8EMI-WEEKI; Y (VOL. Vll.J FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 4, 1858. [NO. G90.] IM'I ’' MtiNhAVS \N1» TIH’KSDAYS. ' i.WMM) J. HALK & SON. i:|il l’H!S \N!) i’uo]*uii:toiis. ; ' -i nii-\v. i k!\ I l.K 00 : "r ' i f { .1 ill .liirinji t ho your Ilf siitisoi'ij'- 1- >1 :i nCl-t lio yo:ir lias ox]iiro'l. (hi'^KuvcK 00 I'lT ;uiuiuii, if I'liiil in ; it' I'Mi 1 iluriiijr tlio y«*;ir of s>il)si ri]i- ■ '1 I'i' .ittfi- tlio yo:ir hiis oxj'ireil. !\ I'lSllMKNTS insertO'l for sixty c«“iits per ■ ' •' ’.lu-s t"v ihe tirst, aii'l tliirtv cents for c:icli ill : I'li'ric;it;uii. \ early lulvertisements l>y >i'o- ■;iU:icts, :it re;isonablo rates. Ailvertisers are cl t'l state the niniil>or of iiisertions ilesireii. or ' i'O .••■!itin\ioil till fi>rl>iil. niicl eharjroil accor'I- • I tto l>r itisi'rlc-l cliar^Otl '>0 per BOER II AVE’S HOLLAR Jn i rHRS lOirO.N HOM)S I'OK ."ALE. • fiiti \\ ostoiu Kai! Ixoa'I I'o. have for bale in amount I • . -'..I j'lirchasers. I .1 Ml , t file C'lMipnt) Hotiils of tlio l^ouiity (>t'' ,;i I . II. 1, lii'ariii^ 7 prr cent, interest, j.ayaMe ; - ■ '11 y .'!i the 1st an.l the 1st of Deceiu- | . Mi: : nuinir.c -0 years. , r'l ij'iiii ,)t the (.'I'upoti Hi'iiils of the Town of j ”■ vil f, ('eariiis: *1 ]>er cent interest, payable semi- | ■ ... y ..n the l&t January and the 1st of Julv, uu>J . . JO \far.. • h ir,.ls v. ore is:-ui cl in m.-oor.l'inoe with law to V -r iti Ik iil lloa'i (’'I., to pay the County ami ; Mit.s; ri{itioiis respectively. ;i> h't'-iii^ inoiiey wi’l tin.I theoe hou'ls (at the 'lie seiling them) a hotter investment than i uiK .''ti i k ill tiio ."'tate. : term? apply t.^ 1>. MALLETT, Esq., I’res't or JNO M. KUE. Troas r Western R. I?. Co. . ... ettevil'.c, Feb'y’ll'i, 8t'tf KNi IIO.AIE M.VM FACTl KEr i. '"I'crilier havinp procuroii the services of a 'i I'ii'.i (c i^ ie Ki:ie kak9:k, : - . . tiu:^y informs the public that she is now pre- ■ ,r. i ti: >uj ply cousuiueia and ilealers with u good .■ . '.0 -■! r.LTTFH. SUGAR, LEMON. and other CRACKER.S. r -ro isonahic terms t!i.-in heretofore. For the i l itiiin of our patrons in tlie courtry, nnd ! - , ii'tance, I have them put up in Packages i ; J' .' s and upwards, which 1 will dispose of on , . r; :i ;i ' iiimodatin^ terms. | I Milt, r und, and I’lain CAKE.S Tuide on the short- | • i( t^‘0. M. B.\NK:S, Green Street. i K. i;:. 8f-it ' I’n-stiyterian copy. THE rKIJ-Uil^lKt IlOI.I.^Mt KKMI'.DY fou BYSP3SPSIA, i)isi:\si: OF T»K kii»m:ys, LIVER COMPLAINX, WEAKXKSS OF ANY KIXD, F£VZR ANDACUE. And thr v.irinus up. n I tLsnnU'reti FOli kl'AT. R 1 'r'Leasp fjr a Term of Years, my Residence on r 'iroen Sticot, opposite the Episcopal Church, "iven the 1st of April. W. H. CARVER. Miivhl. 8'.ttf Pr* '’lyt.'rian copy. .')() S(‘C(1 Rye, just rcceivt'd t r '‘lie bv B. ROSE. M uvh 1. LAKEN IV A T R ickti'h Bridge. Feb'y l!8, a small yellow w Il.VV HoHSE. with a blazed face; left hind leg “ t near the kuee. HECTOR McNEILL. svtf () A'I'S tilHJ \S\) PE AS. SEED ().\TS, ditto Cow Peas. — A/so— larrels N'Ttherti Irish I’etatoes. iti ;uantities to suit, by I'. 1>.'8. B. ROSE. 8-')tf \ tr« ~li supply of [Jui(‘. Plastering '. I ■itit d I’la^tor, llydrfiulic Cement, an 1 Land fi-. F"i sale in 'luantities to suit, by B. ROSE. y l.‘>. >otf Mi r(HELl/S 1-ALI.S. .'.:MS V. WTLI) W ni( .\T\ (IF Till- STlTf' T91.) i. iuv iss tl'.e s ime, :in 1 pr icure sut.scrilior'’ A ntiriios r tho '.lie and delivery uf an exi.-elient LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, ikcn upon the spot and gi.tten up in the finest style 1 the ,iit. refiresenting tin' placo wlioie the Riv. I,I.''Ha M!T’MKI,!. lost Jiis life in his explorations rhe i;!ack .Mountains, in the .'Summer of ih.">7. Cpon !( 'fipt oiThree Doll.irs. we will furnish to any ■ - 'II 'lo-'roiis ,if taking an Afrent-y, Two Pictures, tiiitfd :i:id one colored, as samples, with full par- I'- 1- to the terms of flie agency, kc. We will r i ;i-.'mei.ts sutH'-ient to :»iaKe it pay an ener- i'.'> Ilf. F'lr further particulars address us at : N. c. LEWIS \ KirKENSoN. i‘. .'Ir. I>icken«ou is also Aj;eiit for the Miiriioll .Monument As.soci.ation, and during his ■’ir' ..ill the State wiU receive subscriptions for '•■t. W. T. DICKENSON. I H.')-(iin HEIilUNC'S : ;TKM I II \ 11 NUN FIRK-l'Rimr SIFES I T If II ii'V I'y tciit I'owder- I’rodf I,ocks, the same tli.it were aw.irde 1 separate jiied.ils at the ■ I' ! :iir, 1,on Ion, I.''