KKHS . TBj l‘liUl \ ^ ' nv ’ '’‘ V , • N* I!! i« a. ■''To I; AKoI. '**; n ViJfc IITW thi‘ ; ■. ^ L( )( ) : ^ J lai ; ,.: r\\ •i ,*.• tTi.- -1 >: '• •‘i r.iit ha-. ;#.-.y MTl. f U th;.. t'l v - j'“ ‘ >*»U h-i- a i - (t* V VtT i * y* Uii of \ les !*ty ‘ uu)r»\: •nts. ' tJedu- r J- M ^Ri^ ■" Qi bj Es u,e \ I®. ' '-gh I in r. ■ '-(■• \ '^11 T e «i ’kf:s!;ytfru\ Nor- !i ( j ‘lisa iv It • . h**r .• . liiif'i f. tt .’;;t ;... in th- ' u- . ., Oof* I .V tre ", Ou: St. l^»er' ■ , i.^r -- ^ iiiy ^ 1 X. , StuT. - ^ » t:,. •;; 1, >: : til- then T • t !jty : ^.1 Ct t. : ■ pe- . .. tie th ."i t-* Htl'l • ilTusin^ e je ot ■ ;ry, h'; • t' :o th- - N 'Tth T'e N'jrih - ■'■ifil- f t:;V •- .? ■ -ir - the ‘ -Pi' "\I .•;■ tj 'treiicfh - .n J anJ .f!; -. .‘hurc‘«« ember, w a Re- Art- N rth Caro- talejit. he N -V' ninut; itie-^ • t ri'ioii- 1 u- . oiitrlit t' not : '."•rsy a'lJ 'T S -ii'h. at .'i me’ . .-o-p ;-U- I:i the Ul;- ^lUnstfr- !. r t‘ i.ccn Idi:- t- be- . ! :f al'-'iiit pf'rili Cn} '‘^l hfl'J :,t i)ret'Ds’ ■- Bjik T. CriHirT. ii. I- : %•• ■ M- itor- A ;: 4iit i er »r , ;yr't'ev' », ' ARiaiNi ; i Kr7 M K II. ’ :♦* ti‘M N .r.TH '' 3e fir-: (• .i-i?. . q -c ippenr- I :iir 1 h'lrciies. intf I'irenco, N '*h cure .> ' ’>e tr^Ki-n irj’ '■ hr-'"' to -III exp> neiit roin convici li :ho-l'.x. '}. i ' peoj • N •' 54enti_. ’ij ^ ti.j of -V r- : li:. I tes. Jl i t)f ;i'i ; so . . 'T H ' -n srsbiri >» ; ' t -;e a ml . ■ - if ti.-;r e, or ?n I-’ivery montJi-!, i at ' mor*-, p-'vinc in to Oh' I l'lre!s « W(!1 ' I jr 'Ii. i-f" 1 to H'-f . - ' will i ‘ I-'- pOH'- ' ■ - , -t ivi foT" , th,., -!!. .-. As .]. tl,.- I.l V - e«^-rt th-.- W: ■ tb; Carr » I'. ■ t ' liooK. _4 ail ; r- Itigt;!- ‘.g* - -It’I Courr >k on ■ fALK V JIM 1 l» ndajit*^ ' t-j ites, f the L . .'. and to etilnr ■ J I’ric* ALI, -k; The ornaii' itye- . th.,> H .iy Lan'J mpr'iVf'J HoUrfC- reek: I^n, '-'D 4" i.Jick K emeiits; :hool - ALK •• II >j I'ru.. ALI I UliicO' 8 E M I-W E E K L T. \()L. Vil.j FAYKTTEVILLE, X. C., DKCIvMI^KIi 7, lsr>7. [NO. (.66.] IN ■' M-'NI \VS \M» \I,’M J. If \I . >'?S VN’l* IM -I i; p rHCK-^!> ' YS i: .5: ."’ON. lir 1 “f o till if pni'l in '. - ;. . It ..f subsi.-rij'- jOiliirWil., riiiirlotte & Kutherlurd Kailroad., Wiliiii9tj|ft4»ll, 7i'u Nov'r, 18.j7. >i'd. r oi‘tl'u i'-tard of Directors, the uii'Icrsijju- :.r L» i‘r -ii'nu'u t \i'll. il’ pai-' ii sntisiTi[' M. >1V' ■ lir- f i 1- ' ty .jciit^ por ilrty L-fiit> l’i>r eacii .■riisi-uiviit.- !'v spf- \ Ivi rtisors ■: re .'.’.'^ireil. or t'l I iro>l «. i_-i_ir'l .1 . ■ ' )iri;f 'l .'lO per \N 1'im; Nor= ,• .-^1''' J ■ i IIS ■I'Tt'V tirit ii; the i.aiuis . t I r J!'.,st-ike, us my t> . Dtst, in ■ ,t'mV Pusines-= 1. I".'.:. • .r ac arc i)e'ore the :■■ ;ny ■■l:iiins . nic-i's ’or col- iiiust be closi' i •‘•jue:-je the O r.KANDT f.l- V e.l w ill jirnceeit to let to coiilia' t ait that portion I'f thf line? of till- Wihiiiiigf ui. ('harlytte -t Ilutherford j Riiil Koti'l r( inhiii;i!i; unlit. h‘twei’!i the 'ape Fear Uivt r at Wolkt'r’^ l-'erry. in r.runs'.vick ('ounty. anil 1 tho t>\vn ct Luiiil'urt n, in Robeson county.—compri-; ''4 M'L-tioi d, witli in aii;;reir:ite of ii4',0(it) euhie yar Ir - f ivnfinti un i einl'ankment; And to that en l ^ they -iivite !’riiprv;i's f'^r the Or:i'iu;itioi) of the whole ' or an\ iHirrion ilicroof, until the '.'th o!' I'ccemher nest ! [ ropo« ifs tc stalf oinil!ti"n;s of p-iynx'nt. wh-it por- tifii vill he ICI-. iv(.,l ill cash, •l^■h•lt por:io i in bon.is of i ihe tl v.ii of \\ ilini!'i;ton, and what portion, if any, iu i the >tock :‘f th-.‘ »’uni|'u:iy. ' 'lli--y a'-- ■ invit Pr. p until the s-iine day, fur thi- 'I'inil'cr rei|U;rt‘d for the 'I'ri.-btle \V.,rk across the j .M.-ir.'h .''Wi'.iiip. in l!',aden county, and the liig I .-'wanip, in '[■'•losoii county. There will be required i at Brown Mar''!i, OUO litieal iVet of I'iles, l',2 inches • .-'I'aare. iiiui in lenirths not l-ss than J-'t tVt-t; ;{,0(M.I i Uiu-il tt'i-t .if ( tip Sills. 1-J inches tfjuare and lU Icot i Ion-; an'l il.nOU Hn.n! tVet of String: I’ieces, II by 11 | iiiclii b. :in.| '11 Iei.i;ths of liO. :-id or tO feet i Ai lliu i\v:iiiip. there wili be requin-d 45,000 lineal : ft''t "I l’i:i-s. li t iiO 1'ni al feet of Sil!«, anil llJ.tHH). iiiie.’i feet of String I’ieoi's, of the b iiiie dirnon.sions as j tor Hr 'wn .M:u->h. The v. h ile to be of good, sound | h^ ai t I’ine 'i in-.l'cr, fn-e fri ni defect.^, and to be got ; Irom (jri-en tree-'. ! i'ruposai.s for i'iniber to be for the whole or any j ! ■ rti .i ther of; and. as in the ease of proposals for j . r.-:du:it'oii, will .