th^.. j*ji * ^* "■'''■>■> 'rr i, ,,p,^‘''’itU ^-*'»l'"n nt )„, ’ •h- ol.I n,,,. I Ij. W II^ ii>'lin- ur A. unit'. ‘"''»!f(.i,,: “"lUbsch. "'■ '“'■'■I'l,,,..;'- -" ' I'.n ^ ' - Ui,i (\ WTl>t coiir^i tivf 1 oh:i! ' ■, t n I ■I t i.j ;.' hi> ite, III! t. ■il. ' The!? \!.i; ^ \L •iii'c '.: 11 1 I! !' :ti.'.. , 'low !:. etn. ' 1'... . t r:. f rti, ; V. : i>; Iwi 1 V , ■.io: rht Stu . M. I r .■liii' le i r.;K ■■ ■- . 'i; -; »i*i' \ n: \rKu>, i AMI •*. ■•'■I - ■ ' -.KS- r. [I' IN . ■ : - t'itrolina. ruK - , . . N , . -Mi- ■ 7]. II iil>l>:ii*(l. iii::i: :s, JAK il!', ■ ;v aM> HE' Rip- • liTIr i.iNA. •'i ^ . n. -ny it' th li. IZ !i ■ St i'-. Ifl:"'. ' .'■■Al, TAULK'. Iltir.i ,- n^i .t; ,n :ii"l '••i. 'tit- . \\ S ? .!; \ . I'l r> • the V ’•: N-.^ ■ ‘V -t he.'tJ---:-liit C'‘Iir it'f'-ii ' ’i'. • r V ; O i- . .i tiu- i.,-i.r ■!’■ eti'ji' . u ■ L ar . ainir.. •--,ins eu'V I?' :imei - : Jt^ le. inter*->':‘^# proj. : ind • 1. - -J,--7J cents. libc: i.' !i fror-‘ .Sch . -i s. I hale ,v lit irig t ber‘- ist. III lit:. > an iinJ he h ■ ri. \\ aiiK''!’ • ;jc^nernl A^- ’ ]r r: ■jp n: ocput-.;-;-; -tteTi-- ■= \ t ;rUb in eE - t iPl" tli'TMUgt.'- -p'^ c'F'-"" ' . Jhv- r,., i!-r inu:*! S'-’" j: tH, V ijy 1 hf ,- til«- if'S Uy >y ' lilt: IT 'W: r. ricaii I>r C-. ; I ea I* rn»r iie-i I . W l-OOIv- . . .. .■ -Tf ■fPeD'"-’-; .. . !, tl.t; t: .) HAL^; /i/’ >V'#r . ,r of the Lamr .\].,rinonis'®' ‘ , .• .. I. 1JAi>K i -- OK S\L1^; '■ •Eramb*^' I vol.. VII.] 8BIIII-WEEKL. Y. FAVBTTEVILLE, N. C., NOVlvVlIiEK 30. 1857. [\0. (>G4.J il\ , i;it MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS r"'V\!M) J. H\r,R & SON. r"ITi>RS and pkovkiktoks. .1 liii- Sciiii-Weekly OnsKKVEii $3 00 if paid in :','i if pai I during the year of subicrip- | the U 1 .:':iT rhc year has expircil. c .; . Cit-ituvKR ^'2 00 per annum, if pnid in ,,, rL' .'iti if paid durinjt the yeiir of subscrip- >:, I'll at'tiT rhe year has expired. .iiVr . ri.'-l^'ll^NTS inserted for sixty cents per ,r, t !'> ’:iK-.-s for the tirst, and thlrtj- cents for each .. i/'v iliun. ^ early advertisements Viy 8})C- HI rc:MO!ia>>le rates. Advertiseis are ,i : tLo number of insertions desired, or ■V ” ■ -• '• 'iit'nm'd till fiirbid. and charged accord- \ jvor '.'fi' onts tbf> inserted intuit, charged 60 per 1. rili: (.LOBE: riio Official Paper of Coni^rcsa. Sri B1.1>H now niy :innual I'rospectus of Tub !■ ; v i.Li iit and 'I'lIK ('ONUUKSSION.VL GlOBK AM) :s :x. I - i''!iii!id sul'.scrihi'rs, and inform those 1] \ i.'ill- III snbi^cribo, that Cenpress will meet I. ' '.i>t M. irlriy o!' neit December, when I shall ' jiuiii'ishinjr tlio above named papers. They • .11 • iit'li.'lii'd so I'miJ that m' »t public men know . I .ir.icter. and thcrefoie 1 deem it needless to , .■mhUc H.ioui.t of the kind uf matter they will opu. - :;t _;i .: o: UiO!;- i,^'t ti.. jve f ■' i loi- 1 Ji H . H ■; J whi' - tK. -'■1: I'r . . W.l -= li. ) t . ^ - .V ' d. ll :ir f Rea'io'-''■- e s- ■ --’ely t' a. - ' "i .1 p.. 1 IMSt r n'.iiT.Ser- Ul'l 'ieved tiiAt ^ i i-\ vhlic t. r- -y ter. were ua.- te, t m - - VC'- t - pif-'i iUt t" . . H t ii-^iri'i 'i-* .^■'’’ ! t Dm; Y tii.OBw will contain a report of the D®- .11 ' ;! bnii chrs "f ('ongre^s. as taken down by : ■;» (''111 i'. 'it ’enst. to any corps of short hand • • I- : in any "ther country A maj'irity of M V., t e itbie to repiTt. verbatim, ten thou- ' v>- r ls :in h’.in. while the average number of words ‘ fluM.t ^pc ikers rarely esceeds seven thou- . . t;\(- li^ii: hi I vM.ii!? an ii iur. When the debate* liv 1 I i;. t ui ike II',ore thun forty cohiinna, they Mp! HI- in the l»ai!y Gtnbe the nex: morning. ,;i:cli wi,. »:,ii,tiiin. uls '. the iiews ot the day, together 'ith Mich editi'rial urtic'es us may be suggested by ..-sii;^' e\tiits. i; i - my Iritenti.iti, from time to time, aa occa- M may rcjuire. to publish my reminiscenoes of the I ui 1C men with whi'm I have been associated during : iftst twenty eight years. Anecdotes of General I. '•;, n, and the leaders of the party which he oon- :,u IP 1, and the lea Jing men of other parties, will, I ’.■ (VC, 'iiitorostiiig now wh«iu partiiaa bitt«rnM6S 1; •Xt.-'l. in hi. 'minj the reporter of the debates of Congress : ii-euied it proper tj >ay tliat the Globe would never •0 . ; a ti»'in paper. This ple.lce will not be forfeited •'. ’.fr iucing ;is a contrii'Utior: to history the politi- ■i tniit'? ■ f cl!:iracter which distinguished the public :li !i "i !;iy time .Although 1 am, and intend to remain, . ■ . 1 : Di.a;.jcr it, I will never obtrude my princi- tl ' '!! a way to lu ike tliem obnoxious to any party. K .:. ti ri jXard to pei sons and events which go to make , hist try, 1 hope to make the Globe an honest me- li; 1 with that view I am resolved to speak iud#- 1. ' n-' .,f u.! parties. l ilt I i NOUtSSlONAL Globk a.