.")!, ;ind tln“ Worbl's F.tir, New ' . 1^.'.;. ari'l ar'- ttie only Ainoric.i i Safe-: that wer«? ‘ ■! i>-'l ii!( lals a the J.on,Jon World’s Fair. ,1..,.. ,.»j4t'os form the most pi-rfect security against ■ 111 1 Burglars, of any s-itV ever otb'red the jmblio. ' :in on;y be had of the'■ul>scribers and their agents; ‘ have 0)1 h.'tnd and make f order, all kimls of Boiler ‘ I • iiil’e 1 Iron B ink 'liest an 1 V ;ults, Vau't Doors ' 1 .Nlonev Boxes, or Cliests for lirokers, .Jewelers and !'i vate F.'imiiies, for Plate, Diamonds, and other ‘ I 'I ’'les. .\nd are also Patentees (by fiurchuse) and ii!ii;:irtiirers of "-M; ’ I’ATENT PERMLTATION BANK LOCK. S. C. IIEP.RING Si CO., Nos. 1 ..'i, ].;7. and I 'i'.i Water street, find No, J.'U llro.iilway, cor. .\lurray street, N. V. A' KNf'. — B. N\ . Knowles, Richmond, Va ; Howland -r I., Norfolk, \a.; .J. II. Tlionip.son (,'o., Lyuch- ■ 1^, \ Bt'ii, Prentiss iV Co, Savannah, Geo.; O. .’/.iii^ie (.o.. Mobile, .\1ji.; T. T. I’witty, New La. 85-1 Otpd (iARDEN SEEDS. E r.WE UECEIVKD a geaeral assortment of MAtmlnth's I'ftfbratetl UIH:,Y warranted fresh and (>enuine, of the growth i8-.7. ti. T. HAWLEV & SON. .i in'y -JH. 80-0w -NOinii CAR()LL\A 1UC()N~ U A.M.-^, Sides and yhoulders, for sale by J5EVERLV ROSE. Jan'y28. HO ST! >M.VC II OH LIVKH, Siii'h .'K lmli"t-^lion, .\iuliiy ot the .■^liitniich. 'ilicky P.dns 111 :iriluirn, l.d>s of Vpjirtili'. 1'e.iiionilem'y ('o.^itivr-nt >s. Clinilaiicl Kli'cthn'; I’llcs. In mII .\«'rv.jH'. iiliciiiii uif. :i ii( .\riir i'._' i- .\ili c tii'iis.ii h:|.i ill ntiiiu'riuis iii'l.;iu t » |.roveil tuilily hcni'iiciai, ami ill 'tlu rs fil.M'tfil :■ .l)'i'ii|)'il cnri' rill' is a imrt ly M :;tlalile ci>iii|Hiiinil, pre[..ireil on 'irictly scien I'tii priiifi|iU'.. aucr tiir iiiamier ii ilio i c i i.ratt'il Moilainl I’ro r’"nr ItiK rliavf. lii'raii'f iit it LTt' it .^ii iT..> in iiio>| uf the r.iiro|«’aii SiaU-s. it' introilurlion iiiUi Ihr I iiilfil Malt ^ u a> in teiiii-il ii.oro (''iifoialiy tor ili im' ot' oiir I'llhcr .iml x aiit reil hen- III 1 ih rt-i>\ r iho lue i>l lliis iiii"hiy ciiiiiitry Mci'hO!.' with /*■ :K*snrri'ss .-iiiion^ Ibcni, I now orli-r ii to ihe .Xiiit’riran fmlil.r. kn.n\ ins; th.ii its :nily wonilcrmi iiu-iluinal \irtiifs iini>t he ir kri.i>\ IfiliTil. U is I'arli. iilariy r i-.iiiiineniU'il to ihox' pi r^.ins » hosi. ( oiisiitu IH1|| iiiav li.iM- lirc-n ini|i:i'rril hy Ihe fontiiHioiK iim' uriirili iu ^|i rils, or orhiT roiiiiv 111 i1isn:|i;iLii>m, lIoiuTiliy inst.uii:tneoti> in I'll rl. ,l liiiiU i! w i\ ilir'. !ly lo Ihi- 'ImI m li'V. Ihr,111ns; tni! il',i.. koniiii: t vrry nor\t\ ni'in^ up llii iiiooplns; ii;rii. anl, in lai t. inni'ins; now ';■ iltli ami viu'' riii tin' sy'tciii. .Ni I ru K -\Vh I vt r • \to int ibl- a l»'\ i-r w ‘ 1 l o liis ap;uiinU'ii: Itiu l*» ihr sirk. weak and low spiritcil, t wilt prove a L'rauiul aromatic tortli il. pos>0!*seJ iit 'iayul.ir roiiioilial prop. rtU - c .\ r '1’ 1 1 N : ■I’hp i:ro.,i popularity oC . n..^ ili'lijtiil'iil \nimH has liiitnrotl many iiiiit.i;.iiii>, wliii'ti the i ililii- 'houlil iiuartt its;aiii't piin li.i' iis; I'f !ioi |K'r'U olrit I. hiiv n \ Ilrns; flso llntii you havo u’iM n lli^ r lia'.t‘n llollar.cl liitti r» a I nr trial, line liotilewili t .iiiv into y>iu ti.ov intiirti ly 'iiix r i r it to all tln 'C innlatior,'. i' jr.'ol.l a; t-I.Oti pir liottlc. i.r -i.x liotiks lor Iiy the sol, i; i> u I) 1* i: I r.T > it s, A UI> .1st. A: CO. .M A N I* F r T r R I N (} PHARMACEUTISTS AND CHEMISTS, PlTTSHUUOII, Pa. Samuel .J. Hinsdale sole .agent for Fayetteville. ■lune 11, lS.j7. l(i- TROV FI LLER, Anorney.s and Coijiisdl(»r.s at Law, E.l S0ISI>0.\ Co., c. UOBERT E. TROY and John P. FULLER, have formed an associ.atiou for the practice of their pr d'ession in Robeson Couuty. The f.niuor will ulso attend the Courts of Bladen and t'olumbus; the latter wi.l also attenil those of Cumberland. The Office in Lumberton will be kept open at all times. .lan'y 1, lS-58. 73- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Attorney nnd C'oun-‘llor at Law, c., Ur ILL attend regularly the County and Superior Courts of Wake, .Johuston. Cumberland, Har nett, nnd Wilsoii. All business entrui»ied to bis care wi.l receivc prompt atloution. .lan'y 12, ’58. 