krris ■A l-'iKsi; in rioHs wnt” stni kt'ii el, K'lf nnii: i>f listcv l» h , >utr-i ■ t ->j lor t( It f:», to Jlovri W f;ni- lini't ir 111 t w, in : uu : il'IIOI 'T! II n ■ t . ''iirnli. it ' *i‘ • Ion:, s a or-«. •v A toe : f th- N K N \| 1..1 ; ■ ■ . >ane. \ e \|. . ap. Pap • ni:i:.. of t: tyi war. • r 1! eci:il umiiinr >t S' .r, V ^ igned ' ,v *. Fi O’.'-iiV- t’ e, or! 1 y.if is urch own , . t* t . ' ly eon ur • e "on > :*• .i ' ’ ?r St i'. - :i’ :■ r ;■ forn neni - - ■■ip, w‘ t ■ • rise i I :r - adv:ini e , -T ■»! Je! 1 six ni - 2’> r m..rv. T.ivi:,K is sent ' ^ one , ; , :>e al' I'.v '■ t. ' mr Mn de.iui r . r MS cau- hers :i 1 ■ / t i' , r • obtain th;s (>r . th. fi. -• n : iful 1 . V - . 1 ■ hs b . ' t* ■ ; , . re w wir'., ,1. on :i' - . d ■ )ii li'i t ■ ' ■ ■ • Nori r > |*r... RIODICAL, f. ■ I L f , )KTII C VK-tLlM. STEDMAN, ni-i • K'li. NA r.AK aua! :.n i no It su' i. I ■■ Ir- a fastiM li • iIll's Jill;! riiili'. ;- -Lah ii'l itl : ' ^ isllilr.' - !t I’U* ysteJji Mini’I i ■■ V. J. ' i i. ■ - tor 1 the I cr tli )K>. Mi..- II; It ■■ iite ii- : ! riie I:. ' i’; A'fcl;' ■■ er S' i' ' ' I J. !l \ l.i. N v^-ni! 'r .11 >TH •' Wf/ l' Jfjlif- I now li. ■ ,UCh../UV‘ i- K"'"' J. II \i.K - MINS I Kl‘■ ceiv( I. .J. i' ' -.iN. \! nst *1.1 ^ I Kili> ' I ifol-t'.li. ' owiir,' T1 l;ul ■] t" I"’’ '■ N VIIIK ) p>iy i JOHN M' [. C’., ' ■,7. , tiiln New and Cheap Goods! .l\M!:s KVLi: JS now rocfivin" a liivgo and itMioral siijij>l_v ol' l>ry (lOdils. anioncr wliicli are sploniliil jirosh (Joods, 'viili every article in the hry (iOckU line. .\ll cl' wliieli, it'injr vnrcl'.aseU 1)V the i>ack!i"c, will lie otlVreil liv I'tinlesale or rt'tail at a small ailvance for casli or oji •inie to i*nnotnal customers Fayetteville, Sej't'r'JO, 1 8">7. Iti-tf • Vttr Storh' of !U)OKS AND s r \ rio.M:rv. T n are now reoeivinj; otir usual New Stock of r.ooks au'l Slationerv, onihracitij* a great \.irii'ty of 4*4‘llail(‘OIIM lt4»ol4«». 'r.'-retlier ^vith a larjrc and varied Sti i;«>oKS. I’Al’KH, KNVi;i.(»l*KS. \c. t'ountry Meifhants and i>thers are invue' we otVer the almve stock on the 1" st fcim«. i: .1. ii.\i,K Sejit'r '.JS \oL. \H i ■:iri:si> A vs. >M IIALK A S(l\. \V(' I’K-nMni'TnllS (to ir jiaid in the t'ar of h: '• ex]'ired i:vi.i: 0(1 |H‘i .irnnun, it j it paid dnrinir tiie xcarol'siil liter the vc:ir expire ^^l'^'^S in-'Ortcd for >i.\tv cent Ihe tir-t. an.l thirty cents loi \ e.i !•' V lvcrtiements ) r:it-. Vdvi'rtisi'i ei tioii . doii and I iiar;r»'d 1.1: \ n It [ liil t\.. 1 AIM) hi i‘,i!!ii,liment tl!]! ] I', -■■n- ntlen,. ! =>t' F .vrttevili 1 tilM; he , t,. ,1] lent ill- III ;i M'll'Cllt I I., the l adi. resju- tfnlh n a 1»AN( IN’: iri vt-n tel, will I'salmodisl 1 !0\ nithcr -iipi'lv jiivt recei\ 11. y 'ii \Li; .V ifi’hii’r SifitpiK’s o/ tSoohs. L \ \ i ‘ .II AN. 'iv (lie .\utlior of the Lan»[ in all t'.iroliiiian Itiine. For sale l>y (fitrncifuttin f'ssor mm mm e w SFiMil.W BKIfclvl’ FA'l KTI'I’A JI.i.l’,, N. ( .NOVKMr.!',!! 2, I8:'.7. (N(1. 056.] NI'fOM) STOCK! STARR & WILLIAMS 111’ now receiviii}! Til KIU SF.’>N 1> STOCK Fdl! THIS Sl'ASON, eniliracinji, llrv 3la^, mill ^Ia4l«‘-ii|> 4'loliiiii^ wliicii ihev iinite the atlention ot W'liolfsale liuv- i\ J. iV \re receiviiiir th(>ii FA 1,1, !l. JOXI'IS \Ni> winthi; sf..,k J. V. |j,L! \M 1>M. i) 0 TTS n O Si O f iPf, K.wrv .V DiniKSTir m (;oi'!>s j.ri l> the atlention ;;enerall v. J, M \V 11,1.1 \ .M> 1“ tf d to eall SON Which the}' wi'.i sell at lli‘ir u-^n-il low a'^ t'olh>\\ ,K I.AINS. all kind- All Wo.d I'laid-; Col’d M.’iin.iC': Coi'd Siiks :ind I’dack. I!ii h Holies V'linillc: 'henille Sha« 1-: l>o. Si-art's. all sili;; Ijotnr Shawls for ienlieiiiciK l)o. tor Servants; riotli and \'elvet Moaks; l''rench I’udies, \olanl: Uo. lor Misse.-; Nett (’oats for »'liildr' ii; I.onr liroeha Shaw!.-; Merino Shaw'.s, while; Opera Kl.innel. 1‘lain .m l (’ol'd, (.