SEMI-WEEKL, Y. [VOL. VII.] I AYKTTFA ILLE, N. C., NOVEMBER 25, 1857. [NO. 663.] t'UINTKl) MONDAYS AND TFIURSUAYS KinVMtl) J. HALU & SON, KDITORS AND ritOlMUKTORS. !>;■. If the ^^omi-Wt■c•klv Ohservkr ^3 00 if psi.l in :i lv:uu e; $:! if paid duriug the year of subsi rij>- li.iii; or i'4 rtfter the yem- hus exjtireil. K .rtln' Weekly Ouskkvkk 00 peraiiuum, if paiil in :i Iv.'iii. f; -')0 if puiil iluriug the year of subscrip- ti.'u; '!■ ■> > WO after the year has expir«d. VUVKIITISKMKNTS inserted for sixty cents per g.|Uire ’f 10 lines for the tirst, and thirty’ cents for each ^ i,’i-ee'iin publicHtion. Vearly advertisements by spe- i.jil I i)ii:r:icts. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are re.jiu'sted to stute the number of insertions desired, or thfv wil' be continued till forbid, and charged accord- Advertisements to be inserted insidf, charged 53 per extra. TUE GLOBE: The Ollic’ial Paper of Conj^re««. fl'l'BLISH now my annual I’ruspectus of Tub Paily Gi.i'BE. and The PoNtiHES^iONAL Olobk .\nd AiTtM'ix. to remind subscribers, and inform those wh niav desire to subscribe, that Congress will meet ...II thi- first Mond'iy of next DeceTiiber, when I shall 1; .'niiuence publishing the above named papers. They ■ i,t‘ been j ubllsht-d .so I«‘i>g that most public men know uit r ch.UMcter. :uid therefore 1 deem it needless to 'Vf> :i minute account of the kind ot^ matter they will • .'nt lili. Tiij; Dmi.v Glouk will contain a report of the D«- . .tf> in both branches of Congress, aw taken down by rt'purters eijual, ai least, to any corps of short hand writers in this or in any other country. A majority of .em will, each, be able to report, verbatim, len thou- >uiid wonls an hour, while the average number of word* s() keu by tiueut speakers rarely exceeds seven thou- j:ii;d tivf hunilred words an hour. When the debates if a day do net make more than forty columns, they ^hall appear in the Daily Globe the next morning, which will contain, also, the news of the day, together with sueh editorial articles as may be suggested by passing events. It is also my intention, from time to time, as occa sion may require, to publish my reminiscences of the public men with whom 1 have been associated during the last twenty-eight years. Anecdotes of General .Inckson, and the leaders of the party which he con- lucted, and the leading men of other parties, will, I ‘■elieve, be interesting now when partisan bitterueiss uus abated. In becoming the rep-irter of the debates of Congress I deemed it proper to say that the 'Uobe would never be a partisan paper. Tiiis pledge will not be forfeited hy introducing as a contriliutio” to history the politi- i-al traits of ciiaracter whicb distinguished the public men of my time. Although I am, and intend to remain, i thor.iugh Democrat, 1 will never obtrude my princi- j l; > in a way to make them obnoxious to any party. I’lUt. in regard to persons and events which go to make up history, I hope to make the Globe an honest me- iiioir; and with that view I am resolved to speak ind*- } ei.dently of all parties. The CoxGRtssio.sal Globe anu Appexdix will con- tiiiu a report of all the debates in Congress, revised by the speakers, the Messages of the President of the L'nited States, the .\nnual Reports of the Heads of the Executive Depiirtments, the Laws passed during the .'e^?ion, and copious indexes to all. They will be print ed on a double royal sheet, in book form, royal quarto !-ize, each number containing sixteen pages. The whole will make, it is believed, between 3,800 and 3,900 pages, as the long sessions for many years have ranged between those numbers, ami the next session will b« what is termed a “long one.” This I believe is the cheapest work ever sold in any country, whether a re print or printed from nianuscript copy, taking for data the average nuniber of words of the long sessions since the year 1848. The average number of pages is 3,876, and the average number of words on a page is 2,397, ronsequently the average number of words of a long session i? 9,’290,772. As 1 have sold to subssribers that nuriiNer of words fur s/z dollart, it follows that they liave paid >hun six tind one half cents for every 1': ^'M»0 tii rJx I lull, furuiahed them, while I have paid iny reporters 29 for every 2,397 words, of this