[vr-; ) f til HU-I- "run- Im- - oot. , h.u \ ! !» ui in.! r \ \ I';. ll ,? £?■», t 1. • hr .1;.. . . 't;i. 1 (.. V l\ i'Al : ll.- lit tlic ■ 'ulli. tll.t;!. nit-. M.:. si)i )| h. '•l,i t)i: rocers. A:; thitt. E & CO, IN I'l'- ! : AN ■■ I-: i f»-r i . IJ ».! : ^ * I aSi iitaiiia. I*«i ar»“. A 2' na** ^ -irt'. m:. Si\ rfiitrr* .] .1 V. !>-. u is. ^ ii . M - I K- I - II'/ . ' ' '' |( - \lk . !• Mi jlA-' SFMI-WBBKLY. l\OI,. VII.] I'AYK’i rKVllJ.I*,, \. ('., OCTOIIKK 15, 18:)7. I lllSTl'l' MON’nWS AM> I'HriJSnAYS niWMIII .1. IIMiK & S(tN. ri*ri't>i\S \N!> rHoVKiKroi^s. ;,.i-the SiMiii Wooklv »iBsKKVi.H (>0 ir}i;ii«rni if iUiriiiir lN»* \f;ir nl'sylisi-ri j>- ,.i- tlio yetir has oxi>iri‘d. , (• Wci'Hv Of.-KUVKK ltd |)»-r amnini, if in ^ . >■- il I'liiii .hiriiiji tlio ol’sulisciiji- , , . ; ; :Mi alter tho vo;ir !i;is I'xi'iroil. \ i:\ r !; riSKM KN r.'' insfni-tl for sixty I'ciils )k-i- I-,, t 1 - liiif-- tor tho tirst, :iiul thirty I'l'iits for e:ifh , , .Hn ) iililii‘ il!>ii. Vo.irly ;i'lvortisi‘niviit>. Iiy s|m-- -t rc:vsi>ii:il>lo r;it's. \ilvt‘rtisfi s iiv -ti-ii I ' tho luiiiit'or of iiisiM-tii'iis il("^irc«l. or , he i nti(imu‘l till clKirjrt*'! :u- i>rii- \ iM rti-^cuu'nts to ho insortoil ■■ - '/i. i'h:iri;oil oO jn i- aiiiiPiin k' STARR & WILLIAMS r K'lv KOI’. loiy \i:t; n>'"' rocoivin^ TU Kill Sl'.t oNl) TM1>'^ SKXt^UN, oinhnicing, lli'V III 00(1 lto4»t>4, and llado-iip 4'lofliiii;;\, h tlioy invito thu HttoiitioU ot WholobaU' ers goiiorully. I \i;l! ' 1 ■) . M . \V II.I.l \M'. - t r i.. »'• tf ihr c'liKisrivN MiNsrui:L, ‘..' ill. ;\ now sujiply just roooivcil. ‘ E. J. ll.\LK .j SON. Mrs;. A. A. Hrooksbanl I> Now i:mo.1s iiino her Stock Oct. in, lSo7. l\. i>rKMvSi»:iiiivS RKCKIVINU her Fall Stock of Millinery She invites her custcaners to call HU'I ox- I^ittrr, l.ctiKni, Sunar, (’rram, !' in i Krinov Crackers, a (Vesh puiii'Iv jusf reeM ■I 1. - sale lit 15AN KS'S C tNFECTh »NERV, Green Street. ■ I f In. 50-4t I* n *1 OF THE NORTH (’AUOLINA rilKSr.YTKKl.W. ^ /■B111F. rro-^l'yteriaM ('liun h in North (’:irolin:i h:is fit h'lig l.-ilxirO'J iiinlor ;( sori.nis ilis;tih.iiil.iiri' froKi ; Iho w:int of :i )onrn;il to nilvoiMto hor rlninis ;uiil n p j I'osont hor interests. It is ostii;i:ito'l that only Iimki] I’reshytoriini Weeklies are t.iken in the lionii'l' of toiv \ three I’resliytoriex Wo have 1 ('oinniunieants. ■iinl it is safe to infer that tliore are Hd.ttiHI l’resli\te ; rians ill jirineiple in the St.ite. Our Syuoil stMii'Is , fifth in the I'nion in (mitit of nunil'Ors, uml lier nieni | I'orship is jrieiiter than that of any Synocl South or ' West of I’onnsylvania. Our si'ter States on tho Noi th :in'l South, neither of wiiieh has a iiU‘Uiliorshi|i so ; l:ir;e as ours, |mlilish tho Central, anil the Sotithoru j I’losl'V tel i.-in, tor the I'eiiotit of their jieoplo. 'fh.- | tinu' has eonio whon the I’resliyterian Chur Carolina shoiiM likewise .!.■ her .l ity to her ohiMn ii. It i.' a eoneeilo 1 anil iiupoit.ant taet, tiiat huiiilro'ls el'! our nioinl'ors will take a Statt' ]'a]ver who will take no j "ther. Tlie I’aper )•- nee>led to In* (lie or^ iii of oiii- : Syni)'l ami I’roshyterii's to oU'vate aud eiilij;iiteu the : I'ioiy ot our nienil'ei ship hy ilitl iisiii”' evan;io!ie il j know'o'l;j;o to jironiote ilie eaiise of IMiu'ation to' 'lovolo]ie tho talents of our Ministry, an.l to streii'.:lh en tho att.aehinonl of our )ioojiK' to the soil ainl s.ilK- tuaries i>f their own St ite. It iMiv I'iiun ll ill othci States, aiiil oila r Cliiireiu' in this State, e.in su|ij>ty their luemliers with a He lijrious journal, why ina\ not we' Are Ncrth ('aro lin.n rreshyteri.aiis inferior in l.-ilent, oiier^y aifi I'ltriotisni to theii nei>;iilMirs lUi the North or South. ' or to Chiisfiaiis of other 'leiioininatiiois at hoiiie' With tho sanie er he.tor oi>ji'rtunitios of aeooiniili.'h- inn this work, shall we leave it umloiie’.' In the I,in- i jri;aj:e of one of our most alilo aiid u.-'Otiil Ministers, an ailojitoil ^on of our State, “It oiisrht to have lieen ‘ unilortakon Co years n;io, hut it is not (on iafo to I>e- i;in to ilo riijht." In tho last two or throe months, n fiiiiil of almut 1 has lieeu suhserihe'l a.s a ju'rm.'inent capital j ,\t a meeting of the contrihutors, lieM at (iroonsho- rou^h oil the l ltli of May, Kov. .