KKmtNcE*., PKaEsT> ^ T^J *«»*ba,.^ •■'OK vvj, •'^Tukv A\n T^ CARoi.f^.^ •■’f'; many of fk .T t“r:ni U . •...., •uci, ,-.^: • "• ' '• ■’ hi,' C'- "' '' • ^ f, .. •n '- • -yyn- injtire.'i ! ■• . J L **’ •*• inK ;‘*'>>:^b7 f'f'"" '• 1 tliiiM „v :.j,.,j ' ’‘‘>i> . :' i; . ■ fi ■, “‘-J to ■ ' Ulu) J. rj '■' , '■■> 'I--. :h.;; ior? Ceui- '’ . •> V- J- H Vit V -uv iHSBYTKRiAN >-rth . uro::nH^.; •Jisa'irnnu^ hi^r claims in j ^Teij t^fti jniy l;-.)0 ire • . >0(i PrVsb-'t" ^ - \ St.Dl, jer-. -t;id her meii- ■ny ."ynod Suuih .r St i:-j 3n -he Xorth & liicmb-rship j, aaJ the S )uthern th»ir peonle. Th« rian y. i-ch ■„ j : h.-r !.■: jreu. ti;;it uuriiirt.jj of “’**■ ■•■'■-* w;..' t-.ke no ’ne ,n ..f up H! ■ fn .gM.-t, the ru-;ni- evancPiicHl of t- iue.ition—to . anu li- sirtngtli- lUtj ;. ;tl j arid ith;-r 'hurcba« rabers w -h h Re- Are N* ,r?h Csru t»leuf. energy and * L - h or ai.juth, - ■ ttt b.;aii'” ie3 .f accompHiih- I's!: In t'.ie Ian- u?-:^’ MiuistPrs, iK^it to have been iOt too late to bt- fun 1 of about ■r aneiit cttpifa! v’l'J at OreHDsVo- l> ker. Chairman, Ht F ivettev N ■ ■ril . -.B'lLIVi • t :•= Rev • -■ -V. Messrs \ 1;'h=-r, •• , .'r . J H. i >»■ Ei*-.rutive ■ ii : lu^.nagc its t.if VOR’^H CaB»- first c'>.'i9, eqaai ' -uiual .ppe*r- ■ ■' lur >’hurche3. ri' b"tb .re w!'- ‘ie t;;k=*a *■ '^iat* news t>e an expoi.iHt ci>nvicti-ia. It ■■X, ■* J ?cho(’ peop!e~to N lently upon tfvc N'orth Oari !in» , au'i the adopt- irnportaiit an lij-. w: take » ?ive it their or on delivery ziontbs,' at ihe mnre, paying i** me aiJ'ireas, * Our VL is- 8i s us Agentj, 11 jils*ase Hssist : Had fur- biy (-*i5i:e- As the first Dura- V ^ eff ort w lO take » h .ut 'iouht, e PuJ of that n f iSt ■!'• ' .•;:i 12- HOOK. HDil Ref?r!-"cei . i ,. 1 laij* urt .f Pennsyl- on tb«iiibjeot Lf A SON- sticp:. 'pted to the ,. : officers ind L^w, anJ to rj.d. Frio# & SON i‘wick; The Rye, by f ff,.ly Land; rov-;d House- ; Pays'n ^ ’s Eleinso^®’ A Book, -K a; tn*; rial La^i ,/ ,■ ,.idiug; Lube'* z'yS. )f£tC9^ VII.] l AM'/r'l HVlI.f.K, N. C., 10, is:,7. [NO. 6G7.j i\l !) M'AJVWS AM) TULUSDAYS. ■ IV Uf/l .1. II \I.K SON, : •IR'! AVI* I’!1M{11:T-)1{S. ^ \V.■ V ()r.'r,v,vKR 0(* if pail! in ■ p:i. ! iluviiip' the yi-ar of subscrip- , rtL - yenr hiis expired. ■ . -Km KR *■_’ no per aiinuin, if paid iii _ ii priid ilurinj;, the year of subscrip- . I the year has expirud. ..'•■I N I'.'' inserted for sixty cents p‘.-r r the and thirty oeiits for eaids •'■•11. Veurly tidvi-rtiM nient--by .=pe- T r>'.'luiiilde r:ite^. Advorfisc:.« are l:c nnmbi-r of in.-^ertioii;; desired, nr ■ .'it'd till forbid, :»ud (duirjjed iiccord- I' . ; til be inserted insiJr, charjjed per FMiEsa rs-iiii: ^;ubscri' er t:i’;■ - thi: nn « fiti/.ens uf l ;iycttevi e r fl'.iit siiO li;is jubt riH't ive 1 nn ! .''took,— LAYER h\\lSL\'S, Uit.rrst; I’rii)ir. in Citrxn: Hr':.: I'ridH, ninl h.i. ;/-/? f' laa' i / ’/V >, /•. S.I strr; >»/■/,).,• Oy,sVV,-.s; Si>: '' Pickles of ■•-’I — AI niiiriT, n st':i, ( r. lUr, ' m ;iiid ^I'dn 1 nick' r.: ! :•_ I'lu'ese: and :i l«-\v i':M - s: ■■ V,i!! sol! !■ U !. , .-v ,. ; i. d t , h’t't' 't .1 y>; ( I- . u>o,i: / ■ r ; 11): if kind® trn f’.l aii r/ ( •1 or niJTif;*. t^infr!{ r nr.irr: .\t I’t'.n-, •Ir.y St ih.‘ . I * 1- -n: 1 Ilf ■ili't \\\\i ‘Jth : ill •' I: t I'f l!:i- I rit I llii- ..v, -u : f. I ■ - .] I ... ^' ;■ M'l l-r ii I'. I't "1' ,N1-XV ' I t -lilblM- ri.- . it, I I Sf.lfiH ! hsfr tnr , f I flu- Di. /' Ao/’" • H. f. ••n tile t thi- : ' f '- 'I th 7, b> !,..'t, '.i-'i t-."i '■ ■; in sub''nr ln("V- 1- 1 V.: , VnrK-. l;lficll V,\l t eiiem’.tort 'l :i t winds ill tlie l>istri t th'- Ii'strict ii ir. liini on thi' '1 i tv i>; H th' ■ini’.: 1- ) . v.\ the Ui n 'rv. : SWA'.. li:ai;i.i’ ki;al i:stati:. (' :! i!l i:> otl'ered I'lr i.iV.’. tr;iots; kuuwii its llniuo, cutituiii- \i,i'‘.'. w'tli .ill the iinprovsnients. '1';,::: M fiitirf r'lividi-'l. to t-iiit purchasers. :i),!y n;c oC the be»t business stari Is in ;iU'l i- very Ifsiruble t'> thone withint; t'- i:-il t' '• -i:; ;-i‘t. ilbi.ut •' !•'> stiinii ;i 1 ti>e \v;Lver, wai a'.id tlr t thi l'fil] I' lv!.. 1 V i' 1 ^i. "1 rd r- : V r ■( .1 T. V.- \ Tit t' Ni,(v"r ‘Ji. .\l'TUS •1 t -11' >ry ,1m- li L\>sj( \i. sriKxM . •.'i'Mi of theOx.ord Graintntir f'cliool. -:ii'o '.m the S 'C''nd .Monday in Jau'v. .b 11 IIOUNKII, rVincipil ' 'b'd. l-'i7. 