SBMl-W EBK I, Y \OL. VII.] PAYHTTKViLLi:, N. C.. DIXJIvMHKK J4. In57 [NO. 068.] 1' :INT1:D MOMtAVS AN1» Tm ilS:»VV.S !:;)W\Kn j. mu: a so\. i;!)lTt'Ks; A\:> I’u-H’Hi i;T»ii:s. Pr, ■ ; .1 me S. ;:ii-''.Vf.!!;!y On-4Knvia '• ifffii li n iva: -je; >3 'ii' if ji-ii i •iuriii- the \ e:ii j’'su^boi!; ti-ii. >1 tho ytvir liii- '".I'ircl. p li- .iio Wt-i-kiv I i.i; (lit j,,-!-, if j ai i ! s lvuiK *', 'iuiilig tlu' _\ 1 ;ir .'Ul;a li| ti.iii: . r 1 UU :ifl«-r tlif i-sir luis expired. AllVKU 11-''1-M I'N 1 il f'-.r sixty l oi.ts ] c ■■ ’ ' • - /•’/?ecs/i SSI 9 \IL ^: 1 -iir : t-. . - t F:l \ ihMT I: i j'ul'iio ! M.-.i h. LA YL'J: Cl' k.MSlSs. ' .1/ in.lo n.ts, /1: ,.h I . //-/'/■ • f'lI s; . IJuffft IIhi itl. i. iiiifj f T tiie first, ami thirty - f..r th •t'i li!;>; l>'il>'i!i:ition. Vi.-uly :i'lvi rti>eiiK'iit I'v i i>iiir;n. t;. ut reu.-iuualile ratt s. ,\ JvortiM'i s ni o lesteil t" •'tutf the iiumljer of iiisertii'Ub iK'.'ire'i. >ir ■ wi’.I ■ cnntiiiued till f.;rl)i,l, ai.'l i-bai L,t il .'u'ci m!- A'ivertisements to he iuscrteil char}:^! ')•> t '>i cent, i xtra. >i:i.i:c'r c las^icwl sniooi.. fJlllK ueit-Session of thoi»x;>rii (irainmar S.cli-ii\ will eoiuiuf'iice (>u the Sec'H'i Monilay in Jaii’y. .1. !i Ht li.N I'.ll. l’riaoi|, .1 iixf'i'.l, N- . l>ec l^'T. i)-> tS r»AM\ OF W ILMLNii ro.N. fB^inS 15ANK has decl.iroii a illvlacnd of 1 jcr r, i;t i j'lyable on the lUih Suii-iiTiiitioiis to Sti. k auie ufier the l''tii iiist , olil i., tutit.i-I to it t’‘:o.-t t ;ne rate ■ 1 t per c.ut. ;'»-r -’uuu:u, ;i 1 next iii\i'i« ti . S J 'W h 1 T • ash'r [(CO. Jil. ..i i'.'i'rii. JaMj> a. OF SAINT LOUIJ?, UOL LL> riipecifuHy infillII, the i-itii-riS ifF iv- ettevi. J iiLi.1 vi.i;*ii_> tiiat li>‘ i. ir- i.-.Kf.i lio .iu.' jver Mr. llujih GiuLu’.ii's i .uti.iii^ fcture, wiicieLe is prepared to luaiie SIDL'R i LATK nrrVRKS .a accoruttuce with the LA 1 k.'T 1M1 iioVK.'lKN' S • a the Art, liiid tLat arc auj.eri. i, in tilcct. J;iiiuciuess atid delicacy vf sliadi.ig, to hii_\ thing that has yet beea pioduced g.ass, ieathtr or t-heft iroi). The Silver-juate I’icture pjj-sesaos alto uckiiow .edged superiority for 1 urabilit,\, uvcr evsry .^ther style ; wf pictures made at the prvsect tiina. ■Mr. P. wouid reuiarit tiiat, T jra iiinite 1 time, he will iiu'.d hiuiselt in reaUiuess tu make I'lctures iu strict hc- ; ourdauee with the abo>e ri-j.resentatioui, of all nii-.s, truDi the smuiiest L'.'cket, upward Those desirous of i_'btaiL.iiig I’ictures of themselves ur frieuas, are respectfuil^ bolicitovi to cull, and luy laoH'j sLiiil be T(J PLEajsK. The most suitable dre;* i» always dark ur figured. aToidiug white. Views of Huildicgs Taken. Instruoiions given in the art. Fayetttviile, C., Dec 7, l-o7. C»'> LAM)8 ro Li:\SE. Ashe Plantation, containing iS-jU acres of cul- tivating iand, on the Cape Feir Kiver nine miles »bove Favetteville, will be leased on the 0th day Jau’y next to the highest bidder, lor one year, iu parcels to suit or all to one person. At the tame time and place, T S. Lutterloh wiii seil his ('OU.N, FOuDhll, and ■jther produce of tne Pianiation. in-.'ud'.ng Farniiii” L'tenslis, stock of lliJGS, CAl'l'l F., mc >ale to take piace ou the premises. T LUTTEilLOIl. J. i: T. UA1'1»1LL. Ltec’r i>, IboT. tj'i-ts s'l'i ts; S'tfi)>ii)i; hijh- sit r; Si (n ■ /cs; / ■*(. -/.-/ei 1 (h/^irr.; S •nid Pickles of all kinds. —AI.SO— r>utti r, IJuston, Cn aiii. l.eiiiiin. Cup. Fancy .iini SiKin ('iMcki’r.>;; Ln^ isli l*.iiry and Ne>v Vurk State ('Ilf! ai;'i a tc\v lirkii:# No 1 (l. ^hcii lJutter: which illl* will l;,w f.>r('.\»ll i-.NI.Y. M HANKS. Crecn Street N-'v'rl’l. .\rirus I'lii.v 5 .irsr lii'/i'i jlKO.Nl tlie Norilicrn cities, for the tsecond time this si'.as 'II, with ‘HU* i>f the llanilsoiiii'st Hiiil Krally (lieupi'st Storks of /?#..##> i\LOTiii,V4i; Stajih’ 'Uni J-'atii-^ Dry (In'nh; L'lf&st uj / 'ii!i.s,’)iirre aiiil SUh Jiovts mid S/iois; Irun/i.s iH'l tuui'ij (iuud^i 1 e'vcr oilcrctl til purciiaM'rs in this market. The I rcs-iit st'c - p irti 'n'arl; L iviiij; I)eeu pur i haso l nil ;■. r very fiv.'i able cu cuin.^t.inces.—:it the ido^ er cri'i'. \vh. n d'i were low and cash sc.irco. — :.l,d W’ ‘ i:;.T 1 tiiv r. r. be at a 2rcat r iuction of ■alv tall reri-i'-'tfw'’V il.oUt, lli.v iii: \M> . F'lyi't t STARH & Wli-LIAMS I:: . OND STOCK FOR . 