J •■'1 r.. , i (1.,t ' • Ir ,. !, 11. \s II ,y‘f ' Tt ’’ '* '■»' I SEUI-WEERL-T. e Vi ■ . , ^ I ' ... , kni t ^ » " i _, , par-: • . . i> 'l:i ! • 1 . ' I \:. ' ■•■111. ■'tiy. ■‘ge. lN OL. \ ll.J FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MARCH H, 18;')8. [NO. (IDI.] \ n,)i, W u M i>.l : r , i bvi > li> If ; hv; Tv. t)U Vii;. I til. r:. 1*. 1. '' I i' M.ir- ; Du '. r roil, H\;.! ■. JtS. Bk ■ Li.^. pPle ,-. • on M rce; i’st r*ou I ' IV c . Lit’ les U nil \ ■ bIj;; d«*r- lOIl ■ton rt'n ribj.' 1 r oil . Mii- 1' M'»N1>.\VS .\\|t TIirttSI'AVS. \i:i) .1. HALF, i SDN. I ■; i"!’..'; \Ni) i’u>i-i;ii:Tor,s. :ii-U fi-kl v ('it^Kiivri; if]i:ii'l •luring th> vc.ir ^ I' ^' r t lie yo:i I' lias t>x)'irf l. ' ' '' i:' I'i: >■_’ "(t i t'(i.-iiil ill " ■J •>'’ .1 I'U'.'l iluriiij;- tlio cif siilisi-vij'- ■ r ■> :. till ,liter tlu" vear has oxjiiri'd. '. r! > I. M !1 N I'S iiisfrtO'l t’ur sixtv cents jn’r ii' t 1- I iu' ti I'st. aii'l t liirt V cents for eiioh |.:i!ilic.itiiiii. ^ early ,)ilvertiseiiu“iit. Iiy .'>]>e- Tr.-i' t-. a* reaS'iuaMe rates. Ailverti.-ei s are ! st.ite the luiinliev nt' iii";erti>iis iler-ired. or ’> ' !;t'>nn- i till t'.iiMiI. aihl i-harce 1 aci-uril- 1 i-e'. I’lit' t'l ’ r iiiserte.l i cliaisieil .’>0 per B O E R II A V E ’ S HOLLAM) iUTillKS 4 A'i.". ■' **' (>l l’( V\ liONDS I'Oli ^ AI.E. lil I’ •:i'l (’i.. li:tve t’'r •^ale in annmnt ,■■■!.'isei-'. ^ ^ till' •!! l>i«n(is (if tin* ('’otuity nf ii, ,,nMifi. i. ■iriiij 7 ii. r cent, interest, jiayahle 1 ."y 'in the !>t .liuiu ;ui'l the 1 >t ol’ Deceni- I uiarii^ 'Jii Vi'ars. "■! .it tlie (’mp.iii ]>o!)(ls of tlu' 'I’owit of ■, ‘ >' .i:; ,1 •' I'l r eeiit interest, (layaMo ■enii- II till' I .'t .! ii.ii.iry .-III.I till* 1st Ilf .Julv, jui'l THK rKij-'i'i:A'lri' ii h.i.am) l:^.^l^.r>v Ft')u BTSPEPSIA, l>ISK\Si: OF Ti!K kh>m:ts. LIVER COMPL^INX, WKAK'XKSS np AXV KIXD, FEVER AND AGUE. 't'-rn 1' I. I' •ince with law to the County anii • ! -n'ls w I re i>s;ii'.I in ucc i-' rn l!ai'. II...l i t' p., to jny - i-’ji ' re-ipt i'iiv.,'ly. , ! ' In: - :i;oiicy will tiii l these t>.inIs , at the | > ' ii tli' ni a better iiivesfiieiit thaii - • . . in t'l-.' Slate ti'Mi'' a; I' y I-. (■ I!. \1 VLLKTT, Ksi|.. I’res't or •IN' M. 11'e.as'r \\ i-steni 15. K Co. Keli'y 'J'p. l-'o ^'.•tf \ I'l HACK llilMi: .MA.MRUTI RE. t ri i-r haviT-^ j roeureil the services of h 4 ki:k |{%ki:is, y -n 'riM . the ic tli.it ■■he i' now pre- ' ' ' '■'iinti I S an I ile iters with .a irooii .1 ITl'.I!. SUCVK. LKMON, ami otlier t'HAI'KIHIS. V -..n sli’e ti-rins th.in heretofore. Fur the '■ 'U of ,.ur patrons iu the country, and !>t.ii.. '-. 1 have them put up iu I’ackases ; ' l ir'ls. which 1 will dispi'se of on ! I ^ 1 itiii_* ti'iin.s. . !'■ uii'l, anJ I’iaui t^.\KKS nia'K' on the short- • -f .M. D.\N i\S, tireen Street. 8'.i-lt ; T.yteri in ' opy. alli'i-til'll^ r. n'Ci|iii'nt nii.ui i ilisordercd STOMACH OK l.lVKi:, I »n!ii:rsiii.M. \ci.l = iy f}?»' St«niiMrh. k\ oi Ajn»«*iu‘. y rosiivfiir'.N. lUinit imI I5h • ilinj; I'ilrs. In t!l St rN.'ii'. lUx uiiialir, :tn«i \cur : L' f Airrc It h in nmnt*n*iu insi inrrs |,r«)vel hiiilily l>rn«iici:tl, *nd in ot||» r ♦Mlrrt* 1 n ciirf 'Thi'' i' ;i |inr**ly vt'uriitlilt' r«>ni;ioun*1. prrp irfi! «»n '‘Iririlv -irirn til.c priiH iplt*'*, the imniit*r or iht* rf'f»»r:i(tMull in*! Pm- UtHThavc, of ii> In nM>>i nt tin l'.uro|M-;in >talr'. il' intr«Miiirii.«n inlu lh»' 1 'nSu •>'' ifi l.>r nl' oiir litih# r ;tJhJ .sr.ufrr^ J her** in Mh« rr ihr * nfni ihis in iiliiv r uinlry M#*t l ,il' ujIIj inM.%urt *‘ss anions lljrin. I m«»\v it to the AnM*rH :tn ptihlu*, know inif itnit it-» :ru. y w onilrrliil nu thcin.i; viriuf' uin>i l»t* ar kn-uv Il i> p .ni ularly reromniPnilfi) to iho*‘ p. rvons w lio^r ronNliUi iio is niav liase Mhp;tir* l by llu* r«»ntiniiouv n^e of ar'lrpi 'p ril>. or oiluT to* n»> of ili-s-s paiion. it*n» r.i IIy iMNtant i n‘in *'M-ri. Il runi-* it> uay ilircrily in ih*’ '‘t 'l t>i liu\ tlinllinu uul ijiin kfuini: ♦ Vfry nervt*. r ii'nii: Mp tli* droojiin*! >iiiril. :nnl. in lari. infMNini: fM W liraUh anil \ i-j.-r in th»‘ >u*m. N - M'H K—\N'liorvt r f \ ;u rts ii» tiiui lln^ a 1m \ » r u i!l l»r t\\ app*anlait to thi • k, vn fak • ml !o\\ ' pir t» il. it u ill piovr a tfra loiul Hroiiiaiir roniiuL po>Nr^>t*J ot >in ju' • r r(‘iti«‘«li tl pr'«pi riit*> f .W TUtS: 'Tin* L’r» at p«*piii.irtt\ «•! lln" ilf liirhtfnl Ar«>tii:i Ins inihn rd many iniitatmn" uhuh tlh* ptiblir >houll :»i!aifi'l piin-ha'ini! r.e m l |»*r' ua«lr«t to bn v a n \ ihinij rUt* until you ha vt* iiiv t n H«kt ha> r*v lloll.iml Hut* f'a I lir trial. »»nt* hoitk* w II ronv inr«’you ho'.