MH! To Tas 'S OF ITKNUksj Oon, •••‘I'd, lITSaATri. Uk>u.\4 9 r ina ary St tf b> Tables of the V i5l. \ '*^'"■'11 i5! H Of h 'nhV; ■'■““■ Of SI'" '«■ 'u-’rr'''”'- ^ uuu.ber of jf. txt b.: •:. r .1 • Hn ex- »!>« .>L-hools by fc,.S ■* "utti!-. rs th ^ 'hat ,he« w.reu^' parent* tiiousana dollar. 'nina A' C/j L CalUd •«ns ®- ”*tere.stn,g i„ ®> “ni religious ^o- 2, 37^ ceuij ciiou irum these lera. I ALE i sox ii9- ATiST AXD X'KMATiON, hlish in the City • AL, 't tile aboTe linutiou of STA- i>y every intelli- Ht all aci^uaiuted resent condition, much us by our statistics, cannot Tial There are ting intomaiiofl Executive Docu- ►reseiit situation, ell be in the Chi- fislative archiTf^s valuable statis- or II preservtfd B(1 wteu Wanted, SHm in ly be urr. time to time and others en- MTCe. ,sc. nformition. and (usy ot r= lertLce ■ftell Hs t. ;iuiii«r iipg bearing di- Osperity and in- uow offered for te same has beea will be relatiujc to our M.Mhi;. L, iiDL'- ^S, MANL’FAt:. bocial Mulistics luii, uiid our pro- tports cind^.iied) rn »t t;i j :?iuKing E^eboo.s. and all i»l3u, SiHtemenrs jrerts uf I vari es aa so( .'14 a suffi- e obta n- i to p iy il>ero will c'iii lio 8«.y piinU'^ uiiit uiore, to wujch X AN.NL .M—ONK >1X M If fur / '■ ■ i ‘"n, ^abiic ;lf.. .Y/J/zfTJ. antilZe tli» J ’Uf" 1 sigue i wiClioUt faiit iium )Cr as M. DL'BEE. » i-3t >ICALS. tiuue to publish iodioils, VIS; rce Church eral). AZINE (Tory). , three great poli- Tory, Hud Kadi- ire of their char- liuad wtiters on igiuii. they stand, the world of let- u the scUolar and utelligeut reader ori'ecc null satis- u,-e .f the day, lOSdibly obtain*J“ ■ f/oin the British tav Kepriuts, in- ,htt hauds'ol Bub- ^itlOUS. Per ann. OO 6 IW 7 (K‘ 8 00 3 00 S 00 10 00 W in adoance. re n^ued wtU be from the abote inj{ lour or more works. Thus: Kcvit-w, will be 01 the four Re- »n. rob, these works OE. Wbeu »«“* lie Liiited States X- -'uck* for ^ear ■lilack- for each ttui'n of the five p#* blicatiuus shoulii I Fub.ibhera, OTT & CO i i«(^ jJtw York* B [VOL. VII.] FAVI7rTl*:VlI.LK, N. C., Tl'JUM ARY i.'), 1858. [XO. G88.] r INTKl' MoxDAVS A\1> TMiniSltAYS. CDUMH) J. HALE & SON, i;niT('iis AND ru(»?Kii:TOUS. p tor the Semi-Weekly Obseuvkk 00 if paid in l ivance; if paid during tKe year of subscrip- ti"!i; "T ;itt(. r the year has expired. [■■irthe Weekly Ouskrvku ^i5 1)0 per annum, if paid in H lv:ii;co: i)0 if p;ud during the year of su)>scrip- ti .ii; or n;> (10 after the year has expired. \liVKI!Tlsr,.MEN It' inserted for sixty cents per p jii;iri' d 1 •' lines for the first, and tliirtj’ cents for each . I'cdiiijr publication. Yearly advertisements by spe- !,'i.'il contracts, at reasonable rates. Advertiseis are re iuested to state the number of insertii>ns desired, or thi'v will be continued till forbid, and charged accord- Advertisements to be inserted insiilf, charged 50 per cent, extra. NO I’R K ro M ACas'l'KA TKS. '■1I1E Magistrates of Cumberland I’ounty are re- M. 'lUiste.i to attend on Tiiursday of March Term eii?uiiic. as business of much importance is necessarily t, Lie tr.-msacted, and a full attendance is earnestly ri .iii'.'tf 1. 0«. DEMIXG, Ch'tn’n. Pe!>y 17, LS58. Sr.-tt \ruRoKs rou sai.k. »K’'1LL be so':d it ‘.he Market House, on Tuesday » ¥ March lI, 1ut I’J o’clock, several Negro>'s, 1 us.sung of .Men, »omen, and Children, upon a credit , ■ s;x months. .Mf^o, at the same time and place, several Shares of 1'k\NK t^TOCK. A. M ('AM1*1!ELL, Aucfr. {•eb'y 18. 8«- Mt LEAN’S 1,'HESn PE.U’HES, in half ga’lon cans, for *a1e at the Crockery tStor*. W. N. TILLINGHAST bG-2mo Feb’y 16. __ LLTTICJlLOirs LIA 1C. fllHE Steamer FANNY will leave Fayotteville for 1 Wilmington every Mondij-and Thursday morn- in^r. until further noiice. si'iigers as heretofore. Feb'y '11. Will take freight and pas- T. S. LL’TTEKLOH. 87- SALi: OF HANK STOCK. ITNUER power vesteil by pledges executed to the I'.ank of Cape Fear by Benjamin Hobiuson, adiu’r if Hiram Robinson, ilec’d, the sul'seriber will sell to tiie highest bidder, for cash, at public auction in the banking Room of said Bank, at Faj-etteville. on Thurs day. the 4th day of March next, TWENTY-SIX ^HAllLS of the Stock of said Bank, belonging to the est ite of the late Hiram Robinson, or so much thereof as ruiiy l>« necessary to pay the indebtedness for which the sai l Stock is pledged ARCH’D McLE.AN, Feb y 4, 1858. Cashier. Administrator’s Nale. Dr. HE.M.VN H ROlUNSoN, Adui’r tie bonu non of Hiram Uobinsou, Dec’d, will sell at the same lime and place above mentioned, the residue of the above Tweut3'-six Shares. Feb. 4. £. ts TRUSTEE'S sale. KY virtue of a Deed of Trust executed to me