IS-. IS. ! ! SEMI-W EEK L, Y. [VOL. Vll.] FAYF/rTEVILLE, X. C., FEBRUARY 15, 1858. [NO. G85.] I: 11 1: lif •j»; •ji • * V 1 ! is 1 h. o., •>' i l;i iM . 1 l‘> i •J'.t \( lop iC 1, nil 11 >i r., jr ciM- V h- ato HTll.i i :M )k.' *eiei - er- - ’3 I. ' Tur s'-i i\: II ,Yf‘tr itooUs. ttlhor iif^ ; ry : ' uul[. Mu - e ■ izie; Jia : II > Li^ •fhaiii 1 ST : . glon- .‘f‘. i r cc ■ ort'. liavii. ' Br PL' lie I lent Flci- ► AN 1' ‘ at iiii, at: 1. - GLA LLJ KV be • ■ rii-'-l- id e> ‘ ;lS( G i JAS. ti- 1 ,ti tv ( I M iK. )Orioi' 3r aa^'- JA.S '■ : IlINTi l) MONDAYS AND THURSDAYS. ilDWAlU) J. HALE & SON, I'lHTt'iKS and PKOPRIETORS. ' . the Semi-Weekly Observer $8 00 if pail in I iviiiii'e. S’i '*>11 if p.-iiil 'lurinR the year of subacrip- •i.iii: i>r •> J ftl'ter the year has expired. I ilif Weekly Observer 00 per annum, if paid in I!'uu e. oO if paid during the year of subscrip- •; !i; I'T t>0 ufier the year haa expired. AI>VCKT1SK.M1!NTS inserted for sixty cents i>er iiri- It,lines f >r the first, ami thirty cents for each . ,1 ,'.liiiir puMiotitioii. Yearly advertisements by spe- v-.intracts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are ■ nested to state the number of insertions desired, or V will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- Advertisements to be inserted inside, charged 50 per :.t. extra. Kwr/r rEviLLE ho i'el TO Kl^: C LOSKI>! ' '^HF iiibsciibers wl’l close the above nnraed Hotel ? ,.n the Sti t>ND MONDAY IN MAR Ml r.ext; ; \i. ■ ipt'ti aiii'ther Hi'USv' for the entertinment ot . ii>- 'm'rs iiid the fnvelling pub ic, of which ii 't'io w.i. be giveu in tiiisaad other papers F. N. ROBERTS ^ CO Fiiveitevllle. Feb’y S, ’5S 83tf ( 111 ' copy. Hr. MiaiiPks^s Hisiorff 41 F \ O K T II € A II O 1.1 .\ A . The Subscribers are now pi epared to furnish the lrt volume of this valuable work, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typographi cal getting up. It may be obtained, cither from us or from our General Agent for th« State, H. SV. Hortioot’ this place, or any of his .Assistant Agents. The price varies according to style of binding: In han'lsonie cloth !}il 25; in Library Sheep SI 50; in half Calf •'til 76. It IS soLU ONLY KOK (?.\sn. None will be charged, either by ourselves or our .Agents. \ liberal discoun' will be made where ijuantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of the price and 24 cents to pay postage. The 2d volume is in course of jirep.iraiion. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The sue oeeding volumes will probably contain about 5(*0 pages each, and will bo sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for tiie cloth binding. 2 i eonts additional for sheep and 50 cents additional tor the half calf binding. li. ,J. IIALK i: S(.>.N Fayetteville, .\pril 29. 18.')7. P. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to every county in the State, with the book, as soon a- convenient. In the mean time, orders to him or to us. accompanied by the cash, will receive prompt atten tion. I'A 1.1. STOCK, 1857. H. r. i*i*:arce & ^ HE now receivinc Co., large and well selected stock n UniKK SUPPLIKS OF BOOKS, &c. ^pHl. Knowledge of God, objectively considered, by I lirt'ckinridge. The Prince of the House of David; > n ^u;:gs; Wild Western Scenes; Webster’s Una- 1 iu:t >1 L»ioiinn;ir\ ; Maekey’s Lexicon of Free-Masonry; : : teiian Psalmo-iist; Stoddard's Juvenile Aiith- !ic; Greenleaf'b Mental Arithmetic; Steel Pens;' Instruments; Invoice and Reference : .s; ,vc , VC. E J. HALE i SON. Feb. is.')8. (.'heese. Lard and Bac^n, for snle bv W. H. CARVER ’ Mackerel and Salmon, Nos. 1 and 2, , sale bv W. H. CARVER. l(i)> r.l)!.-. Lime, best quality, for sale W. H.*CARVER. Molasses and Syrup, for sale bv W H. CARVER Cotret', Suorar, Salt and Rice, for .. i.v W. H. CAPVER. Powder, Shot, Caps and Guns, for I,y W. H CARVER Cotton Yarn, Osnaburgs and Sheet- for s>\l^ liy • H. CAR\ tH C'aiuiles, Soap and Potash, for sale W, H. CARVER \ DRY GOODS. viUt»D STOCK well assorted, for sale cheap, by W. H. CARVER. STANDARD & MlSl'ELLANCOLS no OKS. Dr, KANt,'S Aictic hxpii rations,—cloth, sheep and halt'calf: Prescott’s Ferdinand and Isabell i, Conquest of Peru, Phillip 2d, and Conquest of Mexico; Henry Clay’s W’orks, d vols ; Benton’s Thirty Years in the U. S. Senate; Daniel Webster’s Works, tl v.ils ; Memoirs of S. S. Prentiss; Iriving’s Works, lo vols., clolh and sheep; .Memoirs of Wm Wirt; Irving’s Lite of Washington, cl.»th and sheep; Life an'l (Joirespnn- dence of Webster; Com. Perry's Japan Expedition; Ab- boti's Napoleon; The Indigenous Uaces of the Earth, by Nott Glidd.)u; Rect'lections of .V Life Time, by Goodrich. (Peter Parley;) Hume and .Macaulay’s His tories of England; ilallam's, Robertson's, Johnson's, Burke s, Addison's, Hanuah .More's and Dick’s Works; Southey’s Common Place Book; Historical Colleciioiis of Virginia; Dickens's Complete Works, L! vols. illus trated; La.Maitine's History of Turkey: Tl.