work, riaii“'iijit. Has any other bookseller, any where, ever sold a book in the tirst instance, while it was new, :it so low a rate? I believe not; and so strong is my belief that I hereby agree to give to any person who ■^hiiil prove the contrary a complete set of the debates running back to the j-ear 1833, making forty-three quarto volumes, which sell for •'^•3 a volume. An act ■f Congress authorizes these papers to go by mail free if postage. The next session will be, without doubt, ,iu unusually interesting one, as it will be the first under a new .Aclministration, and several complex luestions must be discussed in it; for example, the currency, Kansas, revenue, and other questions. The !jlobe will be, as heretofore, tiie only source from whii-h full debates can be obtained. TERMS: F-ir a copy of the Daily Globe one year $10 00 For a copy of the Daily Giobe six months 5 00 For a copy of the Daily Globe during the session 5 00 F ir a copy of the Congressional Globe and Ap pendix, and the laws passe i during the session 0 00 iJank notes current in the section of the country where a subscril>er resides will be received at par The whole or any part of a subscription may be re mitted in postage stamps, which is preferable to any urreiicy, except gold or silver. A paper will not be sent unless the money accom I'ftnies the order for it. I cannot afford to exchange with all the newspapers tint desire the Globe; but I will send the Daily Globe during the ses.sion to all who shall publish this pro- ^pectus three times liefore the first Monday of next December. Those who may publish sh >uld send their pa} ers containing it to me, markel with a pen, to di rect attention to it JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, Oct’r 27, 1857. 62-3t TANNER’S OIL (S. miVHlDE^ liULS T.inner’s Oil,—a superior article; also -4^"" a fine lot of Dry HiIes STANDARD & MISCELL.^NEOUS ! BOOKS. I Dr. K.\NE’S .\rctic Explorations,—cloth, sheep , and half calf; Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella, i Conquest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and Conquest of Mexico; Henry Clay’s Works, ti vols.; Benton’s Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate; Daniel Webster’s Works, 0 vols ; , Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving’s Works, 15 vols., i cloth and sheep; Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving’s Life j of Washington, cloth and sheep; Life and (’oirespon- ^ dence of Webster; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition; .\b- j bott’s Napoleon; The Indigenous Races of the Earth, | by Nott & Gliddon; Recollections of \ Life Time, by j Goodrich. (Peter Parley;) Hume and Macaulay’s His- I tories of England; Hallam’s, Robertson’s, Johnson’s, | Burke’s, Addison’s, Hannah More’s and Dick’s Works; i Southey’s Common Place Book; Historical Collections ; of Virginia; Dickens’s Complete Works, 13 vols illus- i trated; LaMartine’s History of Turkey: The Queens of Scotland, by Agnes Strickland; Goldsmith’s .\i mated | Nature; Noctes Ambrosianae. 5 vols.,—edited l,y Dr. McKenzie; ‘Rollin’s Ancient History; (’onstitutional Text Book; Millman’s Gibbon’s Rome; The Statesman’s i Manual: Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; I’roc- I tor’s History of the Crusades; Chambers’ Information i for the People; Tytler’s I'niversal History; Boswell’s ^ Life of Dr. Johnson; Chambers’ Miscellany. 10 vols ; ! -Xprleton’s Cyclopedia of Biography; The Scottish | Gael; Encyclopedia Americana. 14 vols.: Waverly | Novels in 12, 24 and 27 vols ; V.iison’s Tales of the i Borders and of Scotland; DeTocqueville's Democracy in America; Knight's Half Hours with the best .Authors; ' Bulwer's Novels, complete in one vol: Plutarch’s Lives; , Modern British Essayists; Lyell’s Principles of Geolo- | gy; Tales of the Arabian Nights, 4 vols. ■ ilhistraicd; ' ■Maury’s Physical Geography of the iSea; Ailventu**es of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse; Mrs. Eb. i Familj’ Monitor and Guide to Social Happiness; The Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of tue Revolutions in Europe; Lockhart's Life of Walter Scott: Hogg’s Winter'Evening Tales; Woodfall’s Junius; McIntosh’s Miscellanies; Hamilton's Pliilosophy and Literature; Mc.Auliiy's Miscellanies; Marshall’s Wash ington; Life of Pinckney: Braude’s Encyclopcdia; The Prince of the House of David; The Poetical Works of Hemans, Scott, Campbell, .