•iiilteil Skirls; 1»0 Moops; Fine .and 'i,iiinion I’lankets; Cotti n, Silk, and U inlcii Hosiery; l»o. F iiicy. for Ciiildren; Kid, Silk, Merino, ('ottoii I'lloves fui (''henille lleail Ih'e-ses. ('henilles hy the y.ird: ili'iiiiet Hililions; do plain; Friii;,ie- aiid Salem, all cidors; I’dack Velvets; 151'k and (’ol d lielts; Mnllierrv IJuii iii^ t r lMes-s; Thread, Swiss, .l:icki>nrtl, {•ul.liiii. and ('otton |-'di;:ii;'-.;; I’.l lek l.a'-e and Fdtiin^s; Fiiih'd ilhdkf-i. ('ollar-, Sleevi l.ove and Lace X'eils; . Ill p r pi, M IV r\(;i' iii.iy he f'aind at his ollicc when lo'i iiiallv eiii;a'.'*d. hWI!) \i( DIM-'KIK, SSrirlf litasiUi tfntf S'^lifstcrer pi ep ii iMl It) dll .all kind-.; of w ni-1, in his line the ]'iiltiiii; u)i of I’lir] ciinini i I h>- adjiiiiiin;; cninlies. •'a_\i iie\iilc. ,\|.ril '27. IS in- ntine Stills in tiii'^ ;!-lV-,id W ILLI \M SANDFOUI). OF NolITil I'AIIOMN.V, Willi H K I-: i). ST. .10 II X ('(I. Wholesale Grocers. N Iv (’ok. Fiio.nt am> Aik'II SriiKi'.i's, ilaiU'lith ia. 'Ai*IC I'EAR f.AM)S roit K.v 1.1). 1 Sni'scriher offer!^ for sale that very valuable ^ i?L I’L.^NTATION known as the “Blocker Land,” situated on the l^ast side of the Cape Fear, four wiles . ticlow Fayetteville. The L.uid frwntu the Kiver a half iii'i'.f ii:d rniis hack two niile.s, and consists of about Ihin lred Aitcs. The soil is of every variety coin- )!i •!! to this resion; enibraeinn; the light sandy, loanij’, ci.ay, river low grounds, and very rich sw^amp hi'.ids,— Ilf tiie la.'t named about fifty acrus are under cultiva tion, and arc as good as any in the county. The bal- ! anee of the swamp (abnut 100 or 1 50 acres) can be very iM-i'y drained through ditches already cut to the I iliv.r. or to Lock’s ('reek, which runs across the, ! mi Idle of the tract Of the whole tract there is about | either by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal discouut Hlstorff 0¥ AOKTII CAKOIillTA. The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General Agent for the State, H. W. ITorne of this place, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price varies according to style of binding: In handsome elotli -i!! in Library Sheep !j;l 50; in half Calf $1 75. 1 r IS soi.n only for Cash. None will be charged. Aui IS. B. F. PEARCE & CO., i>i:\i,i;iis IN FOREIIi.N AM) DD.MK.STil' DRV CdODS. II \ rs, CAl’S, FooiS ANh SIIOHS, / inliii'/fa! (liiil Ii'l Ili/i/- Mdih: (UoflliiK/, \\\\ STllKKT, i'aifrtU-viUi', .li Iv :'.n .n: •i'.i-tf >11 1 li.iii.l' ALDLUMAN, tusitvrlor of S/tn'f’%, lioniiet- S!iii'!e\, i v (,'uirer l>ell; MorinoniMii, Muilhie's llist. ry .if Turkey; Muss the r.iir.iin'S Tautphieii-;; Mn lern il, !•_. .t C .Stiles; Maic.nn's li.itler's \\. M litield' Aiiierii'an House Car[ienler; Noctes i 111: ro: i inae. IMit‘d by l»i McKi'ii. ie; Kane'- .Arctic 1. \iihir.iti^in.--; Appb l'in - ('yelojiedia i-t' llingraphy; ,v. . i: .1. H \1,K SON t’l W AA Ti:i>! nii.i.s (IK Tin: in\hs ok this st\tk ww SlUTIi (’\KOI,l>(\. • ■ '" '"i '■ vt*n wiiii'ii CHOICE GOODS will be given, at t.iir prices, P' hK iiiir llir Siilisrrilii r.will l»c ('iiiicrllcii tii liic r\triit Ilf III! pri'M'iiicil, 1 liiaiit i t ihe -«;uliscriher returned as ]>remium ’iv. li:tt. r.;;-»tpd ilife IIV#ish'eu. iliUiS. ;.-ennirie ‘-old Nick." WOUTII .V UTLKV Taitor tl\tnfcffl '■ il'si-ri'nT wishi'' t i employ a .lourneymaii ir, a ci'i'd workman. MONAGHAN. Oo-4t IIOLISTOA. >1. ({riislcy in llic Walrli and Jewelry Hiisiiiess.) I'SPLTTFI LLY calls the atten tion Ilf the ladies and gentlemen of Fayeiieville, and his friemls at a ■ t i.; f.ict, an 1 begs ari accejitance of thanks ' • n:-;.;eto fhe late firm, Beasley X Houston; til' >uHine^> in his own name, deter- i a li' ir :! T'fi'roiiacro by correct dealing . w;ll favor him wii’; their custom. Me ': i l;u 'e 'tock "f tine .ud Silver Watches and Jewelry, >f th latest sidles out: Fin ('uthni, s, ’.s' >: ftnl lu- 7.V, ]$ '//. .' / Flnr Yiolitta^ -.1,.,,,, ^.... rh-. ])■ uLh- f '■ /f'n Hull ■.ill, r Piiiljilsj j il ' J I , .ieweli,. carefully repaired: Ac- ly tnne.i; .and hiii^raving handsomely ^ T. liOl'SToN. y:;tf iCiv i; WILL SIILL, on Frid.iy the Oth day of No- ■ fiii’ i-r ne-.t. at the r.-sidenee of I). IJoyd, •u ■ [iri j.i I ty. viz: 1 I’ortable Steaui in pi -.-I of 1>. A. i'i.yd. and in e.