I-.:;- ';;’’.; ll»_r- 1- 3r V. •\ i:i.,.r.7:r - ^ |3‘ k c , •. ,‘ j*'* •’-' in ^., ‘ '-it I'" " ■ '* f'i.i'i:- ti.i.i ■ ’ ■ ■- I *1 \ ' r . ’ ■- ! V ’ w . Ill ;; C‘- , \ 1 M t- ' B). I k 1.,, I > I % »ir.^ VI:;. ti.. 1 '111. V-. . :: 1'; Mu- II v;. #. V bn I (.!, : ' , BilL' V L.iu »]('•.. on we: li's (': [ ion i - »e ! Liii . t'-"' !'. - :iia - on \: on J; t >.i. I' on . fi' in [>ii I spn. i ^ )ri i. It Tl I fc . .1. II U i;:' ' i.i,"Ii. •' | i,,- r.iniiuu- ■ I |„- I’-iMii- k-: ,V i; \ S"N l.>. I) ( m|;n ..n , .rjie j on at 75-'f A NEMI-WEEKLY. VOL. VII.] FAVKTrEVlLLE, N. C., MARCH 11, 1858. [NO. 692.] INT :• \\D TMUKSDAYS. : VA'M) \\M[] vfc SON. )i-l \NI) I’l'OlM’.l r.TOUS:. • , 'Vt fkly !'liSKiiVKii (H) if paiil in : 'rt i*'I'ui'l during the your of sulisoriii- r -i ii'i-'r tin-_Vf;ir lias oxi’irc'il. ■ My ' )i!^F,i;vKi! 0(1 per aiuiuni, if }>:ud in I'l if ]>ai.| 'lurinjr the yf:kr of siitiscrij'- V > iMi altor the your h:is ex|iireil. ; 'iTlSllMI'.N't'S inscvte'l fur sixty conts ]>or ■!' 1 'p rni( s 'T tho tir.-it, niul tliirty cents for cac'li ■ ,'u! ^ early M'lvertisonients l>y sjit- ■i;!:u ts. :it reasonable rates. A Ivertiseis are v l ! ■ St it.' tlu' niuiil>er of iusertions ilesired, or r '■ i‘ 'n^i-iiie'l till f'orli' l. :unl eliarjroil aoconl- t'ie o.iM rOR FLOIHDA! tt.M n Mj g-: s TO.^% \ S A A' A N N A Tl . TlllI sri’l'Ht(>lv Siinm Ship \.iv ■rti-;ement to l>.- insirte'l •\tra. il\ chartjiHi -')0 per k;h mm N'r r \XM:RV. l.ji 1 Mil KS WI.^T OK WAni’SimiKt'. AN- »\ (Mi NTV. X. (’. • li ] is.',vr;\nl nob ,ily killcil in these jin~. t! e lui'leisijine i still c 'ntiniies to con- L>nei't' I'lnn: aii‘1 Manul'avturiii;; of aU i-ca;!i.r. liarni----. SaiMIes, 15ritl!es, IJiuits ■ , "f every 'l/.e lanl ilescription—of the very 111'.. I’l.AN r.\ ri'N prem'.uni lIlltXiANS. X 'iiri'-.s-e I. .li'i of wliicli In' 'iflVrs itini pro- ' 'I' fX^ 11 iii-e tor l’>aw lli'les, lieoswax. • n'i ill kin is ot eoutitry pro duce, on terms to I H , •iiiuio lite his eiisloiuers UL'Conling to I'Ti hind eoiistanth' a larire supply of Stock, he fvd to exoeute :iil orders neUly iiiul promptly, 11 iiiatei ia'i an i workiiKinship as are not to tie ex- y :.uy (“staMishmeiit of the kind in ’his part of in style, mialiiy or price, for cash or to 1 i-iis! 'ineis And in leturninj; his sincere 0 !iis eusti'iners and friei ds generally for their ^;lr !i hu :^il•its andhopes to still merit a i^ee ( tindr .lAMKS (.WKAWAV. 1 t '.'O-tlJii NOTK'i:. t II '■K CAi'f, F’l- AK 6: Uki'.i' I{ivkr >’av. Co., ^ I’iti?! orongh, March 1, ISoS. ) .! .\nniia! Meitinsrof the Stockholders of the ul't Kear and Iteep Kiver Navi.:ation Company, ,n’. i in tile c.ty ot' U ihuingtoii, on Thur'day, 1>'"»8. r>y order 'd'the Stockholders. ' HKNUV A LONUttN, Sec'y. •u 8 ytl-tm ;;j.3 .\(’lii:s OF LAM) FOli SAU:. • . 1111. lii-i riher oti'ers lor sale the iibove Tract of fl. !. .,.;nji on lu avvr D.imCi 'ek, one mile from ' iiii_:.ei l, un i lie mi.e I'roin the Wiimington. Cliar- . ;e \ Kutherford Rail Uoad This hinJ is well . :te 1 to tarniing. ;:i.d well iimbered. Tliose wish- -) j: t" } nrchu^e will do well to eall and look for theni- 'V v,-s. 1 will be h:ippy to exhibit it or give any iulor- i'w.iii C'Uii-erni!r.r u de?ired. NEILL A. McNAlK r;nL‘tiel I, Mareh 'J. ‘JO—3w NOTICF. ^ 11 L sub-.Tiber h;iving qualitied us Lseeutrix of M. t.’ie lust \\ '.'i and Tesfiineut of Hon. Henry I’ot- t> r it March Term of CnniberlHiid County Court, here- ' iii'tiiies >11 persons indebted to said Estate to make iinediate payment: tin'i those hiiviiig claims against till- 'anil- t') presviit them, duiy iiuthenticaled. vrithin '!ie T;nie presci'ibed by law, otherwise this uotic; will ■ I' lri'i.-d in liar ■ 1 their recovery. .NiAKV .ANN I’OTTER, Kxecutrix. I'ivf'i V:lie, Marcii 2, 18‘)8. I I itTfli:K .\OTlC'- . ON tile uitu day of .March, 18-jh, at the Auction , S' re of .V. M. Campbell, on Gillespie Street, t . ^..e. I will sell the perishable property be- .1..; t'l tire t-'t.-ite of the Hoii. Henr^' Potter, dec’d, :in:r of :,.iusehold F'wnilure, a Carriage, Cart, iii i Fui'Miinir utensiiS. .enii. ol sale, six nioiiths credit; bonds with ap- j'l .ri s.'cunty will l».- require 1. .MAHV ANN I’OTTER, Ei’rix, A. .M. CAMI’IiELL, Aucfr. M iroh J. I'-'.s. UO-ts NOTICH. ^SIllK Sui si:iiber hiving iju.alified as .Vdmini.«trator A ot'tii*‘ ll'tatc of .John .M Stedman, iit .March T' rtii oi Cundieriand ',iunty Court, hereby notifies all i'-r--ins ii iebtf I ti) Slid est.i “ to make immediate p ivment; and tlo.se having claims ag .insi the same to j i. 'fiit thi in, duiy au:hentii- ited, witliin the time pre- .'i.r;: id i y law. otiier'.vise this notice wiil be pleaded in ..ir .'f their recovcrv. (ii;o. .McNEILL. Adin r. FayettfVi le. March I'lirlliei* Ox the lihh lay >f .March, iMoS, at the Auction S'i.iri- of M t'ampbell, 1 will sell tiie perish- •>*i:e property li^ loti.'iiiz t., tiie estate of .J )lni M. Sted- ifi-'d. -or-sistin_' of }J,irse*i, ('■•irri.iges, IFouse- i. i an I Kiti-hc-n Furniture, .vc., also an old Negio . Terms of s lie, six months credit—bonds with appr ,v(*d security. tiE't Mc.N'HlLL, .Vdm’r. A. .M. CAMi’liELi., Vuct’r. .