m "1% rs'c- '■’ th» “f M..-. u, '" ■■■• H , 'U A.enr, Th ^price ’ ' *^'*''Ked. tl!\ >1 N il l- ■ y j ■1‘IU ~ >f 1 r lull I iJli! , i..f ■ ■ i; ■■ ' S!-., '■ I;.!'. I' O f SOjUj., “K’nin i l.er* itjf ' I ^gea ! rice, '*• liii >V )( ^ :V N, !»•■ i : . I, I'. . k ( (1HH; :: r. .■ ■. h 1 !> irr'- Th. . h, Ll >li t- i. he •, L. ; . ■Vi. N \ : \ri:ii.> 1 '2. . It! 1 : ; ^ :o :hi IKK: rol i fl /. *t VL ' t '«■ - i »■ r. i A* . . \. u.i wK I . Al :i II'. T \ > i-ts' p.!f- PA/. t them bv h. 1; h V . •. n ai. ! S.j. i' 1 • i - .5 . ■ 1 r - •' i; - a ;-r-^!. : .i i ; ■ i*‘ t . t Nur.- *■ f 1 . f uiH-r ‘ ■ . . - w .r.^ :l. r - • •. [' - -- . Tij .i;. • .a- •.Tf • ■ e RUUil v-r I", I- i'. fi- in ,'■ - t:j. Se.'i ■ V-ir.. ) A^e- .SU|.| - .. IV ■!. i he cer- i' Ul , ^ 1 ■ 1 V ' : H-.'. 1-'? Utt**:. l;i ei'. :y t.’ S'il ti. •>f I'.-..' ■ li.Mi'er- thin is ■ : ve I. -nit ir r:i - - -’■■'n W'T*. * " ■ J r'l''-* t - I . ill 1 'i'-iii'* r, in ■ - l;- .J-. ■ el. ;■ ••.■K-t:’ : -2 ■r rii iti'i T' '«;■ V -j ,'7jCfT.tJ. l! de , • n :r .-ni tbcs* ■ : Te S. t. J. H \[,E i 2y- ^ \\ kerj ^ ,-a;A.:.n7 > un-l w ill I : ‘>n fliJi' aiiv , ir (•■ rei|, tn h'i.lr- ..rti'Vliif' jf :i,» iu . ;r r-'i" ,-.n« ,-^'- . t.‘W r,.. Ti-r Ui^-^ : W. H -HN A- t!i N • iW'tf el ! :uij* . , peiiiis.'' ■ K. : x:.K V of ,x> ir M .r!) 1 .rKe- M >\o‘h‘vr^ li. I*.- .■■ jjj-i-i lii^i itiltj llMl klcK. •:\o,‘ K. ■' liut.'-r = . ntfr; >'■■■ , j),, sjrApl*?’ uN' i:.VLL i r!- , - .‘.u i ly :i nr> ))K iirl r L i wm W [\ l)L. VII.] S M I-W B K K I. T. I’AVKTTKVILLK, N. C., DlX'lvVIlJKK A, l>!37. [NO. 6o:>.] V t f u SC ' In' l'i;lM'M' MONUAYS AND THUKSDAYS r'>WM(l) J. H\f-B & SON. • i.n'ORS and PKOi*HIKTOIl.S. :• ; 10 'fni-Wockly Ohserver $3 00 if paid in ', jO if paiJ Juring the year of subscrip- ;ifter the year lias expired. V ( hi^JKUVtu !»:‘2 00 ppr anuuin, if paid iu e: .'ill it' jiaid during the year of subscrip- .'.... liU idler the year has oxpirttd. rri'^LMKNTS Inserted for sixty cents per li tinc^ for the first, and thirty cents for each [.iihlitvition. Vesirly advertisements by spc- rPMSonablt* rates. Advertisers are • , ,i t the number of insertions desired, or ■ I- coiitiTiued till forbid, and charged accord- .r • ir Week Vi'V’l u-rti^eiiK'nts to be inserted intiJt, charged 50 per :, u;. ( II AXCJK OF FIRMS. ! u'in(‘ss lioretcf're existinp: under the name* ' * r il. 15rindt and L Bran«lt. separately, has r-cr u: t> •!, iiTi'i they li;»ve this day formed a Copart- :i. Mi' i will in future conduct the establishment ler the tirin of G. ic L. BRANDT. 1 ,v; ttf vilie, Dec. 1, 1857. TIMKLY NOTK’E. ).\S indebted to me by note or account are . impstly requested to call and settle before the ■ r'J inuiry 18-^8. as after that time all my claims ; e p!.i>'pd in the hands of proper officers for col- II. iitid no mistake, as my books must be closed ji v t: e 1-it of .lanuH'-y next, iu consequence of the jc: ai t'e ol mv business. OEO. BRANDT, tv 1. 1857. 64- JOHN HALL, i'oiiimission .Tlerchant, 43i NORTH water STREET, •.%*. C'., • wriLL sell Cotton, Naval Stores, and Breadstuff’s, T * for a rommission of one per cent. Cotton and ? ill.' Turpentine forwarded to -Vorthern Ports for f vr , nnfs per bale and cask; other Naval Stores 2^ cts f.; i :irrel. P.nkUENCE.—E p. Hall, Prest Br. Bank of the ,r. ufN C. .s ,v '.‘I. 64-Smpd iiMiror.! • IS.-,7 ■ h -t !■ i:,.l ] i ,v 11 Offn“P Wil., riiarlotu* & IvuilnMidr-l 1 7m No' ' HY order of Wie Itnard ol Diii'P! : . t ed will proceed to let to r i! of the line of the Wilmington. Cli n' iMl* Hail l{oad reiiiaiiiiii^ unlit, t!i- Kivcr at ^Nalker's Feiry. in lii'n, \\ i i .'i the town of l..uiiiberti'n. iii llrlit- •om'v. sing .‘H sectioi .■*. \vi»)i nn (iir£rr>"_ i'!'' va'-iip of excavation and eiiiliankinciii: \ii ! t they invite l’ropr'>aIs for tli*; tir i luu.in'i ,.! ur any portion thei'eol'. until tlio . r —pr>po.«iils to state oon'iitioti'i | .I’ r,, ri?, tion will ho rpc' ivi-i] it; cash, wh.i, (i.n- . ii the town of U'ilmiiitrtoii, ni>d v.li it j .ri. . . the .stock of the ('oiiir. my. Tlipy also inviro rr"pi«:ils. un i'. the Timber required t'or the Tier'le »V. Hrown Mar.'li .''wainp. in Mlnden i imi'v. :ni Swamp, in c.unity, \ ■ i- at Brown Mar>h, liin-ul iVc: oi ;r .. square, and in leu;th.s n.it '> ss tli ii ■ 1: Mieal feet of ('ap Sills. I'-’ iii'-lie-; squ long; and ti.OUU lin. ul feet oi Sr ii - 1 inches, anti in lengths ol'L’O. .!i Ai liiji tfwunip, there will he feet of Piles. tl.OUO linea! feet .>t ‘r lineal feet-of String Pieces, ol' the ; for Urowu MMr.