m LK "f iinpr„v,,n, a., '• ili'prc,...;. j Sfat.. V *t a • «*»u ' anv .. '’■’ P'V ; .f at ' v.ll.-v ,7v nn.,.. "n’' ■ if' ;“ir ‘'"y -NH j M'_V >,I- tnv li'!'. ‘ .itnifij’. '"l''ll)I; . w : y T.„ r. - I'ufiir, le bar was electi.ia (l^y— of drizz’.y .]ivy, uud ''lieve I'll g , duwu to Au'i .-ty- aiy uiJ it i- a ~.irt 'if Jark, iay, .says .'he, hadu’t > I to the old take ^ne umbrill. Sj need d"wn toward.- >wu :'a,v:. Mr. Coif uck, have you seed irri.'? .Says I to Mr. le’.-j g r uiy uiubrell upt. ] by the (Jourr the ai-t.ial fray b'j- tbe p; i-( rutor. la reui '.rkod, ia a tone rell !. -.c, Mr Judge t ' f- li the trutii, own w ly—.-!o ’taint litig more about it— iniMriwealth’.'? attjr- of the witness on and t'II the tale ic ivas guiog on to say, iuchunao and Filmo atur, :i!jd says I to says (, I b’leve I’ll o^it luy vote. Jjays she, lJuck. as it i» a dauip, drizzly sort of yuur uni brill, savs j, S I} -. I, I .pect I 0 J I i' k the umbrill iugf^ ' i, till I arriv did wt:"D I g't thar Qan whi"key, which I h: myself, says 1 , don’t y lU? And Mr. Cole be come .»ayr he, have y^^u >r ilarri.'? Say> 1) ck’s got my unibrill- vote, aud then Mr- towar'l- home, an*! ver seed him. ti.’l we go* to whar 3Ir i'^;lL and ni'' gentii'UJ ^ii would, , W' arriv to ol'j og ;virh the uaibr'.'ll me K ijab we advuufed on Klijuii is Tiiy ho luarri- d tuy dart. r really. Arter bou.'.j Wf ati'od 10 iiid rir— ntly tw-' bit:;. w:t“ J bebuid Whitfield saii:^- auJ n tl,'; int’ral vn} logal-b‘.-twi'( U ,.m. I-.:, y Kiu!. w;.r drunK, u.ssitm ' ?!' auntb'-r in tl/. b'.u.^e wbar my daugbriT Sally. ittb: n. ffew be •IH g h »mc. ,n t'.g. tber, and but n. vcr tcntiooea 1, i ^nr buuie a>“^ h:iij;.b, wbicb is O')' lart.,r Ja.,e, •ived, auil say~ i’vi; killfti !i Aii'i this i« ij4«: I want tlii*r- A J. howell- KtKT. yoKii- Embroitb ry, Miss Laura 11. McI>aniol. Hearth Rug and Quilt, Mrs. Mary F. Fields, j to be forgotten, we copied a paragraph apparently ( uniborlaiid. « i i breathing death aud destruction to the banks, Socks and Gloves, Mrs. Jonathan Kvans, do. i . xt t r a Flowers, Mrs. T. S. Lutterloh. . arrenton News, a Locofoco paper; and Srimplos Tard Writing, J. B. Ferguson. Pumpkins, Irish Potatoes and Oats, by G. S Banks.—Some weeks Ago, almost long enough York at } per cent., yet the banks suspended for OBSERVEIJ. ji^YBTTB VILLE. TlHRSlllV KVHMNG. MIVEHBER a. )^1. TIlV r\lH —The 4th Annual Fair of the Gibson. , /.i..n 1 (\.untv Agricultural Society com- I’low, from Scotland, Alex’r McCarter, Cumbl’d ' J 11 I /, • 1 » 1,,- I’ro.sorvcd Heets, Mrs. G. 8. (Jibson, “ and will be coutinuecl to-ua\ i{,.e:,d, Mrs Dan’l Currie, “ o»b’ see them better regulated.” Well, and enough to tell us what they shall send to Now dJ ro-ni'’iTi'w A hurried visit to the Ground.s Q^rn in Ear, John why then arc they not better regulated? We have j York to purchase the specie with? The banks i , • rdiV it is highly p MdAan ' ' we a.sked whether such was to be democratic po licy in the future. want of specie. It would be too much to ask them to sacrifice fifty cents in the hundred dollars, to meet their dishonored paper.” \Ve suppose the News would have the banks of North Carolina send to New York, buy this specie After several weeks the News replies, that it | at i per cent., and bring it out here to meet their “does not wi.sh to see the banks obliterated,” but ! dishonored notes. But will the News be kind rodit'^bli' to all concerned, thouj^i at that time (’oru in car, Hugh Gilmore, Cumberland. .,,w on t'xhibitiou were not so numerous as Mr> Hugh Gilmore, “ Ml 1 I * 1 ^'I'lasiios, ( orn and Potatoes, Theoph. Kvans , ..v,r 'lud as thev will doubtless bo to-day. ' ’ » tlio ■(. made. Among these, the ni''st satifacto- , (’unib’d •! ili'S, were those in FarnuTs' Hall, wbero I rc.-b Hutti-r, Mr port on the thirtieth ?1,600,000 in gold, besides a half millioE for England. It is said to be the intention of the Mormons to remove to the Russian Posses.sions, should mat ters assume a serious aspect. The Mormons in Carson Valley expected to shown that they were nearly all created by the j have not excbanire to send, nor have they pro-i fi’i' Utah about the last of October. They News’s party, and their defects are therefore the j duee. We don’t see what else they can send, . faults of the News s party. | that the sellers of the specie will take in N«'w New York, Nov. 2. An Immense Anwvnt of Specie Cominy.