(DB SKMI-WEFiKL, Y. Ml.] I'AVF/rTRVlLLK, N. C., NOVKMHKU 19, 1857. [NO. (>()!.] \ i !lr ■ th L 4 1 i lSo \ ii t M'AN S \\ |> rill'HSK \VS j. !■• vi.r, & s(i\. \ i» i’i; »i'iiI r.Tt»r.s. (Ml it jtjiiil in r of Huliicri j)- 1 ' Wci'klv t tn-ii RVKit > ; ■'II if ]i)ii'l 'liirine tKo \ im t ■ - \ CM r l::ts cxi'ircil. ‘ ■ t >'\ h i> ■> J nil if iiMiil ill ; p ii'l .turiiiL, tin- v*;\r nf su'isi riji- : I' t Ii' \ cur lias t‘x|>iroil. i A i’S iliscrtcl I'm- sixty coiits per it' III aoli ].e- e tifr^l. Hint tiiii ty ceutsfor \ oatly ii'lv.Tti'icinciits by . ".inhlc ral.‘- Ailvertiseis iiro tuiiiiin V Ilf iiisTtions (losireil. or iH'i for^i-i. mill liav'^*‘'i act'onl- ■-K ’As. J't ' { I [fist =1 other Friition SON. V-tf : p Id - t rill C.i-i r'.,e Pf. t f, the HIlJ riC® ( nice. I'li.'irired per , )\ ;U)\!)S I-OK S \Li:. ^ ‘ iiirroN r.( )N 11^ i.f Cotmty ^ ' J ^ I’lnuUri ' iii'l; SMt.OOO lln !! "1 (■ >i!'jiaiiy V.ill roci'ive soalfii ■ i.r- "» , ilie Cni|i n Roii'ls of the t'ounty of i •tn.i -'r lu,uoi! Ilf the Cou,-Mui iJ.iiuls of the tlie tth Ilf Dee’r next. ]ierceiit interest, jmyable )f Iicceniber, nnl are rc- .I line 18'i7. i!“r i-eiit interest, p-^yti le ■ire roJeeiiiable 'JO years JUST ITBLISIIKD, 15V rUUNKV lU'SSKLL KKi'OKDS OFTIIE KEVOII TIDNAKV WAU; fi^ntaiuiiiij III. Ojfiritil Vilt/ari/ ,;,n/ /'ni'iiiciiil Ci-rri’^ /-I-Ii'lrnr. Ilf III/ //„• (tl}i,;rx nf th, l,'i l\'/III in'li) i 1/ .•1 nil)/ Fioni 17"'> to 17!'.'), rontniiiiiis; tlic most interesiiup niilitnry, isist.iriciil. iiuii finanrial iiifi.iiiintiDii iliirinj; that perioil. Also, the or"anizitii>n of all the Keirl- inints, showing the names, rank, il-ite of coinuiission, time lit enlistment, ami service nl the otVicer.'- ainl pri vates of each .Mso, the cetiernl ainl hri}£a.!o orders o' lifiis. \Viisliiiirloii. Lee, llrct'iir. Wcltloii. aiiil ullirrs. in 177*). ’77, and '7S, showin: the last trials at Valley For/e. Iireakiiiif up the eiic.-impment. order of inareii thronch Philadelphia, and the phiii of attnck on the I’ritish at Monmouth .Also, an uovount of iTio c iptnrc of Fort Wa9hin"ton, ami thti horrors of tlu> jiris-ms niid pri.soii ships of the British, in New York, with a ^ List of American Officers Imprisoned, I The time of their capture, release, .Vc An account of The Societff of thr €'huintinti, ' ill New York, I’ennsylvania, and Maryland, a list of the nicmhers’ names, &c : the half ]iay, coinniutatioii, and land acts of the Continental (’oiiKress .V oom- , jilete list of all the Oftieers who served to the end o/ the War. ami aciiuired the right to half-).ay for life, . commutation, .and !ai)d. Proceedinfis of Itli ('oiiitress and United States t’ourt of Claims, r lative to a resto- ! ration of the half-pay acts of the old Congress, for the benefit of the H ‘ir% 4»f Oft'i«*4‘rs of lli‘ oliitioii; Virginia half-pay and land laws; the reasons which led to the passage of the Act of .Tuly ij, 18;^2, h\- Congress; the names of the Virginia otTicers who received laud, I with an interesting account of the military land dis- I tricts of Ohio, Keiituckj . and Tennessee, the locations ; of warrants, survej-s, etc. REVOLUTIONARY PENSION LAWS OF THE LNITED STATES, iuA til .GLOVER S.\S i-ei-eived his Fall Stock of iood^, consisting of %T«'iii>, .ir.n i:i.icv, \\\\ i'i,\T!:ii \v\i;k. \\h liiMiiis. ii.vit‘‘s ih‘ .attention i,l' liivoM customers lid .) general |itr.s(>nal attention wil well V enl rusted ti pa ill ti) :il him for rejmirs. l:!-;!ni iV, ^:c. idditions to mv Which makes my to make their pui VVatcli I and wamnted. Oct’r 1. 1S.')7. .1. T (Siicn'ssor to iiKs, ji:\\ i:i. S.\M now I'ccpiviiig Stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Military and Fancy G-cods :t..-k ■hases W' >d. lid ahout 'I’tioso wlio are lo well to call. W. IMUOll. l(‘p,iit iii^ (ioiif in the best luaimcr 1 ;.',t \i I'. UIi:r ■.;:tv lioT'.iU ti- ,1V ~i t .r .1«!)(' Hid 1 St Jil yetii'w tVom l>t i wn liiiTiii-^ ■ i; *i p!“ \ I- d ; ^t .1 u'ly, ,iud I ; .! .tiii iry • !, are a j art of the .■j;l(i(),0O() authorized A 'leinhlv to !n issued hv the Town ami 1. : e. in'payment for their suhscription ' -'s *^*ey now exist, w^th commentaries thereon. Notes | i. X ■ the Capital Stock of tlie Western Rail •iii|i:'ii\, and are the only I ' 'wn 1 Ciiiinty. A n l’>i'ii 1~ are r. .11 ' art OIll ever issued l>y of the ^'>00 each. ,\ few the remainder *'»(>*, r. 11 MALLKTT, Pres’t t»U-tUec4 •Vi- '.mr U il„ ( liarloiit* ic Kuthcrtoril Railroad., >. 