coast. ' ill, the (diannel for ships bends in near u 1 run- pMrallel with it along the whole 'y, "1 .tvlncr the c iiistruetion of wharves 'i ■ I ; > b:irbor and wharves at Carolina i.jT in-u n. contlux ofBogue II' Y'^ii iit L\v.-r. nn.i imnicdiateh' in _ r ... lulet, are t a ship may set ..ui ti., ,;,ul Road wharf .Inia t ity and in thirty n,u„,,e^ l.e at ^en e are ,.,me ol th« advany.^,... .l.iermined . •ti in ol the location ot Caro\i,i>i Cu... i M.ifi icnce had the Company in the su,',eriority - adv int i;_'es ihfil (foy .n„l NHW IJOOKS. ^3 OSS SIUK, by Mariiin IIarlaud, author of‘.\lone’ ..▼SI. SOC\ ENIRS oF J'RA\ EL, by .Mailame Le Vert. Ju?t received by E. J. I1.\LE & SON. Sorivtff of Surtseon tPetitists. A SECONl> .Ml’ETlNO of the NiTth ('arolina State Society of Surjreou Dentists will be held in (.Jreensborough. ou the tirst Wedr.esday ^thc ]th day) of October instant. W. F. 15AS0N, Pres't. D W. C. r.KMuiw, Sec'y. t*ct. 1. 47--t WATCIIKS, .IKWKLKV, ^;c. .\M now receiving additions to iny Stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Military aud Fancy Gcods, Which makes luy Stock good. Those who are about to make their purchases would do well to call. \V. I'RIOR. jfegr Watch Repairing done in the best nianuor and warranted. Ocfr 1, 1857. 47->'.m K(M'NI) PINK I.T\T).~ ~ K offer for sale ‘JOOd .\('KES round IMne Tur- w * pentine Laud 17 miles from Fayetteville, be tween the Western and ('entre Plank Roads—the Morganton Road running through the same. \ bar- iriiin will be sold in these latids. For particulars apply to .Air. Charles Monroe near the land or to the subscribers. J. .i: T. W.VDDILL. Sept'r il(l. 4o-bw A VALUAIU.K LAW I’.OOK. tDDlSON on Contracts, with Notes and References to American cases, by Edward Ingeraoll. 1 large vol. 1-00 pages. Judge Woodward, of the Supren: 3 Court of Pe"nsyl- vania, says that “this is the best book ou the subject, I ever had in my hands.” For sale by E. J. H.\LE & SON. -April 20. B. GLOVER H.\S received his Fall Stock of Goods, e^insisting of n A T ’ 111>, J i : u I: I. It Y, Sirn-li AMI PLITKII WAKK. A\U 1IIL1TAKV (iOllDS, T'l which he invites the attention of his old customers aud the [lublic in general. 1’. S. His pcr.smitil attention will be paid to all Watches and Jewelrj' entrusted to him for repairs, Sept. 1"). 4;i-3m LAM) I'OU SALK. Xkt (he ir. l' Rutlu rjhrd Rail Roui: mar fjdurinhun/ /h'/k Si/ti>ol. fBlllE Subscritier, will on the loth of Oct. next (if IL not previously disposed of) expose to public sale, his Plantation containiivg 4".l acres. Said Land is situated in Richmond County near Laurinburg High .''chool, and distant j of a mile from the W. C. R Railroad. r.'. Sept (o r ro.v r, \ (;(;ln(;. I NDKE and C.UNNV P.ACiClNO in .juai suit purchasers. For sale by l> S.'pt, rwi: rri'A n.r.H Fiiriiiltire and FiKtiires t-:. . . .1 fr ii,. >1 tl. . clii- :l> l Cit... ' ■■ l: 8(l'|l :I1. fr -it • r- an I in ' M ^■^HE above named property will be sold to any 3. responsible person, upon f.air terms, if ajiplied tor between the ]*resent time and the I'lth of Deceni- her noxt If nut sold liy the l^th uf Dec., tliey will be sold at Auction after the tirst day of January next, ill I'lts to suit purch.isers. ,\ny information wanted will be cheerfully given by applying to J, II. RORERTS ('». Fayetteville. September IJ, 1H.57. IJ-tf s.'>() lliCW.VRI) WILL be given for the apprehension and deliver)' to me, or c>nlinemf nt in any iail in the >»tate “o that I can get him, of my man JINL He lett on the SOth ult., and has not been seen, or heard of s>nce He is a bright mulatto, almost white, about 23 years old, about o feetinches high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long beard on his chin when he left. Had on when he leh a very good suit of clothes, and will very likely try to jiass off for a white man, and make for a free State; should he not go north, he will likely go up in the vicinity of Fav'etteville, as ho was raised there, and formerly belonged to’>''’in. H. Wright, Esip, of that place. Any person who may take up said Roy will be entitled to the above reward and the thanks of 1S.