\1 ;n h 1 > '•*J-ts 'riMM'FF/S s\m:. V virtue I ; a li-'ed of Trust execute'l to me by J. W I’ iwers \ 'o.. for purposes therein m«ntion- expose to public sale, on .Monday, March i If Fir iiituro in the l)oli>)iii Home, a large and Ue- 'ir.' :!' 1 I. (■ 'i!.s of evi-ry description of llouse- !i ; i n I l\ili;hen Furiiiture; ) fine Piano tone; J 1: :r'i-r; :i ^i'll', “ !’■ rz;:i‘~: 1 tine f’arriu;:*': 1 Kockaway. - A L.'-'i > — •''t I \ ot'tiiiiids. in Store o|i(iositi> tho KobJiin House. III lus at > lie. .)(t.''F. 1* II lj ST.ARU, Trustee. I e:.’-. :;m. i I !, pi II' i idetiteil to .J. W. t’uwers , ii«-r liy Note or Account, are rei|uestud to call ail I • 't.i '.lie same, an 1 they will save costs. .I't.vFI-H B. STARR, Trustee. Feti’y -i'l. hTtS U » 3S l> O > . Capt. F. l)AitiiKN. will leave CHAU LKSTt >.N, every Fkii>\t l.vv;--i\i;, at K (.'c'.. ck, coniHi’tin:: at SW’ANNAH with tlio wcU Sti ain r.ick't WTf. ^i;.IISI(OOl4, Capt. \\u. T. Mi Nkliv, w'.i'ch will k'Hve S.VV.VNN VH eveiy Sati uuav .NIwk.n- iNi! at 10 o'cliH'k. tor %TK\, I'lovida, taking the Inland Route, and t ah hiiig at I’runswiok and St. .MaryV, Ca., and Fernaiidiiia, Jacksonvil’e and I’li'olufa, Fla. I! H TI. H N I N(.l, the Win Se.abrook will leave I’.\- LATKA. every Mondav .Xktkknuon, and wiil arrive It Savaniiah on Uedinsday niorning. in ;in!p!e time to connect with the Steaim'r (ioriloii, which wi.l leave Savannah evi ly W edr.esd ly a.ti'rno i.’i at i o'clock, and ariive at Charleston by 1 o'clock the next ni .iii- i"g. so us to connect with the luorninii tr.i:is of the .North Fiistern and .''outli C.ir. lin i 1! lil lio ids. PASr.':iVGERS AND FREIGHT will l.e taken throii.:h fri.ni Char’esti ii at the sam - r- tes as by the Steaiiii is g'diig direct to Fl.irida, an ! no expense will be charged tor trans’erri’ig l-rvisjhi and 1* sseiigers iit Savannah, as both ^te;iniers ie ;it thf same wiiarf: ard Meals will be furnished . u bnard, 'ree of charge I’asseii^'cr.' g linjr to or returning from I 'l ridu, are '.nvited to irive this line a trial, as no pains or t ;.peiise will be spared to rend*'r it a favorite Route. *jot.i l.o Frei>:ht and Trave,. The :n commoila;i"n'^ on l-.'ar.i the Steamers are such as to '••eure t!ie u’niost ili-;:iei’ ot' safety and ciimfort, and their tables ure t'lirid.-h '.n the most sumptuous manner. For eng igcme'H s. or further ( :ir:ieulars, apply on boiird. of to F, L\Fi ri'E X (■»» , .Ageias, Cli.irleston, S. C. J. 1\ I’ROOKS, .\i:ent, Savani'.ih. ii.-i. Jan'v’ If^.'oS, si-;'>in-pd JFi re ins nr a n re. • E refer our readers to the annual statement oi‘ ▼ ¥ the -Ktna lysurance Company, of llariford, which will be found in another column. This svu ci.‘ss fill institution was incorporated by the Legislature ol 'onnecticut in with a perpetual charter. Its capita! is .>•') 10,0.10, and its accumulations excoe.l ■'>.->iiO.(KM> more, making its entire assets ever ‘00, invested as detailed in the statement referred to These results in ticate that during the perio'l id' nciir'y 1 'Tty years since its orsraniz itiori. ^ without a sinule change of its chief officer,) its busiiu^s lias '>'-en con- linct ’d with judgment an 1 pruilence. It has been thus t'ar successtul in an eminent degree, dischargiiii;. IIS we are inforni‘ d, all its obligations by the j.aNiiienl 1 f atioiit I-'I , lilli 'H i/ii/l,i-s for losses, without askiiij: a day's delay in any instance. It has h.i 1 but little i^atioii, notwithstanding the immense number ot trans actions made. In or.lcr to attain as much is j'OS'ible in such a business as insurance, it Ikis been tho practice of the t'omp.any, tor several years, at great labor, carefully to classify and arrange tin ir risks iuto ahotit fifty Jistinct classes, so as to ascertain tne .amount insured on each class, the amount of jire- miums received thereon, and the amomit of losses Uji on each. This classitication, extending over a lon^ ! eriod,«nd covering jToperty to a very large amount.fur nishes reliable data, and presents a sound, substantial basis (d'actual experience, upon which to conduct its business. Insurance isnotamatter of luck or chance, as many suppose; its hazards are asc* rt.aintible, a:.d its {)rinci])les aipable of being reduced to a system, tae practical working and results of which are as ceitain as that of any other business. The *Ktna (,'ompauy, by adhering rigidly to its system, amlplacing its busi ness upon a healthy b:isis, h.is obtained the contidence of the community to an extent surpassed by no other Company in the U. States, and has increased its busi ness and its income trom year to year with a stea.ly growth. One great source of its security is the wide distributiou of its risks—a pijlicy which it pursue.