\Hlti>n, Bj'ron, Moore, Bu. s, Shakspeare, &c., in various styles. E. J. HALE SON. Nov’r 17. M,m STOfR! STARS & WILLIAMS \RE now receiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOR THIS .'^E.VSON, embracing,— Dry fwoodsi, Boots, Klioefii, and !flade-iip t'lolliiiii;’, which they invite the attention of Wholesale buy ers generally. B. Stakk.] [J. M. Williams. Oct’r «, 1857. 49-tf New and Cheap Goods! JAMES KYLi: fS now receiving a large and general supply of Dry Goods, among which are splendid Dress Goods, with every article in the Dry Goods line. All of which. )cing purchased by the package, will be otfered by wholesale or retail at a small advance for cash or on time to punctual customers Fayetteville, Sept’r 2). 1857. 4C-tf Roscoe’s Crim. "Evi dence; Chitty on Contracts: Criminal Law; Pleaiiing; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of Car riers; Selwyn’s Nisi Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith’s Chancery Practice; Landlord and Ten ant; on Contracts; Leading Cases; Story on Conflict of Law; Equity Jurispru dence; on Sales; on Partnership; Equity Pleadings; on Contracts; Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments; Byles’ on Bills; Tayler’s Law Glossary: Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate; Broom’s Legal Maxims; Commentaries on the Com. Law; ■Adams’s Equity; on Ejectment; Burrill on Circum. Evidence; Law Dictionary Leading Cases in F'quity; Tidd’s Practice—.\m. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ “ Matthews’ Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c., &c. E. J. Nov. 2, 1857. Nov. 23. For sale by JAS. O. COOK. 02- PRBSH .1RRIV.1L.S: K subscriber takes thi.s method of informing the litizens of F’ax etteville aud public generally tbiit >i.e li;i iu--t received aul addeil to her former St.irk, LA\LU HAISiyS, vhofe, hilf ind (quarter bojr^, Iniiii.-i III (jhitiii J(irn; Currantu; f itnjn; Ahnmi,}^^ Batter, Cocoa, ' " "ntl Eiiij/i)ih WulniitK; Wexl iiii/ia /'/ ( .■. ri e.s; Salmon; Lob- stcr; Snnlintu; PickM (tys'ern; Snurrx; ami Pickles of all kinds. —ALSO— Buttor, B ston,,, Lemon, Cup Fancv and hodi Crackers; English Dairy and New York State ( heese; and a U~y, firkins No 1 Goshen Butter; which «hc will se.l lorCA-iii onlv. M. BANKS, Greon Street C2.2m Argus copy. A OTIC E. ' r|lHE Copartnership of Marsli, Carroll & Co., is ihi:, day disolved by mutual consent, and the business will be settled up by J. F. Marsh. J- w (IAUROLL. 1>. G. McDUFFIE. V on iw ^ ^ MARSH. Nov. 20, IB., D BOOKS. OM.AT’S Civil Law; Starkie on Slander; Sedgwick on the Measure of Damages: Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law: Hale's Pleas of the Crown; Bishop on Marriage and Divorce; Mitforu’s Chancery Plead ings; Sander? on UsesA Trusts; Hargrave i Butler’s Coke upon Littleton; U. States Digest: State Trials of the U. S ; Russell on Arbitration; Morris on Replevin; Troubaton Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers: Saunders on Pleading; “ Reports; Addison on Contracts; Wharton on Homicide; Wharton Stile’s Med. Jurisprudence; Newland on Contracts; Roper on Legacie.s; Williams on Executors; “ on Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube’s Equity Pleading; Gresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Commentaries; Curtis’s Commentary; Bradford’s Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on Mandamus; Crown Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; HALE & SON. .'IVir Siork of HOOKS AM) STATIONERY. nT' E are now receiving our usual New Stock of Books aud Stationery, embracing a great variety of School, .fledicai and «’eilaiieoii!« llooki^. Together with u larire and varied Stock of BL.VNK ! BOOKS. PAPER. ENVELOPF.S. &c. ] Country Merchants and others are invited to call as we offer the above stock on the best terms. ^ E J. HALE & SON. Sept’r 28. II. CAirV ER Is now receiving liis rttii stock' or cioons^ which is large and well selected. X call from old friends and the public generally is solicitcil. My stock is too varied to enumerate; every one can find something that tliey want by calling. .