1:A>i-N. I - llrv *oou«, Koot»^ !IF now l.l.S and rthich they invite tiie attention eis generally. I?. Staru ] Uct'r '1, 1 hoT. of Whoiesals buy (J. M. \VlLLIA.M» 4'J-tf lOO Dec’r (. BLCKWllEAr MHAL. 12^ lb. Bugs. Jusi rec.;ived and for sale by W. 11. CAKVF.K. 00- New and Cheap Goods! JAMKS KYLL I.? now receiving a largo and general supply of Dry Goods, amcng which are 6j)lendid Dress Goods, with every articie in the Dry Goods line. All of which, leiuj; purchased by the package, will be offered by wholesale or retail at a small advance for c.-ish or ou •.iiiie to punctual customers Fayetteville, Sept’r 26, 18')T. 4i;-tf .IV’ir Stork of liOOlvS AM) STA'l'IONHRV. U' E are now receiving our usu.-il New Stock of Books and Stationery, embracing a great variety of School, ^Irelii’al and .llist- cellaiK'uiis llook«!>. Togetii T with a iar^re and varied Stuck of l’.I..VNK LioUKS, PAl’LU, F:NVELuPES, a:c. Country .Merchants and others are invited to call as W8 oiler the above stock on the best terms. F; j. IlALt &. riUN. 8er)t'i -S. I IIit‘(1 ^tatf'w ot* Aiiicrii'a. Dislrn t ('oiiit ot tht Lnitf-'i Shiff- fur thi' iJis- (t iff of i’i)pp Fi.(tr, in the DiMrirt (>f Norik !'nrnfin'j. ' ^/ mil;''; 1 libel has be(‘M tiled in the Dis^ri't ; *?■ V t'oiirt of tin' United States, for tlii- l>i.-ti-:cc Cape F'ear, in the Distrii-t of North (.'arolina on tin- . loth day ol Novcinbo!', IbioT, by Wil'.iaiii \1. !Iair;.'->, a;;: ii.*t the IVirk .J. i;i«.d;;;et, h r tai-kic, ‘ai parv!. Iiiniiturt- and .•■irgo, ailcgiii^ in substance, tliat trc sail! IJnrk wliilo on her homeward voyage ironi Turks'.d to the I'ort of New York, laden with salt. ab:nil the ililh of September last encoanter^•d a sevrre storm and by the violence of the winds and the waves, was driven upon Buzzaid's B.-iy lleach, and thcreuiioii the Captain and Commander of s iid I’.ark, Daviii M.ore, leit his said Bark upon said Bu/zard Bay ikou'li, and came to the j'ort of Wilmington anti consi^neil ,- iid I'ark to the Libellant and asked for a Tow Boat to rr- lieve said Bark from her perilous ))osition and to l)ring her into the Port of Wilmington to receive such ri'paii s as were necessary to enable her to prosecute success fully her intendeii voyaiie. That in oliedienc;- to the ; wishes of the said Captain, this Libellant procureil the services of Captain Benjamin W. Berry, who with his Tug the Steamer Henrietta, proceeded to saiil Bca.h and succeeded in dragging her otV, and carried the said Bark in safety to the I’ort of Wilmington That upon her arrival in said Port of Wilmington, the said Libel lant was obliged to pay and did actually pay bills fcr repairs and towage and pilotage, and also s large sum to the seamen employed on board of said Bark lor their wag«s, and made other advances more particularly set forth in the schedule annexed to the said libel, amount ing to Eleven Hundred and sixty-six Dollars That the said advances were necessary to enable the said l?ark to pursue her voyage and earn iicr frei>;ht. and were made in a Port where said Bark did not be long, .and where tlie owners did not reside, and wvre made on the credit of the said 15ark, as well .as of the Owners thereof, and were to pay charges and dem.inds wiiieh were at that tiTac a ’ien on s.iid llaik. .and by the payment thereof this Libellant became in Law ! ■ .;ated in plac.- of tlie parties tv wh un t:ie p i vni-nts w* re made, .and l)ecame entitled to hold .aad proceed ai:d cidi'r'u; the 1 cn of K.iid demands fur hi. own le- iinbursjinent. .\nd the sail turtiier i^ray* pr ■ :i ;aii.^t tl'.e 1’. irk or Vea.-cl, her app ii'cl, t.uMf. and firiiiture, the amount due the Libell.ant in the preniisps with C'ists. and that the “^aid Bark, )i r tackb', apparel and furniture ni.iy be c.)ii- demiied and s )ld to pay s.»ii amouut with costs, charges nnd e.xpenses. Now. therefore, in pursuance of the monition UTider the seal of the said Court to me directed and deliver ed, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claim ing the saiil Bark, her tackle, apparel, and fnirniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear before the said Court to be held iu and for the District of North Carolina on the second Wednesday of January nest at eleven o’clock in the forenoon of the same day at ('hambersiu F'ayetteville, if the same shall be a day of jurisdiction, otnerwise ou the next day of jurisdiction thereafter, then and there to interpose their claims and to make their aileg-itiona in that behalf. Dated the iSth day of November, WESLEY JONES. U. . Marshal. byJNO. J. CONOLEV. D. >i. A. E.mimk. Jr., Proctor for Libellants. Nov. TJ, lb57. C2-7t BOSXIHAVK’S ilOLLA.M> {tmilitS H.SH! I'JSII!! \v Dec’r 7. KITri MACKLKFX and SALMON, ceived ai*d foi' saie by Just re- U U. CAUVEPv. 