76-ly A. E. HALL, i'oruardiii^ ami AM) .lliFNT FOR T. S. LlTTEliLlllI, Prompt attention will be eiven to all Consignments. Wilmington, N. C., .Lin. ‘J'l, sl-oin (.EO. ALDERMAN, /nsiteftor of •Vaval fores, WIL.MINGTON, N. C., ^JOLD'ITS p.atronage. Prompt attention and ijuick despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. .June 'S-i, 10.j7. l'.*-12mpd A. McRIMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. \VlLMlN»iTON, N. t;. .July lH.57. li^tf T. C. & B. G-. WORTH, Coniiuissioii V.V Forwaniinij Merchants, Uroirii'' limliliiii/, W.itir Sti'i-', .V C , Usual advances made on consignments. Nev. 11, 18')7. o'J-tf PUBLIC NOTICE JS IlEIll-H’V GIVEN, that Books of Subscription to the capital stock of the Central Rail Road, from Beaufort Harbor via Kenaiisville, Clinton, Fayetteville, and West, will be opened on Thursday, the 10th day of .\pril 18;jt), ai. l remain open according to the terms of the Charter until further notice, at the folUwing places and under direction of the following named persons. Commissioners in the Charter, viz; In the (’ounty of Onslow, at the otRce of the Clerk of tiie County C«urt at .Jacksonville, and at the Post Oflice Rich Lands. E. W. Fonville, 0. . Ward, J. II. Foy, Robert White. .lohn A. Averitt, Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Humphrey. In Carteret county, at the ofLce of Dr. M. F. Aren- doll at Beaufort Dr. M. F. Areudell, J. F. Bell, L. T. Oglesby. ■\t the store of G. W. Taylor at Carolina City,—Col. Wm. N, Dennis, H. S. Bell, Capt. Levi Oglesby, Bridge Aiondell. In Duplin county, at the office of the County Court Clerk ill Kenansville,—Major Owen R. Kenan, David Reid, Isaac B. Kelly, Wm. E. Hill, W'm. J. Houston, Stopiien (iraham. In Sampson county, at the office of the County Court Clork at Clinton,—Thomas 1. Faison, Dr. Thomas Bunting, Wm. McKay, Patrick Murphy, W'm. Faison, J. I». Beaman. .AIfred .lohnson. In Cumberland county, at F.ayetteville, at the office of A. A. McKethan,—Thomas R. Underwood, Randal Molbiniel, Edward L. Winslow, John C. Blocker. Form of subscription: The Undersigned agree to take the number of shares of i^lOO each, sft opposite to our names respectively, in the Ceutr.al Raii Road Company; anti in all respects to comply with the torms of the Charter. Naiues Resident £ I No. of shares Cash Wor .“Subscriptions may be made payalde in work, and may specify whether for grading or cross-ties; and stockholders shall in every ca-e have preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Engi neer’s estimate. -\s soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribed, the Commissioners of t)nslow county are to be notified, and they are required to call a meeting of .Stockholders to organize the Company. March l.’i, l>^o(». l:itf ROBERT I). C;REK\, (LATE GREEN X WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c„ FAYKTTKVILLE, N. 0. Rl). G. begs to retu n his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liberally be- stowod upon the late Firm, anl informs them he has bouirht the in.erest of J. S. Wear, and will c«ntinue the business in all its branches at the old stand, under his entire superintendence. N. B All Watches left with him for repair will be taken apart in the presence ^)f the owners, and the necessary repairs pointed out to them nnd a written contract given for the name, which work will be war- rantsd for two years. t)n hand and for sale now, the most varied and choice selection of CLtJCKS and other Mme pieces that has ever been otFered to the public in .North Caro lina, which he will sell at N«w York prices, and also w# «x.s:vHfor two years. fjjijdp {[v'due to and by tha late firm will be paid K pureceived by R. U. GREEN. •August 25, 1850. 34-tf SHl'L^IVVKLL IIOUSI-:, ■'WYKl rivVII.I.E, rWlHE Subscriber desires through this A medium to acknowledge the liberal i n ' , , till. BKO, Pri^cipw. i lie Lite ii!i(i Correspondence of ■ ' ■ .James Ir 'dcl’^ one of the .\ssociate Justices of li'- .''upreme Court of the United States, by Griffith McUae. Just rec’d. E. J. HALE, | SON, I). A. LA MONT, Commission Merchant, \Viliiiiiii;'foii, €. OFFICE .38 NORTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to all produce sent to him either fur sale or shipment. Nov r 0. .'iT-lyjid I)A\ [1) McDL FFIE, Krirhmason attd M*lftsierer^ Is prejiare'l to do all kind.s >f work in liis line, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Stiils in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril 27, I8-j7. 