\ll kinds of produce taken in exchange for tJooda Sept. 1 W. W. H. 1857. CARVER 43tf FOR SALE. fCIHE following VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, the « property of E. C. Hall, dec’d, is offered for sale, and consists of the following tracts: That desirable place known as Ilotue, contain ing abou* 2i0 Acres, with all the improvements. This place will be sold entire or dividei, to suit purchasers, it being probably one of the best business stands in the country, aud is very desirable to those wishing to enter the mercantile business. No. 2, Consist.s of a Lot and Brick Store, (2 tenements,) in Campbellton, on Bridge Street, near j Clarendon Bridge, and is a very desirable stand for j business. No. 8, Is Three vacant Lots in Caiupbellton, known in city plot as Nos 109,111, 112, and half of lot 113. No. 4, Is a Dwellinjr House and Lot on Hay- mount. corner of Plank Road and Adams St. A very desirable residence for the whole j-ear. No. 5, Is a ()orn Mill and Steam Engine and toiler, of 10 or 16 horse power. This is well worth Se attention of those living where water power is not iilable, and will be sold at a great bargain For terms apply to J. H. HALL, Assignee, itigust 1, 1857. 30-tf ^ FoirSALET ^'^HE subscriber desiring to emigrate to the West, f offers for sale his entire L.\ND.S, including about six hundred acres, generally known as Chalk Level, lying in the upper end of Harnett county, 3 miles East of ('ape Fear River, and on the road leading from Fay etteville to Chapel HilL Store, Dwelling, Out-Houses, all in first rate order. The Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to be excelled by any country store in the State. There are also upon the premises an excellent well of water with in 15 or 20 steps of the House, a fine young orchard of Fruit Trees, a Tan Vard in perfect order, which pays well when in operation. Also, a Blacksmith Shop with Tools, Ac. ■\ny person wishing to purchase such a place would do well to call and examine it for themselves, I am determined to sell, and will make terms easy for the purchaser. A. H. DEW.AR. N. B. The place is one of the healthiest in the South- eru countrj-. 40 Shares Hank of Fayetteville Stock. August 4, 1857. 32tf FOR SALE. '■IHE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie B- Street, at present occupied by Doctor McSwain. Perfect title can h»e made. Apply to TMO. J. CURTIS. BOERHAVE’S HOI.LA.\» itITTEiiS ‘ B'^od repair and ..fits value. i-alves.' Apply tj T. J CURTIS. 3tf ALSO tGOOD FAMILY CARRIAGE i nearly new. Will be sold f.-t _Al..«o— 3 good MILCH COWS with ■\pril 29, 1857. FAYETTEVH.LE IIOTEL~ Fnrniture and Fixtures for Sale. ^■IHE above named property will be sold to any I responsible person, upon fair terms, if applied for between the present time and the 15th of Decem ber next. If not sold by the 15th of Dec., they will be sold at .Auction after the first day of January next, in lots to suit purchasers. .•\ny information wanted will be cheerfully givt?n by applying to J. H RtjBERTS At CO. Fayetteville, September 12, 1857. 42-tf United of America. District Court of the United Stdtes for the Dis-. trict of Cape Fear, in the District of North \ Carolina. \ WHEREAS a libel has been filed in the District i Court of the United States, for the District of j Cape Fear, in the District of North Carolina, on the j 13th day of November, 1857, by William M. Harriss, j again«t tbe Bark J. W. Blodget, her tackle, apparel, | furniture and cargo, alleging in substance, that the | said Bark while on her homeward voyage from Turks Island to the Port of New York, laden with salt, about the 12th of September last encountered a severe storm and by the violence of the winds and the waves, was driven upon Buzzard’s B»»y Beach, and that thereupon the Captain and Commander of said Bark, David Moore, left his said Bark upon said Buzzard Bay Beach, and came to the port of Wilmington and consigned said Bark to the Libellant and asked for a Tow Boat to re lieve said Bark from her perilous position and to bring her into the Port of Wilmington to receive such repairs os were necessary to enable her to prosecuto success fully her intended voyage. That in obedience to the wishes of the said Captain, this Libellant procured the services of Captain Benjamin W. Berry, who with his Tug the Steamer Henrietta, proceeded to said Beach and succeeded in dragging her off. anl carried the said Bark in safety