^ Queens of Scotland, by Agues Strickland; Gotdsmith's .Animatea Nature; Noctes .\mbrosiame, 5 vols.,—edited by Dr. McKenzie; Rollin’s .Ancient History: Constitutional Text Book; Millman’s Gibbon’s Rome: The Statesman’s .Manual; Tales and Novels of .Maria Edgeworth; I’roc- tor’s History of the Crusades: Chambers' Int^matiim fur the People; Tytler'» Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; Chambers’ Misctllaiiy, lU vols; Appleton’s Cyclopedia ot Biography; Tlie .''cotti.'-h Gael; EuoyclopeiUa .Americana, 14 vols.; Wtiver'.y Novels in 12, 24 and 27 vols ; Wilson’s Tales of the Borders and of Scotland; DeTocqueville's Democracy in America: Knighi'a Half Hours with the best .Authors: Bulwer’s Novels, complete in one vol; Plutarch’s Lives; Modern British Essayist^; Lyell's Principles of Geolo gy; Tales of the .Arabian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated; Maury’s Physical Geography of the Sea; .Adventures of a Gentleman in Se;ircti of a Horse; Mrs. Elli.-^'j Family .Monitor and Guide to Social Happiness: The Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the Revolutions in Europe; Lockhart's Life of Walter Scott: Hogg’s Winter’Evening Tales; Woodfall's Junius: .McIntosh’s Miscellanies; Hamilton's Philosophy and Literature; Mc.Aulay’s Miscellanies; ^Iarshal^s Wush- ingtou; Life of Pinckney; Brande’s Encyclopedia; The Prince of the House of David: The Poetical Works of Hemans, Scott,Campbell, .Milton, Byron, .Moore, Buriis, Shakspeare, &c , in various styles. E. J. II.\LE (.S: SON. /m of Ez M m' m. consisting in part of: lil-ick and Figured Sil'.s; English and French .Merinoes; Plain and Fi>:’d DeLan'*s; Frencli all wool^Plaids; .Alj'acas of all qualities: Black lM>mI>azine; English, French and .American Prints; Chenille .''Imwls, (beautiful patterns:) lia.lies’ Cloaks of every clescription; Jaconet Fd^ings and Insertions; (’ollars and L'ndersle>-vea. Hosiery, (Jloves, Belts: Hibbons, Trimmings, «.Vc.; Cloths and (’assimeres: Tweeds, .leans and .^attiuets; White and Colored Flannels; Bleached :i!id Brown .Shirtings; .\llendale Ut-1 .sheetint;; I>le:iched an.! Brown Drillings; Plaiil Linseys and Kerseys: •Marlboro' Stripes and Phiids; Brown ;;nd Bleached Tuble (Moths; Towellings of all kinds; Negro l>l;inkets; Extra ijuality Bed Blankets: Spinil, Br,i.s and W halebone Hoops: Good assortment of Hoop Skiris; Yankee .Notions of every variety, kind, and quality: Silk, Leghorn and Straw Bonnets; Moleskin, Cas^imere and Wool Hats; Boots. .Shoes, I’mbrellas, &c. —ALSO— large and fashii'iiable stock of Cloth i ii //, NORTH CAROLINA READERS. i\L:TIBi:K« 1 AIIO Id. PRKI'.ARED WITH SPECIAL KEFERENHB To THE WANTS AND INTEREST.S OF •Vorf/i i'arolina. LNIiER THK ACSPICKS OF THE SrPERlNTKNUKNT OF COM MON flCHOOI.S, BV Kcv. F. n. Iliiblmrd, PROFESSOU of THK LATIN L.\N0L.40E AND LITHRATURS IN THK VNIVKRSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. .\L.nBKK 3, CONTAINING A FA.MILIAR HISTORY AND DESCRIP TION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Selections in Prose and Verse; many of them bj eminent citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, And a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics. by C. II. WII.EV Number 3 is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 ami 2 just issued, complete the series, which is, as a whole, cheaper than auy other series of Readers iu the United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) iu his Preface to Num ber 1 lieeins it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Schools while making efforts to have this work com- pleteil. These are, 1. The encouragement «/ a feelitig of telf-dependence, and the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the State and its institutions. It was not thought im portant, however, to have more than one number of the Readers of merely a local interest. '1, To reinedi/ the evil everywhere complained of in com mon tchov's, of a jieryetual change in teit books; an ex pensive habit, and one which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being classified. A se ries of homu Readers, it was supposed, would be cer tainly used, and this great evil thus avoided. ;i, Kcouomi/, the popular system of Readers being made so often merely to add to All of which will be sold low for CASH, or on »'■'j too long and being made so often u usual time to punctual customers either at Wholexde , .mthors and publishers, or lii'hiiL .Vll persons are respectfully invited to gi’ - ' . - us a call B. F. 1‘HAHCK. j. W. PEARCE. Jr. .