-sli. The wh ile lo heart Pine Timber, free fr. iu de:r from green trees. Proposals for Timber to be for portion thereof; and. as in the e.i: graduation, will state condiiioi.s ' also specify the side of the S-.>;ini)' delivered upon. Profiles and Specilioation.s will be f in Wilininpfon, where all porson.': le- are referred for further information Proposals will be addressed to the ’hiet at Wilmington, and will be eniioi;»..| ,in "Proposala ” II. W til l s. Pres't w . »' i; i; i; jui. JOIIN MeK.lK, t.'hief F.ng'r. Not. 10, 1857. '' tl'V* The ilniinirtuH, ('/uirlottr *.)' Rxlhrr- ford Rdil Road ( 'onijxin JT is ordered by the Board of Iireijters of i!'.is'o:n- VWJ. S'l'-X'K. 18")7. ' A: C The Itura, Af 0'firri ’iizp f^trfortf ffff Soitfh* i. :\'ix r. !. ti;; in 11-1 l.l-.r , r-._h ; r - a; Fi;'; h •U ',re ;!mi well selected stock Cl , mir a : I'guv ■ ! .'^ilks; .1 rreiieh Merinoea: w I. ' Pl ii.N: !' ;'M qiia'iitirs: :’'.i/Wie; M nc^i .'Hid .A ni-i ic.'in Piints; 1 i!.j.iulil :1 p.itterns;) ■ .ri|ai':n; Iff iiousR. ■ii/t of fjlr' f-yt Stru t, n /'eic Doors North of ■r uni t.'crn ids: A. • K’vn %. V ■i V U' :-l;l ' :ni I ‘ dini. :;- ■!. :Ui'i the ti:'.)! lio ! i IU the 'Tu’e Hi of bi i'liiig Kngineer rt.e l.tii'k ■: • *. Felts; • >’. ' I'i i'niiii?i.^s, \ .,■ : T V ' ' ■ . - a«»d Satfm ts; h;:.' .11 . ’ 1-ire i Fbinne's: F-:i , i|,. I :,nd llrown Siiirting.s; • \lieii i ilt‘ Hi-J Slieeting; F>^ leln. 1 :ui'l 1‘ii-oAii Drillings; PI 1 Li .11; i Kersey,-; 1 ' St r: j I" :iiid PI.lids; '.‘'.■•■wi, ai'l I ie- i li- i i Mlile Cloths; '!' -.ve in,;s .if' >i ; l;'.nd.s; -N' iT.' !': ,n.,i-t--; i \ I . :' i ty i icl IJl.inket-; i'ri":ind Whilebone lioops; t " . '.iiient of llooji Skiris; ’ of every variety, kind, and i.e.inoi-1 .iii'l Straw lionnets; >li. • s.ii.. i'ii'-inipre and Wool lints; 1' ■ tb, S)i .e--. Fin'ireli-is, \c. -.VLSO— \ l.'irg** :uid I'l.ihioii’ible stock of € loihinff^ A’; ol wl'ieh will he soM low for or on our liiiiitl time to pnncfual customers either at Wholesule • I- ll-’iu'- ,\11 persons are re.'j>ectfiilly inviteil to give 1:.-; - /»no I'le -‘l'lSt;lIlli:t. !y lor man- ■i V' .i^eral ! ye'Uvs. h'- .nos-:, with a d“ - contiiiiiunee >:' il.- ')t‘ DiM'le ot't he be.-t • 1 in e u-h hr;i:ie*i ,ii;.)'ire fnv. v.ihly , r n.'.itnes.-, aii i r' ' I'l l .1 1 am F- F. Pi:All' Se. t. 7. 1^.' W. PEABCK, Jr. ttnf he dU' 1 pany, that for the ensuing year t.ie foil vtalments be called for, viz; Third instalment of TWENTY [o-r cent t- and payable on the 1st day o*' De.-emi er I8-57. Fourth instalment of TF.N per criit to be Jm. -m i payable on the 1st day of February !'' '' Fifth instalment of TEN per cent to bi due i" payable on the 1st day of .\I iy IS.jS Sixth instalment of Tl^N per e.nt. to b(‘ du- ai; 1 payable on the 2d day of .\ugust lb-’>>'. This call is applicable only to those Couiities Kai.t of the Pea Dee, and to tliose West ot (’li.i.-iotte, 11. W. GL'I O;, F;e:,r. Oct’r 22, 1857 ■»•') Jin FOR rm: west.' ST\ l i:1K NOKTII .:.\UOLI.NA, CUMBERLAND COUNTF. Superior Court of Law, Fall Term, 1857. 1 ;s ordered by his Honor, JOHN L. BAILEY, Judge presiding, that a ?«iPK€l 4L TKU.n , ^ . Court be held on the FIRST MONDAY of ^ Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! ti S. PKdWN'S Tvi Weekiy / • Line of Four-Hor>> Post Coaches, from Salisbury to .Vshe- vilie, via Statesville. Newton, Tin: FALL& WINTKK bo7! jF.'i' kfcf.ivkd: - . . .se 'Te a goo I h irg:iin and savo money.) ii\ ;iL liii;: V in.\ii>(ivitsr and ciiEiPLsT SiiUK.s (IK iiools €9»9fi Siioes^ i \l‘li S' t;.\l !TI5S, ,,\riN and C>:. )KEl); La DIFS' utiJ OEN'i>>' l'.\NCi.\’i; SHOES, of a new autilul pattern; SHOES and f FSPFi’TFFI.FY Inior^ h: ' * public, tliul iie li.i- '1 I Brick Puildir;;,- i - |,is . i .| .;• n.:. ' ulaetur; 11 i’(’urrii..^es I’ , m; ;!nl ■ I'ationa-.- he h'ls njceive i . r ili ; hopes by strict .itteiition to ; to give satisfiietion, to meiit j same. He wairant.s his work to 'if j material and >>y oxperieuite 1 ivorkiu 1 of the busine'->. Ilis .v.rk v.i .■ with any male in tin- I'niielSti . I Inrability. He is leter n'.n 1 to ! work in his line oi\ a-' go.,.I • -I'm- ,i~ ni > w.ir!; ih.iti' ^ elsewhere that is as well lone, ih-now h.isoiiM -nd, Fivi.snKi), the f. VIlGFSi' ' ' ' ■ ■: I ( 'trnttocs. fill rnitr h uii( Ever offered in this ]ila'.‘e, aii'J a very larje tock ■ of work nearly fiii'^hed, which will he finished daily. ; .\11 of which will he sohl very low lor C.^sll. or on ' short time to pun.-rnai eiistoiiiei s. hiis on hund more than (> NL IlL'NDKl-l) N D FIFTY Vehi cle,' finished and in confsp ,if eonstriiction. 4i®"' .