1)5-tS .irsT luvi the N.-rlhei n . >■ ■ beaS'.n. with • in' of tie luiiulsoiiu'st iiiiil liralh li-';'!lf i I.OTSBS,V4nz \\k F W lLMlN(/rON. - -;AN'i\ ' ' deid ire a divi lend of 1 per cent . '!> th’ 10th. Suhsci-iptions to Stock V t,:e inst.. will be entitled to interest :it t ' ‘ nt. per annum, till next dividen I. S. .lEWFTT fash’r. : t',.j-fJOth. .1 \ M\> A. l>AI.Mi:i^ ' OF SAINT LOUIS, ! '! M'; c>pi i tfi.'ly inf«rm the citizens cf Fay-i k-!!-. v;’|r- r.t'.d vi •inicy that he has taken Rooms j Huph i^rnhani's eiothinc Store, -where he is j d t n::iki.' ; SJL'iEi: I LATE FWTURES ; with the LATKST IMPROVEMKNTS | >;■: that are superior, iu life-like etl'ei't, ui*-s9 and ileiio:iev ol shading, to an\thing that Stip!c and F'liirt/ DiUj (i" of ('(isninu rc miil iSi’h 1 Sliors; 1 riiii/:s II lid I Ji' its (IIIIi ■,j (. I evor otl'ereil to puridias- r.- in t'ii The preseiit stock p:irtii ul:ul> h; v'. chased under very favoi ib’.. i-ij October cri.'is. when s;' ■ i-- w* re b w •■.ii —and will therefore be s,'M at a ■'r*"! former prices An early call rttt^pectfuiiv a. '.icitfl ;.Eoi;G‘r: I'-O N’uv'r 'J. ''' t.l 1 Tu m: e ■n.l .. ''.irk ii. I- lii'r MM'ivi, i l;i';t V:--; ’ vcpMir- -.ji'i I ^ I he seMlili :ii>. t •m;n tlM, pi. . t-' ; r* i-I ■ M '1 t wajre fiup! lllMI'i r be' ri-dui:ti:>n >t r"rtii in i.:- t'. I. I'll.'l! f!i' I'i Ill.'l ;::r : he lu' - - Vv’i llilf Ir iid u'lvni- ;ai' .:U': 'lit ■ V.N'I'T. ctti’- t be. pioiiui f i upon ^rias.s. leather or sheet vor-pb te I'ii-ture j . -s.'sses also ackn. w j t v f. r ural)il;;j., iver every other style , ■ 'i - t tlu- pr- ->-i.t time, ! 1 1 lu irk ‘."r M 'imite l time, ho will ■ ii r- 't :■■:? ■; ?' make Pictures in strict ac i •1 ve ro) ri-s>'iitiitio!is, ol all sifrs. j ■ t . K 't, npwanl. :.iu 'f . l-taining I'ictures of thetuselv''*; ij )-■ ijfctliiiiv S"licited to cnll, and '.-j ' T" Pl.KASE. ! i!- e lr -» is always dark or figured. mm MOii! STARR & WILLIAMS A UK now receiv'...^ TiH'l>N;‘ S;'*i'K 1 i.)li \ THIS SEAt^'iN. . :ir r:.cli:- |>vv K« !u» aiiil which '.L.-y iis%iri Jl" " ’ f 1 ei s ‘M ■ ■ J). .'^TAKn ] Vi 1 \ > Uft'r 0, 1 ■'-jT. . ‘ I. ■B-i"-m ■ s^’TET «* ;illd wor Ion;., a;. the ]> ro-_.il an'l '-It ;-r-ii iM .‘'1 the !’•' irv. wlni v.iih hi.? .'l t" -;ii i !:.-a. h ii'-r ■ ‘V- :iu ! c-ifi'ii 'I 'i'l- 1 ‘ i' rt vi " ; Miin.t i\ Tliat u;>' :i '.; i ;.l' -i;:!!!!! 't'ln, th" S I i ;.-i ! ili'l aeliiiiny jiiiv liillN l\-r iij'l piiot:ij;i'. aii'l also .i 1 r>:i' sum \ i"l -III iioar'l ol sa; i l^irk i"r tlii.'u’ -r ;.-lv..uoo' luoV" p:irtik;ulu riy .sot ;■ .-'."I to t'.ie s;ii i iib' 1, aiiioiini- e! :;ii t sixly-six T-'i-lC'i If.i.'hir.-i. - wore UfOi ss.iry to enable tl,-..' in r Yoya^o aii.i earn her t'rei;ihl, i’orl wiiore s-ii 1 liark did ll"t bo- : ',v:;ors 'li'l ii"t rL'si b', au l v,. o s?ii-l r.ark, as well i ■ "f the t-i p-iy ohar;j' - ui"’ 'Icm in'ls ' ’.ion n sai'l ll irk. a:ol 1-y bilieliant luoiinu in Lnws'i' - : ; i; > :,» wai lu . .le p I j, ;.n :.t - i.,-.- 1 t- !i-l 1 a . ■ pi" 00 \ - -•; '..i 1 I'-i.i.ui'is l'"r lii own n - \ii l till- -^ ii ! Li:- i inrtlier ] i’ y' '-r - r - 1 \ o-o;. h-T a]'j>.r . taoixl' , 1 '!• I: -i::i.iu;.t 'lue :' : Lib. li ' nil.; (. -'t-i, a!i-l tiia: th.- .ii'! I! ii :, t;-o 0"in. onlor till- in,-fo:iiitiie oU'inebs. No. i!. i'm-i.-ts ui' a l^ot and tlrick Store. - toiiOi,i*'i:ts. F iti ('a!:.pbfllt(;n, oil liri'lge Street, near ( Mr.'ii'bui Dri'L'e, and is a very desiralde htand for t UsilV . N " is'l'iir.'■ vacant Lots in rainplielltiin, ki, .'wn in '.iiv pb.'t :\s N"S lO'.t, 111, ll'J, ainl half of :-t n --'. >. '. !' a !>\v:’lliiiL' 11 luso and Lot (»n Hay- '-"i-.H-r of Maiik ,o:i-i ati'l ,\dniiiH 8t. very o 11-;i.li-:.oe for the wii.ile ye-ir. 1.-. :• .'liil and St' aiu Engine and 0I-, .1 ?-i -'1- h' rso I'lwer. This is w-ll worth at! • !i .f tIi'.M- l'\iii^ where water power is not .•ii'-l V. ill 1)0 .so’il ;:t a {Treat bargain. For t'-rnis apply to .1 11. H.-\LL, As.sistit'e. i^a^t 1, Ih.jT. ;iU-tf N... -Milt. -:r * made in ■1 llio ' I’I lit • *' th t !i'T' t’, ati i wor -. on- at tli-it t' iiit- ;it t liore 'f tlii-i in ; iai of !!;•■ ; , i' . :iri • b,-.- i rM: snbscriiior desiriii'.; to ciiiijirate to the West. * i.tlors f r sale his entire incluling about •i\ huM'Ireil aori's. ‘jonorally known as (’halk Level. yi!i^ ill the ii!i:'.