mm wmm im in* ' lott. r 'T' r j I). i I m N RMI-WEEKL. Y. III. pa. , in. : icli HIM Itl i: 111II1 r IV. • til -' - t i 1 > 11 uy f'i 1 irit\ IM:. mwi 1' I), O \ \ I'.i .. : , , i Assets $1,422,162 11 t i:. i \ .KX \N1-Ki:. , I i- v. .1 Fl'.v - . F / , ^ !l / - I , ' \ ^ ^ ' I- 'iofis :! .:. 1. > , X ■ •ve » v - i!j\ ivi I- . ’ t 'i; :, irs ut ^'%'f tr iSoiiI.i l'\ : \ I,' , I' r - , !.y iijf - , . . . ■ .i , \ !. . - ! .■ rii'.'Ht • -■■ • I'l- M , . ' ... a ■; ■ iiSooA^s, rtr- tririi mi. i^ulr ^ Kr 'hr k* W 1 ^ t( I I : 1 i -iiilili i.h'’ ln-r --M' ■ V ■ ' i ■ ■ • IS-I r-tiii I i|. ti' It* t lai, I in, i ; Hi iJ-: B t*i ' >»1 .1 : Y K. lii i' ll.iit j Ny I. II, - V I ■•til", t M L’hiii: >t ii?; an.I ; of tSi lUc ! i:., hcv; 1 I it' if;. 'i .vprn: • .. -.V L- :■ 'i V.r-.M. . iJt-r- M uiii ■\ - .hii 1! •• Sc'it:. irks ! r.-.r I’hin - :■ i ' of l..'.r i Ir!-; A _" - ' : ."ii 1- . in '”u-f frvteil: kh .M ,i^_ ^ Wui-k.-: Li!(- -.r 1>!-. i‘ ia K Lrs'W. (t!. isoii ' : by lluiij' :r; kh r-,;r:ir_v : v il 'li--''.'’ jaC". i M;- ^ e. Sc .u,' III ;u in- B'ling: TL*' 1; -t 'I* -OIJ.S. spat'rli !>t Blount e hy .... .-1' r*‘- w riv> ay fli- !S. I . n. I ~ * I'lr'" ■ (i, Hi ■ l c. M' ' iii... ,ML!. 'I f ti>. . ..t .,u:. ypf, : ’’ i r- ! W \|- \I i \J f I ' ‘ ,f i. ( . .ii > *: f, an .! ( M;i t>. ■ [\()L. VII.] FAYKTTHVILLK, N. C., NOVEMBER l(i, 1857. [NO. 660.] |\ |\T':i> M(»M>AVS .\M) TJfUKSDAYS i;!,\V\!.i) J. HAI-K & SON, KltlTOllS ANO I’KdPlllKTOHS. ■■ f..r t!io Scnii-Wet' ily er 00 if pii'ul in L ivHiioe; *>0 if P’liJ 'iurinp the year of subscrip- n: (ir * ♦ tift- r tbe year has expired, i AVt'ekly OusKRVKK 00 per auuuin, if pui>l in 1 U I'.i'r; -Mi '>!> if pii:«l ilurinji tlu* year of subscrip- tiO lifter the year has espiruil. \1>\ r.KTl'^K.MK.N'TS inserted for sixty cents per , . ,r,> f li lines for th.> tirst. and thirty cents for eaoh i,-,i‘i>'lin .-..utrai t-i, lit reasonable rates. Advertisers are . ti) stute the rum))er of insertions desired, or will tu- continued 1 ill forbid, and charged accord- A ivfiti'enients to be inserted insiiie, charged ■)(! per roR sAu:. ^K\HK follijwing KKAL KSlWl'l^. tli.* M pr>)}.fity of K. ('. H;ill d.'c'1, is oll.Tf I t'..r s iic, and consists of the followiiifr trMcts: Tliat (li'sirable placid kunwii as ll.inn", iMntaiii- ing abou* !!•>() .Veres, with :ill the iinj invi'i’iciif^ Ti.i-; place will be sdM entire or divi.lnl. t.> ni t piirehii'^. i s. it Iteing probably on*- nf the bii'iness ht^ui - iii the country, and is vi'ry di'sir ibl" t.i I'losc \\i-liin;_ t . j enter the mercantile bii-;iiioS' I No. (’on>ists of a Ijoi ami lirick Sr u'l'. ' (~ tenements,) in (’!iiiipln‘l!tiin. ..ii Ihi'l^i.- Street, in'.ir j Clarendon I’lridjre. an.l i a v« j v ir i’i'c >t ni ! t'. r , r„// V., ( )lM‘ )| i business. I No. Is Throe , 1- 1 1 • , I known in cirv i>lot ns N publication, i early advertisements by spe- . ^ j.. ' vacant lo. i(>ts in (’;iiiii-!' in. n-_'. No. 4, Is a l>wellinr House ainl h't mi !Iav- mount, corner if ri;ink Ko.i i aii.l lams St. very desirable residet.ce for the whole \ No. r>, l.s a Cuni Mill aiul Steam Hti^inc and toiler, of 10 or 1.') hor-;.* p.i-.vt-r. 'I'liis is wt-11 w.ntli Se attention of those livinji where u.iter power i- tioi •lilable, and will be sold \t For terms apply to ^r..‘:it '.lirgMin J. II. HA[,L Assiirnee :0-tf STARR & WILLIAMS \i:l’ iiow receiving TMKIR .''KfONU STOCK FOIi THIS SEASON, {uibracing.— Dr% CwOodM, ItootM, Shot's, and .lladi‘-ii|i 4'lolliiiiji'^ wliik'h they invite the attention of Wholesale buy ers generally, il. Stvhr 1 [,T. M. Williams. 11 t'r *). 1 ''o7. 4^-tf New and Cheap Goods! JAMKS KYLi: ts now receiving a large and general supply of Dry (ioods, which are splendid l>ress Goods, . .1 every article in the Dry Goods line. All of which, cii.g purchased by the package, will be offered b}- ■■ hok-sale or retail at a .small advance for cash or on ■ me to punctual customers Fayetteville, Sept'r 1857. 4fi-tf w •IV'ir Sfork of HOOKS AND STATIONERY. T’E are now receiving our usual New Stock of D'.oks and Stationery, embracing a great ' I ’Jgust 1, l.'';')7. iCAPE I'I.AIl l>AM)S i p o It M 1.1:. fBHlE Subscriber otl'ers f. r sale that very valuable l’L.-\NT.