\ll V. ■ I k ii: i I'• I' V liini i*= w.ii r. iM-d 1 ' months with fair us. ^e, a!i 1 -iK.c'ld it t:. i! ! y had w.>rkinauship or material will he repi;;-!- ! li -e .I'c iiarsre Persons '.vishiiii; to h;iy « luid lo 'vll to call .and 1 examine for thfiiis.*!ves. Orders thatiktully reeeivr 1 an ' pr .i'.[ .’.y itteiidMdto. Uej'airing exe.'uted at -h rt ii' r'‘f .1:11 on very re ss liable terms ' Mav 2S, IH.- ’, -"‘-tf the Murhet House. IHE Subscriber desires through thi^ medium to acknowledge the libera* patrona (re bestowed upon hi-» House the past i ;is he Jias just erected New Stables and Shed convenient to the House and to water ■s pleasure in saying to his patrons and the •ner.illy, that he is still prepared to accom- ti'eia with transient atpl permanent board, and liiiy solicit'' a continuance of the liberal pat.on- '•t -foro received. F.very exeition o!i his part 1) |.' he )i-s"d to rendf-r them comfortable during ilieir jonrti vritli 'uTn. His table is always supplied with he hes[ the market atl'ordii P. S HEM WELL. Marrh 2 I, ISr.o. H*i-tf ' '.irriri gr lie t'lkc f.il''!i>; L' ; rr- T ■, a'. I- I' TIF atid h CHI on tHKL AFIV next, and continue two weeks, irors. suitors and witness.es in Civil Suits, I in Kquity, are hereby notified to attend. and From the Minutes, S', v'r 27 JOHN W. BAKER, Clerk. 64 tc bKLLlXG OFF AT COST TO CLOSE. I'^&'E will commence this MOND.\Y, the 30th of I V t November, to sell our entire STOCK OF DRY GOODS, &c., AT COST .N V. 28, 1857. C. J. & R. H. JONES. t)4- I'iOOO BACON. LBS. BACON SIDES, for sale by JAS. G. COOK. C4-lm I n sli I.ayer Raisins; Mackerel, No. . : -. Half Bbis. For sale by C. T. HAIGH & SONS. N. V 64- A FOli S.AI.K. PAIR cf fine large C.\RRI \0E HORSES, cheap! as the owner has no further use for them, Ap- Dr. F0ULKE8. V 21. 63- GLOVER Has received his Fall Stock of Goods, consisting of ,l»i:i N'S BooTi (i.MlFHS; INDl \-KUBP.EP ^ lloFS, unit every article in his line. liis .stock is choice and car*.'fully i>elccted by him- seli, and buyers will tin 1 it to tueir interest to call b«f re pureha^ing elsewhere. M. F.U'LK. Uet'r b, lbu7. 61-tf who h:ive lost their soles, come for- w:irii. and they will be ranawad for bt-vanty-five cents and i;pw ird*. M. F. Morganton, Marion and Pleasant Gardens; connectiin; at Asheville with the line of Stages for the W'arm Springs, Knoxville and Greenville. Tenn. This is the best stocked and best managed Koa i in North 'a- rolina. It is the most exppiiitious, sal'.' a:id p’easant, and at the same time the cheapest route for the We>t Leaves Salisbury on Monday, Wedi.e-day and i i- day; leaves -\sheville on Tuesday. Thur; lay an I S-.t v day;—running in close connection with the N ith Carolina Rail Road, North and South. C. S. BROWN, Contract r June 15, 1S57. l*j- NOTICi:. BEING desirous to remove South, I nfFcr for sale 500 acres of LAND, on the Stage Road from Fay etteville to Clinton, 12 miles from Fayetteville, (at the stage stand ) The Land is good Turpentine land, as good FARMING Land as any in this se-tiiin. For particulars address the subscriber at Blocker's Post Office N. C. G. W. LULLARD. Nov. 17, 1857. 6i-tf A TC! II J 1: W F: I.R ¥, •SILVER 4.\i) PL.UED WAKE, ,\.M) MILITARY MIODS, w h he itvitps the attention of his old customers 1 ’ le J uhlic in general. i’ Ifis per.»onal attention will be paid to all ! ‘ I mid Jewelry entrusted to him for repftirs. •^r 10. 4.3.3m \ TCHKS, JEWELRY, &c. I AM now receiving additions to my Stock of ^. Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Military and Fancy Goods, ni ikes my Stock good. Those who are about t lurt ;i; their purchases would do well to call. W. PRIOR. Watch Repairing done in the best manner utid wurrinted. '•ci'r 1, 1857. 47-3m LANDS FOR SALK. 1 OFFER for sale about .Acre« of Pirn* Lan«ls near Fayetteville, containinz an immense '(U.Tntity of Mili Timber, and a number of Turpentine Ptoses, and several new tasks may be cut There is on the premises a fine Dwelling House, and all neces.sary out houses,—Scuppernong and Isabella Gr ipe Vines.—1 OU^J young Peach and .Apple Trees of Lind pv's hest vari- ties; also, a good FARM of about loO acres cleare l; and also a GRIST and SAW .MIJJ.,; and a fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayetteville atol t’onl Fields Rail Road passes through these larids ah. ut a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit j ur- chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together Apply to Thos S. Lutterloh, Esq , Fayetteville, or the •ubscriber at Pittsborough, N. C. J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 1857 ‘lO-tf |{!:mu)\v, 1). I), s., 'V be found at his Rooms, during his ri.gular olhce hours, viz: from A. M. to 1 P. M,, ;i P. M. to 5 P. M., where he will be pleased t> receive calls from all who may he in i;e. d ul his pi o'essioiial services. N-. in'Iuccment will be held out hy ofl'ering to per form •.perati'iii' f.'f a small comj'ensation; a good price will he charu. il in all cases. .And patients favoring Dr. 15. with their confidence, may rely upon his utmost exertions to perform every operation in as perfict a maTiiier as pos'^ible. Cri;’' -!