—The OF Tuesday, 3d November, 1857. Quaker City” from Havana, with dates to the ri'^HK Directors of the Bank of Wadesboro’ have this 29th October, has arrived. The Star of the West JL •liiT declared a Semi-Annual Dividend of 5 per had rcached Havana, and expocted to leave that payable on and after Monday the 23d inst. irtieth for New York. She has g HAMMOND,^Cash’r. 67-t23d Goo. Elliott, (’uinb’d ^ N. bnisk-.i IVa, John Elliott, (’umb’d. what better regulations docs the Nows | York, unless it bo specie itself. Our North (^aro There b:un"-''cn, at 2 0 clock yostorday. about Fro^b Huttor, |)omostic Candles-, Mrs. John El-| want? As usual in all such demagogical assaults i lina b.-uks have in the aggregate perhaps two nr upon the banks, the News fiils to state tboni, but ' throe millions of specie, but we don’t see that j»ncraluvs its propositions as follows;— j much good would come of sending that to buy its “A bard money currency is a Democratic doe- ^ liko; and we don’t see what else the banks have frino, which we wish to see reduced to praetice as : t.. send. Will the News kindly inform them? tai, and a.s soon, a.s is coiisistcnt with the public i t • • i , wolfare. Theretore we wi.5h a sub-treasury act for I •> pioce wit i t iif., is the complaint of the tbo sevoral States, as woll as the federal govorn- 1 another part of its article, that th^hunk^ were forming a cavalry company under orders from Brigham Young. ————— TEAS. OLD IlYSON TEA, Young “ “ Imperial “ Oolong “ (l$lack,) All of BEST quality, for sale by JAd. N. SMITH, Druggist. Nov 4. 57itf llub’t Rejristor. ma,vl.,.s..en. W« I1..I Kirkpatrick, man} * ,, r IT /Tiff Wrapping I alter, !>avid Muipbv, “ ^ ,, to viit the stalls of Horses, ( atfle. &e., Mill. J.’G Cook. I,It heard tbst they wore scarcely Oi-jual to provi- \v. l{„llard, Cumb’d. ili'^plav^ In Floral Hall were many vory .^linelals, Win. K lllako. nnd useful tbinirs. Among the latter. Turpentine Hack ana Sorap.r, 1...uitifulnn U.eu ()ld Horn, A. H Smith, Cumb’d. l.oino.ma.to'-arpot.ngl.y M,s,( H,„p. ^ ^ 1.,;; ,f Hurnott county; home-made Hearth-RujiS ; r^. ,lol!y, Mrs M Smith, d.v \]rs Mi'Kae of iMontgomcry and Mrs. Fields 1‘otatofs, J, M. Pearce. ' Jr.HTibcrland; lilankets by Mr McNeill of llo- Straw Cutter, H. llo.-^e. V 1 1 1 Various I'ickles, Miss Kate Mvrovcr. h,,man.l Mrs Monroe ot ( umberland; several ,,,,.1 .\p,'los. Mrs A A McKethan. mont, and by taking the public money from the ; >r r.'/usr charters as best stii/s- thrir hi- Banks, jirovent it being a basis for the issuing of terrsts : del usivo promises to pay. There are many other ! reforms wanting, which it is utmecessary to men tion at pre.sent. We have been thus particular Was ever such impudence beard of? bat right has a man to refuse to invest bis mo ney in a bank chartered by a Locofoco Legislature? in giving our private opinion as au independent i If be refuses a charter because he can use bis mo- DiEr, In this town this morning. Mr .lOSIlUA McDANIi-L. Ill l.owt-r Kayettoville o« tliel’Otli ult., Mrs. S.MIAII .\NS .I.VNE, wife of Jonathan Je.ssiip, iu the -j-'5d year (>l luT age. In liockitighaiii, on the l:!th Oet'r, after a short ill ness. .\LKX.\Nl)KI{, Son of William Leak, Ksq , aged ahoiit 5 year.s. “.''iitl\T little chiMreii to eoiiie iitito me, and lorliid them !iot. for of siieli i.s the king.him of Heaven." In Duplin county, .\ugust II!, l^t')?, Mr. TMOM AS Hl'N'NKTr, iu his ‘i'-'tli year. .\ls(i, on the li'.nh of .\ugust 1S'»7, VUllilNl A, d.iuyrhter of Thomas and .Jemima .lane Bennett, aged 0 years ami 8 months. FA\ I'iTTEV'^lLLE MA11K1']T.—November 5. 4 Frangijtannl^ N KTEKN.AL I’KKFU.ME; also, Lubins’, Harri son's am! Bazin’s Extracts for the H'dk'f; Preston \ .Merill's Extracts for Flavoring; I’omatums; Hair Oils; Hair Dyes; I'olfgnes; Lip Salve; Pulfs; Toilet I’owder.x; Toilet Soaps: Wood’s Hair Uestorer, (quart liiitiles.) Tticofherous; Katharion; I’ungents; Hair, Tooth. N.iil. Ele^ii, (’loth. Hat. and Sh.aving Brushes, ,]i>; , for .sale hv JAS. N. SMITH. -''I'V. 1 57-itf Pun* W iues, liraiuly, (lin and ch>n I'orier, and I’ts.,) for .sale by JAS. N. S.MITH, Druggist. N'liv. 1 57itf , of Kerseys from the Snuth rnion Factory Mangoes, I’iekles. .lam, and Preserves, Mrs A A Me- poniry from imputisg to a {tarty the bere.sy (if! i ir-'m i;, Ui,-bui‘'lid county; Sheetings and j^.n^ nn>l Wine. Mrs ('hristophor Munroe. Hlount’s (’I'Ook and Roekfish Factories, (.S:e. Butter, Jam, Preserves. &e . Mrs Jonathan Evans 1 -u f I ,.'^uli-soil Turning Plow, K S .Milton. \Vi' noth i'd a Quilt, of beautiful workmai.. Uip, niade s imo thirty years ago, by lair bai'.d'^ which p.ittito Digger, Joim Wadilil!. lavi' h't'ir bfon niouldi ring in the grav ni:i'le a basty list of articles on exhibition- iiuplete, but as nearly s i :is titne allowed: 1 pi. (' Carpeting, oO y ir.l,-. >pun, made and 1 V .