3-lV-pd B. F. PEARCE & CO., DEALERS IN FUKEKiX A\D DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, llAiS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, i mhrc//ns nm/ Rcmli/-MinJc Clotkimj, HAY STUEKT, M'ui/ctleviUe^ .V. V. n. K. fK.\UCK.J [•(. w. OK.VKCK, .JR. .July ;:u. -’'.»-tf .JOHN P. .SAMPSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give jiarticular attention to the saie of Naval Stores, Cotton, iSic. P'eb’y 25, 1850. 85-tf J. WILLIAM l‘AGE, M. 1)., I» iTTS U O Ml O VO ff, .V. V. E VR. P.VGE may be found at his office when not professionally engaged. May ti, 1857. ■'itf FI RTllERSUPPLl^ OF BOOKS, ri'^HE Knowledge of God, cbjectivoly considered, by ^ Breckinridge, The Prince of tho House of David; .''imon Suggs; Wild Western Scenes; Webster's Una bridged Dictionary: Mackey’s Lexicon of Free-Masonry; Presbyterian Psalmodist; Stoddard's Juvenile Arith metic; tJreenleaf's Mental Arithmetic; Steel Pens; .Mathematical Instruments; Invoice ani Reference Files; &c., (ac. £. J, HALE 4" SON. Feb. ti, 1868. Eas‘t of Green Street, n feic Doors X^orth or the Murket Houne. patronage bestowed upon his House the past year—and as he has just erected New Stables and Carriage l^hed convenient to the House and to water he takes pleasure in saying to his {)alrons and the ['ublic generally, that he is still prepared to accom- modtite them with transient and permanent board, and respoctfully solicits a continuance of tlic liberal pat. on- age heretofore received. Every exeition on his part shall be used to render them comfortalile iluring their sojourn with him. liis table is always supplied with the best the market atTords. P. SHEMWELL. March 24, 1855. 80-tf VAI.UAULE PR01‘ER'rV FOK I OFFER for sale, my L.\ND.*^ in the Town of Fay etteville, about 130 Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .V))o>it Acres of it is tine Meadow Laud, as the Crop uow on it will show. Also, the Vuliiabl*; ICi'ick l..ot near the M.-irket .'Square, occupied by Mr. John A Pemberton. A L".rge and Valuable F.ot, fronting on Donaldson, Maxwoll and Mumford ."Streets, known as the Hotel (Jarden Lot,—could be divided into several BuiMii ^ Lots—very near the new Female High School Buildings. .Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on Mumford Street. S-veral desirable BUILDING LOTS on both Winslov’ and .Mumford Streets. All this propel ty c.an now be purchased on favora ble terms. :ind a large part c.in remain on Bond and Mortgage if desirel. tllO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 1855. 43-tf Book A^ciiits Wanted. ^■IHE Subscriber, having taken theGeneral Agency ■- for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in jirocess of publica tion hy Messrs. E. J. Hale ^ .Son of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective pai ts of tlie State, or piirticul.ir counties, thoroughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot the first volume will will be ready in a few days. Undoubted testimonials as to character must ac company each application. Address H. W. HORN. JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. ~ V o .^1 i\ AND F()R W .\ RI )1 N G M I:RC11A NT, lW*ilmiHStoUi *V. C. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 JOSEPH RAKER, Jr., ATTOK.\KV AT I. A W , Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. Wright’s Law office on Green Street. lie will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, R.obeson and Sampson. March 2.3, 185.3. 79-tf BOOKIUM)L\(; OF all kinds, is executed in the best manner. Old common Prayers, Bibles, and others, re bound in the same style they were before. This will save the repurchase of new books. Librarians connected with colleges, and other societies, and also gentlemen residing at a 'listancc. will find it a matter of economy to get their books bound here, as a ileduetion of prices will be made upon large or lers: Pack them and send them with particular directions to this establishment; and when finished, tLey will be carefully repacked and returned without delay. 1 have the best stock of materials; and workman ship will compare with any either at the North or South. Apply for a list of Binding prices before going else where. The undersigned respectfully solicits a share of patronage. THOS. H. TILLINGIIAST, Anderson .