> I r li, I > .• ■* VU II M". Wl « i ■ ; rnuUv In Hr. . ItiK ' A I: >1 ‘ -P. 11 \ oce Ll:- f fl. CO /■/. r. 11 \ ' i’l oi i2u;nT i 3;i i>i:i. a r**. i;., B SEMI-WEEKL, Y. VJI.] FAYI/n KVIM.K, N. C.. OCTOHHR T2, 1857. [NO. G50.] n: M'i i' MONDAYS AN1> TlllUSD A YS *r KDWAII!) J. IWIK A: SON. iM.iTons am» rHorinr.ToHs. ■ . S'Miii ^' ookly >iisKi!Vi:i! Oil ifj'.-U'l iii : "i I if jiaiil ilurinp; the _vo;ir ot'siO>si ri)i- : t tin’ yi’ar lias oxjuroil. U .!■ (Mt'rmnt >>l! >0 jK'r amuirii. if p;ii>l in •_ ‘.ll it' p ii.l .hirinrr the year i)f sulisorij*- , i- the yt‘:\r has cxpirod. , .'I'MI'.NTS inserte'l for sixty cent-- j.or 1 ' iiii ' 1 r tlu* tirst. aii'l tliivty cents for eaeh Ml! ’ f.ition. \ e.’irly ailvertisenieuts by s|u‘- , ,v t'. Mt reaxiiiatilo rates. Ailvertisei s are :• -itate the iniiiiher of insertious ilesireil, or • , '’.tiuiuvl till I'orbi'l, an.l chtirj;e'l aocoril- . ii.oiits to l>e inserted //i'-./r-, charpeil -joper Ivio C’olltM'; *J() do. Old ; Mv.i !'a- sale !.v \V, H. CAUVKll. IK-nt r»i;\('s Cli''!'.'* . |U>t ri'C(‘ivo(i. :uul y W. 11. CAKVKR. ■). 48-3t \(i:imaiit iiu‘, Spi'nn iuid 'Pidlo \M>LKS. i>ist ree’il ai’.'l for sale hv \V. II. ('AKVKH. 10 Hhls. Vnrr veci'iveil an 1 for sale Hy Oct'r'). C'id(M- \ iiM'uur. ju.st I W. II. (’AKVKK I 4S-8t i S!li:>3\V|.Ll, IIOUSF.. rAVi;T'rs:viiii,i;, ,\. «■. Eijsf sida ot (Jrrcn, Sh-‘ c(, i few D(}>rn \orth «y /'/(- Mi-irhi t Ilouxe. r XKW ItOOkS. 'ttS OSS Sll'K, b)’ Marion llarluinl, anthor of‘Alone' S( *L’\'KN I us >F Tli.V\ I'.L, liv .Mailame Le Vert Just receive^l >iv K. J. IIAIJ-: .V SON. Sorivtf/ of Sur^eo^l iPviitisfs. & Slit'ONlt Ml'in'lNt} uf the North • l.arolina State .i'» Soeiety of Surjrein |)ontist.s will be lieM in (ireon^boroVl;:ll, o!i the first We lne! li»y (the Ttli lrty) of (>i'tober in^l.int. w. r. BASON, I’rox’t. 1). W. I'. liHXiinw, See y. Oet. 1. 47-2t \VA rciii:s, .Ji:\\ kiTkv, cVc. ~ AM now receiving aJilitions to niy Stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Military and Fancy Goods, Wliich ninkos my Stock iooii. Those who fire about to make their purchases would do well to call. W. PIUOU. Wutch Kcpairiug done in the best nianiior i and w.tmnted. Oct’r 1, 1^'>7. 47-8m \ \' I : si:i:n w iii:.\ r. 1 't of very superior Seed Wheat. Thosi w:iut had t'Otter call # lon. w J.\S. G. "(>0K. is-4w Jl s r KKCKIN i:i). IMXllS of that superior llOCK C.VNUV T( »- 1. GOLKSTuN. 4S-tf Ordn* 2. {ii:ii't‘rv :t:td Ifto;;*! ! Fayettkvillk, Oct. 1st, I ■ roniniissioned and non-Cominissioned OHicers . ::.i' .vd Regiment Noith Carolina Militia, are hereby ; , ; ;r 1 ti' appear at the Court House at 10 o'clock on ' 1*1 iV, Octi'bcr ;)0. lS-j7. armed and cijnipped as the ; ’ . ■ i ■.'I’. ts. for drill. Also to parade their respective , , . 1 ' ii the suue time, and place, on Saturday, \ ll ■ l-'oT, for liattalii’ii drill. liy Order ’ul. C. E. LEETi:. T. C. Ft i.r.Ki:, Adj t i 4'^-ot Hi'ii't' and f.ot lor ?>:d(‘ or I ': tiCR forS-VLh >li RENT my llOl'SE and L»>T i: .111 ^011 street, joining I’.. Rose, Es'i. Apply A? i I’OOK, 01- 10 myself, MARTHA HARTMAN ■ r ‘ 4S-3w Ti'iftf's tfiale nttd i'emale Schoot. • xt Session will open at the Masonic Lod;:e ^ la the r.nh of October. Terms as follows; t'l glish (’curse, j.er Stssion ^ 7 (Mi i\ lin ed “ “ •• 1(1 (M) L-. ;n i!id French, each 10 ('(' •■■ iii and Kmbroiilery, each 5 (Ht l~,- •[lening of the School postponed to the I'.'th of ■ r, in i-iinse'[uence uf ill health, i' :;'s and others who have so kindly patronized i: .ll heretofore will please accept the grateful ■ : .it the teaidi«r: an.l he hopes to liave a cun- iiu-c .if their patronage. It is very desirable that irs shiiuM attend the first day of the School. No i' tiiiu made for absence, esccjit in cases of pro- I illness. TllAb. L. TROV. I- ivetteville, Sept’r l21. 4o-8t S.VIit: OF THE LOTS OF* LA UOJ.IAA CITY, .!■ Ti riiiiiiiis of llir (ireat Oiitral Kiiil Road of .VorDi I'Hrolinn. ON BEAUFORT HARBOR, Tin RSDAV. N(»Vi:MliKR 12, 1S.37. \I;|>1.1N'.\ (’ITV i^ situate.} on an eiernte.l jdain, ' ■It 1 ■") fi-. t ab.jve ti'lu water, immediately on j i'.i'i> i f I’caufort Har}ior. This location for a | .nil ri.i l! City w.as selected by men of com- ! . xj erifncc, nfter a full ex.amin ition of all the - ll ii.i' Harbnr of lleaufort, an.l ,n anticifiati.in : 'tiui-tii.ii of the great Central Rail R...k.l -u. i ii^rl.c.r through the State of North ('arolimi, . M.;; > itli the line.* of the Itail Roa.ls of Ten- i f. ■ mill;; cast fri.m Memphis on the Mississippi, i ' ' . - in :iiificij'!ition of the construction of a Rail I ■ • : ;ii ('ai oliim City through the c.ainties of »ns- ! ' I'll!.'in. Saiiiji.^on, and the town of Fayetteville, ('..:il FipM« (.n Deep River. The .