^Iis^ Flora J. (’ampbcll, Harnett \lr> (’"1 Elliot, Quilt Mr C M MeCor(jU.idalo, Fayeftevillo, N. C., 1 b.aiitiful Silk Qui^t, I Saw Tootb Do , 1 Star If 1> , 1 Knit 1*0. Mi'' Flora MeN 'ill, I Patch Work Quilt. Mi'S Harriet Yates, ('rochet W.'rk Lamp % Mi'S llatebell, 1 Lamp Mat. "f .Nlr- Hr. .McSwain, Child’s Skirt and (Jeutle- ■ man'' Worko'l Slippers .'lis \V T. Smith, ('umberland ('o., 1 piece V 11 iiio.'pun 'Ii' Hannah Kelly, Wilmington, Basket of ' ^Vats^ln's Sewing Mat hine, ./ohn 11 M.iviri, Halifax, t ake, ('andy, and Celei'v. Mrs .1 W Sandt'ord. .''hanghae-*, &c , Ralph .''atnlf'rd Ivo.'in. Daniel McNatt. Holu'xon. r.am. I)y Daniel Turrie Shanghaes. John P McliOan. (’hi.'liens. (} W Plummer, ('umberland “ AD Murphy, “ Stallion, an 1 Game (,'ock, Jas McIntyre. Br.iod .M.are. .Vngu.*; Shaw. Cumberland. \roe aii'l (,’olt. Tortjuil Shaw, Harnett. I'uggy llor-^e, H \1 Orrell. Durham Hull, Oxen, Jenny and C’olt, Joel Williams, Cumberland, t'ow and (’ah'. .) A Wi>rth. Kurham C.attle and Dufk-, John Sunily. II months oM. H Newell. ('olt. Turkeys. \e.. J"hu Waddili H irne.-;' Morse. J M Williams Ci'lt, E L \N insh'W. (’olt, Wiley Nunnery. ! heresy it be) of an individual.” If a h ard money currency is a democratic doc- , trine, why slnmld there beany limit to it? Why . don’t the democracy reduce it to practice, to its i fullest extent? 'I'hey have the power, and yet i 1 (/lire not excrci.se it We defy them to tlie cn- ' I forcemeiit of fkis democratic doctrine. Let them j attempt it, and the people will speedily “reduce” : them. Lot them vonture, if they i/are, to rejuire the State faxes to be paid by the people in specie, can see will be for the Legislature to coufi.scate his money. SnERiFf OF Richmond County.—We learn that William Buchanan, Esq., resigned bis ofiBce ot Sheriff at the late Term of the County Court, and that Wm. W. Graham, E.^q. was appointed by the Court to fill the vacancy. The term will expire in Oct. 1858. BAC( )N— 17 11 1 ^ LAHl',— i;j a 00 COTTON— ■M(JLASSES— Fair to gooil 11 u 00 Cuba .')2 a 0(t Ordin. to mid. 10 a 0 N. Orleans, 00 a 00 COTTO.N BAGGING — SA LT— Gunny, 20 a 00 Liv. Sack. 1 •J-') a 00 0 Dundee, IH a 00 FLAXSEED 1 25 a 0 (»0 FLOUR— V. C SPIRITS Family, 6 00 a 0 Ou P. Brandy, 1 2'> a 00 Super. •') To a 0 OO ,\pple do. 1 00 a OO Fine, .')0 a 0 OO Whiskev, 7 ) H 00 Scratched. ') 2"> a 0 00 WOOL - 00 :i OO OKAI.N — TURPENTINE Corn, 0 70 a 0 MO Yellow dip. 1 00 a 0 00 Wheat, 1 00 a 0 00 Virgin, 1 '.to a 0 00 Oats. 50 a 0 Hard, 1 0() a 0 00 Peas, 80 a 0 00 Spirits. o2 a (M) Rye, 1 00 a 0 0(1 .=4 **' Si,' liOXE.'^ just received and for sale by w. 11. i;arver. The Baltimore Troubles.—The election in Maryland took place yesterday, and we have as by “a Sub-Treasury act” fer this State, and that | no accountfi of its results. We suppose how- sort of democracy will forthwith be nuiubered j that the rioting and bloodshed were no greater among “the things that wore.” j usual, as the Governor withdrew bis martial But a sub-treasury act would uot be a regula- j proclamation on Sunday last, finding that tion of the banks. In truth there is no necessity i nearly all the militia declined to serve. Out of WILMINGTON MARKET. i- 1 • > t I ‘JA , oAA * 1 Sales of turpentine on Monday only 40 bl.',- . at ’J for such an act now, so far as the banks are con- | -iO companies, not more than 200 men consented \ oerned, for if the Treasurer plea.xcd, he need not ! to serve, and most of the large number of citi- of spirits sold at .?7; the Journal hears of otl. r paivt-is now deposite one dollar of State’s revenues in any ! zens served with notice of enrolment declared their intention to disregard the orders. REVIEW OF THE MARKET. Cotton lias sold at 11, aud 11] is oti'ered tiiis morn ing’. Receipts fair. Corrected tty James G Cook H VUIllS'S SUBSOIL TURNING- PLOW. ^K'llE Suiiscriber will be in Town during the present ■i Fair, tor the purpose of exhibiting the above re cently patented excellent Plow, which has the advau- t.age ot .'■iiibpoiling and Turning at the same time, re- i|uiring very little nr re power than to do either singly. He has a Plow whieh will be tested at the Fair (Jrounds, anti to whieh the particular attention of Farmers is in\ ite I. He will sell (’ounty. I’lantation, or Shop Rights in Ni'Tth and South Carulinii, on reasonable terms. R. S MILTON, Late of Stanly County, N. C. Nov'r :'>. It l>Vfi,so##\s fmifrovetl Ttrelve MMol~ Utr Sewing •^Machine. Leather i .r.ifit'ul Artificial > Wax') Fruit. Dirt (' ii inicnfal Frame Work Mrs. Dan’l (^ .McN.'ill, liobeson ('o .Specimen ^ W '1 Drawing. d >. Yarn Soeks, ]>air Seofcb K I’ .nkfts and ('ounferpani' Mrs (\ A MelJae, Swift I>l;ind, .Montgomery, it- utiful Cloth Wrought Stand Cover, do. Hearth iK--’ 'Ir tiwynn, Wilkes Co., 1 piece Towelling. Mr' IV A Hay, Transfered Wurk (^oUars Mi'« Rebecca A. Hudges, Embroidered (’ollar. i Lamp -M;its, Poficbimanie Va.ses. Mr.. A. E. Hall, beautiful Worked (,'ollar. Mi"i S. A. Tillingbast, Emb’d Infant’s Skirt, (’hrjl’ Sack. .'li'' R. Tillingbast, beautiful Worked C^ollar. Mi>' Kate Myrover, Flannel Cape. .'Irs li. Atkins, 2 (’bild’s Dresses. l.anibs, l!we-; and Piani, Cow. Fowls, .ind Pumpkin, ‘ The.iphilus Evan-i ^ Seupj eruong Wine. .1 .