- with great strictness—limiting tlie amount to be cov ered in each locality. iJy this course it has passed, with comparative impunity, through some of the m 'st ' sweeping and destructive fires, which have swallowed up ! other companies less cautious in their business. It ;s a system like tliis, based upon experience, which srives stability an 1 soundness to a company, ;ind to the as sured confidence and security.—Patrint. IT.M Mwm m\nvi> IPr. Iinn*ks">s IILslorf/ O I' \ O It r II V A II > s. I A. The Subscribers are now pre:>ari' I ti furnish the lit volume of this valuable work, wliii b lias recoived the highefrt t'oii;inend*tion wheruTtr it bus been read, not I Illy lor its liter.ary execution but fur its typographi- etil getlii.g up It may bo obt.iined. eithor fr.mi un or troiii our (ieiieral ,\gcnt f. r tliv St;if. 11. W. Hi'rneof this p- ’ee, iiv nwy i.P Iiis '.-it .\'j;ei'ts, Thepric-' vari' s 'ii f. r l’iig to style of bi-, Hii;;: !n Innilsoni-' cloth .>1 ill l,i!)r.nr_\ Shee[> >1 •'’i'': in ha'f t’dlf -iSl !•’. h IS sdi.D I'Ni.Y I oii C A' H. N'-! e w ill bo ohnrged, litlier by oursi lvs ‘"■r our A liberal 'iisoouti* v. ill I !• iiiade « lo r;- iilantit' ■i c taUeii to sell again J It w. : be -ii iit b_v lii li to any ^.urt of the \intry, on re 'c’pt i.f tlu> j ri e and 1 l ents to j tj- postage. ! Tho ■_’ ! voii’iiii is in Ci'Ui«o of ] rey'arntion. There j »'.ill ])robnb!y be four or five \. luiiies in .all. The »uc- ! 1 eediiig volume'; will |;iMb,,biy ciit.i I. about oOO pages ! e leii. and w ill i.e >old at a |.. op I V.7: Half a e >it i pair*' f 'r tl'.e P.VI.I. STOCK, 1«,")7. ij. rT t’KAiici': Co.. A RK now receiving a lariru and wall selected stock of CT— I a Iilitioii’il for ; i hall calf biii'lin j Fayetteville. : r. S. Tl,» A. ^ t verv ciuiM\ d .^)0 :tii,ii.ill\ liiglier j'rice, u'l binding, cents ;’s additional for the .1 HALE t SON. I li ent . 1 t 'le OlV a ti iii lit. iiiip.aiiie I ;i i iie I'V tiiC ish. Sint ts design to visi- wiih the iiook, as s ion as i'lii-. or let s to him or to us v> ii I oeive prompt utlen >Ili|U 1 v'l. . \ .r 1’ I I! .ST\M)Ai:i) lit MIS('K!,L.V.\i;OfS ft fPO A'.V. j j i’l K\N!'.'.'' All-;.I hxpi. rat iiiS, — olotii, she;} •tJ^.iii'l li.ili eaii'; I’re^. ,.tt's !'• r liiiand and Isntmlla. I'lii' ip ■_ i, ai d ( (imiiiest of \iexico; ■ \ois ; lii Mtoii's I'hiriy Years ii. i'.ioiil V\\lsur's Works, ti vuls ; r. III.--.; lr:\iiijr’s Works, \i) vols.. einiib.if V> 111 Wirt: lr\'iig's Lift a.id she p; l,,fe ,ii;it Coirespon 01 i’.'i io ■'.l.ij an Exp.’litioii; ,\b .1 !;!•;:, Ilioiis i> U'eS of tile Eai'th il'I o. ieeti >!is I : Life Time, In ii^ ; Iluiiie .an 1 .Macaulay's His itson's, .lohnson's. nate: ■\ieiii.iir.' o; ' h and sill ; ; ■o' W:,.|iii.^t,.o. . ■ieiu'e of \Vel .':-’ o itt's .N'ap .:e ii,; by Noit vV ti,. i i (i* irieh. , I .'lei i ies oi' !'!■ ; ,i, Uurhe's. I I:-. . S uthe >'s .1! \ ir^iiiia; li K.ib. Hatiiiail More s and Uick's Work* I'le t: I le t: L:i Ni I I ne s 111- ■ !•„. .m].i ■ 1 V Sci'tbllid. Nature; McKen/!-: T-vt \lanu-.i; i lor's ilist.j t'l r tic 1 e Lile I ’ I':- Appl.tio's (•- 11- ; Fie ;. ■ '.eoia -N iVi '.s in i I an.I I'. ii ii* r> and ,.t S.-..I ii .\liu > ie i; l\n;^iit's Ibliwer ' N se I ■!; V.;iU ^ 11 U A \ !i'.:. .::i>r- A::.' I :!liiaii's (I iM ■ iiV.i N 'seis IS tile > ru. • o s; ■; l_ !;ei'- l';.;\e 1:11-: 1-; ( l:aui ■ .( I ik; Historical ('olleetion-i ■te \Sorks. l-’> vols illus- 'I I'ui’key; The (jueens ol d, (i.'; i'liiiih's .Vnimate i ’> 'o;-.,—edited by I'r ni't iry; Constitutional 's Rome; The .''tatesman’s .\Iana IMgewoith; Proc- ; ‘ liambers' Information il History; r.oswell’s .Nlisi ’!any, 10 vois.; CoDtigtiiig in part of: Black and Fignrod Silks; English and French Meriiioc*; Plain and Fig'd HeLan-js: French all wool Plai.ls; Alj'acas of all iualities; P.lack Rombazine; English, French and .Vmeriean Printg; (I'henllle Shawls, pu-uutiful pa;teriii»;) fiudies' Cloaks of everv description; .T(i"onct Edirings an 1 Insertions: ('(.■ll.irs ;',iid i.'iidersleevc'^. Hosiery, (iloves, Kelts; Ribbons, Trimminzs, vVc.: 'loths iin'l (' issiineres; Tweeds, Jeans and Satti iets; White and Colored Flannels; Rleui heil and i’*rown Shirtings; .Xlleti'bile 10-1 Siieetin^; lileaehed aiol lirown Hrilliiij:^; Plaid Linsi-ys and Kerseys; .Marlbi.ro' Stripes and PI ai Is; Rrown and i’de.ietiod '1 able t'loths; 'i’e.weiiiiigs of all kinds; Negro Rlaiikets; Extr.v (piality iied Rlankets; Spiral, Rriiss and N> iiaiebone Hoops; iood ussoitment of ILioii Skir.s; \ aiiKe(‘ N . ;ions of every variety, kind, and iiuality; Silk, Leghorn and Straw Ib.nnets: .'loleskin. Cassiniere and Wmd Hats; Roots, Mioes, Cmbrel'.as, \c. — A I,S( >— .\ large ainl fashi.iii ,tile stock of Cloth in All of which will be s.dd low f. r ('ASH, or on our usual time to punctu.al ctistoniers either at Wlmleftiln or Hitiiil. .\;1 persons are respectfully invited to give '!S a call. U. F. PEARn:. .J. W. PEARCK. .Ir. .