‘Street. Nov. 5, 1857. 5I-V I J. \V. RAKER Is uow receiving from the North the larjrest, finest, aud most carefully se lected stock of FI ic>iti:kk fver offtred in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, makes his assortment complete;—all oi which hti will sell on the lowest possible terms for c.asb or on time to punctual customers. Fashionable painted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled hair and shuck, and cotton .Mattresses; Looking Glasses; Willow Wagons and «’radles; Sile Boards; Bureaus; Secretaries and Book-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts; Wash Stands; Candle Stands; \Vardrobes; Picture Frames and Glass; Win.low Shades; ( ornices; Curtain Bands; Solas in Mahogany and Walnut; Tetc a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans aud Stools: Chairs of every variety. Fine Rosewood Pianos, one with ^Eolian At' tachment; Rosewood .Melodians, from the bet manufac tories in New \»rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. Vork prices—freight only added. September 2. 45-tf LAND FOR SALK. fl fl .\CRES OF LAND lying on upper ^ Little River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located for the Turpentine business. It will be sold on accommodating terms. Apply soon to the Subscriber ut Fayetteville. WM. McL. McKW. Sept 22, 18.56. .Ji-tf LIFE LXSFRANCE. f||lHE Undersigned has been appointed .\gent of JL the North Carolina .Mutual Life Insurance Com pany. Every member for life participates in the pro fits of the Company; and the annual premium for life membership, where it amounts to •jiaO or more, may be paid one-half in cash. au'I the other half iii a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may be insure.i by creditors. A man may insure his own life for the exclusive bonetit ot his family The lives of slaves may be insured. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized fforld It is one by which a family, tor a small sum annually, may be I'rovided for, aftei\he death of its head, «n whose exertions tiu-y’m.-iy have beentlependei.t for a support. It is a good'investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out a Life Policy Explanatory iiam[»hlets, and the necessary Blanks, furnished on*aj>plication E. J. HALE. •liarbie Paclory. DOIiRlN liOFSE For Rent or Lease. TKTIIE Lease of the present Projirietors of this well JL known House will exjiire on the 1st J.-inuary, 1858: the property is otTered fur lease or rent. To a V>erson desirous of undertaking the Hotel business, an excellent ojtportunity is offered. The building is large, well arranged and in complete rcj'air; its location will iilways command for it an exton.-ive patronage. As the J-esent Proprietors intend changing their busi ness, I Furniture, which is nearly new and in good order, can be purchased on favorable terms. The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of January', remtiining open under t!ie present manage ment till a tenant ig obtained. The fine Store in the same building, formerly occu pied by Mr. Wm. Booth, is also offered for rent. JNO. II. COOK, Prest. Dobbin House Co. Dec’r 10, 1857. t',)-tf The Lfirgegt Varritt^f' Ffsetori/ in the Sot9fi! .^icK iyniA\ I'SPECTFULLV informs his friends and the public, that be bas liuiU «ip larjje sul>stantial Brick Buildiii'jrs at b' Oid Staiid. xpre -^ly for mati- ulactiiring Carrii.ges. Tliankl'iil lor tne very liber.il pjitron.age he has received f(>r the lasi 21 years, he h(.pes by strict attention to business, v.ith .a desire to give s.aii^iaction, to merit a coiitinu iii.-e 'if tlie same. He warrants his work to be luade of the 'lest material and by experienced workiiion in e.aeh biMiieli ol the bus’iiess. His work will L-.>mpare favorably with any made in the fJniteil .State«. for ne.-itne-s :iu | durability, ffe is df'terminccl to «e:l and .lo ;uiy work in his line on as jjood toriii.^ a.' any wn-k Jiine ei.'cwherc that is as well done. lienow h is on h i:id, Fi.vishkii, the LVKGK.-;'!' S'l-n’iv of ( orntrif't s, liftro.'/clr s. ilockinroqs, /;.