\ Worth Uuck»-t>. (i 11 Makepuaec. I Corn, Junathan Fv uis. Il'.ar. .’'■iw, and P *tk Hog.-, -bihn Waddili. Kersejs. J I' Sh'Ttridge, S.Mith I’nion Factory, Rich mond County. J Hread. Airs David (lee Preserved .,tuinoe. Apjde. Tomato. ,Vc . .Mrs .1 W Evan.s. ' Corn. Pepper Plants, Fgg Plants. \c.. Geo W’ Gee. Shanghaes and Sweet Potatoes, .Master W J Woodward, i Corn, PenUirnke Woo.lward. Head Baskets, Crochet , Shanghaes, D McHae. bank. And it is well known that the Bank of tbo State would bav. refused, this very summer, to receive those deptisit.-s, if its cbarter bad not imporativfly required it so to receive them. The 1'ennksskk B.\nkini—A Hill is pending be fore tbe Tennessee Legislature, providing tbat no bank shall i.^sue notes payable at any place except depo..ites are not de.sirable to (j.e bank, but it is j very ennv. nif-nt and profitable to the State to Uiake j^gency for .liscoutC: that all notes of them. “ I ako tb,‘ ; ubiic monej from the banks, jjlmU l,e withdrawn from circulation a.s the News sugL'ests, and tbe banks will be very January 1, isr)f>;all of ?10and under by Jan’y mueb oblige.! jii-t now I of?-20and underby Jan’y 1, 1861: no liut this proposed sub-treasury being merely a jjQ^^g similar amounts to be hereafter issued: regulation of tbe Stiite s finances, aud not a “bet- | notes of other States prohibited, ter regulation of the banks, which the News | We suppose the Tennes.see Democracy intend professes to desire, that paper contents itself with j confine the benefits of banking exclusively to the Hsual resort of ignorant pretenders, with the j the rich, who only will handle tbe notes of larger Pickles, Rolls. Sea Biscuit, Cakes, and Beans, Mrs J general remark tbat '•'there arc many othtr reforms j denomination than ?20. V w;!i;.inia \icant{n>j, which it is unnecessaru to merit ion at \ —- R II c ni It ■ llo OT, 1 M t- 1 Wm ' » >’ I" f 9 w ; I PROSPERINO.—During the last nine months I Buggv Harness. Saddle. Bridle and Martingale, Wm present. L uncccssary to mention.' >> hy it is = Ij. News S^^nd has received about 10,000,000 in (’orn, ,Iohn McRae H'.iickberrj- Wine, Mr.s J .\ Baiilwin, Richmond co. Flint Spring Wheat. J G (’oo\. Two Buggies, A \ .McKethan. -\t New York. Southern Hour more changed prices; u ’J') to o 40 for mixt i to fur taiicy. Wheat, reil Si>uthfin white il". 1 Kl to 1 I-') Corn 71 to 7-') de:nai;d lor C 'tton. m, 1 the siipp y beii eis iihtain lull rate.--; s iles 'Ji'O ,i;i >: mid i.ing up.ands !_:.l t i I'J, Sj.i - ; dfinm l; sales ■ f iO(i Mi'^ it 41 . '! ar; Hi ')0 Fine iL.-iti^ v.t’, dii poirr OF wii. ;i.\'iioN ARRIVALS. Oct. ol —iir Brig (Marence fm Turks’ I'Vii. l. L T Kniglit fm Pertlaiid, Me. N>iv. 1.—Schr ('pen Sea fm Lincolnville, Sheet .\nchor trom Rockl.and, .Me , L .\ Edwards fni New York. 2—Brig Edwin fm Boston; Schr J C Manson fm Shallotte. at nil- I Mrs. Rebecca Evans, Underskirts and beautiful : i r. . i „i m.. n w n v.- the very thing that /s necessary. Faib’1 Handkerchiefs , .larmalade. Pick sand Coidia ,. 1 . B Robinson. ' .i • . ii • I V 'specie—balanaes of accounts due her by other r.jiL J njijuiierciiieis. , Marv h Robinson. ! knows of any thing that will improve the bank- \ , JO r .nations. S.S 1,000,000 of this amount was received Pastil Portraits, and beautiful Transparent j citron Preserves. Philip .McGuire. Landscape Paintings in Oil, executed by W. J. Threshing Machine. John Kershaw. Myrover of this Town, now in Europe. Land.scape Drawings, and Landscape and Flower Paiutings in oil. Miss Ella A. Pearce, Fayetteville. ‘1 (,)il Portraits, by Prof. Hahr, of Fayetteville Other beautiful specimens exhibited, not for com- pttition.* -j Various articles of Furniture, by J. \Y. Baker, i'J Fayetteville. ^ Cbinese Sugar Cane Syrup.