SFi Ml.WEEKLY FAVKTTF.Vll.l.i;, X. C., t)CT01!EK 1!), 1857. LNO. G.52.] Mi'NI'AVS AM> 'l'I!l'H?I>AYS rinv\i!i) .1. H VLK A- s(i\. ri>l.'‘K': \M) >VIU KT'>i;s. ; • 0 S. i!i' \V, iklv i*i;sKi; VKU 111' if ]';iM in > . ■«" if j'.ii'l'hiriii;: the yoar 11 :«\iliscri{'- r 1 .ij'li'l-till- Vt',11' ll;is t'XpirCil, . . A.\ V hisKitvi'.K 00 ppr annum, if pai'! in J •>." if ilnrinj; the year nf siHiSorij'- >- •' 1 the year has esi'irO'l. : 1 !.'i; \1 KN’f.'' in.'-ertod for ^ixty cent^i jht ; , inii'.' for the first, ami thirty cents for each ■ _ imMii-atiiin. Yearly ailvertisennMit'l>y >i"'- . :it rcas-niaMv rato'. \4verti:-i‘iai o ^ ,| • ■ ;te the nnnihiT >pf insorlidns doireil, ir '.•inue'l till t’liriuil. an'l eharj;ei! ai'coril- 'li.- nts t'-'^ lie insvrte'l . eliarjii' l I'ov SIHOMI STOI'K! STARR & WILLIAMS A !i X. V, -TilKlK STiK'K Foil Si'N. i.-UiI'racinc,— lll*V .Maiie-iii) 4Jotliiii;;, ;; i v iiivitc the iittcntion of \Vhnle«>ale huy I'r-; '.'enerally. S > ' [.1. M. Wn.l.I AMS. • i ■ , : -7. 4'' tf 111.' ( iiKisriAX Mixs'n{i:L. V i.fw jur. receivcl. ii. j. u\u: .V SON. jlrs A. A. Brooks)>aiiks f Now UK"KIV1N! her Fall Stock of Millinery « . U. She invites ner customers to call and ex- ..ine '^■r St: ck. - ■ l'\ l''”>7. .iH-Jit SikIii. l>uttT, L«‘iii!)ii. Siiu'ar, C rc'iim. ■n: l F.iiuy 'rai'kers, u fresh buiijily just rocM ' ! "'tie at 1!.\N KS’S ^ ‘NFKCTIONEKV, (iri-en Siieet. • 1". .')0-4t New and Cheap G-oods! J \Mi:s KVLi: ^ - ! u rcci '.v';i hirire ninl ireneral snpiily ’f I»ry f 1-. which ;irc .'p't n li l !>rc>j, (ii o.ls. i \ ivtii e in th • 1 Is'inc \. 1 of \\ hieh, ! art Iv! fi i)V ill" i> ick'\LT'‘, '.viil he olfcred l>y :>• .r r t ,i! ;it a sii'.i'.l ndvuai-c f-T cnsli or ' ii • :■ I'unciiinl cii-^toiiiers I c. Scpt'r18^7. in-tf KNIVES and FORKS. I 5 V ' 1-\ 1) >: iie Knives, with .ind without Fniks; ! »: ? with t\v;; 1 11 n^ Steel Ftirk». at 1 lUto 1 I ' A; ', t •ni]i!ft‘‘ >t ck of other ijualitits. | 1 !• ,t i':ir (’r... . rv St'ir-- :it vcrv i"W prices. U. N. TlLLlNt:il.\ST. : • . -I'i-'iW *\\tr Sforit of' {iiiKnls! ' i^i^crihcr ha- ju't le.-civcl > larjre assurtment ot' Staple & Fancy Dry Goods, vii -.j- i-v.-iy !hinr that a Lady ^ r ‘ientleni'in - 0 t'l wear. Ih- most resjiectfully solicits ;i j III - I . friends and aC'iu.aiutances. and all - , ■' “t'l.rc tiiey jiurcha.-e, a.s he woiiM like ti |i'= ;me 'f 'Iiowln,:r them throii;;li, ;md if he ' ■ ’" them all riuht. J. '. I’OK ; ’ UJ l’)-lmo ! HOAD VO l’K !•:. i- i; ih !i‘ t"ckhohlcrs .if this Coin|iany are I i r t uri^c ■ tiic h Imces >iiit' on their c I ::r ^iiii.'fu Torily arraii;ii'1 hy the 'JOth ■r, ' ^ stcj s wiTi -r one.- lie t;ike'i to collect •; ; e r' tid .f Uiiectors. ! .iNo M. FtOSK, Treasurer, | W (.■>tcrn Kail It.nid t'o. ■- I '7 nto2i» I .1. V, liM.IAM r M. I)., ! r # i T.^ n O Ml O 9 4>s it, .V. V. : ■ - -II, ■ i iy lie f.iun i at Jiis otiice when no! • ^ ' '.V :li;ra_e I. - .7. ■ ' :^tf (.1 WO. in-T :'i:KrVl.\N OU.VNo ,jti:.t re- - .V .: . I ,nd ,-,r : .!■• i.v ii;o \V1I.LI.\MS ,v CO. - ' ;J8- (i vUi) .M. i)l FI'IK, ^^rtrLinasoit am! M^itislrrer^ •* - ^ ii ■ ' to d.; all kinds if Work in his line, iii- i 1^' t .u i.utt’n^ up of'I'urj i ntine tiliils in tliis ' countic^i. ttcvi.lf, .Xjiril 27. 1^.";7. o-lV-pd 1 il: WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITION I'Uizi: \ii:i)AL' A\V\|{f>KI) TO MKVKK. /■-’I i'niii'j.'ty IjOikIoii, fjrtohrr l:i, IF\ ;.|! re. pectfuliy informs his friends r.nd • I'uiiiic ircncraliy, thfii he has const.intly on i .ji' c.jii.-il i tiiosf tur which ];? received the "■ dai, in L' 11 jiiii, in 1 -"'>1. c I'r 1 r"ii!pi;y attin,;. ; to, and j^reat care '! :lii .-••iiM tion ;ind packing the same. r • i'ivc l diitiii” the 1,-ist 1.') ycurs, mi'ire " 111 :ii._v other maker trom the Fr;inkliii Insti- Fir-,i I'rcmiiinis at lioston, New ^'ork and ■ ' I'!-. 1. (iAIn, removed from -■’> ii. Fourth to - ' Ai;, il S ii’.KLT, tjelow Figutli. ijouth bble, ^ “■ -‘io-.'hnpil iti: I MiooL's. m . ‘•‘■'■'‘te, .\uthor of June ^ ’hellocks.hy Ih.-h ■ I . ;-d . .r t.i - !,_v tht: .\uthor of Salad : .e Ind.pcno^ , ■t >\ '• (d'.n; I he l..-e Keepers C!,,ui. \iso fur ;■ - ol Milieduleiu: The I’riuce of U.e llou'c ■•■m i; Ml'.-, lienti.s Novtds; The llupt^.t l-sali,v„ly 1.: -lie.