\Tl()N known as the ‘‘liloeker," situated on the Ea'^t side of the Cape I'ear. tour Hiiles I below Fayetteville The L ind fronts the Hivera haif niile and rutis liaek two miles, and consists of .-ihout Sis Hundred Acres. 'I’he s iil is > f every variety com mon to this region: embracing the light sandy, loamy, clay, river low grounds, and very rich .-wamp laiids,— of the last named ahout fifty acres are un.ler cultiva tion. and are as good as any in tlip e.iunty. The bil- , ance of the swamp i.-ibout Ium or l”>o ai'r'^' ein be very easily drained through ilitches .already eut to the Kiver, or to Lock's Cioek, wtiich runs licros-; the ■ middle of the tract, of the whole tr.if-.t there ig atu.ut l‘2o acres under cultivation. The gro\ th on tlu- wood-land consists of pine ilong tin.I 'hort -eaf.i orik. hickory, poplar, cypre.'s, gum, je For terms and further information apply Jo W. L. ; Evans on the premises, .1. F. I^ryun, F.S |.. 1‘. M., F:i_\ • etteville, or to myself at Favetteville. F1{AN(’ES EVANS. Sept. ‘Jl, ls.->7. } Itf T ^ohoof, .^l‘dieal ainl (‘c'llan«‘oiiM ItooUx. !■ i_cti;! r with a large and v.irit‘d Stock of BL.\N'K ‘K'. l-\l*Kl{. LNVELOIM S. Sc. ' .TV Merv'haiits and others ari invited to call as ■ ■■ :Ver th- at' ,vt* on the best teinis. E. J. HALE & SON. \V II. CARVER Is now receiving his FaU Stock* or ClOOnS^ large and well selected. A call from old friends ' ; I the puiilic generally is solicited. My stock is too ;rl>-: to enumerate; every one can find something that V want by calling. .\11 kinds of produce taken in ■xc!:ange for Goods. W. H. CARVER .•^.‘pt. 17. 1857. 43tf T ti V-.rd in perfoi* openiti..n. .\lso. a U!1 I ll^.t t.. ’ iTf T I'iTt' II ■ . r w.itfi' wiiM 'Ulli; 'I', li.'.rd order, which p i.\ ' r>l:ick-^iuith .>hoj. D’ V. .1. & R. H. .TONES receiving their FALL AND WINTER Stock o FANCY & DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, ''hich they will sell at their usual low prices, in part as follows,— \E LAINS, all kinds; All Wool Plaids; Col’d Merinoes; Col’d Siiks and Black; Rich Robes A’Quille; Chenille Sliawls; l>o. Scarfs, all silk; Long Shawls for Gentlemen; Do for Servants; Cloth and Velvet Cloaks; French Robes, Volant; 1)0. for Misses; Nett Coats for Children; Long Brocha Shaw's; Merino Shawls, white; Opera Flannel, Plain and Col’d, Quilted Skirts; L>'i Hoops: Fine and Common Blankets; Colton, Silk, and Woolen Hosiery; Do. Fancy, for Children; Kid, Silk, Merino, Cotton Gloves for Ladies; Chenille Head Dresses; Chenilles by the yard; Bonnet Ribbons; do. plain; Fringes and Salom, all colors; Black Velvets; ! Bl’k and Col'd Belts; Mulberry Buttons for Dresses; Thread. Swiss, .Jackonett, | P>obbin, and Cotton Edgings; ' Blact: Lace and Edgings; 1 Emb’d Hhdkfs, Collars, Sleeves and Bands; . Love and Lace Veils; Bonnets, Hats and Caps; ' —ALSO— I A nice variety of Men’s, Ladies’, and Children’s ! SHOES. I .^Iso, Men and Boys ! Il'infer f'lothingy C'lteap. I —ALS^)— /’/. A^/V ,)/A'A’}', SOAPS, and many other \ Fa TIC)/ Articles. 1 >-pt. 11, 1857. 42-3m 1 ^=roceri‘s, llcinlvvjire, Slc. »'|’HE undersigned are now receiving a LARGE AS- ^ SOKTMENTof (iror.orics, Hardware, Iron, Steel, I lollow -\vare, Slioes, Leatlicr, and Saddlery, wliieh tht-y will ^ell at Wholesale at a small advance on * * "'■h, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. It ift iw- WILLIAMS & CO. .Inly 18, lb.)., 2C-tf rOK S.\LK. j'^HE subscrit'pr ilesiriiig to *Miiigr;ite to the West, otters for sale his entire l..\ND.'^, iiulu-ling about SIX hundred 110ri's. g''i’'r'’lv ’.iKurn itsf'ha'k Lcvc.. lyine in the upre:- en i of Harriett o'^unty, :! miles E:ir of ('flpe Fear Uiver. nn l on th ro.|il lo-i liiiir F.iV etteville to I’liapi'l Hi '., .'^tovc, Uwellii _■, «i:;r ’i'.u-i's, alt in tii'st ra^e . iib'r. ^J^The >tore is at :i tine ;i 'S s! in excelled by ;iiiy t..iiiitiy store in t! e also ujion the prei:;i-‘s an eycclleiit wi! in 15 . r ‘J' steps ..f the Fi’. n-c, a fine > Fruit i’rees, well when i with Tools, xc. Any person wishing to purch,is i j. acf ivi.iil.i do well to call aiol examine it f'.r thein'^e!ves. I ,im determined to sell, and will make ternid l asy for ii.e purchaser A. 11. DEWAR N. B. The place is one of the hefllthie«t in thi- Si.uth- ern countrj’. 