\tlantic and ■ .‘iri ’ina Rail R.>ad, from Carolina (.'ity, to ■■ r ’i_'li, will be iij.ene.i by the 1st January next; j '' (' ui.lina Rail R.ia'l is in operation to the : : Salisbury, from which point the construction gi' It \Vf.itern Rail Roa.l, through the moun- ; • the Tennessee line, is steadily progressing. | II . . H- id tlirough Fayettevili-i t.i the (vjal Fields ' : 1 =■ 1.1" tiino fici 'ipied the :ittentinn of the State, . 1 . I i »' will eventualij- be jmt in operation,— : I lit !.('tween Fayetteville ami the ('oal Fields be- j 1. r.ipid (■•.ur.'o -d' construction. The completion j ^rri at Rail R.iads w ill carry the agricultural j ROITNI) IMXi: LAND. F otlVr f.ir sale 'JOOii A('RF.S roun.l Pine Tur- pen>ine Laii'i 17 miles from Fayetteville, be tween the Westt n and Centre I’lank Roails—the Morganton Roa.l running through the same. \ bar- i:ain will be s.dd in these lands. For particuliirs apply to .Mr. (,'harles M.inroe near the lan.l or to tho { subscribers. J. \ T. W.\1»D1LL. | Sept'r l’(1. ^ 4-^-ow ! A VAFAlAliLK l.WV IU)OK. | A l)l>lSON on Contract^, with Notes an.l Referenceu ; 1 .Jm to Ameriean casts, by Kdwar.l Ingersoll. 1 large , vol. 1200 pages. Judge W oodward, of the Supreme Court of I’enusyl- vania, says that “this is the best book ou the subject, . I ever had in my hands.” For sale by E. J. HALK i SON. I April 20. E. GLOVER H.\S received his Fall Stock of tioo.ls, C4)n^ist;ng of SILIEK AM) ri.lTEII \V.\KE. W!l )!II.ITIKV IKIIIIIS. T.i which he invites the attention of his old customers and the public in general. P. S. His personal iittfiition will bo paid to all Watches an.l Jewelry entrusted to him f .r repnirs. Sept. !•'>. 48-;-5m I.AM) I'OR s\\a:. Xxir tin ir. (\ Ruth' rfnrd IiiH Unad'. vlAso nnir LiiiirinJ>ur/ School. Subscriber, will on the loth of Oct. ufxt (if M. not previously dispo.'sed of) expose t.- public sale, his I’lantation containing 4oO acres. Sai.l Land is situated in Richmon.l County netir Laurinburg High School, and distant j of a mile from the W. R Railroad. JAMES McLACRlS. Sept. r.'. 4l-ts c'OT'rox r,A(j(;iN(;. ami (iCNNV r>.\(iCilNG in ijuantiiies ti. suit jiurchasers. For sale by ■'•HE Subscriber desires through this S- modium to acknowledge the lilieinl patronage bestowed npon his House the j>nst year—an.i as he has just erected New Stables atid 1 (’arriage Shed convenient to the House and to water j he takes pleasure in saying to his j>atrons and the . public generally, that lie is still ]irepare.l to accoin- ! modate them with transietit and permanent board, and j respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.on- ' age heretofore received. Every exeition on his ptirt shall be used to render them comfortable during their i sojourn with him. His table is always guppUod with ! the best the maiket a!l'or Is. j V. SHEMWELL. ! March 21, 18.'..'). 8C.-tf | DOIilUN llOrSK! I’OWKRS ('()., I’RoriiiKTous. ^glHI'. Proprietors of this Establishment : M. announce to the public, that owing t.) i the constantly incrca.^ing patronage e.vtend- j ed to them, they have l>een induced to en- | large the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dining Room on tho lower rtoor, and suite , of Rooms on the second tioor; thus ena'iling them to ficconimod.ite all who may f.ivor them with a call. .\n.l they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to ( give salisfaction to their patrons. i Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at- ; tendance. ■ Tho eligililt' location of the EstablishMient, with the exp(^rience of the I’roprietors in providing for the com- | fort of their p.Tti'ons. they hope will secure to them .i : liberal share of the travel. j The Western an.l Southern Stages arrive at and de part from tliis House. Carri.ages in attendance on arrival and departure of; Steam lioats, for the accommodation of )iassengers. i Horses and C.irriages furnishcl at any notice lor car- j rying tnivellcrs to anv pnrt of the .i.li.icent coiuitrv. ; J AV. l-o'WLIlS, & C(). ! Fayettevillo, ^lay 12. lsr>r,. :’,tf i VALT AHLK PUOPKirn e-on (.)P'FER for »i1r, my L.\.VDS in the Town of Fay- etteville, aliout loO .\cres. known as the raUMFORD SWAiyiP. \btiut .‘^1! .\cres of it i.-i tiue Meadow Lan.l, as theCroi' now on it will show. Vlso, the V:iiiial>l(‘ ISrifk l..4»t ijuarf, occupied by Mr. John A #>r. Hawkses Hislori/ O F O K T Bl € A tl O L I A . The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the l.-^t volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, lu t only for its literary execution but for its tj'pograjihi- (>!)(> ACRl'.S Ol-^ L.VAI) l-’Oil SALK. ^I'^HE Su'iscribr>r offers for sale the above .