- ! iiiiiiy l>r;iyers; Christian Minstrel; ■ mc- r Ifiict \d ims's New Arithmetic: i’ur'.ey';^ ( ,u„ ■ui .-;;.o;il ili«:,,r_v ,vc. K. J. hall; ,v SON. ■I -lie J I, J > l7. SCHOOL liOOk'S. «r.imm.ar; I’eterson’s Familiar ► :-'iei!'.. ilolmrtr’s F:i!.!es: Kir.erson's Arithmetic; :■ iiKu - Fr. h (n-.ammar: hnvt-H's U. .S. Speaker; ireiit'- "^^1 !!i l.ii-1 S].e.i:-T; North C;-roiiii.i Koader;-- ;::heli M- j.hie.-i: (.hi ickeiiiios';; IJhetovic: ,Vc. t, J. 11 \ij-: ,v s(»N •1= 1, 1m. I’*LA \KS lur salo at this OlHce. i» u o «i» r. € T1 OF THE NORTH CAROLINA PRESBYTERIAN. ’restiyterian (Uiurch in North Carolina has ; 5 long labored under a serious disadvantage from i the want ol a journal to advocate her claims ainl rep resent her interests. It is estimated that only IdOU I’reshyterian Weeklies are t.aken in the bouiiils of our ■ three rreshyteries M e have l^i.OOO ('ommunieaiits. : and it is safe to infer tliat there are ^^O.OOO I’resliyte- | rians in (irinciple in the State. (>ur Synod stands i fifth in the Union in point of numbers, and her mem- \ hership is greater than that of any Synod South or ' '' est of I’ennsyIvania. Our sister States on the North and South, neither of which has n memher.--hip s.i ; large a.s ours, j'lihlish the Central, and the Southern I’reshyterian, for the henefit of their peopde. The time has come when the rreshyterian Church in North Carolina should likewise do her duty tii her children. ■ It is a concede 1 anil important la,ct, that hundreds of I'ur members will take a State paper who will take no ; I’ther. The Paper is neetied to be the organ of our i Synod and I’resliyteries—to elevate and enlighten the | piety of our membership by ditl'using evangeiical knowledge — to pnnnote the cause of Ivlucation—to ; • leveUipe the talents of our Ministry, and to strength- , en the attachment of our people to the soil and sane- ! tuaries of their own State. It our Church in other States, and other (’hurchi-‘s : in this State, can supply their members with a Ke- '.igious journal, why may not we'.' Are North (’aro lina Presbyterians inferior in talent, energy and i patriotism to their neighbors on the North >r South, j or to Christians of other denominations at home'.' I With the same or better opportunities of accomplish ing this work, shall we leave it undone' In the lan- gn.ige of one of our most uble .and usel'ul Ministers, an adojiti'd son of our State, “It ought to liave been undertaken tIO years ago, but it is not too late to be gin to do right.” In the last two or three mouths, a fund of atnnit >3000 has been subscribed as a permanent capital. -\t a meeting of the contributors, held at IJreensbo- rough on the 1 1th of May, Kev. A. baker. Chairman, —the I’aper was unanimously located at Fayetteville, under the name and title of the Noutii C.muili.va i PhksuytkiuAN. llev. Wm. N. Mebane and llev. : George MeNeill were elected Fditors: Uev. Messrs. , (ieorge .McNeill, Wm. N. Mebane, A. Baker, and ! n. Wiley, and Messrs. George McNeill, Sr., John 11 Cook and David Murphy were appointed an Executive Committee, to estalilish the Paper and manage its business atl'airs. It is our wish and design to make the N'dRTit C\iti>- Li.N'A Pi;khvtkiiian a journal of the first class, eipi.il to the best in the country in typograjdiical appear- ' ance and in aihtptation to the wants of our Churches. ■ Its columns will afford tho l.itest intelligence, botli I'oreign and domestic, and sjiecial care will be taken to give a fuli and accur ate summary of State news. I'he n.ime of the P.iper is designed to lie an exponent of its character and contents. From conviction, it will advocate the conservative, orth'idox. Old School doctrines and order of the Church. Our tir.'t a]'peal is to our own peojde—to N. C. Presbyterians. Whilst we rely confidently up'>n their f'avor, we trut that the native suns of Nortik ’arolina who have found homes in other St.ates, and the adopt ed citizens of our .'^tate who form so iin|>nrtant an , '.•lenient in our Ministry and me' ibership, will take a deep interest in this enterprise and irive it their he.irty support. Tku.ms; per annum in advance, or on delivery of the first number; .50 in six months: at the end of tlie year. To clubs of -o or more, payinjc in advance and when the Paper is sent to one address, a discount of m per cent, will be allowed, (tur .Minis ters and Klders are earnestly desirei'j to act as .