\ ex. ■ H.i, fl,' J tu. H, pp w :K.„, tl. flic . . reh. L, , SEMI-WEEKL, Y. a ) hS r, (' pe f |f til. VIL] FAYKTTKVILLE, X. C., JANLARV 11, 1858. [NO. ()75.] »r H A I. f'Vfll rh,. 'til,-, 1, ere i « n- , uii r lu-li Lu It. 1. ■1 on I he , r b.i. A 1 ilUlli AN, A): : \i AI»A\S AVI) rill'l{''I>AVS. \’M) J. II \u: ct SON. m;:s; wd ri'oi'HiKTons. . )u>iKKVKK 00 if ])nuHn ilnriii!j the veur of subs.Tip- t!io yoMi- lias exjiirfil. \ i>!’-.krvi H Ot"* (M'r aiimun, if pMi(.l in ,1 ;• I'uiil iiiriiii: tlio yeiir of siiKsorip- ' nil' !’ tlu‘ ye:ir has «*\jiiroil. .' iiifierti'il fur sixty cents jH'r ■! 1' r till' t'rst, thirty cents lur ouch * I'l. > enrly iiiJvorti'fiiiiTits )iy s[H‘- it riM'.'liiitilf rates A'lvci tisei s lire i -c ilic umuluT of i iisiM'tions ili'-iiri' i. or . iiuc'l till fuihi'l. iin'1 ch.irjifil Mcconi- More Coupon Bonds For Sale. I Vnrriasc rurtory in | S I i \V lif> 1 lOUSl'i COUl’ON HONhS of ('ounty ' of (’unilierlanil; NlO^i.tOO |)o. I t ' t>- iiisertcil I’i.iUe, char^cil "lU |ici 1'AiilJ 'S K1J:( TiON. ' 1,1,1 NS I'rosoiits himself us a t’miili'lnte :i' ;ihie to the voters o! the lovvii l'i>net ; U:u V ti, 1 ^'0^. 73 \ ' i'WA, AM) s:: r rLK. iiii: me N"tes oi \cC';unts vv'.Il p'lMSe ill.' s inie, :is 1 !un in want of luii .s 1 ’ t> indulge them anv i"nei r 'j «' I’dE 7:1 hu NO i'K'K. I ,rMieihip heretof .re existine-between the V -: ,: ■)». : pt th' iit,ghtiiiy Lu ,'ritsf.i uiiiier the •r'"h X t' . , is this ii;iy il.,-so.veil i)_\ mu ■I'; .liunes K. Mrush or Thus, S. Lutterloli the Vui9iue>s 'if the lale finii. T. S J F W. I' JNO. I.l TTFULOH, M \KSI1. . I'LLUn'T. 15. THOV. ,lr. 7:5-3 w Dissoij riox. arm Ilf S M, THOMAS liRO. is this Jay tiy mutual consent. .'iiier'S of the concern will be sett’eii by S. M Hi, alone is authorizeii to use the name of in iiiuii-tatiou. S M THOMAS. IIKNUY T. THOMAS. r -ii: 'eri!>er wishinsj to close the business of t il-ill. as St iin as pi'.-^sible. olTers the entire i:' (.MODS on 1 mul, at FIRST (,'OST, for 1 : iiilstn'ie. , .ve i: ■ • is ire se:is.inabte. nn‘l n jiroat iiiWh i 1‘it.es. .Merchants wishing to re .••if W in! 1 J.i well to ca'l and tsamine Town of I’rtyetteville. llie Western liail lioi l •’omj>any will receive sealed bids fer ^=11 of the (’oujion 1 Hinds of the (’dUiity of ( ntiiberlnnd, and ->111(1,(hmi of the CouponlJondsof the lowiiot Fayetteville, tintil the lih of January next, luid for like amounts of each on the l^t Mondays of Feb) nary, March and .\pril. The County 15onds bear 7 per cent, interest, jtfiyable on the Is: of .lune and 1st of December, and are ro- deemable "JO ye:irs from 1st Jtiiie l.''.')7 Tl.e Twwn llonds boar j>er cent interest, jiiyable 1st J.in'y and 1st .Inly, and .are redeemiible ’,!0 years from 1st ,Ianu;iry IS'iti. I I.ese iiiinds are a part ot the authuri/ed by tlie ijeneral .\sseinbiy to be i>sued by the Tnwii and ( i'Ut;ty respectively, in pa_\nieijt for their subscription ot it.nn.duo to the ('iipitai Stock of the Westein Hail lioad t’ompany, and are the oiily nonds ever i.sued by eitluM- T(jwn or ('ounty. The 'I'own l>on is are Jj'-iOit each. .\ few of the(’oun- ty Honds are ?1UU, the remain ler ^’>110. C. H. MALLKTT, Vres’t. l>(c. Itj. lSo7 t'.'j-tf I'\)r C'/u'isfNtafi i'H F, 8ubsciibcr has just received a lurgo and well ■sssnrted lot of T«y«, r:iiit*y Ixoocu, A:c., for Chi ibt!ii;;s ; resents. Auioug which may be f und Le .tlier, Shell and Inlaid Car l Ca-es; IVtrtnionaies: r’.ittoliis. u jjt neral assortment; .Vlphabetical lllocks: • i ini;.tui'e, Pictori.il and B’ancy (}:ft 1? >uks: Libraries, tMi.taitiin^ ohiiice selections wf ^oo 1 Io >ks; (ioM Pens anil i encils; I'apier .Maehe, Fancy Lilas- iSo.xes; (lanies; aiid n.any ther Notions too t»dinus to enuinerito. which 1 will sell c'HFAl’ Fo;: CASH ONLY ,M. li.KNKS, Green Street. Dec'r 1*1. o'.*-:5w DOBlilN HoTsK For Rent or Lease. I 11^ HL Lease of the present I’roprietors of this well JL known House will expire on the 1st January. 18of*: the property is offered for lease or rent To * person desirous of undertaking the Hotei business, an ei.ceHent opportunity is oftVreii I'he buildintj is large, well arranged and in complete repair: its location will alw.IV3 command for it au extensive patronage. .As the j-resent I’ropriet rs intend changiiijr their busi ness, the Furniture, which is near'y new and in ij iod order, can be purchased on faviiruhle terms The House will be delivered on or after the 1st ot January, remaining open under the present nmna>;e- ment tih a tenant is obtained. The fine Store in the same buiiding. forim'r\y oocu- pied iy .Mr. \Vm Uooth. i« hiso oti'ered for rent. JNf». H. ('Ot»K, I’rest. bobbin House l.’o Dec’r Iti, l^.j7. D M ^ i. 