4'., 7tii Nov'u, 18.'>7. ^ V '1- I -I- 1' the Hoard of directors, the under^igu- 1 pr.Cl i to let to contract all that portion I Wi l pr.Cl d to let t riiie f t!ie Wi'tnington, Charlotte i: Rutherford i V ;Mining unlet, hetween the Cape Fear 1 '■ ‘ . Ferry, ill liriinswii'k (’ount}-, and i i.i.Milicrimi, in iiobc.son ooijnty.—campri- ■ti >i s. with an aggregate of 04O,lMj() cubic if - ■ r iv:-tii ii and embankment: .Vnd to that end ; c I’rop 'sals for the (Iraduation of the whole ti tliereof, until the‘.'th if December next •- t ate i-onditioiis of payment, what por- ii(. l eo'Lved in cash, what portio i in bonds of ilmingi 'ii, and what jiortiou, if any, in till ri'Uijiaiiy. invite I’roposals, until the same daj’, for ■ I' rei|ii'red for the Trestle Work across the '' .V h Snump. in lUadeii county, and the Big 111 ^t■~■ln c.iuii'y. There will be re^juired >11 .Marsh, lineal feet id’ Piles, 12 inches I . and in Vngth..' n^t less than feet: 3,(.MX* i.‘ : .f i'ap Sl!i~. I'J inches s{uare and 10 feet IId iii...il feet of String Pieces, 11 by 14 .and in lengths of ilU. Mi* or 40 feet. ' i'j. .'^wani]i. there will l>e renuired 45,000 lineal ! I'iies. I'l.u^o lineal feet of Cap Sills, and l‘J,000 ■eet 'I String Pieces, of the same dimensions as r.:wn Marsh. The whole to be of good, sound !’jne Ti!ii>ier, free from defects, and to be got •r-en trees. I' .ils for'l imber to be for the whole or any .r: thereof; and, as in the case of proposals for . tion, will state conditions of payment, and will 1' i-ify the le of the Swamp the timber will be i upon. ti!» s and .'^peciticatioiis will be found at the Office 'Tij^toii, where a i persons desirous of lidding ■ i^.d foi further information. lie addiei'.sed to the Chief Engineer '.'u . I ^'iil 'le endorsed on the back ! - - n. w. c.uioN, Pres't W., ’ K. H Hoad. JOHN C. .McRaE, Chief Eng'r. ■ ^ ' 7 .')'.*-tD'J I iiifod ol‘ America. I...' >/- / nih.l Stn((':i, for the f)ls~ M/ ii:.i l'iiii\ in till' I)iMrtct It/ Wurth on the services of various classes of revolutionary ofli- cers. with an extensive list showing the lime they died, i &c . &c., &c. ! One large li mo. Vol.. of UOO Pages.—I’rire si.50. This work is intended as a book of reference to the historian and scholar, as well as furnishing a thorough guide to persons claiming title to land or pensiotis, I from the services of their forefathers during the Revo lutionary War. The voliinif contains thf names of ■ over 50,000 officers and privates of the Revolutionary .^rniy, and should be in the hands of all the desceiid- ■ ants of the brave men who fouifht under the banner I of’7t), that the noble actions of their ance.stoi s may j not escape reminiscence of their descend.ants, who must retain this work as a memento of their brave deeds and patient sufterings. .'JlOO PER MONTH can be easilv' earned by acting as Agent for tbe sale of tbe above Rook, and other highly popular works of standard merit, published by us. I IJlirAgents wanted in every city, town atid village I in the Union. For Catalogues and particulars, address I PUDNEY & RUSSELL, Publishers, Nov. 11.—5y-4t 7'J John Street, New York. IIOUSTOA. .1. 11, llciisley ill the Wateli anti Jewelry business.) ESPKCTFl'LLY calls the atten tion of the ladies and gentlemen f Fayetteville, and his friends at a distance, to this fact, and begs an acceptance of thanks for their patronage to the late tinn, Reasley ^ Houston; he will conduct the business in his own name, ileter- niined to earn a iit>er.al patronage by correct dealing with all who will favor him with their custom. He has now for .sale ,i large stock of tine Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry, of the latest styles out: Sihrr Spnijiis, Furh's, ('ups, itf., Fine ('ntlfry, (hihl Frits, iSiirri I/Ill’s ('mnpiissrs (ind Jn- itriimfiits, ('aufs, Fine 1 iofitis, Flutts mill Acrordniiis, Finv lhm\>l>' Gnus, ( 'olt's am/othf r Fist(//s, (‘(tjis, ilv., lv., flfejV-'Watches aii'l Jewelry carefully repaired; Ac- cordeoiis correctly tuned; and Engraving handsomely executed by ' T. HOUSTON. »ct’r JO. TUi> i'art'ia;:;*' f'artortf thr Sotttli! . ^ iiiforiiis his frieiuls and