\gent-, and all other- friendly to the cause will please assist in procuring :is m.iny subscribers as possible, and for- : ward tlie iiame.s, />/ Auipt.it l.«^ to this Uflice. As soon !is 15U0 siib.-?cribers .are obtained, the tirst num ber will be issued. If a faithful and vigorou' effort is made ill the next two months by those who taki* a lively interest in this work, we will, wiih'.uf doubt, be alile to liegiii the publication at the end of that i time with a paying suliscription list of at least :;tMii>. trjf' .Address, Ivlitors of the North Carolina Presby- , terian, Fayetteville, N. ?. Fayetteville, .May liO, 1>'">7. 12- XORTH C: \KOLlNA liKATIOllS. I .\l 1 A.\l» *2. I’llKl'ARKU WITH Sl'KCIAli llKKK.IlKNrK TO TME WANT.S ANJ* INTKRKSTS OF ' • Vorth t^firoUiia. I Hit ACsriCK?* ok tiu: si pi:kintkxI'KNT of tom- y\itS X lJouL>, j Kev. V. ^1. OK TUB L\T1N' I.ANcil AfiK AND LlTKKATl UR IN TilK tSlVtRSITV UK NOUTII CAKOIJNA. I CoNTAr.N'I.Vn A FA.\trr,rAK riXST^MlV A\r» KESCKIP- ! TION OF NORTH rAROI.INA. Sfh'ctioiis in I’rose atil Vcr.se; many of them by i crninL'nt citi/.cns of the State. mSTOHiCAL AND CIlilONOl.OGICAL TABLES, .\nd a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics, by C. II. W'll.KV. Number '•> is a new and revi.sed edition of the Nortii Carolina Header, firs? published in lS-31. Numbers 1 and 2 jii.'t issued, complete the serie.'\ which is, as a whole, cheaper th.iii any other series of Headers in the United State-, and as co:n]>letf‘. The Kditor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num- bpr I deems it jnoper to allude to a few of the peculiar advantage:-) aimed at by che .Superintendent of tJomrnon Schools while making e.Torts to have this work com pleted. These are, 1. T/ie riiCnuritiji'tiii uf of it Jn'liinj of x, If-dij', mlcni r, and the enlistment of popular sentiment in liehalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought im portant, however, to have more than one number of the Headers of merely a local interest. l!. To ruii.ilii th- (•('/ trerii>r/ii re : unplnhoit of in r.,,,,- iii'iii .>.//,,/.-■, •:!H fierjiiiudl rluaitf!' in (crt hooks: an ex pensive liafiit, and one which Injures the .“^cliools fiy preventing the children froin .eing classified. A se ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly u.'-ed. and this great evil thus avoided. ■>, Hroiii'iiii/, the popular system of Headers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and pul>lishers. This series is to consist of fewer ntimbei than those generally u>e.|, and it is believed that these uutnbers are sufticieiit, while if the system were uni versally usecl in the State, the sum saved to parents and children womld amount to several thousand rlf.llars annually. 4, To fill I in the kiimh of chihhcn hnrnin;/ to rcid com- /'••xilioiix utitiirirulli/ fumili'ir hu! not of thf chnracter cnllt li r/iih/i.fh coiiijios/tioiis, containing, in lessons ea.sy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religious instruction. The prices are, for No. 1, ‘25 cents: No. 2, ^{7^ centii; and No. o, 7'> e.ents. A liberal deduction from these prices to .Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALK & SON. Fuyetteville, July i'.i. 2'.i- M-:W sriMMA OF s rATrONKRY. 14 ®/■ K are just receiving further supplies of T ¥ SlVt TMi^A'Kn I', Embracing Letter, Hath Post, Note and Cap P ipers, in gn at variety: f'.nglish and French Envelopes, white anil colored; Tissue Paper, Gillotfs and I’erry’s .Steel Pens, Pen Holders, Hed Ink Pens, Ebony Hulers, Ivory ;inii Hoxwood Pocket Rulers, Mathomatic.il In struments in cases. Hand (’lips, I’ink Tape, Quills, I en Hacks, White Hubber, Sand Hoxes, Hanker’s (-ases, Pocket .Memorandums and Pocket Hoo ;s; Van- kee and I'l eiich Pencil Shar((eners; Cloth Stretchers, for marking with indelilile ink; Hodger.s’ Pen Knives; Portfolios; Maynard .t Noyes and Dnvid.s’ 1 nks, .jc. Also, 1 Case superior English SLATES, assorted sizes. E. J. HALK & SON. May 2, 1837. SII. f •E/f. PL„1TED (WSTOHS (l!0 Patteriis;) Cake H.\SKin s (1 (( shapes:) Canille-.'