-i- eii'l of Uainett e-'unty, !i inik'S L’ast 'f I a;i'- l-'oar Kiver. aii'l on the road leading from Fay- -itoviilo ! I ( ha; -1 liiil. Store, l>\velling, Out Iluuses, i'-l in lii-.-,t rase -i-b r. The r^Jt- To is at a fiii'' business staii'l, an l is not to be xia-'.b 'l l y any . .iiin:ry store in the St-vte. There are i! -o np.'ii the p.romi-^os an excellent well of water with- !i 1.') or '.in steps ol th- lldu -e, a fine young orchard of ; rail i'rees. a 1' ii Var.i in perfect order, which pays w ■ ’.viiea i.i operati')!!. .\’so, a rdu»kstriith Shop I 1)\\ KLLING FOR 8ALK. THK Subscriber wisheg to sell the large Dvr«llin^ anil Lot oti the corner of Gillespie and Ruiiiall Streets, at present oeeupiud by Mr. Henry Eramb«rt. Torms reasonable. E. J- H.-\LE. T. O. & B. G-. WORTH, ('o.’umi.saioii «S: Forwardintr M ircharits, O Brown t Building, Water Slreft, n*ilmington^ ,,Y V , Tsual advances inado on consignments. N' V 11, 18.-.7. 6V-tf I). A. I.A.MOXl\ Commission Merchant, OFFICE 38 NORTH WATER STREET. I’eisonal attention given to all produce ueut to him either for sale or i>hipmeut. Xov’r tj. 57-1 ypd WILLIAM F\(;F, M. I)., MTTSnOilOUO .V. V. u R. PAGE may be found at hiv oflicB wben not professionally engaged. May I), 1857. 5tf ,it!i T Any Wi ■ or- II wi.-iliin^r to pnr-.'liase such a place would t-' c .11 anil oxaniiiie it f.r themselves. 1 am ■ tt-i !i;iii. 1 t I -li. and will make terms easv for the ui':,:... r A. Ii. I»i;\VAR. i'. ' lio iiTie of the In-althii »t in the SotitL- ,11 ! fa.ii. iil of V':'VCttOviiil> St'ick. r^.lt 1. 1 il^tf of' Lniid / * 'tti : ' Taken ; in the art. V, Uee 7, l>"o7. 0>j I i F . .NOS [O LFAJ>K. 'r.t;,tion, o.Jtitaiuing J )0 acres of cul- , 1 =:d. ou the -Jape Fear River uiue miles lovi . . will bo leased on the 0th day Jan’y 11'to bi'ldor, ijr one year, in parcels to - .it .'r ;ii t'* ill pi’ a. At till same time and place, >. i u i-i. u W'. .11 his t'i>RN, FODDER, and iiii-r pr;'iu.'.- >1 : = riautiition, including Fariuiug I K-n ills, sti \ i' iraiS. I .VTTLE, iic. Sale to lake p.aci' on vli'- pi. uiioo^ T S. LUTTERLOH. J. .V T. WADDILL. Dec’r 5. l- .j? litj-ts w lOO liLc'KvrnK.vr i 12 j lb. Uaga. J\i«t received and for ?,\le ■ by ' W. H. CARVER. I Dec’r 7. Cti- 1L>H! FISH!! . KITS M.\('KKREL and S.VLMOX. Just re- /W •.# ci'ivi d and tor sale by W. H. CARVER. I; 'r 7 06- IDH I asks (>r inline for sale bv W. H. CARVER. o FDlt KE.N'l'. Nl Fire-Proof WAREHOUSE. Awply to W. H. CARVER. 66- M KAVKo OR STOLEN. 4 'iALl 'iRhV llOl'.fcE, the property- of I). & W. ^ \ ■-l i-aurin, with the mark of the shoe on the • ■■a I i. sprung in boin legs, strayed or stolen III iiy -^tai-ie the night of the 1st inst. I will give • r> ■ d Five Dollars to any person returning .u : : nie. JOllA S. PERUV. i a;: ■ '.teviile, Dec. u. 6o-2w fiOBItCO, just ro- • ctivi-' aiid f'lr >ale hy W. H. CARVER. N', 4. 57- .V H> \>'f> .r\ V % COFFEE 30 Baps just .'k Y- ve'l ai d i r sa’e t.y W. H. CARVER. N -v r I. 07- w vi>Kii mi:I P & ’ rec‘ ' and for sale by W r I :tl08..4S«KS H. CARVER. 57- g ii.\K €’a:%e ‘•yrdi* just * rt'f'd and for sale by W. H. CARVER. Nov’r t. 57- Oo^irii’-TK' and COTTON V .I'tNS. just reo'd and for sale by W. H. (,'ARVER N- v r -1. 57- r.o:v:>^ TALLOW AND ADAMANTINE .V.N'DLI,’’''. ju.Tt ree d and for .sale by W. H. CARVER. New and Cheap G-oocls! ,j \ ( S . S now receivi...: a iai,;t- , • ; ■ ’ - ’ p . -' I'-y Goods, ani'Tig' «’:i li ai'- '' ■ ■ ■’ - ^ with every artici- in tho Dr\ G ia-v i‘ .. i-'-l,. >eing putchnsed by the paok-i-' -. 'viT ’ • "tb i wholesale or retail r.t a s u . •> o *--. --i i Mme to punctual u.sti nioi - Fayetteville, Sep^'r'J'-, i'--'V. bj .'%V#r S for ft of HOOKS AM) >’i\\no.M UV. E are now rcCt iviiij: • iir i -'ia’i .N"- Sioi-'- Hooks and Sta • ■ iiicr'. i':;-’t-i; , -t r it i rariety of ^icliool, f>a%«, aitil Together with a large and varici k cl t’.. V.Ni\ ROOKS. PAPER, ENVELOP IS. ,v, . Country Merchants aii'l others -u-. invite-J t . i..’’ S' we oiTer the abova stock on t:ie fie'-t foriiis. E .1 I! ALE S;iN. I Sept’r 28. VV. II. CAHVEIl Is now rece{vin>: his rtiii Slock or taooits, which is large and well sele‘ted. A call from oM triei.ds j •and the public generally is soiicite'l. .My stock is tO'- ^ ■varied to enumerate; every one c.in tin.l s.nuothing t!i:it i they want hy calling. All kinds of produce taken in j exchange for Goods. W. H. ’.