^ept. 7. 1lOtf l’*‘pper. Spice, Cloves, .(■r, ."oda and Saleratus, for sale by Nutmegs, W H. CARVER D L.,1 II* UOOKm. 0M.\1'S Civil Law; Starkie on >lanler; hru'd Apples l^ah. tor sale bv w.'h. carver 83-tf 10 ON CONSIGNMENT. FIRKINS of GOSHEN BUTTER, ■■>>) Bl)ls. Yellow Planting Potatoes, 1- j Buses of Cheese, h It •• Adamantine Candles. C. E. LEETE. 'y'', 18.j8. 83-1 m I'lesbyterian copy. F I't - \ ROE HALF Bbls HERIUNGS. No, 1 Roe Herrings for sale by P. A. WILEY. 82-2 w :%e- ICeal i.f»tate and groes, for ^ale. t tt ■ ILL be sold (for division) at the .Market House V* in Fiiyetteviile, on Tuesday the 2d ot March , , , ,,, XT. the lollowiog property belonging to the Estate of j Tayler s Law Olossarj; ... r I .■ o o Vendors and Pur- ' rt • IT-11 T 1 ! chasers ot Real Estate; Ills lute ru.iideiice on Harrington Hiu; 1 mne i jjfoojjj’g Legal .Maxims; Roscoe’s Crim. Evi dence; Chitty on Contracts; “ “ Criminal Law; “ “ Pleading; Stephen on Ditto.; Chitty on the Law of Car riers; Selwyn’a Ni»i PriuB,—Am. Notes; Smith’s Chancery Practice: “ Landlord tfnd Ten ant; “ on Contracts; “ Leading Cases: Story on Conflict of Law; “ Equity Jurispru dence; “ on Sales; “ on Partnership; “ Equity Pleadings; “ on Contracts; Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments; Byles’ on Bills; r"m the .Market House. 1 Dwelling House and Lot, near the Cool ring, at present occupied by Dr. Black. 1 House and ijot at Liberty Point. 1 Hrick Tenement iu Maiket Square, adjoining St'.r. v of .Mr. Jas Kyle and J. N. Smith, acre.'? ot Land on the Camden Koad. 4 miles .. Town. 1 I’nict of Land Ij'ing on the Northern Plank .1, 1 mile tiuia Town, adjoining the land of .Mr. VV. W ri^lit aud W Huske. i ' w tV,t iu l^rcst>yterian Church. A.^ ., 1 „r 5 NKtiUUES. lie. 4. P CROW, Adm’r. 8218 Commentarieson the Com. Law; .\dams’s Equity; “ on Ejectment; Burrill on Circum. Evidence; Law Dictionary Leading Cases in Equity: Tidd's Practice—Am. Notes: Hill on Trustees, “ “ .Matthews' Presumptive Evi dence; Powell on Mortgages; Cantwell’s Justice; Supreme Court Reports, &c- FOR SALE. A l’LK.\SANT RESIDENCE in the country, one -m. ;... • iiii'l a iiu:irier from the .Market House. The : I Land fMuiaiuh 34 acres. On the premises is .i.i"! tiio.e Dwe.iiug liouae, with ail necessary out- ■ - well 01 eiceileni water iu the yard; good gar- lei iiis moderate; for further particulars ap- P. SHE.MWELL. I .. i-tteville, Feb’y 3. 82-tf \ VI:TTI::VII.I.K, FeU’y 5,1S5^. fc G LN Eli.VL .Meeting of the Stockholders of C.\RO- *» ..lN-\ CirV LAND CO. will be held at Goldsboro’, '■ I t riny I'.'tn iu^^t., at lU o'clock, ,\. M., tor the pur- '■ -if e.ei:l;iig • 'tUcers and taking measures to iusure • '|ifci'iiy eri'ciion of a Hotel in Carolina City. All : In., iliTH are invited to attend. JNO. H. COOK, Pres’t Carolina City Land Co. Feb'y 8. 83-tt rOR SALE. IliH'.'^E AND Lot recently occupied aud -M. owneil tiy Ij Belliiigritth, and now occupied by H. ,\li;.Mii::iii, i.ii llaNiuouut, wiil be koldat auction, ai ■’le Aiiirket House, ou Saturday 2!s>t Feb’y lbo8, at 12 > ■' cK. Perauna wishing to purchase will be shown .c premises by Mr. J. .Marline, or by A. M. CAMPBELL, i eb'y 8. 83ts ( arolinian copy. 1 A\ E l'TEV JLLE HOTEL. a^K.’i.NK ,N. ROBERTS i CO., having leased this lloii-;, will be pleased to see th .'ir lormer patrons ■ . fi.t iid.-i, iibsunug them that they will use every I'ion t" please, ‘ .N. Kudkrts.J ^J. O. Smitu. ■lun y 7. 74-ypd BLANKS for gale at this Utfice. mm JiToi'K! STARR & WILLIAMS VRF. now receiving THEIR SECOND STOCK FOR rilLS SE.VS*>N. embracing.— llry ilat«, ifoolM, and Vlalt‘«ii|> i'lothiii;?, which they invite the attention ot Wholesale buy ers generally. B. Sr.vKK ] [J. M. WiLi.i.\Ms, Oct’r t;. l.'^OT, 4‘> tf New and Cheap Groods! .l\Mi:s KYLE Is now receiving a large and gener;il supply of Dry Goods, among whieh are splendid Dress Goods, with every arti.-le in the Dry Goods tine. \ll of wh\-h. jeing purcl’.ased by the package, will be offered by tsholesule or retail at a small advance for cash or on 'ime to j'unctual custi iiiers Fayetteville, Sept’r 2'i, 1807. 