-^d Appsxdlx will con- H rep'.rt of iil! the debates in Con>jres3, revised by ' ' sj- ikcrs, the Mr.-^sages of the President of the I i,.!- i .^tates, tilt Aiiiiu:i.l Reports of the Hea.,ia of the hxn utiv • De|» irtmet.ts, ihe L iws pastel during the .11, and copii us iii lcxes to al! They will be print- . ! - n a d'luble loyul ^hect, in book form, royal quarto . 1-... il nuuibc*' L'.ji.:niiuii)i aixieen pages, i’lie who'.e wi make, il is beiieve 1. between 3,-huO and 3.V00 f s, as the '.v. g h- s-i 'ns f. r many years have rangei • ween those numbers. ai..l the next session will b« w:.,.t is terme.l a ‘•luni: oiie ” Tliis I believe is th« ■ apt si woik ever sold in any c iuntry, whether a re- ; ;it nr pri; ti-d fr.rm iri inusi.T pt copy, taking im data -veiage iiumber of words of the iong sessions since ’.'i' Ntiir 1M8. The average iiuuiber of pages 18 3,b7'i, hi, . tue a\erage nujiber oi wor ls on a page is 2,3y7, c i.'.queiitiy liif averajre number of words of a long i.'.'i'.ii )i'.'.'J'jO.TT’J As 1 have soli to subssribers .t miiii.'er "t w.-rds f ir six dr,Hart, it follows that j. have jiai'l it.i.s than siz awl one half centt for extry ' ■.,11.111 u-,,: u- I /uht Jurnnlitd tKem, whiie I have paid •■■["I ters •>'■ for every *J,o'j7 words, of this worli, • I ':ripi. 11 is any other bookseller, any where, • ' i a book in the lir^^t instance, while it was new, .• '■' l. w a riUfV 1 believe not; an.J so strong is my ' .li lt I hereby agree to give to any person who i . j r.ivf till- contr-iry a complete set of the debates 1 back to the year 1M:>;’, making forty-three '..i; ' V '’..ui.e.-i. which sell f r ^-3 a voluma. An act ■■ '■ ■:■ c. (■.'.- :.iitl..ji izi.-s these papers to g ' by mail free : ]■■ 'tugi- Tlie next .session will be. without doubt rtu ui.uMi.iliy intertbting one, as it will be the first UI. it-r I ucw .^ilmitiistr.ition, and several complex i s iiiu.!t be discussc'j in it; for example, the i- ' i. '.v. Kunsas. n venue, and other questions. The ■•■ ^i;i as heretnf'ii-e, the only «ourc« from ' ij lull 'lebati s can be obtaioed. TEKM.'^: F r -I C'lpy of the Daily Globe one year $10 00 I' : I (• "py of tiie Daily G'.ibo six months 5 00 P' r II ''"[.y ol th‘ D iily Globe during the session 5 00 K r ; _v nf the t'oii^re>.-i'inul Gl-'be an l Ap- j I. ;ix. all 1 tilt' la ws passe i during the session C 00 1‘.t, •; c.irreiit in thr; section of the country h..'!' —rtiri 'ies will be receivc'l at par. » ••... >■ - r uiiy I'art of a subscription may be re in ■ .Il (osta^'c stamps, which is preferable to any ' >>':' : ' . ( scci't g-d'l or silver. A piper will not be .sent the money accom- 1 - ; a tlie or ier f.r it. I :-iiii .t atf.'ni to exch.inge with all the newspapers ■ l.’;;re the tjkibe; bu' I will send ihe Daily Globe "•i;:.- the >^t‘Ssion to ail who sha I publish this pro- '[ Ui^ three t.mes before the first Monday of next ' Th' se who inay put'lish should send their ]■ ; ^r-, containing it to me, marked with a pen, to di- ‘ • I :i'ti tition to it JOHN C. lUVES. 'Vii-i.Wij^toii, Oc!.'r 27, l'^.'j7. C’i 3t STANDARD & MISrELLAXEOUS HOOKS. H 1|K. KANE’S Arctic Explorations,—cloth, sheep "-^and half calf; Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabella, Conquest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and Conquest of Mexico; Henry Clay's Works. 0 vols ; Benton’s rhirty Years in the U. S. Senate; Daniel Webster’s Works, 1 vols ; i Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving’s Works, 15 vols., j ! cloth and sheep; Memoirs of Win Wirt; Irving’s Life I of Washington, cloth and sheep; Life ai;d (’oirespon- dence of Webster; Com. Perry’s Japan Expedition; ,\b- bott’s Napoleon; The Indigenous Kaces of the Earth, by Nott & Gliiliion; Recollections of A Life Time, hy Goo'lrich. (Peter Parley;) Hume anti Macaulay’s His tories of England; Hallam’s, Robertson’s. Johnson's, Burke’s. Addison’s, Hannah More's and Dick’s Works; Southey’s Common Place Book; Hist.irical Collections of Virginia; Dickens’s (’omplete Works, Di vols illus trated; LaMaitine’s History of Turkey; The Queens of Scotlatni, by .