\cel- onier; 1(1 of Mules; I Horses; Id • I'l III-id id' lIii;i.N 10 liead of Cattle; a tine Set . T all his I’lank and Farm- ; kflj '■'hare, in the Fayetteville iV Albeni.trle id; .VC., -Vi;. in 'ii the aiiove we will sell the following ■I Li. d; A Tract lyiii;/ ill tin ('.lunty of liiclim(.n«i, v. .tors of browning Creek, and known as the Land, and recently bought of .loseph Thoinj)- Two oflicr Tracts in thu inini(Mliato vieinity I 'lVe .McLeod hind. 'i'ile DiHi-.-'-ixtli part of a ll),OUU acre grant hn M( Kellar, on the waters of Urowning Creek ■ iiiiiiind ( ounty. Ml. Idij Aen s lying in tlie (’ount)’ of Mont- on th. waters of Little Hiver, adjoining the F. .Martin, 1) !''iywoO'l and Robert lioyd, raci. in tlir .same vicinity. II. CAllMCU 1> now receiving his raii stock- or o o n w liich is large and well selected. A call from dd friends and tlie public generally is solicited. .My stock is too v.ii ieii to enumerate; every one can find something that they w.ant by calling. .\11 kitnls of produce taken in exchange for (ioods. \V. H. CMIVKII Sept. 17, l''.')7. 4otf riUJNdMAS'l' Is now receiving a l.arge and well assorted Stock of 'liiiia. 4>la'««i., and l'^artli‘ii«var', liookiiij? Krittaiiia, aii«l Plated Wai*«s Fancy Ifiood^^ A: IIohm* Hardware. He invites the attention of Country Merchants to his Stock, and is s.itislied that the}’ cannot find a better as-iortment of (}oods for their trade, or cheaper ^when delivered at their doors,) in one House anywhere. Sept. :5. o'.*-‘_’m stw. f*r.Mi^PL,.iTF:n r.VSTOKS (20 I’atterns;) Cake r.ASKKTS (10 shapes;) (’andle-Sticks; Snuft'ers and Trays; Cups; Spoons; French Forks; Ladles and l?utter- Knives. S and I'J oz, plate; !)essert Knives; Pie Knives; A:c. All of which were . bought frmn thr V'linufiti'ii- . rt-rf with cii^h and will be oflered at less profit Ihnn sii(di Goods are ustially sold. f^i/iiiished Tin Tea I’ots; ('ortee Tots; Urns; Biggins; and Filters; Oyster-Stews; Steak-Dishes; Plate and Dish ('overs: Tea Kettles, and other useful articles. Tea Trays and Waiters, some beautiful, in Sets. Britannia TE.\ and COFFKK POTS; Spoons (the best;) Candle sticks; Lamps; Pitchers, i&c. A good stock of B.\SKETS. LOOKI.V€A €^L,.1SSF.S of superior quality; every size, from a Shaving (Jlass to large Parlor Mirrors. Tin Chamber Sets; common tiKwv Tin Ware Wood Ware. In short, I have a complete stock of articles in mj* line, which are usually wanted here, and need now only buyers. W. N. TILLINGHAST. * Sepf’r‘20, 1857. 4G-Gw KNIVES and FORKS. VOllY handle Knives, with and without Forks; , Knives with tv, j prong Steel Forks, at 1 10 to 1 CO ] (‘r Set. Also, a complete stock of other rpialities. For sale at the Crockery Store at ver}- low jirices. W. N. TILLINGHAST. ‘ Sept'r 2tj. 4()-(>w ; RKMON AL. GRAHAM has removed to the store formerly occupied by Dr. Foulkes, on the corner east of ; the Fayetteville Hotel, Hay street, where he is just re ceiving his ! FniWjlj .f.l'## STOVMi OF KEAI)V-MA1)5: CLOTHING, Oftlic r.iitcst Stylos, Consisting in part of ()rrr-(!oat>t, Dr*s.s, Frorl: mil? Jiui>iness Panta. 1 V'.‘.7.s, Shirfx ami ('oUnrs^ Drawers, Fhtnnel Shirts und Drdtre.vA} Su»pniiJcrs, Cm vat x, Merino and Cotton //w, »f v. d'c. He also keeps constantly on hand, a fine assortment of BOOTS AND SHOES, Umbrellas, and Carpet Bags. All those wishing to purchase cheap and fine suits of clothes, would do well to call ami examine Graham’s Slock, as he is prepared to sell as low as any in this market. Sept. 12. 42 2m. roR saij:. rgiHK following VALUAliLK KHAL KSTATU. the property of F. (3. Hall, dee’d, is olfered for sale. il (Miililriii’.-i '""t Alsi Ifiiilrr FFini mi:n) , ILit-i ind ( ALSO A nice varii ty ol ti’'^. iiti'li' SIIOKS M'li Mild i;.i\^ i'lolhinff, ilmtft. \ LS( I mill tii'ii Faiici/ \rli‘/:s .''ept 11,1 >^57. -Ill I'Oll Till; F ILL l\ll \ll\TIHI lfi:)7i M s'v i:i). f St'ru/ ' f$ ‘"J hi ’ u-i S>ir^ l/i Oiu'ol'tiic L:iri:«V'l. I IhikIsoiiic.sI (Mh‘:i[M's1 Stocks oi Heaitff^mltade I loth i n //, ir. ever brought t ithi-^ Mnrkct, and no mistake' \lso, a M.i'jriiiticent iissortinent uf and Voiilir*> ( IL |(' 1T.'' p:i Iroiri desp.itcii will l.e WII \iin(;t(»n, n. c . 