^ticks: Snuffers and Trays; Cups; Spoons: Frencii Folks; Ladles and Hutter- Knives, 8 and 12 oz. plate; Dessert Knives: Pic Knive.s; i.'ic. All of which were bought from the inonufurtn- /• r.v v:itk caf/i anti will be ’ offered at less profit than sill h (ioods are usually sold. RlfinisUetl Tin Tea Pots: Coffee Pots: Urns: Higgins: and Filters: ('yst«‘r Stews; Steak-Dishes; Plate and l)ish Covers; Tea Kettles, and other useful articles. Tea Tr.iys and Waiter.':, some beautiful, in .Sets MSrilannia TKA and COFFI-^E PO'i'S; Spoons (the best:) ('andle- sticks: l.amjis: Pitchers, iVc. good stock of Pi.\SKETS. aM^.lSSES tU superior iiiality: every size, from a Shaving lllass to large Parlvir Mirrors. Tin Chamber Sets: common iiKWY Tin Wate Wood Ware. In short, 1 have a complete stock o.*" articles in my line, which are usually wanted here, and need now- only buyers. ■ W N. TILLINGH VST. Sept'r’Jii. 1>57. lO-Gw •1V*r Stork of HOOKS A.\i) stationi:rv. L are now receiving our usual New Stock of ▼ T liooks and St.itionery, embracing a great variety of Noliool, and IIiw- Hooks. Together with a larire and varieil Stock of HL.VNK Hooks, PAPEK. envelopes, \c. Country .Mer.’haiits and others are invited to call as WM ..tier the above slock on the l»est terms. E. J. HALE & SON. Scpt'r 2H. NTI'DVil.WS mi)\ ru UK IIIK TITI.K OK \ LITERARY PERIODICAL, r»» HK i;i iU.I-illKO 11 O T II I. Y , IN THK TOWN (IF SAKE.M. N()RTH IWROLINA, UV ANDREW J. STEDMAN, A MEMHEH OF THE NOHTH-CAHOLINA HAK. SN offering to the Public my Magazine, I claim for the Editorial Chair no superiority over that de partment ot'other like Peri-jdicals; but I do claim for the talent of North Carolina, and the South generally, that will f)e brought to its support. Southern patron age. ,\nd I .also, ;i>j ;i Southern man, and ihe Editor of 11 Southern Magazine, claim at the hands of the Soutliern C'liiiitr’, and especially of North Carolina, that .aid and support that will here, at home, estafilisli, upon a tirm basis, ji fountain (d‘ Liter.ature, and ex clusively a Home Liti'rary .Magazine. Many are the Magazines now published in the .N»Aern States that are tlooijing the whole .Southern country. 'I*here is n..t, lit is probalile,) a county in any Southern .'state tliat is not visited by “Harper,’’ “tiraham, " ••Peterson," or ••Godey;” while here, in North C^irnlina and the .s^outh, where genius unsur passed and uneiiualed reigns, the literary talent that is brought into exercise is ded'cated to the support of Northern Magaiine.-, while .Southern enter|)rise, taste and talent bow in hmnlile subiuis.sion to such suicidal policy of .Soutljeni cotilrihufors. W iiy, 1 ask, cannot ir-—Nortli ('.irolina, the South — send greeting to our .'southern clime .a Magazine, accejitable for th;' m:tnr 'pi ilities that adorn the ptiges of the most ch.iste, elegant and prdite Periodicals'.' 11 is true that the South has her .Magazines; bill few in number are they, and unknown, coiiipiired to the puli- lications of the North, which every mail brings to our homes, filled with the result of liired l.abor, .ind teem ing with unpardonatile s^-ditiou. Then I appeal to North C.ar(>lina au'l other Southern States to aid me in my enterprise, and in jiromoting a literary taste amongst those upon whom, as a South ern man, I have cl.iims My .M ig.izine will be of the usual size; and nothing will be iidmitted to its pages but such article.s as will met't tlie approval of the tiuint fastidious. It shall be llliislriititl willi I'n2niviii2s and IMalf.s, of the most elegant texture, eiiualing in beauty .and style any' execiited .at the North. My [irice of subscription is THHIU-L DOLL.VHS per year, which is rciuired to be paid in advance, as the e.xpense to be incurred in establishing such a publica tion will not admit of ji credit system. B-'ry"' Th‘ h 'trst Sunifii r inll h- issui 1 -7 Jttnunru 1 A. STEDM.\N, Editor and Proprietor. Sept’r 1, lHo7. 40- N. I>. .M}" A'ldruss until the Lstof November will be Pittsborough, N. C.—after th.at time it will be Salem, N. C. !a}!mhcrfott ^ Idrcrlisf ntrut. The Suliscriber is now receiving his Stock of Fall and Wiiilci* fiiood!«, Cotiiprising every tiling in the way of DRV (JOODS, such as -Merinos, Atp.icas, DeLaines, Cashmeres and Ginghams, for i.udies' Dresses. .