4*'/-tf ,'\Yiv Stork of iU)OKs and stationery. usual New embr.icing Stock of a great Swdgwick on the .Measure of Damages: Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law; Hale'* Pleas of the Crown; Bishop on Marriage aul Divorce; Mitford'sChancery Plead ings; Sanderson l’ses& Trusts; Hargrave \ Butler's t’oke upon Littleton; U. States Digest; St.ite Trials of ?he U. S.; Russell on .Vrbitration; .Morris on Replevin; Troubaton Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers: Saunders ou Pleading; “ Reports; Addison on (Jontracts: Wharton on Homicide: Wharton J' Stile's .Med. Jurisprudence: Newlan I on Contract^■; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors: “ ou Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing: Lube’s Eijuity Pleading; Gresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Commentaries; Curtis's Commentary; Bradford's Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on Mandamus; Crown Circuit Companion Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; iic, E. J HALE, ic SON. MEDICAL ROOKS. DUNGLISON’S Therapeutics and .Materia Mcdici: “ Medical Dictionary: “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of .Medicine; “ on New Remedies; Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics: Woman, and her Diseases; “ Childbed Fevers; “ Diseases of the Uterus; Dewees on Children; “ “ Females; Horner’s .•Vnatomy and Histology; .Miller’s Principles of Suigery; “ Practice of do ; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson’s Human .Anatoinj', by Goddard: Ricord aud Hunter on Venereal, by Bumstea I; Watson’s Practice of Ph^’sic, by Condie; Wood and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Pancoast’a Wistar’s .Vnatom\; Wilson on Diseases of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of Midwifery, by Condie; “ Diseases of Women by do.; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’s Phy.siology; Regiiault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students; Bartlett on Certainty in Medicine; Smith and Horner’s Anatomical .\tlas; Bird ou the Uiinary Deposites; Pereira’s .Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Carpenter’s Human Physiology, by Smith: Dickson’s Elements of Medicine; Taylor on Poisons, by Griffith; Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; Wilson on Syphilis; Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, &c., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. 0«t. 26, 1867. nT E are now receiving our Books and Stationery, variety of School, l^aw. .ll‘iioal and Topotiier with a large and varied Stock of BL.VNK BOOKS. PAPER. ENVELtiPl.S, \’c. Country .Merchants and others are invited to call as we offer the above stock on the best terms. E J. HALE & SON. Sept’r 28. («r()(*(‘ri‘s, I larl\var(‘, & e. '’a^HE undersigned arc now receiving a L.ARGE .\S- i. SORTMENTof (irocerios. Hardware, Iron, Ste'l, Holl*\v-\varo, Shoes, Lt'ather, and Saddh'ry, which they will sell at W'holesnie at a small ailvance on Cost for Cii>h, or on our usual time to prompt dealers GEO. W. WILLI.VMS CO. July 18, 18.j7. 2ti-tf I. .n. SE\\1N(; MACHINES. Itlmiltrd to be Till' BKSI and MUST DIR\BLE :NiirlMnp iiinde. ^■IH’i'i Subscriber has taken an agency for the sal# JL of these Machines, and having used them for 18 months, can say there can be no doubt that every famil}’ or planter, halving from 10 to 15 persons to (lothe. will find them very profitable: a good operator being able to do a.« much and as good sewing with this .'•lacliine in o.vk d.iy as can be done b\ hand in tkn. Persuns wishing to purchase can see two of these machines in use ;it my factory Circu.ars giving full description and prices will be furnished gratis on applic itiiai. Orders solicited. A. A. McKETHAN, Agent Dec’r 2(i, 18-57. 71-‘^m NOTICE. tT September Term 1857, of the Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of Cumberland, the subscriber havuig tjualifie l as Administrator upon ' the Estate of John McL;iurin, notifies all persons in debted to the Estate to make immediate payment, and . all persons having claims against the said Estate tt» present them properly authenticated within the time I prescribed by law, otherwise this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. D. .McLAURIN, .Adm’r. Sept. 1.5, 1857. 43tf This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those gen*>rall}’ used, and it is believed that these numbers are sufficient, while if the system were uni versally used in the State, the sum saved to parents and children would amount to seveial thousand dellarB annually. 4, To put in the kand^ of children learning to read coin- (lositions sufficiently familiar but not of the character called childish Compositions, containing, in lessons easy enough tor all ages, correct specimens of style, interesting in uiiitier, aud inculcating proper morals, and religiou.** instruction. The prices are, for No. 1, 25 cents; No. 2, 37J cents and No. 3, 75 cents. liberal deiluction from these prices to Merchants aud School Teachers. E, J, HALE k SON. Fsyetteville, July 2‘J. 29- Insurance. WE refer our readers to the annual statement of the ,Ktna Insurance Company, of Hartford, which will be found in anoiher column. This success ful institution was incorporated by the Legislature of Connecticut in 18P.