\.\C 15. KELL\. Ken in.sville. N. C., Aug. 13, 1S.')7 oo-tf ; Acres of* liaiid I'Oli SAI.K. ^■^HE Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of B. Land, lying on .Anderson’s Creek, about two ii.d a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot's . Mills,—including about One Hundred Acres of good ' Swamps, which can be easily drained. This Land is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level and of superior )ualitj' of Pine L.and for cultivation. .Also, a ('ircular STIiAM S.WV-MII L, in complete nrder and well adapted to sawing plank road and rail ; road timliers. .Also, Two well-broke MULES. ■Vll, or any portion of which, will be sold low and. . on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in i jiarcels to suit. SMITH A ELLIOT. April '1, 1H.-,7. _^!>7-tf NO 111 MIU (;! ^I^HE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders 1^ for Sitifvrior lf*ater itnrkels. He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploys North Carolina capital and labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. J>y giving him a trioi, and by comparing his with Northern prices, be liojtes to be aiile to make a favorable showing, .A TRIAL is what !;e wants, .Messrs. WORTH .• UTLEA' of this place are .Vgents for the sale of the above P>uckets. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb'y 17, 18j7. 82-y sin:>i\v r.f.L iiousi.. rAYi;’iTs:vii.M:, .\. »■. A’/.s7 »t (iret'.n Street, a few Doura Xorth y/ th- Murk/'t flijuse. IHE SuViscrlber desires through this liilHW ^ medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his llinise the past 3’ear—and as hi‘ has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his ])atrons and the public generally, he is still ju-epared to accom- moclate them with transient and permanent board, and respcetfully solicits a continuance of the lil>ora_l pat.on- age heretofore received. Every exeition on his jiart shall be used to render lliem comfortable during their sojourn witii him. His table is always ^applied with the best the market atfords. P. SH EM WELL. 24. isr,r,. i^G-tf DOliliLN holsk: POWERS X CO., PiuiPHiKTous, ^BIHE Proj’rietors of this Establishment is. announce to the public, that owing to the oonst:uitl\ increasing patronage extend ed to tliein, they have been induced to en large the accoinmoilation liy the addition of an exten.'ive Dining Room on the lower floor, and suite of Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who in.ay favor them with a call. .And they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrnns. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance. The eligible b'cation of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western aud Southern Stages- arrive at and de part from this House. I (’’arriaiies in attendance on arrival and tleparture of Steam Roats, for the arcominodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any notice for car rying travellers to any i)art of the adjacent country, J. W. POWERS, & ('(). Fayetteville, .May 12, isot-. 3tf \ all \in.i: iMioPKUTV roR s.tif.t:. I OFFER fur sale, m^- L.VNDS in the Town of Fay etteville, .al>out 1;'H ,\cres, known as the MUIHFORD SWAMP. .About SO .V. re~ of it is fine Meadow Laud, asthe(’rop now on it will sk>iw. .Vlso, the | Vaiiiai»l‘ ICrirk siiid l..ot near the Market S'[uarc, occupied by Mr. .lolin .\. | Penibertiin, | \ Large and \' ilui.l)le Lot, fronting on Donaldson, j Maxwell and Nluml'or l ,treets, known as the Hotel i Ciarden Lot,—cntild be divided into several Ruilding ' Lots—very near the new Female Hifih School Ruildings. .Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on .Mumford Street. Several DESIRARLE P.UlLDLMi LOTS on both Winslow.* and Mumfor I Streets. .All this property can now l)e purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain ou Rond and Mortgage if'lesired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10. IS.').'), 43-tf KOIiLirr I). (^UKK.N, I LATE C.REEN -v WEAR.