1‘liiUlpt atleiilioii :ii|i n t-i 'iiiisirics': eiilriHtc i|Uick to his .1 line 2-i, 1 •''•’>1. ' V.) :ili(l I'.'-I2nii>d A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding IVIerchant. WILMi.NCTON, N (' Inly II. I''.'i7. 22tf .lOilN \\ S WirsON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINCTO.N, N. (’. ill give {.Miliciihir attention to tlie s.aie Stores, C'ltton. I've. Feb'v 25, is'.r,. N aval H5-t f for (ientleiiicn' W. H. TURLINaTON, I’liiiimissioii Mcivliaiil, \n. 1-2 Norlli Water Si. WlhMI.\ITON, X. (V Rov %\ 1 wo ,if n r A 'I nu-t ill till* (’ounty ot .^i^lnfg)nlory, | and consists of the following tracts; ■ ■r 1,1 '’i-! >r Creek, adjoining the latid yt .Ir,, and othiTS. J . 'low the L:iiid to :i-iy per^mi , .uid will dispo>c of any ol the lie - well a> puidic sa’e. o. 11, |iu(’KKi:V, I ''I rustees. I 5;{-ts Boy's Suit^ and Fxtra .lackots of all color-^ of ('lotii. rOK ie.\ll. ll \'^l>S. lUady to furnish Contractors with an}- ■[Uantity of Cldhing. ;it a very low figure. rOK ICOAT lli>l>'*.-A large l-t of 1’. .lackets and Over Coats; also, lanc^’ Flannel Over Shirts and Pants—very cheap. A very extensive ass'irtmeiit of I'liriliolliliy: Fin. Linen ai. I Fancy Mar seilles Shirts and (dollar . Under-/.irments ..f heavy Silk and .Merino, Socks, Cravat', t'lloves. H’dk'fs. So- penders. \c. KOOT^ :iil4( -From tl.e ln-avicst Water-l’roof to the tinesl I’ump and tair Stitched. Philadelphia mi le; llal^ aii«l .1 all de scriptions. ■..ailios' Tra\4‘lliiitf Trunks— Extni large sizes; lionnet Bo.xes; (ients Lnglisli Sole Leather, Spanish Iron Frame and P.icking Trunks; English Sole I^eather Valice.", and others; a new .=tyle of Travelling Bags (very convenient:) (Jentlemeii's Shawls and Fancy Buggy I’dankets: genuine Hav:ina Segars; Umbrellas; Walkinir (,’anes: India Unbber Ovfi' Coats, Leggings and Sandals; also, ()ver Shoes for Lailies; :ind a great variety of Fancy Goods too nu merous to mention. .\11 which will be sold at wholesale or retail very low for cash or on time to prompt paying customers Grateful for the liberj i>atronage heretoforr exten'lc l to me, I resp.ectfully solicit a eoiitiiniaiice of th«- v iine. GKoltGl-: BltANDT, South side ll.'iy Street. i Opposite \V. Williams \ Co. . Fayetteville, N. C., Sept 17, ls.')7. |:) tl>l | 1 Ainuhvrfon • It/rcrf isrmrnf. Tlie Subscriber is now receiving his Stock of I Fall and Wintei* [Comprising every thing in the way of 1)B\ (!OOl)., ' ' such as Merinos,, i>eL.iine.s, Cashmeres and Ginghams, fur l^adies’ Dresses. Also, C.alicoes, Lin - i .seys, bleached and unbleached Shirtiiig.s, Drillings, j Osnaburgs, Kerseys, Kentucky .leans. Sattinets. : simeres, for Pants, \c. H F/.-\ DV-M .\DL CLOTHING, of the best materials and good workmanship. ijOiM'.'^ : and SHOKS, for Men and Boys; also, a gi.od ass-.rt , ment of Jjadies' and Misses Shoes. Iriinmings for | Ladies’ Dresses; Bonnets, Muntillas and Cloaks, of the | latest fashion. H.\TS and CAPS of all sorts, ;inil j TRUNKS of all sizes; besides HAK!)W.\UK, (Mtoi’K lllES, and a variety of other Goods, which I will .-.ell low for Cush, or upon sliort creilit to reliable and prompt paying customers. S. W. EKBANT. Lnmberton, N. C., Sej't. 21, is.'>7. I l-2m THE WORLD’S GREAT EXHIBITION PRIZK MKDAF.! AWARDED TO C. .MEYEH. For his Tiiio J^inuos, London, Octohcr ]•), Cl MEVFll respectfully informs his friends and J • the public generally, that he has constantly on hand Pianos eipial to those for which he received the Prize Medal, in lifudon, in ISol. All orders promptly attended to, and great c.are taken in the selection and packing the same. He lias received dining the last 15 years, more Medals than aiij’ other n»ak-t from the Fr.ankiin Insti tute; also First I’reiniums at Boston, New Vork and ! Baltimore. I W'ABE-HOOMS, removed from 2"> S. F.milh to ! No. 722 AlU’H STBLKT, below F.ighlh. Sonth side. : Philadelphia. I Aug. 12. :’imtid 7" ILL give his jirom]it per^niial alleiition to the ah' or shipment nf all (’oiisignments of Naval Store - or other Cmuitry P>'oduee. Nov. s. |''.'