\ inhn tfly 'Up*rior it i-* lo all tlifso imitations. '/'.'•‘oM al p«'r hiittle. or i\ lHtHU*s. for hy the n L K r itn V K I I:T( » H S . \Tii\ .IK. cV ». M A N r »■ A ■ T f R 1 >• i IMlAKMAl'KLTl^TS AND ClIEMISTt?, I’lTTsnruoii, I’a. Samuel .1. Hins lale sole apent for Fayetteville. PriUJC NOTICE SS MF,K1’!’.V (ilVKN, that Hooks of Subscription to the capital stock of the('entral Rail lload, from Uenufort Harliorvia Kenansville. y’linton, Fayetteville, and West, will lie opetied on 'riiursdaj'. the 10th day of .\pril 1 au'l rotnuin open ,'iccordin}! to the terms of I he ('h:irter UTitil further notice, nt the followinfr places «M'! under direction of the following named persons, ('oinniis-iioncrs in the Charter, viz: In the (’(Minty ot Onslow, jjt tlu* oihce of the Cierk of the t'ounty ('•urt ut .Jacksonville, and at the I’ost • Miice I{ich Land.s. K. \V. Foiiville, («. . Wnrd, J. M. Foy, Kohert White, .lohn A. .Vveritt, .Jr., Owen Hug gins, L. W. Huniplirey. In (’arteret county, at the office of Ur. M. F. .Aren- de!l -it l>eaufort Dr. M. F. \renilell. .1. F. 15ell, L. T. (>y:lesliy. .\t the store of w. W. Taylor at Carolina (’ity,—Col. "in. N. Iiennis, 11. S. Hell, (’ajit. Levi Oglesh}’, Bridge .Kri'ndell. • I" Unptin county, at the oflice of the Count}' Court *'lerk at Kenansville, — Major Owen U. Kennn, David Isaac H. Kelly, Wm. 1'.. Hill, Wm. J. Houston, J^ti plien (iraham. III .'^:im]isoii county, at the oflice of the County Court C lerk at t’linton,—Thomas 1. Faison, l>r. Thomas Bunting, Win. McKay, !*.itrick Murphy, Win. Faison, . U. Beaiiiaii, .\lfreil .Johnson. In Cuiiilierland county, at F.iyettcville, at the office of .V. McKethan,—Thomas K. L'nderwood, ilandul •McDaniel, Kihvard I. Winslow, John 0. lUocker. Form of subscript ion: The I'lidersigned agree to take the numherof shares of !j;li't(t each, set opposite to our names respectively, in the Central Raii lload (’ompany; and in all respects to comply with the torms of the (’’barter. BOOKHI\!)l.\(; OF all kinds, is esecute'l in t’le best manner. Old common Praj'ers, liihles, and others, re bound in the same stj'le they were before. This will save t he repurchase of new books. Librarians connect C'l with colleges, and other societies, tind also gentlenu n residing at a distance, will find it a matter of econcniy to get their books boimd here, as a deduction of I'rices will be made upon large orders: Pack them aiitl send DOiJIJIN I KM si: For Rent or Lease. Lease id'the present I’ro[ rif-tors of this we ' M. known House will esfiire >n the 1st .lanuarv IB-.iH: the property is otfereil for le.ise or rent. To y- I'erson desirous of iindertakiiiif the ilotei 1iU'MI''.'S. :r:; e.veellfiit i>pportiii:ity isotVoi'- l Vli- is ’ irv'e. well arranged ;ind in complete repair: its loe.i i iii wi'i always command for it nn ext'-t.'ive patr'orige. A- them with particular directions to this establislmient: I I'resent I’roprietcrs intend changing and when finished, they w'ill be carefully rejiacked ati l returned without delay. I have the best stock of materials: and worknuin- shiji will compare with any either it the North or South. •Apply for ft list of Bin'ling prices before going else- wlicre. The undersigned resjiecitfully solicits a share ofpatronage. THOS. H. TlLLINfJHAST, Anderson Street. Nov. .5, 1857. 51-V their bii.-i. the I’urnilure, wiiich is nearly new aiol in g ' 'd oriler, can be jmrchased on favorable teinis. The House will be delivered on or after the 1st of .lanuary, remaining o]ien utnler tlie ] resen; m .ii'ige inent till a tenant is obtaineil. Ihe tine Store in the same building, formi r’.y o. eu pied by Mr. \\ ni. Booth, is .also offered for rent. .I.NO. 11. COOK, I’rest Dol.biii IIoiie ('.1. T'ec'r I's 1^’>7. '/.'-tf 'ritr 4'trrifts,i' i'ttrfitru in ihr South! Names KesideiU't I No. of s'.i.ires Cash Wor Subscriptions may be luaile pay.ible in work, .ind may s{>ecify whether for gradin>r or c,'oss-ties; and stockiiolders shall in every case havf preference in taking Contracts, when bids are the same or at Kngi- iieer's estimate. As soon as one hundred thousand dollars are sub scribe!. the Commissioners of t)nsIow county are to be notified, anil they are rcijuired to call a meeting of Stoi kholdurs to org;inize the Conipan}’. Miirch L'», ;.uf lun I'i- I'OU RENT. a.'C f'T :i Term of Years, my Resi'lence on ■ .n Street, oppoi-;te the Kpiscupal f.'hurch. >11 iziven tiic I St of .