00- lUO Casks of Lillie tor sale bv W il. cakver. o FOlt l!i:.\T. NL Fire-Proof W aKF;H -L'i^E. -^pply to W. II CAKVl K Dec'r 7. otj- >TRAVh.J OU srOLi:N. 4 S.M.iLL (iRL\ lloR.''E, the pr’pert^- of D. it W. jTjL .'»cl-:;urin, with *lic uirtiK uf tiie shnc .u tlie iiui 1 fet ocks, tptung in both le^-, str.iye I stuleu ifMin my stab.e the nigtit .f the l.-t iii?t. I will g!ve ‘■he reward of F'ive Doiliiitj to »Any person returning iiicu to me. JOHN S. PEliKV. Fayetteville, Dec. o. Oj-ilw ci^ived aad lor sale by Nov’r 4. rOII.ICCJO, just re- U. H. CAKVER. 12 lO ■ received and for Nuv’r 4. \\D .1 4V % C'Oi'Fr.I-:.—Rags just , ale by W. H. CAFIVER. I.W VOKH HYKl 1» just rec’d and for sale bj' "v'r 4. & llOI. W. H. CARVER. 57- r SI CAKE M lil P just L rec’d and for sale by W’. H. C’ARVF^K. Nov’r 4. .'»7- II. CARVER Is uow receiving his Fall Slock or aooDs, which is i tr^e and weL scltcted. .-V c.ill trom old friends Slid the pulilic .ictii rally is S 'licitcd. .My ^took is loo varied to enumeiate; every one c in tinii sonu iliiiig that tiiey by cadiiijj. All k;i*us of proJu.:e taken in cxciian^v I'.r Go'id:-. if. C.ViiVKR Sept. 17. \c~j7. 4J'f linriuar(\ Uiid'I signed au ih w receiving a L.-VRGK .\S- il MiiU.Mi.NT ..f Gi’OCcries. Hartluarc, lion, Stet;l, Hollow-n an*, Slioes. Leather, arid ^adtllcry, which thi-y will sell at Wholesale at a small advance on ('ofit for Cash, or ou our u.«ual time to prompt dealers. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. July 1«, 1857. 20-tf ROUXl) l‘L\H LAM). «E offer for sale’JO(JO ACRES round Pine Tur- ¥ w pentine Land 17 miles from F'ay .'tteville, be tween the Western and (Centre Plank Roads—the Mor- gauton Road running tlirough the same. A bargain will be sold in these land.-. For particulars apply to Mr. Charles Monroe near the land or to the subscribers. J. I. W'ADDILL. Nov. 0th. 58-tJl £J0TIKJ>*TI€' and COTTON YARNS, just rec’d and for sale bv W li. ('ARVER. Nov'r 4. 57- DOXE.' TALLOW AND ADAMANTINE CANDLES, just rec’d and for salt- by W. II. CARVER. Not'f 4. 57. DRY GOi.>DS on W. H. CARVER. Au-. 2S TONS No. >-y GUANO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, for sale WORTH A- riLEY. A GOOD AS^O^lTME T OF % hand and lor lalu cheap by N'-v'i 4. .\r>;us copy. FOR S \Li:. A D.\M.\NT1NE and TALLOW' CANDLES; fine and » common T015.\'CO; and almost anything in the Gri^cery line. Cheap as the cheapest! G. W. I. G0LD8T0N. Jan’y 27, 1 H-}7. 77- roi? SA!J'' -j. 'tHI-; f.dlowiii: V \ l,r.\i;i.!’ IM'.Al. ESTATI'.. :' e jiropcrty ‘d' I., t' ll.m dcc’d. ;s offurwl ftiv » • :t;i i coi;ois‘s ii!' tlf l.'iluwiiig tracts: 'i hfit I'bi.- ' k'lnwti :is llinue, coiit ‘iii- i'lg a>iiiii‘ J’'.') \‘ Tc>. v.itli :ill the iuiprov*mciits. riiis Ii^'ice will !,i> s.i’d ciitirf ur divide.1. to «uit purchasers. It bi'intr pr'd aMy oik* of tlio be.*t business stan Iii in tl c coui:try, and i-i very dcnlr-ible to tho*a wishing to enter the iiiercaniile b\isiiu‘ss. Nu. ‘J, Cif.isist.s ot a Ij t arnl lirick Stnr'v ■- tenements. / in t'aii'pbe’llori. mi llridge Street, ('liiri'tidon P.ridge, and is a very desirable stand for bu^iness. No •!, I ; Tiiri.'o vacarit liOt.s in C’anipbeliroii, kncwn in citv j'lot «s N. s lnM_ ^nd half of lot 11:;. No. 4, Is a f)wellirifr Hoiiso and Lot on llay- mouiit. Comer of Plank Koa 1 and \dams St. .\ very ■ lesiraV'le rcsidei.oe tor the whole No. a, Is a t'orii Mill and Stc-am Kiigiiie and 'toiler, of lo (^r 15 hor.'C power. This is well worth .c attention of those living where water j)ower is not \i!abl', and will lie sold at a great bargain. For terms apply to J. H. H.\LL, Assignee, igust 1, 1857. ;’)0-tf i'OR SALK. ^R'^Ill', subscriber desiring to omis;rate to the West.. I -ffeis fur sale his entire L.VNDS, incl u ling about six hundred acres, generally known .as f'halk Level, lying in the upper end of Harnett county, :> miles Hast of t'ape F' River, and on the ro;id leading from F;i_y ette\ille t'l Ch ij'cl llill. St iie, Dwelling, Out liouaes, all in tirst rate Mrd-r. The Store is at a fine business stand, and is not to be excelled t'v any country store in the State. There are also upon the preinisi's an excellent well uf water with in 1 5 or l!0 stej s ol' the JI on 'C, a fine young or. hard of Fruit Til 's, a T.n Vard in perfect order, which pays well wlieii in operation. ,\lso, a 1“1 i#ksaiith Shoji with Ti'ids. \c. .