'bvf--rliiu TIIOMA.S. 73-:it .\rjru« copy :5 times. \ii 1 NKIiSlUl' NO VICE. ur itTsi-nel wnuM respectfully inform the /ens of Fayetteville and the surrounding »1H1' fi- ‘ ■ I . ti. they h ive entered into Cop irtnership purpose of carrj'ing on the U a;;oii-^lakiii^ lliiMiiie!!i« • r ii,. h.-, at the old stand on the corner oi :i.i l .Maxweii Stree.s, wLwe they would be : r e their oia friends and customers, as they • I p.irei t" accuinmod.ite persons wishing any .„ a. ; ii ir line on the most rea.souable terms, and - . rt^ st ni'tice- V. WKLCH. JKSSE W. WEISIGLR. • : 1. 7ii-;5m LI ii V. KLCH would give notice that he is desir- if I 'ii;g his old business, ami to all who . i t.t> d to him to make immediate payment, as ■ ;u iulgeuce cannui be given J. W. WELCH. 1 i KOV FL LLEU, .\niirney> and I’oui^ellorsi at Law, '4ISi:iCT01[, KOKi>»\ Co., A. C. '■■Kiir K. rUtJV ani JOHN P. FULLER, have li iiiied an as.'i'cia ion for the pvactice of their '.11 in iloliesou LoUiity. The I jrmer Will also I he Courts of niaJeu and ijuiuiubus; tue latter , . - ‘ itteiid thi.se of Cumberl.»n l. j Ofhce in Lumberton will be kept open at all , DHNTAL XOTICK. W, t;. BLNBoW would respectfully inform this community that he intends to be alisei t from tilt* 4th of January to the 1-lth. Those desiring his professional services will find him .n tiis (tflice befure and niter the abov« dates A? l>r. B has been locuted in this place five years, he now presumes the community is fully s.itistied as to hiii prufes'ioiial skill, and that there is no further ne cessity for the old ere tit system: therefore, in tuture his terms will be strictli/ cufh. Ttiose indebted will please call and settle before the Od ot January. Dec'r iJl. 7l'-Im STATK OF XOU ril CAliOLlNA, C C .M BERL.VN D COU NT V. Superior Court of L;iw, Fall Term, 1857. tT is ordered by his Honor, JOHN L, BAILEY, Judge presiding, th.it ;i ?* P K V 1 1 I. T : IS ,TI of this (’ourt be held on the FIRST M(;ND.VY of FEBRL'ARY next, and continue two weeks. Jurors, suitors and witne.sses iu Civil Suits, and parties in Equity, are hereby notified to attend. From the .Minutes. Nov’r 27. JOHN W. BAKER, Clerk. b4tc llOblHUAVE’S IMTillKS in'y 1, 18o^, 73- I .\oncE. Ft »ilEW ARN all persons 'rom creaiting anyone on niy account witfi.iUt a wiiiten oi Jei from me, erwise I Will not be respon?ib e lor tho payuient. DU.nCAN Mc.,aLK1N, >ear Spriugtield, ».-'ril, 18.37. 7H-Ht TAKKN UP : NU .'ommitted to the Jail of Cumberland County, ^ 11 -\1.VN by the name of ANUKEW, who '■ i‘eh.iig.- to Henry Bullock’ of Robesou Co , N. I- : five leet four inches high, about or 2'-i - ' I ;i::e, and had on when co?jimitted a blue coat ■ 'r w:i p^iiit-, and striped homespun Vist of durK 111 •' L’tioii. '1 iie owner is requested to come forward, pi periy, pay charges, and take him away, or ■>' e iea.t with as tiie law directs. \VM, R. BOLTON, Jailor. M , -1, . 73- v\llK>KKV! \VIII:5KKY!! ■ '■! li'.w re.;eiviiig I'J Bt),s .\ioiiumentTl White Whissey; lo *• -\pp.e Br.mdy; 15 •* Uoms. do, !•'> “ Old K_\e Whiskey, h . - sehcted by myself with care, und will be P lor C,-VoU only. E. F- .M -lORE. I’’' r 2%. 72-lm llAKFKirS W EKKIA. j'llE n!\t No will commence the -d volume- We [ " luMii>ii i, ill re. tree of post.ige, lit •'52 -'>0 per ' .1, pii^alile inv.iriably in advance. Those who II I': relief-their subscriptions, or new subscribers, ■ lenuisie'i to call immediately at tlie Book Store, I. p iper will be ordered till paid for E, J. hale & SON'. I'Im' and Correspondi^ncc ot Ige James Ir. del'_ otie of the .Associate Justices ol u\.r.-me Court ot the United States, by (IrifHth ■ 1: O'. J list rec d. E, J. ll.\LE, Jf- ;^()N tlie, r- J. .\l [O^ 1 tic i'rcsbyterian 1‘salinodisl- liaracter Notes. A further supply just received. ), t. :J4. E. J HALE cS: SON. Norici:. 1' ■'HE undersigned having executed a power of At torney to E. F. Moore, he is thereby authorized ^ make settlements for me and in my name, an i _'i iii-i;ii:y ti. transact all business as I might or could li: wen- 1 per-c.nally present. J. J. -MODuE. Fayuti.