-tate con iitioi » ol payment, and will 1 I specify the side of the Jjwanip the timber will be deiivertd up>n. l’r ti;-- s (iiid Speeifioatious will be found at the Office in Wilmington, where all persons desirous of biddiag Mio rel'erred foi iurther infornialiou, I’roi o^a's will be addr; ssed to the Chief Engineer at \\ iluiitigton, aud w ill be ei;dorsed un the back ••Propo»!i;3- ” II. W. OL’Iti.V, IVes’t W , ’ if K. 1? Road. i All of which JOHN C. Nov. 10, I >57 ■McKaL, (,'hief Eng'r. o'J-tD'J I'AI.L S roCK, 1857. H. F. Pl.AIK Sl Co. 4 now- receivinji a larkje and well selected stock coutiisting in part of: IMack and Figured 8ilks; English and French Merinoea; Plain and Fig’d L)i.*Lanes: Fretich all wool Plaids; Alpacas of all qualities; Hlack lioiub.-izine; Englisii, French arid American Print*; Chenille Shawls, (l>eautifu! patterns:} I.adies’ (.'loaks of every description; .lacoiiet Edging.-! and Insertions; Collars and L'ndersleoves; Hosiery, w'oves. Belts; Ribbons, Trimmings, iV.c.; Cloths and Cassimeres; Tweeds, .leans and Sattinets; hite and (.’olored Flannels: lilea.-heil an l lirown Shirtings; .Allendale 10-4 Sheeting; Ptleaehed and llrown Drillings; I’laid Linseys and Kerseys; Marlboro’ Stripes and Plaids; I’lrown .;iid l>leac)>ed Table Cloths; Toweilin^s of all kinds; Negro Ulankets; Exii.-i (ju.-iiity IJed lUankets; Spiral, IJrass aii.l Whiil.dione Hoops; (i.)od assortment of Hoop Skirls; Yankee Notions of every variety, kind, and quality; Silk, l.eghorn and Straw Bounets; Moleskin, Cassimere and Wool Uatii; Boots, Shoes, Umbrellas, &o. —ALSO— -A large and fashionable stock of Heatli^^mfWaiie Clotiiing^ will be sold low for CASH, or on our The* Ijuraegt 0'tirrifiii^f! Pjirfortf ttu: Sotith! S ^ Tl\V ETJ, HOUSE. FAVKTTEVII.I.K, C. A.I.S-' aii/^ >t art‘1‘71. Strt-vf, i fe.v: Doors ^orth oj A A ! S.5* ESI’E('TFU 1.1,Y -"i- hi and the pulilic, rbiit he b-t'^ up ! ir re sutistaiiti.il i Br:ck liuildings ut his 'i d >^iurl. expreS'lv f.'r lu-.m- j ufncturing Carriuges. ! Iiatik'ni 'Dr ihe vei y lib>-r.i I patronage he has received S>i the 'hi? ^1 ye ir-s, ii- j hopes >iy strict .ittentio.i I j oi..!iies. svi'h i de.j.i- : to gire satisfaction, to rn'.'rit a ^-.intina-uii.-e i.-i' h. I same. He wnrrant.s hi.“ worU t > '>e nia le ..f the i;e>.t material and by experitMi..'.' i w- r'-iriien mi ■■ i 'b br.i'i.-li of the business. His -^ork with any made in the Uniti; iSt-i;. durability. He is lerei-'ii':. • i > work in his line on as z'- ' i '- elsewhere that is as well l-'i:-?. il Fi.vishki), the L.VIKJKST Sl’D 'K th r‘ Mq rkot Ho n se. [lUF Subscriber desires through thi* .3 luelium to acknowledge the lil'ora ,v patroiifiiic bestowed upon his House the past vrar—tiiiU :is he lias just erected New Stables and ,’..,ri"i_r( .shed eon\enient to the H luse and to water he t ik;- pleasure it. saying to his patrons and the pn’ 'ii- :(‘M(-rally. that he is stiH prepared to accom- !!i >i.-.f them with transient and pt-rmaneiit board, ami re.'}; .-Ii'u!ly solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.on- a"i> hei-t t ifore received. Every eseition on bis part sha'l lie n‘--«‘i] to reiiiicr them con)fort-ible during their ■ii'ioiur; with him. His tatile is always supplied with the bp-^t tl’.e market .itlor.is P. 8HEMWELL. ^larch LM, 8(j-tf io-ire liiV H-ably • I;- .i- ai MOS.> 1 ii'l ' I i;i J i.. ii;; ; !: v V,- ,vk l^:'ie '1 w h i- on h-iu l '(trrin>;es, Un ronrlif this place, and Unrlonr tU' vei v lar^e str.ck II' JOHN HALL, Comiiii!s«ioii .Tiereliant., ■i di NORTH V. .VTER .STREET, A'. / ILL sell Cotton, N va1 Stores, and BreadstutJ's, for a Con;rr.'.s,ion of one per ct-jii Cotton and .. it^ Tarppntine forwarde i to V rtliern Ports for ' ' -nts per bale and cwsk: other Naval Stores 2^ cts • : : 'irrel. ;;i-i.:KL.NCK.—-E. p. Ilali, Pre-*t 15r. Bank of tha -f N C. iv -J 1. ‘jf-:^iiipd v rr.oF Noirrn i iHolina, ci Ntir, 1!! \Nii ^’tl^^TY Sviperi'T t'uurt t Li-sr. J-'i'; 'I'.'rrj), j r is ^'riered l-y hi-^ Honor JoH.N' L BAtl.iEY, i. Jii'ije pr'-sidi;ig, thnt a !»»I* K ’ 1 \ I. T Ii n t’ - I I'.rt be he'd on tiie F1R.''T .MtiND.AY of t. .i ,. .UiY u -xt. arid outinue two vvii’ks. , sinto ■) Hud w:t;i. sses i:i i.'ivil Suits, and . -3 ill I-'..j’ity. ure hep. !>y ti Kf' i:i the .Minutes. JOHN V . JLiKER, Clerk ,\'i v'r -J7 64tc > K L LIN GO F F A T (OS T T( K’LOS E. w I. will cimii'eiico Th; '\IOND.\V. the 30th of / V '''.-.vcmbpr. t . s lur ei.tire STOCK OP DRY GOODS. 1’ L O II I Mi ^ II A T S , Sll O i:«, Arc ., AT i-'.