itr. Hawhs'>« History «K !\OKTH CAROI-IMA. The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valu.ible work, which has received the highest commen.Irttion wherever it has been rend, not oul.v lor its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our Geueral Agent for th« State, II. W. U»rne of this i>lace, or any of his Assistant Agents. The }>rice varies according to style of binding: In handsome cloth -6; in Library Sheep $1 50; in lia'f t'alf $1 75. It is SOLI) only i'ok Cash. None will be cliiir^ed, either by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal disconn* will be made whei'e iiuantities are trikcn to soli again It will he sent by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of the price and --1 cents to pay postage. The 2d volnma is in course of preparation. ilioro will probably be four or five volumes in all ihe sui ■ ceeding volumes will pri'bubly I'ontai’.i about oOO pages each, and will f>e sold at a proportionally higher price, vii: half a cent a page f»r the cloth binvling. cents additional for sheep and 50 cents additional tor the hal calf binding K .1. IIALK \ !>O.S hay ttfville, Aj>ril \>^-u. 1. S. The Agent and his .Assistants de>ign to vi.sit every county in the J^tate, with the tiock, soon as Convenient. In the mean time, orders tc liiiu or to n.-). accompanied by tlie cash, will receive pri'nipt atten tion. IU)()KS. ■'kl’N'OLI.-'ON S Therapeutics an i Materi i Mi’dic.'il I'ictionary; Human IMiysiology; l*rai tice of Meilicine: • * till Now Uoiuedios: Meigs’ Treatise on ()ltstotrios; “ Wyman, and lior l>i,o:i.'^os: “ ('hildbed l\ vors; “ Dise:ises of the I’terus; Dewees on Childron; “ “ Females; Horner's .\natomy and Histology; Miller's I’rinciples of Surgery; Prai'tice of do ; Hartlett on the Fevers of the F. State.-; Wilson s Human .Anatomy, by Ooddard; Uicord and Hunter on Venereal, by r>uin>tt'.i 1; Watson's I’rav'tico of P lysio, by «\indie; Wood and liache's U. S. l>ispensatory; 1‘ancoast's Wistar's .\nat> my; Wilson on Diieases of the Skin; *• tlie Skin and Hair; Eve’s Surgii'al Cases; Churchill on Childron, by Keatinu; “ System of Midwifery, by (VuuHe; *• Diseases of W'omen by do ; Kllis's Medical Formulary, by Thoma-: Kirkes’ and Paget's Physiology; Kegnault's Hlements of Chemistry: Fownes’ Chemistry for Student.-;; Hartlott on Certainty in Medicine; Smith and Horner's .Anatomical .\tlas; 15ird on the I'linary Deposites; Pereira's Materia Medica and Therapeuiios: t'arpenter's Human Physiology, by Sinitli; Dickson’s Elements of Medicine: Taylor on Poisons, by CirliTith; Hurrows’ on Cerebral Circulatii>n; Wils.m on Syphilis: Draper's Physioli gy—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, \c , ,Vi-. E. J. HALE \ Si»N. ;>et. IBoT. H m. L.iiiroKs. PURE French Brandy: £ - “ Jamaica iium: ^ £ “ St. Croix do.; ? . ~ . “ Holland Gin; — z ^ “ Kye Whiskey; ? ^ .Apple Brandy; S ^ “ Peach Brandy; - “ Madeira Wine; j. 5 § £ “ Port 'Vine; ? 4 - .i “ Malaga Wine; ? £ “ Scuppernong Wine; ~ .And a good assortment •!'t’OMAloN LI'-jU'H!..'' :i'wiy> on hand and fur s.ile by W. 11. i'.\l!\'KI! Oct. Im 'I'he H ilniin^to/i, Charlottf ».V R'ltui r~ ford Rnil Rnaii ('ornj>'tn i. IT is ordered by the Bjard of Directors pany, that f .r the ensuing the lo ' stalments be called for, viz: Third instalment of TWENTV per cent t' and payable on the 1st day of December l>.'»'i Fourth instalment of TEN per cent to b payable on the 1st day of Fe'^ruary Fifth instalment of TEN per cent, to In- payable on the 1st day of May Sixth instalment of TilN per cent, to be {•ayable on the 2d daj- of August This call is applicable only to those Counties E i-t of the Pee Dee, and to those West of f’harlotte. H. W. GUION. Pret. Oct'r IS-jT 'j.j -’in tij)'! ;a- iii- lut d\io and du. LOST, L.AST Saturday, 31st ult , (during the honr. of parade. I about the Court House, or between the Court House and the Fair Ground, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing consistiiiir of three bills, three $4 do., one >!■') bill, uno ^■') gold piece, three oO gold pieces. A lleward of -^lO will be given for the above described Pocket Book and money, delivered to the undersigne'l. JAS. H. J.AC'KSON, Musician. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. ‘2, 18o7. .Vitf 1). W. C. UENP.OW, !). 1). [AY be found at his Uonms. during his regular office hours, viz: from 9 A.M. to 1P.M., 3 P. M. to 0 P. M., where he will be pleased to receive calls from all who j may be in need of his pro*'essional services. No inducement will be held out by (dlcring to per- I form operations for a small coni[iensation; a good j rice i will be charged in all cases. And j atients favorin;: ' L)r. B. with their confidence, may roly upon his utmost j exertions to perform every operation in as jert ct a! manner as possible. All ojifnilionn K. f,r /■ .