\. Ilaker, (.'hairman, the l’aj>er was ntiaiiiinoiish’ looatO'l at Fayetteville, tniiler the name anil title of the Noutm Cai:iiI.i.s v , I’hksuyTKHi.vN. Kev. Win. N. Mehaue anil Hov , (^ieorpe MeNeill were elocto'l l-Mitors; llov. Messrs (ieorjie .McNeill, Wm. X. .Mehane, .V. li.aker, anil 11. Wiley, atiil Me.ssrs. Georf'c McNeill, Sr., John II. CoLik and David Murphy were appointed an Kxecutive roinmittee, to establish the Taper aiul inatiajre its liusiness att'airs. It is our wish an^ desisn to make the North C\ko- Lis.v riiKsiJYTKiu.vN a joumal of the first class, e^ual to the best in the country in typoKrajiliical appear ance :i!id ill adaptation to tho wants of our Chuiohes. Its columns will afTord the latest intellijrence, both foreign aftd domestic, and .special care will he t;ike:i . to give a full and accurate summary of State news. The name of the Paiier is desifrncd to be an exponent of its character and contents. From coiivietion, it will adrtioate the conservative, orthodox. Old JSchoid doctrines and order of the Church. Our first appeal is to our own people—to N. C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely eonfi'Jently upon their ^ favor, we trust that the native sons of North Carolina who have found homes in other States, and the adopt ed citizens of our State who form .so important an element in "ur Ministry and membership, will take a deep interest in this enterprise and give it their hearty support. Tkr.ms: C- per annum in advance, or on delivery of the first number; 50 in six moifths: at the end of the year. To clulis of -■} or more, paying in advance and when the Paper is sent to one address, a discount of 10 per cent, will he allowed. Our .Minis ters and Flders are earnestlj' desireii to act as Agents, and all others friendly to the cause will pleas" assist in procuring as many subscribers as possible, mi l for ward the names, /w/ Au^u.sf 1.'7, to this Office. .\s soon as 1500 subscribers are obtained, the first num ber will be issued. If a faithful and vigorou- effort is made in the next two months by those whn take a Subscriber has just received a large as.sortnient of ! ® 'be able to begin the publication at the end of that time with a paying sutjscription list of at lea.«t oOOO. 'Address, Editors of the North Carolina Presby terian, Fayetteville, N. C. Fayetteville, May 20, ls57. 12- XOUTH C AROLIXA R K .\ P ^^K s7 .\i 1 AM> l‘RLl*AREl> WITH Sl'ECIAh IlEFKRENCE T(» THE \VANTS AM) INTERESTS OF Carolina. t XI>KR Tia. Al Sl-ICES IIK Tilt sT I'KB IXTKN HKNT 'Fiu.M- MOX srilOOLS, ItV Kov. 1\ n. Iliihlmrd, l liuH:s>.OK iti TllK LAliN L\SiA \t.\: ANh MTKUAn ilK IN' J IIK WMVhUSlTY »F NUH i H TAUULI.NA. sih n^.iTEn C.\STOKS C_M» P.attoriis;) Cako I{.\ .S K I;TS (10 sliapos;) C.indlo-Stieks: SnulforH and 'l'i.'i_\ s; Cups; Spoons; Frem li Folks; l/adles and lUittiT Knives, S and lllo/ iilati; hessert Knivi s; I’ie Kiiivos; \e. .\I1 of whioh were boll” hi Ji'iiil (III- riii/ilit'ilrhi - /'II': uilh I’li.s/i and will lie ' ' otl'erod ;il li'ss profit than biieli (ioods aro usually sold t*lanishr«l Tin Tea Pots; Colfoo Pots; I rns; r>i^;;iiis; and Filters; Oyster Stow s; Ste.ik-l>ishos; Plate and IMsh Covers; hill N'lirth ! 'I'e.a Kettle.-', and other useful articli's. Tea Trays and W aitor-, soini' heaiitit'iil, in Sets. iSritannia 'r^.\ aiidCOl'FF.K PiCl'S; SjiOons (the best;) Candle* stiek?-: l.aiiilis; Pileliers. \e. \ '.rood --^toek ol’ ll.VSKl.TS. ai..tss¥:s ttf supeiioi i|ii.rnty; e\oi'_\ si/e, from a Shaving (ilass til lai'uo P.irlor Mirrors. Tin Chtinihcr Sets; eoiunion iii;\\\ Tin W.iio Wood Ware. In short, I have a coiiiploto stock of .artielos in ni\ line, wliieh aic u-uallv w inted here, and need now only huyei-. ‘ W N. T1 Lid N(i 11 AST. So|it r ::ii, l>-'i7. * It'i-Cw • Xrtr S/of'L' of I500KS \\i) sr\ ri()Ni:m. J I', are now roi oiviiig our usual New Stock of Hooks and .Stationery, onibraoing ;i groat v.iriety of N(*||4ioI, l^au , llcMlical and ?li«- 4*«‘llaiiroii!N ||(»4»Kk. ToDfothcr with a largo and varied Stook of l’.L,\.NK P.OOKS, PAPF.i:. I1N\ IILOPFS, \c. ('iiuntry .Mori lrints and others aro invited to eall as ww titlor tlie al.ove stock on the best terms. i; HALE SON. Sopt'r 'JS. NTIiinnVS \\\M )11(HZI\E. I New and Cheap Goods! .lAMKS KYI.i: 1- ll .w receiving a large and general supply of Dry u Is, among which are splendid Dress Goods, 14 every article in the Dry tioods line. .All of which, ■ 11^ purchased bj- the package, will be otfered by .tMiio or retail at a small advance f ir cash or on : l ie to j'unctual customers ivottevil’e, Sept’r *Jti, 1857. 