\ny i ersi-n wishitig to pu!chase such a place would dc) well t'^ call and exjimine it for themselves. I '>m d. tenninc 1 to s-'ll, and will make toims e.i^v for the purchiser A. H. DEWAR. N. B. The jilace is one of the healthiest in the South ern country. lU Sli.Me Hunk of Fayettcvillo St.jc-k ■Vugust i. 1'57. 32tf Acres of IjuikI FOR S\LF. ^B^HE Subscribers i)ffiT for sale the above Tra^ t of ■ Land, lying mi .\nderson’s Creek, about two ai.d a half miles from lower Little River, near Fliliot’s .Mills,—includinir about One HuHdred Acres of good Swainpii, which can be e.asily dr>;lned. This Land is very heavily timbered, and a large yjrtion level and ■f super!..r i|UaIity id' P.ik* L.aiid for cu'.tivati.di. .Also, H STK'.^I S.\W-M1(I,, in c.mpiete or.lcr an.l well a l ipte.I t i sawing plank roa.l uU'l rail r.ial timbers. .-Mso, Two well-brnke MULES. .\11, ..r any p.irti.iii .d' which, will be .•'•d i low an.i on time, 'liie Laiid will It sold either in a body or in parcels to sifu. .s.MlTH a; F;LI..1oT. .April 0. 7. 'j7-tt' OIK) ACKi:s or land roil ^I'^HE .Sub-'Criber otl'eib tor sile the ab.pve ijuantity £ of LaU'l, sisuatt- i in a healthy neighborln.od. thr^e niiles from the *Vi! an«l t’!! irlotte Rail Road, und four trnm Ltimber River. This Land i» we:! a.lapted to Farming, Turj.entino, .in i T.iti Timber purposes, having a good r.inf;e and utiier adv.mtages. I'h.'iv wishinu to j'urchase nmy tin.l mo u!i the pre- niises. wh'. wiil be h.ij.j.y to exhibit it ..r give an.v iii- l.'rmatioii cncerning it desired. ANGUS McGlLL Philadelphus, N. Sept. 1, lr'57. 4oif FOR S\ij:. ■^IIE Suba..'rii.i r wishe^^ to sell the large Dwelling and Lot on the orner of jilles]«ie .-ind Busuu.. Streets, «r i>r«st*nt occupic 1 by 'Ir. H'-nry Terms reasonab!*! F J. H.\LK TONS ceived anl f. a A.\o. BEST PEUUVIAN GUANO, ju t re- i'*''XL" jubt received and for sale by w. H. c.Vrvfr. Kerseys, jus! w. li. ('ARVER. rfii:F.NF! cm Nov'r 4. Xnoro liluiikels and re^eiv.-1 a,.,i f,„, Coltoa liauj^iiig aiid ceivtd und tor uale by xorici:. A T September Term 1857, of the C .urt id' Pleas and Ciuarti r .'.-silln^. for the Coua ; (jf ’'imberland, the subscriber having .jualitied ne friiiiistrat.jr up.,n the Estate ol .Mcl.aurin, noc*lIfc« all person.^ in- niake imiiirxiio..fl payment, an.l :^l WIM.IAMS \ C... :18 just re- w il. CAKVER. debted to the F;st;*te L>( )' ) i'v i i 1 N 1 ^ I ■ 1 >. HAUDIEiias resiniie.i tiie Book Biudin^ !iusin(“?a. over the I':!'- 'T '»o of Clark \ ‘twar 1. where iie \vi;; rc.:. ;ve and e.xticute biuding anr -tyle .1- aired. \iit:n>t I -27tf • VeH!> Hooks. ^aUlE Life of harlotte Ilronte, Author of Jane B. Eyre, &c ; Tlie Testimony of the Rocks, b)' Hugh Miller; Jj’alad for the Socia’i, l>y the .\uthor of Salad for the Solitary: Indigenoui. Races of the Earth, by Nott \ GliiMon; The Bee Keeper s Chart. Also, fur ther supplies of Milledtilcia; The Prince of the Housw ol Davi.l; Mrs. Hentz’s Novels: The liaptist Psalmody, Barries’ Family Prayers: Christian Minstrel; Cru.len’s e'aiin., Hirainsf the said Estate to 1 Concor.iance: Adams’s New Arithmetic: Parley’s Com- DrefccriVl,M?v ‘ “uthent.cated within the time nion School History; .^c. K J. HALE ^ SON. ^‘••^'beJ b} law, othei Wise this notice will be pleaded June 24 1ko7 111 bar of their recovery. „ !->• McLAI RIN, Adm’r. bept. lo, lts57. .i;jtf DC7^ i he I’n sbyterian P.salmodist— Character Nolen. A fuMlii;r supply just received. 1. ,F h.\LE .V SON I{J-.ANlvJS tor bale at tins Oll'ice SCHOOL UOOKS. SMITH’S Ln>jlish Grammar; Peterson’s Fan."'ar Science; Piolmar’s Fables; Emeraon's Arithiio i ic; I'-olmar's F'rencii Oraniinai; I .ivell’s U. S. Spe -er; Sargent’s Standard Speak-r; Suri’n Carolina Readers’; Mitchell’s Geographies; Quackenbos’s Rhetoric; &c. K. J. HALE & SON. Sept. 4, 1857. TUK CKIJ-'.RRATED IlOU.^NTj KKMt'UY FOR DISEXSK OF Tire KII»M:VS, LIVER COMPLAINT, WKAKXESJ5 OF AXV KLVD, FEVER AND AGUE. .^n»i the vsrii.m mrect'oin c.'n«enuent iipon ^ iluordercd STO.MACn OR LlVEIl, .' irh 1 nilicpslien. Arnlity of the Siomach. f^nllcky Pnins llr-.rthtirn. ol .