—Specimens from k Miis Ann M. Pearce, and Jno. Kirkpatrick, Cum berland; Mr. Hugh McLean, Harnett; and Messrs. If James Dickson, and James E. Hall, Duplin. Specimens of old Cured Hams, Pickles, Pre- .'erves, Ac., from Mrs. Alex. R. Smi th, M r.s T. K Evans, Mrs. David A. Ray and others. Specimens of Irish and Sweet Potatoes, Beets, 1‘ampkins, Squashes, Turnips, Apples, Peas, '■ rn. \c , by G. S. Gibson, Wm. Vink, G. W. Bai’.ird, Alex. McCarter, Theo. Evans, Jno. P. McLean and others. Dua’l Currie, Cumbl’d Co., native breed Ram, montbs old. John Elliott, Harnett Co., Durham Bull, 5 jear= old, and Brood Mare an(l Colt. Specimen Pigs by A. J. O’Hanlon and T. J. Mims. .'Specimen Bramah, Bantam, Shanghai and Sea Bright Fowls, by A. D. Murphy, G. W. Plum- nitr. Jno. ]’. McLean, and David McDuffie. -V superb basket, composed of the richest roses an 1 Jther flowers, from the garden of Miss Sophia • Owen, WilminfTton, exhibited by Mrs. Edward J Hale. Kmbroi.lered Collars, Hdkfs and Infants’ Dress- by Mrs Emily A. Reid and Miss D. A. Bai- I' V. "f Harnett. Hearth Rug and Stand Cover, by Mrs. C. A. M'Rae, of Swift Island, Montgomery. Quilts and Artificial Fruit, by Mrs. J. C. Rl'cker. hmb’d Skirt, by Miss Maiy Campbell. •\rtifieial Flowers, Mrs. Jas. Huske. Krab d Sack, Miss Kate Ferguson. ing system, it owes it to the public, to its party, : gfatea. Peaches and various other fruits in Cans, Hugh Mc Lean, Harnett. Scuppernong. Bullus, Blackberry, Raspberry and Wild grape Wine, do. Chinese Sugar Cane Sirun, do. Meal, do. Large lot affine Fowls, do Lot Leather, J A Baldwin, Richmond county. Wagon and Cart, Welsh & Weisiger. Apple Jelly, Mrs Thos Evans. Pair Mill Stones. D Davis, Moore. Vegetables, J G Cook. Catsup, Preserved Plums, Melons and Pears, Mrs D A R.iy. Raspberry Conlial, do. Lot of Fowls, and Pea Nuts, D .McDuffie. Cutting Knife, Newmarket Foundry Co., Randolph co. Pressed Bricks, Jas McIntyre. Corn, Wm Campbell. Bread, Miss L^dia J (hirrie. Old Chair made new, John H Anderson. and to itself, to bring it forward. And until it does bring it forward, the public will be apt to adopt our conclusion, tbat it is merely pretence, —tbe demagogue’s usual resort. When the News finds tbe convenient season for mentioning its “many others reforms,” the public will doubtless be prepared to hear, and possibly to laugh at the crudities of ignorance. In addition to the above in reference to the banks, tl^ News has a great deal to say about the Observer. The following is a rich specimen:— “The Observer occupies a solitary position, it is impalpable, a voice without a body, a partizan without a party. It lives upon tbe recollection of the past, and has nothing in common with the Scuppernong Jelly, Sugar Cane Sirup, Butter, ij" Can- J present, save a bitter dislike to every measure proposed by tbe democracy. We sometimes think the Observer is the mere echo of a party dies, -Mrs Joel Williams, Cumberlan(L Corn and Eggs, Torquil Shaw, Harnett. Box Candles, .\ M C.tmpbell. Spirits Turpentine, L Bellingrath, Jr. Loaf Bread, Miss .\nn Pearce. Pumpkins, H B Ferguson. Wagon, W Wemyss, Jr. Bramah Fowls, Frttnk Alden. Bee Hive and Bees, P J Mahan, Philadelphia. Fowls, P McGuire. Fowls, Jas Evans. Child’s emb’d white Merino Dress. Mrs E J Hale. Child’s Cup, Mrs G II Haigh. Suii'ar House Molasses in Jlo^ishcai/s (tmi Jinrrds; I’.P.LS. s. H SYRUP; Rio. L.agnir.i and Java Coffee; Lopf. Ou.shed and Refined .'sugar?: 1(> P>ales Gunny Cloth; Dun'lec Bagging; Rope and Twine; 10 Tons SwKDi; Ir-in, assorted sizes; 10 “ .\merican hammered Iron; lOU Kegs Nails; Shot; and Bar Leal- Cheese: Sperm and Adamantine Candles; F'resh Hyson and Imperial Teas; .j-c.. xc. For sale by C. T. I1.\1GH A: SON.S. Nov'r o. ">7-4w New York Money Market.—Monday’s Jour nal of Commerce says that “tbe market is increas ingly buoyant, and money is more easily obtained upon prime securities. Tbe bauks are quite ready to discount short prime paper, and some would considerably extend their accommodations if the right sort of security were offering. “Foreign Exchange is firmer, and as tbe offer ing is somewhat diminished, it would be difficult; Cotton JJatririiiu ulul Uopc, just n*- to buy selections at tbe average rates of last | ceived and for sale'^by ~ W. H. CARVER. steamer. We do not look, however, for any ^ long continuation of high rates, us a large supply ■ 1iii 'I'OBAt’f’O, just re Xc^ro I)l:mk('ts uiul received aud for sale by just W. H. CARVER. ceived aud for sale bv X .vV 4. W. H. CARVER. of cotton bills would be made if tbe state of the market would warrant their sale. There may be i reshipmenfs of specie to Europe, as many have lO J.W \ COFri'II.—oO Bags just received aud for sale by W'. H. C.\1’VER. Nov'r 4. o7- orders to remit only in gold, until their lines of bills have been reduced, aud others may ship j specie from motives of policy; but we do not ■ believe that bills will reach a price at which pecie can be sent out for a profit, not even Lemon, Orange and C'tron Trees, witii fruit on them, i edified at some of its late gratuitous advice to the people. It calls upoti them to “pay up,” but not a word to the Banks to pay out. It ad- Mrs E J Hale. The Annual Address will be delivered at the Fair (}rounds, this morning, by D. K. MacRae, Es(i- Dividends.