4ti-tf KNIVES and PORKS. handle Knives, with and without Forks: Knives with two prong Steel Fork*;, at 1 10 to 1 tj> • r Set ,\lso, a complete stock of other iiuiilities. K : at the i rockery Store at very low prices. W. N. TILLING HAST. ''pt'r ->>. 4*3-''w Sforit of (m00(1 it! Subscriber has just received a large asj^ortHiei Staple & Fancy Dry Groods, > inprising every thing that a Lady or Gentleman nay desire to wear. He most respectfully solicits a i!. !rom his old friends and acquaintances, and all ir.ncors. before they purchase, as he would like to . the plea.suie of showing them through, and if ho ill ■' suit them all right. J. C. POE. ; t. 45-1 mo KAIL ROAD NOTICK. '■piIH lelini[uent Stockholders of this Company are 1 nntitied that unless the balances iliie on their are paid or satisfactorily arranged by the 'JOtii ! '■ ? -er. legal steps will at once he taken to colleet Of ier if the Ho.ird of Directors. JNt.h M. ni>SE, Treasurer, Western Kail Itoad Co. I'l P.'. 1^.')7. 4lt02n .1. WILLIA.M 1‘A(;E, M. I)., r # TTs n o K o ru /#, .v. i r> P.AtjiE may be tound at his ollice when not professionally engaged, y ‘/, ls'i7. 5tf >>0 (if ANO. TONS l!i;ST PEKI VIAN iUANO, ju. t re- ' oivod and for sale by Ai... ;:i. (ii;o. W. WILLI\MS ,S: CO. ;;s. |)A\1I) M DUI’I'li:, Ht'irkmasott attt! M*lastere»\ 1' prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in ■ lUiliufi tlie puttin" up of Tiirpentine .Stills in tlii.- ■ ‘ the .adjoiniiig counties. I- iyettevillo, .\pril ’.^7. 1857. il-IV-pd THE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITION i'RI/i: MKDAL! \\VAi;i>EI) TO MKVKi;. /■ ■ lii^ Tiri) IjOtlih/ii, (htnliir 1.1, Is.'il ME\1;K rospectfulTy informs iiis friends iin l a tlio piiMle gciiorally, th.at lie has const.intly on I I’itinos emi.il to those t'or which he received the I \h-dal, in Li ndon, in IS-M. \ I ir lers jiromptly attended to, and great care '■ll in the seIo(;tion and packing iho same. II' has received during tli! last 15 yo.irs, more tliaii any other maker from the Fr.anklin In-ti- ii'. 'i Fir--t ri'oTuiiirns at Boston, N»‘w Vork ;ind ■■.''IllUi'I'e. removed from 25 S. Fourth to lo*^. ■''‘•11 S'I KKET, below Hightli. Soutii aide, ■\ug. I'Z. ij^OOinSm filME Life of Charlou.. I r>i()iite,. Author of Jane \i r V I 1 ,• 4i u the I’vocks, by Hugh M l S.alad lor he Social, hy ,,.0 Author of Salad tor tho Solitary; indigenous Uaces ,,f the Earth by Nott.v Gliddon; The llee Keeper’s \iso fur- iher supplies of .Milledulcia; The Prince of the iIousp 111 David; Mrs. Hontz’s Novels; The P.apiist I'saliaody r5arnes' Family Prayers; Christian Minstrel; ('niden s tioncordance; .Adams’s New Arithmetic; Parley’s Com trion School History; ^c. E. j. HALE SON. June -1, 1^57. SCHOOL ROOKS. ^^.MIIllS English Grammar; Peterson’s Familiar Science; IJolmar’s Fables; Emerson s .Arithmetic; l!olmar's French Grammar: IjOvoH’s U. S. Speaker; Lrgent ,s Stundard Speaker; North Carolina Readers; Mitchell a we.,graphiep; Ouackenbos’s I’.hetoric: I'iic. E. J. H.ALE & SON. Sept. 4, 1S57. BLANKS tor sale at this UtHcy. (’((.VTAI.NIXtJ A F.V.MILIAK HISTOKV A.SD I»ES(’U1I>- | TION OF NORTH AROl.INA. I Scloction.s in Pro.so aud Vcr.se; many of them by eminent citizen.^? of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, I .\nd a variety of .Miscellaneou.s Information and Sta- j tisties, Viy ; II. wii.ri. Number is a new and revise.I edition of the North ; Caiolina Reader, first published in iSol. Numbers I j and 2 Just is.sued, complete the sf>rie-^, which is, as a j whole, cheaper than any other series ol Roa>lorsin the i United St.ites. and as coJUplote. j The Editor ; Prof. Hubbard) in bis Preface to Num ber I deems it proper to aliudetoa low of the poeiiliar ' advantages aimed at by the Superinlendi'iit of (Vininion Schools while making etlorts to have this woi k eoin- j pletod. Those aiO, ! 1. 