-ville, .lune 3, 1^57. 13tf I’ucket Diaries I’or 18.')8. E. J, HALE & SON. .^IcKS'VrS! 1 inroria- liV' friends and the M^huilt lip larire substantial (>1 1 .•'taiid. expressly for man- ririiikf.il for the very liberal 1 for the last ’J 1 years, h.' hopes by strict attention to b\i.;ness. with a desire to give saiisl'.icii.in, to merit a coiilir.u.-i.ice ot the same. He wm ratits his work t'> be made id the best in.itenal and nv ■■ siii-i ience 1 v.irktueii iu 'Vich branch - I'Lt' i rui.t.v 3 ft pul-.lie, tiiut he I5r:ck !’.iii' liiii;s at hi ufjictiirilip I'ai'i ii.iri"^ piitroiiaire he h.i"; rcci'ive ot til'' Imsines'i. !lis work 'vill with vny ma il- in the I’n'''".!'■'* i^' durabiliiy He i-, .i,>r T U'iif 1 to Work ill his line on i- i.id tortus elsew iu're ; h.it is as well 1 i:i*-. II Fi.n isn Ki>, the L\'.l SI' ^ l I'’ ri^t s, /> //’i I'/C, II tck'itli'O I' , f Evoro!lerd in liii- I 'aie, am! n very Urge stock of v.’ork rie.arl'. riii 'a' :i-Ii v:'1 t'(‘ tiiiisbed daily. -\11 o; which ’will be - i| 1 very low for '.^"t^. or on | short time t.j pinii-tii.l .■ n - t.n:iers, H e has o!> j hajid lanre thin (»M liiMtKi:H M» FIFTY Vehi j clestinished and in cour't' of con-it ruction. [ i6fi*— -Vll Work iiit'iv I'ni's « .-u rm'''I 1-month wit h f 11 r ■! s I ;• e, :in I s I; ;.ii M it ‘ail I .y K-i d ' or Mati'ii-il W'!i lie n-i -I're.l Iree of cliM'^e. l’ciso;i>; wishing to bny ,voa; 1 1 ;• well to call and exam ne f r v ■ (ir 1 'I S t h:i ;ik tu’lly r. c Re) liriiig executt- I reysoiril le terms Mft !>• > ■ l\\VKTTi:VILI.I), i\ aiilf of firn ii Sfri ffj a /etc D'Xtrs Xorth oT . ^ the }Utrk't Ihntttfi. \ TBIHE Subscriber desires through tbi® I*tmedium to acknowledge the liberal patronage bestoweil ufxin his House the past : year — and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage .Sheil convenient to the House and to water , he fakes plea.siire in saying to his patrons and the, public generally, that he is still prepared to acco'u- mod.ite them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal pat.cn- age In retofoi e received. Every exeition on his pirt . shall be used to rendt'r them comfortable during their ' sojoiu n with him. His table is always supplied with . the best the market atfonls. r. SHEMWELL. March 1. 18">o. Ht;-tf DOIJIUN ilOl SK! I’OWER.'J i C(l., 1’KOI‘H 1 KTOHS. •^ji^HE I’roprietors of this Establisiiinent M- announce to the public, that owing to the constantly increasing patronage extend ed to them, they h.ive been induced to en- ir;re the accommod:'tion by the addition of an extensive l»ininir Room on the lower floor, und suite of Rooms on the second flooi-: thus enabling them to accommodate all who m.ay favor them with a call. .\nd they (I’e.l'je tliem-^elve-. to .-in increase-1 exertion to give s.iti^l.icrioti to their pritioris. S[) icioas .Stables .ittached an l careful Ostlers in at- t eiil:. lice The I'ligible locution of the Establishuient, with the experience of the Proprietors in (iroviding for the com- 't their ji.atrons. they hope will st'cure to them a er.il share of the travel. The Western .-uid .Southern Stages arrive at and de- rkmanship i part fnim this Hoii-ie. I'air.aiies in atti-iidance on arrival and departure of , Ste-im I’. i.its, f.ir the accommodation of passengers. I Horses and Carri.airos furnished at anv notice for car- tinpare favorablv for ne atiie-^s and .^eil m l do any i -iiiv work done n >,T has on hand. t rt iib,- i\ c i in 1 ] roin 1 lly attenW'l to- .it short noticfc >»nd on ver} HO-tf rying travellers to any part vjrr-e'jtO . .1. \v. iuivi:u w rt'ci-iviriii fhc Nurtli tht lilU s 5 3 ji\i ri 151^ ever ■ ffcre.l in this noirlM'; which, added to his own m.inul ictn!-e, m ike-; hi.' as.'"rrni -nr 'oinplet«;—.all of which lie will ;--‘ll nii tl.eioAe'T .-^-iible terms I' ircash or lUi time to piii.ctuul ^•u^!l.meI s. Fa':iio!i:;Kle puinfe i I' lttagc bed-room Furniture in setts; cur e 1 hair .nid shuck, in.I cotton M.ittresses; Looking (ilas'e-i: Wiliow W.agons and Cradles: Side Board': Bureaus: ■•secretai ie> and Book-Cases: VVhat- Nots; I'ables, all s;>rls: V\ ash .Stan.Is: ('andle .'itands: Wardr ,bes: Pii ture Frauies and (Jlass: Window Sha les: Cornices: Curtain Band-:; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Hivans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine lio.sewooi] Piaiio.s, one with .