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., KAVKTTKVILLE, N. D. 1. begs to return his sincere thanks to the public for the kind patronajre so liberally be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of J. S., and will continiie the business in all its branches at the old stainl, under his entire superintendence. ^ N. R. ,\11 Watches li'f't with him for rc]..iir will be |i|\ri-'|/| I taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the i necessary repairs pointed out to them and a writtcr, lor Sale. i contract given for the sam*‘, which work will be war ranted for two 3'ears. On hand and for sale now, the most varied and cludce selection of t'LoCKS and othe>' 'lime pieces that h.i.s ever liecu olVere I to the public ir .Vortli t’aro- lina, which he will sell at New York prices, and also w.\ BX.i;vHfor two years. sj(|'^p late firm will l.e ]>aid « purcceivcd hy R, D. (iRI)EN. .August 2'), lS.')t>. ;il-tf Oi\ Hatrk's'^s liistorsf O ¥ \ O II T II V \ K O L.l ^ A . The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation w’heiever it has been rea 1, n.t only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our (ieneral .\gent for the State, H. W , Horne i f this ]ilace. or any of his Assistant Agents. The price varies according to style of binding: In handsome cloth ^1 2o; in Library Sheep $1 •’iO; in half (^alf *1 | 75. It IS SOI.i» ONLY FOR Cash. None will he charged, either by ourselves or our .\gents, .A liberal discoun' will be maiie where ((uantities are taken to sell again ( It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, j ou receipt of the price and 24 ccnts to pay postage. j The 2d volume is iu course of preparation. There ' will probably be four or five volumes in all. The sue- | ceeding volumes will probably contain about TjOO pages ! each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, | viz; half !i cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents additional for sheep and 50 cents additional lor the. halt calf binding. E J. HALE & St.i.N. Fayetteville, April 2'J, 1857. , P. S. The .Agent and his Assisiaiits design to visit i every county in thu State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied by tha cash, will receive prompt atten tion. VALl AliLK PUOl'LKTY * FOR SALE. ^■THE Subscriber havingconcludeil to remove South, ; Jt offers for sale his i HOI LOT, in the village of 'hapel Hill. j The dwelling is a handsome one, large and oonveni- ■ «ntly arranged. The lot contains SIX ACHES . of ground, with every convenience in the way of out houiics, viz:—Dairy, Dry-well, Kitchen, Servant liouse with two rooms—lathed and jdastered, woo'l and wash house, carriage hou.fe and stables. ; There is also on the front, a verj- neat IKM itLi^: oi'Fii'i^:. The grounds are in a high state of cultivation— about half an acre being in fruit trees of the choicest kind and bearing altundantly. For further information aildros« the fiubscril)er at : this place, Teruib made acaonuuoilating. E. MALLETT. Chapel Hill, .\ug. 15. o4-tf (!!»0 A(’RICS Ol' li.ViVI) FOR SALK. ^ I H E Siitiscriber oilers for sale the above iiuaihtity I of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three iniies from the Wilmington and (’harlotte Rail Road, ami four Irom Lumber Rivor. This Landj is well ad.ipted to I'lrining, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may tiuil me on the pre mises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in fiirr.iatioii uonceriiiuir it desired. ANGUS Mc(ilLL Phihi ieljdiut, N. Sept. 1, 1857. 