77/( In olirili/I I'll nl >t II Jr'lm;/ -■ ■, ll-ih/'I llh m i , and the eiilistnient of popular si-nl iiiieiit in holialf of i the St.ite and its institutions. It was not thought im portant, hotvever, to have more than one number of tho Readers of merely a local iiitorost. ■J, 7'o I iIiIkIiI ill' I t"l I I'l l >/wlll i',- I nlljililtll’ll ij' III riilll- /««// .;/ (/ />riji,liiiil rliiiiii/r III till h'liiLs; ail ex pensive habit, and one which injures tin’ Sehools hy preventing the children from being classified. .A Se ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly used, an.I this great evil thus avoicled r.i-'iwiiiii, tin; jiopul.'ir system of Koadors being too long and heing m.ade so often merely to add to ihe profits of authors and publishers. This .series is to ion-;ist of fewei- nuinhi'r'^ than those generally used, and it i--' ludieved that tiu'se numbers aro sulliciont, while if the system were uni versally used in the State, tho >uni .saved to par(-nts and ehildren would amount to sevi'ial thousand d'>>llars annually. 1, Tu I'lil III th' /.'inly Ilf I'liil'ii'i n Ininiiiiii In i iiiil Cmn- j„,sili'iiif ^iiifli'ii iilh/ l:!inilliir hill un! iij III! fliiinii-h r riilh ll rliihh.-h ri>iii/iii!iliiiii':. Containing, in lessons ea.sy enoiijili for all ages, correet specimens of style, interesting in matter, mid inculcating proper morals, and religious instruction. The prices are, for No. 1, tl-~) cents; No. Ii, -!7;J cent**, and No. 75 cents. .\ libei.il deiluetion from these pric“s to .Merchants and School Teachem. E. J. IIAI.E * SON. Fwyettevillo, July li'.i- NKW SUPl’LV or S'l'A riONl*:RV. WE arc just receiving further supi>lies of SlVITM4KVKBll\ Embracing Letter, Rath Post, Note and Cap Pajiers, in great variety: English and French Envelopes, white and colored; Tissue Paper, Gillott’s and Perry’s Steel I’ens, Pen IloMers, Red Ink Pens, Ebony Rulers, Ivory and Boxwood Pocket Rulers, .Mathematical In struments in cases, Hand Clips, I’ink Tape, Quills, Pen Racks, White Rubber, Sand Boxes, Banker’s (.ases, Pocket Memorandums and Pocket Books; Yan kee and French Pencil Sharpeners; Cloth Stretchers, for marking with indelilile ink; Rodgers’ Pen Knives; Portfolios; Maynard A Nojes and Davids' I nks, .^c. Also. 1 Case superior English SLATES, a.-^sorted sizes. „ K J. hale 6l son. May 2, 18:7. ro IlL IMF. TITI.K OK A LITERARY PERIODICAL, To UK IM'UMSIIKD n «.\ TII I. V, IX THK TOWN OF SALEM, NORTH (WROLINA, i!v ANDREW J. STEDMAN, A MEMBER OF THE NORTH-CAR()LINA BAR. N olleiiiig to the Public my Magazine, I claim for the Editorial Chair nn superiority over that de- ' p.'irtinent of other like Perioilicals; but 1 do claim for j the t.alent of North (J.-irolina, and the South generally, I that will he brought to its support. Southern patron- ' age. .And 1 also, as a Southern man, ami the Editor of a Southern .Magazine, claim at the hands of the, Southern countrj, and especially of North Carolina, that aid ;fnd support that will here, at home, establish, upon a linn basis, a fountain of Literature, and ex clusively- Home Literary Magazine. ^ Many are the Magazines now published in the I N«plfcflrn Stnte.s that are tloodiiig the whole Southern coil There is not, (it is probable,) a county in any Southern State that is not visited by “Harper.’' ■ ‘■(Iraham," “Peterson,’ or “Godey;" while here, in North t'«f«lina and the South, where genius unsur passed and uneciualed reigns, the literary talent that , is brought into exercise is ded’.cated to the support of Northern Magazines, while Southern enterprise, taste and talent bow in humble submission to such suicidal policy of Southern contributors. | Why, 1 ask, cannot W'—North Carolina, the South i —send greeting to our Southern clime a Magazine, ^ acceptable for tho many qualities that adorn the jiages ' of the most chaste, elegant and polite Periodicals.' It is true that the South has her .Magazines; but few in ; number are they, and unknown, compared to the pub- i lications of the North, which every mail brings to our ^ homes, filled with the result of hireil labor, and teem- j ing with unpardonable sedition. i Then 1 appeal to North Carolina and other Southern , States to aid me in my enterprise, and in promoting a I literary taste amongst those upon whom, as a South- ■ ern man, 1 have claims. i My Magazine will be of the usual size; and nothing j will be admitted to its pages but such articles as will • meet the approval of the most fastidious. It shall be | IlliiMrail'd willi Eiizraviiiirs and Flairs, | of the most elegant texture, enualing in beauty' and I style any exoctited at the North. : My prioo of subscription is THREE DOLL.VRS per i : year, which is reijuired to be paid in advance, as the expense to be incurred in establishing such a publica- ] tion will not jidmit of a credit system. I Th' Firft \inul,er icill III- ix.iiii'l \ ^t Jiii'Uitr’/ i A. J. STE1».M.