■Vgnes tStrickland: }ol'.smith’s Animated Nature: Noctes Ambrosiaiue, .'S vols.,—e'lite'l by Dr. NIcKenzie; Rollin’s Ancient History; t'onstitutional Text Book; Milhnan’s Gibbon's Home; The ^Statesman’s Manual; Tale-) and Novell of Maria Edgeworth; I’roc- tor’s History of the Crusades: rhambers’ Information for the People; Tytler's Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; ('hambers' Miscellany, 10 vols ; •Appleton's Cyclopedia of Biography; The Scottish Gael; Encyclopedia Americana, 14 vols^; Waverly Novels in 12, 24 and 27 vols : Wilson’s Tales of the Borders and of Scotland; DeTocqueville's Democracy in .America: Knight’s Half Hours with the best Authors: Bulwer's Novels, complete in one vol; Plutarch’s Lives: Modern British Essayists; Lyell’s Principles of Geolo gy; Tales of the .Vrabian Nights, 4 vols^ illustratetl: Maury’s Physical Geography of the Sea; .Atlventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse; Mrs Ellis’i Family Monitor an'l Guide to Social Happiness; The Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the Revolutions in Europe; Lockh.ut's Life of Walter Scott: Hogg’s WinterjEveniiig Tales; Woinlfall’s Junius: Mclnt'ish’s Miscellanies; H.miilton's Philosophy and Literature: Mc.\ulaj'’s Miscellanies: Marshall's Wash- inpt'in: Life of Pinckney; Bran.le's Encyclonudia; The I’rince of the House of l>avid: The I’oetical Works of Homans, Scott.Campbell. Milton, Byion, .Moore, Burns, Shakspeare, &c , in various stvles E. J HALE ,i SON. Nov’r 17. SI'fflNI) STOrR! STAHR & WILLIAMS \RE now receiving THKIR .SECOND ATOCK FOR THIS SE.\SON, embracing,— Dry llat«, Boolw, Kiioeti, Hnd .1lad(‘-iip Uotiiini^', which they invite the attention of Wholesal# buy ers generally. B. SXARrt ] [J. M. WlLLIA.MS. Oct’r *i. I».j7. 49 tf New and Cheap Goods! JAMi:s KYI i: *S now receiving a largo and general supply of Dry Goods, among wh’fb are splendid Dress Gootls. with every article in the Dry Goods line .All of which, n-ing purchasetl by the package, will be offered by wholesale or retail at a small atlvance for cash or on ♦inie to punctual custoini'rs Fayetteville, Sept'r 2*’), 1H‘>7. 40-tf JL.l BOOKS. kOAl.AT’S Civil Law; D dence; Chitty on Contracts; ‘ “ Criminal Law; ‘ “ Pleailing; Stephen on Ditto ; Chitty on the Law of Car riers; Selwyn’s Niai Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith's Chancery Practice: “ Landlorti and Ten ant; *• on Contracts; Leading Cases; Story on Conflict of Law; Equity Jurispru dence; ‘ on Sales; ‘ on Partnership; ‘ Equity Pleadings; ‘ on Contracts: Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments; Byles’ on Bills; Tayler’s Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate; Broom’s Legal Maxims, “ Commentaries on the Com. Law; •Adams’s Equity; “ on Ejectment; Burrill on Ciri-um. Evidence; “ Law Dictionary Leading Cases in Equity; Tidd’s I’ractice—Am. Notes: Hill on Trustees, '* “ Matthews' Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c., &c. E. J Not. 2, 1857. Starkie on Slander; Setlgwick on the Measure of Damages; SedgwiiSk on Statutory and Cons* Law; Hale’g Pleas of the Crown; Bishop on .Marriage and Divorce; Mitforti's Chancery Plead ings; Sanderson Cses& Trusts: Hargrave & Butler's Coke ! upon Littleton; r. States Digest: State Trials of the U. S : ; Russell on Arbitration; Morris on Replevin; | Troubaton Limited Part-1 nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers; Saunders on Pleading; ■ “ Reports; Addison on ('ontracts; j Wharton on Homicitie: Wharton ij’ Stile’s Med Jurisprudence: NewlanJ on Contract.'*; j Roper on Legacies; | Williams on Executors: j on Personal Pro- ■ perty: Oliver on Conveyancing: ! Lube’s Equity Pleading; ■ Gresley’s Law of Evi- ; dence; Kent's Commentaries; Curtis’s rommentary; , Bradford's Surrogate Re- i ports; ! Tappinft on Mandamus; ; Crown ('ircuit Companion • 'Viley’sN. C. Form Book; } Slock of liOOKS AM) STATIONERY. E nre now receiving our usual New Stock of ▼ w Books and Stationery, embracing a great variety of Mciiooi, Tl4‘4lii*ai and ^is- 4*eilaiic‘oiiH llool4!4. j i Together with a large and varieti Stock of BLANK . j BOOK.''J, PAI’Eit. i'NVELoPtS. \c. j Country Merchants an.l others are invited to call as i ! we offer the abovo stock on tin? best terms E J. HALE '!fe SON. j Sept'r 28. \V. II C.urVEIl ' Is n"W receiving hi^ Fan Stock Ot aoons. . which is laree an.l wel' selectoil. .A call from old friends I .mil the pulilic I'fiu-rall}’ is solicited. My titock is too 1 varie'l to enunicrati’: isvery one can find something that ^ they want by ca'liiij^. All kindi* of pro.luce taken in I exchange f.)r tJ.jods. W, H. C.VRVER Sept. 17, lh57. 43tf ; Foil SALE. ■rglHE following VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, the w property of E. C. Hall dec’d, is offered for s.