40tf Tht’ i-^tfrtorif in I hr South! \ v: \ —if. .. A. A gl6» ESPECTFFLLV inlorm>> his ft E> ft public, that he has iinilt up l.a \'OH SALE. ^HE subscriber desiring to emigrate to the West, offers for gale his entire L.ANDS, including about six hundred acres, generally known as Chalk Level, lying in the upper end of Harnett couuty, 3 miles East of Cajie Fear River, ami on the road leading from Fay etteville to Chapel Hill, Store, Dwelling, Out-Houses. all in first rate order. The Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to bo excelled by any country store in the State, There are also upon the premises an excellent well of water with in 15 or 20 steps of the House, a fine young orchard of Fruit Trees, a Tan Yard in perfect order, which pays well when in operation. Also, a Blacksmith Shop with Tools, &c, -\ny person wishing to purchase such a place would do well to call and examine it for themselves. I am determined to sell, and will make terms easy for the purchaser. A, H. DE\\AK, N. P>, The place is one of the healthiest in the South ern country. 40 Shares liank of Fayetteville Stock. .August 4, 1857. 32tf WIIF.AT WANTKl). W.ANT to purchase 5,00(> lJushels Wheat JAS. a. June 25, 185t). (A IMi COOK. iG-tf FEAJi LA.XDfS and 1- JAMES McLArillN. 41-ts K JAS, (1. (' )OK. 4Mtf I IM ItI.IC .\OriCK .S HERF.RV (!1VEN, that P>ooks of .'Subscription to the capital stock of the R?iil Road, from , Reaufort Hartiorvia Kpiiansville, Clinton, Fayettevilb',’' and West, will lie opened on Thursday, the HUh il.-iy j of .\pril 185ii, and rem.-iin open according to the terms ‘ of the Charter until lui ther notice, at the following pl.ices and utider ilirection id' the folio ving named persons, Ounmissioners in the Charter, viz; j in the ('ounfy of Onslow, at the oftice of the Clerk i of the County C*urt at Jacksonville, and at the Post I Otlice Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. .1. Waril, J. H. { Foy, Robert White, John .V. .Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug- | gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county', at the oflice of Dr, M. F. .\reii- lell at IJeaufort Dr. M. F. .Arendell, J. F. Rell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W. Taj'lor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N, Dennis, H. S. Rell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Rriil^e .Vremlell. In Dupiin county, at the office of the County (’ourt Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, l.saac R. Kelly. Wm. I:]. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, .Ste[dien Graham. In .Sampson county, at ihe ofiiceof the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas I, Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm, McKay, P.,trick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R, Reaman, .Alfred Johnson, In Cumberland,county, at Fayetteville, at the (dhce of A. A. McKethan,—Ihomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. lilocker. Form of subscription; The Undersigned r>gree to take the number of shares of JjilOO each, set o]iposite to our names resjiectively, in the Central Haii Road Company; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter, W (• arc HOW r('ceiviiir our F.\LL STO(’K of RO)T.'' and SHOES, whid: ; is large and general, embracing every va- ' riety of Gentlemen s. Ladies’, Youths’, and ('hildren's Pioots, Shoes and Gaiters; India liubber Shoes of every style and size A large assortment of Servant'.-i .Shoes ■, —ALSO— Trunks, C:ilf, t>oat, Morocco, Ijining and Bind in^f Skins, Shoe Thread, Lasts, kc., itc. Which we will, as usual, sell low for ('•m/i or to jmnc- lual customers. S. T. H.AWLl’.^' & SON. Se])t '-f, 1S57. 8‘.*-t)W' ri'^HE subscribers otter their services to the pubin- to J furnish ('oflins. Hearse, and every other reijuisite j for Funerals. They have a considerable supply of (’oflins readymade, and an aliindajit supply of Ma hogany, Rlack Walnut and (Jum and Poplar materials for making any size at a short notice. Orders left .at the Cool .''pring .Mills will be promptly attend'^ l to. HEARSEV \ JOHNSON. I Fayetteville, .lune 2'.*, 1S57. 2utf (Jojil lijmds for Sah*. V virtue of a Deed in Trust to me executed liy •John Me. Ellington, 1 will sell at public .\uction. to the highest hidder, on TucMlaj* the Mh day of St'p- tember 1S57, in the town of Fayetteville, at the Court House Door, one-fourth part of the Tract of Land known as the DYE LANDS, lying in Moore county, aii'l adjoining the lands ot Evander Mclver and othcis, aud containing eight hundred acres more or less. Said land is situateil about three miles South Irom Deep River and i.s well timbered with long leaf pine. Coal of fine (juality has )>een discovered on the premises, vein lt inches thick, ."