- • Ever olFored in this place, and .'i vt i-y l.ir^re .stock of work nearly finished, which will be finished daily. All of whicli will be sold very low fi r ('.A'II. or on sh.Trttime to punotii il c u'tomers. tof" He has on hand more th.an ONE lll,NDRFf> AND FIFTV Vehi- cl«'S finished and in cour^jo of coi.st ruction. -V.l w^ork made by liiin is w.irr.inteil 12 months with fair Usage, atid s houI 1 it f.ii 1 by bid workiuanshiji or m.atcrial will be re]>aire I free of eharge. Persons wishing to buy would do wi .i to call an I examine for themselves. Cirilers thanktullyreceived and r ron;[ My attend-' 1 to Repairing executed at short notict a;i(l on very re.-isonable terms. ''lay 28, 185.L O^^-tf mVeir liookSm ^■IIIE Life of Charlotte Bronte, .\uthor of Jano ■ - Eyre, I'ic ; The Testimony of the Rocks, by Hugh Miller: ;>alad for the .Social, by the Author of Salad for the Solitary: Indigenoiib Races of the Earth, by | Nott Ac Gliddon: The Bee Kec|»er"s (.’h.art. Also, fur ther supplies of Milledulcia: The Prince of the House of David; Mrs. Ileiitz’s Novels; The B.aptist Psalmody, names’ Family Prayers; Christi in Minstrel; Cruden's Concordance: .Vdams's New .\rithinetic: Parley’s ('om- mon School Historjr; Jc. ii J HALE ^ SON. J line 24, lb-j7. n\VFfJ.[\(i FOR S\!.E. xVllULV ALS AND DEl’AllTURES OF MAILS RALEIGH MAIL Closes at 3 o’clock, P. M., *.'aily. Arrives at 7.\ “ .\. M., “ WARSAW MAIL Closes at 1.^ o'clock^P. M., daily, except Saturday. Arrives at 7.'. “ A. M., “ “ Sunday. FAIR BLUFF MAIL Closes at 12.] o'clock, P. M., Sunday, Tucstlay and Thursday. Arrives at 7J o'clock, M., Tuesday, Thursday and S:iturd;iv. SALEM MAIL Closes at 11.V o’clock, A M., Monday, Wednesday and Friday Arrives at 7i o’clock, A. M., Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. CHERAW MAIL Closes at I2i o’clock, V. M., Sunday, Tuesday and TJiursday. Arrives at 1 o'clock, A. M., Tuesday, Thursday and .Saturd.ay. MAIL TO \\. & M. R. U., via ELIZABETHTOWN Closes at o’clock, A. M., Monday, Wednesday and Friday'. Arrives at 5 o’clock, P. M., Tuesilay, Thursday and Saturday. SUM.MERV!LLE MAIL Closes at 5i o’clock, A. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Arrives at 8 o’clock, P. M., Monday, Wednesday and Friday. EL1ZABETHT0\SN MAIL Closes at 0 P. M., Monday. ■\rrives at 7 P. M., Monday. MAIL TO STRICKLANDSVILLE. Closes at 2 P. M., Tuesday. Arrives at 2 P. ^l., Tuesday. MAIL TO PHILADELPIIUS Closes at 12^, P. M., Sunday. Arrives at 1 .\. M., Tuesday. SWIFT ISLAND MAIL, via TROV, Closes at !> P. M , T iesday. Arrives at 5 P. .M., Tuesday. SWIFT ISLAND .MAIL Vi I B! UE’S BRIDGE Clo.ses at 8 o'clock, A. M., Tuesday. .Vriives at o o’clock, P. .M., .NIonday. TNOR'i il C.MiOLINA REAFERS. WmtKltS I A.\l> I'REI’.VRKI) WITH Sl'KCIAl. KKFKRENCE TO TUB WANTS AND I.NTKRESTS OF .Vorih i'arotimi. UNDER TIIK AFSPICES »»F TilK SFPKRINTKN1>ENT Of* OON- MuN S( liOOLS, UY IS‘V. B'. Jl. 1'K.OlKSSOll OK TllK L.\T1N L.VXl. f.Vci K A.Slj LITKKATUUE IN lilt UMVEUSITV Ol NOUTU C.VIIOLIXA. ^I'llE i^ubseriber wishes to sell the large Dwelling £ and Lot on the corner of Gillespie and Russell .Streets, .at present occupied by Mr. Henry Erambcrt. Terms reasonatilp. E. .J. HALE NEW i;OOKS. By CEO. LAUDER. TIVU DOOKS IBOIK C. T. UAIliU kSO\'S Sl'illiy. Fayi'tteville, i\'. i\ Jan’y 20, 1858. tJlypiI “LAW COPARTNERSHIP.” WE, the undersigned, havo this day formed a Law Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland, Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. FittsboroTigbi 1,1366. 72tf c:ant\v'fli/s n. c. .ifstici:. Swann’s Justirc Jien'snfj and mhtpfcd to thr Xtw liccisrd V'tdr. ^H^HIS work, invaluable to Magistrates, Offieers. and A all who have occasion to know the Law, aud to use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Pi lie ^3 50. For sale by E. J. H.iLE SON SCHOOL P,OOKS. ^^MITH’S English Grammar; Peterson's Familiar Science; Bolmar’s Fables; Emerson's Arithmetic; Bolmar’s French Grammar; Lovell’s U. S. Speaker; Sargent’s Standard Speaker; North Carolina Reader--: Mitchell'B Geographies; tjuackenbos’s Rhetoric; \c. E. J. HALE X SON. ST A i\ L Y HOTEL. lliE Subscribers having lately pur- • /*})iiiuuil flkA TVk uti 111 irt i.k1 T . . respectfully solicts public patronage. We will spare no pains to render all comfortable who maj’ favor us with a call. Our Table shall be furnished with the best the Market all'ords. Our STALLS are in good repair, well supplied, and attentive Ostlers in attendance. We also have a Large Stock of Qoods on hanl, consisting of a general variety, which we