-..w! u., P. S. Those who are now iii lokted will please call and settle. glover AS received his Fn.ll Stock of Goods, consisting of WATCHCN, TRWI^LIIV, SILVER AND PL.\TED WARE, /l.M) MILITAKV liOODS, To which he itvites the attention of his old customers and the juiblic in geueral. 1*. S. Ills j)CftiOual attoiitiou will be paid to all Watches and Jewelry entrusted to him for roi)airs. Sept. D”>. 4:^-3m W A'I'CIJKS, .IKW FJ.UV, ^Vc. .AM now receiving additions to my Stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, military and Fancy Goods, Which maki'.s my .“^tock good. Those who are about ti> make ilioir pnrctiases would do well to call. W PIUOU BkiY* Watch Itcjviiring doiu' in tlu'best in:iiim'r and wtirniito 1. Oot'r I. I^'iT. li-'Im .! T IIOI STO-X. (Siim'NNor to .1. I}(‘:i>lry in Hit' Wiitth aiiil Jrwrlry HiisiiiisN.' KSl’i.CrrriJA calls the alien- ^ tioii Ilf llie l.idii'S and goiitlomon | . F.i\i ttovilli'. and his tViends at a ; dist.HiK-o, to this t-n-t. and bens an :ioo‘ptanoe of thanks loi their patronaiTo to the late tii ni. Beasley \ Houston; j ho will i i.ndtii t ilio bnsinoss in his own name, iletor- ; 1 minod to o.trn a lil'cral jiatroii.age by correct dealing ; I with all who will tavor him witli their custom Ho , ' has no\% lor .•'.1:0 .i largf -tnk of tin*’ Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry, Ot the latest siyles out: ! Silr>/- /•’'/•/'•.N'. fd'■ , ('iifli/'i/. li'ih! i\iis, Siirri//iir's ('ni/iji issi s I't- nm ///.'■. 11 (///.•/;// (’’ims, i''nu I inline, j J-''lift S II III/ Ao'D/'ifi‘‘IIS, Fitu Ihnihh ! it tins. s iiHi) otJn r Pisfii/s, ' j ('"]>■", ‘( ('.I d'-’ , d'C. ^ \\ atchos ;ind .lewolry c.irefully repaired: .\o- coriK'.'iis corrictly iuno>i: ami Engraving hanilsoniely . executed by T. liorS l't'N ■ (Kt’r'.;«•! •'> tf I'AI.I, .s: roi lv. Is.'iT. 5J I'. i’i: vi{( 1: Co. A UE now roc- ivinii a lav_o .in I well selected ttot-k of ^ consisting in part of: 11! ick and F'gurod .''ilks: Enj:ri.--h and French Morinocs: I’laiti .and Fi^;'1 DeLanes; Froncii all Wvud Plaids; -\lp;UM.' of all i(ualit;f>; Black Boinba/iiu*; Engli-h, French .and .Vnierii'an Prints; ('lienillo Shawls. , beautiful patterns: , i. idies' ('loaks ol every .ie'eriptioii; ; .laconct Edgings and Insertions; ' Collars and Cn lersleevtw. Jlosiery, (Jlovos, l5oIts; Bibbons, Triminings, &c ; ‘.'ioths a!i 1 Ca'simcros; Twee Is, .leans ;ind Sittiliets; White and ’ to I riainu-'s: Bte-i 'hed anl l>rown >liirting-; .Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; r>!e.ii'hed and Brown Drillins.s; Plaid l,;:is,ys and Koiseys; .M irib r.'' .''trij'Cs and Pi li 1^: l’>r, wii ^.iid Bleached Ta;'lo ths: T we':'i:.js of .1'.'. kin is: Negr'.'; Extra 'luality Bed Blankets; Spiral, lirass ;ind U ii:i'eli >ne H Good assortment of Ho,.p Skins: Vankeo .Noii. iis ...f every variety, kind, and ■ lUa'ity: Silk, Le.'iorn an i Str:iw Il.innets: 1 M-'IC'kin, ('as.simerc anl W ■ 4 H.its; i B. js. .-^h. es, Cmbrel'.is. —.\LSo— .V 1 irgi and tashionable st> -k f .VII 01 whit'ii will be sold low for .VSH, or on air u»u:il time to puix'tiial customers either at M'- or /,’ ■ ' .\:1 pers .n are res| ectfully invited to give us a ca’l B. F I'liVll' E. J. W. I’EAKv'E. .1r Sc; ; 7. I '■'i7. t^nf tAinnhi rtoif • Idrcrtiaciucnt. The Sul s. riber is tiov,- reeeivin._ his .-^t i k of Tall aiiil Winter (’ ini'risinir ever;, thing itj thewivof DK\ GiM»DS, -ni'h as \Ie:ii, ■>, .\'p-ie is, De'.tines, ('ashmeres and > ;n'.;li:iiris, 1 .r Ladies' Dress'"- \1->. t’aiii.oes. Lin- seys. I.Ieielii. I ;iti 1 unMeaeho i i-hirtings. Drillings,^ •snabui’i.'s. Kerseys, Kentucky .leans. S.attinets. Cas- , simeres. tor P;,i!t'. \c. KE\DV-MAI>E I’l.OTHING. | the b. -r materi i’' and go i w irkinansiiip. B>(»TS ' and .'^IH'E.'^. Men :in l B..ys; a*-o, a go.-ri liss Tt- j ment ot L.'i l;es‘ and .Misses' .'^lioes. Trimmings fori La lies' Dr- sses; i’. >nnets. Mantillas and floaks, of the 1 i.itC't !ashi"ti. li.VTS at\d C.AP.*s of all sorts, and TKL'NK.'! of .ill six,.-: be-i lcs HAKDW \KE. (JR'X’K- | I'llES. and a vrir.ety of other Goods, which i will sell ' low lor 'a'h. ‘.r upon sl,,jii credit to reliable and prompt paying eubtomers. S. W. EHHANT. Lumberton, N. C , Sept. 'Jl, 1h.')7. H-L’m I’OK Tin: W |]ST! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! M 1 S. BBOWN'S Tri-Weekly * • Line of Four-l*orse Post (’■ aches, from Salisbury to .\she- vilie. via Statesville. Newton, Morganton. M.irion and Plea-ant fJar'lens; connecting at Asheville with the line of Sia^res for the Warm Springs, Kn-ixviile and Grecnviiie. Tenn. This is the stocked .and best nitinage l Iloa i in North Ca rolina. It is the inosi expeditious, safo and jdeasant. and .at the same time the cheapest route for the West. I.eav.-.s .'