*, with a perpetual charter. Its capital is ^500,Ut>0, and its accumulations exceed ; ■'jit'UO.HOO more, making its entire assets ever $300,- I 000, invested as detailed in the statement referred to. I These results indicate that during the period of nearly 1 fort}- years since its organization, (without a single change of its chief officer,) its business has been con ducted with juilgment and prudence. It has been thus far successful in an eminent degree, discharging, as we are informed, all its obligations by the payment of about ten million dollars for losses, without asking a day's delay in any instance. It has had but little lit igation, notwithstanding the immense numberoftrans- actions made. In order to attain as much certainty as 1 possible in such a business as insurance, it has been ! the practice of the Company, for several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange their risks into about fifty distinct classes, so as to ascertain the amount insured on each class, the amount of pre miums received thereon, anil the amount of losses up on each. This classiticatiou, extending over a long period,and covering property to a very large amount,fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis of actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance is not a matter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are ascertainable, and TIIE NORTH (’AROLINA STATIST AND MAGAZINE OF USEFUL INF0RM.\TI0X. ^■IHE undersigned proposes to Publish in the City i of Raleigh, a semi-annual JoURN.AL, of the above title, devoted exclusively to the dissemination of 3T.V TISTICAL INFORMATION. The want of such a Journal is felt by every intelli gent citizen, who desires to V>ecome at all acquainted with the resources of the State, our present condition, future prospects, ^c., and by none so much as by ou:- Legislators. That we have no regular system of statistics, cannv't be attributed to any want of material There are large amounts of valuable and interesting inforin;iti"ii scattered through our Lfgislative aud E.xecutive Do. u ments and Records, which, in their present situation, for all practical purposes, might as well be iu the Ciii- nese language. Besides what our Legislative archi'es contain, our newspapers often publish valuable statis tical icformation, which is either lost, or if preserved by a very few, is so inconvenient to find when wanted, that the facts are soon forgotten. The same nri^’ b.,- said of the Reports and Statements fri m time to lime made by our incorporated companies, and others en gaged iu Manufactures, Mines, ('ommerce, &c. To collect these various items of inforni ition, and give them to the public in a shape easy of reference and for perpetual preservation, as well as to gather from all available resources, everythiug bearitig di rectly or indirectly on our wealth, prosperity and in dustry, is the design of the JOURN.\L now oll'ored for public patronage. So far as the plan for conducting the same has been matured, the pages of the ST.\TIS1' will be devoted to the arrangement of such tables relating to our POPULATION, AGRICULTURE, COMMERCE, EDU CATION, PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS, M.^NUKAt’- TURES, FISHERIES, .MINES, and Social Statistic.- generally, as will present their condition, and our pro gress in each. It is also designed to contain the4leports of the Public Treasurer, Comniissiouer.-> of tlie Sinking Fund, Superintendent of Common Schools, ami all other State Officers and Boards; as ji'.so. Statements and Reports of the condition and progress of the vari ous Railroad and Navigation Companies. The ST.\T1ST will be put to press as soon as a suffi cient number of responsible names are obtained to pay the expenses of publication. The numbers will contain each, not less than 150 P.\GKS of closely printed mat ter, making a book of 300 P.VGE.'!, or more, to which will be addttd a full and coniplcie index. TERMS;—THREE DOLLARS PER ANNU.M—ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS, for ."IX MoNTlk"; payable when the first number is reaiiy for publirati"u, which fact will be dull/ anitou/iccd in the public newKpai'erx teerT hose persons intending to patroui/e tn« J'iur- nal, will send their names to ;ue uudersigned without delay, as it is desirable to issue the fust number as soon as possible. UUENT. BUSBEE Raleigh, N. C., Jan. 1, 1858, H'(-:Jt ACRES OF I..\ND TOR saij:. rSlllE .'Subscriber desiring to move to the West offers JL to sell the following tr..ots of valuable land. 1 Tract containing 2.'