^uatrfity J of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhoo.l, three miles from the Wilmington ay.l ('harlottc Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land; is well a.lapted to Farming, Turi>cntine, an.l Ton Timber cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from ut> or i pur]>oses. having a good range and othwr a.lvantages. £ from our General Agent for the State, H. W. Horne of this jilace, or any of his .Vssistant Agents. The prii--.‘ varies according to style of liinding: In handsome cloth ^1 25; in Library Sheep ^i'l 50; in half Calf *1 75. It is s(ii.; osi.v kou (^asii. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our .\gents. A liberal iliscoun* will be made where ijuantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any jiart of the country, on receipt of the price and 24 cents to pay postage. Tho 2«1 voliimw is in course of preparation. There will probably lie four or live volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain :ibout 50(.l pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, | viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents j additional for sheej) and -50 cents additional tor the : half Calf bin.iing. E. J H.\LE .Si SON. j Fayetteville, .April 2‘.i, 1857. i P. S. The .\gent anil his Assistants clesign to visit i every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accompanied l»y the cash, will receive j.rompt atten tion. VAI.l AliLK PUOPKirrV KOK SALE. fB^HE Subscriber having concluded to remove South. -M. offers for s;ile his A.\ll I.OT, in the village of Chajiel Hill. The dwelling is a handsome one, large and conveui- «ntly arranged. The lot contains SIX A(niHS of ground, with every convenience in the way of out houses, viz:—Dairy, l>ry-well. Kitchen, Servant house with two rooms—lathed and plastered, wood uud wash house, carriage houne and stables. There is also on the front, a very neat i»oi Ki.i: The grounds are in a high state of cultivation— about half an acre being in fruit trees of the choicest kin.I an.l l.earing aliundantly. For further information address the subscriber at this place. Terms made accommodating. E. MALLETT. Chapel Hill, Aug. li. :;i ti I Tlmse wishing to purchase may find me on the pre- ! mises, who will be happy to exliibit it or give any in- i formation concerning it desired. I ANGUS Met;ILL ' i’hiladelphusi, N._'., Se[>t. I, 1857. )()tf 'i'hv 0'arritts'f' Part or sf the SoftthI FOR SALE. ^I'^UE subscriber desiring to emigrHte to the West. f otr#rs for «juW his entire L.\.Nl>S, including about six hundred acres, generallr known as Chalk Level, lying in the upper end of Harnett county, 3 miles East of ('ape Fear River, and on the road leading from Fay etteville to Chapel Hill. Store, Dwelling, Out-Houses. all in first rate order. The Store is at a fine business stand, and i« not to be excelled by any country store in the State. There are also upon the premises an excellent well of water with in ]5 or 20 steps of the House, a fine young orchard of Fruit Treeg, a Tan Yard in perfect order, which pays w(dl when in operation. Also, a Rlacksiuith Shop with Tools, kc. -Any person wishing to purchase such a place would do well to call .ami examine it for themselves. 1 am determined to sell, and will make terms easy for the purchaser. A. H. DEWAR. N. 15. The place is one of the healthiest in the South ern country. 40 Shares IJauk of Fay(itteville Stock. -August 4, 1857. 32tf w iii:at \va.\T!:i). fW.ANT to purjhnse 5,00U Bushels Wheat. JA3. G. C(30K.. June 25. 185ii. Iti-tf A. A. >3cKF/nSA.\ itear tho .Market 1‘emiicrton. .V Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell .in 1 Mtimf.ir.i Streets, known as the Hotel (t;ir.lt*n Lilt. ' t.o .livi le.l into several RniMing Loi.s—vory iK':ir the new Female High School Ruildings. .\l."o, the St:i!ile Lot a.ljuining. fronting on Mumford Stre>‘. Sev Mai DESIRAULE RUILIHNG LOTS on both Winslow and .Mumfor.l Streets. ■Vll this priiperty can now lie purchased on f-ivora- b)e terms, an.l a large part can remain on 1‘ond an l Morocco, Lininfr an.l Kind Mortgage if doired \Vc :ir(‘ now rcreiviiiii our F.\ LL STOt'K of r>( )(>TS an.l S H( »ES, whicli is la,rge and general, embr.acing every va riety of (ientlemen's, Ladies'. Youths’, an.l ('hildrcn"' Roots, Shoes and (ijiiters; Intlia Rul*ber Shoes of every style anl size A large assortment of Servant's Shoes A LS( »— J ® ESI'ECTFL'LLY informs his friends ati.l I'le j)ub1ic, that be ha-^ built up large si’.b^'Mntinl Rrick r>uil lii;,;is at liis.oi‘1 Stand, expressly for m.in- ufacturing (.’arriiiges. Tiiankful for the very libcial piitrojiage he has received for the last 21 year'-., lu' hopes liy strict attention to buviness. with n li- ’r*' to give satisfaction, to merit a continuance of the same. He warrants his work to be lu t le ot »lie lie?t material and l>y experienced workmen in i‘ i,-h br.incii of the busiiu-ss. His w >rk will (’omp-ir;- favorabiv wit'i: any made in the Unite.1 .States, for m- itness atid j duraKility. He i& .leterininI to .