^-T ’J'ha \yiimittirto/i, Charlotte Ruther ford Rail Rond Ca/nfjani^. ST is ordered by the Board of Directors of this Com pany, that f r the ensuing yei*r tho following in- s'talments be called for, vii: Third instalment of TWENTY per cent, to be due and payable on the 1st day of December 1857. Fourth instalment of TEN per cent, to ba due »nd payable on the 1st day of February lbo8. Fifth instalment of TEN per cent, to be due and psy.ible oil the 1st J.-»y of .M.iy 1858. Sixth instalment of TliN per cent, to be duo and ( ayaL>le on the lid day of August 1858. usual time to punctual customers either at Wholetalt or liettiil All persons are respectfully invited to give us a call. U. F. PEARCE. J. W PEARCE. Jr. Sept. 7, 18-57. 40tf FOR THE FML& WINTER 1857! JCST RECEIVED! (t'all soon, secure a good bargain and save money.) 0.\i: OE riJE LiliGKST. }11.\«.S0)1EST .l.\D I'llt’APEST STOlKS OF l^oois and Shoes^ LADIES’ gaiters, SATIN and COLORED; LADIES’ and GENTS’ D.XNCING SHOES, of a new Ever offered of work nearly fin'-'hei'l. which will be tinished daily A.11 of which will l;e «old very low for t'.ASH, or on short time to punctual customers. B*..i^lle has on hand more th.in O.NE U L'.\l*)lKli ANl> FlFi\ \ ehi- cles finished and in Cij'urse ot con-itruction. -Ml w-o:ii ni'ide liv t;ini w.ii-i-:iii'ed 1- months withfair usa^e. nod shouM it f iil '.y b.^id v^'orknoinship or material wiH he repuire.l free of ch.HfirC- Persons wi.shinj; to ^uy would do well to c ill and examine for thenisilv.* Orders thankfully received and proiiii 11 y it tended to. Repairing executed at sh-irt n.>T^-'fc tii-l on very reasonable terms May 28. 185:i ‘^^-tf ..... ... ., . . ^ » and beautiful pattern; 1 his call IS apphcable only to those Counties Last of yoijxn's and CHILDREN’S BOOTS, SHOES and the Pee Dec, aud to tao^o West ot Chnrlotte. n htpr^. Oct’r 22, 1J5o7 FOR Tin: WEST! Through in 36 Hours, and Crossing the Blue Ridge in the Day Time!! 1 S. BROWN’S Tri-Weekly - • Line of Four-Horse Post ('caches, from Salisbury to Ashe ville. via .Statesville, Newton, -Nlorg-inton, Marion and Pleasant Gardens: connecting ht Asheville with the line of Stages for the Warm ?p>riu;.:s, Knoxville and Greenville. Tenn. This is the best stocked and best managed Roa 1 in North Ca rolina. It is the most expeditious, safe and pleasant, anJ at the same time the cheapest route for the West. Leavc.s Salisbtiry on Monday, Wednesday and Fri day: leaves .Vaheville on Tuesday, Thursd-iy and Satur day;—ruuning in close connection with the I'orth Carolina Rail Road, North and South. C. S. BROWN, Contractor. June 15, 1857. 10- H. W. OL ION, Prest. INDIA-KL'BBER HOES, and every article in his line. His I. ck is choice and car*ifully selected by him- ! self, and buyers will lind it to their interest to call i b«fore purchasing elsewheru M. FAULK, i Oct'r 8, 1857. 51-tf a^^All who Lavu lost their foles, come for- : ward, and they will be r«ni«w»d for li«tT»uty-five cente and upwards. M. F. I). V V. 28, 1 ‘'•37. (■ .J. .V R. H. IJ.\C()N. LBS. i;.\C(,»N Ml!).-^ JONES. ja; for sale by COoK. 4-1 in u. >ii I.:i\cr Ixai.'ins; Miickerel, \o. 11 I 1 Lo.s. Fi.f -s-iie bv C. T HAKJH & S(i\-'=;. :';0. 01- \OTICK. lEING desirous to remove South, I ofl'er for sale | GOO acres of LAND, on the Stage Road from Fay etteville to ;iinton. lU miles from Fayetteville, (at the j ttuge stand ) The Land is good Turpentine land, as good F.-^RMING Land as any in this section. ' For particulars address the subscriber at Blocker’s P«>st Office N. C. I G. W. BULLARD. | Nov. 17, 1807. 6l-tf j r \ 1R 1 f fi'ie ’-ir ts the ovcnei- h.-.s no furn'i.- >!^ sajj:. |.'0 AHIUMi'MI.-^FS. chenp; !iir tl.i'tn Ap- Dr. FoULKES. ■J4 E. GLOVBH JAS received his Fall Stock of lii.ods, i-oiisistiu'.: d j n \ a ii >., .i2.'.v?:i.iiv, I SILVKI! WU PL\!i:il WIIIK. ; \N i )ill.ri AKV I h lip it viti-s the iftet.tii Ii i.f his ol ' customers i lui iie III ^e-iera' j !lis j>. r.-'-ti-il ;it'enri->ti will hi.- paid to all I i lud J. welry entiu^.ted t.'. hiu. t'or repnirs. j 1"'. ! \ !'t HI’S, JKWKLilY, lii.w rectivin;r additions to my .Sti'i k of Watches, Jewelry, Silver and Plated Ware, Military and Fancy Goods, Those who are about 1 do '.veil to ca’d. w PRIOR. • 11*' ill 'i. 1 C'.t iiiutmcr 47-‘im I.AXDS FOR SALi:. B OFFER for sale about 6000 Acres of Pine Lands near Fayetteville, containing an immense quantity of Mill Timber, and a nuvjber of Turpentine Boxes, and several new tasks may be cut There is on the premises n line Dwelling House, and all necessary out houses,—.^cuiipernong ai d Isabella Gr.-ipe Vines.—1000 young Peach :ind .^pple Trees of Lind’ey’s best vari- ties; also, a good F.^R^I of about loO acres cleared; and a'ao a GRIST and S.