\R\ ER 1 Sept. 17, lSo7. -iiitf I K> of M;.r Ll.V 1.,.- Lt V. i: -N'lv. IM. (\ S A !f i, • lb r *-'t' s if t!i'- ab-ijve Tra>;t of ail .ut two ui.d ■ lUi-r I''tl.- Kivor, near Elliot's lit t "lO ihiH'ired ,\(-res of guod lit- I a>;;ly .Irai-.it'l. 'Vlii-, Land 1. ail 1 a iar„e p.irtion level and ■ t' I'.Ill- L.-iit : f -r c111tivalion. ■TM S.\W-Mll L. in cnipleie ■'vi i; pl-i!ik r'a'l an ! rail I'w weli-broke \ll’LES ! i'-l;, niU l>o sold I'lW an'l 1 eithor iti a body ir in -iMlTli KLLl'oT. ''7-!f b ^iO ii 1 ti OF •ill :nti li i SALH. r i'tii-t.i lor saio th i tl- i in H h' altii v iii n.wii) Mci)ui-'i-n-;, MSt'irkmason nnti Pianterer^ tS prepared to do all kinds of work in his line, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in thia and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .-\pril 27, 1857. S-lV-pd B. F. PEARCE & CO., DEALERS IX FUKEirxN AND D03IESTIC DRY GOODS. HATS, CAPS, ROOTS AND SlioES. LiuLiellas and Rendi/-Made ('kithinij, HAY STRKKT, M'ayrtlevitle^ n\\ 4\ 11. F. I’K.\RCE.] [j. W. PKMIOE, JU July 'M. :i9-tf ii:o. ALDl JiM W, tHsprrtor of ,Vui'«ti Storfyi, WILMINGT->\, N. C'Ll' IT.-' pntronage. l*r unpt attention an-l nuick ^ despatch will be given t l.'ii.-^iness entrusted to his cure. Jnne 23, 1857. V.i-r.:mpd A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. \VI)..MINGT()N, N. 0. ■luly t>. 1^57. 22tf ,(Oli\ \\ >A.MPS().\\ Commission and Forwarding Mercliaiit, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will f:ivc puriiouiar i'tiention to the sale of Naval Or. Hawks^^s Hislory O I' > IS T II V A R O 1.1 :\ A . The Subscribers aro now prepared to furnish the lut volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up It may be obtained, either from us or from our General .\gent for the State, H. W. Horne of this place, or any of bis .\ssistant .\gents. The prioc varies according to style of binding: In handsome cloth ^I 25; in Library Sheup >*^1 50; in h-ilf Calf •'}!1 75. It IS 901,1) ONLY FOR C.^SH. None will he charged, either by ourselves or our .Agents. .V liberal discouu* will be made where ijuantities are taken to sell again It will lie sent by mail to anv’ part of the country, on receipt of the price and 24 cents to pay postage. The 21 Tolunui is in course of preparation. There will pri.tialdy be four or five volumes in all. The suo- cee'iing volumes will probably contain about 500 pages eaoh, ,-ind will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: lialf a cent a pag« fur the oloth bin.ling. 25 cents a l'litiontil for sheep and 50 c«nt# additional for the half calf binilinjj. E. .1. H.-VLE & SON. Fayetteville, April 29, i857- P. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, order* to him or to us, accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. an 1 : ■i i:l)it. I uri-0 Ih. sv ll;;,'i ; ri 1 I THE PKu:!!!: \T!tn nm.i AM' 1!VMt:i>y rrm BYSPSPSXA, i)isi:\si: or riii: kijakts. LIVER COfVJPl-A I NX, WKAKXF.SS OF .\XY KIXI), FEVER AND AGUE. Groceries, Hardware. nHE undersigned are now receivit; L SORTMENT of a LARGE AS- Gi’OC^Tie.'*, Hardwarf', iron. Hollo\v-\\ar*. Shoos. L‘ath«‘r, and Sad(!i*rv, which they will sell at Wh'*le‘ ile at asmall adv .noe on Cost for Cash, or on out usual time to promnt de.ilers. GEO. W. WILLIA.MS .k tO. July 18, 1857. • li‘>-tt ROUND FlNi: I.AM). nT'E offer for saio 2(HH) .Vl. KliS r-an ; I'ia • 1-ii- j pentine Land 17 miios fiom F.i; ■ t ii-.. le, ' - ! tween the Wistern and ’i*ntre ri-uik l’i.);i in—lao \! o - j ganton Road running through the sime .A barg.-iin | will be sold in these L.uds. For ).articul-irs •ipp'y j Mr. Charles Monroe near the Ian.I or to tue subscribvi'i'. J. J- T. WADDlLb. i Nov. 9th. 58-tJl TONS No. Aug. 28. GUANO. 1 PERUVI.\N GUANO, for sale WORTH J|- UTLE\. Nov’r 4. * (iiMiD A-'' \ hail i and f •'JRTME-.T OF r sale cheap by DRV 67- GOODS FOR 8ALF. A DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine and :m. common T0B.\CCO; and almost any tiling in the Grecery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G. W. Jan’y 27, 1857. I. GOLDSTON. 77- ■y'r 4. Aigus copj*. H. CARVER. 57- hLK>l ! CHFFSF! i n it received and for sale by W. H. CARVER. K nr Kersevs, just W. H. CARVER. Uofloil 1 V, I d 1- 1 ■ ‘iLntiu Mild Rope, just re- w H, carver. liO"t.