^ee Emmons's Report for further particulars Terms made known on day of sale. J. T. McCLENAH.AN. Trustee. August 14, li'57. oltl iends up l.arge substar.ii >1 Brick Ruilding.^ at hi' 0:1 .^tand. expiessly fi iiuin- ufaciuring Cairii.ges. '!'iiaukftii for the very pi'.tronage he has nn-eived for the last 21 yc.irs, he iiopes by strict attention to lm»iness, with a desire to give satisfaetion, to merit a conlinuance ot' tii - same. He warrants iiis wori lo he made of the be^t material and by exiierieticed A'orkiuen 'U e-i.'ii brancii of the business. His work will compare ; .i voi ,>b.y with any made in the United St.iter,, foro-^ itiies.^ iii'i duiability. He is detcrniiiit'1 to -c ii- i do any work in his line on as good levm® a;' i:.y work doi'.e elsewhere that is as well done, H'j n- h^s ou hauil, Fi.sisiiKii, the L.ARGEST .STOt.’K ot ( 'nrrifiaronrites, l\ r,r nn't I til a UK Ever ollered in thi. jiiace, aii'l i vety large stock of work nearly tiI;i^i;e I. which will 'ne tin;sh.-d daily. -Ml of whicii will I'O Sold very low for C.A'^ii, or on short time to j unct'i il customers. H o has on hand more than O.N'E II U .N i ‘1.1 ‘ .\ N D Fll'l^ \ chi cles linisheil and in course ■ construction. .Ml Work ma le by ! ' ■! i s warr.atited 12 months withfair usage, and sl> ’ 1: f.iiltiy bad workmanship or material will he rep iiic i free of charge. Persons wisiiing t Kn .' would do v.ell to call aiid examine for themselves. )rders tha;iklully received and prouij ;ly attended to. Rcpairinjr execu; 1 :.t short notice and on very re asonnlile t erms. May 2«. Isi5:5 B^t-tf ^ \v. !i\Ki:u e-'iviiiu fnmi flic Xortli flie sf, and nmst carei’ullv si-- IS ./ I" /; ■ _ i iall.-. , ,, , . /■'(('/ in I hill'int'j th'- L'li,it'll Sl.jck ',JUn \ h f//,,,/ ,'Uirk ; y >; .s,,ijn-,„ .^'ide Uiiijti thi faUh J naliM n ■ or. ; the Harbor ot Reaufort, exhibiting the loca- ! Rail Road ano Carolina I prineijial Hotels in the j 1000 Aul FOR SAfj:. BUSHELS ALU.M SALT, a very su perior article, by JAS'. C. SMITH & CO. Wilmington, N. (’. 1857. o8-2m. if the .\tirintii: and .N. (J ■ .y be seen in all th TLRMS OF SALJ:. •111.', ( ash, and the balance secured by Notes i] pi'.i^ d -ecurity at 12 and ]H months, l.y ■■’ der of the Comj>any. JNO. H. (JtJOK, I'res't Car. City Co. I, -M. Sec'y ■ 47-t.=. LAM) LOR SAIJv I .ACRES L.AND lying ou the Camden Stage Road, 15 miles South of Fay- etteMlle. i i,p Li„,| jj, timbered, and admirably adajited tor fnrpi'utinc or Farming purposes; and lies between the S, uthern Phmk Road and Big Rockfish, —convenient to maiket. There is on it a comfortable frame House, Mill Site Me. I Any intoi Illation may he ohtained on the premises 1 from .Mrs. .Mary Nolsoii, or by emiuring of JAMES BANKS, Att’y, Fayetteville. Aug. 18. 33.jf iror‘rirs, Ilar(hvai*(‘, A:c. ffl^HE undersigned are now receiving a L.VRGE ,VS- B SORT.MEN Tot (iroc‘ries, Har(l\var', Iron, StiM.'l, 1 lollow-\N an', SliO(“s, [..(‘atlu r, and Sa(l(ll('i'v, which they will sell at Whidesale at a small advance oi\ Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to protnpt tleaiers. GEO. WILLIAMS vN: CO. 2ii-tf I Names ResileiK No, of s'aares •'S Citsh Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may s[>ecify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, wlien bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. •As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the (’ommissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are reiiuired to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 15. 1850. 13tf >. iToUSTOxV /'’OUFiD inform his friends and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear P>ank, and d doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing belonging to his trale. He respectfully invites his frien>Is from the country to call and e.xamine his stock before jiurchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & OA'ERRY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compel-ef? settle the firm’s debts. •\ugust 27 1 J5!5, .'