40 Shares liank of FayettovilU- S* ck. -Vugust 4, 1>'‘)7. :’.l!tf 2,800 Acres of Lairl FOR SAU:. f J|1HE Subscribers offer for sale the abov. .irs r iri'A’j'.iN i:n. .V J H.,.V, ,■ ,)/. -. llt»‘ Lari,rt“st. Mandsnnu'sl anti (’ii‘a|)«“sl Sincks ol If a tie Cioiii i #i //• lor ■ ent'enii’ii's w. :ir. ever brought tothi'; M;irk( t, ;ii:d no mi. take! \I>’. a Maizniliceiit assortment of lfioy% and !’>o}'V .''uit' uad E.\tr.i .)acl:ets ..f all colors of Clotii. Oll> IB —Heady lo furnish ('.iiitr.-u t' i'-i wiiii aii_\ .(Uaiitity of Clothing, .it a vorv low fiirnri'. rO:C SilM>»»._A lar-e lot of 1>. .1 ackets aa.l 0\ cr ('oat a Iso, fancy FI an no] Over Shirts a..’. Pai.ts — \ cry ciuai'. very extcii'ivo a,-'.rtmcnt of 4ii«‘llll«>i||4‘r«*^ Pfli'iii^liiiiiT Fine l.iiieii .and F.iiu'i .M,ar- seillfs ,'^hirt'i and t'ollars. I n Irr irmonts ol hc.avy Silk an.I Meiii;.), Socks;. Olovcx. H'.'kTs, Sn )ien lers. ,Vc. Liinl — the heaviest " tter-l’r.H.t to ihe finest Pump a:;.l Fair Stitche.l. I’liiladeli'In.a ma lo; ||;iis aii«l « ssp-., of all tle- scripriiit’.-;. 'rravoliiii;; Triiiik«— Extra large si/.e-: l.omu't lioxes; (!.-nt' English Sole Leather, .''piini'h Iron Frame and Packing J’runks: I.iigU'h mc l.f.ithci \ alices, and others; i new stvle of Tr.'ivcll'i ” I very convenient; I (Jentlcmen’s Shaw's ;ind l ai'.'v IIiiiT'/y Pd.uikcts; genuine Havana .'^eg.tis; fnibri-;i l-: Walkin'^ 'ane^; In Ha Rubber Ovtr ('oils. Leggings and S.ind.ils; also. Over .'^hoes for L.i lies; and a great variety of Fancy Goods too nu- i:ier.>n> to mcnti ii .Vll which wi.'; 1 e s.>1.1 at wholesale or retail very low t’. r i-a-^h or on time to proi;ipt paying customeis (.’irntetIIi ! ir the ) -m rai p.atr naue esten.i.'.l to me. 1 respectfiiilv 'solicit a c.oitii,nance of the s.ame. CEoKGi; iUl.VNDT, South side Hay Street, (•pj osite (i. \V. Willi.ains a: ('o. FayC'ev N i . Sc[it 17. l‘''>7. t )-tl»l !'OU SAIJ-:. ''-I’.iu: l'\Vi:i,I IV;; HoCSE and L(»Ton (lillespie ii. Street, at )irc>eiii oi^iijiie.l by Doctor .NIcSwain. P>'!*'\ t ti. •- c.ii! '■ i:i I Ic. .\pplv t ' THo. .1. CUPTlS. .1. WILLIAM PU;F., M. I).. #■ iTTS n O O IT a ff, .V. 9'^Pt. P.VGE iii.ay be found at his office when not 0 " professionally engaged. May I), 1^57. .")tf DWII) Mcin FFIK, BSrirhmttsoti amt t*last€re»\ 3 S prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in- 3 eluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the adjoining counties. 1'ayet te'illc, .\pril '1~, 1857. 0-lV-pd WILIJAM SV.VDl'ORl), OF NORTH CAROLINA, Willi REED, ST. JOHN & CO.. Wholesale Grocers. N. Iv (’oh. Front and Arch Streets, #•/! ifaffelph # a. Aug. P.t. ls.')7. ?>.'')-:{m B. F. PEARCE & CO., DEALERS IN FOIIEIIJ.X AND DO.ME.STIC DRY (iOODS. HAl'S, (WPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, / mhn'Uas und lirtidi/-Made Cloihimj, IIAV STllKHT, M'aifetfeviUe^ .V. t:. ti V l'K\U('K.] •lulv .S(). [•I. W. I'KAUCK, JR 2'.t-tf (U:o. ALDERMAN, tHspcrfor of Sloren, WILMINGTON, N. ^^OliK’ITS patronage. Prompt attention and quick ^ desp.itch will be given to business entrusted to his eari-. June l!:5, 1857. 19-li!mpd Al.SO : i I ' 11» h \111,^ (’ V l‘> 111 ,\i i 10 in goo.l rejiair an l iK-jp V III .V Win In- Slid for half its value ^^aLso— g .od .Mli.i il with voiuiir calves. Apjilyto T. .1. ( I'R'llS. '■'ii- vii'- ' I ■ '! I- th.!r services to the piililic tv : ;; “ ' “ 1ie ir-i' ar. l every other re.juisite 1 for l uii'i ii;ey liive a i supply of 1 I’..thus ii-:i'l\ ni,' ic. airi ail abundant supply of .Ma- any, Il V, all.II' aiid Cum and Poplar luat'-riais ;« r ;i ak ng :;ny si/e al a short notice. Or.lers let't ai ?h*> ( 110; S|.. ing .'1 .!: will promptU atten.le.l to. HEARSEV’& JOHNSON. Favettevi.'e. .June l.s.')7. L’dtf '1 I ra' t of Land, lying on .-Vnder' itrs I’reek, ab .ut t wo ai.d a half miles from lower little River, near Elliot ' Mills,—including about One Husdred A,'res of good Swamps, which can be easily draine I. This Lan.l Is very heavily timbered, and a larsie portion level and of superior quality oi Pine Land for cultivation. Also, a Circuhf STE.AM S.\W-.Mll L, in complete order and well adapted to sawitig plank r.ia.l and rail road timbers. Also, Two well-broke .ML'LE.'i. .