-l p-e-. N‘ >'l I- I'. p • mbi r I orin I''•‘i, of t’., the CoK;.:y 'if I'iiin'icrland, - -;-.?lrator upon pors'in.s in- ,te payment, and 'I t'V II.. f'.r ii iviiii' (|i|ai; fii;-! .! iliii .ML-Lniiriii, r.c ' -;.ito I > make imnied! '•i: ;j: ( iaims against the s ii.l Estate to ; ■' ; - ly aiirhenticarcd within the time ■ '-'’lorwise this notice will be pleaded 50 1. 11' Chu! at;!. ()f 'he D. McLAURIN, Adm’r. 43tf l*r('sl)vrnrian I'salniodist- A fiu tner supply just received. E. .» hale it SON. GUANO. TONS REST PERUVIAN GUANO, ju t r\- teived and for a.ile b-.' UEO. W. WILLIAMS .'c CO. Aug. 31. -H- lU)OK FilNDFR' W. HARDIE has rrsnme I the I’onK l$indiii_' 1 BIL* Business, over the Tai'or SI o;> of Clark .v j Woodward, where he will receive aini execute biii'ji i r in any .style desired. _ j Auiiust 1. 2i li j • MSooks. '■ f*lHE Life of Chav’""- I'.n •lit*', -\nt*i'^r of .lati'>; JB- Eyre. .See ; 1 ho T'-stim n ' tl't* R->cU^. by Hii'/li i \Iiller: Salad lor thi- So'-i.--t, by the .AuJoor oi Sal;»-i j for the Solitary: Iniliireno.i; Kaoos ot the Earth, :.y i Nott iV (iliddon; 'I'Ue IJei- 1m ■ r’s ('b u t. .\lso. fur ther suppliefl of .\Iil!edu!'-t i: Too Prloro ot’the H'.u.*->-‘ of DaviiJ; .Mrs. Ilent/.’s .\.-ve’,--; Tlio P.Mj^ti-t I’aalnn. ly, ; Barnes’ Family Prayers: Christ n; Miioitrp!; Crndon’s I Concordance: Adams’s New Aritlvmeti-,: Parloy’s C,,t,i- j tnon School History: ^c- '■ •*- H.\l.h Jf SO-N ; Jutie 24, 1857. , \nil the vnri 'a- -ilii-rt in'; r ■n’-ciiupr.t iipi'n a iliiurilcrr.l STOMACH UK IJVKH, .iii-h T Imti'.'p'iiiiM. .\i lility of the Sioiiko h. (,'olirkv P i llt-»rtlnirn. l.i.'S ni ,\ ji;.. im-, I'-'i>iiiiil*-iu \ . l '>'iiVfiH---. ISlin i onl till ■ .lip" I'il*'--. I'l all .Ni-rV'iii- Ittii-U'ii liic. ami .N't tirr:.'!- liofi'^.ii h o in naiiii-r-.ii' iii'li.M .-^ h;"h!y liriirlii-a-il. :»ii*l III iitiii-r-i I llci-t'-il a ill '-ill' .1 run- 'I'ii.' i> a !i’.- r"iii:,iiiin(l. prcj: Tl il "tl 'lr;i t!y 'rifii I’fii pr tin- iii .niu-r ot th- roa-Iir-itnl il'-ttiinil IV. (i""r. ll"-rh'ivt'. !li i 4a^»‘ ■' i'.' «rt il su.-iia iiio^t "t itn- Kiir"; '.n State-, it' iriipnlii''tiiin ; :tii tlif Cii.lfi! sT-iH'- « .■ .a I i.-ii.-cl MiiTf !-|-pi-iaUy I t iln.-c n|' I'lir rmln-r -iiiii s. -itliTi'il tn-re ■ anO ih' r.- ' I.'T l! ' !■.■».■ "I' llii' iii--jlil\ .■iiiliilrv' « lii 1 uri'ai -.in-"-e- Hiii.iiii! iheiii. 1 mivv otfi-r it tu tin- .\uit-rii-Hn |>ui*l c. , knowiiijj tiiMl il-> iruiy \\-iinlerliil luoil cmal \irtu's ina'st lie ir kini\\lt‘tiu'il. i It is pirtinilarly rpri'iniiirmli-1 li> ttm-ie i«-r'on» » ho«r roii'Iitu- I t,.,r.'Ill IV liavi- b' a imi'tirt.l I'y Ui*' laiiUtnanii-ii-t-nt anlnu -I'-rils, '.r I'l'i.T riii!'i "I ili'S jp.-itiii'i. (.I'lv rilly in'lanlanodii'i in ] ll'i'Ot. il liiiil’' II' Aay ilire. tly In tin- -e il it lili;, tiirilliia’ami ciai. n.-iiiin£'-v.-ry 11. rv.-. r.i-.-i'. up lli'- itr'>'ii>in:: spirit, anil, in ■ l ii-l. inlii-.nj ni " li“ ill I'xl v..-..r oi tli.' -y-lrm. I ,\iiri r.—W liiK r * \tifi !■> to Iinil tills H lir\T»i:e w il I lie (h- ■ ippiiinleii; Imt t" lln- i. k. w.-ak ami low >p.nir.l, it will poAt- i j L'r.'tctiil nfiiiiiatii- r.irdial. piiise>'eil I)!'inaiil-.r rt-mi'ilial pr.ip?rii.'- I (AtlTlu.N: riio i:i' li piipuUir.f. of till'.l.-li^litfui .\roiii.» li .s imliii.-.l iiiaay liiiiiatiiiiis. whii'h tlio p'llili.- vtiiiiild t;iiari at: on>t |inr li .-iiiL’ r.i- 11"! i«-r-ii nlcil t.l liuv anythin:; eise ualil yiiii havi- uivcn liav.-^ Ilollanil r>itttrit'.iir trial. >ne liottlou'll toil'iiic*- \ >11 liii'v iiifln'tely apiTiiir it i- I> all those imitatinns. ■si.on per botllc. or six liotlles (nr S.'ion. Iiy ihr .-()I,K !• I! » I’li 1 ItTn H. A Y1B .\ E'A«!:, Jit. A CO. M .\ S r !■ A ( T r R 1 N o PHARMACEUTISTS A.ND CHEMISTS. I^ITTSIJL'KGII, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale =ole agent for F.iyetteville. June I-l, 1857. Ib- IIOOP IRON. A L.MIGE lot of Hoop Iron for (’otton. For sale j jt^L low, by JAS. G. ('OOK Nov’r fl. 5S-2m ub.ive ijuatitity lli orh' ‘I'l, tlirro . ti. ■'ii'.;'^. .lli all 1 (,'U-ir’,..tlo Rail lloa-l. I ”1 I. -1 ;livi ,\ Tiii' Li'i'l is woli 1'Ii-!iib-_r, ii'ine. lul 'f'>n limber lr.C ;;i 1 'i 1 r iii'j'-anl other adv intage-. , v-;siii.