\N, Editor and Proprietor. ; Sejit'r 1, 18')7. 4»i- j \. I>. .^l3• .Vddro.ss until the I st of Novotnber will he Pittsborough, N. C. after that time it will he ! Salem, N. C. .1. ii. II. .tom:s Are roooiving their F.ALL .VN1> WINTER Stoek of FA.\('V 6c DOMESTU’ DKY (iOOI)S. hicli they will sell at thoir usual low piiuvs, in pait as follows,--- nK LA INS, all kinds; .All Wool Plaiils; Col'd .Morinoes; Col’d Silks and Black, Rieh Robes A’2'*ill**; Chenille Shawls; l>o. Scarfs, all silk; Long Shawls for Ciontlemen; Do tor Servants; Cloth and Velvet Cloaks; Froneh Robes, Volant; l»o. for .Mis.se:; •Nett Coats for Children, Long P.rocha Shawls; .Merino Shawls, white; Opera Flannel, Plain and Col’d, t^uilted Skirts; 1*0 Hoops; Fine and (?ommon Blankets; Cotton, Silk, and Woolen Hosiery’; 1)0. Fancy, for Children; Kid, Silk, .Merino, Cotton tJlovesfor Ladies; Chenille Hoad hrosses; Chonillos hy the yard; Bonnot Rihlions; do. plain; Fringes and Salom, all colors; Black Velvets; Bl’k and ColM Belts; .Mulberry Buttons for Itressos; Thread, Swiss, Jackonott, liobhin, and Cotton Edgings; I Black Lar;e and Edging.s; Enib’d Hhdkfs, Collars, Sleeves and iiands; i Love and Lace Veils; Bonnets, Hats and Caps; j —ALSO— i i A nice variety of Men’s;, Jjadics’, and Children’s I SHOES. .Mso, Men and Boys tl'inttr I'lot/iiUff, i'tieap. —ALSO— PKRFl and mani/ other Ftinry Artirlr:^. Sept. II, 1H57. ‘PJ-^m CKO. ALDKRMAN, MnsfHTtor of tVaval Slorm^ WILMINOTON, N. C., S'OLKMTS patronage. I’rompt attention and iiiiek despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. .lune ’J;{, lK/>7. I'.t-l’Jmpd A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WIl.MINtJTON, N. V,. July ti, 1857. ‘j’jtf Worth & Utley, ForwfntliH^ and (ioHoral ('omiiiissioii MKRCIIAN I S, .V. f’. J. A. WORTH. " ("-tl) I TI-F.Y. JOHN I*. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINCTON, N. C. Will give jinrlieular attention to the pale of Naval Feb’y ’J;’), IS-'iti. Stores, Cotton, Ac. S.'.-tf W. H. TURLINGTON, (’wmmi.ssioi) Merclmnl, No. 1-2 Norlli Wal>*r Si., WILMINGTON, N. (’. WILL give his prompt personal atti'ntion to tho sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other (^>untry Produce. N»,‘v. b, IS.'iii. RKMOV AI.. I nORAH \M has removed to the store formerly i • occupied by Dr. Foulkes, on the corner east of , the Fayetteville Hotel, Hay street, where he is just re- ' ceiving his STOeM OF KEADV-MADE CLOTIIlNr., Oftlic Latt'.'^t Styles, Consisting in part of Over-('oaIk, Drean, Frodi ni(f Biistiii’ss (hnt»; Pmita, Shiv(A mill (%/A/r,s, hrawcrSy Flniincl Shirts ami Dratrrra; SitsjuiKftrn, Crttnifs, Merino and Cotton Hose, fc. «Xr. He al-so keep.sconstantly on hand, a fine assortment of HOOTS AS I) SHOES, Umbrella.s, and Carpet Bags. .\n those wishing to purchase cheap and tine suits of clothes, would do well to call and examine (Jraham’s Stock, as he is prepared to sell as low as any in this market. Sept. Pi 4-2 -2m. BOERHAVE’S ilOlLWh ItlTIKKS J.\MES O. SMITH. MM.F.s cksTIV I JAS. 0. SMITH & Co., I Factors^ ('omviissinn and MERCHANTS. | NO. ‘i SOUTH WATER STREET, UP STAIRS. j WILMLNGTON, N. C. | Oct. 21, 185G. rjO-V ; JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. € :?l I S I O i\ i AND i FORWARD] N (I M ERC li A N P, H'*ilmiits^iOM, *V. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship peil to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 T. c. & H. g7 worth, Commission Forwarding Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STREET, %Vi I III in;; ton, iW V. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. 63-tf IfOII Tllli FILL li\D \l liVTER 1857! II s r KF.CKIVKn, (Call fun/i, Siinrc )i'i'.,il liitrynin and Save MomyA One ol llie Lariicst, Handsomest and (Mu‘aj>cst Slock--^ of Ueatlff’-.ltude Clouunu^ for Gentlemen s wear, ever brougat to this Market, and no mistakel Also, a Magnificent assortment of KoyN aii«l Voiitli’M CJulliiii;;, Roy's Suits and Extra Jackets of all colors of Cloth. i'OK K\ll. IIA^n^—Ready to turnish ('ontraetors with any (Uantity of (Jlothing, at a verv low figure. roic 11 WON a huge lot of P. •lackets aiiil Over Coats; also, faiiey Flannel Over Shirts and I’.iiits—\ory cheap. \ \ery extensive assortment of 4ii‘||tloi||t‘|.'