\11, or any portion of which, will be sol.I low and on time. The Lan4 will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. SMITH & ELLIOT. April G. 1857. '.*7-tf NOTK'i:. H E subscri'oer having, at June Term 18')7, of the ( ourt of Pleas an.l Quarttr Sessions for the •'’"unty of i’iim>>t rlan.l, .jualifie 1 as .\. Iministrator upon the E-: ite of WjHip p. Moore, hereby notifies a.1 pers.'ns havitiir claims airainst tiie sai.l Estate to prc'^ent the same properly autl.entic ite.i within the time ]>rc- ■ scribed iiy law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded i in bar o:' their rec '\cry. I'clit rs to the s.aid Estate will please make payment imme.l; >t*'ly. E. F. MoORE. .June ;i, is'')7. 13tf NoriCF. ''I'^HE undersigned having executed a power of .At- I torney tj E. F. .M.iore, he is thereliy authorized to make all settlements for me and in my name, and generally to transact .all business as I might or could do were I per-jonallj’ present. J. .1. MOORE. Fayetteville, .lune 1!''>7. 13tf NOTICF. A T September Term lS-j7, of the Court of Pleas and m Quarter Sessions for the County of Cumberland, the subscriber having 'lualified as Administrator upon the Estate of .lohn McL-iurin, notif.88 all persons in debted to the Est-ite to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the said Estate to . 1*1.-- a. • 1 .1. r,,- . ; present them proi'erlv .authenticated within the time adapted to 1-arming, Turpentine, an.l Ion limber , ascribed bv law. otherwise this notice will be pleaded purposes, having a good range and other advantages. ; ^ Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre- ({90 ACUKS >F LA.\J> FOU SALK. HE Subscriber offers for sale the above quantity of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington and Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Lind is well T' mises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS .MctilLL. Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, 18o7. lOtf FARM FOR SALi: 1 OFFER for s.ale my PL.\NTATION ®n the East side of Cape Pefir River, .3 miles above the Claren- din Bridge, known as the Toomer Lands, containing >oout 800 acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, and is susceptible of being made one of the most Farms in the County. I will give a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most easy if application is made in a few weeks. Address me at Gulf, N. C. J. L. HAUGHTON. Oct’r 16. 52- VALIIABLE PROFKRTV FOR SALE. fJlHE Subscriber having concluded to remove South, offers for sale his LOT, in the village of Chapel Hill. The dwelling is a handsome one, large and conveni ently arranged. The lot contains SIX ACRES of ground, with every convenience in the way of out houses, viz:—Dairy, Dry-well, Kitchen, Servant house with two rooms—lathed and plastered, woo'l and w.a'^h house, carriage house and stables. There is also on the front, a very neat DOlBLi: orFici:. The grounds are in a high state of cultivation— about half an acre being in fruit trees of the choicest kind and bearing abniulantly For further information address the subscriber .at this place. Terms made acciniinodiiting. E. MALT.ETT. Chapel Hill, .\ug. 15. :’l-tt’ LAM) FOR SALF. 'fl ACRES L.VND lying on the Cjunilen Stage Roa l, 1.") miles South oi Fay- ' etteville. The Land is well timbered, and admir.ibly ! adapted for Turpentine or Farming purposes: ami lies ! between the Southern Plank Read and Big Hockfish. for salf. —convenient to market. There is on it a comfortable mu ^ r.f \i I' i-TTi..-.,. House, Mill Site &c. WHI'^KFV TI U \Vh' w ^ ' I^ uV'’ ' f ''‘*'"''"*^t,lon may be obtained on the prc‘iius->s \M1L-KM. n ,s \\ hiskey comes very highly from Mrs. Marv Nol.^on or bv cnonr:- „i mended, said to be tullv emial to nnv North i Sept. 15, 18o7. D. McLAURIN, Adm’r. 43tf BOERHAVE’S ilOLLAM^ Itn iEKS rVTlE^J^ DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S I'LI^HKATFl) RYI-: WIIISKRY"’ j MIE subscriber has made arrangements to kee^ a I supply of the Oentiine Article, an.l the only ..•lit lor the sale or the above brand of 4 v i ;■ e Whiskey in this {dace. ‘ ^ 1 ,, . ‘'1‘i'CHELL. M.iy4, 18.)i. 5tj. 15 \nc to be fully equal to any North niake, aui.1 warrant(.