-^e'l !l lo any j woi'k in his line on as goo.l terms as i../ work done | elsewhere that is ;is well done. 11',' ii" v h is ou hand. Finished, the LARfJEST STtJClC oi' I rt (t^cs. Harondics. nui litiii j irs. Ever oifere.l m this place, an.l a V(‘ry large : tock of work nearly finished, which will he tinishe.i .iailj’. .\11 of which will be -oM very low for ('.\sn. or on short time to punctu.-il cu‘•tomers. 11 has on hand more thnn O.N K 11 U N i. i; .\ND F1F1'\ \ chi cles finished aii'l in c.mr.'^e of co:istruction. .\11 work ma.le ti_ warranted 12 months with f lir up ige, and siioiC.I , t T ii 1 by lot 1 workmanship or material will lie rt p i i •1 tree of charge. Persons wisiiing ti. I.oy W'luld do well to call and examine for th«-niselves. Orders thanklullyreceive.l and prinn) ;ly a.ttendeil to. Rrptiiring execu’.-1 at short in titt an.l on very reasonable terms. May 28, 1851 H'.)-tf THO. J. Oct. 10, lh55. CURTIS. 4;{-tf ]> R JAS. G. CO(»K. Sej.t. 17. 4;{tf 1 avktti:vilij: iiotki. Furiiiliire and Fixliire.s lor Sale. fBlHE above named property will be sol.I to any I. responsible jierson, upon f.air terms, if applied t'lir between the present time .and the 15th of Deceni- tier next. If not sold by the l-5th of Dec., they will he soM at .\u(nion after the first lay of January next, in i- ts to suit purchasers. .\ny information wante.l will be cheerfully given liy aj.plying to J. H. RORKRTS ..v CO. Fayetteville, September 12. 1S57. 42-tf *.')() UEWAllI) I ILL be given for the apprehension and delivery to me, or confinement in any jail in the State so that lean get him, of my man JIM. He left on the :'Oth ult., and has not lieen seen, or hear.l of s'micc He is a bright mulatto, almost white, about 2-'^ years old, aliout -5 feet ') inches high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long bear.1 on his chin when he left. Had on when he left a very good suit of clothes, .and will very likely try to pass off for a white man, and make fjr a free State: should he not go north, he will likely go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, aii'l formerly* belonged to W’m. B. Wright, Es^., of that jdace. .Vny person who may take up said r.oy will be entitled to the above rewar.1 and the thanks of 1S.VA(-’ 15. KELL'\. Kenansville, N. C., .\ug. lo, 1857 -:5-tf ^ A(*res of Land roR SAU:. f HIHE Subscribers oHVr for sale the above Tract of ■L Land, lying on .Vnderson’s Creek, about two ai.d ■ral j.r.i bu ts .tf the .St.ilc to one of the finest ' a half miles from lower Little Kiver, ne.ar Llliot s r? .iu the SoutlK-rn coast, and must at an e.arly , .Mills,—including about ()ne Hundred A^res of good u[i on its w.itcis a H.iiirishing City. | Swamps, which can be easily drained the agricultural regions of the State, not pene- i Viy said R.iil Hoads, have easy communication L' uufort Harbor by navig.able Rivers and Sounds. ■:.i; Ibirbor of Ueaufort, we believe it to l)e un- ■■ -ary now to speak: the depth of its waters, its j . : y t.. the Culf Stream, (the highway of ships,) j • i I. f. r all commercial purposes, are not j . .nnwn to every North Carolinian, but have ' I t‘ itiie attention .jf the country generally. | ( ai'.lina (,’ity (.'ouipany believe that the advan- I - ■ ! :iie locatiun which they have selected are . tlieir hunl is a high and level jdain, looking; • oii.v :,r l ufmn the ocean; its wells and springs afford ' i' iri -f Waters, and the salubrity of the climate is ■ r.iinwii, that lleaufort isbelieved to be themoHt iiti;_\ \\.it( i ing j.'iace on the Southern coast. .\t tiii> ii.iMt;,,ii. the channel for ships bends in near ! tlie run.- j^irallel with it along the whole ir.jiit -.1 ti,y ( .,y the construction of wharves lb- ip aii'i .-.v-.y 11,,. wharves at Carolina .' ' ‘"f '''"‘ t 'fi'tance troin the coiiHux ofliogiie .ind . ewp ,rt ii,vT. an.i not immediately in lit ll t le n.i.t, .III- nii(,-xp.isi-.l t,) tlic violent storms, i:.. yi-t a ship may set n- ir.dina (.ity and in thiny mi„ntes be at tea. 1 hese are .->me of the a.lv.ua.^,, determined t:.c -e.ecti.,n 01 the location of (:,iroliu,i ( ;Mi'at a confidence ■ f these a.lvant,.^.., • / //-(/. //,.,//.>•,//,,/ iPollarf to tht Ciijiit./I Siock .