•sei t. 7, IS-iT. tOtf mm sTonv! STARR & WILLIAMS NOirni CAIIOLINA RFAFFllS. \l YIKIviC!^ I A>l> PKEPAKED WITH SI*KC1AI> UKFERENCE TO THE WAM.s AN1> INTEKEST.S OF i'arolhfti. t NDI.U Tin; Al slMOf.s UK Till; SI I’KltlN'rKSl'KVT ttf' VOH- MON .SI i:\ iU\. TI. Iliililtard^ l'R*>FKSX»U OF THK LAilN KANta At.K AND I.ITKUATUBE IN TUK I'NIVKUSITV OI NORTH VVUOLINA. A ii . l.. 'gr ijdiy; '1 he .''cottish .\ iiiei ieana. li vols.; Wavei ■j7 voi> ; V. ilMiii's Tales of the n d; He I’ociiiieville's Democracy Hs : -I 'i;-'w i'.li the best .Authors; ;j •- te i l .ne vi.l; Piutaicli's Lives; s Principles of Geolo- | , I Vols. iiiiisfrated; the Sea; .\dventures i H. rse; .Mrs. Ellia'j .Nlo jern liritish L^'ayi-t-: i..'o' g'; 'l a i s of tiie .\rab;u!i Night- .Vluiiiy a 1 ii;. .'iea', ei eo»rr.'. pl;y ol' o; a tieiit.euian in Seareli of ; 'r'liiiiiy .\lo;iit r .an I • iuide t > Soci.il l.'apj'iuess; d'he i P> iclo'Io;-(O' .''II! mil lira, by l.e .;.ge: History of the; Itev.i’.iitiiii s Kuri'j.o; l.oi khart's Lite of Walter ^ .''I'Ott: H'igg’- U inter Lveniog I fi'e'; Woodfa'l'■».] unius; : -M c 1 i.tosU's Ni ,'ieeiianie>; Haniiitoii's Philosophy and' i..lterature; McNulay's isceiianic'; Niarsiiall's Wash- it.-.:tou; L;!c of l’inckne\; Ri;indc s Lncyclopt/dia; The : Prince of the House of Havi 1; file Poetical Works of i Heniai.', Scott.»'umpbell. .Milton, Ryron, .Moore, Rurns, i Saiikspeiire, xc , ia v.^rious sty.es. E. J. HALE v'c SON. j MiOOKS. ~ RE n.iw reci'ivin:: Tli EIR SECOND STOCK FOR THl.'^ SE.\S*».N, embracing,— i>ry liJootK. ilaf^, and 7lad(‘-u|> ('Kotliiiijjr) which they invite the .attention of Wholesale buy er* generally. R. Stark ] [J. .M. Williams. (>ct’r '■), 1 t'.jT. -Pt tf New and Cheap Goods! .IAMi:s KVI.i: U S now receiving a large and general suj'j'ly of Dry " (loods. among which are splendid Dress Goods, with every artic;e in the I>ry (ioo.ls line. All of which, leing purchased by the package, will be oll'ered by wholesale or retail at a sniail advance for cash or ou •ime to punctuiil customers Fayetteville, Sept'r'JO, 18.')7. 4fi-tf >1 (Xi.VTAIN'I.Vd A FAMll.IAH IIISTOKY AND DESCRIP TION Ol’ .NDKTII r.\H(MA.N.\. Selfctiuiis ill l‘i\ts(3 iiiul r.-i; tuatiy of flioiii by emitienf citizens ot' the State. j;iST(»i!ICAL AND C M R >NoLi Ki ICA L TABLES, .\nd a variety' of .Misceliaiieous Ini'ormation and Sta- t is lies, by 1’. li. WliA.V Number :> is a new ami revised edition of the North C.i/oiin.i Re.ader, first ].ublis!ied in IS-jl. Numbers 1 and li just issued, conijib-te t s'-ries, which is, a;, a whole, chea))cr ih.an .any other series of Rea.iersin the L'nited .'^tates, and :i.s coniiilete. The L'iilor jProl. ilui.bar.l) in his Prclaee to Nuin li*T 1 deems it pioper to .i.iu ie to a lew of the peculiar ad\antages aimed at by lUe .■ liperiiileiident id' Coi;iiiu:n .''ciiools wiiiie ai.-.kiijg eii.ii t.-; to Ji.ne this woik com- [ileted. These are, 1. 7'/ie iiirdin ‘>f n '•/ ftll'-ili'i'iiiihrice, ■iini the cniisimeiit of popu.ar sentiment in behalf of the State and iis ii!Siiiuiio;is. It w:is not thought iui- [lortan:. however, to tiavt more tuan one number of the Readers of merely ;i loeal interest. li, Tj ft th n! • r. yn itir" C'titphi'iu 1 ■./' in cuni- tii'tft .vi’/((iiz/x. Of ft I. rimitfj' ttt ttj't hoijkf*: an ‘X- pensive habit, and one whicli injures the Schools by [»rc* anting the children from being c’assilii d. A se- | rics of home Readers, it w.i-^ supposed, won d be cer tainly ue 1, an 1 this great evil tliiis avid led. | i ■:?. Z-’io/e.M//, tiic poptiiiir system ot ..caders being I too loiii: and being made so olteii me'eiy to add to j the pri/tits of .aufiior.s and ; 'il lisiiei.--. I I his series is to coiisisl ol fe.ver numbers than I tiiose generally used, and it is beiieved that these j iiumbers are suHicient, while if the s\slem were nni- ver^,llly used in tiii- .'^taie, the sum s-ived to j areiilJs . ;ind ciiiidreii woul 1 ammnt to scvcia tliou>and dollar.s I annually. j 1, T‘i 1‘Ut in !/it h'lni/.'^ >i/ cn-'-' f iJidU'ir l,nl ' ci'ii/'!i.ifi i'i>i:ii"isiiin,i.--\ ci.nt-iiiiiii; ■ for all :i_.' -. eoireet s'o’eiin' ii- 6,500 acres of LAiND FOR SALE. The Subscriber ilAsiringto moT« to th« W«tt to tell the followinft traota of ralumble lajid. 1 Tract containing 25tj6 acres in Harnclt County 18 niileti North of PayetteTille. There is on thit tract, two large and comfortable dwelling houset, with all necessary outhouses, together with a good mill running two saws and grist, with about 300 acres cleared and in a high state of cultiTation; the remainder is txc#!- lent farming and turpentine land. Also another tract containing 4000 acres of turpen tine land, abaut 100 acres of which ia clewed. Ther« iii on this tract one good dwelling with all necessary out liouses and a good grist and saw-mill. 1 will take pleasure in showing the aboT# proportj to any person wishing to purchase. H. S. McNEILL. Manchester P. O. Nov. 7th, 1857. 