^.disbury on Monday, We.iriO'd.iy an'l Fri day; leaves .Asheville on Tues'lay, Thtirs lay and S.itur- close connection witli the Xortii Carolina Bail lload. North and Souili. C. S. 1>B*^\VN, Contractor. June I-'), ]!s.')7. ](•,. The Vtirrias:^ Far fort/ in the South! WcKK/ril I \ KSPECTFrLLY informs his friends and the 8% puldio, that he built 'ip large s\ibsiant'.al Brick Buiblings at his Old Stand, expressly for nian- ufacturinp (^irriK^os. Th:inkiul tor tii*‘ very patrona.ire he has received tor the last 'J I yi'.ars. he hopes by .strict attention to liu^iuess, with a do.-jire to give satisfaction, to merit a continn ince ot the same. Ho \V!irrants his work to in* made nt the best n\aloiiaI and bv expi'rieuced workmen in '' ich braivch of the business. His work wiU coiupafe tavorablv with .any made in the United States, torncaines' m l durability. He is deterinWn'd to sell and do .an_\ Work in his line on as good terms ;is any work done clseuherc :hat is as well done. ilcnow ha.sonhand, I'i.N isiiKt', the L \HGl:S r Si’t) '/V >t' ( 'rn ni'\ , li ix'lt'nl/' n. :tn>! Ever olieiod *n this pl.ace. ami a very Large stoc:. of Work nearlv tinishc'l. which will be tinisheil daily. All ot wliich 'will be s,.i.I very low tor ('ash, or on short time to punctual .•u'tomors. Iftay- 111- has on hand more t ban ONE il I’ N Dl! E D .\ N D I’ll* i '» ^ cles tinisht'd .and in course ot cou'truction. BsiV’ .\n wo: U made i>y him is warianted I'iiuouths withtair us.i-e, in i should it tail by 1,ad workmanship or mat. rial wiil lie l epaire.l free of idi irge. rcisons wi'lrinj to l.nv would lo well lo call and c.\amiui‘ I' V theni'oivcs. >rilt-rt I hankiully receive.! .ind prom j !ly at teuiled lo. ilepairiri}; e.vecute’ sh .;t n.'tici .ml on very V-' as, i.uble t erms May '-IS, ^ J. \v. Is lit w ri'coiviiig fritiii the Xtirtli tlic l;ir^'cst. liiifst, aud luust carefully se- ^i\f~ lodo'i t*l ^ 1 KK ev.-r ot'ered in tlii- m:irkct: which, .iddcl to his own n.aiiufacttiro. ni..kcshis assortment completw;—all oi V. i.icii he ’.vil! s> 'I on the lowest possible terms for cash oi ..!i time to I'un.'iual cust> mcrs. 1 aslu,,n;i'ile painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts: cur.idh iir and ^huck. and cotton .Mattresses; Looking (;' :sso?; \‘i illow Wagons and (’radles; Side Board.s; Bureaus; .’^ecrotarios and Book-Casos; \S hat- -N ’t.s; T.ablf.s, :iH sort.-"; Wash .Stand-: ('andle .'stands: W .ardri.tiej;; Picture Frames and (Jlass; Winilow .'^ha les; >',.inices: I'urtain Bands: ."^ofas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and St-tols t iiairs of every variety. Fine llo.scwood I’iuiiKS, one with *Kolian At tachment; llo.sewood .Mulodians, from the bet manutac- t r;es in New V«rk and Boston, w.irrante l ;is good as a:i_i' in the «-"untiy. and will be sold at N. York p. ices—frei:r'’t only added. Novem i-r L'l-tf M7/0 worij) 1/AVK Tuovtnn it* ,1 ;/'./• ('nrri’t'jf Kstahn^hjufnt On the Milltnry (trei ji, npjtosifi' f/ir Mrf/iuJisf Churchy froHt'nxj on Mum for J Sfrtyl. Z':i> 'il'\i M«> io |«» ^l''Hii .'^u'oscribers w 'ild respect: ullj inf irm their I fi'ietidi and the pu'dlc, that they have entered ivito copartnor.-'hi]. f. r the purpose of con iuctiug the general C.VK111.\G1', liLSlSESS in all its various parts. And t>eing both practical workiJi^n, fully un- der-iaTiding their buuiness, they have ti; it;ition to C'iijjiaie woTK with any establishment ; jtteviile as to st_\le and durability. One of the !irm may b»* known by ic-i to H. Whitfield's iron work for the last tw«; , ;rs. We all work to liive treneral s itisfactiou f( V twelve Ulol^sh^ Repairing done iu the acat est maimer low for cash PIER \ BKANIN. J.V.MES H. Pier Jamks Bravih. F.nyetteville, .lan'y 24, 1853. tJlitf • fiarble Factor Oct. 14. ;i-tf FOR THE P.\LI,& WINTEIt Iv57| JUST BECEiVEL»: I't'all soo'i, secure a good bargain and save money ) IINK l»K TIIK LAKGL’NT, Hl.MlSiniEST \\(J (Hl'H'VsT STOCKS OF . Shoes^ LADlEb (lAllERS, SATIN and COLOKEI); LADIES’ and GENTS’ DANCING SHOES, of a new and beautiful pattern: VOL'TII’S and CHILDKEN’S BOO'l'S, SHOES and GAITERS; INDIA-RUBBER f-HOES, and every article in his line. Mis stock is choice and carefully selected by him belf, and buyers will find it to their interest to call bebire purchasing elsewhere. m I’U’ik' Oet’rB, 1857. ' ’ HF^.MI who have lost their .soles, come for- !• A YtvI'rI',V II, 1,11(>■['HI, Fiirailiirc and Fixlnres Ibr Sale. above named property will bo sold to any ^ responsible person, upon fair terms, if applied tor between the present time and the loth of Decem- lernext. If not sold by the 1.5th of Dec., they will le sold at Auction after the first day of January next, m lotB to suit purchasers. Any infoimation wanted will be cheerfully given by •I'Hying to J ,f hqukkTS & CO. f a}etteviUe, September 12, 1857. 42-tf HOOKS. u ■ English Grammar; Peterson’s Familiar cience; Bolmar’s P'ables; Emerson’s .Arithmetic; Bolciar 8 Frencli Grammar; Lovell’s U. S. Speaker; argen B Randan! Speaker; North Carolina Headers; I chell 8 Geographien; (.iuackenbos’s Rhetoric: &c. Sep., 4, 1867. s.