by J. i W. Towers & Co., fur purposes therein mention- | ed, 1 will expost to public sale, on Monday, March •J:d. 18oH, _ I The Furniture In the Dobbin House, a large and de- ; biiable lut, consii^ting of every description of House- ini-1 and Kitchen Furniture; 1 tine Piano Forte; 4 Horses: j :•! Wiigons, " Buggies; 1 fine Carriage; 1 Rockaway. —ALSO— .''tnck of Goods, in Store opposite the Dob>iin House. Temiifcat Sale. JOSEPH B SIWRK, Trustee. Feb'y i;0, 185S. Ur. Mlawh's^s Hlfitonjf OF OUT II The Subscribers are now prepared to furnish the 1st volume of this valuable woik, which has received the highest commendation wherever it has been read, not only for its literary execution but for its typopraphi- cal getting up. It may be obtained, either from us or from our (Jeneral Agent for tht; State, H. W. Horne of this place, or any of his .Assistant .\gents. The price varies according to style of binding: In hand'^ome cloth ^(1 ‘J'); in Library Sheep •>] .Ml; in half Calf .'*'1 7ft. It is soli> only fob C.ash. None will he charged, either by ourselves or our .\gents. A liberal discoun* will be in.ade where quantities are taken to sell again It will be sent by mail to any part of the country, on receipt of the price and '21 cents to p;iy post-ige. The 2d volunitt is in course of preparation. There will probably be four or five volumes in all. The suc- ceeiiing volumes will probiibly contain about 500 pages each, and will be sold at a proportionally higher price, viz: half a cent a page for the cloth binding. l25 cents atlditional for sheep and 50 cents additional for the half calf binding. E. J. HALE & SON Fayetteville, April ‘J’.t, 1857. P. S. The Agent and his Assistants design to visit every county in the St ite, with the book, as soon as convenient. In the mean time, I'rders to him or to us. ticcomj.allied by the cash, will receive promjU attcn- tiun. STANDAIU) & MISCELL.\Nb:Ol!^ no OKS. JXR. KANE'S Aictic ExpN'rations,—cloth, sheep ■J^and ha'f calf; Prescott's Ferdiuaud ami lsaV)olla. I 'onijuest of Peru, Phillip iid, and t'onciuest of .Mexico; Henry (’lay's Works, H vols.; l>enton’s I'hirty Years in the U. S, Senate; Daniel Webster’s Works, *» vols : -Memoirs of S. S. I’rentiss; Iriviug’s Works. 15 vols., cloth and sheep: Memoirs of Win Wirt; Irving’s Life of Washington, cloth and sheep; Life and Coirespon- dence of Webster; C!om. Perry’s .Japan Expedition; Ab- bott’s Nap.'leon: The Indigeimus Uaces of the Earth, liy Nott Glidd.»n; lU'colleelions of A Life Time. l>y Goodrich. (Peter Parley;) Hume and Macaulay's His- t'>ries of England; JLillam’s, Kobertson’s, .Johnson's. Tiurke's, Addison’s, Hannah More's anil Dick's Works; Southey’s (,’omniou Place Book; Historical Collections of Virginia; Dickens’s Complete Works, 13 vols. illus trated; LaMartine's History of Turkey: The Queens of Scotland, by Agnes Strickland; Cioldsmith’s Animated Nature; Nodes .\mbrosiasue, 5 vols.,—eilited by Dr. .\; llollin’s Ancient History: Constitutional Test Book; .Millman’s Gibbon’s Home; The Statesman’s Manual; Tales and Novels of Maria Edgeworth; I’roc- tor's History of the Crusades; Chainbers’ Information f ir the People; Tytler’s Universal History; Boswell’s Life of Dr. Johnson; Chambers’ Miscellanj', 10 vols ; .\f>pletou's Cyclopeilia of Biography; The Scottish (iael; EncyclopeiMa Americuna. 14 vols.; Waverly ^ Novels in l‘i, 121 and '27 vols.;' Wilson’s Tales of the ' Bonfers and of Scotland; DeToC'jueville's Democracy , iu America; Knight’s Half Hours with the best Authors; , I’.ulwer’s Novels, complete in one vol; Plutarch’s Lives; . .'doderu British Essayists; Lyell's I’rinciples of Geolo- I gy; Tales of the Arabian Nights, 4 vols. illustrated: i 'daury's Physical Geography of the Sea; Adventures | t.f a (ientleman in Search of a Horse; Mrs. Ellis'j j Family Monitor and Guide to Social I.^appiness; The | Bachelor of Salamanca, by Le Sage; History of the j Revolutions iu Europe; Lockhart's Life of Walter Scott: Hogg's Winter'Eveniiig Tales; Wooiifall's Junius; | McIntosh’s Miscellanies; Hamilton's Philosophy and ' Literature; Mc.Vulay’s Miscellanies; Marshall’s Wash- | ington; Life of Pinckney; Braude's Encyclopedia; The Prince of the House of David; The Poetical Works ot . llemans, Scott, Campbell, Milton, Byron, Moore, Burns, | Shakspeare, «S:c , iu various styles. I E. J HALE & SON. ' rAVET'FEVII.LE IKVPEL TO KR: I'I.OSE'.II! f PIHE snbscrihers will close tlo' above nnmo.l Hotel 9 on the SECOND MOND.W IN M.MU’ll ne i: .And will open another IPmsp for the entertainment >f tlieir customers and the travelling piib'ic. of which due notice will be given in this ami oilier ]>i|iers. F. N. KOBKUTS .v CO. Fayetteville. Feb’y 8, ’58 Sotf (’arolinian copy. FrRTlIFJl SUITLII-S OF HDOKS, ^I^HE Knowledge of God. t l.jeeti v dy cunsiiicred, ?'V I Breckinriilge. The Prince of th.