—It will be seen by advertisement in this paper, that the Bank of Wadesborough has declared a dividend of 5 per cent, of profits of the last six months. We do not know whether this is a precedent of paying dividends whilst under suspension, for Without principles, while again we think it is the j account the advance iu interest i ghostly representative of principles without a London. “The Stock market continues unsettled and somewhat irregular. State stocks are generally firmer, while railroad securities, with a few ex ceptions, are lower. “The foreign imports entered at the port of New York for the week are §360,000 in excess of the total for the corresponding period of last year, but show a falling off as compared with tbe total for the same time in 1S55 of ?G44,578.” •nVKI V just rec'd and for sale by Nov'r 4. VOKK W. 11. CAR\ r.R. • >7- party; but on one point we are ccrtain—it is the unwavering friend of banks No turkey-cock ever gets more enraged at the sight of a red gar ment, than the Observer does, at a disparaging remark upon the immaculate banks All its sympathies are with the corporations, it has none for their victims. We were more surprised than vised mechanics and farmers to sell at any sac rifice and pay their indebtedness, but it did not advise the Banks to follow the same course. Specie can bo bought in tbe streets of New York at i per cent, yet the B;iukb suspend for want of specie. It would be too much to ask them to sacrifice fifty cents in the hundred dollars, to meet their dishonored paper. Yet ii is not too much for the Observer to expect the working classes to sacrifice tbe products of their toil, to relieve a pressure brought on by financial rascality. The ?»l «.\K CA.\i: M'KI I* just rec’d and for sale by W’. H. CAR\ ER. Nov'r 1. -jT- c b .IOI9\ II. I>AVI«, of Halifax, SctI.K ITIU'II ASKH .\M» rUOl'UIKTOR FOH SOUTH C.\KOLI!l.\. ^ jS HE ('itizeiis id' Fayetteville and neighboring coun- a try are respectfully invited to witness the oj -T.atijii of Watson’s Celebrated $12 Family Sewing Dlachine, Wiru-h will be on e.'thibitioii at the Fair Ground and at the F.-ivvtteville H.itel, atFording a fine opportunity for all the citizens to see it, aud test its particular worth for family use. Thi.s M.ichine is admiral)]}' adapted to all kinds of Family Sewing: it is simple in its construction, easily (ij'erated. not liable to get out of order, and will do as much work in a single day as the most expert seam- strc.“s can do in ten, with her needle, and is sold for the I'Av price of T W E L V E DOLLARS. Any one, who upon seeing it operate, should wish to prncure a .Machine, may leave their order, with the assuiMiice of receiving, in a few days, one equal in ' every resj>ect to tlie sample on exhibition. T. I>. POIS.VL. General Agent, S. D, WILLIAMS, Travelling Agfnt. State and County rights for sale by applying to us in person or bv letter. N. V. 4. ‘ 57- A CARD. Joll.N WoHI) presents his compliments to the Ladies and (Ipntiemen of Fayetteville, and re.«pectfully informs them that he proposes to open a D.\NCING .'sCilOOL. if sutbcient encouragement be given. J. W. can be li und at the Fayetteville Hotel, where terms will be made 'liiiown. ‘ Oft. 54-4t Town paj ers co])y twice. SiIj\*ER-PL,»tTED V.\11NS, just rec'd and for sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov’r t. •>'> • I’.OXES TALLOW AND .\DAMANT1NE CANDLES, just rec’d and for sale by W. 11. CARVER. Nov'r 1. '>7- a„,l Kmb’d colors, Pbilip McGuire, Hock-1»» have not heard that the Back of Wadesborough : hereditary instincts, ever li=k . I tas "uspended. with the rich few, against the many poor. ilatiilkerchief, Mrs. Geo. Benton; and Shirt The N. Y. Journal of Commerce of Saturday ' It would not be Whiggish, if it did not supoort 1? Ikfi Benton, Kockfish. ^ remarks on the subject. It says,— ! monopolies.” K 'se WreatlfoJih^ Nfar'^^ J ^ohn^^ I interest has been felt in the question as j The Observer is quite satisfied with its position^ '‘ikwarfN .Mrs'^ Sutto ! *•'* proper course of tbe banks of this city in | and we hope its readers, (who probably number ‘’ tp' T o’re from Wat.^on Mine, Chatham, “C^t semi-auntial dividend. Some j ^any as those of the News,) are alao I ’ •' j have been averse to any division ot profits while Fu i.'il T\ • J ij ■ 1 I. specie payments were suspended; others have con- ( ollar.s, I'aintings. PrawiDfrs, and Braid, by ' J i i ' • xl . i \i; I’l ^ ^tended that inasmuch as many of the stock holders rely on their dividends as their chief in come, it would be unjust not to pay them as usual. tion. A few of the banks which divide the year . 