\lso, Calicoes, Lin- seys, bleached and unbleached .'shirtings, Drillings, Osnaliurgs, Kerseys, Kentucky Jeans, Sattinets,‘Cas- simeres, for Pants, iVc. KE.VDV-M.ADE CLOTHING, of the best matcrials and good workmanshijt. HOOTS and SHiJES. for Men and Hoys: also, a good assort ment of Ladies’ and Mibses' Shoes. Trimmings for Ladies’ l>resses; P>onncts, Mantillas and Cloaks, of the latest fashion. H.\T.S and C.'\P.S of all sorts, ami Ti;L'NKa oi' all sizes; besides M.A.KI>W.\KK, GUOCE- Kli;s, and a variety of other Gooils, wliich 1 will sell low tor Cash, or upon short crclit to reliable and ]iroiiipt paving customers. S. W. EHHANT. I.uniherton, N. (' , Sept. 21, 1857. H-2m 'ITic Ivcoular Annual Mcetinir of the Stockhohlers of the W ILMINGTON, CHARLOTTE it KUTIIEUFOKI) RAIL ROAD COMPANY will be held in the town of Charlotte, County of Mecklenl>urg, on the od Wednesday in October next, the same being the 21«.t d.iy of the month. The transfer book will be closed for one Month prior to said day. II. W. GUION, Pres’t. Sept. I.'), 1857. 4-l-t021 Ri:WARD. V l‘' )om was f ircibly entered on Sunday night S. the PUh of September, by some -anknown person or ])ersons, wlio took from my desk !J!8G2 in Bank Bills ami ^811 in Gold a nl Silver. I will give the above named rew.ard for the a[iprehcnsion of the thief and '•ecovery of tne inoney, cr ^50 for either. O. P. LUTHER. Rockingham, Richmond Co., Sept. 15. [44-10 DllY «.>OI)!S .'IT rt,OU.IE, COMyLfMitlE. ^■^IlE Subscriber expects to receive his Fall and JL Winter Goods in a few days; his stock this sea son will be found unusually aUractive, comprieed in part of a large assortment of Staple Goods; Luilies’ l>ro«s Goods; Ready- inude Glotliing; l?oots; Shoes; Hate; Caps; Bounut.s; Cloaks; Talmas; In fact, everything usually found in a Dry Goods Store, .all of which will bw sold to suit tht t'.n.ts to casli and prompt paying custom-'rs. .At No. 1, Floral .\venue, is the place to find chea)>, good and handsome Goods Hear this in mind. EDMUND LILLY. Sept. 4, 1857. 40-'»tf C J. &, il. H. JONl.S .Vre receiving their F.-VLL AND WINTER Stock of FANCY DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, W'hich they will sell at their usual low prices, in jiart as follows,— I'kE LAINS, all kinds; JLW All Wool Plaids: Col’d Merinoes; Col’d Silks and Black; Rich Robes A’Quille; Chenille Shawls; Do. Scarfs, all silk; Long Shawls for Gentlemen; Do. for Servants: Cloth and Velvet Cloaks; French Robes, Volant: Do. for .Misses; Nett Coats for (’hildren; Long B:'ocha Shawls; Merino Shawls, white; Opera Flannel, Plain and Col’d, Quilted Skirts; Do Hoops; Fine and Common Blankets: Cotton, Silk, and Woolen Hosiery; Do. Fancy, for Children; Kid, Silk, Merino, Cotton (ilovesfor Ladies; Chenille Head Dresses: ('henilles by the yard; Bonnet Ribbons; do. plain; Fringes and Salom, all colors; Black Velvets; Hl’k and Col d Belts; Mulberry Buttons for Dresses; Thread, Swiss, Jackonett, Bobbin, and Cotton Edgings; Black Lace and Edgings; Emb’d Hhdkfs, Collars, Sleeves and Hands; Love and Lace Veils; Bonnets, llats and Caps; —ALSO— A nice variety of Men’s, Ladies’, and Children’s SHOES. Also, Men and Boys tt'fitter VlotMnffy i'heap. —XLEO— l*ERFl MKRY, S^fAPS, and many other Fancy Articles. | Sept. 11, 1857. 42-3m i RK.MOVAr.. nGR.\H.\M has removed to the store formerly • occujiied by Dr. Foulkes, on the comer east of the Fayetteville Hotel, Hay street, where he is just re ceiving his r.ltjgj .MA'n Wi.VTEK STOiH OF KKADY-MADE CLOTHING, ' Ol tli(‘ Lat‘st Styles, ('onsisting in part of (h rr-Cixits, /fri‘s., Froc/c mnf JiuiiiitfKS ('itats; I Shirfti (intl (’j//or.s, l>riii', rs, Flannel Shirts ami Prainrs; Susj)eni/t‘rs, ('rarat., Merino and Cotton dc. c£r. He also keeps constantly on hand, a fine assortment of H()t>TS AXI> SHOES, 1 l-'mbrelhis, and Carpet Bags ■All those wishing to purchase cheap and tine suits of clothes, wouhl ilo well tocall and examine tJraham’s Stock, as he is prepared to sell as low as any in this miirket Sept. 12 42 2m. BOEKIJ AVE’S ilOLlAMt IMni;KS I GF.O. ALDERMAN, filspertor of ,Vftval ,^/oiv's, WILMINGTON, N. C., N'OLICITS patronage. Prompt attention and quick despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. June 23, 1857. 19-12mpd FOR Tllli FILL l.