\,W’ MILL; and a fine large Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayetteville and t'oal Fields Ha'l Road pas.ies through thes*' lands about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell tlie whole together. Apply to ThoH. S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fa3'etteville, or the subscriber at Pittsborough. N. C. J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12, 18.57. 60-tf W. C. HEXHOW, D. D. S., .\Y be found at his Rooms, during his regular office hours, vij; from !i A. M. to 1 P. M., 3 P. M. to 5 P. M., where he will be pleased to receive calls from all who may be in need of his pro‘‘essional services. No inducement will be held out by offering to per form operations for a small compensation: a good price will be charged in all cases. .And patients favoring Dr. B. with their confidence, may rely upon his utmost prices freight only added exertions to perform every operation in as perttct a November -. manner as possible. iBCf" --1^^ operation* mutt It paid for at toon at com- i pleted. P. S. Those who are now indebted will please call j and settle. Oct. 14. 51-tf ~ NO HL .VIBUG! rIHE subscriber is now prepared to fill all orders X for Stiiterior W\iter Buckets. He manufactures North ('arolina material—he em ploys North Carolina capital and la'jor,—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern prices, he hopes to be able to make a favorable showing. A TRl.AL is what he wants. Messrs. WORTH 4' UTLEV of this place are .Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. G. H. MAKEPEACE. Fayetteville, Feb’y 17, 1857. 82-y J. \V. r. \KKii Ls uuw rceciviiig from the North the largest, tiue^t, aud uio.st eart-ful'y se lected stock of FI K^IT! Ui: ever offered in this market; which, addpd to his own manufacture, makes his assnitment .j'.mp’i-tt.-—all ot which he will sell on the l.iwest issible terms f'^r ''ash or on time to punctual custoinei Fashionable pHinte l cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .M;iltressos; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons ati 1 Cradles; Sid;.* Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cascs: \Vhat- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; ».’;indle .Stands: Wardrobes: Picture Frames and (Jlass: Win.li^w Shades: Cornices; Curtain Bands; Sofas in .Mahogaiiy aud Walnut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fiue ilosewDoi] l*i:iuo.s, one with *K'.)lian At tachment; Rosewooil .Melodians, Iroiu the bet manufac tories in New Yt*rk aud Boston, wiirraute 1 as good as any made in the country, and will be sf^M at N. York l)()P»!{|\ ilor.^'iK! l’>\ EKS \ PliOl'IJIKTOKS. ■jiCini) Proprietors of this E'tablislunent ii announce to the pjblic, that owing tn the co!.'-:iantly increaping patronage extend ed to Them, they have been induced to en- .' ari-oinmodation by the addition ot an -xtensive l.‘inin:r il ioiu on the lower floor, and suite o 11'.. ii:.-. oil the second tloor; thus enaliling them to iiccoiii1!|o.|n !> ail w li.) iiiay fiivor them with a call. And t!n;_\ pi’ 'iri" themselves to an increased exertion to give sutislaotioii to their patrons. .Sp-icious .-^tables attached and careful Ostlers in at- t endaiu-e Tiie elif>ible location of the Establishment, with the experience of the Proprietors in providing for the com- f-i!t of thoii- patrons, they hope will secure to ihrm a liberal -ih;ire of the travel. The Western and .Soiitliern Stages arrive at and de part from thi.s House. Crtri-iage.s in ntfenJanee on arrival and d'-nartnre of Sicam l>o.-its. for the accoinmodatiou of passengers. Hor.ses .ind Ciirriages furni.=hed at any lo-Mce for car- ryinc travellers to any part of the adjafent country. J. W. POWEK.S, & CO. Fayetteville, May 12, 185*1. 3tf \ A IJ A ! {L l: 1^ 01 ‘ i'on p* OFFER for sal^, my L.ANDS 'ri t'.e Town of Fay- S ettevilie, about loi> .Veres, kii'.wu as the lYIUIVIFORD SvVAIHP. About .Acre.s ■ f it is tine M'-j.dow Laud, as the Crop now oil it will show. .Vlso, t‘:e Valiiabit* iSrick Moi'c uiitl l..ot near the Mirk:.t S.juar*. occupied bj- Mr. John -A I’eniberton. ■A Large and V iluable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, ^l-lxwell iind Mumford Streets, known as the Hotel t.iar len Lot.—couM he divide'l into several Building Lots—very neai-1ho tiew F'emale High School Buildings. .Vlso, the Stable Lot a.lji/ining, fronting on .Mumford Stree! Sevor-il DE-^IRABLK BUILDING LOTS on both WiiisliM- 'II'. \iuii'fi rd Streets. -V!; ’.iiis j.ri.'i :• :.> •ai; :;ijw be purchased on fnvora- b'e t! .-in.--, atid h large pr.rt can remain on Bond and M'lrt^rri're if desired Oct. K., 1‘-'j5 THO. J. CURTIS. 43-tf 45-tf 300 Nov. 10. AI.UM SALT. BUSHELS Rock Alum Salt, for sale low by P. TAYLOR. 59 2m WHO WOULD HAVE Tiioi aii'i rr .