1 cu 1 M- M U 1 I on tbe 1st, have voted to pass the dividend, and J ,, ut.Lshawl, Miss Mary Sand-I committee for con- A'luille Robe.s, J. H H. J.,„os. ztiabur-rs, \arn, Throrul, ;,nd Wool Rolls, Hb.uiit s Creek ('ompany. Artificial 1-Vuit. .Mis- .\n„ Tli-.mson, r.batbam. f'y >:u,ue. Miss Muy H. Ilobinsr.n ‘ !>uucnli„ Cameron. Ai satisfied with it. But how it can be “without a party,” and at the same time “the echo of a par ty without principles,” is what we cannot exactly see. As to all the remainder of the above rigma role, there is not an assertion in it that is true, so far as we are concerned. We dio-not bitterly dis_ like every measure proposed by the democracy, though 1.1 truth they do not propose many that we like. We are not the unwavering friend of banks, if the News means thereby, as it evidently M'.". Flora Me Pherson, (’umberland Uiu}. Mat, ,\;c. by .Miss Isabella McIntyre. KmbM uilW' r'^1 'V n m- » ! nrovided the condition of the banks would war- wll. ;! ’ ’ ^ La it. So far as tbe November dividends are W„rk,\V„.k Stan.l, and Watcfi C.«e, Misses ^ cotieorned there ha.- been as yet no concert of ac- Utbell, li-'ud IJusket ‘‘ j others have referred it to a 'rotch(:t Scarf and 1' \t- m . t- c i i sideration and report. The American Exchange .Mats, ,M,™ Hank, after a searc-hing examination of its affairs, ‘ ks. .Mrs (' k'f.ri.i..ii ' showed its ability to pay its usual rate, and still j does, that we are the defender of any ill conduct leave a large surplus, but in view of the suspen- | of banks. All our sympathies are not with the sion of specie payments and the unsettled condi- goiporations. W’e did call upon the banks, re- tion of eo,nmcreial affairs generally the directors . j have to-day voted to divide, the first of November, V ^ , l • only :J per cent, upon the v-hnlf^ capitnl ^tock, did advise farmers and mechanics to sell “at jj. i Icaviiii' tbe remainder in adilition to their ordin- any sacrifice,” to pay their indebtedness. The I, ,, , - '^ameron, Argus ottice. ^ ”, , • n « . -i- -.l i » li'in Basket, Miss Harriett Walker (ju„jberland. "*,'•> ®Observer is not ever siding with the rich few, Hiir ^\ork, Mis .Mary Kershaw. ’ ! ” against the many poor. All these and more, are -uiiterpane, Miss A.‘K. Jones. ] We learn that tbo Bank of Cape Fear, whose ,„o,t unblushing misstatements of the course and s. 5uuer, Mrs. A A McKethan. I dividend days are the 1st May and 1st November, Observer, made by a paper which had not decided the question up to this week, for heretofore made mis-statements in matters of I want of a full Board of Direcfor.s. It was pro- and then failed either to retract or to at- II Me- ; determined at the meetin;.; of t!ie Board yes- tgmpt to sustain them ' terday. , There is one remark in tbe above extract from Skcretahv of State.—The (’out^^Tl of State ‘he News, which shows its capacity to set up for will moet at Raleigh on Tuesday next to appoint ^ reformer of bank operations. It is this: llECEiris OF Cotton.—The total receipts since the commencement of ^he season are 247,757 bales. Last year 441,967 bales. Decrease 194,- *210 bales. Money AND Breakfasts.—The Raleigh Stand ard says that “a distinguished gentleman of this State recently passed through Petersburg and took breakfast at one of the hotels, and offered in payment a N. C. bill. lie was asked if he had nothing better, and made the excellent reply that the money was better than the breakfast.” Post Offices.—At the commencement of President Pierce’s Administration in 1853, there were 22,300 Post OflBces. There are now about 26,000, and the average net increase is one hun dred per month. The liounty Land Business.—The condition of tbe bounty-land business under the acts of 1847, 1850, 1852, and 1855 is full of general interest. Under the act of 1847 there were issued to the 80th ultimo, 87,715 warrants, covering 13,130,320 acres, of which 79,999 acres were located. Under the act of 1850 188,994 warrants were issued, covering 13,155,360 acres, of which 164,326 acres were locafetl. Under the act of 1852 11,979 war rants were issued, covering 693,520 acres, of which 9,619 acres were located. Under the act of 1855 214,394 warrants were issued, covering 26,710,670 acres, of which 117,685 acres were located. This gives a total issue up to the 30tb ultimo, under all the acts, of 503,082 warrants, covering 53,689,870 acres.