^ B'lii'iii«i|iiiii; Fine Linen and Fancj' Mar- .■^oilli's Sliiri.s ;ind Collars, L'ndor->;;irmeiit.s of he.avy Silk :ind .Merino, Socks, (,'ravats. (llovea, H’dk’fs, Sus penders. .Ve. -From the heaviest \N ator-Proof to tho finest Pump and Fair Stitched, Philadolphi.i in.ido: of all de- seriptioii.'. l'r4‘iK‘li 'I'l’fit «‘lliii;; Triiiik«>— Lxtra l.ii'j^o .-li/es; l!oniiet l!o\i‘s; (Jeiits' English Sole Leather, Spanish Iron Frame and Packing Trunks; F.nglisli Solo Lo.athor Valicos, and others; a new style of Travelling P>a^s (very eonvoniont:) Uentlomeii’s 1 Shawlti and Faney Ibiggy Rlankets; genuine Havana Sogars; rmhrellas; Walking Canes; India Rubber Over ’oats. Loggings and Sand.ils; also, Over Shoes for I L.idios; .ind a great varietv’ of Fane^’ (ioods too nu- i merous to montiiin. i All whi( h will ho .sold .it wholesale or retail very I low for o.-isli or on time to jirompt jiajing customers. ] (ir.itofiil for the liberal patronage heretofore extended i to me, 1 resjieotfully solicit a continuance of the same. tSEORtJE 15RANDT, South side Ha^- Street, Opposite (/. W. Williams & Co. j Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 17, 1857. 4S-tl>l IAtnnhi i^lon • Idrrrfisfinntt. The Suhsi'rihor is now receiving his Stock of 'l*'all and WiiiU'i* Coin]irising every thing in the way of DRV (JOOltS, I such as Merinos, Aljiaoas, Del,.lines, ('ashmores and (iingh.iiiis, for Ladies' l>ros'*s. .Alst), Ctilieocs, Lin- seys, bleaehed .and nnhloached Shirtings, lirillings, j Osnahiirgs, Kerseys, Kentue.ky .leans, Sattinets,’t'as- I siinore-:, lor Pants, \e. liF..\hV .M.VOE CLtd'HI.NtJ, , of tlie best Iliauriais and good orktiiansliip. P>((OTS I and S11 iK.-^, for Men ami Hoys; also, a miod assort i mont of L.-idies' .ind Misses’ .Shoes. Trimmings for Ladies' iM’os^es; P> ninets, Mi«ntillas and Cloaks, of the latest fasliion. II \TS and CAPS o all sorts, and TIMNK.- of all si/..-; i.esides 11 RI >W.\ R H, OROCE RIK.'-, and a varielv of other (Joods, which I will sell low for I'ash, or ii|ion short credit to reliable and jironipt |i i\ing eiistoniers. S. W. KRIIANT. Lumbortoii, .N t' , Sept. ’21, IS.»7. Il-‘2m Tlic Ucmilar .\miu;i! Meeting of the Sto.-uhol lers o? the WlLMINtiTON, ’H.\Rf,OTTE & lU TllFRFORI* It ML Ro \ I) COMPANY will be hold in the town of Ch.irlotte, County of Mecklenburg, on the ;’.d W^;dnosday in Oe.lohor next, the same bdng the ‘J|.*;t day of the month. The transfer book will lie iosed for one Month prior to said day. II. W. ;i:iON, Pros’t. Sept. 15, 1857. 4l-t021 Y l\oom w.is forcibly entered on Sunday night the l:!th of Se|itember, by some unknown person or persons, who took from my ilesk •>■>112 in Rank Rills and in Gold a id Silver. 1 will give the .above named reward for the apprehension ol' the thief and •’ecovory ol the money, or ^50 for either. O. P LUTHER. IJockingham, Richmond Co., Sept. 15. [41-10 vY ,1T FIjOK.IIj VOIjIjEUE. raillE Subscriber expects to rcceive his Fall and JL Winter (Joods in a few days; his stock this sea son will be found unusually aUractive, comprised in part of a large assortment of Staple Goods; Ladies’ l)re.«9 (Joois; Ready made Olotliing; Boots; Shoes; Hate; Caps; Bonnots; Cloaks; Talmas; In fact, everything usually found in a Dry Goods Store all of which will hw soM to s lit tht tictes to cash and prompt paying customers. At No. 1, Floral .\venue, is the place to find cheap, good and handsome Goods, liear this-in mind. EDMUND LILLY. 1 Sept. 4, 1857. 40-»tf TlHi CKIJIRRATKI) HOI,L.\M) RKMKDY FOU DTSPEPSIA, inSKlSK OF TirK kll»\KTS, UIVER COMPLAINT, WKAKXKSS OK ANY KIND, FEVER AND AGUE, \n»l ihr vHTiuus :iir«*rtion' mfiM’ijupnt tipt»n :i ilisonUTeil STOMACH OK LIVKK, Sudi as I.Ntioii. Ariliiy of ihe Sluiiijn h. C’olirk'^ !*alns nc^rthitrn. liO>s oT . 