*d tree lri>m any impurity. WORl'H ^ L’TLEV. . iiOOK 1]L\1)FI{\ ll.VRDlE has resumed the BooX Bindinif i Business, over the Tailor Sl op of Clark ,x i ward, where he will receive and execute bindiae ! ■■■"y style desired. ^ August 1. 27tf I ,t.\ 'I .■ lo. Auk CO T'r ;V J^UNDEE and fU NN'i , lity, ; ettevil: ■il’, tt I'..I suit purcha Sept. 1 Rlunk VV’^arrjiMc lor s:vl (;g! xci. in quantifies to lie >-y JA,^. (1. CO:'.'.;. 4:-itt TIIK CKI>;HRATKI» IIOf.LANP UKMKDY FOR BTSPEPSIA, DISEASE OF Tin: KIDNEYS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKxS'EHS OF AXY" KENT), FEVER AND AGUE, ■Anil the viiri(m« (ifTerlinrK consequent upon a tiisnrdered STOMACH OR LIVER, Sni:h as Inilieestion, .\ciility the '^toniarh. Colicky I’alns ilenrtliiirii. Loss ol .Api etile, Ites'ioiiileiicy. L’ostivrness. Itlini;iii(l niecilinc Piles. In all .Nervous, Itlioiiiiiatir. ii:iil .Noiir.ilyic .\irec Il ls in niiiiieroiis instances i.roved hichly tienelicial, anil in others cirectril ;i dei iclcil cure Tlii^ is :i purely ve!:('t:ililr compound, prepared on strictly scien title principles, iilter the manner of the relehrated llolliind Pro- t'e^sor, lloerlcive, necniise ot" its 'jrcrit success in most ot' the Kuropeiin >t;iles, it- introiliiction into the I'liited States iva in lenied more e^peciiilly those of our fiilher’anil scattered here ■mil there over llie l ueiir this miiihlv country Meeting with iire it -iicees- aiiuini! them. I now oiler it to the American |nililir. k'low in^'til l t ils ! ■ y wundcrtul medicinal virtues must Ih.'ac know ledird. It is p irticiilarly recc.mmeniled to those persons whose constitu tions iii.iy nave lir>:n impaired hy the continuou-i iie ot'iirdenl spirits, of olher foiiiis oi dis- | :tioii. (Jenerally iiistHiitani'ous in etli cl, it linds its « :iy dirv i,y to the of liie, thrillinc and iiu’,-, kenin!l every nerve, ti Ini: up the ilr’ojiiii" sj iril, mid, in tac!, iiiliisiii^ pew health and vi'jor in the system. i\i I I'K i;—Will 1 . re\;iei :s t,, linil this a lieverase will lie dis appointed: liut lo th'- sil k, w ’ak and low spirited, it will prove a cratei'iil aromatic cordial, posM- ,ed u >i'iL'ular remedial properties I- .\ I T I fi .V : The 2re -t popul ir ;\ iii'thi -deli:'hlfiil Aroma has induced many ii'iilatii.ii ii:i'i til" ptilil’:’ should i;u:ir.| iL'ai'ist purch.asin!;. lie n il p,-.- u idi-.l lo liuv .iiiythin:; else until you have uiven liotr- hav -’s llpll ml r.!l!- r' a T ir in i!. *>ne liottie will convince you ho.v intin tely -u| r;or it is to all these imil.itions. ■//■.■-old -It ■«l IMI per liottle. or six liott e^ |ur liy the Sdl.I-: I’K O 1> I! I KT'i 1’.-J, RIJ i.l \ (3| -» C'A^ir, .IK. CO. M r • V r 1' r n 1 N ii IMIAHMACECTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PlTTSHUROII, Fa. Samuel .T. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June 14, ItioT. 16- A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WlhMrXGTON, N. C. .Tuly ls.j7. 22tf .lOMX l\ S.rMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINoTON, N. C. Will give particular attention to the sale of Naval Stores, Cotton, kc. Feb’y 18or>. 8-j-tf W. H TURLINGTON, * i ('o:mni.\sion Alerduint, No. 42 North Water St., WILMINGTON, N. (’. tt^ril-b give his prompt personal attention to the * * sale or shipi.ient of ;ill Consifriiments of Naval ."^tores or other Country i’roduce. Nov. 8, IX'iii. LOVER!) ELD RIDGE. • iltoriirif tit f/rrir, ^MriLL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp- w w son Counties. Smithtield. .\pril l-’>, I85*>. Oti-tf THO. C. FULLER, tittoriiei/ and f'ounseUor at Ejatr. OFFICE at Eitcles's Bridge, recently occupied by .lames Hanks, Esij., Fayetteville, N. C Jati’y 1, IHoT. TOtf Worth & Utley, i^'orwardiiiix and General Conunission MFRCIIAN TS, Fat/elteriUe^ .V. C. , J. A. WORTH. (72tf) JOS. TTLET. ' Hr. K. A. BLAC K. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, tSoti. 70-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ^ c: o n .m AND FOR\VARl)L\(; MERCHANT, l%*ilmins^toM, ,V. C. Si^ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 18;>o. 67 .f08i:pii raker7jh^, ATT«R.