-»le, ] and consists of the following tracts: That desirable place known as Home, contain- 1 ing about 2*50 .Acres, with all the irnprovemehts. This place will be sold entire or divided, to suit purchasers. , it being probably one of the best business stan'ls in ! the country, and is very desirable to those wishing to I enter the mercantile business. I No. '1, Coii.sists of a Lot and IJrick Store, 1 (2 tenements,) in Campbellton, m Bridge Street, near I Clarention Bridge, anti is a very desirable stand for ; business. Nti. 8, Ih Tlireo vacant Lots in Campbellton, I known in city plot as Nos 10*J, 111, 112, and half of ! lot 118. No. 4, Is il Dwellinj: House and Lot on Hay- mount. corner of Plank Hoad and Adams St. very 'iesirable retiitleiice for the whole year. No. 5, Is a ('orn Mill and Steam Kngine and ’'.oiler, of 10 or l.S horse power. This is well worth le attention of those living where water power is not \ilable, and will be sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. H. H.ALL, Assignee. .Qgust 1, 1H.')7. 30-tf FOR SALE. ?|1HE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie * Street, at present occupied by Doctor McSwain. Perfect title can be ma'le. Apply to THO J. CURTIS. ALSO A GOOD FAMILY C.ARRI.AGE in good repair »nd . » nearly new. Will be sold for half its valua. —A LS«J— 3 good MILCH COWS with young calves. Apply t> T. J. CUKTIS. April 29, 18.')7. Stf FAYE'ITEVILLE HOTEir Furniture and Fixtures tor Sale. IHE above name.J property will be sold to any responsible person, upon fair terms, if applied for between the present time and the 15th of Decem ber next. If not sold by the 16th of Dec., they will be sold at Auction after the first day of January next, in lots to suit purchasers. •Any information wanted will be cheerfully given hy applying to J. H ROBERTS At CO. Fayetteville, September 12, 1857. 42-tf BOERUAVK’S IIOI SiAM^ It I TIE Its r i> HALE s SON. 1 AN.M:irs on. DKY HIDES B1>L> Tuniier's Oil,— a lot of Dry Hides Tuiiiier's Oil,—ft superior ai tide; also. Nuv. inifsii I th.r 1 For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 02- .iRRir^.ULs: ilK -ii'.si'ri! i-r takes this inetho 1 of informing the ■ 7 -!.- '.f K!i\et;( viile and y>ub;ic g.>nerally, •■icivel aii'J a.idud to her former LA yi:i: / 'iff r> Butt' r. anti S' .1 Cheese; she wii N-v r -J. •Artriis cij -W.Si A .S, •rlutJr, lidlf (ind quarter i '■in.fs t,i (,'/,!);. Jiirx; L'urrants; "I, Al^ fjruzi/, Buffer, (.'nroa, I, In,/if, yv.L'.i- iter; Sorlni.s; Saur,.-^; Pickles of all kinds. —ALSO— I’ st-,n. ( re:im, Sujrar, l.enion, ('up. Fancy . t 1.1. r-' 1 Kiijtlis.i Dairy and Now \ ork Stute '' tir'siiis No 1 Goshen liutier; which '.•!l ."iv !'iirC-A.sll o.N'i.T M. B.ANKS, Green .''^treet 02-2m M)TlCi:. [..iitnership of M'lrsh, CHrroI! & Co., is I by mutual c nsent, and the 1' by J. F .Marsh. J. W CAKKOLL. D. G. McDl FFlE. J. F. tiU-tf M- lliia 'i .y 'li business wi,i (,».• seitle.l u Nov. 20, 1 Uniled states or /liiierica. District Court of the United Stntes for the Dis trict of Cape Fear, in the District of North Carolina. i WHERE.AS a libel has been filed in the District Court of the United States, for the District of : Cape Fear, in the District of North Cr./olina, on the | 13th day of November, 1857, by Williarj M. Harriss, i against the Bark J. W’. Blmlget, her t.ickle, apparel, ; furnitur*' and cargo, alleging in substance, that the said Bark while on her homeward voyage Irom Turks | Island to the Port of New York, laden with salt, about ! the 12th of September last encountered a severe storm i and by the violence of the winds and the waves, was ' driven upon Buzzard’s B ly Beach, and that thereupon ^ the Captain and (’ommander of said Burk, Davitl Moore, l left his said Bark upon said Biizzanl Bay Beach, and came to the port of VVilmington and consigned said Bark to the Libellant and asked for a Tow Boat to re- 1 lieve said Bark from her perilous position and to bring 1 her into the Port of Wilmington to receive such rejiairs j as were nece.-^s.iry to enable her to prosecute success- | fully her intended voyacP. That in ohedience to the wishes of the said Captain, this Libellant procured the | services of Captain Benjamin W. Berry, who with his j Tug the Steamer Henrietta, proceedetl to sai.l Beach i and succeetled in dragging her oif. an icarrietj the saiil j Bark in safety to the Port of Wilmington. That upon | her arrival in said Port of Wilmington, the said Libel lant was obliged to pay and did actually pay bills for repairs and towage and pilotage, and also a large sum to the seamen emjiloyed on boanl of said Bark for their wages, and made other advances more particularly set forth in the schedule annexed to the said libel, amount ing to Eleven Hundred and sixty-six 7o-100 Dollars. That the saitl advances were necessary to enable the saitl Bark to pursue her voyage and earn her freight, and were made in a Port where said Bark did not be long, and where the owners did not resiiie, and were made on the credit of the said Bark, as well as of the Owners thereof, and were to pay charges and which were at that time a lien on said Bark, and by the payment thereof this Libellant became