\pril. W. IL C.VHVEH. 1 S'.'tf . •• riiin l Opy. > llii.-iiols S(mm1 Kvc [list roc(*ivc(l B. HOSE. S'.'-ot '!'\KK.N' n> '-..,-■11 i’.v'dne. Feb'y 1a small yellow lloi;sK. with .-I blaze 1 face; let’t hind leg ■ I tne kme. HECTOR McNEILL. S'ltf ()\rs AXh PEAS. r.rSHKLS SEED OATS, 1 ' ' iitt Cow I’eas. — — • I' V riliern Irish Potatoes, i !i; iti's to suit, by 14, l^.■.7. ruoY vv rrLLi:i{. Altorneys and (’oiin.Ndl(»r.s at Law, i.i >iki:kt»\. koi{ix>a co., v. SiOBEHT E. TKttV an i .lolI.N P. FI LLER, have ■ & formed au a'SJciatiou for the pr.ictice of their pr.'fe^^ioij in Kobeson County. The ! rmer will a'.so attend the (’ourts of Bladen atid I'olumbus; the latter wi'l also atten'I tho.se of Cumberland. The Oflice in Lumbertou will be kept open at all times. .lan'y 1, IS-'iS. 7o- SIDNEY A. SMITH, Altoriu'v JHul C'ouiHt'llor at Law. !^^iiTiirii:i>i>, >. c'.. U^ILL attend regularly the County and .'^ujerior Courts of Wake, .Ioliu>ton. Cumberland, Har nett, .nnd Wilson. All bu>ine.-s wi.l receive prompt attention. .lan'y I'J, '.>8. entrusteil to his .-are rii-l y KoiiEii r I). (;keen, (LATE GREEN X WEAR,) WATCH-MAKERS, JEWELLERS, &c., I'AVHTTKVMLLE, \. C,. Kl) i. begs to return his sincere thanks to the • public for the kind patronage so liberally be stowed upon the late Firm, and informs theiH he has bought the interest of .1. S. Wear, and will continue the business in all its br.inches at the old stand, under : hi' entire snperintendence. ■ N. p. All Watches left with him for repair will lie I taken a{iart in the presence of the owners, and the ’ necessirv repairs pointed out to them and a writtea contrai't given for tlie same, whicii work will be war- i ran;ed for two 3'eurs. i Ou hnud Hid for sale now, the mos' varied and I choice seler'ion of (’LoCK.S ainl othe*- '.ime pieces I that has ever been olferci to the public ir. N rth (’aro- i lina. whieh he will sell at New York prices, ami also ! w.\ vLs;vafor two years. i Piqop iiv' l'ie to Aud by the late firm will be paid R pureceived by R. D. GREEN. ' .August 185tj. 34-tf Slir.MWl'iLL IIOCJSK. Ka.f shJe of Green Sfrpet^ a few Doors M^orth of the Mixrket II on sr. ‘trrty rW^HE Subscriber ilesires through this .B. medium to acknowledge the liberal '■Ham J. W . r»AKEK Is now receiving t'roiu the North the hirgost, tiiiest, and most carefully se lected stock of I I ISAITI'KI^: ever offereil in this market; which, added to his own manufacture, ni.ikes his assortment completo;—all of which he will sell on the lowest possible terms for cash or on time to punctual custi.mers. Fashionable j'.iinted cottage bed-room Furniture in setts; curled liair and shuck, and cotton Mattresses; Looking Glasses: Willow W igons and Cradles; Side Boards; Bureaus: Secretaries and P.ook-Cases; What- Nots; Tables, all sorts: Wash Stands; Candle Stands; U ardrobes; Picture Frames and (Jlass: WiniK)w Shades: Cornices; (.urtain P>ands; Sofas in Mahog.any and \Vahiut; Tete a Tetes; Ottomans; Divans and Stools; Chairs of every variety. Fine liosewood Pianos, one with yKolian At' ■( r,ir!|^sj3r^^T V ! '' A. A. >irKsyniA% ft his fi ESPi:cTia’LI,Y inform JMlblic, tllMt he 'la- 'illMt np I I Brick Buildings at hi' ol(I tmd. e\.i ulacturing Carrii.L'es. T : Mil;f;il lor t pi-!r.i;:jge lie hjif receive! I'or the la Ix'pes by strict attention to b’l.ine" 11- irive s.-i t :st';,ct ion , to ’in’it a coiii same, fie warrants his w.>ri-: to b material and by experienced wor'^m of the busine■!s. | ] i ^ work will • with any maile in tiie L':iit"d .■'t.ite.; duraliility. Il(‘ is det.rniineil to Work in his line on as 'jjood Tjri-i' a ; II' • vly for toaa- e very I iberal l! 1 yeai'. be with a ir'ire !i 1 .1 -.i in> - •.: he . . i.le of i!ie be-- tl i >1 e:l f 1; Ill-Ill.-‘l lapare ' .i vor;ib ' i or iieaDie- r.'! tachment; Rosewood Mulo lians, from the bet manufac- ' .is w.‘!l I ain! ifo lav >v u K :ili B. ROSE. 8.jtf \ Vi t.e 1 l)K V 1'' id M lar^. otf. iic • if- \ c .Mr. Ate- dar r n Im ory: C d Has rap‘ r Sii [car' 3. )' Ks. S' li ail'I ' r oi 1' tiy, I C..: OSpe, les on ' r,. W iiii»- • t;.- ,ii; - ( omiuU' ■e G .-'iiupiv ol Lime, Plastcriiijr P a-ter. Hydraulic Cement, and Land lie in •jii intities to suit, bv B HOSE, hotf \;n( iiELi/s I'AiJ.s. m.n w i\ri:i) i\ lAt^in roiATV of the statk I the sHUie, att'l piocttre subscribers’ nan.