\pi.ttite, I'f^podilf ncy. .'»slivent»». H’linil .tr cl , Bleeilii c I’ilr-. In hII Nerv.iu», ithpuni.»tic. .inl .Wiirilec AlTer II iH in iniiiitr..ii^ in-l inces |.rnve(l highly lirneficial. hnil in iilhrr* *"rt'ectei( n dpcirteil ciirr 'I'hii i.i a (airely vet'etMlile rnni|>ounil, |>re|i;)rcil on sinctly *citn t'.f.. |ir nriplP'. liter tlie m inm r i.l llie cele' T^ilt ii lliill.iiiil Pr*.- le.'oir, ItiKTliHVe, necaii-e of in (irctl sucress in most ot ihe Kuriijx iin Stiilei, it-, introiluctioii into the l'iiUe«1 .'Slates w:i^ in tt nncil iimre e.>|iorKlly fur th.xe of oiir t'lither'.anil srntter»d here anil there over the fire of this iiiiglitv country .Mectinij w ih ere«t Micf.ess ntiionc tliem. I now otfer it to the .Xiiierii an puiilic. knowine thnt its truly wonilerful medicinal virtues ninst lie ac- i knowleileed. It is (larlicularly recommended to those verMin* wh>>ic cimsiUu- tlons may have been inipiiired by the contintiou’ use ot arilent s|iirits, or other Iniiiis of t!iss.|tation. Cenerally iiiNtantHneniis in effect, it finds it way directly to the seat of life, thrilling nnd quickeninit every nerve, r:iifine up the drooping spirit, and, in fact, infusing new health and vigor in the system. NOTICE—Whopver e.\(icrts to tind this H l>evers)ie will lie liis- appnlnted; hat to the sick, wenk and low spirited, it will prove a grateful arotniilic cordial, (lossessed ofsin^lar reniedinl projierties C A U T I f» N ; The great popularity of this dell^htfal .^ronia has induced ninny Imitations, which the public should ciiHrd ncainvt piirrtiniin;;. I’e not [lersuaded to buy anything else until you have civen Itoer- have’s (loll:ind Ditters a f^iir trial. One botile will convince you how intin'teiy suiieriur it is U> all these imitations. {S3r.''old at Jl.DO per bottle, or si.x bottles for S.'i.tKl. by the ao L K P U O P R I ETO R !. BEIKJA.miW PAOE, JR. A: CO. MANrrACTCRIKO PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, Pittsburgh, Pa. Samuel J. Hinsdale sole agent for Fayetteville. June 14, 1857. l(i- HOOP IRON. VL.^ROE lot of Hoop Iron for Cotton. For sale low, by JAS. O. COOK. Nov’r 9. 58-2m ! NOTICE. • 'I'^Hl'’ subsoriber having, nt June Term 1857, of the J Court cf Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the ■..iinty of ('uml)frland, nualified as .\dmini.trator , upon the I’state .>f Willie F. Moore, liereHj- notiftes all ; pers'Mi-II:! ving claims against the S lid Estate to present tiie same properly' authentic ited within the time pre scribed by law, otherwise this notice will btt pleaded ill bar of their recovery. iJebtors to the said Estate will please make paytnent immediately. E. F. MoORE. June 3, 1857. 13tf NOTICE. rilHE undersigned having executed a power ot At- ^ torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me and in my name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were I personally present. J. J. MOOUE. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. 13tf co^r roN hagginct. JJ^UNDEE and QUNNY BAGGING in quantities to I T. C. & B. Gr. WORTH, ('o;iniii^!Siuij vSj i'orwaniinu: Merciiafil; liroaus liiiildiiKj, Wat^r Sh-^r-t, H'iltiihisrtoiK .1' e’ , Hislory OF \os:th 1 lie Sii'^ciib.Ts uro now prepared to furnish the lit w rk. which has received the v.lierever it has beou read, not hi’.’ie-t t!;:' '. :i;iriti’' i!ntM^!id:;tiiia .S'I v Csuul advances uia.le on consi-^rtii.'-eiiti. II. 1857. -V. l;:n. !). A. LAMOX'i', Commis.sion Merchant, WiEiuiiifi:(o», i: OFFICE NMKTH WATKIt STIM-I;:!’ Per.sonal attention given to all ]iro luce sent *o either for sale or .shipniei.t. Nov'r t). 57-1 yji 1 .). W ILLLV'I PA(.i:, \L 1).. i* t TTS R O it O 9 U MM, 4'. OK. P.\GE may be found at his when not professionally unga;.;e 1. ■May t), 1H57. 5tf i)A\ II) .McDl EriE, iSrirkmnson attif M*l(istcrer. ■ prepare.1 to do all kinds of work in his li!-.e, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Sti.N in thi.', an.l the adjoining countiis. Fayetteville, .\pril l!7. 1857. X-l'i -j.i B. F. PBARCfS & CO, KKALEKS IN F0KEK;\ and DU.MI'STIC DliV uOOUS. H A I S, CAPS, P.OOTS aM> i:s, L nibre/lnn ami Rimlif-Miulf '''itiiin'j, HAY STRKKT, li. F I'K-MtCT..] r. .iLly HO. 1 1‘EAItCF.. JK l!'.t-tf (^EO. .\L!)LI'\; \N. Mnspertor of Stores,. WILMINGT*'-;, N. r.. ^^OLICITS patronage. 