in Law sub rogated in place of the parties to whom the payments were made, antj became cniitled to hold and proceed and enforce the hen of Hald demands for his own re imbursement. And the said Libel further pray& pro cess against the Bark or Vessel, her .tpparel, tackle, and furniture, for the amount due the Libellan* in the premises with costs, ami that the saitl Bark, her tackle, apparel and furniture may be con demned and soM to pay sail amount with costs, chargeg and expenses. Now, therefore, in pursuance of the monition under the seal of the said Court to me tlirecte.l and deliver ed, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claim ing the said Bark, her tackle, apparel, and furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the saitl Court to be held in and for the District of North Carolina on the secoml Wednesday of January next at eleven o’clock in the f.irenoon of the same day at Chambers in F^iyetteville, if the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, otherwise on the next d.iy of jurisdiction thereafter, then and there to interpose their claTms and to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated the 18th day of November, 1867. WESLEY JONES, U. S Marsha), by JNO. J. CONOLEY, D. M A. E.mpie, Jr., Proctor for Libellants. Nov. 19, 1857. 62-7t Hurp^r's Magazine for December. a. J. HALE 4- 80N. ( J :i II jo\Ks Are receivinir their F.ALL .AND WINTER Stock 0 FAM'Y & DOMESTIC DKY GOODS, Which they will sell at their usual low prices, in part as I'ollows.— E LAINS. all kinds; All Wool Plai'is: Col''l >lerinoes: Col’d .siiks and Black: Rich Robes A'Quiile; Chenille Shawls: Do. Scarfs, all silk; Long Shawls for Gentlemen; Do. for Servants; Cloth anti Velvet Cloaki: French Uobes, Volant; 1)0. for Mis-;es: Nett Coat.- for Chil.lren; Long Brocha Shawls. Merino ,'^hawls, white; Opera Flannel,' Plain an'l Col’d. QuiltC'i Skirt.s; ] Do Hoops; ! Fine an.l '.'mm'.n Blankets: Cotton. Silii. and Woolen Hosiery; 1)0. Fancy, fi.r ChiMreii; 1 Kid, Silk. Merino, ('otmn Glove* for Ladies; ^ Chenille Heud Dresses; Chenilles b\ the yar'l; . Bonnet Ribbons; do. plain; Fringes aii'l Salom, all colors: ■ Bill, k Vi lvets; I Bl’k and t'ol’.| Bolts; Muiberrv l’uttons f r Dresses: ^ Thread, Swiss, Jackonett, B'tbbin, au'l Cotton Edgings: Blacn La-e an l Edgings: ! Emb'd Hh liifs. Collars, Sleeves and Ban.Is; i Love and l^ace Veils; I Bonnets, Hats and (’aps: j —ALSO— ; A nice variety of Men’.-, Ijiidies’, and Children’s | Also, Men and Boys Ctothing, Cheap, —ALso- pri^Frj/zT/ei; SOAFS, and many other \ Fany Articles. j Sept. II, IH.57. 42-3m I F01{ SAI.E. ^I'^HE subscriber desiring to emigrate to the West. ; I offers sale his entire L.ANDS. including about ; six hundred acres, generally known as Chalk Level, ; lying in the upper en.l of Harnett county, miles East of Cape Fear River, and on the road leading from Fay- j ettevi'Ie t'l Chapel Hill. Store, Dwelling, i)ut Houses, j all in first rate order. The Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to he | excelled by any country store in the State. There are ' also upon the premises an excellent well of water with- | in 15 or 20 steps of the House, a fine young orchard of i Fruit Trees, a T^in Yarii in perfect order, which pays well when in operation. .Also, a Blacksmith Shop with Toots. (%c. Any person wishing to purchase such a place would do well to call anti examine it for themselves. I am 'letermined to sell, and will make terms ea^y for the putchaser .A. H. DEW.AR. N. B. The place is one of the healthiest in the South ern country 40 Shares Hank of Fayetteville Stock. .August 4, 1857. 32tf •^.806 Acres of liUiid FOK SALE. IHE Subscribers offer for sale the above Tract of Land, lying on .Anderson's Creek, about two and a half miles from lower Little River, near Elliot's Mills,—including about One Hundred .Veres of good Swamps, which can be easily drained. This Land Is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level au'l 'f superior quality of Pine Land for cultivation. Also, a I'ircular STE.AM S.AW-MIIL, in complete order and well adapted to sawing plank roa.i and rail road timbers. .Vlso, Two well-broke MULES. .All, or any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a botly or in parcels to suit. S.MITH i ELLIOT. April 0, 18'.7. 97-tf S’ SCHOOL HOOKS. MITH’S English Grammar; Peterson’s Familiar i Science; Bolmar’s Fables; I^merson’s .Arithmetic; ; Bolmar’s French Grammitr; Lovell's U. S. Speaker: Sargent’s Standard Speaker; North Carolina Readers; Mitchell’s Geographies; Quackenbos’s Rhetoric; &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 4, 1857. T. C. & B. G-. WORTH, !