-iO JlF.WAllD T 11,1, l.e given for the apprehension and delivery to me, or confinement in any jail iu the State so that I can get him, ot my man JIM. He left on the ..lith ult., anil In.s n, t In en seen, or iieard of s’lice He is a bright mulatto, almost w hite, about l-’d years old, abiiut •) teet inches high, strai^zht hair, and teeth defcelive. long beard on his chin when he left. Had on wheiL he left a very good suit of clotlies, and will very likely try to p iss otl for a white m iu, and make for a free .State; shonlil he not go north, ho will likely pjo n)> in tlie vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, and fon.ierly belonged to Wm. B. Wright, Esij., of that place. .\ny person who may take up said Boy will be entitled to the above reward and the thanks of IS.V.AC B. KELLV Kenansville, N. C., Aug. !•!, 18.i7 t!:!-tf Fifty l>c)!lai*s Itoward. rU'^WO MEN, Al.BElir SCHWARTZ and THO.MAS M. K .SM ITH, confined in the Lumberton Jail, hav ing broken out, 1 will #five Twenty-five Dtdlars reward, each, for their iipprchension and delivery to me in Lumberton. Schwartz is about five feet high, and jiorhaps thirty years of age, a Hungarian Jiy birth; Smith is rather stout built, about five feet six inches higb, and eighteen ; ars of age,—both had whiskers when they broke out. REUBEN KING, Si n-ifT. _Oct. 18, 18.^7. 53 Im NO IIUMI51G! HE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders ^ for Suiteriot' Hnckets, He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploys North Carolina capital and labor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and j by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be , able to make a favorable showing. A TRIAL is what ! he wants. i Messrs WORTH 4- UTLEY of this place are Agents I for the sale of the above Buckets. \ ^ A Q- makepeace. I Fayettevi,e, Fcb’y 17, 1857. 82-y -t i ■ i^lV lr*£' liy LAUDlJi. TWI/ llODRS I’. T. ll.Hlill & sows STORK. Favelto%ill>, If. V- lan’y 20, 1857. filypd BOO KIJ Ii\ J ) I \ F all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the s.ime style they were before. This will nave the repur. iiase of new books. Librariansconnected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen resiling at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their booKs bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send tliem with j)articular directions to this establishment; anl when finished, tlicy will be carefully repacked and returneil without delay. I have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or SovUh. .Vpplv for a list of Binding prices before going else where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGIIAST, .Anderson Street. Nov. 5, 1857. 54-Y \\’« call tlic attention of WHOLK- SALK DK.ALKRS our present Stock,—and we have recently re- B- ceived— oOO bags Rio. I.aguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, ■iO hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 7o bbls do, Retiued, Crushed and Powdered, ‘Jo boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles bb do Fancy and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,000 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, ’lioras, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead, I’utty and Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff iu Boxes, Eagle Mills do., in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas, Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, Cora Shellers, Sausage Cutters and Staffers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, &c., &c. The above Goods we offer on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. D- & W. McLAURIN. \ Nov. 1856. 54tf SilEMWRT.I, IlOUSK, IMlVE’J'TKVII.I.U, Kast xide of Gnrn Street^ n few Doora North oj the, Mfjrhrt Iloiti^c. ra^IIE Subscriber desires through thi*^ jB medium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage Shed convenient to the House .'ihd to water he takes j)leasure in saying to his jiatrous and the public generally, that he is still prepared to accoiu- mudiito them with traiisicnt and permauoiit boarl, and re.spectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.on- age heretofore received. Every exeitiou on his part shall bo used to render them ciuuforlabli' during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied y^ith the best tlie market a'fords P. SH EM WELL, March 2 1. ixr.y, Htl-tf DoitiuN iiorsi-:'. POWERS \ CO., pKoiuiK'roKs ''aiHE Proprietors of this Establishment y atiuouiioo to the public, tliat owing to the cotistantly increasing patronage extend ed ti) them, they have been induced to eu- larjro tile accoinmoilation I'V tlie u'lditiou ot ail extonsivo Diiiiiiix Room on the lower floor, and suite ol [looms 111 file second tloor; thus enabling them to accommodnte all who may favor them with a call. .