67-ts 2,800 Acres of Land FOR SALE. f BIHE Subscribera offer for sale the abore Tract of »- Land, lying ou Anderson’s Creek, about two aud a half miles from lower Little River, uear Elliot’s Mills,—including about One Husdred Acres of good Swamps, which can be easily ilrained. This Land Is very heavily timbered, and a large portion level and of superior quality of Piue Land for cultivation. Also, a Circular STEAM S.WV-MIIL, in complete order and well adapted to sawing plank road and rail r.eid timbers. .Also, Two well-broke MULES. .All, or any portion of which, will be sold low and on time. The Land will be sold either in a body or in parcels to suit. SMITH h ELLIOT. April 0. lJH-,7. 97-tf I/, (ii rtii'l com- './ /; tJir r/i(irticli /■ CdHml in lessons easy enough stj’lc. interesting in G!)S> .VCJIES OF LAND FOIt SALK. rj'^HE Subscriber offers for sale the above quantity of I.and, situated in a healthy neighborhood, three miles from the Wilmington and Charlotte Kail Road, and four from Lumber River. This Land is well adapted to Farming, Turpentine, and Ton Timber purposes, having a good range and other advantages. I'hose wishing to purchase may find me on the pre mises, who will be happy to exhibit it or give any in formation concerning it desired. ANGUS McGILL. Philadelphus, N. C., Sept. 1, 1857. 40tf I m.itter, and iaju.e.itiiig pr. [ er morals, and religious 1 iii;)t ruction. j i ac priccs are, foi No. 1, 'J-'> cents; No. iJ, ;^7.i cents I and No. cents. .\ lii eral deduction from these priees to .^lerl.•hants an.i ."'chool Teaciicrs. E. .1. HALE & SON. BRITISH PERIODICALS. continue to publish llritish Periodicals, vu: •■'•(.'TT ,■ ('».. NEW the Ibliowui^ .eaiiiu. i'll.. LONDON 'jL'.v.RTl.KL'i (t'oiiscrvative). THE EDlNKCRvill RFVIEW (Whig). o. TIU. NORTH P.iilTL-^H KLVIKW (Free Church). 4. THE WLSTMIN^^TLK i{h\ lEW ^Liber.il). RLACKW(.>o^ S EM.M;L R..il MAGAZINE (Tory). • tr Sforh' of IJOOIvS AM) ST.VTIOXKIIY Now UAiri’FOKl), CONN. lNCORP».)HATKD 181'.'. CH.VRTKR PF.RPKTUAL. Capital $1,000,000. Assets $1,422,162 11. T. K. RRACE, President. E. Q. RIPLEV, Vice Pre sident. T. A. ALl.X\NDE1>, Secretary. DiKKi'TOus —T. K. Pirace, S. Tudor, J. ('hurch, R. Ruell, M. -V. Tuttle, E. Flower, E. Rulkeley, R. .Mather, E. G. Ripley, S. .S. Ward, H. Z. Pr.tt, G. F. l>avis, A. Dunham, D. Hillyer, T, .\lexander, \\. Keney. The .Aisets are mainly investe'l in Stocks and Ronds, paying interest, with •■*;l7l.’,bi) t 01 of cash ou deposite in the Hartford Ranks, to meet losses. Losses due and unjiaid—none. Losses adjusted and hot lue. •■j!l24,:;l3 Losses in suspense, waiting further proof, ic., •■ji7-'),- 8-30 lo. I Losses resistec, (suspicions of fraud, A;c.) $46,b78 7l!. .Agent of the above Company in .'“'ayetteviile, i Lra ling ('a-ics in Ivjipty; N. C. E. J. H.ALE. I Ti Id's Pr.ictic:.-—.\ni. .Note®: : Hill oil 'l'rustee». *• NOTICE. |M attiiows' I’resumptivc Lvi- 11HE subscriber oilers for sale his STE.VM MILL, | detice, located on Ritker’s Cretk, in RIaden l.'ouniy i!,'"' ,1',^ I 'Hiriges. The Mill is situ.itei in a neighborhood where there is i s Justne. ' a good demand f'lr Lumber, and large custom for , Supreme ourt ep' rts. \c grinding. The boiler and engine are of the be-t work- . manship and in good order, s > that a [lurchaser could commence operations without delay. .Any person wishing to engage in the business will ’ do well to examine the above mentioned propci ty be fore purchasing elsewhere. Terms will be m.i'le ac- I couuiioilating GE(J. t'RO.M.Vi> riE. Raider's Creek, Feb’y i!8. b'Jif OMAT S Civil L i\v; Roti-oe's t'rim. Evi deuce: Chitty ou Contractg; “ •• Criminal Law; “ Plea*liug; Stephen on L»itto.; Chilty on the I.aw of (^•^r- riers; Selwyn's Nisi Prius,—.Uu. Notes; Sniith'f Chancery Priictice; ‘‘ Lan.Rord and Ten ant: “ on Cnntracts; “ Lead.ng Cases; Stor3’ ou Contlu t of Law: Equity Jurispru- deiice; on Sales; “ on Partnersliijo “ Equity Plea.lings: on Contriiets; Fearue on iieiuainders- Edwards ou Ijailmcnts; Ryles’ on Rills; Tayler's Law tilossary: Dart on \'endors and Pur chasers 01 Real Estate: Broom's Legal .Maxims: “ Comiuenturies on tiie (a)in. Law; A'lams's Ivjuity; on Ejeetiiiei.t; Rurrill on Cir> iiin. Evi lence; Law Dictiotiaiv Starkie on Slander; Se.li:wick on the Measure of 1 'amages; Sedgwick on Statutory and Cons. Law; H ale's 1‘leas ol' the Crown; liishop on -Marriage ami D;\ .'rce; Mitlord'sChancery Piead- injr-; Sanderson Uses .V Trusts; Hargrave .S: RutleiCoke upon Littleton; L’. .■'tales Digest: .'^tite T’rials of 'he US; Riissfll on .Arbitration; .Morris ou Ropievin; Tioiiii itoii Limited Pnrt- liersiiil s; Suj^den ou Vend' rs; *• o: powers- .‘^nundeis n l*leailing; Reports; Ad.iisoii ou Contiacts; Wii.irton on Huiiiici.le; AVh irton j' .'sti'.