>il. LOVKIII) KLDIUIX^F.. • ifforHi’tf at • MT"!!,!, attend the (’oiiit'i of .Ldinston and Samp- W W '111 Co;int;e>. ''iiiithtieM \ pril l -'i. '.o,-tf TIIO. C. FULLER. , Utor^srff an ft 4'inntsrtlor a! Mj/nr. Vs 12.'» acres under cultivation. The growth on the wood-land consists of pine (long and short leaf,) oak. hickory, poplar, cyjiress, gum. j-c. For terms and further information .apjily to W. L. Kvans on the pi'einises, .1. !•'. Bryan, I’.sii., P. M., Fay etteville. or to myself at Fayetteville. FRANCES KVANS. Sept. 21, lho7. 41tf I'OU SAJ.K. ^|''1IK subscriber desiring to emigrate to the W’est, I offers for s.alt' his entire L.VNDS, including about 'ix hnii Ired acres, generally known as Chalk Level, lying in the nj.jier end of Harnett county, miles East I'C.ape Fear Itiver. and on the road leailing from Fay etieville to Chapel Hill. Store, Dwelling,tiut-Houses, :ill ill tirst r ite order. ‘J^TIi.' .'^t'lre is at a fine business stand, and is not to be exce'iietl by any country store in the State. There are also upon th(‘ premises ati excellent well of water with in lo («v i!0 stejis of the House, a fine young orchard of Fniil i'n-es, a Yard in perfect order, which pays well when in operatiuii. .\lso, a Blacksmith Shop with Tonis, .'V'C. -\!iy person wishing to purchase such a pl.ace would do well to c:ill and examine it for themselves. I am deterniineil to sell, and will m.ake terms ens.- f.,r the purchaser. A. II DliWAB. N. B. The place is one of the healthiest io the South- j erii l oinKr^ . i !> Sliaros I>ank of Fayoifi villo Si. ik ' ,\ngust I, 1S.")7. o2tf j \ AH \r»LK i’KOPKU P’S | FOU SAI.E ^B^IiE Subscriber having cont lo h d (o remove South. I B offers for sale his ElOl^i: I.OT, , in the village if Chapel Hill. The dwellin': is a liandsome mie. large and conveni ently .irransreil. The lot conlaiiis i SIX A(MIES of griiund. Vrith ( very convenience in the way of out liniises, vi/: Dairy, Dry-well. Kitchen, Servant house with two rooms- -lathed and plastered, wood and wash | house, carriage and stables. | i'lu re is :ilso on the front, a very neat | iloi Ki.i: iiFTK i:. The grounds are in a high state of cultivation— j about half an acre being in fruit trees of the choicest i ki: d and hearing abundantly. I Ftir liirlher infbrniation address the subscriber at | this place. Terms made accommodating. will be made where quantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, on reia-ipt of the price and 24 cents to pay postage. The 2d volumt' is in course of preparation. There will pndiably be four or live volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain about 500 pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, vi/: half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 25 cents additional for sheep and 50 cents for the half calf binding. E. J. IL\LE & SON. Fayetteville, .Vpril 20, 1857. P. S. The .\gent and his .\ssistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soou as convenient. Tn the mean time, orders to him or to us, accomiiaiiied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. (jlrixM'r’u's, llanlwan^ &.c. f B'^HK unilersigned are now receiving a LARGE ,AS- R SOKT.MENTof (irfx’crics, lliinhvan*, Iron, Steel, I l()llo\v-w;ir(‘, Shoos, Leatlier, and Saddlery, which they will sell at W holesale at a small advance on (’ost for (’ash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. (JEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. .Inly 18, 1857. 2«-tf DOCTOR FRAM WILLIAMS’S ( I'LKllUA rKI) RYH WHISKEY! "I^HH subscriber has made arrangements to keep a £ supply of the Genuine .Article, and is the only .^gent for the sale of the above brand of A No. 1 Rye Whiskey in this place. IlOB’T MITCHELL. May 4, 1857. 5tf roR sALi:. BBLS. of M. & E. MYER’S SUPERIOR WHISKEY. This Whiskey comes very highly ri!comiuended; said to be fully ejual to any North Carolina make, and warranted free from .any impurity. WORTH .j- UTLEY. Aug. 22, 1H57. 36- E. ('h.i'i'el Hill, -Vu;;. 10. MALLETT. 34-tf ,h FICI .lain. ; lit K. s Bink 1 >'.’)7. cle- s ‘.rid'i'c. re«'entlv oci’iipiel F ivettcville. S'. C ’ 7oif Worth Sl Utley, .11 (lino; and (^(‘Ikm’mI (’(mnnission Mi:u( iiAN'rs, .V. 4'. LAM) rOR SALK. I |» ACBKS L.