1' .lespatch will lie given care. June 1];!, 185 'lipt !ittenti«.ii auil .iiiid: business ei.t>aHte 1 t.. !,is '. I'-'niri i FARM rOK SALE OFFER for sale my PL.\NTAT10N an the Eagt ■•side of Cape Fear Piiver, o miles al>ove the Clareu- !m Uri'.lge, kncwi; as the Toi'iner Laiuls, conta'uitig -.ooin 8U0 acres. The Plantati.m is in a good state ot cultivati.’u. and i. su-'ceptiblo of fieing ina le one ..f the most pr. fitalde F.;nns in the Ci.unty. 1 will give a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay mo!*t easy if application is uia.le iu a few weeks. Address me at Gulf. N. C J. L HAUOHTON. Octr 1*3. 52- ■oii sALi*:. 1..VN1* ’ying .in the t’ain.leii L\N!) Stage, 15 miles South of F.iy- etteville. The Lan i i.s well tinibero.l. and admirably adapted f'lr Tiir]>cntir.e or I’l'.nnii.g and liei iietween the Southern Plank Koa.l an.l Piig Rocktish, —ciivenient to market. There is on it a comfortable fratup House, Mill Site ^%c. Any information may be obtained on the premises ' from Mrs. .Mary Nolson, or by etnjiiring of JAMES BANK'S, Atfy, Fayetteville. •Vug 13. 33-tf EOli SALE. raiHE KWKLLING house and lot on Gillespie M. Street, at pre.sent ocoujiied by Doctor McSwain. Perfect title can be made, .\pplv to THO. J. CURTIS. ALSO A GOOD FAMILY CAI!1U.\GE in pood repair and nearly new. Will be soM forhalfits value. —ALSO— 3 good MILCII COW.S with voting calves. Apply to T. J. CURTIS. April 2‘.t, 1857. 3tf ~ EAVE'FTEVILLE HOri'.L Fiirnilure and Fixtures (or Sale. fHlHE above named property will be sold to any ■- respoiisilile person, upon fair terms, if vpplie.l for between the piesent time and the l-'tli of Dicem- i iier iiext. If not sold by the 15th of Dec., they will be sold at .Auction after the lirst day of January next, in lots to suit purcha.scrs .\ny information wanted will be cheerfully iriven by applyiii" to J. H ltO!U>RT.S ,V Fayetteville, Soptomlier 12, 1857. i2 ;■ NO'nCE. ' B H E Copartnership of 'd.arsh. Carr.i'l .V ('o.. ia S this day disolve.l by mutual co;i> 'i.‘, nl IIk business wiil be settled up by J. F Mar-ii J. W fAi;KMLL. D. G M-hlTHi;. J. F. MAKS 11 Nov. 20, lb57. •'■2 ti DOCTOR FRANK WILLI?r,i3’3 CELEI^IJATEI) KVE W .li.^KEV! i'^HE subscri'ter has ma le arrangem -nt'; t i ;ee'> a siipjilv of the Genuine .\rtic1c. an.l is the .mly .Agent for the sale of the above brand of \ No : Rye Whiskey in this place. KOP.'T MirCilKLL. A. McRIiVIMON, Commissiou and Forwarding IVIerciiaiit. WIL.MIXGTOX, X. r. July 'i. I''57. 22tf .)Oir> l‘. SAMPsON. Commissiou and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. (’. Will gHe I articular attention ti> the s iie of Nav.r .'^lor.'s. C'ott .n. !ic. Fcl.', 25. l>^•.;. :,-t ,i!(if ^B7"11.L attend the C. ur^s of .I.ihi;.‘'t..;i ;.ii 1 S..>ii: - # F s.Ill t• iir^ries. .''tnitii'ieM, .April 15, ]S5‘i. ‘ ' THO. C. FULLZR. • MUornvtf ami 4'on»ssi t!or *et S^air OFFICE fit Iv/cles's l!ri Ig.-. r.._-T^t! ,- itj .v-.l ■ ; .1 lines Hinks, Ks.j., Fayetteville, -N. ' Jan'y x, 1“57. 7 Worth &. Utley, Eor\v;irliiiij and (M‘ii*rai (,'om!iiis.i i AN'Fs. ,'i\ i'. J. A. WllK.M!. (72lt I Tr.K\. W. H. TURLINGTON, I'oiiimi.ssiun .Mt.‘rctidiii, No. I .Norili W;iicr m. W IL.MfXli ION, X. !’ ■ :. : r it'- Mtcrary ; xecuti. u i>ut for its typographi- ■ i:. tt;. 1' may be ..bta!!.e.l, either from us or :: ■ ;r r.ii ,\ge:i' fi>r the State, H. W. Horne of or any i.f i'is .\saista!it Agents The price .•i'-.-..r.iiiig to style of iiinding: la handsome ' in'. Shi’cj'* ^1 ->i’; in half i'alf ^1 7-'j 1 r si.t.i'u.M.^ i naC.vsii. None will be charged, l.\ . in.'civco i.r our Ag* uts. A liberal iliscouuf e la li .|uantities are taken to sell again it V ' e ..! by mail to any jiart of the country, o'l I CC-.- . . of tne I.riie mi .I 24 cents to pay postage. ! iiC ■- I vi>:uin-i is in c.i ii>e of prei'aration. There U -. •• -bably !-e f.iur or iive volumes in all The auo- c ' ;!iL' vi.hii;'.e;7 v.iil prcl' ibly contain al'out 500 pages c 1-, and wi;i I-'.-at a i.roiiortionally higher jirice, ■ h-uf-I cent a page for the cloth bin.ling, 25 cents :..iti..ii ,1 f.,r theep and 50 cents additional tor the iu;’t caif i i'.i'ling E J. HALE iS. SON. Fa\i-tti'viiie, April 2U, 1S57- I’ S. Thv Ai:e!:t a>;d his As.'istants design to visit i.v.-i V . niiiit_v in the State, with the book, as soon as c.invi-nici;t. In the mean time, orders tohimortous, ai ci.iapa.;ie.l by the cash, will receive prompt atten- tii'ii Pi re iHSHM*anc€m 1'. i-f> r .;iir rea.lers to the -annual statement of ti;f 1-Ltii.i ln.