■ \T I unit there ov«*r llie fife of this inialitv '»i l.ointiussioii & r orwardiiif; .Vlercnaiits, erCHl success aiiion(r iheni, 1 novv nlTer il l'» i - ' Knovvins tlmt its truly wmulerl'ul luuit'Cin’il Nov Broicn't liuilding. Water Strt:ft, W^ilmington^ f; Usual advances made on consignments. 11, 1857. 59-tf 'i; 1). .A. i,.\\io.vr. Commission Merchant, Wiliiiiu^^toii, C. OFFICE 38 NORTH W.ATER STREET. Personal attention given to all pr luce sent to him either for sale or s .ijiment. Nov’r r». .^(7-lypd J. WlLLLWl iv\;e, .\L I)., P MTTSBO MKiVO MM, .V. C\ Dr. PAGE may be foun l at his office when not professionally «:;2'ag,-'i. May 0, 1857. G90 ACKES OF L.VM) KOK S.M.E. ri'^HE Subscriber offers for sale the above quantity of Lanti, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington an'l Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lumber River. This L.aud is well adapted to Farming. Turpentine, an'l Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mises, who will be h:ippy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS .Mc(HLL Philadelphus, N. Sept 1, 1857. lOtf FOR Till-: FILL l\il \l i\TllR 1857! .ii’sr liix'Kivi'.n, (Call soon. Secure a Good li^rguin and t^ave Money,) Oiieot’the l.ari;ost, lland.^omest and Cheapest Slocks of Readff^ltade Clothing^ for Gentlemen's wear, ever brought to this Market, and no mistake! Also, a Magtiificent assortment of Boy’s and iLOufii’s C/lofiiiiij^, Boy’s Suits and Extra Jackets of all colors of Cloth. I'OK KAII. 0.%D IIA:%D^.-^Ready to furnish Contractors with any quantity of Clothing, at a Very low figure. FOIC BOAT laAlin^—A large lot of P. Jackets and Over Coats: also, fancy Flannel Over Shirts and Pants—very cheap. .A very extensive assortment of tAviltlcnmn\ FliriliHllillS Ciio»l«>, Fine Linen and Fancy .Mar seilles Shirts and Collars. UndtT-garmiints of heavy Silk and Merino, Socks, Cravats, (iloves. H'dk'fs, Sus- pemlera. A:c. BOOT>* and From the heaviest Water-Proof to the finest Pump ami Fair Stitched, I’hiladelphia ma.le; lluis itiid Cup«t of all de scriptions. l.adi«V Travoiliiiji; Triiiik«— Extra large sizes; Bonnet Boxes; Gents’ English Sole Leather, Spanish Iron Frame and Packing Trunks; p'nglish Sole Leather Valices, anti others; a new style of Travelling Bags (very convenient;) Gentlemen’s Shawls and Fancy l’>u;:gy Blankets; genuine Havana Segars: Umbrella‘s; Walking Canes; India Rubber Over Coats, Leggings and S:nida1s; also. Over Shoes for Ladies; anil a great variety of Fancy Goods too nu merous to meiiti’in. .All which will be sold at wholesale or‘retail very low for cash or on time to prompt paying customers Grateful for the liberal patronage heretofore extended to me, 1 respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. GEORGE BRANDT, South side Hay Street, Opposite G W. Williams & Co. Fayetteville, N. C , Sept 17, 1857. 43-tDI Groceries, Siardware, &.c. f B^IIE undersigned are >iow receiving u LARGE AS- M. SORTMLNTof Groceries, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Hollow-Avare, Shoes, Leatlier, and Saddi('ry, which they will sell at Wholes ile at a small advance on Cost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers Gi;o W. WILLIAMS & CO. July 18, 1857. 2S-tf Blanks for sale at this Office. FARM FOK SALE ! f(_)FFER for sale my PL.ANT.VTItJN «n the East side of (Jape Fear liiver, S miles above the Claren- j Jin Bridge, kucwn as the Toomer Lands, contaiuitig .•oout hUO acres. The Plantation is in a good state ot cultivation, and is susceptible of being ma.le one of the most profitable Farms in the County. 1 will give a ; bargain in the lantls, and make the time of pay most ; easy if application is ma.le in a few weeks. i .\ddress mo at Gulf, .S. C. | J. L. HAUGHTON. , Oct’r Iti. 52- ' (v:>0() ACkl’.S OF LAND FOR i SALE. I 'B^HE Subscriber desiring to move to the West offers j Jl to sell the following tracts of v.aluab’.e land. 1 Tract containing 2.">»iG acres in Harnett County 18 miles North of Fayetteville There is on this tract, two large and comfoitable dwelling houses, with all necessary out houses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, with a-iout ;^0l> acres cleared anti in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excellent farming and turpentine laud. ■Also another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen tine land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. There i.s on this tract one good tlwelhng with all necess.-iry out houses and a good grist ami saw-mill. The above lands will be sol.l at public sale on Thurs day the .'M day of December in tracts to suit pur chasers. I will also sell on the same tlay all my Corn, ?odder. Hay and Stock of all kinds, 8 head of mules ,V horses, Blacksmith and Cooper's tools, farming utensils, 1 Tim ber ^ 2 road«w;»ggons, 1 cart and a lot of Harness. 