?4tf “'J'lio Old Norlli State in ITTt),’’ Caruthers,—first and second Series. Just received, E. J. HALE ii SON, July IR, 1857. \OTl( H. ■'HE subscriber having, at Jtitie Term 1857, of the Court of Pleas and (.Quarter Sessions for the C’ounty of ('umberlaml. qu.alified as .\dministrator upon the Estate of Willie F. .Moore, hereby notifies .-ill persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same jiroperly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will >'e pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment immediately. E. F. MOORE. June 3, 1857. 13tf Further Sttppfif of School iSooks. ■ ■^.AVIES’ .Algettra: Davies’ .Arithmetic;'s m Jf Ntitional .Arithmetic; Smellie’s Philosophy; Pic torial (Jreece; (’ooper's Virgil; itc, .Vlso. Tiipper’s Proverbial Philosophy; Bailey's Festus; Wayland’s M'.ral Science; &c. xc. E. J. 11.ALE ^ SON. Aug. lO. .\L\V SUPI>I.V OL S rATIOXLUV. E arc just receiving further supplies of Embracing Letter, R.ath Post, Note and (,’ap Paper.s, in great variety; English and French Envelopes, white and colored; Tissue Pajier, Gillott's and Perry’s Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Red Ink Pens, Ebon^' Rulers. Ivory and Boxwood Pockct Kulers, Mathematical In struments in cases. Hand Clips, Pink Tape, t^uills, Pen Racks, W'hite Rubber, Sand Boxes, .j'C.; Banker’s (’ases. Pocket .Memorandums and Pocket Rooks; Yan kee and French Pencil Sharpeners; Cloth Stretchers, for marking with indelible ink; Rodgers’ Pen Knives; Portfolios; Maynard & Noyes and D.aviils’ I nks, ,jc. Also, 1 ('ase superior English SL.ATES, assorted sizes. E, J. HALE & SON. May 2, 1857. LOR SALL. f|5HE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie Ji- Street, at present occupied by Doctor .McSwain. Perfect title can be made. Apjdy to THO. J. CURTIS, 1 ^ 11..\c r' lar^^fst liiH (■(•Ii-d wlock of - 5 ^ a i TK s: ever offered in t h is iiiavlcl; which, nddeI to his own manul'act lire, niike-jliis :i.--ort!iiciit complete;—allot which he will sell ou tlie lowest | os>iible terms for cash or on time to punctual customei s. Fa^hioiial lc ].aiiiic l cott ig'- In d room F’urniture iu setts; ‘urlod hair ind slmi-r., and cotton \l.ittr».-s'i*s; Lookiiifr (; Willow W.igoiis and Crallcs; Side Roarils: l»ureaiis; ScTfh*ric.s .•ind Rook-t'ases; \Vhat- Not-^; I ahifu, ali sorts; \':i'h ^';:inll^; t 'aiiii’ Stauil.'^; Wardrobe.s; Pictiiic Fi.iines 'ii.d (il.iss: Window Sh.adcs; ('ornici-.".; (’urt.iiii l‘>’.iid'; S-tas in Mahofrany .iiid Wali'ut; Ti'tc :i 'i'i'tcs; itf' tiriti.-. Divans aii'l Stools; ( ariirs i.f ev. ry v ii ici;, Fi.if l‘osev\-oiid |’i:inos, imo with /Ei>liaii At tachiiiciit; Rosewood Melodiaiis, I'non the hci manufac tories ill .New Y«rk and Rostoii, wairaiitv-d as good as any made in the couni rv. and will he sold at N, York prices—I'reijrht only .a ided. Novemi'er 2. 15-tf Si.lW igOOiiN. 'HIHE Suhst-ril'er.s have on hand, and will promptly SL fili orders for North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, , in 'iets or in single voliniies, Iredell's Digest and I ingested Jcmc.s's Dijiest, Revised Statutes 1 of North Carolina. Wiley's New Form Rook. ' .''TORY, on Sales. Rills, Contracts. Partnership, i .Agency, Enuitv' Jurisprudence, Ivpiity Ple.idings. I .ARCH Bold, on Pivu’tiee, Crimin:il Practice and , i’leading, L in llord an 1 Tenant. ' CIllTTV, .')U (.’ontracts. Criminal Law, RIackstone, ' .Medical Juri'jiriidence. SldDEN, on Vendors ainl Property POWELL, on .Mortg.iires, :iiid ('onti ■i't.->. I .‘^"dlTIl, on Actioiiii :U Law, .\Ia“t"r anil, I Laniilor'l and, Chancery Practice. S.'v.SDERS, on I’lea'liiig nil Evidence, l'-esand Trusts, Reports. RL’S.''El.i, on riiitration. Factors, I’rimcs, IIOl'FM.VN'S [.I'.i^.il .'■tuiiy, an l.'l.isters in t'hancery, ' WILLI.AM.'' on Per.'onal Property. W H E.Vi'O.N'.'