the has built up large substantial ESPECTFI LLV jmblic, that la Ri'ick Riiililiiios at his (►'.! Stiiiid, e.xpressly for man- i utactnrinp Carrij.ges. I’liaiikfu! fur the very lil>eral | patroiiajrj. j,g received for the last 21 years, he ho})es by strict attention to biuiness, with a ilesire to give saiisfaction. to merit a continuance »i t_he same. He warr.iiits liis work to be made of the Viest material and by experienced workmen .n each liranch of the business, (lis work will compare favorably with any made in the United States, for neatness and durabilitj'. He is determined to sell and do any work in his line on as good terms as any wotk done elsewhere that is as well done. Me now lus on hand, FiNisHKD, the LARGEST STOCK of ^'arrin^es^ Bai’uttches, Jlorkdivaj^s, mid Ever otl'ered in this place, ana a very large stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of which wll! be sold very low for short time to punctual customers. He has on hand more than ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY Vehi cles finished and in course of construction. -All work made Viy him is warranted 1- months withfair usage, and should it fail by bad workmanship or material will he repaired free of charge. Persons wi.shing to buy would do well to call and examine for themselves. Orders thankfully received and promy tly attendsd to. Repairing executed at short notice and on very reasonable terms. May 28, 18.5'^ 80-tf SlinMWETJ- HOUSE. I 'list siih' of’ (t Strict, n fen' ,\m'th oj the Market House. HE Subscriber desires through thi** B. medium to acknowledge the libera^ patronage bestowed upon his House the past 3'oar—and as he has just erected New Stables and I’airi.age Shed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his patrons and the public generally, that he is still prepared to uccom- modate them with transient and permanent board, and resiiecifiilly solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.'on- age heretofore received. Every exeition on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always supplied with tiie best tlie market alfords. P. SH E M WELL. March 24, 1855. 8tj-tf [)()HbTn nOUSK! POWERS & CO., pROPRlKTOUS. IHE Proprietors of this Establishment li. .4' I'AI.I, S'I'DC'K. |s.-)7. I\ i'lOAKCIO A: Co., 500 Nov. 10. ALIM SALT. RUSHEL.S Rock .Alum Salt, for sale b by P. TAVI-(»K. 5’.i 2 m JPAV^ JLMQI OHS. JI^URE French Brandy: o -J c •- 4, ^ Cl, X Jamaica Rum; “ St. Croix do.; “ Holland Gin; “ Rye Whiskey; “ .\pple r>raudy; “ Pe.ach Branily; “ Madeira Wine; ■ *■ Port Wine, “ Malaga Wine; ^ x " Scuppernong Wine; ^ -~ ■\ud a good assortment of COMMON LIi^UORS always j on hand anil for sale by W, H. C.ARVER. Oct. 28. 55-lni 'r/ie Wilmitiirton^ Chtrlotlc iiittlnr- ford Rail Hoad ('otnfm/iy. T is ordered by the Hoard of Directors of this Com pany, that for the ensuing year the followiug in- I f tl VI rri' i-..i> 'ti, i> :inr : ; .at .1 .V : pt'Ci: C(i iml Iff tii;. III-. reT.il order of the Honorable .liidge of the Court aforesaid, 1 hereiiy give notice to all parties ■l.il i in of said (’ourt is appoint- Fayetieville, on Mon- pr‘■; . lit month. A. A. P.I{(>WN, Clerk [J. S D C. .V.'t-2:’.d. Sn’Vii ] ~ Ml' ^ l-fUT. . .btbi I. ri)i:>'er, at d ■ r i new . sr- II' III the t. Th :\t lr=v. given their Notes to J. J. v-:.'r 1’ !i t:ier. or 1’. F. Moore. ,\din’r, Miieiits ^i:- fi:iy said Notes in full when rowii « iiil"rM.r. I have eiidorseil them * "11 . I ,1. .Mnore, Surviving l';irt- it‘ 11 I (Midorsing them ajrain, as I am !!. !i. jii tia!ion of .S lid Notes. E F .MOnHE. \M>S S Vi.L. ir ? 1 ill .lit *iUOi) .Acres of Pine Lands 11111111111-1 an immense iiu.intity !iir.ii))er of Tiirpenfine IJoxes, ■ srks iiiav tie cut There is on the iivf’iiii” lloiuu’. and all necessary out- i non^'aiid Isabella Grape Vines, — lOOO Aj-j'ie Trees of Lindley’s best vari- ^ FARM of Jiboiit loO acres cleared; r and S.\W .\11LL; and a fine large t 1 i" acres. The Fayetteville and (’oal t , i throutrh these lands about a I 1 will sell in parcels to suit pur- ' I I'll i to '•ell tlie whole together. ' Liitterloh, I'sij., Fayetteville, or the •r Ml 1‘it' ■hiiroiiu'’h, N. (' 12. ,J. II. HAUGHTON. t)0-tf os r roK ( ASH. v’rvi.w ;rANn; ASKS ( NSLAKED LIME, in T. S. LUTTERLOH. 59-3 w I LAnil.U. A hi who has taiiirht several years, desires a ti.in in .