1 will take pleasure in showing the above property to any person wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Nov. 7th, ls57. 58 ts LAND FOR SALE. .ACRE.'^ L.A.ND lying on the Camden Stage Roai, 15 miles South nf Fay etteville. The Land is well timbered, and admirably ailKpted for Turpentine or Farming purposes: and lies between the Southern Plank Roa'l and l’>ig Rockfish, —convenient to market. There is on it a comfortable framr House, Mill Site kc. Any information may be ol>tained on the premises from .Mrs. .Mary Nelson, or by enquring of JAMES BANKS. Att’y, Fayetteville. Aug. IS. 33-tf DAVID McDl FFIE, Mtrickmason anti Plasterer^ Is prepared to do all kintls of work in his line, in cluding the putting ui> of Turpentine Stills in this and the ailjnining counties. Fayetteville, .April 27, 1857. S-lY-pd B. F. PEARCE & C07 DEALERS IN FOREIGN .\ND DO.MESTK’ DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, LmbreUani and Riady-Made Clofhiny, HAV STRKET, M"€iifftt€ville, •V. €. B. V. PK.\Rt_t.] [j. W. PE.\KCK, JK, July 30. 29-tf (;e()7alderma-V, Mnspector of »Vaval Stores, WILMINGTON, N. C., fcjJOLIClTS patronage. Prompt attention ami quick despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. June 23, 1857. 19-12mpd THE CKUCBR.'tTEt) nt>I.l..\.\D KK>H':DY FOR BTSPEPSJCA, DISE\Si: «F TIfV: KIDXETS, L.IVER COMPL.AINX, WKAKXESS OF ANY KLN'D, FEVER AND AGUE. .And tbtt VHriou^4 KfTectlims cnti'equcnt npon h dliordsxad STOMACH OR LIVER, f*uch Inili£esllin. Ariility of the Stoiiiarli. t.'olicky Pnliii Hpiinl.urn, l.o.ts ol .\|)|.etile. Iie«|>' CusiivPiif'^s. lilintlnod Bleeiline I’ile-i In ;tll NerV'iiis. Itlieunoilic. ; n.l .N'eur il;[ f .■VlTtiC- ll.iiis it h ts in niiiiior'iii-i in'l ,nccs i.mvc.l hislily btrneflriHl, and in others efTectt'.l h ileci.If.t euro Thi' is i\ purely veeelnble r.mipounil, prop-treilon strictly scien tiflt prircipli:s, Hlter the in inner of the celplirmed H.illand Pr.> fessiir, Hoerhnve. Hec«nse of iis gro^it .sun ess in most of the Kuropt-an Stntes, it- inir'>.liiction into the I'nil.*!! States whs in len.eri more e-peclnlly for th'.'e of our fnther »iiil scattered here »nil there ov^r tlie I'lCe of this mial'tv I 'Uinlry Mcelinij with lie .\iiiericnn public, virtues must be ;tc «leilgpd. ' It is p;irticulHrly rer.Miiniende.l to those (lersons wliose ronstitu ' tions iiiHy have bren impnireil hy tin* rontinuou-; use ofnrdent I spirits, or other f.iiiiis ol iliss’imtion. lieru rilly iM'lMniHneou* In i ert't-ct, it find", its way dire. tly to the sc:tl of lile. thriilind and ' quickeiiind every nerve. r.U'ina up the itro iplng spirit, and, tn : tact. inlusinL' nnv he.tUli ami in th»! system. .\()TH'E—W'h.irvrr exiierts t.i tir.d this a beveraiie will he dl» app.'inteil; but t. I’ ' s.. It, weak and I'lW spirite.l, il will prova » g.atel'iil »rf>mul>c «, .r !.»l, piis*^sst>il .•f'ii'uular remedial pr.>|>«rliM V. \ f T 1 (> .\ • The great [Miputarity tif this deliehtfiil Ar.iini hns In.luced many liiiitHti.ins, which the public should euaril purclmslnj. lie not (ier'U:idfil t.i biiv ;inything else until you h.ive given IJoef- hsve's Hollinil liitt. r^ a fair trial. One hottio will •onvlnce yo« how intin'tely miperior it is to all these imitation*. {^^»old at SlUt) |ier buttle, or six buttles fui by 31I.F. P R O P R I ETO II 3 . PACiC, JU. & CO. MANCfACTCRI.’^rt PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS. J'lTTSBURon, Pa. Samuel J. HinsdaU sole agent for Fayettevill#. 5tf June 14, 1857. lU- JUST REtUri\ED‘ I^ROM the Northern cities, for the second time thii season, with one of the Ilaudsomest and Really Cheapest Sturks of UJL^MMM CMjOTMMM.ITG; Staple and Fancy Dry Goods; Latest Styles of Cassimere and Si/k Hats; Boots and Shoes; 7runk'it and Fancy Goods; 1 ever offered to purchasers in this market. The present stock particularly having been pur- chased under very favorable circumstjinces,—at the October crisis, when goods were low and cash scarce, —and will thcrifore be sold at a great reductiou of former prices An early call respectfully soiicitel GEORGE BRANDT, Hay St , Fayetteville. Nov'r y. 68 tJ 1 Xeijro Blankets and received and for sale by Kerseys, just W. Ji. CARVER. Cotton liagiiinir and Rope, just re ceived and for sale by W, H. C.ARVER. A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding HHercliant, WILMINGTON, N. C. July G. 1857. 22tf Jon.^p. SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Ddercliant, ce ceive.l and for sale by Nov’r -I. TOB%’CO, just r W, H. carver. 57- li IO AHI> .l.iVA C’OFF5:i:—Bags just received anti for sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov'r ■!. 