- !:ou of David; Simon Su^g«; Wild We^tern Scents; Webster's I t\a- briilgeil Diction.-iry: Maekey’s Lexicon of Fi ee-M isonry; Presbyterian I’salmodist; StoiMard's Juvenile .Aiitli- iiietic; Greenleaf's Mental .Arithmetic; Steid Pen.s; Mathematical Instruments; Invoice aii'i T.efereiice Files; &c , .S;c. E J. H M.E ,j SON, Feb. ti, 1858. and li:i(‘ou. j'or smI‘l>\ w. II. ’AKVKi!, ■ .M:ick('i'^l and Salmon, X»s. I and'J. t'r sale by W. H (’.AIvVi'K. I'V 101) Ilhls. Liiuo, IksI (piaht v, for s;i!(' w H. CA!iv;:i:. Molasses :ind Svriip. for w salo l)\ H. cahVim;. VoiVv sale bv Sii iji H-, Salt and w. 11 Rirc. lor ('AKVl'K. l’o\vd(>r, Siu)t, (,'aps ar.d(iinis, for sale by . H ('AllVl'.M Cotlon Yarn, v>snal>uru> and Slu tt ing. for sale by \'. 11. C'andlcs, Soap and Potash, for s.ilc w. II. t'.\i:vKn FAF.L stock, 18f>7. Ii. F. l»F,A!lCiC &L Vo. A Pi E now receivinp a larpre and well selected stock ^'1 of &3X» »«c.OTi^CZ J»«;» consisting in part of: I’l icU an 1 I'ipjured Silks; Kn;rli.h and I'reiieh .Merinoes; Plain and Fi;;'d DeLan*'s; French ail wool Plaids; ■Alpae:!'. of uM (ptalities; Black l’>oniba/.ine; l]iij:I|.'h. Freii-Ii anl ,\meric‘in Prints; Cheiiille Shawls, (b?autiful natterns:) ! .idies’ 'i(,aks of every description; .l-ic'iiet IMiring'; ;iti 1 Insertions; Coll.-irs anil I’leier'lceves; Hosiery, (iloves, 1 elts; liiblions. 1'riininings. iS:c : Cloths and Ca^-iiineres; Tweeds, .leaiK :.nd .Sattinets; White and Colored Flannels; lilea-’hed and 'Jrown Siiirting''; .Allendale 10-} Slieetintr: ' I'lleai lied and Brown Drillings: Plaid I/mseys and l\er'ie_\>; M'irl'i. ro' Strl[es and Plai !•; lirou ii .'.I! 1 I’.le iched Tahle ('’h ths; T«nve;iiii;_'.« of all kinds; Nejrro I’.lanket'; llxtia .pia'lty I I’.lankets: Sjiiral. IIrji3 and Whaleboiu' limps; (Joo l aj-"rtinent of iloo]i Skir.s: \ an’Ke- N(,ti..n> of every variety, kind, and nuaiity; Siik, 1.1 liliorn and Straw iionuets; Mole>kin, t'a.ssinii'ie and Wool H.ats; r...‘ls. Sli0»‘s, I iiibrellas, \c. —ALSO - .\ large and l.tsliiun ible .stock of i loth # ji Ml f which wil! he sold low ‘or 'ASH, or on our usual tin'e t customer-; either at \VI, .hrxilf I r /.'■ ' .All ]n r.'i.ns are respectfully invited to give (i,5()0 acres of f.\NP FOR SALE. ^H^HE .Subscriber de^irins to move to the West offei’ii .S to sell the fdlowing tracts of vnluab'e land. 1 Tract containing iJotir, acres in ILirnett (.'ountj' 18 miles Nort i of Fayetteville. There is on this tract, two large and comfortable dwelling houses, with all nec'ss.iry outhouses, trgether with a good mill running two saws and grist, with about :>00 acres cleared and in a high state of cultivation; the remainder is excel lent farni;nr and turpentine land. •\lso another tract containing 41)00 acres of turp»n- fin*' land, about 100 acres of which is cleared. Tiiere is on this tract one >rood dwelling with all necessary out houses and a good grist and siw-niill. 1 will take pleasure in showini; the above property to any person wishiiiE t ) })urcha‘te H. S. McNEIf.L, Manchester P. O Nov. 7th, 1857. 07-ts 2.800 Acres of liUiid FOR SAf.E. 7H1HE .‘Subscribers offer fV,r sale the above Tract of S Land, lying on Andeison’s Creek, .ih.iut two ai.d a half miles from lower Little Piver. lU'ar Elliot’s Mills,—including about One Hnmlreil .Acres of prood Swamps, which can he eai-ily drained. This Land is very heavily timbered, and a lar;;e p,)rtioii level and !d' su]>erior nualitv of P;ue Land for cultivation. .’■■Iso. a Circular STE\M S.VAN-Mll L, in complete init-r and well ad qitcd to siwing plank road and rail roa I timbers. Also, I’wo well->*roki'* \i L LK.S. NORTH CAROLLNA REAPERS. i\l 1 AIVD 2. PKtl'AREl) WITH SPKCIAL UKFERKNCE TO THl W'ANTS AND INTERESTS OF •"Wft'th €"nroli»ia. UNDKB THE Al SPICES OF THE SUl»ERlXTrM>HNT 0¥ LUM MOX SCHOOLS, BY Rev. I'\ n. lliil>V»arl., I’ROFESSOK OF TIIF, L.\TIX L.\N:r.\«iK ASD LITKRATCRE I« THE VNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAUOLIXA. bv rail K. 1 ^eit. A DRV (JOODS. (OOD STOCK well assorted, for sale cheap, I v W . I!. C.\l!Vi;!;.' , is.-,7 I* - ^ w PL.MtCK. .Ir. lotf Feppor, Spicc. ('lovt'S. .Nntni(M_r, Giuger, Soda and .'^aleratus. for s.ih- by W 11. CAr.VKlx Dried Apples, lor sale 1>\ u "ii i'.\i:\'i:!! Fvb’y 8,.18.3^. S;; t: ON C0NSI(,.