-1 neic C(irriv/e nhmt nt on tht Green, opposite the Mcfhotlii-t Chur- h, frontiny on MumforJ Strett. . ciRivvT iv\ri:ii!Mu.si:! i11‘ i** !« ri'^HE Subscribers would respcct'ully inform their friends and the public, that they have enteied I into copartnership for the purpose of conducting th- ! generftl CARRl.AGE BUSINESS in all its v.trioti- tiiM V un- :i III ■ I-'- my St’ i-k ;■ the.r jiurclia-es 8ta.v \Va, ■ !.t. 1 Ivep; .J. T, EhsJ'S'roA, :'’ct‘\'sor lu J. i:i-;ivi,y in the Watch and '■Vclry ’usin:ss,; g l-.spi.i'Tp! PLY calls the atten- M riij’. t’ ^ ,,i. i g-ntieraeli I ayette-.-iiir.tid his friends at a ;. and i)f,;s an ac - pt:.n:-e of thanks th.; iate firm, Beasiey a Houston; lois.iii- ; . i;i bis ok:i name, detcr- ■i.-i; p;i rona;j:e b\ correct dealing '■ 1- I .in with their custom. He .iir-i- ,ck of fine Gold and Silver Watches and Jewelry, sivU‘3 out; V -r Cntlerj/, >>‘irr. ,j.,r ^ I, In. Krrumriits, M m/Zc/,,./r,, . a , „, \ - i; (juns, ('iill'i! J'isiiiU (t’. , (t-c., f-i-. teir-\\ut',-l‘.- . Hi.d Je.veiry can fiillrepairfs.l- Ap-^ ei!-rut'!'d '•''■ii‘'>vitig haiuls.'iinolv 'ct’r 20. ■■1'-' ■, to tins !. ■ ' lht-;r [mtriiiM-.-e Ii- wi;. c„u im;t. ..i.^. til. iie*\ I’j H ■ i witU H.l wlio wiW 1 huM iiow lor fca »■ » $50 REWARD ^•t/' ILL be given for the apprehension and delivery Ww to me, or confinement iu any jail ia the State so that 1 can get him, of my man JI.M. He left on the aCth ult., and has not been seen, or heard of S'nce He is .-I bright mulatto, almost white, about 23 years oid, about 5 feet inches hitch, straight hair, atid teetli defective, long beard on his chin when he left. Had on w hen he left a very rood suit of clothes, aud will very likely try to pass off for a white man, aud mnke fjr a free State; t.houid he not go north, he will likely go up in the vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was raised there, and torinerly belonged to Wrn. B. Wright, Esq , ot that fdace. -Any person who may take up said Bov will be entitled to the above reward and the tha’nks of ISAAC B. KELLY Kenansvi’ile, N. C., .\ug. 13, 1857 33-tf 1. lioUSftiN 5-;tf ■; ANA WAV Mulat;.,. ii.-ig!it, ratln-r a'l t v i.i ..iiig atj'j ! :: |Li.. : u i .1 , tl . ^ V r Jl. ii my IJ ly t'v. -ity i,\( n ii.c: '.r ! ,.d C"' I! . -I ... otr.-iljly bright ‘ - a .si.x ft-et ill ' var 1. aii'l has I" l-.i.'.:Jil\ I'l- r |. .-hfi.sli ‘i o Uii i.r Ii, jail I.OST, LAST Saturday, .31st ult, (during the hours of parade,) about the Court House, or between the Court House and the Fair Ground, a small yellow leather Pocket Book, containing .“iioJ*, consisting of three $10 bills, three $4 do , one bill, one >j!5 gold piece, three $2 50 gold pieces. A Reward of -$I0 will be given for the above described Pocket Book and monoy, delivered to the.undersigned. J.AS. II. JACKSON, Musician. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. 2, 18-57. filitf WOOL ROLLS. M at/'OOL carded with dispatch at Blount’sCreek W * Factory. ailEETINGS, Osnaburgs, Cotton Yarn, and Wool Rolls, for sale by Junel8.'»4. GEO. McNEILL. 7-tf NEGROES WANTED. ^B*.HE undersigned will pay the highest cash price Jl. for YOUNG NEGROES. letters addressed to either of us at Laurinburgh, Richmond county, will have prompt attention. D. C. McLAURlN, DANIEL M. McLAURIN. Laurinburgh, Dec. 26, 185(i. GStf .JUSr R CEIVEO lii.)XL' of ti at SLpe lor II C.-C C.\Ni>i TO- ALMANACS. ^■^HE Farmers and Planters, and Turner’f North J. Carolina Almanacs for 1858. E. J. HALE i SON. Oct’r 24. U^VOJERT.lt^EilsV~ ^I’^HE subscribers offer their services to the public to j[ furnish Coffins, Hearse, and every other requisite for Funerals. They have a considerable supply of Coffins ready made, and an abundant supply of Ma hogany, Black Walnut and Gum and Poplar materials for making any size at a short notice. Orders left at the Cool Spring .Mills will be promptly attended to. HEARSEY & JOHNSON. Fayetteville, June 29, 1857. 20tf ^|7e P RIVErrU() A L. ITU.MINOUS COAL of the best quality can ba had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE. Mining Engineer, May 21. I85tj 6-tf iiioti to a vi;u- to A general parts. .\nd being both practical workra derstanding their business, they have r compaie work with any est>ibHsh;nont as to style and durability. One of the tirin may bu known by i H. Whitfield’s iron work for the last two j .r.-*. We warrant all work to give getu'r.il sati.sfactio" f or twelve months Repairing done in the neat est manner low for casti PIER BHANIN. Ja.M£S H. Pier. ./amk.s Br\xin. Fayetteville, Jiiii’y 24, IH-i:? 02tf •liarbft' liOI’.KR’r I). GREEN, , LA IE GREEN i WEAR.