-:: to I’lir. Ii .so may fiioi me on the [iro- \ vwi-: ..i • ipp;. ; ’ oxiiibit it "f ^ive any in- ),t; 'i; . ' .. ' -lli ' - it I- -i: o 1. WGI S McGlLL. i a I- pi -.J. N. ! , Sept. 1, '. ^'iT p>tf I'AilM I'OK SALF ^ i rrr. 1'!^i'■ ny PL\NT\T10N en the East ti stile of C.-ij •• Foil’ Ktvi'f. miles Jih.ive the Claren- ■1 ill l«ri I'ie, kti. w!i as tho TDomer Latids. containiiig -.f'.iut acres. Tlio I’l.iniation is iu a good state of cuitivation, ati l is - iisi optibio nf b-^ 'ng m.-i le ono nf tho m '-t pT' iilabto F iriii' in tlio ('ounty. I will givo u b.i\:iiii ill til'- ’. 'I', i'l. '!u 1 make tho time of pay most easy if applii-iti ni is m-i lo in a foiv weeks. .•\ddres3 lu'j at (Julf, N. C. J. L. HAUGHTON. 'itt'r Iti. 52- Fo>,- Stores, t’otton, &c. I.OVKRI) KLDHIDGE. 85-tf attonii tlie C.)urts of Johnston a::il Samp- ,-;oii Comities. Smithtielii. .Vpril lo. 1^5'i. !*ii-tf THO. C. PULLER. • Iftonifff an ft 4'ottusellor at tjair. FFICE at Evclos's Bridge, recently .^ci'upie'l by .lames Banks, Es'p, Fayetteville, N. ' Jan'3’ i, 1857. 7 Fire insurance. T E refer our readers to the annual statement of the vEtna Insurance Company, of Hartford, i which will be fotind in another column. This success- i ful instituti.in was incorporated by the Legislature of J Connecticut in 181'.*, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is .i5()i>.i)iM>, and its accumulations exceed I 10,000 more, making its entire assets over $300,- 1 (M)0, invested as detailed in the statement referred to. ] These l e.sults in Jicate that during the period of nearly ’ forty ye:irs since its or^aniz'ition, (w’ithout a single I change of its chief officer,) its business has been con- ' diict.'d with _iii b'lrtent and prudence. It has been i thus far succossiui in an eminent degree, discharging, I as we are itif.irm-d, all its oblig-itions by the payment j of .-:b('Uf tl u rtiiili'Hi d-iUan fur iosses, without ,'i^king a ! day’s dol.-iy iti any i'.i-oan- e. It has Iri 1 but little lit- ' igatiun, ni'*witlistaiiiiing fho immense i.uiuberoftrans- I a‘tiori' In oi'loi- to a't-iin as niuch i.ntainty as I ]' ssi'olo ill -uch a busiiies.s as ins.iraiice, it has been . tho prai-ti." ut th'‘ C'lmpany. l"r several years.^ nt gre.-it iali. I-. -ar I'ully t' cius ily aii'l ariatige their risks int'i aViout fii'ty 'iis'inot classes, s-i as to ascertain ; the am iiiit lasui e l on oa ;h class, tiie amount of pre- I niiiims ri-c-ivv'l th'-it-on, !imi tho arn'iuiit of losses up I (.n t>!ioh. This cl'issifii-atiou, extt tiding over a long I period.and (-ovori’ig property to a very large umount,fur- I iiishes reii.ibie data, aii i juesetits a sound, substantial basis ofactii.-il cxpi rictico. upon which t . conduct its busines.'*. Itisiiiance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; ils haz.ir ls are ascertain-ible, and its principles oap.ible of iiein:j reduced to a system, the jiractic^l w -rking and lesuits of whicii are as certain as tii.-it of «ij\ other business The .Etna Company, by adhering rigi'iiy to its system, :ind pi iciiig its busi ness upon a healthy b'lsis, h-is obt iine'J the confidence ' of the coiinnunity to -iii extent surpassed by no other Co:njiany in the U. States, and has increased its busi ness an'l its incl ine from year to year witli a steady growth. >ne gi - at source of its >ocurity is the wido ■listrihutiou of its risks—a pwlicy which it pursues v.ith great st'.io'ness—limiting the amount to be cov- crt-1 in each l-icality. By this course it h.-is passcl, with coiiijiaiative impunily. through some of the ntosl sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up 'itlier conipanies less cautious in their business. It is a systein like this, bascl apun experience, which gives stability anl s iiinlness ti> a company, anl to the as- 8 red c'uifi lence and security.—JJallimore J’atrioi. Worth & XJtiey, Foruardint; and (T(Mieral C'onnnission MFRCHANTS, l tOMlMAi, UAR'i'FORl), CONN. INCOKPltP.ATIlD ISl'.t. CHARTER PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. i NOriC’F. I AHE -ub?criber having, at June Term lS.'i7. of the j I Court of I’leas and Quarter Sessions fir the j .'loiinty of Cumberlan-l. >iu-ilified as .\ihiiitiistrat"r i upon the Estate of Willie F. .Moore, l.ereby n. tifies all ' pci sons having cbiims against tho said Estate to presoi.i i t'le s.