\ND lying on the Camden i ia Stage Road, !•') tniles South of Faj--i « ttevill»*. The Land is well timbered, an«l ailmirabU’ , ad:ipted Turpentine or Farming purposes; and lies between the .'Southern Plank Road and Big Rockfish. , convenient to nruket. There i.s on it a comfortable iVa;iif. Il'iiise, Mill Site .See. i ,\ry inf irmaflon may be obtained on the premiiies 1 I'r iin Mrs, Marv Nelson, or bv etniuring of ; •fAMES BANKS, Att’y, Fayetteville. i Aug. i;;. ;i«-tf ' .1. W' .1II. 21 f .lOS. I'TI-KV l>E kFFICi: Fr * Ciiemi't Fidi'v 7, 1 "'o'i. It. \. SCI. •It lln’ais, over Dr. .1. Hinsdale's uid l)r:i_ .'t;a-e. 7il-tf JOSI3PH H. BLOSSOM. V ?i ?8 a ^ ^ 1 i\ AND roRw Ain>;.\c; Mi:iu’iLAN'r, ll'it »tt i HU ton ^ rroiapt persoiKii a! tent ion giv eii to all Consign meiits, and ('ash adv.mees made on Produce to be ship pe I to other ports or sold in this inurket. ' Feb. 12, 1855. tl7 (’. vV n. \\')irriL (\)iiimi>si()!i I'orwrtrdiiiLf Vicrchaiits, i-.iiowN’s iiriLDiNG. \v.vii;u .ti:hi:t, Wi4'. Usual ailvances made on i;oiisigTiinents. .):;n’y 17, 1S.">.'>. f.;?-tf JOsj'J'li liAKKR, Jk., A T'Vii it i: V A T 1. A W , H .\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright's y S Law (dlice on (ireeii Street. He will atteml and practice in the County and Siijierior (’ourts ol (’umber land, I'daden, Robeson and .'saiii|i«on. M.ari h 2-'!. IS.');!. 7'.t-tf “LAW ('()l’,Mrr.NFJ{S!lII\” F,, the nndersigui .1, have this day formed :i Law Copai iiiership, .and will practice in the Courts of the fi llowing counties of this State: Chaihani, Cuni- Ix'rlaiid, .Moore, Harnett. :iiid the Supreme (’onrt. .1. H. IIAUGIITON. •INO. MWMNG. IMttsboiongh. N.C.,.Ian’y I. 185ii. i2tl !'()K SAf.H. DWKLI.ING HOUSK AND LOT on Gillespie Street, at present oeeiipied by Dm lor MeSwnin. rfect title e in be raad*'. .-Vpplv to THO. J. CURTIS. is ALSO k(;ooD FAMILY ('AKIU.\GK in pood repair and near'.v new. Will bo sold for half its value. — ALSO— ■T .■-.-■od MILi II COW.S with voung calves. Applj'to T. .1 CURTIS. April 2 '. 1S.-.7. 3tf BO L till A V E’S ilOL s? F.s « g; rip ^ l9 i i ii h 31 > TIIK (’Ki.i:i:i; \Ti:n iiiii.i,4M> iikmkiiv fou nysPEPSiA, iiistns!; ill rm: kiiivkts. LIVER CO!VIPL.AIN~r, WKAKXKSS OF AXV KLND, FEVER AND AGUE. ■'IIU \jiil iIm v.irioMs nir«Tlij»ns r.»nciiiirnt upon a lisonl«*rr.l ST0.'.IA(’1I Oil LTV EH, Il :i ' i mliL'U'i'd n, \iidiiy of iLc . ('ulirky ol .\p|»*iii*\ IV|Mm«l**ncv liliiKlMrxi . in*l Nour.ilu ‘- li'iihly :* ml kh«M W II B ric pei'ii.ip- Ihiity Siiiitll ir I hi-li. .and t :-'l;;i when they br ik' , idollars 3v(‘wanl. ’ ■■^' '"' AUTZ and THO.MAS .(ail, hav- at. will r.v. I wciity-tivc Dollars reward. I.i.-ir mid .hliv "., i^ all,.lit live ear of jiTe, :i Hun '■ • t'Uiii, alioul five I'eet to me in iiet high, and irian l.y l,i,.tl,; six inches That (lcsiral)l(^ placo ktiowti as Home, contain ing about 2'»0 Acres, with all the improvements. This place will be sohl entire or divided, to suit jinrchasers, it being probably one of the business stands in Ihe country, and is very desirable to those wishing to •'liter the mercantile business. j « • Ni. -2, Consists of a Lot, an.l Hrick Store,, Through in 36 Hours, aiid Crossmsj the poll Till- WEST! lilt. o.t. io. Ir.;,-; ■'o'‘,--'-botli had \vhis|i(.|-(^ ':i'UBFN KIN(;, Sheriff. I m almanacs. n'i l-anner.- and PlanfiMs, !!-..liii:i .\hii-inacs for I-.iS. i:. J. HA LI Ocfr 21. liliHiks for and 1 iirner’s North V SON. nf thi. Oflic (2 tenements.) in (lainpbellton, on Bridge Street, near Clarendon I’.ridge. aird is a very desirable stand for business. .\o. Is Tlirpo vacant Lots in (’anipiicntori, kiinwn ill city plot as Nos lO'.i, 111, 112. .and half of lot 11:5. Xo. 4, Is a Dwtilliiig House and Lot on Jfay- monnt, corner of Plank Road and .\dams St. A very desiralile residence for the whole year. No, r>, Is u (Jorn Mill and 8teain Engine and ■{oiler, of H) or 15 horse power. This is well worth 'le attention of those living where water power is not qilable, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms appl}' to J. il. HALL, Assignee, vugust 1, lH.'i7. 