// I'ftn'Ju-ns must hf jjavi fur at toon a* con- 1‘’. •-/. P. S. Those wh.i are now indebted will please call ' and settle. (At. 14. 51-tf ' I XO HIMIU G! , tu-soriber is now prepared to fill all orders' ' 1 fr Strpt’rior H\ifrr nttrkrus. He inaiHifactiire.s North (’arolina material—be em- [ ploi s .Voi'th t 'aroiiua capital ,111,i labor,—and he solicits .N'orth ':iro’i:ia pMtronage. l“>y giving him a trial, and hy coTup.ariiig his with Nortborn prices, he hot»es to be alilc t'l liiaki a f.ivur ihle showing. \ TRI.AL is what I he wan:s i Messrs \V('RTI1 4’ CTLFV of this place are Agents ; foj' the sale ol tlie above Buckets. ; G. H. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville. Feh’y 17. 1H57. »2-y 1 ALr\l SALT. Bf’SHKLS Rock Alum Sait, for sale low by P. TAVLOR. 10 59 2m \ K!: K Is nf'W rt‘c: ivii.o fVnTti tlic Xi)rth the liirgest, Htifht, and iiinst carvt'illy se lected stock i'l a’l sia: ever offered in this market; wlnL-ii, added to his own manufacture, makes hi,' .is-ortmeiit eompleto;—a’l of which he will sell on the lowest p-.sMble terras for cash or on time to punctual ciistonn i -. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and ,>ihuck, and cotton ,M.attre,='‘Os; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and Cradles; Side lioards; lJur«iaus; Secretaries and Uook-(’ases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; \V'ash .St.inds; (landle Stands; Wardrobes; Picture Frames and (ilass; Window Shades; Cornices; Curtain H.iiuis; So!as in .\la!n'g.iny and Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine Itosowood Piano.s, one with .Kolian At tachment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet manufac tories in New Y«»rk and l>osion, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. \(.rk prices—freisht only added. November 2. 1 >-tf DOIiiUN IIOUSK! Powers i ,'o., Pr.oruiKTous. f^lil' Proprietors ot' this Establishment a’lnounce to the public, that owing to the const.intly increasing j>atronage extend ed to them, they hare lieen induced to eii- lar;re the accommod.ation hy the addition of ■in exit-nsive Dininir Fiooin on the lower floor, and suite o! l!oom.s o:i the second floor; thii> enatiliiig them to aci- iiri’': !;ite all who may favor them with a call. And they ided^ce themselves to an increased exertion to give sa»i,.-fuction to their patrons. Spticious Stables attached and careful Ostlers in at- f endit'ce The eligible location of the Establishment, with the p.\perience of the Proprietors in providing for tlie com- f rt of their patrons, they hope will secure to them a liberal share of the travel. The Western and .Southern Stages arrive at and de part from this House. t'arrhiges in attendance on arrival and departure of Ste;uii iioats. for the accommodation of j assengers. Hor.sps and Carriages furnished at any notice for car rying travellers to any part of the adjacent country. J. W. lOWFRS, & CO. Fayetteville, May 12, I80O. 3tf \ Ai.l\\lil.!:~PR()PLK TV FOR saijt:. 3t.*FFKR for sale, my L.VND.s ir, the Town of Tay- etteviile, about 1:^0 .Acres, kr. wn as the IVIUIVIFORD SWAMP. ,\hout Ml .Acres of it is fine ''leadow Laud, as the Crop iii>w oil it will show. .Vlso, the ESi’irk ^fore uiil T-ot near the Market Squari*, occupied by Mr. John .A Pemh'Tton. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, M.ixwell ;ind Miimford Streets, known as the Hotel Garden Lot.—could he divided into several P.uilding l/ots—very near th- new I'eniale High School Buildings. .Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on .Mumforil Street. Sevpri! ItESinAF.LE lU'ILDlNG LOTS on both Winsl a.;d Mnmfor'l Streets. ■ I'i -his property can now be purchased on favora ble ti'rms. and a l irge ]>art can remain on Bond and 'dortsraire if desired. THO. J. CURTIS. Oct 10, 1".'..^, 43-tf Fire FBisumace* UTE refer our readers to the annual statement of the /Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in another column. This success ful institution was incorporated bj’ the Legislature of Connecticut in 1S1'.*, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is >*!500.0'^0, and its accumulations exceed $'00,0()0 more, making its entire assets ever $800,- 000, invested as detailed in the statement referreil to. Thesp results in licate that during the period of nearly forty years since its organization, (without a sinele change of its chief (>fTicer,) its bu.siness has been con- dn.?ted with judgment and prudence. It bus been thus far successtul in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are inform'd. all its obligations by the payment of ribout t>'n mi/lwn dollars for losses, without asking a day’s del;iy in any iris'anee. If lias had htit little lit igation, notwithstanding the immens" nutnber of trans actions niatle In order to attain as much certainty as li ’ssible in such a business as insurance, it has been the practice of the •'ompany. tor several years, at irre-it lahor, carefully t • classify and arrange their risks into about fi.'ty distinct classes, so as to ascertain tlic iiinoiint insured on each class, the amount of pre miums receivtfii thereon. an>t the amount of losses up on each. This classification, extendiug over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount.fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance is not .a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are ascertiinable, and its principles eap ibh' of being redui’Pdto a sj’.'tem, the practical wiirkiiig and results ot' which are as certain as that of anv other business 'I'ne /Etna Company, In’ adliering rigidly to its svstem. and placing its busi ness upon a healthy liasis, has obtained tbc confidence of the community to an extent surpasseil by no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its busi ness and its income from j'e.ir to j’eur with a steady growth. One grea* s.-urce ot its security is the wide distiibutiou of its risks—a policy which it j.ursuea with preit strictness—limiting the nmoont to be cov ered in each locality. l!y this course it !ias parsed, with comparative impunity, through some of the most sweeping atil ilestructive tires, whiidi have swa'dowed up other companies less cautious in their business. It is a system like tliis, based upon experience, which gives stability and suiiadiiessto a company, and to the as sured confidence and security.—Baltimore Patriot. i,\SllM.\l'E mnvi, iiAiri i oiii). co.v.v, INCORPORATED lRlf». CHARTER PERPFTrAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T K P.KACF, President. E. G RIPLEV, Vice Pre sident. T -A. ALF.X.ANDER, Secretary. f)iRF.cTORs —T. K. Brace. S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buell, .M -\ Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Hulkeley, R Mather, E. G. Ripley, H. S. Ward. H Z. Pratt, G F Davis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, AV. Keney. The .\ssets are mainly invested in Stocks and IJonds, jiaying interest, with •'5172,hOl til of cash on deposite in the Hartford Ranks, to meet losses. Lo-^ses ilue and utipaivl—none Losses adjusted and not due. $24,313 ^*5. Losses iu suspense, waiting I'urther proof, &c., S75,- 8-50 15. Loiscs resistet, (suspicions of framl, &c.) =j>46,078 72. i Agent of the abovo Comptiny in Fayetteville, ! N. C. E. J HALE. Nuv 1 .\l,\! \NAi:s. "•HE Fiimers and i‘iant-Ts ani Turner’s North Caioli.ia Alniah.ie.'j for K. J. HALE ^ SON. (ct’r 24. $50 RRWARD WILL be given for the apprehension and de'ivery to me, or confinement in any j.ill in the .'^tate 80 that I can get him, of my man Jl.vl. He left ou i T for .1. T llOUSTOiV, >ucccssor to J. >]. Beasky in the Watch and Jewelry Businrss.) ESPECTFULLY calls the atten tion of the ladie.i and gentlemen ijf Fayetteville, and his friends at a 'li.'. 11 to tins fact, and begs an acceptance of thanks ! -r tiieir patrtiuavre to the late firm, Beasley A Houston; Le will coudaci tiif business in his own name, deter- m\ne' lo earn a lihemi patronage by correct dealing Wit Ul who Will tavor him with their custom. He tias i;.,w lor sale a large stuck of fine Gold and Silver Watchas and JewelrVi of the latest styles out- Spoons, Forks, Cujn, Ax., Fine CutUry, Go/,/ J nis, Surveyor’s t’omprjtaes a>,d In- s'rumfttts, nu/kiii/ Cuncs, Fine Violins, Flutes nnil AccorJeons, Fine Double (Juns, ('o/t’s ;indother Pistoh, ‘ Coim, tt'c., i'c., (S;c. Watches and Jewelry carefully repaired; Ac- cor.teoiis correctly luned; and Engraving handsomely eif. at. d hy HOUSTON. t. vn an h. 111', suhscrihers oft'er their services to the public to •'urnish Coffins, Hearse, and every other requisite Funerals. They have a considerable supply of the 30th ult., and