- ' lor tii> s.lie an i delivery of an excellent LITHOGRAPHIC PICTURE, I ■ ; tlie -p "' an I gotten up in the finest style art. I ( i.ic'enting the pl.ic ‘ wheie the Rev. II \ ,M ITCIJI-1, L 11 ,'f liis :ile in }iis explorations L. ick M' liiit.iiiis. in the Summer of lH.‘i7. Upon ■ • • ‘ TSre.‘ D "liars, we will furnish to any -.' I' OS .{■ T:ikin>r an .Atteney, Two I’ictnres, ■' ! I'l l lie Colored, as samples, with fu'i par- , : ■ the t.-rms of the agenc}’, \c. We will ■ . ■> iiienfs snrti -ient to make it jiay an ener- ■_ !:t. For further particulars a'ldress us at LEWIS \ DICKENSON. l>ickens‘in is also Ayeiit for the li’iment .\"-'>ei ition. and during his : il.e .'^t-ite will re. eive stibscripti'Mis for W. T. DICKENSON. H.')-'irn iii:]{iiL\(;*s ~ I I in '! I’ [ II \ r I K K -!' R (I (I F S I F E S II lla' s Pateti! Pi'wder-Proof Lorks, Ihe same at were awardel separate medals .at the lir, 1,'ivloii, 1 ■‘.'il, ati'l the World’s Fair, New ■ ati'l are the only Americna Safes th.^.t were i l il' at the Loii'lon World's Fair. - .lies forii; the iiio't perfect security against I iirglars, of ;uiy safe e\er offered the jiublic, r:' , ■ had of the 'iibseriliers and thri r agents: ■ '! itid and iii;ik-1 order, all kinds of Boiler I Ir 'II Bank ('liesrs an 1 Vaults, Vault Do'irs 1’. \es. or ( h“'ts for Brokers, .lewelers and 1 ■ ies. f..r Pate. Diatnon'Is, and other .'i.'l are als.. P.atentees i by purchase) and Mri'T' of PATI’.NT PEKMLT\T10N P.ANK LOCK. S. (’ HEHHINii >V, CO., N'- . 1 ■ >. 1:;7, an'l lo'i Water street, and • J.’>i liroa'lw IV, cor. Murray f.treet, N. V. I’> ■ Know i s^ Hichnioiid, Va : Rowland '■> \a : .1. II. Thompson it Co., Lynch- : Bi-r, Pr>'ntiss i Co., Savanniih. Geo.: O. ' . Mobile, .\bi.; T. T. Twittv, New H.')-lo'tpd A. E. HALL, ror%vardiii^: aii«l n i:iec'iiAAT, A.M) AliF.M FOR T. S. LI ITERLIIII. Prompt Mttention will be triven to all Consignments. Wilmington, N. C., .Jan. 120, 18-58. 81-3m (iEO. ALDERMAN, i»ispcrtor of ,'S'aval Storfft, WILMINGTON, N. C., SoLK^'lTS patronage. Prompt attention and ijuick despatch will be given to business entrusted to his care. June lho7. llMiImpd tories in New ^ .>rk and Boston, warranted as good as any made in the country, and will be sold at N. York prices—freight only added. September 2. 4.'»-tf LAM) FOR SAJJ:. I B acres of land lying on upper ■ M I,ittle River, in Harnett County, well timbered and well located tor the Turpentine bu;-ini‘ss. It will lie sold on accommodating term'.^. Apply soon to the Subscriber at Fayetteville. WM. McL. .\IcK\V. Sept, ■22, ISot). 4]-tf LIl'i: INSriiA.NCE. AglHE Undersigned has been appointed Agent of -fl- the North Carolin i Miita il l.ife Insurance Coiii- j pany. Every member for lile jiartic ipiites in the ino- tits of the 'oi.iiiaiiy: and the annual ]iremium for life membership, wiiere it amounts to .>vO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half iu a note at I’J months. f*ebtors' lives may be insiii'''! by ci'cditor^. man may insure his own lile tor tlie e\clii-;;ve benefit of his family Tl;e lives of s' tves may be iiisure i. Tiiis system is rapidly growing into favor. ;ill over the civilized world It is one by which a f.imiiy, ii.r a small sum annually, may be provided lor. alter tlie death of its hea'l, «n whose e.\'.-riions tlie\ m.iv have fieen de|>endeiit for a support. It is a g I iii\e>tnieiit of money, even if one should live long .after taking out a Life Policy Explanatory p iniphiets. and the ''K of l\or!:n' Finisiiki>, the LAKG!>T ' f (' o r n tfo-rs. 1*1' LI L‘ > Ever offered in ihis i ; " an t a of woi'k iiearly riiiishe'!. wti'ch will b All of which will be ' j’d very low short time to pntn t'iJ cii^toiMers. hand more than ONi; iiCNDHl'.D AND FH'T\ V CiCs fiiiisiied and in conr-e . = t' efin? rnetion. .\11 W'TK tll'l le :.y li lll I- v> 1 W'ith , air a >1 '.le, :iii'i - Ium, d t i i i 1 by ormitei'al w'j] be repiire l fi er ‘ je. Persons w|.ih'’.; t. Iniv w in'. I li w>-ll i" ' "I a” ' exainiiK- f..r theiii-elv.’' Or.j.'i s I haaklullv received and proiaj lly a’ iend"1 to Rcj -.iriiig e.xecuted at short uoti.i aiol uu very re.'iSt I able terms. May 'H-«r \ i-v\ lar;.'-e >t ie.; ‘ r,iiished l.iily. f'.r or o’l 11 e ha ' oil In- II liio!! - .1.1 inshi[ VllRIVALS AND DKPARTmKS OF MAILS' UALF.IGH M.\n. Cl"sfv« at o I 'elo.jl;. 1*. M., Daily. A i rives at 7 ^ *• ,\. M . “ WARSAW MAIL Closes at 1\ o'clock, P. M . ibiily, except Saturday. Arrives at 7.', •• M., “ SundHV. KAHl P.I.CFF MAIL Closes at 12.! o'eloek. P. M., Sunday, Tuesday and riiiirs lay. .