\nd they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisf'action 10 their patrons. Sjiacious .Stables attached an I careful Ostlers in at tendance The eligitdc location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Projirietors in providing: for the Com fort Ilf their patrons, they hope will secure to thetn a liberal share of the travel. The Wostorn and Soiitliern Stages arrive at and de- p.'irt from this House. (^arriages in attendance on arrival and 'lenarture of Steam Boats, for the accoinuifidation i.f jcis^ongers. Horses and I'arria'res furnished at any notice tor car- rving travellers to anv p-irt of tlie ad)>ieent oo\jntry. J. W POWERS, (It CO Fayetteville, .May 12, 1 h.',*; ;itf V\Li AliLK i»uo!‘i:irrv FOK s.ti.i:. gOFI-'l^i for sale, in,v L.VNDS in the Town of l-ay- ottevillo, about IdO .Vcr-'s. known as the iVIUIYIFORD SWAMP. •About bU .Kcres of it is line Meadow Land, asthoCroji now oil it will show. .Vlso, the Itrifk near the NLnrket Sijuar^-, occupied by .Mr. Jolin .A. Pemberton. ■V Large and Valuable Lot, fioutiu^ on Donaldson, Maxwell and Mumford .'Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot.—could be divide 1 into several I'uilding Lots — very near the new Female Hicli .Scliool Buildings. •Vlso, the Stafiie Lot adjoining, frontinif on Mumfoni Street. Several DESIBXBLE BUILDING LOTS on hoth Winsbu- and Mumt'ord Street-. .\!1 this property o:in now be purch ise-l on favora ble terms, and ;i largf p.irt i-isi r.-mnin on Bond and Mortgakje if desire I THo. J. (’URTIS. Oct. 10. I-’)'.. 4;{-tf uo!ii:irr !>. L.VTL GBEE.V ”, K ui,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAVKTrKVlLLK, N. tV 8® D G. bcjs t" return h;s sincere thanks to the ■ public t >r the kir, i p:;trcnaire so liberally be st .wi-d u} "ti the late Firm, and infi.t viis them he has- boiijrht the >f J. .S. ear, anl will continue the busiue-^s in all its branthes at old stand, under ii:s entile sui'oriiitendonce. N. B All "'atciic- left with him for repair will be taken apart in the ]>rc-.n',. ot' the owners, and the necos.sary rep iirs pointed out to thorn and .1 writt.->. contract giveu for the same, which work will be v ar- r,into i for two year.s. 0;i hand aud foi- s,ile now, the mos vaiiedaud choice .seloction of ( Ii()( K.S and otho^ 'dme pieces that has ever been offered to the public ir .N'ortli C.aro- lina. whicli lie will sell at New York j'rices, and also w\ «j..«w\ afor two years. sjqdp H\- lue to and by the late firm will be paid R pureceived by R. u. GREEN. -August 2'). lP-5(i -M-tf IH HLK’ NO'i'ICK fS HLKEBA GIVEN, that Pmoks of Subscription to the c.-ipital stock f Bail Road, from Beaufort Ji arbor via Kenansville. Clinton, Fayetteville, and est, will be o[*ened on Tiiiirsd-y. the 10th day of .\pril I80O, and remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following pl.aces and under direction of the following named persons, Cotnmissioners in the Charter, viz; In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the County Ceurt at JacksonviUe. and at the Post t.)f!ice Rich Lands. E, W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John A .Vveritt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W . Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Pr. M. F. Aren- lell at Beaufort Dr. .M. F. Arendell. J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina Cit.v,—Col. H m. N. Deunis, H. S. Bell, Cupt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge -\rendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenannille,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David ReiiL Isaac B Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, Stephen (Jraham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnson. Iu Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of -A. A. .McKethan,—Tliomas R. Underwood, R.mdal -McDaniel, l^dward L. W'inslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of i^lOO each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii Road Company; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. Names Resideur-t No. of shares ■'? Cash Work ouuai-iijiiiuua may oe maue payable in work, and may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of t)nslow county are to be notified, and they are reiiuired to call a meeting of Stockholders to organize the Company. March 15, 1856. 13tf O. IlOUSTOiV inform his friends and former customers » w that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars, and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He would request all indebted to the firm of HOUSTON & OVERBY to settle with W. Overby or himself, as they are compelled to settle the firm’s debts. August 2V, 1856. 3 Book Agents Wanted. ^■IHE Subscriber, having taken the General Agency ^ for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in process of publica- tion by Messrs. h. J. Hale Son of Fayetteville, is uesiious of entering into /in engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective parts of the State, or particular counties, thoreughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot the first volume will will be ready in a few days. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac company each application. .Address H. W. HORN Fayetteville, Dec. 9, 185G. 04- DWELLl.NG FOR S.U^E^ ^f'^llE Subscriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling X and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell Streets, at present occupied by 2»ir. Henry Erambert. Terms reasonable. e. J. halr. PROSPKCTUH OP THE NORTH CAROLINA PRKSBYTERIAN. /■IHE I’resbyteriau Church in North Carolina has H long labored under a serious disadvantage from the want of a journal to advocate her claims and rep resent her interests. It is estimated that only 1000 Presbyterian W'eeklies are taken iu the bounds of our three I’resbyteriea We have 13,000 Communicants, and it is safe to infer tint there are •‘^O.OOO Presbyte rians in pri:.cii)Ie iu the .State- Our Synod stands fiftli ill the Union in {>oiiit of numbers, and her mem bership is gr«'ttter than that of any Synod South or Weist of Pennsylvania Our sister States on the North and i'^outh, neither of wliich has a membership so large as ours, the CentraL and the .Southern PresbytiTiaii, for tlie fo-iiefit of their peojde. The time lias Oome 'vlien the Presbyterian (’hurch in North (’arolma blioiibJ likewise do her .luty io her children. It is a concede] aiid imjioitaiit fui:t, that hundreds of our members will take a State ji'ijior who will take no Tlie P;iper is needed lo be the orgun of our Synod aioJ Pre- bytei'ies—to elevat.- a'ld eulighten the piety of our membership b;. diffusing evangelic.1 knowlodg'* to pr imote the cause of Edui’atiou—to devolij) e the talent' of "-ir .Ministrv, «ri.l to strength en the attiichtiii.'nt of uur people to the soil and sanc tuaries of their own State. I f our Church in otlirr State-;, und 'itber Churches in th Jt ite, can supply theii members with a Re ligion journal, wtiy niM\ n -t wc'r .Are N' r’h C:iro liii.i Presl'yti-riaiis inferior in talent, energy anii patriotism to their nei:!hbor.s on tlie .N'orlli or South or to ciirirfti ins of otfier denomiaatioiis at Ji>J!ii*.‘.' With the .sime or tietter ^opportunities of accoinpViLdi ii>g this work, shall we !eave it undone"' In the lan- gu.i^o of one of our m.-st able and useful .Ministerri. Hii adopted s,,n of our .'^late, ‘-It ought to have been uiidertiiken years ago, but it i.s not too late to be gin Io du right ” 111 the l.ast two or three months, a fumj of abost •ii-jUi'O lias been subsi;ri>'ed as a permanent c ipital At a meeting of the coniributors, heM at »reensl>o- w Fire WnsHrattr., E ref«r our readers to the nm * the /Ktna lnf>uranee ( which will be found in anorherpi. ful institution was incorp .rate 1 Connecticut in 18Pt, with ji j m; „,,, capital is i500,0‘'>0, a>! l i; !o, ..1, i>800,000 more, niakiny: iis en-Hi 000, invested as detailed iu tli,- These results indicate that duriti * ’ .. forty .years since its orscatii/ .ri- change of its chief oliicer, j bu.ii .. ducted with judgment .and j,i. ■ , thus far successfu in an einirn i ? j, as we are infurm-.d, all its obli^.t of about ten miUiim il'ilUir:. i ,r l,,s.... day’s delay in any ir •'•an.e. ]. j, . igation, notwithsiandin^ the ir'iui»' actions made, in onl* .■ to 1 , possible in such a •uisitioss .j ■ , the practice of the (?oinpH!iy, |,,r great laVior, carefuLy 1 1 cbi^ .it , risks into about fifty .-t ' . the amount insured on each class, , iniums receive.I therecii, an t tii^ on each. J’his cl isjifieation. f \-, period,anil covci iii .: I !• r i v, nibhcs reliable dat,i, ; j 1 , ,, . b'isis of actual exrericij.- •, | business hisuranci isi. ii as nii.iiV -juppiis..; its hic/. ■ i its priticij-!cs .;ipab!e of! In'/ ^ practic?! workiiifi: mm I res-.i!rs , as th;it of :iny other bnsi;,..' .. by a iherintr rizi 1!\ to i’ss- •, 1 . ness upon a benlthy has'i.s I-. m i t.- ot the community to an exteiit ■ ii [. (’oinpany in the C. States. :ind ii ni-ss ari'i its income from ve.u- growth. me greHt source 01 its v. ribiitiou of if ' risks--a p> ii, ■ with great strictness—limitins: tiil- ereil in each locality. P>y tlj-t ■,,(! witli comparative linpuriity. tli’..’i roii^h on the 1 Itli of .May, Rev. ,A Raker, Chairman, — tiio Paper was unanimously Icc ited at I'ayetteviile. j sweeping at d destrU'^iive ti>— -.i under tile name and title of the Noiu’H (' ! other compunies less e:uit:'in i Piu.sijVTKKi.w. Rev. Wm. N. .Meb.ane and Rev | a system like this, based uiioti i lieorge .MeNeill were elected Editors: Rev. Messrs j st.abiiity and s undai-ss t ■ .1 ,■ (Jeorge .McNeill. Wm. N, Mebane, A Raker, and C. I sured confiiience and security. •liU. . /;■' li. Wilev, an.l Messrs (leorge -McNeill, .Sr., John 11 ('ook and David Murphy were appointed an Executive • ,'ommittee, to establish the Paper and manage its business all lirs. Ii is our and desijin to make the Noktii C.mio M.vA pKKsnYTKRi.