has not been seen, or heard of s^nce ' CofTius readymade, and an abundant supply of Ma- He if,a bright mulatto, almost white, about 23 years ; hog.uiy, l)la a Walnut and Gum and I ‘^P'^r materia s old, about 5 feet 9 inches high, straiL'lit hair, ,md teeth^f'"' makin- any size at a short notice. Orders left at defective, long beard on his chin when he left. Had , the Cool Sp.nug .Mills will on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very | * ."s j. . likely try to pass off for a white man. and make fjr a j free State; should he not go north, he will likely go i up in the vicinit,, of Fayetteville, as he was laised I there, and formerly belongeil toWm. B. Wright, Estj . | of that place. Any person who may take up said Vi no \\'OCLD HAVE rffoi'f/in nv ' /4 neic C'trri(i/>’ K-''tif>h>'h»iint on u'ti M(htirj i Green, opposite thi M'th-xUs^f t'hnrch, ! frontimj on Mumford St reft. (iiUvvT K.\'ri:inM{isH! ray«*ll*vllU' WoiumI lo shim*!: ri'^HE Subscribers would respect ully intorm their X friends and the public, that they have entered I iato copartnership for the purpose ot conducting the i general CARRIAGE I5US1NFSS in all its various ! parts. And being loth practical workm ii>, fully un- I derstanding their business, they h.ivei*. ' .i-.Htioii to j compaie wora with any establish nent as to style and durability. I One of the lirm may bu known by it. I H. Whitfield's iron worK for the iast t'.^o . '.‘S. i We warrant all work lo give gener.il s iti.-fi.'tion ; f 01 tv elve nil ni.s i Repairing done in the n*ftt est ma:i,ier low for cash I PIFR BKAMN. j James H. Pier. J.amks Bu.^nin Fayetteville, J.iri’y !•-){ ti2tl uoiiKirr 1). GRLLN, ; LATE ORELN x WEAR.) 1 WATCH-WAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., i FAVKTTEVILLK, N. C. ! I) hesrs to return his sincere thanks to the j £ 1. • pnVilic for the kind patronage so liberally be- | ^t"\ve 1 upon the late Firm, and informs them he has ' ho.ijht the interest of J. S. Wear, and will continue the hu-iness in all its branches at the old stamL under his • iitlre surerintendence. N. 1> \I1 Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence of the owners, and the l.eei -'irv r'pairs p.iinteii out to them and ;l writte\ c-'itraet given for the i.iine, wliieli work will he v .ir- raii'e 1 t'or t wo years. I >!i liaiid m l for s.ile now. the mos* va'ied and choire -election of (’LOCKS and othe*- '.i:ne pieces that h is ever heen offered to tlie pulilic ir Nortli t^iro- lina. wlii. il he will seF at New Vork prites, and also WA nij^vafor two years, r 111*' to an I by the late firm will Vie paid >^1 i'»;' i:v p ireceive l by -\ugust 2-'), lH.")i'i. R. D. GKFFN. .‘’,4-tf ■ :tevi lie to .A. 20tf Boy will be entitled to the above reward and the thanks of IS.AAC B. KF.LL\ Kenansville, N. C., Aug. 18, 1857 33-tf LOST, LAST Saturday. 31st nit , (during the Iiours of parade,) about the Court House, or between the Court House and the Fair Ground, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing -So'.*, consistinj of three $10 bills, three $4 do., one $5 hill, one gold piece, three $2 60 gold pieces. A Reward of ^10 will be given for the above described Pocket Book ami money, delivered to the undersigned. J.AS. H. JACKSON, Musician. Favetteville, N. C'., Nov. 2, I8.)7. 5 tf Oci’i 20. oitf liewiird g>ANAWAV, my Boy JACK, a tolerably bright B Mulatto, twenty five years old, about six feet in wijtMj w ulkiiiji inoHurs a little forward, au'l has I.ilti.r an evil or |,;„i i.,junt'.-i;:u.ce He is prohahlv :u.Kii:g ahout the McRae Seit'ement, near Rockhsh. 1 w'.l, j;,ve th.: .above reward for hia confinement in jail in i ai. tteville. k. Mc1>AMLL. >'vr21. WOOL ROfJ.S. rOOL carded with dispatch at lilouDt’fiCretk Factory. SHEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by GEO. McNEILL. JuneI864. _ _ NKGKOICS WAM'i:'). ^■^HE undersigned will pay the highe.sl ca,sli price -1- for YOUNG NEGROES. I etters addressed to either of us at Lauriuburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt attention. D. C. McLAURl.V. DANIEL M. .McLAURIN. Laurinburgh, Dec. 2G, 185G. *iHtf Ji ST RLCrjVIU). i; liOXhS of that supe ior Ri-Civ C,\Ni>VT()- JL'Ir BACCO G. W. i. GOLDSTi Oct, 6, 1857 48-tf Fayenevi'le, June 20. 1857. dki-:p kivkr coal. ITUMlNorS C(»AL of the best quality can ba had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. W'M. Mc(3LANE. Mining Engineer, May21.185f. (5-tf (a WOKS. BAGS PERUVIAN: ff 327 do. COLU.MBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have {irove I that the phosphate, so much want ing i:i the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but I combined with tho C> !umbian makes the crop much I more certain. i For sale by D. & W. MoLAURIN j Nov. I'.. '^4tf ; L.