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., FAVKTTEVILLK, n. c. D to return his sincere thanks to the ii •. • ]iublic tor the kind natronage so liberally be- st'iwe I uoon the late Firm, and infi>r!u.‘» theia he has l.iiught i!ic interest of J. ,S. Wear, and will continue th\‘ busiues' in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superinteni]ence. N. B .Ml W.itches loft with him for repair will be t ikt-n ap-irt in the jiresence of the owners, and the neccs-^'i-y rcjMirs pointi-d out to them and a written coiitra.-t iiiven for tho same, which work will be war- r.iii'« i tor tivo years. to, Liiiid lu i for a.-ile now, the mos' varied arid ch'iii-e selection of t’Lt)CKS and otiie*- '.ime jiieces that h-is ever Iiecn offered to the pulilic it North Caro lina. waii-Ii he vvil, s*dl -it New York prices, aud also i'L!v'V!if"r tW'i yc irs. sj'iop ijy In,' to -in 1 by the late firm will lie paid n p iroceived by R. D. GREEN. .\u:iust 2-5, I''.’)'). 3l-tf IV laiANOKS, BAGS PERUVIAN; • 327 do. COLUMBIAN. Not only has the cost of using these Guanoes in connexion been very much diminished, but experi ments have proved that the phosphate, so much want ing in the Peruvian, not only increases the yield, but combined -with tha Coiumbian makoat the crop much more certain. For sale by D. & W. MoL.\URIN Nov. 0, 18.5G. 64tf & 'i)' ii.M C'J 6j ib07 G. W. 1. UOLDSTi N. 48-tf LAND FOR SALE. ■ H ACREIS OF LAND lying on upper Jl Ja Liftle Hirer, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for the Turpentine business. It will be sold on accommodating termi. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. WM. McL. McKAF. Sept. 22, I860. 41-tf J3ook Agents Wanted. rjl^HE Subscriber, having taken the General .\gency JL for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in process of publica tion by Messrs. E. J. Hale Son of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective parts of the fitate, or particular couuties, thoroughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot the fiist volume will will be ready iu a few days. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac company each application. Address H. W. HOBN. F'ire Mnsi^rance. E refer o\ir readers to the annuftl statement of the ..-F'tna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in another column. This success ful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in 181^*, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is •'j!.5O0.O'''O, and its accumulations exceed .-ji‘'00,000 more, making its entire assets ever S.300,- 000, invested a.s detailed iu the statement referred to These re.sults indicate that during the period of nearly forty yeai-s since its organization, (without a single change of its chief officer,) its business has been con- diictrd with judgment and prudence. It has been thus far successful iu an eminent degree, discharging, as we are informed, all its obligations by the payment, of .-,bout ten milliou dullun for losses, without asking a d-iy’s delav in any instance. It has ha I but little lit igation, notwithstanding the immense numberoftrans- actions made In order to attain as much certainty as P 'ssible ill such a business as insuraoce. it has been the practii-e of the Company, for several years, at great labor, c.irofully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the atni'unt insured on each class, the amount of pre miums 1-eceivk‘i thereon, am the amount of losses up on lach. This classificatio’i, extending ovor a long {)ei-iod,at'd covering property to a very lavire amount,lur- n'shes relialile data, and presents a sound, su'ist intial b i...is (if actual experience, upon which to conduct its business Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its ha-/ irds are ascertain.ible, and its principles capable of being reduced to a system, the practical workin*r and results of which are a.s certain as that of uny other business. The jEtna Company, 1)3' adhering rigidli' to its system, aud placing its busi ness upon a healthy basis, has obt-iined the confidence of the community to an extent surpassed by no other Compiany in the U. States, and has increased its busi ness and its income from year to year with a steaily growth. One jireat source of its security is the wide distribiitiou of its risks—a policy which it pursues with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov ered in each locality. By tiiis course it has passed, with comparative impunity, through some of the most sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up other companies less cautious in their business. It is a system like thi^, Iji'sed upon experience, which gives Stability an l ?ouudnessto a company, and to the as sured confidence and security.