'osUvvm>'i, nn«l lln ilin*! I'iU's. In :tll NtTvous, KhciiniHtM'. nnil Nouraluic Alli-r iions.il h.vs in nuniemns insuuirrn (.rov(‘) hiuhly hen«*tii iaL anil in a rnrc 'I'his \ a purely i prrpareil on strictly srien litii prin ipU'-', a!l« r lb»* niannrr ol ilu* llo|lan>i l’r«* ssor. l^oiTliavr. n»raUM' 4»j* iis i!rt»*ii >iirrt*’s in niONt ol ihr iiro|H*an States, its inirodurtion miu» the rnit«Ml 5tales was m tt*n-^i-«l inor«‘ lor ol’ our ratherhiin! '•rHttcnNi htTr irnl (hen* o^f'r Uir ol’ ihi.s friiiihiy rouniry M*«*li«ir rt*;»t ^lIc aiiionu I now »iir«T ll lo tli»* \HM*rn*an lowinij thai il«. triiiy WMniU rl'ul in»*fjH inal virliu's iiiusi U' ar now ll is parlii iilarU r»'c.HiiMi»‘nl«‘il to Oiost* |K*rvnns vvhos»* ronsiitii lions Ml IV lrtv«* hr«*n iimnur***! tiy ihr ronlimioit- ns»* ol iirjloni litrits, or oiImt Iommn ol tli^s paiion. «>nrrillv in>laman*»ons m III t. It iin(t’ its was ilir«M ily to itir si>ai oi' liU‘. thnllinu and ijnii K»*nint! fv» ry ra»»inL' np ll»* 4lriHi|tinu spirii. anti, in I f, inlliMnc u and ^ »»» s\%l»‘ni. \« > ri‘K-»\\’ho»*vrr * \.iH*rts (.» lind this n lM*vrrai:«‘ u ill he dis ^)poinUMl; liiit to Ihc sirk. wrak JUid low ipiril*d. il u ill prov»' a «>rat*ml artini Hir cordial. |MWNr>.*sfd «>| vintiular r*'ni«‘diat prM|u riir- i; A U T M» i\ : Tiir iirt’at popul'iriU ol'this dtdiuhtt'ul Aron»:i has iiidm »*d ntanv imitations, whirh th‘ piihlir should uuard ac^iiii't piirrhHsinL’. noi |»or'^u liird to hnv inythinc «‘lse iiiilil you havr uivrn hiM‘r- hav»‘*s Holland Hilt* r> a I »ir trial. One hottip wdl fonvinc**you tw inliii'tvly su|K'rior it i" to all these ifnitatiiins. {):;^>old at ?jl.(hl per hottU*. tr six hotfU*', tor l»y ihp SOI, r. r K o p ll I i:'ri) k s . iei:\.i A .ir. a co. M A S I K A C T r R 1 N U PHA1{M.\CKUT1STS AND CHKMISTS. I'lTTSHliRdH, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale stile agent for Fayetteville, .luiio 1 1, ISr>7. It'- DP .IOSi;i‘ll K.VKKK, Jit., •lTTOK.\KV A'r l>.4W, H.\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. W'right’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Rladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf LOVERD ELDItlDGE.’ ^'ittorncif nt MjHir, WILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithtield, April 15, 1850. IKl-tf THO. O. FULLER, • iftornet/ tfUfi. VoitHKCtloi' hi OFFICE at Eirfcles's Bridge, recently occupied by James Ranks, Esij., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. 7Utf “LA \V COl‘AR'rNERS1 \ 1 Vr WE, the undersigned, have this day formeil a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. 11. HAL’GHTON. JNO. MANNlNtl. Pitt.sborough, N. C., Jan'y 1, 185ti. 72tf Dr. K. \. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Iliusdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feh’y 7, 1H5(>. 7tj-tf O' liOOK I’.INDI’.ltY W. II.VRKlEhas resumed the Rook Rinding Business, over the Tailor Shop of Clark Woodward, where he will receive and execute bindi ip in any st^-le desired. 81. Auiiust 1. TONS No. by Aug. 28. 27tf GUANO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, for sale WORTH .V UTLEY. 38- \\ « call tlio attcMition W IIOLI*'- SALR l)i:.\LKliS r|^o our present Stock,—and we have recently ro- B- coived — oMl h.igs Rio, I.aguir.'i, Marioaibo and .l.iva t’otlro, ‘2li lilids .Suirar, assorted (ir.ados, 7ohhls do. Refined, ('rushed ;ind Powdered, bo.xeM .Spei'iii, .\d:im,-iiitino and Tallow Candles, • i() do F.uie^' and .issorteil Candios, ItMt coils Kontueky, .lute and Manilla l!ope, 7 hales U.igging. tlunny. Dundee an 1 Ruriaps, 30 tons H oop I roll, 120 boxes ('lieoso, ’20 half-bbls Super C.ii h. So.la, 4tt,tlOO (.’igars, various hrands, — ALSO - Pepper, Spieo, (linger, C|ovi‘s, Nutmoirs, llorax. Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown. Brimstone, Faui-v and Bar So.ijis, StaV>‘li, I'owdor, Shot. Bar Load. U hite Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil. Window (ilass, Siiiitl'in Boxes, Eagle Mills ilo., in Half Bbls.;(iroon :ind Blaek Teas. Hollow-W.'iro, Swedes Iron, English, (iiTin-iii, and (’list Steel: Plows, Straw (’inters, (’orn .'^hellers, Sausage (’utters and Stutfcrs, Traei- Chains, Sole Leather, kc., \c. The above (iooils we oiler on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. D. Ai W. McLAIJRIN Nov. (), lS5(i. ottf LAM) rou SALK. .\i,'RKS OF L.\ND lyinr on iippi'i- . I Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for the Turpentine business. It will be sold on accommolating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville WM McL. McKAY. 41-tf W. II. CARVER Is now receiving hig Fan Slock or ooon which is large and well selected. A call from old friends and the public gener.ally is solicited. My stock is too varied to enumerate; every one can find something that thc3’ want hy calling. All kinds of produce talien in exchange for Gooils. W. II. CARVER. Sept. 17, 1857. 