—Nat. Int. 50 Nc hand and for sale cheap by -«ch (!i l-mb d Collar, Mrs. Cbristopber Monroe, Cumbl’d. Jaiutings Miss s .Jane aud Kate T. Monroe, “ ^'Jjds. Blanketing, Mrs. D Monroe. Ihe Lord’s Prayer in 2(1 languages Kethan. ^ “ De Laine Dresses, &c. H. F, i>earce & Co •Jick Room Cap, Mrs. Kmily U„bertsou. .Neighborhood Cap, Miss Jane Kvans. ja successor to the late Wm. Hill, Esq. 1 “Specie can be bought in the streets of New w. C.oODS 11. CAUVEIl. CASTORS (20 Patterns;) (.’ake 15.VSKETS (10 shapes;) Candle-Sticks; Snuffers and Trays; Cups; Spoons; French Folks; Ladles and liutter- Kuives, H and 12 oz. plate; Dessert Knives; Fie Knives; kc. All of which were bought from the mnnufarht- rers with cash ami will be ottered at less profit than ds are usually sold. i^ianished Tin Te.i I'ots; ('..ll'ee i’ots: Lrns; I’.iggins; and Filters; Ovster-Su ws; St ak-Dishes; I’late and Dish Covers; Tea Kettles, an.l other useful articles. Tea Trays and \Vaiter., r^-.ine beautiful, in Sets. nrUannla Ti;A and COFFEF, I’OTS; Spoons (the best;) Candle- sticks; l.anlp^; Pitchers. vScc. .V good stock of I’.VSKETS. JjOOKI.Va t}I.mlSSElS of suj criiir nuality; every size, from a Shaving Glass Y DWELLING on Rowan Street,—posses.si(>n I’urlnr .Mirrors. Tin Chamber Sets; common given immediately. Apply to ' m; w y Tin Ware Wood Ware. W. G. M.\TTI1EW.'. I i„ ^iiort, 1 have a complete stock of articles in my Nov. 5. ! liue. which are usually wanted here, and need now AMBRO 1 \ 1M>! .\Mr>K() 1 \ ri>!! ^eptr i^3t. 4(ujw ..VI.S-G taken Ito.a,. o.c-upLe.l Rud FORKS. Nov'r 4. .\rgus cop}’. FOK tLAUGK younj. Apply to Nov. 3. >• well broke MULES. TIIOS. J. Cl'llTIS. oT-ow FOR WEST. By this •Horning’s •llaU, 11 M. M. Ferguson, over J. M. I?ea.sley's, woulil re spectfully announce to the public that he is prepared to take AMnilOTYl’ES in the best styles known to the art. A trial is all he asks, and if satisfaction is not given, there is no charge “So come along without ilelay,’’ And get a picture from Hattley. W. T. IJATTLEV Nov. o, 18-57. 57tf TaST CAI.L. 4LL Notes and .Accounts due W. F. & E. F. Moore, ami also those ilue Moore & Brother, that are unsettled on the 1st of December, will positively be put in the hands of an Officer for collection. E. F. M()(JKE, Adm’r. Nov. 3. 0(-lm Town papers copy. [CTMrs. FUANCks K. IIUSKE, HAS FINE STRAWBERRY PL.^NTS for sale, by the hundred; .also, Roses, Cape Jessamines, and various other Flowers, in pots and layers. Nov’r 2. ft7-4wks CHINA SETS—new shap(?s—Gilt, Painted and Plain, An arrival from Europe brings news of a fall of Cot- | at >ii4 to ^25; Decorated \ .\CI-^S, Cups and T, 1 ^ 17 1 1 • 1 * e • ! Saucers, and other faiicv ('hina; the most beautiful ton 1-lb to I. Bank of England raised the rate of in- i '' ; Stock ever seen here. .Vlso, a varietj' ot ottier ranc} terest to 8 per cent. Rate at Hamburg 9J. In France j Goods, suitable for pres.nts, at moderate prices, advanced 1 percent. The money market in London i T wae, however, remarkably calm. | The steamer brought .$200,000 in gold. I Moulded and Plain; some beau itul new patterns I of Goblets and Tumblers. N. P. Banks has undoubtedly been elected Governoi ' BAwRTHBN VST.ARB. of Massachusetts, and the State has gone Republican, j ironstone China; White and Unique Blue; Oval Tomato New York has apparently gone the same way ' ghape; Dinner, Tea ami Toilet Ware. Common Wares I of every description. At Petersburg and Richmond drafts on New York For sale by 'Y. N. TILLINGII.VMT. are selling at 12 to 13 per cent, premium. ' Sept’r 26, 1857. 46-0' tVOKY handle Knives, with and without Forks; Knives with two i>rong Steel Forks, at 1 lOto 1 60 l^er Set. .\li>, a complete stock of other (lualities. For 'ale at the Crockery Store at very low prices. W. N. TILLINGHAST. S.-pfr 2i. 46-Gw 7o ('oiiiilrij Merchants and Physicians. ^ VM L .1. HINSDALE invites the attention of Coh»- In/ Merchants and I‘h>/niriani to his large and com plete Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Chemical*?, Paints, Oils, F>yc StulTs, Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, &c., Which he is prepared to sell at low prices. SAM’L J. HINSDALE, Druggist Sept’r 21, 1H>7. _ 44tf^ .\ pentieni'n living in Philadelphia says, ‘•In passin;: through Pitt.sburjr. some months since, I pur. ha.^ed .i bott’e of H^rrh'ire'x llolhind linttrs. It relievetl me so niuf h, that on returning home I boug t tv.o T'lori- bottles from i*r. Dyott, which complete y cured me of N-nralLMa. I l-'^'e recommended the . , ^ tvietids. and four or five of the article tu manv "t ^ ,1 I think that my recom- number sav it .me i , . I „„ niore for its sale in Pmlaaelpnia mend ition has -nu' r than your a ivei ti''>'if; CWe ire u t j'crmitted to publish the name, but any person c dlinjr-‘t tj|e store, or communicatiT.g with us 1 will ft '.imvinced of the tiuth of this state- me: ■) >.» Oct. V 56.2tpd