>iiii acres in Harnett County 18 mile.s North of Fayetieville. There is on this tract, two large and comforiHble dwelling houses, with all nocess iry outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws anil grist, with about 300 acres cleared and in !i high state of cultivation: the remainder is excel lent f.'irming and turpentine land. .\lso another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen tine hind. Hboiit 100 acres of which is cleared. There is on tills tr.-ict one good ihvelling with all necessary out houses and a goo i grist .uid s;iw-mill. 1 will take pleasure in showing the above property to any iierson wishing t.> purchase. II. S. McNEILL. Manchester P. O. tJ7-t9 Nov, 7th, 1^57 2,m) Acr(‘s of LuihI rOR SALE. fM’iHE Subscribers ofl'er for .s-ile the above Tract of I.:inil. lying on .Ander.'on's (’’reek, about two ai.d a b:iif miles I'roiii lower Little River, near Elliot’s Mills,—including ;ibout One Huhdred Acres of good S«;unp>, which e:iii be easily drained. This Land Is ver} hea\ily tini'iered. and a lar'.'e portion level and of superior ipriiity of P'n‘ Land for cultivation, .\No. a Cinular STE\.M ."^.VW-MII L, in complete order and well ad ;pted to s.iwing ]>lank and rail road timbers. .-\lso. Two well-broke .MULES. .Ml, or any jiortion of which, will be sold low and on lime. Tlie Land will be sold either in a body or in p-ircels to sul;. SMITH Ji. ELLIOT. A]M-il •!. lf.'.7. '.)7-tf (>i)0 Acin:s OF I.AND KOK SALK. ■^HE Snt scriber otVers for sale the above ijuantity .and. situated in a healthy neighborhood, three ini!es from the iiinington and Charlotte Rail Road, and four from Lutnber River. This Lind is well ailMj'ted to F:irmin;r, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purp■lSe^, liavin^r n good ninge and other adv;»ntages. Those wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mises, who \viU be. happy to cxliibit it or give auy in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS McGILL. Philadel[dius, .N*. ('.. Sept 1, 1857. 40tf FARM t OFFER f..r sale my PLANTATION en side otCii.e Fear River. 3 BRITISH PERIODICALS. L. SCOTT ^ CO., NEW YORK, continue to publish the following leading British Periodicals, viz: 1. THE LONDON yU.\RTERLY (Conservative). THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE NORTH BRITISH R^EVIEW (Free (’hurch). 4. THE WEST.MINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 5. BL.VCKWOOD’S EDINBUR(JH .MAGAZINE (Tory). These Periodicals ably represent the three great poli tical parties of Great Britain—Whig, 'lory, and Radi cal,—but politics forms only one feature ot their acter. As Organs of the most profound wiiters on Science, Literature, .Morality, aud Re.igiou, thev stand, as they ever have stood, unnvalle I in the world ot let ters, being considered lu.iispensable to the sciiohir sind the professional man, while to the intelligent re;ider of every class they luruish a more correct and salis tactoiy record of the current literature of the d.iy, througuout the world, than can be possibly obtained from auy other source, EARLY COPIKS. The receipt of ADV.VNCE SHEEI'.S from the British publishers gives additional value to tliese Reprints, in- rOR SALE the East miles above the Claren- Jjii Bridge, kn wii as tlii; Toomer Lands, containing ..ridut '^••0 acres. The PI intation is in a good state of cultivation, and is susce)>tit)le of V)eing made ono of the most profitable Farms in the (bounty. I will give a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most easy if ap(>iicilion is ui i ie iu a few weeks. -\ddress me at Gulf, .N. C. L. J. HAUGHTON. Oct'r le, 52- LAND FOR SALE. ACRES L.\ND lying on the Camden t^tage Roa l. 15 miles South of Fay etteville The L:in.l is well timbered, and ailmirably a'Lipted for Tiirjietitine or Farming purposes; and lies between the .■Southern Pbiuk anil Big Rocktish, —convenient to m iiket. There is on it a coinfortjible fr:i>ii> House, .Mi.i .•'ite .Ve. .\ny ihf'0-iii:itlon may be obttiined on the pretnises , fr-im -Mrs, .Mary .XeUon. or by en(|uring of .;.\\IF.S B.VNKS. .Vtt’y, Fa vett‘ville, Aug ]•■:. ‘ 33-tf FO!i SALE. ,Hi: liWKl.LlNtJ HOI SE AND LOT on Gillesjde ."^tre t. it j’Vi-scn; t.c.-upie l by Doctor .McSwain. Peitect tirlr- ' ,,:i he ma 1*“. .Apjdv to THO. J. CURTIS. A asmuch as they can uow be placed iu the hanJs ot suti- its jirinciples capable of being reduced to a system, the gcribers about as sjou as the editions. practical working and results of which are as certain as that of auy other business. The .Htna Company, by adhering rigidly to its system, and placing its busi ness upon a healthy basis, has obtained the confidence of the community to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its bus'i- ! ness and its income from year to year with a steady , growth. One great source of its security is the wide j Bjiiekwood s .lagazine distributiou of its risks-a policy which it pursues | J,B ackwood and three Reviews with great strictness—limiting the amount to be cov- | ^Blackwood aud the four Re\iews ered in each locality. By this course it has passed, | Paymentu to be made in all ease tp:rms. For any one of the four Reviews For any two ot' the four Reviews For any three of the Four Reviews For all four of the Reviews ALSO GOOD F.