57- WILMINGTON, N. Will give particular attention to the sale Stores, Cotton, &c. C. of Naval 85-tf w voieii svai p & just rec'ti aU'J for sale by Nov'r 4. W. H. CARVER. ( ALL. LL Notes and .\ccounts tlue W. F. ."i E. F. Moore, and also those due Moore Brother, th at are nsettl.'d on the 1st of December, will positively be put in the hau'ls of an Officer for collection. E. P. .Mt.tORE, Adm’r. Nov. 3. 57-lm Town papers copy. XOTK'E. ^j'^HE subscriber having, at June Term 18^57, of the f Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the .’ounty of Cumberland, qualified as .Administrator upon the Estate of Willie F. Moore, hereby notifies all persons having claims against the said Estate to present the same properly authenticated within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will he pleaded in bar of their recovery. Debtors to the said Estate will please {• ;^vinent immediately. ^ F. M -ORE June 8, 1857. 1 ^-itf NOTK:e. ^IlIIE undersigned having esecute.l a power of .Vt- torney t-j E. F. Moore, he is thereby auth..rized to make all settlements for me and in my name»and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were I personally present. J. J. MOOKE. 1 Fayefteville, Juno 3, 1857. 13tf P'eb’y 25, 1856. W. H. TURLINGTON, Cttmmission Merchant, No. 4‘2 North Water St., | WILMINGTON, N. C. ! SISriLL give his prompt personal attention to the ' » w sale or shipment of all Consignments of Naval I Stores or other Country P’^oduce. Nov. 8, 185t>. LOVEUD ELDTmDGK. mMttorneit ut Mjtur, IL'L' attend the ('ourts of Johnston and Samp- ▼ ▼ son Counties. SmithfieM, .Vpril 15. 185*i. !>tj-tf THO. C. FULLBRT ,Mttoriiey and VontiseUor at Mjatr. OFFICE at Ewclcs's Bridge, recently occupied by James Bunks, Esq., Fayetteville, N. (' Jan'y i, 1857. 7 Worth & Utley, Forwardinji and G('nera) CoinmissK)n .MERCHA.vrs. J. \. WORTH. (1 »i*. K. \ FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 1850. 7tJ-tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V « va I « 1iX AND FORWA RDL\(i \1 ERCHANT, Vt'*ile»tinslo»i, o^\ V, ^i'«AR ".yri p just ^ ' rec’.l and for sale by W H. C.VHVER. Nov’r I. 57- Do n Yarns, ju.-t rec’d and for sale by O^.'^AEII’IKjJ'* and COTTON b li. W Nov'r 4. 50.'if ^ CAHVFR. 67- TALLOW AND ADAMANTINE DLES. just rec’.l an>l for sale bv W. H. CARVER. Nov’r 4, I GOOD AS,ORTME'.T oK liand and for sale cheap by Dli V W. H. Nov’r 4. .\rgiis copy. .57- GOODS (CARVER. 57- CIIEESE! CHEESE! BOXES jutt received and for sale bv W. H. C.VhVER. Nov'r 4 57- DOCTOR FRANK WILLIAMS’S ( ELEURATED E WHISKEY! "'■''HE fiubscrilier has m i le arraiigem‘Mits t'l keep a 1 suf'jily of the Gfiuuine .Vrticle. au i 's th>- only ■ .Agent for the sale of the above brand of .A No ! Rye Whiskey in thin placo. ROB’T May 4. 18.',7. MITCHELL 5 If ^7'2tf) ni, vtTii o .lOS. TTI £Y. D ( )'i ro\ !5aggin(;. L’.SDEE and GL NN^ BAGGlN'f in qu-diitities to suit purcliasor.* For sale by JA'^. 'ept 1' G COOK. 43tf !l Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances matle on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 ~ J()SEPH baker, Ju., ATTOK \ Iv V .IT L A W, AMHRh \ Ml>,i:o rVPE'>!! AVING taken the Pioom-. f"rinery occupied by '1. M. Feigu^'.n. o\er .! .^I. lo.i.-'%y's, would re- sj.ectfully annoiince tti tin- piiliii'- tioit I.e is [irep.ired to take AMBKorVPES in th! best known to the ait .A trial is i;!i he ask.'.. ar"l if satisfaction is not given, there is no cluirge “So cme al' iig without de’ay,” Ari'l (jet a jdcture from Batiley. W T. BATTLEY I Nov 5, 18^7. 5tf I Is i A T Sepreinb'-r Term 1H57. of thoOoart of Pleas and ! » (Quarter .'>e.‘'sion.H for the Cooniy of'l, the subscriber having tiualifie'l ae ' dministrator upon a WAS taken an office next door to Wm. B. W^right’s i !. Law office on Green Street. lie will attend anl ' the Estate of -I'.hn Mj!,:iurin, n .ies all persons in- practice in the Countv anti Superior Courts of Cumber > debteil to the Estate to make itniii. iiate payment, and Hand, Bladen, Robeson .ind Sampson. * •‘^‘1' persons having claims apainst the said Ksh.te to -- - p’- 'lem properly autheniioitied witliin the time i I I by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded I i I ir recovery. D. McLAURIN, .Adm’r. 15, 1857. 48lf 79-tf March 23, 1853. ‘‘lT\vXh)p I ’i K, the undersigned, have this day foraietl a Law ▼ w Copartnership, and will practice in the (’ourts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, an.l the Supreme (Jourt. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsborough, N. C., Jan’y 1. 1856. 72tf HOOP IRON. A L.ARGE lot of Hoop Iron for Cotton. For sale tL low, by JAS. G. COOK. Nov’r 9. o8-2m 1{J X »KS. on il .ihor I tiut 1... ,v‘so/' il.ALi.

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