to the I’ort of Wilmington That upon | her arrival in said Port of Wilmington, the s ii 1 Libel- I lant was obliged to pay and did actually pay bills for repairs and towage and pilotage, and also a. large sum to the seamen employed on board of said Bark for their wages, and made other advances more particularly set forth in the schedule annexed to the said libel, amount ing to Elevea Hundred and sixty-six 75-100 Dollars. That the said advances were necessary to enable the said Bark to pursue her voyage and earn her freight, and were made in a Port where said Bark did not be long, and where the owners did not reside, and were made on the credit of the said Bark, as well as of the Owners thereof, and were to pay charges and demands whicb were at that time a lieu on said Bark, and by the payment thereof this Libellant became in Law sub rogated in place of the parties to whom the payments were made, and became entitled to hold and proceed and enforce the lien of said demanils for his own re- iinbursoment. And the said Libel further prays pro cess against the Bark or Vessel, her apparel, tackle, aud furniture, for the amount due the Libellant in the premises with costs, and that the said Bark, her tackle, apparel and furniture may be cou- demned and sold to pay said amount with costs, charges and expenses. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of the said Court to me directed and deliver ed, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claim ing the said Bark, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the said Court to be held in and for the District of North Carolina on the second Wednesday of January next at eleven o’clock in the forenoon of the same day at Chambers in Fayetteville, if the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, otherwise on the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, then and there to interpose their claims and to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated the 18th day of November, 1867. WESLEY JONES, U. S. Marshal, by JNO. J. CONOLEY, D. M A. Empie, Jr., Proctor for Libellants. Nov. 19, 1867. _ 62-7t Harp«r’i Magazine for December. E. J. HALE ^ SON. (’ J. R. II. JONES ,\ro receiving their FALL .AND WINTER Stock o F.\X('Y 6c DO.MESTIC DRY GOODS, Which they will sell at their usual low prices, in part as follows,— I^E L.\IN>. all kinds; All Wool Plaids: Col’d Merinoes; Col’d Silks and Black; i Rich Robes .\’(^uille; I Chenille Shawls; I Do. Scarfs, all silk; ' Long Shawls for Gentlemen; ! Do. for Servants; Cloth and Velvet Cloaks; French Robes, Volant: Do. tor Misses; ; Nett Coats for Children: ■ Long Brocha Shawls; Merino Shawls, white; Opera Flannel, Plain and Col’d, I Quilted Skirts; ! Do Hoop!': ! Fine and Common Blankets: I t'otton. Silk, and Woolen Hosiery; I Do. Fancy, for Children; I Kid, Silk, Merino, Cotton Gloves for Ladies; ' Chenille Head Dresses; Chenilles by the yard; Bonnet Ribbons: do. plain; Fringes and Salom, all colors; 1 Blaek Velvets; I Bl'k and Col'd Belts: Mulberry Buttons for Dresses; Thread, Swiss. Jackonett, Bobbin, and Cotton Edgings; BlacK La?e and Edgings; Emb’d Hhdkfs, ('ollars. Sleeves and Bands; Love and Lace Veils; Bonnets, Hats and Caps; —ALS(3— A nice variety of Men’s, Ladies’, and Children’s SHOES. .Also, Men and Boys f'tolhinffy Cheap. —\h»0— PERFUMERY, SOARS, and many other Fancy Articles. Sept. 11, 1S57. 42-3m FOR Till'FlLLiM)WI\TliR 1857! JI ST RECEIVED, {Call soon. Secure a Good Bargain and Save Money,) One of the Largest, Handsomest and Cheapest Stocks of Ready^mllade ClotMng^ for Gentlemen's wear, ever brought to this Market, and no mistake! Also, a Magnificent assortment of Boy’H and Yoiifli’is Clolhin^, Boy’s Suits and Extra Jackets of all colors of Cloth. FOK RAII. «OAD li.4liDS.—Ready to furnish Contractors with any quantity of Clothing, at a very low figure. FOK II.A.ITDS—A large lot of P. Jackets and Over ('oats; also, fancy Flannel Over Shirts and Pat ts—very cheap. \ very extensive assortment of FlirtliHlliiitf C»oods, Fine Linen and Fancy Mar seilles Shirts and Collars. Under-g.