\KY AT LAW, JjfA.S taken an office nest door to Wm. B. Wright’s HI Law otlice on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bl.aden, Robeson and Sampson. ■March 28, 1 79-tf “LAW coi>art\i:rsmiiv’ nl E, the undersigned, have this day formed .a Law (Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1, 1856. 72tf GIANO. I PERUVIAN GUANO, for sale WORTH ^5' UTLEV. 38- fair xorici: ^B^IIE Richmond Union .Agricultural Society will M, hold its Annual Fair at Laurel Hill, On the last WEDNESD.VV and THUUSDAV of N> VEMBER next. -\s there has been mucii pnins taken in httin.i'^ up the Fair (Iround, it is hoped that only the citi- /en^ of Richmond, but of the adjoining, I'ounties wii: come along and compete for the Premiums tobeuw t 1- ed We have a first rate enclosure for the exliibitioii ot .Stock of all kinds, an excellent Trotting Tra k. with every necessar}* arrangement for ll;e Florul Depart ment. .Ml articles of exhibition must be brought f' r wtird on Wednesday, the first dav of the Fair. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ^ct’r:Jl. ")7-:’.t Ii vxK OF ('aim: I'i:a!{. } Nov'r Itli IsTiT. V nivideiid i\'o. A SEMI-.\N.M,'.\ L Dividend of Three percent will i be paid to the Stockholders at the l’i inci]‘a’ li ink ' atid Branches, on and after the !*th in«t. H. R. SAVACE, (’a-h r. Nov. 5. .',7.:;t BA.\K OF U AIIS>lfiOien%[ Tukshay, ‘M Xovcnilior, I'^oT. ) ^I'^HE Directors of the Bank of \V adesboro' h:ivr> th - i day declared a Dividend of .'i per cent., payable on and after Monday the 2'id iust H B HA.MMt)ND. Casli'r Nov 3. ■'>7-t'J:;d lloheso/i doHntij Snhscrij)ti()n to I hr Hnil liodd. ^I'^HE subject of Subscription by Kobe.^oii 'ounty, to £ the Wilmington. Charlotte and Rntli-rfor l Kail Road Company, will be iliscusse 1 b. for'- "e Robeson County at the followin;^ tim-s nu 1 pla -es: At Capt. Wishart’s Muster (iround, I^. :y, Nov. N’.tii At Regan s •• *• .' luir lay. 1 Ith. At Wilkinson's Mills “ *• '! IDth. At St. Paul’s *• ; iii s i;n. ITiij. ■\t lied Springs. Wednes l.\y, 18th. -\t Ltimberton. Thurs l.iy, I'.'th. Nov’r I. 1857. A:NiHRO'rv!‘i'S! A\;i':ior^ " Having taken the liol las i.,rmerly oiciip;,'! 'r. M. -M. I'ergusoii, ovrr . .M. 15eas'ev ~. w.o; j i ^ spectfully announce to tlu* public tli;it ho i> prep ii ' I to take AMRROT^ PES in the best styles known to tli.> , art. A trial is all !u- and if satistuc^ion is ii' t i given, there is no charg ■ “So come along without de' iv, ' t Aii'l gel a •'iotiire from Battlev'. T. BATTI.EV Nov. 5, 1837. »)7tf .lus'r RiyruRiviiD S.,'1HOM the Norihern cities, for the second time this ■reason, with on,. ,)f the ll:iiiilNt)iiicsl iiiitl Ut'iilly riii'apcst Storks of I f I .S' iji^i iliid I'liiii't/ Ih 1/ Ijilfl'Xt Stf/ff’'* I of ^ Si'/i' a itil j S/inrs; 1 run/,ft ltd Fiiitri/ Hoods; j 1 ever offered Jo ]>urchasers in this market. riie prest'iit stoi-k p irtieularlv having been pur- ' chaM’1 nn ler very fivorablc circumstances.—at the ■ ii.o.ilier erisi.-. when goods were low and cash scarce, ti 1 wi’i thfi he snbl at a greit reduction of lorilHT priiH": .\ii early rail respecffuilv solicited. I ■ GE0R(5E BRANDT, Hay St , Fayetteville. Nov r '.t. 58-t.JI , Siioiir House yiolnssi'.s in Ifoss/iends ! a/i(/ Jitirrt ls; I’.I’.LS, s. II SVRUP; Ilio, L.igiiira and .lava Coffee; L f. Crushed and Refined Stigars; 111 liales (iiiTiny Cloth; Dundee liagging; Hope and Twine; 111 f.iiis SwKt>K Iron, assorted sizes; III “ .\merican hatumereil Iron; Inti Kegs Nails: .''hot; and r.,ar Cliee.'C: Sperm and .V lamantine Candles; I’n sli Hvsou and Imperial Teas; ^‘C., &c. F r ~,i.e liy ’ C. T. HAIGH & SONS, iv'r 57-4w o Ii,-jll0 ACKlvS Ol' j.ANII I'di; SAI.K. fgIHE Suliscriber desiring to move to th- 'A'p,,t olfei' B to sell the following tracts of valuuMe laud. 1 Trai't containing 2')'iij acres in Harnett County is miles North of F.ayetteville. There is on this tiaet, : two large ami comfortable dwelling houses, with all nt-cessary out houses, together with a good mill ruunin:: two saws and grist, with aoout ;I()U acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excellent farming and turpcntin* laud. ■Also another tract containing lOO'l -.cres of turpen tine land, about 10() acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one gooi’ dwelling with all necessary out houses and a good grist and saw-iuill. The above lands will be sold at public sale on Thui s- day the 8d day of December iu tract; to suit pui chasers. I will also sell on the same lay all my C,.rn, Vodder, liaj’ and Stock of .all kinds, S' head of mules Y horji.:. Blacksmith and Cooper’s tools, farming u’,t-n.sils, 1 Tim ber 2 road waggons, 1 cart and a lot of Haruess. 