\rrives ;it 7i i clock, M., lues lay, rhnrsdayand S.unrd ly. SALF.M MAIL C’. scsatll.’ o'clock. A NL. .Moii'lay, Wednesday and Fri lay, Arrives'at 7.1 o'clock, A. >L, Sunday, Wednesday, and Fi'idav. ( ;iEHAW MAIL C’.oscs at I Ji o'clock, P. M., Sund iy, Tuesday ami Thxnsd.iy. .Arrives at 1 o'cloek. .A. AL. Tuesday. Thursday and .■^■itiird ■ y. M \ll/ TO W. .V M. P,. P> , via K 1.1/.AP.ETHTOWN Closes at o', o'eloek, A. M., .Moii'lay. Wednesday and Fridiy. .Vrrives at o’cb ek, P. .M., Tuesday, Thursday and .•'aturd.i y. SL’MMKHVILLE ’ AIL CloM's at o'cl-i'.-k, A. ,\l., Tue> lay, Thurs.lay aU'l S.ituiday. .Vrrives at S 'I'ciock. P. M.. Moielay. Wednesday aud Friday. ELI/.AHETHTOWN MAIL (.’loses at P. -M., .''londay. .Arrives at 7 1’. M., .MomLiv. MAIL TO STKICKLANI*SVILLE. Closes at — 1*. .M., *l'ue^■lay. .Vri ives at '2 1’. .M.. Tues'lav. .MAIL 1() I’HlL.VDEi.PHLS Closes at 111', P. .M., Sunday. -Vrrives at 1 .A. .M., Tuesday. SWIFT 1SLANI» MAIL, via TKOV, (..’loves at !• P. M , Tues'biy. .\riiv«> at -') P. M., Tuesday. SWII T ISLAND .MAIL via P.Ll'E’S BRIDGE Clo'^es at H o’clock, A. M., Tir-sd ly. -\rrives at o o’clock, iV .M , .Monday. XOiM'il CA1U)[JNA in:ArERS. Ar^iisi:it!^ I AMI rREl’.\KEl> WITH sl'KClAl. H ti'Klt K.\ C K TO THK WA.\T> -\M) 1.NTKK1;STS dK »Vort!t i'arofittfi. ij.MU li TIIK .VI t*I THK M I*KH I N I'KM*K\ I »V (MW MON 'ifllMOI.S, U\ ISov. S’', .tl. lliil>l»:ii*(L ritrn Kssiii; OK riiK i.\tin i..\ni;i ai;i \M' i.iTKiMii ttr t.v iiii: iNivi:i:siTY ir Ntiitrii c\koi.in.\. • IV#r Hooks. ; ^H1HI‘] Lite of I'hirlottf- llroiite, .Vuthor ■ Eyre. ,Vi; : T'le fe^tim'inv of th*- i^ocks. ^ Miller: S,-il i.| i,,r th" .'oci il. by tiie Aiiiiior j for the Solitary: liidigeao.i^ H i.-i's if the I I .Nott \ (}lii| ion; The Bee Keeper's ('hart A' ^ ther sujiplies of Mille lul ^ o[' i».ivid: Mrs. Hent/.'s N ■f .laii.-i .v li-.mh iV Sala I 11 :li. !iy fitr- i: The Prill'':' if rl;e H- use lels: Tilt* Baptist Pil:nody. n.arnes' Faiuily Prayer.^; Chri 'i in .Nlinstrel- t'ru len's Con-.'ord ince: A.d ims's New .Vrithmetie: P.ar.ey' ''opi nion School Hi'tory: >\e. .J tine L 1 '^')7. .i ll.VLE SON patronage bestow**!] upon his House the past necessary Blanks, furnished on apjdicalioti year—and as he has just erected New Stables and j t'arriage Shed convenient to the House and to water i he takes pleasure in s.aying to his jiatrons anil the | public generally, that he is still prepare l to accom modate them with transient and permanent board, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the liberal patron age heretofore received. Every exertion on his part shall be used to render them comfortable during their sojourn with him. His table is always iupplied with the best the market affords. P. SIIEMWELL. March 24, 18.55. 86-tf E. .J. HALE. • ftar hie i\9€lorij* J. V i : '/.lllUC . • L .aui»i:n s|’:ei)s. L II.\\ 1. r.LCKIVl.D a geaeral assortnient of t/i's i'ilibraletl G»t warranted fresh and genuine, of the growth - : S T. HAWLEY SON. ■ 80-bw A. McRlMMON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant. WlL.MlN(iTON, N. 0. July t). is.j7. T. C. & B. Gr. WORTH, ~ CoiDinissioii tS: EorAvaniin^r .McixiiJints, L'rttU'/i'.i Huihliiiy, WaOr Street, »Y C , Usual a lv.inces made on consignments. Nev. 11, 1857. 5'.i-tf I). A. I.AMOXT, Commission Merchant, Wiliiiiii;;:loii, A. 4^ OFFICE :J8 NORTH WATER STREET. Personal attention given to all produce sent to him either for sale or shipment. Nov'r r»7-lypd DAVID McDl EKIE, Kt rich mason ami Ptasterer^ Is prepared to do all kinds of work iu his line, in cluding the putting up of Turpentine Stills in this and the adjoining counties. Fayetteville, .\pril 27, 18')7. o-lY-pd B. F. PEARCE & CO., DEALERS IN FUKEKiX A\I) DOMESTIC DRY IJOODS, HATS, CAPS, P.OOTS AND SHOES, ! 'mhrclUiii and R> (tihj-Mnile Clolhitnf, HAY STREET, t'ayetteviSle/,^. f’. II. f . i k\k;k. ] [-1. w. PKAUCK, JB. .July ;J0. 2'.t-tf .lOlLS 1*. SAUrSON, Commission and Forwarding Merchant, WILMINGTON, N. C. Will give particular attention to the saie of Naval Stores, Cotton, sc. Feb’y '2o, 18.5G. 85-tf .1. WlI.LIAVl PA(iE, M. 1)., #• I TTS ii o h o m H, c\ P.VGE may be found at his olfice when not VALUAHI.E PKOPEirrV FOK saw.r.. I OFFER for sale, ray L:VNDS in the Town of Fay etteville, about 180 .Acres, known as the MUMFORD SWAMP. .\bout 80 .Veres of it is fine Meadow Land, as the Crop now on it will show. .Vlso, the Brick ^i|or; and i..ot near the ALirket Sijuare, occupied by Mr. John A Pemberton. i)\\'i':L!