-irments of heavy Silk and Meriuo, Socks, Cravats, Gloves, H’dk’fs, Sus penders. &c. BOOTS KTIOFS—From the lieaviest Water-Proof to the finest Pump and Fair Stitched, I’hiladelphia made; Hats and Caps of all de scriptions. L.adi(V Fr‘iieli Travelling Trunks— Extra lar ,e sizes; Bonnet Boxes; Gents’ English Sole Leather, Spanish Iron Frame and Packing Trunks; English Sole Leather Valices, and others; a new style of Travelling Bags (very convenient;) Gentlemen’s Shawls and Fancy Buggy Blankets: genuine Havana Segars; Umbrellas; Walking Canes; India Rubber Over Coats, Leggings and Sandals; also. Over Shoes for Ladies; and a great variety of Fancy Goods too nu- merou.s to mention. All which will be sold at wholesale or retail very low for cash or on time to prompt paying customers Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me, I respectfully solicit a continuance of the same GEORGE BRANDT, South side Hay Street, Opposite G. AV. W'illiams & Co. Fayetteville, N. C., Sept 17, 1857. 43-tDl Groceries, Hardware, &c. f ■'9HE undersigned are now receiving a L.ARGE AS- JL SORTMENT of Groceries, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Hollow-ware, Shoes, Leather, and Saddlery, which they will sell at Wholesale at a small advance on Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GEO W. WILLIA.MS & CO. July 18, 1857. 20-tf 1 Blanks for sale at this Office. )i,800 Acres of Land FOR SALE. fBlHE Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of ■- Land, lying on .Anderson’s Creek, about two aud a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot’s Mills,—including about One Hundred Acres of good Swamps, which can be easily drained. This Laud is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level and of superior quality of Pine Land for cultivation. Also, a Circular STE.-VM S.\W-MII L, in complete order and well adapted to sawing plank road and rail road timbers. Also, Two well-broke .MULES. -\ll, or any ]>ortion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. SMITH it ELLIOT. April 0. 1857. i)7-tf G90 ACIIKS or LAAD T SCHOOL BOOKS. 3 MITH’S English Grammar; Peterson’s Familiar Science; Bolmar’s Fables; Emerson’s Arithmetic; Bolmar’s French Grammar; Lovell’s U. S. Speaker; Sargent’s Standard Speaker; North Carolina Readers; Mitchell’s Geographies; Quackenbos’s Rhetoric; &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 4, 1857. THE CKUCBR.^TKn HOU-AXD KEMKDY FOR BTSFEFSJTA, DISEVSK OF TlfK KIDXETS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WEAKNESS OF AXY KESTD, FEVER AND AGUE. And tbe varioU!! affections consequent upon a diiordered STOMACH OK LIVER, Such Hs Iniligesiinn, Acidity of the Stonmch, Colicky PhIri ileiirtliurn. I.uss »t .Appetite, iipspondency ('ustiveness, UlindHnd Blepiiine Piles. In all Nerviu, Khemiiiitic, :ind Veurilg c .Affec- in nnnienMK in^taiice^ )>ri>ved hivUly l>eneliciHl, and in others eliected « derided curt' 'I'his is H purely vecet;ible ciMii[>ound, prepared on strictly scien tific principles, niter ihe iii:«nner of the r.-lehr;iied llollaud Pro lessor, Hoerhave, ItecHiise of its gre:it success in ino«tofthe European States, it' intriHluction into the Unitted States was in tenied more es|>ecially for those of oiir falher'aml scattered here . . B rs 1- »ir 1 , and there over the t’lce of this niiphty country Meetinir with C oiHiiiission (SL rorwardinjT Morcliants, ereat success iinioni! iheni, I now offer it to the .American public, ~ knowinz that its truly wonderful medicinal virtues must l>e itc- know ledced. It is p^irticularly recommended to those i>ergons whose constitu tions may have liren impaired hy tho continuous use of ardent spirits, or other foims of dissipation, tienerally instantaneous in edect, it finds its way directly to the se.t of life, tlirillinx and quickening erery nerve, mi^ins up >''*■ drooping spirit, and, in fact, intusint! new health and vigor in the system. .NOTII'E—Whoever ex(>eris to timl this a lievera-je will l>e dis appointed; hut ti! Ilir sii k, weak and low spirited, it will pmve a grateful :iroiii:ili’ or. itl, possessed of singular remedial prn|>ertiti>> «; i; T I (I ; T. C. & B. Gr. WORTH, Brotcn's Building, Water Street, .V. Usual advances made on consignments. 11, 1857. 59-tf Nov. FOK SALE. ^HE Subscriber oilers for sale the above quantity of Land, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington and Charlotte Hail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Laud is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS McGlLL. Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, 1857. 