\.\n roll SALK. t ' -VCKLS OF LAND lying on upper hittle iiiver, in Harnett County, well timnerel and w^^'.l located for tlieTurpentine business. It will iie .solo ou :’.c-commoiiating terms. Apply soon ;o tiie Subscriber at Fa' etteviile. WM. McL. McKAY. Sept 22, IS.')*). 41-tf liook Wanted. jB^HE Sub.seriber, having taken the General .Agency 9. for getting ^uo-'^cribers to and delivering Hawks’s lli.story of North Carolina, now in process of publica tion liy .Mes.'r.s. E. J. Hale Son of Fayetteville, is i Lead, Putty an liesiroiis of entering into an engagement with one or ; Boxes, Eagle Mills do., in Half l>bl ^4 ■ -V \ By j.Ati)iK ;TlVn UllllltS ABill'K (’. T. Ii rtll iSIIV'S ST.1RK. Jan’y 20. 1857. Oiypd \V« call the attention of \\ IIOU'/ SALi: DLALKKS ?|10 our present Stock,—and we have recently re- -flL ceived— 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Collee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted jrrades, 75 bbls do, P.pfined, Crushed and Powdered, 95 boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow "andles, tilj do Fancy and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, .lute ami Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny. Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, > 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,000 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Gingei% Cloves. Nutmegs, Boris, Madder, Indigo, Spanisli Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, Shot. Bar '.o-k?. White ! Lead. Puttv and Linseed Oil. V. in'; >w i-^s, .''liiiiJ in ■I'l ii .itid Blai k IH IJLIC \OriCK is HEREBY GIVEN, that Books of Subsc’-iption to the capital stock of the t’entral liail Road, from fJe iut'ort ll.irbor via Kcnansville. t'linton, Fa^-etteville, and W e-*'. will he ojiened on Thursday, the 10th dtiy of .\pril ' and remain open according to the terms of il'.e Ch.irter until further notice, at the^’ol’.owinp pi.ices and utider uiieeiioti of the following named per'iins. (’"mmissioners in the Charter, viz: In the I'onnty of Onflow, at th.* office of the Clerk ot ihe t'oiii.’y t’«iurl at .la k.-onville. and at tlie Post oUiee liii li Land,-.. K, W. Fonville. (ii. .1. Ward, . 11. V. llohert White, .lohn Avcritt, Jr., Owen ling :T.ns, L. W. II iiiiiplire\. I n «'artei et county, at the office of Dr. .M. F. Aren- dell at ilcautort I'jr. .M. F. .\reii le 1, -I. F Bell, 1^. r. >;;lesl)y. At t!ie s'tore of (r W’. Taylor at Cai olina t'ity,—('ol Will. N. l)e«inis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridi.e .Aren,tel 1. In Dujjiin county, at the oflice of the County Court ('lerk at Kenansvilie,- M.ajor Owen R. Kenan, Daviil Reid Isaac B Kelly, \Vm. E. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, •SteJ hen C.rabain. In Sai.i]>son county, at the office of the County Court Clerk !it (’linton. — Thomas I. Faison. Dr. 'Ihomas Bunting, Will. .McKay. I'.itrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, .1 11. liea.iian. .Alfred Iolinson. In I unihi'cl:ind county, at Fayetteville, at the office of .V A. .Ni.-Kethan.—Thomas K. I'ndorwood, Riindal .McDaniel. Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of share* of ^loo each, set opposite to our names respectively’ in the Central Raii Road Company: and in all respects to comply with the terms of the Charter. Names 1 Residenfi 1 No. of shares Work Subscriptions may be made payable in work, and mav specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholder's shall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer's estimate. As soon as one hnndred thousand dollars are sub- scrilied, the (‘Commissioners of ("Onslow county are to be notifie 1. and (hey are re'ju'red to call a meeting of Stockholders t./ organize the Con.,.any. March 15. 185). 13tf of the .Judicial Circuits, to canvass tiieir respective [ and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw ■utter^, Cort parts ol the State, or p .rti -uiar count.es, thoreughly. I f|5;vugage Cutters and Stullers. Trace ('huiii ir:; .le i ite i; i . ation is (lesire . as sample copies ol j Loiither, «SC., JiC. ~ tiie liist vuliiine wiii will : e ready in a few days. 