offer low for cash or on time to punctual dealers. STEED, HARRIS & ROSS. Albemarle, N. C., Oct. 28, 1857. o(i-*(jmpd DRYGOODS .IT FIjOn.iMj VOLihKU E. f ji^HE Subscriber expects to receive his F.ali and Jl Winter Qoods in a few days; his stock this sea son will be found unusually aUractive, comprised in part of a large assortment of Staple Goods; Ladies' Dress Goods; Ready made Clotbingj Boots; Shoes; Hate, Caps; Bonnets; Cloaks; Talmas, In fact, everything usually found in a Dry feroods Store, all of which will b« sold to suit the '.Imes to cast and prompt paying customers. At No. 1, Floral Avenue, is the place to find cheap, good and handsome Goods. Bear this in mind. EDMUND LILLY. Sept. 4, 1857. 40-*tf LANDS FOR SALE. 1 OFFER for sale the Tract of L.and known as “Martin’s Old Store,” on the Vadkin Road, in the County of Moore, containing 300 Acres. For par ticulars apply to J. & T. Waddill, of Fayettevi le. or to the subscriber. CLEMENT DOWD. Carthage, Jan’y 26, 1854. 80-*6t ijltmks libr sale at this MARRIFD or .'1N(;LE, l.y Miss Se lirewick: Thi Professor, by (’urrer Boll; Romany Kj'e, by Lavengro; The .Athelings: Tent Life i:i the Holy L . 1; Boat Life in Egypt anl Nubia; Tl)'.' Impr ve.l House- wilV. >iy Mrs. Webster: \’c. \lso. Bullion’s 1st l.essons in Greek: P:ty''on .v Dunton'sSeries of PENM.VNSilll’; .V'Hick's i'll ments; Key to Davies' Algebra; and ' llier School liuuKs. E. J. H.\LE .'i S(.N j THO. C. FtTLLSR, | • tttorneif ttiift i'oitnsvllor at Jjatr. OhFI(,'E at Evcles's Bri l^re. recently occupied by James Banks, Es>(., F.iyetteville, N. ( Jan'y 1, 18-j7. ” LOVEKD ELDKHHiE. • tttorneif af SLatr^ attend the Courts of Johnston a;i 1 .■^amp T w .son t?ounties. Smith*ieM, Apnl 1', 1856. itij-tf Worth & Utley, I'orwai'(lin;L![ ami Gciicrul Coiiiiiii.'^.^ion au:rch \nts, i'ai/cttecilie, f. J. A. WORTH. (72tf) •lOS. ITI.KY. > W. H. TURLINGTON. (’oinmi.ssiuu Merclianl, \o. 4 iVorlii U^aii-r .'^1.. WILMINGTON, N. C. riLL give liis promi>t personal attention to the sale or shipment ot all Consignments of Nava': Stores or other (J iuutry P-oduc*. Nov. 8, l^'jt). tf Dr. K. A. KI.At K, FFICE Front Rooms, over Dr. S J. Hinsdale's Chemist and Drug Store. Feb’y 7, Ib-jO. 70-tf Farther Saifttfies of Siootks' .\BEL V.\UGHAN, by the Author of the l.ainp lighter; Shirley, by Currer Bell; Mormonisn;' by Elder Hyde; La .Martine’s History of Turkey; .Moss Side; •M.^uits,” by ^ic Baroness Taiitpho us; .\Iuderii Hefona Examined, by J. C. Stiles; M i’com's llut'er's •Analogy; ILittield’s .\merican House (^arjienter: Notle> •Imbrosianae, Edited by Dr. .McKenzie; K;ine’.s .\rcti- Explorations; Appleton’s Cyclopedi.a of Biography; School Books, .tc. E. J. HALE & SON. Ha r l V. ^■■^IIE next No. will commence the 2d volume. W^ will furnish it here, free of postage, at ^2 oO jie annum, payable invariably in advance. Those wh‘ wish to renew their subscriptions, or new subscribers, are requested to call immediately at the Book Store, as no paper will be ordered till paid for. _Dec. 28. E. J. HALE & SON^ ~A V ALUABLE lXvV^ HO()Iv. 4DD1S0N on Contracts, with Notes and ReiVrcnces to American cases, by Edward Ingersoll. 1 large vol. 1200 pages. Judge W'oodward, of the S'lpreme Court of Pvnnsyl- ■vania, says tL't “this is the best book on the subject I ever had in uy hands.” For sale by E. J. HALE & SO.N. mrTlic Presbyterian i*saiino(iist- Character Notea. A fa. tlier supply just received. Qct 24, £• J ttAL£ & SON. CONTAININO A FAMiLIAH IIISTOIIV A.NI) DESCRIP- TIO.N OF NORTH CAROLINA. Selections in Prose and Ver.sc; many of them by eminent citizens ot‘ the State. HISTORICAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL TABLES, ,\nd a variety of Miscellaneous Information and Sta tistics. by €. II. wii.iii; Number is a new and revised edition of the North Carolina Reader, tirst published in 18-31. Numbers 1 aud 2 just issued, complete the scries, which is, as a wiiole, cheaper than any other series of Readers in the United States, and as complete. The Editor (Prof. Hubbard) in his Preface to Num ber 1 ileems it proper to allude to a few of the peculiar •idvantages aimed at by the Superintendent of Common ."'chools while making efforts to have this w >rk com pleted. These are, 1. The encovr'tyfment of a feeUng of mlf-dependmce, and the eulistment of popular sentiment in behalf of tlio State and its institutions. It was not thought im- pcrt.iut, however, to have more than one number of the Re.) lers of merely a local interest. 