40tf FARM FOR SALE 1 OFFER for sale my PLANT.\TION «n the East side of Cape Fear River, 3 miles above the C’laren- Jin Bridge, known as the Toomer Lands, containin ..oout 800 acres. The Plantation is in a good state of cultivation, and is su.sceptible of being made one of the most profitable Farms in the County. I will give bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most easy if application is made in a few weeks. Address me at Gulf, N. C. J. L. HAUGHTON. Oct’r 16. 52- 6,;MX) ACRF.S OF LAM) FOR SALF. ^■IHE Subscriber desiring to move to the West offers J1 to sell the following tracts of valuable land. 1 Tract containing 25ti6 acres in Harnett County 18 miles North of Faj-etteville There is on this tract, two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all necessary outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, with aoout oOO acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excellent farming and turpentine land. Also another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen tine land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on this tract one good dwelling with ail necessary- out houses and a good grist and saw-miil. The above lands will be sold at public sale on Thurs day the 3d day of December in tracts to suit pur chasers. I will also sell on the same day all my Corn, Vodder, Hay and Stock of all kinds, 8 head of mules vSt horses. Blacksmith and Cooper’s tools, farming utensils, 1 Tim ber ^ 2 roa'l waggons, 1 cart .ind a lot of Harness. I will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Nov. 7th, 1857. 58 ts n. A. LAMOX'!\ Commission Merchant, Wilmington, OFFICE 38 NORTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to all pr d;ice sent to him either for sale or sMpment. Nov’r 6. 57-1 ypil J. VVII.LLVM P\GF, M. 1)., M* M TTS B O UOV4i U, .V. C. Dr. P.\GE m ly be found at his oflTicf' when not ' professionally engaged. May 6, 1857. 5tf DAVID McDUFFIE, Briekmason and Plasterev., Is prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the aljoining counties. Fayetteville, April 27, 1857. 3-lY-pd B. F. PEARCE & CO, DEALERS IN FOREIGN .\ND DO.MESTK' DRY GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, UniLrellaa and Ready-Made Clothimj, HAY STREET, i'aijietlcville^ .V. €. B. F. PB\m'K.] [j. W. PK.^RCH, JK. July 30. 2t-tf GFO. AL^)Kf^VIA^, tHspector of JVavtU Htot'ea, WILMINGTON, N. C., SOLICITS patronage. Prompt attention and quick despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. Jime 23, 1857. * 'i'lip great (HiptilHrity of thisdeiightfiil .^roina ha* induced many iinilations, whi'^h the public should gunrd Hgain^l purchasing lie not*5l to buv anything else until you have given Hoer have's Moll ind Hitters a f:iir trial. One Uitlle w'll sonvlnce you how intin'tely sujierior it is to all these imitations. gOrSold at SJi.tHi per tiottie, or six iHitlles for $5.00, by the S () 1, K P 11 () P R 1 K T (> K S . JK. & CO. MASUFACTI'RINO PHARMACEUTISTS A.MD CHEMISTS. PiTT.'iBURan, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. Juue 14, 1857. 10- JUST liETUll.XED Ij^ROM the Northern cities, for the second time this season, with one of the • llaiitlsomest and Keally ('heapest Stofks of Mth.MDJE; CI.OTMir.VG; Staple and Fancy Dry Goods; Latent Styleit of Cassimere and Silk Hats; Boots and Shoes; Trunks aud Fancy Goods; I ever offered to purchasers in this market. The present stock particularly having been pur chased under very favorable circumst.inces,—at the October crisis, when goods were low and cash scarce, • —an'l will therefore be sold at a great reduction of former prices .\n early call respectfully tolicited. GEORGE BRANDT, ' Hay St., Fayetteville. Nov’r 9. 58 tJ 1 Nt'gro Blankets and Ker:^(‘vs, just received atid for sale by W’. ll. IWKVER. Cotton Hatraing and Rope, just re ceived :ind for sale by W’. H 10-12mpd ^ . A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Mercliant, WILMINGTON, N. C. July fi, 1857. 22tf 1^11 ceived and for sa'e l>y/ Nov’r 4. ('OK j'lst re- W. H. C.^KVEll 57 - 11 lo .i%v\ f’orFriv.—30Bugsjnst received and for sale by W. H. I’AHVKK. Nov’r 4. 57- LANl) FOR SALE. .\CRE.S L.