-i\(i I'ou svLi:. J'^nr Siibseriber wishes to s-'l. tlii- l irge oih.' and Lot on the coi-ner of (ulb-'i'ie .ir ' Ku«^'e'l Streets, at present occupied by 'Ir. Het-.ry Eratabeit Terai.s reasonable 11. .). ll.Vl.l'. I By i;EO. LAUDi/ii. rwil IJOIIliS AliOVE C. T. IIAKill &SILV.S SI'llHi;. Fayelleville, i\ Jan’y 20, 18.58. t; }ypd CAN'l'W ELI/S N. C. .11 STICE. A Large and Valuable Lot, fronting on Donaldson, ^Siraim’s Jusfire Revise,1, anl a>opfe,f to th Maxwell and .Mumtord Streets, known as the Hotel ■» Garden Lot,—could be divided into several Buibling Lots—very nefir the new Female High School Buildings. Also, the Stable Lot adjoining, fronting on MumforJ Street. Several DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS on both Wiiislov and Mumford Streets. •All this proyierty can now be purchased on favora ble terms, anl a large part can remain on Bond and ■Mortgage if desired. TUO. J. CURTIS. Oct. 10, 18^'). 43-tf AVjr li'rrisrif ('mle. f ■ 1H IS work, invaluable to Magistrates, Officers and JL all who have occasion to know the Law. aii'l lo use the Forms under it, is very much enlarged. Price For sale 50. E. J. HALE X SON Book VV anted. fH^HE Subscriber, having taken the General .Agency M. for getting subscribers to and delivering Hawks’s History of North Carolina, now in process of publica- tion by Messrs. E .1. Hale iV of Fayetteville, is desirous of entering into an engagement with one or more active, intelligent and reliable persons in each of the Judicial Circuits, to canvass their respective parts of the State, or particular counties, thoroughly. Immediate application is desired, as sample copies ot the first vohirne will will be reaily in a few days Undoubted testimonials company each apfdication. s to character must ac- Adilress H. W. HORN. Bt I'.'.': Th. i>"»',“; J. H \LL . .MILLS. to GRIND I I Btill carried on ! 76.tf JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. V o n ntsst a AND EORW A RDLN G MERC 11 A%T, H*Uminstoni *V. C. Hf-gf* Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, aud Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1855. 67 professionally angaged. .May 0, 1«.37. f)tf ^ NOIM'II C.VROLINA liACON. t 3 -VM.-, Si - s aii'l Shoulders, for sale by ■ ■ BEVERLY ROSE. ■11.. 80- i iic Lite Miul C’orrcspoiulciicc ol’ •I "le: Ir'del\ one if the .Vssociate Justices of ■■-'^j'T-iue »,'ourt of the Uuite'l States, by GritUth Just rec’d. E. J. HALE, ^ SON, FI RTIIER SUPPLIES OF HOOKS, ice. ^I'^iiE Knowledge of God, objectively considered, by Breckinridge. The Prince of the House o' David; .''imon Suggs; Wild Western Scenes; Webster's Uiia- bri'lged Di-ctionary; .Mackey’s Lexicon of Free-.\1 asonry; Presbx terinn Ps.ilmodist; Stoddard s .luvcnile .Aiith- metic; (Jreenleat's .Mental •Vrithmetie; Steel Pens; .Mai!ieni:it;cal Instruments; invoice anu Refeience Files; i:c , lic. E. J. HALE Jr SON. Feb. tj, Ifcob. JOSEPH BAKER, .Jr., ATTORASiV IT I. A W , U.AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. W’right’s Law office on Green Street. He will attend and practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. ..March 23, 185.3. "9-tf “LA W C OP A R'r NI-: R s III p.” E, the undersigned, have this day formed .1 Law T » Copartnership, and will practice in the Courts of the following counties of this State: Chatham, Cum berland Moore, Harnett, and the Supreme Court. J. H. HAUGHTON. JNO. MANNING. Pittsboroagh, Jan'; 1> 1856, 72tf SCHOOL ROOKS. ^JMITH'S English Grammar; Peterson's Familiar ^ Sciencc; Bolmar’s Fables; Emerson’s .Vritiimetic; Bolmar's Frencli Grammar: Lovell's U. S. Speaker: | Sargent’s Standard Speaker: North (’arolina Reader Mitchell’s Geographies: l^uackenbos's Rhetoric: \c. E. J. HALK .V SON. p,ooKs. Married oh single, by Miss Se.lgewick: The! Professoi, by Currer Bell: Romany Rye, Lavengro; The .Athelings; Tent Life in the II ily Land: P.oat Life in Egypt an'l Nubia: The Inijiroved Hou>e- ' wife, by Mrs. We'o^ter: .vc ‘ -Vlso, Bullion’s 1st Lesson-; in Greek: Paysmi .y Duiiton's Series of PE\M.VNSli j 1’; .V'i'lick's iriements; : Key to Davies' .Vlgebru: and other .'■^ciiool Book.-; E. .1. HALi; SON THO. C. FULLER. | • iUoravy atuf i'otntscUor at Sjatv. OFFICE at 1'^cles's Bri l.re. r.'eently 'K -upied by j James ll inks, E^'j., F i\ettevillc, N. C Jan'y 1, 18-‘>7. 7 Lo\ i^:in) ELDUiijia:. • Bttontctf at ijtitr. %ILL af.eiid tiie Courts of Johnston aa l Sainj I W w son ('ouiities. I Sinithtiel'i, April l-'>, IS-j*!. !M.