^'^>lian At tachment; Rosewood M«!o liatis. from the bet manufae- tories iu New V*»rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices —freight only ad lel. Septemt.er 2. 4-')-tf J. Fayetteville. .May 12. lS,‘»tj V AlJ the adjacent country. W. PtiW ERS, & CO. :5tf ww.i: iMioiM'ji'rv tois 0 )i-’FFU for sale, my I..\NL).’^ in the Town of Fay- B etieville. about l:5o .Vcr-’S. known as the MUMFOHD SWAMP. .Abou; >'• \cre.s o!* it i.s fine .Me.i-low Land, astheCrofi iit.w I 11 it will sh«'-v. A^s.l. t'le I SSri k Stor> :ml l.ot I near the M-irket S'juari*. occupied by Mr. John A j I’eml. rtoii. I .V Large and Valu.ible Lot, fronting on Donaldson, t, jikI lUi 't carefully sc- ^laxwell and Muinford Streets, known as the Hotel ! (« irdeii Lot,—Could be iivi ied into several Building Lets--Very near the new Female High .School 15uildings. .M.' , the .''tab.e 1. 't •iJjoining, frouting on .Mumford St reel. Se\eral ItESIR.UW.i: I’.(,'1LIHN(; LOT.S on both W’ins' I.' und .NIumford .'^treets. -Ml this property can n .w be jmrchased on favora ble ti’rms. and a large jiart can remain on liond and 'lortuLavxe if desire.1. TllO. J, CURTIS. )ct. 10, 1 So-'). -Lj-tf Wfl O wo 17y r> HA VE riio CGII7 / T? .4 Cnrri'iije K^fnhJhhment on thf Milifari/ 'ireen^ oppositp the M’thiuli$.t (^hitrch, froiifinj on Mumford 1 THE ckij:hk.tki> noi,i..\Ni) uf.mp.dy tor ©rSFEPSlA, DISE\SK OF Tiff] KIDNETS, LIVER COMPUAINT, WEAKXKSS OF AXY KIXD, FEVER AND AGUE, Ani) the various affections cnnxpquent upon a tlisorilereii STOMACH OR LIVER, Surh as Imlice^tion. Aridity of the Sioiiiin h, Colicky T.iins lle,*r;lmrn. l.o-s ot ,\p|ietile, Hr^ponilpncy CoslivJ-nes'. HIiiiil iiml Hlei'dinc I’ile-t In nil N.tvoiI', Kheiniiittic. iimi .Veur.iiu : .Ml't-c- timis it h IS ill nniiier.iii-i ill tmcpn |iroveil highly lirneticiiil, »nil in iitliprj Ptferlt-il a (Ifoiiirij rarr 'I'hi' W a purely vpijetilile coinpounil, i>re|iareil on strictly scien t.tic tirinriplP'. nltfr ilie ill.inner of tlie celetirated H 'llanil Pro- iH—or, Itiieriiive. ni'CHiiic o( in ere-il >tKr'si in iiio-i/>( ihe Kiiropi'iin stme'. il- inlf > luction into the Cniteil .-l.it-n w:i' in teii -nt more P'| «rially lor thn>f of our I'.ithcr unii sr ittcreil here •iiiil there ov*T the i .re of this aiiijhiv country .Mceliiij: with iirem 'Un-rs.; iiinunH ihpiii. I now olfiT it to the AiiiPrii'an t>uhti'. knovi iiiL'Oiiit Its irul y wontlerl'ul iiietticiniil virtues must tie :tc Knott le.isPil. It is p irticularly rer.onimeniieil to tliose imt-oms whose ronstitu- timi' havo (iron iinpiiiri'il by the contiiiuou' use ofnriieiit '|iir'I>, or other tinm.s of ili'S pation. «;tn rnlly in^lantaneou > in ftl. ct. it tind its way direitlylo the y.it of liie, thriliiii:: and qiiii kenon! every nerve, r.ii-^iiiu up the ilr.iopint: s()iril, ,tnd, in |.ic\ iiilu-oni: new health and viaiir in llip sy'tem. .\( I I'll K—Whoevi r expects to find thi> a Ik verat'C will ho dis- ipjioiiitpil; hut to the sick, weak und low spiriied. it will provi' a giateiui ariaieitic corJial, po-jses'eti ot -iiiiiiuhir ruiiiedial prupcrties c A c r I o s : 'I'hp '.TPat popul irity of thiodelightful .Arniua has induced ina'iy iniilaliiiii', Wtmli thi‘ pulilic should jjuard attain't purcha'ii't; lie noi (ipr-u idt il to huv anythina else until you li.tvt sjiveii Hoer- have’s llollaiiil llitti r'a t.ilr trial. *ne hottlew'll convince you how intin lely siipprmr it i> to all these imitations. ^;;^s.ild at SI.O I per hottle, or six hottles for S-'i.OO, by the t^OLK, !• K O P It 1 |;T (J K 6=, I*AUK, JK. CO. M ,4 N U F A C T I’ R I N IJ PH.ARM.ACEUTISTS A.N'L» CHK.MLSTS, Pittsburgh, Pa, Samuel J, llinsJale sole agent for Fayetteville, •lune 14, 1857. Iti- .NOTICK. I^HE Copartnership of .Marsh, Carroll & Co., is this day disolved by mutual consent, and the business will be settled up by J. F’. .Marst). J. W C.AKROLL. U. O MeDUFFlE. J. F MAC , Nov, lit), lH-07. ..-'.It (iUKA'r l-\'FKiilMilSK! I':ty>ll4‘vii l* i«> l>oiiii5i lo '^'lE Subscribers would respectfully inform their friends and the public, that they have entered iwto copartncrshiji for the fiurjiose of conducting the general C.\HlilV(^E BC.'^l.N E.''