\i) \H\TER 1851! JI ST UKCIvIVED, (CnU soon. Secure a (!nod Bargain and Savt Monti/,) One ol tlie Largest, Handsomest {iiui Cheapest Stocks of Keadff^mJfiaae Clothing^ for Gentlemen’s wear, ever brought to this Market, and no mistake! Also, a Magnificent assortment of lloy’js and Ciolliiii^, Boy's Suits and Extra Jacksts of all colors of Cloth, roit K.ill. ^OAI> —Re.ady to rorwardinjr and General (-Oininissinn i Contractors with any quantity of Clothing, at ^ a very low figure. A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C, .luly 0, 18-57. 22tf Worth & Utley, MERCHANTS, JTayeftcvUlc^ .1*. t\ J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. UTLEY. John p. sa vii>son, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. W'ill give particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, &c. Feb'y 25, 185G. S5-tf i W. H. TURLING-TON, ! renimission Merchant, No. 42 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. C. WILL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country Produce. Nov. 8, ISotj. J.\MES C. SMITH. .MII.K.S COSTl.V JAS. C. SMITH & Co., Fdctors^ ('ommissio7i ind I'orwardifis^ MERCHANTS. NO. 2 SOUTH WATER STREET, UP ST.\IRS. WILMINGTON, N. C. Oct. 21, I80G. 50-V JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. C 41 .^1 n B 41 \ AND h'()RA RI )ING M ERC H A N I', Jitgr Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and ('ash advances made on Produce to l>e ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. f,7 T. c. cV i{. (;. woR'rn, Commission l^'orwardin*^ Merchants, BROWN’S BUILDING, WATER STRKKT, %%'^iliiiiiivrtoii, 1'. Usual advances made on consignments. Jan’y 17, 1855. (i3-tf TIIK CKIJ'IBUATKD 1101,1 AND KKMKDY FOR BTSP3BPSrA, l>ISKVSK «F Tin: KIDNKTS, LIVER COIVIPI-AINX, WEAKNESS OF KIND, FEVER AND AGUE. Anil ihe v.irimis airectioiis ronsecjiient upon (tisiirdeml STOMACH OR LIVER, Such ;is Indiecstion. .Aridity of the Stomach, Colicky I’alns llrMrihurn. I.oss of Aiijietite, Krspondenry. ('ostivrness, Hlind.ind Itloi tlin" I’ilps. In all Nervous, ilhcuiMiitic. and \eiir^tli!ic Aliec- tion'i.il h is in niiiiicroiK inst.iiires proveil hiahly lirnetirial, and in olhrrs ellVctt'd a (leridrd run’ Tlii-, is a imrely ve-jetahle coiiipoiind, (irepared on strictly scien title |irinriplt", ail*T llip manner of the celebrated Holland Pro- ft-ssor, !tt>erhav*.. Hcrause of its ereat success in iiu»st of the Eumiioan .''tales, it^ intPMlm tion into the United States was in teni^i’d more especially for tho^e of otir fatherland scattered here I and there over ttic iHre of this iiiiL'hiy i uiinlry Meetinc with | LToal Mil l fs ;iiMoni! Ilieiii. 1 now olfer it to tin' Aiiierii aii pnlilic, ' kninvlni; that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues iiiiisl l>f ac knovv leilueit. i ll is p.irticnlarly rcc.ouiinended lo those persons whose constitii | tions may have hren impaireil Iiy the lontiimous u^e ofardent ■ spirits, or other foiiiis of diss patioii. lli’nrrally instantaneous in t'Ifecl. it linils its way directly t(» 111*; .-.e.-it of life. IhriHinu aiul ' (Hiii keiiin;: rvery nerve, raising up the drooplni: spirit, and, in | fai l, intiisinc new health anil vi;>or in the system. ; .M » TICIC—Whoever expects to find this a lieveri;e will lie dis , appointe.i; hut to the sic k, weak and low spirited, it will prove a Urateliil aromatic cordial, possessed ofsin^ular rcmeiiial properties .A ti T I (I : 'Pile "reat (Hipularity of this delitfhtfnl .Aroma has iniliiced many imitations, which the public should "Uanl against piirchasini:. i lie not prr'ii ided to liiiv anythin;! else until you have "iven Itot-r | have’s Holland Bitters a f.iir trial. >ni’ liotlleuill convince you how inlin'tely superior it is to all these imitations .JOSEPH IJAKEK, .lit., A TTO K \ i: V % T I. A \V , H.AS taken an ortice next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street, lie will jittend :ind practice in the County ;ind ."Superior ('ourts of (’umber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. .March 2;'., I85;i. 7'.)