1 will take pleasure in showing the above prorertv to any person wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Nov. 7th, 1857. ys ts ROIM) PLNE LAND. nj E offer for sale 2000 ACRES round Pine Tur pentine Land 17 miles from Fayetteville, be tween the Western and Centre Plank Roads—the .Mor- I ganton Road running through the same A b ngai;i ; will be sold in these lands. For particulars ap]ilv to ; Mr. Charles Monroe near the land or to the subscribers. J. cj T. WADDILL. Nov. 0th. oS-t.l 1 N l-ii.VNCES E. IinsKE, HAS KIM; STi: WVBERRV plants for .sale, by the •lundre I; • ’«;o, Roses. Cape .Jess.atuiiies, and various other F'' rter-i. in pots layers. -N. v'r 'J. 57-4wks -Ncuro IJIiuikt'Is and Ivt'rsevs, just r. • • V:-i J, -,'! i(,.' s il(> l y \V. }}. C.A.RVEK, I’olioii iiairnijiu ;iiu} R()|X', jnst r(*- • i\. i ; .r sale by W. II. C.ARVER. TOBACCO, just re- . i- 1 ai! I t,.r s:,i(> hv W . Ii. (’ARVER. N-.'.'; .. ■ 57- i t J> J \ \ :;o Bags just r. ;• v,.| and for sale by W. H. t\VltVEH. .vov r 1. it7- i \V \ NVfiil |> A. jii't ree d and for sale by VV. H. CAKVER. N.'v 1 1. 57- ;.4ii Ji ^vki'p just 1 ; and for by W. 11. (,’ARVEH .''•■v'r b .')7- l 3'81' and COTTON \ .l!VS, just I'cc'd and for sale by W. H. CARVER. N V I 4. 57- Bu.SES TALLOW AND ADAMANTINE (' VNDI.I.S. jnst rec'd and for sale by Nov r I. W. H. CARVER. 67- A « HOD ASSORTMENT OF |»RV GOODS on X «- h ind and for sale cheap by W. II. CARVER. .Vov'r J. 57- .\ri:'is copy ( HEEnE! CHEESE! liOXE.'i just received and for sale b3' W. H. CARVER. N iv r 1, 57- rOR 4L.\I!GI'. young well broke MULES. \pply to Nov. THOS. .J. CURTIS bl-Sw ' FOR SALI*:, 1 4 NICE HARNESS .M.VRE. only six years old a\ Also, a GOon second-hand Buggy and Harne'.s ! Apply soon. I>! .A. WII i;V. j Nov’r 7, 1851. 58-2w I 2.") DOLLARS REWAUD. R.AN.\WAV from the subscriber on the 8rd inst . BR\.\NT OXENDINE, a free man of color, who j was sold at the Court House, by an order of Court. I and purchased by the subscriber This is to forewnrn I all persons from harboring said Oxendine as the stri'-t- I est penalty of the law will lie enforce! rig-iln-it t.Seni I I will give the tibove reward for his confinement in .Jail ! so that I can get him. ! .lOHN T. WRKillT. I No doubt he will be found lurking in Kobeson couti- ty as he has a mother in that county. .1. T W. Nov. 9, 1857. 5,''-.;t Town papers copy. n. A. LAMOXr. Commission Merchant, Wiliiiiii^fon, €. OFFICE 38 NORTH WATER STREET. Persona! attention given to all produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. Nov’r I'l. 07-1 ypd voirrii CARoiJXA reapers. \i hki:kn 1 A'vn a. I’UEI’AHF.I* WITH .^PKCIAL UKFKRENCK TO THE WA.NTS .\N1) INTKUKSTS (»F • Vot'fh i'arothta. rNi»i:u Till: \rsi*irr> tiik si i'kuintkndkxt of com mon .'^rnooLs. BY iU'v. I', fl. Iliibhard, I'1;oKKSS(iH III- TMK I,\T1.N l.\M;l \(;K .\.\I1 r.lTKRATlRE IN Tni: IM\ Ki:^tTV nr .Nuuril C.VKiiI.INA. O /^"TONS No. •so by Aug. 28. FOR SALE. 4 DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and common TOB.\CC(); and almost anything in the Grocery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Jan’y 27, 1857. 77- GIUXO. tons BEST PERUVIAN GUANO, juFt re- ccived and for sale by Aug. ,31. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & Cv). 88- COR\. BUS. CORN, for sale by WORTH & UTLEV. 36- GUAXOES. 1^.^^ BAGS PERUVIAN; • 327 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Periiviiin. not only increases the yield, but combi!;ed w'lh the Coluiubi.m makes the crop much more certain. For sale fiy D. W. .\IcL.VURI.N' Nov. fl, 1856. 54tf TXnd for sale' ACRES OF L.VND lying on upper Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for the Turpentine business. It will be sold on accommodating terns. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. W.M. McL. McK.W. Sept. 22, 1866. 41-tf Twenty-five Dollars Reward! ri'^HE subscriber will pay a reward of Twcntj--fiv.' I l>ollars for the recovery of the POt’KE I' 1’.''OR lost at the ('umberland ('ountv' Fair Ground, together with the Notes contained in it The pajiers were due to me as guartlian of the children of the late Willi iin T. Smith, with the exception of one judgment due to me in my own right. 1 will pay this reward for tho notes, delivered to me ;it my residence in Harnett county, or to Mr. .lohn D. WilliHma in Favetteville .\11 persons by whom these notes were in.ide are wariu 'l not to pay them to anj’ one but myself. The amouut of the papers is about six thousand dollars The pock et book or wrapper is made of buckskin, bound ab mf the edges with green tape. JAMES P. HODt.ES. Nov’r 6, 1857. 58tf Carolinian. Five Dollars l^vCward. rilUESDAV evening last, at Beaver Creek Village, my Horse left his bridle and went olf with the saddle on. He is a sorrel, his left eye out, and has 1 think a small white spot in his face; white spots on his back, from saddle and harness tips; the fi dnt of his left hind hoof appears to be worn oil. 1 will pay the above reward to any one that will take up «aid horse so that I can get him. .\ny information will be thankfully received. JOHN ELLIS, Jr. Cumberland Co. . i v 7. 1^'57. 5>*-otpd L\.*i'CA{.L. tLL Notes and .Accounts due W. F. & E. F, .Moore, and a'so thoso due v Brother, th it ar>- unsettled on the l^t of December, will positively put in the hands of an Officer for collection. E. F. MO(.)KE, Adm’r. Nov. 3. 57-Im Town papers copy. HOOI* IROX. AL.\RGE lot of Hoop Iron for Cotton. For sa'. low, by JAS. G. C00K% Nov’r 9. 58-2m r .M tiuj:is (■it.NTAl.M.Nd A t’AMll.lAK HlSToKY AND DESCRIP- TIiiN i»K Ndltril rAIlOM.VA. JSelcc' l*r i.»e and; tnuii}' of them by I'tiiiti' lit citiz IIS of the State. lIlSToitlt’AL .\\I) CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, Ai:d a variety of .\liscellaneous Information and Sta- tistir.s. by 1. 31. WII.IIV. Number '■) '•? a tiew an 1 reviso I edition of the North ('aioiin t ReadiT. ( ])ub'’sht'l in 1851. Numbers 1 and ’-'jnst i"ued. conipb-'te the seriC', which is, as a wil'd'-, cln-aper than any other series of Iteaders in the I'niti-d St.ile-i, and as complete. fhe Kditor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deonis it pioper to allude to a few of the peculiar . ivantigc-i .aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Sidiools whilo making elli)rts to have this work com pleted. These are. 1. TI,i , /•'•oiinri/i lit' /it 'jf a J'teliny of sdf-dipeu'lence, and till' fiili-tiiuiit of popular sentiment in behalf of the Si.ati- ,an 1 its institutions. It was not thought im portant. li 'wever, to have more than one number of the Koa iiTS of merely a local interest. 2. 7' /■• .’.inh/ thi eril evert/whcre cotnpluined nf in com- ,’,'■71 of a /irrj>ftiinl vhunj‘in text bookx; an ex- pcnaivL- liubit, an.l one which injures the Schools by preventing tiie children from being classified. A se ries of home Rea.lers, it supposed, would, be cer tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. 3. Kcf-nouin, tne popular system of Readers being too loir;! aui] being made s i olteu merely to add to th,- i^.itit- of auth -rs .and publishers. Thi.', >eriis Is t.,: consist of fewer numbers than t I 'Se gen' rally u.-vd, and it is be ieved that these !ium:.i i s art' r iii'ii' icnt, wliile if the system were uni- versaliv nsc.i in the ."'t.ite, the sutn s.aved to parents and cn ' Iren wuuM amount to several thousand d'illars annua; :y. •1, 7'- t dif kah'lf of children Itarnini/ to rea'l cmii- • i,iiii 'i’tar but not ot thr churactvr otlled ■ ■■:■ r e nt>iiain;'. in iesoons enough .■ . o'lei-t sp-ciniens of style, interesting in ni It er, md inculcating proper morais, an.I rei.gious i i''sttaiction. Tiie prices are, for No. I. 'j5 cents; No. 2, cents; i in I No. 7.': cmts. A liberal deduction from these i r>rii;e« ■ . ‘,;i„tij and S-hool Teachern. I ‘ E. J. HALE & SON. tti ville, July 2‘.t. 29- j A »iKAT WAXTEI). 8W \ N ( to purchase 5,000 Bushels Wheat. JAS. G. COOii. * .lune 25, 185ti. 16-tt Ot, Otli:!