‘-.•iniiiury, .,r family tsehool. She ! .1 rrenc! . Latin, Drawiti)f, the higher ’ datiiematics, together with usual English ;^'ht in best «cliools. Iteferences given. A. ,\. S., cure of Editors of this paper. ^ . ■ 1:1-: ■■nliM-.i’ V 1-. 7.(th. 1 I.!!.!■. 1 ^ind ; lb I. Nov' ' 1 U \ I’OK’S \(> riCK. er li ivii|._' ipiaHfied at September Term ■ • urt ot I'leas and (,/uartcr Sessions ; oiiiity as .Vdniinistrator on the Estate . .^er, dec d, hereliy notifies all persons I I. tate |.-i come forward and make im- ■it: and all J'crsons Jiiiving claims against "'ipiest.’d to present them. •) i:.' 1: w. w E1 s H; i; ii. \ ,im’r. •j'.t-oW iiiUiks tor Kule at this Oltice. .‘.^talments be called for, viz: Third instalment of TWENTY' per cent, to be due and payable on the 1st day of December 1H.'»7. Fourth instalment of TEN per cent, to be due and payable on the 1st day of February 1858. Fifth instalment of TEN per cent, to be due and payable on the 1st day of May iKob. Sixth instalment of TI^N per cent, to be due and payahle on the 2d day of .August 1>^0h. This call is applicable only to those ('ounties East of the Pee Dee, and to those West of Charlotte. II. W. GUKtN. i’rest. (Jct'r 22, 1857 55-2m i.osr, f.AST Saturday, i^lst ult., (during the hours of -A parade,) about the (Nuirt House, or between the Court Hou.se and the Fair Ground, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing consisting of three .iilO bills three !f'l do., one -$5 bill, one .>■•') gold piece, three '^1 50 gold pieces. A Reward of JjilO will be given for the above described Pocket Rook and money, delivered to the undersigned. JAS. H. .JACKSON, Mu.sician. Fiiyetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, IB-j?. 5lltf C. HKMiOW, I). I). S., AY he found at hi.s Rooms, during his regular office nours, viz: from !t A M. to 1 P. .M., 8 P M. to 5 P. M., where he will be pleaseil to receive calls from all who may be in need of his pro'essional services. No inducement will be hebl out by offering to per form operations for a small compensation: a good price will be charged in all cases. .\nd jiatients favoring Dr. R. with their confidence, may rely upon his utmost exertions to perform every operation in as perf' ct a manner as possible. J5Sa^.l// operations munt he jjiiid for an nton roni- pletfd. P. S. Those who are now indebted will please call and settle. Oct. 14. 51-tf FOR THE~FALh& WIN'I’KI! Is57! JUST receuved: (Call soon, secure a good bargain .and save money.) II.NK OE THE LARCEST. IIAXDSIIMEST AM) (’IIEAl’EST STOCKS OF Hoots hwfl ^Shoes^ LADIES’GAITERS, SATIN and COLORED; LADIES’ and GENTS’ DANCING SHOES, of a new and beautiful pattern; YOUTH’S and CHILl-RKN’.S BOOTS, SHOES and GAITERS: INDIA-RUBBER oHOES, and every article in his line. His stock is choice and carefully selected by him self, anu buyers will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. ,M. F.AULK. Oct’r 8, 1867. bl-tf Bj^AH who have lost their solos, come for ward, and they will be renewed for Seventy-five cents and upwards. M- F. OP w % Tuesday, •>(! XDVciubur, l^bT. ^ ri^HE Directors of the i’.ank of Wadesboro’ have i -i I day declared a .“Stmi-Auniial Dividend of 5 ; ri cent., payable on and after Mondav the 28d inst. H. li. HA.M.MOND, Cash’r. Nov. 3. 67-t23d RE now receiving a large and well selected stock of Consisting in part ol‘: Black and Figured Silks: English .anil French .Merinoes: Plain and Fig' I DeLanes; French all wool Pl.aids: •Ali)acas of all ijii.alities; Black Bonibazine; English, French and .\merican Prints; Chenille Shawls, (beautiful patterns;) Ladies' Cbiaks of every description: Jaconet Edgings and ln.