.S in all its various parts. .And tieing botli practical workra a, fully un derstanding their business, they have ao i,- *it'ition to compaie woik with any est iblishment i . -jitevilU as to siyie and durubility. One ot the firm may be known by rt. . ..ja to A. H. Whitfiold's iron work f ^r the bist two y«ja.rs. We warrant ail ».)rk to give general satisfactioti f 01 tw elve Uii i.ths Rejiuiriitg done iu the neat est manner low for cash PIEK & BHAMN. Ja.mks H. Pikr. J.^mk.s Bhanin. Fayetteville, J ia’y 21, 1H5;5. 62tf H^hirbSc I'aeforUn . “K V • -:A H. 1 1858. Godey's Lady’s liook lor Jjiiiiiary, E. J. UALE & SON. T\V(I UOiUiS \IUi\L C. T. H UGH 4i SO.\’S STORK. Faycl Icvilee, i\. V. Jan’y 20. ^Oypd 'xo inMIU (J! H E subscriber is now prepared to till all orders for Sm/ferior RncLets. He manufactures North Carolina material—he em ploys North Carolina capital and labor.—and he solicits North Carolina patronage. By giving him a trial, and by comparing his with Northern price.s, be hopes fo be able to make a favorable showing. \ TRIAL is what he wants. Messrs, WORTH UTLEY of this place are Agents for the sale of the above Buckets. G. H. MAKEPEACE, Fayetteville, Feb’y 17, lJ^'i7. 82-y i)i-:KP iuvi:u coAi.. KITUMINOUS COAL of the best ‘Quality can bt had at the works at Egvf*t, at a reasonable prici by the Ton. VVM. McCLANK. Mining Engineer, May 21, 18ot> b-tt HOOP IR(>X. A L.VRGE lot of Hoop Iron for Cotton, For salt m low, by J.VS. O. (’^OK. Nov’r 9. 58-iim Blank W arrante for sale herr, ir U')I!F.IM' I). (iUKKN. iL \TE (iUEEN WE.\R.) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, Sic., FAVKrTKVlLiJO, N. 1) J. be^s to return his sincere thanks to the public for the kin l patronage so liberally be- stowe 1 upon the late Firm, and informs them he has bou^i.t the interest of .1. S. We.ir. and will continue the bu'iness in all its br.anches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. .N. I’> .\11 W,Itches left with him for repair will be taken apart ill the presence of the owners, and the neces'iry repairs jiointed out to them and a written contnict given for the same, which work will be war- rantu 1 for two years, t>;i hand and for s.ile now, the luosi varied and choice selection of C1,0C1\S and othe*' '.ime pieces that h IS ever been olfered to the public ir. North Caro lina, which he will sell at New York prices, and also w.\ i.u.'vv af’or two years. iiv to and by the late firm will be j.aid R [lurejeivel by II. I). GREEN. .Vugust2‘), iHot;. ,34-tf 1‘niLK’ \o rici: is H1111EI5\ (.;i\'E.N’. that Books ol’ Subscription to the capital stock if the Central Rail Road, from IJeauf >rt Harbor viu Kenansville. ('linton, Fayetteville, iiid N\ est. will be opened on Thurs l.iy, the lOth day of .\pril 18.It), ;iiid rem.ain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the following [ilaces and under direction of the following named (lersotis. Commissioners in the Charter, viz; In the County of Onslow, at the office of the Clerk of the (’ounty Ceurt at ,)acksonville, and at the Post t)itice Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, G. J. Ward, J. H. toy, iiobert White, John .A. Averitt, Jr,, t.iwen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In I arteret county, at the ofHce of l>r. M. F. Aren- dell at Beaufort Dr. .M. F. -Arendell, .1. F. Bell, L. r, (iglesbV, At the store of (.} W. Taylor nt Carolina ('ity,—Col. 'Wn. N. Dennis, H. .S. Bell, (’apt. Levi Oglesbv, Bridge Arendell. In Diipiin comity, at the ofiice of the County (.'ourt t'lerk at Kenansville, — Major Owen 11. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Win. E. Hill, Wm. ,). Houston, Stephen Graham. In Sampson county, at thr oHice of the ('ounty (’ourt t’lerk at (’linton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay^ Patrick Murphy, Wm. Faison, J. R. iieaiiian, .Alfred .lohnson. In Cumberland county, at Fayetteville, at the office of .\ \. McKethan,—Thomas I!. Underwood, Randal •IcDaniel, Edward L, Winslow, John (’. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Uuilersigned agree to take the number of shares if -'Sin') each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the t’entral Raii Roail (Company; and in all resjiects to comply with the torms of the Charter. N uuefc . Residoii;.; I No. of s';iares ('ash I Work. I 1 Subscrij tions may be made payable in work, and aiay specify whether for grading or cross-ties: and ■itockliolders »;hall in every case have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi- nxer’s estimate. As soon as one hundred thous.md dollars are siib- scribeii, the (Commissioners of Onslow county'are to be 'lofified, and they are reiiu'red to call a meeting of ■Stockholders to organize the Company. March 15, IH-t*;. l,"tf F all kinds, is e.xecuteil in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will ave the repurchase of new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen roiding at a distance, will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders; Pack them and send theiTi with particular directions to this cbtablishment; tnd when finished, they will be carefully’ repacked and returned without delay. 1 h ive the best stock of mater'.' ■ ship will cotupare with any eith--; it .• ' • “^outh. .Vppiv for a list of Binding prices befui c li- . vhere. The undersigned respectfully solicits a aa,.re d’patronage. THOS. H. TILLING H.AST, Anderson Street. Not. 5, 1857. 64-Y Di\ Ilftirks^s Hisfortf O \ O K T II V \ II O 1.1 -\ \ . The SubscriViers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our General Agent for the State, H, W. Horne of this )i!ace, or any of his Assistant Agents. The price v.iries according to style of binding: In handsome i cloth *1 2;'>; in Library Sheep Jjil 5i: in half Calf •'^1 ■ 75. It i.s sdi.o onlv mii ('asii. None will be charged, i either by ourselves or our .\geiits. A liberal discoun' | will be made where ijuantities are taken to sell again ; It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of the puice and 21 cents to pay postage. The 2d volume is in course of jireparation. There will J robably be four or five volumes in all. The suc ceeding volumes will probably contain about 5ut) p.iges each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher }irice, viz; half a cent a page for the cloth binding, 2^> cents additional for xheep and 50 cents additional lor the half calf binding. E. J. H.\LE vV S>N. Fa; etteville, .April 2'.*, 1H57- P. The -Agent and his .Assistants design to visit every county in the State, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the nieun tinie, orders to him or to us. accompanied by the cash, will receive jirompt atten tion. ST\NI).\RI) it MlSrELLAXKOlS noo US. R. KANE'S .\,ctic Lxpit ratioiis.—cloth, shee] •ind halt'c.alf: Prescott's Ferdinand and I'.ibell i. (’oiii|uest of Peru. Phillip 2d, and Comiuest of Mexico; Henry t’lay’s Works, li vols ; Benton’s fhirty W'ars in the U. S. Senate; Daniel We'ister's Works, ti vols ; .Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving's Works, I-') vols.. clulli ;ind sheep; Memoirs of Wm Wirt; lrvin;z’s Lite of Wiisliington, cloth and sherp; l.ife and Co:respon- dence of Webster; Com. Perry's Japan Expe iitMii; .\b- bott's Napoleon; The Indigenous Races of the Eartli, by Nott I't (iliddon: Recoliections of .V Lire I itue. by (.ioodrich. (Peter Parley;) Hume and .Mac.iulay11 i.-- tories ot' England; Hallam’s, Robertson's, Johnson Burkes, .\ddison's, Hannah .More's und Dick’s Works; Southey's Common Place Book: Historical Collections of Virjrinia; Dickens’s Complete Works, l:i vols ilius- tr;iteu; La.Maitine's History of Turkey; The t.^ueens of Scotland, by Agnes .''tricklaiui: (i il.l'':i:tli s .Vnim.ited Natuie; Noctes .Ambrosiatue. 5 vo. -.,—edite l by Dr McKenzie; Rollin's .Ancient Histur;.; Coiistitutioiiai Text !5ook; Millman’s Gibbon's !;o::ie: The St.atesuian s .Maiiu.'il; i'ales and Novels ot .Mmi.i Edgeworth; Proc tor's History of the ('rusades; liambers’ Int'oriiiatioii for the People: Tytler s I tiivei .-al History: Boswell s : Life of Dr. Johnson: Chambers’ Miscellany. DJ vols ; .Ap-^'leton's Cyclopelia ot Biography: Tlie Scottish (jael: Encyclopedia Americiiia. 11 vols.; W aver’.y .Novels in 12, "21 and 27 vols ; Wilson’s lales of the Borders and of Scotlaml; DeTocnueville s Democracy in .Viiierica: Knight's Half Hours with the best Authors: Bulwer's Novels, complete in one vol; Plutandi s Lives: .'lodirii l’>riti^-h Essayists: Lyell's Principles of tieolo- gy: r.iles of the .\rai)ian Nights, 1 vols. illustrated: .Nlaurj';^ Physical Geography of the .''ea: .Adventures of a (ieiit'.eman iu Search of a Horse: .Mrs. Lilis j Family .Monitor and (iuide to .'Social Ha{ipiness; 1 lie Uache.or of .''alam itic i, by Le Sage: History of the Revoiutiotis 111 Europe: Lockhirts Life ot Walter .''cotf: Hogg's Wiiiter|Eveniiig Talcs: Woodl'all's J uniu:'- .Mchit i^h's .Miacellanies: llainilton's Phiiosojdiy and : l.iter.iture; .Mc.Xulay's Mi.