>'s Med. J urispru lence; Newlan I on I'onrracts; Roper on Legacies; Williams on Executors; on Personal Pro- jierty: Oliver o'l C inveyaiicing; Lube'-: E [uity Pieading; Cresiey'' Law of Evi- deiii'e; Kent's Coiniiientaries; uriis'e ('ommeiitar\: R-a'it .rit s.''urrogate Ke- Tapping on Mandamus; Crown ( ircuit 'oinpaniou Wiley's N. Form Rook: i.S;c E. .1 HALE, A: SON. Stock of a "reat II 1 \hii h OA'l'S. IU■^' heavy black Oats. For sale by .IAS U COOK. !)tj- riirtlM i* Supply or^«i'liool Itookw. I^Mliil'.s (.1'.A\l >1AR; Enierson's Arithmetic and Key-^; .Miri-heH's (ieographies; Riillion's Latin • ranini-ir; Aniiinn’.s .s.i lust; D.ivie.s’ .''urveyin^; Pav- “ n ,3- Diiiit'iii'v I opy Puioks; Walker’s and Webster's .''••liool Dictionaries; Leverett’.s Latin Lexicon; Sar- ^'eiit's Stand.ir.l .speaker; &c., .Vc. E. J. HALE Ji SON’. M ireh ;? I Norici:. ^I'^HE subscriber having, at .lune Term l*-'')7, of the I C(>iirt ol Pleas and Quarter Sessions for the County of (.'uniberland. qualifie.j us .Administrator I upou the Estate of Willie F. .Moore, hereoy notitiesall ' persons having claims against the s.iid Lstati' to pre.'-ei.t tiie same properly authenticated within the time pre- scritied by law, otherwise tlii.s not^e will be pUoided in bar of their r-.*covery. Debtors to the saui Estate will [ lease make payment immedi.iteiy. F. .M.XiRE. June 3, 18^7. Kitf I.OST, I .AST Saturday, ^ilst ult , (during the hours of A par.ide.) aliout the Court House, or between the Court House and the Fair (iroun.i, a sniali yellow ieather Pocket Rook, containing consisting of three •'jilO bills three -"iil do., one bill, one gold piece, three 5U gold pieces. .V Reward of >>iO will tje given for the above described Pocket Rook aud uioney, delivered to the undersigned. JAS. H. J.ACK.SON, .Musician. Fayetteville, N. C., Nov. '2, 1^57. otjtf 1 ■ vi'.M rican .MinaiRic tor l.S.')S; i ill. .10.1inr is.j,'. 'i he Twin lii.-e', '* ' I. - ‘ I rij -1.»ne s .\lrii,‘.'i; .\ia.|or Jone.s ' i i 1 ■ p :,i 111truetOI" Eabi‘1 s !‘ra rt ‘ ■ '1 I' 1- - \i , Folios; (,'opy Rooks. .\c .jc. E. J. HALE Ai isON. -Marcu a, I'AYKTTEVILLE llOi'EL TO BE ?B1HI sub-ei ihers will 'ill- : le ai'ove iiiin I llote' Ji. on tl,.. .sl'.fONb MoN'jiAV IN M.Ul- !i i.c:-.:; And will .,p. n another Hou-.- for th ‘ ent-rtainineni o!’ their ciis; iiii ’s and the t eiin .r j :b..i:, o! whicii due notice wLl be given in i ds an.l other p 1; ers. t. N. Rt)Ui-Kl.>\v CO. Eayettcvil'e, Feb’y 8, ob CwoUnian copy. MMDJCAL liOOivS. OUNGLlcsUN’S 1 In r.ijieutici and .Materia Medica; ,Me.;u-al Dictionai’y; “ Hum.iii Physiiilo^iy; “ Prieiii-e of Nle iii:.r:e; “ on New ({emeiiie^: .Meig.i' Ti'eatise on t ..'jt-'trics; “ Woman anil in 1 Diseases; “ ’hiidoed Fever‘d: “ Diseases ot the L : n;s; Dewees on t'hildren; •• “ Feinab*.':; Horner's .\natomy and Histo’ogy; .Miller's i’rineipU's of 111 r ,; Praetiee of .|i. ; I’jirtlett on the Fevers of the F. States; Wilson's Hiim.'in .Vnatomy. b_\ iJoddard; Ri’jord aii'l Hunter on \ eiii real, by RumsteaJ; Watson's Prai.lice of P i\si-.'. I>y (,'oudie; Wood and P.ache’s L'. ^. liispensator/; Pancoast's Wistar’s .Anatomy; Wilson on Dii^‘'a.^(is of the Skin; “ '• the skill and Hair; Eve's Surgical i'a>es; Churcliill 0:1 t'hii lreu. by Keatinc; “ System of .Midwifery, by (^;n lie; Diseases of Women oy do.; Ellis s Medical Formulary, by Thomas; Kirkes’ and Paget's Physiolotry; Hegiiault's liiements of Ciiemistry; Fowues’ ijhemistry for .Stu ients; Rartlett on Certainty in .Medicine; Smith and Horner's -Viiatomical .Vtlas; Riid on the I'lin iry Deposites; Pi.eifi's .V?iiteria Meiica and Ther.ipeutics; I'riri.enier’'- Hui!:.i'i i’hy.^i v, bj'Smith; i>iekson’s t.ieneiits ol Me 1 ■ i'le; I'ayior 1.11 i’oi-i)iis. by 'irit-.ili; ..uriovvs’ on !'erebral uoui.ilion; U ii.'ii.i on Sypii-:;~, Di aper’s Physiology—i!!us! .•.•iti-d, Solly on the iirain; Hope • H jart, ivc., &c. E. J. HALE & SON. Oct. 26, 18o7. Wr E aro now receiving our usti: e » P>ooks aiol Stationery, embracing variety of ■ ■School., ly.'iYV, ll(‘(lir:il «ml Tliw- ltouK’«. Together with a lar;re and viiried Stock of P>L.VNK ' RttoKS, paper, envelopes, .Vc. Country Merchants and others are invited to call as we oiler the above stock on the he.-t N'trris. i; HALE x SON. ] Sept'r li*. I (jr()(*(‘ri(‘s, IJnrdwaro, Slv.\ I f B'lllL undersigned are now receiving a L.ARGE AS- j il SORTMENTof 1 I (iroccries, 1 lardwan*, Ii-(^h. Steel, i -A\arc . Sho(>s. I.calln'r, and Sa(lvil(*rv, which they will se'' at Wholes'.b -f. a -m ill advance on i f’ost for Cash, or ■ .. our n-;ual tune to prompt dealers. ! OEO. W. WILLED .MS vV CO. ! .July IH, 18-'»7. li'i-tf j ~ I. n. ' j SFAWSa MAC'llINi:s. I •uliiiillfd to lie Till- liKST and .M(KST DIR.IBLE i .llurliiiic niiiilf*. •'B^HE Subscriber has taken an agenc.v for tho sa’u M. of these Machines, and h-iving used th- in for 18 months, can say there can be 110 doubt that every fiiniily or idanter, having from 1') to 3 •’> persons to clothe, will find them very protitabie: a good operator being able to do as iiiUcli .and as yuo 1 .Mat.'hiiie in ink lay .as c.an be di in- b , hand in I k.