«ertions; ('ollars and Uti lersleeves. Hosiery, Glove.';, Belts: Ribbons, Trimmings, &c : Cloths and C.assimeres: Tweeds, Jeans and Sattinets: White and Colored Flannels: Bleached and Brown Shirtings; Allendale D'-l Sheeting: Bleached and Brown Drillings; Plaid Linseys and Kerseys: .Marlboro’ Stripes and Plaids; Brown and Bleached Talile Clotli.s; Towellings of all kinds: Negro Blankets; Extra ijuality Bed Blankets: Spir.al, Brass and Whalebone Hoops; (Jood assortment of Hoop Skirts: Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, and quality: Silk, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets; j .Moleskin, Cassimcre and Wool Hats; Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &c. —ALSO— .V large and fashionable stock of Readf^^mlMatte ClfPihinff^ .All of which will be sold low for t’A.SH, or on our I , usual time to punctual customers either at Wliiilexulf or Retait. All persons are re.spectfully invited to give ! us a call. B. F. PFARCE. J. W. PEARCE, Jr. Sept. 7, l '.')7. lOtf /i // m hcrftm . / dr erf isnurn f. I The Si!liscri'>er is now receiving his Stock of i and IViiitrr j Compri>ing every thing in the way of DRY GOODS, ! such as Merinos, .Mjiacas, DoLaiiies, (Nishmeres and : Ginghams, for Ladies’ Dresses. Ai.so, Calicoes, Lin- i seys, bleached and unhleached Shirtings, Drillings, ' f>snaburgs. Kerseys, Kentucky .Jeans, Sattinets, Cas- simeres, for Pants, ,vc. READV-M.ADE CLOTHING, of the best materials and good workmanship. BOOTS and SHOES, for Men and Hoys; also, a good assort ment of Ladies’ and Misses' Shoes. Trimmings for ; Ladic.s' Dresses: Bonnets, Mantillas and ('loaks, of the ! latest fashion. HA TS and (WPS of all sorts, and I TRUNKS of all si7.es: besides HARDWARE, GRtX'E- i RIES, and a variety of other (ioods, which 1 will sell low for Cash, or upon short credit to reliable and I promjvt paying ciistoniers. ! S. W. ERRANT. Lumberton, N. C , Sept. 21, 1857. 41-2ni roll THE WEST! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! M 1 s. BROWN’S Tri-Weekly 1” announce to the public, that owing to | the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they have lieen induced to en large the accommodation by the addition of an extensive Dinitis Room on the lower floor, and suite of Rooms on the second floor; thus enabling them to accommodate all who may favor them with a call. .\nd they pledge themselves to an increased exertion to give satisfaction to their patrons. Spacious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at tendance The eligible location of the Establishsient, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com fort of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. Carriages in attendance on arrival and departure of Steam Boats, for the accommodation of passengers. Horses and Carriages furnished at any luitice for car- rying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. P()Wt;ilS, & CO. Faj’etteville, May 12, 185^). -itf nr. Hau*ks^s History OF \OltTfl 4'A K4ILI li/t. The Subscriliers arc now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest conMnendation wherever it ha.«i been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typograplii cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General .Agent for tbs State, 11. W Horne of this place, or any of his .Assistant .Agents. The price v.iries according to style of binding: In hamlsome cioth *1 25; in Library Sheep >jil 50; in half C.alf •'Jfl 75. It is sold only ior C.ask. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our Agents. A liberal discount will be made where 4uantities are taken to sell again It will be sent hy mail to any part of the country, ou receipt of tbe price and ‘24 cents to pay postage. The 2d volum« is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The sue- eeeiling volumes will jirobably contain about 500 pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, half a cent a page for tbe cloth binding, 25 cents i .additional for «heep and 50 cents additional for the half calf biiiiiiiig. E. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, April 20, 1857. P. S. The Agent and his .Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us, accotnpanieil by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. !>' .1. W. l$.\KKK Is now receiving from the Xorth the argcst, finest, and most carefully se lected stock of riiK\iTiiRi: ever offered in this market; which, added to his own ; manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all ol ■ which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash i or on time to punctual customers. j Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in i setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; ; Looking Glasses: Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side j Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- i Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Caudle Stands; j Wardrolies; Picture Frames and Glass; Window Shades; 1 Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in Mahoganj’ and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with ^TiOliun At tachment; Rosewood Mclodians, from the bet manufac tories in New Yerk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. November 2. 