-cellanies; Marshall's Wash- ’ iiigtoii: Lite of Pinckney; Braude s Encyclopedia: 1 he Prince of the House cf Davi l: The Poetical Works oi Hem.ins, Scott. Campbeii. .MiUon, Byiou, .Moore, Burns, Sliakspeare, iVc , in various styles, j E. J. HALE .S: SON. noous. CAI.K\|>AR FOR IH5H. G ■ TI 2 S >• 02 > a so e > Fi:ni;rAKV. MAPi'If Al'lllh .MAY. NI-: .ni.v .vr(;r.T SKP'! i:>n?Kii (X'ToliKK ■ '^il.M.Vr'S Civil Law: Roscoe's (’rim. Evi dence: Chitty on Contracts; *• Ciimin.il Law; “ “ Pleaaing; ."^tepben on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of Car riers; Selwyn's Nisi Prius, — .\iu. Notes: Smita's Chancery Practice; “ Landlord and Teu- iint: “ on Contracts; “ Leading Cases; Story on Conflict of Law; “ Eijuity Jurispru dence: “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; Eijuity Pleadings: on (.'ontracts; Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments: Byles’ on Bills: Tayler's Law Glossary: Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate; Broom’s Legal .Ma.viiiis; “ C(>mnicntaries on the (’om. Law; .Adams’s Equity: “ on Ejectnifeiit; Burrili iin (.’iri um. Evidi-nce: Law Dictionary Leading (.'ases in E'|uity: Tidd'.-) I’ractice—.Am. .N.iti's: Hill on Trustees. *• ‘• I Matthews' Presuni|itive Evi- 1 •ilence; ' Powell on .Mortgages: i (’antweU’s .lustice; I Supreme Court Reports, \c-. Markie oil .''laiidi f: Sedgwick on the .Measure ot Danriger-; Sedgwick on .■statutory and l^’otis. Law; Hale s Pleas ot the I'rowii: Bisho{) on .Marriage aii'l Di vori.'c: Mitford sCli.incery Piead- iii-r': Sanderson Lsesijc Irusts: Hargr.ive .V Butler's ( uKe tijioii Littleton; U. .'States Digei-t: St.tte Trials of the L. ; Russell on .\rbiti ation: .Morris on llepievin; Troubat oil Limited I’art- iiersfiii .': Sugdeli oil \ ^'t;dor^: on power,-: Saiin lers on Pleading; Rei'orts; .\ddisoii on ( ontracts; A\ hartot! on Homicide; Wharton .y Sti.e's .'Wed ,1 uri>prud>-nee; Newlan I on t-'oiitracts: Roper on l.egacii Williams nii txeculoi.': on i’ersotial I’ro- ]>ert \; • Wiver on Conveyancing; Lube's K'Hiity l'!eidin-. (ireslev's Law of Lii- deiicc; Kent's (’..mmeiit irie-: ('iirti.' s I oiiiiiiei.t.ir,: Bradford's .''iirri'irale Ite- yiort-; Tu]'j)iiig on .\I itid iniU'. Crown ( ireuit • ’ ii'ipaii: -a W iley's N. C. I'orin I'n. '■ ; \C. E. ,1 H.\i.i:. \ SOS'. i:ook>. S ^1,'NG LlSON'S rherapeiitii-s an I .M iJcri i M- lic i “ Medical Dictioiiai\: “ Human Physiol..^y: “ Practice oi Me lic.itie; “ ot; .New Remedies; Meigs' Tre.itise on otist.-tiic^-; “ Woman, :ind her Disease*;: “ Chiidlie l Fevers: Diseases ot the Uterus: Dewees on 'hi'drrn; “ •• Females; H.irner’s .\natomy and llistolouy: Nliller’s Principles oi Surpc.-ry: Practice of do ; 15art,lett on the Fevers of tiie U. ,'f;iter-; Wilson's Human .Anatomy, by G- d lar I: Ricnrd and Hunter on \ eiien-il, by Butii>t‘-al; W'ats'in's Practice of I’aysic. by Con lie; Wood and IJ.iche’s L . S, Dispensatory: Pancoast's Wistir's .Vnatomy; Wilson on Disease.s of the Skin; “ “ tfce .'^kin and H.air; Eve’s ."Surgical (?ases; Churchill on (Jhildren, by Keatinfr; “ System of .Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women fiy do.; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, by ’I’homas; Kirkes’ and Paget's Physiology; Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students; Bartlett on Certainty in -Medicine; Smith and Horner’s .Vnatomical Atlas: Rird on the Urinary UepoBites; Pereira’s Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Carpenter’s Human Physiology, by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of .Medicine; Taylor on Poisons, by Griflitli: Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulati. n; Wilson on Syphilis; Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, &c., &c. E, J. HALE & SON. Oct. 26, 1857. 1 *2 .'J 4 rt c> 1 8 y III 11 ]-2 14 14 ir> IG 17 ID •20 •21 22 28 •J4 •J;') •Jt; •27 ■2S •20 80 1 •> ft 4 5 G s ( 10 11 12 18 11 1;') IG 17 18 10 20 1^1 .).) •j:5 •24 2,') 2») 27 •js I «> f> 4 5 ) s 10 11 12 18 1 \ IT) IG 17 is 10 20 •J1 • ••) •j:i •24 •25 2G 27 •JS ;:d ;>i 1 o 8 \ .1 () 1 s ;> 10 11 1-2 14 11 1;') IG 17 1^ lit •20 •21 •2’2 28 24 -•) •JG •27 •js 29 80 1 • > • > 4 f) 0 7 8 D ID 11 1*2 18 14 15 17 IS 20 >1 *2*2 •2/i •2G 27 28 20 :J1 1 •> 8 4 5 i; i s 10 11 12 \:i 14 If) IG 17 18 10 •ju •).) •28 24 2f) 2(> 'll •2D 80 1 o 8 \ .) G 1 s 0 10 n I'J 1:5 14 1;") IG 17 is ID •2(» •21 22 28 24 •J5 •JG •27 •2.S •2i» 80 81 ... 