30-tf (ilTANO. I'I’HIUVIAN guano, .5u^^t ro- ceivcd .and for sale bv GEO. \\. WILLIAMS .V C). Aug. 81. 38. Blue Ridge iu the Day Time!! g i s. BROWN'S Tri-Weekly liine of I’oiir-Horse Post Coaidies, from Salislniiy' to Ashe- vilie, sin Statesville, Newton, Morganton, M.arion and Pleasant, (iarden.': connecting at Asheville with the line of .Stages f-.u- Ihe Warm Springs, tvnoxviile ?)nd Greenville, Tenn. This is the best stocked and best managed Road in North C.i rolina. It is the most expeditious, safe ami pleasant, and at the same time the cheapest route for the West. Leaves Salisbtiry on .Monday, Wediiesd.ay and Fri- I day; leaves .\sheville on Tuesday. Thiii'sd'iy and .'^atur- I day;—running in close connection with the North I Carolina Rai' Road, Norih and South, j (’. S. BROWN, .lune lo, IS">7. 1500 Aug. 22 the :itlMilioM ol \\ I !OIi!'. svLL i>i:\iJ':Rs ,-''io our pre^ent Stuck,—anil we havt? rocf'iitly r •i\ed .’•00 hags Rio, L i 20 lihds 7;'. I.bis '.*■’> l oxe lill ilo loo coils 7 li.ile.'^ COIiN. P.US. (’HIN, for sale bv WORTH ’& Dl- UTLEY. 3ti- iiiii 'i, Miiricailio .in>l .liiv.i I’ollee, .‘sii;var, as..oiled ijradi’s, dll. lleiine.I. (’rushed iiid t’owilered, iSp Tiii. \.laiiian:'.iie and fallow (’ in'Hes, Fancy mid as^()■.■ted (’:indies. i\ enl Mcky, .111 te a iid Manill.a lliipc', lotggiiiLC. Gunny. Dundee ;iiol r.iiihtps. :|0 tons Hoop Iron, 1 2'l boxes (’heese, 20 half-bbls Su]>er (''arb. Soda. fit^ilOO (’igars. various brands, -.\LS(t — Pei>per, Spice. Ginger, Clovos, .Nutmegs, Borax, M:i bier. Indiiro. Spanish Brown, Briiiisione. F.ancy and I’ar Soaps. .'tandi. Powder, i^hot. I’ar tjCad, White Lead, I’ntt' and t.inseed Oil, Window (Jlass, Snulf in Boxes, t'.agle Mills do., in ILalf Bbls.; Green and Bl.ack Teas, Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, I'nglish, (Jerman, and Cast Steel: Plows, Straw (filters. Corn Shellers, Sausage (’utters and StulFers, 1’race (’hains. Sole Leather, I'ic., i^c. The above Gooils we offer on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash pnr hasers. D. & W. McLAURlN. .j4ff Ih-^irliiiirii. I.M nil .liiiix Tili'..^. In all .V liini'.M li.i> in niitM«-r'in lii-t uii ill iii.lici t III ri' d .1 ill ( I'll il Clin 'I’lii i> I |iiiri ly vcL'etalile i iiiii|i.ninil. |iK'|i.irfil mi irlclly si-cii Irlii pr'iiu’ijilrs. iilliT the in.ihiicr Ilf'llie r(*li*lir:ileil llnllanil l*ro- r. ".11, r.iii rlrivi-. iM i aii'c nl its ureal 'lu rt-ss in iiiiinI ut ilii- I‘.iiri-i'i'an .*^ta li'.-. it - iiilr.iiliiriiitti inln l*n- I tiilcil Mates wa> in inn:. .1 Iiiiiri- I-I.i-riall-, li.rliiii fol iiiir lallii r anil srattfri'il lien- Iii'.l there lU.-r III*' l.o e i.l lliis ini-lilv c.iinlry \leeUnj: with ■:rerii viii ee^^ anmn;; iheiii. I nii'v uller it I-* t;ii‘ Viiierii’an piihlie. kiiiiw .iii: that il- lriil> wi.niliTlnl nieilieinal \ irtiK-s mast lie ir klliiw ieilljed. it i' |i.irtie)ilarl\ r* i itimnenileii to llinse (M’r-nns u hu'-e riinstiin- liiins in IV have hre:i !iii|niri il li\ tli«‘ (intinilnil' ii-e ul arili nl ^piril'.. ir iillier riiMii''III' lii-|iati»m, (ieiv rall\ ii|..tanl:ine'iiis in eli'erl. it liiiil-; it> wav ilirei’lly to llie seat iit' lili’. thrillin” wnil iliiii keniiii: • \er^ nerve. rO'iit" lip tlie driMipini: spirit :iiiil, in I'MCt, intii-.iiu! new lieallli anil viijor in tin system. \ > l'll i; \\ h.iever ex|rt-i-ts ti. linil Oii- a heverap; will l.*> iliH appointeii; Init tu the sii k. wf.ik anil lnw splrileil. il will prove :i "raiei'iil aniiiiatie riinlial, poss,*.ist il i»l'-'i*ojular renti*ili:il projHTties I' A I' r I ' .N ! 'I he pi.piilaritv ol'this ileli!.'htlul Arniim lias inclin ed nitiny iiiiilati.m^, wloch the piililir -.hi.iild mianl H;iainl piirtlia^ini;. r.e iioi iHT-ii ided t I hiiv aiivlhini: else until you have iiiven Hiwr have'-- IliillamI Hillers ,-I t'liV trial. 'ne hutlle will roin iiir*^ you liiiw intiii'tely superior it i> lit .all these imitations. ,.,t sl INI i>er hottlp, iir SIT bottles for $.">,00, hy the Si L 1'. I* K (• I* 1! 