[■■'•//•/-c //../ tJ'H-iiliiin It'Ul Kviid 'ity; and “O This Lanil is very heavily timbered, an.l a large portion level and of superior quality of Pine Land for cuUivation. Also, a Circular STE.VM SAW-MIIL, in complete order and well a.lapted to .sawing plank ro.ad and rail road timbers. Also, Two well-broke MULES. -Ml, or any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in |)arcels to suit. SMITH & ELLIOT. .\pril 1H57. i)7-tf NO IIIMIU'G! ^I'^HE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders 1 for Suiterior llVfirr Bttrkris, He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploys North Carolina capitfil and labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. I5y giving him ii trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. A TRIAL is what he w.ants. Messrs. WORTH ^ UTLEY of this place are Agents for the sale of the .above Buckets. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb’y 17, 1857. 82-y FOR SALM roiji:r r d. (;rki:n, LATE GREEN .v WEAR.) WATCH-IMAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYHTTKVILLK, N. C. D. G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the public for the kin.I ji.it ronage so liberally be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bought the interest of .1. S. Wear, an.l will continue the business in all its branches at the old stan.l, under hin entire sui>erintendence. N. B All Watches left with him for repair will be taken ap.irt in the presence of the owners, and the necessary repairs pfiinte.I out to them an.i .a writtr;, contract given tor the s.ime, which work will be war ranted for two years. O'l hand an.l for sale now, the mos' vaiied an.l choice selection of CLO(.’KS and othe*" '.ime jdeces ^ that has ever been ofl'ered to the jmiilic ir. .North Caro lina, which he will sell at New York jirites, and also : wv Ttj..v:\Hfor tw.. years. ' sui'ip R piireceived by R. D. (JREEN. ' .August 25, 185'). ;^4-tf . PTRI.IC’ NOriCK ' Is HE15L15V GIVEN, that I5ooks of Subscription to ’ the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from 15eaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, • and West, will lie opene.l on Thursday, the lOth day : of April 185i), :!ii.l remain open accor.ling to the tern.s of the (,’harter until further notice, at the I'ollowing places .an'l un.ler direction of the fidlowing nameii ! persons, (’omniissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk j of the (.'oiinty C*urt at Jacksonville, and at the Post | Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. W’arii, .1. II. . Foy, Robert White, John A. .\veritt, Jr., (Jwen Hug- | gins, L. W. Humj-ihrey. In (Jarteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort Dr. .M. F. Arendell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—(’ol. Wm. N. Dennis, II. S. Bell, Capt. Levi (Jglesby, Bridge -Arendell. In Dupiiii county, at the oflicc of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac 15. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen (irahani. In Samjtson county, at the oflice of the County (,’ourt Clerk at (Minton,—Thomas I. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. .McKay_ Patrick .Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. 15eaman, Allred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. .A. McKethan,-»'I homas R. Underwood, Ranual McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow', .John 151ocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of •i'lOO each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Haii Road (’oin[)any; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. iti£ Skitid, Shoe Tlireail, Last.s, kv., \'c. Wjiich we will, as usual, sell low for or to punc tual cu.stomers. S. T. II.AWLliV SON. Sejit .'5, IS57. 3'.t-()W U*VDl^.RT.It^EKS. ^ III E suViscribers offer their service's to the public to I furnish Coffins, Hetirse, and every other re |uisite for Funerals. They have a considerahle supjily of Coffins rea.ly made, an.i an abun.laiit supply of .M.a- hogany, P.l.ack Walnut an.l Gum and Pojilar materials for making .any size at a short notice. Orders left at the (^ool Spring .Mills will be proni]itlv uttendr l to. HE.M{SEV\S: JOHNSON Fayetteville, .lune 2'.*, ls57. 2»tf J own all o‘ silib- torms for cash IV Names Residencij No. of s’.iares Work ice ha.i the Conipany i,ru,e superiority /i ^LUM SALT, a very su- •ige>, that th.;/ >ul,trr,i„,i 1 perior article, by '■/ll.C 1 wliicli i -.Iitil Iiniili; t/ifi nj IS-iiufnri i’laiis 01 the litirbor i.d Beaufort, exhibiting the loca 111 of the Atlantic and .N. (^ Rail Road .ana Carolina i t\, may be seen iu all the principal Hotels in the ito. ! TKKMS OF SALK. | 'ine-lbiirih Casii, an.l the bainnce securcJ by Notes I •h a] pruvvd .-ecurity at •(, 12 aod IH montiis. i Ly ..r ler of the (Company. j JNO. II. COOK, Pres't i Car. (Jity Co. iN'i. .M. Rose, Sec y -'^I.t. 1857. 