-it.io properlj- .-lutlientioaio'l witlna the time jin - ' cribO'l bv law, otherwi-e this notice will b« pb a.icl in b.ir nf th-ir recovery. D. btor.s to tho sai'l Estate will please m ike payment inuiiediat'.- y. E. F. M'HiRE. .iunt‘ '■>, 1.''57. I'^tf LAM) FOR SAl.i:. .4^. .V' RES L.VND iying on the (’amden St-iiro II -i-l, 1-') miles South of F'.-iy- etti-ville. The Land i‘- well timbered, and admir.ibly ad.-ipte'l for Turpentine nr Farming purposes; and lies b«‘tween the .'■^ou(heri) Plank Road and Big Rockfish, —coiivenient to market. There is on it a comfortable frame House, Mill Site .'ic. .Any information may be obtaincl on the premises from Mrs. Mary Nelson, or bv ensuring of JAMES BANKS. Att’y, Fayetteville. .\ug. 13. 33-tf I ’ FOR SAI.F. iJ’fUE DWELLIN.J HOUSE .\ND LOT on (Jillespie . ii Strei't, :it prosent occnpicl by Doctor McSwain. Perfect title can be ma le. .Apply to THO. J. CURTIS. A I.SO A Ci'Hlp FAMILY CAIIBI.\GE in good repair and ' nearly new. Will be .sold forh.alfits value. —ALSO— I fi good MILCH COWS with young calves, .\pply to ' T. J. CURTIS, ; April 2‘*, 1857. 3tf | FAYF/n i:\ ILLF iTo'FF*. ~ | Fnniilure iiiid Fixtnre.s lor S:ile. 'S'lHK above naim-il }iroperty will be sold to any « responsible person, upon fair terms, 1* • r>n1ied for between the present time and the 15th of Decem ber next. If not s'lld by the 15tli of Dec., they will be sold at .Auction .ifter the first day of .lanuary next, in lots to suit purch:isors .\ny information wanted will be (-lieerfnlly "iven by applying to J. II RiMlERTS .v ('O, Fayetteville, .S-ptetnber 12, 1857. T. K. r>K-\CE, President. E. G. RIPLE\, Vice Pre sident. T. .V. .ILEX.lNDEK, Secretary. DitiKcroHs —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buoil, M. Tuttie, E. Flower, E. \. Bulkeley, R. .Mather, E. (i. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z. Pratt, G F. Davis, A. Diinham, D. Hillyer, T. .\. .\lexander, W. Keney. \~ST TT •T'TT'RT NT The .Assets are maiidy invested in Stocks and Bonds, J- V X^JjXAN VX A wi , piiying interest, with S:i72,i>4 61 of cash on deposite (’unimissioii Merchant, No. 4 Nortli Witter St., i« Hartford Banks, to meet losses. ’ , liossfs aue un'i unpai^i—uoue. Losses ii'ljusteii ninl not iiK\ ^*5. Faffi'ttcritte^ .V. WORTH. (^’“tf) JOS. ITLEY. WILMLVGTON, N. C. ILL give his prompt personal attention to the sale or shipnient of all Consignments of Naval Stores or other Country p.'oduce. Nov. s, I Soli. o l>r. U. A. ItI.AC'K, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S. J. Hinsdale’s Chemist and Drug Store. r»i-tf /'l^llE C. busine.-^s w' Nov. ‘2ii. i-irlnor IV- liso l‘b;> -c- Norici-:. diip d 1. Marsh, C.-iri-oll !ll’lfll-|l :-|l JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM, o ^1 n I «I « A AXD F() R W A R1)IN(; M I: RC I! A \ 1\ li*ifinin^ton., .1*. f\ Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and C.isli advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 I jOSI-:PH liAKFR, .Ik.. ' ATTOBIAKV AT LAU , UAS taken an office next door to W'm. B. Wright’s Law oflice on (Jreen Street. He will attend and : practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen. Robeson and Sampson, i March 23, 1858. 7H-tf i “LAW COFAR'FNFRSHIF.” ■ ti/' E, the undersigned, have this day fornied a L iw Cojiartuership, and will practice in the Court-' • if tho following counties of this St.ate: (Jh-itham, Cutn- ' li'.'rlaii'l, Moore, Harnett; and the Sujireme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. t JNO,. MANNI.NG. l it'tsV-irongh. N. C., Jan’y 1, T^5(i. 72tn' Losses in suspense, waiting further proof, &C., >75,- 850 15. Losses resisted, (suspicions of fraud, &c.) •'}i46,678 72. Agent of the above Company in Fayetteville, X. C. E. 4 HALE. NOlFFil CAROLINA RFAl'ERS. \l I A.\l> 1>RL1*ARKD WITH SPKCIAL REFERENCE TO THE WANTS and INTKRKSTS OF •Vorth i'arolhia. UNltKR TIIK AUsnCKS OF TilK FI'KUINTKM^KXT OF CO>l' MuN IIY r. U. Kliiblmrfl., I'noKESSOl: OF TIlK I.ATIS I.\Si;|-.\«;K ,\M> I.ITKRATURB IN riiK uN'nEK.'iTV Ol .\oimi u.uioli.na. bv r- 'I c \iC;o..L. .■VH 1 I'f-Fl);. M \RSH. ■ > ft i>FFF RF>'FR CA)\L. ri L''1!Xt)us Coal of the iiest -(U 1 iil y ' ii; .it 3^ Had at the works .it Egypt, at ii reas.iiia'in j'l't r.ui. \v ^I. .Nict i..v.vi'. ^!itlinJ: Etigiiioor, •J) i ■ . i;-i t Jby CONTAlNfNt.