\MI:N 1'. -g FIRKINS of GOSHEN 111 TIEIl. J. 50 Bbis. \eli:iw Plantinir i'oi il>ea, 125 Boxes of (Uicese, 100 •• .Vdamantinc i andles. C. i', Feb’y 8, 1858. Presbyterian cojiy. L!.hti;. S:l-1 lu Valuable Koal k^tatr ami I'Ne- fjrocs, lor >*aIo. ft/^ILI. Vic sold ,for division) at the Market House V W in Fayelteviile, on i uesday the 2 1 ui Mnreh STARR & WILLIAMS VI!!-: row ri-eiving TilliHl SLCoND SfOCK FOlI " ill.S L.\S>»N, embia>-ing,— llrv am! V£ai‘-!t;> ^ vvhieh they ii.vite the niirntion ol WhoUwa.e buy ers genernlly. 1'.. Stm;i! I [,I. M. Wiii.iAMs. t )i t'r 'i, 1n . -I'l tf u m m N’e’w and Cheap G-oods! .lAMI’S KYLE i;uue and ;:eneral supyi’y of Dr}' ]'iendid Dre .\i.Ti»i:ii CONTAINING A FAMILIAK IIISTOKY AND DESCRIP TION OF NORTH CAROLINA. Seloctious in Prose and Vorse; many of them by eminent citizens of the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES. Anil a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics, by €. El. WII.IIV Number 3 is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, first published in 1851. Numbers 1 and 2 just issued, complete the series, which is. as a whole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, and as complete. The Editor (i’roL Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 deems it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar advantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common Schools while making efforts to have this work com pleted. These are, 1. T/ie eucourayemcnt vj a jeAing of sJf-dependenct, and the enlistment of popular sentiment in behalf of the State an 1 its institutions. It was not thought im- .\11, or any portion of which, will be sold low and j pyrtant, however, to have more than one number of the Readers of merely .a local interest. 2, Ti rcnieili/ thr erit ereri/where complained of in com- nion xchouls, «/ a per};':lual c/iaii>/e in text books; an ex- , j pensive habit, and one which injures the Schools by (J!)') ACIll'-S )!• MAI) preventing the children from beiirg classified. A se- ‘ I ries of home Readers, it was supposed, would be cer- I tainiy used, and this great evil thus avoided. o, Kconom//, the popular system of Readers being ' too iont; aud being made so otteii merely to add to ; the profits of authors aud publishers. This .series is to cou.sist of fewer numbers than i those jrenpralh’ used, and it is believed tiiat these i numbers are sufticient, while if the system were uni- \ jrs.iily used in the State, the sum saved to parent*) I aad children would amount to several thousand df>llars j aanualiy. ' 4, T'l i>u! in the kiiixh of children learning to rend rom- I i'0«iiion .'•iiiicifulhi familiar but not of the eharneter calltd • tiitl(l:.ih roiHp>-itiuiif, containing, in lessons easy euough i for all ages, correct s[>eciniens of style, interesting iu ! matter, and inculcating proper morals, aud religious insti'iiction. Tiie jirices are, for No. I, 25 cents; No. 2, ^7J centa on time. The L ind will be sold eitiier in a body or iu ir- ils to -uit. SMITH i.v lCLL!t)T. •A|iiil t>. l.s.")7. ^7-tf FOI{ SALH 'HE Su>>scriber oilers lor stle the .ah' ve iiuantity of Land, si'uated in a hi-althx in-iLili^ u hood, three n.i'.es from th;- 'Vi’.ir.injrto.'i ;ind Cliarl -.tie Hail Uoad. !i:;d four from Luiubei Kiver. Tin- Lind is well laoted to f’arinMi}r, 'I’urp.-'itiiie. an I Ton 'I imher purposes, having a goo I r inire and otlier advinf:i^es. ' li 'se wishing to [.iirchase may find ni ' o:> the pre- who will be hajipy to exhibit it or give any in- ’oitaaiiou concerning it dc.-ire I. Philadelphiis. N. C.. Sept ANGUS .McGll.L. lO’.f in FARM OFFEI! for sail si'ie n!' 'ape Fi llridsre, kiHWu FOR SALt: my PL.V.STATlON uii the East • Liver, :! miles above thetUaren- s f'ae Tooiuer Lai'ds. containing i\ lll; 1 ^ lloV Cio N. ;>.!'!oi;^ whi'-h are '"th every artie’.e in tlie Drv Good lino. Gooils, .All of which. lei. the l.s If* BOOKS. OM.AT’S Civil Law; Starkie on Slander; Further Aolice. k LL persons indebted to J. W. Powers Co , .iL eilht-r by Note or .Account, are requested to call find settle the same, and they will save costs- JOSEPil B. ST.ARR, Trustee. Feb'y JO. 87ts NEW Wagon and Blacksmith Shop. 'B^HE subscriber has placed in the Shop recently i- occupied by Wm Wenijss. (near the Store of Me.ssrs. Stedman ilorne,) GOi>D VV()RKMEN in the igon making and Blacksmith’s line. He would be pleased to get ordeis for work iu the above line of business. REPAIRING done with despatch. HORSE-SHOEING particularly attended to. T. H. PEMBERTON. Feb’y '.8, 1858. 