\. Pers.iii.s wishing to purchase can see two of these machines in U'C at my f.etory ( irculars giving full desciipf' n an 1 price? will be furnished jiratis on applic (tion. irder., solicited. .\. McKETli.\N. .Agent. L'ec’r l2t'i. 18-37. 71-''im I). \\. c\ I‘.i:\no\v, 1). I), s.. ^ ^13 .\V be found at his Ronius, during These Periodicals ab.y represent the three great poli tical parties of Gre.it IJritiin—V* liig, I'ory, and Radi cal,--but politics lurnis oniy one icatui'e of their char acter. .'\s Organs ot the most profouud wiiters on Sc,e;ice, Literature, .\lor liity, and Re.igion. they stand, as they ever h.ive slo . 1, uiirivalie I in the Wond ol Ict- t .'rs, being consi iernl indispciisable to tlie scholar and the priifessional man. whi;e to tiie iiitehigtnt reader of every class tiiey lurnish a more correc; a'; i salis- tactory rccord of the current literature of the day, throughout the world, tha.i c.ia ti»- possibly obr-i ined from any other source. KAl.’I.V Toe receipt of .V.'V.V.m'E .'i t E li i'.-^ f.om the P.ritish publishers gives .M'lition li v.iluc tliese Rejirints. in- asmucii as the\ can now lie plaee i in the liainis ol sub- scribeis anout as s iju .i-) tne .ii;j;.iiil ed.tiou-s. '1 Per anil. tMJ r> (JO 7 Ui.1 uu ;; 00 ‘.I (Ml K» ou 1*0^mi nis tu bi: iit nil cusi . in mlt'dliCt. Moiii ij cun'' III in th' iSute tc/urc will be nrf'iCfd at jiar. (i.rjJiiiNG. .V discount of twentv live { er ce:;i. from the above price will be allowed to » 1,1 i(> or.lering tour or more Copi 'S of any one or mure of the a ive works. Ihus; tour copies of Rlackwon i, or 10 one i.eview, will be sent to one [.idress for f. ui c .jues ot the four Re views aud liiackwood for and so on. I'U-' i A'jJv In all the priiicij ilt'ities .m.l TuW.is, these works will be delivered, r'llEli »F fo.''f \li When sent win^i with this! I13 nail, tUe Post.ig.- t.. aii_, pm u. tiie L nited .'tites 1 wiil he but J 'V K.N 1 \ I)I il '!. '> 1 .-i .-i _\ e ■ 1 i..i li'aClv- | wood, ' Rinl but tOL'l! 1’i. h.> 1'.^ ^''n- e-.ch j of the Reviews .i\’. Ji. Ill i>ri'i- III • '! iu'it'iiii of fh‘‘ fi'j*'. j J\ri'j/iriiis abiji'r.-mnut •/ i. 1 y/ /• miinan. Ri inittaiKCs lor .any ol tiie i.iin.c pu’iiieatioiis !»hould always be adilres.-ed, p -.-l ; a 1, to Mie Pui isners. LE') '■« -\ 1! D .■'I ' I r i ,v t ■ I., N.I. -'.1 ti.ii I -in-.-t. \,-w Vi.i FARM FOR SALE E OFFER for sale my PLANT.ATION «n the East side ef Cape Fear River, 3 miltts above the Claren- ■lin Rridge, kucwn as the Toomer Lands, containing ..nout 800 acres. The Plantation is iu a good state of cultivation, and is susceptifile of being made on« of the most profitable Farms in the County. I will give a bargain in the lands, and make the time of pay most easy if application is made in a few weeks. Address me at Gulf, N. C. L. J. HA UGH TON. Oct'r 10. 52- I.ANT) FoITsALE. ti ACRES L.AND lying on the Camden m Stage Road, 15 miles South of Fay etteville. The Land is well timbered, and admirably adapted for Turpentine or Farming purposes; and lies between the Southern Plank Koad and Big Rockfish, —convenient to market. There is on it a comfortable frame House, Mill Site &c. •Any information may be obtained on the premises from Mrs. Mary Nelson, or by enqnring of JAMES BANKS, Att’y, Fayetteville. Aug 13. 33-tf FOR SALE. - H^llE DWELLING HOUSE AND LOT on Gillespie M- Street, at present occupied by Doctor McSwain. Perfect title can be made. Apply to THO. J. CURTIS. For :’.ny one of the four Reviews For any two if the four lleViews For any three of ihe hour Reviews For all four of the Reviews For Rhickwooa's .Mag.i/.ine For Riackwood and tlu'ee Reviews For Rlackwood and the lour iiev.. ws his regular i-tiice iimrs. viz; from H A .M. to 1 P. M , o I’. .M. to .j p. M., j wlii're ho will be jiR’ased to leceive calls from all who ; ma;- be in need of his jiro'essi 'ua! S' rvices. No iuducenient will be held out 1 _v offering to per- j form operatinns tor a s.iiall coiupeasation; a good price , will b;- charg.' t in all cases. .\n l patients favoring ; Dr. li. with their coiifideiice, ni-iy rely upeii his utmost 1 exertions to jierform every operation in as jierf ct a ; manner as po»siiile. 1 A// i jierotions iiiiiai he i nil fur fuon ax com- ^ l-lftil. ' ! P. S. I ho>;e who are now indebted w-'l please call ■mil settle. Oct. 1 L ol-tf ji sr ivFCKi\i:i). Rt)NES of that superior PiOCK tJ.ANDVTO- B.VCCO G. W. I. GOLDSTON'. Oct 5, 1S.')7. 48 tf NEW IJOOKS. H UlNGSTON’S T15AVELS IN SoFTH AFRICA; ■ A Rarth's Discoveries in North a:id (.'entral .Africa: •‘I’he Reason Why,” by the author 01 'Imjuire Within.’ —ALSO— Further supplies of .MustangGray; PlniMiixiana; The P.ainter, Gihler and A arnisher’s (,'ompaiiion; Sale’s Koran; .Jacobus’s Notes on the Gospels; The Cominu- tdcaiit's Companion; Rarnes' Notes ou the Gos. el.s; ('.inybeare’s Life and Epistles of St Paul; The Psalm ist, with supplement; Ribles; Sen.lol R .oks; .lust received. E. J. HALE SON. .i;in’\ I'i, 1 COOL Sl»iUN(i 'UiJ.s. ■ I^HE Proprietors are ; nred to IJRIND CORN on “ the usual terms. Tfie Bedstead .Manufacture is Biill carried or the same uiace. Jan’y 11, lQo8. 76-tf O. iio( i’o.s ^1, • 1 LD in’ orin iiis f-o’e is a .id former cui to met s W V that he may be f.oiiid J doors beiow thet'ape Feai Rank, ana I doi'rs above his old stand south sj le Pers in Street, where he intends to keeji on iiand. Harues?., Saddles. 3ri iles, Whips, Collars, '■ i ’.lllg 111 iO I ends 1 roni t in- and overy 1 ii iy iiivite.-r 111 amine tiis ■ ' icii ne‘ ire |iurc He will attend to Kep.iiriiii piincluali_), iii.d his charges lr:ido. II i-lMU.I asliiji. \ 1 o ca 1 i an i • \- I 11 ariiesi^ allii S; 1 ■ ‘ Ml -iei .111 o 1 11 O L . r 11 iin . I di-!its. : lie tin. . / \ e i' 11 \ t:ic Him h 1 1 re |Ui ; .III Hide I C'; ii 0’\ L. lU»^ t .S,'..'ll’ «l'.l they aie com; i. -icl t .VU;TUSi I • ). t! i L liillLiv NLi’lMJjlS OF j)Ot)KS, iXc. ''HE Know,edge ol tiod, objeetiveiy considered, by Rreckini i'lgi'. Tue Prince el the House o’ Davi.l; .'';iii(j 1 Sui'gs; VMld Wi-tern .Scenes; Webster's Una bridged Dictionary; .Maekev s Lexicon id Free- Masonry; Piesii\teriaii Ps.iimodiat; .■'to i.lard's .luveiiiie .Aiith metii, (Jreeii.eaf's .Men. il Arithmetic; Steel Pens; .Miithematical lustruments; iTivun;e unn Reference Files; liLc., \c. E. J. H.\LE SON. Feb. tj, IS-'iS iiDOiv lilNI)ER\ W. HARDIE has resumeu the Rook Rinding • iiusiness. over tue I'aiior .SI op of (Jiark - loiiw.ira, where he will receive and execute bin 'i ig iu anv .stj-ie desired. i:7tf ALSO A GOOD F.A.MILV CAKRI.iGE in good repair and Xm nearly new. Will be sold for half its value. —ALSO— good MILCH COW'S with young calves. Apply to I. J. CURTIS. -April 20, 1857. 8tf LANDS TOR SALE. 5 OFFER for sale about 6000 Acres of Pine Lands UL near Fayetteville, containing an immense quantity of Mill Timber, and a number of Turpentine Boxes, and sever -.l new tasks may be cut. There is on the ] remises a fine Dwelling House, and all necessary out- iiouses,—Scuppernong and Isabella Grape Vines,—1000 young Peach and Apple Trees of Lindley’s best vari- lie-; also, a good FARM of about 150 acres cleared; and also a GRIST and SAW MILL; and a fine large ^Ie■^dowof atiout 140 acres. The Fayetteville and Coal Fields Rail Road passes through these lands about a mile from the .Mills. I will sell in parcels to suit pur chasers, but would prefer to sell the whole together. .\pply to Thoa. S. Lutterloh, Esq., Fayetteville, or the subscriber at Pittsborough, N. C. J. H. HAUGHTON. Nov. 12. 1857. (iO-tf !?.>0 hi:WARD T^S riLL be given for the apprehension and delivery Vw to me, or confinement in any jail in the State so that 1 can get him. of mj' man JIM. He left on tiie ii.nh ult., and has not been seen, or heard of S'nce. He is a bright mulatto, almost white, about 23 years O'd, iibout -3 feetinches high, straight hair, and teeth dete-'iive. long beard on his chin when he left. Had on when he left a very good suit of clothes, and will very likei\ try to pass of! for a white mau, and make for a trie State; should he not go north, he will likely go uji ill the vicinity of Fa\ettevuie, as he was raised there, and formerly lielonged toWm. B. W'right, Esq., ot that place. .\ny person who may take up said li,]\ will be entitled to the above reward and the thanks of ISAAC B. KELLY Kenansville, N. C., Aug. 13, 1857 33-tf COI‘.\!M'NERSllIP NOTICE. '5J1HE undersipned woivld respectfully inform the ML -iti?ens of Fayetteville and the surrounding country, tiiat they hive entered into Copartuership for the purpose of carrying on the in ail its branches, at the old stand on the corner 01 Fianklin und Maxwell Streets, where they would be ;:lad to see their old friends and customers, as they will be prep.iied to accommodate persons wishing any I tiling in their line on the most reasonable terms, anl j at the shortest notice. I J. W. WELCH. JESSE W. WEISIGER. Dec'r 31. 72-3m jW . WELCH would give notice that he is desir- • ous of closing his old business, and to all who i .are indefited to him to make immediate payment, as . farrlicr indulgence cannot be given. J. W. WELCH. -August 1. LAW ii'D(.r*\ icK 01. till' St on I'le. Law, Piiil- u;ing, liii. nil i rust ea; Lui.e s ;;trael; on 1 ; 1 ►3 Ciiitty ‘'PP'* ‘ .\iitf id - I I Equitv f’leading; Adame’s Equity, ac. I ■ J. iiALE a SON. TO HIRE, V NEGRO WOMAN, a good Washer and House Servant. Also, a Negro GIRL about 12 years of ag*-. .And three Negro ME.V—until 2olh Dec. next. Also, tor sajc, 1100 Acres of LAM) in Hainett county, weil Timbered, and convenient to the River. Tern, will be made to suit. W. McL. McKAY. Faj etteviiie, Jan 20. 7H-tf NOK riTcTKOLlNA liACON. UAMS, Sides aud Shoulders, for sale by BEVERLY ROSfi.

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