1 KT(» It S, Itsr'WI A l*A>SI], .IK. V ’». MANI FA Tl'RtSO PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PlTTSRUUOH, Pa. Samuel J. H nsdale sole agent for Fayetteville, •lune 14, 18o7. Di- H5 Aug. TONS No by 2«. (iHANO. 1 PLRUVt.VN GUANO, for sale WORTH 4- UTLKY. 38- I'OR SAl.i:. tD.WIANTINE and TALLOW (HANDLES; fine and common TOBACCO; and almost anything iu the Grocery line, (^heap as the cheapest! Jan’y 27, 1867. G. W. I. GOLDSTON. 77- HOOK l{L\l)KRY KW. II.\RD1E has resumed the Book Binding • Business, over the Tailor Shop of Clark & Woodward, where he will receive and execute binding n any style desired. .August 1. 27tf VJVDERTmlKBRH^ r|''H K subscribers offer their services to the public to I furnish (tiffins. Hearse, and every other requisite for Funerals. They have a considerable supply of CoHins ready made, and an abundant supply of Ma hogany, Bl.ick Walnut and Gum and Poplar materials for making any size at a short notice. Orders left at the (’ool Spring Mills will be promptly attended to. HEARSEY & JOHNSON. Fayetteville, .lune 2'.>, 1857. 20tf xoTici:. •'I'^HK subscriber li.aving, .it .Inne Term 1857, of the I Court of Pleas and tjnarter Sessions for the Ci.niity of (’umberland. qualified as Administrator 1 upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all I jiersons h.aving claims against the said Estate to present i the same properly authenticated within the time pre- I scribed by law, otlierwige this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, i Delitors to the said Estate will please make payment ! immediately. E. F. MOORE. I .lune 8, lSo7. 13tf I Noriciv : ^I'^HK undersigned having executed a power of At- i £ torney to F. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me and in my name, and generally to transact all business as 1 might or could do were I personally’ present. J. J. .MOGRE. Fa}etteville, .lune 3, 1857. 13tf NOTICIv 4 T September Term 1857, of the Court of Pleas and ..^L (Quarter Sessions for the (Jountj of t’umberlaud, the subscriber having iiualified ae Administrator upon the Fstate of .lohn .McLaurin, noii/lns all i>ersons in- debted to the Kstute to make immediate payment, and i all pers )us having claims against the said Estate to j present them jiroperly authenticated within the time I prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded : in bar of their recovery. I D. McLAURIN, Adiu’r. I Sept. 15, 1857. 43tf I RKCLIVKI). BOXFS of that superior ROCK C.ANDY TO- P.ACCO W. I. GOLDST(»N. Oct. 5, ls.’)7 48-tf w iiKA r w A.\'ri:i). gW \ NT to purch.ise Bushels Wheat. •IAS. i. COOK, .lune 2-'>, 1H5*;. D)-tf • lV#r Rooks. 'HIHE Life of Charlotte Bronte, Author of .Jane M Fvre. .S;c ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh Miller: Salad for the Social, by the .Author of Salad for the Solitary; Indigenoat Races of the Earth, by Nott A; Ciliddon; The Bee Keeper’s Chart. Also, fur- iher supplies of .Milledulcia; The Prince of the House of D.ivi I: Mrs. Hentz’s Novels; The Baptist Psalmody, B.iriies’ F.aniily Prayers; Cliristian Minstrel; Cruden's (’oncordance; .Adams’s New .\rithmetic: Parley’s Com tiion School History; .^'C. K. J. HALF j" SON. .lune 21, 1S.'>7. SCHOOL IJOOKS. SMITH’S English Grammar: Peterson’s Familiar Science; Bolmar’s Fables; Emerson’s Arithmetic; Bolniar's French (ir.ammar; l>ovell s U. S. Speaker; Sarg( Ill’s Standard Speaker; .North Carolina Readers; Mitchell’s Geographies; (Juackenbos’s Rhetoric; &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 4, 1857. A VAf.lJAHLK LAW HOOK. tDDISON on Contracts, with Notes and Reference* to .American cases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 large vol. 1200 pages. •ludge Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, says that “this is the best hook on the subject, I ever tiad in my hands.” For sale by E. J. HALL h, SON. .April 20. LAW HOOKS. ^ ^^EDGWICK on the Statutory and Constitutional Law; Chitty on Pleading; Newland on Contracts; Phit- lipps and Amos on Evidence; Stephen on Pleading; Mitford’' CiuiQAry Pleadings; Hill on Trustee#; Lube’n kity I Adams’s Equity, &c. % ■ E. J. HALE & SON. I I Ml umifinifMiiaiaiaBMa

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