8ti-lm il> Roscoe’s Crim. Evi : deuce; I Chitty on Contracts; “ •• Criminal Law; ! “ “ I’leading; j Stephen on Ditto.; , Chitty on the Law of Car- ' riers; Selwyn’s Nisi Prius,—Am. Notes; Smith’s (,’hancery Practice; “ Landlord and Ten ant; “ on Contracts; “ Leading Cases; Story on Conflict of Law; “ Eijuity Jurispru dence; j “ on Sales; I “ on Partnership; 1 “ Equity I'leadings; “ on Contracts; Fearne on Remainders- Edwards on Bailments; Hyl*e’ on Bills; Tn^der’s Law Glossary; Dart on Vendors and Pur chasers of Real Estate; Broom’s Legal .Maxims; “ Commentaries on the Com. Law; Adams’s Equity; “ on Ejectment; Burrili ou Cirv;um. Evidence; “ Law Dictionary Loading Cases in Equity; Tidd's Practice—.Am. Notes; Hill on Trustees, “ “ Matthews' Presumptive Evi dence; JOHN HALL, t.'oiiiiiiiaii^ioii .Mercliaiit, ■14 ^ NOR T H W A T ER S I R E E r , tt'ittniiifjton, WILL sell Cotton, Naval Stores, and Breadstuffs, for a Commission of one per cent. Cotton and | Powell on Mortgages; Spirits Turpentine forwarded to Northeru Ports for | (,'antwell’s Justice; five cents per bale and cask; other Naval Stores 2A cts. | Supreme Court Reports, kc per barrel. I Kkikrf.nce.—E. P. Hall, Prest. Br. Bank of the b: ite of .N C. Nov. 21. *'il-3mpd Ssdgwick on the Measure of Damages; Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law; Hale’s Pleas of th»KJrowu; Bishop on Marriage and Divorce; Mitford'sChancery Plead ings; Sanderson Uses& Trusts; Hargrave Butler's Coke upon Littleton; U. States Digest; State Trials of the U. S ; Russell on Arbitration; Morris ou Replevin; Trovibiiton Limited Part nerships; Sugden on Vendors; “ on Powers; Saunders ou Pleading; “ Reports; Addison on Contracts; Wharton on Homicide; Wharton Stile’s Med. J urisprudence; NewlanJ on Contracts; Roper 01; Legacies; Wiliiama on Executors; “ on Personal Pro perty; Oliver on Conveyancing; Lube’s F]quiiy Pleading; Gresley’s Law of Evi dence; Kent’s Cl mmentaries; Curtis s (’ommentary; Bradford’s Surrogate Re ports; Tapping on Mandamus; Crown CircuitCoinpauiou Wiley’s N. C. Form Book; &c. E. J HALE, & SON. next, the foUowing properly Jno. Crow, deceased. His late rc.siilcuce on Harrington Hill, 1 from the .Market House. 1 Dwelling House aViJ L >t, mar t)i Spring, at present occu[iie I by Dr. lioiek. 1 House and Lot at Ijibcrty J'oin' 1 Brick Tenement in Market Jiqu ire, a ij iit;:!!^ the Stores of .Mr. Jas Kyle and J. N. .■'iiiitii. 27 acres of Lund on tiie C*inden R )a I. 1 tui'es from Town. 1 Tract of Land lying m the Northoni i'li.nk Road, 1 mile from fowu, aujoining tlie Ihii I ot .Mr Vv. B. Wright and W. lluike. Pew 01* in lVe.sbyterian Clmrcli. Also, 4 or 5 NKljillOHS. Terms at sale. P. CHOW, A Im'r. Feb’y 4, 18.^3. f'2ts I FOR SAl>i:. I ▲ PLE.AS.VNT BESlDE.Nt E in the country, one . x'm. mi'.e aud a quarter ironi the .Marnet House. Tiie I I ract of Laud contains 154 acres. Ou the premises is ' a comfortable D^’eliing ilou^e, with all neces.sary out- i houses; well of excellent water in the yard: good gar- 1 den, &c. Terms moderate; for further particular s ap ply to P. SHE.MWELL. I Fayetteville, Feb’y b2-tf FAVE ri'EMLU: HOTEL. 1'^RANK N. ROBERTS .v CO., having leased this Hotel, will be pleased to see their former patrons j and friends, assuring them tliat they will use every exertion to please. ■ ••i'lg ]'urc!;ased by th-' piek-isre. will be ofi'ered by «h si'.e r retail at a small ad> iiiv'e f>i' cash or ou * :iie to j iinctual in.T.s I'ayetteville. Sei't'r 2t'). 1857. 4i‘i-tf ,V4'ir Storh' of nooK> a.nd s'i'A rio\i:RV. New Stock of embracing a great F. N. Roberts.j Jan y [J. (j. S.MITIl. 74-ypd ■ t ' P *1'-’^ receiving our - * ‘looks and St.itionery. v.arietr of l^au'. ^^ledieai aiitl Tliw- 4‘4‘llaiieoiiw llookw. roi;ether with a lar;re and varied .“'tock of BLANK i? >OKS, TAPKIl, LNVEI.opi.s;, A-c. ( ountry Merchants ai.d ‘dhers are invited to call ss W ' ofVer the above sto.'k ou t!ie lust teiuis. F J. HALE S(n’. ."^epi’r 2S. Ur()cM*i‘s. fl;ir(hvar(‘. A:c -'HE undrrsig’.ied are umv receiving a L.AR'iE .VS- s soi:t.mi.nt of (Jrocerit's, Hardware, Iron, Steel, Holiiw-\\are. Shoes, L«‘allier. and Satldierv, wiiich they will sell at Wholesale at a small n Ivance on I'ost for Cash, or on our usual time to prompt dealers. GEO. W. WlLLl.V.MS CO. July 18, 1857. 2b-tf 1. TI. !^l\C«Kir^ Si:\\L\(; \L\CHL\ES. \(linitt('(i lo be IIIHl BKSI iiinl IHIST niR.\ULE i .llarliiiir iinuie. Subscriber has taken an agency for the sal« ...noiit Siio .-icre.'i. The 1” int.ition is iu a good state ot coltivation. and i« sus.;eptihle of beiiig ma'le oii« of tlie most y>roti;a*)le Farms in the ('ounty. I will give a han ain in the bitid.s, ani make the time of pay most easj, if n*>!>liration is m i le in a few weeks. Idre.'s 111'- .at (!ulf, N. C I.. J. h \U‘:hton. Oot'r If). 52- LA.ND !'i>R S\Li:. L.