47.tg. JAS. C. SMITH & CO. Wilmington, N. C. ;l8-2m. -Aug. 27, 1857. LAND rOR ■ ACRES L.AND lying on the Camden Stage Road, 15 miles South of Fay- ettevillr. 'ihe Land is well timbered, and admirably a.lajited for Turpentine or F.arming purposes; and lies between the Si.uthern Plank Road and Big Kocktish, convenient to maiket. There is on it a comfortable frame House, Mill Site Aic. Any information may he obtained on the premises from Mrs. Mary Nelson, or by emjuring of JAMES BANKS. Att’y, Fayetteville.. Aug. 13. 33_tf Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have j>refcrence in t.iking (’ontracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the (Commissioners of Onslow county are to be notified, and they are reijuired to call a meeting of Stockholders trj org.-vnize the Company. March 15, 1H.50. l:’.tf O. HOUSTON OULD inform liis friends and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He woubl renuest .ill indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & UVERBV to soitle with W. Overby or hitnself, as they are cornpelica to settle the firm’s debts. August 2?, 34tf “The 01(1 Xorili State in 17T(>,'’ l>v Caruthers,—tirst ami second Series. Just rsceived. E. J. HALE & SON. I'ojil liJUHls Joi* Sale. V virtue of a Deed in Trust to me execute.1 by John Me. Ellington. I will sell at pnhlic ,\uctinn. to the highest lii.ider, on Tuesilay the Hth dav of Scp- tenitn'r ls.57, in the town of F:i\etteville, at the Court House Door, one-fourth j art of the Tract of Land , known as the DYE L,\NDy. lying in Moore county, an.l a.ijoining the lands of Evan.ler Mclvcr an.l otheis, ati'l c.'iitaining eight bun.Ire.1 acres more or less. Saiil land is >.itutited about three miles South from Deep River at^il is well limbered with long leaf pine. Coal of fine 'iii.ality has been discovered on the premises, vein lo inches thick. See Enimons's Report for further particulars Terms made know n on day of sale. J. T. McCLENAlI AN, Trustee August 1 I, 1 S57. -1 Itf (■rcxM ri‘S. SIail\var‘. Sic. *'B^HE undersigned are now receiving a L.ARGE .\S- 8 SORTMENTof Ciroct'rics, Ilardwart', Iron. Stct.'l, 1 lollow-wart'. Shoos, Lt'jitlit'r, and Saddli'rv, which they will sell ;rt Wholesale at a small advance on ('ost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GEO. W. WILLIAMS X CO. July 18, 1857. 2(j-tf ~ xoTici:. ^I^HE subscriber having, at June Term 1857, of the £ (,'ourt of Pleas and (^(uarter Sessions for the County of ('umberland. ijualified as .Admini^t^:^tor ujion the Est.ite of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all j'ersons having claims against the sai.l Estate to [ii'esent the same properly authenticated within the time ]'rc- scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the sai'l Estate will please make payment immediately. E. F. M((ORE. June 1857. lotf I'ltrfher Sititfthf of Srhoof Koohs, ■ ■^.AVIlvS’ Algelira; r>avies’ .Arithmetic: Grecnleaf's M-P National .Arithmetic; Smellie’a Philosoj>hy; Pic-! j*j"|^],i-s'’ Ei"^iiitv Dr: torial (Jreece; (^.oojier's Virgil; &c. Ac. Also, Tupper’s (ir'eslev I’roverbial Piiilosophy; Bailey’s Festus; 'Vaylaiid’s ' Notes.' Don'iatVi ivii' Moral Science; &c. .-ic. E. J. HALE .j- SON. I c.in.inal Law. Danitll’s ha Aug. li*. NKW SI PIMA or S rA'PIO.NKIiV. E are just receiving further supplies of ST.ITifP.V^:Ui\ Embracing Letter, 15ath Post, Note and Cap Papers, in gretit variety; English and French Envelopes, while and colored; Tissue Paper, (Jillott's and Perry’s Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Red Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, Ivory and Boxwood Pocket Rulers, Slathennitical In struments in cases. Hand Clips, Pink Tape, (Quills, Pen Racks, White Rubber, Sand Boxes, .^‘C.; ISanker’s Cases, Pocket Memorandums and Pocket Books; Yan kee and French Pencil Sharpeners; Cloth Stretchers, for marking with indelilile ink; Rodgers' Pen Knives; Portfolios; Maynanl A Noyes and Davids’ Inks, ,j-c. Also, 1 (,'ase superior English SL.ATES. assorted sizes. E. J. HALE & SON May 2, 1857. J. W . liAKKR is tit'W rcfflviiiu' tVdin the Xoftli the :ir.H'St, tiiifst, ati'l in-.ist caicf'ully sc- i-ctc.i stuck of ^ 5 85\m Ki: ever ofl'ere.l in ttns market; wliicli. added to Jii ^niainU'arture. mak*‘s hi> assortment complete; — which he will sc'.' .m thel.iwcst p or on time to punctual 'nstomei s. Fn-diion.'tlile painte.l cottaire be.l-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses: Looking (liaises; Willow Wagin> and Craile.s; .Si.le Boards; llurcaus; Secrctai'it .s aii.i Book Cases; What- Nots; Tables, .all sorts; V. a^h St.iiuls; Candle St.in.ls; W:ir.lrolics; Picture Fimimc? ui.l Glass; Win.l.iw Sh.i les; (Virtiiccs: ('nrt.iin I5:ind': .'s..