-tf "Worth & Utley, ! l"orA\ jirdiiiif miuI (TOiK'ral Comnii.-sioii I MERCIIA N FS. S'atfvtfcvUh., . ♦*. 8TAj\i;Y .fek 1' •FXiEXB IIOTI'J.. WOK Til . nientioiiea nbove HIE SnbscrUicrs li.-ivinp Intcly pMi*- W. H. TURLING-TOiST, t'oiiinii.ssioii AifR'liaiil, No. 4 Aorlii Wait i’ Si. Wn.MiXtM'ON, X. c. chased respectfully solicts public patronage. We will spare no paiiis to render all comfortable who may favor us witii a call. Our Table shall be furnished with the best the .Market affords. (bir ST.ALLS are in good repair, well supi'lied, and atleiitive Ostlers in attendance. We also have a Large Stock of Goods on liimd, consisting of a general variety, which we offer low for cash or on time to punctual dealers. STEED, HARRIS \ ROSS. .Albemarle, N. C., Oct. 1H57. oii-^iimpj DRY jiOOJ>S? .tT FJLOK.th i:. ^ H1H E Subscriber expects to receive his Fall and JL Winter Goods in a few days; his stock this sea son will be found unusually avtractive. comprised in part of a large assortment of Staple Goodsj Ladfes’ Dre?s Goods; Ready made Clothing; Boots; Shoes; Caps; Bonnets; Cloaks; Talmas, In fact, everything usually found in a Dr”^ Goods Store, all of which will b« sold to suit the to casti and prompt paying customers. At No. 1, Floral .Vvenue, is tlie place to find cheap, good and handsome Goods, bjar this in mind. ED.MUND LILL\. Sept. 4, 1867. 40-*tf LANDS FOR SALE. 1 OFFER for sale the Tract of Lan>l known as “.Martin’s Old Store,'’ on the Va lkin Road, in the County of .Moore, containing oOO .Vci es. For par ticulars apply to .1. i T. Waddill, of Fayetteville, or to the subscriber. CLEMENT DOWD. Carthage, Jan’y *2B, 1854. 80-*0t I iilanki for sale at this Offic’e. ^sTILL give iiis pronij't fiersoiiiil attention to the sale or shipment ol aii Consigniueiits of .N.iva St'ii es or other (' lUutry P-'oductf. Nov. S. li's.i*i_ t' > l»r. H. A. III.At K. FFD’E Front Rooms, over Dr. .s .1. Chemist and Drug .Ston-. Feb'v 7, l''^-’>'. n Hill-dale's 7(i If ilooL's- I'lf i.i'iii oI'liiOllNlll • i .ev: M - - - Alo.j.rii t'arther Sitintlivs t;f .VB1;L V.VUGll an. I>y tiie Vuthor oi’ lighter: Sliirley, by Currer Bel!; ,M by Elder Hyde: La >iartine's ll'St ir^' ol T'li .'ide: ‘•(Jiiits.," by the B;irone.'S Taiitpj.'i ii: liefonn hxaniined, by .1. C. Stiles; Ma^- 'tn's B':t er's .Analogy: Hatfield's .Vmerican House Carjienler: Noete-- ■Vmlirosiaiiae, Edited by Dr. McKenzie: Kane’s .Arctic Explorations; .Appleton’s Cyclo; e'lia of Biogriijih^: School Books, A:c. E. .J. H ALE i SO.N. T iiAKi’i:irs WKi'.ivi.v. ■^IIE next No. will commence the 'Jd volume. will furnish it here, free of p' stage, at p- annum, payable invaria’oly in advance. fliose wm" wish to renew their subscriptions, or new sub.-cril'ei s. are reijuestel to call immediately at the Book Store, as no jiafier will be ordered till paiii for Dec. -2^. E J. HALE \ A VALUAliLE LWV ROOK. / A DDISON on Contracts, with Votes .lO'l i'eten li'es 1 to .Americaii cases, by E'lw ir'l liigcrs ill. 1 large i vol. li;'iy pu”Cb. j Juilgc Woodw.ird, of the ,'ii| i-. nie l^ourt of Pennsyl , viinia, siys that “tliis is the best book >u the s'ubject I ever had in mv h.uids." j For sale hv E. -1. H.ALE & S(>N. i OCT Flic Presbv tcriuii Psuliii(j(li.t— I Character Notee. A fuilher supply just received. 1 Oot. 24. E. J HALE & SON. M lSGSi:il It, I'ONT.MNI.Nii A IAM11.1.\K lll>TOKV A.M> l>KSCItn>- TKi.V OK .N'dltril I .VUol.l.NA. Selocti'tiis in i'ro.so and \'ersc; many 'f tli('m \>y L'lDiii'.ut citizens of the 8t .tc. rnSToKlCVL AND CHK(tNOLoGIt^.VL T.VBLES. .Vnd a variety of Mi.scellaueous 1 iii'orniation anil Sta tistics. by c. II. \vi*.i:v Number o is a new aii'i reviscl edition of the Noi th 0 ir iliii.'i Reader, lirst published in Nnmbeis ] ti.d - j'lst issued, coiiipb'te the series, which is, a;; a whole, ehe.iper than any other series of Header.-^in the t'liiled States, ami as complete. Tiie IMilor (Prof. Hubbard> in his I’relace to Num ber 1 deems it pi oper to aliiiiletoa few ol tiie peculiar a'lvraitages .limcl at by tiie Superintendent of Common Srhoois while making ellort« to have this work com- [ili'tt d. 'l'hes‘ are, 1. 7'/ie nnoitrinieiniitt ‘>f o 1eeli"-j til silf-il' aiil the enlistiiieiit of popular sentiment in behalf of the St.iti ati'l its institutions. It was not thought iin- : o.