\ND lying on the Camden Stage Road, 15 miles South of Fay etteville. The Land is well timbered, and admirably adapted for Turpentine or Farming purposes; and lies between the Southern Plank Roati and Big Rockfish, —convenient to market. There is on it a comfortable frame House, Mill Site &c. Any information may be obtained on the premises from -Mrs. Mary Nelson, or by enquring of J.\MES B.\NKS, Att’y, Fayetteville. Aug 13. ,33-tf LA^T CALL. tLL Notes and Accounth due W. F. & E. F. Moore, and also those due Moore A Brother, that are unsettled on the 1st of December, will positively be put iu the hands of an Officer for collection. E. F. MOORE, Adm’r. Nov. 3. 57-1 m Town papers copy. NOTICE. ri'^HE subscriber having, at June Term 1857, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Cumberland, qualified as Administrator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment immediately. T3 F. MOOIIE. June 3, 1857. 13tf JOHN P. SAMPSON, Commission and Forw^r'^inR '»VTercliant, i \V VOISli P just rec’d and for sale by Nov’r 4. Naval -tf v^r, V i!er Si t tiif Nnv.-it W’ill give particular • ' St"'- Feb’y 25, 18';6. W. H T Cemmis.sion .Mercln wri.M UT'ILL give his pi sale or shipm- i. o. Stores or other Country I’-o i e. Nov. 8. 185b. " LOVKRI) KLDinUGI’:. •Mlfortti^if fit n/’ILL attend the Courts of Johnston and Samp son Counties. Smithfield, ■.Vpril 15, 185G- 9(!-tf THO C. FULLER, tltloruey and Counsetlor at Ija%r. OFFICE at E*cles’s Bridge, recently occupied by James Banks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. C Jan’y 1, 1857. 7 Worth & Utley, Forwardin*; and General Commission MFRCIIAN rs, Fayetteville^ .V. C. J. A. WOKTH. (72tf) JOS. I’TLET. Ur. K. \. FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. rec’d and foe sale by Nov'r Tioi. H. CAUVEK 57 - VH1 !» jii-t II D N"v’r 1 ■.'■X r.' W II. Nov’r 4. A G(xti) \s()i{r\ii; T or m hatii] hikI for sale C'leap by Nov’r 4. .Arjius copy w II I’v'iVEi: •#5 Nov’r 4 c hffni .! c'm:’ BOXES just received and for s i'e l>v W, H. 715-tf o Feb’y 7, 1 85ti JOSEPH H. BLOSSOM. € TI II I M I II i\ DOCTOR FRAWK WILLIAMS'S CKLKHUA'I’F*) IJVK vMII^KFV! I'HE sul'«criber has made arrangements to keep a supply of the Genuine .\rticle, and is the only ■\gent for the sale ot the above brand of \ No. 1 Rye Whiskev in this place. KOB’T MITCHELL. May 4, 1857. otf ('OT'I'ON RAGGING JjJ^L'NDEE and GUNNY BAGGING in quantities to suit purchasers. Sept. 1‘ For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 43tf AND NOTICF. ■>HE undersigned having executed a power of .\t- torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me a«id in my name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could J. J. MOOKE. 13tf T to 1 [generally to transact all busii do were I personally present. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. FO K WA it n 1 .N G M i: RC11 .V .\T, .V. C. giy* Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 JOSEPH BAKER, Jr., ATTOK.\EV AT LAW, ■ ■ -\S taken an office next door to Wm. B. W'right’s j Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber Land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March 23, 1853. 79-tf ~^‘LAW Tyop7\RTNERSIIll\'’ E, the undersigned, have this day formed a Law ▼ w Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUQHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y I, 1856. | 72tf A VlBRO rVPES! A M P.RO PVI^ES!! ■ I .AVING taken the Rooms formerly occupied by M.M. M. M. Ferguson, over J M. Beiisley’s, would re- sj>ectfully announce to tho public that he is prepared to take .\MBROTYPES in the best styles known to the I ait A triiil is all he asks, and if satisfaction is not I given, there is no charge “So cr>nie along without delay,” .And get a picture frtun Battley. W. T. BATTLEY Nov 5, 1857. 57tf No'rici^:." A T September Term 1857, of th« Goart of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the Coanty of I’umberland, the subscriber having qiialified a? Administrator upon the Estate of John McLsiurin, no. flM all persons in- I debted to the Estate to make immediate payment, and all persons having claims against the said Estate to ; pr"' • ‘hem properly authenticated within the time j ] — I!. I by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded I I i' .. ot tVcir recovery. ! D. McLAURIN, Adm’r. : t 15, 1857. 43tf HOOP IRON. L.ARGE lot of Hoop Iron for Cotton, low, by JAS. G. Nov’r 9. For sale COOK. 58-2m

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