^ Scl'.vyn's Nisi Prius. WM.ARTON. on ^.Vnierican Law of Il'Uniciile, Medi- 1 Cal Jurisi.riidcuce. Slate frials in the United .States. ! .American Criiainal Law, Law Dictionary. Siephen on Pleading. Roper on Legacies. Dart i;ii ; Vend' rs. Fearne on Remainders. Edw.irds on Rail- i nients. Coke upon Littleton,(Hargrave and iiutler'si ■ new edition, Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis'' ditto. Dart's Vendors and Purcha.-crs ol Real INtate. ,\d- aiiis' E(iuity. Trouiiat L.iw of Limited Partnvi>hii), j Hughes’ Eijuity Diaughtsn;an. Phillips .and .\nios on ' Evidence, Gresley on Law of Evidence. R. s on ! pills and I'rouiissory Notes, D(iniat s Civil ! Lvwis’s U, S, (’riniinal Lavr, Dani(dl'> Chancery jl\; ,tice. Roscoe's Criminal F.vidence, .Vtherley on ,i r 1 av.'ot Marritige. (’oliyeron Partnership. Green- v.n Eviclence. )liver on Conveyancing. (Juvti.^'s \oyancer. I’urrill's Law' Diction.ary, (.’ruise on Utal Property. T’ayler’s Law tilossary, CraVib on |{eal Property. Reeves' Domestic Relations. Ryh- on Bills. Rell on .''ale. Lee on Arbitration of Titles Sharswood’s Professional Ethics, Rarton'!: suit in Eipiity- Wills on Circum' Evidence. Coinyn's Lau'llord and Ten.ant, Watson on .Arbiiration. IIar- 011 Discovery. Oliphant on lloises. Whitworth's Equity Preceilents. .Morris on Reidevin. Giesley’s Equity Evidence. Bishop on .Marriage and Divorce, Mathew's Presumptive Evidence. Robertson on Sue- | cession. Ellis on Insurance. Lewis on the Law of j Perpeniity. Phillimore on Domicil. Cary on Part nership, Wilson on Uses. Fell on Gu.irantees. New- t laud on Contracts. Tamlyii's (.'haucery Evidence, tyo, I These or other Law Looks ordered will be supplied j to the Professsion iu any part of the State on reason i able terms, K- J- H.ALE 4' S()N j r o K ^ \ li i:. fglHE Subscriber olfers for sale that very valuatde R PLANT.ATION known as the “Blocker Land,” situated on the East .side of the Cape Fear, four miles belorw Fayetteville. The Laud fronts the River ti haif mile and runs back two miles, aud consists of about Six Hundred .\cres. The soil is of every variety com mon to this region; embracing the light sandy, loamy, clay, river low grounds, and very rjcli swamji lands,— of the last named about fifty acres are under cultiva tion, and are as good as any in the county. The bal ance of the swamp ial)out 100 or 151) acres) can be very o.asilj’ drained through ditches already cut to the River, or to Lock’s Creek, which runs across the middle of the tract. Of the whole tract there is about 125 acres under cultivation. The growth ou the wood-land consists of pine (long ami short loaf,) oak, hickory, poplar, cypress, gum, dfo. For terms and further information apydj' to W, L. Eviiu? on the premises, J. E, Bryan, Esi[., P. M., Fay etteville, or to myself at Fayetteville. FRANCES EVANS. Sopt. 21, 1857. 44tf NOTICL. ^■''liE undersigned having executed a power of At- £ torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me aud in my name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were I personally present. J. J, MOORE. Fayetteville, June :3, 1857. 13tf MISSISSIPPI COTTON LA.NDS [ F 0 R S A L E . ! ^j|lHE undersigned has TWO VAliU.ABLE COTToN JL F.AR.MS for sale—in (Carroll (’ounty, Mississippi. One Tract contains 10K.> .Acres finely improvec], 5MJ I .\cres open bunl: it has eveiy convenience usual on Plantations; tine water, the Iiest health, and good out- , let for .'^tock, and in a fine neighborhood. This place , is creek bottom and hill land. ■ The other T'ract is in the Yazoo Rottom; contains ■ l li'iit acres.—acres can be put in Cotton next year ! and will make bales of Cotton,—two miles from j constant navigation; in as good a neighborhood as any ! in the State; fine water and health; and the best char acter of stock range. 1 offer these Lands at remarkably low prices. For ! further information I refer to (J. W. Meachani, Esip, of .\nson (’ounty, who has seen the Lands; or write mu at Rlack Hawk, Carroll (’o., .Miss., or C, W, Rennett, same post oHice, . A. STRitNG. •Atiir, 1'.', I>s57, 85-2m Nou rii (’\ROLiw rlali:rs. .'