1 .> .4 4 5 G 7 s ID 11 12 18 14 l.'l It: 17 IS 10 20 21 ‘l-> •*•') l2o 2G 27 28 •J'.t :j(i ;;i 1 o 8 4 G 7 s 0 10 11 1:.' ]:} 11 ir, IG 17 18 ID •iu •21 '2'2 28 24 25 •it; K- 1 •2S •211 80 1 .> • > 4 :> G 7 S 0 ID 11 1-2 18 14 15 IG 17 is •20 21 22 28 1 •JT) •2G •27 28 20 80 ♦) i 1 .) *> 4 .5 G t ,s !) 10 II 12 18 1 t l.T IG 17 IS 10 20 •21 .)•> •28 24 2.5 2G 27 os •ill 80 1 o o 4 G 1 s 0 10 11 1-i 14 1;") IG 17 18 1!» •_’D •21 •'•2 28 24 25 •Jt: ~ 1 •2-s 2!t oO 81 XOii .'ii C.\UOLI\A RK.Vl'KUS. .\i I .1X0 2. I'KKPAKKIi WITH .'^1*K(MAL KKFKUENCE TO THE WANT.' AM) I.NTKItK.ST.S OF ,1'orth f 'itroliitft. I NlU i; rilK \l v|>K'i:,s ok IHK >l I’KKINTKXUENT of com* Mf'N HV !Sov. I . n. lliil>l>:iiMl, i'KOKK-SUlt or THK LMJ.N AND LlTERATCBl I.N THK VNIVKHSITY 4>K NORTH CAROLINA. \rn»i:K :t, CoNTAINl.Mi F.AMILIAK Hl.STORV A.N’I) DESCRIP- Tlo.N (IF NOKfll CAUOLI.NA. Sok’cfious it! I’raso and Verse; aiuny of them by eiuiiiciit eitiz'. iis of tbe .State, HlST iRlC.VL AND CHRONOi-OGICAL TABLES, -\ud a v.ar.ety of .Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics. by 13. .Vu!ti'’ier :i is a new an I revised editi.jn of the North Caroliti.-i K>*ader. first jiublished in 1851. Numbers 1 an t 2_i'ist issued, complete the ssries, which is, as a whole, idieaper than iuiy other series of Readers in th« United Stales, and as complete. The I'.'iitor i Prof. liublKiid) in bis Preface to Num ber 1 d'*ems it ptoper to allude to a few of the peculiar adv;inta;res aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Schools wliiii- making eiloi-ts to have this work com- jileted Th‘‘se are. 1. /■/,, > III III- -jt a J'ckUh'J of selj'-ih-iirmlmce, and till- eiKi'liiieiit of popular sentinient in behalf of tin- St:ire and its institutioiis. It was not thought im- I'ortar.t, h .-vi-vi r, f b.ivo oi.ire than one number of the l;i I i- I'- ol merely a l-i.--il interest. 2. th' '.ri! ', 'i iin-liiTf roni/tlahini o/ in com- ..— .'/•. o r’t'ii.i/i til Itxl /looks; an ex- p. \c ii.i'iit. uti I I II'* wii;.-li injures llie .''chools by pi.-Mi,; 1.;^ ti;e 1-i.i Ill'll fr.iiii being ('lassilied. ,A se ries of h'liiie l!i a b-i'. it w iS supposed, would be cer- triiniy II' ' I. 1!, I 'bw '»Tc:it i-vil thus .ivoided. /v’l /,'/, .. till' popular system of Ite-iders being ti., II,’ li. 1 i.einz 111 a Ic s > olten merely to add to till- , r..:it~ 'ii iiiiTh .is iii'l publishers. 1 his sfiies i^ to coii'-ist of fewer numbers than tliiis-' ui-ii-r.i.iy u^e 1, and it is believed that these nuMiiiers :iri- .■.uffieient. while if the system were uni- vevs.-iiiy ii>c I in th- .'tate, the sum saved to parent* and cbi.dreii w tu;.! .liii .ii it to several thousand d»llaia aiiiiu.aiiy. . ’ ! "f rliil(fri‘/i learning to rend coin- , ,, '/i/ • •r'liltiir hut not ot the churacter called .//'//,.V, c'iitaiiiing, in lessons easy enough rrect specimens of ,'tyle, interesting in proper morals, and religious 1, r tor aii ;i;_t !n itti r. ill 1 ini-.iicatiii;, iii.'ti iicl 'oil. '! he ju ices at e. for No. 1, 2-') cent"'; No. 2, •‘57J ceiils a!.d No 7-', Cents. .A liberal deduction from these prices to .\lercliai;ts ainl School Teacher.i». E. J. HALE \ SON. Fuyetteville, .luly 2'J. 2'J- [Ji'i: iXSl RANCK. fyiHE Undersigned has been appointed .\gen t of .fi- the N'lVtli '.iroiiii.i Mutual Lite Insurance Com pany. Every nii iiilier fur life particijiates in the jiro- fit- o;'the I oiiip.iii.in i tiie annual premium for lile mt iiibcrsliiii. wiiere it amounts to >>oO or more, may be pai'i one-iialf in cash, and the other half iu a note a t 12 months. DebioM lives may be iuauied by creditors. .A man m.iy in.'iire his own i..u for the exclusive beiietit of his family The lives of -' .. i-.- :n iy be insured. This ^ysif'm is rnp';.,iy frrovvla:' into favor, all over the civiii/.eu nor a It is one bv wliich a family, for a small sum auuuai.y, m.i_\ oc jirovided for, after the death of its he.-i.l, r,n wu-.-e exertions they may have been defienil.'iit I'or a sii;. ■•n :. It i.-> a gool investment of money, even if one siiou.ii live long after taking out a Life I’.in y Kxji .iiiiitjry pamjiiilets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on application E. J. HALE. Blanks for sale at tliis Olhce.