\M1LY C.VRRI.VGE in good repair and nearly new Will bo sold for half its value. — .\LSO— good MILCH COW.S with young calves, .Apply to T. J. CURTIS, .\pril 2'..'. 1857. 3tf NO'IICE. ' I'^HE subscrilier having, at June Term 1857, of the 1^ (.'ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the .'ounty of Cuniberl.inii. iiualified as .-Vdministritor up )ii the Estate of Willie F, .Moore, hereby notifies all , persons having claims againtt the s.aid F^state to present ■ the same pruperly authenticated within the time pre- 1 scrilied by law, otherwise this notice will be pleiided • in bar of their recovery. I Debtors to the said Estate will please make payment i immediately. E. F, .M(»(jRE. j June .3, 1857, 13tf i 1). W . C. HEN130W, 1). 1). S., .-VV be found at his Rooms, during his regular office hours, viz: from !) A, .M. to 1 P. M., , 3 P. M. to 5 P. M., i where he will be pleased to receive calls from all who : may he in need of his pro*’essional services. ' No inducement will be held out by oflering to per form operations for a small compensation: a good price : will be charged in all cases. And patients favoring j Ur. B. with their confidence, may rely upon his utmost ■ exertions to perform every operation in as perfrct a manner as possible. jga)'" All operations must be paid for at toon a-t com- , fileted. I P. S. Those who are now indelited will please call I and settle. Oot. 14. 61-tf with comparative impuuity, through some of the most sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up j other companies less cautious in their business. It is j a system like this, based upon experience, which gives | stability and soundness to a company, and to the as sured confidence and security.—Baltimore Patriot. iET.\.l li\Sljll.l\l’li l!O.MPA.\’V, HARTFORD, CONN. INCORPORATED 1819. CHARTER PERPETUAL Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. BR.-VCE, President. E. 0- RIPLEY, Vice Pre sident. T. .\LI.X.\NDER, Secretary. Dirkctors —T. K. Brace, S. Tudor, J. Church, R. Buell, M. A. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. A. Bulkeley, R. .Mather, E, G. Ripley, S. S. Ward, H. Z, Pratt, G. F, Davis, A. Dunham, 1). Hillyer, T. A. Alexander, W. Keney. The Assets are mainly invested in Stocks and Bonds, paying interest, with •’1)172,tiU4 til of cash on deposite in the Hartford Banks, to meet losses. Losses due and unpaid—none. Losses adjusted and not due, .1>24,313 ?>5. Losses in suspense, waiting further proof, &c., $75,- 850 15, Locses resisted, (suspicions of fraud, kc.) $46,678 72. tkir Agent of the above Company iu Fayetteville, .0. K. J HALE, DEEP RIVER COAL. ITUMINt)US COAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price by the Ton. WM. McCLANE. Mining Engineer, .May 21, 185*1 (i-tf JLSr RECEIVED. a k BOXES of that superior ROCK CANDY TO- M- Hf BACCO G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Oct 5, 1857. 48-tf NfcTvV BOOKS. ■ IVINGSTON’S TRAVELS IN SOUTH AFRICA; ii harth’s Discoveries ia North and Central .\frica; “The Reason W hy,” by the author of ‘Inquire Within.’ -1-ALSO— Further supplies of Mustang Gray; Phuenixiana; The Painter, Gilder and Varnisher’s Companion; Sale’s Koran: Jacobus’s Notes on the Gospels; The (,’ommu- nicant’s (’ompanion; Barnes’ Notes on the GoS(.els; Conybeare’s Life and Epistles of St. Paul; The Psalm ist, with supplement; Bibles; School Books; &c. Just received. E. J. H.ALE ^ SON. Jan’3' It>, 1858, ALMANACS. i^BlHE Farmers and Planters, and Turner’s N rth i Carolina .Almanacs for 1858. E. J. HALE 4- fON. B' Per ann. ttd 5 ou 7 tiO b 00 ■i 00 It (JO 10 00 adntnc). Monty current in the tSlate where issued will be received at par. CLriiBlNlJ. A discount of twenty hve per ceut. from the above price will be allowed to Cll'us ordering four or more copies of auy oue or more of the above works. Thus; Four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to oue address for ^'.t; four copies ol the four Re views and Blactwood for ■"jioO; and so ou. POS'J’AGE. In all the principal (.Cities and Towns, these works will be delivered, FREE .)F POST.VGE. When sent by mail, tlie Postage to any part of the United Mites will be but TW EN 1 V-FOUR CENTS a jear for ••B';ick- wood,” aud but FOURTEEN CENTS a year for each of the Reviews. A’. B. The price in Great Britain of the fice Periodicals above-named is §ol per annum. Remittances for any of the above publications .should always be addressed, post-paid, to»he Publishers. LEONARD SCOTT & CO., No. 54 Gold street. New York. NOTICE. ri'^HE undersigne'I having executed a power of .