--urance Company, of Hartford, who'll will til- toiin l ill a:;oth'r cohinin. This success- lu iii^t'Tut. :a IS itiCorpor.UeJ by the Legislature of I nue ■•i. iit iSI'.*. with .a perpetu.-il charter, its i-a[.:t,i: i I'.) i and its accumulations exceed ■V'.' I).mill iiM>re, niakitij; its etitire assets over i>300,- 1 I'M, it. .,t- d .1" i!etailv-l in the statement referred to. Tiie->e in 11 ate that .^.irill,^ the perio I ot nearly f rtyy.'ii' 'iiice it-s oi;; mix iti.jii. (without a single M 'f .;* chic‘'olficcr,) its business has iicen con- I'lCicd \vi;li j., ^ '...ent and prudence. It has been tiiu- •iui-ces-'’111 ill an eniinetit degree, discharging, iis uc arc iiii-iMii- -I, a'.l its oidig.itioiis by tiie payment .t .^.i iit ...-i . .- ■ f.jr iossL-s, without asking a 'l-i\ .1 |e'.:.v in ;tii^ iiisT:ini:e. It has had but little lit- i^ati.iii, n twith-it.-iii ling the imnio;i3e number of trans- a> ii.,ii' Oi l-!-, in or iv to attain .as much certainty as p s'iljic in >a !i il business as insurance, it has been the pr . ;;s i ol l!i.‘ t'.iinpaiiy, tor several years, at L’l. :;t liiieir. caret'll.lo classify and arrange their i i:'!'>' i; t ‘ ati.c.i' i'tinct classes, so as to ascertain tlic -u.i .'u;t !!!siirt-I on cacli c!a;!S. the amount of pre- niiiiia-. i--cei\ .-.I .Il re ,n. .an t the ain-.unt of losses up .11 e.icii. rii;.-! c'. ^^siticati.'n. extending over a long jiet io l.aii'i I ..veriirj oioperty t »a very Large amount,fur- leii i' .iut:.., au I \ircseiits a sound, substantial • I'! :i.-; . . iipoa which to conduct its busiiic." isii-.t a matter Ol luck or chance, ‘. iii.-iiiv .-uj.;-.ise; it^ are ascertainable, and ii.i priii.' cajj ii .e ol nein;^ reduce.1 to a system, the \ .in I r-.-bulls of wiiich are as certain a-. :i 1 i otiicr busiiK's.-i: The .Etua Cotnpauy, by a.iheriii^- ri^i-l y l-i its system, and placing its busi- ne- - u} n n iu-Mitliv ii isis. h.ts obtaine'i the confidence • ti, c- luuiuiiity t.j aii exieiit surpasse«l by tio other I i.Mpa-j\ in t!o. Stales, and has increased its busi- t,au 1 It- i icjiuo Ir.-iii year to year with a steady ii .jv. :.i ;-!' ;:.ui'ce ol its security is the wide . 1 ■; ;;s ris.-:.->—.a j.oliey which it pursues . with ^!'.--;t 't: ie’-ie-~s—Hniitin;; the am >unl to be cov- .:\ -i .:i each . .c ihf,. iiy l!iis ciurse it has passed, \Miii c !n’-i ;’ivc impunity, through some ol tiie most 7-w! • ( . .^ I le^i; aciivc iiiv^, wliicii iiave swailowe.i up .itin 1 ... I S le-^s cautious in thc;r tiusiiiess. It is .; . e ti.'', ii:.>.- | iijniii experience, which gives s: , ■■ 1 : on ines-^ t-* .a coniiiany, and to the as- S r. i 0 .:::i iei -je an ■ se.'arity. — liallnuori' Patriot. !i.\ii 1 i'uid), c;oNN. ;';D I'I;’. CilA;iTi:;K PKiiPLTUAL. Capital $1,000,003. Assets $1,422,162 11. 1. iv. i>.. ,- 11, I'residcni. K. G UlPLL'i, Vice Pre- •V. .VLi X.VN I'Lit, Secretary. ■ - - i . IL. l!rac-:*, S. i'udor, J. Ciiurch, R. .1. iwiie. L. Fio’.ver, L. .A. liulkeley, K. !r. 1- I'l' V, .S. Vtur.l, H. Z. Pr.itt, G f'. i»uiih;i,.i, 1). Iliilyer, T. A. Alexander, W. -idi i.t. ■IU ... .'I .1 . 1 'avis, K.-ne% ILL .Vov. ve his prompt ;■ le '.r '•hipment oi :iil ith^'r C.mntry P‘’o,iu. lS5f,. r-.itial attti:’: I otisigniiienis .1 .N;. are la.ili.iy invested in Stocks and Bonds, .'.vita .^172.1.O'} *il of cash ou deposite .r ; ii liiKS, i'j meet losses. ,i:. i .Uipai 1 - nune ru'i -,'!ise. '.v.iii!a..i IU1I..-.1 pruof, NiC , •;-'75,- ,-iO' . -, ■'U.'picions ot'frau-.i, .xc.) •'5‘iO,'j78 72. it ;>I tue al-o\e ('onipanv in Fayetteville, E. o 11 A..E. II*'. l4. ^FFI( F Fmnt Kootns, .ivcr Dr. S. .1. Hit. . lale',.^ ('iie'nist an.l Drug Store. . VIV') 1 V 8 .3 b ’v JOSHPH H. BLOSSOM i' O 75 'fa S B AND K01iNS\\!il)L\(. Wl'MClW I iiiLAEEKS. , .\ tP !i. :■ t 1 II .•'l-K i.X I. Ui;i-'KI{K.\’'l, TO TUK \V.\ 1 ' .\.NI) 1 .VTKIt K.srs OF M n TUK .‘^ri'LUINTKM>K\T OF COM- M(tN nv L . fS. 1)1 iirr i. vriN 1.\n;i .\i;f. \ni) J,lTHR.^T^;ttB is ii: t Ni>m>nY i>: nuutii i .\kolina. roiupt personal iriven t. ments. and (.'ash advaaces maile on Produc ped to other ports or Sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1H55. all ^ p to For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 43tf suit purchasers. Sept. 17. TANNEK’S 01[T& I)UV HIDES. BPLS. Tanner’s Oil.