\.\ H jouiiial of the tirst class, equal to the best in the countrv in tyjiograpiiical appiear- aiice and in adaptation le the waiit.s of our Churches ■ Its columns will afford the latest intelligence, botiii foreign and domestic, and special care will be taken j to give a full aud accurate sumni vry of State news Tlie nnm*! of llie I':ifier is designed to be an espotient of its character an.f contents From conviction, it I will advoc.-ite the Conservative, orihodox. Old .School 1 do’-tiiuc.s and order of the ’hurch j Our tirst appeal is to our own people—to N. C. i I’reshyterians Whilst we rely confi.lentty upon tlue ' • ■ . . ■ favor, we trust tiiat the native s!>ns of North Carolina | Hartford t»anKs, lO ni who have found homes in other States, and the adopt- ! Losses due and unp ud—no’v- ed citizens of our State wiio form so impoitAiit an Losses ad,iuste>. .and uot .lue, element in our .Ministry ami membership, will take a j suspeiis*'. u;iit!n:r lai deep interest in this entei-prise and give if their hearty support. Tkums: per annum in advance, or on delivery of the first number; 50 in six months; ^3 at the emi of the year, ^o clubs of 25 or more, payiug in ailvaneo .-inii when the Paper is sent to one addres#, a discount of I(» per cent, will be allowed. Our .Mi is- ters aiitl Eiders ;iie earnestly desired to act as Agents, , ,,, and all others frieiiifiy to t!'e cause will please assist l|.^de; La .\iart nes H si r. in pr> curing as many subscribers as possible, aad for- ‘'“'"'s’ •'’** 1 • ' ward tile names, hi/ Aiiffust l.v/, to this Office. As soon as 15uH subscribers are ot>taitn li, the first num ber will be issued. If a faitiiful and vigorous otTort is ma le in the next two months by those who take a lively interest in this work, we wit), without doubt, be able to begin the public.ition at the ,‘ud of that time with a paying sutjscription list of at least oUOi). tiSij .address. Editors of the North Carolina Presby terian, Fayetteville, N. C. F.ayetteville, .May 20, 1H57. 12- .PM lAkin\(L .ih HAin V M\ INCdUPoiiATED 1^1'.'. Cil.V.i, Capital $1,000,900. Assets T. K BK.U'E, President K. it I;i: , sident. T. .\. .\Lf;.\.\>'l fl! . Dirkctoks —T. K. Rrjice, I n r .1, IJnell, .M 'I'litt'.e. E Flower, i- \l.ither, 10. 1. llij..S, \V-!rd. Ii Z D.ivis, niiiiti.iiii. D. Keney. The .Assets are niainl> itnc t' i paying interest, witi. *172,'ii'>4 ■ ' resistei’, is’tspicions offV:iud. cut of tiie aliove Com].-.n , N. C. ‘ i e'nrther of .» Mabel valfc.ha.n' : v the \nti. r lighter; .s^tiirh j, by Cucrer Side: ‘-Quits.’’ by tiie r>aroiie«s ! taini i-Ieform Eia>uin»->1, by -1. C.. bti oh: .Ni.. Analogy; ILitiieM's .Vinevicau .\mi)rosian:ie, Edited be Dr >i.’K .7 ■: I'xplor.itir.ns; .\ \ pleton’s (7y-;:lu cu: , i^cuool Rook.'-, .Vc. E. ... i (Hr. --’4 IS Tt> ItK THE TITLE OF A LITERARY PERIODICAL, TO UK lil BLISHKU .^I O ^ T II I. V , IX TllK TOWN OF SALE.M, NORTH CAROLINA, Hv ANDREW J. STEDMAN, A .MEMBER OF THE NORTH-CAROLINA BAR. IN ort'ering to the Public my Magazine, I claim foi the Editorial Chair no superiority over that de partment of other like Periodicals; but I do claim for the talent of North Caroiioa, and the South generally, that will be brought to its support. Southern patron age. And 1 also, as a Southern man, and 'he Editor of a Southern >L»gazint, elaitn .at the hands of the j .'Southern couutr], and especially of North Carolina, ' that aid and support that will here, at home, establish, ! upon a firm basis, a fountain of Literature, and ex-j clusively a Home Literary .Magazine. ! Many are the Magazines now published in the j Nortiiern States that .ire flooding the whole Southern couutry. There is not, (^it is probable,) a county in any Southern State that is not visited by “Harper,” '•Graham,'’ “Peterson,” or “Godey;” while here, in North Carolina aud the South, where genius unsur passed and unequaled reigns, the literary talent that is brought into exercise is ded'cated to the support qf Northern .Magazines, while Southern enterprise, taste ana talent bow in humble submission to such suicidal policy of Southern contributors. Why, I ask, cannot we—North Carolina, the South —send greeting to our Southern clime a Magazine, acceptable for the many qualities that adorn the pages of the most chaste, elegant and polite Periodicals? It is true that the South has her Magazines; but few in number are they, and unknown, compared to the pub lications of the North, which every mail brings to our homes, filled with the result of hired labor, and teem, ing with unpardonable sedition. Then I appeal to North Carolina and other Southern States to aid me in my enterprise, and in promoting a literary taste amongst those upon whom, as a South, ern man, 1 have claims. My Magazine will be of the usual size; and nothing will be admitted to its pages but such articles as will meet the approval of the most fastidious. It shall be Illustrated with Engravings and Plates, of the most elegant texture, equaling in beantj and style any executed at the North. My price of subscription is THREE DOLLARS per year, which is required to be paid in advance, as the expense to be incurred in establishing such a publica. tion will not admit of a credit system The First Number viU be issued 1 st January 1858 A. J. STED.MAN, Editor and Proprietor. Sept’r 1, 1857. 