\t- torney to E, F, .Moore, he is thereby authorized to make all settlements for me aud in my name, and generally to transact all business as I might or could do were 1 personally present, J. J- Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. 13tf JVOTICIJ. A LL persons indebted to us either by Note, or j count, are earnestly requested to cull and pav u['. by the 1st of January. After the 15th of January, we intend to resort to more reliable means than dunning fur the roliection of amounts due us. D 4' W. McLVURIN. Dec, 10, 1857, •■.- OFFER for s.ile i ne.-ir Favetteviil LANDS FOR SALE. lie aliout *)OO0 .\cres of Pine Lands viile, containing an immeuse ijuantity • )f NIili Timber, aiid a niiviber of Turpentine l’)Oxes, and several new t isks may be cut There is on the premi.-es a tine Dwelling llouse, and all necessary out- li oi-es, — Si-iippernong and Lsabella (Jrape Vines, —1000 young Peich mid -\pple Tree."! of Lindley’s best vari- li al'o. ,1 go.Ill F.VltM of about 150 acres cleared; and ji'so ii GRl.''I' aud S.\W .MILL; and a fine large Me.tdow of ab'iut l -lO acres. The Fayetteville and C'oal Fii-liis R.iil passes through these lands about a mile from the Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but wouM prefer to sell the whole together. .\|iply to Tiios i.utterlofi, Esij., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at P.ttsbor aigh, N. C J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov 1_', lh57 bO-tf TONS No, by Aug, 28. GUANO. 1 PERUVIAN GUANO, for taU WORTH ^ UTLEY. 38. HARPER'S VVEEKI.V. HE next No. will commence the 2d volume. We will furnish it here, free of postage, at 50 per .>:?,■>») iltUVAllI) 11,A. te given for the apprehen.sion and deliver}' to me, or enntinement iu ;iny jail in the State so tii.ti 1 i-:ui get him. of my man JIM. He left on the M i li lilt . :iiid has not Iteeu seen, or heard of S'lice. lie i,- I bright niuoitto, almost white, about 23 years ol i. ;ib-nt •> t'l et 'J incliL-.s iiigli. straight hair, .aud teeth dcfei-tivf. lung beard ou his chin when he left. Had o:i when he leli a very good suit of clothes, aud will very 1 ki-ly try to piiss oil lor .a white m.iu, and make fjr a free .State; shouid he not go north, he will likely go up in the vli.-iiiity ot F.iyettevilie, .'is he was raised there, and fwrtaeriy belonged to Win. B. Wright, Esq., of that place. .\iiy persm who may take up said l’ni,\ will be entitled to the above reward aud the thanks of 1S.-\AC B, KELLY Ken ui.'ville. N. (J,, .^ug, 13, 1857. 33-tf, 1/ AST S:itur.l.iy. Mist ult , (during the hour.s ol' p:ir:ide,j iiii .ut the Court House, or between the '.'oiiit i.ouse alii the Fair (jround, a small yeliovv li“i:)ier I’ircket Bouk containing coiisistiiig of t’li- 'e -' M) l.i'ls threo do . one >■'> bill, one •'»!- gold ; io'je. li.r- e ^ . 50 gold pieces. llewird of 'yH* will ’(• given fi.r the aliove described I’ock^-t Book and I :!.'y. .['‘.i.i-i-c I till.- u.idi-r. 1 J.\S 11. ,I.\'KS()N, .Musician, Fayi-ttcville, N. C , .Nov. L', 1857 •>btf Frt sli Liner liaisms; Mackercj, No. i and 2, Half P.b't. For sale by C. T. HAIGH & SONS. Nov ;iii «4- wish to renew their subscriptions, or new subscribers, are requested to call immediately at the Book Store, as no paper will be ordered till paid for Dec. 28. E. J. HALE & .SON. The i.ifc and Correspondence ot Judge James Ir del' one of the .Associate .Iustice.s ot the Supreme Court of the United States, by (irillltli J, .McRae. Just rec’d, E. .1. H.\LE, f lif rn:u: nifi'KK!! uijttkk'!! LB.-:. TEi: De^. -1. MOUNTAIN an lGOSHI N BUT- For sale low f'lr J.-\SH bv P. A. w ilLy. 71-tf Ai; :iKi» Ml'X P.OOKS. SlNGI.i;, by Miss Sedgewick; The DWELLIVii For sali:. ^I'^HE Subscriber v ishes to sell the large Dwelling and Lot on the corner of (jillespie and Rubsell Streets, at presenfoccupied by .'Ir. Henry Erauibeit. ! Key to Davies’ Algebra; and other School Books Terms reasonable. L. J. HALK. E. J. I.AL^ & SON. . \ li. I’r .e - ir, by t'urii i I.a.engr i; - '.’iiflirijT': i r>0at I.:.'- ... . , t II.d ,Nu: wife, by .A?:'' .Viso. Bu lion’s ' 1. ;Sons in Greek; Payson ^ Dunton’s Series of I’E.SM V.N'.'^HIP; ,\iklick’s Elements; Bell; Romany Rye, by ■at Life in the Holy Land; ia; The Improved House- Terms reasonabl*. Blanks for sale at this Offic«, Blanks for sale at this Office. i. HALL