(as in Maliog.any .aioi W.ilnut; Tete a Tetes; Otti rnans; Divans an.l Stools: Chairs of every variety. Kiii(' iJitsowniul IMriims, one with civilian At tachment: Rosewood Melo'lians, from the Iiet manufac tories in Now Y»rk and P.oston, warranted as good :is any n.rule in the country, anti will be sold at N. York lu ices—-freight only a Ided. Novcmf cr 2. 4-'>-tf ^■IHE .s^ubscriliers have on hand, and will promptly i fill orders for Worth Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or in single volumes. Ire.lell's Digest an.l Digested Manual. Jones's Digtst. Revise.I .s;tatutes , of North Carolina. Wiley's New Form Book. .'TOR\', on Sales, Bills, (’ontracts, Pattnersiiip. Agency, E'lUity .Jurisprudence, E.(uity Plea.lings. I ARCH Bold, on Practice, Criminal Practice and : Ple.a.liiig. Lan llor.l and Tenant. Clll'f rV. on (’ontracts, l.'riminal L iw, 151ackstone, Meilical .Inrisprn.ience. SU(iDEN, on Vendors and Property. ; POWELL, on Miirtgages, and t'ontracts. .sJMlTH, 011 Actions at Law, .Master .and Servant, Landloi'.I and Tenant, Chancery Practice. .“s \N DEI5.s^, on i’leading and Evidence, Uses and Trusts, Rej)orts. RL.'sS"ELL, on Arbitr.ition, Factor^, ('rimes. HOFFM.VN>> Legal Stu.ly, .•indMasier.--in (,’iiaticcry. WiLLl.X-M.S on IVisijnal Property. WHE.VTON'S Selwyn's Nisi Pnns. Wl.lARToN, on ’American Law ot lloioici.le. Me li- ’ cal Jurisprudence. Siatelrials in tlie I uitc.l ."states, .\merican Criminal Law, i.aw l>iction.iry. Siephcn on Plea.ling. Roper on Le-acie.s. Dart on Vendors. Feariie .ii Rcmaindeis. Edwards on Bail FOK ^ A 1.1:. ^■^HE Su>iscriher offers for sale that very valuable hL PL.VNT.ATION known as the “Blocker Land,’' situ.ated on the East si.Ie of the (’ape Fear, four miles behnv Fayetteville. The Land fronts the Rivera haif mile and runs back two miles, and consists of about Six Hundred Acres. The soil is of every variety com mon to this region; embracing the light sandy, loamy-, clay, river low grounds, and very rich swamp lands,— of the last named about fifty acres are under cultiva tion, and are as good as any in the county. The bal ance of the swamp (about 100 or 150 acres) can be very easily’ drained through ditches alreaiiy cut to the River, or to Lock's Creek, which runs across the middle of the tract. Of the whole tract there is about 125 acres under cuUivation. The growth on the wood-1,ind consists of pine (long and short leaf,) oak, hickory, poplar, cypress, gum, .j'C. For terms and further information apjily to W'. L. Evans on the pretuises, J. E. Bryan, Exij., P. M., Fay etteville, or to myself at Fayetteville. FRANCES EVANS. Sept. 21, 1857. 44tf NOTICH. ^MIIE undersigned having executed a power of .At- 1 tornej' to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized t.) make all settlements for me and in my name, and generally to transact all liusiness as 1 might or could do were I persuiially present. J. J. MOORE. Faj'etteville, June ii, ls57. H5tf M!SSISSIIM>1 COTTON LANDS Foil SALE. rgiHE Miidersigned has TWO VALUABLE COTTON Jl- FARMS for sale—in (^irroll (bounty', .Mississipjii. One Tract contains 1010 .Acres finely improve.i, 5oO -Acres open laml: it has every convenience usual on Plantations; fine water, the best health, and good out let for Stock, Hiiii in a fine neighborhood. This jdace is creek bottom and hill land. The other Tract is in the Yazoo Bottom; contains I lIl'iO acres,—o(lO acres can bo put in Cotton next year ; aii'l will make :{00 bales of (’otton,—two miles from : constant navigation; in as good a neighborhood as any in the State; fine water and health; and the best char acter of stock range. 1 offer these Lan.ls at remarkably low prices. For further information 1 refer to (J. W. Meacham, Esq., of Alison County, who has seen the Land:>; ir write inw at I’lack Hawk, Carroll ('o , .Miss., or C. W. Bennett, s.ime jiost office. W. .A. .s'|'R()N(i. .Aug. I'.I, 1 H57. H5-2in NOR ril ( AROr.lN.V RIvM'KRS. \rniti:ic« i a'%i» *2. IMJKi'.VRKD WITH SI'KCIAL H KKKK KNCK TO THE WANT.s; AND I.NTKRKSTS OF . 1 'or I It 'firoU n a. I Mil: t»r TMK I ’ I’K IU N T KM H; NT oM- MoN 'iCUUOI.S, llY K(‘V. I*'. .VI. I'l’.oiKs'oii or TMK I.\TiN \:r. ^.\i> i.rn:i!.Mi iti: in TIlK IXlVKllSITV OK .NOKTII I' \ lt( i l.l N . aivviui:k f’ONTAINl.Nf! A F.VMIIJAR HISTOKV A.\H ItKSriUP- i'lU.N OK N(.*RTM CAIlOLl.V.A. Selections in Prose ami Vtrse; intiny of them by otnincnt citizens of the State. HISTORK'AL AND CHRONoLtX'.K'AL TAI5LES, \nd a viriety of .Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics, by ii. Number is a new aim revised edition of the North ('ar.i’iina Rc.ider, first j)ublishe.l in 1>S51. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is. as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard; in his Preface to Num- bt-r 1 deems it projier to aliiidetoa few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of (’ommon Schools while making efforts to h.ave this work com- jileted. These are, 1. T/ii' riirounif/f’iiunt of i _Mm'j >/ p)mhncf, i and the enlistment of jiojiular sentime.nt in beh.-vif of the .s^tate and its institutions. It was not thought im portant, however, to have more than one number of ; the Readers of merely a local interest. ' 'J. T'l r./;)./// (!,>' •■rH III ii/>rhiri •//' iti rom- in'iii .'■■rhntil.i, oj ll j'fr/iiiiinl rhaii'/i- in (ixt an ex pensive lial'it, .and one which injures the .'^choids hy 1 reveiitiiig the chiMren from being classified .V se- ; lies of home Rea'lers, it was sujiposed, woiiM l>e cer- i t.iinly use.l, an ! this great evil thus avoi.lc I. I the popular system of Rea'l.-rs heing too long and t-eing made so often merely to add to nieiits. ’oke ujion Littleton.i IIargrave and Butler’s) 1 the profits of authors and piil.lisliers FOR SALK. r|111E DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie | B- Street, at present occupied by Doctor .McSwain. j Perfect title can be made. Apply to THO. J. CURTIS. : new edition. Kent’s Commentaries. Curtis's ditt Dart's Vendors and PnrclKiscrs of Real Estate. .Vd- ims' Ei)uity. Trou'oat'.s Law of Liniiled Partncr.shiji. lughtMuan. Phillips :ind Amos on on Law of Evidence. Law Ltxvip's U. Criminal Law. Danitll’s haiueiy Roscoe's Crimintil Evidence. Atherlcy on ,.uw of Marriage. (Joliyeron Partnership. Green- n Evidence. Oliver on Conveyancing, (,’urtis's ey.incer. P.utrill's Law Dictionary. Cruise on Property. Tayler's Law (.ilossary. Crabb on Real Projierty. Reeves' Domestic Relations. I’.vhs on Fiills. Bell on Sale. Lee o:i .\ildtratioii of Tiiics Sharswo.>d’s Pr.ifessionai Ethics. liarton's suit in Equity. Wills on Circuiastantiai Evidence. Coinyii's Landlord .and Tt'iiant. Watson on .Arl.itratiim. Ilar- on Discovery, (.•liphant on Horses. Whitwoitli's Eiiuity Prece.lents. .Morrison Reiii'vin. (iresley’s E.iuity Eviiience. Bishop on .M.iriiage an I Divorce. .Mathew’s i’resumi>tive i-.'vi.|eiice. liotiertson on .“suc cession. Ellis 011 Insnr.uice. lA-wi-, on the L;iw of Periieruity. Phillimore on Dotiiieil. (,'ary on Part- nershiji. Wilson on Uses. Fell on Guarantees. New- land on Contracts. Tamlyn's ('hancery Evidence, These or other Law iSooks ordered will be su[iplied to the Professsion in any part of the State on reason able terms. K- J. H.ALE ,j‘ S)N (UL\Noi:s. » BAGS PERUVIAN; # ;i27 do. C0LU.M151AN. ——— — * 1 Not only has the cost of using these (Guanoes in ALSO J connexion been very mucli diminishei], but experi- AGOOD family CARRIAGE in pood repair anl i ments have proved that the phosidi ite, so much want- nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. | I’eruvian, not only increases the yield, but ^\LS() ' combined with the Cflumbiau makes the crop much 3 good MILCH COWS with young calves. Apply to J more certain. T. J. CURTIS. for sale by U. & W. McL.AURIN April 29, 1857. 3tf I 54tf Tliis serief is to consist of fewer numbers than tiiosc genera'ly used, ami it is helicve.l that these numbers are sufticicnt, while if the .system were uni- vers.illy used in the State, the sum save.l to parents and chiMren would amount to scvetal thousand dollars annu'illy. 4. T" imt l.l //:' 1. 'H'h uf ('kihlivii h'.triuii;/ to renil I'.iiu- 'tun> .'■tttift'it hf'ff i’>(t*tjr ^>Ht not th‘' f'h'tr>irtt ’^t!h t , containing, in lessons i.asy enough l.ir all ages, correct .‘specimens of style, inter.•sting in mat ter, niid inculcating proper morals, .an.l religious instruction. Tlie })rices are. for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, '■'■71 c-nis: ■in.J -No. ;'i, 75 cents. .A lil-er.al deduction tr.m these i.rices to .Merchants and School Tc.-n hers. E. J. II \LE .V SON. I'l.yetteville, July 2'.‘. 2'.'- F all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will save the rejiurchase ot new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter ofcciiioiny to get their books bound here, as a deduction of price- wili be made upon large orders: Pack them .and send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will be carcfully repacked and returned without delay. 1 have the best stock of mtiterials; ami workman ship 'will compare with any either at the North or South. Apply for a list of Binding prices before ping else where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. I ILLINGH.VSI, Anderson Street. 1850. -''‘-Y Nov. 5, Hlaiik \\j^rants for ale liore

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