2 T'> riiiipihi the tril vn'rywhere rotnpla^iifd of in com- of a rhiinf/f in ter! hook.'t; an ex- pe:isive habit, and one which injures the Schools by preventing the children from being classitied. A se ries of home Readers, it was suj)posed, would be cer tainly used, and thi.- great evil thus avoided. the popular system of Readers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors and publishers. "his series is to consist of fewer numbers than tliwsc gent-raliy used, and it is believed that these uu nhers are sufficient, while if the system were uni versally used in the .'itate, the sum s.aved to parents m l fhildren woulil amount to several thousand d«l!ars ai'.imally. *, To I'll! in till' k'inih uf ritihlri n leiiriiint/ to n nd com- ■(/ ./( V iitli/ fiinili'ir hat not i/f r/iiiracter ciifit d rill (•(,,'(//...'//•'//(.S', containing, in lessons easy enough fur all ages, .‘..rrect specimeii.s of style, interesting in matter, and inculcnting proper morals, and religious iu-^rruetlon. The prices are, for No. 1, 2.j cent.s; \o. 2, 37J cents ■and No. o, 75 cents. A liberal deduction from these pri.;.s tt Merchant- aud School Teachers. E. J. HALE & SON. TUE NORTH (WROLINA STATIST AND~ M.\G.\ZINE OF USEFUL LXFORMATION. ^jl^Hl'. undersigned jiroposes to Publish in the City ■L of Raleigh, a J((URN.\L, ot the above title. iK‘voted e.xclusivelv to the dissemination ofST.\- TISTICAL INFOR.MATION. The want of such a Journ.il is felt by every intelli- gont citizen, who 'lesires to becoriie at all acquainted wi ll the resources of the State, our present condition, f ill.re pri'spects, .J'C., and by none so much as by our Le'.r';l itors. 'I'hat w( h ive no rtguiar system of statistics, cannot be attributed to any want of material. There are l.irire amounts of v .luable and interesting information s.-ai;erei through our Legislative and Executive Docu ments !iiid Records, which, in their present .situation, for !>11 ]iractii.al jmrposes, might as well be in the Chi nese language. Besides what our Legislative archives cont.iln, our newspapers often publish valuable statis tical ii.formation, which is eitlier lost, or if jireserved by a very lew, is so iiiconvenient to find when w.inted, that the facts are s .'on fuigotien. The sTine may be s.aid of the Reports and Statements from time to time maibi by our incorporated companies, and others eu- (Taired in .Manuf " tures. Mines, Commerce, Kc. To coileet these v.irious items of information, and '’’ive them to the public in a shape easy of reference fid f'T perpetual preservation, as well as to gather from all available resources, everything bearing di- rect’y '>r indirectly on our wealth, [)r')Sjierity and in- du-try, is the design of the JOURNAL uow ullered lor [.ublic patronage. So far as the plan for condiicting the same has been matured, the pages of the ST.\'l'lJ'f will be devoted to the arrangement of such table.s relating to our I'oPULATloN. A'jIRlCL Lfl. ilfc, CUAl.MLilCE, EDU- CAIION, PUliLIC l.UPHOVL.MLNrS, MANUFAC TURES, FISHERIES, .\1LnLS, and Social Statistics generally, as will I'resieai iheir condition, aud our pro gress in each. It is also design‘-*il to contain the Reports of ihe Public Treasurer, Comuiissioners of the Sinking Fund Superintendent of Common Schools, aud all other State Othcers and iioards; as also, ^tatements and Re}> irts of tlie c audition and progress of the varL- ou.s Railroad and Navigation Coinpaniesi. The ST.\T1ST will he put to press as soon as a suHi- cient number ot responsible names are obtained to pay the expenses of publication. The uumbera willcont.ain each, not less than lotJ P.VGES of closely printeij mat ter, making a boo'ii of Jl'Hi PAGES, or more, to which will Vie ad'lttd a full an l complete index. TERMS:—Till;EE DOLL.VRS PLK .VNNU.M—ONE DOLLAR AND FlKlV CEN'l'S, for .'>IX .\ioNTliS; pai/'thle u >o n ih>- ^ nHnihcr « ready for jmljlicaUoii, ahtch /'it'-i I'Ui dn'i) anu ■ ”('/ (/i Ut-t pulilir iten.tyilfr.'i. iujsv persona iiiteuuiug to patronize tn« .Jour- na', will send their names to the undersigned without delay, as it is desirable to issue the tirst number as soon as poseible. ^U£^X. &Udli££

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