46_ N. B. My Address until the 1st of November will be Pittsborough, N. C.—after that time it will be Salem, N. C. Rye Tf*Msl£ey, 10 BBLS. genuine “Old Nick.” Oct. 22—63-tf For sale by WORTH ^ UTLEY. JUST RECEFV™; 1 il boxes of that superior ROCK CANDY TO- BACCO G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Oct, 5, 1857 48-tf NEW BOOKS. Mfl OSS SIDE, by Marion Harland, anthor of ‘Alone’ ITI SOUVENIRS OF TRAVEL, by Madame Le Vert Just received by E. J. HaLE & SON. ALMANACS. f JIHE Farmers and Planters, and Turner’s North J. Carolina Almanaos for 1858. n 0 4 SON. Oct r 24. A VALUABLE LA Addison on Contracts, with Notes and Referenceg to .American cases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 larre vol. 1200 pages. Judge Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl- ■vania, says that “this is the best book on the subiect I ever had in my hands.” For sale by £. J. HALE & SON. LAW BOOKS. ^ Statutory and Constitutional Law; Chitty on Pleading; Newland on Contracts; Phil- J? Evidence; Stephen on Pleading; Mitford 8 Chancery Pleadings; Hill on Trmteeg; Lube’s Equity Pleading; A,dams’s Equity, &c. £. J. HALE & aON. Sooh::- Life of Ch’U-ojitc iJiotir,. I Jiyre. &c : The Testimony-if :l Miller; Salad for tnc SovM:i\ by the for the Soliiary; Indigoaoai. K.ict r, . Nott s Gliddon; The Bee Kecpei'i- C > ther supplie.s of Mille,;uic;:i; 11.«- Pri of David; Mrs. Hent?'>j N.ivfl-!: Ttie l^ . ■ Barnes’ Family Praye?>; t'liristirir. .Min ('oncordance; .\d'im«’« N'ew \riihinef'.'; • ' mon School History; ,c. E. .) i- \',r, i June 24, 1857. [O^'riie i’re.'bx tcritin PsiiLini;,.' Character Nutea. .V further si'i'ply ini r Oct. 24. E. .1. 'llAi ' ST A N D-Ui D LIT E R A r I ii 1. W'averly Novel,« 27 vo’s. cluth :iii i ■■ jI ^Cooper’s Novels; Irving’s Works. 15 voIh; Prescott’s Conquest of Peru and Mexico: “ Lives of Fer linund and l.'fibplin: “ Lite of Philip th? 2i: Benton's 30 years in the L. S. Senate 2 voi> The Statesman’s .Manual, 4 vols; Encyclopedia .\mericana. 14 vols; Lossing’s Pictorial Fielil Book of the Rev. ; Webster’s Works, ti voib; Colton’s Life and Times of Henry Clay: Memoir of S. S. Prentiss of viiss; Pictorial Life of .\ndrew Jackson- Memoir of W’m. W'irt by Kennedy; Life of Wise and V’irginia P jlities in iX.V: Garland’s Life of John Ramiolph; Democracy in .\merica, by De ToequevilW-: Abbott’s Life of Napoleon. 2 vols; .Mohot’ ^ Wirt’s Life of Patrick Uenry; Life of W’m. Pinckney of .\id.; Bayard Taylor’s India, China ana J.ipuu: Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition; Lieber on Civil Liberty and Self Governin'r. The Physical Geography of the Sea. by Lie;’ ” Liberty and Slavery, by Bledsoe of Viriri:; . Southey’s Common Place Book; Life ,'»nd Corres. of Southey; The Spectator; Wilson’s Tales of the Borders; The Scottish Gael, or Manners, .Anti^ui' ■ Customs of Scotland; The Scots Worthies, by John Howie; Lockhart's Life of W alter Scott; Chambers’s Life and Works of Robert liun.;. Haroiltou’a Disctissionsin Pliilosopliy nii'i L if Life and Correspondence of Lord Jeti'rey: The Queens of Scotland, by Agnes t^tric '■ Chambers’ Miscellanies: Proctor’s History of the Crusades, illu^tnite l: Woodfall’s Junius; Hann.ah '.ore's Plutarch’s Lives; Boswell's Life of Dr. .1 : -i' Novels and Tales by Maria Edgeworth: Addition, Burke and Johnson’s SVork.': Millman’s Gibbon’s Rome; Hallam’s Works; Cosmos, bj’ Humbolt: Men and W’omen of the 18th Century liy il The Guide to Social Happiness, by \lr'. _ Shakspeare, Byron, Moore, Scott, HeinHii? j ‘ Poets in various styles ot binding; The Dosti a KJi' of the British Poets, &c., &LC. Oct. 29. E. J. HALF, x w WOOL ROLLS. OOL carded with dispatch at Blouiit’ Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and W’ool Rolls, for sale b}' geo. McNL! “ Junel854. ~ NEGROES^'A> Ti: fB^HE undersigned wiil p.iy the '■ ■ , Ji. for YOUNG NEGROES, letters „ either of us at Lauriuburgh, Ri.'huiniid • ’ have prompt attention. D. C. McLVUKIN. DANIEL M. .McL.Vl Laurinburgh, Dec. 20, 1850. DEEP \UVFAi C()\L. Bituminous coal of the best had at the works at Egypt. :it ' ; • by the Ton. v.m. M. TI.ANK^ >iii.uti^ ■■ May 21, 1856 '' CANTVVELL’S n7 c. .H S i Sicaim's Justice Revisedy and ndi'jj' New lievised Cod*’. 11HIS work, invaluable to .Magistr.ites. all who have occasion to know the b^iw. , use the Forms under it, is very much enbirged- $3 50. For sale by E. J. HALE Blaiiks for sale at Observer Oriic^

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