—a superior at tide; also, /^\w a fine lot of Dry Hide». For sale by JAS. G. COOK. Nov. M. 62- .H»SEi‘ll nAKi:U, .Iu.. A T 1' O Ei ,\ s: V A I' B. A ’.1 . j A.*' taken an ofiicc next door to Win. 1>. \\ ri-.rlit‘.; [ Law oflice on Green Street. H& wiil .itten.l an . practice in the I’l.tinty aii l .'^ujierior (’ourts ol Cum er land. Hladen. Hobpson and .Sampson. .March 23. 1 7'»-ti' ' “L ('oi‘I - il, ihe uu'lersigned. have this'lay l.n i'ie i a Liiu j ’C r..; irtncrship. and will ju ictice in the t onrt.- j ;it- ; ; -« ing counties of this .'■'t itc: (.'!i ith.ini, ('uni | • I, 1. "I jorc, llariiett, itid tiie .'^■ipr.- iU' I'ouii. I J. 11 H .V L ; 11 i t t.N. ! MA.\MN(i. - Iff'—•>roup!i, N. C.,-lan’y I. IS5*i. 7'_tt R!VE!{ c;o.\L. I ITU.MINOUS COAL of the bost '|ua!it\ can l/i j ti had at tlie works at Egypt, at a reasonai'le j.rice .. i-ie Tou. ' W .\1 .McCLANE Milling Engineer, M-iy 21, 1''5-. ' -tf .)l~Sr [{ECLiVEi). 1? )XES of that suj.erior I1()'K ’ANDV TO- P.At’CO G W. I. GOLDSTON. Oct. 5, 1857 l'-tf iiisr- \r,.| L r-.ite ,i.\(i A tAMil,l.\!! HISTOitV A.M» DESCRIP- ii".\ «»K Noani rARf»Li\A. 1-: .1 I'r--I' and \' rsc; tnatiy of them by riiiiin nr ciii;-.' ns of tin; 8tute. ,;n\L .\.Mi ril K'»N>Li KiD'AL TAItLES, viet'.' "i .Mi-;-e'!;ine'.i;s l.if- itnaTion and Sta- ti'^tics. by S2. r is a i! .V I'- i ri-W' - d e iltion of the North r. -a le -, iii '. .■1 in .r'51. Numbers 1 ;t i-^iii (. !.• ninl til-- s.M'ic'. which is, .is a i. ;ioei n.ii: ar.v i-thi-r series of Itea iersiu the .-L!' May 4, 1857. uv\Si) :s. I5AGS PEUUVIA ; # o27 do. COLU.M15IA S Not only has the cost of u.sitiir tlu^se connexion been very much iinmiisa -i, mentji have prove ! that the phospit ite. s ing in the Peruvian, not on ■ i 'C'- n • - combined with th« ColutuVji m ms-.- . ; more certain. For sale by U- ii W. McL.^UiliN Nov. 6, 1856. 54tf M^urtUer Sitijplies of ISook.^. AM .VBEL V’AL’till.AN, by the Author of the Lanip- ' ^TB. lighter; Siiirley, iiy Currer Ueli; .Mernioniiiii, I by Elder Hyde: La Martine’s Hist-ry of Tarkei: 'io.-s Si'le; “yuits,” by the l^aroness Tatitjilia’-is: M - iern I Iteforni Examine-1, by J. C. Stiles: .\lalc''ni'~ l>;tler's j .Analogy; ll.ittield’s American Mouse ('urjientcr: Noctes i lauoes in -Ambrosianae, Edited by Dr. .McKenzie; Kane’s Aiotic bat .;j.^ri- ' ^-*l'l'J*''‘tious; Appleton's Cylo edii of lJio;,i-..pii;.; o'ii’i • .Mut-; School liooks, kc. E. J. ilALE .-i SON. Ir,- \ i. . i. but I Oct. 24. • .-r.ui laach ; •i’iie 01(1 North State in 177>,“*o\ j Caruthers,—tirst and second Series. J’t>t recpivci £• J. 1;:,- i -i r^'.' n i'l his PretaC" to .N'uiu- 1)! r 1 -l. -!..-^ it pi' to ailti.i! t.. a few of the jieculiar iiilv ;!it- ainie-l ni by the Sufierinic-nde:it of Comin.m V, - u, , iaiSvii.u ell'ort.s ti. have this work com- pl» i I'he.'Caij, 1 ^.'■•■iin;^''irn‘itt '>f 1 j'ecliny ■»' '■ i/iir/'fmh'iue, i!. i i.a.i'tment -if ular s._-nti .i..-iU iii b-dialf of the : - • :iti.! lis iiiatitunou?. it v. is w:' th.mgiit iin- .r'.;i r, h .-.^.-v. i- t ; bnve more t i ui .>iie number ol ;h-:.‘ .d'n;»re'\' a '.'I 'il iuH;.- t. 2, J'i i',iii(ili/ liie cril , l> njiciii •''' e'j/iiiUinfd of in com- 7U -H . of li 'ut’! I’ll tfXl hookft; jiensive habit, :i, i preventing the cai ries of h(,i!:e Ilea !' c-. it 'A'a- suppose-1. Would be cer- tainlv u.'' i. an 1 'his -reat evii thus avoided. ;jc which ii.jures the Schools by ren froai being classitied. .A ae- /;• too 1'^:; the i. ■ ' Th^- those number vev.s;i;..\ ; an I *;t^ ', tne j o;'uIar s,>sliu ot Headers being i.c'ii^' ni l !• s > often merely to add to .la' aii-l pui.lishors. :i.--^ i-i fo coiisiot of fewer ntimbers thin I ri'Iy nse.l, and it is lie.i-.'veJ that these :;r>- h.itficient, wtiile it the ..^ystoia were uni- ise 1 in the Stale, t'le suia sive-1 to parents ■ ad chiblreii w-iul.l mn-mnt to several thousand dollars imtuaily. 4, Tj >'i ti'i- k.iii'i.ii'f cfm'iii' II leariiutj lo reuil com- »i..uioii-^ /■‘■ iiloir hut ifjt uf /A' churucter cnlUd i-/,ifJ'-/i c nt lining, iu l.--ssons easy enough ior ii'i H-je>, c.'-re. t sj-.iia-ns of style. intere5tii.|i in I. itt -n.; i'lculcatiiiir pr.iper mora;s, und religious i: .-It u- tiviii. I'.: 1 1 ,;CS are. ‘--r .N >, 1, 2-5 c-'t;t.'; .\u 2, ceutSi 1-; i N.I. -!. ^ -■ i‘’.'i'. .\libel:u .11 duct ,i.Ii r-'in iiii^c J.rici- i" ‘ ^ an.I Sv'-. .I '! ■ ai ti -.-: 1.. J ha; E .V .'ON. Fvyettev^lle, Juiy 2'J.