—Bnlliinore Patriot. i.\xi;iM.\i'E (ompi.m, ii.virnouD, coN.N, INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL, Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BR ACE, Pre.sident. E. 0 RIPLEY', Vice Pre sident. T A. .ALEXANDER, Secretary. Dirkctoks —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. I’uell, M. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A Bulkeley, R, Mather, E. G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pr.itt, G F. Davis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T. Alexander, W. Keney. The Assets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, ]iaying interest, with !j>172,i04 01 of cash on deposite in the Hartfor.l Banks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid—none Losses adjusted aud not due. •‘j>24,c{13 V»6. Losses in suspense, waiting further proof, &o., ^76,- 6.30 1.5. Losses resistet, (suspicions of fraud, &c.) $46,678 72. .\gent of the above Company in Fayetteville, N. C. E. J HALE. Vl'BDMl.VS salf/m MiumiT IS TO BE THE TITLE OF A LITERARY PERIODICAL, TO BE BUBLISHEU n T II 1^ V , IX TtlE TOWN OF iNOllTIl (’AROLI.NA, BY ANDREW J. STEDMAW, A MEMBLR OF THE NoRTH-CARoLlNA B.VR. fN offering to the Public mv Magazine. I claim for the Editorial t'hair tin sap“riority over that de partment of other like Periodicals: but I do claim for the talent ot North (,’arolina, and the .South generally, that wili be brought to its support. Southern patron age -And 1 also, as a Soutliern man, and he Editor of a .'-^outhei-n .Magazine, claim at the hands of the Southern countr; , an-l especially of .North Carolina, that aid and support that will here, at home, establish, upon a tirui basis, a f ' untain of l.iti rature. aud ex clusively a Home Literuy Magazine. .Many are the .Mng.-izines now published in the Northern States that are tl .odiiig the whole Southern country, llure is not. (it is prol>,-ibe.) a c.mnty in any Southern State tli.-it is not visited by “H irper.” •-Graham,'’ “Peterson,” or “Godey;” wnile liere, iu North Ciiroiina and the .Soutii, where genius unsur passed and unei|ualed ri-igns, the literary talent that is brought into exercis>- is ded’cated to the support ot Noithern Magazines whi'e .Southern enterprise, taste ..wiu talent bow iu liumlile submission to such su cidal piolicy 01 Southern contrihiitors. Why. 1 ask, cannot we — .North Carolina, the South —st-nd greet ng to our Southern dim-; a Magizine, accept.-,b.c t r rh-' ni.triy qualities th.it adoin the j'-iges of the ni'is' ( ha-te, eiegiut an 1 polite I’-riodica .s’ It is true that the .>o'ith has her Masra/inex; tiut lew in ' number are they, mii i un'v.iowii, coiup-ire I to the puii- I lu-ali. ns o! the .'North, whic.'i every m a- braigs to our ! hollies, fidr.) With the resu t of liire l labor, and teem- I 11.g with uiipaidon-ilile st-'liii in. ' 1 hen I appeal to Nortti Carolina an l other .Southi rn I State.s to aid me in my enterprise, and in promoting a littrary taste anioiiLrst those upon wlioui, as a .South- IH NO riCE 'j S HEREBY t.JlVE.N, ih-it Books of Subscription to M. the e.ipit il 'took of the Central Rail Road, from Bea-afi.rt llarhor via Ivenriiisville. Clinton. Fayetteville, iti'i iVest. Will be opened on Tiiurs lay. the lOth day ■ 1 V,iril l,s .1'.. and remnin open according to the terms of .lie Ch-.rter until iurther notice, at the follewitig jd.ii-es and under direction of the following named pei'ons. 'i‘iiiniissioi;:Ts in the Charter, viz; In tile I’ounty of llii'.low, at the office ot the Clerk of the ('ouiry Ourt at .1-\cksonville, and at the Post ‘)ilice Rich L,-inds. E. . Foiiville, .i. J. Ward, .1. H. I’.i; , Robert hite, John .V. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. l:i I’arteret couii'y, at the office of Dr. M. F. Aren- l.-ll .It Beaufort Dr, M. F, .Arendell, J. F. Beli, L. T. 1 l.:lesby, •\,t tiie store of i W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Will. N. Dennis, H, S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge > ^-ru man, I have c aims. .Vrei.dell. ; .My .M.igazine wiii fe of the usual size; and nothing ‘■A By GEO. LAUDKK TWO DOOKS \liOVE C. T. ll.UGll i Sd.V’Ji STOHH. Fayetteville, i\'. 1'. Jan’y 20, 18.t7 Oiypd Wtt'call tlie Mttentioii of W ltOiili" SALE DEALERS ^■10 our present Stock,—and we have recently re- ceived— 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 76 bbln do. Refined, Crushed and Powdered, 95 boxes Sperm, .Adamantine and Tallow Candles, 66 do Fancy and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales Bagging, Gunny. Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hoop Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-bbls Super Carb. Soda, 40,000 Cigars, various brands, —ALSO— Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Madder, Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, .Shot, Bir f.e-td. White Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil, V.’ii. l..w tilass, SniilVin Boxes, Eagle Mills do., in Half libls.; Gi een and Black Teas, Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron. English, '»erin’i.n, and Cast Steel; Plows, Straw (hjtter.=, C.)rM Shellei.-i, Sausage Cutter.s and Stuffers. Trace Chains, ,ln Leather, ikc., itc. The above Goods we olTcr m ;':e ;ii f.'. i-i.i 'e terms to prompt time or cash juirch is m-', O SL 'V. .McL.VU il IN. Noy. 6, 1856. In Diipiin county, at the office of the County Court ‘■’“rk at Renaiisviiie, — \la.ior I'wen R Ken-ui. Davi-l Reid, 1:--Mac B Kelly. Wm. E. Hill, Wm. J, Houston, Sti-phcii (M-aham. In Saiiips'iii county, it thi" ortico of the County Court I’lerk at (dintou,— flionias I. Fa,isoti, Dr. Thoti.ns r.antinir. Wm. M -'Cav p„trick Murphy. Wm. Faison, J R. r>‘-arii.-in, .\lfred lidinson. In v'umberl nd county, at Fayetteville, at the office ■ f .V. ''IcKe:ha>i.—Thomas R. I'^nd.-rwood, Randal Mel aniel 1-. Iwar l L. Winsl-jw. John (J, Blocker. Form of subscrifdion: The Un lersigL'* 1 agree to take the number of share^ of yli'O each, ^et opposite to our names respectivelj', in the Central K-iii Road Companj-; and ir. al! respccts to cumj ly with th-.- torcis of the Charter, will be a imitied to iis pa.res b-»t siicti articles as will iiici-t the :ipproval o) th-. most fastidi ius. It biiad be { lllusir.it;(i willi Ijigravings !iml I'l.ite.s, ■ of th-.- ill [-1 leu ii-t texture, eq.ialing in beauty and ,,e any executed at the North I My price ot .'•ub'Criptim is I'llRLE 1j(JLL\Rs per ) yi-ar, which is reijiiired to l e piii>! iu ai'vance, as lue exj et.se to be ii.curred in establishing s ich a paiilica- tion will not a liuit of a credit system * The J 'lrtl yumttcr will he inxiitii Janunnj 18.i8. J .‘jTLDM.A.V, Editor aud Proprietur. Sepit’r 1, 18.!>7. 46- N K. .^ly Address until the 1st of November will be Pittsborough, N. C.—after that time it -will be Salem, N. C. Names i Res'.deu;.* I No. of shares •i! Cash Work I NEW HOOKS. i OSS SIDE, by Marion Harl ind, author of‘.Vlone* ! ^tI. SOUVENIRS OF T.^iAV'EL, bv \l.idame l.« V-rt. made payable in work, and 1 roct-ived by E. J.'lIALE .5i SON. .Subscriptions may b; may sp>ecify whether for firadiug or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every case have preference in taking (.'ontracts, when bids are the same or ut Engi neer’s estimate. .As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed. the Cotutnissioiicrs of t)nslow county are to be | bound in the same style they were before. liOOKBlXDIAG OF all kinds, is executed iu the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re- Thiif will save the repurchase ot new books. Librai ians contiecttd with colleges, and other so'-itties. and also ;:et>tlemeu residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bouml here, as a deduction f f prices will be made upon iar^e orders: Pack them and send them with particul-ir directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will be carefully repacked and notified, and the\ arc reiiU’red to call a meeting of Stockholders t. .rgaiiizo the Company, March lo, 1S.>0. 13tf ), llOLSfoX OULD inform his friends and former customers that he may be found 2 doors below the Cape ; returned witiiout delay. Fe-jr Bank, and 3 doors above his old stand south side | I have the best stock of materials; and workman- [>erson Street, where he intends to keep on hand, | gfijp will compare with any either at the North or Harness, Saddles. Bridles, Whips, Collars I, vr • » * ' 3 r J I Apply for u list of Uinding prices before .eouiK and every thing belonging to his trade. lie respectfully The undersigned respectfully solicits a share insites hi=frieuds from tiie country to caii and examine pj^^ronage. TIiOS. 11. TILLINGHAST, his stock before purchasing. .Anderson Street. He will attend to Repairing of Harness and Saddles ^ 1857. 54-Y punctually, and his charges shall be moderate. He I ^ ’ ' - - would all in Jebted to the firm of HOUSTON &j j ^ StiltC ill 17T(>,” !)>' 0\ P t,. 6oi vie wiiii \\| . tiverliv or hmiielt. as they I * ‘ , ^ 1. ,- o..mp:. . . seu.e the tirm s'debts. ; Caruther.,-first and .econd Series, . iis^t r-ceivea. , * - ♦r h J. il A r K i: > isr z jO'y}. , .. i'«i>.ANKS tor sale at this v)fiice^ i Uiaiik. VVajrants tor sale