45-tf VAl.r VHF.E PROPKK rv FOR S.MIjE. I (OFFER for sale, my L.ANDS in the Town of P'ay- j etteville, about 130 Acres, kiiow.i as the ' MUMFORD SWAMP. ' -About 80 -Acres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop : now on it will show. -Also, the VilI liable Brick and l-ot ^ near the Market Square, occupied by .Mr. John -A. ' Pemberton. A Large and Valuable I.ot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwell and Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Building Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on loth Winslov.' and Mumford Streets. AH this property can now be purchased on favora ble terms, and a large part can remain on Bond and Mortgage if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 18.5.3. 43-tf P. Line of Four-Horse Post Coaches, from Salisbury to .Ashe ville, via Statesville, Newton, Morganton, Marion and Pleasant Gardens; connecting at Asheville with the line of Stages for the Warm Sjirings, Knoxville and Greenville, Tenn. This is the best stocked and best managed Roa 1 in North Ca rolina. It is the most expeditious, safe and pleasant, and at the same time the cheapest route for the West. Leaves Salisbur}' on Monday, Welne.s«Iay and Fri day; leaves .\slieville on Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day;—running in close connection with the North Carolina Xail Road, North and South. V. S. BROWN, Contractor. June 15, 1857. lb- RICVV.VllD T ILL be given for the apprehension and delivery to me, or confinement in any jail in the State so that 1 can get him, of my man JIM. He left on the .30th ult., and has not been seen, or heard of s'nce. He is a bright mulatto, almost white, about 23 years old, about 5 feet ‘J inches high, straight hair, and teeth defective, long beard on his chin when he left. Had on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very likely try to pass off for a white man, and make far a free State: should he not go north, he will likely go >ip in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, and formerly belonged to Win. B. Wright, Esq., of that place. Any person who may take up said Boy will be entitled to the above reward and the thanks of IS.AAC B. KELLY WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGin IT? .1 new i'arriatje Fs(tbfishment on the Military Green, opposite the Methodist Church, frontiny on Mumford Street. (iliKA'r RNTKUPRLSK! I'ay4‘t(4'vill> l»4»iiiil lo ^I'^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the public, that they have entered into copartnership for tbe pui [iose of conducting the general CARRLAGE BUSINESS in all its various parts. .And being both practical workiniu, fully un derstanding their business, they have no i., titation to conipaie work with any establishment: • ,*3ttewille as to style and durability. One of the tirm may b« known by j3 to .A. II. Whitfiebl’s iron work for the last two ycirs. W'e warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twe’ve months Repairing done in the ae-\t est manner low for cash PIER & BRAN IN. J.\MKS II. Pii;k. Jamks Br.\nin. F.-vyetteville, lan’y 24, 1853. 02tf K()P,b:RT I). GREHN, (LATE GREEN & WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. RD. G. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liberally be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs theiH he has bought the interest of J. S. W'ear, and will continue the business in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N. B All Watctiesleft with him for repair will be | taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the ^ necessary repairs pointed out to them and a written i contract given for the same, which work will be war- i ranted for two years. i On hand and for sale now, the most varied and i choice selection of CLOCKS and othej^ Wmc pieces that has ever been offered to the public ic North Caro- 1 Una, which he will sell at New Y'ork prices, and also I TjxiivHfor two years. ' s:^qdp jiydue to and by the late firm will be paid | K pareceived by R. D. GREEN -August 25, 185*). 