\.Nl) lying ou the Cam leu miles South of ir ly- (tteville. Ihe Lan I is '.veil t:iii! ered. an I adin;>-ahiv .adapted for Turj’entine or Farnnnj; purposes; and iies between the Southeri' I'iank and llig 'tockfisli. —c nv. i/ieiit to in ulvet. There is on it a c^,laforta^)le ti in.f H.iu.-e. Mill S;te .Any i^d'iirni itlon may 1.,* ol.t iine l on the premises fr Hi .Mis. .\ljirv No’.'on. ■ r hv enijnring of JAMi;.'' 11 \NKS. Aft'y. Fa.yettevilli'. Aug 1C. tf iL St::!re ib'l 1 ih; DEEP RIVER COAL. UITU.MINOUS COAL of the best quality can be had at the works at Egypt, at a reasonable price :y the Ton. VV.M. McCLANE. Mining Engineer, May 21, 1856 0-tf 111 T TKR! liUTTKlt!! I!L>T 1EK!I! 1000 Dee. 24. LBS. MOUNTAIN andGO^illEN BUT TER. For sale low for CASH by P. A. WILEV. 71-tf cor roN i’,a(4gl\g. Dundee and GUNNV bagging in quantities to suit purchaiers. For sale by JAS. 0. COOK. Sept. 17. 43tf FOR SVLE. A DAMANTINE and TALLOW CANDLES; fine und /m common TOB.ACCO; and almost auything in the Qr«cery line. Cheap as the cheapesti G. W. I. GOLDSTON. Jan’y 27, 1857. 77- (iLlANO. TONS BEST PERUVIAN GUANO, ju^ re- ceived and for sale by GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Aug. 31. 38- TANNER’S OH. d: DRY HIDES. BPLS. Tanrrer’s oil,—a superior ai tide; also, a tine lot ot Dry Hides. For sale bv Nov. 28. For sale by JAS. G. COOK. 62- medical liOOKS. UNGLISON’S Therapeutics and Materia Mtidica; “ Medical Dictionary; “ Human Physiology; “ Practice of Medicine: “ on New Remedies; .Meigs’ Treatise on Obstetrics; “ Woman, aud her Diseases; “ Childbed Fevers; “ Diseases ot the Uterus; Dewees on Children; “ “ Females; Horner’s Anatomy and Histology; Miller’s Principles of Surgery; “ Practice of do ; Bartlett on the Fevers of the U. States; Wilson’s Human Anatomy, by Goddard; Ricord and Hunter on \ enereal, by BumsteaJ; Watson’s Practice of P lysic, by Condie; Wood and Bache’s U. S. Dispensatory; Piincoast’s Wistar’s Anatomy; Wilson on Dieab«s of the Skin; “ “ the Skin and Hair; Eve’s Surgical Cases; Churchill on Children, by Keating; “ System of .Midwifery, by Condi«; “ Di.seases of Women by do.; Ellis’s Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget’s Physiology; Regnault’s Elements of Chemistry; Fownes’ Chemistry for Students; Bartlett ou Certainty in Medicine; Smith and Horner’s .Anatomical Atlas; Bird on the Urinary Deposites; Pereira’s Materia Medica and Therapeutics; Carpenter’s Human Physiology, by Smith; Dickson’s Elements of Medicine; Taylor ou Poisons, by Griffith; Burrows’ on Cerebral Circulation; Wilson on Syphilis; Draper’s Physiology—illustrated; Solly on the Brain; Hope on the Heart, &c., &c. iS. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 2G, 1857. D. W. C. r,ENI’»0\V, D. D. S., .vv be fi.uud at his Kooms. during his regular ottice hours, viz: from 0 A. .M. to I P. ,M . j S P. M to 5 P. M , 1 where he will be pleased tO receive calls from all who I may be iu need of his pro*'essional services. I No inducement will l>e held out 1-y oflering to p. r- ' form operations for a small compensation; a good price I will be charged in all cases. .\nd patients tavoiiug I Dr. B. with their confidence, may rely upon his utmost exertions to perform every opeiaticuin aspertict a mnnuer as possitile. ojieralioM vimt be paid for as iooti as com- phteJ. P. S. Those who are now indebted will please call and settle. Oct. 14. 5l-tf of these Machines, and having used them for IS mouths. Can say there can be no doubt that every fandly or i laiiter, haviii}r from 10 to 15 persons to e*olhe. will find them very profitable: a g’od operator t;fiMg able to do as much and as good sewing with this Vlaidiine in osK ilay as can be done bv hand in ten. I'ers ins wi.shing to piircbuse can see two of these niu diines in use at my factory ( in-uUrs givin: full description and prices will be furnished gratis on .anplic ;tion. Onlers solicited. A. A. McKETllAN, Agent. Dec'r 2'i lt*')7. 7l-'jm lO JUS’I' KKCi;i\ l'.i>. BOXES of that sujierior ROCK C.ANDV 'lO- DACCO G. W. 1. GOLDSToN. t)ct 5, 1857. 48 tf Ii ! .NOTICE. ! ! 4 T Sci teuib. r Tt rm 1857, of tLc Court of Pleas and ' Ciiarter Sessioi;s for Ihe County of (Cumberland, ; ; the subscriber having qualified at Administrator upon | i the Estate of John .McLaurin, noTif»:;s all persons in- ' ! debted to the E.state to aiake la'iiii.ouiAte payment, and i j all ptjrsons having claims against the said Estate to | I J.recent them properly authenticated within the time j prescribed by law, otherwise this uoticc will be pleaded I ' in har of their recovery. i D. McLAURlN, Adm’r. Sept. 15, 1H57. I ! NOTK’E. j J Ml' sub--, rihpr having, at Juno Term 1857. of the i ! j (..'ourt of i lens and Quarter Sessions for the • . oi.nty of C:ini:>o;land, qualified us .Vdniinistrntor I ! upon the Est itc of Willie F. .Moore, hereby notifies al: ! pei .i, :; h iving claims ag-ainst the said Estate to pn-sent | the same properly authenticated within the time pre- . scribed by law. otherwise this notice will be plcadeil | in bar of their recovery. | Deiitors to the said Estate will please make payment j ii.'