-t.iiit. however, to have more than one number of ilie P.e-iders of merely a local interest. l!, 7'' rmirihi Uii t ril I’vri/ir/i- I'l il n! in fnm- jiiryiiiii'i i/i /rjl hmihs: nn ex- ;"iisive habit, .iii i one whieh injures tin- .Schools hy prev Mitiiig tiie ehiidreii frotii being cias>itied. A se- rie- of !i> me Hea lers, it was supposed, wou'd be cer tainly U'ed, aii'l llii' great evil thus a\oided. /•', ,/.•(//, tlie popular system of Headers being too long and being made so often merely to add to the profits of authors anil publishers. This series is to consist of fewer numbers than those generally used, and it is believed that these numbers are suiticient, while if the system were uni- ve> sally use'l in the State, the sum saved to parento aii'l chil Iren would amount to seveiai thousand dellars aiiiiu il'iv. i, T‘> l‘’>> '!> ''i' if -ii'i’-'i !'/ cJiildi' .i liiiritniij lij I'ltiil C'llii- ^.r.v /,'■ }rri,)ill>/ I'liiiitiiir h'lt ii'ii "f lltr rhti iitch r tiillt 'I ' cn'iiji 'f’iiioiiy, C'lnt.aining, in lessons easy enough for all ages, correct speciriens of style, interesting in iii.ittor, and inculcating pjoper morals, and religious il.^l^•action. The vrices are, for No. 1. --j cents; ,\e. 'J, .'17j cents ill ! No ~-t et iits. .\ I;'- eral 'le lu.'tion fr' Tii these 1 rlees t' Merch ints aiei School Teachers. K. .1. HALE i'l .oN. I TlIK NOKTli CAKOLiN V STATIST A\i) I M.\GAZL\K of I SEFl L l.NFORMATlOX. i /glHE tiii'lersigned jToposes fo i’ublisli in the City I M. of Haleigti. a *-I( iL H N A L, ot tlieabove ' title. d.'V'ited exe’u'ively to the disseminivtion ofSTA- Tlsili.'AL INFOLMATION. The want of such a Journal i.' felt by every intelli citizen, who disires to t'ee'iirc at all acjii liiited wi ll the r'r iiirees of the State, our pre-ent coK'iiii'in, j future prospect', .yc., an ! hy none so much as by our i Le-i-1 it irs. ' Tl.iit we have no ri guliir System of ^t.ili^tics, cannot ! be • tlribufed to ai.y w.aiit of material I'here are ’ ir^e atr'iiiiits of vaiiialo'' -..n'l intere.-ting iiilona ition ' .-ati'-re I liir'iiigli oiir Legis.alive aii'l L.\ee*ulive Docu- ' inen;- an'l Recor'N. whieli, in their present situation, for al practical i. -.ri.-.ses, might as well be in ihe I'hi- nese laii;.’iage. Besides what our Le;;isi»tive archives I'oiit iia. o’.ir iiewsjiapers fiUeii puhii'h valuable statis- tie il ii formation, wh ch is either lost, or il preserv.-d by a very few, is ^o ine 'tivenient t'l fiii'l wlien wanted, tt:at t^'e I’-.irts are soon forgfitti'U. Ihe sani*i may be - li ! of the IvejioT t-; aii'l Statements froi.. time to time ni l'!*' by oui ineorporatt 'l companies, and others en- ■j.ure 1 in Maiiiilactiircs, Mines, (.’ommerce, .vc. ■f' co’iect these various items ot iiiforni itioti, an i .:ive th.'in t') the public iu 11 sh ipe easy of n fereiicc ■ fr pi'rpelnal ].res' iva non, as well as lo >:allier fr 'lii all available resource', tveivlhiog lie.iriii;.; ili- ic-t’y or iti'oreetly on our we.-iltii. pro'p"ritv and iii- dii t ry, is the ilvMgn of the JoL K N .V !. now . ;leie4 lor j'llblie pa.ionaL'e. I t.ir as the plan for e'ouliic::;;g t!.‘ s iine has bi-. n mature-1, the pages of tiie .-'l.ili.''! \i... b.‘ devoted I.) the arr.ingciiient of ;h ta’.!- ie ,itin.i to our PoPLlATIo.N, a iHK lLfLRi;, roM.VlLRCL, LDU- CAllON. PUBLIC i.MPHOV EML.STS, .MANI.FAC- TUHES, FlSHEl'ilES, .Ml.'sES, aioi -Social Statistics generally, as will pioseiit their condition, .ind 'lur pro gress in e.iL-h. It is als • de-^iirn^'l to contain the Hepoits ■•i.-. /* / / of the Public Trea'urer, Coium:ssi.nier-; of the Sinkiii.: Fua'I. .''iiperinieii lent of Coiiim'iu Sclioo aiol ; i I iilifv .''^tate Ollicei'i Mii'l Boal’ils; as als", M iteiioTit-. j aii'l Hep »rts of tiie c mdition an I progress o! liie v.iri- ous I; lilro l'l aii'i Navigation I oinpanies I The S 1 .A I'iST will i»e put to [ires- as s im as sulii- ■ cient u'lraiier of responsilj'.e n .nies are obtained to pay liie e.\pens.-.s of pnblie ition The nuiii-'ei ' wiL contain ! -.leh. not less than l->" P V'--*-;-- ot close y print'.-'l mat i ter. I.inking a bo of :}Im) I'.V'iF', or more, to whieii ' will i e a 1 iw'i a In i an l eoHi;'lete iii'O-.v. j 'i'LilMS:—I II 1> LI- 1>oLl\H'^ PLit .VNNUM—ONK ; DOLi>AR A.-D HKTV » 1.IS, lor .'IX .MoMilS, ... . -.,r -- J„r yo/o/,. ! n-': - h //'/» '/ ■- ./( t/(c j'li' ''I' li-I' 'I'-ii'- rx. \ l'lio;e persons iuteii iiug to patr M'/.e tu« -Joiir- * I,a , wiii -end iheir names to the uii'b-isigne.l witiiout ' 'le:ay, as if is desirable to issue the firai number as , soon as possible. (.iUENT. BUSBEE.

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