43tf NOTICE. 4 T SEPTEMP.ER Term, 1857, of the Court of /m Pleas and (.Quarter Sessions of Cumberland coun- I ty, tlie last will and testament of James C. Dobbin, •lec'd, was admitted to Probate, and letters testament ary were granted to the subscriber. All persons in debted to the testator are requested to make early payment. Those having claims against his Estate must present them in due time, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of a recovery. ANNESS C. IIUSKE, Executrix. Sept. 15, 1857. 43-Ow xoTici:. tT September Term 1857, of the Court of Pleas and tiuarter Sessions for the County of Cumberland, the subscriber having tinalified as Administrator upon the Estate of John .McLaurin, notifies all persons in debted to the Estate to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the .saitl Estate to pre.sent them properly authenticated w'ithin the time prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. D, McLAUIUN, Atlm’r. Sept. 15, 1857. 43tf willIam SANDFORI), OF NORTH CAROLINA, Wiiii REED, ST. JOHN & CO., Wholesale Grrocers. 1'^ Cor. Kront and Arch Streets, M^hilaficlffhia. r.t, 1H57. 35-3m B. F. PEARCE & CO., DEALERS IN FOKEKiN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, H.\TS, CAPS, P.OOTS AND SHOES, ( inf>rc/fas and l!adi/-Mad^ Clothimj, HAY STREKT, M-affetiexiUe^ .V. f’. II. I. I-Kxm i;.] [j. W. I-KAIICK, JR. .luly 3(1. 20-tf rOR SALE. A DAM.XNTINK and TALLOW CANDLES; tine and conimoii TOB.\CC(*; and almost anything in the (irocory line. Cheap a.s the cheapest.' O. W. I. GOLDSTON. .laii'v 27. L'''i7. 77- vs. N. I’Mjj\(;mas r Is now receiving .-i lar^o and well assorted Stock of 4'liiiia, liarlli4‘ii%«ai‘o, Ijookiii^ ISrillaiiia, aiKl l*lal«‘«l %% art‘, Blariluare. lie iiivllc- 111*’ attention nt' Coiinlrj Merchanls to his Stiii-k, and is sali-tii'd th it they e.i in it lin i a hettoi' a-'Siirtinent ot U i.ids tor th‘ir :ra lo, ..r elii-a|ier (wnen delivered at tlieir doors,) in one liou.se anyivliore Sept 2iii I'OR S \i I.. a Bin,':, ol \1 \ i;. ,\n KR'S .'■CPKRIoR M WIII.^KKV. This Whi-key comes very lii;;hly retoinnundeil: N An. Mori ]\ew Goods. fBlHE subscriber is receiving his FALL AND WIN- -M- TER STOCK, consisting of almost every thing in the way of CiROCERIEJ^, MMardtvare and HoUow-ware^ —ALSO— Boots and f^iioes, Saddlery, Fish, &c., .\ny of which he will sell cheap for Cash, barter for Produce, or on short time. Store recently occupied by Tr»y & Marsh, near the Dobbin House. Sept. ’22, 185t*. WOOL ^)^'OOL carded with Ww Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and W'ool Rolls, for sale by ROLLS. lispatch at Blount’fiCrcek G EO. McNEILL. 7-tf G. W. I. Oct. 15, 1866. GOLDSTON. 48tf Junel 854. DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S CELEBRATED RYE WHISKEY subscriber has made arrangements to keep a I supply of the Genuine Article, and is the only •■\gent for the sale of the above brantl of A No. 1 Rye Whiskey in this place. ROB’T MITCHELL. May 4, 1867. 6tf ('.iroliiiH III lUo, ls.‘. sii l to he full;, oipial to any .North aii l warraiitoii Iroo troiii any impurity. WORTH .5- L’Ti.KV 30- 'S' I'OR S.M.I',. 'iiii; i.iii.uviiig VALU\Bi,i; i:i:\L k.--!tat!-:, the liro|iel ty of I’,. (’ H ill, dec’ll, is oilered for s tie, aioi consists of the following tracts: 'rii:it tksirublt! jdaei* known as Kmiih', (ront.iiu- ing about II'IO Aeros. with all the iniprovenientH. 'I'his plaee wiil he sold entire ordividi'd, tn.~uit pureliasers, it hein^ prohahly one of the hi-«l Injsiness stands in the e.ointry, and is very desirahio to those v.-ishing to enter the mercantile business. No. 1?, (!i)usi.st.s of a IjOt and Hrick Store, (2 tenements,) in Canipbellton, on Bridge Street, n«;ar Clarendon Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for bnsinoHS. Xo. ;{, Is Three vacant Ijots in Canipbellton, known in cit^’ plot as Nos. lO'.*, Ill, 112, and half of lot 113. No. 1, Is a Dwelling House and Lot on Hay- mount, corner of Plank Road and Adams St. very desirable residence for the whole year. No. f), l8 a Corn Mill ajid Steam Engine and Boiler, of 10 or 15 horse power. This is well worth the attention of those living where water power is not available, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. H. HALL, Assignee. \ngust 1, 1857. 30-tf 1500 Aug. 22 CORN. BUS. COHN, for sale by WORTH k UTLEY. 3ti-