34-tf MEDICAL ROOKS. UNGLISON’S Therapeutics and Materia Meilica; ‘ Medical Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of .Medicine; “ on New Remedies: .Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ W’oman, and her Diseases; “ Childbed Fever.s; “ Diseases of llie Uteru»: Dewee.s on (?hiliJrc;.: “ “ Females; Horner's .Anatomy and Histology; .Miller’s Principles of Surgery: Practice of do.; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilsoti's Human Anatomj’, by Goddard: Ricord and Hunter on Venereal, by Bumsteai: Watson's Practice of P’lysic, by Condie: Wood and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Pancoast's Wistar’s .Anatomy; Wilson on Diseases of the Skin; ; “ •• the Skin and Hair: ' Eve’s Surgical Cases; j Churchill ou Children, by Keating; ' “ Sj'stem of Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women b}’ do.; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, liy Thomas: Kirkes’ and Paget’s Physiology; Regnault's Elements of Chemistry; I Fownes’ Chemistry for Students; ' Bartlett on Certainty in Medicine; Smith and Horner’s Anatomical Atlas; Bird on the Ui inary Deposites; . Pereira’s Materia -Medica and Therapeutics; 1 Carpenter’s Human Physioloey, by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of .Medicine; ' Taj’lor on Poisons, by Griffith; i Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; I Wilson on Syphilis; I Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; i Solly on the Brain; Hope ou the Heart, &c., &c. ! E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 20, 1857. NORTH CAROLINA REAPHRS. I a. PREPARED WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE WANTS AND INTERESTS OF .Vor//t Carolina. UNDKK THK AfSPICES OK THE SfPERINTENDENT OF COM MON SCHOOLS, BY Kv\. I\ TI. lliibbaiMl, I’ROFESSOR OF THE I,.\T1X I.AXGUAGE .\N1) LITERATURE IN THE VNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. .Uarble ¥actor9f^ (14ypd Kenansville, N. C., Aug. 13, 1857 33-tf ALMANACS. fB^IIE Farmers and Plant .’rs, and Turner’s N irth JL Carolina Almanacs for 1JS58. E. J. HALE 4- SON. Oct’r 24, ■ liy iJEO. LAUDIOU. T'lVil minus I'lllVl! (!. T. ii llliil l.SIHi’S STUB Fayctl«‘ville, IV. 1^/. Jan’y 20,1857 W o call the attention of W flOLlL" SALE DEALERS S10 our present Stock,—and we have recently re- B- ceived— 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 75 bbls do. Refined, Cru.shed and Powdered, (^5 boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, tjy do Fancy and assorted Candies, lOO coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,000 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot, Bar Lead, White Lead, Puttj’ and Linseed Oil, Window Glass, Snuff in Boxes, Eagle Mills lo.. in Half Bbls.; Green and Black Teas, Hollow Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw t’utters. Corn .Shellers, ! Sausage Cutters and Stuffers, Trace Chains, Sole I Leather, ic., iSc. The above Goods we offer on the m ist favorable I terms to prompt time or cash purchasei • 1). & W. McLAURlN. 1 Nov. «, I85tt. •'i-ltf PURLIC NOTICE Is HEREBV GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenansville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day of-April 1850, and remain open according to the terms of the (,'harter until further notice, at the following places and utuier direction of the following named persons, Commissioners in the Charter, viz: In the County of Onslow, at the otlice of the Clerk of the County C*urt at Jacksonville, and at the Post Office Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. Foy, Robert White, John .A. .Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W’. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the office of Dr. M. F. -Aren- dell at Beaufort I)r. .M. F. .Arcndell, .1. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. At the store of G. W'. Taylor at Caiolina (,'ity,—Col. Win. N. Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge .Arendell. In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, Win. J. Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clerk at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, W'm. Faison, J. R. Beaman, Alfred Johnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of A. A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal McDaniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to tatce the number of shares of ."jilOO each, set opposite to our names respectivt-ly, in the Central Raii Road (’ompany; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. » Names Resident's No. of shares ^ Cash Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, ami may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and , stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi- neer’s estimate. | As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub- ! scribed, the Commissioners of Onslow county are to be , notified, and they are required to call a meeting of , Stockholders t^j organize the Company. j March 15, 1850. 13tf | O HOUSTON I OULD inform his friends and former customers | w V that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side Person Street, where he intends to keep on hand. Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thing belonging to his trade. He respectfully invites his friends from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. Ue would request all inilebted to the firm of HOUSTON fit OVERBY to eattle with W. overby or himself, as they are comptiioa -j settle the firm’s debts. August 2 . •>.). tf I .W.nBER ; CONTAINING A FA-MILIAR HISTOEY AND DESCRIP- j TION OP NORTH CAROLIN.A. ; Selections in Prose and Verse; many of them by eminent citizens of the State. ; HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, I .And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta- I tistics. by C. II. W II.KY. Number is a new and revised edition of the North Carolin.'v Reader, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 ■and 2 just issued, complete the series, which i.s, ;i.s ii whole, cheaper than any other series of Headers in the Uiiited States, ami as complete. The IMilor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to allmlctoa few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Schools while making eftorts to have this work com pleted. These are, 1, The encournijemenl of n ffilinij >f sclf-dritendi'uce, and the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought im portant, however, to have more than one number of the Readers of merely a local interest. 2, Tu n iiicitii the evil ecenjwhere complained of in eom- mo7i schools, of a perpelwil rhanfie in text hook.-, ^in ex pensive habit, and one which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being classified. A se ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. 3, Kconoinif, the popular system of Readers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those gener.ally used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were uni versally used in the State, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to several thousand ddllars annually. 4, To fntl in the hands of children learning to read coin- I'ositionx itiilfirientl;/ familiar hut not of the character called childinh comjiositions, containing, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in matter, and inculcating proper morals, and religious instruction. The prices .are, for No, 1, 25 cents; No. 2, -37^ cents; and -No. 3, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these prices to Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. Ftiyetteville, July 21*. 25*. Book A Wanted. fJ'lHE Subscriber, having taken theGen«ral Agency ■ for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in process of publica tion by Messrs. E. J. Hale ^ Son of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective parts of the State, or particular counties, thoreughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot the first volume will will be ready in a few days. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac company each application. Address n. w. HORN. 04- Hlanks tor sale at Obst^rver Fayetteville, Dec. 9, 185U. ~ VALUAin.E J.AW HOOK. "^N on 'ontracts, with Notes and References lericnn cases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 large •ges. Judge Woodward, of the Supreme Court of Pennsyl vania, says that “this is the best book on the subject I ever had in my hands.” For sale by E. •!. H.ALE A S(iN mmiu

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