!Uiediate.y. MoORE. | June 3, 1857. NOTICE. L’ilE uu lersigue l having executed a power of At torney to E F. Moore, he is thereby authorized make all nettlements for me and in my name, and W. IIAKDIE lias resumed the Book Binding | generally to transact all business as 1 might or could Business, over the Tailor Stop of Clark *; do were 1 personally present. J. J. .M(.)OLE. I'OR S\Li :. rrnr: IAVi;LLlN;i HOU.'T VND lot .m Gillespie Si Strei t, at present occnpie I by Doctor McS .v :n IVrf^ct tit'e can be made, -'pp'}' THO. J. CURTIS. ALSO > CiOOD FAMILY C VHHl.VtJE in good repair and . ^ nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— JT' ■ I .MILCH COWS with young calves. Apply to T. J ('Uin’IS. April 21', 1857. 3tf I.ANDS FOR sale. g OFFF.'l for sale about HOOO .Veres of Pine Lands ii near Fayettevii'e, C.-iitaiiiinx an IniMiense quantity o; >iili Timlui-. ai.d .a nn-'iber of Turpeiitine I'.oxes. a!id several new tasks may be cut. There is ou the |ireiiiises a fine iiwelling Hf'use. and all necessary out houses.—Scup]iernong and Isabolla (Jrape Vines. —1000 young Peach and .Apjde Trees of Lindiey's best vari- , ties; also, a good F.VIIM of about 150 acres cleared; and also a (iKiST and S.VW MII.L: and a fine large .Meadow of about 140 acres. The Fayetteville atid Coal riel is Bail Uoa l passes throu;:h these lands about a mile from the .Mills I will sell in parcels to suit pur- j clias-ers, bnt.would prefer to sell tlie whole together I .App y to Thos. .S. Luticrloh, Esij., Fayetteville, or the subsoriber at Pittsborough, N. C , J. II. HAUGHT-tN. I Nov. 12. 1857 bO-tf l4i:U ARI> 4';^’’1LL he given for the apprehension and delivery w to me, or conhntnnent in any jail iu the State s>tliat lean get him, of my man .Jl.M. He left on the ;.Oth ult . und h is not been seen, or heard of s'nce i lie is .i bri*rht mulatto, almost white, about 2:’ years i old. about 5 feet '•) inches high, straiijht hair, aud teeth \ defective, long beard ou liis chin when he left, iial I on w hen he ieft a very good suit of cbjtlies, an I wiil very j likely try to jvass of!' fora white niiti, ati l m.ike f>r a ' free State; should he not cro north, he will likely go uj) ill llie vicinity of Fayetteville, as he was laised tiier.j, and formerly belonged to Wm. 15. Wiight, t.sq , of that place. .Vny persju who m.i\’ t.ike up s.iid Bo^ will be entitled to the above rew.ird and the thanks of ISAAC B. KF.LL'i Keuansville, N. C., -Aug. 13, 1857. 33-tf S AST Satur'i Sla p LOST, •31st tilt, (during the hours of aud No. 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these ]iricis to .Merchants and School Teachers. E. J. HALE SON. Fvyettev ille, July 2'.*. 29- IJFE INSUiiWCE. ff^HE Unilersipned has been appointed .Agent of ». the .North C.irolina Life Insurance Com- pain . livery member for life |iarticip:ites in the pro tits ol ilie ('o'npany: and the annual premium for lii'e nienihorship, wlieri' it amounts to !0 or more, may be jia' l oiie-half iu cash, and the other half in a note at 12 iiionths Ueiitois' lives may bo insui'e‘1 by creditors. .A man may insure his own life lor ilie exclusive b^-nefit of his family The iives of si.iv.'s may be insured. ^ This systi-m is r.apidly growing into favor, all over ■ the civi!i/.ed world It is one by which a family, tor a small -uin aiinua'ly. may be provided for, .after the de:;th of its ae;id. t»u whose exertions the\ may have I boi n dependent for .a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out .a Life Policy Explanatory pamphlets, and the necessary Bliiiiks- furnished ou application E. J. HALE. BO(>Kni.M)L\r~ J" jk F all kinds, is executed in the best manner, ^ * ()ld common Pra^'ers, BHiles, and others, re- botii; I in the same style they were before. This will s,i ve I he repurchase ol new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a distance, will find it a matter of economy 1 to get their hooks bound here, as a deduction of prices will be made upon large orders: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, they will he carefully repacked and returned without delay. 1 have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or SoUtil. •Vj ply for a list of Binding prices before going else- wlieve. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share ot patronage. THOS. H. TILiJNGH.AST, Anderson Street. Nov. 5. 1857. 64-\ V\ (1 call the attention of WHOLE SALE DEAI.ERS j our present Stock,—and we have recently re- SkL ceived— ' 300 bags Rio, Laguira, Maricaibo and Java Coffee, 1 20 hhds Sugar, assorted grades, 1 75 bbls do. Refined, Crushed and Powdered. I !5 boxes Sperm, Adamantine and Tallow Candles, ! bt) do Fancy and assorted Candies, 100 coils Kentucky, Jute and Manilla Rope, 7 bales B.agging, Gunny, Dundee and Burlaps, 30 tons Hooj) Iron, 120 boxes Cheese, 20 half-Vibls Super Carb. Soda, 40.000 (Cigars, various brands, —also— Pepper, .Spice, Ginger, Cloves, Nutmegs, Borax, Mad ier. Indigo, Spanish Brown, Brimstone, Fancy and Bar Soaps, Starch, Powder, .Shot, Bar Lead, W’hite Lead, Putty and Linseed Oil. Window Glass, Snuff in Boxes. Eagle Mills do., iu Half !5bls.; Green and Black Teas. Hollow-Ware, Swedes Iron, English, German, and ('ast Steel; Plows, Straw Cutters, Corn Shellers, Sausage Cutters and StufTers, Trace Chains, Sole Leather, kc., &c. The above Goods we ofPer on the most favorable terms to prompt time or cash purchasers. D. & W. McLAURIN. Nov. (i, 1856. 54tf NEW ROOKS. JIVINGSTON’S TRAVELS IN SOUTH AKliU A; J larth’s Discoveries in North and I'entral .Vfriea; “The Reason Why,” by the author oi ‘Impiiie Within.’ —ALSO— Further supplies of Graj-; PI; enisi.ana; The Painter, Gilder and Varnisher’s (^ompinion; Sfik's Koran; Jacobus’s Notes on the Gospels; The (,'ommu- nicant’s Companion: Birues’ Notes on the Gos^ eU; Conybeare’s Life and Epistles of St. Paul; The Psalm ist, with supplement; Bibles; School Books; Aic. Just received. E. J. H.VLL SON. Jan’y 16, 1858. Woodward, where he wil! receive aad «xecute bindi »g in any style desired. August 1. 27tf LAW J}(){)KS. ^^EDGWICK on theStatutory and Constitutional Law; ^5 Chitty ou Pleading; Newland ou Contracts; Pliil- lipps aud Amos on Evidence: Stephen on Pleading: .Mitford’s Chancery Pleadings; Hill on Trustees; Lube s Equity Pleading; Idama’s liquity, im. fi. J. HALE & SON. Fayetteville, June 3, 1857. ^VOTMVU. \ LL persons indebted to ua either by Note, or Ac- /•- count, are earnestly requested to call aud pa; up, by the 1st of January After the 15th of January, we iutend to resort to more reliable lueuus than dunning for the collection of .aiiiouuts due us. D 4- w. McLAURIN. Dec. 10, 1857. )arade.) about the Court Mouse, or between the I ijUi't and t'.ie Fair Grouii I, a .•■mall yellow leather I'ocktt Book, containing •'i'-i'*. c nusisting o three ^10 bills three >^} dj , one bili, one •'1^ > gold [ :ec>’, thr»‘e S .">0 go! 1 pie''es .V I’ew ird ot I 0 wii' be >;iveii for the ."b.ive deserihe 1 I’ocket I! >ok and m 111 y, deiiveie ! to :i;e und'-;s^ |i-1 .IAS. II. .lACKSON, .\);.sicia'i. F..yi tteville, N. (> , -Nov. l^•)( .)i>it AL.MANACS. /^S'HE Farmers and Planters, and Turner’s N rth JL Carolina .Vlmanacs for 1858. E. J. HALE SON. ’c vN'rVV ELI/S N. C. JUSTICE. wi’.s Jimtict'. u1 o/i>f ndiiplt’d to lh> jXt'W lievisf-i/ (’ofr. frilHIS work, invaluable to .Magistrates, Officers and B all who iiave occasion to know the Law, and to use the Forms under it, is very much enlar/ed. Price ^!3 50. For sale by E. J. H VJ.-E A SO.N LAND FOR SALE. AijRES OF LAND lyiug on upper Liitle River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for theTurji'Mitine husii e«s. It will be sold on accommodating terms, ••^pply soon to the Subscriber ;it Fai'etteville \V.\l McL. McKV^. Sept 22, 1856. Dlaiiks R>r sale at this Office. fi .1. \V . BAKER Is now receiving from the North the larjrest, finest, and most carefully se lected Btock of Flit^lTURK . ver oftered in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment completa;—all of which he will Sfll on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to p 'nctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton Vlattresses; Looking Glas>ses; VVillow Wagons and Cridles; Side iioards; Bureaus; Secretaries aud Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sort.«; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; Wardrobes; Picturc Frames and Glass; Window Shades; Cornices; ('urtain Bands; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut: Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; (Jhairs of ev- ry variety. Fine Rosewood I’i-itios, one with ..lilolian At- taohment; Rosewood Melodians, from the bet mnnufac- :.ories in New V*rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold «t N. York prices—freight only added. Septemb5r 2. 45-tf

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