* .V l'AMViI.'\r. ItlsTOKY ANl> DtSCRIl'- j TION (IV NOIiril CAHOEINA. I Selections in Pr.'se and Verse; many of them bj cniiiiont citi/.cns of the State, i mSTORlC\L AND CHRoNoLoGIC.U. TABLES. .\nd a variety of Miscellaneous Inforni ifion and Sta- ti--tirs. bv . ai. \viii.s:v. Number is a new aii't rovisi- I ciition of the North Carolina Itea'ler. first jiubiisho l in IH.'>1. Nuiabers I aii'l 2 just issuo'l. coiuploto tho series, whi.di is, as a wholo,\-hoap«r than any othor series of Readers in the United Staler, miol as c.miplete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard; in his Preface to Num ber 1 dertiis it j-topor to itl’iiidf to .a few-of the peculiar advanl-iges aiiuo-l at l,>y the Superinteudeat of C'jinnion .'^chnols whilo making efforts to have this work coui- Tib-tod These are, 1 The rnriiunijcinrnt 'if ti friliuy of sflf-diri'ni'lfnce. an l tlif et-listment of p..pular sentiment in bohalf the State ai i its iustitiit: ,:i^. it wa“ n portatit, li wev.r. t I'.ivt rucr tl,aii ' the K--I !'-rs Ilf mei b. .■ 1. ;-il tntei-ew 2. 7'» remedtf the fi'i -// ini n f^cliiio'n I'l It juiji/^^lic’t ( in nsivo liHtiii, a:.11 ..:u* ,f :'her *h'/:i;rlit irij ijiiiii^tr 1 : iin-vt i.ttI'g thf in £M!E nndi t irney t t'l mak- a I goner-illy to do were 1 \u i i-.-uetievi!. N(vnci:. ■r>igt‘.ed having esi 'uted a power i' t .\r E. F. Mo ir'-. he is ih i-oby authorizi"! sc(t!e!:.onfs f-r me an 1 in my name, :it: trari-a't nil iiusiriess as 1 miglit or c.iui-i -otiiVy present, J. J. .\lOO,.E. o, Juno •'!, i “N'n. lotf DOTOR Fll.\rJK WIIiT.’^ v'Fj.i'ji,; \’ri:i> \{\\\ tl •. -u: '-on'i'M It' a I i»L V\i\S i;,r sole at this Office SCHOOL iit);)Ks. J.MITH’S English Grammar; I’o'crson s Fnt.. '-ir cience: Boh.iiar’s Fables: Ftiierson’s .\rtfii; ic: lioluiar’s Freiieli Orammar: ■' ovoil’s U. S. Spc . .er; Sargent’s Standard Speaker; Norm Carolita Readers; MitcheU’» Geographies; Quackenbus's Rhetoric: &C. E. J. li.-i.LE Oi SON. Sept. 4, 1857, i> I'M- Sept. . ./F I ().N I».\t1NG. Ill and GUNNV B.VGGf.NG in (juantities ti imichasoi's. For =ale by JAS. G. COOK. 4otf as iiiu'ie a'-ra;i-/--:ii - - ■-'■ iti-.- G‘-aniiie .\rtii i> la i -! iho sab' ot tiie above briii- Bye Whislu-y in tnis plac F i[.p iOl Oct .iFsr RF,i:i>iv::i). B )X11' of that 8uji.-rior ROOK ’.\NDY TO- ’».\CCO O. W. 1. G'tLDSToN. 5, 1857 • If „e -■,-.1, S'tSe i. W III I 'i.le-l. I.. i.id th- t!i HOBT Mli'i .May 4, 1S.;7. H'lLL. 5tf 1 !'l C ■ .11 Will. I I. FA.NO itAt.s i‘;,i;cV{ ' -’.27 do. COLU M '1 IS the Cost of i \ .i til 'j'ANNhIR S i)jL vV DUV lllDl^S. I'.I’LS. Tmiiier’s oil.—a superior ni licie; also, a tine let of Dry Hides. Nov. 28. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 62- N. t coiiiiexi"ii ti.jon very tnuch diiniiii-'hod, m>'!,;.i. have proveil that the j)!iospliato, .>( -,luanoes in bii^ -peri- luu. '/ant ing in the I’eruviti’'*. not oniy iucreus;;s the yit l. but conibiiied with the Columbi in Liiikk--'> crop much moro Cl riain. p'or sale by D. .iii W. McL.-iUillN Nov U, 18-56. 64if S'ttrtiter Sitptifirs of ^Wtr iSooks. ,i VBKL V.\U'iI.V.N', by the .\uthor of the Lamp lighter; .Shirley, by Currer lieli: ’»l"rmonis'ii, I by Elder lly'le; La .Marline’s H st-'ry of Turkey; Mn-s Si-le; ■■Quits,” by the Baroiieas l.-iutpiujcus; .VI'iotTii j Heli>i-in l.xaiiiinel, hy I. C. Stiles; .Maic in s B.t.ers ^ I Analogy; Hatfield s .Viuerican HoU'e Car; enter; Nodes , chihLnii C"ni/io.iiti"US I .Vnibrosianae, E.lited by Dr .McKenzie: K.iiie s Arctic l-splorations; Appleton’s Cyclo,. e.lin of Biopmph; , Sctiooi Rocks, A:c. E. J. H.\LE i SON. : Oct. 24. I i .'t 1 I p ! • 1st i:i-l i will'.. I- ;,tol Clll. aniiu'iiiy. 4. Tu ,"it i l the kmnU f I positi inf mjJ.ri, nttii f ii:iilvir ..-h is >• f.-A- • : is be i .- i! til.- - 'i SI ! ‘’nin ji'i -evei :u ' ■ par. I:! I'l-ii.U IH -- ,.S\ oil' ini' I,"Ti;, aii'l r- .i;; ‘The Old North State iii 177(),” by 1 Carutbers,—first and second Series. Just received. E. J. HALE & Si>N. !or aU mutter. iT> 1 incui a' . pr.ip' instrui'tion. , , _ The prices are, for .No. I. -■> cei.t*; So 2, cents; and No 3, 75 cents. .\ liberal do.nicti' n Ironi these prices to .\Iei '. Iiaoti- a:i I Scli.j.d ! e u-lier.. ^ E. .J. SON. Fvvettev;l!e, July 2'J.

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