'I'lie above Goods we oiler on :he m Lndi ubted testimonials as to character must ao- j terms to prompt time or casli pun-.h iser^ comuanv each application. Address I H. W. HORN. 1 Nov, G, 1866. O. EIOUSTOX ‘^^7’OULD inform his friends and former customers ^ ¥ that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape Fear BanR, and ,3 doors above his old stand south side person Street, where he intends to keep on hand, Harii33S, Sad-iles. Bridles, Whips, Collars and every thii.g belonging to his trade. He l espectfully invite:- hia iVien.ls from the country to call and examine his stock before purchasing. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles ,■1 M „ piinctualiy, and his charges shall be moderate. He ' l o.iid re.:i.e8' all indebted to the nrm of HOUSTON & " uVFi.BV'to ‘.le with W. Overby or himself, as they I , vor it.ie art e,;mp'.i;c- .o settle the firm’s debts. ! \n-.ist ■ ” sTEinii.M mm mmwt IS TO BE THE TITLE OF .4 LITERARY PERIODICAL, TO 1!E lifliLISHEK TI O \ T II V , IN THE TOWN OF SALE.M, NOUTH (WKOLIXA, liv ANDREW J. ST2DMAW, A Mi:MI‘>r.K OF I'llE Noll ril-i'All'>blNA B\,R. !N (.tlerin>i to the Public my Magazine, i claim fir the Editorial hair no !,.ip«riority over that ie- partmi*nt ofUtlier lir.e Perioilic-*iis: hut 1 do clat*n for ihe ta'nit of North ('aro iiiM, an t th--nth generally, that will h- hr..:;glit to its snppor.. Southern patron- a^a- .\nd I .i:s >, as a SoiitlicTii m tn, uni he lOibtor of 1 .Soiitiie:n ?'iag:iz ei^iini at the bands o! die .'-outtiern country , an l • speoi.illy ot North (.arndii i, that .lid atid sui'jiort that »i.l liere. al In lU'', est ihlish, upon a film hasis. a foiiiit ;in i.t 1 itiratnr *. and ex clusively ii Home i.itiriiy »l.ig.iz: av ,\l,iiy arc the Magizines n>.w pui'bslied in the Nortliern .'•t ites that are ll loding the whole Southern countrv. There is iiot, (it ;s pr .h.ib ) a e lUiity in anv Southein Slate that is not Ms.te.l hy •• Harper, ‘•(.irahain. ’ •'Peterson. ' or “Go ley;” wlilie iicre, in North I iirolina uti'i the S >utli. where genius unsur passed and line ju lied reigns, the literary talent that is brought into exercise is cje l cate'l to tlio support of Noitherii .'lagazines, while Siiiithern enterprise, taste aii'i talent how in iiuiiiMe submission to suoh suicidal policy of Southern contrilnitors. Wliv. 1 ask, c.annot ire — North Carolina, the South St nd greet ng lo our Siiuiiern nimc a M ig izine, acCe; t ih,e f r the mant ipialitios that adorn the j. tges ot the ni s' ehate, eleg;iit anl po!it>- !'• rio lica s.' It j is tiue that tlie .''o..th h is her .XlaL'a/.nie,-; tiut lew in ; nuniher are they, in 1 un - . .vn, e.>np i! -l t.i Hi ■ puo- ,n ations ol t!ie .North, v. in n everv imil hrin.;' to .tur li.oi.es. fiii.d w.t'i the r. S’l t of Hire I la() >r, a;.'t teem II.g wit'i ui.pat doi!fihie 'e.iifi >n ! hell I ii| i :il to N .1 th l':,i-ornia an I other Sontli-rn .■'tales to ,.i 1 me in my enfer, iis and i i j.r iiii itiiig a lit.iiiiy ta'te ainon.;.'t those upon whom, as a Souia- ern n.an. 1 h ive C iMiis My M igazine will he of the u>-ii il size; and nothing will t.ie a iinitie lto irs p iges h.it stich articles as will meet the ;ipprov,il ot the most fa?tidi"Us it soaii b.* llliislriilMl witli Eiigraviiiis aiitl I'i itrs. Ol the most elegant texture, eipi.alin;: in beauty and st_>.e any exeeuted at tl e .North piice ol Biih'cr']''i' ii is I’ll.ll.E i'()LL.Vl»'' per your, \»liii;h is reqoiie i to he p i.d in a Iv!i-:C". as ne e\leii,se to he iociirrcd in estaMi-h.u-ii.;h jjuulica- ti in wil! i"'t a imit of a credit sj eiii The J'lrst Xumber will be isxued l/ti January 1838. A J. STKDMAN, Editor and Proprietor. Sejtt’r 1, 1857. N. li. My A1 until the 1st of November will be Pittsborough. N. C.—aflor that time if will be Salem, N (' >FAV BOOKS. MttSS .''IDE, by .\L-irion Harl md, ant’ior ••■f ' ilone’ StiUVENlRS OF I'RAVEL. by M -da ne i.e Vert, luit received by E. J HAM-, SJN. OF all kinds, is executed in the hest inHnner. Old common Praver.s. Bibks. aio! other.-, re bound in the same style they were before This will save the repurchase of new liootcs. Libra i tans eontiected with colleges, and other .so. ieties. and also gentlemen residing at a (Fistance, will find it a matter of economy to "et their books bound here, as a deduction nl prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular direetione to this estaWi-hment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacke.l and returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. . Apply for a list of Binding prices before eoing else where. The undersigned resj ecttully solicits a share ofpationage. THOS H. I , .Anderson >treet. Nov. 5. 1857. ' D. Oi 'V. McLAURIN. o^tl i iiLA-NKS !br sale Ht this Offict^ *'! ijc Old North Ciruthers,—first and v‘‘(;,,|,d Sei r- E J. in 177').” !)V IIAI Itlank Warrants for sale ln «’.