-tf LOVEIil) E[d)l!H)(iE. •lltornf'lf til WILL attend the Courts of Johnston atul Samp son (’ouuties. I Smithtield, .April 15, 185(>. ^H;-tf i THO. O. FULLER, • Mtlornfif and €'oit»»srtlor at t^aiv. OFFICK at Ki^cles's Bridge, recently occu[.ied by James Banks, Ks«i., Fayetteville, ’ ■ Jan’y 1, 1857. TOtf “ I. A \V' c: 01 ‘ A R r N1: R S H H WK, the undersigned, have this day forme.I a Law Copartnership, and will pr.ictice in the Courts ot the following counties of this .State: Chatham, Cum bcrland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. II. IIAUGHTON. .»NO. MANNING. Pitt'iborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 185(i. T2tf Ml*. K. A. RI.At'K. OFFICK Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinslale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, 1850. 7fi-tf \\ rail tlie attention of WHOIJ’.- SAI.E DEAl.EIIS 'SIO our present Stock,—atid we have recently rc- S ceived — • bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and .lava Coifee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Refined, Crusfied and Powdered, ‘•*5 boxes .S[ierm, .Vdaiiiantine atnl T.-ilIow Candles, Gb do Fancy :ind assorted Candies, 10() coils Kentucky, .lute and .M.inilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carli. Soda, i 40,000 Cigars, various braii'ls, , —AL.SO— 1 Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves. .Nutmegs, ISorax, j Madder, Indigo, Spanish iirown, IJrimstone, Fancy ; and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, liar Lead, White fi’.iKt per I.ottie, or six i.otfies for i?.--..!)!!, by the ! Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in very I’Oat «0.\T A large lot of P. Jackets and Over Coat.s; also, fancy Flannel Over Shirts and I’aiits—very cheap. A very extensive assortment of Ciood^, Fine Linen and Fancy Mar seilles Shirts and Collars, L'nder-garments of heavy Silk and Meriuo, Socks, Cravats. Gloves, H'dk’fs, Sus penders, iS:c. ISOO'I’.^ :iiil —From tlie heaviest Water-Proof to the finest Pump and Fair Stitched, Philadelphia made; Ilal« iiiid of all de scriptions. Fr‘iirli Tra«4‘lliii;; Triiiik>— Extra large sizes: Bonnet Boxes; Gents’ Knglish Sole Leather, Spanish Iron Frame and Packing Trunks; Fnglish Sole Leather Valices, and others; a new style of Travelling Bags (very couveniout;) Gentlemen’s Shawls and Fancy Buggy Blankets: genuine Havana Segars; Umbrellas; W'alking Canes; ludi.a Rubber Over Coats, Leggings and Samlals; also. Over Shoes for Ladies: and a great variety of Fancy Goods too nu merous to mention. All which will be sold at wholesale or retail very low for cash or on time to prompt paying customers, (irateful for the liberal jiatronage heretofore extended to me, 1 resj.ectfully solicit a continuance of the same. GEORGK BRANDT, South side Hay Street, Opposite G. W. Williams & Co. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept. 17, 1857. 43-tDI W. II. CARVER Is now receiving big Fall Stock of GOODS, which is large and well selected. A call from old friends and the [lublic generally is solicited. .My stock is too varied to enumerate; every one can find something that they want by calling. All kinds of produce tiilien in exchange I'nr Goods. W. II. C.VRVER. Sept. 17, 1S57. 4:Jtf NOriCE. 4T SKPTK.MBKR Term, 1857, of the (hiurt of Pleas anil (Quarter .'sessions of Cumberland coun ty, the last will and testament of James Dobbin, dec’d, was admitted to I’roliate, and letters testament ary were granted to the suliscriber. All persons in- delited lo the testator are requested to make early payment. Those having claims against his Estate must present them iii due time, or this notice will )je pleaded in bar d’a recovery. ■ANNLS.S HU.SKE, Executrix. Sejit. 15, l».')7. i'i-Cjvi NOriCE. tT .'September Term 1S57, of the (Jourt of Pleas and Quarter .'^essiniis for the County of (Jumljerland, the subscriber having i|nalitied as .\dministrator upon I the Estate id' John .McLaiiriii, notifies all persons in- deljted te tlie Estate to make immt'diafe payment, and all persons liaviiij; claims a;jainsl the said Estate to jireseiit them prop«‘rly authenticated within the time prescribed by law, otherwise this nofice will be pleaded in liar of their recovery. D. .McLAURlN, Adm'r. Spt. 1), 1^^',7. t;Jtf ' W HJJAM SANDEORI), »F NORTH CAROLINA, With REED, ST. JOHN & CO., Wholesale Grocers. N. Iv ('uK. Fk(»nt am* Arch Streets, /•/# ilaftefplna. ■\iig. lit, B. l^.: -lim ary-.-old at SOI. r, (• K (t P l( I I'.TO R s. I'AOi:, .IK. A CO. .M A N f F » r T f R I N O PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS. I’lTTsnuRtm, Pa. .Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June 14, 1857. D»- 31. HOOK lfl,\l>KUY W. H.\RDIE has resumed the Book Binding Business, over the Tailor Shop of Clark iV Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding in any style desired. August 1. 27tf GUANo! TONS No. 1 PERUVLVN GUANO, for sale by WORTH A UTLEY. Aug. 28. 38- More j\ew Goods. ^IlllE subscriber is receiving his F.\LL AND WIN- -M- TER STOCK, consisting of almost every thing in the way of (GROCERIES, liardtvare and iMoUow^trare., —ALSO— lioots and Shoes, Saddlery, Fish, &c., Any of which he will sell cheap for Cash, barter for Produce, or on short time. Store recently occupied by Troy & Marsh, near the Dobbin H.iuse. Boxes, Eagle .Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and i’.lack I Teas, Hollow-Ware, Sw^edes Iron, English, (ierinaii. 1 and Cast Steel: Plows, Straw Cutters, (.’orn Shelleis, j Sausage Cutters and StuflTers, Trace Chains, Sole ! Leather, &c., &c. The above Goods we offer on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. D. & W. McLAURlN. Nov. 0, 185*3. 54tf r.ANI) EOR SAr.E. H -Vi'RES OF L.\ND lying on upper i Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well locate'l for theTur{ientiiie business. It will be solil on accommodating terms. Api>ly soon to the Subscriber ut Fayetteviiie WM. McL. .McK VY. Sept. 22, 1856. 11-tf WOOL ROLf.S. WOOL carded with dispatch at Blount’sCrctk Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, ('otton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. .McNEILI.. Junel854. 7-tf G. W. 1. Oct. 15, 1856. GOLDSTON. 48tf DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S CELEBRATED RYE \VHISKE\! ’'^I'^HE subscriber has made arraogements to keep a I supply of the Genuine Article, and is the only •\gent for the sale ol the above brand of \ No. 1 Rye Whiskey in this place. ROB’T MITCHELL. May 4, 1857. 5tf F. PEARCE & CO., DE.U.ERS IN FORElliX .\Nl) DilMESTlC DRY (iOODS, HATS, CAPS, r.OOTS AND SHOES, [ nihrcllax and Jttady-Made Clothim/, IIAV STREET, t'affvtteville^ .V. €. It. V. I'K.VHl K.] [j. w. PKAIICK, JB. July OU. 2l)-tf FOR SaTe. 4 DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; tine and common TOBACCO; and almost anything in the (Jrwcery lino. Cheap a.s the che.apestl G. W. 1. GOLDSTON. Jan'.y 27, 1's-'i7. 77- W. N. J'ILiJN(;HAST Is now receiving a large and well assorted Stock of t'liiiia, and t^artlioiiuaiv, liookiii;;: ISriltaiiia, «»! l*lali‘fl War‘, Fancy llarduart^. He invites the ,‘itteiition of Country Merchants to his Stock, and is s.atistied that they caiiu »t find a (letter assortment of (.io.i Is for their tra le. or ciie iper i when delivered at their -ioors.) iji one House anywher- . Sejit. .‘i'.t 2in i'Oii SALE. BBLS. of M. h K. ,\n ER’S .'^Ul'KBloR .8)^ VVIIl.Ki;V. ’I'liis Wliiskey comes very highly recoiiiiueiided: said to be fully eijii.al to any Nortfi Carolina nrike, and warr.inted free from any imjuirity. WORTII ,V UTLEV •\ug. :;2. l.'s-')7. ob- I'OR SALE. f.llowiiig V.\HJAIii,K RE\L K.-^f.XTi:. the ]iriip,-rty of C. Hall, dec’d, is oifered f.ir sale, ;iiid consists ()f tiie following tr.-icts: Tliilt (icsirai)le place known :is Knnif, ciMifaiii- iiig abou 2i0 .Acres, with all the iiii(.rovetneiiis. 'I’liis place will b- Hold entire or dividi-I, to --uit juindia.sers, it l.t'ing probably one of tiie be.«t liii.'-iness .stall Is in the c r.ntry, and is very desirable to those wishiiig to enter the mercantile business. Nit. 2, (h.ii^i'is of a Lot and l>rick Store, (2 tenements,) in Ctimpbellton, on Bridge Street, near (Hareodon Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for business. No, I), Is Th.'co vacant Lots in Canipbellton, known in city plot as Nos. 10‘J, 111, 112, and half of lot 113. No. 4, Is a Dwelling House anti Lot on Hay- mount, corner of 1‘lank Road and Adams St. A very desirable residence for the whole year. No. Ls u Coro Mill and isteaiii Engine and Boiler, of lU or 15 horse power. This is well worth the attention of those living where water j'ower is not available, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms i-pply to J. 11. HALL, Assignee. \ugust I, 1K57. :W-tf idOO Aug. 22 COIiN. BUS. CORN, for sale by WORTH & UTLEY. 36* % \

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