%|IllKi:iSN I A.\l» '2. IMtKPAUEli WITH HKFKHK.VCK TO TIIK WANTS .AND I,\TKI{K.sTS OF • Yorth f'tiroliiitt. THK -ri*KKINTKNIH:N r oi . »» M- \ rn!. aj MON II4MII.S. HY F. tB. «»r i iir, i-vtin \i;i: \m» i.i i lkan i:k in IMK (MVKU'^nV OF Nuliri! t .\i^ii{i:k li.NT VI.NM.Vci A F.VMII.lAIl [IISToK^ .\ \ I • 1 • KS( K t T- TION OF NORTH CAUOMNA. Si lections in JVii.'O and Vcrsoj many of thriii Ly eminent citi/.ons of tho State. HIST)RIC.\L AND CIIRONOLOGICAL TARLES, \nd .1 variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta- • tistics. by i\ il. waj.i:v. Number •! is a now ami revised eilition of the North Carolina Rcailer, lirst published in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, comjdete the series, which is, as a whole, i he.ipcr than any other series of Readersin the United States, and as cotuplete. ' The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to aliude to .i few of the peculiar ! advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common , Schools while making etforts to have this work com- ]ileted. These are, 1, T/,, .III III riiynut Ilf Ilf 1 fo'linij ■;/ -n !/-i(i/i' iidi nif, and the enlistment of jiopular sentiment in belialf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought im- portatit, howevi'r. to have more than one number of the Readers of merely .a local interest. 2, 7'-/ /•.;,("/// ///• ■ l it ' rr i i/u'lif-re cu)iij>hiiiinl of in C"iii- ; moH fi'lt'iiilf, uf 'I itfrj!' (un! >n /'Xt li'iok^'; an ex- ^ [H'lisive habit, and one which injures the Schooi.s by preventing the children from being classified. .\ se ries of honiii Readers, it was supposed, would be cer- j tainiy used, aii'l this great evil thus avoideil I Ii, Ei'onmn}!, the popular system of Readers being j too lon^ and heing made so often merely to add to ! tlie prolits of authors and publisher'-. I This seiics is to consist of fewer numbers than those iXLiier.illy used, and it is believ.^d that these iiumbers are >-uHicient, whiie it the system were uni- ' versally used in the State, the sum s.ived t > p ireiits , and children woiil l amount to several tiiousand dollars annually. 4, T-, I’lii m th' f'iii'l:-'if ckititri’ii Ifiinmii/ tu mi l r.o'i- A ALSO GOOD FAMILY CAKHl.AGE in good repair and nearly new. Will be sold for half its value, —ALSO— 3 good MILCH COWS with young calves. Apply to T. J. CURTIS. April 29, 1867. 3tf (a AXOLS. » B\GS PERUVIAN; # o27 do. COLU.MBIAN. Not onl}- has the cost of usin*r these 'Juanoes in connexion been very much diminished, hut experi ment.? have proved that the phosph.ate. so much w.uit- ing in the Peru\ian, not only increases the yield, but combined with the Coluuiljian makes the crop much more certain. For sale by U. a W. McL.AURlN Nov. (j, 1866. 54tf /IS .^iiiiict' hill/ J-nniUar hut not of thf i hnrin ti',mlh '! h (••■ .//• ''''"'/I'', containing, in lessons easy enou;rh I for aii a;:e', correct specimens of style, inlerotiiig in : aiitt. r. and inculcatiii'z proper morals, and reli.ijioiis iii^tructi'.in. I'lie firices are, for No. I, 25 cents; Vo. 2, -!7j '•cnt'i; and .No. 75 cents. A liberal ileiliiction troin tlu-se prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. H.VLE .SL SON. Fiiyetteville, July 2'.', OF all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Ribli'^, and others, re bound in the same style the^' were before. This will save the repurchase ol new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, .and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it ii matter of economy to ^et their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon larpe orders: Pack them and seinl them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at ihe North or South, Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else where, Tlie undersigned respecttully solicits a share of jiatronage, THOS, H. 11 LLINCi H AS 1 , .Anderson .Street. Nov. 5, 185(j. ')4-\ Blank Warrants tor sale licrc.

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